#alter elaboration
headmate-ideas · 3 months
Hey can we request a pack for a headmate that formed due to us seeking a relationship and now does all the flirting/romantic talk? He speaks in a very eloquent fashion and has a british accent for some reason?? All traits up to you.
✦ Name(s): Elliot, Cupid, Alexander ✦ Pronouns: he/him, they/them, it/its (specifically in the way that love is "it"), e/em/eir/eirs/emself, love/loves/loveself ✦ Species: human ✦ Age: same as body ✦ Role(s): love manager, love holder, academic/work headmate (optional) ✦ Labels: pangender, pansexual, lovegender ✦ Xenos: love, books, glitter ✦ Interests/likes: libraries, pets, dating sims ✦ Dislikes: minimalism ✦ Music taste: indie pop, folk rock ✦ Aesthetic(s): lovecore, light academia ✦ Kins: dogs, roses, lovebirds ✦ Emoji proxy: 💌🐶 ✦ Details:
Elliot values romance very highly and handles romantic interactions for the rest of the system. He speaks with a British accent and in a very eloquent and articulate style. He enjoys romantic poetry and music and will quote literature and lyrics when appropriate. Elliot's interest in romantic poetry extends to an interest in literature and reading in general. If the system are involved in academia or a job that involves reading, he enjoys these responsibilities more than other members of the system do. He is also very fond of animals, especially pets, and will take it upon himself to care for any pets the system have.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
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ruporas · 2 years
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post ep 11
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vellichorom · 1 year
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uh oh. I can't imagine mixing a virus with a wayward executable can lead to anything good..... what do you mean it just gave him the flu,
FINALLY, at LONG LONG LAST; Thierry's OFFICIAL Lovebug AU rendition! in which the man quite literally gets bugged. with love! & with sick nasty
truly a lesson to all to watch what you download from your emails!
( the lovebug AU concept belongs to @things1do ~ )
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maalidoesart · 1 month
do u ever read something (a fanfic) that is so life changing that it completely raises ur expectations to what a fanfic could be like?!?
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thefigureresource · 11 months
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Remilia Scarlet [Touhou Project] 1/8 scale from Alter coming June 2024.
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New Recovery Goal Just Dropped
Not Functional Multiplicity
Not Final Fusion
Not Thriving Multiplicity
But a secret FOURTH thing
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disabled vegas is the most important vegas to me.
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dennisboobs · 9 months
i don't know how everyone else feels about the way dennis' personas ~work~ but i like to treat them as extensions of his usual compartmentalization. it's another form of separation from his core self – something he wants to bury beneath a more competent, charming, respected personality – but also a way to deal with hardships by deploying the specialist who Should Know how to endure fix the problem. they're established characters, and that makes it easier for dennis to think about what Hugh or Brian or Johnny Would Say rather than how dennis actually feels about a specific development. that way he is potentially able to stay more detached than if he just approached it as himself.
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I‘m convinced Ryan Gosling is Apollo doing side quests.
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web-created-packs · 2 months
❃ Name 🕸️ Acropolis Pythe
❃ Nicknames 🕸️ Acro, Curses, Croplis
❃ Proxy Tags 🕸 Acro:text, text- acro, 🕸 text- curses
❃ Pronouns 🕸️ web/web/webs/webs/webself, spin/spin/spins/spins/spinself, he/him/his/his/himself, sin/sin/sins/sins/sinself ve/vem/ver/vers/vemself, silk/silk/silks/silks/silkself
❃ Gender 🕸️ intersex* transmasc
❃ Sexuality 🕸️ arosexual
❃ Species 🕸️ spider goddess / deity
❃ Aesthetic Images 🕸️
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❃ Faceclaims 🕸️
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*Remove this part if your body is not intersex
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headmate-ideas · 4 months
Hey, so I'm kinda thinking I have to admit that I'm new.. I was hoping to get some inspiration for some identity stuff from here? Looking for name, interests, stuff like that specifically.
I don't need pronouns as I already know those, and don't need any attraction labels, objectum or otherwise.
Basically what I know about myself is that I feel masculine and seem to be highly asocial (possibly in a schizoid symptom holder way??)
