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saturrnss · 10 months ago
My shifting journey!
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Hoping that somebody can find some comfort in this 🙏
Hello everybody, You may know me as versetravel on tiktok or just a random person you’ve never heard of until now as you’re reading this, but I say hi to you nonetheless! I want to re-tell my 3 year shifting journey up to this point (2024) to see if anybody is in the same situation as me. As my procrastination to shift slowly takes over, I hope that since it’s finally spring, writing this can get me off my ass and finally shift to the places I actually want to be.
Just note that I forget a lot of things so if the timeline doesn’t match up than it’s my fault, I’m just retelling it.
I was always the daydreamer type, I once at a chuck e cheese whispered to the person In the chucky costume that I was a secret agent and spy. I was…. Different, but one of the only things I reminisce fondly about my child was my wonder and the way I would create stories to make my life a tiny bit more interesting. So When I found out about shifting in 2020 during quarantine and I was intrigued and kind of mindblown, I could finally live the life, or lives I always dreamed of having.
I actually think I mini shifted to this reality/universe because when I was 3 but on new years eve, there was a news segment about the celebrities who didn’t make it to the new year and one who was featured was robert B. Englund, he died due to lung cancer. They also showed a scene from the first Nightmare on Elm street where Freddy was chasing tina. (Traumatized me)
So I was under the belief that he was dead for years because I literally remembered it. When i watched the kill night for Elm street movies I was confused why he didn’t say rest in peace to Robert like he usually did to horror actors who passed on.
It took me until 2022 TO FIND OUT HE WAS ALIVE AND WELL when I found his twitter account.
(back to the story…)
My first script was for a 10th member of twice dr and I’ll be the first one to admit - It was so outlandish and cringy that I deleted it a year later because of shame. The first time I tried to shift, I used the Raven Method and I chickened out half way through. The thought of leaving my reality and being somewhere without guidance scared me, so I just turned over and went to bed.
For my scripts I used the notes app, I had an unfinished 6th member of itzy dr before I moved onto notion and just forgot all about it. I kind of miss the simplicity of my scripts back then, and that I had so much faith in them. (my first marvel script was also NOT it bro lmfaoo)
Now with the whole 2020 shiftok thing, I was all that invested in shifting as a whole and I was still living my life as normal so I was fortunately spared from all the misinformation, though I still remember some tiktoks from that era.
2020 was also the start of my depression and mental issues so I kinda just forgot about shifting and moved on with my life (NEVER became an anti-shifter btw).
2021 was the worst year of my life mental wise, I was miserable every single day and I had an overwhelming urge to kill myself but i was to scared to tell anybody in my real life because they might tell my parents, but it was also the year I was “Re-introduced” to Reality Shifting. It was more appealing than ever at that point so I Decided to make my own tik tok account solely dedicated to shifting.
When I got my first 100 followers and counting due to tiktok I posted using a manifesting sound hoping my followers would shift. I was so shocked because I never got this amount of followers ever. I had this new will to live and motivation to shift. When I attempted to shift to my decades dr It was the closest I had ever gotten to getting to my dr by that point. It felt like I was floating and separating from my body, when it was over I was so happy that I was getting somewhere.
The next handful of attempts were flops but I didn’t let that get me down, I was riding that high from my earlier almost-shift for as long as I could. I almost made the attempt to try suicide but I chickened out (A pattern I know)
But then, something happened again that made me so happy.
I was just getting into Hinduism. One night I decided to pray to Lord Shiva and I felt- different afterwards. It wasn’t a negative or positive feeling, I just felt more calm than usual, and a bit dizzy. So I just decided to hop on my phone for a little and then go to sleep after.
I woke up in the middle of the night. Everything looked normal so I decided to check my phone for the time, when I did It was like someone Injected Adrenaline into my body. It was the middle of the night but the year was the same year as My model dr- 1967.
I was shaking that point, I tried to check if my fingers went through my palms but they didn’t- Everything felt so real. I looked around even though I could barely see anything, and tried to snap my fingers 3 times (safe action) but I was too panicked. I opened my phone and I didn’t have a password on it like I did my cr. I had no wifi but it was open to tiktok and It was paused on a video of Nayeon doing the dance for her solo (on the official twice account I think?)
I put my phone down and freaked out some more, just as I was going to accept this universe as my new forever home, I returned back to my cr. I was breathing really heavily and checked my phone again but It was the normal time.
It took a while but I went back to sleep and still to this day whenever I wake up I check the date.
I find myself downplaying that shift. Maybe because it’s not my dr/ I freaked out but at least I actually got symptoms from the subliminals I used.
2022-2023 is when I really slowed down and got stunted. The shifting attempts were all flops and I was angry. Why did everybody else’s attempts work but mine didn’t? Did I do something wrong? Was I not meant to shift? Weeks between my shifting attempts became months- every time I was attempting Fear took over me that I would get stuck there.
All I was holding onto was a couple almost successful shifting attempts and mini-shift, that was the only thing keeping me from giving up hope that shifting was ever real in the first place.
There was something in me that would never give it up, I didn’t want to give it up, I wanted to spend my most boring days there, being with people who actually loved me- I couldn’t just give up completely.
2024 was going to be no different until something changed that.
I was on the reality shifting subreddit and someone was offering readings. I was very skeptical at first but they didn’t demand money so I decided to try it. They said some really personal things. It was accurate that I was a bit freaked out, But the reading they gave me made sense to me. So I thanked them and before it was gone, took the opportunity to ask them to find out why I wasn’t shifting.
It took a minute (they were talking to multiple people at the same time) but they responded that I had so much negative energy weighing me down and that I needed to focus on being able to shift.
As of right now I don’t know what to feel, many contradicting feelings go through my mind. I don’t know what the negative energy exactly is for me to eliminate it.
But after everything I still have faith- My friends and loved ones are in all these different realities and I want to see them, hug them. I know after all this time it’ll be worth it.
I just know.
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saturrnss · 11 months ago
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1. Usually be slow and intimate but after a gig with his band it gets him more Hornier than usual
2. His dick turns a different color every time he thrusts
3. One hell of a teaser- he wears the most sexy thing intentionally just to make you miserable (it's hard to tell which days it is because he's effortlessly hot)
4. He's down for most things
5. Definitely a switch- like you can't tell me otherwise
6. The most sluttiest waist
7. HIS V LINE 💳💳
8. Aftercare elite
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saturrnss · 11 months ago
الحب بين (love between)
warnings: nothing bad ;)
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A/N: I've been in a bit of a slump when it comes to writing but since recent world events have happened, I've decided to make this to hopefully bring some people some peace of mind to Palestinian Marvel fans in this tough time. I don't care if I lose followers for this, it's free Palestine always and forever. (Namor and the reader are pretty much fluent in both of their native languages so it changes in conversation)
It was a particularly mundane night in the city of Talokan, Your husband Namor was out for a few hours to handle business so you were left by yourself, alone with your thoughts. The servants came to check on you once in a while to ask if you needed anything but every time you respectfully declined, there was something on your mind that had been bothering you for the entire week but you never voiced it to people- you missed your home.
You were born in The Jordan River to a Kuliltu and Kulullu, spending your childhood and teenage years on the land of Palestine and the shores of the Red Sea. Ever since you met Namor you haven’t seen the surface world since, you didn’t need to, your parents decided to permanently migrate back into the water when you got old enough. Your life was complete but there was still a small ounce of homesickness in remembering your surface world life.
