#alternative patronus
realitybitesyouknowit · 9 months
Chapters: 37/37 Fandom: Harry Potter - Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, Narcissa Malfoy/OFC, Pansy Parkinson/Millicent Bulstrode, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasely, Percy Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Moaning Myrtle, Peeves the Poltergeist, Draco Malfoy, Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, Severus Snape, Dean Thomas, Minerva McGonagall, Minister Fudge, Dementors - Character, Susan Bones, Hannah Abott, literally everyone Additional Tags: Flashbacks, Abuse Flashbacks, Dementors, Mentions of past abuse, Minerva is angry as hell with the entire situation, and is probably gonna lose her shit with the dementors, Like, She gon go HAM, Don't Mess with Minnie Series: Part 2 of The much better, Dursley's can fuck off, Slytherins are people too AU Summary:
The next work in the series; Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban and the Golden Clusterfuck is just trying to stay out of trouble- or rather, they're trying to cause only the normal type of teenage mischief, but the wizarding world seems to have it out for them.
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jercythesiscrying · 4 months
genuine question:
now that we're abandoning harry potter and its related concepts bc jkr's a terf barrelling headfirst into nazism, what is a good equivalent to a horcrux?
eg: instead of patronuses, call them animal familiars/daemons or fursonas
so in that vein, what's a good equivalent to "i tore off a piece of my soul for this and now it has the power to keep me immortal or kill me"?
bc i've yet to find a good alternative and unfortunately horcrux is still a useful shorthand for how consuming fandom can be (in my own personal experience at least) LOLLL 😅😂
❌ terfs and nazis will be blocked on sight. pls be kind or fck off, ty!! ❌
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strawberrypony · 1 year
People often say the same about me!
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foursaints · 2 months
saints do you vibe with Reggie’s animagus being a cat or are do you have an oddly niche but perfectly fitting alternative take
i've always been of the opinion that regulus's patronus (and animagus) is a LION... this fits with regulus being the brightest star in alpha leonis, like sirius with canis majoris!
also i think it is kind of heartbreakingly perfect when you think about how regulus black never had enough happy memories to produce a patronus in the first place. to me it is thematically relevant that regulus, someone defined by his one act of bravery that he died for (!!), never got the opportunity to learn that out of everyone, HE was the lion....
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marsmarauders · 1 month
hi so I'm very new to tumblr and have followed u for a while and I wanted to ask ur opinion on what symbols do u think portray rosekiller and dorlene well? Coz regulus and Sirius being named after stars make their symbols stars combined with the fact James is a literal sunshine and Remus being a werewolf makes him a moon but what about our unhinged psychos Barty and Evan?? And Marlene and Dorcas?? sorry if this is annoying I'm asking this to quite a few people
I'm gonna extend the question a little and answer for some more characters lol.
I love the symbolism in this fandom. We have such beautiful ship names because of it.
Sunflower, Wolfstar, Starchaser, etc etc.
The main five characters that people focus on have a lot of symbolism.
James - Stag, Sun, Chaser.
Sirius - Star, Dog.
Remus - Wolf, Moon.
Lily - Flower, Doe.
Regulus - Star, Water, Seeker.
But what about the rest of the characters?
For Marlene, I typically use the symbolism of a star or a sea, since that is what her name means! I also use a lioness for her, since that's what I think her patronus would be!
Dorcas's name literally translates to gazelle, which is why I sometimes refer to Dorlene as Starzelle! But another thing I typically think of for her are Orcas. One - because it's literally in her name and two - because they often leave their pods if they are not thriving. (Dorcas leaves the skittles because of their differing world views).
Mary's name means love or beloved one. And as someone who headcanons her birthday as being February 14th, I think that love symbolizing her is perfect. Other than that, I also associate pearls with her, because to put it simply - beauty formed under pressure.
When it comes to Pandora, I always think of butterflies or a swan animal wise. Her name means "All-Gifted" which I can't really do much with symbol wise. When it comes to mythology, to sum up who Pandora was "given a jar containing all the evils of the world. she ends up opening the jar, releasing those evils but also leaving behind hope at the bottom." And I also can't do much with that. :/ I also could see her being associated with an amethyst, because they symbolize spiritual insight.
With Barty, his name literally means "honored son" which is really ironic considering his entire personality is hating his dad. A lot of people use "killer" to symbolize him even though the only canon character he killed was his father. (Then again, he was a death eater!) I like to associate snakes and thorns with him though!
I hope that answers your question. If you made it all the way through, I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave your thoughts below! And feel free to ask me ANYTHING. (Pertaining to the guidelines on my account; nothing mean, political, or controversial).
Besides the obvious rose symbolism, Evan can mean "young warrior" or "rock." If I take into account my headcanon where his full name is "Evander" (he and Pandora were both named after mythological figures), Evander was the hero who brought the PANTHEON (the skittles alternative name!!!) to Italy. I also tend to associate him with fire.
Finally, for Peter - he's obviously associated with being a rat, both physically and metaphorically. But his name also means stone, and ask he strays away from the marauders, he becomes "stone-faced". I don't have much for Peter to be quite honest. 😭
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missdawnandherdusk · 2 months
The Deceased
The Case The Defendant The Witness
The Auror The Confession
Summary: Draco Malfoy and his disinterest in his own innocence was the one thing that was standing between you and your future as a public defender. And the rest of the Wizarding World was ready to lock him up for the rest of his life... but you weren't so sure you agreed with that anymore.
a/n: Sometimes things just work out when I'm writing that I never mean to and it all works beautifully. Anyway, welcome to the next part and I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this--it's nice to be writing again. (also I might have forgotten that I was actively posting this and not hoarding it in my notes app like everything else... so sorry for the late update).
