#and eventually he funds out its really comfortable and starts to like it
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bbc ghosts modern au!!
making up their outfits was really fun (especially kitty and thomas, he would look great in skirt)
#cap wpuld wear cardigans#he wouldnt want to wear it at first because he would feel ridiculous and old in that#and eventually he funds out its really comfortable and starts to like it#humphrey is a turtleneck guy#*ehm*#or like any sort of this tight sweater#kitty would put on the most bold color combination and patterns#and still make it look good#like i literally cant imagine pat in enything else that his normal outfit#and this p.e. teacher sort of fit#i'll do better next time#and julian is justin his normal clother but with trousers#with robin i just felt like it#and fanny is a bussiness woman#i see her having like ten sweaters of this type in her closet#mary would like summer dresses i think#thomas in skirt is a thought i cant get out of my head#and something like tank top#bbc ghosts#bbc ghosts headcanon#humphrey bone#bbc ghosts kitty#pat butcher#thomas thorne#fanny bbc ghosts#mary bbc ghosts#robin the caveman#the captain#julian fawcett#moi is arting
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How To Care For A Bunny 101
Pairing: Jungkook x Bunny Hybrid Reader, mentions of Dog Hybrid Jimin x Bunny Hybrid Reader
Genre: Domestic, Smut, Fluff, a little bit of angst, mentions of the past, a little bit of sliding timelines
Rating: 18+
Summary: You were head over heels for your owner but you always buried your feelings in fear of damaging your relationship with Jungkook. Unbeknownst to you, Jungkook was also in the exact same predicament. After you experience your heat for the first time, Jungkook decides it's finally time for him to come clean.
Author's Note: Hello! This is the first piece of work that I am uploading to this site. I hope I don't scare anyone off of here. A bit of a warning but there is a bit of a sliding timeline here. If this gets confusing, I would appreciate the feedback. If you liked this story, please leave a like and give my blog a follow! I would really appreciate it!
Clutching the stuffed animal closer to your body, you watched as the alarm clock struck midnight. It’s been over an hour since the tattoo shop that your owner works at was supposed to close but Jungkook has yet to arrive home. The stuffed toy, which you affectionately named Cooky, was a birthday gift your owner had gotten you. In times when you feel lonely, such as this one, Cooky provides some comfort but you would rather be cuddled up in Jungkook’s arms as he lulled you to sleep with his gentle singing.
It didn’t take long for you to fall head over heels for Jungkook after you started living with him. How could you not? Jungkook was everything a girl could want. He was sweet, had the voice of an angel, attractive (although you always felt too shy to tell him that), and cherished every moment he spent with you among other things. Most importantly, he cared for you, a feeling you were robbed of growing up in that wretched hybrid care center you used to call home.
You don’t think of your past home as much as you used to. Preferring the memories you make now with your loving owner than the lonely ones back at your old home. It was at this bunny hybrid care center that you could recall your earliest memories. It was there where you were raised by the facility’s caretakers and received your education, making a few casual friends along the way. As kind as some of your caretakers were, you never grew as close to any, at least not in the way you did with Jungkook. They often never stayed long to form that kind of connection anyway. It wasn’t the best place for a child, the facility not receiving as much funding as it should to properly care for its residents. You often felt alone. You had some friends but for the most part, you missed out on forming deep and meaningful bonds.
You didn’t get adopted as a kid. Most families preferred to adopt hybrids when they were still very young. But you aged out of the preferred age bracket and eventually came to the realization that finding another home might as well be impossible. Hybrids who chose to stay could work for the center in exchange for basic housing and money (albeit a poor wage). With nowhere else to go, you really had no other option.
That was up until Jungkook came into your life.
It was never Jungkook’s intention to adopt a hybrid. He had only come to your residence to accompany his friend Eunwoo. Eunwoo already had his own hybrid at home but wanted to adopt another one as a companion. It was on that day that Jungkook met you for the first time.
He first came across you doodling on your sketchbook at the care center’s living room area. You were curled up in a huge chair besides the room’s massive window. He even remembered exactly what you wore that day because of how cute he thought you looked. A fluffy oversized sweater and some fuzzy socks. You were so focused on your work that you took no notice of the buzz around you.
“She’s cute, isn’t she?”, Eunwoo quipped from behind Jungkook, snapping the other out of his staring daze.
“Y-yeah, she is”, Jungkook choked, feeling sheepish at being caught, “have you seen her yet?”
“No, but I’d like to get to know her”, Eunwoo shrugged, “maybe she’d be a good match for my Hana.”
After asking around a bit, Eunwoo was able to land a meet session with you that same day. He just wanted to get to know you better, see if you’d be a good match for his own hybrid at home. Being that Jungkook was already there, he stuck around for the meeting. Although if he was being honest, he was curious about you too.
“I like your body art.”
“Body art?”, Jungkook asked, “you mean my tattoos?”
“Oh I meant tattoos! Sorry! ”, you quickly apologized, embarrassed at your own mistake. You have seen tattoos before in magazines and in movies but didn’t know what to call them.
“No worries, I knew what you meant”, Jungkook laughed, “wanna see them?”
Jungkook giggled at your enthusiasm before removing his jacket. You blushed at the sight of his well defined biceps decorated with numerous tattoos. His body itself was it’s own work of art. The next couple of minutes were spent with you gushing over how cool Jungkook’s tattoos looked, curious to find out the meaning and detail behind every one of them. Jungkook doesn’t think he has ever met anyone as excited about tattoos as you were, especially with how innocent he thought you looked.
Although the session was meant for Eunwoo to get to know you better, he ended up basically being third wheeled for the remainder of the enthusiastic exchange between the two of you. It didn’t bother him however, it was pretty amusing watching his friend of over a decade turn into a pile of putty in front him.
“She seems smitten with you”, Eunwoo commented over his steaming cup of coffee.
After the session was over, Eunwoo had let the staff know that he needed more time to think it over before adopting you. Both he and Jungkook deciding to stop at a cafe close by after the ordeal.
“What do you mean?”, Jungkook replied over his own iced americano.
Eunwoo shrugged before taking a sip of his own drink, “have you ever thought about adopting a hybrid?”
It was true, it had never really crossed Jungkook’s mind before. He knows of people who have, and from his perspective, it seems like a huge hassle. There are specific diets, expensive medical visits, the dreaded heat spells, and who knows how many more complications out there.
“Well if you ever change your mind, I know a cute one.”
Being a new and relatively inexperienced owner, Jungkook missed all red flags of your impending first heat. You were extra affectionate and clingy. Not that it bothered him at all. He loved basking in the extra attention and affection you provided, chalking it up to you simply missing him due to the heavy work schedule he had that week.
Then it was the restlessness. Just before he left for work or to run errands in the morning, he would stop by your room to check up on you only you find you still awake from the night before with red eyes and a tired face. The lack of sleep was an immediate cause of concern in his eyes. He thought it warranted a doctor’s visit but you insisted that it was nothing to worry about and it was all caused by you staying up late to play games on your computer. His instincts told him it was something else but he took your word for it anyway and decided to wait and see if your sleep improved.
He finally dragged you to see the doctor after your restlessness only worsened and you started to complain of hot flashes. You tried to brush that off with different excuses as well but nothing you said this time was going to stop this doctor’s visit from happening.
“She’s experiencing her first heat.”
Jungkook nearly chocked on his own salvia upon hearing those words come out the doctor so nonchalantly, as if it wasn’t that big of a deal. It hadn’t even been 5 minutes since Jungkook described your symptoms to the middle aged woman before she already had a diagnosis.
“Are you sure? I mean, the symptoms are kind of broad, could it not be an indiction of something else?”
“I’m positive”, she left out a laugh and adjusted her glasses, “I see it all the time. Besides, she’s due for one. I’d be more concerned if she hadn’t experience her heat yet.”
Jungkook chewed his lip. He had researched your symptoms on his own and found that your symptoms marked all the signs of a hybrid heat but he had just wanted to make sure. He felt his heart drop as he remembered all the posts recommending hybrids go through their heats with other hybrids.
“I see…she’s going to need a hybrid partner, right?”
“Ideally, yes. However, any partner will do so long as she has her needs met. Whether you decide to find her a hybrid partner or assist her yourself is going to be something for you and her to decide.”
As much as he despised the idea of another man touching you, Jungkook knew that he had to set his feelings aside and do what’s best for you. He didn’t want to take advantage of your instincts.
He knew of another hybrid like you who could help you through your heat. Jimin, a dog hybrid, was his coworker and one of his closest friends. Many businesses actively discriminate against hybrids and typically don’t hire them but Seokjin had known Jimin for a while and knew it’d be silly to pass out on a valuable employee because he happened to have ears and a fluffy tail. Most customers loved Jimin anyway because of his charm and skills, few ever turned him away for his hybrid status.
He feels uneasy at the prospect of asking Jimin if he would be willing to help you with such an intimate activity but he knew he could trust Jimin. Sex between hybrids is almost always done for instinctual needs and intimacy isn’t an aspect typically involved but Jungkook can’t help but feel his stomach churn at the thought.
“I’ll do it.”
Jungkook felt his heart drop a bit. Theoretically, he should be thankful that Jimin didn’t outright turn on him or even worse, cut all contact with him then and there. But still, part of him had hoped for a little more resistance from the hybrid.
“A-are you sure?”, Jungkook hopes Jimin doesn’t catch on to the reluctance in his voice.
“Yeah, I mean, why not? I know how much of a pain heats are, especially when you don’t have a partner to help you out. She’s really lucky to have an owner like you who looks out for these kinds of things Kook.”
Jungkook didn’t speak to Jimin for a couple of days after that night. He knew it was a wrong and shitty thing to do but he couldn’t stomach any sort of interaction with him. Every time he looked at Jimin, the image of you beneath him crossed his mind and it haunted him. It’s not like he was mad or upset with Jimin. Jungkook was the one who had asked him for his help after all. He just needs some time to forget the whole thing. As much as Jungkook tried to not show how bothered he was by the whole ordeal, the others quickly caught on to the change in his character. He didn’t joke around or engage with the others as much as he used to.
After the tension between them became too unbearable for Jimin to handle, Jimin decided to finally confront Jungkook privately. He wanted to catch Jungkook at closing hour as soon as the others left but he’s not too sure how that’s going to work out considering Jungkook is almost always the first to leave these days. Jimin knows that was surely in an effort to avoid him since Jimin had to almost drag Jungkook out of the parlor after closing before. Fortunately for him, Jungkook had forgotten a few of his belongings back in the parlor so he had no choice but to come back and retrieve them.
Jimin was just about done sweeping up the place when he heard the unlocking of the parlor’s door. There stood Jungkook, who looked like a deer caught under headlights as soon as he met Jimin’s stare.
“H-hey”, Jungkook could feel his hands start to get clammy as soon as he realized he was alone with Jimin, “I just realized I left some of my stuff here so I came back to pick them up.”
“Oh yea, no problem. I left them on the counter in the back”, Jimin quipped. Despite not confronting him yet, Jimin already started to feel awkward.
Jungkook bolted for the door as soon as he had grabbed all his things. He was only a few steps away from the exit when Jimin made his move.
“Jungkook, wait.”
“Yes hyung?”, Jungkook had inched towards the door, resting his hand on the handle but he had turned around to reply to Jimin anyways.
“We should talk.”
Despite trying to avoid the situation altogether, Jungkook knew this would inevitably happen. It was difficult for him to completely hide the change in his character altogether. Jimin was also a sensitive guy by nature, he knew Jimin could feel the tension in the room become impalpable when they were together.
Jungkook let out an awkward cough before speaking, “sure, what’s on your mind?”
He could have replied that he had somewhere to be and spared himself from the conversation at hand but he already felt like a piece of shit for avoiding Jimin. This was the least he could do.
Jimin sighed. How does one even start a conversation like this?
“Well…to be honest, I just feel like something’s changed between us”, Jimin let the words flow out, it’s too late to go back now, “I don’t if you been trying to avoid me lately but that’s the impression I’m getting. I just wanted to know…if I did something wrong or something?"
“N-no”, Jungkook suddenly felt extremely guilty, “of course not hyung. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Jimin knew Jungkook was still hiding something, so he pressed further, “but something’s definitely bothering you Kook, I can tell. You know you could always tell me right? I won’t be hurt or offended.”
Jungkook sighed, he going to have to come clean for Jimin’s sake, “it’s not you hyung. Really. It’s me.”
Setting his stuff down, Jungkook decided to tell finally tell someone what was on his mind.
“I’m sorry for avoiding you. You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just that…after that night between you and Y/N…I can’t stop thinking about it.”
Jungkook started trailing off again, he wanted to Jimin his true feelings but the words just keep getting lodged in his throat. Jimin was relieved to hear that he didn’t fuck up his and Jungkook’s relationship but it still bothered him to see Jungkook look so down. He’s been close friends with Jungkook for so long now that Jungkook is practically like a little brother to him. Even if Jimin isn’t the reason for change in Jungkook’s character, he’s still going to help him in any way he can.
“What do you mean? Is Y/N still in pain?”
“No”, Jungkook quickly interjected, “she’s ok now, what I’m trying to say is that this is more about me than it is her.”
Jimin thinks be beginning to understand now.
“I love her hyung and not in a way that an owner should be with their hybrid,” Jungkook felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders as he began to pour out the feelings he had bottled up inside for so long, “you did nothing wrong. I’m not mad at you or anything. I just feel… hurt and jealous about the whole thing. I know it’s a shitty thing to be feeling that way but everytime I’m with you…all I can think about is you and Y/N, well y’know.”
Oh. Jimin had a small hunch about what was really going on but he never thought that Jungkook would actually come to him and confirm it. Jimin felt like shit. He was just now starting to understand just how deep Jungkook’s feelings for you ran and he had jumped in and ruined it. Jimin felt as if he had betrayed his own brother.
“Jungkook, you have to tell Y/N.”
Jungkook’s eyes doubled in size at Jimin’s word of advice. How could he tell you something like that? What if you don’t feel the same and it totally ruins your relationship? He couldn’t burden you with something like that.
“Hyung, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea-”, Jungkook started but Jimin quickly interjected.
“You can’t carry this burden forever. And Y/N deserves to know the truth. How do you know she doesn’t feel the same way if you don’t confess how you truly feel? You have to trust her.”
Jungkook understood what Jimin was getting to. His feelings were getting in the way of his relationship with you and Jimin. He had to tell you how he truly felt so he could finally let this burden go.
He just hoped you felt the same way.
Jungkook didn’t say another word as he walked up to the dog hybrid and wrapped his arms around him in a tight embrace. He was just glad that his relationship with Jimin could be salvaged. As vulnerable as he feels right now, it felt good for Jungkook to open up and have this talk.
“It’s going to be okay Kook”, Jimin reciprocated the younger man’s embrace, he’s grateful that Jungkook could be honest with him.
“I’m so sorry hyung for everything, I hope you can forgive me”, Jungkook felt guilty for making Jimin believe he did something wrong. He’s doesn’t deserve to have someone as kind and understanding as Jimin as a friend.
Jimin chuckled, patting Jungkook on the pat, he reassured him, “it’s ok Jungkook, I understand. That’s something hard to go through, especially when you bottle up those feelings and keep them to yourself. Everything’s gonna be ok.”
Jungkook’s been with a few girls here and there but his relationships never latest for more than a few dates. Not after they would find out about you. Of course, when the topic would inevitably come up, Jungkook always insisted that his relationship with you was strictly familiar. Most of the time, it would work in qwelling any relationship doubts but only temporarily. It was impossible to miss how Jungkook’s eyes would light up when you walked into the room, the attentiveness he displayed everytime you spoke, or the sweet smile and giggle he gave you when you said something funny.
Jungkook could feel himself start to feel nervous again as he fumbled with the front’s door to his apartment. Either you would awake and waiting for him (it’s a cute little habit of yours to always wait for him after work to greet him, no matter how late) or you would be snuggled up on the sofa fast asleep if you couldn’t suppress your sleepiness long enough to see him.
Jungkook finally opened the door only to be greeted to the sight of you quietly asleep on the softa. He felt his heart melt at how peaceful and gentle you looked snuggled up under the heavy pink blanket. Your face was just barely peeking out of the covers as was your favorite stuffed animal Cooky.
The conversation would have to wait until tomorrow.
Quickly locking the door behind him, Jungkook was quiet as he set his things away as to not to disturb your slumber. In times that you would fall asleep on the couch, you would wake up and find yourself in your room again. Jungkook moving you back to your bedroom the night before. As peaceful as you looked, Jungkook figured the couch probably wasn’t as comfortable as your mattress.
After Jungkook finished setting his things away, the first thing he did was pick you up as gently as possible from the couch. Being mindful of not making too much noise and making sure he brought Cooky with you, he swiftly moved you from the couch into your bedroom as if you weighed nothing. He’d get ready for bed after he moved you.
Jungkook had just set you down on your bed when he felt you stirring beneath him. Shit. He must have awoken you during the procress.
“Kook?”, you said in a voice heavy in sleep, “that you?”
“Yeah Bun, I’m just moving you”, Jungkook replied, almost whispering, “sorry for waking you, I’ll be leaving now, ‘kay?”
“Wait no, don’t go yet Kook”, you were fully awake now, you grabbed Jungkook’s hand in a weak attempt to get him to stay, “how was work?”
“It was great. Lots of clients”, Jungkook shrugged, moving to sit next to you on the bed, “you sure you don’t want me to leave so you could go to sleep baby?”
“Nah, I’m ok”, you replied with a shake of your head, “I’m fully awake now, see? Don’t worry ‘bout me. Why’d you come home so late? Was it really that busy today?”
“N-no. I just forgot some things at the parlor so I had to go back. Then me and Jimin talked for a bit about something important…”
“Oh?”, you sat up now, using your elbows to prop yourself up from the bed, “what about?”
Suddenly, the world started to feel like it was slowing down to a stop. Jungkook felt extremely vulnerable again under your curious gaze. Even more so than when he was with Jimin. He can’t recall if he ever felt as nervous and as clammy as he did right now. Can he really go through with this?
“Y/N…there’s something important that I’ve been meaning to tell you for awhile now but I never had the courage to say it.”
“Yeah?”, you fully sat up now, feeling your heart speed up now in anticipation at what Jungkook had to say, “what is it Kook?”
Jungkook sighed. Why did this have to be so difficult?
“Y/N, the reason why I stayed up so late was because I told Jimin the truth about how I felt. About that night between you and Jimin. About you.”
Jungkook was gnawing at his bottom lip now, it was too late to go back now. He had your attention completely. He felt like a 12 year old boy confessing to his crush for the first time. His heart could burst out of his chest at any second now.
“The truth is”, Jungkook took a second to clear his throat before he continued, “I’ve loved you for a long time now. I’m in love with you and I know as an owner I shouldn’t feel- hmph”
Without thinking, you pressed your lips to Jungkook’s, cutting him off before he could finish his sentence. It wasn’t lustful or needy but a delicate kiss. For a second, Jungkook froze. Your lips were softer than he had imagined. You two locked lips for what seemed like forever before you gently pulled away to properly respond to Jungkook’s confession.
“I’m happy to hear that Kook because for the longest time now, I’ve loved you too. I was also scared to tell you because I didn’t know if you felt the same or not. I didn’t want to make you feel awkward in your own home. To be honest, I’ve always tried to hide my feelings but I knew I couldn’t ignore them anymore when you brought another girl here for the first time. It was that client from your work, remember? I felt so jealous that I cried that night. I don’t think I can handle seeing you with anybody else.”
Was this really happening or were you still dreaming? Even if this was a dream, you didn’t want to wake up. Not yet.
Jungkook felt the massive pressure he had carried with him for so long just dissipate in an instant. It was just like all his worries and doubts had been flushed out of his system. You loved him back. Not just in a familiar sort of way but you were in love with him too.
“Ok, I won’t ever bring another girl home again, I promise.”
Jungkook couldn’t help himself but slowly smile at your cute confession of jealously, who knew you were so possessive?
“Kook, why didn’t you help me with my heat?”
Jungkook chewed at his lip again, not knowing how to best respond, “It just didn’t feel right for me as your owner and a human to use your natural instincts as an excuse to have sex with you. I just wanted to do what was best for you and so I fiigured finding you another hybrid as a partner would be the best course of action.”
“You wouldn’t have taken advantage of me Kook, I may be a hybrid but I have enough control to know what I’m doing”, you reassured Jungkook. You were finally glad to hear that Jungkook didn’t offer himself as a partner to you because he felt unsure of himself and not because he didn’t want to be your mate, “Jiminnie… he’s nice but…I wanted you to help me.”
“Hmm, is it too late for me to take care of my baby girl?”
Maybe it was low or the raspy tone in his voice, but his words immediately made you squirm.