You were well aware and understood Namor and his soldiers’ hatred for the surface world so you didn’t feel comfortable telling them about these things but you caught yourself thinking about it from time to time.
“حبي (my love)” a deep but quiet voice said, followed by a light knocking on the door. You turned around to see Namor, looking at you with a warm smile on his face. He made the effort to learn your native language of Arabic so he could understand you and your family. You lit up when you saw him, getting up and embracing him. “Bix bintech bejláake'? (how was your day?)” You asked him eagerly, You also learned his language for the same reason. “Tuláakal jóok' uts, (Everything went well,) He said, kissing your cheek. “Tin tukultaj ta. (I thought of you.) you smiled at him and walked to the shared hammock you two slept in.
“My parents are very happy with the gifts you gave them, (In taata'obe' ki'imak u yóolo'ob jach yéetel le síibalo'ob ku k'eeyaj ti' leti'ob,)” You said as you laid on the hammock, looking at him taking his cloak off and folding it. “My mom won’t take her bracelet off. (In na'e' ma' u Tsel le brazalete.)” He chuckled as he walked to the hammock to lay with you. 
You both stared into each other’s eyes- Namor’s eyebrows furrowed in concern which made you curious as well as also concerned. “لقد تم اطلاعي على شيء ما (I was made aware of something)” He said, putting his hand on your face.
"على علم بماذا؟ (Aware of what?)” you said, wondering what could be on his mind. “Ba'ax yaan k'aas in yaakunaj? Le sirvientes in a'alab u ma' a yaax yaantal janal. (What’s wrong my love? The servants said you haven’t been eating.) You frowned at his question, you didn’t think it was that noticeable you were having an off day.
“أنا بخير (I’m fine),” You said to him, smiling to relieve his worries but his face stayed the same. “لا داعي للقلق بشأني، أعدك (You don’t need to worry about me, I promise.)” You kissed his lips, you hated lying to him, so you turned to your other side so you wouldn’t face him. “Ma'alo'ob áak'ab (Goodnight)” You said, hoping that he wouldn’t push the issue further.
There was an awkward silence for a moment. “Ma'alob áak'ab in yaakunaj (goodnight my love)” Namor said, finally breaking the silence.
The truth was, Namor knew something was off. You were mentioning your surface home more often in the past weeks, every time you mentioned it he noticed how you immediately talked about how you loved being underwater, it felt like borderline overcompensation to him.
He knew you loved him and Talokan very much, but a piece of your heart will always be with Palestine and he couldn’t take that away from you. He wanted to do something special for you, but he didn’t know how you would react. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep right beside you.
It was around a week later, servants were helping you do your hair. Your homesickness had gotten a little better, but it was still there. Something was different about today, servants giggling to themselves and stopping when you got close enough- Even Namora and Attuma were acting a little bit off.
Namora walked into your room, vibranium spear in her right hand. Her hair was down which was unusual for her, she always had it pinned up in case she was thrown into a fight. Your eyes slightly widened at the sight.
“A wilik increíble, (you look amazing,)” you said with a smile. “Ba'ax u biilal. (What’s it for?)” 
“K'uj 'ulkan ts'o'ok u ofrecido jump'éel gesto yaakunaj ta wo'olal. (K’uk’ulkan has offered a gesture of his love for you.) You raise your eyebrow. “ Bix le je'elo'. (how so?)”
She just points toward the door, nonverbally asking you to follow her. You obliged out of curiosity, letting Namora guide you to the pool of water that connects to the rest of Talokan and the ocean where Attuma was waiting in the same, slightly altered patterns as Namora.
The whole swim there was slightly awkward, you were in your head most of the time thinking of all the ways he could surprise you. You were slightly scared, the anticipation of it all made you nervous about the outcome.
You got out of the water a couple of seconds after Namora and Attuma did and sat on the sandy beach. It was dark out so you were confused for a moment, looking around to see the so-called surprise that was waiting for you. But then you realized- the beach looked familiar. “لا يمكن أن يكون (It can’t be.)” You said, looking at both the warriors dumbfounded as Attuma looked like he was trying to hold in a laugh.
It soon dawned on you that the beach you laid on at that moment was Rafah- In Palestine. 
You then noticed a trail of cyclamen a couple feet away, you got up and followed it, Namora and Attuma staying behind.
It was a long, tiring trail, but you managed. Soon enough the trail stopped right in front of a small brick building, K’uk’ulkan right in front of it, looking down with his hands behind his back. He lit up when he saw you, “ وصلت (You arrived)” He said, smiling.
You ran up to embrace, kissing him all over. The long walk didn’t even matter to you, you were just happy he went out of his way to do this. You stopped to look at him, slightly tearing up. “ هل قطعت الدرب طويلاً؟ (Did I make the trail too long?)” He asked with a hint of unsureness in his voice which made you laugh a bit.
“تمكنت (I managed.)” You said, reassuring him. His smile dimmed a bit, “أعلم أنك كنت مشتاقًا لزيارة منزلك (I know you’ve been longing to visit your home)” You frowned when he mentioned it, you considered lying even more but at that point it had been eating away at you. You let out a sigh, “اعتقدت أنني أخفيته جيدًا بما فيه الكفاية. (I thought I hid it well enough.)” “لا أريدك أن تشعر كما لو كان عليك إخفاء أي شيء عني. (I don’t want you to feel as if you have to hide anything from me.)” 
He put one of his hands on your cheek. “Y/n,” He started. “كوني لا أحب العالم السطحي لا يعني أنني سأبعدك عنه. "لديك شيء ما هنا، ولن أنزع ذلك أبدًا من الشخص الذي أحبه." (Just because I don’t like the surface world doesn’t mean that I'll keep you from it. You have something up here, and I will never take that away from the person I love.)” 
He paused for a moment before lifting his other hand to show you a red keffiyeh. “A na' áanteni' u kaxtik le nook' úuchuk utia'al u beetik. (Your mother helped me find the right cloth to make it.)” You were already tearing up, but him pulling that out just made you burst into happy tears. “You have done so much to take in my culture, this was the least I could do.”
It didn’t matter how big or small it was in retrospect, It meant so much to you regardless. “أحبك (I love you)” You whispered. “In yaakunech (I love you)” He said back. You both put your hands together and held each other- content.
A/n: getting back into my talokan fic BAG
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saturrnss · 11 months ago
Hey guys
i've been ghost but i'm cooking up multiple things i promise!
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saturrnss · 1 year ago
Multiverse story.
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It takes approximately 8 hours for an incursion to fully take place, one universe can sacrifice itself for the other but in most cases, both of them get destroyed.
A way to ensure this fate for yours in a dream walking using the dark hold- the dark hold slowly corrupts its users and turns them to a life of evil.
dream walkers are a danger to themselves and the multiverse, and only in death can they be stopped.
"Mom me and Billy are ready!" Tommy called out from the living room to Wanda in the bathroom putting the last finishing touches to her Halloween costume.
After a minute she came down in a green girl's boxing t-shirt, Black sweat pants, blue and white sneakers, and a black baseball cap she put on backward with her ginger hair in pigtails.
"Mom look I'm Superman!" Tommy jumped into a heroic position and started speeding around the room but Billy stopped him using his powers.
"I'll keep an eye on him," Billy whispers to Wanda. "Thank you" She pinches Billy's cheek and straightens out the frumpy of his costume, she checks the time on her phone and gasps.
