#also supposed to post earlier whoops
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uni-vee · 13 days ago
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[CN] 🍞 Bread Schoolgirl Welfare
Another stamina welfare has been dropped on Miracle Nikki (that costs a crazy amount of stamina again)!
Event Format: Clear any stage with stamina
Suit: Baking Encounter
Suit Details: Dress pose, posed hair, ‘toasted magic’ bread movable item. Makeup is not included.
Time: 14 Feb — 23 Feb 2025
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wonderjanga · 5 months ago
Marvel and the YJ
So, Marvel in the YJ. He’s one of their den mothers and all that. So like, in this AU, and in fact in all of my posts so far, Billy’s kept it under wraps that he’s a kid. So, as a result, the YJ think he’s just this really cool big brother (dad (they just don’t know it)) type of dude. Like he’s so nice. And he’s so nice to them especially. Like, he treats all of them the same way he treats adults. He doesn’t doubt their abilities, and when they fail, he’s still there to encourage them to get back up and he doesn’t even make them feel bad about it.
Like, the one time he was asked to spar with the YJ cause they wanted to for funsies I guess, he positively whooped their asses and somehow, someway found a way to still compliment their abilities, even if they didn’t last that long because the battle was a little one-sided. To be fair though, they had asked him not to go easy, which he didn’t. In the end, he got promptly scolded by Canary heavily when she found out he quite literally used Kid Flash as a rag doll and threw him at Aqualad. She said that the entire tape of him having a “friendly spar” with those kids, was essentially just him bullying them. To which Billy tried to defend himself by saying those kids were plenty capable. The defense didn’t work.
Then, there was this time Kon mentioned he couldn’t fly and Marvel offered him a lift. This somehow ended up with Marvel sort of T posing mid air as Kon and Robin hung on one arm, Artemis and Aqualad hung on the other arm, then Kid Flash held onto one leg while M’gann held onto the other.
Flash: “Wow.” *looking up at the YJ and Marvel* “That’s… actually kinda majestic, not gonna lie.”
Superman: *also looking up at Marvel and the YJ* “Is it though? What if one of them falls?”
Flash: “Eh. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
Kid Flash proceeds to almost slip off and fall, which almost gives both the speedster and Kryptonian a heart attack. Thankfully, he catches himself by moving his feet really fast to boost himself back up. Worst part in their opinion is that Marvel didn’t even seem to notice.
Then, there was the time M’gann with Robin about something. Batman was also working nearby on a computer.
M’gann: “Hmm… We need advice.”
Robin!Tim: “We need an adult.”
Batman: *keeping an ear out cause he’s always happy to help one of his kids*
M’gann and Robin!Tim: *thinking before they speak up at the same time* “Marvel.” *they then both walk out of the room to find the Captain*
Batman: *a little upset that Tim did didn’t come to him for help but also a lot more concerned as to why they thought Marvel was a suitable choice to ask for advice, especially considering the fact that just earlier that day, he had caught the man scribbling on one of the meeting tables like a 5th grader scribbling on their desk*
Contrary to what Bruce thought might happen (I.e. something going wrong) apparently Marvel’s advice wasn’t too bad, seeing nothing had gone wrong yet. (He later found out that the two had asked for the best advice on how to incapacitate your enemy quickly. He found this out when he saw Tim throat punch a man. Said man went down almost immediately. When prodded for information for as to why he did that, he proudly proclaimed “Cap taught me”)
Also a little tidbit from the Marvel Cursing post about the YJ thinking that Marvel called one of them a dumb cunt. Courtesy to @helps-the-writing-brain-go
Billy’s recently noticed that the kids are acting funny. Though, he supposes it’s not a bad funny. If anything, whatever’s got them acting weird has got them doing better on missions, but still. It’s weird. What’s weirder is that whenever he compliments them, they shine twice as brighter than they normally do. What’s even weirder than that is that whenever they’ve messed up recently they look twice as nervous. Speaking of which, this was one of the moments they’ve messed up.
Marvel: “So… Uh- that didn’t go so well.”
YJ: *obvious signs of anxiousness on some and subtle on others*
Marvel: “But that’s okay! But that’s okay.” *trying his best to make the anxiety in them disappear* “We just have to try to be better next time. Like, and I hate to say this, maybe try calling in an adult next time? Like me? I could’ve zoomed over and helped you guys.”
YJ: *look at each other*
Artemis: “Wally’s the one who said that we shouldn’t call you in a try to do this on our own.”
Kid Flash: *dramatic gasp* “You know why I said that! It would’ve helped us all if Kaldur had tried to put the fires near the gas tanks out with his water powers!”
Aqualad: “I was busy being attacked by nearly five different people.”
YJ: *dissolve into arguing*
Marvel: “Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wally what did you mean by it would’ve helped you all? Me not being there would’ve been good?” *confused*
YJ: *immediate silence*
Kon: “Wally found out that you think one of us is dumb cunt.”
Kid Flash: “Dude! You guys need to stop ratting me out!”
Marvel: “What.” *stares in befuddlement*
M’gann: “And then he told us. So we’ve been trying to think of ways to not be uh… dumb cunts.”
Marvel: *blinks rapidly* “Again, what? Wally, where did you get this information from?”
Kid Flash: “When you were making cookies! I heard you say blah blah blah, what a dumb cunt.”
Marvel: *still staring in confusion*
Kid Flash: “Then, when I asked what you were talking about, Mary said you were talking about our performance on missions.”
Marvel: “…Okay. I’m going to be completely honest with you. I don’t remember a thing of what you’re talking about.”
Marvel then goes on to make a speech about how they’re wonderful heroes who shouldn’t let one person’s words guide them, especially in risky situations like a mission. He then told them that he was now going to stress bake and make some Minnesota cool whip, jello, fruit, not really salad, salad. (Courtesy to @jedipirateking) On the bright side though, the speech did leave the teens feeling better.
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valle-de-sombra-de-muerte · 6 months ago
Homestuck Reread: Act 4, Part 1/4 (p. 1358-1522)
Read the previous post here.
After a brief diversion with the Midnight Crew and Felt, it's time to go back to the story proper.
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Oh fucking yuck it's that other walkaround flash that uses the story sprites. This one has jank ass combat mechanics in addition to having the same clunky controls as the one in Act 2. Just like that one, this one is also a waste of time. There's no point traversing this and its big ass map.
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Wait, is this a Shoop da Whoop reference? God I feel old.
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And finally we see Jade's "patron black celebrity": Charles Dutton. Look, I have no clue what Hussie means by any of this. It's just a pattern that I've noticed and nobody else has talked about it before.
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Unlike the other kids, Jade always has a somewhat repulsed look on her face whenever she sees her black celebrity. I think she might just be racist, which would explain why she's so xenophobic toward the trolls.
Okay, okay, I'm just joking. Look, Jade is in desperate need of some character traits. At this point, even a negative one would be preferable to nothing at all. Anything to give her modicum of depth.
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I wonder what kinds of conversations Vriska or Gamzee would have with Jade. These are things we will never know!
Vriska in particular should've had some meaningful interactions with Jade considering she's the one responsible for her narcolepsy. I'm dumbfounded we never got to see her act more outwardly malicious and cruel toward Jade, or even take a more active role in fucking with her beyond simply putting her to sleep. Vriska isn't exactly known for her subtlety, after all. If she really wanted to put her name on the kids' session and be responsible for all the key events in it, she should've went whole hog.
Perhaps if Hussie had actually planned all this out from the onset, we could've gotten something with more payoff. Recall my earlier post when I said Jade had the makings of a twist villain in these early stages of the story? I'd like to alter and expand upon that with this scenario that I would've implemented in Hussie's place.
Picture this: what if the reason Jade is such a shallow character is due to no fault of her own? What if Vriska had been the one manipulating this human like a meat puppet as her means to infiltrate the kids' session? Pushing the kids to play Sburb in the first place? Her reluctance to give away useful information? All of her intents and motives being masked with overbearing cheerfulness? The fact that she needs "reminders" to keep track of her litany of superficial interests? All Vriska, baby. She has hijacked this kid's brain and is using her as a vehicle to drive the plot forward.
