#an alien with an origin similar to Superman
keycomicbooks · 2 months
Adventure into Fear With The ManThing #17 (1973) Frank Brunner, Glynis Wein and John Costanza Cover Artist, Steve Gerber Writer, Val Mayerik Pencils, 1st appearance of Wundarr aka Aquarian, an alien with an origin similar to Superman
#AdventureintoFear With #TheManThing #17 (1973) #FrankBrunner, Glynis Wein and John Costanza Cover Artist, #SteveGerber Writer, #ValMayerik Pencils, 1st appearance of #Wundarr aka Aquarian, an alien with an origin similar to Superman "It Came Out of the Sky!" The Man-Thing stumbles across an alien ship that has crashed in the swamp. Inside is Wundarr, an alien from another planet which was doomed to explode. https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Adventure%20into%20Fear.html#17 @rarecomicbooks Website Link In Bio Page If Applicable. SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA #RareComicBooks #KeyComicBooks #MCU #MarvelComics #MarvelUniverse #KeyComic #ComicBooks
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gatorbites-imagines · 11 months
Hi I see your requests are open!
Could you do a Flash ( Barry Allen) x alien reader?
Where the Reader's true form looks like the Martians, but dark purples and cool greys?
Apart of the Reader's culture, is rough housing. So they like to spar and chase around Barry. Though, apart of their rough housing is pinning. So everytime they spar, Reader pins Barry to the ground or wall, making him extremely flustered.
Barry Allen x Alien Male reader
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We are back after kinktober, finally. Guess who handed in their last psychology assignment of the year, now it’s just my religion project and exams and I’ll be free until next semester.
For the martian appearance, I went with the more, what should I call it?? lizard? Plant? Looking? Appearance, you see in young justice.
Your species was from Mercury, meaning you were extremely hot blooded, which lead to your kind being, what should I say, competitive by nature. Martians and Mercurians descended from the same place, which is why your species were similar in some ways like appearance.
Unlike martians, you couldn’t shapeshift. Mercurians did have the ability of intangibility, power negation, and power amplification, along with the same type of telepathy and telekinesis you would find in martians.
Unlike the greens and other similar colours you would find on Mars, your people were cooler colours in contrast of the warm colours of your home planet. Every member of your species possessed different patterns in their skin as well, which wasn’t easily spotted by the naked eye.
It helped your people identify each other, and some of the spirit mediums claimed to be able to tell your future off these patterns, think like reading someone’s destiny in their palm.
The Mercurians had stayed away from earth as long as it had existed, but after larger and larger enemies showed up in your part of the galaxy, your people joined in on fighting them off.
You were the 6th child of the ruler of your planet at the time, your parent having been chosen as leader through democracy for many hundred years because of how just they were. But because of this, and your interest in interworld communication, you were the one sent to earth.
Here you met the justice league. The first person you got along with was of course J'onn J'onzz, and his niece M'gann M'orzz, as your people and culture were similar in some ways, and your people descended from the same origin.
Your inability to shapeshift made it hard for you to take part in human culture, even as you bonded with the other members of the league, like superman, the many green lanterns, M'ganns teammates, and so on and so forth.
It was on one of the days you were growing antsy for anything to happen that you fell into conversation with Barry, The Flash, as he was called. Talking to him calmed some of the fidgetiness in your body, there was just something about him and how fast he talked when he was passionate about a subject, that cooled your inner flames.
It also helped that he ran hot, as earth was much much colder than your home planet of Mercury. You also would never admit how it made your Mercurian vocal cords trill when he raved about your purple colour, and how it shifted in the sunlight.
J'onn teased you quite a lot as you started developing feelings for the speedster. You denied it vehemently, but even M'gann could tell and would tease you as well. All of this happened over your telepathy of course, so no one else on the team seemed to pick up on it, except for Batman, since he saw pretty much everything.
After some time, Barry seemed to pick up on your inability to stay still, or how you were always found in the gym beating up the equipment. It was J'onn who explained your people’s culture to him, and how roughhousing was the way your people bonded.
Because of this roughhousing not happening, you didn’t feel as close to the league as you would be able too. And Barry, who had started to develop feelings for you in return, found himself wondering if you might be interested in a sparring match.
When he finally summoned up the courage to ask, he didn’t even have time to doubt his act of asking, as you launched yourself at him like an overexcited cat, immediately wrestling him to the ground.
Barry hadn’t thought this fully through, as he found himself being pinned to the floor, the wall, the ceiling once or twice, throughout this sparring. He became so flustered that he almost forgot about his speed.
There was just something about how excited you seemed to be that someone finally wanted to roughhouse and spar with you, and the trills and chirps that rang from your chest and throat instinctually, only made him want to keep doing it.
This kept up for some time, both of you taking time out of your schedules to roughhouse at least once a week. And over time Barry was able to keep up, even though he still found himself blushing and sputtering when you pinned him just right.
J'onn ended up telling the rest of the team what was up, and roughhousing became part of the usual sparring when you were involved, for team bonding.
But what you and Barry had was something special, just between you two. And when you started adding your hidden stripes to his suits stitching, no one would be the wiser, except for maybe J'onn, who just seemed amused.
Your people didn’t kiss, you didn’t really have the lips, but you wanted to try it. Kissing Barry the first time after pinning him to the floor once again, had been a little awkward. Lips pressed against teeth, not much of the romantic liplocking you had seen in earth movies.
But Barry seemed just as passionate after realizing what was up, his arms immediately wrapping around you and kissing you back as passionately.
The roughhousing continued even as you started dating, and when the team found a way to let you alter your shape to a human one, you two would go on dates.
There were moments you felt self-conscious about your appearance, as many humans were more attractive, but Barry was always quick to wrestle you into his arms to tell you he loved you for who you were, and that he didn’t care about that stuff, and you were handsome to him.
Lets just say the first time Barry met your family it lead to a huge family wide roughhousing and wrestling, and he had to resort to using his speed more than once to not get mobbed by your family who wanted to bond with him and get to know him since you loved him so much.
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An idea came to me reading a fic where Danny was a kryptonian. What if Amity Park instead of being a city in the USA on Earth was once a city on Krypton (in what would be a kryptonian version of early 21st century or at least about 100 years before the planet blew up). Basically almost everything that happened in cannon DP happened and everything is mostly the same but with a more alien then earth tone to it.
After Phantom Planet Danny's parents except him being part ghost, the government overturn the Ecto Acts, and he able to finish high school and goes on to college after which he is happily welcomed to for work for KASA (Krypton Aeronautics and Space Administration). He becomes an Astronautical engineer. Danny is in his early thirties when he is testing out a new experimental space ship engine for KASA. While doing a flight test Danny's ship losses signal and no one can find it (kind of what happened in the show Farscape).
100s of years go by Krypton explodes baby Kal-El is sent to Earth where he grows up to be Superman. The JL suddenly get a signal/warning about some alien tech on the edge of the solar system. They send one of the Green Lanterns to take a look, where they report a spaceship dead in space. They don't expect any life forms but surprise because of his ghost half Danny was in a sort of suspended animation. He is brought back and wakes up in the Watch Tower.
Just Random ideas...
Kryptonite is the crystalized form of ectoplasm because of this Danny is not effected by it.
Danny's kryptonian name is Daniel Fen-Ton
The phantom zone projector was originally called the Fen-Ton zone projector or is was based off a Fen-Ton gadget.
Years after Danny disappears Krypton starts turning on ghost again, so the town of Amity, which now has a symbiotic relationship with ghost, vote to pull the whole town into the Ghost Zone. So it is not blown up like the rest of the planet though Danny does not know this in the beginning.
Danny has an easier time learning to use Earth technology then he does the Kryptonian technology in Superman's Fortress.
Danny also has slightly easier time when getting the regular Kryptonian power set due to the yellow sun because he went through something similar when getting his ghost powers.
Danny adopts Connor almost immediately. Maybe during Danny's time there was laws about cloning and clone rights on Krypton. Also while Connor is not a replacement he sort of fills in the void of losing Ellie.