"Well, would you look at the time!" She helps the twins put on their coats. "We don't wanna stay out too late do we?" "But it's Halloween!" Tommy whined and Billy followed along but Wanda silenced them.
"It's a school night, you know I can't." The twins look down in disappointment, Wanda tries to hold but her guilty conscience gets to her. "Look," she gets down on her knee to face them.
"On Hanukkah, I can let you stay up for as long as you want but you have to go to sleep early tonight, sounds like a good idea?" Billy and Tommy's faces light up they both take each of Wanda's pinkies. "We promise," Billy says, she smiles warmly at them both.
Tommy sped to get their buckets not even a second later, she got up. "And what's the one rule we always follow no matter what?" She asked them, expecting them to remember.
"No magic outside the house unless of earth-shattering destruction." They head to the door and Wanda moves out of the way so the twins can exit first she closes the door behind her, starting "The hour and a half long Trick or Treating adventure"
(In the twins words)
"Look at how much candy I got!" Billy shows her his almost full bucket of sweets and she gasps in exaggerated surprise. "At this rate, all of your teeth gonna fall out!" She said In a joking manner.
"Mom look at mine I got more." The other twin goes to show her. "No, you don't I have the fullest bag." Billy refuted. "I think both of you have equal amounts," Wanda said, being the mediator.
"And you still have 15 more minutes until we head back." They finally get to the next-to-last neighborhood- the home to the average suburban family, but the street was strangely empty.
Stopping at the first house, both of the boys go up and ring the doorbell while Wanda watched them from a distance, the twins had stated to her before that they wanted to do more things by themselves so she's started to let them, watching from a distance of course.
She looked up at the clear night sky, catching just a glimpse of the futuristic city outskirts ahead.
"That old lady gave us so much candy!" One of the twins said, both beaming with glee. "She had the big ones too-" A loud boom came from the atmosphere.
They all looked up at what looked like a Rouge asteroid engulfed in a hot pink fire that was speeding toward them. "Get down!" Wanda yelled out as she put her hands up, casting a hex above the twins and the neighborhood.
Everything happened in a matter of seconds, all she could hear was her heart beating rapidly in her chest and her children huddled Together near her.
The sound got further and further until it was a big loud crash in the distance.
She hesitantly opened, seeing her children shaking In fear. "Are you boys okay?" She uttered in between breaths, and they both quickly nodded.
"Did anyone get hurt?" Billy whispered. "I'm sure," Wanda reassures him though she wasn't 100% sure herself. She raised her head more, everything that wasn't protected by the hex being blurrified and saturated in a deep red.
The hex comes down, they stand up and turn around- the only thing that stood out in the open field between the city and suburb was the thick smoke coming out somewhere in the lea.
They all looked at it in shock, like a spectacle they couldn't look away from no matter how hard they tried.
The lady who passed out candy went back to her house before this happened and, since it was dark out, nobody was there to witness it except Wanda and the kids.
"We're going home." She grabbed both of the twins' hands that didn't have their candy baskets and sped home, not looking back for a second.
Billy and Tommy got done brushing their teeth, under the supervision of Wanda, using warm water to get rid of the excess residue. "Alright Boyd, bedtime." They obliged, walking to their joint bedroom and getting into separate beds.
Wanda tucks Tommy in first by his request, hugging him extra tight so that he wouldn't worry. She tucked Billy in next, kissing him on the forehead and going to turn off the light before she heard Billy's voice.
"Mom?" She turns her head. "Yes, Billy?" She walked over to his bed and sat down.
"When that thing fell out of the sky," Billy started. "I heard...something." Her eyebrows furrowed in concern. "What did you hear?"
"It sounded like a woman... in pain, it sounded like you kind of." Her face dropped, she thought the worst, but for the sake of Billy, she pushed the thought away and cupped his face.
"It'll all be fine, we'll talk about tomorrow okay?" Billy nods and smiles. "Don't worry Mom, we'll protect you," Tommy calls out, overhearing the entire thing.
Wanda both loons at them, softly smiling. "I love you." "Love you too." They say back.
She gets up and heads over to the door, stalling a couple of seconds before turning the lights off. She had this pit in her stomach, something was wrong she knew but she didn't know what or where it was coming from.
She went to the living room and started cleaning up the toys on the floor near the TV, to clear her mind, about the things Billy said to her minutes before.
The thing that ran through her mind the most was the thing sounding like her, she was afraid that thing could lure her children in. The thought of something hurting the twins made her sick to her stomach.
When she finished putting the toys away, she went to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine.
Wanda took her hair out of the braids, took the hat off, pulled out a chair, and sighed as she looked around at the still kitchen.
She started to get lost in her thoughts, a first it was about normal stuff- the twins, what groceries she had to get, and the other things In her day-to-day but her mind eventually circled back to what Billy said.
"It sounded like a woman in pain." The words kept repeating in her mind again and again, wondering If it was just an innocent person forced to suffer the repercussions of another alien who wanted to destroy everything.
She started to feel empathy and the guilt of just leaving without checking up but a part of her was rationalizing it also.
The mental tug brought back memories of her defending the earth with the Avengers, all the holidays she spent with them, with Natasha, Steve, Clint, and the rest- with vision.
She didn't get even halfway through her drink before she got her coat and took off.
She got to the neighborhood a few minutes later, parking at the beginning of the open field. She gets out of her car and starts to make her way to the crash sight, the moonlight making the remaining black smoke coming up visible.
The closer Wanda got the more clearer she could see the area. It was small compared to what it looked like heading for Earth, the smoke had a weird smell to it, and the indent was an almost perfect circle of charred black grass with tiny bits of pink fire still burning, but nothing was there.
She suddenly heard a Russell in the nearby wooded area. She looked up and stood slowly, keeping her eye trained on the unnatural movement of one spot.
A ball of scarlet red energy generated in her hand, getting ready to defend herself when a person stumbled out of the bushes. They were shaking barely standing on one leg before switching onto the other, it didn't take long before they collapsed face first.
Wanda ran to them, immediately checking for a pulse, she sighed in relief when she could still feel a heartbeat.
She flipped the body over to see it was a young woman, her curly black hair was more defined in the back because she frazzled the front of it when she fell.
She had on a pair of jeans, a bright red shirt with white lettering that said "Coca-Cola" on it, and a pullover on top of it.
Now that Wanda knew that there was a person there and most likely didn't have any malice, she couldn't let her stay there.
She used her powers to lift the woman and put her in the backseat of the car, got in the driver's seat, and drove back to the house.
The woman woke up at the crack of dawn in a bedroom strange to her, she slightly turned her head to see the mix of colors of the sunrise out of the clear view window.
Confusion filled her, she wasn't sure whether or not last night was a dream but she knew for sure that this wasn't her bedroom or anywhere in the compound.
She sat up and started to panic, she off the bed. "Sam?!" She called out for him as she lived across the hall from him but walked into an unfamiliar hallway and empty hallway, all the doors were shut except the room she left.
She then heard a noise coming from downstairs and she froze, fearing what could be down there but against her better judgment, she slowly made her way down the steps.
When she got down to the last step, she ducked and quietly looked between the bars below the handrail to see two bowls of pre-made cereal on the dining table and Wanda walking kitchen to make something else.
The young woman got down from the stairs and awkwardly stood with her guard up. Wanda finally turned around and shrieked, making the girl jump a little.
"I didn't know you were awake," Wanda said, a box of oatmeal in her hand. "...where am I?" These were the only words the girl could muster, she sounded exactly like Wanda but with the Sokovian accent, she had lost long ago which threw her off a little.