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This is back from Act 3, but let's look at how Jade initially reacts to each of her friends and then filter this through Vriska's perspective. John's utter incompetence and Dave's crush on Jade would make them useful idiots in Vriska's scheme. So naturally she reacts positively to both of them.
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But she perceives Rose with a single, terse sentence. Rose is the only one who is actively curious about Jade's knowledge of things she shouldn't reasonably know about. This makes her a threat. Vriska would have to put a lot of distance between them in order to keep Rose from uncovering the truth.
And then there are the other trolls. Unbeknownst to them, their efforts to stop Jade would've actually been an internal struggle against one of their own. Vriska would shut them out entirely, not wanting to risk getting them involved with this. All the while, the "real" Jade never gets a chance to express herself because she has been constantly suppressed by an outside agent. Her shallowness would be by design, rather than a consequence of poor writing.
... But I think I'm getting carried away with this tangent. At this point I'm talking about an entirely different comic when this is supposed to be focused on Homestuck. Let's just move on.
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So Jade knew about Sburb the whole time, okay. I don't know why it was presented like she didn't at first, but fine whatever. She still continues to be smarmy and coy while John continues to have rocks for brains. Every conversation between these two gives me new insights to the amount of bullshit I'm willing to endure to finish this comic.
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I love this line from Dave. Can I get a so true oomfie?
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Jade fumbles the SBaHJ reference when someone like Rose could probably recite the entirety of SBaHJ verbatim. In fact, if Rose had fudged up a quote like that, Dave would've shown her no mercy. He holds Jade's hand through it, though, because he's a dumb teenage boy thinking with his dick.
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"i got served like a dude on butler island" is a great line. Also, Jade is dismissing Dave getting beat up by Bro as "drama" which, if we're meant to take Dave's domestic situation as legitimate abuse and not a joke, is pretty fucked up.
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Dave repeating the whole meteor bit is shut down swiftly because Jade is incapable of keeping up with his patter. Not that I wanted the joke to be repeated anyway, but it's a telling example of how their dynamic works.
Even though Jade and John pesterlogs might be the worst combination out there, Jade and Dave conversations are also pretty damn bad. Dave is normally an entertaining character, but he's squandered in these instances. Jade offers no fun chemistry with him in the same way Rose, or even John sometimes, does. Instead of bouncing his jokes and sarcasm back at him, her obliviousness and naivete causes them to fall flat. She's less a springboard and more of a foam mattress (or smuppet ass, to use a more appropriate metaphor).
And since Dave has a crush on her and wants to appease, he rolls with it and moves along to the next subject without comment. It's like a painfully embarrassing comedy routine where one partner is letting the other flounder on stage.
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The trolls act as if certain behaviors like laughing and sarcasm are exclusive to humans, despite us later seeing that such things are normal in their society. It's such a silly bit and I do like it a lot.
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Karkat's trolling scheme really is the dumbest plan ever. Also some unfortunate foreshadowing for when he does eventually make shitty diagrams later on.
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We needed more moments with the Exiles hanging out and getting to know each other, instead of being pawns to fulfill stupid plot contrivances. It'd make this side-plot infinitely more enjoyable to read.
Note how it's nighttime here when the previous panels with the Exiles were all during the day. This means they must have spent several off-screen hours together by this point. What were they talking about to reach a point where they're all chill with each other? Eh, Hussie deems it unimportant, so we move on!
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This is actually a funny moment where Dave allows himself to be a bit of a jerk. I guess even his patience with Jade is wearing thin at this point.
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Oh? Rose sounds a little jealous it seems. Dave and Jade get to have a relatively stress-free time playing server and client together. But Rose didn't get to have any of that quality time with Dave because he didn't install his disc until it reached a point where they had only seconds to save her life.
I'm once again thinking about how nice it would've been if Dave had connected to Rose earlier and we could've gotten a lot of banter between them as they navigated the game. Instead we get a lot of toothless slop with Dave and Jade. We were robbed.
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Oh shit and Dave snipes right back. He has been getting ignored a lot by both Rose and John, so it's easy to see why he's frustrated. He's mad that Rose isn't putting him as her first priority? God, get a room already.
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The last time we saw a conversation between John and Dave was 1,108 pages ago, back in Act 2. John has been ignoring Dave's messages since then. I don't buy the friendship these two supposedly share. If anything, it's extremely one-sided on Dave's end.
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This series of pages where PM takes control of the console shows us all the key stuff from the walkaround. This makes it even more unnecessary to actually play it.
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This love triangle between the Exiles gets no further attention beyond this moment. Personally I'd have solved it by making all three of them form a polycule, but unfortunately I'm not the one writing this story.
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You know, I never gave it much thought before, but why is Grandpa Harley suddenly alive? He doesn't have a dreamself or anything. Nobody revived his corpse. He's just inexplicably wandering the Medium now. If this is ever explained later, I don't remember it.
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I know this isn't Mom Lalonde saying this but man... I think it would've had more of an impact if she did say it. Rose never gets to see her mother again, so all she's really left with is this sobering moment of insight that, wherever it is Mom sailed off to, she's doing it for her benefit. That perhaps she's not the cold-hearted, drunken shrew Rose thought she was for her whole life and instead, was just a heavily troubled woman trying her best to be a parent. You never truly know the kind of people your parents are until it's too late, I guess.
None of the kids ever get any closure with their guardians and that's a shame. We never get to view things from their perspectives and they're just glorified NPCs. Bro in particular definitely needed some insight into his inscrutable mind, but Mom also continues to fascinate me. This woman is so full of mystique and contradictions, yet all we ever see of her is fragmented shots from Rose's (heavily biased) point of view.
I wonder what exactly Mom thinks is "best for her child," though. Helping her win the game, surely. She had to have been planning for this moment for most of her life, having known about the countdown in the lab. I wonder if she knew the full extent of what Sburb was going to do, where to go once she got there, and how to help the kids win the game.
Anyway, this panel is definitely a top 10 Rose moment. Or perhaps a top 10 general Homestuck moment, since it has to do with both Rose and Mom. I should be keeping track every time I say this line.
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It's very cute how AR contributes to WV's model city. "Begrudgingly" oh come on dude, we all know you're loving this.
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These imps must be weak as shit if they're getting bodied by a teenage girl with a pair of blunt knitting needles.
These are some awkward steps transitioning back into the main story, but I remember liking Act 4 the most out of these early Acts. It always stuck out in my mind as what "peak Homestuck" really is, so I can only hope things will get better as we move along. I will say that if we're devoting as much time to Dave and Jade fucking around with the Sburb mechanics as we did with John and Rose, we're in trouble.
Read the next post here.
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lemon-russ · 8 months ago
-trips- ah fuck no I spilled character development juice all over him oh god oh no--
throwing out there this is pre-warped but post guilliman Cato, so I'm not using vanilla flavor character development I'm making my own bastardized concoction
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Part 7/ ???
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7 :: 7.5 :: 8 :: 9 :: 10
Cato Sicarius x F!Reader
(Cato POV 3rd person though)
CW: Vague alluding to sex and mild injuries, not much going on this time
Summary: Cato has to go talk to Dad about almost killing the family pet mortal Guilliman's favorite diplomat
word count: 2,041
He froze as she pressed her lips to his. This… was not like the other kiss. That one was frustration and need and honesty a little trying to make her stop talking. This was…. confusing.
He tentatively kisses her back, putting a hand on her hip. She tastes like salt from her tears, but also… sweet? And her lips are very soft. He didn't notice all this when he was just focused on getting inside her earlier.
By the throne, it is getting very hard to ignore the feelings strangling his dual hearts. He is above these distractions, he doesn't need to be doing this- not to mention he was directly going against the codex. So why isn't he stopping?
She pulls away and he follows her mouth for a second, leaning in before she gently puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him. He frowns. His face felt hot and strange, and his hearts felt like they started beating out of sync from each other. She was smiling at him, cheeks streaked with tears, and dirt and dust from the day.
The thunderhawk lurches a bit as it landed, and he held her steady- he was going to scold her about not buckling in but he remembered he was the one who unbuckled her. Whoops. He composes himself, standing and affixing his helmet quickly to hide whatever was happening to his face as the doors to the ship slid open to the hangar.
Guilliman stood there, looking concerned, face etched in a deep frown. “Ah, Captain, Ambassador- thank goodness you’re well,” he said, relief in his voice. The Ambassador looked a bit flustered, and he realized she’d forgotten they were landing soon. He almost forgot she was a little empty headed for a moment.
