#and I wanted to offer an alternate interpretation
woof-verine · 28 days
re: the vanessa logan wade situation post deadpool & wolverine
I think vanessa and wade try to make it work again, I really do. I think they talk about it. I think he takes her to dinner a few times and he goes over to her place and they try to make things like they used to be between them until they realize that things can never be that way again because THEY will never be that way again. both of them have changed, are changing still, are growing upward and outward and also … apart.
wolverine tentatively reintroduces himself to the x men and wade tags along. vanessa starts her new position at work and that comes with way more responsibilities and way less time for anything else. she’s more serious than she used to be. wade is, too, but in a different way. one day when the x men go out on a mission, wade suits up too because he “has nothing better to do.” logan rolls his eyes but lets him come and stares down the other x men when they ask what the hell wade is doing there. deadpool doesn’t shut up the whole mission. he also does a good job. soon he comes on another mission. then another one. wade keeps weird hours because wolverine is always on call with the x men, and now deadpool is kind of unofficially on call when wolverine is. vanessa needs eight hours of sleep to wake up early to get to her job on time. she isn’t a stripper anymore. and wade… well wade’s looking like less and less of a merc. when wade isn’t sleeping over at vanessa’s, he doesn’t have to worry about someone killing her in the middle of the night while they’re looking for him. wolverine can handle whatever comes after him. he can handle whatever comes after wolverine. when logan wakes up tense and violent from a nightmare in the middle of the night, wade is there and he can’t hurt him. when wade wakes up in a cold sweat from nightmares of his own, he doesn’t have to explain it to logan, because logan already knows what it’s like. slowly, wade’s world unwinds itself from vanessa’s and wraps around logan’s. it’s almost so slow they don’t know it’s happening. but it happens.
and one morning, maybe after a couple of months being back together, wade and vanessa wake up on one of the increasingly rare nights they spend together, and they look at each other and realize that they are different now. too different. and then it ends, to quote t.s. eliot, not with a bang but with a whimper
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shigure · 1 year
man. oberon saying "i'm sorry i couldn't get rid of those proper human history bastards for you, titania" after he's already conflated guda with titania. what does it all mean.
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collgeruledzebra · 1 year
head in my hands hal 9000 is not a robot... he's an artificial intelligence...
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shiplessoceans · 1 year
Good Omens S2 Episode 6 confession scene speculation:
Aziraphale didn't respond to the love confession from Crowley because he didn't realise it was one until Crowley mentioned the Nightingale and kissed him.
Allow me to explain.
Aziraphale interrupted Crowley to give him the news from Metatron, so when Crowley starts his spiel:
"We've been together a long time, I could always rely on you...we're a group....we've spent our existence pretending we aren't...if Gabriel and Beelzebub can go off together then we can...we don't need heaven/hell they're toxic...you and me whatya say?"
Aziraphale interprets everything Crowley is saying as his rebuttal to the 'good news', not a separate declaration of his feelings.
What Aziraphale just told him shaped Crowley's confession, instead of finally telling Aziraphale how he feels about him, he's now backed into a corner and trying to change Aziraphales mind. Offering to run off with him as the alternative to the Metatron's offer.
The repetition of the phrase: "go off together" from the bandstand fight in season one feels very intentional here. It would be easy for Aziraphale to think 'this is just Crowley's response when the divine plan interferes, he always wants to run away'.
Aziraphale believes that he just needs to make Crowley understand the situation and opportunity that this is and everything will be alright:
"Come with me! To heaven, I can run it, you can be my second in command. We can make a difference!"
Crowley is looking defeated already, in his mind he's bared his soul and Aziraphale is a brick wall. So if he can't tempt the angel into staying with the love he has for him (which Crowley thinks he's declared but he really hasn't), he'll get him to change his mind by evoking something else he loves:
"You can't leave this bookshop."
Aziraphale scoffs fondly. 'Silly demon, you were just suggesting we run off together and abandon it only a moment ago!' He thinks Crowley is trying to 'work' him here and the old serpent might even be selflessly trying to spare the angel the loss of his beloved bookshop in order to restore Crowley and help the world, which would be just like him to be so covertly protective. So Aziraphale reassures him, a bookshop doesn't matter to him as much as Crowley and the world. It's just a collection of objects really. Humanity is more important. Crowley is far more important.
"Oh Crowley, nothing lasts forever."
Crowley is crushed. Nothing lasts forever. Not even the two of them. So he covers his sadness with his glasses, walls back up, and he tries to leave.
Aziraphale is baffled. He just reassured Crowley that he was alright with change if it means things could be better. Why is Crowley leaving? Is he worried that they won't spend time together anymore? That he won't have time for his friend as a supreme archangel?
"Crowley come back!....we can be together, angels!...I need you!"
Crowley can't even look at him in that moment. Why would Aziraphale say that? The two of them together only if he accepts heaven again? Conditional love? That's not fair. It hurts.
Aziraphale meanwhile is hurt by Crowley's turning away, his silence and a bit incensed at what he perceives as ingratitude. Aziraphale didn't really want to go back to heaven, but he'd do it if it meant Crowley could be happy and safe and Crowley doesn't seem to appreciate that:
"I don't think you understand what I'm offering you."
Crowley went through the fall. He asked the questions. Did his best to protect humanity and it has brought him nothing but suffering. He's well aware what's on offer. He's seen heavens cruelty and capriciousness firsthand and been burned by it repeatedly. How can Aziraphale choose them over him and still think everything will work out?
"I understand. I think I understand a whole lot better than you do."
Crowley loves Aziraphale's big foolish optimism and kind heart and he thinks it's the very thing taking the angel away from him. This isn't how it was supposed to go. It's all slipping away from him.
"Listen. You hear that?"
Aziraphale can't even keep up at this point.
This is what comes of thousands of years of 'not talking about it' and living under threat of holy retribution if they are discovered. They're talking past each other, having two different conversations. Obfuscation and code has become their communication medium by necessity and it's failing them.
It's frustrating Aziraphale that he can't get a grip on this conversation:
"I don't hear anything!"
And Crowley drops the bomb.
"That's the point. No Nightingale's."
Oh. Suddenly we're on the same page. You can see from Aziraphale's face that he understands to what Crowley's referring. The Nightingale in Berkely square. Angels dining at the Ritz...
"You idiot! We could have been... us."
Crowley's talking about the big unspoken thing between them. Their relationship, thousands of years of dancing around each other like binary stars gravitationally and inexorably drawn together over and over. The thing Aziraphale was beginning to be bold about, (dancing notwithstanding) before Metatron came along and distracted him.
And it seems to Aziraphale that gut-wrenchingly, Crowley is finally acknowledging their mutual love only to point out that it's gone. Lost. They could have finally been together, an us, but Aziraphale ruined it because he's an 'idiot'.
After being quietly in love with Crowley for years, for Aziraphale to have his offer to return to heaven together and his unspoken love rejected in one fell swoop is devastating.
Overcome, he begins to cry and turns away, not wanting Crowley to see how hurt he is.
Crowley for his part is desperate. He has to do something. Maybe Aziraphale doesn't understand what Crowley is offering him! One fabulous kiss and va-voom right?
In a final desperate act, he kisses Aziraphale. Tries for passionate. Tries to show him that he loves him and show him what they could be because his words clearly aren't working.
Aziraphale is shocked and angry. He wants to kiss Crowley of course. But not like this. Not as a taunt. Crowley just told him their chance is over so what else could this be but a final insult. A kiss to punish the angel. It's a cruelty he didn't believe Crowley capable of.
And despite how mean it is. It's also what Aziraphale has wanted for so long he can't help but melt into it for a brief moment. Allow himself to feel what it would have been like to be that close before losing it forever.
Then Crowley lets go and Aziraphale breaks away on a sob, feeling wounded. Hurt beyond words that Crowley would use his feelings against him like this, gutted to be losing the man he loves and not understanding why.
The worst part is that Aziraphale doesn't have it in him to hate Crowley, even if he thinks the kiss was a cruel gesture. He still loves him. So he gathers himself and does what Aziraphale does when someone hurts him.
He forgives.
"I forgive you."
I forgive you for rejecting my attempt to restore you and make you happy, I forgive you for rejecting God and heaven yet again, I forgive you for acknowledging our love and then rejecting it. I forgive you for kissing me, giving me a fleeting glimpse of what we could have been to each other. I love you and I forgive you all that.
Crowley is done. Breath knocked out of him on a last sigh. He tried. And the Angel forgave him yet again for something he never asked or wanted forgiveness for. He doesn't want to be penitent for loving Aziraphale. Shouldn't have to apologise or regret wanting them to be together.
"Don't bother."
Aziraphale looks surprised Crowley is leaving because he genuinely is. He can't understand how it's all gone so horribly wrong. He gasps, shocked and can't even call out to him to stop, come back.
He cries, touches his lips where Crowley had kissed him. Tries to gather himself and barely has 10 seconds before Metatron is back.
At the end of that scene:
Crowley thinks he confessed his love and Aziraphale chose heaven over him because he didn't want to stop being a demon.
Aziraphale thinks Crowley rejected heaven, then rejected Aziraphale and threw their love back in his face as a final unkindness.
Aziraphale leaves and goes to heaven anyway because in his mind he's already lost Crowley and there is nothing left to stay for. If he doesn't have Crowley he needs a new purpose and it's going to be saving the world. He'll convince himself of it. And he'll push that broken heart down and the pain will fade if he just smiles through it. It will be enough, to make heaven better. It has to be. Maybe if he proves that he can make a difference Crowley might see the error of his ways and speak to him again? Surely. Hopefully.
Both of them are hurt and confused and lost and oh dear hell I really feel for them.
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theirisianprincess · 3 months
Something that really annoys me is that whenever there's an ambiguous depiction of queerness in fiction is that whenever an alternative explanation is given, certain people will assume the alternative to be true despite queerness being just as likely. These explanations aren't even necessarily wrong, it's just that people will run with those if it means not acknowledging that characters might be gay.
Like, for example, they never outright say that Marcille loves Falin, but a lot of people (myself included) believe this to be the case. But the fact that an alternative explanation for their closeness is provided is often used as a reason why it couldn't possibly be romantic. The alternative explanation in this case is that learning that her best friend got eaten forces her to confront her fear of outliving her friends. And that motivates her to try to save her. The problem with this is that it doesn't actually disprove the idea that Marcille loves Falin. Marcille loving Falin is just more motivation for Marcille. And sure, Marcille could be just as motivated if she thought of Falin as her platonic bestie, but why do people use the possibility of that as a reason to discount romance as a possible motivation for her?
Anime fans did the exact same thing with Madoka Magica. They cite Homura's solitude as the reason for her obsession with saving Madoka. But once again, that doesn't contradict romantic attraction. And when it gets confirmed that Homura loves Madoka (and that Sayaka and Kyoko love each other) in Rebellion, people just claimed "fan pandering" and "translation error".
And when an alternative explanation isn't provided, some anime fans will provide one for them. Like, in Watamote, Asuka constantly tries to get closer and closer with Tomoko. Some people suspect that this means she has romantic interest in Tomoko, but others choose to interpret her interest as curiosity and intrigue. Except curiosity doesn't explain the lap pillows or the nude FaceTime or offering her boobs to her or wanting to go to the same college or saying she spends most of her time thinking about Tomoko.
Would this problem be fixed if characters just said they were queer? No.
Dungeon Meshi is complete, so they won't confirm or deny Marcille's feelings. And Homura, Sayaka, and Kyoko had all been confirmed queer, but people still denied it. And Asuka has good reasons not to admit her feelings for Tomoko. Most notably, the world of Watamote is incredibly heteronormative, so people generally won't admit to being queer. And despite Tomoko being in a glass closet, she still doesn't even admit her bisexuality to herself, so it makes sense for Asuka to hold off on telling her anything. I would like Asuka to admit her feelings by the end, but as we are right now, it's better that she doesn't.
Insisting that we must always immediately confirm queerness and that it can never be ambiguous because some people will run with any chance to deny it will greatly limit the kinds of stories that can be told.