Wanda started to walk to her but stopped halfway because the woman seemed freaked out.
"Are you hungry...?"
Wanda gave a woman the oatmeal she was preparing for herself and sat down next to her on the couch. "Do you know anybody's phone number?" She handed her a phone and she tried to call multiple numbers, getting more frustrated when each of them didn't go through.
She started getting angry and Wanda comforted her. "Hey, it's okay." She didn't know the woman at all but she couldn't help but take up a temporary motherly role for her.
"What's your name?" Wanda asked but the girl suddenly got up and speedwalked out of the house "Wait!" Wanda followed close behind her trying to convince her to come back.
The girl got out and stopped in the middle of the street, looking around rapidly. Wanda caught up and tried to calm her again. "What year is it?!" The girl asked in an almost demanding but scared tone.
"2025," Wanda said trying to de-escalate the situation but that only seemed to make it worse as the girl clutched her forehead and went to sit on the front step of the house, breathing heavily.
Wanda intentionally waited a few seconds before sitting next to her to not make her feel cornered. She thought of the right thing to say while she looked at the woman having a silent panic attack.
"I know how you feel," she looked at the view. "Having no one to turn to. It was like an ocean- every time I felt as if things got better it would just knock me back down again, and I thought was one day it was going to take me whole."
"But the first time I saw my boys, they pushed me back up."
The detached way she spoke of her past self was understanding and compassionate but mature at the same time.
She faced the woman to see that she had lifted her head to listen. "...I'm Wanda." Wanda's curiosity showed through her face. "Where are you from?"
"Sokovia." Wanda's mouth dropped open and she looked away, not wanting to freak her out. "Is your middle name Django?" The other Wanda looks at her shocked.
"How did you know?" They looked at each other, both starting to peace two and two together.
"Mom?" Billy said. they both turned around. "What are you doing on the porch?: Tommy questioned further. "And who's that?!" Their probing caught Wanda off guard.
"Oh! uh..." She looked at the other Wanda for an excuse. "This is my...cousin! 3rd cousin removed from sokovia!!"
Their skepticism didn't waver nor did she think she successfully tricked them. "She just wanted to visit for a while!" She brings the other Wanda inside and closes the door. "You're cereal is gonna get stale."
She takes the boys to the dining table, the other Wanda's still stunned. "Did you both brush your teeth?" "Yes." They both say at the same time, a breath check to prove them correct.
They both take the milk carton and pour it one at a time, the other Wanda starting to eat again, trying not to seem any more weird at the breakfast she unintentionally barged into.
Wanda got back from dropping the kids off, she started pacing around the living room. "I was fighting this big alien and all I remember then was just me falling."
"Do you have a brother?" Wanda asked. "I did," she frowned a little when she said that. "Pietro." They said at the same time, further confirming the unbelievable. "Do you have any powers of any sort to help you get home?!"
"Not that I know of." Red-haired Wanda sighed. "I don't know what to do-" A knock at the door interrupted her, Red head Wanda politely excused herself and headed to the door.
She opened it. "Hel-" She stopped mid-sentence and just stared ahead, like she'd seen a ghost.
If the other version of herself in the living room wasn't a shock enough- she was staring at an identical version of her younger self starting right back at her, along with another girl but it wasn't that far of a reach to assume it was her too.
This was going to be a very difficult day for her.
A/n: I don't even think that people check for my stories like that anymore 😕😪 so idk if I should write chapter 2
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saturrnss · 1 year ago
Literally them I'm telling you
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this is how this scene went, right?
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saturrnss · 1 year ago
happy shuriri day!!
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saturrnss · 1 year ago
New years
Euphoria x Spiderverse crossover
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Summary: Gwen suggests that her along with hobie, pav, and miles should go to the new years party in euphoria.
A/n: euphoria crossover!! (Yes THAT show lmao) and some things might be different but I have the excuse of the ✨️multiverse✨️ by my side. (Also pav is 16 in this)
Skunk- weed
Warnings: underage smoking- that's about it lmao
One hot summer night, The spider gang- Miles, Gwen, Hobie, and Pavtir were bored out of their minds, searching for something, anything to do.
"Why can't we just go to a show in Old York yeah?" Hobie suggested but a unanimous no from the rest was followed seconds after. "Gwen why can't we just go to your dimension??" Miles says. "Yeah, it was so much fun the last time," Pav says while lying on the floor, repeatedly throwing a ball up and catching it.
"Yeah well, I'm kinda grounded at the moment so." She says scrolling mindlessly through the social media of her dimension. Pav groans in frustration and plops on Miles's bed right next to Hobie playing with the strings on his guitar.
"It's like I'm melting away by how bored I am this could not be possibly okay!" He yelled out loud to no one in particular.
"Okay, there must be something that we all would be good with right?!" Miles says to the rest. "We never run into this problem, we're gonna find something!"
"Hopefully," Hobie says under his breath.
"Wait, guys!" Gwen almost jumps up enthusiastically while still looking at her phone, her words grasp the attention of the room as the boys all snap their necks to look at her.
"Y'know that show on HBO- euphoria?!"
M: yeah?
P: what's that?
H: Worst show I've ever seen
She gets up and starts to walk around the room. "I was thinking that maybe, we can go to the party that they go to in the new season!" "Yeah but how are we gonna explain- where we come from or why We're there?" Miles asks, not really with the idea.
"Most people are gonna be too high, drunk, or both to care." She struggles to put her shoes on. "We're just going to fly under the radar." She casually falls on the bed and starts fiddling with her watch- shoes and all."
"Just have to find the right universe..." Everyone looks at her, visibly cringing at the fact she broke an unspoken rule with such ease, but all she was focused on was finding the right universe.
She stared and pressed intently at the watch for over a minute until she found a perfect dimension. "Found it!" She looks up smiling but that emotion was nullified when she was the rest of the group sort of side-eyeing her.
"What?" Gwen says confused. "Ya fawking shoes mate," Hobie says with a slightly disgusted look on his face, looking at the sneakers and then at her so she could get the very obvious hint.
"Oh..." she awkwardly laughs and shuffles her feet off. "Okay, so when are we going? "Doing nothing is eating away at me," Pav says, half of his face on one of the pillows on the bed. "Well, I'm waiting for you all to get ready!" She throws Miles's jacket at him and they start to slowly get dressed.
*5 minutes later*
"OK, you all have everything with you?" Gwen says. "Yeah." They all say at the same time. "Your parents awake miles?" "Asleep for the time being," He said, straightening out his clothes. "My parents actually will kill me if they find out."
"That's why I picked a dimension where 15 minutes in this one, is an hour and a half in that," Gwen says smirking, Hobie pats Miles on the back.
"Don't sweat it big man, just don't mess up a Canon event that would make that cunt Miguel froth at the mouth and you'll be good."
Miles takes a big gulp at that last part. "Do you always carry that around with you?" Miles says, looking at Hobie with his guitar strapped on his back. "Just in case I need to make a political statement on the stop bruv, you never know."
Gwen opened the portal: Things in the room started to float, blueish-purple flashes of hexagons that came out of nowhere at first but a wave of energy came over it and turned the color into a redish-orange.
There were multiple hexagons, some turned ever so slightly that it looked uneven- the pattern of shapes seemed to be evergoing.