While Superman has no idea who Danny is, Kara/Supergirl has a faint idea because he was briefly mentioned in her Krytonian History class. Also she is happy to have someone who can natively speak the kyrptonian language even if it has older vocabulary. Don't get her wrong its great to speak it with Kal-El but he learned it later in life.
Holly char this is amazing!
How many people will have a stroke when they see Danny casually pick up a piece of kryptonite? Batman? His normal Kryptonian contingency plan won't work. Luthor? There's a version of superman IMMUNE to Kryptonite. Clark? What the hell do you mean you can touch kryptonite
I think after Danny explains everything about his past and species so many people are going to just...give up. Hahaha a stronger version of superman who isn't effected by kryptonite, goodbye world
Connor will be ecstatic, Danny will do ALL the dad stuff, teaching him their language, proper training, engineering lessons and you bet he's going to use jazz's psychiatrist stuff on this kid
Danny's probably going to get mega-depressed, all his hard work breaking the racism against ghosts only for that to come back a few years after he left? And he can't even fix it again because their world went bye-bye
Also- here me out
Co-pilot Valerie
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necrotic-nephilim · 4 days
I’m gonna be honest I didn’t realize the new 52 messed with Kon that much till I read your post and now I can’t get over the potential. I’m a Tim/Kon girly at heart so I would devour anything you write exploring the 52 vs typical Kon. Also Time being in a clone sandwich is 👌.
the new-52 messed Kon up SO bad it's ridiculous. like, to the point i would personally argue he's a completely unrelated character to pre-Flashpoint/Rebirth Kon. his personality, his suit, his origin, all different. the only real similarities are the name and powerset. and even New-52!Kon's powers are slightly different from pre-Flashpoint!Kon. New-52!Kon is a clone of a future version of Jon Lane Kent, cloned by N.O.W.H.E.R.E. to provide genetic material to Jon Lane Kent, whose body was not handling being half human/half Kryptonian well, it was a whole thing. New-52!Kon is also where we get the infamous "Kon-El means 'abomination of the house of El' and Kara basically named him a slur in Kryptonian culture" tidbit, because that is the only time that's canon. (originally Kon-El was a name gifted by Clark to accept Kon as his family way back in the 90s) he also never went by Conner Kent. New-52!Kon just straight up didn't have any real human identity or connections, outside of being very close to Tim and some Titans.
the very TLDR of Kon's history is: during post-Crisis/pre-Flashpoint, a clone called Superboy is created by CADMUS. at first, he's considered to be a clone of a dude named Paul Westfield and is not Kryptonian whatsoever, he was simply made to look like Superman and only has Tactile Telekinesis as a power. then, it was made canon that actually he was a clone of Lex Luthor and Clark Kent, but Lex hid this fact and slowly, Kon developed more Kryptonian powers. he's given the name Kon-El by Clark, and is taken in by the Kents, getting the name Conner Kent. then Flashpoint happens, we get the New-52, and we're given the above version of Kon-El, who is a clone of Jon Lane Kent, created by N.O.W.H.E.R.E. who has mostly very strong telekinesis powers and some Kryptonian powers. he's with the Titans for a bit, then at the end of the New-52, he kills some aliens and feels bad about it so he decides to fuck off and is never seen again, it's presumed he's dead but never confirmed. then Rebirth happens and DC makes Jon Kent the current Superboy, we get Supersons and all that, and it's assumed that no version of Kon-El exists. just at all. he's not around whatsoever, Jon is our only Superboy. *but* in 2019, we get a new Young Justice run and the pre-Flashpoint Kon-El is back, and we're given the explanation of: Kon got accidentally teleported to this alternate realm called Gemworld and then Flashpoint happened, and since that was a Crisis Event that changed the timeline, the poor lad got *erased* from the timeline, causing most people to *not fucking remember him* and for him to remember a timeline that no longer exists. some of the Young Justice team vaguely remember him, Ma and Pa Kent remember him, but notably, Clark *does not remember him*. it's not an issue of "Clark ignored Kon in favor of Jon" it's an issue of "Kon was erased from the timeline and didn't exist for years bc he was stuck in Gemworld and Clark just doesn't remember Kon or Kon's timeline" which to me, is far more tragic but i digress. since then, Kon has been back and is present in most significant Superfamily runs, with his own recent mini-series, Superboy: Man of Tomorrow. (which was very good btw)
so basically: the New-52 fucked Kon up so bad they wrote him out of comics for years and then brought back the pre-Flashpoint version, but never *explicitly* killed the New-52 version off. so hypothetically, it's possible that there are currently two characters existing in the DC universe named Kon-El who have been Superboy. and like i said above, one of New-52!Kon's only real significant relationships was with Tim, it was the only thing the New-52 managed to get right about Superboy, his closeness to Tim. they have a *lot* of moments that read incredibly queer. and ofc, it's just outright confirmed in Dark Crisis: Young Justice that Tim had a crush on pre-Flashpoint!Kon at some point. so while comics are intent on pretending New-52!Kon doesn't exist, i am intent on putting Tim in a clone sandwich.
because i do think it's fun to play with Tim having genuine feelings and potentially a relationship with both of them. and the fucked up nature of him not fully *remembering* his relationship with pre-Flashpoint!Kon (which is a canon thing, in YJ(2019) Tim has vague memories of Kon he's struggling to piece together and understand why he cares about this guy he doesn't recognize so much) and how frustrating that is for Tim. he knows he loves Kon, but it's all foggy besides that. and so it's even *more* fucked up if Tim dated New-52!Kon before he got emo and ran off into the unknown. obviously in canon no one has told current Kon about New-52!Kon bc comics are doing the good ol' tried and true of "sweep that shit under the rug" but for fanfic, i think it's fun to ask the question of: would anyone *tell* Kon? especially Tim? who now remembers dating both versions of them? would he admit to Kon that briefly, he had another Kon? how would Tim cope with that and move on? personality wise, they could not be more different. they dress and act and look different. they're not the same person, but there's certainly a questionable factor of Tim's dating history including two Kon-Els.
the idea i've had for a while is Tim slowly starting to date pre-Flashpoint!Kon again. it feels familiar and like home. and Tim has grieved and accepted that wherever New-52!Kon is, he doesn't want to come home, he didn't love TIm enough to stay and try. so Tim takes the Kon he has, and genuinely has a happy relationship. like for once, life is good and things almost make sense for Tim. but then, of course, New-52!Kon comes back. he decides he wants to try again and he finds Tim. only to find well. he's been replaced. and technically, he's been replaced with the *original* that he didn't even know *existed*. and if being a clone is bad enough, that just makes it a hundred times worse. because imagine knowing you're actually the second Kon-El your boyfriend who you never *technically* broke up with fell in love with. that's gotta give you some kind of complex.
so i think it's fun if both Kons try to step back and let the other Kon date Tim. both of them have reasons to feel like the "replacement" or "fake" Kon, and it makes them incredibly awkward with each other. do they count as the same person? bc they definitely don't *feel* like the same person to each other, but with weird timeline stuff, who can really say. them settling on an awkward throuple that's really meant to be Tim just dating them both but somehow they end up dating each other too is so fun for me. they both feel like imposters to the Superboy name but are so deeply in love with Tim Drake, it's the one thing truly connecting them. and then of course, Tim feels bad in that somehow, he's betraying both of them for having feelings for the other. but they make it work, with a lot of awkward angst and miscommunication. i just think it'd be fun. very difficult to write to get all the weird timeline nuances down in a way that's understandable in a fanfic (bc you can't just. infodump like i did on this post) but doable. also difficult to tag, because even though i argue these are two different characters, i'm pretty sure Ao3 groups them under the same character tag. so it'd be difficult to convey it's not *really* as selfcest-y as it would imply. comics, man. DC will never acknowledge New-52!Kon again, and he's admittedly a terrible adaptation of Kon-El, but. i think he was sort of neat in his own right and i'd *love* for DC to just inexplicably bring him back and make the current Kon deal with the consequences of all that. and them make Tim kiss them both. obviously.