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On the dot.
I knocked on the door of the manor and found a smile. I heard the pattering of feet and rambunctious laughter. Those sounded didn’t belong in the profile that I had of the manor. It sparked my curiosity. 
When the door opened, I met the same grey eyes, except they were about four feet from the ground instead of six. 
“Hello?” I laughed. “And who might you be?” There was no doubt that this boy was somehow related to Draco with the same eyes and same silver blond hair. 
“You’re the lawyer who’s here to help my daddy!” The little boy exclaimed. “Come in! Come in!” He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. 
“Scorpius I told you not to—oh dear,” Draco came down the grand staircase. “I’m awfully sorry, Ms. Y/n, he was a little excited to meet you,” 
“You’re gonna help save my daddy!” Scorpius’ eyes shined like stars up at me as he pulled on my hand. 
“I’m gonna try,” I said smiling. “Did you want me to bring the case notes?” Confused I looked up at Draco. 
“No, today is strictly character profile,” Draco almost smiled. “Actually it’s the one day a week I get with him.” 
“And you wanted me here?” I frowned, Scorpius was still pulling at my hand. I snapped my fingers and sent a ghost of my patronus flitting around him. Scorpius squealed in delight and followed it around the large foyer leaving Draco and I alone. 
“I wanted you to meet Scorpius,” He said. “You asked me if the reason you were so adamant about my innocence mattered—if you mattered and…” Draco shrugged. “The only one who ever believed in my innocence was him,” Draco nodded to his son. “And you. Thought you might want to meet him, swap notes,” A smile definitely tugged at his lips. 
“I didn’t know you had a son,” 
Draco’s face hardened as we followed Scorpius out into the garden. 
“Before the war, I had always been betrothed to Astoria. We were married. She died in childbirth. With this ongoing case my mother is his caregiver. I get to see him Fridays.” 
“That—that wasn’t in the case notes,” 
“No,” He said. “My mother and I have kept Scorpius a secret from the Wizarding World. Imagine if the papers knew.” 
Oh I was. Scorpius would never be free from rumors and legacies that just didn’t belong to him. Instead Draco was taking the brunt of it for him. For his son. Draco as a father wasn’t a part of my profile for him either… but it fit somehow. 
We both watched as Scorpius chased the fluttering image of my patronus around and into the garden. We took a seat on the rocking chairs on the porch, watching Scorpius keep himself amused in the yard. Draco kept a keen eye on him and our surroundings. I enjoyed the sunshine and the summer breeze that smelled of pine and soft grass. 
“Draco, if you… if I can’t prove your innocence… what happens to Scorpius?” The thought encroached on our sunshine. 
“He’ll stay with my mother.” There was ice in his tone. “He will be fine.”
“He won’t have you,” I said. I pondered the alternative. “But if the case stays open…”
“We’ll always have our Fridays.” Draco finished. “My son is the most important thing to me.” He said matter of factly. “More than clearing my name.” 
“You deserve more than just Fridays with him.” My statement was just as much the truth. “Don’t you want that?”
“I never wanted to risk losing the little I did have. It was foolish to hope for more.” 
I nodded, his words launching an arrow into all of my pain. 
“So what do we do?” I asked solemn. 
“What do you mean?” He asked glancing over at me. “You have to close this case. Your future is at stake.” He said it with such kindness. 
“But so is his!” I gestured to Scorpius. “So is yours! Why pass at all if I can’t help even you two!” I stood. “I wanted to do this to help people like you. Like him! If I—if I can’t do that then maybe—maybe I shouldn’t do it at all.” I paced to the edge of the porch, leaning against the railing. 
“Hey, wait no.” Draco said, following me. “Y/n, you can close this case. I—if anyone can do it, you can.” Hope flickered like an ember in his voice catching the dry brush of my heart to start smoldering. 
“You believe I can do this?” Glancing back at him, we were in a world of our own. 
He closed the distance between us. 
“I do.” 
There were a thousand things that I wanted to say to him. To convince him of his own innocence. To explain the nuances between intent and action. To plead with him to at least fight for Scorpius if he wouldn’t fight for himself. 
But we both said nothing. 
I didn’t need to be right with him. 
I just had to prove the rest of the world wrong about him. 
In the muggle world it was impossible to talk to the deceased in a murder case. And their legal system didn’t take talking to ghosts as valid evidence. Amateurs. 
I had an advantage. Not the ghost of Dumbledore, but there was a portrait of him hanging in Hogwarts, and though it did not have the knowledge of his death, maybe it would give a direction to where my world of grey had any contrast at all. 
What I knew of Dumbledore and his riddles, it was a long shot, but Dr. Dresden seemed impressed that I had considered the option. 
So here I was. 
Back at Hogwarts. 
Trying to hide from the ghosts of me that lingered in these halls as I followed Headmaster McGonagall to the statue of the Phoenix. 
“Thank you Professor McGonagall, I’m not sure if it will entirely help, but it might.” I said again followed her up the stairs to the headmaster’s office. 
“Of course,” Her kind eyes and smile didn’t change, though the years around them grew. “I’m surprised.” 