Taking your hands in his larger ones, he brought your hand up to his face, tentatively leaving tender kisses on your fingertips. Its little actions like this that turned you into a pile of putty in front of him.
“Mhm”, you inched closer to him, practically purring your next words, ”I mean, it’s not too late at all, please mate with me Kook.”
You didn’t have to ask him twice, his lips were already back on yours at your command. Unlike your first kiss, this one quickly turned into one laced with pure lust. You moaned as you felt Jungkook’s tongue slip inside your own mouth before exploring everything he could.
Breaking the kiss, Jungkook leaned back and took a couple of seconds to take you in. Here you were, beneath him and in desperate need of his touch. Even in this state you were beautiful, your hair was fanned out, eyes glossy and heavy, and your lips were parted as you let out short breaths.
In Jungkook’s attempt to better re-adjust his position to where he was hovering above you, his rapidly inflating shaft had unintentionally made contact with your clothed pussy. You moaned as you felt him rapidly stiffening under your touch.
“What do you need from me baby?”, Jungkook’s voice was laced with pure lust, “No need to be shy now, I’m all yours.”
“Want you to touch me here”, taking his hand in yours, you trailed it down to your body right down to your cunt. Your wetness had soaked through the fabric and although you couldn’t see yourself, you knew you had surely left a huge stain.
You shuddered as you felt Jungkook’s larger hands finally reach the place you most wanted them.
“We just started and you already made a huge mess Bun”, Jungkook teased as he slipped his hand beneath the band of your panties. He could your slick immediately coat his fingers as he rubbed lazy circles around the sensitive flesh.
Before you could respond, Jungkook slipped his finger inside you. You were already so wet that the action brough no discomfort.
“Hngh”, you squimed at the sensation of Jungkook fully immersing a digit in you. Jungkook watched your face scrunch up in pleasure as he slipped yet another digit inside. Using his free thumb to rub small circles on your numb, Jungkook began to slowly pump his fingers in and out of you. He curled them slightly to fuck you at a more pleasurable angle. He only had two digits in you and yet your cunt was already squeezing tightly around him. When he moved his fingers out, he could feel your pussy try to suck them back in.
“So tight around my fingers,” Jungkook spoke, moaning at his own words,”How are you gonna handle a cock stuffed inside you, baby?”
“Mhm, I c-can handle it.”
You suddenly felt Jungkook slip his fingers out of you, instantly letting out a whine at the loss of him inside you.
“Don’t worry bunny”, Jungkook laughed at your adorable whine, “we’re not done yet.”
Jungkook pulled back, now moving himself down your body to bring himself closer to your quivering core. He was pleased to find a huge wet stain decorating the front of your panties as he gently tugged you pajamas off of you. You lifted your hips slightly so Jungkook could fully remove your pajamas off of you. After discarding your pajamas somewhere on the floor, Jungkook leaned his face in to hover over where you desperately wanted him before placing a gentle kiss through the fabric.
Hooking his fingers on the sides of your panties, he slowly peeled the fabric off, taking every second of the view. Once again, you slightly lifted your hips to assit him with taking the wet fabric off. You shuddered as you felt the cool air hit your exposed core.
As much as he wanted to take in more of the gorgeous view in front of him, Jungkook decided not to waste time any longer and lowered himself until his face was mere centimeters from your pussy. You smelled as divine as you looked. Tentatively, he placed another soft kiss on your folds before licking a strip.
You mewled at his actions, earning a hum of satisfaction from him.
“That felt good huh baby?”, he chucked from in-between your legs. Slipping his hands beneath your thighs, Jungkook hoisted them over his shoulders to give himself better access to your clenching pussy.
“Mhm, want more of it Kook”, you muttered breathlessly.
Only this time, instead of going straight for your needy cunt, Jungkook opted for a bit more foreplay to prepare you. He placed a few more gentle kisses on the surrounding flesh of your core. Very gently, he bit and sucked on a few areas, leaving behind the faint marks of hickies in some places.
“Kook, p-please”, you were practically muttering to yourself at this point. Diving your fingers down to your pussy, you parted your lips to show Jungkook exactly where you needed him, “touch me here.”
Jungkook chuckled at your needy request, “since my princess asked so nicely...”
He dove straight to your pussy, his mouth covering the slick flesh. Jungkook wasted no time in attacking your pussy with his tongue and lapped at the slick pouring out your wet hole. A wave of pleasure washed down your entire body. It’s like you were experiencing your heat all over again only this time Jungkook was the cure.
Jungkook’s free hand came down to rub gentle circles around your clit as his tongue continued it’s assault on your cunt. With just a few more laps, you came completely undone. Your thighs began to shake as you rode off your orgasm with Jungkook’s tongue still buried in your pussy. Jungkook ensured that not a single drop of your juices went to waste.
With your orgasm fully washing over you, Jungkook pulled away to give you a few moments to let your body calm down. His hard cock was now digging through the fabric of his jeans and his balls heavy from neglect. Never had he given himself blue balls from a sight as beautiful as this before. Catching your breath again, you felt a vivid shade of pink dust your cheeks as you caught on to Jungkook’s dilemma.
Jungkook’s hard cock sprung out from his pants the instant he peeled them off. You moaned at the sight, your thighs instantly spreading a little farther as Jungkook wasted no time in getting inbetween your legs. He looked down at you with his pupils blown out in lust as he stroked his throbbing cock.
“Ready, baby?” You nodded furiously, almost forgetting your own voice. All you could focus on was Jungkook’s throbbing cock so close to your pussy. Jungkook took notice and decided that you suffered enough to keep teasing you. Hoisting your thighs and pulling you close to his lap, Jungkook proceeded to run the tip of his cock up and down your slit. You squirmed at the sensation, instinctively pushing yourself closer to what you needed.
“So impatient”, Jungkook let out a small laugh, though truthfully, he himself couldn’t wait much longer. You felt the air in your lungs disappear as Jungkook gently slowly pushed the tip of cock inside you.
“F-fuck”, Jungkook grunted, bottoming completely inside you. Your walls were squeezing his cock deliciously but he resisted the urge to fuck you. You were clearly still trying to adjust to his size, your face cutely screwed up in a mix of pleasure and slight discomfort at Jungkook’s full size inside you.
Jungkook took a moment to drink in the beautiful sight of you beneath him, taking him in completely. It’s like you were made for him.
The initial discomfort of Jungkook’s cock buried inside you was quickly fading into pure bliss. You started to wiggled your hips a little, trying to fuck yourself on his cock, desperate to find the relief you were looking for.
“Fuck, you know how fucking cute you are, right?”, Jungkook leaned down to peck your lips, “you’re so good for me.”
“M-move Kook, puh-please”, you stuttered, too far gone in the absolutely euphoria you were experiencing.
Taking your word, Jungkook began moving his hips in a steady rhythm. He too became increasingly more vocal the more he fucked you. He was entranced with the sight before him. Whether it was the way your breasts bounced with every thrust he made, the sight of his cock disappearing in and out of your tight pussy, or your face screwed up in pure bliss. He didn’t know where to look.
Unbeknownst to Jungkook, you too were just as entranced at the sight before you as he was. You don’t think you can ever get enough of the sight of Jungkook’s cock sliding in and out your cunt.
You racked your hands up Jungkook’s abs and chest before wrapping them around his neck, instantly pulling him a little closer to you.
You always admired Jungkook’s well defined abs, he had the physique of a greek god. You remembered the first time you caught a glimpse of his hard abs and how weak in the knees it made you. Jungkook had just come out of shower with only a pair of sweats on. You were in the living room, buried in a book when he strotted into the kitchen to grab a bottle water. You remembered blushing furiously as you tried to hide your face behind your book before he could catch you staring. Since then, you dreamt of feeling his abs beneath your fingertips.
Once again, you felt your breath hitched in your throat as Jungkook leaned his face only a few centimeters away from yours. He was now resting himself on his forearms from above you. Your heart was beating in your ears now from how close his face was to yours. You could feel his warm breath on your skin and you could count every eyelash as he fluttered
Catching you by surprise, Jungkook pressed his lips onto yours, snaking his tongue into your mouth. As he pulled away, a thin string of salivia connected you two.
“How could I have been such a fucking idiot to let another man have you like this?”
“M-mhm, no need to worry Kook”, as fucked out as you were right now, you managed to pull yourself together to give him a coherent reply, “a-am all yours..”
Jungkook felt his heart swell with pride in his own chest at your declaration, “and I yours, bunny.”
With each thrust hitting you in your sweet spot, you inched closer to that familiar sensation. Jungkook too could tell that you were getting close, evident by your pussy clenching more sporadically around his cock. Griping the sheets beneath you, you started babbling pleas and cries for more almost incoherently as you felt yourself getting closer and closer.
Re-adjusting his position, Jungkook now sat up and griped your hips as he began fucking you faster and at a deeper position.
“C’mon, bunny”, Jungkook grunted, he too was unsure how much longer he’d be able to last, “Cream all over my cock.”
It was Jungkook’s words that finally edged you to your high. You felt your eyes squeeze shut as you screamed in pure bliss, muscles contracting as you finally felt the relief that your body had been begging for wash over you.
It was a glorious sight, really, watching you lose yourself beneath him. You were milking his cock for all he was worth and he could feel himself start to lose himself as well. You could feel it too, his thrusts gradually becoming more shallow and losing their rthymtic pace. Locking your arms around his neck, you leaned forward to pepper kisses on his jawline.
“Come in me, Kook”, you whispered softly, batting your eyelashes at him, “wanna feel you.”
Not a second longer passed by and Jungkook’s warm seed was spilling inside you, filling you up completely. The world around you seemed to slow down and you drew dizzy at how full you felt in the moment.
Slowing down his pace to a stop, you felt Jungkook lay himself to rest behind you. Still partially buried inside your hole, he wrapped his arm around your tummy, pulling you snug to his chest. For a few moments, the two of you laid like this, just caught up in the moment and trying to catch each other's breath.
“You good now, bunny?”, Jungkook asked, finally breaking the silence. You replied with a hum of satisfaction, buring your head deeper in his chest, you could hear his rapidly beating heartbeat slow down a bit.
Feeling you relax beneath him, Jungkook slid his cock out from your trembling pussy. A conconation of his semen and your juices instantly squelching out. You whined at the loss of him and at the sensation of your juices running down your hole.
Grabbing a few tissues from the side of your bed, Jungkook lazily wiped both of you down as to not sully the bed further. Making a mental note to wash your sheets first thing in the morning.
“Yes Bun?”
“Don’t date those other girls anymore, ‘kay?”
Feeling himself melt at your cuteness, Jungkook chuckled before leaning down to kiss you on your forhead.
“Okay, promise I won’t. Not when I have you.”
#jungkook x reader#jungkook x y/n#jungkook smut#jungkook x hybrid reader#jungkook imagine#bts imagines#bts x reader#jimin x reader#jungkook fanfic#bts fanfic
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The Arcturus Missions
Part Seventeen - Anger Issues
Part Sixteen
Prior to becoming a pilot, Harold Jackson, callsign Hound, had been an enlisted officer for the United States Army. It was all he had ever known really, his father had been in the army and they moved from base to base like any other military family. The housing was similar enough that each room felt like his own and life was always chaotic but simple. From coast to coast and in other countries, he was content with that life.
The Quintessons attacked when he was still young, the first response was with military action, the Air Force and Navy, naval pilots were the first to scout the enomally off of Hawai’i. The aircraft carrier the USS Enterprise which had been in the North Arabian Sea on exercise with German, French, and British forces, was the first thing attacked by the foreign invader. When the first call from Hawai’i reached them, they redirected the course to provide assistance. It sustained too much damage to remain in operation but its nuclear reactor was safely removed before its decommission. It was one of ten aircraft carriers in the pacific and Indian oceans during that time, many sustain unrecoverable damages.
With the Cold War in active swing, it was difficult to initially adjust focus, but once they started to attack cities most powers were redirecting their focuses away from the arms race and into the mechanical suit race. Just another angle initially, which eventually turned into government cooperation.
Hound had enlisted at eighteen, understanding only some of what was happening and signing up for the compatibility testing after bootcamp. It was around that same time when Hound got married, though the wait for his mech suit was longer than his marriage. His father had signed up for the testing as well and was found non-compatible, he was medically discharged not long after. Hound knew how much it broke his father to not be compatible, both in spirit and body, he didn’t understand how hard the test was until he was in it. No one comes out the other side of compatibility the same person.
His ex-wife lives in a “protected city” somewhere in Colorado, specifically away from coastal regions and major epicenters, near to a mech suit outpost for the marines. She was receiving housing and funding from Mecha on behalf of Hound to ensure her safety, her and his father, it’s one of the many reasons he agreed to head the Arcturus One mission. He may not love her and she may hate him, but he didn’t want to see her remains on the next cover report, hers or his fathers. It was hard not to care when the person used to be your best friend, no matter what they did to lose that place or what you did.
Hound had fallen back asleep in command, tipped back in his chair while the others had talked, Megatron’s explanation dying off when his head began to droop. The lights in his cockpit were off, but he remained in his chair, leaning back comfortably enough. It was nice enough until a shrill voice woke him up, “Sir, Hound isn’t at camp.” Sideswipe was the most frustrating person to him at that very moment, groaning quietly as he tipped the chair back up, “That’s because he was here, discussing plans with us.” Megatron stood, now sober and feeling improved from last night. Hound took the moment to stretch and stand, “Sideswipe, I would suggest checking everywhere or comming me before jumping to conclusions.” He walks over and rests a hand on his shoulder, “Thank you for the concern though. Nodding some, Sideswipe sighs, “Breakdown woke us all up not knowing where you were,” “Breakdown?” It was almost hard to tell that Sideswipe looped sheepish, but the body language was easy enough to read, “He left medical this morning, to much protest from Knockout. I think the medic is still yelling at him for being a ‘big wreckless oaf’.” He chuckles and with a sigh, Hound nods to Megatron before heading out of command.
Yelling was certainly one way of putting it, Knockout was shrieking at Breakdown who was now sitting near the heater, his head hanging down. Sighing, Hound jogged over, “Alright, enough. Why are you screaming, Doctor?” He moved and stood between them, “Breakdown won’t let me run a systems check, he says everything is fine but his arm is hardly attached.” Knockout rested his hands on his hips, jaw set. Sighing deeply, Hound nodded, “Because your systems will crash ours, I’m sorry if this is inconvenient but it's for his safety that he turns it down.” Raising a hand, Hound stops Knockout, “But, he is off duty until further notice. Once we’re back in Iacon we’ll finish repairs but he’ll be on the bench for a while.” Breakdown looked up, “What?” Hound really just wanted to hit his head against a wall, “We’re going to keep following typical standards, two weeks at least of light duty.” Now both of them were angry and it was draining.
“Alright, enough!” Hound holds up his hands, “Knockout, if Breakdown were to stay in the medical tent until we return to Iacon, would that make you happy?” Knockout stopped and nodded, “Yes, of course.” “Hound,” Breakdown steps forward and Hound turns to him, “You should be resting regardless, your two weeks start now. Go lay down, that is in fact an order.” He could almost feel the bitterness rolling off of Breakdown, who turned away, “I swear, once we’ve returned to Iacon we can discuss this but until then, please just rest.” The cold shoulder was like a blizzard or arctic night. Sighing deeply, Hound moved to the others, shaking his head a bit, “If there is no attack today we should be returning to Iacon tonight.” “Thank god for that.” Sideswipe sank back down, rubbing his face, “I’ve got a great plan for something in the apartment.” Groaning, Sunstreaker shook his head, sitting back, “It’s too early for great plans.” “Yeah, well it’s too early to sneak off to talk to the guy who almost killed you.” Hound hits the heater, “Enough arguing! Enough. Just, spread out and take some time away from each other. Please. Let’s wait and see what the projection looks like before we try and kill each other.” He had a headache that was getting worse with every moment of arguing.
Slowly, Sunstreaker walked off, Sideswipe followed though at a distance. Breakdown was back to medical, and Jazz was sitting on the ground near the heater. Sighing, Hound joined him, rubbing his face, “How did you get used to working with other pilots? Or, mechs?” They were all, mostly, used to working solo. The suits were big enough to level a city block at times and more than one was hardly ever needed. Jazz chuckled slightly, “Well, I worked with Prowl solo for about the first six months or so. Not with other strong willed pilots, but still someone with experience.” Nodding a bit, Jazz leans back to stare at the sky, “I also didn’t have a unit of people from diverse backgrounds to command, all I had to do was adjust to one culture. I also didn’t have two pilots who had never been in the military to watch over,” the look almost makes Hound groan, “Their great pilots, but we both know that this is something that’ll take plans they aren’t used to and a lot more orders.” Also looking at the sky, Hound groaned, “I was worried you’d say that.” Jazz snorts, grinning, “Yeah well, you all have a lot of adjustments to make still.” With a hum, Hound threw his arm back over his eyes, still so tired. Yawning, he turns off the lights in his cockpit and turns down his visual feed, “Adjustments I'll start making, after I get some more sleep.” It didn’t take Hound long to fall back asleep, not long at all.
Jazz sat there, smiling a bit, “You’ve already made some Hound.” He glances over towards command where Red Alert and Mirage were talking, Mirage leaning against the wall comfortably, “You just can’t see it yet.” He smiles and moves to be able to watch their surroundings so his friend could sleep easier. Sometimes, the cluelessness of the other pilots drove him mad and sometimes he wondered if they were all just more nearsighted than they looked.
Sunstreaker went and sat with Bluestreak, glancing back over his shoulder at Sideswipe who diverted to sit with a few other mechs, he breathed a sigh of relief. The other mecha sitting with Blue glanced at each other before standing, “Hey, we’re going to go eat. See ya Blue.” One patted him on the shoulder and the other gave him a thumbs up before heading off towards food, talking quietly to each other. Sunstreaker paused, frowning a bit, “Uh, sorry. I didn't mean to chase off your friends.” “What? Oh, no you’re fine!” Bluestreak leans forward some, smiling nervously, he clears his throat a bit, “They’ve been waiting for an excuse to get away.” Sunstreaker chuckled slightly, “I doubt that.” Bluestreak smiled and glanced over towards Sideswipe, frowning, “Look,” “We’re not going to talk about that here.’ Sunny rested his hand over Blue’s, visor brightening, “Later, so, um.” He clears his throat and pulls his hand back, glancing up and away, “Have you ever been to this planet before?” Bluestreak smiled, “Yeah, but it was just for a different fight.” He tries to wave it off, but Sunstreaker turns to him, “Tell me about it.” Bluestreak chuckles lightly, “Uh, why?” The smile couldn’t be kept from Sunstreaker’s face, “The longer I sit here and you don’t try to kill me, the more likely it’ll be that Sides will eventually forgive you.” “Oh.” Nodding slowly, Bluestreak frowned, “You or—humans, are very strange.” Sunstreaker laughed.
Shaking his head a bit, Sunstreaker rubs at his chest, “Oh Blue, you don’t know the half of it. So, what was the last fight here like for you?” Bluestreak’s face lit up, “Well it was back during the last war, primus, you would have thought we were insane back then. Fighting after the fall of the system we were fighting over,” Sunstreaker stares and chuckles slightly, “You really don’t know anything about Earth, do you?” Bluestreak looks at him and shakes his head a bit, “Uh, no, not really. Jazz doesn’t talk about it much and Prowl said to not bother him with it.” Nodding a bit, Sunstreaker shrugged slightly, “Well, I’ll tell you more about it after your story. So, this last war, you were here,” he prompts lightly, Bluestreak nods and starts talking, smiling brightly. Sunstreaker smiled and just listened, glad to listen to someone who wasn’t giving him orders or was his brother.
The shuttle that evening was not sentient and Hound was still never sure to be relieved or not. It always took Sideswipe the longest to figure out if they were on a shuttle he knew personally or not, Sunstreaker always had the easiest time with it. For the moment, Breakdown was not speaking to Hound which was understandable, typically they were on equal footing but having to pull rank always left others feeling ruffled. Jazz was up towards the front talking with the pilot, but the entire shuttle was full of mechs. Each seat was filled and there was limited walking space since it was filled with the construction materials, plus the heaters. The twins were pretending to be asleep, really they were out of their chairs and talking over comms in English. Just because they had the translator doesn’t mean they wanted to use it all the time.
Sitting back, Hound was almost asleep himself when the second ring of his comm drew his attention. He paused for a moment before adjusting his setting to answer, “Hello?” There was a brief sigh on the other side of the line, “I wasn’t sure if you were going to answer, most mechs answer as soon as it pings.” Mirage sounded like he was smiling, “You doing alright after last night?” Hound smiles a bit, “Yes, thank you for your concern Mirage.” He thought for a moment that that’s where the conversation would end, “I saw what happened this morning, uh, is that normal for you all?” Sighing, Hound scratches at his jaw and chuckles, “Kind of, pilots back home, we’re not used to working with other pilots.”