#necrotic answerings#timkon#how do I tag this ship i'm so serious#kontimkon#I fucking *guess*?#also just plain Kon/Kon could be neat as well#I don't view it as selfcest. but like. I understand if ppl do#also if I got some details wrong i'm so sorry#I was tipsy writing this.#new-52!Kon you were a disaster child but come back from the war I miss you.#i'd need to reread the new-52 superboy and teen titans run to write this#just to be sure I've got a solid grasp on his character#pre-flashpoint!Kon I understand just fine he's my son I've read most of his content#new-52!Kon. eeeeeh. i've read it. years ago. and I'm not even sure if I actually read it all through or just bits and pieces#I hated him when he existed be like. he fucked up Kon so bad we fucking lost Kon for a couple years#but in hindsight. he had potential.#also if you want another bizarre fun fact about the new-52#Tim was never Robin in the new-52. he went straight to being Red Robin.#also his parents are alive and in witsec. do with that what you will.#weird times.#I guess new-52!Kon could've been erased by rebirth but I don't think he was?? bc characters have recalled his existence so?#hypothetically he *should* exist???#and if he doesn't#*oh well* I do what I want#DC you may not care about the implications of your retcons and reboots but I do. I do.#I want more fandom acknowledgement of Kon getting fucking erased from the timeline and no one remembering him#yes it's fun to make Clark a bad dad#but Kon was forgotten! by almost everyone! that's also fun!#young justice (2019) isn't the *best* comic ever but it's still solid! lots of good Kon whump I tell you.#he was fucking going *through* it that run I tell you. by God.
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luffyrose · 2 years
Alien or Ghost?
I am once again offering random ideas that pop into my brain. As you can tell, the brain rot is strong for DC x DP.
Anyway, let's hop right into the idea for today!
Halfas' as much as they share biology with ghosts, who in their own sense are a new species, are considered alien. Of course, not because they have human and ghostly abilities, but because Halfas WERE aliens. The origin of their race had been so uncertain, but seeing that they held a small planet close to Krypton, they were most definitely a species of Alien. They could hop between dimensions, though it seemed that this one and this planet was their home. No matter who left, they always returned. So when one day they didn't, it was believed the species was now extinct, seeing as they didn't know that Halfa have two ways of being "born".
Those who knew the most were the Kryptonians, being close allies to the friendly but powerful race. With Krypton destroyed, the only information that survived was that of a few estranged alien species' knowledge and documents in the Fortress of Solitude. Seeing as it wasn't important, being a deceased race and all, Superman paid his respects to the race but didn't spend much time looking over the details of the species. All he really maintained was their similar biology to beings referred to as Ghosts, and the ability to transform. It was also noted that Halfa, as strong as they were, developed powers in times of need or panic. Meaning the stronger the person, the worse they've had to protect themselves or others from.
Now, if he'd read a little more, he would have learned about how Halfa's had said before how, while they can have children, not every Halfa was born as Halfa's, it was something that made them special and made them care for one another so deeply. It was also why true Halfa were usually aligned to protect whatever it deemed family.
So when a group of young teens, led by Boy Wonder himself on a wayward mission, find a horribly ill-looking teen and are terrified. It does not help that the clothes he wore were tattered and through them, the team could see rushed and careless stitches. Nor did it make anything better that this mission was in a lab. A much too nice lab for supposedly illegal activity. And now the group knew why. So with chaos and teenage rage at seeing someone so young and so hurt, they absolutely destroy the lab in an attempt to get the other out. It goes as well as it can, but hey, they're out! Scolded by Batman, but out! And they took the kid!
The team is determined to help their unofficial new teammate, you could pry him from their cold dead hands this was almost exactly like how they got Conner and that had ended wonderfully- for the most part. Conner himself was very protective of the young boy, and Danny accepted that pretty quickly. It made most of them more than sure that he'd had a family, but none of them wanted to ask.
When Wally inevitably did, Danny physically freezes, sudden realizations hitting him like a truck. Danny's family was gone...for the most part. Jazz had been away for something, but his house had been attacked by the GIW, leaving Danny to expose himself to his parents before they tried to defend him. It didn't work. So the three Fentons were claimed dead, the house blown to pieces with nothing to find. Except, only his parents were actually gone. Sam and Tucker had no idea what had happened, Jazz probably knew he was alive...but that didn't make the situation much better, and Dani...she had been elsewhere, but surely she'd known by now.
That was a much worse realization. Dan had been reformed after a long time out and very much taken an older brother role, Conner reminded him of that even if subconsciously, either way, he was the King of the Infinite Realms and he'd been missing. For months. Dan was more than definitely ready to tear the human realm apart.
With a tense chuckle, Danny said he was so dead when his siblings found him but never elaborated. They could tell it wasn't an actual danger to the boy, but it made the team curious. Either way, not his problem for now, so Danny just continues to stay with the YJL.
Eventually, Danny ends up sneaking with them to help on a mission and when the team is in danger, he snaps and near destroys everything around them, save his teammates, in a fit of rage. It's then that the JL realize their newest addition may be a bit strong for his age and control. So they plan to meet him. Lucky for Danny, Robin and Wally are allowed to come with!
The meeting starts with a lot of the JL, minus a well-known blue boy scout, he'd been busy working things out with Conner, his Ma had learned of the boy and really helped him figure out his issues(there was definitely a lot of yelling, and request to meet her grandson). Things are going alright, even with the boy's clear nervousness at seeing so many people. It's when Superman himself arrives that he freezes completely, staring at the boy in front of him as everything in his body screams this is another Alien. He doesn't quite know why, but the only non-martian alien who could possibly look this human that he knew of was meant to be extinct. Seeing how Martian Manhunter hadn't mentioned anything about the boy being possibly Martian, Supes was rightfully freaking out.
Superman, utterly confused and slightly happy: YOU'RE A HALFA
Danny, surprised and terrified out of his mind that he's been outed so easily: UHHH-
Obviously, the right thing to do in a panic? RUN AWAY. So off Danny goes, fleeing as if his life depends on it. I mean, who can blame him? In Superman's eyes, this is the last known being of his species, unless they were in hiding, and to Danny, this man just stated to a room full of possible enemies if he ever oversteps a boundary exactly what he is. Not to mention the whole Halfa hunted like sport when Pariah Dark was alive stuff he'd learned from Clockwork at some point.
His recent recklessness gave quite a few people, good and bad, a hint of his location. A mix of joy, worry, and anger is present from all sources alike.
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jesncin · 2 months
Not sure if you've been asked this before (I checked the archive, but didn't see it), so sorry if this is a repeat.
I was just wondering if you had a favorite version of Kryptonian traditional wear (between the different Superman media)?
Seeing different takes on Kryptonian fashion is fun, I personally love stas version.
I have not been asked this yet, so no worries!
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Ooh I love the STAS version too! I tend to enjoy the designs that lean towards long flowy robes. I do wish the colors didn't lean so heavily towards red with gray armor platting though? It reads more as villain colors from the lack of cool colors. I would prefer either a subtle echo of Superman's primary colors or if you want the Kryptonian parents to have more individuality, a nod to their original colors instead!
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Which is what the Smashes the Klan version does! I love the bright colors of these. Even if it's a little classic camp core, they do look actually related to Superman and the red and yellow connects them together as a color accent. I think sometimes folks go too far into making them look sci fi that Supes sticks out in a way where his outfit doesn't match Krypton's look at all. Which narratively is fine if you're going for the origin where Superman purposefully dresses as a circus strongman (which SSTK does)- but if the suit it gifted from the Kryptonians? Then it should look some sort of similar surely (cough MAWS cough).
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MY ALL TIME FAVORITE THOUGH (or at least stuck out immediately to me) is the design of Jor-El from the Battle of the Supersons movie! Something about this look just spoke to me. It's a clear echo of STAS' shape language with the long flowing robe and the buckle across his chest, but with green and yellow colors (it's tinted by the hologram look but you can tell those are the colors)! It looks sci fi but still related to Superman's iconic look while being distinct. Not fashion related but I love me a bearded Jor-El heheh.