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lady-raziel · 5 months
yeah fuck it i'm not done with my fanfic rant. it's very very clear that many of the people out there saying 'i don't read fanfic because its not canon and its poorly written'...have never really, truly spent the time to interact with fanfiction. it's kind of like they heard all the bad criticisms of fan writing, and just assumed they were true and never bothered to check for themselves.
yes, there are fanfics that are poorly written. yes, there are fanfics that are just porn. yes, there are even fanfics that are alternate universes of canon that may even have OOC characterizations. all of these things are true, and pretty much every fanfic enjoyer will agree with you.
but the point of fanfiction. the whole point is that you have to search around and find what you like. because for some reason, canon isn't doing it for you. or you just want to know what someone else's interpretation of how things could have happened is!
there are brilliant fanfictions. there are truly amazing, incredibly written fanfictions that take the good parts of a story and make them better. there are fanfictions better than actual published works that are better plotted out and researched than anything canon has to offer. but you have to FIND these fanfics, whether through recs or by searching yourself.
the people who say all fanfic is bad and poorly written seem to live with the expectation that good media will simply be handed to them and they can consume it unquestioningly. regardless of the slew of bad books, shows, and movies that exist and are thrown at us on a daily basis. would you really go so far as to say 'all tv shows have poor writing' because it took trying to watch several bad shows in your streaming recommendations to find one you liked? or do you really, honestly think that because something was made with profit in mind it inherently has better quality and more value than something made out of passion?
fanfic haters, find the love in your heart to engage with media you love outside of the context of it being sold to you. you may even find a gem among the coal that makes you love the original property even more.
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whumpgifathon · 4 months
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Hello! And welcome to my brand new whump gifmaking challenge! I'm your host @aceofwhump and I'm excited to bring a whump challenge specifically created with gifmakers and visual artists in mind.
The challenge begins August 1, 2024!
All gifs posted must be made by you. Do not just post gifs using the gif keyboard and claim them as yours and do not repost other people’s gifs. No AI-generated content please.
Various mediums are welcome! So long as the visual art aspect is the focus you can make whatever you want. Yes this is primarily a gifmaking challenge so everything is geared towards that but any visual art is welcome. If you draw, make moodboards, edits, videos, etc you’re welcome to participate!
You can use the prompts however you like. There is no wrong way to use a prompt. Feel free to interpret them however you wish. If you think it counts as whump? It's whump! Make it! Angst, comfort, emotional whump, small things, big things, it all counts so no need to over think it.
Tag all potential triggers (things like emeto, gore, nsfw, blood, eye whump, rape/noncon, etc.) When in doubt, tag it.
Tags to use when posting so I can find your ppst: #whumpedit, #whumpgifathon, #whump gifs
Please try to include the show/movie title, character names, and episode number (if applicable) somewhere either in your tags or in the post caption. This way anyone interested in watching it can find it easily.
An example of a way you can caption your gifsets:
@whumpgifathon | Day #: "prompt description" Show/Movie title, episode number, character name
And here's the prompt list!!! I hope you guys like it and find it inspiring but not overly challenging!
Remember that this is a relaxed event!!! I just want to offer my fellow visual artists some inspiring prompts and an opportunity to have some fun. So sit back, relax, and have fun!
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Text version below:
Whump Gifathon - August 2024 Prompt List
Day 1: Space Oxygen Deprivation | Time Loop | Experiment
Day 2: Feeling Sick Fever | Infection | Delirium
Day 3: Environmental Earthquake | Storm | Hypothermia
Day 4: Captivity Chains | Caged | Rescue
Day 5: Water Shipwrecked | Drowning | Waterboarding
Day 6: Skills Try out a new technique you haven’t tried before using your favorite whump trope as inspiration!
Day 7: Emotional Crying | Panic Attack| Fear
Day 8: Hospital Ambulance | Intubation | Waking Up Disoriented
Day 9: Battlefield Explosion | Gunfire | Field Medicine
Day 10: Temporary Effects Blinded | Amnesia | Poisoned
Day 11: Recovery Sling | Pain | Seeking Support
Day 12: We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes Straight Jacket | Forced Injection | Hallucinations
Day 13: Aesthetic Highlight your favorite whump aesthetic
Day 14: Sleeping Nightmares | Exhaustion | Passing Out
Day 15: Trapped Impaled | Buried Alive | Locked Inside
Day 16: Western Cauterized | Bitten | Hanged
Day 17: Comfort Hugging | Blankets | Gentle Touch
Day 18: Broken Broken Bones | Emotional Breakdown | Broken Spirit
Day 19: Relationships What is your favorite type of whumpee/caretaker relationship? Platonic? Romantic? Familial? Show me!
Day 20: Blood Bloody Hands | Bleeding Out | Covered in Blood
Day 21: Fantastical Nonhuman | Resurrection | Magical Healing
Day 22: A Knock to the Head Headache | Knocked Out | Bloody face
Day 23: Travel Gone Wrong Car Accident | Plane Crash | Train Delrailment
Day 24: Magic Magical Exhaustion | Cursed | Possession
Day 25: Period Drama Pick a time period of your choice and highlight the whump!
Day 26: Everything Hurts and I’m Dying Grief | Resuscitation | Presumed Dead
Day 27: Superheroes Overused Powers | Powers with a Side Effect | Villain
Day 28: Torture Beaten| Flogging | Choked
Day 29: Restrained Zipties| Rope Leash | Medical Restraints
Day 30: First Aid Ice Pack | Stitches | Bandages
Day 31: Colors Highlight a specific color in your art
Alternate Prompts:
"Stay With Me" Begging Heat Exhaustion Bedside Vigil Self Surgery Taser Scar Reveal Collapsing Protective Electrocution
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groovyfrog420 · 6 months
SV Redeemed AU
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First things first, these designs for Shadow Milk and Pure Vanilla are FAR into the future. Quite literally end game phase of the story, the “they grow old together and live happily ever after”. There's a long way to get there, and while I will write some of my thoughts about their journey, I'm a shitty writer. There's no single thought-out plot, it's just bits and pieces of my thoughts in one place. 
I don't think I'd be making a tag or naming this AU anything specific. I'm still calling it an AU because there is a bit of canon divergence, but I don’t have a start-to-finish story. (EDIT: wellp that lasted long. new name is #False-Truth AU because I like the oxymoron. I still don't think I'll do much - maybe a few short comics, which you'll be able to find under that tag on my profile)
Keep in mind that these are just my own interpretations, if you imagine these cookies acting differently, that's ok! This is just my own made-up alternate version
LONG POST UNDER THE CUT - don't say I didn't warn ya
I’ve tried to divide it into sections, so if you are looking for just smth specific / only care about one of the characters, you can skip right to it!
Prepare for the ramblings. 
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more relaxed now - doesn’t need to keep up perfect appearances and the image of a hero, so he can lay back a bit more. (messier, less perfectly styled hair - more like his younger years. comfier clothes.) 
focusing on herbology - with less power now (why explained below) and trying to not overwork himself, he’s taken to different healing methods, as well as taking on gardening as a hobby
slightly more open eyes - (heavily elaborated on bellow) 
different staff - due to being able to use his own eyes more now, as well as staying more on the low, he’d decided to retire the famous staff. Since it’s a flower, it was planted somewhere and allowed to blossom and grow freely - fitting symbolism for a new beginning, I think. The lantern light glowing blue makes it easier on his eyes.
In this AU Shadow Milk and Pure Vanilla retire together. I think PV would still like to teach, but would focus more on the medical and practical side of things, like herbs and healing practices. (He’ll leave telling tales about the past  to Shadow Milk, though he might throw in his own comments from time to time…) He mostly offers advice and shares every-day methods for protection of different kinds with those who ask, but may take on an apprentice or few to fully pass down his healing knowledge to. He uses magic sparingly now. 
This way with not focusing on a variety of subjects and many, many students, he’s able to rest more and doesn’t have to split himself between multiple worries. He can focus properly and give his students more individual attention, to make sure his knowledge will be retained for the future. 
(don't jump me pls read the footnote) 
I've decided to take the closed/covered eyes motif PV has in a bit more symbolic way *. I want to interpret it as PV being blind (=ignorant) to the world around him, choosing to see the world and his own actions in an idealized light, and to look away from anything that doesn't fit that idea. Light sensitivity would be very ironic yet fitting - since his own powers are very light-based, by using them to help others he’d be blindinding/hurting himself in the process... 
Over time, he realizes how futile it is. Even if he turns his eyes away from the wrongdoing in the world, from his own mistakes and imperfections, they will still continue to happen. He begins to understand that he has to accept that neither he nor the world is perfect, to stop wallowing over the past and start fixing the present. To keep moving forward and keep working on himself, not hide his imperfections under literal and figurative wraps. 
With the help of Shadow Milk, he begins to open his eyes more and more and accept the real truth, no matter how imperfect it is. 
*I’m not sure how confirmed it was in canon that he’s blind (from what I’ve seen it was mostly implied, but still). I'm not erasing that - for the sake of this AU, I'd like to say that he has partial issues with sight (including the mentioned light sensitivity), but now he learns to accommodate them rather than ignore them and hurt himself more for the sake of others. No, he doesn't magically gain full sight now, but he's more comfortable, healthier, and more honest about the world around him with all of its imperfections. 
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I believe SM and PV complete each other so perfectly because they can help each other grow in areas where the other is lacking/struggling. With PV, I’d like to focus on burnout, false ideas, and how the pressure he’s constantly under has affected him. He was very much just a normal guy before receiving his Soul Jam. Years beyond a normal cookie’s lifespan of hard work and trying to be the perfect leader, to always ensure the happiness of all his people (whether that be as king or otherwise) are bound to take a toll on anyone. Obviously he'd never admit that, always putting everyone else before his own needs, and he’d likely run himself into the grave. That's where I think Shadow Milk would be helpful - he’d make him realize how unsustainable what he’s doing really is. He wasn’t built for handling immense power for all of eternity, he’s just a single cookie and whether he likes it or not, he can’t save everyone or make every single one of his people happy... Being selfish isn’t entirely wrong, sometimes might even be necessary. 
Onto the idea of false truth - Pure Vanilla has a very idealized view of a lot of things and people. He’s trying to see everyone in the best light, but he also holds a high standard for himself - that he must be the ideal, shining and caring hero and a beacon of perfection . Shadow Milk is likely to pick that image apart - probably not in the kindest way, saying that in trying to be perfectly selfless, PV is putting himself on the pedestal above everyone else while still being just a single cookie with limited capabilities. He’d likely call this image egoistical, and while PV would argue that he’s doing it for the good of others (he is helping after all, right?), Shadow Milk wouldn’t be entirely wrong - this way of thinking, that he’s the one who must take care of everyone else, is harmful for both him and the ones he’s trying to protect. 
Shadow Milk would show him that truth is relative, that “pure truth” doesn’t exist, for anyone could interpret it differently. That PV isn’t (and doesn't have to be) the perfect blameless hero. That his people aren’t as good or pure as he’d like to give them credit for, but neither are they helpless. 
Shadow Milk metaphorically and literally helps him open his eyes - he slowly learns to lay back, to accept the reality and “truth”, whatever it may be, and is no longer blinding and burning himself out by trying to help everyone at once. With a new mindset and outlook of the world, he can allow himself to retire, and leave a calmer, out-of-the-spotlight life. 
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Ok, controversial idea, but I think the ancients will have to one day retire and pass down their SoulJams. Yes, I played Cookie Odyssey, I know how important it is to them, but hear me out. As I said above (which is shown in the game btw, but correct me if I'm wrong), they were just normal cookies before taking on the roles of the Ancient Heros. Cookies with high achievements, yes, but still. They aren’t The Beasts, baked specifically for the purpose of handling the Soul Jams, and even then, The Beasts weren’t perfect. I’m not saying they’re bound to get corrupted like their predecessors did, but I am saying that this role is bound to take a toll on them. Not even just from the perspective of power, even just handling so many responsibilities with running their kingdoms is going to be extremely draining mentally. (Physically likely too, even if they’re said to stay “always young” thanks to the Soul Jams - many stories teach that you can’t mess with nature and that nothing lasts forever...)
I don’t know who they’d pass the Soul Jams along too - whether that’d be Gingerbrave and his friends, or a new batch of heroes, that is to be decided. The point is, they have served their purpose, they have (from the perspective of this AU) defeated Dark Enchantress, and deserve to now leave the rest of  their lives in peace.
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“mellowed out” a bit - continues to be eccentric and dramatic, but less manic
still unsettling - most level-headed cookies upon meeting him immediately get a feeling that there's something.. off about him, even if they can't put their finger on it. (I purposefully left some of his corrupted design elements or callbacks to them, like the marking over his eye, for that reason) 
vibrant, colorful, very extra in both behavior and looks, everything he does he does with drama and flourish 
quiets down when out of the eyes of the public, or alone with Pure Vanilla 
peacock elements - fitting for someone with such a vibrant personality. also the eye connection is perfect - if you look closely at the feather he's wearing, you might even notice a familiar symbol in its “eye”
a playful bard - (elaborated heavily bellow) - an identity allows him to enjoy his favorite activities, while also being a slight callback to his academic past 
The bard 
While spending more time with Pure Vanilla, PV encouraged him to pursue his creative interests. Partly to have smth to get SM’s mind off of causing chaos, and partly because they let him indulge and express himself without causing any serious damage. Now he’s joined PV in retirement, though still not fully stepping down from the stage.