“Why not?” Hound opened his mouth and stopped, tilting his head a bit before biting back a swear, “We’re spread out across the planet to protect as many civilians as we can. The five of us being in one place at once, it’s not typical and certainly not what we were trained for.” Mirage hums, “So, the tension is growing.” “Exactly.” Sighing, Hound rubbed his face, “Only ones who are used to working with each other are Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, and even then they only did when in the same region during an attack. Most of us had never worked together before this mission.” He swore he could hear a pin drop over that line before Mirage took a breath, “They sent you, on a death mission, with people who you’d never worked with?” Shaking his head a bit, Hound sighs, “No, not quite. For around six months, uh, half a stellar cycle, we were together preparing for this mission. Isolated together, mostly.” Mirage made an indignant noise.
Chuckling lightly, Hound scratched at his jaw, “Don’t like that either, huh?” “I just don’t understand your people, redesigning and reprogramming you all for this.” Hound hummed, leaning his head back comfortably, “Someone has to do the work that no one else wants to do.” There was another long pause, before Mirage spoke up again, “Prowl says the same thing, Megatron says the same thing.” Grinning, he shrugged lightly, “There are some things that almost transcend culture.” Mirage hummed lightly, then cleared his throat, “So, we will be in Iacon by morning,” “Will we?” Hound’s internal clock was shot, both his internal clock and the one in his suit, Mirage’s smile was even evident through the comm, “Yes, and I understand you’ll want some time to rest and repair Breakdown of course, but I was wondering when we’d be able to have that, uh, talk.” It took him a second to remember what Mirage was talking about, “Oh, the one about where Breakdown is from?” Mirage and his pauses, “Yes,” Nodding a bit, Hound leaned forward and glanced over to Jazz, gesturing towards his head lightly.
It was several longer seconds of silence before the click of someone joining the comm came through, “Yo.” Hound leaned back, “Jazz, how much free time do you think we will have when we get to Iacon?” Jazz popped up in the corner of Hound’s visual feed, he responded with his own internal camera but ensuring both were kept from Mirage’s view, “Uh, I don’t know. Depends on how long Joan is in his meeting,” “Joan?” The confusion in Mirage’s voice almost made Hound double over, even as Jazz’s face turned dark with blush, “Hound! You could warn a mech when having them enter a comm,” Still laughing, Hound sits up and wipes at his eyes, “Sorry Jazz, Mirage and I were discussing when’s we would be able to meet up to talk about the Soviet Union, in turn I added you to ask what Prowl’s plan looked like. Mirage, Joan is what we’ve taken to call your boss over private comms. She was a figure not dissimilar to your Prime.” Both men sat in silence, as if waiting for the other to break it.
Hound cleared his throat a bit, “Regardless, do you think a meeting with the Prime will be possible once we get there or will we have a while?” Jazz sighed and leaned forward, looking at Hound, “After we’ve had time to repair Breakdown, I think we’re going to have some time before we’ll get an audience with the Prime. Why?” He shifted a bit uncomfortably on his own seat, sitting back and away from Jazz’s prying eyes the best he could other than for the camera, “Well, Mirage wanted to learn a bit about the Iron Curtain,” “And other things about you— and Earth. Your planet seems so interesting.” Hound smiled a bit, “It is, or it can be.” Jazz was smirking, leaning back and shaking his head, “It’s almost cute how you all are skating around other mecha. Trying to make friends.” Mirage made a noise, and suddenly Hound wasn’t sure if Jazz was talking to him or Mirage. It took only a second for an answer, “Your species of mechanicals are so different from ours, your way of life, your relationships. None of you have mentioned being conjuxed and yet have split sparks, things that seem so familiar yet there are things that are… missing.” Hound cleared his throat a bit, “I’m sorry, the translator didn’t take to that word. What does being conjuxed mean?” Jazz stayed silent, though his hand was covering his mouth as he held back laughter and Mirage was painfully silent.
After nearly a minute ticked by, Hound sighed, “Is it something incredibly private or?” Weak laughter filled the line, “No, Primus no, it’s just your translator makes you sound strange for some words when they don’t translate.” It was another second before Mirage sighed, “Conjux is short for Conjux Endura, it’s a committed relationship between two mecha, for the rest of your life.” Hound paused and nodded slowly, “So like being married.” “I suppose, though that is not translating either.” Hound chuckled slightly, “Marriage is a committed relationship between two, uh, mecha for the rest of your life. Unless you get divorced like I did.” Mirage made an ear piercing sound and Jazz choked, nearly shooting out of his seat while leaning forward, “What the hell?” “What?” There was a click for a moment, as Mirage left the comm, “What? What did I say?” Then there was another click as Jazz left for a second. He was left in the quiet for a moment before two clicks notified him that they were back on the line.
Jazz sat there, staring at him and shook his head, “No, no, I need you to say that without the translator on. That can’t be right.” Mirage was making the slightest of choking sounds still, so adjusting his setting Hound sighed, “I’m talking about my divorce Jazz.” Several seconds went by, “Oh, oh! I didn’t think that would translate like that.” He pauses, “Damn, uh,” There was a click and he went silent, then a second click as Mirage went silent as well. Setting his jaw, Hound leaned his head back and picked at his fingers. It wasn’t a topic he even remotely enjoyed talking about, two clicks showed they re-entered the comm line, “It is much more normal on Earth Mirage, it’s not a bad thing and certainly not.. that.” He could hear the mech breath out a sigh of relief, “You can understand my concern Jazz,” Mirage clears his throat, “I apologize Hound, your ‘divorce’ translates as something rather drastic in our language. Not a separation of legally binding relations.” Opening his mouth, Hound tried to say something before shaking his head, “You know what, I don’t want to know. My divorce isn’t anyone’s business but mine.” “Of course, I apologize.” Jazz hums lightly, “I knew some things would never translate but that was just something else. No word for divorce is nuts.” Nodding a bit, Hound folds his arms before sighing, “Yes, very odd.” It was uncomfortable, so Hound disconnects from the line, dimming his visor to ensure he wasn’t disturbed before deactivating his comm.
No word for divorce and whatever it translated into seemed like murder, setting his jaw, he leaned back and closed his eyes. It wasn’t anyone’s business but his, no one needed to know he was divorced. Pausing, he sighed, he hadn’t set up the time to talk to Mirage about Earth properly. Sparing a glance towards where Breakdown was sitting, it would have to wait. His systems were shut down quickly so he was able to throw his arm over his eyes, removing the helmet and visor. Sometimes, the differences felt greater than they probably were.
I think I am finally recovering from being sick, but we will see. Next part will hopefully be out Monday and I’ll actually get to that schedule that I was talking about before.
@lunarlei68 @whirlywhirlygig @loop-hole-319 @pixillandjester @alek-the-witch @not-a-moose-in-disguise @goddessofwind8water @neurologicalglitch @dersereblogger @pixel-transformers @mrcrayonofdoom @wireplaces @twilightfreefaller @original-blog-name-2 @devilangel657 @robbin-u @childofprimus @miniartistme @starwold @tea-enthusiasm @valeexpris606 @celticdoggo @bird599 @agentsquirrelsgotrobots @aquaioart @dimencreasatlas @thatwandercat @artdagz @seisha974 @starscreamloverfr @halenhusky309 @leethepiper @cat-cassette @blue-wrens @sirassban @astridkolch @cosmique-oddity
And once again thank you to @keferon for this amazing AU
#transformers#maccadam#tf mecha universe#mech pilot jazz au#hound#breakdown#sunstreaker#sideswipe#jazz#prowl#Mirage#bluestreak#knockout#the arcturus missions
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Not really in the mood for writing a prompt so I’m just gonna ramble about how cool Weiss is in TSF AU
I basically made her the closest thing to a witch I could without stepping into magic territory. It always bugged me how her semblance and Dust was so compatible but it was never tested to its limits, so I imagine Weiss learned to basically be a pro in the field of dust manipulation. Has a real intuitive sense for it, which is why her kids are so good for their age. A lot of it stems from always getting unarmed in battle.
She learns that she can grab a dust cartridge and put a glyph at the end of it to pull it out and construct things like a saber of pure Dust. Eventually she gets creative enough to throw vials and catch them with glyphs to trigger timed explosions.
In crystal form, Weiss gets the hang of making glyphs and simply pushing the crystal into it to create a flame thrower affect. The most reckless and dangerous trick is using the refined powder state. Even with gloves on, the margin for error when throwing or outlining a pattern with it is small cause a chain reaction could lead the effect back to her hands.
Dust for water isn’t actually a thing, but through countless trail and error, Weiss knows how combine fire and ice Dust to create the desire effects. She even helped researcher and companies create vials with ratios already mixed so other huntsman and individuals could have access to the element.
Is the one who helped teach her brother how to use their semblance. Also started the idea along with Ruby to plan “hunting trips” where Weiss or any of her relatives would go off to kill a powerful a Grimm to add to their summon abilities.
Weiss has in fact killed a dragon. Took her an entire month and she did it for free. She learned create magma during this time and gained a fondness for more practical uses of rock Dust. Eventually she learned to make constructs out of most materials. Even lightning.
Is the manger and agent for both of her children when it comes to their professional lives. Most collaborative works don’t make it past her before she even thinks about bringing them up to her kids.
Regularly considered Penny’s science partner in the study of Dust and its utility. One of them is also pitching ideas to the other and showing rough blueprint ideas. Their most popular hit and meaningful success is modern dust weaving into clothes. Suddenly, winters in Mantle weren’t as harsh and Weiss’s daughter could live an easier life with her condition.
Helped fund Oscar’s therapy practice. Was also his first patient. Some might conflict of interest. Those people don’t know Oscar “I’m not gonna sugarcoat it” Pine. Was a super big help in her darker moments after adjusting to parenthood and old family trauma.
Occasionally surprises her friends and family with appearing in a modeling catalog or runway. It helped her gain some confidence back after having twins. She also likes to make a point that Jaune’s wife is incredibly hot so there’s no point in random women thinking he’s going anywhere, and to make any guy that looked down on him feel shame. Jaune matches the energy by also looking gorgeous when the opportunity arises.
Weiss also makes no effort to hide any scars. That includes wearing a half shirt or bikini that shows where Cinder stabs her or the two scars on her face. That way her daughter and even her brother, feel more comfortable about their scars.
If you ask her what her biggest sacrifice is, it’s making sure she never matches hairstyle or clothes with her daughter. Weiss kinda misses the ponytail but Summer will look at her a little funny despite them not being the same kind. Eventually Summer will stop caring and rationalize they look alike regardless of anything they do. They’re both just two pretty ladies other people get jealous of. She doesn’t have this attitude with Winter!!!
The top of everyone’s emergency contact list. Also the only adult aside from Ruby that every child (except her own daughter) feels immensely comfortable with emotionally. Even Yang’s kid is pretty soft around Weiss. Practically karma for how much Weiss’s son adored Yang when he was little.
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until we bleed
Rydal Keener x F!Reader ; part of the Oxford Comma series
Words: 6.4k
Warnings: swearing, an unnecessary amount of big words being used, smut, pinv, um... slight dub con... drama...
Beta read by the lovely @xbellaxcarolinax who basically jumped on the doc every time I helplessly texted her to ask if I was being stupid, and special s/o to @melodygatesauthor for helping me talk out the smut hehe
The charity gala was a front for the girls to get dressed up and the men to boast about their new business ventures. The charity mentioned in the invitation was picked out by the dean’s wife, a hedge fund manager – a most noble career – and she had already swindled enough out of the guests for the entrance fee before the scheduled auction later that evening.
You didn’t want to go but you couldn’t really tell Rydal that, especially after the whole thing with Chester just last week. He had been a little down since then, his skin halfway healed from where the skin had broken. You couldn’t help but feel a current of electricity pass through you straight to your core whenever you looked at the slightly swollen pout he was sporting because of it. And the bastard knew it, too. He had been using the pout, with the added weight of his baby cow eyes, to get his way for the past few days, easily swaying you into submission for the littlest things.
Which is how you ended up at the pretentious gathering being thrown in some philanthropic attempt to absolve the attendees of their greed. The dress you got for this event specifically was more expensive than any you’d ever worn before, the black satin silk of it tickling your calves where it hit. Your heels were new and not broken in, the thin straps sitting across your fresh pedicure — also something he insisted on paying for, picking out your nail colour for you. A glossy soft pink, a shade that reminded you of the Chanel perfume he had gifted you with.
Rydal had taken you out to buy an outfit when you tried to tell him you couldn’t go with him to the gala because you had nothing to wear, rolling his eyes at what he knew was you trying to weasel your way out of it. You felt bad, making him wait while you tried on every dress the saleslady threw at you. He kept telling you it was fine, eventually threatening to come in there and dress you himself if you didn’t cut it out and that he was comfortable lounging on the sofas outside the fitting rooms.
Slipping on the next dress from the large selection you had gathered in your fitting room, you checked yourself out in the mirror. Flatting the skirt with your palms, you tried to imagine yourself at the party, your arm looped around Rydal’s elbow and everyone’s eyes on you. Would this help you blend in? Was this the golden ticket you needed to finally gain acceptance? You’re starting to feel like it didn’t matter what you wore, they’d be able to sniff you out regardless, the vultures with their sharp manicures and syringe sculpted faces.
When you finally stepped out in the simple but flattering black dress, Rydal’s eyes flashed as you turned this way and that in the mirror, trying to see it from all angles. This could work, it was simple enough that you didn’t feel entirely unlike yourself but it was still a lot more extravagant than anything you owned.
You didn’t notice him slowly getting up like a predator stalking its prey, too focused on whether you liked the garment or not until his hands came to rest on your hips and his nose pressed itself against your neck. Only then did you take note of his half hard bulge pressing into your bum, your body temperature jumping at how quickly he was reacting to you all dressed up for him. You weren’t a lingerie girl, never had to be in your experiences but the way he was growing more and more feral by the second had you itching to buy the most delicate, laciest sets just to pull this behaviour from him on demand.
“D-Do you like it?” you hated the way your voice wavered when you spoke, the slight increase in pressure from his hot hands causing you to blush heavily.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Go take it off before I do it for you–”
“Yeah, on it,” you pushed his hands away, bolting towards the fitting room before he got any ideas and shaking your head at him.
He purchased the dress while you were changing back into your regular clothes, coming out to the sight of him holding the garment bag over his arm while dumbly ignoring the stares of the other girls in the store.
You weren’t used to feeling so aggressively desired so publicly but Rydal never made you feel like he wanted to hide how he felt about you. He would compliment you in front of his friends, in front of strangers, he would speak highly of you despite having told you something that would send your blood boiling seconds prior. It was reassuring, especially since you weren’t blind to the way girls would look at him, especially the ones in his social circles.
The dress would help you fit into the crowd a little better, the shoes only slightly uncomfortable so far but that wasn’t the part that bothered you. Before leaving for the night, you made sure to try your best with your hair and makeup to look effortless with the help of your roommate, Eleanor, who told you that Rydal was going to go crazy over your look. That didn’t make you feel any more comfortable, however, wearing clothes much too expensive, you began to wonder if he liked you better like this, if he wanted you to be more like them.
His reaction upon seeing you made your stomach swoop, the reverence in his eyes making you shyer than you’ve felt in a long time. You think maybe you should dress up like this more often, maybe he’d prefer you like this. Trying to shake those thoughts out of your head, the two of you make your way to the party being held on campus, looping your arm through his. Rydal was wearing a beige linen suit himself, the white dress shirt underneath had the first couple buttons open for a more relaxed look that you knew he only did to stick it to his dad.
You don’t know if you would have preferred to be invisible rather than be gawked at by the guests, but either way you were extremely uncomfortable and trying your best to mask it for the sake of your boyfriend. The party itself was unlike any other you’d attended, and why would you have? It wasn’t something you’d normally be invited to, especially with your financial struggles. It was kind of ironic, you being here now. At least you were dressed for the part.
Most of the guests were in casually lavish clothing themselves, almost everyone in the room exuded an air of superiority and arrogance you didn’t know how to handle. Walking by a group of older men dressed in various shades of browns and beiges, you overheard their heated discussion regarding the new instalment of fine art in the library’s entryway. There was a table full of what looked like raffle prizes to be won, along with a small brass raffle drum at the end. Near the end of the room stood a podium next to a sign with the charity of the night outlined in large, black lettering. For the good press, for the photos, you bitterly think. There was even a small group of classical instrument musicians playing classical renditions of modern day music.
In every cluster of guests, there was an undeniable condescending overtone, the haughtiness oozing from every direction and you didn’t know where a safe space was for your eyes to land so as not to be assaulted by a judgemental gaze. Rydal was walking with ease, his hand at the small of your back, the warmth from it burning your skin due to the backless nature of the dress but you were thankful for the touch as it kept you somewhat grounded, helping you not trip over your heels.
He walked you through the psychological battleground, gliding through the people who were most definitely whispering about his date for the evening, leading you to the food and drinks table. Exotic delicacies littered the banquet table, carefully prepared for consumption and small enough to grab several handfuls before feeling any sense of satiation. The rich were an interesting breed, despite their indulgence they loved making things tiny.
The purpose of the night was drowning in the show of snobbery, and you were so bitter inside at the show they put on for each other that you opted to stay quiet so as not to make Rydal uncomfortable. These were his peers, the people he grew up with, the old man in the corner, his godfather, the lady with the laughable plastic surgery was his favourite ‘aunt’ growing up, giving him the biggest presents at his birthdays. Countless familiar faces for him, all of them sneering at you.
The comforting touch of his hand leaves your back and you immediately turn to him in a near panic, the idea of being left alone in the sea of sharks making you stumble over your shoes. Upon seeing Rydal’s father right behind you, you opted to stay silent. This was not the first time you were meeting him, but it was the first time you were seeing him on school grounds after spending the summer at their family home.
“Rydal,” he nodded to you and greeted you by name, “Come, I need you to meet a couple of people from that firm I was telling you about. Quickly now.”
Lawrence Keener wasn’t the most terrifying person you’d ever met but he was definitely intimidating and he definitely was aware of it. The man had influence at the school, and honestly anywhere else he went. His handsome face and strong jaw demanded respect before his clothes did, his bespoke and cleanly pressed suit giving him a reason to tilt his chin just that smidge higher so he could look down at you with a single snobby brow raised. You could see where Rydal learned that expression from.
He was somewhat dismissive of your presence, which only served to piss you off further but you had to hold back from rolling your eyes since Rydal was looking at you with a plea in his eyes, asking if it was okay to leave you for a few minutes to go meet the senior partners his father was pushing him towards.
You nodded with a tight smile to him, trying to be supportive without showing how anxious you already were on the inside. Stepping into his world and pretending you were fine with it was proving to be more difficult than you initially thought.
Rydal leaves you with a relatively chaste kiss on the cheek, his father watching you two with blatant boredom before ushering him away with a hand on the back of his neck. After watching them turn a corner, you have to blink a few times before gathering your bearings and heading straight for the hors d'oeuvres, the miniature yet intricate selection taking your attention away from the prickly company. Devilled eggs, stuffed mushrooms with crispy onions on top, micro fig pies, melted brie and shortbread, roasted oysters with butter mignonette, caviar and creme tartlets and bowls and bowls of shrimp cocktail met your eyes. Reaching to try a pie, it almost made you laugh at how tiny it was in the palm of your hand.
Some time must have passed and you’d eaten several different kinds of mini appetisers, gulping down the mocktail a random floating waiter had offered you after watching you stuff your face while you observed others mingling and networking. Hearing Rydal’s voice over the soft music playing, your eyes start searching for him excitedly.
There’s a girl. Walking next to him, there is a very pretty girl. And they’re laughing. She’s touching his arm – familiar, they’re familiar – and he doesn’t brush it off, he’s smiling with her and for a moment you forget that you’re together.
They look… they look quite perfect together, to be honest. She’s taller than you, blonde hair perfectly coiffed with a classic cocktail dress in a shade of blue that matched her eyes, making her smile look all the more bright. The girl in question throws her head back in laughter at something Rydal says, and it must have been funny at the way she covers her mouth elegantly to hide her grin and–and you want to leave. Badly. He’s not flirting but he’s also not taking her hand off of his arm, and he’s still smiling at her.
They…fit. She looks like she belongs. Here, with him, on his arm, wherever she pleases really. Maybe she’s the girl his father wanted him to go for, the choice that made sense for him. The option that was easier. The kind of girl who crossed her ankles when she sat at the dinner table, the one who knew which one the soup spoon was. The girl with the right parents, the right upbringing. The one who didn’t need a room at their family home because she had her own next door. The one he didn’t have to take shopping to make her look the part at a charity gala.