I think it's critical to get the look of Kryptonian fashion in comparison to Superman's look right. Because you get a narrative out of that! How connected is Clark to his Kryptonian heritage? What level of self-acceptance is he in to embrace the more alien aspects of his wear? Was the suit gifted by the Kryptonians or approximated by Ma Kent? Does the S symbol look alien, or did Clark choose the more "S" looking shape to be recognizable? You get a different diasporic Superman with these little character design choices.
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memento-mori-twilight · 3 months
New Name/Lore Drops for MAWS S2E6
Ooh, boy was this episode a lot, but let's first start with:
One of the famous last remaining cities of Krypton still intact (and I guess, now one of the last remaining warships of MAWS Krypton), both famously held in the possession of Brainiac.
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Speaking of which:
Another famously villainous thorn in Superman's side
We've heard his name before now but this is our first real good look at him, and it looks like MAWS is going with the Robot Origin of him instead of the Green Skinned Alien Bastard version, similar to how Superman: the Animated Series did.
Famous for "taking what is his" except "no" for an answer.
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Speaking of Brainiac, they called him by another name here as well:
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Also the name of the leader of the Omega Men and ruler of the planet
Eurphorix (that also got namedropped as an invaded planet)
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Also namedropped as an invaded planet, is a planet of anthropomorphic squirrel people
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Two of which have been a part of the
Green Lanterns
An intergalactic police force whose symbol and ring we saw Clark facing up against, known for being able to make powerful constructs from their sheer willpower alone
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And last but not least:
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Home of the mighty Thanagarian warriors of which famous superheroes and Justice League members, Hawkman (Carter Hall/Kotar Hal) and Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders/Shayera Hol) are a part of. Famous for their wings and their mighty mastery of Nth Metal, of which they make their weapons
I think that might be all of them for this episode, hopefully I didn't miss any.
See you next week!
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fayoftheforest · 1 year
human kite & antisemitism
In the notes of my recent meta on Vampire Kyle AUs, a user reflected on how similar antisemitic stereotypes might overlap with his TFBW character as well. Since I also have some thoughts on this and enjoyed putting together the last lil post I thought I’d do another on this subject too :) 
South Park Fandom Wiki states that Human Kite is heavily inspired by Superman, “being a faraway alien with the ability to fly and to shoot lasers out of his eyes, even wearing a costume with the color red, yellow, and blue and a symbol in his chest to match.”  I think this is pretty cool! Superman was created by Jewish immigrants and is very Jewish-coded in his origin story, being “a refugee with the Hebrew-inspired name ‘Kal-El’ who escaped a dying world and fought Nazis during World War II” (JewishUnpacked). I don’t know if Tratt were aware of these roots, but either way, I think it’s pretty neat :)
South Park Fandom Wiki also claims that Kyle playing an alien character “may be a reference to how Adolf Hitler did not consider Jews ‘human.’" This is. Uh. Less neat.
Similarly upsetting is the name itself, Human Kite, which is a play on words with the horrific ethnic slur “kike.” American Jewish Committee posits that the term “is derived from the Yiddish word for circle, ‘kikel,’ a reference to how Jewish immigrants at Ellis Island signed their entry forms: a circle as opposed to an X, which Jews associated with the cross of Christianity. Immigration officers described those who signed forms with a circle as ‘kikel,’ eventually being shortened to ‘kike.’”
Did Matt and Trey really create his entire character just so that Cartman could call him Human Kike that one time? I can’t say for certain, just in the same way I don’t have a direct quote from them confirming the reasoning behind their selections of names for Kyle and Ike. But I can tell you that if you put ‘em together and you get… yeah. Yep. “Kike” again. Thank you, Tratt, very cool 👍Get a new joke maybe :/
Now, let’s talk specifically about his laser powers. Up until researching for this meta, I had presumed that Kyle’s ability to shoot lasers from his eyes was a direct reference to the Jewish Space Laser conspiracy popularised to the public by terrifyingly influential political figure Marjorie Taylor Greene. In 2018, Greene wrote a Facebook rant speculating that the California wildfires were caused by a giant laser floating in space, owned by the Jews. Very normal thing to believe :|
However, during my research, I realised that these timelines did not match up. As mentioned, Greene’s rant was shared in 2018, but didn’t go viral until 2021. Meanwhile, South Park’s The Fractured But Whole was released way back in 2017! What I had initially assumed was another antisemitic reference is in fact just a dreadful and ridiculous coincidence. Nonetheless, It’s still a commonality that’s worth pointing out, I think.
Just as an aside, I’d like to take this opportunity to give a shoutout to cousin Kyle’s version of Human Kite. Everything about him is an egregious Jewish caricature, from his irritating, snivelling voice to his long list of health issues. It’s not my fault that the limited Jewish gene pool has fucked me over, Tratt! Leave me alone! A meta about antisemitism within Cousin’s Kyle characterisation would be a mile long, so I’ll spare you that for now.
Anyway, what does this all mean when we’re creating fan content around TFBW? Must we just chuck the Human Kite persona into a blender and never speak of it again? Not necessarily. Speaking as a Jewish fandom member, I quite enjoy reading and writing Human Kite. It’s a fun character to play around with! Despite his unfortunate roots, I don’t believe including him is innately antisemitic. It just depends on how you go about doing it! If he’s not secretly running the world, controlling the banks and Hollywood, or consuming the blood of innocent Christians, you’re on the right track. 
You could even go for a little meta-commentary and acknowledge the antisemitic coding within the text! Here’s an example of how I did that in my upcoming TFBW reality swap fic (don’t question why there’s two of everyone, it makes sense within the text lmao)
“Wait, you’re telling me in an alternate reality we’re all aliens?” Kyle gawks at this funhouse-mirror version of himself, who’s busy gawking right back. “No, Kyle, just—just you,” Kenny says. “Oh.” Kyle narrows his eyes. “You know, it’s difficult not to interpret this with antisemitic undertones.” “What, like the Jewish Space Laser conspiracy?” Cartman asks. Mysterion frowns. “Jewish people have space lasers in your universe?” “No,” Cartman sighs and shakes his head forlornly, before muttering, “it’s a made-up rumour to perpetuate mistrust and hatred towards the Jewish community.” “Alright, don’t sound so disappointed,” Kyle huffs. “Guys!” Stan says. “Can we not start this argument again?” “I never said it was a cool rumour, Kyle!” Cartman snaps defensively. “Obviously it’s super harmful and whatever. All I meant was that it would have been cool if it were real. Because, like, space lasers are awesome! Right?” He looks to Kite, apparently presuming that they’re an authority on the matter. “Um.” Kite blinks, then says hesitantly, “I can shoot lasers… from my eyes. And once I did sort of fly up into space and magnify the lasers to destroy Chaos’s tin foil factory. So, uh. Does that help?” Cartman’s face lights up and is split in half by an enthusiastic grin. “It helps a lot, actually.” Kyle groans and pinches his nose. “You have no idea how much education you’ve just undone, dude.” He opens his eyes to glower at Kite. Kenny glances at Chaos. “Tin foil factory?” Chaos waves a hand dismissively. “Outsourcing proved more efficient.”
There we go! A lighthearted little nod, which acknowledges potential antisemitic readings of Human Kite, without justifying or excusing it. It’s not at all necessary when creating fan content around Human Kite, but just know that that’s an option to you, if you so choose. Just make sure antisemites are the butt of your joke, and not Jewish people, lmao.
I’ll finish up by returning to my general sentiment that I held in my Vamp!Kyle post. If you conduct your creations with a basic level of awareness and self-reflection, you’ll probably be alright. Just stay in the know, and you’re all good to go 😎
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neoymm · 4 months
Batman beyond’s suit isn’t a full nanotech suit, it’s definitely not armoury but bulletproof material
the suit is made of multiple layers which can be seen in the episode where Terry crash bc of the spellbinder
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now what fabric is bulletproof if the suit is made like what, our time? 20 years old suit, and the year Terry become batman was the year 2039? so 2019 was when Bruce finished built it.
And what is bulletproof of our time?