She smiles awkwardly, tugging his cape around her neck and shoulders a bit tighter. Emperor, she looked a mess. He grimaces at the bite marks he could see her trying to hide. Whoops again. He's not even sure how she could explain those, and hopes she can get into high collared uniform shirt quickly.
Guilliman reaches out a hand to help her down the ramp, leading her gently away. Cato follows a step behind, mind whirring and heart pounding. He still had the matter of having to make up for this mess to his father. He had only recently been returned to them, a miracle and savior to the Imperium. Cato was lucky enough to be an ultramarine and a legendary fighter, so he was often around him, and he dreaded disappointing his Primarch. He frowns nervously, watching his lord carefully lead the diplomat by a chivalrous hand, making sure she doesn't misstep in those ridiculous heels.
His father was particularly fond of the ambassador, hand-picking her for the role. When not off on a mission, she was usually somewhere near him, acting as an assistant- not like a serf, but like a secretary of sorts? He's not actually sure what she does outside of talking to people, he realizes. But she's always doing something, and orbiting Guilliman while she does it.
That's the whole reason he was sent to guard her, after all. As much as it was to force Cato to do something besides pestering him, Guilliman also wanted the renowned Cato Sicarius to guard his pet mortal.
And he'd failed. He supposes technically she did get home alive, but she was a bit battered, and she was taken prisoner and put in danger on his watch. He feels his stomach sink as he watches how his Primarch is fretting over the small woman, inspecting her injuries and looking like he was one stumble away from just picking her up and carrying her to the apothecary himself.
Fuck, he sighs to himself. On top of it all, he lost his mind and slept with her in a cave, while she was in mortal danger, and marked her up doing it. He prays to the Emperor that she covers for him about the bites and hickeys. She would, right? She likes him. He thinks. He thinks he might like her, maybe? He doesn't hate her as much as he thought he did.
He lets out a frustrated sigh, thankfully muffled by his helmet. This was the worst. All of this is why astartes aren't supposed to form relationships. Another rule he'd broken because of this stupid woman. And what did it get her? Pampered by his father, while he watches and dreads and feels like he might vomit with nerves.
They reach the apothecary and Guilliman leads her in, talking with the workers and then talking softly to her. She looks so tired. How long since she slept? He scowls at himself, he forgot baseline humans need sleep constantly. The apothecaries take her inside and Guilliman turns to him. “Sicarius. Shall we talk in my office?”
Cato lets out an anxious breath. “Of course, my lord.”
He stands in a clean uniform before his father's large desk, at attention. Guilliman stands behind the desk, frowning at him a bit. Emperor, he knew it, he knew he'd be punished for this-
“I'm sorry, Cato.” His father says softly. Cato blinks at him a few times. “M-my lord?” He asks, expression tightening in confusion.
The Primarch knits his brows and looks pained. “I put you in a situation alone that could have been very dangerous. Three men and a thunderhawk lost, and you had to handle it all alone. I should have sent backup, or sent her normal guards- I wasn't thinking and I endangered you. I'm sorry, son.” He said, walking to him and putting a large hand on his shoulder.
Cato's mind races. His father was… apologizing to him. That's so wrong- it almost feels blasphemous. “My lord, please, this was my fault-” he started, but Guilliman shook his head. “I won't hear it, Captain. You did well today, I'm impressed she only came back with superficial injuries. I'm thankful you both came back at all, after hearing the reports.”
He steps in front of Cato and holds his shoulders, smiling apologetically. “You have shown why you are the best the ultramarines have to offer today. Having you here gives me hope for this Imperium yet.” He smiles down at him warmly.
Cato is… well, flabbergasted. He swallows hard, blinking away something in his eyes- dust or dirt from that damned planet, of course- “Thank you, my lord. I… I live to serve.” He says nervously. Guilliman smiles and pats his shoulder, letting him go and walking back to the window. “You'll be allowed to spearhead the attack in the rebels, of course, and after that, I've decided to let you pick your next excursion yourself. No more babysitting, don't worry.” He chuckled, smiling back at him.
Cato smiled back, hearts feeling lighter with the dread lifted. Then it falters. No more guard duty. Which is of course what he wanted. Especially now that the ambassador made it weird. Then why did it make his chest tight that he wasn't going to see her more? He smiled a bit anxiously at the primarch. “Ah- it wasn't so bad. I got to play hero, and fight a lot, and bring your little diplomat back to you…” he says, shuffling a bit.
Guilliman chuckles, “You are a good sport, Sicarius. I appreciate you taking all your duties seriously, but don't worry, her normal guards will be back on duty. And for special occasions, I'll return to having Commander Titus accompany her.” He says with amusement.
Cato forces a smile. “Ah, Demetrian. An… interesting choice.” He says in a tight voice. Uhg. Demetrian Titus, one of his commanders. Always playing loose with the codex, but oh, everyone loves Titus. He grimaces internally. What does he care, it's not his problem now who watches her. Commander Titus is certainly capable enough of keeping her alive if he has help at least. Not that he cared. Ok, well, he did care a little, he'd already accepted that part. He swallowed, holding in a sigh.
Guilliman watches him and raises a brow, but as he opens his mouth to speak, Cato is spared by someone knocking on the office door. Guilliman smiles, “Ah, ambassador, come in.”
Cato tenses a bit. Should he just be professional around her still? Pretend everything is normal? Probably.
She smiles at the primarch, walking in and giving a small nod of respect. “My lord.” She greets, then glances at Cato, and her expression flashes with confliction too. She gives him a small smile though. “Captain.” She says softer. He nods back, keeping his expression professional. She's cleaned up, her hair fixed back into a neat style, unsurprisingly opting for a normal uniform and not a dress or some nonsense, as the collars hid the neck. Her face has some bandages and she's bruised, but she seems fine otherwise.
He sighs a bit, trying to focus on his father instead. Guilliman grins and walks up to her, patting her tiny shoulder. “I'm so glad you are safe. I am so, so sorry I put you in danger like that. Don't worry, from now on you're never leaving without at least 2 guards, preferably 3.” He says seriously. She smiles nervously up at him, “Ah- it's fine, really my lord, Captain Sicarius handled things, I was totally safe the whole time. Don't apologize…”
The primarch smiles warmly at her. “You are such a forgiving spirit, little one. Why don't you take the next few days off, get some rest and heal up a bit.” He offered gently.
She smiles, “I appreciate the offer, my lord, but I have appointments I can't reschedule. I'll be just fine.”
The primarch sighs, smiling and shaking his head. “Always dedicated to your work. Very well, but I don't want to see you lifting a finger while you're here otherwise.” He chuckles, patting her shoulder again and letting her go. “That's all I had to say, Captain Sicarius. Go, get some sleep and relax a bit.” He says kindly, taking his seat at his desk again.
Cato nods, turning to the ambassador once more before heading out. She gives him a tight, awkward smile. He returns it, then sighs and heads out.
She's going to be watched by Titus. He doesn't know why that bothers him so much. He dislikes him, sure, he's a pushover who bends rules for his benefit. But there's something else upsetting him. He feels that far too common lately knot in his stomach, frowning at himself. No, it's fine. He's better than these baseline human complications. He's Cato Sicarius. He doesn't care about who some mortal woman spends time around.
He takes all the swirling thoughts in his brain- a mess of complications that always haunt him when he's around his father- and shoves them all back into a mental box in his mind labeled WEAKNESS. He takes a deep breath, rolls his shoulders back, and walks straighter down the corridors. He's Cato Sicarius, he does not get jealous about women. He does not get anxious about disappointing his father. He does not dwell on issues of the heart, and he definitely does not picture how important state diplomats would look sprawled in his bed. Box, box, all of you, in the box.
He takes another deep breath and puts on a cocky smirk. He runs his hands over the Talassarian Tempest Blade, marching to the hangar, ordering a serf to prepare his power armor and another to alert his men that they are going planetside to wipe out those rebels, right now, they have 5 minutes to be here or they'll be disciplined.
He lets out a deep sigh, smiling a wide, relaxed grin to himself, posture prim and aura confident. He is The Cato Sicarius, and he is simply the best at everything he does.