“That I got Draco’s case?” I mused, a smile touching my lips. “Yeah, I’ve gotten that a lot,” 
“No, I’m surprised that you’re so keen on getting him acquitted.” She gave me a knowing look. 
“I have to close the case.” 
“Doesn’t mean he has to be innocent.” 
“But isn’t he?” 
“You tell me,” McGonagall hid her truth behind her smile. “Here he is,” She nodded to the portrait. 
“Ah, young Y/n,” Dumbledore greeted. “What a pleasant surprise.” 
“Headmaster Dumbledore,” I bowed my head. “I have a few questions if you don’t mind,” 
“Of course!” He seemed amused. 
“It’s about your death,” 
“I see.” Dumbledore grew solemn. I took out my notepad and a quill. “You’re here to talk about Severus Snape.” 
I froze and looked up at him, confused. 
“What?” My mind reeled. “What about Professor Snape?” 
“You wanted to know about my death yes?” Dumbledore clarified. 
“Yes, but I’m here about Draco Malfoy,” 
Dumbledore laughed. “Draco is no killer Miss Y/n,” 
“I have a case that says otherwise,” I muttered. “What does Snape have to do with this?” 
“I asked him to kill me.” 
“You did what?” I put my notepad down and my quill took on a life of her own taking notes while I was distracted. “You asked Severus Snape to kill you?” 
“He was my double agent. I knew that Voldemort was after the Elder wand, which meant I was going to die. And I did.” 
“You asked Snape to kill you?” Snape was listed as a witness to the case, but he died in the war. Was it possible that Snape killed Dumbledore? Why hadn’t Draco said anything? Why didn’t Harry? What the hell was going on? Double agents for what? 
“And seeing as I have no memory of my death, I can only assume that he did.” 
“Okay, but why would Harry say that Draco did it?” I asked—a question I’d been asking the universe lately. “Why is everyone so convinced that he did it!? He didn’t do it!” 
Dumbledore said nothing but he smiled at me. 
“Perhaps Snape’s wand can help you acquit your dear Draco,” 
My eyes flashed to his. “Draco means nothing to me.” I gritted out. 
“Yes of course,” Dumbledore wasn’t convinced. 
“He went through the war just like the rest of us,” I spoke softly. “It left scars on us all.” 
“And some of us are still bleeding,” He gave me a pointed look. 
“I’m fine,” I barely made a sound. The things I kept locked inside a vault in my chest clawed at the door. Taking a breath, I willed them to calm. 
“Anything else you wish to discuss my dear?” 
“No,” I grabbed my notes and quill. “Thank you,” 
“Best of luck you to both,” 
I closed the door behind me. 
What was once a clear cut case now seemed like a rabbit hole of a conspiracy theories. 
And all I could as was ‘why me?’ 
The Verdict
@coffee-addicti @msmcsmutt @ravn-87 @artemismohr18@whygz@crazywritingbug @bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog@savingdraco  @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @queenfeatherwings @fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @katsukink @takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen@hxneybgb @belcvayelena @moviesbooksandfandoms   @cocochanelthepupper @ninacotte @braelynn-johnston  @jiggllyy @darcypotter-blog  @thiccheerioss@lottie289 @beautiful-pegasus@tceedlmao @anonymous034 @bi-andready-tocry @dragonsandbread @the-queen-of-hell-things @alienmotel  @oh-itsnothing @sunflowerxsadnessw @fattycooter @fanficsigottaread @gweaslvy @strawberriesonsummer @gaysludge @ray-of-sunrise @artist-bby @shadowsingeraxolotl @quillsareforwriting @wollymalfoy @lilpieceoftoast @paper-cats @floweryjh @hufflautia @livize75 @annie-mcl @riathearora @dudeimnotgonnakms @auriuswolve @carolineesnell @hagridshaircare @sun-flower-seed @draco-dormiens @redeemingvillains @dlme08
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drarrily-we-row-along · 9 months
Titan Arum
It wasn’t Harry’s fault.
Their relationship had always been about competition, from the very start, from 11 years old when they’d despised each other. And some habits died harder than others. It hadn’t been intentional that their dating was a bit like a competition, it had sort of just happened.
Planning alternating date night activities, giving the most heartfelt gifts, being liked by the other’s friend group, even who could give who the most orgasms… It all just sort of happened.
And the same was true with the flowers. Harry had sent Draco a bouquet their first valentines together (3 weeks after they started dating) and periodically they’d send each other random bouquets since. That those arrangements happened to get bigger and more elaborate each time was no one’s fault. The competitive spirit kept their relationship interesting and very focused on the other’s happiness.
It wasn’t Harry’s fault.
Maybe their competitive natures were to blame.
Maybe it was Draco’s fault for sending that ostentatiously loud bouquet to Harry’s classroom when he had the fourth years.
Or maybe it was Hermione’s fault for informing Harry that the largest flower on earth was the Amorphophallus titanum when he’d been idly wondering aloud about where he could find a really big, impressive flower.
Maybe it was that he trusted Hermione to tell him any extra information he might need to know. He hadn’t even bothered to look at the flower before he placed the order for delivery.
Or maybe it was the fact that the flower’s name had both the words amor and phallus in it. And frankly, Harry found the thought of sending Draco a flower that looked like a dick amusing.
But no matter the case; it wasn’t Harry’s fault.
At least, that was the line he’d be using when he arrived in Draco’s office after a furious patronus.