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this fucking materials, which is Kevlar, Steel, Polyethylene (PE) or Ceramic. Definitely not Ceramic.
the reason i think it’s bulletproof bc i think 2019 still use bullets instead of LAZERS (obviously) But it do stands against the lazers…ish
I wouldn’t say it’s completely bulletproof like how Superman’s skin or Wonder Woman’s skin works. But it protects Terry some certain attack. Like it still conflicts pain but no hole
And I don’t know if Bruce even use any other alien material or the DC universe original materials (if they even had one)
I also think it has to be a mix of Kevlar and Polyethylene. It can’t protect Terry from electric attack but still keep him some safety.
And because it’s layered, now pause, I wonder why the fuck can’t it change it’s size when Terry changed into a bat. But whatever 😭
It got torn bc of sudden size change…
Polyurethane is probably also used since it can be used in plastic car parts
or this bunch of fucking shit to stands heat like electricity, fire, and some shit. Also it’s waterproof? and against radiation (WHAT CAN GO AGAINST RADIOACTIVE STUFF, ANSWER IS LEAD, CONCRETE AND WATER, so the suit gotta have lead in it)
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im literally so tired, im freaking goin’ off the line rn
Kevlar and Polyethylene is definitely being used.
So one layer is Polyethylene, then kevlar with those mechanical elements or something, then a mix between them with some other elements.
the mask is well, weird.
it has an HUD
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with multifunction systems
I gotta say that the full suit has to make Terry’s build look a bit bigger with those mechanics bro
but here’s some of my guessing of the mask
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the mouth is still mysterious for me so i got no clue 😭
How do the nature of the suit give the person wear them increase strength, stamina, endurance, agility and etc. Yeah it was explained on the wiki by exoskeleton circuits and servomotors made by Peter Corso. No Peter Corso didn’t know the servomotors is being used for making the suit, I think.
and the cloaking, turning invisible is probably inspired by light refractive polymer which is linked to the wiki. but it’s debatable since we still hasn’t got to that part yet, but the polymer of the suit has to be somewhere 1.3-1.7 (if Bruce use something to make the materials to be light refractive polymer) for the common refractive materials.
why the fuck am i even reading those shit, I DONT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING.
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ZnO, ZnO2 - Zinc Oxide
TiO2 - Titanium Dioxide
But it’s probably got build in to the suit later since 2024 and we still hasn’t got any other materials that can make us invisible
unless we are talking about this
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Invisible Cloak from 2023, introduced by Chu Junhao under the event Super Night of Science
I got no clue if it’s true or nah, couldn’t find the og source either
but perhaps the servomotors can change the materials’ reflection by manipulating the light making Terry invisible.
But if it’s nanotech then i got no answer
like we got no nanotech irl so what do i even say 😭
Anyways that’s some of my thinking, im not an engineering expert or anything so i can say shit completely incomprehensible.
and no i dont know how the wings works
like they sometimes stick to Terry’s arms, sometimes it just an independent wings
no clue.
but it’s a fly-able wing
then it will be similar build to how wingsuit flying sport works expect only the wing part, or maybe hang gliding 🤷
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anyways thats the end of this bs post
i got nothing
spare me from your questions
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psychokatrixxxy · 3 months
Random rant/analysis (ig) of the CW's Supergirl (Arrowverse)
Heads up, I only watch the first 3 seasons of Supergirl before losing interest. Writing just wasn't as compelling, and I was busy with other stuff.
My first introduction to Supergirl was through the CW's Supergirl, I had no knowledge about her character. Hell, I barely knew anything about Superman's origins. The only DC media I had really consumed was Young Justice and a few episodes of Batman: The Brave and The Bold. The only reason I even watched Supergirl was because it looked interesting. (And for some reason, it was in the kid setting for Netflix, which... yeah, it shouldn't of been. There was no nudity but the implied sex and stuff made child me a little uncomfortable and like can we get back to the fighting?) But that's besides the point.
My point is, that show did Kara dirty.
When I first mentioned the character of Supergirl, one of my friends' critics was that she thought her character was pointless because she was just a female version of Superman and she found it pointless to just make a girl version of a character.
And yeah, that's what the CW did. That Kara was just a girl version of Clark. A quirky reporter that's actually an alien adopted by human farmers and is struggling with her identity as a Kryptonion and as a Human.
Obviously, there are differences between her and Clark. She has an adoptive sister, she works with the D.E.O, etc. But the core of her character, her humanity, she's just a girl version of Superman.
But as stated before, I was a young dumb child who didn't know much about Superman, so I loved it. But now I understand that they completely messed up Kara's character.
Kara is compassionate, but she's also a hot-headed, fierce, and impulsive teenager. Yeah, you could say she does does become like the cheerful bubbly Supergirl of the CW, but we never see her being the scared, angry girl who just lost her parents, her entire home, and is now stranded on a new planet, with new powers she doesn't understand and can't control. We don't see her as the teenager that comes off as angry because she's scared and doesn't want anyone to see it.
Superman came to Earth as a baby, Earth is all he knew. It is his home. He grew up learning to control his powers to fit in, to not accidentally hurt someone.
Supergirl came to Earth as a teenager, her home is gone, everyone she knew and loved is dead. She has to learn about a whole new culture, while grappling with brand new powers she hasn't learned to control.
Superman and Supergirl are very different characters, just because they're both "Supers" and have similar costumes and powers (which is because they are cousins) does not mean they are just gender bent versions of eachother.
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orange-s-mario · 11 months
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A superheroine wished into existence by Jimmy Olsen
2. Queen Lucy of Borgonia
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the queen of a fictional latin american country named Borgonia. She became queen because her parents died, and a Count named Norvello, kept her hidden from the public, in the hopes that she wouldn't steal the hearts of her citizens and allow him to quietly rule the country with an iron fist.
3. Linda Lee Danvers/Kara Zor-El (Earth-One)
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The original that sacrificed herself to save the multiverse/remaining people of the surviving universes. She was brought back in "Many Happy Returns" but then goes back to original Earth-One. I think she's now alive somewhere because of convergence??? She also showed up as Linda Danvers's guardian angel and visited Deadman on Christmas. She's met the original legion
4. Ellie Leeds
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She was the first to discover Supergirl's arrival, but was exposed to X-Kryptonite and fell into a coma. When she awoke years later - after a chance meeting with Supergirl - she started exhibiting Supergirl's powers, and also believed she was the Girl of Steel.
5. Louise-L
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the Supergirl of the 5020th Century; She traveled back in time, to prevent the goals of some villains named Toxus and Tal Belok
6. Matrix/Mae Kent
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Matrix, a protoplasmic creation of an alternate universe Lex Luthor. She's met the reboot legion
6/7. Earth-Angel of Fire Supergirl
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Linda Danvers, who fused with Matrix to become an Earth-Angel
7. Linda Danvers
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Linda and Matrix unfuse and Linda goes on an adventure to find Matrix. I think she's met one of the legions?