They walked into the portal and a couple of seconds later they ended up in a forest area- trees all around the area they could see. They look around, "I don't think we're in the right-" Pav started to say but it's like their brain was interconnected
The base from the distance was so powerful, it made the hair on their skin stand up at the same time. "Over there I think!" Gwen pointed and walked in the direction she felt the beat was coming from and the rest followed.
For 30 seconds they walked- the beat getting louder and louder as they came closer. They finally got to the party, the vibrations they got goosebumps from coming from the song "HYPNOTIZE" by Notorious B.I.G. playing from the 5 big speakers on the outside.
The chaotic energy of maybe hundreds of people at the party trying to do their own thing and how cramped it is made Mile's stomach drop. "You alright bruv?" Hobie asked at the perfect time like he usually did.
"Yeah I'm fine- I'll be okay," Miles said, his breathing starting to get a little heavy. "Hey," Hobie pulls him aside and leans him "just come and find me if you feel overwhelmed, alright?"
"Alright," Miles said, glad that he could go to someone while he was there. They enter the house and due to the compact crowd, they split up and go their separate ways.
GWEN'S P.O.V: she walks down the hallways- studying the people in conversations and watching the people walking past her. She didn't plan for the talking to people part of the party, ever since her Peter died she's had a really hard time making friends and talking to people in general.
While in her head she suddenly bumps into a tall blonde girl, making them spill both of their drinks. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Gwen says, quickly picking up the cup getting some nearby napkins, and wiping the floor.
"It's fine!" The girl said, then started to help Gwen.
"Again I am so sorry-" She looks up and her eyes widen- It was Jules.
Jules's eyes go to Gwen's hair first "Your hair's really cool!" "Oh, this?!" She grabs the long part of her hair. "Didn't have a choice but, thank you."
Jules smiled at the comment and they ended up having a really pleasant conversation.
MILES P.O.V: It was so awkward, he was a little bit anxious but that's what always happened to him in super social situations, but he did find a few people to have short encounters with but this one red-haired guy maintained small talk with him.
"Yeah I draw in my free time," He said "But I'm studying science right now- out of state." "That's what's up." The redhead says, rolling a blunt and lighting it, He takes a hit out of it and coughs while exhaling.
He offers to Miles by trying to pass the blunt to him but Miles instinctively backs away. "I can't!" He fears he may have come off as too aggressive. "....parents always on my back." He forced out a laugh.
The guy nods his head in an understanding way and goes back to it. Miles hadn't seen the show so he didn't know if he was talking to a main character or not- nor whose house this was but as long as he didn't too much attention to himself he was chill.
That guy he was talking to had a buzzcut, and the dark green sweater he had on looked straight out of the 90s, he talked slowly and sounded high but he was cool in actuality.
Miles then got up to use the bathroom, it was kind of hard but when he found it there was virtually no line, just people hanging out in the hallway.
He walked up to the bathroom door, he tried to open it- it was looked.
"Hello? Anybody there?" Tried the door knob a few more times but still locked. He didn't want to be invasive but it was concerning how he heard virtually nobody.
And then he heard it.
The noises.
He put his ear to the door to make sure he heard that what he was hearing was correct. He heard 2 people's heavy breathing and kissing noises.
He was horrified but when he heard a loud bang against the wall and things falling he was GONE.
He speed walked out of that hallway but then he saw a dark-haired girl with dramatic eyeliner walking almost the same speed as him, looking around and saying "Where's the bathroom?!"
A guy pointed her in the direction he was just coming from, and she scurried off. He was going to warn her, but the path she made for herself went as quickly as it came.
HOBIE AND PAV'S P.O.V: "That's what it is bruv," Hobie said to a group of people he was talking to.
"Propaganda." He let his voice fade out for dramatic effect as he walked away. "Hobie Hobie Hobie!!" Pav said, running towards him almost tackling him.
"Aye, big man what's going on?!" Hobie laughed. "This party is off the hook we should go to more stuff like this!" He yelled over the booming music-He was so hyper, and his eyes were wide as hell.
"I don't believe in celebration or years- but I guess it's alright." He then sees a random bag of weed left on a table.
He snatches it before anybody else can reclaim it. "I'm gonna go smoke this, follow if you want." Hobie walks off and Pav follows soon thereafter.
They found a secluded room at the end of a hall downstairs. They open the door to see a laundry room, and a boy with box-dyed blonde hair, on his knees seemingly about to open a pill bottle.
They all freeze and look at Each other in a stare-off.
"What ya here for?" The punk said, eyebrow raised and all. "Uhhh just" the boy looks around. "uh....wall fixing purposes. What are you here for?" He hits Hobie back with that same accusatory voice.
"Smoke session." Hobie kept his answer short and simple, holding the bag up to prove it. "You wanna join?" Pav chimed in, still weary but- open to the offer.
They've smoked through more than half the bag already- laying on the floor, just vibing. "Gayatri doesn't even like me bro" Pav gets teary-eyed. "She is probably sleeping," Hobie says. Hobie takes the doobie from him and takes a hit
"dude how did you get your hair like that, "the random boy says. "cause, to be honest, you're making me question things," Hobie smirks at the comment. "I get that often."
He looks over at Pav again. "You good Bruv?" "Did you notice how beautiful the wall is?" Pav says looking at the plain white wall, grazing his fingers on it. He's only tried smoking once before and the whole time he just thought about Gayatri. "I think that's enough Mary Jay for you mate," The punk says while laughing, the boy follows along.
Hobie switches the subject "So- how's everybody's new year going?" "Decent." The blonde kid takes the blunt. "What...?" Pav turns to face them. "it' year??" Pav slowly gets up and yawns. "Yup, new year mate," Hobie says nonchalantly. Pav sighs, "Bro, y'all don't tell me anything." He puts his head down in his hands and everybody else laughs at the absurdity of his response.
"Making fun of my pain is not cool!" Pav's over-heightened emotions are getting the best of him.
Okay, now he really needed to find a bathroom. He found the party to be decent and didn't want to leave so he was almost determined trying to find another bathroom in that big ass house. During the mission, he ran into Gwen. "Miles!" Gwen seemed excited to see him.
"Hey." he tried to seem just as enthusiastic as her but she knew he was acting weird.
"What's wrong?" She had a concerned look on her face. "Where's the bathroom?!" He felt multiple drops of sweat dripping down his forehead.
"Oh!" She said, relieved it was nothing serious. "You could check downstairs-" She points the the right. "thank you!" Miles darts away, hoping she is right.
He followed the directions Gwen told him, going downstairs, and ended up finding a hallway that was the only one in the house not populated by humans, the door down the hall his only hope.
He jogs down the hall, the closer he gets the more he questions why there's smoke coming from the sliver of opening at the bottom.
He opens the door only to get an abundance of smoke hitting his face all at once. He coughs and attempts to swat it out of his face but It seems to not stop.
When he could finally see and breathe a good amount, his eyes widened- Pav, Hobie and this random guy turned the room into a hotbox, and it wasn't even a bathroom!
He completely forgot the urge to pee for a moment as he stood there, bewildered. Hobie turns his head and notices him. "Oi mate!" He waves and smiles, making Miles's presence known.
"Hey!" Pav said, sheepishly smiling. "Hey, I'm Elliot." The boy finally gives himself a name. "...what are You guys doing?" Miles asked.
"Just smoking skunk yeah, want some?" He offers. He was about to decline but the feeling of having to go takes over his body again.
"Do you guys know any other bathrooms around here?!" He puts his legs together. "There's one on the top floor, I could show you." He gets up and Pav follows along. "Hey, do you want the rest?" Elliot says, holding the bag up.