“What. The. Actual. Fuck?” Draco ground out.
Harry couldn’t even see him around the giant plant in the room; standing at least 8 feet tall and several feet wide, it took up almost all of the space in the room.
But as distracting as the sight of such a flower was, that wasn’t the thing that captured Harry’s attention. He’d never in his life smelled something as unpleasant as this flower. It smelled like dead, rotting animals, and Harry had to bury his nose in his sweater. “Err…” he started.
“Don’t you bloody well ‘err’ me, Harry James Potter,” Draco spit. “Why are you sending me a fucking corpse flower? What is wrong with you?”
“It’s the biggest flower in the world,” he said weakly. “And it’s called amorphallus, which seemed funny. Unlike the name corpse flower.”
“Amorphophallus,” Draco corrected. “And that still doesn’t explain why you would send something like this to someone you love.”
And there was just a little twinge of hurt to his voice, Harry could never stand that. He braved his way deeper into the office giving the plant as wide a berth as the small office allowed. “I’m sorry, darling. It wasn’t my fault.”
Draco raised an accusatory eyebrow at him.
“Hermione told me about it!” The eyebrow arched further. “And it was easy to order once I knew who to talk to.” He grinned at Draco, “and the name was pretty funny, you have to admit.”
“I have to do no such thing,” he replied with a haughty sniff.
“How would you feel if I said that you won the flower contest?”
Draco perked up at that “admitting defeat?”
“This is the most ghastly plant I’ve ever seen.”
“Venomous tentacula,” Draco offered with a grin.
“Still better than that,” he said, nodded to the flower.
“It’s a good thing I know you love me,” he said, leaning over to kiss Harry’s cheek.
He nudged him with his nose, “I do love you.”
“I know,” he repeated with a grin. Then, “dinner?”
Harry nodded, “what about the plant?”
Draco shooed him out, “I’ll deal with it later.”
Six weeks later, as luck would have it, when the flower opened in the green house, Harry happened to be there collecting some harvested mandrakes.
Draco also was there, and as Harry watched, he harvested several pollen pods from the titan arum.
He cleared his throat and Draco whipped around, “does this mean I won after all?”
Thanks for the prompt, nonnie! Sorry it’s been an eternity in my inbox.
Read more of my fics here
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pr-olvdr · 11 months
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Happy Halloween to those who celebrate !! 🎃
alternatively, happy james potter death day 😋
this piece kicked my ass. I don't know how to color well so i ended up having to recolor it several times 😭😭 Also, his patronus is pictured as a falcon. It's a headcanon of mine 😄
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serpentsillusion · 5 months
⚜Jessica Garyn Burke⚜
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Slytherin baddie breaking social standards since 1890
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House: Slytherin
Birthday: October 16th 1875 (age 15)
Blood status: Half-Blood
Wand: Hawthorn wood, Dragon core, 12 ¾" and slightly yielding flexibility
Special abilities: Ancient Magic, Hand to hand combat, musically inclined, excellent cook.
Pets: Mackerel Tabby Cat with white paws (Oliver)
Favorite subject: DATDA, Potions, Beast class.
Amortentia: Sandalwood, Lemon Zest, Rosemary and Dragons Blood.
Enjoys: Slayin' Gobs, Punching Rookwood, hanging out with Sebastian and Ominis, practicing hand to hand combat with her father when she's home, dancing like a moron for her friends, making people laugh, teaching Sebastian secrets about cooking, throwing parties at her house with the crew, Making music with Ominis.
Dislikes: Imelda Reyes (doesn't like bullies) Sometimes Leander, unsolicited advances, Ranrok, getting rocks stuck in her boots, giant spiders.
Traits: Incredibly intelligent; but insanely goofy. Very outspoken, blunt, cheeky and opinionated. Hot-headed but sensitive around Sebastian. Actually is very friendly and kind hearted. Is really good with foreign languages, History and Science. She loves animals and healing.
Appearance: 5'2" and sassy. She has fair skin with a small amount of freckles speckled about her face. Chestnut/Ash brown hair, usually in a messy/twisted bun. Bright ocean blue eyes. Naturally wavy hair when she has it down. When she's not wearing her proper Hogwarts uniform, she likes to dress down and comfy, usually in edgy and alternative outfits.
Favorite colors: Green, Blue, Purple
Patronus: Husky
Family: Father (David Burke *brother of Caractacus Burke*) is a Pure blood Gryffindor but definitely also probably should have been sorted into Slytherin because his daughter is JUST like him. Her mother (Ramona) is muggle born. She has two slibings; An older estranged brother (Roderick) that served in Azkaban but was released later on, an Older sister (Seraphina) who works directly under the Minister of Magic at the Ministry. Jessica and her family are American but Moved to London after her Father was transferred because he worked in the Wizarding Military Force under the Ministry. She grew up in Georgia and has a slight southern accent. They were in London long enough for both of her older siblings to attend Hogwarts and also be sorted into Slytherin but Jess didn't have magic yet. Her brother is 9 years older than she is and her sister is 7 years older than her. They eventually were transferred BACK to the USA where Jessica continued to grow up and attend Ilvermorny for only a couple of months before they were ultimately transferred BACK AGAIN to London where she started 5th year at Hogwarts, which was her very first year of having magic (she's a late bloomer) *Hints* opening game where she doesn't have a wand of her own, and is incredibly surprised by the amount of magic she sees at Hogwarts where she obviously meets Sebastian and Ominis who become her (truely real) best friends.