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eponymous-rose · 17 days ago
I continue to be really impressed by this exercise class - I was the only one who signed up for my timeslot today (it varies week to week, apparently) and she messaged me just to make sure I was okay with having a private lesson instead of being with the group! No extra charge, no cancellation, just a great one-on-one discussion and class. Got some great advice on improving my push-up form and protecting my dang hyperextending knees. And Clara got to roll around on my yoga mat to her heart's content!
Off to work! I futz around a bit and realize belatedly I was supposed to be in an hour earlier than I thought, so I have to take a rideshare to campus instead of the bus, whoops. I get 100% free public transit through work (as someone who's ridden city buses to school/work since I was 10, this still blows my mind!), so I try not to sweat it when I have the odd Lyft/Uber trip since my transportation budget would be $0 otherwise. Nice to get to campus with time to spare!
First up is the faculty candidate talk - he does great! Very funny and also full of great science. He looks a little frazzled afterwards, but a couple colleagues and I scoop him up and bundle him out for bahn mi and soup. We stop for coffee on the way back and show him our favorite view on campus, which actually floors him (we live in a very, very pretty part of the world!). There's a conversation that reminds me that we maybe don't all have the same experiences, because everyone starts sharing what they did after finishing their PhD dissertations, and it's like, oh, I hiked in the Alps and spent some time in Switzerland, or, ah yes, I traveled Southeast Asia for three months. When I defended, I did get to visit a few friends across the US, which was AMAZING, but really it was just stalling a couple weeks while I waited for my furniture to reach my new home and stressing over where my paycheck was coming from while my visa stuff was being processed. Slightly less exciting!
We get in a little late, so colleagues and I sneak into the back row of the faculty meeting (we have about 20 faculty members, so our tardiness is definitely noted, whoops). There's a very silly moment where our chair is trying his darnedest to explain this strategic planning thing, and one colleague sitting next to me waves at another to pull down the blinds so we're not getting sun in our eyes. Colleague at the window makes eye contact, adopts a "what? huh? what's that you want?" look, and starts inching the blinds down, pauses to pretend to look confused, then puts it back up, frowns at it like that's not quite right, then puts it back down. Colleague starts waving and pointing downward more and more exaggeratedly as window-colleague grins more and more evilly and pretends he's never seen a window or a set of blinds in his life. We're all giggling in the back, worse than freshmen, and get a glare from the chair. Shush, you miscreants.
(I'm reminded of sitting in as a graduate student on a faculty meeting and being really intimidated until I got there and realized everyone was practicing swiveling on the fancy new chairs. It was all fun and games until someone gave an emeritus faculty a little push and he slowly drifted out the door with a quiet "nooooooooooo")
Anyway, the meeting itself is probably full of useful information, but I make the mistake of checking my e-mail and my to-do list grows nine items during that hour. Ugh. Can't quite manage to be in a bad mood, though - when I get back to my office I remember I picked up a slice of white chocolate banana bread at the coffee shop! This will fuel my remaining e-mails. I close my office door (I like to have an open-door policy, but my cheat code is occasionally locking the door and putting a post-it note up that says "I am here - please knock!") and grab my headphones to get an e-mail montage soundtrack going.
Okay! Item one: reply to my undergrad research assistant's e-mail proposing an abstract for her symposium submission. I give her some suggestions and help her out with accessing some data about Scandinavian thunderstorms she may want to include in her studies.
Next! I'm working on getting my budget settled for this wildfire project and the numbers just keep not quite numbering. I got an e-mail that I think summarizes what's going on, so I need to go in and fix it, plus add wording from the grants manager. It's so much better than I thought it would be, since it's just a typo rather than an error with unattributed funding. Phew. Get that done and sent off.
Next! In the aforementioned grants discussion, there's some weird indirect funding stuff going on that I need to clarify since my grants are starting to run dry and still need to fund 2.5 months of my summer salary. I send three paragraphs and then kinda give up and also link the e-mail address of the grants coordinator at the parent institution that will be disbursing the subcontract I'll be paid under. I know less than nothing about this financial stuff, man, but I'm trying my best.
Flights are being booked for my trip out to speak on a panel and visit a university halfway across the country! Exciting! I approve the flights they've chosen for me (direct!!!!).
I got an e-mail with some alarmingly close deadlines for a grant proposal I haven't fully written yet - I send a message to my co-author on the grant checking whether she can also get all this done in three weeks or so, and then offer to coordinate with the grants team to shift that deadline (the sponsor does not have a stated deadline, so all deadlines are pretty artificial here, at least). Things are further complicated by said co-author being on an eight-week field campaign in such a remote location that she must ski/snowshoe to get there.
Last week, a friend in computer science sent me an e-mail introducing me to a cool person he met doing research on campus that made him think of me. We exchange a couple e-mails and decide to attempt to grab coffee (weather permitting) a week from Friday! She sends another e-mail saying she was talking about my research with a colleague and he'd love to come as well - is this a new research partnership in the making??? 👀
I stop putting it off and reply to the student who's finishing his Master's remotely, offering some times to meet. I'm finding his situation extremely frustrating, but it would be great to get him the Master's and get him on his way!
Time to clear the inbox. I keep everything in a very nested set of folders and I have about 100 e-mails to clean up. Having to do this really makes sure nothing falls through the cracks (and my goodness, can I find things when I need to now!), but it's a bit of a slog.
Ah, shoot, forgot to submit reimbursement for lunch. I should do that sooner rather than later, since the itemized receipt is handwritten and just floating around my wallet. We were *way* under per diem (part of why I love this place is that you can get a good-sized lunch for under $10, which is basically impossible in a city this expensive!), and no alcohol, so the whole process is relatively painless. Whew.
Back to e-mail cleanup. Notification that my Master's (soon to be PhD?) student officially has access to 500,000 CPU core-hours and 10,000 GPU core-hours on a supercomputer for the next three years of his project! Woohoo! The e-mail addresses him as Dr., which is a liiiiiittle premature, but maybe it'll get him thinking of the possibilities...
A couple people reply-alled on a giant newsletter asking to be unsubscribed (there's a big button at the bottom, but hey), which has led to someone replying to them to say he actually quite likes these e-mails, hahaha.
Aha! My colleague in the mountainous wilds replies to say a three-week deadline bump works great for her. I broach the subject with the grants team. Hopefully they'll be cool with it!
I get invited to renew one of my appointments as associate editor - I'm cool with that, since it's about as many papers as I was reviewing, anyway. May as well get some extra credit for it.
I got an e-mail about nominating undergrad students for a leadership workshop opportunity - they're particularly aiming for students who have potential but are quiet/shy, and one comes to mind immediately. We can only nominate a couple people as a faculty, so I make a note to chat about this with another faculty member I've been meaning to grab coffee with at some point. That can wait for later this week - the deadline isn't until late March.
OKAY. E-mail is cleared, only half an hour later than I wanted to go home. It's still a little light out, even! I'm racing the last of my laptop's battery power here! Onward!
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ashomodeus · 4 months ago
🤡 anon here tysm for writing my ask it’s so good i legit paced around my room and fell off my bed when i saw it hnghnhgs also don’t worry about taking some time to write i really don’t mind it
also if there isn’t anything else sitting in requests may i ask for monster fucker trans guy mc, like, ik the brothers have demon forms but it’s not really monstrous enough for me yk i need some bigger and weirder i need them to be twice their normal height with funky appendages and having a whole ass scary aura and i imagine an mc who’s like really really curious about it and just pestering them about it despite the brothers being under the impression that humans will hate those scarier forms and will die from a heart attack and shit but this mc is way too fucking excited, honestly you can just write all the brothers but don’t have to as long as it has asmo and luci i’m happy i low-key want to know your own interpretations of those scarier forms nd stuff hence i don’t mind whatever and whoever you go with
(in short size kink mc gets butt fucked by weird demon dick)
...Jesus... Christ... OF COURSE. Gonna do some research. I'll be right back.
I should disclose I do not have a monster fucking kink, wish I did, I do not know if this is good or not, hence this being with only Luci and Asmo but please please please let me know if you want the others.
When I say work has been a lot recently, I have 17 hours of overtime for working 7 days in a row. I also work farther away, so I was getting home late, but that's because we had a system upgrade, but I should now be okay, or things should be getting better now.