8. Ariella Kent
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Linda Danvers's daughter who was saved from the pre-crisis multiverse, and now exists in the future. She has pre-crisis kryptonian level powers
9. Cir-El
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thought to be Superman's daughter from the future, but was actually a personality grafted onto a separate person made by a future version of Brainiac to ensure that version's existence
10. Linda Lang/Kara Zor-El
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The Post-Crisis version of Supergirl, I think much of the weirdness in her origin was because of Kryptonite poisoning? She's met threeboot legion
11. Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers
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The New 52 and onwards version of Kara Zor-El Supergirl, they showed much more of Argo's history in this version
12. Kara Zor-El/Karen Starr, First Supergirl, later Power Girl
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The New 52 Earth 2 version of Karen Starr, she has a similar origin to post-crisis and new 52 Supergirl where Superman grew up before she arrived on Earth, but like Earth-Two, the Superman and Lois of her world basically adopted her. She became Power Girl due to getting stranded on Earth 0
See Linda Lee Danvers
Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr (Earth-Two)
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(*sigh* also known as Paige Stetler) from Earth-Two, second Kara introduced, for a time, she was Atlantean. She is the only survivor of Earth-Two, except something something convergence :
3. Kara from Superman/Aliens
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The third Kara introduced, she is from a space colony named Argo (not the Kryptonian City, but instead from a planet named Odiline) that got destroyed by Xenomorphs, She and Superman tried to save the last Argonians, but they failed
4. See Kara Zor-El/Linda Lang
5. Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr (Earth 2) (Post-Infinite Crisis)
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A Power Girl from Earth 2, which seems to be a universe much in-line with Earth-Two, although there are differences here and there
6. See Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers
7. See Kara Zor-El/Karen Starr
Honorable Mention Kara (She hasn't interacted with main continuity): Kara In-Ze
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the DCAU version of Supergirl. She comes from Krypton's sister planet named "Argo," she was adopted by the Kents, but then decided to stay in the future in the legion
Laurel Kent, despite not being here for Supergirl or Kara reasons, she is here due to Supergirl and the legion
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She was initially introduced as Clark's descendant. For some reason, despite being in the future, Legion of Superheroes had tie-ins for event annuals. Superman editorial (presumably because of Byrne) wanted to get rid of all kryptonians, so guess what happens during Millenium:
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anyways. the reason she is on this post:
Laurel Gand/(was called Andromeda pre-5YL) (5 Years Later)
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Due to editorial mandates, Kara was erased from the legion's history. Laurel Gand, a distant relative of Lar Gand takes her place. She basically has the same history as Kara except Khunds keep on trying to kill Daxamites
1.5/2. Laurel Gand/Andromeda (SW6)
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A time paradox duplicate of Laurel Gand.
3. Laurel Gand (Earth-247)
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She's a literal xenophobe now. She gets better and becomes a nun to atone
Sensor Girl
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(so she doesn't actually count, but it was noticeable enough to mention)
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Lesla-Lar was a kandorian scientist, who was an orphan that took the last name of her best friend Zora Vi-Lar. She was killed by phantom zone criminals she released, but then became a ghost where she still troubled Supergirl. Her initial plan was to replace Kara as Supergirl Also Lana Lang with a helmet
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The helmet supposedly gives superpowers to those who wield it - but it does not. Superboy tricks Lana into thinking it does due to Clark wearing the helmet while bullets bounced off of him
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cantsayidont · 9 months
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January to April 2004. Fans of MY ADVENTURES WITH SUPERMAN would likely enjoy this poignant 2004 miniseries by Kurt Busiek and Stuart Immonen, about a young man named Clark Kent in a world very much like ours, where Superman is a familiar — and fictional — pop culture icon. Clark grows up the butt of many jokes, but when he's in high school, he discovers that he really does have powers like Superman's, something that has no precedent in his world outside of comic books.
If this premise sounds familiar, it's because it's a lot like the origin of the Earth-Prime Superboy, before he became a way for Geoff Johns to mock comics fans (and for DC to play out its institutional hostility toward Siegel and Shuster). In the pre-Crisis era, Earth-Prime, one of editor Julius Schwartz's little jokes, was supposed to be our world, where comics artists, writers, and editors transcribed the adventures of the real heroes of the other Earths. In the afterword to the trade paperback compilation of SECRET IDENTITY, Busiek admits that the similarities were wholly intentional, and that while he didn't mention it in his proposal (and DC didn't advertise it as such), this was essentially his extrapolation of that 1985 concept by Elliot S! Maggin, Curt Swan, and Al Williamson.
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After moving to New York City in his '20s, this Clark becomes a reporter — though not for the Daily Planet — and meets a young woman named Lois Chaudhari. To my knowledge, this was the first time a counterpart of Lois Lane was presented as an Asian woman (although of course she's not precisely Lois Lane).
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Throughout most of the story, Clark uses his powers only in secret, but he does make himself a Superman costume. Eventually, he feels compelled to come clean with Lois:
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Like Busiek's ASTRO CITY, SECRET IDENTITY is a very introspective story, less interested in action (of which there's relatively little) than in emotion and small observations of life with superhuman abilities. If you're expecting bigger dramatic stakes, you may find the series underwhelming — there are no supervillains or alien invasions, just Clark's reflections on his life and family, from childhood to old age — and the fact that the story never reveals why Clark has powers may frustrate. However, its autumnal wistfulness is appealing if you're in the right frame of mind for it. Immonen's art is gorgeous, and I can't think of a better artist for this story, which straddles the line between a real-world environment and the "heroic realism" of the modern superhero genre.
Fourteen years later, Busiek tried to do a similar story with Batman, BATMAN: CREATURE OF THE NIGHT, with John Paul Leon, which doesn't work nearly as well, wallowing in some uncomfortable attitudes about mental illness and an inappropriate though deliberately ambiguous supernatural element. Leon's art is interesting, but the story leaves a sour taste, and it does not succeed (at all) in doing for Batman what SECRET IDENTITY does for Superman, which is disappointing.
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the1entirecircus · 7 months
The kind of Pokémon team I think each member of the Justice League would have and why:
Marowak- This one is obvious, but Batman having a Marowak seems like a no-brainer. They both lost their parents at an early age (or at least before Cubone evolved into a Marowak since age does not equal level) and they're both seen as angry fighters.
Crobat- another obvious pick, out of all the bat pokemon, Crobat felt like the best choice as it was the first.
Urshifu (Single-Strike)- I know some are going to feel iffy about me picking a legendary pokemon for Batman. But considering how much in common this pokemon has with the Dark Knight, I had to pick him. It mostly involves the one-punch it took for Batman to knock out Guy Gardner and the fact Batman can surpass most enemy defenses.
Zangoose- To compare his relationship with the joker, Zangoose has the natural rivalry with Seviper.
Dragapult- Dragapult reflects the combined elements of Batman's stealth, his batwing, and his Robins. Sure, batman doesn't launch Dick Grayson at supersonic speeds, but he has him along with the others fight alongside him.
Greninja- A stealthy pokemon which incorporates projectiles into its attacks
I can also see Batman having a direct access to his Pokemon Boxes so he can swap in other pokemon. Knowing him, he'd probably have an Annihilape, Tyrantrum, and a bunch of Zubat and other bat pokemon. He would also have various pokemon that would be useful for crime-fighting like Gumshoos (Although Jim Gordon would most definitely have one already).
Solgaleo- Considering his alien origins, it would be of no surprise that Clark would have obtained an alien pokemon. Especially one that is associated with the Sun. Also, given that Solgaleo is prone to possession from Necrozma, it also reflects Superman's reoccurring problem of being used as an evil character in writing.
Infernape- Given that Infernape is based on Son Goku, the japanese version of Sun Wukong, and that Goku is based on Son Goku, it would be natural for him to have this pokemon.
Krypotnian Boltund- On Krypton, a variant of Boltund existed that could perform similar feats compared to that of the regular Boltund. Except instead of being Electric type, its a fire type. Superman has this pokemon as a reference to Krypto the Super Dog.
Palafin- This one is an obvious choice as Palafin is just a Superman Dolphin. I think Clark would have either been inspired by or found it humorous that its transformation method is similar to his own.
Dragonite- Another obvious pick, given that Superman is seen as an all powerful person, many tend to forget he's also just a nice guy. Dragonite is also a nice fellow that is very powerful.
Snorlax- Superman of course needs a Normal type pokemon to reflect his normalness, and I think that Snorlax is inherently the best option here. Snorlax is often seen as lazy and lethargic but is powerful when needed to be.
Superman would also keep many extra-terrestrial and other kinds of Pokemon in his Fortress of Solitude. He might even lend a few to Ma and Pa Kent. Imagine that! Pa Kent having Buzzwole help him with the farm.
Wonder Woman
Themysciran Nidoqueen- A Fairy/Fighting type, Nidoqueen on Themyscira are more than capable fighters. Their bodily armor on its wrists can withstand many attacks due to a mystical aura they have. They have one of two abilities: Magic Guard or Battle Armor. They even have a new move called Wrist Clang, a special fairy-type move which hits all opponents.