Being a bard allows Shadow Milk to indulge in everything he likes most: being the center of attention, dramatics, theatrics, mischief, a tasteful dose of lies and half-truths, but also, in a way, calling back to his past self: for while a lot of his stories are made-up tales, he can also share the history of Earthbread that he’s witnessed. Yes, he may do so through over-dramatic performances or behind caricatural characters, but every tale holds a grain of truth, does it not? Whether his audience chooses to believe him or not is their choice to make.
Referencing the fact that a big part of human history survived through word of mouth, and how storytellers play an important role in preserving it, I think it’s only fitting to make him a bard.
About visual choices
I made his redeemed design less chaotic and asymmetrical, but still vibrant and based mostly on his current color palette, rather than the one from Blueberry Academy. That's because while he may be rediscovering his interests from the past, he’s not the person he was before corruption and never will be again. Instead, he too is learning to rediscover the world in a new light, with a new identity. 
Visually I’ve tried to keep some elements from his current design, if slightly toned down: a wide collar, puffy sleeves, a flowy cape. Elements of his corruption are also still there: different colored sclera (= his one eye being black), the sharp teeth. He may have settled down and calmed down slightly, but he remains as playful as ever :)) 
He still causes local chaos once in a while or resorts to pranking unsuspecting cookies nearby (the slight charring at the bottom of PV’s robe is a result of one of such pranks getting out of hand), and PV has accepted that he'll never be a calm, put-together cookie he once might have been. However, SM's learned to not be a danger to others for the sake of the one he cares about the most, and that's enough for the both of them. 
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And that's all for now! If you've managed to get this far, thank you SO much for your patience, I hope you've enjoyed my thoughts and brainworms <3
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nixmori · 1 year
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Astarion x Wren
The Lovers Tarot: upright
A fun pass time for me is always thinking which tarot card fits the characters at different parts of the story, and the primary themes that govern them.
Wren (my primary Tav) is the reversed lovers card for much of her early story/game. She longs for connection but is met with a cold, detached world, resulting in mental imbalance and the absence of self-love. She’s lonely and insecure, fearing rejection. Her closest relationship up until the events of the game was with her patron—the capricious (but not malicious) Archfey Kol. He offered her power and the pretense of connection, but never anything real.
For Astarion, while I think another card represents himself (I’m keeping that to myself because I have another art planned around it!) I feel his struggle aligns well with the devil card. He is, of course, more than figuratively shackled to Cazador, but also to the years of abuse, trauma, and his own demons born of that time. The shackles depicted in that card are loose—showing they can be broken should the person choose to be free of their demons.
The lovers and the devil cards are mirrors of one another. The lovers shows security and balance, but also the temptation of the fruit and the snake that could lead to back down the road to self destruction. Alternatively, they are a reminder of what it took to come back from that to a harmonious state.
In my interpretation of The Lovers here, I’ve retained the shackles from Astarion’s devil card. He’s chosen a new path—one where he can be true to himself. The scars will always be there, but the chains are broken. I’ve retained the forbidden fruit as Wren’s crown, with the leaves too represent the personal growth of both characters while the berries (fruit) represent the temptations that would have lead them down a very different path (which I will leave out due to spoilers!)
Fun fact, the Angel in the original card art is Raphael! Very different from everyone’s favorite demon in the game. This Raphael represents physical and emotional healing. I didn’t think an Angel would fit the aesthetics of what I wanted so I replaced him with the moon and Polaris. The first reason has to do with Astarion’s spawn ending so I won’t go into it. The second is taken from the moon card itself, where the moon reveals one’s true self. Paired with Polaris, it represents the moon’s light as a guide, as both embark on their long journey of healing. It won’t be an overnight venture—something that can be fixed by a single entity, so the moon as a guide works better in this context, I believe.
As a personal addition, Wren holds a few nerine lilies—a flower that has been associated with freedom since Ancient Greece. They also symbolize unity, and feelings straight from the heart, which felt appropriate for a relationship where both characters started as strangers to emotional intimacy. (I used to be a florist, I HAVE to have my flower symbolism)
Finally, the clouds at the bottom started life as flames, which in the og tarot card represent passion. As the art took form though, they took on the appearance of smoke/clouds. I could have made it more flame-like but I really liked how this looked, but I also think it fits the slow burn the story ended up taking. There’s a fire, somewhere—but it isn’t the most important thing here.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading my essay. I hope it was coherent!
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inmyfxith · 2 years
How they would react if... they realize you're blushing while talking to them
Including -> Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, Neytiri, Jake, Miles Socorro and Aonung
A/N -> I'm not 100% sure about this, feel free to tell me if you like this format, if you have ideas for preferences or if you don't agree with what I wrote here.
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If Neteyam notices that you are blushing while talking to him, he may feel flattered and delighted ad he would interpret your reaction as a sign that you are attracted to him or that you enjoy his company. He may flash a warm and friendly smile and try to engage you in further conversation. As a natural charmer and people-pleaser, Neteyam would likely try to put you at ease and make you feel comfortable. He might use his charisma and sense of humor to make you laugh or engage you in lighthearted conversation. He may also try to find common ground and build a deeper connection with you by exploring your interests and sharing his own.
Neteyam and you were sitting by the river, chatting about your interests. As you talked, he noticed that you were blushing and he couldn't help but feel flattered.
"Is everything okay?" Neteyam asked, sensing that you might be feeling a bit nervous.
You nodded, trying to compose yourself. "Yes, I'm fine. It's just that... I don't know. I get a bit nervous when I talk to you. You make me feel... I don't know. It's hard to explain."
Neteyam smiled and reached out to take your hand. "I'm glad you feel that way," he said. "I really enjoy talking to you too. You're so interesting and engaging."
You blushed even more, feeling your face get hot. "Thank you," you said, looking down at your hands.
Neteyam squeezed your hand gently, trying to reassure you. "There's no need to be nervous," he added. "We're just two people having a conversation. And I really like spending time with you.
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If Lo’ak notices that you are blushing while talking to him, he would likely feel flattered and delighted by your attraction to him. He might be touched by your shyness and try to make you feel more at ease with kind and understanding words or actions. Alternatively, he may try to lighten the mood with a joke or other form of humor to help you feel more comfortable in the moment.
Lo'ak stood in front of you, his piercing yellow eyes studying your face as you struggled to maintain eye contact. Suddenly, he noticed a faint blush creeping up your cheeks, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
"Hey, what's this?" he asked, reaching out to gently brush his fingers against your cheek. "Are you blushing?"
You nodded, feeling your cheeks grow even hotter. Lo'ak chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
"Well, I must be doing something right," he said, his voice soft and playful. "I didn't know I had that effect on you."
He took a step closer, his hand still resting lightly on your cheek. "You know, you don't have to be shy around me," he said. "I'm here for you, no matter what. And I love you, just the way you are."
You felt your heart swell at his words, and you looked up at him, your eyes shining with emotion.
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If Kiri catches you blushing while talking to her, is likely to sense that something is troubling you and may instinctively want to offer her support and understanding. She may also be more inclined to be open and honest about her own feelings towards you, expressing her emotions openly and honestly. Kiri might use a variety of nonverbal cues to show her concern, such as tilting her head, making eye contact, or reaching out to touch you gently. She might also ask open-ended questions or make supportive statements, hoping to encourage you to share your feelings and to feel more at ease.
Kiri's ultimate goal in this situation would be to create a safe and supportive space for you to open up and feel comfortable expressing yourself. As Kiri listens to your feelings and tries to understand your perspective, she may also be more inclined to express her own feelings and emotions openly. This might involve sharing her own experiences or struggles, or simply letting you know how much she cares about you and values your relationship.
Kiri and you were walking through the forest, enjoying each other's company and the beauty of the surroundings. You were lost in conversation, talking about your hopes and dreams for the future, when suddenly you felt a wave of nervousness wash over you. Your cheeks began to burn and you couldn't help but blush.
Kiri noticed your sudden change in demeanor and stopped walking. She looked at you with concern in her eyes. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice full of kindness and concern.
You took a deep breath and tried to compose yourself. "I-I'm fine," you stammered, hoping that Kiri wouldn't notice your blush.
But Kiri was too perceptive. She reached out and gently touched your cheek, a small smile on her face. "It's okay," she said soothingly. "I can see that something is bothering you. Do you want to talk about it?"
You hesitated for a moment, but then you felt a wave of relief wash over you. Kiri's understanding and supportive nature made it easier for you to open up. You told her about your fears and doubts, and how you sometimes felt like you weren't good enough.
Kiri listened attentively, her eyes filled with understanding and empathy. When you finished speaking, she took your hand in hers and squeezed it gently. "You are amazing," she said softly. "Don't ever forget that. I love you, and I will always be here for you."
You felt a warm feeling spread through your chest, and you knew that Kiri's words were true. She had always been there for you, and you knew that she always would be. You leaned in and kissed her softly on the cheek, feeling grateful and loved.
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If Neytiri sees you blushing while talking to her, she might react with surprise or confusion at first. However, she is likely to be pleased and flattered by your response, as it could indicate that you are feeling nervous or self-conscious around her. She might smile and make eye contact with you, trying to gauge your emotions and reassure you that everything is okay.
For example, if you are having a deep and meaningful conversation with Neytiri, and she notices that you are blushing, she might pause for a moment and gently place her hand on yours. She might say something like, "Is everything alright? You seem a bit flustered. You can talk to me about anything." This kind of gentle and caring approach is typical of Neytiri, who is known for her empathy and understanding.
On the other hand, if the conversation is more lighthearted and playful, Neytiri might react by teasing you a bit. She might say something like, "Are you blushing because you like me? That's so cute!" This kind of teasing is meant to be playful and not meant to be taken too seriously. It is just a way for Neytiri to have fun and connect with you on a deeper level.
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If Jake notices that you are blushing while talking to him, he may initially interpret it as a sign that you are feeling self-conscious or embarrassed about something. However, if your blushing is persistent and accompanied by other indications of attraction, sustained eye contact, or closeness, Jake may start to pick up on these cues and realize that you are interested in him. In this case, he may respond by becoming more flirtatious or affectionate, or he may simply continue the conversation in an effort to get to know you better. Jake is likely to be respectful and considerate towards you, as he values honesty and direct communication in his relationships.
As Jake and you were having a conversation, he noticed that you kept blushing every time he made a joke or complimented you. At first, he thought it was just because you were feeling nervous, but as the conversation went on, he started to realize that there might be something more to it. Jake couldn't help but feel a little bit flattered and intrigued by your sudden display of shyness. He decided to try to get to the bottom of it by being a little bit more direct and flirty with you.
"Hey, why are you blushing so much?" he asked with a playful smile. "Is it something I said or did?"
You felt your cheeks flush even deeper at his question, and you couldn't help but feel a little bit embarrassed. But at the same time, you couldn't deny the attraction you were feeling towards Jake.
"I-I don't know," you stammered, trying to play it cool. "I guess I just really like talking to you."
Jake's smile widened at your admission, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit pleased with himself.
"Well, I really like talking to you too," he said, leaning a little bit closer. "And I can't help but feel like there's a little bit more to it than that. Do you have a crush on me or something?"
You felt your heart skip a beat at his bold question, and you knew that you couldn't deny your feelings any longer.
"Yes," you said softly, looking up at him with a hopeful expression. "I think I do."
Jake's eyes lit up at your confession, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit giddy at the thought of you being interested in him.
"Well, in that case," he said with a smile, "I think it's time for me to make my move. May I have the pleasure of taking you out on a date sometime?"
(if you have a good gif for Miles, please let me know ! I'm unable to find one)
If Miles notices that you are blushing while talking to him, he may feel flattered and delighted by your reaction. He may interpret your blush as a sign of attraction, which could encourage and uplift him. In response, Miles might smile warmly at you and express his happiness through a gentle touch on your hand or face. He may also feel more comfortable and confident expressing his love for you, especially if he senses that you are receptive to his feelings.
Alternatively, Miles might decide to be more cautious or reserved in his approach. He might worry about coming across as too forward or intimidating, and try to be more subtle in his advances toward you. He might take things slowly and try to gauge your feelings before making any bold moves. Miles is likely to be deeply affected by your blush and will try to find ways to show you how much he cares about you.
Miles and you are walking along a beautiful Pandoran beach, enjoying each other's company and the warm sunshine. As you talk, Miles notices that you are starting to blush, and he can't help but feel flattered and pleased by your reaction.