This post was brought to you by Red Bull, a keyboard from five below, and Beyonce.
Monster Lucifer x Trans M!Mc
Monster Asmo x Trans M!Mc.
Cw/Tw: Monster fucking, knots, gaping, size kink, breeding, filling, dp, Bad grammar. Only Lucifer and Asmo if you want the others I have ideas for them, like bullet points for appendages and their type pf cocks, but I just want to know if you guys want the others. One comment and I'll do it.
During class earlier Solomon mentioned a spell that would turn anyone into a weird looking monster. Mc asked what about demon and their demon form. Solomon answered that it just enhances their form to be bigger and to indulge in their sins a lot more.
Mc and Lucifer were laying down cuddling. Mc stared at Lucifer, his mind began to wander about the spell Solomon told him about.
"Mc... why are you staring" Mc immediately turned his face around hiding the redness on his face. Lucifer grabbed Mcs face and asked again.
"Well... Solomon told me about this spell..." Mc trailed off trying to look away but Lucifer's hand stopped him from turning away.
"Come on and tell me" Lucifer stared into Mc's eyes.
"Well uh. I was wonderingif I canturnyouintoamonster" Mc asked trying to hide his embarrassment. Lucifer made Mc explain what Solomon told him. Mc was now really horny at the idea of Lucifer fucking him with his monstrous dick. Lucifer smirked at Mc.
"Well I suppose if you want it that bad." Lucifer was suprised Mc wanted to fuck a monster form of his but he loves to make Mc think of him and only him. Mc cast the spell and Lucifer is suddenly tall enough where his head almost hits the ceiling and his clothes are ripped all over the floor... whoops... Lucifer won't mind. Lucifer felt powerful and yet hungry. He needs to get into Mc as soon as possible. Mc is so small compared to Lucifer now. Mc is staring directly at Lucifer's cock. The length was the size of his own forearm and as thick as his own thigh. He was mesmerized. Mc looked up, he had a forked tounge and fangs. Tonight was going to be a fun night. Lucifer grabbed Mc's grabbed
head and motioned it towards his huge cock. It's ribbed and thick. Mc couldn't take all of his cock but Mc would try. Mc got extremely horny. He bagan to lick Lucifre's hard cock and began to tease the tip. How could Mc's tiny mouth even wrap his lips around it. Mc'smanaged to wrap his mouth around the tip. His eyes filed with tears as his mouth stretched to take in more. Mc enjoyed the pain, warm runny fluid came from the tip of Lucifer's cock and suddely Mc could take Lucifers cock. The ribbed part of his cock rubbed against the right spots on Mc's throat. That liquid that came out of Lucifer's cock seemed to be a lube of some sort. Mc could feel their hole pulsing imagining how streched out their mouth and other places will be.
"What a good kitten, Why don't we try fucking your throat a bit." Lucifer groaned as he grabbed Mc's hair and started to slowly push Mc's head farther. Mc gagged causing his mouth to salvate. Lucifer could feel the drool and spit all over his lap and he couldn't help but to Move Mc's head farther. There's so much more length Lucifer wanted to push into Mc but he'll save that for somewhere else. He picked up Mc's head and started to thrust. Everytime Lucifer bobbed Mc's head down Mc's got a litle farther. Lucifer was so proud that this small little human could take his cock so well. Mc's throat so raw and yet they wanted more. Lucifer's huge cock leaves a buldge on Mc throat. It almost felt as though Lucifer's dick was molding to Mc's throat. Once lucifer pulled his long dick out, he picked up Mc with one hand. He smiled at his new little toy and propped Mc right at the tip of his dick. Mc was red faced he couldnt wait to be fucked so hard. He wanted to be sretch by Luicfer and take as much of his dick as possible.
"Be a good boy while you take my thick cock." Lucifer growled. Lucifer's cock shot out another load of lube as Mc's hole tightens around Lucifer's tip. Mc shook with excitement when he felt Lucifer's hand on Mc's hip. Lucifer used his long forked tongue to lick up Mc' back and their neck. He shoved his tongue down Mc's throat to catch him off guard while he thrust straight into Mc. Mc's moan vibrated on Lucifer's tongue. He managed to stuff his entire length into. It appears that Lucifer's cock molded to the shape of Mcs body. Lucifer could feel Mc tightening around his cock.
"Would you look at that." Lucifer smiled rubbing Mc's belly. Lucifer's cock managed to stretch Mc's belly outward. Mc squirmed a bit, he was so turned on seeing how much Lucifer stretched him but he was craving friction. Mc felt his belly and tried to move Lucifer's cock. The belly bludge was ribbed because of Lucifer's cock. Mc rocked back and forth to stimulate pleasure. Lucifer grinned as he sees how needy his small human is. Mc knew that he couldn't fuck himself if he tried because of Lucifer's size. He couldn't pick himself up. Lucifer grabbed Mc's waist and picked them up. Mc screamed in pleasure.
"Look at you so desprate for my cock. Lucifer let go of Mc as his full length slid into Mc once more. The mix of the ribbed cock and the length hit the perfect spot on Mc. He began to shake and sceam in pleasure as he yelled out Lucifer's name. Lucifer turned Mc around to face him the sudden shift hd Mc reaching for Lucifer's horns. Lucifer thrusted harder into Mc as Mc grabbed his horns. Lucifer's horns were extremly sestive and Mc noticed that. Mc rubbed Lucifer's horns at the base. Lucifer let out a monsterous groan and began to fuck Mc harder and faster. In between moans Mc began to suck on his horns which caused Lucifer to be over stimulated. Lucifer picked up mc and rammed into him a few more times Mc gripped Lucifer's horns as they came again. Everything was hiting all the right spots. All the streching and fucking exhasted Mc. Lucifer laid Mc on his back and continued to thrust into him. After a few thrust Lucifer fillled Mc up with his load. As Lucifer pulled out his cock Mc was left with a gaping hole flooding with cum. Lucifer smiled.
"Let's not waste all this." Lucifer plugged his finger into Mc. Lucifer was nowhere near done, but he'l let his human rest for a bit while he absorbed everything Lucifer gave him.
Mc stared at Asmo thinking about what His monster would be like. Mc blushed thinking about all the ways Asmo would make Mc beg for more.
"Prince, what are you thinking about.,," Asmo smirked he knows whenever someone is thinking about anything Lusty.
"Nothing..." Mc pouted.
"Uh uh... tell me. I can smell how horny you are, it's exciting me." Asmo cheered.
"Solomon was telling me about this spell-" Mc was instanly cut off.
"Yes. Do it." Asmo instantly cheered. Asmo knows about this spell and he loves being under this spell. Mc put the spell on Asmo. Asmo grew just a bit taller but everything else grew by a lot. Asmo's tongue was now long his tongue was ribbed with swirls and bumps. Asmo's cock was now a lot longer. It has a knot at the base and his tip was pink.
"Come here hun" Asmo grabbed Mc by the wrist and shoved his tongue down his throat. The ribbed tounge massaged Mc's mouth and then Mc tasted something sweet. Their skin turned flushed red and they were sensative to every touch. Asmo had spit that was basically an aphrodisiac, Asmo laid Mc on his back and ripped of al the clothes Mc was wearing "better, now I can see all of you" Asmo was really horny. He licked up and down Mc's body while sucking and nibbling. He covered him in hickies and began to move to Mc's hole. He licked Mc's rim and dipped his tongue in and then quickly out, Mc let out a moan everywhere Asmo's tongue went it became the most sensative part of his body. Mc could basically cum when the slightest contact happened and as soon as Mc realized that Asmo stuck his tongue in. Mc instantly came at the feeling. Asmo dragged his tongue against the walls and sucked everything.Mc arched his hips as he was extremely close again.
"Go ahead baby boy. I'm going to milk every. Last. Drop." Asmo's voice got deep. Asmo punched his tongue on Mc's sweet spot and Mc began to shake as they came again. Asmo moaned tasted Mc's sweet cum. Mc grabbed Asmo. Mc wanted to retuen the favor. Asmo grinned as he crawled towards Mc face. "You're going to like this." Asmo shoved his cock into Mc's mouth. Asmo's cock began to thrust itself straight into Mc's throat. Once Mc had his full length in his mouth Asmo stopped thrusting. His cock began to vibrate against Mc's throat. Mc let out an extremely loud moan as his throat vibrated. The feling was very new but Mc was so horny that everything felt amazing.