The girl that wasn’t a charity case.
You should just leave now, and leave them to it. They would probably be engaged right after graduation. Rydal would get a job with the law firm his father was pressuring him about and she would be the host of their next charity event. Hell, maybe she’d even run for a council position. Talk about a power couple.
While your intrusive thoughts were spiralling, you get caught staring by Rydal, his eyes lighting up to see you and you can see the words forming on his lips as he’s about to call out for you, most likely to introduce you to the girl in question. Turning on your heel before he had the chance to get your name out, you walk with speed and purpose, hunting for the washroom to collect yourself. You know people are looking at you walking past them, you probably look a little out of it but you couldn’t care less right now, just focused on getting some air and maybe splashing some water on your face.
Ducking into the washroom with a sigh of relief – the door matched the wood tone of the walls, the little sign above labelled “Washroom” in tiny, cursive writing making it incredibly difficult to find – you manage to find an empty stall. Leaning your head back against the stall door, you close your eyes as you try to even your breathing. You have to manage the anxiety bubbling up in your chest and the influx of negative thoughts about Rydal, it’s not fair to you or him.
The washroom door swings open and shuts, a pocket of music from the main hall echoing for a few seconds before giving way to the animated chatter of the girls who just entered. Their giggles and whispers became more clear once they settled in front of the large mirror hanging above the marble sinks.
“I’m going to need a lot more champagne to withstand anymore of that woman’s inane chatter, like, we’re already helping so much,” one girl huffed.
Peeking your eyes through the tiny gap in the door, you catch a glimpse of the back of their heads.
“Yeah well at least your boyfriend hasn’t been ignoring you all night. All I said was that he was repeating his outfit and that people would notice!”
“Oh honey, don’t worry. Nobody is going to notice that with Rydal walking around with his charity case girlfriend. What the fuck does he see in her anyway?” Another girl said, carelessly loud.
Your ears perked up again, your heart dropping in your stomach. Now was not the best time for you to hear this, their conversation only confirming your shameful thoughts about your boyfriend.
“I always thought he was easy but to stoop so low? She’s basically the farmer’s daughter!”
The scandal in her voice almost made you laugh in disbelief from where you were hiding in the stall.
“I think he’s doing it just to get back at his father. Lawrence doesn’t even look at her.”
Well. That’s not… that’s not what you wanted to hear. Lawrence looked at you, right? He said hello perfectly politely, right? You’re frowning at the thought.
“Ha! That’s because he wanted Colette for him. My mom told me he’s secretly hoping Rydal wakes up one morning, ready to go running back to Barbie Blue Eyes and make them all proud parents,” the loud one from earlier said with a wicked tone.
Colette… you didn’t know a Colette. Blue eyes? Could they be speaking about The Girl from earlier? Were they right, were you just a phase for him?
“Oh my god El, you kill me! They are really blue, and that dress she’s wearing tonight looks so fucking good on her, I can’t deny her that. It’s like she got it custom made to match her eyes.”
Oh fuck. The Girl was Colette. Of fucking course.
And from the sounds of it, she was Rydal’s ex. No wonder he never mentioned her. No wonder she was so friendly with him, hands all over his arms, giggling together like a couple of young lovers. Compared to her, she was the obvious choice, and it wasn’t a surprise that Lawrence had given his approval.
“Sounds like Colette,” the third girl chimed in.
“I don’t care how much Rydal spends on this new girl, she isn’t fooling anybody. I bet she’ll be gone by the winter. Anyways,” the first girl sighs tiredly, as if unloading all that gossip took a physical toll on her. “How’s my lipstick, Vee?”
They descended into a different topic, focused on adjusting each other’s appearance until they left the washroom leaving you to stew in silence. They wouldn’t have known you were listening but they said everything you didn’t need to hear anyway.
So Rydal was dating this perfect girl, Colette, before you got together. You were the rebound. You were never permanent. You didn’t belong.
You should’ve known he wasn’t serious, it was too good to be true. You should never have opened up to him, never have trusted him with all your insecurities and vulnerabilities. He probably bought all the girls Chanel. He couldn’t have been serious about you. He hasn’t even met your mom, hasn’t visited your home yet. You couldn’t let him get any closer.
Stepping out and gently splashing your cheeks with some cold water, you walk out the doors on shaky knees and look around. Nobody is paying you any attention now and you exhale a breath of relief. These people are never going to respect you. No matter how many pretty clothes he buys you.
Rydal finds you before your eyes find him, his hand snaking around your waist and mouth finding your ear to whisper a sweet little I missed you, softly kissing your skin. You shiver, and despite the direction your thoughts were going you find comfort in his smell and warmth, closing your eyes while you turn your body into his.
He’s the same and yet he isn’t. Rydal slips into his social persona and you’ve never really paid attention before but there’s a slight difference to his voice and once you notice it, it bothers you. You stare at him, perplexed and hurt. You wonder if you know him properly at all. Which one is the real one? Is he pretending with you or with them?
Rydal tells you he has someone to introduce you to but your stomach starts churning and you think you’re gonna be sick because you see Colette making her way towards you in the crowd and you can’t face her, not after what you just heard.
“I feel kind of sick, actually, can we go? Like, now?”
You know you have a frantic edge to your voice but you can’t help it.
“Can we go in a bit? Just stick it out for a little longer, baby—“
There’s a bubble of anxiety in your chest that rises to your throat the closer she gets and you look to Rydal with pure panic, upset that he’d even suggest you stay in this stifling room for any longer. He stops talking upon noticing the tears welling in your eyes, brows immediately furrowing in concern and then nodding quickly.
“Okay, yeah. Yeah, we can go, c’mon.”
His hand returns to the small of your back, guiding you out of the hall and you’re glad for it because all of a sudden your vision is blurry and if it weren’t for his persistent hands helping you, you would’ve surely never found your way out.
The way back to his room was tense. Not the comfortable silence you were used to, your throat closed and sealed shut since leaving. Your mouth has opened and shut several times, wanting to break the silence but your tongue felt like lead.
Rydal doesn’t make any attempt at conversation either. After putting his blazer jacket around your shoulders, he stuck his hands in his pocket and frowned the whole walk back.
By the time he let you in his room, your bottom lip was wobbling and your anxiety was suffocating you in its attempt for release. Either you were going to cry or yell or both.
Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, you reach for the makeup wipes you keep with his things, aggressively wiping at your eyes and fighting with the layers of mascara you had put on. He slowly comes up behind you, not looking into your eyes but his hands reach to unclasp your necklace, brushing your hair aside for ease of access.
You inhale a shuddering breath.
You should just do it now. Just come right out and say it. You may as well cut your losses and let him be happy with whoever he wants, let him make his father happy and stop standing in his way. You were only holding him back, and that’s not what you wanted to do. You still loved him, even if tonight did break your heart.
Dropping the necklace on the counter, he reaches for the zipper of your dress next but his hands still and instead rest on your waist as he presses his forehead into your shoulder.
“Did something happen? Did someone… say something?” He mumbled, the vibrations of his voice almost triggering your tears. Instead you let out a sniffle.
“She really is beautiful. Why didn’t you tell me about her?”
“Why did I have to find out about her from a bunch of girls in the washroom? Does she go here? Is that why your dad doesn’t look me in the eye when he talks to me?”
“…it’s not like that—“ he sighs.
“No? It’s not like you become someone else when we’re around these people? It’s not like you have this whole goddamn life that I’m not part of, that I’ll never be part of because they’re never going to accept me? They’re never going to respect me, never think I’m good enough?”
“I don’t know what you want me to say, I don’t even know what you heard!”
“Everyone thinks I’m with you just for your money, you know. They called me the farmer's daughter. They said I’m your fucking charity case. Do you know how that makes me feel? As if I don’t already feel like an outsider here?”
He opens his mouth to respond but you don't let him, rushing to hurt him the way you’re hurting inside.
“You’ve never had to work a day in your life, you don’t know what it’s like in my shoes.” You laugh humorlessly. “What are we doing, Rydal?”
“What do you mean?” His voice sounds so small and the knife just twists deeper in your gut.
“Why should I have to deal with this constant bullshit from the people in your life? I don’t even know them! Maybe… maybe we should—“
“Stop, stop, listen I can handle everyone else being upset with me, but not you. Not you, please. I can’t take it from you, please don’t say what I think you’re going—“
“I don’t know. I just can’t, I— maybe, maybe we should break up, I think you’d feel better, too, I think—“
“How could you think that? How could you say that?” He’s upset, expression sour and twisted.
He looks the way you feel.
You watch him fumble for words.
“I literally left my dad at this stupid party and he’s going to be fucking pissed, like seriously livid because he was building me up to his buddies but– but I don’t care because I wanted to make sure you were okay!”
His palms grip your waist tighter and he steps closer, crowding you against the basin and doesn’t give you any room to move. You can’t look at him so instead you stare at the makeup wipe, the angry black marks mirroring your heart as your mind yells at you to run, to leave and hide where he can’t hurt you, where he can’t see you crumble and break after he inevitably agrees to leave you.
You push it once more.
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have. Maybe I should’ve just left you there.”
There’s a small part of your brain that tells you that you’re being irrational. That he wouldn’t be here if he didn’t care, he must care even a tiny amount, even if you were a temporary toy.
His hands leave you for a second and he takes a step away. You feel cold, immediately feeling small and stupid, fighting between wanting to cry and going numb until suddenly the familiar warmth comes back, his hand pushing your back with so much force that your hands shoot out in front of you to catch yourself. One on the mirror, one on around the edge of the vanity.
Looking up at Rydal in shock, you open your mouth to ask him what the fuck his problem is until you see he’s not even looking at you, his eyes are trained on your ass and he’s biting his lip, but he still looks… broken.
“Rydal, what the fu—“
“Stop. Talking. You’ve said enough.” His voice was almost a whisper but still firm enough to cut through yours, and his hands were still kneading your hips.
His behaviour is new and kind of confusing, if you’re being honest. It’s clear he’s never been denied before in his life. He looks helpless and angry and worried and aggravated and entirely too focused on your body at this moment for any of it to make sense.
Rydal’s fingers trail down your dress until they reach the slit in the back and leave goosebumps as they make their way back up, hooking into your panties and then tugging them off and around your heels. Upon rising, he’s still avoiding eye contact. Your cheeks are burning, legs slightly wider than before. Despite being mad at him, your body still obeys.
“So mouthy all the time.”
Balling up your panties, he surprises you further by shoving them in your mouth even as you protest and try to push back on him but his body keeps your balance wavering. You have no choice but to keep your hands where they were if you didn’t want to fall.
Your eyes must be bugging out of your sockets and the rise and fall of your chest is coming quicker and quicker.
“If that’s what you really want, then leave.” He’s saying this while the tips of his thick fingers brush and tease your entrance, keeping you frozen in place.
Your mind was at odds with your body as you felt your instinctive reaction to him touching you. Fighting the urge to embrace the desire now dripping down your thighs, you knew you had the ability to walk away if you wanted to and yet you found yourself pressing back against his hand wanting more.
“Aren’t you gonna leave? Isn’t that what you wanted? No?”
Rydal slides two fingers inside your cunt, easily and without warning and you grunt but it’s muffled against the cloth. This is absurd, you think dumbly. You want to feel embarrassed but you can’t bring yourself to.
“Didn’t think so, baby,” he’s saying while stepping closer and his fingers reach even deeper, if that were possible.
His mouth comes up to your ear, whispering his next words and sending them straight to your gut, weighing heavily inside you.
“I need you, can’t you see that? Look at me,” his hot breath hits the shell of your ear and you’re panting. “Can’t you tell? How fucking badly I need you?”
So you look at him, and you see a desperate and needy man in the place of your Rydal, the one you’re familiar with. This wasn’t the same man you were used to, the one who would make you laugh while he was making his way inside you. This Rydal was upset and he was adamant on making you regret your words.
His fingers were curling inside your wet heat, pressing up against that spot that made you see stars and stealing your breath so hard your fingers were curling. Your fingerprints were marking the mirror, the squeaking sound making you shudder against his body. Moaning around the fabric still in your mouth, you tried to grind down on his hand, desperate for him to move, to do something, anything to the tension in your body coiling tighter and tighter.
Rydal could feel your hips moving back against his hand and moved to still you, fingers holding you tight enough to bruise. Slipping his fingers out, he taps them against your clit before removing his hand entirely and making your shoulders sag at the loss.
Reaching one hand up and back to keep him close, afraid of his warmth leaving you, your hand wraps around his neck as he rushes to unbuckle his pants noisily. He’s shaking a little, breaths coming out ragged at how badly he needs to fill you up.
Once he frees himself, Rydal uses one hand to push you back down and bunch your pretty dress up, lining himself up with your entrance and pushing in swiftly without hesitation.
He groans loudly, tilting his head back with his eyes shut for a moment before looking down at where he’s seated to the hilt inside you, unmoving.
“You lookin’? You need me, too, I can see it in your eyes. Look,” he reaches forward to grab at your jaw, making you watch yourself as he slowly pulls his cock out and slams it back inside to kiss your cervix. Again, and again, and again. “See that?”
Rydal forces your head to nod with his hand still holding your face while you try to speak, voice coming out unclear against the panties still in your mouth. The stupid fucking fabric was making it hard to breathe and you were going to pass out, drunk on his cock, you were going to faint against the god damn builder’s grade medicine cabinet. You want to moan out loud, you want to tell him he wasn’t playing fair, that he was going too slow. You want to pull his beautiful hair out and yell at him, you want him to hurry up and fuck you harder, you—
You’re coming.
“Ohhh, fuuuuck,” he let go of your face, hands dropping to press on your lower back and push you more forward, your hands clambering on the mirror like a fool. “Look so—so, oh fuck, baby, look at you.”
It didn’t take him long at all to make a mess of you.
“You gonna take it back? Take back what you said, tell me you were wrong,” he whines, still fucking you hard but not hard enough.
The problem was that he was dragging his girth out slowly but stealing your breath on every hard thrust forward. And it still wasn’t enough, not for this, not for right now.
Your attempt at speaking is ruined by the fact that your panties were still in your mouth, your saliva soaking the material by this point. You wanted to spit it out, hurl the obstructive garment across the room but it wasn’t possible in your current position. He can’t possibly be stupid enough to expect you to answer him like this.
He almost laughs when he realises you’re trying to say something, quickly pulling the fabric from your mouth to let you finally have your voice back and you immediately let out a cry at his perfectly timed thrust. His cock was moving faster, intent on not having you speak but making you come again. Now that he could hear you, he was becoming more and more unhinged.
Embarrassingly, you’re having a hard time keeping your voice down, whines and cries falling from your lips continuously while Rydal fucked you against his sink. Your hands are leaving fingerprints all over his mirror from where you’re trying to get a grip and push yourself back on him, his own hands keeping you bent over for him but squeezing whatever flesh he could reach.
Leaning forward to kiss your back, he mumbles words he thinks you don’t hear, don’t leave me, mine, my baby, stay here—
“S’wrong, I-I was wrong,” you whimper. “M’sorry, fuck—“
“I—“ you hiccup. “I hate them, I, yesss right there, god—“
“I know, baby, I know, I got you,” he’s back to grunting in your ear and you can’t see or feel anything that isn’t Rydal.
You’re overwhelmed by everything that’s happened tonight, your feelings from earlier still bubbling up and causing you to tear up while he continues to ram into you. He sees you crying, reaching his hand in front of you to toy with your clit.
“Stay with me,” he demands, voice low against the shell of your ear. Desperate, he’s still so fucking needy even after making you cry on his cock.
You nod before you realise you’re nodding, sniffling in your daze.
Rydal’s index finger, the same one he teased you with earlier, starts circling your clit in the surefire way he knows how to make you cum, grunting when he feels your walls fluttering over his length.
And when you’re gushing all over him, his finger still circles your nub but he stills his hips as he feels you come undone and talks you through it. Pretty baby, love you so fucking much, stay, stay with me, stay—
Lifting you off his length he takes off your dress completely and turns you around with his hand wrapped around your neck to bring his mouth to yours, kissing you like a man possessed. He doesn’t wait to slip his tongue into your mouth, claiming it as his own to prove a point. He’s always fucking proving a point, always pushing his way through your walls.
Walking you backwards towards his bed, he only breaks away from your mouth to help you remove his shirt and pants, your hands mapping out his chest and shoulders. You don’t let him get far from you even as you lower yourself to lay back on the mattress, pulling his body along needily while he crawls over you.
This time when he enters you, it’s slower, softer, gentle, but you’re shaking in his arms, foreheads touching as you share a breath and syrupy kisses. You cry a little, mascara messy and lipstick smudged, but he shushes you, mocking you, “thought you could leave me,” he says and anticipating your rebuttal — as he does, he always fucking does — he says, “thought you could go on without my cock, hmm?”
And then he’s kissing you again before you can say anything, effectively shutting you up while pressing you into the mattress, fucking the fight out of you as his hips slide into yours again and again. Your bodies are sweat ridden, your pussy is soaking his sheets and he still hasn’t cum yet, but you think he’s close. He has to be, he’s barely pulling out now, his length throbbing inside your pulsing walls as he ruts into you.
He’s biting your shoulder and your eyes are focused on the popcorn ceiling, your oversensitive core trembling as he tries to pull another orgasm from you. You’re probably crying, it’s hard to tell at this point, face and body damp, but your ears are attuned to his sounds, his gorgeous whimpers and grunts. Rydal’s body is heavy on yours but you’re floating, you don’t feel a thing until his thumb starts pressing hard against your clit that you try to curl in on yourself, thrashing against him and– yeah, you’re crying.
He’s speaking absolute filth, it doesn’t make any sense, but in the midst of your pleasure you hear him saying he’s going to fill you up.
He does. It’s so wet between your legs, the glide of his half aborted thrusts smacking lewdly and loudly and you feel like an exposed nerve and numb all at once. His spend is leaking out of you and just when you expect him to pull out and play with your puffy folds, he turns on his side, keeping you full of him. Rydal rests his face against your chest, your sweaty and spent bodies tangled together. Boneless and breathless.
His arms are everywhere, one running down the length of your thigh soothingly and the other wrapped under your torso to pull you close by your waist. Touching, always touching. That’s been one constant you’ve noticed from the start. Your breaths are echoing loudly and you’re almost afraid to speak, afraid to ruin the tranquil silence that envelops you both.
You open your eyes to find him already watching you.
“I’m hopeless without you,” he says, so so softly. “I’ll let you win at monopoly every time, I’ll stop ruining the ending of the books you’re reading, fuck, just tell me what I have to do. Tell me, I’ll do it.”
You just hold him tighter to you, kissing his temple.
#rydal keener fanfiction#rydal keener x you#rydal keener x reader#rydal keener smut#rydal keener#the two faces of january fanfiction#the two faces of january#yes this about rydal keener#oxford comma fic#oscar issac characters#oscar isaac fanfiction
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Mmm i *love* winter but...
Welcome to another life update woah...really just more of a minor vent about current situation. :]
...Sooo my house's furnace crapped out on us shortly before christmaaaas...and we haven't had heat since. My mom hired an older guy to come fix it a few days after christmas - he tried, it worked for a (singular) day and then crapped out again. .-. FIrst because my mom doesnt technically have the money to replace the furnace - Second, after my mom decided to use money she'll need very soon for the heat, we found out he's gotten sick. Like, cold/flu type sick but because he's elderly, he may have to get some extra help for it and will definitely need a good bit of recovery time before he can even come back to take another look (and subsequently order the part/parts/whole ass furnace needed so we can wait another weekish for it to arrive).
so basically
im not gonna have heat in home for another few weeks, probably.
in the middle of winter....in Northeastern US...and the kicker? the first night without heat was THE coldest day/night of the season so far in my state (to my knowledge), and we have since had multiple snowy days (not horribly, thank God. Only one day was bad enough i almost couldnt go to work) and most days have been sub freezing temps through the daytime. Thankfully, our home is not THAT cold, but we needed to get a space heater for the living room where our rabbits are to keep it from getting too cold for them there.
Thankfully also, my one brother already had a heated blanket, i have a heated pad (that i had abandoned until this incident and had not yet discared), and my little brother can sleep on the couch with the space heater. Its not much, its still uncomfortably cold ,but we are able to make-do for the time being.
It just makes focusing on much of anything difficult to keep up with ^^; and also makes staying asleep through the night hard. My heating pad shuts itself off after 2 hrs, so eventually that nice toasty goodness on my chest or legs fades into the unforgiving cold of "frick you for trying to be comfortable" so i keep waking up every couple of hours to turn the pad back on. I'll be in a pinch if this pad breaks from overuse or if i break it while asleep with it :']
Speaking of sleep though...