Usually found: in the undercroft learning how to play gobstones with the 2 Slytherin boys, sneaking into the kitchens after hours cuz she internal chonk, sneaking into the restricted section with Sebastian, in the front garden at the summoners court or in the clock tower participating in crossed wands. Sometimes in Feldcroft with Ominis taking care of Sebastian after his uncle dies suddenly and mysteriously 👀 (Sebastian technically owns the property after that)
Future career: Ancient Artifact Collector, (claims ownership of Borgin and Burkes later on) and Healer of sorts.
Spouses: Sebastian Sallow (Married at 18 years, almost immediately after graduating Hogwarts)
Children: Samuel Johnathan Sallow and Abigail MaryAnne Sallow (Twins) *of course* 😉
Inspiration for post by: @quinnsallow 💝✨
Photo creds: Lensa AI, NightCafe, Google images, image creator.
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snarrybang · 2 months
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Just One Touch
by TastyTaboo on AO3, for @a-sentimental-man
Explicit No Archive Warnings Apply Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Ron Weasley
Characters: Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Ron Weasley, Kreacher (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Not Epilogue Compliant, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Ministry of Magic Ball (Harry Potter), Drinking, Drink Spiking, Veritaserum Potion (Harry Potter), (I promise that isn't as bad as it sounds Ron is just giving liquid courage), Getting Together, Light Bondage, Light BDSM, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Rough Sex, Subspace, Morning After, Happy Ending, Wandless Magic (Harry Potter), No Condoms but Safe Sex Via Spells, Food as a Metaphor for Love
Words: 4,143
Summary: “You look awfully thin, Snape, haven’t been eating?”
Those dark, smoldering eyes come down on him like a guillotine, one heavy brow quirked in his direction. “You look awfully tired, Potter, haven’t been resting?”
SnarryBANG! 2024 Gift Exchange AO3 collection
Guessing game: who wrote what?
Gorgeous banner by @ac1d6urn! ID under the cut
Severus scrutinizes Harry, who is face to face with Severus’ patronus, a silver doe with bright green eyes swooping in with the magic whirlwind resembling a winter blizzard. Both Harry and the doe are mesmerised with one another. The tip of Harry’s index finger is over the tip of Severus’ wand. Harry is holding up lily of the valley blossoms below the doe’s chin. Harry’s cravat is green with white decorations to match the flowers. Severus’ expression is stern and attentive. Behind him, bats descend from the top of the drawing. A tree stretches its branches behind Harry. They are enveloped in sunrise pinks and blues of the sky. A full moon hovers between Severus and Harry’s figures, with a solitary shadowed spec of a bat against its yellow glow.
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annabtg · 3 months
In your opinion what was the difference between James and Snape’s patronus? Lily’s matched James animagus form, but Snape’s was an exact match of Lily’s. Some claim that’s because Snape loved her more or was her soulmate, what’s your take on this?
My take:
James's patronus expresses him: a person who's got a flamboyant personality, a leader, someone who's protective of his pack and his loved ones, a genuinely good and kind soul. Imo, it shows that he's a true match for Lily, independently of everything else.
Snape has something else going on; his focus is on her specifically, to the point of changing/losing himself. I don't know if there's extracanon on that but I would bet that his Patronus changed when she died/when he realized she'd die because of him, which was the moment that he made his 180 - and it reflects that.
Alternatively, it could mean that she's the only good thing that's happened to him, his only source of happiness? Possibly he's a bit co-dependent?
Or maybe it has nothing to do with Lily and it's because he's a Capricorn.
I don't really see Snape's character as one that could be symbolized by a doe, though, so I definitely don't think it means they're soulmates.
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dufferpuffer · 1 month
A method is found to become Animagus without doing things on the Full Moon. Remus decides to take the plunge, like his friends. After years of giving Wormtail shit for being a rat... ...He is a fieldmouse. Big mouse energy from that man. Alternatively: He is a fucking wolf. AGAIN. Wolf-boy John Wolf the Wolf Patronus Man-Wolf, Wolf on command - here to Wolf it up
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dhr-ao3 · 15 days
Expecto Patronum
Expecto Patronum https://ift.tt/wSUKLfe by WitchyWander "Now what vexes you, my love?" "I want you to teach me," he began, “…how to make a patronus." Hermione looked up at him then, confusion forming in her brows. "But husband mine, you already can-" He shook his head, stopping her words immediately. "Yes, but I want to be able to produce one just like yours, not wisps of insignificance." Words: 1292, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Dramione Month Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: dramione - Freeform, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Historical, Tudor Era, Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug, Married Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy In Love, Expecto Patronum | Patronus Charm (Harry Potter), Hermione Granger is a Malfoy, Drabble, Wordcount: 1.000-3.000, Implied Sexual Content, Fluff, Loving Marriage via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/EteYj6y September 05, 2024 at 06:33PM
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faustinio27 · 1 year
FAUSTINE DAEMON – Character profile (HL MC)
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(Spoiler for Hogwarts Legacy game)
Age : 15 (5th year)
Gender : Female
House : Ravenclaw
Blood status : Unknow
Social status : Orphan so working class ?