"What's got you blushing like that?" Miles asks, grinning at you.
You look away, feeling a little embarrassed. "I don't know, I guess I just feel nervous around you," they admit.
Miles's face lights up with delight. "Nervous? Why would you be nervous around me?" he asks, reaching out to take your hand. "I'm just a big, goofy monkey boy."
You laugh and look back at him, your eyes sparkling with affection. "That's exactly why I'm nervous," you say, smiling. "I don't want to mess anything up with you."
Miles's heart feels full of warmth and love as he looks at you. He can't believe that someone so amazing and kind could be nervous around him. "You could never mess anything up with me," he says, leaning in to give you a soft, tender kiss. "I love you, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life."
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Credit for the pic -> Here
If Aonung notices that you are blushing while talking to him, he may interpret this as a sign that you are interested in him and feel more confident in pursuing a potential relationship. He may attempt to flirt or show his own interest through playful or subtle gestures.
For example, Aonung may make a joking comment in an effort to gauge your reaction and see if you are receptive to his advances. If you seem open to flirting or building a connection, Aonung may continue to try and find common interests or activities to bond over. Alternatively, he may try to spend more time with you and get to know you better through one-on-one conversations or shared activities.
Aonung stood in front of you, his piercing blue eyes fixed on yours as he waited for your response. You couldn't help but feel a flush of warmth spread across your cheeks as you tried to think of something to say.
"Is it hot in here, or is it just you?" Aonung asked with a wink and a smile, his voice laced with playful mischief.
You couldn't help but laugh at his joke, your nerves melting away under the warmth of his gaze. "It's definitely hot in here," you replied, hoping he wouldn't notice your blush.
But Aonung was quick to pick up on your discomfort, and he stepped closer, his hand reaching out to gently brush a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "Don't be nervous, I'm not gonna bite," he said, his voice low and reassuring. "I just wanted to talk to you."
You felt your heart skip a beat at his touch, and you found yourself nodding, suddenly eager to spend more time with Aonung. He grinned in response, and took your hand, leading you towards a quiet corner where you could sit and chat.
As you sat together, talking about your interests and passions, you couldn't help but feel drawn to Aonung's bold and confident personality. He was charming and witty, and you found yourself laughing and smiling as he told you stories of his adventures and exploits.
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beautifulbows924 · 5 months
Common Ground
Act One!Astarion x Gender Neutral!Reader
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Word Count: 650+
A/N: This fic is sort of a combination of a few of the (comparatively) similar requests I received, along with one particular scene that’s been running wild and ping ponging around in my brain for far too long. I somehow convinced my partner (who could not care less about fanfiction, but adores me) to proofread this for me. So any complaints should definitely be addressed to them—as I was, unfortunately, far too sleep deprived to read over this anymore than I already have. As always, I hope you enjoy—feel free to leave any feedback you have in the comments, and happy reading! :)
Warnings: Angst, intentional allusions to past SA (the circumstances are left purposefully vague), concerning both Astarion and the Reader, writer will often suddenly break off into unexpected poetic tangents, a smidge of fluff—if you squint, & perhaps a bittersweet ending (depending on how you interpret it?)
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“Darling”, Astarion carefully poses his words, “Are you certain that you’re quite alright?”
You’re terrified. He can see it. Your pulse is visibly thumping beneath your skin, and there’s a tremor to your hands he’s certain wasn’t there before.
But why now?
You’ve told him you trust him, demanded the others leave if they weren’t willing to accept the gift that is his company, and mere seconds ago offered yourself to him as a meal—to what you, with both intimate knowledge and first hand experience, know is a hungry vampire.
He would be questioning your sense of self preservation, or alternatively, your sanity. If he wasn’t awed by just how quickly you’ve managed to sway your companions' loyalty.
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It takes a moment for you to notice he’s asked you a question. But once you have, you nod.
He sighs, clicking his tongue at you. That vacancy behind your eyes, it’s unnerving, too familiar. “Don’t lie, it doesn’t suit you. What is it?”
Your gaze shifts, opting to search for what must be a rather interesting spot somewhere behind him.
Two breaths in.
Two breaths out.
Astarion falters. That may have been harsh—if your continued silence is anything to go by. Perhaps, he should have left the lie to rest.
“Dearest”, he works to intentionally soften his tone, shoving past the honeyed lump that rises in his throat, thickly coated with syrup. This little manipulation won’t be ending in a hand naively held between his as he leads you down unassuming crypt steps.
He knows that.
“If you’ve suddenly changed your mind about”, he gestures vaguely between himself and your neck, “I’m sure I can make do with whatever animals find themselves unluckily situated in this part of the forest.”
Humble or selfless certainly isn’t his favorite role to play, but if he wants you to be his personal guard, it seems he may have to make an exception.
“No!” You blurt out, swallowing thickly at the raised brow he sends in your direction, mouth suddenly very dry, “I—It’s not that. I swear to you.”
He tuts, “Ah, but it is something. Hmm?”
You nod again, frustrated tears building in your eyes as each attempt at an explanation falls flat.
“No, it couldn’t—it”, Astarion makes a rather exaggerated motion with both of his hands, clutching his chest in theatrical shock, “Was it Gale?”
You huff, but it’s more exasperated than annoyed.
The left side of his lips lifts.
You drag your own roughly between your teeth.
“Earlier, you made a comment about being quiet, not wanting to disturb my rest”, unsteady hands bury themselves in the fabric of your pants, “Those words, the sudden realization that someone…anyone could have access to my body like that while I slept”, your head slumps forward, “The last time—I can’t.”
Two breaths in.
Two breaths out.
Astarion’s fingers slot into place beneath your chin, tilting it upwards to look at him.
And suddenly all you can see are the differences.
Everything he is appears less forced. No longer are you merely an audience and he an actor, but equals. Those that have found a common ground built upon the cruelty of others.
Far too accustomed to it.
There’s a raw familiarity held within your expression Astarion can’t quite discern.
Perhaps, in another life, someone cared for him. Once. To look at him with such fondness.
He wonders if he deserved it, then.
He allows the hold he has on you to become lighter and lighter, until his arm returns to hang at his side.
You hear a weary sigh, then, gently, “For what it’s worth, I’m truly sorry.”
A small smile flutters across your lips, light and without expectation. It’s a kindness he hasn’t yet learned how to navigate—and certainly has not earned, but he yearns for it all the same.
“Thank you, Astarion.”
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BG3 Taglist: None yet!
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mozzaicynth · 1 month
one thought everyday and its just the amazing world of gumball especially these three freaks (doodles + some headcanons below :3)
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mr small -
my interpretation of small becoming more mellowed out in the future seasons as opposed to season 1 is him managing his anger in a more healthier way (meditation, etc) (plus i think all those herbal infusions are incredibly effective on the nerves) . that being said i think he still has underlying anger issues and lashes out if prompted too much . another reason hes nicer and more of a pushover in the later seasons is because i like to think hes guilty of his plethora of outbursts earlier on, especially towards students (unwarranted shouting which as a school counsellor he should know is pretty harmful on younger kids) . the fact that he tries to offer his help when its absolutely not needed so many times later on in the show further makes me like to think he’s making up for it all
hes also so autistic to me hes on the spectrum you cant tell me otherwise and i think hes pretty awkward and considered strange by the whole town (which is saying a lot for elmore standards) . still super friendly and approachable but he also cant take hints and he definitely stims (and has special interests, alternative medicine are you kidding)
his music taste i love to think is all over the place … i get the general consensus is he listens to mystic chants and sitar music but he definitely listens to more, ranging from pop to indie to rock to metal (this may or may not have become an idea when i was listening to ‘darts by soad and associated it with him,) . also what with his stupid little self funded album that is such a jarring listen ‘cause of all the ridiculous genre changes
i think he crochets/macrames as a hobby along with other diy stuff (most of the decorative items in his home crafted by him) making him, surprisingly considering how incompetent he is sometimes, super crafty/handy .
larry -
larry is a great person: incredibly intelligent, he’s very knowledgable on a plethora of subjects and he has a big heart, holding little to no virtriol against the people of elmore (except the wattersons but that is SO warranted) . thus i like to imagine he did great in school, moved on to do so wonderfully in uni whilst juggling jobs and his studies but after graduation was left stuck (alike so many people nowadays) . neither small or larry came from well off families but i think for larry he didn’t have much of a support system anyway so currently he overworks and works and works just to catch up on the student debt whilst simultaneously paying his taxes (i still think about that episode all the time fuck the police . big pink son of a bitch), loans and not to mention the bare minimum to keep himself alive
he’s a very sweet and kind person but anyone under the immense stress that he’s under would be irritable and temperate (he deserves to be more angry imo) and i whilst he has so many jobs he always aims to excel at all of them, having an incredibly particular way that tasks must be done and having them organised . because of this, he can be a lot more temperate when interacting with coworkers, especially those who don’t do their job as well, having to take matters into his own hands . as he and karen (his girlfriend throughout the series) share some jobs it puts a strain on their relationship (which was built off of the mutual ‘having several jobs’) and they break up .
even so, though larry consistently tries to propose to her in the show, in “the laziest” he doesn’t seem to be happy nor comfortable at all with the prospects of marrying her . in fact, even when he’s achieved the ‘american dream’ (properties like a house and car and a family (his girlfriend soon to be wife)) he’s unhappy . personally i don’t think he knows what he wants to do with himself ; he works all day and night and has little to no time for himself to even think in peace that the only purpose he knows is work .
i like to think he used to be an artist; self taught, it was a hobby and an enjoyment but his studies and his work took over so his one form of self expression was squeezed out of his life .. (i like making their lives as bleak as possible soz ! 🙏) he still admires the arts and i think that’s another reason he likes steve so much; his handcrafts and mini projects .
steve and larry are two opposites that are similar in ways .. but i love their dynamic so much . my interpretation of them is that steve will help larry balance out his life slightly better to leave room for himself instead of working 24/7 . steve has his head in the clouds and larry grounds him, and larry is so stuck in his ways with work that steve pulls him out of it slightly, lifting him up a little higher (AUGHHHGHH I HATE THEM I HATE THEM
as for their relationship with rob, im very much a stevelmeyer adoption truther !! both larry and steve coming from dysfunctional families, they aim to help rob and take care of him to the best of their abilities . further, larry taking on taking care of rob gives him direction in his life again . 😁😁😁😁😁😁
this isnt gonna be the last post headcanon/idea wise i still think of them 24/7 but heres jus SOME things .. (im such a yapper sprry not sorry !) :3c
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rooksunday · 1 month
“We’re going to have to go to the Temple.”
The answer came in a resounding thwap. Non-verbal, yet decisively negatory.
Fox rubbed his hand through his hair. His curls were limp and defeated. The ends drooled on the collar of his undersuit and made him shiver.
“Do you have an alternate suggestion?” he asked. He rapped his knuckles on the rim of the durasteel drum that the patrol team had rolled back with them. “This is barely big enough. And I think it last held something toxic. My lips are tingling.”
Another thwap. A third. More urgent? Emphatic? Fox hadn’t been offered the tentacle interpretation module in flash training.
Ha. ‘Offered’.
Fox sighed and propped his chin on the rim of the barrel, squinting into the dark water and its occupant. Deep red-brown tentacles with lurid green suckers curled over the rim of the barrel and plipped carefully across his pauldron in a noise like tearing flimsi. Shiv had one of the shinies in bed recovering from sucker-to-skin contact; not dangerous to anything but dignity, apparently, but if Fox started singing Coruscanti opera, he wanted to be sober enough to hit the high notes.
He patted one of the tentacles. “I know, I know, but maybe next time you’ll think twice before letting a shiny double-akk dare you to drink the mysterious bottles they find on patrol. We’re all getting another one of Shiv’s lectures thanks to you.”
A mournful blorp and another caressing plip over Fox’s cuisse followed by a bloop as Thorn retreated beneath the water. Dadita taps on the barrel indicated Thorn’s acceptance of his relocation.
Fox called over his shoulder. “Stone! Bring over the lid. We’re rolling this sucker to the Temple!”
And if Thorn managed to thwap a Jedi or two while he was there, well, Fox had plenty of storage on his bucket cam.
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writergeekrhw · 10 months
I just want to offer an alternative take on Kira’s behaviours being queer coded (Is it the short hair? The anger? I don’t know what people mean tbh, sounds… stereotypical and rude to queer women tbh), I never got those vibes as a young person watching her, never would have occurred to me at the time. I’m not judging I just have a very different view the character let me explain.