"Don't believe in finishing." He walks out of the room. "Bye, Elliot!" Pav happily waves and closes the door behind him.
For what felt like ages, Miles finally gets to use the bathroom. He comes out looking more than relieved. "Thank you, Hobie." "No problem." He puts his arm around his shoulder.
"Look it's 12:58!!" Pav points to the clock on the brown wall. "Don't you think it's time we get downstairs innt?" They all smirked at each other and started to go down the stairs.
They got there just in time for Gwen to find them. "Thank God I found you guys it's almost time!" She's grinning ear to ear. Everybody gathers around each other and somebody turns the music down.
"9, 8, 7,"
The four of them look at Each other, anticipating every number.
"6, 5, 4, 3,"
Their grip on each other tightened, eyes growing wider.
"2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" The whole room erupted in sound, the group jumped up and down, all of them group hugging. The music was turned up again, people were kissing, hugging, and laughing. Everybody was so happy.
That only lasted for a couple of seconds before the shattering of glass caught people's attention.
Everybody also simultaneously looked at where the sound came from and saw a red-haired man beating somebody up, it didn't take long for miles to realize the red-haired guy was the same guy he was talking to earlier in the night.
It was like the world stopped, everybody stayed silent except the people trying to break up the fight. These two girls named Maddy, whom Miles also recognized, and Cassie who tried to stop it, screamed "Fezco stop!!" But he pushed both of them off.
It took for this guy who had all black and and cornrows to stop him from almost killing the guy on the ground and even then fezco almost fought with him too.
The guy had taken off his sweater and had a white long sleeve under it, blood all over it along with his bruised knuckles.
He looked at Miles, then at another person then just walked away. People were crowding over the guy beating up, the gut that stopped the fight and the party host had to U-haul him out of the house.
".....Is it too late to say I didn't finish the first episode?" Gwen said quietly. All of them were shocked except Hobie, all he did was smile and say "Cheers to that." Before downing a shot.
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saturrnss · 1 year ago
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THE RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD (1985) dir. Dan O'Bannon
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saturrnss · 1 year ago
Tease!sanji x annoyed!zoro
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A/n: my oc's are in here and are heavily mentioned so if you don't like them idk what to tell ya🤷‍♂️😭😭 (also this is based off the live action since I have not watched the anime yet)
Warnings: literally none
"Alright fuckers, lunch is served!" Sanji called out to the rest of the crew from the kitchen. "Took you long enough." A yawning Zoro said annoyed.
"Faster than Laffy and usopp?!" He said with fake surprise. "Guess I have a number one fan." He put on a sarcastic smile, one that made Zoro roll his eyes and take a plate.
Luffy and Usopp came running in not even a millisecond later, the help of Luffy's nose detecting the smell within seconds.
They almost jump onto the table, grabbing big portions and immediately digging in. "Save some for me!" Axel says, coming in after them and trying to wrestle a piece of meat out of Ussopp's hand.
Marla walks in from her room, visibly pissed off. "What is it this time?" Sanji asks unbothered, wiping his knives with a rag.
"I lost my guitar pick!" she Slams her fist into the table, making Luffy, Usopp, and Axel stop what they're doing to look at her.
"3rd time this month huh?" Sanji says starkly
"Can't you just buy another?" Luffy says, food stuffed in his cheeks like a chipmunk. "I don't want to it's not the same!" She looks under the table, not even bothering to eat a piece of food.
"Mar!?" Nami's voice echoes from the hallway, Marla quickly sits up at the sounds of her voice.
She clears her throat and fixes her hair quickly before the cat burglar comes into the room.
"You left this in my room." She holds up the blondie's pick along with her daily magazine and reading glasses. Marla leans on the table and tries to look indifferent.
"....thanks" the shaky voice along with the little to no eye contact was cringeworthy, her attempt at thanking her while also being effortlessly cool fell short as the silence that came after was deafingly long.
Everybody knew that she had a thing for Nami on some level except for the crush herself and Luffy (he doesn't figure things out unless you tell him.)
Nami's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Are you okay?" "Am I okay?!" She gets her arm off the table and wipes her sweaty palms on her shirt. "I am perfectly fine why would you ask-"
Before she could make even more of a fool out of herself Sanji takes over. "She thanks you for your finding" The man gives his sister a pat on the back and retrieves the pick for her.
He turns around "Right Mar?!" He gives her a fake, sarcastic smile, drops the item in Marla's hands, and goes back to what he was doing, Marla staring daggers at him every second of it.
The cook makes another plate and passes it to Zoro, having a certain pep in his step while doing so.
"And extra for you sexy." He winks at him, making Zoro roll his eyes even more and Marla shiver in disgust at her brother's shameless antics.
It had been a few weeks since the last encounter with Luffy's marine grandfather, life with the straw hat crew had been fine, but what irked Zoro's spirit the most- was the cook.
They were always bickering and arguing, so much so it's become an Inside joke within the crew.
But for the past 5 weeks, it's just been different. The energy Sanji gave Nami when he first joined was now being put toward him.
He just didn't understand why the cook loved getting under his skin so much. "It's just to vex, no way he likes me." He lay in his hammock and thought to himself one in a while, but that one in a while turned into sometimes, and that sometimes turned into most nights.
He would just sit back and replay the interactions he had with Sanji that day, noticing the little details about him. He even showed up in his dreams a handful of times, maybe on a date in some.
He knew that somewhere deep down-he grew fond of him, there were times he wanted to respond to his touch or initiate the flirting, but he never did.
"I'm not gonna give that dumbass what he wants." Zoro thought to himself.
Not yet at least.
It was late afternoon by that point, the sun slowly setting and darkness taking its place. Zoro was about to fall asleep in his room when he heard the door knob shuffle and turn open.
He raised his eyebrow but didn't open his eyes, Axel usually came to do random stuff in his room regardless of whether he wanted anyone there or not so he was under the assumption that it was them
Until he heard the sharpening of a blade.
The swordsman luckily had his bladed weapon on him so he knew nobody was trying to steal it for the 100th time.
He stood up and quietly put his sword in hand, gripping it tightly. His mind was racing, filled with the infinite ways this could go.
He opened his eyes ever so slightly and sighed with irritation- it was Sanji doing his bi-weekly knife sharpening.
"I told you not to do that here shithead." He relaxed his muscles. "Oh relax mosshead," He said, still sharpening. "I'll be out in 5"
"I don't have 5"
"Well, I guess you'll have to learn a new skill today pretty boy."
That goddamn smile he always had on his face after knowingly being irritating just set Zoro off.
He uses both of his hands to pull the cook up by his shirt, the sword being inches away from his neck.
"I should beat you up into a pulp." "You wanna kiss me so badly it makes you look stupid." Zoro pauses and looks at him. He could go the usual route, come up with a quick comeback, or fight him but he wanted to try something- different.
The swordsman then chuckles.
"And what if I do?"
The response made Sanji, for the first time since they met, look visibly flustered. Zoro himself was a bit nervous but he didn't show it.
"What's the matter, cat got your tongue?" Zoro said, Slightly tilting his head, loving the fact that he finally caught the cook off guard, but also to get a good long look at him.
Before he knew it their faces were an inch closer together than a second ago. He was prepared to let Sanji go and step back from him if he rejected his advances but to his surprise, he moved even closer.
He wanted this- they both wanted this.