Wand : Pear wood with a phoenix core, 12 ½’’ and slightly springy flexibility
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Patronus : Stag
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Boggart : Her loved ones turned into Inferni, accusing her of not saving them
Amortentia : Lavander, hot chocolate, old book
Favorite class : Dark arts defense, Beast, Charms
Favorite spells : Diffinfo, Incendio, Wingardium Leviosa, Ancient magic
Favorite teacher: Professor Fig, Professor Hecat
Least favourite teacher: Professor Binns
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« Looks likes a cinnamon roll but could kill you » energy
Hair colour : Blond
Eye colour : Blue
Skin tone : Beige/rose-coloured
Height: 1m67 (5’6)
Distinguishing features : Scar on her face. Her eyes glow an intense blue when she accumulates enough ancient magic.
Clothing style : Always clean and well dressed, she wears school uniform most of the time, and alternates between skirt and pants. She can have a feminine as well as masculine style. She never takes off her black gloves. She likes to have moon and stars pattern/accessories when she chooses other ouftits.
She doesn’t have a lot of clothes because she is not rich enough to buy them.
(In game : traditional school robe with tattersall vest school uniform OR velvet school robe with elegant vest uniform)
Additional info : She never or rarely wears makeup. Her cheeks are very squishable. She wears Fig’s scarf after his death.
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At first glance, Faustine is seen as distant, mysterious, even unapproachable. Many students talk behind her back to describe her this way. In reality, she is easy to approach and become friends with. She is happy to help others, although her kindness is not to be abused: if you ask her to risk her life for trivialities, she will refuse outright, or not hesitate to ask for something in return. But if you tell her about secret passages and other hidden treasures, she will accept to embark on any adventure, driven by her curiosity. This curiosity often leads her to get involved in things that are none of her business.
She has grown up in an environment that has consistently seen her as a nobody, which causes her to suffer from the savior complex. She constantly fears being seen as useless and not up to par, and feels compelled to prove to others her true worth. She is then easily stressed or burned out. If she manages to remain one of the top students in her class while hunting dark wizards and poachers, her friends must be careful that she doesn't overdo it. She despises laziness and hate when people attribute her success to luck, rather than hard work. She is afraid that lack of knowledge will prevent her from getting ahead in life. Being locked up in a Muggle orphanage for 15 years has also given her an extreme need for freedom. Introverted and solitary, she takes refuge in her imagination or flies on the back of a hypogriff on a whim when she needs to be alone.
Although calm and serious, once she feels comfortable with someone, she is much more relaxed, sarcastic and cynical. She likes to tease her friends, and can become really silly. Empathetic and always with good advice, she is the person you go to when you need to confide. She cherishes her best friends as family (Sebastian, Ominis, Poppy, Natsai and Amit). Once her trust is earned, her loyalty is unwavering. She will do anything for her closest friends, and will protect them at any cost. The only way to make her lose her temper is to take it out on them.
She then wants to learn the most dangerous and forbidden spells such as dark magic. If she knows that this type of magic is illegal, no matter what it is called, it can be useful if it allows her to save people. She believes that any type of magic can be used according to its purpose, but it only concerns her (she doesn't trust others who might misuse it…). Nevertheless, she tries not abuse these spells and prefers to use ancient magic, which is also effective and not illegal.
She can easily roasts you in a verbal argument. She prefers to use words to fight, but will not hesitate to use her wand or her fists when things go too far (even if she isn’t very good in close combat). When her friends are personally attacked, she can become very violent and ruthless. Better to have her as an ally than as an enemy. She is not very forgiving and believes that revenge justifies the means. She fights for her own conception of justice.
Traits : sarcastic, dreamy, hard-worker, loyal, curious, introvert, idealist, solitary
Likes : books, milk chocolate, nightsky, animals, art, discover hidden places, pretty things in general, money
Dislikes : dumb people, bullies, children, spiders, candies, loud noise, Gobstones, failing
Good at : winning a debat, literature, listening
Bad at : maths, having a good night schedule, avoiding stress, Quidditch
Hobbies : reading, taking care of her animals, exploring, flying with her hyppogriff, coffee date with friends
Fears : Not being up to the task, being a failure, losing her found family
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Best friend :
Sebastian Sallow. He and Faustine have a real sibling relationship. They tease and make fun of each other, bicker, and make up. Faustine is the most cynical and sarcastic when she’s with him. She doesn't hesitate to tell him about her adventures outside Hogwarts and about ancient magic. She appreciates his optimism, his humor and his outspokenness, and quickly became attached to him at the beginning of the year, when he took her under his wing. They have a mutual trust, where both of them have each other's backs. If Faustine remains the more reasonable of the two, she is easily drawn into his adventures by curiosity and friendship. Knowing that he is stubborn in his decisions, when he wants to go on dangerous expeditions, she prefers to accompany and help him, to make sure nothing happens to him. Faustine is sympathetic in his quest to help his sister despite the dangers, because she knows she would do the same for him (even if Sebastian doesn't always realize it). Nevertheless, since Sebastian is stubborn and Faustine's patience has its limits, when their disagreements go too far, she doesn't hesitate to tell him what she thinks about his attitude then leave, expecting a sincere apology. Which he always ends up doing, and she always ends up accepting it. She knows he is flawed, but so is she; and while she doesn't know why or how she became so attached to this student, she's still willing to do anything for him.
