gellertsphoenix · 8 days
"i know you so well"
do you?
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gellertsphoenix · 10 days
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gellertsphoenix · 18 days
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grindeldore alternative ship-names i've found/made
okay, so we all know those aesthetic ship names that are used in so many fandoms, turning "jily" into "flowerpot", etc
in the current grindeldore fandom, most of us refer to grindeldore as "grindeldore" or "gelbus" (haven't heard that in a while tho)... so around last year, I came up with an "aesthetic" shipname for grindeldore which I've used as a hashtag in my tiktoks.
i wanted to collect a list of possible cute names because grindeldore deserves a cute shipname! anyways, here it is!!
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my own:
for me, it was clear that i wanted albus to be referred to as "phoenix" because of: 1. his family history & the connection to a phoenix 2. just like the phoenix, albus metaphorically "died" and came back from the ashes as a changed man
starphoenix mixes star = gellert & phoenix = albus. i referred to gellert as a star due to my love for icarus & fallen angel symbolism with gellert. i will go in depth with this in a future post, I think. gellert flew too close to the sun (the greater good, his ambitions) ...
name history: Hungarian form of Gerard. Saint Gellért was an 11th-century missionary to Hungary who was martyred by being thrown into the Danube.
personal interpretation: gellert had a huge god complex and thought he was destined to save. that to rule was his & albus's birthright. he stopped believing in the christian god early on - instead, he viewed himself as a higher creature, above humankind, but especially above muggles.
i am pretty sure i didn't come up with this because it's pretty basic, but I don't remember anybody else using it who I could name, so yeah.
thestral = a widely spread headcanon for gellert's patronus; phoenix = albus's patronus
lavender = gellert (him and his lavender tie... albus gifting him the lavender tie... queer symbolism...)
bee = albus dumbledore, name meaning bumblebee
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from other people:
elderbee (by the wonderful @bloodpxct )
elderflower (i saw this name on a pinterest board which was last updated 2 years ago by AnniGranger)
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gellertsphoenix · 19 days
the way i've been wanting to write an epic albus dumbledore fanfic spanning multiple acts of his life (childhood, summer 1899, post-1899, the war, rest of his life, afterlife) for YEARS but have always given up half-in is so sad.
like the last LONG grindeldore fic I finished was in 2020 with 45k words. since then, I've only written short stories, one shots and unfinished fanfictions.
i've written so many other stories since then, but I think I fear to not do grindeldore justice, so I always get terrified at the thought of finishing a fanfiction about them.
anyways, i shall be brave someday
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gellertsphoenix · 19 days
brat summer is over, it's time for depressed albus dumbledore fall
hmmm, depressed albus fall after his younger sister died and his life fell apart once again... hmm, depressed albus trying to drown out his feelings because he hasn't learned his later quote "numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it" yet.
depressed albus fall when august turns into september and september turns into october and the leaves begin to fall while his world is in pieces.
burning those letters, fearing his own mind, being disgusted by himself when he looks into the mirror, trying to forget, forget, forget...
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gellertsphoenix · 19 days
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summer 1899 stan. starphoenix & roseek ceo, shipper of vinda & minerva, utterly devoted to vinda rosier, queer, autistic, they/he, aries, albus dumbledore kinnie, multishipper (vogeldore WAS a thing once + I KNOW and elphias and albus did have a homoerotic "friend"-ship)
the evil big three (dumbledore, snape & sirius stan at the same time), marlene mckinnon!!!, black sisters, lily evans, severus prince.
walburga black, druella rosier, abraxas malfoy, tom riddle cult enjoyer.
favourite ships: grindeldore, lilylene, scorbus, tombraxas, rosierblack (no idea for a shipname yet)
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gellertsphoenix · 19 days
autistic marauders battle
submitted propaganda
xenophilius lovegood:
“Because Xenophilius Lovegood”
albus dumbledore:
“- stims with pacing and humming (it's canon that he paces around in his office (J.K. Rowling said she chose the name Dumbledore, which is derived from "bumblebee" because she imagined him walking around humming to himself a lot.)