The room was mostly quiet, all the sound was coming from the heavy breath made by both of them, not even an inch away from each other now.
They finally pressed both of their lips together, zoro having a delayed response by a few seconds. The first kiss was light, sanji pulled his face away and looked at Zoro but before he could say a word the swordsman pulled him back into a more passionate one.
The door swings open. "What the....."
They both quickly stop and look to see a shocked Marla with her mouth wide open. Sanji and Zoro look at her like a deer in headlights.
Marla closes her mouth and tries to recollect herself, she sighs.
"Not even gonna question it."
She closes the door, leaving them to deal with the aftermath.
A/n: I visibly cringe every time I write dialogue, anyway here yall go❤️ (also go check out my last post if you want a backstory for my oc's)
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saturrnss · 1 year ago
My One piece oc's!
Cause y'all gon catch them in the next one shot😭
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Full name: Vinsmoke Marla
Pirate name: Deadman Marla
Age: 18
Sexuality: lesbian
Affiliation(s): Sanji's sister; Strawhat crew
Backstory: She was on the ship when Zeff and his crew came on scrubbing the floor and the rest is history. Unlike her brother Sanji, she liked the guitar more. She handmade her first guitar at age 9 and stole a pick with "deadman" on it- she's had it ever since.
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Full name: Hart Axel
Pirate name: Left Eye Axe
Age: 17
Gender: non-binary
Affiliation(s): strawhat crew; ussops possible half sibling??
Backstory: they were raised by their grandfather strict Hart-Leo on the small Pearl Cove Island, Leo being blind in his right eye. They were always fascinated by dancing and how things were made- snuck out just to join the small dance crew they were a part of for competitions.
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Marla: interrupted her brother's 2nd attempt at flirting that day-also catching feelings for Nami in the process.
Axel: freed by Nami and Luffy after stealing food when a marine was nearby
A/n: hope y'all get used to them 🙏
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saturrnss · 1 year ago
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saturrnss · 1 year ago
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A/N: guess who finally got on their zoom because of their hormones (maybe more headcanons??)🙃😅
.He detaches his dick and uses it as a dildo
.slaps your face and says "who's my dirty little slut?" (Just degradation in general)
.hair puller~
.if you both in front of a mirror while fucking- he'll grab your face and say "look at how pretty you are." While absolutely ramming you
.into tigh humping
.will do it at any place, anytime
.easy access (sundresses, short skirts, overalls-anything easy to take off)
.Praise kink FOR SURE
.creampie kink~
.Knife kink???
.dominant for most of the time but if he's really fond of you~ he'll let you take control [Whimpering ;)]
.groans when he cums
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saturrnss · 2 years ago
Attoye Week Prompt Day 3:
Fluff/Comedy 💕
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attuma, okoye, and the twins: tadeas & xyanza
reblogs, comments and likes are fangirled over throughly 🤭💕
tip option in bio 💐 art by @xblackreader
@attoye @attoye-week ✨
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saturrnss · 2 years ago
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Descendants Incorrect Quotes - 1/?
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saturrnss · 2 years ago
—-HOBIE’S CANON EVENT (headcanon)—-
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Warnings: violent death, daddy issues, mentions of police brutality and underaged drinking, mentions of police corruption
A/n: I’m pulling this straight out of my ass cheeks so do with that what you will. And also I know London banned guns but I’m the writer so I can do anything
.hobie never likes to talk about his canon event, only Miguel and Gwen know about it, and he will literally kill anyone who tries to bring it up.
Lieutenant James Campbell was the worst cop on the London police force.
He was mean, cruel and nasty.
So many innocent people went to jail for a long time because of him and so many abusers and Murderers got out because their lawyers paid him.
He didn’t care for any of the citizens, he was so bad that it was the start of hobie’s long term hatred for cops
But some how, someway. His father- Officer Daniel brown was friends with him.
“I’ve known him since kindergarten, he's not be that bad”
His father used to say whenever hobie tried to bring his cruelty up or make side eye him when he was around.
Hobie never understood it. “How could you let that pig around here!?” “Not even turn ‘em in?!” He thought to himself.
One day, a couple of months after he got bit, he got into an argument which he started after he cussed James out which made him storm off.
“I can believe you defend that fucking clown!!” He yelled. “Clam down“ his father softly but sternly replied with. “I’m not gonna calm down! You willingly jerk those guys off like they’re gonna see you any differently!’’
“I don’t know those people that you hang out with, but I can see the number they did on you” Daniel says, fixing his tie at the kitchen counter and putting his police hat on.
“Don’t bring them into this!’’ He said being even more enraged at the fact that he was basically being ignored.
His father stepped away from the counter and went toward the door of the apartment, but hobie still wasn’t gonna let it go.
“No wonder mom left you, I wouldn’t wanna be with such a cunt either.”
He stopped in his tracks.
“….what did you say?” Daniel said without moving a muscle.
And before hobie could repeat it again his father jumped at him from across the room, forcing him against the wall by his shirt.
“Speak on her again in that way! Speak!!!” He yelled right in his face, spit getting all over.
And for the first time, he didn’t comply.
He would never admit it, but that was the first time, in years, that he felt like he pushed-too far.
His father dropped him and walked away from him, sucking his anger back into him and straightening himself up.
The sheer fear, that hobie felt a few moments ago is a feeling that he would never feel again in his lifetime.
He dad takes a deep breath. “I never wanted to be a cop.” Hobie looks up, confused as to what his father was saying.
“When I was younger me and my mates used to get into a lot of trouble with them,” he says. "but as I grew up, I realized that making a difference isn't just running around, high and confused, it’s about working inside the system. It might not look like it but I have to be very, careful with the power I have now."
He gets his jacket. "One less racist cop at a time." he stops again. "I'm not mad at you, Hobart. You're a young black trying to figure it all out," "but there's just some ways you go about it."
He opens the door and looks back one final time.
"I love you."
Hobie doesn't say anything.
He tries to wait for a couple of seconds, hobie usually breaks the silence with a response but this time he doesn't.
".....I just hope you know that."
He leaves.
And hobie is left there, silent.
Later that night, he got shit-faced with his mates Pic and Scabs at this random punk bar they found. The screeching sound of guitars and the audience screaming was so loud that you could barely hear yourself think.
The smell was awful too but you got used to it after a while.
He stumbled out of the place after a couple of hours and puked into the nearest trash can he could find. Everything was so fuzzy, the longest he could go walking in a straight line was a few seconds at most.
But then, while he was trying to find some essence of soberness, blinking red and blue emergency trucks dart passed him on the street- police cars follow.
He usually wouldn't care about things like that but something in his mind was telling him.
So he did.
Part of him still wishes he never listened.
He didn’t really need to run that far since the scene was happening a couple feet away from him. When he got there it was so many people in front of him but it didn’t bother him that much since he was tall as hell.
The body was already covered so he only saw the blood continuing to leak out of it but it was already enough to make his stomach drop.
Something about it was -off- to him, so he pushed through the crowd, and lifted the cover.
And there it was.
His dad laying face first on the ground, multiple stab wounds to his head, brain matter splattered. Hobie was frozen, his face was like stone, he tried to hold back his tears but before he knew it they were filling his eyes and rolling down his cheeks, making his vision blurry even more-so.
“Sir.” A random policeman says, he doesn’t hear. “Sir,” he snaps his fingers in hobie’s face, this time the punk notices him but he just doesn’t care.