What I did get from her was that she was young and female and religious and angry and she was ALLOWED to be all those things. And I was ALL those things too, and it meant, and still does mean, the world to me that she was like that but ALSO competent and respected and loveable even though she was so, so angry, frustrated, and DONE at the injustice in her life. I (also some close friends) was going though some dark times myself when I was young, and Kira was a beacon of hope. And as she grew in her character arcs, and faced her own prejudices from Marritza to everything else, to me that was saying you can do it. If Kira can do it, can look her shitty past in the eye and say I will break this cycle and do better and unlearn and grow, you can do it too. Back to dark stuff and queer coding - I’ve seen people blast Kira getting more “feminine” (again, what? The hair? Softer personality? She learned to be gracious, is that so bad? Angry redhead stereotypes aren’t great) over time as bad and anti-queer, but to this young person it was… sometimes young women go through things at the hands of oppressors and making yourself unappealing and masculine is a choice for safety. Men don’t want ugly. So seeing her grow past that too, seemed like a culmination of her safety and maybe by extension bajor’s as metaphor.
Maybe this is a stupid interpretation but I did not see kira queer, I saw her as a hurt person who was allowed to heal and that gave me hope. I’m sorry if this is not what you intended but Kira kinda saved me from giving up and I want to thank you (and all involved) for her. Sorry this isn’t super well organized thoughts. I really am grateful for all of ds9. It was a very good show.
Without getting too deep into critical theory and Writer Intention vs. Viewer Interpretation, this is also a perfectly valid interpretation of Kira's character and it's yet another lens through which we saw her/wrote her, probably even the dominant one (and the one I suspect Nana drew most from for her performances).
Which is not to invalidate people who saw her as queer/repressed or people who saw her as a colonized woman wrestling with her ambivalence about her new, arguably more benevolent colonizers, or people who saw her as a person of faith struggling to see past her religious prejudices, or people who saw her as a terrorist trying to overcome her past sins.
Over 172 episodes, multiple writers wrote her thinking about different things. Sometimes the very same writers would draw from different inspirations from episode to episode or scene to scene or even line of dialogue to line of dialogue. And of course, Nana and the various directors would bring their own takes to every moment.
All of which, IMHO, helped make her a terrific character.
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Also thank you for the kind words and I'm glad we helped! LLAP.
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
"Stop using Yangchen for your shitty argument."
So, I was browsing the anti Aang tag around a week ago I think and I came upon a post that displayed frustration for people who condemn Aang not wanting to kill Ozai. I'm not 100% sure that this was targeted at my post specifically, but as I did use Yangchen, I do want to clarify how I interpret her words as well as the other past lives' advice and Aang's reaction.
(Here's my first post if you haven't read it: https://www.tumblr.com/sapphic-agent/745211292168732672/lets-talk-about-how-book-3-ruined-aang?source=share)
This person's main argument centered around how the previous Avatars never actually told Aang to kill Ozai. That their words were for him to interpret. And I actually agree. One of my central arguments was that this was a choice Aang had to make.
The thing is though, Aang himself absolutely interpreted their messages as him having to kill Ozai. That's why he gets so frustrated ("I knew I shouldn't have asked Kyoshi") and keeps cycling through them until he gets the answer he wants. Let's go through exactly what they all said to him.
Roku: If I had been more decisive and acted sooner, I could have stopped Sozin and stopped the war before it started. I offer you this wisdom, Aang, you must be decisive.
Roku tells Aang to be decisive. Which means he's urging Aang to make a decision. And this is perfectly in-line with what I said previously. He has to be able to make a choice between his morals/beliefs and his responsibility as the Avatar, as Roku failed to choose between his attachment to Sozin and his responsibility as the Avatar. That's what Roku's saying and that's exactly how Aang understands it.
Kyoshi: Personally, I don't really see the difference, but I assure you, I would have done whatever it took to stop Chin. I offer you this wisdom, Aang, only justice will bring peace.
Kyoshi's advice actually makes it less about Aang and more about Ozai. He needs to face justice so that the world can know peace. She, like Roku, does not say kill Ozai, she says bring him to justice. Aang's later actions are actually very much in-line with that. He does bring Ozai to justice through his own means. But again, that's not how Aang interpreted her advice. He takes it to mean do what she did, which is why he's salty about it after she disappears.
Kuruk: If I had been more attentive and more active, I could've saved her. Aang, you must actively shape your own destiny and the destiny of the world.
Again, Kuruk's words imply murder even less than Kyoshi's. He tells Aang to be active, to embrace his responsibility to the world and its fate as the Avatar. This is something Aang has struggled with since the beginning of the show so it makes sense that Kuruk would say this. But again, Aang takes it as something he doesn't want to hear. He either thinks that Kuruk is implying that he has to kill Ozai or that he thinks Kuruk is saying to be more active as the Avatar (if it's the latter, that makes Aang look worse because it's advice he's still unhappy with).
(I'd also like to add that Aang isn't looking for alternatives from his past lives. Or at least, he isn't just looking for alternatives. He's looking for one of them to validate him not wanting to kill Ozai and offer advice based on that. Which is why he says, "Maybe an Air Nomad Avatar will understand where I'm coming from." So them not giving him alternatives is not why he's upset)
Yangchen: Many great and wise Air Nomads have detached themselves and achieved spiritual enlightenment, but the Avatar can never do it. Because your sole duty is to the world. Here is my wisdom for you. Selfless duty calls you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs, and do whatever it takes to protect the world.
Out of everyone, Yangchen is probably the closest one to telling Aang he has to kill Ozai. She directly tells him that he has to sacrifice his spiritual needs, which heavily implies that she means go against what the monks taught him and end Ozai for the sake of the world. And that's absolutely how Aang understands it. He even says out loud, "I guess I don't have a choice, Momo. I have to kill the Fire Lord."
So yes, I 100% agree that their advice was up to Aang's interpretation. But what this person- and Aang stans in general- seemed to miss is that Aang himself interpreted their advice as him having to kill Ozai.
Now, does he have to follow their advice? Absolutely not. In Yangchen's words from the Kyoshi novels, "You could spend a thousand years talking to us and you still wouldn't know how best to guide the world." Their advice is just that, advice. Their words aren't law and shouldn't be regarded as such (especially not Roku's, he's consistently given terrible advice/direction).
Hell, in my original post I said I didn't think he had to kill Ozai. Just that he should have had to make the choice between his beliefs and responsibility and face the consequences of that choice. The only reason I brought up the past Avatars at all is because I was pointing out that he refused to accept answers (not just from them, but also from the Gaang) he didn't want to hear. And when he finally did accept it, he was immediately spared from having to make the choice by the Lion Turtle
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genshinluvr · 2 years
Eating for Two | Mixed Signals Alt. Ending
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader, slight Various Genshin Women x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: You are officially eating for two people! Even though you didn't think you'd become a parent, it happened (in this alternate ending), and people around you are pretty excited about your pregnancy and the birth of your child.
Note: This is an alternate ending to "Mixed Signals," which was published on the first of October. Just to clarify, the gender and the father of the baby will not be clarified because I want readers (you guys) to interpret it however you want it to be. It will be a mystery (the gender of the baby), and the baby's father will not be announced in this story because it's whoever you want it to be. As previously stated in "Mixed Signals," this story does lean towards female!reader/AFAB!reader because pregnancy does happen in this story. Please keep in mind that I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo)
Warnings: Pregnancy and pregnancy symptoms, nausea, and cravings
Word Count: 8.7k
Read the original here: Mixed Signals. Read the Spin-off here: The Men Who Worry a Lot.
You sit across from the women of Teyvat, sipping on your tea with a throw pillow lying on your lap. Since you’re sitting in the presence of beautiful and elegant women of Teyvat, you insist on wearing presentable clothing. Still, the men and women objected, suggesting that you should wear something comfortable because the women are the ones that are visiting the abode. So, there you are, wearing one of Zhongli’s button-up shirts with fleece shorts and fluffy slippers.
“So, how are you feeling?” Lumine asks, taking a sip of her cup of tea.
You press your lips into a thin line. “I’m feeling okay. Other than the pregnancy symptoms, I’m okay.”
“Have these men been taking good care of you?” Ningguang asks, stirring her cup of tea with the tea stir spoon, her right leg crossed over her left leg.
You nod your head. “Of course! They’ve been taking good care of me ever since I started experiencing pregnancy symptoms. Well, then again, they’ve always treated me well way before I got pregnant.”
“Who is the father of your offspring? Do you know who it is?” Raiden asks, sitting on the armrest of the couch while sipping on her drink.
You shake your head. “Unfortunately, I do not know who the father is. Not to mention, I’m only two weeks into this pregnancy,” You said.
Yae Miko giggles behind her hand. “I wouldn’t be able to imagine if the father of the child is Kunikuzushi.”
“Miko, don’t say that about Scaramouche. He’s a great guy, and whether he’s the father of my child or not, he is excellent with kids.” You huff, feeling anger slowly rising. Usually, you would brush off comments like that, but you’ve been experiencing mood swings ever since you found out you’re eating for two.
“Beidou, are you not going to drink your tea? It’ll get cold.” Ningguang comments, looking over to where the Captain is sitting.
Beidou shakes her head and waves Ningguang’s comment away. “Nah, I’m not a tea kind of gal. I prefer alcohol.” She lets out a burst of boisterous laughter.
You’re about to make a comment but pause when a wave of nausea hits you. You clutch your head and slowly place your teacup back down on the saucer. The women around you fall silent. Shenhe and Yelan place their hands on your shoulders, each of them massaging your shoulders lightly.
“Are you alright? Do you want me to grab Doctor Baizhu?” Shenhe asks, rubbing your back with her left hand while holding onto your trembling hand with her right hand. 
You let out a shaky laugh. “I’m fine, Shenhe. I’m suddenly feeling nauseous, but it’s nothing new. It’s something I’ll be dealing with for quite a while until I’m no longer pregnant,” You answered.
“I can take your mind off your nausea by teaching you how to gamble.” Yelan offers, giving you a small smile.
“Absolutely not,” Diluc states as he walks into the living area where you and the women are hanging out.
“Oh, come on, Master Diluc. Lighten up! Gambling doesn’t always involve mora.” Lisa giggles at Diluc’s protectiveness over you.
Diluc gives Lisa a blank stare before walking over to where you sit. Yelan and Shenhe move over to an empty loveseat beside you. Diluc sits beside you and rubs your arms lightly without saying a word. You lean into Diluc’s touch and rest your head on his shoulders, running your fingers through the tassels of the throw pillow.
Thoma enters the room with a tray of snacks in his hands. “Here are the snacks if any of you are feeling a little peckish.” He sets the tray of snacks down on the wooden coffee table.
“Ooh! Some snacks!” Hu Tao’s eyes light up before picking up a tri-colored Dango and taking a big bite out of the Dango.
Yanfei smiles at Thoma. “Thank you, Thoma! The snacks look delicious,” Yanfei says, reaching for a sakura mochi.
You stare at the snacks intently, deep in your thoughts.
“[Y/N], a mora for your thoughts?” Candace asks, leaning back in her seat with her arms crossed over her chest.
You hum softly, lifting your head from Diluc’s shoulders. “I’m just wondering what I can and cannot eat while pregnant.” You answer, hugging the throw pillow against your chest.
Nilou’s eyes widen with a small gasp. “Oh, archons, you’re right! How could we forget about that?! There are limitations when it comes to pregnancies.” 
“You should call in your lovers. I’m sure they’ll know what you can and cannot eat while you’re pregnant,” Kokomi instructs, placing her ceramic teacup down on the saucer.
“No need to call anyone. We’ve been here the entire time,” Xiao states, walking down the stairs with his arms over his chest and with the other men in tow.
Mona cocks her eyebrows. “Oh? Eavesdropping, are we? How juvenile of you men to spy on people and listen in on their conversation without them knowing.” Mona huffs, taking a piece of a Katsu sandwich before taking a bite out of it.
Scaramouche rolls his eyes. “Oh please, why would we listen in on your conversation when we’re all too busy worrying about our pregnant lover?” Scaramouche sits down beside you and wraps his arms around your waist, ignoring the looks he is getting from his mother and Yae Miko.
“Doctor Baizhu, what food is [Y/N] allowed and not allowed to eat?” Kuki Shinobu asks, turning to look at the green-haired male with a questioning gaze.
“There are many things that [Y/N] can and cannot eat. There’s a list that goes on, but luckily Tighnari, Albedo, Dottore, and I made lists of food and ingredients to buy to make meals.” Baizhu answers, propping both of his hands on his hips.