After seeing a video from a girl in TN i'd been watching clean her family's home and trying to make it liveable, share videos of her house having burned down completely after a leak caused an electrical fire - and after seeing news of the wildfires in CA;
I had a dream last night that while i was out with my family having a grand ol time (and feeling anxious over something i couldnt place), we came home in the evening to see the upper floor of the house in flames. .-. Which had me waking up both upset from watching my childhood home (and all my art history in it) burn with no funds to start over, and also paranoid that my house too might have a ticking time bomb problem.
So this, and other reasons, make sleep REALLY not my friend the last few weeks.
I dont know if i mentioned it here before, but im also 99% sure i have a condition called Reynaud's Syndrome because 1. My mom has it, 2. its hereditary, and 3. her symptoms for it line up with mine (she thought i was also officially diagnosed, but i looked at my records and i dont think so unless im looking in the wrong place). Regardless of diagnosis - My hands and feet are sensitive to temperature extremes, particularly cold, and this has caused extra stiffness in my fingers, pain in my hands at times unrelated to or exaggerating my other pain issues, and also has my digits lookin kinda zombie-ish at times (reynauds causes discoloration at times). Thankfully, I'm also not in a flare up for my reynauds, which has happened while at work before this, so my experience typically is mild and has been through this ordeal. I do experience worse symptoms while working and being exposed to the outside cold and wind in bits, then returning to room temp/warmer air and having the flip flop cause weirder symptoms, all of which are a side tangent.
I'm mostly doing fine otherwise tho
My boyfriend-not boyfriend (the boyfriend that broke up with me ish but we've still been friends and clearly were still interested and didnt really want to split) took me back up as his on new years, making a childhood dream come true (I had my first new years kiss tee hee). I'm also working on a project that may or may not be finished in time to submit it to a contest. I did actually buy a car a (few?) month(s?) ago now, i think i said that here before. Trying not to succumb to the feeling that I'll be stuck in a never ending cycle of everything more personal going on that i will not be traumadumping here while also preparing to celebrate and reflect on 4 years post choosing life over death very shortly (Yay me).
I've been learning to not care as much about the opinions of those around me. I've also been learning to get back in touch with my inner child because dammit she deserves a chance to live and breathe. I'm learning that writing poetry is something I want to explore more, and I'm learning that I actually do like drawing myself and I like to explore personal themes and inner struggles through drawing myself in new inventive ways (and making an experimental drawing out of it). I'm learning to be comfortable in my changing body while still understanding that some of my habits are unhealthy and, when I have the control to do so, should be altered. I'm learning to give myself grace, and through giving myself grace and room to breathe, its easier to do so for others.
Lots of good stuff with the bad ^^
but im gonna end my ramble here
Update's over, goodnight, everybody go home.
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I’m here to talk business (It’s Talon and Megan, they’re the business)
Okay okay so they were childhood best friends. Knew each other for a few years at least and got really close. Megan was a bit of a loner who disliked crowds, so she would be on the outskirts of the yard during recess. Talon was a collector of loners to be friends with. So one day he started following her around, and she didn’t mind, so he stayed. It developed into playing games together, helping each other with each of their things, defending and comforting each other, all the good stuff.
Then one day, Megan just disappeared. After eavesdropping on the grown-ups Talon finds out that she had been kidnapped. Unfortunately there were no leads, and no progress on the case was made. Her family assumed she was dead and moved on. But not little 10-12 year old Talon! This kickstarted a true crime interest! He learned about as many stories as he could, hoping that someday he might find something that would point to where Megan had gone. He had a bunch of other interests that came and gone, but the true crime thing stuck with him. After the years and gone by, the thought of Megan was more subconscious, but he would never really forget.
Meanwhile, Megan had been kidnapped. She was yoinked and taken by the people in charge of the Orion Initiative. They needed human test subjects without much of a budget and the opportunity befell them so now they had a kid. Megan would be introduced to her new surroundings in the space ship and begin the experiment on her: the very first and most important one being to see if she was compatible with this magical alien thingy.
Spoiler alert, she was. This was good for experiments since she didn’t die and they could continue research. This was good for her bc she didn’t die, but then again… it lead to some stuff. It changed her DNA in ways that are vague and non-specific at the moment, but will amount to annoying yucky bad things (including keeping her tethered to the main magic source stored on the ship). This thing will also be harnessed for mild mind control and memory tampering. It’s very soon after she arrives that they wipe her previous memories. She thinks she’s been there her whole life and the director is her mother. And thus she grows up.
At this time, Talon is just chilling and making it through high school. He’s about to graduate, considering majoring in some sort of forensic field or maybe going to culinary school, when he witnesses something. I don’t know the exact set up details yet (it will be just a by chance occurrence, one lucky moment that will change everything) but this is what I do know: the Orion Initiative director and a group of higher ups will be attending a meeting to try to get funding. They’ve brought Megan, in case they need to show their success in experimenting. She’s hidden away in some way, but as the group is moving to and fro, Megan is in the open for a few moments. This is the same time Talon happens to glance over. He freezes, recognizing her and feeling his heart drop. He’s staring now, and she vaguely notices him, but doesn’t spare more than a glance. In her mind, however, she’s confused. He gives her an overwhelming sense of familiarity but with no reason to do so. She also gets snippets of random things (unbeknownst to her, they are parts of memories).
After this, Talon is more determined than ever. He researched and scours and borderline stalks but he finally figures out how to get involved in the Orion Initiative in some way (whether as a hunter or a guard or like a cook, idk yet) then this is where the “they first meet” would happen. From Megan’s perspective of course bc she doesn’t remember. Talon doesn’t realize and just starts rambling on and looks like a kicked puppy when she’s cold to him. Eventually they rekindle their friendship tho (the mind wiping isn’t super good so the past friendship feels are a big help) and since this is slightly after Megan meets the rest of the gang, Talon integrates slightly into the friend group.
Until he has to leave again bc he’s done something rebellious that the Orion Initiative is mad at him for and he has to flee. Megan is forced to rat him out for this actually so guilt guilt guilt. Talon never got the chance to say goodbye or anything so sad sad sad. Then Megan is mind wiped again and Talon is stuck on earth. He’s gonna be part of the group that comes to free all of them, but until then he just has to be upset.
There’s probably more on that but idk fhdjdjdj
Oh and also I’m gonna give Anik the “my brother went in this program and I’m gonna find him dead” thing while also making him older than the others by several years just for the heck of it. Zeniths role is gonna get diminished a bit and he’s gonna become more of a significant background character than main cast bc idk it was just eh for me in some spots.
Oh oh oh and also also I just wanna draw this idea but I haven’t yet so I shall just describe it for now: Megan’s gonna be more perfectionistic so whenever she makes the tiniest mistake, she will get punished severely. The specific punishment will be a transparent round room in the center of the whoooole spaceship with lots of traffic. She will be forced to stay in there, potentially with a strait jacket for if she’s distressed (just to make it worse), where everyone can see that she’s failed and is an awful person consequently. She also really wants people to take her seriously and if people see her in her most vulnerable and distressed moments, she thinks they won’t so that’s also really rough. Everyone is kind of aware of what the room is for and while she’s not there often, they won’t linger in the area if she is. They feel bad bc it’s obviously really excessive as it happens over literally nothing sometimes. She’s also not given food during this time and only given water if she absolutely has to have it in the timeframe she’s in there.
Oh and her actual name was Megan but I’m thinking Orion renamed her, perhaps something numbery or something related to the orion constellation or mythology (haven’t nailed it down yet).
(No pressure to read all this btw it’s a lot XD)
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH—cough cough— pardon me, now, let’s talk business.
*quoting studio C Scott sterling soccer vid* ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATING
YES YES YES YES. Okay Megan being kidnapped is actually so scary to me help. Especially from Talon’s perspective oh no. I’ve heard my fair share of crime stories (honestly not many at all but they are so interesting) so THAT being the reason Talon got into is just cneduhndduhcdwbuhcdwbhucdwibhwcdbuhecuhbcdw I imagine there was a time where he was just horrified. He didn’t know WHAT happened and everyone else (including Megan’s FAMILY) all accepted she had DIED BAH THAT CONCEPT IS JUST KILLING ME
Anik’s story breaks me crhedrndierunfrei oh! hold up, does he find out his brother was one of the clone/failed experiment people? And poor Zenith (I get it tho lol)
SEE. THIS IS WHAT I MEAN JADE. THIS IS CRUEL AND AWFUL AND MEAN AND IT IS PERFECT. I DONT THINK YOU CSN UNDERSTAND HOE MUCN I LOVE THIS. Everyone knows. Everyone sees. Everyone is watching. Vhruhrevbeuhvrbvuhbverihbfijrw wrvijnvrejiverver. That is just horrifying. Please please please please @ me if you draw that I MUST SEE
And uhhhhh….. okay….. so I tried drawing something for it but I didn’t really have time and it wasn’t working out too well….. I don’t like how it turned out but maybe… perchance… you might find it cool or something? Idk I thought I might as well add it :|
(It’s supposed to be her in a straight jacket with pressure of all the eyes watching her… I also didn’t look at a ref) I DO WANNA DRAW MORE FOR THIS IDEA THO. I LOVE IT. Hiuedwnihcwdnwcidundwcuinwiun
#the orion experience#the Orion initiative#moo’s moots#answered asks#jumbled up technical alein jargon names#she needs one >:]#you could always do numbers corresponding with letters#like spell Megan in numbers#soooooooooo#M(13) E(5) G(7) A(1) N(14)#or of course you could spell out any word like that#however that is a but hard to read so idk you could do whatever!#love this story#Megan#talon
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Exit Strategy, Chapter 4
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which the plans get less and less desirable.
Returning to the station, Murderbot and Pin-Lee split up. Pin-Lee to get the others, and MB to book a fresh room to talk in. It scouts, and waits, and eventually the three humans enter. Ratthi is grinning, and MB interprets Gurathin's expression as "appalled."(1) Ratthi asks what it's been up to, but Pin-Lee says it can tell later, or not, but first they need to focus on getting Mensah out. MB is glad it's looking at the display wall and not the humans.(2)
Gurathin expresses skepticism about how MB can help them. Ratthi asks if they can just power in, but MB knows that's the stupidest possible idea. It sends them its assembled map in the private feed, and says the problem would be leaving neutral security zones and entering GrayCris's corporate jurisdiction.
Ratthi is dismayed, and asks, what about the company gunship? MB says GrayCris is probably raising money just to buy off the company, including asking the ransom from Preservation. Pin-Lee says that's what the Preservation diplomatic corps thought. Ratthi is hurt she didn't tell him, but Gurathin guessed it for himself too.(3)
The humans start drifting the conversation, so MB draws them back, saying GrayCris might not be able to afford the payoff. It thinks about how they'd be unable to sell off their alien remnants anymore, so they're probably getting desperate.
Pin-Lee asks if MB might be able to get her out without the ransom.
I had been running possible scenarios, partly to drown out the sound of humans making stupid suggestions. (Not that I don’t like that sound; it’s sort of comforting and familiar, in an annoying way.) “It would be tricky,” I said. By tricky I meant I was getting an average of an 85 percent chance of failure and death, and it was only that low because my last diagnostic said my risk assessment module was wonky. (I know, that explains a lot about me.) “We need to find a way to make them bring her outside the main station security barrier so that I can track her location via her company implant.”
Pin-Lee suggests offering a ransom exchange in one of the hotels. Ratthi wonders if they'll know about Preservation's finances, but Gurathin says he can assemble a very convincing list of Preservation's assets. MB decides this isn't in the top ten worst plans, and offers that they don't need to bring her all the way to the humans, just outside GrayCris's security barrier.
Gurathin asks MB directly if it can get Mensah away from them, even from a heavy guard. MB says the more guards the better, and thinks Gurathin's expression may be "some congenital condition he had no control over."(4) He asks if it's going to kill the guards, and MB decides no, he really is just an asshole. It thinks about lying, but answers, if it has to. Gurathin asks if it's qualified to make that decision, and MB says it's the security expert, they're the ones who get eaten by angry fauna when they walk in the wrong places.
MB says it's going to go wait in the lobby, until they make a decision. Pin-Lee says they already have, and the others agree. Well, then MB is going to the lobby anyway. It's a good strategic position to work from.
As the humans sort of the details of Operation Not Actually A Completely Terrible Plan, MB suggests they arrange to meet GrayCris here, since the old hotel was swarming with corporate agents. They agree, and since they're traveling light, they don't have anything to collect from the room anyway.
They make the call, and MB monitors them from the lobby. GrayCris argue for a whole two minutes until Pin-Lee convinces them to bring Mensah out, though they plan to send in a representative to check the funds authorization first. Gurathin goes down to the lobby to wait for them, looking more like a SecUnit than MB.
MB thinks about how, if this goes well, it will see Mensah again. Art had told it that the PreservationAux team were its crew, and it's waffled back and forth since then.
But sitting here in a hotel lobby, watching a biozone and running every not-a-SecUnit behavioral code I had, the fantasy fell apart. The hard reality was that I didn’t know what Mensah was to me. Even after Miki, I still didn’t want to be a pet robot.(5)
Gurathin contacts MB privately, and MB gets a little sarcastic back at him. Gurathin says he's not its enemy, just cautious. MB says it doesn't care about Gurathin's opinion, and immediately regrets it, wishing it had itself on a one-second delay so it could delete it.
It made it sound like I did care. Which I didn’t.(6)
A couple of minutes later, Gurathin asks where it went. MB doesn't want to talk about it, but doesn't want to be so petty as to ignore him. It sends him a lightly edited video it took, on the trip to HaveRatton, with the intention of critiquing its performance. It throws the clips together, and sends them to Gurathin, titled "Murderbot Impersonates an Augmented Human Security Consultant".(7) He's still watching it when the GrayCris rep shows up.
The rep is likely carrying a weapon, with something to block it being detected. MB is more concerned that he's likely carrying a secure comm. He meets Gurathin, who leads him back to Pin-Lee and Ratthi. MB keeps an eye out for hostiles in the lobby, possibly spotting a few. But instead of staying in the lobby, MB follows a hunch, and takes a transport pod, telling the hotel's systems not to take action on maintenance requests, to stop the pod mid-transit without crashing the system or any other pods moving in that transit corridor.
The rep, Serrat, calls the team's bluff on the deal, and sends a secret signal that MB figures is likely an emergency abort mission on the hostage transfer, with a side serving of request for backup to come in shooting. MB kills the hotel's relay, and two backup relays that try to activate. Ratthi tells MB privately that Serrat has a small energy weapon. MB tells Pin-Lee to keep Serrat talking, and abandons the not so terrible plan for a more terrible one.
MB gets off the transit pod, and makes its way to the door. When it hears Serrat respond to the humans, it gets his relative position, and opens the door, and subdues him. Pin-Lee takes the comm device from him, and MB says it's blocked the device and his feed access. Serrat says they've threatened him with a deadly weapon and violated station law by bringing in a private SecUnit. Pin-Lee says SecUnit isn't a weapon, it's a person, and an angry one at that. Serrat says he sent a signal to call off the exchange, and no one will help them. Pin-Lee asks why they need to pay off the bond company so badly, or is all this about revenge?
Serrat’s face slipped into a skeptical sneer. He didn’t take them seriously, which, sure, I can see why. If you were GrayCris and regularly murdered humans as part of your job, the wrath of three research surveyors from a non-corporate backwater planet probably didn’t fill you with fear. And he was certain they were controlling me somehow. He said, “Revenge? You buy a SecUnit and send it to Milu to expose an essential GrayCris asset operation. You and your little planetary polity have the audacity to think you can compete with a corporation—what did you expect to happen?”
Pin-Lee says GrayCris started all this, while in the feed, Ratthi and Gurathin talk about Milu in the feed. MB is still working on restoring the hotel relays, but realizes that it still can't pick up Mensah's emergency implant.
They weren’t bringing her. This had all been for nothing. All of it, Milu, Miki’s death, the trip here, everything. I said, “Milu was my idea. I’m a rogue unit.”
Serrat says a truly rogue unit would have left a trail of bodies across the station.(8) MB says it wanted the trail to start here. It's deciding whether or not to crush his windpipe when Mensah's implant pings, so it pulls him away from the wall and chokes him unconscious. The humans try to stop it, but it says it knows what it's doing.
Pin-Lee points out Mensah's implant is pinging, and MB says she's on a transit pipe, and they need to go back to their shuttle. GrayCris will know what they're up to shortly. Before they can object, MB is already out the door, sprinting for the pod junction. In the feed, it tells them the group with Mensah is two minutes out, she will meet them at their shuttle, and do not try to contact MB on the feed. Ratthi says they're going, and to be careful, when MB cuts contact and gets in the pod, and shuts down its risk assessment module.(9)
(1) You know, I don't half wonder, as Murderbot does later this chapter, if Gurathin just has resting stern face. He was the most skeptical of it up front, I'm not ignoring that, but after MB has proven itself, I wonder if it's just still interpreting Gurathin through its own suspicion, and if that perception is subject to change. (2) What do you think it's feeling here? I'm leaning toward gratitude to Pin-Lee that it doesn't know how to process. (3) Do you think Ratthi knows he's the himbo of the friend group? (4) That's a real asshole way of saying it, MB. LOL (5) I don't think it's in any real danger of becoming a Miki, but I can see why it's so worried, you know? It doesn't have any context for "reformed SecUnit, member of society" so it has to go on the only points of comparison it does have. (6) Yep, you don't-care so hard that you're flinching from your own words. (7) You don't-care so much you don't want to be rude to him. You anti-care so much you used your private name with him, when he respectfully used the one you asked him to use. Yep, no caring detected here. (8) Isn't it interesting how everyone assumes SecUnits can't be sapient and friendly? Or stealthy, or discreet. (9) Bah, that's nothing, it was faulty already anyway.
#the murderbot diaries#murderbot diaries#exit strategy#murderbot#secunit#ratthi#pin-lee#gurathin#serrat (murderbot)
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22 feb 2025
welp. day one is complete and i'm still jetlagged. its 16:47 and I'm presently waiting on brendan and ryan to make their way from NRT into Tokyo so we can continue the journey to Osaka.
I decided to start this blog mostly as a way to remember what happened when i'm old, kinda like the trinidad blog. i haven't learned to be more concise since then, so gear up for some long winded stories. Lets start from the beginning
1400 - 19 february 2025 CB gets a text from ry ry "i cant find my passport" CB replies "thats fun"
1700 - 19 february 2025 CB calls skrittle and she reports that ry still hasnt found it but she's certain she'll be able to. she found mom's check in the VHS player when bree-bree deposited it on mom's behalf back in 1996 after all
2300- 19 february 2025 no luck...ry says i'm not goin (our flight was scheduled to leave at 1135 20 feb. Bree and I beg him not to bail!
0900 - 20 feb CB got first class bc she's a bougie bitch and was granted access to the ~Polaris Lounge~. I was excited, but quickly found out that it's actually a retirement village and if you weren't born with pearls around your neck and a trust fund you really don't belong. VERY STUFFY. but the food was pretty tasty and the bathrooms were de-luxeeee.


1135 - 20 feb I board my flight- seat 2a. woah. LAY DOWN BEDS? i'm sorry what. It's criminal that such comfort is possible on those flights when people are jammed in the back like sardines. that was the most delightful flight ive ever taken. If i have extra cash on hand, i'm 100% indulging on the way home. wow.

1200 - 20 feb - 1535 21 feb
I pretty much worked the whole flight. Oh i also booked our Osaka hotel because who the hell wants to book anything early when you can just....wing it -_- speaking of i should absolutely be planning osaka vs just sitting here writing.
1800 - 21 feb
ARRIVE IN ASAKUSA- omg what a journey. took the skyliner to oueno station, then transferred to the metro & walked to our hotel. i forced myself to shower, and go for a walk....asakusa is so sick. i was able to go to the senso-ji shrine in the dark which was absolutely beautiful and not nearly as packed as what i assumed daytime would be. i checked out a couple of other street vendors, and made my way back to the hotel to knock out around 9pm. oh also i got followed for a little bit - that was interesting lol. nothing crazy but you know that feeling when you're being followed and your hair stands on your neck? i was on a quieter street, and could tell there was a man trailing about 15 ft behind me to my left. kate had warned me that it was common for white women to be stalked (cweepy) and just to be careful i intentionally led us right into the middle of a VERY busy tourist area. i stopped on the corner, he walked up and also stopped...looked around. i turned my body to face him and shot lasers with my eyeballs and he kind of looked around, then looked back at me, and then turned and walked back the way we came. weirdo alert. i walked around for a while longer just to make sure he was gone gone before heading back to my hotel to rest my weary head down and take a nap. PS how frickin cute is this place?