“Sir I’m gonna have to ask you to leav-“ the officer says and starts to put his hand on hobie’s shoulder but he instinctively pushes him away. Sooner or later more cops circle around him as he refuses to move away from the body. But before a fight could break out, voice comes out from behind them.
“He’s with me.” The officers stop and stand up straight to hobie’s confusion. He turned around to see the devil himself- lieutenant James, in all his prick-ish glory.
“I think you all should leave.” He says, forcing the officers to leave you alone, still side eyeing the punk while walking away.
For a short while there was silence, just a moment of taking in what was now reality, then James decided to break the ice. “..Sorry..son” he puts his hand on his back which makes both of them cringe to the heaviest degree.
They watch the paramedics put his body on a stretcher and lift him up onto the back of the ambulance but even that wasn’t an emotional moment due to thick air of tension created.
He runs off to get inside the vehicle before they close the door, escaping the awkwardness and into an equally dreadful but weirdly calming environment.
The ride to the hospital felt like an eternity, all he could do was hold his dad’s hand, watching the paramedics trying to save a lost cause.
They got to the Emergency room and rolled the officer away, leaving hobie there, alone, with only himself to comfort.
Later, while hobie was sitting in a waiting chair, trying to distract himself with whatever crappy American sitcom they aired on late night television, a doctor in a long white coat and round glasses approached him.
“You must be Officer Brown’s son.” The doctor says “what of it?” Hobie tries to say in his usual dismissive tone but this time, he can’t bring himself to commit fully.
“…..he was too far gone.” Hobie closes his eyes and sighs, he thought he mentally prepared for it but hearing someone say it was like it cemented itself into reality.
“If you would like,” the doctor said with pity in their voice. “You could come to the room to have one last moment with him.” He hesitated at first but then picked himself up walked to the room with the doctor.
When he entered the room it was a cold and sterile atmosphere, felt like one of those liminal spaces. The colors of the room were almost sickly, everything about it wasn’t right, the only thing that grounded it in reality was the body laying flat in the middle of the room.
The doctor quietly excused themself out of the room and shut the door. Hobie walked to the side of the body and practically just dropped on his father- and cried.
Cried hard. It almost felt like he was a 5 year old again, sitting on his dad’s lap wailing because he broke his arm, but this time he doesn’t feel a warm embrace, the reassurance and comfort of a parental figure.
All he feels is just a cold hand. Lifelessness.
No one to tell him it was gonna be all okay.
Nothing was there anymore.
He barley even remembers the funeral, all he can recount is James, his supposed “best friend” looking bored and laughing up a storm with people.
The case for his dad closed after about 3 months no matter how hard Hobie fought for it to say open.
He couldn’t keep up with rent so he got evicted.
The only option was to stay with his absent mom or James, and no way in hell was that happening.
He found an abandoned warehouse and decorated it to his liking. It’s not like he was depressed or anything but everything just went- numb for a little while.
On rare occasions he felt emotion, but it went away after a few seconds.
Life felt more like a really bad fever dream now.
If you could even call it a dream.
Months after that, he was sleeping on a friend’s couch when the friend, Rob frantically woke him.
“Wake the fuck up Hobbs!!” Rob quietly yells in a panic. “What?!” He says, sitting up dazed. Rob paces back and forth.
"Scabs got merked!!" hobie's mind didn't register it at first. “…huh?" “Scab’s is dead mate!” It still doesn’t compute. “….what?” He says in an uncharacteristically dumbfounded tone. “Do I have to spell it out for you dumbass he is not with us anymore!!”
Then when it finally clicks, the only words he can muster out is
“....who killed him?" he asks but Rob didn't hear it, still pacing and talking to himself. It took hobie to get up and grab Rob by his jacket for him to finally get a straight answer."
"Who. Killed. Him?" He says slowly. "That cunt lieutenant said he had drugs on him when he doesn't even drink. One thing lead to another and he got shot."
His face drops.
At first, he was even more lost, and confused. He sat back down and put his hand into his palms. Then, it was like someone poured boiling water one him to wake up.
For the first time, in a long time, an emotion finally stuck with him.
Blind. Rage.
He quickly went to get his guitar and his suit and quickly went toward the door. “Where yo-” hobie had already shut the door before his friend could finish the question.
He changed on the rooftop of the building and swung into the night.
He didn’t even know where that cunt was, all he knew was that he had to do something. Something that would make him feel the pain and numbness that he felt.
And the only way he knew how to do that was by Revenge.
He finally got to the lieutenant’s house- a modest, 2-bedroom house. He didn't have any children, he got divorced rather quickly before he could.
He got in through the window. It was pitch black and he couldn't feel anyone in the house so he walked up to the front door and waited.
He saw certificates and police gear all over the wall along with pictures of him on duty and all he could feel was disgust.
He could feel the sweat dripping down his face in his mask, palms sore from holding the guitar. His suit only made him feel claustrophobic but he didn’t care.
He heard a car pull up. His eyes immediately shot to the window, seeing a black Volkswagen Beetle parked in the driveway. He looks straight at the door, feeling him get out of the car and inch closer and closer to the door.
His heart was beating through his chest and was mentally psyching himself up. The sound of keys jingling just outside the door made him close his eyes.
“Once I deal with him,” he thought. “It will be all over with.”
The doorknob turned and he saw him. From that point on, It was like an out-of-body experience. He didn’t feel like himself- Something came over him.
Maybe it was a greater force than himself, maybe it was all the grief he somehow suppressed it was a mystery.
He doesn’t remember much of the fight, only the fact that James had a broken nose and was losing severely. But when he “got back” to his body, the scene was a horror show.
Blood was all over him, his guitar was broken and James' head looked like it had been split in two. It didn’t take him long to put two and two together.
It was so bad that two teeth were stuck in the bottom of his guitar. He quickly left the scene after he heard a car coming. He got on the roof of Rob’s flat and hid his blood soaked suit and guitar.
He knew he couldn’t leave it there for long or else it would stain. He opened the door to the apartment and immediately went to take a shower, and to be honest, he felt immensely better.
He was mostly glad that nobody would be bothered by him anymore, that there was one less burden on earth, but he couldn’t brush off the fact that something was watching him- Something familiar.
It was the most publicized murder case in the city. The brutality of it all intrigued people the most. “What could have the heroic police officer James Campbell, done to have deserved this fate?”
It made him sick, the blatant rewriting of history. Especially the fact that the authority force had so much more emotion for him than his dad.
That’s when he got his blue latter laces. His friends and the rest of the scene noticed but didn’t say anything nor cared. He got investigated for a bit but due to lack of evidence he was let go.
He took a break from being spider-man for a while, opting to spend time with his friends and to sort of heal. He cleaned his suit and fixed his guitar, trying to live a normal life after what he did.
He still gets night terrors once in a while, it gets mixed in with dreams of his dad. He makes jokes about his laces, smiling at Miles’s dad when he catches him staring at his shoes.
Definitely doesn't feel bad about that son of a bitches death, doesn't have a reason to care anyway. But there's still a pinch of- guilt in the back of his mind.
Festering. If he didn't say what he said, if he just caved in and told him that he loved him. Then he would still be alive.
A/N: idk y'all I'm not feeling this one 😔 also hey y'all
Wattpad: sevenstarcigs
Tiktok: sevenstarwp
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saturrnss · 2 years ago
When nonblack people write for Hobie I feel my skin peel off
The way y’all talk about his hair make me wanna slap the piss out of some of you mfs ☠️☠️
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