Falinks- Wonder Woman's father is Zeus in the current continuity of DC Comics. Since Falinks is based on the ancient Greek Battle Formation called a Phalanx, its connection to Greece is perfect for Diana. Since, she is also a warrior taught in Greek combat-style.
Armarouge- Another warrior pokemon, Armarouge is meant to reflect the explosion attack Diana can do with her gauntlets.
Chestnaught- Yeah, I know theres type overlap, but Chestnaught is a living shield pokemon, of course I'm going to pick it to replace Diana's shield.
Kangaskan- Everyone remebers Diana's Kangaroo, Kanga, right? Because this is the only Kangaroo-Adjacent pokemon I could choose.
Zacian- On Themyscira, Zacian and Zamazenta are a two sisters rather than a brother and a sister (still genderless in the pokedex tho). In this island hidden away from man, Zacian is regularly a Fairy type, but with the Sword of Athena, her strength is increased ten fold. Different from her counterpart in Galar, this form of Zacian is referred to as the Wondrous Sword. With its new move, Warrior Strike, a critical hit is landed on the enemy.
Most of these pokemon are female as Themyscira is consisted of only women. So, the pokemon of the island would also consist of only female pokemon that would fit Diana's personality. A Salazzle, Tsareena, or a Hatterene wouldn't fit as they don't have attributes that fit Diana (unless we're talking the Frank Miller version, which we aren't).
The Flash (Barry Allen)
Alolan Raichu- This feels like an obvious pick because Raichu's tail resembles the lightning bolt symbol on his chest. I would also say that his Raichu is a meta-pokemon with the Speed-Force Ability, which gives priorty to all attacks.
Midday Lycanroc- Not only is it a quick-moving pokemon, but being a wolf pokemon, its hunting skill would be useful for investigating a crime-scene.
Cinderace- Another pokemon that would be imbued with Speed-Force ability, Cinderace has similar design elements that remind me of the Flash (check his belt).
Pawmot- Barry Allen is often seen as slow-moving until he becomes the Flash in which he is lightning-fast. Its similar acts in battle. You also need to evolve it by walking with it. Barry would've evolved Pawmot in no time.
Linoone- This pokemon would probably be used when Barry is in his civilian form. Yes, Linoone is fast, but thats besides the point
Miraidon- Barry created the cosmic treadmil, which in an alternate universe was bike. Barry's Miraidon has that ability as well, and we're going to say he travels with the speed force naturally.
I wish I had come up with a better team for him, but this is the best I could come up with. I considered pokemon like Gardevoir and Gallade, but neither felt fitting for him to me. Zeraora was chosen because, while a fitting pokemon, felt too obvious to me. Suggestions for Barry's pokemon would be helpful.
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) (Yes, I'm picking him over the others, cry about it)
Garchomp- Being a pilot, Hal having a Garchomp made sense to me considering its also a fast-flying pokemon inspired by a jet plane.
Celesteela- Considering he's a space cop, Hal was bound to run across an Ultra Beast at some point. Celesteela was chosen because of its connection to spaceships.
Shiny Lurantis- Not only does this pokemon reflect the phrase of the GL oath "in brightest day" as this pokemon needs to evolve in the day, but it also reflects green lantern ring constructs. When it was first introduced, Lurantis was shown using its signature move: Solar Blade. a solid green beam which slices its enemies.
Gallade- Given that Gallade can sense thoughts and evolved from a pokemon sensitive to the emotions around it, it feels like a good pokemon for Hal Jordan to have.
Dusknoir- This is a subtle reference to the time when Hal Jordan had to be the Specter after his whole Parallax arc.
Gigalith- Considering that Gigalith is a waking laser canon, this would make sense for Hal. But due to its weak Special Attack, Hal's Gigalith is now a Meta-Pokemon now imbued with immense will power to achieve its new form. The green crystals on its body have provided a stronger special attack.
Like with Barry, this one was a little hard to do. Not a lot of pokemon share similarities with Hal or the Green Lanterns in general.
Passimian- Due to the accident that gave Victor his appearance and abilities, it affected some of his pokemon. One of them being Passimian. Now a Steel/Fighting type, Meta Passimian utilizes spheres of energy to fight. Its new ability Cannon Hand increases the power of special attacks. This pokemon was chosen because of Victor being into sports.
Apokolipsian Bronzong- Bronzong from Apokolips are the ancestors of the Bronzong and Bronzor found on earth. They can open gateways to other worlds, including ultra space. They're a Electric/Psychic type with the ability Levitate/Steelworker. So because of his merging with both the Mother Box and Father Box, Cyborg has lots of cosmic power at hand. So much so that he can create boom and hush tubes as well as have a connection to the multiverse.
Leafeon- I wanted to give him a pokemon that's relatively normal but also reflected one of his powers. And wouldn't you know, Cyborg has the ability to photosynthesize (its a summary of one of his powers, but you get the point).
Golurk- Golurk is a giant machine pokemon said to have a source of infinite energy powering it. Cyborg is also capable of producing infinite energy.
Iron Hands- If you look at the origin of Iron Hands, you can clearly tell that the pokemon is based off Cyborg.
Mega Blastoise- A reflection of Cyborg's cybernetic abilities and his large cannon gun that he can form with his hand.
Initially, I partly struggled with making his team until I did some edits.
Martian Manhunter
Beeheeyem- I wasn't initially certain if I should give this pokemon to J'onn because of how Beeheeyem are sentient Pokemon who can build their own space ships. Then again, humans have Beeheeyem, so why not?
Naganadel- Another alien pokemon, Naganadel's pre-evolution, Poipole, is said to be the starter pokemon of many trainers in Ultra Megalopis. Now, I know that place isn't on Mars, but given that its an alien pokemon, I would not be surprised if they found their way there.
Grappoloct- While not an alien Pokemon, Octopuses are seen as very alien-like animals. I could see M.M.'s Grappoloct being a meta-pokemon with great control of not only its muscular strength but its mind too, being capable of psychic attacks.
Ditto- One of Martian Manhunter's most famous abilities is his capability to Shape-Shift. Ditto is also iconic for this power.
Clefable- Another alien Pokemon, I can see Clefable being one of the first pokemon that J'onn obtained alonged with Beeheeyem.
Deoxys- The Mythical Pokemon Deoxys is known for its ability to change its form to improve its Attack, Defense, and Speed. While Ditto also reflects his ability to shape-shift, Deoxys reflects the form Martian Manhunter takes to better beat down opponents when he needs to get physical.
I'm overall satisfied with what I did here with Martian Manhunter.
Aquaman (Almost forgot about him lol)
Kingdra- Everyone remember's Storm the Seahorse, right?
Wishiwashi- Aquaman's main ability is to command sea life, this ability is reflected through Wishiwashi's ability to form giant creatures.
Poliwrath- "Although its skilled in a style of dynamic swimming that uses all its muscles, for some reason, it lives on land."
Golisopod- Everyone's opinion on Aquaman was initially that he was a wimpy, pathetic, good-for-nothing superhero. That changed obviously
Swampert- Originally I was going to pick Empoleon for his starter, but I realized that Swampert made more sense given that it reflects how Aquaman is a child of both the sea and Land.
Kyogre- He's the king of the sea, of course he has this pokemon
Aquaman's pokemon were fairly easy to do. My only problem is that have type-overlap.
Green Arrow
Decidueye- Oliver Queen's backstory fits very well with Decidueye's evolution line. Specifically with Dartrix being snobby and fussy to evolving into a more deadly pokemon.
Barraskewda- On Starfish island, Oliver gained sustenance from fishing. Given that Arrokewda is partially based on an arrow, this is a reflection of that.
Hitmonchan- Punching glove arrow
Sirfetch'd- Oliver considers himself more honorable that the other heroes.
More pokemon will be added soon.
Meta-Pokemon: Pokemon that have gone through significant alterations during rapid environmental changes, exposure to certain elements, etc. Things that can change in these pokemon vary widely from small stat changes to the changing of types, appearance, and abilities. In the actual Pokemon continuity there are pokemon similar to this discription such as Blood Moon Ursaluna and Rockruff with the ability Own Tempo.