Asakusa Kaede - highly recommend!

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hhhuh... you'd think with whatever black was doing to cause all of this would easily spread around the rest of the world... guess not... if its funds you need I could just find some chunks of gold out in space, its literally super easy for me to just teleport onto an asteroid and just mine it out myself~ pretty sure most anon's can do the same thing but, most also need to breathe and... yea there's a whole system with that stuff but you get the point -
"His... system... is.. confusing. It hurts to talk about it, knowing I once was a part of it, but.." He took a deep breath (infodump incoming, I cut it just in case bc it's a bit lengthy HEL)
"Black would basically take people from different communities and essentially try to make as many of us follow him, in the religious sense, as possible. It was a bit interesting since, in most other cults, still weird calling it that now, the community is at one place. But Black actually wanted people from different places. He wanted to spread his influence to as many places as possible, to as many people from different places."
"We were led to believe he was helping us in some way. Some people desired community, some wanted prosperity, some were like me and just simply wanted protection, or at least the comfort of feeling safe. And he uses this to make us continue following him, saying we'll never have a chance if not for his guidance."
"... I believe he is eventually going to go after the more large and populated places. He already has some people from said places who follow him, but not as many as I'd think he would like. I think mine was one of the first targets because it's smaller. Easier to deal with. I didn't even help him after the madness started and.. well.. this is the result. The main reason he didn't get a chance to finish us all off was due to Mr. Sun and Mr. Tree."
"... I'm rambling, I'm so sorry. I.. reallyyy needed to talk about him, now that I know what I know. I'm holding back on speaking about my past affiliation with him to my fellow survivors, but I suppose I could use my platform as a warning of sorts, so.. here this is. You all know anyways."
"Aaanyways- I- wow I really lost track- that is a unique ability you have. I don't want to force you to go out of your way, even though you claim it's easy, but I wouldn't decline if you did this. I just worry about if we were to be questioned how we got space gold.."
#sprunki rp#sprunki jevin#techy-the-bot-anon#🐦asks#Does any if this even make sense WHAHAA#I'm improv a lot of this bc a lot of it's stuff I didn't even think about yet even tho I probably should have LOL#Better late than never!!! Yay!!#Knowing me I might rethink certain things in the future but for now here's what I got#So sorry for the long reply tho frfr
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Misfits Chap. 1
Namora x black!mutant!fem!punk!reader
summary: after living for more than 100 years, you decided to fuck around and make a metal detector for money-that happened to detect vibranium as well
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, mention of overdose, drugs, alcohol, death, graphic violence, smut (eventually), to much of the word "you"
the reader doesn't HAVE to be black but it's my fanfic so i get to do whatever i want
abilities: stamina, durability, agility, regeneration of wounds, strength, can breath underwater
You were born a long time ago, and by long I mean LONG, time ago. you had a fine childhood with loving parents, you would do mostly anything they had asked.
But you did get into a little trouble now and again (now and again meaning most times).
You were always defiant, you couldn't be told what you should and shouldn't do because you would always question it. When people in your mothers circle tried to talk bad about you, saying how you would end up on the streets or in a boarding school if you were their child, your parents would always defend you.
even when you didn't deserve it.
Your powers appeared when you were 11, slipped off a roof while spray painting and banged your head really bad, leaving a big bump and some blood. While it hurt, you healed in about an hour or 2. "Cool" you thought and never brung it up to anyone.
Stopped aging at around 20, you were overjoyed at the fact that you could stay "forever young", be wild and not get judged for it, but then reality started to dig its fingers into you when everyone loved died,
your mother was the last to go, officially leaving you with nobody and nothing. you mourned. ALOT, but realized that someway somehow you were given the gift of a long life and you shouldn't spend half of it being a depressed, lonely bitch.
That's when the frequent parties started.
You went to every exciting party that you could find. you were drunk and hungover at the same time which you didn't think was possible but it still happened. made a lot of life long and short term friends. You did every drug imaginable because due to your powers you actually thought you were immortal
but when you od'ed you backed off and stayed sober.
(had a lot of sex with men and woman)
you met every big celebrity of the decade, some were nice, some you got into fights with (most you won) Many people fell in love with you, but after the fourth person you realized they only loved you for how "wild" and "exciting" you were, they didn't like you for you.
You also took up some mma classes because you never know when you need to beat someone up.
You thought that life could never get better until you went to a short trip to England in the late 70s that would change you life philosophy forever.
Punk rock. it was like the answer you were looking for all your life, people who acted like you and dressed like you. Nancy spungen was the first friend you made in the scene, many people hated her but she was your friend. you were so close with her, that after she died you packed your bags and moved back to the u.s.
You spent the rest of the pre 2010's traveling and learning different languages, Yacutec Mayan included. Your healing abilities got better and you can now heal as fast as 9 seconds. In 2011, you finally decided to settle in Cambridge, mass.
It's may of 2024. you wake up In the middle of the night due to a phone call. You live comfortably as a computer hacker and engineer, your main clients are college students who are late on assignments and lazy business men who were trust fund babies. you lived In an mediorce/could have been better apartment.
You answer the phone. "Hello?-" "I need you to do something for me, I'm outside." "I'm sorry but you need to call back to-" It ends. You, out of annoyace and slight curiosity, you grab a sweater and head to the door. you open it to see a pale, tall man with a black-slick suit on and a straight face.
He has a badge of some organization on the left side of his chest, and a shape of a gun in his pocket to the right.
The room fills with a cool breeze and a little bit of fear. "Can I help you?" you say. "I need a metal detector."
"Well i don't really have them on hand-" "I can wait.'' He lets him into your apartment, gets a chair and sits down with his legs and arms crossed. The right side of your brain wanted to start an argument with him but your left and gut feeling unanimously agreed to just do what he says so he won't like, send people after you.
You walk to your bedroom to get all your supplies while staring at the man to make sure he doesn't do anything.
You come back and with the supplies and the man is still there, staring at you intensely as you walk into the room. you clear the table he sits at and grabs another chair and you try to get to work but you notice the man is still staring at you and now your supplies.
"You know this is gonna take forever,right??" "Well it won'tbe a waste" he pats his wallet. Awkward silence occurs soon there after
"Do you want anything to eat??'' He doesn't respond. "note taken" you turn back to your work.
You worked well into the night, slight fear of what would happen if you stopped, which was a first. You Finally finished it at 6:32 am, yawning as you give it to him. He puts it down and gets out a slick black briefcase, unlocks the buckles, and opens it. His closes his eyes and blinks multiple times to adjust to the purple light shining on his face.
He brings out this bright purple leaf-like object and puts it on the table. he takes the detector and puts it right over it, he turns it on. It almost immediately beeps, detecting the strange thing. The pale man perks up his lips, almost creating a smile across his face but it quickly turns straight. "Thank you again" He says blankly as he brings out his wallet and gives you 12k.
He picks up his things along with the detector and leaves, the door closing softly. Normally this wouldn't faze you, you've been in room with the most infamous mob bosses, stranger things have happened in your life for sure but, this time you can't shake the feeling that something's gonna happen, something bad.
A week later you almost shaked the feeling off completely. You paid your rent for 2 months, went shopping, and bought a new guitar. You usually make your own clothes but this time you wanted to prolong the happiness.
While you were getting ready to go out, a feeling of anxiety fell over you- that you were in danger?
You took a gun and a knife just in case.
Late at night, While driving across a bridge to get gas. your tires suddenly gave out and deflated. You got out of the car to check out the problem. You opened the back of your car to get out an air pump when you heard a faint voice start to sing.
It didn't faze you at first but then you heard another, than another, than another, it grew louder and louder. folklore was passed from your extended family on to you about "mami wata" and sirens.
Of course you didn't believe it at first but when you grew older always had a pair of ear plugs on you just in case so you put them on just in time so the eerily mesmerizing voices didn't consume you.
All of a sudden a 2 ginormous humpback whales comes out of the water and on to the bridge, crushing your car and in a matter of seconds you didn't jump and roll just in time. Still feeling the shock waves of the whales, You turn back to look at the anomaly and 4 blue people jump off of them.
One woman had orange and white feathers on the top of her head and a big tall man with long hair and 2 others that weren't that memorable to the eye.
The outfits were gorgeous don't get me wrong but confusion is what you felt the most. The sirens of the emergency vehicle show up before the car itself and it crashes into the whale. The blue people look back at the car and the woman says something.
"Deshazte u Jmeyaj metalúrgico, ocuparé ti' le testigos (get rid of the metal worker, i'll deal with the witnesses.)" You try to decipher what she said In your brain but you soon realize as the other 3 are walking towards you menacingly.
You grab your gun and knife. The other two blue warriors Jump at you, using their spears to try to impale you. They stab your arm and leg but due to your powers, you healed quickly and it didn't affect you that much.
The two weapons you got were much to no use. You used your gun to shoot all three of them but it got cut in half, knife got knocked out of the fight as quickly as possible
But it was close.
You overhanded the one closest to you and roundhouse kicked the other, but they still kept getting up. Getting annoyed, you grabbed one of their spears and hit them in the head with it as hard as you could, knocking them dead with blood trickling out of their ear- creating a puddle.
While you were turned, the other one hits you with their heavy metal spear right on your upper spine. You wince in pain, the warrior raises up their spear to put an end to you but you grab the end of the metal and use it as a support beam to launch both of your feet at them for maximum impact.
(You were wearing platform boots too, so that must've hurt.)
The warrior falls back a couple inches, You felt immense pain but you scrambled to find anything because you knew the warrior wasn't gonna stay down for long. In the darkness you try to feel anything with a sharp edge for good use in the fight.
You felt the knife that was thrown earlier. You grab it and turn around to find that the spear was at your neck, seconds away from penetrating. You try every way to get out but to no avail. You looked down in saddened realization. "this is it" You thought. But then you quickly remembered
Your other hand was free.
You drop the knife into your other hand and before the warrior could react, plunged it deep into their stomach. The warrior made a sound of shock. You dragged it across the right side of their stomach until the knife came back out, feeling some of their organs in the process.
the warrior falls back and stops moving, their spear now in your hand. The man with long hair looks at the scene, just analyzing it and looking at you. "Xeen a wil ba'ax táan u beetik namora, ocuparé u este (Go see what namora's doing, i'll deal with this one)"
Both of their eyes open at the same time- Organs and bones slid back into place and flickers of life came into them, It was like Frankenstein's monster coming back from the dead.
"No. way," you said quietly in disbelief as they ran off to go catch up with namora. "No fucking way!!" you said louder as you spin your new found spear, and the fight between you and the big man co menses.
You held your ground at first, riding off the adrenaline from the other two you just “killed’’. but sooner or later the fight started to work out more and more in his favor. He was taller, more skilled, and a just a tiny bit stronger than you.
Luckily your stamina came into play because if you had gotten the-least bit tried you would have met your ancestors in the most gursome way. One point he had you by the throat up against the ground. during the struggle he kicked the spear you were using just right out of your reach.
You kicked him in the Achillies heel, nuts and used both of your legs to put him in a chokehold, knocking off his headwear. Now with him focused on the fact that he has a full grown adult on his head and that he couldn't see anything but your stomach,
You have the time to back flip off of him, use one of the spears and hit him across the face, leaving a long scar. He touches the scar- seeing the blood and wipes it away with his other finger to confirm what just happened, surprised about how somebody was of his caliber, but some weird feeling of-- respect.
"Ba'ax láayli' ma' a kiinsik u Jmeyaj metalúrgico.! [You still haven't killed the metal worker?!,]" The woman comes aggressively walking toward the both of you with the others following behind. "Tu yaan in meentik Teene' wéet túun! (I'll do it myself then!)
"Pa'atik! (Wait!)" You said and she stops and the both of them look at you. "In wojel ba'ax K'a'abet k yantalto'on kajak yéetel k'aas wa'atal, chéen ba'ale' kolnáalen bey Teeche' (I know we got off on wrong footing but I'm just like you,)"
You look for other words to say since you haven't spoken for a long while. "Je'el u páajtal in wáantikech! (I can help you!). The man laughs,
"Bixi?! (How?!)" You look for anything that could help you- then you remember your healing abilities. "Paakat (look)" You raise up the spear carefully, looking at the both of them so they don't think your being aggressive, you put the spear right above your wrist and cut yourself all the way to your shoulder.
It quickly healed. They had a straight face so you couldn't read their emotions but they all looked at each other- they finally made their decision.
"Taj ma'alo'ob (very well)" The woman takes out a green fish net bag, gets a weird story of device that looked like a can and handed it to the tall man. He cracked it open and rolled it to your feet.
2 seconds later it started to make sound, purple smoke started to come out of it. You started to feel a tingling sense in your lungs and started coughing, dizziness and nausea started to overcome you, now the tingling started to feel. Like. Burning.
The violet smoke was to overwhelming for you, you fell to the ground, last thing you saw was the woman's feathers on her head poking out before you passed out.
A/n: there is not enough namora fics!! Wattpad:saturnshaze
#mcu#mcu namor#namora#black!y/n#black!reader#namora imagine#namora x reader#mabel cadena#alex livinalli#marvel#black panther 2#black panther wakanda forever#bpwf#black panther#marvel headcanons#namora x poc!reader#attuma#Spotify
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A Good Listener
The Nimbasa City Subway System was vast
And far more complex than any in her home region.
Lucky for Anya, she just had one stop. Just one.
If only she could stop feeling so anxious about it.
Standing before the platform, with Drew and Daniel flanking her and keeping strangers from getting too close, she stared at the crowd, trying to find a good place to stand that wasn’t too far away from where the trains came and went.
She spotted a black hat by one of the pillars, and recognized the symbol.
The subway masters, the twins. Battle bosses - and they also ran the subway.
Was this one of their regular stations? This wasn’t a battle subway station…
But… no one seemed to be standing too close to him. It could be a good place to stand so she didn’t miss the train
“Phew, okay guys. Le’s go”
She marched with purpose, and took up the safe, respectively distance from the subway master.
It was perfect.
The subway master managed to tower over her by a good few inches, which surprised her - she was taller than average, even in Unova. He had a straight face, with what looked like a perpetual frown, and he matched all of his promotional photos to a T
Anya recalled that she had to take promotional photos. She fought to keep her expression even.
As the train pulled into the station, a booming voice took over the echoing area
Ah, that's why people didn’t stand close.
Daniel had taken to grabbing her arm, and Drew let out a yelp, though remained otherwise composed.
She pat him briefly, before they rushed off onto the subway train.
Other than the voice, that area was nice and open, She could deal with it.
For the sake of her comfort, Daniel was going to have to just learn to deal with it.
He did, thank whatever the gods of Unova were. Kyurem? Reshiram? She couldn’t recall off the top of her head.
She needed to read up on it.
So she did!
Perk of being a master librarian.
For the next few weeks, she’d started reading on the train platform, burning through books of Unovan history, eventually focusing on Nimbasa-related books.
One that caught her eye was a historical fiction novel about the politics of creating the Subway system. She had no idea that Unova’s train system was over 150 years old, much less that getting the trains running in Nimbasa City was met with resistance from the initial residents.
“Huh. So he funded it, an’ designed it?” she muttered, as if conversing to with Drew on the matter “Irving Mulligan, wha’ a name”
“That is incorrect” A baritone voice interrupted her train of thought.
Anya and her pokemon turned their heads to face the conductor, who was now looking at the book in her hands
“Irving Mulligan was a rich man who funded the creation of the first train station in Nimbasa City, but he had nothing to do with its design. That was his wife, Melissa Mulligan” he stated.
Anya blinked “.. Why is he listed as the designer though? The reference in the book states that the official documents ‘ave his name.”
Anya thought about it for about 2 seconds “Ah… tha’ makes sense. Her design seems very ahead o’ it’s time, if the book’s any indication”
“It absolutely was, in more than just its design - it was decades ahead in disability access as well”
Anya found her curiosity piqued in that regard “Really?”
“Yes! You see, it was not just the shallow ramps, it was-”
The tell tale bell of the upcoming subway stopping him in his tracks, so to speak, Anya startled “Oh, tha’s mah train. Sorreh!”
“Ah, I must apologize, I got carried away”
“No, not at all! It was really interestin!” There was a brightness in his eyes that showed some gratitude at her interest “Do have a safe trip” “Thank ya! Uh, have a good day!” She headed closer to the train, as the conductor returned to his work, calling out with his booming voice to direct passengers appropriately.
As Anya got on the train, she thought about the interaction.
That was the first non-work interaction she’d had in Nimbasa City, other than retail workers.
And now she had all these questions about what he’d been talking about.
The very Next day, Anya made a beeline for where the conductor was typically stationed. He made very, very brief eye contact with her, before looking back out at the crowd.
She cleared her throat “Pardon me”
He looked down at her, god, he was tall.
She suddenly felt nervous.
“How might I assist you?”
“Uhm” she cleared her throat again - nervous habit - “ I uh. I would like to hear more about Melissa Mulligan!” She rushed out “Y’were interrupted by th’train before, an’ I couldn’t find anythin’ in the library ‘bout her that wasn’t checked out or about ‘er ‘usband”
Though his expression remained flat, Anya could see the surprise in his eyes - it seemed to be positive?
“If - uh - If ya want, if ye don’ i’s completely fine - I .. Ahm sorry that was-”
Anya (And a few people nearby) startled a bit, and she looked back at him from her sheepish looking away.
He cleared his own throat
“Your curiosity is something I appreciate. I would be happy to explain more from yesterday's interrupted conversation”
She hoped that she looked as relieved as she felt. “You said that her design was decades ahead for disabled peoples?”
The conductor nodded, “As I stated, it was not just the ramps for those with wheelchairs, there was also-”
He started on yet another lecture that Anya’s full attention was taken by, going about explaining how the designer of the first station had built it with deaf and blind people in mind, as well as those with reading difficulties. To think that someone had thought of that over 150 years ago really was something else. Anya appreciated such things.
But then the bell rung, and the conductor stopped
“Ah, y’r Ingo, right? Subway master Ingo?”
He nodded
“I’s nice t’meet you! See ya tomorrah!” She managed, giving him a slight bow of her head before she rushed to the train.
Ingo blinked, but returned to form and proceeded to conduct his business, thinking, distantly, that she didn’t introduce herself
Anya realized that very fact while she stood in the subway, and groaned in embarrassment. Her Yamasks - who had remained pretty quiet through the interaction, cooed little “yah”s in comfort.
Ugh, she'll try again tomorrow.
“You are Anya, the new Battle Facility Head, yes?”
He ‘greeted’ her when she approached.
She looked surprised “Ah… yes. I ‘m”
“Well, it is nice to meet you.. Would you like to continue?”
At long last she smiled, and gave him a nod. Her Yamasks looked at him suspiciously, but he said nothing about it, continuing his explanation from where it left off the other day.
This went on for over two weeks, and by the end of it, Anya felt like she knew the entire history of the Nimbasa City Subway and Train system.
It was fascinating, even if she didn’t have the same fascination with the trains themselves that Ingo did.
“- There is far more history, I assure you, but that is all connected to Melissa Mulligan.”
“... tha’s still a lo’ “ Anya commented “Bu’ absolutely fascinatin’”
“I find it fascinating too” Ingo nodded “I appreciate your listening ear”
“I appreciate your knowledge!” She responds.
Ingo seemed to have a contemplative look in his eyes for a moment, before checking the time with a pocket watch, and then lifting up his arm, showing his Xtrans “Do you have one?”
She looked a it confused, but rolled her sleeve up, showing her Xtrans “I uh, jus’ go’ it yesterday”
He looked at it, and tapped something on his, before holding it up to her, with hers promptly beeping
“My Xtrans code” he stated “Should you have any further questions”
“Oh! Uh… thank you. Does that give ye mine in return? Back in Galar we jus’ ‘ave Rotophones…”
“You can simply message me with your name and I will save you as a contact” Ingo nodded.
“Oh… thank you” Anya gave him a small smile - opting to not tell him that his code was the first new one in her Xtrans.
For just a split second, he flashed her a small, closed-mouth smile “Please, do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or clarifications” “I shall, thank ye vereh much, Ingo” “Your train will be arriving shortly. Have a good day at work, Miss Anya” “Just Anya, and I hope y’do as well”
The two parted their ways, but both had that feeling you get after a good interaction
That lighthearted feeling of having a new friend.
#Remember This#pokemon#pokemon oc#anya ambermight#nimbasa librarian#pokemon anya#ingo#submas ingo#submas#pokemon ingo#nimbasa city#yamask#drew#daniel#fiction#written only
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SUMMARY. Todoroki Shouto was a wealthy, young CEO who inherited his father’s enterprise. You were a barista at a local cafe who wouldn’t mind some extra cash. One day, Shouto came in during an early morning shift and tipped you such a large sum of money, you were certain it had to have been an accident. To your surprise and complete pleasure: It was not.