"Let's try both" Asmo's cock began to vibrate and thrust at the same time. Asmo tried to shove more of his cock down Mc's throat. Mc could only get so far due to Asmo having a knot. Mc got far enough here his teeth could touch the knot which stimulated Asmo. Asmo thrusted a little faster as he liked the felling of Mc's teeth hitting his knot. Asmo instantly came. Mc choked on the masive amout of cum down his throat but tried to swallow as much as possible.
Asmo quickly pulled out and postioned himself at Mc's hole. He pushed himself into Mc and his cock began to vibrate. Mc screamed Asmo's name as the cock vibrates against him. What Mc didn't notice was that Asmo had the ability to grow another cock. He used his other cock to tease Mc. Mc yelled in pleasure. Mc was being treated like a cute litle sex doll. Asmo's other cock teased Mc's other entrance and began to thrust. Mc felt so full and yet he wanted more. Asmo began to thrust faster as his cock would thrust farther. The ribbed portions of his cocks almost rubbed together due to the only thing seprating them was a thin mount of tissue.
"Ohh, Mc, you're such a good boy~" Asmo moaned out, He thrusted so far that Asmo's full knot was now fully inside of Mc. His knot swelled as Asmo got close. Mc quickly came but he could feel another orgasm come in as he feels Asmo's knot swell while his other cock continues to thrust. Asmo's one cock stopped as began to fill Mc up with his cum. Mc moaned out As Asmo's warm cum filled Mc. None of Asmo's cum to threaten to spill since the knot pluged him up so well. Asmo began to focus on Mc's other hole, pouding into them as Mc rides his fourth orgasm. Asmo began to make out with Mc shoving his tongue to the back of Mc's throat. Asmo was so turned on thinking about how every single one Of Mc's holes were just filled by him. Mc tasted that sweet taste and just like that he had all his stamina. Asmo couldn't help but to admire how stretched out Mc got and how good he's being.
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blizzardstarx · 11 months ago
Here is Queen Paradox of the ShapeWings! Also more information about the roleplay Pontalo was made in, and fun facts!
whoops i forgot the masterlist here it is
she kinda looks like Freedom…
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I wanted to combine her original design, a fiery phoenix named Eternal Flame, into her colors, and the LeafWing greens. Also the pink is the exact pink Dolphin’s bioluminescent scales are.
Soooo for her entire backstory I gotta explain what the roleplay was about
The roleplay was called Creature School, about… creatures. At a school. Paradox, or Flame back then, had four forms (we could have up to four forms total): A fiery colored phoenix, a manticore, a wolf with wings, and a dragon that I forgot the description for, but it wasn’t a particular species.
In the earlier parts of the roleplay, like in the 260s (pages, each page had 10 forum posts, so this roleplay had around 8740 posts) the first instance of the Pontalonion dragons was the map. I think Eclipse was the first Pontalonian dragon I created, but Torrent was changed a shortly after to be first a reincarnation of King Tiger Shark, but then later, an actual HydroWing. Paradox discovers and remembers she’s a ShapeWing and the long lost queen when Eclipse gives her a scroll of the Pontalo tribes, and she hears it in her dreams of her memories of the Great ShapeWing Genocide. She is frightened of BloodWings, who are shortly introduced a couple of pages in the roleplay, the first BloodWing called Diabolos, who was a minor villain.
Torrent and Paradox had three eggs, (in the 300s) Shapeshifter, who mostly looked like a ShapeWing, Dolphin, who looks like a mix between a ShapeWing and HydroWing, and Seashell, who mostly looks like a HydroWing.
Another BloodWing named Abaddon, but not actually a BloodWing and is a seperate species in disguise, opens portals that allowed creatures from other universes to come. This was called the portal plot. It was around page 370-480. They had to stop him and shut the portals after returning the new people.
The school had been destroyed multiple times, (like three times, spread out in the 50s-200s) and the final school the ogs (they were students at the beginning) (Flame, Dagger, Misty, and Fang, which my three friends and I played) created and were the staff/administration, lots of our ocs attended. Paradox’s dragonets attended, too. There was a motto that all creatures were equal or something like that, bullying was not permitted.
The roleplay focused on a school plot on and off, but it was basically the insane adventures of the ogs and later other ocs. It was focused in the first 100-200s? and then in the 600s and mentioned sometimes
Knight the SwordWing was born in the 500s! He ran off from his adoptive parent who was played by one of my friends and wanted to prove to others? idk, but he had to fight off monsters sent from the Shadow Tribe that were designed to kill SwordWings for their defection. (SwordWings were actually supposed to be a Shadow Tribe defecting tribe, not BloodWings, but then I got the idea of them being former BloodWings.)
He found the ruins of the SwordWing kingdom and found his sister’s egg, protecting it from monsters.
The king of the SwordWings, Knight and Dauntless’s father, was named Sharp.
Dolphin was bullied by some SeaWings for looking weird, (page 670s) as HydroWings were thought to be extinct, and she fled school after Paradox stopped them and tried to comfort her, flying off to the ocean, and discovering the long lost HydroWings.
The Pontalonian dragons exist at the same time as the modern Pyrrhian and Pantalan dragons, but Pontalo was also there long before they were, before the Scorching. The other tribes barely know they exist, and only HydroWings were known to the Pyrrhian dragons, thought to be long gone.
ShapeWings are probably what Freedom was, or was descended from. Some ShapeWings probably traveled to Pyrrhia and Pantala and settled down there, eventually leading to the Scorching.
The roleplay was abandoned at page 874, everyone just stopped replying.
So, in short: Paradox was queen of the ShapeWings, then the genocide happened, she flees, gets amnesia after crashing on the roleplay’s land, and becomes a student, then staff, then gets a memory and reminder that she’s the ShapeWing queen. She stays on the land and slowly but surely repopulates the ShapeWings, but they all have HydroWing blood because of Torrent.
Fun facts now that I’ve reread parts of the roleplay:
The Great ShapeWing Genocide was called The Great Blood War
Eclipse was a SunWing-MoonWing hybrid, she got kicked out of her tribe and landed in Pyrrhia (where the roleplay was at in that part). She played a big role in a part of the roleplay, and she had an ex-mate named Cloud (An AirWing, which was probably my earlier version of a LightWing) who was an animus
MoonWings changed form under the full moon, their scale colors grew darker, and their spikes grew longer and sharper. Their bioluminescent scales were brighter. Also they did have a language with their bioluminescent scales, like Aquatic. However, they’re about blending into the shadows, and I removed the language because it would give them away.
there was a LightningWing named Thunder and one of my friends played a SunWing named Solar
Solar and Eclipse were supposed to get together but idk what happened to them
Eclipse is mentioned later in the roleplay and has Helios as a mate. I don’t know if it’s the same Eclipse though
Pontalo had some rules, animus dragons can only use their magic once, no hybrids, and… never show mercy to a tribe?? dumb rule but it was why the ShapeWings got wiped out but like these rules arent in place now. they suck
Torrent was supposed to be a SeaWing commander that got banished for a false accusation of “trying to kill the SeaWing queen” who was his sister, and the SeaWing king’s name was Lobster lmfao
also my friend had a few other dragon species?? RockWings, SilverWings, and TribeWings (who had three pairs of wings?). Huh. They were never mentioned again
There were supposed to be five Pontalo tribes, AirWings, MoonWings, SunWings, ThunderWings, and FireWings. ShapeWings were added later as an explanation to why Flame could change into a bunch of forms, not just those four main ones, and the genocide was setup for her backstory. HydroWings were just an ancient Pyrrhian tribe as setup for the SeaWings, but they were changed to Pontalonian somewhere in the roleplay.
the old Pontalo map looked like this
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ThunderWings, now changed to LightningWings, had electric scales that could shock to the touch and were great swimmers. “They charge their scales by getting struck by lightning on their ‘lightning rod’ on their nose.” FireWings have flame scales and could scorch dragons with their touch.
SunWings were based on Heliolisk, they (were) small, had those frills on their necks, sluggish at night, and they get energy from the sun which charges up their scales. They could blast a beam of light from their mouths.