Friends :
Ominis Gaunt : Ominis didn't like Faustine much at the beginning of the year, seeing her as a threat who might get Sebastian into trouble, and being afraid that she would replace him in their friendship. But he quickly realized that Sebastian didn't need her to get himself into bad situations, and that Faustine was there to get him out. Faustine, despite their rather cold start, immediately wanted to be his friend. Because if she’s friend with Sebastian, and he is too, why can’t them be friends too ? She quickly gained his trust by defending him on several occasions when he was arguing with Sebastian. Faustine appreciates Ominis' calm, sarcasm, sensitivity and intelligence, which balances Sebastian's personality. They are partners in some classes and enjoy spending time together.
Poppy Sweeting : Sometimes you don't need a lot of reasons to get along with someone. With Poppy, Faustine simply has a good connection. She likes her for her kindness and dedication to helping magical creatures. Faustine feels this need to help her and protect her from harm, especially when she finds herself in situations where she doesn't seem to realize the dangers that face her. Poppy's enthusiasm is contagious, and her presence always cheers Faustine up when she feels stressed.
Natsai Onai : If there is anyone Faustine trusts the most, it is her. Faustine knows her loyalty and courage are unwavering. Natty’s quest to destroy the dark wizards to protect her new home resonates strongly with Faustine, who desires the same thing. She appreciates Natty's trust in her, confiding in her about her feelings and her father's death. Even though Natty complains about her mother being overprotecting, Faustine can't help but be jealous that she has a mother who loves and cares about her.
Amit Thakkar : Amit is a fellow Ravenclaw whom she got to know better during astronomy classes. She appreciates his kindness and his passion for the stars, and willingly listens to him talk about them, even if she doesn't necessarily understand everything. They share a passion for reading adventure novels, and can discuss about it for hours without interruption. He frequently lends her books, and they look like two passionate nerds when they are in their common room. She sympathizes with his desire for adventure that she felt in the Muggle world, and doesn't mind his fearful temperament. Even though he is always worried when she takes him on more or less dangerous adventures, he is still loyal to her and wants to help her (which is good for Faustine, because she often finds herself in the opposite situation where she has to help people). As with Poppy, Faustine also feels a strong sense of protection towards him.
Caligo : Faustine rescued the black hypogriff from poachers. Much like Poppy with Highwing, Faustine and Caligo became really close, and they love to fly together under the starry sky. He is a proud hypogriff who won't let anyone but Faustine (and eventually Poppy) get near to him. He will stay with her even after Hogwarts.
Mentor :
Professor Fig : Professor Fig is the first to have a fatherly attitude towards her. He took her under his wing, educating her about this new world she knew nothing about, while teaching her magic with patience and kindness. They are both stubborn and misunderstood by their peers, and they both despise idiots. If Fig appreciated Faustine long before her discovery of ancient magic, their secret has bound them together. He may not admit it, but Faustine is his favorite student, and he does favors for her that he wouldn't do with other students. They are on the same wavelength, so much so that we could really think they are part of the same family.
She never forgives herself for his death.
Other :
She doesn’t like Garreth Weasley and Leander Prewett. She also didn’t likes Imelda Reyes at first, but at the end of the year, they both gained mutual respect for each other. Samantha Dale is one of her roommate, with whom she gets along well.
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(Fic of her backstory)
Faustine has always lived in a muggle orphanage. She was found as a baby outside the doors of the orphanage and has no clue as to the identity of her biological parents. She grew up hoping to find a family, but after a certain age, she accepted the idea that she would never be adopted. The director and the other children kept telling her that no one would ever want her. Knowing that she was doomed to be homeless as soon as she came of age, Faustine decided to study. She hoped to find a job that would allow her to avoid poverty. She learned to be independent and to rely only on herself.
Reading brought her comfort in her gloomy life. All the fantasy stories took her on a journey, allowing her to escape her fate. She was often criticized for not living enough in the real world, but it was the only way she could make life bearable. At 14, Faustine was one of the eldest children in the orphanage. The director took advantage of this to give her thankless tasks, justifying that she was preparing her for real life.
One day, while Faustine was out shopping for the orphanage, she overheard two men talking about magic. Curious, she decided to follow them discreetly into the bad streets. While spying on them, she realized that they were wizards. Unfortunately, they were dark wizards who were smuggling illegal goods into the muggle world. Faustine was discovered, and the two men went after her to kill her. After attacking her with various offensive spells, Faustine was caught in a dead end. One of the wizards cast the death spell on her. At the same time, the ancient magic within her awoke. A magical blue bubble formed around her and blocked the spell. And in a fraction of a second, this magic retaliated by reducing the two wizards to dust. Faustine, unconscious, will only have a scar on her face as a souvenir of this confrontation. When she woke up at the hospital, she didn't remember what had happened. During her recovery, Faustine witnessed strange events. Objects began to move and levitate around her. The next day, an owl flew in through her window and handed her a strange letter. It said that she was admitted to Hogwarts, the school for apprentice wizards. Faustine didn't know how to react. She wanted to believe it. All her life she had dreamed of an escape. She felt like she was living in one of those fantasy books she loved so much. Her blackout, the levitating objects, the letter... The magic seemed real. But she kept it a secret until she had more information. She was afraid she would be given false hope.
Until Professor Fig arrived. He told her about the letter, and confirmed that she was a witch. Her powers seemed to have awakened only a few days ago, justifying the fact that she had not been located by the school before. He offered to mentor her, explaining that he had arranged with the director of the orphanage to keep it a secret. Faustine was overjoyed. She asked the professor to bring her as many books about the wizarding world as possible. She wanted to learn as much as she could about it. She felt - she knew - that she belonged there, and that a new and better life awaited her. And why not a family?