PAIRING. ceo!todoroki shouto x barista!reader
GENRE. ceo/barista au, fluff, eventual smut
WARNINGS. enji makes an appearance bleh, enji being classist, enji...ew, okay i swear most of the chapter is shouto and y/n being cute though
A/N. ngl i have genshin brainrot real bad at the moment but i still have motivation for ceo!shouto and ceo!shouto only u.u there are only 7 parts to this series so we’re at the halfway mark already AHHH i hope u enjoy reading and lmk what u think!! :3 xx sof
© myherowritings — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, copying, or translating of any kind is not allowed. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
Shouto’s day went from good to bad faster than it took to pull an espresso.
It started off with a good morning text from you and having a brief, but pleasant, interaction at your work. Actually, the past few weeks have been going along a similar routine that he found himself settling into all too comfortably. You even upheld your promise of stealing him away one weekend to walk around the park, get food, and just have time to relax and be happy for once.
Getting to be in your presence almost daily became so normalized in his life that even some of his employees heard about the cute barista with the best pastries. Yet, although he saw you often, he found himself wanting to talk to you more and more.
But for now, Shouto told himself to settle with starting the mornings off with you. They were the best mornings he’s had in a while and he didn’t want to sound ungrateful.
Today, however, went sour fast after he heard his father was coming up to the top floor for a meeting with him. He didn’t find the idea of Enji visiting to be the most abhorrent thing, but the moment his father opened his mouth, Shouto quickly took that back.
As expected, his father reminded him about the annual charity gala Todoroki Enterprises was expected to attend. Handfuls of galas ran through the year, but the once hosted by Naruhata Industries under the guise of raising money and awareness for the charities of choice.
In theory, a charity gala ball sounded humanitarian and a way for the upper class to give back, but in reality, most of the funds collected didn’t go to the actual charities, instead they went to paying for the venue, live bands, entertainment, the most expensive catering, decorations, and more. What presented itself as a charitable event in the eyes of the public was really a way rich people could flaunt their wealth and feel good about themselves for doing absolutely nothing to benefit society. A way for the rich to suck their own dicks, if you would.
Shouto absolutely hated it.
It was also a press opportunity and, in his father’s eyes, a way to gain public favor for the Todoroki business. Today, Enji attempted to tell him that bringing a date that fit the mold of high society was the best way for him to establish rapport through media coverage. Apparently, the image news outlets have placed on Shouto were either a heartbreaker and playboy with no care for other’s emotions, or a monotonous stoic who seemed like a robot with no care for other’s emotions.
In either cases, there seemed to be a theme of Shouto not caring for others.
He sighed.
“You can’t keep that image, Shouto,” said Enji with his arms folded across his chest. “If the media sees you with someone—a nice girl with a good upbringing—then your likeability will increase tenfold. If there’s no one you like, I’ll have to set up a date for you.”
For a while, he was torn between telling his dad to fuck off and trying to do as he said to keep peace within the family. But then, an image of you popped into his head.
“Actually, there is someone I like.”
Enji narrowed his eyes. “Oh? An educated girl with wealthy parents?”
“There’s someone I like,” he simply repeated, the tone in his voice growing cold.
He didn’t know anything about your upbringing or family nor did he exactly care. Shouto didn’t want to bring a date to the dumb gala, but if he had to, he would want it to be you. Only if you agreed, of course. But if you weren’t willing, then he had to face the facts that his father would most likely force a date of his own choosing upon Shouto.
“That’s good you like someone, son,” Enji said through his teeth, “but we have to make sure it’s not some sort of...loose woman. That’d be even worse publicity—”
“I like someone and if you really cared about my happiness like you said you did, that’d be enough.”
There was a tense silence in the air. Shouto didn’t have enough fingers to count the number of times Enji had told him and his siblings that he would try to be a better dad. A caring dad who only wanted what was best for his children. A better husband for Rei. A better example for the public. The first few times, Shouto believed it. But Enji said the same things over and over again with no lasting change and Shouto was just fed up.
After hearing the same lie told to him over and over again, it seemed to lose its weight. He seemed to lose his hope in his father ever changing.
Still, Shouto had to deal with him for as long as he lived. That much he knew as a son living in this society.
But he hoped Enji at least had enough guilt to let him have this.
Shouto blinked in surprise.
Enji stated, “If you think your date can help your public image and not be a complete embarrassment to the business, you can bring them.”
That was the closest thing to approval Shouto would get today. He nodded and listened along to whatever else his father had to say, the only thing actually on his mind was thinking about how he would ask you out on a date to some stuffy gala. And hope that you’d say yes.
— ✩ —
“Wait, so, let me get this straight— You’re the CEO of Todoroki Enterprises and even after almost two months of knowing you, I had no clue?”
He inclined his head, looking solemn. “Yes, I’m sorry. Are you upset with me for not telling you sooner?”
Initial shock aside, you couldn’t say that you were too surprised at the revelation. You knew Shouto was wealthy and probably in some high-up position in the business industry, but you never knew to what extent. A CEO? That had to be the highest rank in a company! And a company as well known as Todoroki Enterprises?
The thought made you a little nervous. The guy you slowly befriended over the course of short cafe visits and silly texts was Mr. Todoroki? Or worse— The guy you stole away from doing work for a whole weekend was someone as busy as a CEO? You internally groaned. That had to be against laws of the universe or something.
“I’m not upset, no,” you said with a shake of your head. “I just...can’t believe it I guess.” Eyes widening, you were quick to amend your words. “Well, I can believe it. You seem very intelligent and well-put together and, uh, rich! But I guess I just didn’t think a CEO would be so funny and kind.” You winced. “Oh no, is that mean to say?”
“I don’t think it’s mean.” He shrugged. “You’re right to say most people in this field aren’t known for their delightful temperaments.”
You absentmindedly drummed your finger against your thigh, trying to process this new information. “So you’re Todoroki Shouto...and you want me to be your date to the Naruhata Charity Ball?”
“Yeah. I know it’s a huge favor to ask, and I promise you can say no if you choose,” said Shouto in earnest. “I don’t want you to feel obligated to agree.”
With a hum, you stretched your legs out under the table before crossing one over the other again. It was a Saturday afternoon where you had no work and Shouto managed to escape from his for a few hours of the day. You took him to your favorite ice cream place nearby and the two of you ate at a dining area outside the establishment.
Just a mundane day as two friends hanging out with each other where you found out one of those friends was the chief executive officer of a billion dollar business headquartered in Japan.
Totally normal, everyday occurrences, obviously.
“And you need a date for this event?” you asked. In all honesty, you would be more than happy if Shouto asked you out on a date. He was fun and you enjoyed getting to know him. But these particular circumstances made you a tad bit more nervous.
“I normally wouldn’t need to bring one, but my father insists it’d help my public image and in turn the image of the company.” With a pinched look on his face, he took a bite of his ice cream. “In other words I bring a date or he picks one for me.”
You weren’t the most caught up on super rich people drama, but it was almost infamous how estranged the Todoroki family was. Again, you didn’t know much but you did know enough to say that Todoroki Enji seemed like a Class A asshole. If you could help Shouto out with his weird dilemma, you saw no reason not to.
“So this charita gala is like where they have those live auctions and silent auctions and get tipsy on fancy wine and champagne for hours right?”
He tilted his head to the side. “Yeah. Have you attended one?”
“Not quite,” you said with a sheepish smile. “I’ve volunteered at one in school though. As one of those runners? It was fun. I got a bunch of those tiny complimentary candies!” Your mouth watered at the memory. “What kind of drug were in those candies? I’ve never had candy so good before!”
“The tiny, circular candies with the excessively big wrapper? The fruity ones?”
You shot up in your seat, excited he knew what you were talking about. “Yes! That’s the one!”
The corners of his mouth quirked upwards. “I always see those at these types of events.”
“So… The candy will be there at the gala you want me to accompany you to?”
“Most likely.”
“Can I take a bunch of those from candies there…?” you asked with an optimistic grin.
“I’ll be your accomplice in sneaking them out.”
“It’s a date!” you said before Shouto could get another word out.
You’d be reunited with those yummy, fancy candies you’ve been separated from for far too long. What other reason did you need to agree?
With a determined look on your face, you held your hand out for Shouto to shake to seal the deal.
He blinked. “Wait. Did you want to discuss it some more? Maybe have a few days to think it through? I’m grateful, of course, but I don’t want you regretting anything.”
“No. I won’t regret it. I’d do anything to taste those candies again.”
Shouto looked unsure what to say. “Isn’t there some parable warning people not to be bribed by candy?”
“Not to take candy from a baby?”
“No. Not that one.”
“That’s the only one I know.”
“Never mind then.”
The two of you exchanged confused looks before letting out fits of laughter. You weren’t sure if either of you knew exactly what the other was laughing at, but the moment was an enjoyable one nonetheless.
“Yet another reason to bring me to that fancy event— I’ll make sure you’re entertained all the way through,” you playfully bragged, smoothing down the front of your shirt.
“The event will definitely be more bearable with you there.” He licked a small bit of his ice cream from his pink spoon, making a sound of approval. “But you can change your mind about coming at any time, Y/N.”
“I won’t,” you said, holding a pinky out. “Pinky promise.”
With what seemed like a bashful expression on his face, Shouto extended his own pinky to interlock yours. You sealed it with a kiss and a heart, like you were a kid again.
“Now, am I supposed to be in love with you at the gala?” you asked nonchalantly, finishing off your last bite of ice cream. He offered you a spoonful of his and you tried not to grow too flustered at Shouto feeding you his dessert. You murmured a quiet, “Thanks.”
He gave you a small smile. “You’re welcome. As for being in love… I don’t think that’s necessary. Just pretend you like being around me, I think.”
Under the table, you nudged his shoe with yours, pulling a face. “I don’t have to pretend about that, silly.”
“Ah, well,” he paused, offering you another spoonful of ice cream, “I don’t either.”
“I’m glad.” Then, “Is this strawberry? I was never a big strawberry ice cream fan but for some reason this tastes so good.”
You ignored the nagging voice in your head that said maybe it wasn’t so much the ice cream flavor but who you were enjoying it with.
The two of you finished his dessert in peace and after cleaning up the area with a napkin, Shouto turned to you with an intent look on his face.
“Before the gala, would you mind if I talk you shopping so you could pick out what to wear?” he asked. “I would pay of course— It’s the least I could do to say thank you.”
You shook your head. “You don’t have to thank me! You’re my friend and I want to help.” You thought about it for a moment. “And get the candy.”
“Anything for the candy.”
“Exactly,” you said in complete seriousness. “But I wouldn’t mind going shopping with you. You could help me decide what to wear! I’m not exactly sure how to dress for an event as fancy as this.”
“You could wear anything to the event and still look amazing.” His words were ones of flattery but his tone sounded completely genuine.
Heat rose to your cheeks at the compliment. “Look who’s talking— You’re practically runway ready no matter what time of day.”
“I’ve never walked a runway before.”
You stifled a laugh at his literal interpretation of your words. Cute. “Me neither.”
He looked confused at why you were grinning, but it still brought a smile to his own lips.
By now the sun had begun to set and Shouto was walking you to the train to see you off before you went home.
“Can I pick you up next weekend in the morning?” he said. “So we can get your outfit for the gala?”
“Sure! I’ll text you my address.”
He nodded in contentment. “And again, you don’t have to worry about any costs.”
“Is this why my friends have called you a sugar daddy?” you teased, bumping your shoulder against his as you walked down the street, side-by-side. “But thank you. Shopping will be fun— We can even match colors!”
“Mn.” He looked between the both of you, as if trying to picture what colors would complement each other.
You crossed the sidewalk in a comfortable silence, enjoying the scenery by Shouto’s side. A few times, you even felt his knuckles brush against yours and you had the undeniable urge to hold his hand. Would that be weird? you asked yourself before deciding against it.
Just because he asked you to be his date for the Naruhata Charity Ball didn’t mean he actually liked you, right? It was just a favor from a friend to a friend.
Something about that though made your stomach unsettled. Maybe part of you wanted it to be a real date— Wanted this to be a real date.
“So I won’t be seeing you tomorrow,” you said after a moment’s silence, trying not to look too dejected.
You knew he’d still text good morning and good night and ask you random things throughout the day (all of which you found really endearing, by the way), but it was still different from seeing him in person. Even though your time together in the morning was small, they still were enough to make your day. The thought of your waking hours being so entwined made you nervous, but for some reason it didn’t bother you as much as you thought it would. In fact, it was sort of...nice.
“I’ll see you Monday morning, right?” you asked hopefully, though you were already fairly certain of the answer.
Shouto nodded. “Of course. It’s already marked on my calendar.”
“Ever the flatterer, hmm?”
“Not flattery, just the truth.” He pulled his phone out and showed you his (rather packed) calendar app. To your surprise, a little reminder that said ‘See Y/N :)’ was marked on his Monday schedule.
Unable to stop the beam from spreading across your lips, you hid your face in your hands. Gosh— Did he have to be so cute? He was making it harder and harder to only like him as a friend. And even now, you weren’t sure if you liked him only as a friend.
But you pushed those thoughts away.
That was something to deal with at a later time.
When you reached the train station you normally took home, you turned to Shouto, giving him a big hug. He was tall and warm. You could feel his lean muscles through his button-down shirt as you rested your head against his chest and arms around his waist.
“Thanks for today,” you mumbled. “I’ll see you again soon.”
After a pause, he gave you a hug back, hands rubbing hesitant circles on your back in a way that made you smile. “Text me when you get home safe,” he said as you both reluctantly released each other from an embrace.
“I will,” you promised. “You do the same! Later, Shouto!”
And with that, you waved goodbye and boarded the train, unable to shake the unwavering grin on your face all the way home.
a/n: when shouto started feeding y/n spoonfuls of his ice cream i cried (T▽T) that’s so cUTE OF HIM LIKE PLS SIR STOP BEFORE I FALL MORE IN LOVE WITH U !! >:O he’s such a sweetheart ahhhh,, i hope all the fluff made up for the brief appearance of endeavor ಠ╭╮ಠ FHDJKF
what to expect in the next part:
shopping for the gala time !!
y/n struggles with their fEeLiNGs~ part 2
oh my, y/n has to try on dresses? oh my, it’d be a shame if they needed help putting it on :o *fake gasp*
yeah things get just a lil steamy but shh
#bnha x reader#bnha#bnha imagines#bnha fanfiction#boku no hero academia#mha#mha x reader#mha imagines#mha fanfiction#bnha scenarios#todoroki shouto x reader#todoroki x reader#todoroki shoto x reader#shouto x reader#shoto x reader#todoroki imagines#shouto todoroki x reader#shoto todoroki x reader#bnha x you#bnha x y/n#todoroki x y/n#bnha fluff#mha scenarios#todoroki shouto#todoroki shoto#bnha todoroki
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Something there that wasn’t there before.
Jonathan Crane x Reader
Summary: [Y/N] is a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum. Bruce Wayne is holding a charity gala to help raise some funds for the asylum and [Y/N] along with some colleagues are invited. Her friend and crush Jonathan Crane was one of her co-workers that was invited too and they both enjoy the evening together.
Prompt: “Be still my heart.” Word Count: 2,626
You worked as a psychiatrist in Arkham Asylum and you, along with some of your other co-workers, had been invited to a charity gala hosted by Bruce Wayne which intended to help raise money for the Asylum. You were wearing a beautiful dress that you had picked out a few days earlier and had just parked up in your car outside the gala hall, you sighed feeling nervous to go in. There were going to be so many people there, one of which was Dr. Jonathan Crane, your friend and co-worker who you had been low-key crushing on for the past few years, your heart jumped into your mouth just thinking about him being there.
“I bet he’s wearing something really nice- wait no- he’s just your friend, shut up!” you thought aloud.
You pulled yourself together and got out of your car, shyly walking to the door and trying to distract yourself from the photographers and reporters at the entrance who were also here about the gala.
“Name, please.” said a frightening-looking bouncer,
“Dr. [Y/N] [L/N].” You told him,
“Ah, I see your name, you may enter.”
“Thanks..” you quickly entered the hall.
It was a beautiful venue, priceless golden chandeliers hung from the ceiling of the corridor with marble lining the floor that led to a foyer. For a corridor it was massive, it felt intimidating. You cautiously wandered onward, the corridor was fairly empty with only a few people littered here and there, some people on the phone, some couples making out and drunk people stumbling around aimlessly. You reached the entrance of the hall and looked around, there were so many rich and famous people here, it was easy to feel like you didn’t belong here. You saw some of your co-workers spanning the hall, there were some of them together in groups, sticking together but then you saw someone in the crowd that was not with the rest of your colleagues. It was Jonathan. It felt like time stopped when you saw him, he was wearing a really lovely suit and you felt your pulse quicken, you took a step backwards and bashfully looked at the ground,
“Be still my heart.” You muttered to yourself.
You braced yourself and walked on into the foyer, you decided to get something to drink to set your head straight. After sipping your drink, you looked up only to lock eyes with none other than Jonathan on the other side of the room. He smiled at you and smiled back, if you had still had the water in your mouth you probably would have spat it out in surprise. Luckily, you were able to hide your surprise pretty well.
The moment was cut short when a man who seemingly worked for Bruce Wayne came onto the stage and told everyone that the ballroom was now open and people began to make their way in the direction of the ballroom. You put your drink down and followed the crowd, you could see Jonathan up ahead in the corner of your eye and you tried to ignore him for your own good, however, you were doing a terrible job at that.
Once you entered the ballroom, you were mesmerised by how enchanting it truly was in here. You took in every last corner of it and smiled in awe. Your eyes travelled back down again and you suddenly felt a little shy again, remembering Jonathan was here. You really had to get a hold of yourself and forget your feelings whilst you were here, you had to act professional!
A soft song was being played by the orchestra they had hired and many people had already coupled off and started dancing and talking in the ballroom, you found a place off to the side to stand and took in the environment. Jonathan walked over to you and stood next to you,
“[L/N], Hello.” He nodded in your direction,
“Crane, good to see you.” You responded.
“It’s rather, chaotic, in here, isn’t it?” He smiled,
“Yeah, it’s a bit overwhelming,” you laughed a little.
You looked in his direction slightly, he was still just as handsome as before, shit. You ended up catching Jonathan's gaze on accident, to which caused him to speak,
“Would you like to dance for a little?” He said, his tone slightly softer than previously. You paused, you wanted to, but felt shy, how typical.
“Are you sure?” you crossed your arms and looked at him,
“It might be fun, plus, we may as well get in a few of the photos from the event.” He joked,
“Alright, sure, let’s go.” You both walked into the main area of the room where people were dancing. Your mind felt like it was literally screaming at you, you weren’t sure if it was in an ‘Oh my god, this is so exciting’ way or a ‘No no no no no, abort abort, abort mission’ way. Anyway, you still seemed pretty composed and he took your hand, either way. You started to lazily dance along with everyone else, you felt completely in your element and yet completely out of it at the same time, a very strange feeling, maybe it was just the nervousness.
Funnily, photographs were taken of you both, you spied it just out of the corner of your eye and you’re pretty sure he noticed too. Dancing with Jonathan and now you have proof of it? There’s some bragging rights!
“Wait- what if people get the wrong idea? I’m gonna be hassled by questions and rumours going back into work.” You thought in your head.
“What if those ideas are good ideas?” a voice replied. Voices aren’t meant to reply to you in our head so that means that…
“Huh- Did I say that out loud-” you felt a little embarrassed, then you remembered what he responded with, “..Hey, wait a minute-”
“Don’t worry about it.” He cut you off with a grin. Is he going to ignore what he said? Great, now you are going to worry about it, or more specifically, you are not going to stop thinking about this. Maybe, ever.
“If you say so.” Your eyes held a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity, whilst he looked slightly smug. There was a vague air of flirtatiousness between the two of you as you continued dancing, you both spoke to each other in a manner that wasn’t flirting, but borderline was. However, it was usually like this when you spoke, you just had that kind of dynamic. You can’t blame yourself for catching feelings in an atmosphere like that, right?
You felt a lot more comfortable than earlier, you had probably just gotten used to his presence. He was always good company and the rest of the bustling gala just seemed to phase out. There had come a point in which you and Jonathan had stopped speaking altogether and just had your eyes fixed on each other. You guys were also having a… moment? You were edging closer and closer to one another absentmindedly and a layer of tension filled the air.