There was a tribe called the ColorWings, who were more like the RainWings and painted, which I combined into the original ShapeWings (that could only shapeshift) into the now ShapeWings.
For some reason Knight could like. Transform into his father?? Well, into the shape kinda?
In this roleplay and another roleplay I did two years ago, Knight and Dauntless can curl up into a spiky armored ball and roll at people as a form of attack. It’s funny, I’m making it canon.
There’s probably a lot of things I missed, but oh well, I don’t like rereading my roleplay stuff. It’s really bad.
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bvannn · 1 year ago
Weekly Update February 9, 2024
The sick has returned. I took my medicine for it this morning but so far it doesn’t seem like it’s gone away, but admittedly my symptoms today could be the result of me having a bad day and it being cold outside, and not necessarily the sick. That’s also why I’m posting this update earlier than usual. If it persists tomorrow I’ll know it’s more surgery side effects, and maybe I’ll message my doctor if it stays throughout the week again. Last week went pretty well so I want to assume this week being messed up was just a fluke. I still got some stuff done, though.
I got a bunch of drawings done, most of them epithet erased and fanart rather than OCs but that’s fine. Fwiw I did get a few more comic pages done, though not one a day like I was hoping. I’ll try another tonight, maybe more if I’m in a good mood. I’m also starting to listen to more music, which should hopefully get inspiration flowing a bit better so I can do more OC art as well.
I still got an animation shaped void I need to fill but haven’t figured out what to do yet. I’d like to try something to music but I gotta get a song done first. So I’ve been trying to work on music but I’ve been so scatterbrained that it’s a bit hard. I’m hoping this weekend I’ll have time, but good chance I’ll try to spend it keeping my mood high instead. I guess I could do some OC animation tests, figure out how clip studio animation works too. Maybe.
Music: been toying with some slow ambient instrumental stuff, and that bigger edm one with the piano I posted a sample of a while ago. Turns out EDM is super easy, so if I can find reasons to keep doing it I will, although admittedly I’m not as big on it as I am on other genres. I’m close to done on that EDM one, partially because it’s supposed to be kinda short. I haven’t touched lyric stuff, I might have to soon though since my congenial medical bs is flaring up again too, and lyrics are luckily something I can do while bedridden. Idk I like how the instrumental is going.
I redid that melody I posted the other day for the ambient track, admittedly didn’t change much but I swapped the third measure out, dropped a few notes, and actually tried it on a lower bpm and with some reverb because I forgot to do that for the samples I posted (whoops), and it sounds fine. I need some other parts for that one still, maybe I’ll use placeholders and just figure out the rest of the instrumentation bc I got that half finished.
Haven’t touched vocaloid again yet. Maybe I’ll make some quick demos so I can understand how tuning works. I’ll probably pick a memey or old song and if I make anything presentable I’ll post it.
Been looking for more VSTs too, I compare it to looking for new brushes whenever you’re dissatisfied with your art. Vital has been good for EDM, basically fixed all my problems for me, again. Also started messing with decentsampler again and it’s probably going to fix my problems when I’m working on that ambient track.
I think this weekend and next week I’ll aim to get some time with the big fancy keyboard and just unload a bunch of recording at once. Force myself to finish shit. Tonight I’d like to as well, but that depends on how bad my homework ends up. And if I get flare ups again. I’m still working on dealing with that condition but I need two or three more surgeries before it’s really going to be gone. And I have to wait for those. I’m not worried about money for now since I’m pretty sure I can get a decent job after I graduate (and at a minimum I can go back to the job I had last summer which I liked and paid pretty well). Right now I don’t have a source of income but I think I’ll be fine, I just need to not spend money, which I’m pretty good at. Next week I’ll focus on music stuff first, throw in some drawings if I can, and keep at those comic thumbnails. Once those are done I’ll start on pages.
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starlitfunkster · 2 years ago
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And then I shove my newest Yokai Watch OC into the faces of everyone.
...Go read the bio on DeviantArt. It makes my life easier.
Also, low key? I scheduled her post wrong. It was supposed to be posted earlier today, but I set it for tonight. Whoops! Well, what can I say, I was tired af-
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im-captain-basch · 2 years ago
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Did someone order 47 DKs? No? Whoops, sorry, wrong house.
I decided to post this since it fit the theme of the art I posted earlier in the day in that it deals with hair and the genetics involved. I’d gotten curious what he’d look like in the gijinka design if I was slightly more goofy with my references and genetics (and also some that put me on blast a lil).
The captions/alt text should tell you what each color is supposed to represent :V
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blackbloodteeth · 3 months ago
I'm the kinda guy that doesn't shut up so I'm gonna answer as many of these as I can, I'll leave them under a read-more though haha
I don't think I can really answer how many fics I've done this year because I've lost track of both my WIPs and how much I've finished since there's still a lot I posted on my tumblr that hasn't been updated onto my AO3 (and especially with The Ramble Room)... I can at the very least guarantee that I'm still working on stuff so stay tuned for that hahahah
2. First-person perspective, proper. Was for a couple snippets earlier in the year but thought I'd give that a go at least. Also finally wrote SoMa lesbians (not the werewolf ones tho whoops)
3. I mean obviously Soul Eater is where a lot of my brain is because variants, but I get a lot of inspiration from a lot of different horror games. You can mainly see that in my art because I keep writing about insomnia instead
4. [dial-up noises as I try to remember how many AUs I did this year] I haven't actually written anything for my The Edge of Sleep AU, but it did happen to multiple drawings, so that probably counts for something
5. TBH some of you are probably already aware I really only care about ships that involve Soul just because of exploring character dynamics with him (and that's usually not really traditionally romantic), Maka just happens to have the most grabbable chemistry. Biggest reason why I haven't done more Crona x Soul haha I will say that I have ended up paying more attention to Spirit/Stein just because they come across my eyeballs a decent amount.
6. re: Spirit/Stein, Stein has a fun aesthetic. I think I've dipped into drawing characters that aren't Soul a little more this year haha (skater void really kicked off, wow)
7. Kinda reiterating above, but I did write CroMa and CroSo during the ship week event! I think there was also a Stein and Spirit snippet I wrote at some point, although that may not be inherently "shippy"...
8. Alright I'm gonna actually look through my ao3 list hahaha... wow okay, there's a lot from this year even without the scattered stuff on my tumblr haha Happiest to work on? Well I can say the 4/20 fic was definitely extremely funny to work on haha, so that has to count for something (especially with the silly tags and art haha)
9. Most satisfying to work on... Well the reverse vampire fic "And all that counts is here and now" took a lot of energy, it was a big fic! So I was very fulfilled when I finally finished it. I'd say it turned out pretty well, hm.
10. Oh oops, I've gone out of order haha (processing issues strike again). For question 8: What fic meant the most to write... hm. I really live for writing all of my fics, but I guess I can say "Today Is Special" was really stepping outside my norm (surrealism aside haha) by writing about characters I don't usually think about too much. This one also took a lot of work, but it is indeed rather special with the way it all strung together haha
11. Most difficult to write... Probably the previous one given it was with different characters haha, but so I don't repeat any answers... "One Shot" is relevant because I started it... two years ago? And finally came back and finished it. It's hard having so many WIPs because I want to eventually finish all of them, so it's a testament that this can be done, just at my own pace. The biggest struggle I'd say was my writing style changing but it was fun to adapt to that hah
12. Easiest to write? Probably all the snippets because they're so short lmao I guess for this answer I will say "how the Devil was made" was unique in that it spanned over several writing sprints even as I was sleep deprived, so it was something that was kind've done in a day. I suppose to that effect the Thanksgiving work also applies considering I wrote it in like a couple hours at most hahaha Did you know my record for fastest snippet is 15 minutes?
13. I'll just stick to what's on my AO3 because the tumblr stuff is a mess. Shortest: "My chest's a bird's nest and it's filled with feathers of you" (642 words) Longest: the fic under answer 9 (9,800 words), but for added trivia the one below that is "I'm falling down into my shadow" (7,986 words) look I'm having fun answering different fics for different questions
14. Oh I don't really listen to music when I write or draw, stuff just kinda plays through my head. Some fics have songs associated with them when I make them though, so spot them if you can haha
15. There's a lot of times the title ends up coming first or really close to the start of writing a fic. Sometimes, not so much. "Between Two Points" title was very much last second, and only because I was grasping at a song in my brain's playlist. I actually remember at one point not being able to think of a title/summary for a fic to the point I had it sitting completed in my drafts for over a day, but I can't recall if that was even this year hahah
16. Ooh, favourite title, that's a toughie... Not quite the same, but "Purgatory Maybe" has probably the funniest chapter titles to me. My series "The Wolf" has names and summaries that I really enjoyed as well, honestly.