- special interest: the deathly hallows. this man's obsession with a fairy tale runs DEEP. i would argue it would be his special interest if he were to be autistic
- has "unusual" emotional responses. for example, when the ministry threatens to remove all his orders awards, his biggest worry is that they remove his chocolate frog card... silly sweets lover
- OBSESSED with sweets. man had specific sweets name as his password for years + we see him eating sweets a lot in the books + man LOVESSS his sherbet lemon. i think he feels very safe with his sweets so they might be considered a form of safe food
- bro infodumps a lot to harry lmao
- insanely gifted magically but struggles to find people who understand him. ("DUMBLEDORE is looking at the pictures. These memories are agony. He is full of remorse but, almost worse: nostalgia for the only time in his life he felt fully understood.") He only ever felt truly understood by Grindelwald, who was equal to him in intelligence and power. As an autistic person who is considered "gifted", I relate to this struggle sooooo much.
- (‘Is he – a bit mad?’ he asked Percy uncertainly. ‘Mad?’ said Percy airily. ‘He’s a genius! Best wizard in the world! But he is a bit mad, yes. Potatoes, Harry?’) others view him as eccentric and "different" frequently in the books
- Dumbledore can sometimes seem detached or quirky in social situations. His interactions with others are often unconventional—sometimes lacking typical social cues or emotional responses, which could suggest difficulty with typical social interaction, a trait associated with autism.
- doesnt conform to social norms (how he dresses & his mannerisms). he seems to not place much value on society's expectations and thinking
- gets repeatedly mistreated by the ministry of magic. i think the way torquill travers for example treated him reminded me very much myself lmao
- very black and white thinking about himself. he views himself as an awful person who cannot be trusted with power and cannot be convinced that there is nuance
- Strategic & analytical thinking: Dumbledore is portrayed as highly strategic and analytical, sometimes to the point where he seems detached or overly focused on the "big picture" rather than the emotional needs of those around him.
- how he handles his past trauma. he hyperfixates on specific events of his past and seems to have an intense need for personal order and logic in his decisions
- has an unique communication style. his manner of speaking is often indirect, filled wigh metaphor, and sometimes difficult for others to understand. Many autistic people communicate in ways that might seem unusual to neurotypical people, whether through complex speech patterns, an affinity for precise language, or challenges with verbal communication
- constantly misunderstood by literally anyone
PERSONAL REASONS: -i relate so much to him and his way of existing. i think he fits the 2E very well - (2E= gifted through high IQ & disabled) he is insanely intelligent but also suffers from feelings of not belonging / never being truly understood except by grindelwald and all"
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gellertsphoenix · 1 month
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peak girlhood experience
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gellertsphoenix · 1 month
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gellertsphoenix · 2 months
— ariana dumbledore (1885-1899)
"It destroyed her, what they did: She was never right again. She wouldn't use magic, but she couldn't get rid of it; it turned inward and drove her mad, it exploded out of her when she couldn't control it, and at times she was strange and dangerous. But mostly she was sweet and scared and harmless."
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gellertsphoenix · 3 months
i love albus dumbledore so much, i am one step away from putting sherbet lemon as an offering to him on an altar
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gellertsphoenix · 3 months
name a more iconic duo than a twink and a redhead but they are literally gellert and albus
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gellertsphoenix · 4 months
agree!! Richard Harris was perfect for old, grandpa, knitting Dumbledore with a tragic past. I wonder if it would've influenced the crazy hate on Dumbledore if Richard had continued to play him in the other movies... anyway, Jude gives me the perfect amount of grief paired with "someone who looks like grindelwald would crush on them" vibes. And then, of course, there is Toby Regbo, the mini dumblebee <33
i need "dumbledore asked calmly" to be reshot with jude law just for fun, okay
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gellertsphoenix · 4 months
i need "dumbledore asked calmly" to be reshot with jude law just for fun, okay
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gellertsphoenix · 4 months
vinda rosier & gellert grindelwald duo
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posted about them today and now i need to rant; i wonder why people can't just have a "lesbian woman & gay man duo with evil world domination plans" without shipping them... like i hate to break it to you, but not everyone needs to be shipped (please) and like gellert is a married (bloodpacted) man to another man lmao.
anyways, i love them so much, i have so many headcanons about how vinda started to support grindelwald and all.
btw, those moodboards are about young them, like 16 year old gellert, etc😭
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gellertsphoenix · 4 months
elphias doge and his massive crush on albus dumbledore are roaming in my head all the time. that's what i come back with to say. anyways, hi
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gellertsphoenix · 1 year
why did the qilin confirm that albus is a pure soul??? i want albus dumbledore to be an evil mastermind with no redeemable qualities except for being beautiful. this is rude, i am disappointed /j why can't i have albus ruling the world with his husband??
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