“Guests! Thank you for coming to this lovely gala we have been hosting today!” Oh yeah, that’s where you were. You and Jonathan stopped dancing and turned to face the voice and saw Bruce Wayne now on the stage introducing the event. You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “You all probably already know why this gala is being thrown today, we are here to support our very own Arkham Asylum and its employees who work tirelessly to try to reform the criminals it holds. The dining hall is now ready for everyone so if you follow the butlers they will direct you to your seating! Thank you.” Bruce gave a winning smile and moved away from the microphone and off of the stage.
You looked to Jonathan who nodded in the direction of the hall and you both started to make your way over.
The room was beautiful, with hundreds of tables brimming the hall. You stuck to Jonathan like glue, because despite all of the friendly-seeming faces, it was still pretty nerve-racking and he didn’t seem to mind, in fact, he seemed to enjoy being your protector.
You were eventually seated, with Jonathan being in the seat next to you on your right. You were glad for that, at least. Apart from him, you were surrounded by a load of unfamiliar faces that lined your table, not that that was surprising, you couldn’t recognise 90% of the people attending this.
There was a lot of, ‘How do you do’s and ‘What is your name’ and ‘Where do you work’ as everyone around you settled in. They asked you and Jonathan many questions about your jobs upon learning that you both worked at the asylum.
“So, Dr. Crane, what’s it like working with a bunch of criminals? Isn’t it dangerous?” one woman who appeared to be quite rich asked. She wore an expensive dress and a face full of extravagant makeup.
“Ah, well, we don’t just have them running rampant with a knife or such whilst we are in appointments with them.” His comment earned some laughter from the table. He was good at this, you smiled to yourself knowing you were in good hands and that you could relax a little because Jonathan knew what he was doing.
A different man, one who sat on your left side began to strike up a conversation with you.
“Dr. [L/N], a pleasure to finally talk to you. I have been meaning to ever since I saw you arrive!” This comment earned a suspicious side-eye from Jonathan but he quickly looked away and continued the conversation he was in.
“Oh, well it’s an honour to meet you, sir.” you politely responded and extended your arm to shake his hand, which he took, shook and lingered for a bit too long before releasing it.
“You must be very intelligent to be a psychiatrist. Where did you study?” He leaned over remotely closer, awaiting your reply.
“Gotham University for the most part! I enjoyed my time there, actually.” You tried to be oblivious to how he was acting, but it was super off-putting.
“Ah, a good one. I have known friends who have attended there!” His breath stinks of booze. He was closer still and you were starting to feel uncomfortable.
“Thank you, I’m sorry, but could you excuse me. I think I need to use the restroom.” He nodded his head and you stood up. Jonathan had an idea of what was going on and waited two minutes before leaving too.
You walked as fast as you could to get yourself some air. You were back in the foyer and nearly at the bathroom when a hand grabbed your wrist.
“[Y/N]!” You turned around and your eyes were met with Jonathan. “Are you alright?”
“I’m... I’m sorry. Everything was just really… hectic. I needed some air…” You weren’t quite sure what to say.
“Was it that man? Did he make you feel uneasy, or something?” His eyes looked full of care and concern. He really knew you well.
“Yeah, I’m sorry for dragging you out here, you can go, you don’t have to worry.” You tried to brush it off but he could tell how it got to you. He moved his hand, which was still holding your wrist, to hold your hand.
“I’m not just going to leave you here when you’re like this. I’m someone who cares for you.” He sounded truly earnest, it made your heartbeat speed up when he said that. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Trust me. If it will make you feel better, we can switch seats. If he tries anything, even if he looks at you in a strange way, I’ll see to it myself.”
“Jonathan… Thanks.” You smiled to which he returned it.
“Shall we?” His facial expression shifted to a smirk.
“We shall.”
You both made your way back to the table, sitting in each other’s seats. You realised you were still holding hands and had to unfortunately let go to sit down. You settled back down and the man from earlier began to speak.
“I think you two are sitting in the wrong seats.” He was so clearly annoyed but tried not to show his frustration by placing an obvious artificial smile on his lips.
“Hm, it seems that we are,” Jonathan said, turning to you. “Ah well, no point in getting up again.” He shrugged and was pulled into another conversation with someone on the table.
At some point, you had ended up placing your head on his shoulder to lean against which he let you do. It was comfy and by the time you realised you had done so, it had been about 5 minutes and he was fine with it so you decided to bask in the moment.
Bruce Wayne, that mysterious rich guy, was once again back on the stage.
“Hello everyone,” he had a drink and a tiny spoon in his hand which he clinked to the glass to command everyone’s attention. “Now, I’m sure you’ll be happy to hear, is the best part, where I give you all a load of free food! Feel free to indulge yourselves as the butlers bring the food and beverages around to the tables.” Then he confidently strode off the stage and back to his seat. His table was less full of businessmen in suits and more full of beautiful women in expensive dresses.
Everyone turned back to their conversations as trays and plates came out of the ginormous kitchen hiding somewhere in the back. There were all sorts of food that you had yet to try in your life but you were eager to. You had to sit up though so that meant lifting your head off of Jonathan’s shoulder.
You, along with the rest of the guests began to eat the food served. Whilst also maintaining some light conversation. By this time, you had quite the collection of business cards handed to you by various people at this table.
Bruce stood up to toast to the event, “Here is a toast, to this pleasant gala and to those we are holding it for. A toast to all of the incredible employees of Arkham Asylum who are and aren’t here today!” He raised his glass which everyone else followed suit with.
Half an hour later and everyone was finishing up their meals and you too felt very full and idly set your head back onto Jonathan’s shoulder. You looked up at him from there and he looked back, laughing a little before looking away again.
The gala was starting to wrap up and people were starting to leave. Bruce went onto the stage to say his official goodbye causing a massive flock of people to also call it a night for them there.
“We should probably give it a minute before leaving, save getting trampled.” Jonathan looked to you, who was still leisurely resting on his shoulder.
“You’re right.” You said watching people leave, “This was surprisingly fun.”
“I agree, I didn’t expect to have this nice of a time. Maybe it’s just thanks to you though.” Jonathan now rested his head atop yours.
“I’m glad you were here too.” You sighed happily.
“We should see each other outside of work more.” He said, nonchalantly.
“That would be nice.”
“Are you free next Saturday?” Oh wow, he’s good, real smooth.
“Yeah, in fact, I am.”
“Looks like we’ll be doing this again soon, then.” He had that smug grin again. Then sat up, took your hand and you both walked out together.
#Jonathan Crane#Scarecrow#Batman Begins#Jonathan Crane x Reader#Jonathan Crane one shot#Jonathan Crane drabble#Jonathan Crane one-shot#Jonathan Crane oneshot#The Scarecrow#DC#the dark knight trilogy#the dark night#scarecrow x reader#scarecrow drabble#scarecrow one shot#Jonathan Crane fanfiction#Jonathan Crane fluff#Jonathan Crane imagines#Scarecrow imagines#DC comics#dc imagines#dc one shot#risus_
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I would like to request a Lookism one please
ok so:
The reader is like a single mom and after a couple dates eith either the lookism boys or girls she decides that she want's them to meet her baby (who's like idk 1 ig you can change it I dint mind) how eould some of them react to their s/o having a kid?
you can do what ever characters! (but can one of them be Vasco? You can have whoever else!)
OooO that sounds interesting!
I’ll be combining it with this request since it’s pretty similar.
Writing under the cut!
CW: Children, Single parenting, Mentions of abuse and kidnapping (mild)

Vasco, Samuel, Jake, and Sinu Finding out The Person They're Seeing is a Single Parent
Euntae Lee
he probably would’ve never found out you were a single parent until you told him
he just assumed that you were busy with your life
never questions when you had to leave a date early after getting a notification on your phone
after a few dates or so when you’re finally comfortable enough, you take him to see your child
inviting him to your home was easy enough, you suppose
he’s a little confused on why you’re insisting on meeting up at your home, but is actually very excited to see what your home life is like
is taken aback by the sheer amount of toys littering the ground
you apologize, clearly embarrassed by the mess
the babysitter turns to greet you, surprised and a little terrified by the man at your side
however when they see your interlaced hands, they understand almost immediately, excusing themselves after handing your child back to you
if Vasco was shocked before, he’s definitely very very confused now
upon seeing him, your child would freeze before whimpering and sobbing
dropping his hand, you coo at your child, gently brushing away their tears whilst gently bouncing them in your arms
“...Is that your little sibling?”
you softly shake your head, refusing to meet his questioning gaze
the gears start to turn in his head; from your early exits to the toys on the floor
this was your child
he’ll stare at you for a moment, his eyes shining brightly with an emotion you couldn’t quite name
he’s mesmerized by how quickly you were able to calm the child--your child and is captivated by pure amount of love your gaze holds
after your child calms down, they’ll stare at Vasco for a moment, protectively clinging to the fabric of your sweater
their gazes sends cold shivers down Vasco’s spine
would they hate him?
do they find him scary--
he’s broken from his thought as a small babble makes its way to his ears
your child reaches out to him, their grabby fingers grasping onto his clothes
he stills for a moment until you let out a soft laugh
he watches as you allow your child to latch on to him, the soft smile on your features sending butterflies throughout his stomach
yeah, he could get used to this
Samuel Seo
definitely one of the more suspicious ones when it comes to your secret
he won’t question it as much if you tell him you’re okay or to stop being so nosey
but, to be fair, when have words ever stopped him?
he won’t do much, just a little digging
which lead him to the fact that you live with someone else
a someone that you’ve never told him about
however, that’s not the part that surprised him
what surprised him was that the other tenant was a minor; listed as your dependent
how he found this out, you’ll never know
he’ll confront you about this
you weren’t happy to see him snooping around in your life, but you eventually sigh before taking him to your house
the babysitter was surprised to see you back so early, but handed you your child nonetheless
Samuel’s eyes would flicker between you and the child, noting the striking resemblances between you and the child
unsure of his feelings, he would excuse himself before making his leave
to be honest, he’s terrified
he’s never been the best when it came to familial relationships
from a young age, Samuel was exposed to violence which blossomed into a few dangerous habits
ex: nearly losing it whenever he’s interrupted
he doesn’t want to project said habits onto your child and potentially lose you; the only one who’s been able to put up with him
when he comes by the next day, you raise a brow as you open the door but usher him in anyway
your child just stares at him and he stares back
it’s just really awkward until you step back in
you move to pick your child up only to be stopped by your lover
he bends down and picks them up underneath their arms, lifting them up lion king style before continuing to stare at them
“This is fine... I suppose.”
Jake Kim
like Vasco, Jake is an idiot who probably never found out you were a single parent unless you told him
there’s also the fact that he’s also extremely busy and wouldn’t question your random disappearances
the way he found out you had a child was actually an accident, really
you were just taking your child for a small stroll in the park when Jake spotted you
he was concerned as to why you were hunched over and what currently had your attention
as he approached, the light coos of your child began to fill the air, mingling with your laughter
a hand on your shoulder caused you to flinch, quickly turning to face the person
your eyes widen as your eyes land on none other than Jake, subconsciously trying to shield your child from your lover
when he sees the child the first thing that goes through is mind is whether or not you kidnapped this child
no, like, seriously
“...Did you kidnap a child?”
“Wha-- No! Why would I kidnap my own child?!”
it takes a moment for your words to sink in
but when they do, Jake’s eyes are wide with disbelief and you’re covering your mouth
your child only stares, unable to read the tense mood between their parent and the giant man
when Jake shakes himself out of his daze, he sighs
at first you think he’s mad at you
that is until his arms wrap around your waist and he nuzzles his face into your shoulder
you can feel his lips pull into a smile as he continues to hug you
“You didn’t have to hide this from me. I would still love you regardless if you had a child or not.”
Sinu Han
he strikes me as the kind of guy who would already know but would want you to be comfortable enough to share it with him
when you do, he’s over the moon
...even if it was just a slip of the tongue
he’s so charismatic that you won’t realize what you said until you see the gleaming smile breaking his face
“I’m glad you’re finally trusting me.”
you blink up at him, “You knew?”
he ruffles your hair his unwavering smile sending butterflies fluttering in your stomach
“Of course I knew!”
when you offer for him to meet your child he’s so happy he almost immediately dragging you to buy gifts your child
even if you tell him that it’s fine and that Big Deal’s already tight on funds he’ll insist that he buy a gift because this is your child, after all
yeah, Samuel’s definitely pissed with his sudden splurging, but says nothing to his boss
definitely doesn’t stop him from glaring at the pile of toys and onesies Sinu bought for your child
Jake on the, other hand, is just concerned
he knows his boss could be weird at times...but was it really necessary to buy three versions of a single cat toy?
upon actually meeting your child, they just instantly click
almost as if they were his child all along
not going to lie, you were pretty jealous
but as long as the to people you cared most about in your life were happy, who were you to be sad?

i- uhhhhhhh I’m back??? Definitely not my best work... especially Samuel’s part, so if you aren’t satisfied with these feel free to shoot an ask! Again, so sorry for disappearing off the face of the Earth like that...
#lookism x reader#lookism#sinu han#sinu han x reader#jake kim#jake kim x reader#euntae lee#vasco#vasco x reader#samuel seo#samuel seo x reader
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Take Me Away
Relationship: Wanda Maximoff x Reader Warnings: slight angst, eventual fluff Summary: Royalty!AU - You and your lady-in-waiting Wanda have been in a secret, forbidden relationship but everything gets tested when your father, the King, announces you are to be wed to a prince from a neighboring country. A/N: i’ve been loving royalty!au stuff lately and wanted to take my own stab at it. it’s not the most complicated, spectacular piece but i enjoyed writing it!
Wanda always arrived to your chambers right at the crack of dawn. Ever the punctual one, your lady-in-waiting never wasted a second once that bright light of a new day came through the windows. Sometimes she was even tasked with waking you up, ranting and raving about how your gown was going to take forever to lace up or that your hair wasn’t going to be dry enough to meet your family for breakfast.
Her frantic attitude always made you laugh. You thought her worrying heart was so silly and to show for it, you’d sometimes make it a point to shut her up with a kiss. One thing would lead to another until you two were lost among the silk sheets.
That all, though, had come to a stop today. Wanda was late this morning and you sadly knew why. Her heart must’ve been breaking, taking all her energy to pick up the pieces one by one this morning. You didn’t blame her, really, you felt the same break within you.
It had all fallen out last night. Your father, the usually benevolent King, had held a feast for your court and the royal family of a neighboring country. This wasn’t unusual for him as he very much loved to entertain. Everything had been going smooth. You were lost in the dancing and laughing with the patron, eagerly showing off the brand new dress your tailor had delivered that morning. You even got to sneak some cheeky glances at Wanda who stood off with the other servants, ready when needed.
Everything came to a screeching halt the second dinner had concluded. In between the refills of wine and arrival of dessert, your father had a surprise announcement to. It was as if a million bombs were going off. He revealed you were set to be married to the bordering country’s Prince. No one had told you, not even a hint from your mother, just this public declaration. You looked towards the king and his son — your soon-to-be-husband — and they were just beaming with joy. All plans and politics were falling into place for them while your world was crumbling.
You had excused yourself to the bathroom where you vomited profusely. Wanda, though, didn’t arrive to help. In fact, she didn’t arrive to your room for the rest of the night, sending one of the temporary servants instead.
You fell asleep feeling the loneliest you had felt in a long time. And those feelings certainly weren’t subsiding as you sat at your vanity the next morning, still waiting for Wanda.
You had been sitting alone for so long you thought she had abandoned her duties — or maybe she had just straight up retired last night and you were waiting on nothing — but then there was the unmistakable sound of your heavy door creaking open followed the gentle clicking of it closing. You peered into your looking glass, shifting it so slightly to show you the presence behind you.
"Wanda," you sighed, her naming falling from your lips as if it was the sweetest honey.
"Your Highness." While unsurprising, her cold and stoic response cut you. Your body tensed. Last time she had called you that was upon your very first meeting. Before she was the lover you kept in the shadows. Before there was ever a chance of losing her. The royal title felt like a death sentence now.
After a deep breath, you slowly placed the looking glass back on the table. You felt Wanda approach you from behind with caution. You didn’t know whether to turn around or ask her to begin her morning duties. If you were to be really honest with yourself, you just wanted to grab her and hold one another.
But Wanda seemed to have decided for the both of you. Hesitantly, she reached for the brush on the vanity and gently began on your hair. You wanted to cry.
"Wanda, please," you mumbled. "Talk to me."
"Talk to you?" She repeated, her fingers now running through your hair giving slight pulls as she fixed the curls. The actions reminded you of when she would… "And what would you like me to say?"
"Something, anything!" You were nearly crying, your words coming out in weak begs. "I didn’t know anything about it, you have to trust me on that. I—I don’t want… I could never—,"
"Never, what?" Wanda cut you off, the brushing motions in your hair suddenly halted. "You couldn’t possibly think we could ever be together fully. I’ll admit, I indulged in this fantasies but I’ve stopped. We weren’t meant to be and you sure weren’t meant to be a single princess forever." She cleared her throat. "This was bound to happen, I fear."
"No, no," you fought back, shaking your head insistently. Wanda placed a hand on your shoulder, trying to calm you down, but you only jumped at the touch, feeling that burning connection between you two. You couldn’t believe how much hold she had over you. How much you had over one another.
"Your Highness, I’m afraid—,"
"We can run away." The words slipped out of you so fast you never had a chance to bite your tongue. It felt like the world stopped, like you had created your own bomb to set off. Wanda’s grip on your shoulder got tighter. You straightened your posture, meaning business now despite the tears still flowing. You placed your hand atop of hers and continued, "I really think we could do it, dear. I can access the family funds, we could pack a few things, then be off in the night. Wouldn’t that just be nice? We could go wherever, start whatever life we want. You’re not wrong to say this was bound to happen but that doesn’t mean we can’t escape it."
"My Lady… There must be some consideration for the prince, the kingdoms, your subjects—,"
"They’re better to have no ruler than one who lives in constant agony."
The declaration was bold but it was the farthest from a lie. You decided to finally turn and face Wanda, your hand now holding hers with the greatest, most loving strength. The first thing you noticed were her eyes. They were so red and heavy, no doubt from hours of crying. Her hair was a mess as well, complimented by the worn down servants gown she wore. She hadn’t put any effort in today, probably dragging herself about as you predicted.
Slowly, you pressed a soft kiss to the back of her hand. Wanda let out a breathy gasp. When you met her eyes again, it appeared the deal had been sealed. But you needed her to say it.
"We can really do this, can’t we?" She asked shyly.
You nodded, a little grin playing at your lips. "I think we could go anywhere," you confirmed. "Maybe we can start a farm, raise some chickens or cows. Or — Oh! We could start a nice garden. I loved the one here but father wouldn’t let me learn how to care for it."
Wanda sighed as she watched you get lost in a new fantasy, one way beyond just being together but having a life. "Speaking of your father, he will send people after us, won’t he? The palace guards will die trying to find us if they have to."
You simply shrugged. Sure, she wasn’t wrong, but this was a big place and who knew what bigger places were out there. "Let them," you finally said. "We’ll be so far long gone before they realize it they won’t know what hit them."
Silence fell between you two.
"You’re going to give up all this for a chance for us to be together?" Wanda finally asked, motioning towards the gloriousness of the castle chamber. She was a very thorough one, extremely detailed-oriented, which made her the best partner-in-crime you had decided before ever engaging romantically. Eventually, it was one of the things that made you fall head over heals. She noticed everything, always the sweet and cool observer. You didn’t blame her for using the skill now.
"Wanda, dear," you sighed as your hand crept its way to her neck. "I’d give it all up a million times over to be with you."
Your sweet lover looked like she was now going to cry so you took the leap to lean up, catching her lips with yours. After a stunned moment, she returned the kiss, your lips moving in a familiar sync. It was electrifying knowing you hadn’t lost her. Knowing she was most likely going to be it for you, forever. Completely devoted to one another, comfortably and freely.
Wanda’s hand begin caressing your cheek when she pulled away slightly. Your foreheads were touching now but it still wasn’t close enough for you.
"Let’s do it," she whispered. "Take me away."
Words seemed so hard, something only the presence of Wanda could do to you. Unable to figure what was right to say now, of all times, you nodded and wrapped one arm around her waist. You pulled her into you, hugging her with all your might. She didn’t hesitate to return the embrace, soaking each other in.
"Of course, dear," you eventually said. Such small words they held the mysterious beginning and marked the glorious end.
#royalty au#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda maximoff x female reader#wanda maximoff one shot#wanda maximoff imagine#wanda maximoff fanfiction#the scarlet witch#wanda maximoff#wanda x reader#wanda x you#wanda maximoff x you#wanda maximoff x y/n#avengers#marvel one shot#marvel fanfiction#marvel#mcu#mcu fic#one shot#wlw#wanda maximoff fluff#wanda maximoff angst#fluff#angst
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