“Oh? Dottore contributed to the list? Can’t say that I’m not shocked because I am.” Arlecchino chortles, bringing the cup to her lips, and takes a sip of the teacup.
Dottore glares at Arlecchino, his nails digging into the palm of his hands while trying to hold back from saying anything rash. Dottore takes a deep breath and looks over at you. You look back at Dottore worriedly, then at Arlecchino. Zhongli lets out a slow sigh and rubs the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger.
“Let’s not bicker with one another. We do not want to stress [Y/N] out; it’s not good for them or the baby.” Zhongli states.
Childe squeezes himself between you and Scaramouche, throwing his arms over your shoulders and rubbing your stomach. You snort and rest your head on his shoulder, reaching behind Childe and giving Scaramouche’s hand a reassuring squeeze. Scaramouche grumbles and looks away, his cheeks tinting pink while his hand is itching to zap Childe for getting in between the both of you.
“Just to let you know, I’m sure you can eat mochi while pregnant. Though, just a reasonable amount, not an excessive amount.” Childe says, brushing his thumb over your flushed cheeks. You look over at the coffee table and slowly lean forward to grab a piece of pink mochi and take a bite out of it. The mochi tastes fantastic as always; it’s soft and chewy and has red bean paste at the center of the mochi itself. You had always loved mochi, especially when you were still in your universe. You remember your mother would buy a bag that contained sixty mini mochis, and you would eat them for a snack whenever you studied or played Genshin Impact on your desktop.
“So, is there any way you want to reveal the gender of the baby? I highly recommend fireworks!” Yoimiya shoots you a wink.
“A gender reveal?” Dainsleif murmurs, rubbing his chin with his hands while in deep thought.
“Should we do a gender reveal party, or do we leave it as it is and find out about the gender when I give birth?” You ask, turning to look at the other men around you.
“It’s all up to you on whether you want a gender reveal party or find out the baby’s gender after you’ve given birth to the little one,” Kazuha says, kissing the top of your head.
You shrug your shoulders. “It’s still early into my pregnancy. We can decide on that later.” You said, dusting your fingers off and reaching for your teacup on the saucer.
After your hangout with the women has ended, you stretch your arms in the air and yawn. You gathered the teacups and saucers onto the food tray before walking to the kitchen to clean them up. As you’re washing the dishes, someone taps you on your shoulder. You turn your head and see Kaeya and Xiao standing there with their arms crossed over their chests.
You give them a smile. “Is there something I can do for you two?” You ask, putting the cleaned teacups, mini plates, and saucers on the drying rack.
“You shouldn’t be doing housework while you’re pregnant,” Xiao stated.
“It’s fine, Xiao. I’m just washing the dishes, not moving furniture around or cooking food.” You said gently. You turn the faucet off and wipe your damp hands onto the rag.
Kaeya grabs you by your forearm and pulls you towards him and Xiao. “What Xiao meant to say is that in Liyue, those who are pregnant should be relaxing and not do any work,” Kaeya explains, walking you out of the kitchen with Xiao walking alongside you.
“Oh? Is that so? That’s funny because, in my world, it’s the same thing in certain cultures. Pregnant people weren’t allowed to leave the house even,” You said, rubbing your hands over your stomach. The bump has yet to form, but you’re anxious about it developing because that means you’ll have to be extra careful than you already are.
“Do you want me to carry you to your bedroom? You need to rest and get plenty of sleep.” Ayato says, wrapping his arms around your waist and lightly resting both of his hands on your belly.
You were about to protest but decided not to. You nod your head and let Ayato carry you bridal style up the stairs and to your bedroom. Even though you’re capable of taking care of yourself while pregnant, you might as well let the men spoil you, or else you’ll get puppy dog eyes from the men if you were to reject their offering to help.
Ayato lays you on your bed and Venti and Gorou pop by the entrance of your bedroom with a smile on their face as if they’re waiting for something. Ayato sighs softly and nods his head as if he is giving them permission to enter your bedroom.
“If you don’t mind, we will be giving you cuddles as you sleep!” Venti says, sitting at the edge of your bed while Gorou sits on the other side of your bed.
“We don’t want you to feel lonely, so both Venti and I have come up with the idea that we’ll be cuddling you to sleep.” Gorou proclaims happily. He lays down on your bed and pats the middle of the bed, telling you to lie down so the cuddling session can begin. You do need someone to cuddle with. Ever since your blood test came back, the men suggested that you didn’t sleep with a ton of plushies on your bed. So they got to work and built extra shelves for the plushies that once resided on your bed.
“Oh, and just a heads up! While you’re in the middle of napping, we will be switching out with the others too. Originally, Gorou and I planned on us being the only ones to cuddle with you as you nap, but the others want in on it as well.” Venti makes a face before laying down beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“We should enjoy the moment while it lasts.” You giggled, nestling up between Venti and Gorou before closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep.
The first two months of your pregnancy are complicated; then again, the pregnancy is still complicated the more time goes by. Your stomach is starting to show, which is exciting and terrifying because you have to be extra cautious when you’re doing things and eating certain foods. You were planning on relaxing at the bathhouse to relieve the tension in your body, but the men quickly denied it and told you not to take hot baths or sit in a hot tub or the hot spring in the bathhouse at the abode.
“It can cause a miscarriage. I don’t recommend sitting in anything that can increase the body temperature. The same goes for cold baths,” Albedo says, jotting down notes in his laboratory. 
You purse your lips and play with the hem of Ayato’s button-up shirt that you have stolen from his closet. “I wanted to be a human submarine.” You muttered.
“A what now?” Aether chuckles, raising his eyebrows at you with an amused smile on his face.
Heizou cuddles up against you. “I’m sure you can take baths still, but as long as it’s not hot. Only warm baths!” He strokes your hair and presses a kiss on the side of your head.
Before you can say anything else, Itto walks into the lab, looking around Albedo’s laboratory while trying to look inconspicuous. You, Aether, Heizou, and Albedo stare at Itto as he slowly approaches the four of you, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Itto! Is there anything we can do for you?” You ask, smiling up at the tall oni.
Itto’s eyes light up when the two of you make eye contact. Itto stops in front of you and gazes down at you nervously, the apples of his cheeks rosy pink. You couldn’t help but squeal softly at the shyness Itto was showing; he looked too precious! You reach up and squeeze Itto’s cheeks lightly with a big smile on your face.
“I, uh, I was wondering if it’s okay for me to feel my unborn child,” Itto says, clearing his throat shyly, the tips of his ears turning almost as red as his horns.
“Your unborn child? Please, Itto, we haven’t conducted a paternity test yet.” Tighnari exclaims from the doorway he is leaning up against. Tighnari looks at Itto with wide eyes, then over at you, Albedo, Heizou, and Aether in disbelief.
Tighnari walks further into Albedo’s laboratory and stops beside you, his arms over his chest as he turns to look at Itto with his eyebrows raised. Itto mumbles under his breath. Itto’s once rosy cheeks are now crimson red like his horns. You’re now three months pregnant, and your developing baby bump is beginning to show.
“I think we can take the paternity test later,” You said. “And to answer your question, Itto. Yes, you may feel the baby bump. It’s not much, but it’s there.” You said, reaching towards Itto’s large hands and placing them over your developing baby bump.
Itto’s eyes light up, and he is suddenly kneeling in front of you. Itto lifts up your shirt (that you have stolen from Ayato’s closet) and stares at the forming bump. A big smile stretches across Itto’s face as he gently rubs your belly. Suddenly his lips quiver and tears pool around his eyes, alarming you and the others in the lab. Before you could ask if he was okay, Itto wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close to him.
You pout and run your fingers through his soft hair while Itto presses light kisses on your baby bump, running his thumb over the bump with his head resting at your side. You look over at the others and the room, only to see them staring at your exposed baby bump. Your body shakes with laughter before you point down at your stomach.
“Do you guys want to feel the baby bump too?” You ask softly, patting your stomach lightly.
As if in a trance, they all nod their heads without taking their eyes off your stomach. Itto grumbles, muttering under his breath about how the others are copying him for wanting to feel your developing baby bump. One by one, Heizou, Aether, Tighnari, and Albedo placed their hands on your stomach, marveling over the fact that there was a being forming inside of your womb right now— a being that could look like any one of them.
“Oh? What’s going on in here?” Al Haitham asks, stepping into the lab with the other men in tow.
You smile and pat Itto’s head, who continues to cling to your side with his arms around your waist. “Itto wanted to feel the baby bump, and I let him. The others joined in after I noticed they had this longing look on their faces, wanting to touch the baby bump,” You reply.
“How warm do you think the baby is in your belly?” Itto asks, nuzzling his cheek up against your belly while continuing to caress your bump.
“It’s probably womb temperature,” Cyno replies, crossing his arms over his chest with a straight face.
Tighnari raises his eyebrows at Cyno. “Was that supposed to be a pun joke?” The corners of Cyno’s lips quirk up before nodding his head slowly.
Al Haitham rolls his eyes. “How clever,” Al Haitham stated. 
“Hey, if any of you want to feel the baby bump, feel free to! After all, making a baby isn’t a one-person job.” You said, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly. 
“You’re right because it’s a twenty-five-person job.” Aether nods his head.
Heizou leans to whisper into Aether’s ears. “I don’t think it’s possible for twenty-four men to impregnate one person.” 
“I know, but since we don’t know who’s the father of the baby, I might as well be inclusive,” Aether replies.
You hold your hand up. “Before any of you feel my stomach, let me sit down on a chair somewhere because my back is starting to hurt,” You said. You rub your lower back and scan around Albedo’s lab, searching for a chair to sit on.
“No need to find a chair, snookums! I’ll be your chair,” Childe announces proudly. Childe sits at the edge of an empty table and pats his lap. You shrug your shoulders and walk over to where Childe sits before sitting on his lap. 
Diluc turns to look at Zhongli. “Childe is a strange man,” Diluc stated.
Zhongli chuckles at Diluc’s comment, shaking his head. “Indeed he is.”
Childe gasps at Diluc and Zhongli, his mouth ajar. You snort at Childe’s reaction and tilt your head up to press a kiss beneath his jaws, smiling when you feel Childe tighten his grip around your waist before resting both of his hands on the swell of your baby bump. Childe’s gaze softens, and he rests his chin on your shoulders, pressing a gentle kiss on the side of your neck, his thumbs rubbing your bare stomach. You lean your head against him, a tiny smile forming on your face when you hear him breathe in a shaky sigh. You know that Childe is a family man and that he wants to be a father to many children. Childe has even told you to bear his many children multiple times, so seeing his reaction to you being pregnant and touching your pregnant belly was wholesome to see.
“You’ve had your turn now!” Scaramouche stated, lightly batting Childe’s hands away from your belly before pressing both of his hands on your tummy gently. 
Childe grumbles and rolls his eyes, placing both of his hands around your hips. Scaramouche’s narrowed eyebrows soon disappear as he kneels in front of you, not taking his eyes away from your bump. You smile and smooth your hands over his soft hair. Scaramouche subconsciously leans into your touch before pressing a gentle kiss on your tummy.
“What’s on your mind?” You whisper.
Scaramouche shakes his head before standing back up. He pulls you into a hug, burying his face into your hair and pressing many kisses on the top of your head while ignoring the glare Childe was giving him. Childe huffs and crosses his arms over his chest, a pout forming on his face.
You let out a small giggle and wrap your arms around Scaramouche’s waist, rubbing his back lightly. Upon feeling your small baby bump press up against his lower stomach, Scaramouche feels himself melt in your grasp. As much as Scaramouche wanted to tighten his hug, he didn’t want to hurt you or the baby, so he refrained himself from doing it.
“Hey, no need to hog [Y/N] to yourself! Let us get a turn at hugging and feeling their baby bump.” Cyno says, tapping on Scaramouche’s shoulders.
Scaramouche sighs and slowly releases you from his arms. He gives you a small smile before pressing his lips on your forehead before moving away to let the others have their turn in feeling your baby bump. Thoma was the first one to step up; he kneels in front of you and marvels at the sight of your developing baby bump. Thoma presses his hand against your tummy and lightly rubs your tummy with a smile.
“How does it feel to have a life growing inside of you?” Thoma whispers, looking up at you, his eyes glittering with happiness.
You cracked a smile and ran your fingers through his soft blond hair. “It’s a bit strange because I never imagined myself to be a parent. I’m pretty nervous about being one,” You reply.
Baizhu approaches you and places his hand on your shoulders. “It’s okay to have some concerns. After all, Albedo, Tighnari, and I are here to help you if there are any medical emergencies.” He lightly squeezes your shoulders.