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After Hogwarts, Faustine studied to become an Auror. Thanks to her seriousness, her experience with dark wizards, and her ever-growing ancient magic, she quickly became one of the best. She is known in the domain for being pitiless. But after a few years of service, she realized that she didn't want to give up her passion -books-, and that she wanted to make people dream with them, just like her. She then owned a magical library, which she maintained with former house elf Penny. She remained a part-time Auror, accepting only the most important and dangerous assignments from the Ministry. Over the years, she studied literature, philosophy and sociology. She took part in many political debates in the wizarding world, notably to defend equality between wizards and Goblins. And just like when she’s Auror, she’s just as ruthless to defend justice. She became an important and influential figure in the wizarding world. Her professions allowed her to live a comfortable life. If she didn't have time to build a family life, it doesn't bother her at all. Faustine is seen as the rich and eccentric single aunt in her found family, and continues to help them whenever they need it. As people said, "she is married to freedom".
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Faustine Daemon is based on my experience and decisions in the game. She is a mix between the general personality given to the MC, and a self insert. But working on her backstory and pushing her personality makes her a sort of OC I guess. I tried to make her backstory and personality justified and consistent with what the game tell us about (so not so much).
Don't hesitate to ask me questions about her, or to suggest interactions with your MCs, I'd love to read them! (and why not draw them?)
Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my native language.
(Thank you for reading this far, have a cookie)
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Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy
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Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy
Nicknames: Malfoy, Scorp, Scor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ethnicity: 3/4 English, 1/4 Swedish
DOB: 03/07/2006
Parents: Draco & Astoria Greengrass
Siblings: N/A
Godparents: Blaise Zabini & Pansy Parkinson
Best friends: Albus Potter, Rose Weasley, Noah Zabini, Yves Moreau, Sasha Briggs
Started Hogwarts: 2017
House: Slytherin
Wand: Phoenix Tail Feather, Rowan, 11”
Patronus: Brown Hare
Boggart: Forced to curse someone
Ex curricular: Slytherin seeker
Best subject: DADA
Worst Subject: Potions
Hair: Platinum blonde, straight and short
Eye colour: Blue
Build: 6ft, slim
Favourite music genre: Indie, Alternative, Folk
Favourite artists: Bob Dylan, Mumford & Sons, Mac Demarco, Cage the Elephant
Favourite songs: Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan / Come and Little Closer - Cage the Elephant
Health: OCD, C-PTSD
Career: Auror
Future: Scorpius marries Albus Potter aged 25 (2031). He seen how nervous Albus was after being sorted into Slytherin and decided then and there he would be at his side no matter what. (also, selfishly at first, he wanted to prove he was not his father). They live in Kensington, London, England and have 2 children via surrogacy:
•Felix Orion Potter (male, b. 2033)
•Toby Castor Potter (male, b. 2036)
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oneofafew · 3 months
Ominis gaunt head canons - most are my own, a lot are similar to ones I’ve seen on here, one or two are pilfered. I’ve definitely done this before.
His aunt taught him to play the piano
He has the worst immune system
As a result he is a huge germaphobe
He loathes snakes and is secretly scared of them
He always runs cold his hands are always cool to the touch
He enjoys his personal space / alone time
More below …
He hates being touched without his express permission
He would 100% be on the autism spectrum
He makes the best cups of tea
He’s a fiend for gossip
Certified cat person
He cannot and doesn’t ever intend to learn how to swim
He has zero concept of the monitory value of things thanks to his upbringing
He hasn’t opened a single letter from his family since second year
His boggart doesn’t take a visual form, instead the sound of multiple people speaking parseltongue will fill the room
His patronus is a house cat
His magic showed much later than normal (it’s usually around 7, Ominis was 9 before he showed signs of spontaneous magic)
The methods (spells, potions) his parents used to try to “Cure” his blindness where painful and could of proven fatal especially as he was only an infant
He has a scar just below his shoulder that he refuses to talk about
He is much younger than his brothers and was a surprise/unplanned pregnancy
Whilst he seems cold and indifferent at first if he cares for you he CARES he’ll go out of his way to look after you
He has a peaceful aura about him, if he cares for you he will let you sit, head on his shoulder, in comforting silence for however long it takes
Alternatively once he’s trusted in you he loves nothing more than laying his head in your lap
Nobody is allowed to touch his hair. Nobody. (Apart from his SO and strictly in private)
He suffers terribly with hay fever and prefers the colder months
He’s a September baby (A Virgo) 
He is (secretly and subtly) a notorious gossip
He does not sleep well at night because he can hear EVERYTHING.
His brothers used to torment him with snakes when he was a child
He was partially raised by the family house elf
He has a continuously stiff neck (from carrying the entire friend group)
He refuses to tell anyone (even Sebastian) how exactly his wand works in helping him “navigate”
The boy can SING.
He doesn’t like to drink but if he does he prefers more delicate types of alcohol.
His distain for Quidditch is almost as strong as his hatred of the Dark Arts
He has a sharp tongue and quick wits which makes him intimidating to try and hold conversation with and he knows it and uses it to his advantage.
Once he’s warmed to you however he will talk for HOURS, he’s particularly good at dreaming up and telling stories.
More to be added as they pop into my head (or feel free to reblog with your own)
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