Comment down what you think of these.
Legion of Doom Pokémon Teams
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justletmeramble1701 · 3 months
The only design detail from the upcoming Superman movie (that we know about) that I can't figure out the reason for is the main Superman logo. Why a gold Kingdom Come logo?
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What we know about the film so far is that this is supposed to be a more "traditional" Superman story about Clark reconciling his Kryptonian heritage and his human upbringing. With that in mind, I can easily find plot reasoning for most of the design.
The bright colors, trunks, and shield on the back: traditional Superman and possible connection to Earth.
The space/tech lines, armor sections, high collar, and uniform-esque structure: Kryptonian military uniform.
I can easily bullshit justifications for most of the design, except the logo. In Kingdom Come, Superman wears a strange, black and red logo to show his mourning. Specifically, to show that there is still hope in death (though, it may actually be a symbol of revenge or war, but I'll explain later). If you've seen the Arrowverse crossover Crisis On Infinite Earths, you already know this. This explanation is obviously not what this film is doing. This is a young Superman, still coming to terms with his origins, so he's not mourning the loss of everyone close to him. This is why the logo is gold and not black, but why keep the rest of it? I see three, probably obvious explanations.
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The first explanation is that the new film or series takes thematic or narrative elements from the comic. In Kingdom Come, Superman retires after the Joker attacks the Daily Planet, killing Lois and the rest of his supporting cast, and the public celebrates a violent vigilante killing him. After these new generation of vigilantes cause the destruction of Smallville (it might have been the entire state of Kansas, which is kind of funny, but I read this book at my local library years ago, so I'm choosing the less extreme option), he comes out of retirement with a new Justice League to reestablish the tradition notion of heroism, though Batman believes Superman is simply looking for revenge. We know that in the new film, a strange version of, what appears to be, the JLI that may be funded by Maxwell Lord is in this film and we know that an authority film is coming, so maybe this new Superman will be introducing, what we would call, a more traditional form of heroism to this already established universe. It would certainly be an interesting, bold statement to make after the last decade of "subversive" takes on Superman.
It could be because this shield is harder to read than the traditional one. If the movie is about tackling Kal-El, the Kryptonian, vs Clark, the human, and this is still the symbol of the House of El, then maybe this symbol was picked because it looks less like an "s", making it feel more alien. Maybe it is a symbol of Krypton in Earth colors.
Or maybe, just maybe, they just liked the Kingdom Come logo. Maybe they wanted to set this Superman apart from other versions and pick a logo from the comics that they liked. Superman and Lois is using the traditional logo, My Adventures with Superman is using something similar to the electric logo, and the DCEU used a variant of the 40's logo, so they looked at what was left and chose their favorite. It wouldn't be the first time they used a logo for no reason (why the fuck did the DCEU Superman use the 40's logo).
Who knows, I'm probably wrong. I just know that I'm currently mixed on the suit overall and trying to sort out my feelings on it. What ya think?
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starry-skies-116 · 1 month
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The Super Trio!!
More information about them below:
24 years old.
Is Superman (obviously)
His eyes fade from cobalt blue to sunset pink (a more alien feature) and they don't have visible pupils- instead, they're a shade of teal that blend in seamlessly with the rest of his eyes. His excuse to those who ask him about it are 'cataracts that hinder his vision' hence the glasses.
Has moles underneath both his eyes, as well as tiny black stud piercings.
Mild mannered, gentle and sweet- doesn't come across as much of a country bumpkin as his original counterparts, since he left Krypton when he was a child and not a newborn.
Krypton fell to a combination of political dissent and environmental factors, succumbing to civil war. So while Clark DOES have family, he prefers not to talk about them, much less associate with them. After all, they do bring back memories that he'd rather not remember.
Struggles with his sense of identity and purpose, and tends to be more defiant of authority since people have been trying to control him for basically his entire life. The past still haunts him even to this day.
Has knowledge of Krypton's history, as well as its technology- though he has to be careful about whom he discloses it to and where he stores it.
Basically 90% of Lois and Jimmy's impulse control.
24 years old.
Intern at the Daily Planet and aspiring Pulitzer Prize winner.
Her mother is an immigrant from Vietnam- her biological father died before she was born- 'Lane' isn't her actual surname.
Younger sister is Lucy Lane, a New Metropolis Public Security officer- and US Army General Sam Lane is her stepfather.
Ambitious, determined, hardworking, single-minded and playful- basically hasn't relaxed a day in her life. Values the truth above all else.
She is, as Jimmy puts it, an 'unhinged driver.' To put it into perspective, she ran twenty red lights since she first got her license and only got two speeding tickets, and one time she reversed on the highway because she missed her exit (Jimmy was traumatized.)
As Perry puts it, she seems to have a seemingly 'endless' supply of energy, never being exhausted or apathetic. She's also quite perceptive, too, having quite the number of connections via her family- and eventually, her friends.
She has dyslexia.
She doesn't really get along with her stepfather, and doesn't often talk to him- so they don't really have a warm relationship.
Real name is James, of course.
19 years old (or as he argues, 19 and three-quarters.)
The Daily Planet's photographer- enthusiastic and precocious, and rather easily excitable. Don't let that fool you, though, he's a shockingly adept detective with a penchant for uncovering the truth.
A good judge of character, willing to give others a chance and never overstepping boundaries if he can help it.
His photography skills are still a work in progress- much to Perry's chagrin, instead of clear photos of the subject specifically requested for the article, most of the camera roll is blurry images of Superman.
Superstitious, a firm believer in alien 'conspiracy theories' and the first to propose that Superman is, in fact, an extraterrestrial.
He and Lois are basically 'double the trouble,' as Perry puts it- which is why he assigns Clark to the General Investigations Department, to reel them in.
Has quite a lot of extended family, similar to Clark- unlike the latter, though, they're rather loving to the point of being somewhat overprotective.
Screams at the top of his lungs whenever Lois is driving- thankful for Clark's presence, since before the latter began to work for The Daily Planet, Jimmy was always in shotgun whenever Lois drove and took the brunt of the terror.
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jesncin · 29 days
hello! I've been reading a lot of your posts on dc media, they are a great read! I hope one day I could make such detailed analysis, yours are really inspirational and makes me have double-takes/ give-a moment-to-think-on the media I watch/ read
Anyway! You talk a lot about Super-characters and Asian representation, what do you think about Kong Kenan's character? As well as how he is currently written in DC Comics? Is there any way you want him to be written differently? How well does his character play with the many themes of Superman?
Oh wow thank you so much! Writing these essays has mostly been for my own sake to get my thoughts out there, but it means a lot to me when my analysis and meta inspires others to do similar and think a bit more critically!
Kong Kenan!!! While I haven't caught up on how he's written lately (I mostly read a handful of the beginning stuff) I could spare some thoughts.
Kong Kenan is the most creative, out of the box and refreshing take on a Superman legacy character. What makes Superfam members struggle to gain traction is that they over-rely on direct family members, clones, alternate universe-selves, and adopted aliens- leaning too hard on the sci fi aspects of Superman and not the grounded politics that make him a resonant character. Kong Kenan meanwhile is just some guy (affectionate) thrusted into power. Even though I love the untapped themes of diaspora and generational loss to Krypton we could get from other Superfam members, it's really refreshing to have a new character not pay that much mind to all that. He's got his own world in China going! It's important for legacy characters to have their own space to breathe, and Kenan ticks all the boxes.
The worldbuilding of his cast system, the stakes surrounding how his powers work, even the way the themes of "Hope" is re-contextualized through his character are just so rich. I think my main critique is just how his original run starts!
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The strong and refreshing cast system carry us through it, but the beginning really leans into that respectability "right ideas, wrong extreme methods" MCU villain thing. I get that it's about "being too devoted to the cause that you forget to care for people around you" but it's a bit clumsy when said cause is caring about the rights of people.
Once you get out of that origin starter, the series really picks up to more unique ideas that challenge systems of power so it's worth sticking around for. I still haven't fully read through all of New Super-man, but I'm excited to get back to it when I have the time.
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