“We’ll make sure that you have a healthy routine throughout your pregnancy and after you’ve given birth to the baby,” Albedo says, pressing his hands against the baby bump.
“Oh, don’t leave me out of it too. You know I’m a doctor as well, right?” Dottore asks, lightly pushing Baizhu and Albedo away to be able to feel the baby bump. Albedo and Baizhu raise an eyebrow at Dottore’s comment before exchanging looks with one another. “I can contribute as much to [Y/N]’s healthy lifestyle while pregnant just as much as the three of you.” Dottore huffs, pressing his hand against your tummy.
Pantalone walks up with a smile on his face. “You needn’t worry about the clothes for the baby and furniture for the nursery. I got you covered,” said Pantalone. He presses the palm of his hand against your pregnant belly and smiles. “After all, I do want our children to be spoiled as much as possible, but we will teach them manners because acting like a spoiled brat will earn them a spanking,” Pantalone adds.
You sigh and lay your head on Childe’s shoulders. “The baby isn’t even born yet, and we’re already talking about discipline?” You ask, looking up at Pantalone with a small frown on your face. 
You’re not against disciplining kids, but you believe that disciplining children without putting your hands on them is the way to go. Your parents spanked you and your siblings a lot when you were children, and that did more harm than good; it made you more scared of doing certain things rather than teaching you right from wrong.
“And what do you have in mind, exactly?” Pierro asks, “Children need to be disciplined for their wrongdoings.” 
“While I agree with that, I don’t agree with putting our hands on children because they did something wrong. It’s better to teach it to them than spanking them over the little things,” You said. “Plus, spanking children does more harm than good,” You added.
Capitano sighs. “I believe that we should leave this kind of conversation whenever the baby is born.” Capitano crosses his arms over his chest. “Like [Y/N] said, it’s too early to talk about these things when the baby has barely formed in their womb.” Capitano rubs your belly gently with his gloved hand.
“I really hope the baby turns out to be healthy,” Gorou says, rubbing your stomach and pressing his cheek against your small baby bump. Gorou rests his head on your tummy, his ears pressing up against your stomach as if he’s trying to listen for something.
Kazuha smiles and rubs the top of your belly. “I’m sure the baby will be healthy, Gorou. We’ll make sure that [Y/N] follows a healthy routine and eating habits throughout the pregnancy.” Kazuha reaches for your hand and kisses your knuckles.
Once everyone was able to touch your still-developing baby bump, you informed the men that you’d be taking a nap in your bedroom. This time, it was Kaeya that would be taking you to your room and making sure that you were actually taking a nap instead of sneak-eating snacks (you were caught the first time, and now you’re under surveillance because of that). You sit down on your bed and lay down on your side, hugging your pregnancy pillow against your body while Kaeya spoons you from behind, combing his fingers through your hair.
“Remember to get plenty of rest, alright? Sleep is important for both you and the baby.” Kaeya murmurs into your ears, wrapping his arms around your waist before placing one hand on your belly.
You nod your head. “I will, Kaeya.” A smile slowly appears on your face. “Ever since I was pregnant, I’ve been feeling even more tired than I usually do. So, I will be taking lots of naps more often,” You said, cuddling against Kaeya’s chest. 
Fast forward to you being six months pregnant; you’re not allowed to lift a single finger at all. Yes, you can do some things yourself, but it usually depends on what it is. You wanting to take a shower? Well, shit! There’s a possibility of you slipping and falling in the shower. Therefore, whenever you go and shower, one man will accompany you each time you go and take a shower. If you want to grab something from a tall shelf, one of the tall men will get them for you! No need to stand on the tips of your toes or on the kitchen counter to grab something from high up. There has been a time when you also gave one of the men a heart attack when they woke up in the middle of the night, only to see that you weren’t in bed at all. Ayato rushes down the stairs, wiping the sleep from his eyes as he tries to scan the dark estate for any sign of your presence. Ayato walks toward the kitchen, only to see you rummaging through the fridge at two in the morning, your hair sticking all over the place while mumbling something under your breath. Ayato can see your baby bump peeking out from underneath your sleep shirt; the mere sight made his heart flutter in his chest at the adorable sight.
“Honey, why are you up so late?” Ayato asks. His voice was heavy with sleep as he walked over to where you stood.
You turn to look at Ayato like a startled fox before clearing your throat awkwardly. “I woke up hungry. Now I’m searching for something to eat.” You reply, rubbing your growling stomach. “You know my appetite has grown ever since I got pregnant. I can’t help it; the baby wants something to eat.” You mumbled, rubbing your swollen stomach.
Dainsleif emerges from the shadows, leaning against the entrance of the kitchen, his hair disheveled from his slumber. “You could’ve woken Thoma up from his sleep and asked him to make you something to eat, you know?” Dainsleif has that soft look on his face that makes you weak to your knees.
“I know, but I didn’t want to disturb anyone with my hunger. Plus, I think a simple snack will do. It doesn’t have to be a meal.” You added, turning back to look into the refrigerator. “Pregnancy cravings are weird. I’ve been craving sunsettias dipped in cream cheese sprinkled with spice and sugar.” You muttered, tapping your fingers on your belly lightly.
Xiao appears out of thin air beside Ayato, his arms over his chest. “Since you’re hungry, we might as well get you something to eat and keep you company while we’re at it,” Xiao says.
One by one, the other men start to emerge from the darkness of the estate. Heizou flickers the light switch on, the lights flooding the kitchen and dining area. You shield your eyes for a brief moment before slowly putting your hands back down onto your stomach once your eyes have adjusted to the brightness.
“All of you don’t need to keep me company while I snack. I feel bad that you’re all losing sleep because of your pregnant significant other.” You muttered, subconsciously rubbing your pregnant belly.
Heizou sighs and walks over to you. He snakes his arms around your waist, pulls you close to his side by your hips, and presses a kiss on the apples of your cheeks. “My love, you’re not the one that’s forcing us to stay up with you. We all want to keep you company.” Heizou lightly squeezes your waist.
You sigh in defeat. “Alright, since you all want to keep me company, I can’t force you all to go back to sleep.” You give them a small smile.
Thoma walks over to the pantry and pulls out the ingredients. “I’m not entirely sure how hungry you are, but I’ll make enough for you and the baby.” Before Thoma walks by you, he stops in front of you and presses his lips on your forehead. 
“Oh, I’m really hungry. Make as much food as you like, perhaps like a feast. Though I’m not sure if the others are hungry as well, but do make enough for everyone to eat just in case,” You said.
Zhongli chuckles. “Always so thoughtful of others.” Zhongli smiles at you.
“Come, let’s wait in the living room while Thoma cooks. In the meantime, we can discuss your late-night snacking.” Diluc says, holding his hand out for you to take. You make a face before grabbing Diluc’s hand, letting him pull you towards the living room. Ever since your baby bump started getting bigger, you began to waddle a little bit whenever you walked. Not only was it a funny sight, but it was so cute that the men just wanted to capture every moment of your cute waddles on some recording device. Speaking of recording devices, Itto has been documenting your pregnancy journey with pictures of you every month. Specifically, your forming baby bump with dates and short descriptions written on the back.
“What’s it like being pregnant?” Itto asks, pointing your pregnant belly lightly. 
Venti nods his head. “It looks really complicated, especially when you’re not able to do certain things and eat certain things.”
You scratch your itching nose before sitting down on the couch beside Diluc. “Pregnancy is hard, especially when your clothes don’t fit you anymore because your body is constantly changing and growing to accommodate the baby.” You rub your swollen belly with your right hand. “It’s also really hard for me to pick things off the floor if I drop something because my belly gets in the way of me bending over.” You rest your head on Diluc’s shoulders and let out a long sigh.
“Whoever said that pregnancy is beautiful, they’re lying,” Kaeya concludes. You nod your head at Kaeya’s comment. Kaeya is correct; whoever says that pregnancy is beautiful, they’re lying because there’s nothing beautiful about pregnancy other than a baby developing and birthing that baby after nine months of carrying it.
Gorou laughs lightly. “If you don’t mind me asking, how heavy does your baby bump feel?” You stroke your chin and shrug your shoulders.
“I can’t give you the exact weight of my baby bump, but it’s heavy. Perhaps a watermelon is the best description I can give,” You reply. “Oh! Not only that, but I’m producing breast milk for the baby, and if my breasts are full of milk, I start leaking.” You cross your arms over your chest and wince when you lightly nudge your tender breasts with your hand.
Scaramouche’s eyebrows shot to his hairline at your comment. “Your breasts start to leak milk if there’s too much milk?” You nod.
Childe raises his hand. “I volunteer to suck the milk out of your breasts if it’ll help reduce the pain and constant leakage.” 
Xiao and Scaramouche smack Childe upside of his head with scowls on their faces. You snort and shake your head at the trio while the others look at Childe with their mouths agape. You don’t know if Teyvat has the device, but you’re hoping that a breast pump exists in Teyvat so you can get rid of the excess amount of milk stored in your breasts.
“The milk is for the baby, not for you.” Xiao rolls his eyes, looking away from Childe with a huff.
Before you can open your mouth to say something, you feel your shirt become damp. You let out a sigh for the umpteenth time before getting up from your seat. Great, you’re leaking milk, and it’s getting onto your shirt.
“Can someone please grab me a new shirt? I’m leaking milk.” You muttered, waddling over to the dining table and grabbing a napkin to soak up the leaking breast milk.
“On it.” Kazuha rushes upstairs to your bedroom to fetch you a change of shirt, his footsteps echoing throughout the estate.
Al Haitham turns to look over at Albedo. “Is there a way for you to create a breast pump for [Y/N] to pump out the extra breast milk?”
Albedo nods his head. “Hmm…. It will take some time for me to make that device, but I believe I can get it done in a short amount of time. I’ll get onto it immediately.” Albedo starts to walk away when you grab hold of his wrist and shake your head.
“It’s in the middle of the night, Albedo. As much as I appreciate it, you should save that for the morning and get some rest first.” You give his hand a squeeze.
“How bad does it hurt?” Baizhu asks as he walks up to you while you press the napkins up against your breasts.
You wince and walk over to the trash bin to throw the soaked napkins away. “It hurts a lot; my breasts are very tender, and I can’t pump the milk out because, well, there’s no way for me to do it.”
“Well, since Albedo will be making the pump in the morning, something will need to suck the milk out temporarily to ease the pain and tenderness of your breasts,” Tighnari mutters, stroking his chin.
“My offer still stands.” Childe sings, waving his hand in the air to grab your and everyone else’s attention.
Cyno scoffs, “Absolutely not.”
“How generous of you,” Dainsleif says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
“If we let you suck the milk from [Y/N]’s breasts, it’ll lead to you putting baby number two in them.” Ayato crosses his arms over his chest.
Thoma walks out of the kitchen with plates of food laid out on trays in his hand and stops in his tracks when he sees you standing next to the dining table with more paper towels pressing up against your breasts. He gives you a questioning look, and you shake your head as if you’re telling him that you’ll explain it to him later or someone will explain it to him later.
“If you’re still hungry, let me know, and I’ll make more for you, alright?” Thoma places the plate down on the table where you usually sit. 
You nodded your head and thanked him before throwing the paper towels away. You sit down and begin eating the meals that Thoma had oh so graciously cooked for you and the baby. The smell and the look of the food look enticing and mouth-watering. While you’re eating the meal, Al Haitham catches Thoma up to speed on what happened while he was in the kitchen cooking food for you and the baby.
“Childe being Childe, he offered to suck the milk from their boobs,” Aether says, reaching over to steal a piece of your bread and munch on it.
Heizou shrugs his shoulders. “I mean, [Y/N] did say that their breasts being full of milk hurts, and their nipples would leak with milk. Since Albedo is making the breast pump in the morning, Childe is offering a somewhat better replacement,” said Heizou as he stroked his chin.
You shake your head and finish up your meal, rubbing your now full tummy happily. You lean back in your seat and let out a relieved sigh. That hit the spot. You’re hoping the baby is happy and content with the amount of food you’ve eaten just for them. Now you feel like you’re about to pop like an inflated anemo slime.
“Oh! Are you done eating?” Venti asks, gazing at you curiously.
You nod your head. “Yes, I’m done eating! The meals filled my tummy up, and I’m sure this little bean,” you gesture to your baby bump, “is happy and content that they’re able to get some delicious food.” 
Itto makes a face. “Little bean? Onikabuto booboo bear, you know I’m allergic to beans. Can we call the baby something else?” Itto gives you puppy dog eyes.
Cyno cocks his eyebrows at Itto. “Onikabuto booboo bear? What kind of monstrosity of a pet name is that? Also, Scarabs are better than onikabutos.” 