Anything you can come up with is good. Just kinda need a "here's a place to start" I guess
Thanks /genuine
✦ Name(s): Cassius, Quasar, Adrick, Buzz, Abstract ✦ Role(s): symptom holder, social protector (optional) ✦ Symptoms experienced: asociality/schizoid personality disorder ✦ Labels: proxvir, mxn/bxy, genderfaun, manflux/boyflux, annulian, genderhawk ✦ Xenos: void, dogs, death, paradoxes, gold ✦ Interests/likes: outer space, art history, death, books, bees ✦ Music taste: darksynth, space ambient, deathdream, classical, baroque rock ✦ Aesthetic(s): voidcore, expressionism, grunge, art nouveau ✦ Kins: quasars, ghosts, rats, void, icicles ✦ Emoji proxy: 🌌🐝 ✦ Details:
Cassius's asocial nature combined with negative schizoid symptoms leads to a personal resonation with things that are empty or signify nothingness (including but not limited to outer space, ghosts, and death). However, Cassius is also interested in social animal species, as well as social studies, from the perspective that they are studying an aspect of life that they don't fully understand. Their favorite social animals are bees, but they also like lions, dolphins, and rabbits. They also like art (especially paintings), music (classical as well as current), and literature (particularly science fiction and horror). They enjoy partaking in these things as well as learning about their history. One way that Cassius's asocial nature can help the system is by protecting against social burnout. The necessity of this depends on what Cassius's other system members are like, but if any of them have a tendency to overextend themselves socially, Cassius can step in and remove themself from social situations, cancel social arrangements, or otherwise give the system a break when needed.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates introjected from this template will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
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windcarvedlyre · 1 month
While I'm talking about DR3 and its handling of themes, does anyone else feel like danganronpa's ideas of 'hope' and 'despair' became a bit flanderised sometimes?
I could be reaching- the series has always been incredibly hammy in how it uses the terms- but in DR1 they still felt somewhat grounded in the words' actual definitions and in DR2 Komaeda fixating on an abstracted conflict between 'hope' and 'despair' was presented as a bad thing. Thinking 'hope' is synonymous with 'talent' was part of the problem, but even without that he'd feel like an intentional twisted parody of Naegi. He takes the thematic conflict between hope and despair too literally; to him the concepts were less states of mind, more grand causes, and so no amount of suffering became unacceptable to him if it made for a more interesting narrative in the end.
But sometimes later additions to the series... kind of sound like him? Maybe I should revisit DR3 and give it more of a chance, but I felt like the entire narrative approached 'hope' and 'despair' in some of the ways Komaeda does. Like it kept throwing those words at me as a substitute for actual depth, because hey, it's Danganronpa, right? That's what you're here for, right? Especially considering how little interest the writers showed in non-Ultimates besides Hinata as people, making 'hope' feel genuinely associated with talent to some degree.
Similarly, in DRV3, what did it mean for the survivors to reject both hope and despair? Stripped of those words, their choice was to break out of the narrative's control, not let their reality being potentially fake get to them, and face the unknown together. Is that not 'hope'? Is that not emotionally identical to both previous games' endings? Does that not make the game's use of 'hope' completely divorced from its meaning?
If the themes were handled more coherently I could see that being done intentionally- exploring whether the series started with a good message and lost its way, and/or asking whether 'hope' is hollow if your struggles, your eventual triumph over them, everything was contrived for others' entertainment- but I feel like if that was the case the DRV3 characters should reclaim hope and reject false definitions or exploitation of it instead of rejecting hope itself. Because again, with feeling, what does that mean???
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neon-vocalist · 2 months
there is nothing i hate more than demondice antis who call themselves mori calliope fans.
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kickedin17 · 3 months
I finally read All My Sons and I've realized that this play is to Tyler what Moby Dick is to me and I'm glad to know we match each other's freak
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thefigureresource · 7 months
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Narberal Gamma : so-bin ver [Overlord II] 1/8 scale from Alter will be re-released November 2024.
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respectfrogsordie · 1 year
Yall ever watch Shameless? You know that one episode where Mickey and Ian are getting married and Mickey's dad is doing everything possible to keep the cermony from happening and at one point Mickey says "That son of bitch is never going to let me be happy, he needs to die"? Yeah that's Garmau. Garrroth is Mickey and Zane is Mickey's dad. No I will not elaborate.
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