Itto gasps and glares at Cyno before a thought dawns on him. “Scarabs? Scaramouche…. Scarabmouche…” Itto slowly looks over at where Scaramouche stands. Scaramouche glares at Itto, a faint glow of purple emitting from his fingertips and the palm of his hands.
“Do you want me to electrocute some common sense into your head, you dumb oni?” Scaramouche growls, his eyes beginning to glow ominously.
Diluc rolls his eyes. “It’s too early to fight. Since [Y/N] has finished their meal, we should all head back to bed now.” 
Xiao holds his hand out for you to take. You reach for his hand, letting Xiao pull you up from your seat. You almost offered to wash the dishes but then remembered that you weren’t allowed to do basic housekeeping while pregnant. So, you kept quiet and let Xiao guide you up the stairs.
Xiao squeezes your hand. “I’ll keep you company for the night if you’re okay with it.” He looks down at you with a soft gaze.
You smile and rest your cheek against his shoulders, squeezing his hand back. “I would love that.” You whisper, continuing to let Xiao walk you back to your bedroom.
The very next day, you find yourself sitting in between Dainsleif’s legs while he reads you a story from Khaenri’ah, your back pressing up against his chest while you hold the breast pump against your chest. Your head is resting on the crook of his neck, holding the breast pump in place.
“I think the baby will love the stories from Khaenri’ah.” You murmur, a shy smile appearing on your face when you feel Dainsleif press his lips against your temple.
Dainsleif sighs softly. “I hope they do.” He rubs the tip of his thumb against the apples of your cheeks, resting his chin on your shoulder.
You reach up and stroke his soft hair. “I’m sure they will. Children love all kinds of stories that are told to them. I’m sure they’ll want to hear more stories about Khaenri’ah.” You tilt your head back to face him, pressing your lips against his.
“Apologies for interrupting your and Dainsleif’s intimate moment, but we’re just stopping by to check and see how you’re doing.” Jean’s voice interrupts you and Dainsleif. Without a second thought, Dainsleif throws his cape over your torso and looks over to where Jean’s voice came from.
“Ladies! It’s great to see you all again after six months! How have you all been?” You ask, holding the pump close to your chest along with the cape that Dainsleif has draped over you.
Kujou Sara sighs. “You’re the one that’s pregnant; we should be the ones to ask you how you’re doing, not the other way around.” She gives you a soft smile.
You chuckle awkwardly. “Well, I’ve been doing well! The baby is healthy and is, as you can see, still growing! I’m currently, uh, pumping the milk out of my breasts.” You clear your throat. “Give me a moment, ladies. You all can wait in the living room while I go make myself look proper.” Your face heats up with embarrassment. Their visitation is so sudden; you and Dainsleif didn’t expect them to suddenly show up while you’re trying to drain the excessive amount of milk out of your swollen breasts.
“Do take your time. Apologies for not informing you of our visitation; it’s on us.” Ganyu says, bowing elegantly. 
“No, no! No need to worry!” You laugh shyly; you turn to Dainsleif and motion for him to show the women where to go.
The ladies give you a smile before walking off with Dainsleif leading the way. You sigh and lean back in the hammock. At least you’re able to pump out a reasonable amount of milk from your breasts; now, you’re no longer in pain or leaking milk from your nipples. 
You quickly changed into Childe’s shirt and placed the milk bottle in the refrigerator. You make a mental note to start labeling the milk bottles— actually, should you even keep the breast milk? The baby won’t arrive until a few months from now, and the milk will most likely be expired if it’s not ingested soon. Maybe you should’ve taken up on Childe’s offer.
After changing into Childe’s shirt, you slowly descend the stairs, waddling like a penguin with your right hand on your bump while your left-hand clutches the railing. You can’t do normal day-to-day things without having to worry about accidentally doing something that could potentially harm your unborn baby.
“[Y/N], if you don’t mind me asking, where are the fathers of your baby? They shouldn’t leave you alone by yourself while heavily pregnant.” Eula huffs, rushing over to where you’re walking and holding her arm out for you to take.
You wrap your arm around Eula’s and give her a thankful smile. “A few of them are currently building the nursery for the baby right now. The others are out in Teyvat buying furniture for the nursery.” You answered, letting out a deep exhale.
“And they decide to leave you all alone? How irresponsible of them.” Rosaria mutters, shaking her head with disapproval before getting up from her seat to help Eula with assisting you over to the living area where the other women, and Dainsleif, are sitting. 
You slowly sit down on the loveseat with the help of Eula and Rosaria. You give them a smile and chuckle softly. “Please, I wasn’t alone. Dainsleif has been keeping me company this entire time. Baizhu, Tighnari, Albedo, and Dottore are in the medical bay right now.” You said, placing both of your hands on your belly. “Anyway! It’s been a while since I’ve seen all of you, ladies; how have you all been?” You ask, giving them a smile.
“Busy as usual, but we want to check up on you and the baby the most,” Yunjin says, crossing her right leg over her left.
You giggle. “Very pregnant; I’ve been getting up in the middle of the night frequently because the baby and I have late-night cravings now.” You sigh, rubbing your belly.
Keqing looks at you worriedly. “You have been getting plenty of rest, correct? You and the baby need plenty of sleep.” 
You wave her comment off. “Don’t worry about the baby and me getting plenty of sleep, Keqing! The men have been making sure that I get plenty of sleep and take naps when I’m feeling fatigued.” You give Keqing a smile.
Signora hums and leans in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest. “We know the baby is quite heavy. Have the men do anything to ease the weight of the baby?” Signora asks. You gaze at her curiously and slowly shake your head. You open your mouth to question Signora about what she has implied when Singora motions for you to get up from your seat. You slowly stand up, and Beidou walks over to where you stand and pulls you to the middle of the living room. With your back facing towards Beidou’s direction, she approaches you, wraps her arms around you and gently places her hand beneath your baby bump, and lifts it up. 
“That feels really nice.” You sigh in relief, resting your head on Beidou’s shoulders.
Columbina giggles. “While I see that these men care for you, we know more than they do as women. And I, for one, think that we could treat you better than they can.” Columbina says, ignoring the not-so-subtle glare that was given to her by Dainsleif.
“Anything on your mind, [Y/N]?” Sandrone giggles.
You shake your head. “It feels good to have the weight get taken off.” You let out a blissful sigh.
Arlecchino gets up from her seat and lightly nudges Beidou away from you. Beidou glares at Arlecchino for a moment; the two women exchange silent, heated glares with one another before Beidou reluctantly lowers your pregnant belly. You’re about to open your mouth to protest when Arlecchino takes Beidou’s spot, her chest pressing up against your back, and lifts your pregnant belly. 
“Tch and Dottore said that they take great care of you.” Arlecchino rolls her eyes. She tilts your head up and rubs your chin lightly. “Ditch them; we’ll take better care of you.” Arlecchino coos.
Dainsleif strides over to you and Arlecchino and grabs her by her wrist, and glares down at her, shaking his head. Dainsleif pulls you from Arlecchino’s arms and walks back to the loveseat where you once sat earlier.
“I would keep my hands to myself if I were you. If you put your hands on something that belongs to us, I won’t hesitate to cut them off.” Dottore states, leaning up against the wall with his arms over his chest.
Collei laughs nervously. “A-Anyway!” Collei turns to look at you. “Has the baby kicked yet?” 
You shake your head. “Not yet, but I do feel them move around in there.” You smile, rubbing your belly. 
Ayaka stares at your pregnant belly intently. “If you don’t mind, would it be okay for me to feel your baby bump?” She asks softly. 
You smile and nod your head. “Of course! Go ahead, Ayaka.” You gestured for the daughter of the Kamisato Clan to come closer. 
Ayaka gets up from her seat before walking over to you excitedly, trying to refrain from smiling too big. Ayaka places both of her hands on your bump and lightly feels around your bump, gazing at your belly in awe. You smile and look up at Dainsleif, who is staring down at you with a look of concentration on his face. When the both of you make eye contact, he gives you a tiny smile, and you smile back at him.
You suddenly feel something strange in your tummy, making you wince, and Ayaka gasps. She takes her hand off your stomach and covers her mouth with both of her hands, gazing at you like a startled fox. Dainsleif and Dottore were immediately at your side.
“Did something happen?” Sucrose asks, rushing over to your side.
The door of the abode opens, footsteps rushing down the stairs at the sound of Ayaka’s gasp and Sucrose’s question. You’re immediately swarmed by the men and women around you in the living room of the abode. 
“Oh, dear archons! You didn’t get hurt, did you?” Gorou whimpers, kneeling in front of you.
Before you can answer Gorou’s question, the same feeling hits you. You let out a gasp, and your hands fly to your stomach, eyes wide. What was this strange feeling in your belly? Surely it’s not the baby moving around; you’ve felt the baby move around inside your womb plenty of times, and this was not it.
“I think the baby’s kicking,” You whisper.
“What is it, dearest? Should we take you to the infirmary for a checkup?” Zhongli asks, kneeling beside you.
You grip Zhongli’s forearms and look at him with wide eyes. “I’m fine, but the baby is kicking.” You said softly.
Ayato’s eyes widen. “The baby’s kicking?” 
You nod your head, tears pooling around your eyes. “The baby’s kicking; they’re okay. They’re just kicking around inside, letting me know they’re here.” You laugh, wiping the stray tear that made its way down your cheeks.
“Everyone, please back up and give [Y/N] some room to breathe. You’re all going to make them hyperventilate if you don’t give them space to breathe and collect their thoughts.” Tighnari says, ushering people to move and giving you the space you need.
“The baby isn’t hurting you, are they?” Al Haitham asks. He knelt in front of you and grabbed onto your hand, hesitantly placing his hand on your belly and rubbing it.
You shake your head. “It doesn’t hurt when the baby kicks me, but it does catch me off guard when the baby does it,” You answered.
“Before we get into the topic of the baby and what they’re doing in the womb, do you want to see what the nursery looks like?” Kazuha asks, holding his hand out for you to grab. You smile and nod your head, placing your hand into his grasp, and get up from the couch with the help of Kazuha, Al Haitham, and Dainsleif.
Upon arriving at the nursery, you gasp at the sight of the adorable nursery. Plushies from different regions of Teyvat, the nursery is painted in a porcelain white, subtle colors borderline the smallest parts of the bedroom. A rocking chair in the corner of the room, a diaper changing area that is stocked up on diapers and baby wipes.
“Wow, this baby isn’t even born yet, but is already spoiled by their fathers.” Xinyan chuckles, looking around the room in awe.
You laugh and lean on Kazuha and Al Haitham’s arms. “This baby will be getting nothing but endless love and affection from their parents.” You rub your belly. As if the baby was agreeing, you feel the baby kick your tummy. You winced and rubbed the area where the baby kicked you. “Glad to see that you agree with me.” You chuckle and pat your tummy gently.
While you’re admiring the nursery, the men can’t help but admire you from a distance. You’re going to be a fantastic parent to the unborn baby, and they just know that you’re going to be very attached and smitten with the child. You suddenly stop in your tracks when you stand in front of the crib, your hands clutching onto your stomach.
“[Y/N]? Is something wrong?” Baizhu asks, placing his hand on your shoulder while gazing at you worriedly.
You sigh and slowly turn towards the men and women, your face hot with embarrassment. “I’m feeling hungry, even though I ate about three hours ago.” You mutter, tapping your fingers on your belly.
Kaeya chuckles and shakes his head. “I mean, you are eating for two. You getting hungry all of a sudden is to be expected.” 
Xiao holds his arm out for you to grab. “Let’s go downstairs. We shouldn’t be keeping you and the baby waiting any longer for food.” You waddled towards Xiao and latched yourself onto him, and let him escort you downstairs, with the men and women following behind. At first, you don’t think you’re prepared to be a parent of a child, but with the help from your beloved boyfriends and girl friends, you think you’ll be okay. Though what you definitely weren’t prepared for was eating for two because imagine eating four hours ago, and all of a sudden, you’re hungry again.
Note: Ah yes, finally, an alternate ending to "Mixed Signals," featuring the Genshin women! Obviously, I have to include most of the women in Genshin; I had this entire thing planned out. I couldn't get all of them to say something because there are over 30 female characters in Genshin (not counting the children), and it's hard to keep up with over 50-60 people talking in one fic 💀 Since it's midterms, I had a lot of assignments thrown at me, and it's been hell LMAO ;v; But I'm doing well, I think, I hope I am. I was planning on having a Halloween fic (individual character fic), but it would require a massive trigger warning. So I didn't make it and chose to type out the alternate ending instead! Anyway, for those who are new or have been here the entire time, I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
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