17. Favourite opening line? Killing me with these hahaha Alright I don't think I've brought "What a beautiful wedding" in yet, so I'll say the opening to that is pretty fun:
His fingers brush lightly against his canvas, careful brush strokes painting a scene of darks to draw out that earthy shade of green, like a beacon shining brilliantly through the storm just waiting to begin as it rolls in over the sea to land. …Or something along those lines. He's doing his best to really bring out the colour of her eyes, is what he's saying.
18. And favourite ending? Dang hahaha Alright, wild card, if you get this you win I guess lmaoo
Some would even say Maka is so good at ordering him around that Soul was far too preoccupied with obliging to remember to flip the little demon off on its way out.
19. Man, if only I could share Resbang stuff haha What fics haven't I answered with yet... "Sorry for Party Rockin'" has some pretty fun interactions hah
"Sorry, lady," a dark voice growls from her throat, "need to borrow this for a minute. No time for answers." What are you- With a laugh that isn't hers and a few pops of her neck loosening up under what was her hands, Maka doesn't even get the chance to interrupt her interrupter as she feels her arms now moving around like a puppet show and turning off the bathroom light completely. Hey— "At least I'm saving your power bill."
20. Funniest line, might as well two-for-one it haha
"I'm never asking you for directions again."
21. It's not really surprising if something surprises me or changes the entirety of a fic considering I don't write with outlines and will usually just write the first thing that comes to mind (which is how you get gems like Soul's Hornkler moment). It's also something I like about writing linearly (although I would like to try writing a story out of order someday, not to be confused with writing a non-linear story linearly haha), is that one small action can effect the rest of scenes. First one I can think of is fic from answer 15, where one interaction between Little Oni and Soul led to it being an ongoing thing, and ultimately added the whole scene at the end haha
22. While I have actually written traditionally before (wrote in a notebook and then typed it up on PC), it very much does not play well with my brain's difficulties with processing words, and the fics written during that phase are some of my least favourite. I've jumped from quite a few things though. Google Docs on both pc and mobile, libre office, notepad, Discord. I write pretty much only on Discord now hahaha Kind've a general answer and not just for this year, but technically I did have one fic where I wrote each part in a different text editor so hahaha
23. Most satisfying writing moment? How can you have me just pick one haha Well I've already said finishing up that big fic was really satisfying, so... hm. Here, I'll answer with the first fic I have listed for this year, "I am Maka's Monster". There's a lot I love on how this came together, so I can say I am very satisfied with the way this idea was brought to life. Also the last tag is still funny.
24. Oh huh, doing something special to celebrate finishing a fic... That's a real interesting one. I'm not sure I've ever thought about it before. Oh, actually, I don't really remember if it was this year or not but, I do recall there was one fic... or maybe event? That after I had finished working on something for it, I went and got pizza because I was happy with getting it done haha I don't think I could tell ya what it was in relation to though hahaha
25. Recharging between fics usually is just me drawing or writing something else (usually a snippet), since a lot of times fics vary in size. I'll also read other people's fics but uh... I shamefully haven't done that in a long while. Trying to reread the manga really jammed me up there haha (also guilty that the last fic I read I stopped reading because I didn't want it to end, and then happened to get sucked into a lot of things haha).
26. I think you might just be able to tell I draw outside writing fanfiction. Although I guess with the blurbs, sometimes I'm doing both at the same time haha In rare occasions, sometimes the blurbs are poetry/made-up song lyrics. I'm not much of a musician, surprisingly.
27. How many events did I take part in... shoot there were quite a few haha There was definitely the Valentine's Exchange, March of Madness, Reverb, Soultember, that Thanksgiving thing- oh the trick-or-treating too haha, Secret Santa (almost done making mine), and of course Resbang haha Oh yes, SoMa Day. Looking forward to next year's :^)
28. I would like to thank the entire Grigori Wings server, it's such a nice fandom home there haha. And as always, everyone who enjoys the Soul variant shenanigans! And of course people who comment on my fics haha I don't wanna give a certain someone anxiety if they happen to read this, but shout-out to you as well; you actually make me excited whenever you show up and I wanna dump 100 Soul bnnuys onto ye
29. What's left on my to-do list this... oh fuck I forgot I still need to finish that animation. At this point I have no idea how to approach it anymore, I'm in too deep, chat.
30. Last question! What would I like to do next year? Well, just wherever the wind takes me haha. Though specific things would be working on Resbang, doing my New Years raffle, and hopefully going through and doing one final edit of all my works so that I can update the formatting an' whatnot. I also need to update The Ramble Room as well, but one thing at a time haha I always have so many ideas for so many things, so I just enjoy doing what I can whenever it happens haha. I'd also like to actually not be anxious about going through the Soul Eater tag, and also maybe finish rereading the manga / bonk my brain into reading people's fics again, so we'll see what happens haha
Whew, that should be all the questions haha Of course I always am open to questions all the time (and for those still in my ask box, I didn't forget, I just have to ration out my ability to focus haha), but this was fun to just do for a bit :-)
I will probably not be proofreading this :cartwheel:
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A slightly revised version of last year's questions! Two ways to play: Reblog and have your followers send you numbers, or answer the whole list!
How many fics have you worked on since January?
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year?
What piece of media inspired you the most? (This can be the fandom you wrote the most for, the one that spawned the most ideas, the one you thought about the most, etc.)
How many fandoms did you write for this year?
What ships captured your heart?
What characters captured your heart?
Did you write for any new fandoms or ships this year?
What fic meant the most to you to write?
What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing?
What fic was the most difficult to write?
What fic was the easiest to write?
What were your shortest and longest fics posted this year?
What were your go-to writing songs?
What was the hardest fic to title?
What's your favorite title of the year?
Share your favorite opening line
Share your favorite ending line
Share your favorite piece of dialogue
Share your funniest line
What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
What writing programs did you use? Did you write by hand?
If you had to choose one, what was THE most satisfying writing moment of your year?
Did you do anything special to celebrate finishing a fic?
How did you recharge between fics?
Did you create fanworks other than fic?
How many events did you take part in? (bangs, exchanges, ship weeks, zines, prompt memes, they all count!)
If this were an awards show, who would you thank?
What's left on your to-do list for 2024?
What would you like to write next year?
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sayakxmi · 1 year ago
[Magi reread] Night 29: Slave
Gdi, I really want to rewatch the Magnostadt Arc, like, you don't get it. I'm in the MOOD. But I promised myself to go more-or-less chronological. Like, it's one thing to kinda jump from one thing to another in some arc, but I want to rewatch the entire thing, gdi, Saya, why do we do that to ourselves.
I'd say speedrun Morgiana Arc, but it's not that much of a speedrun, plus I have a few thoughts.
But before that, I thought randomly about the Night 17, which is an almost-month timeskip. The timeskip where Alibaba does something pretty important, and Morgiana has some character development after a lifetime of being a slave, you know, some dealing with trauma... It didn't really ring a bell until a few days ago, when I was like. Wait. It's a trend. And ya bet I'll comment on the timeskips. But, man, it's already appeared so early!
I had to share this thought, now to the actual chapter.
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All I wanted to point out that when Morgiana sensed something coming closer, she instinctively stopped this little girl. Imo cool characterization moment. Seemingly gently.
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Yknow, for a kid in this situation, you're being very calm, little girl.
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Nadja's from Balbadd! Still pretty cool that there's some of that info sprinkled here and there. Also, didn't Nadja mean Hope?
I checked, it does!
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Totally random thought, I wonder if Nadja's supposed to be, like, a symbol of little Morgiana, yknow? Kinda cuz I noticed her side ponytail. And if that's the case, then tbh that's pretty cool, because this arc becomes a symbol of Morgiana saving herself. When she was little, there was nobody else to help her, but she's capable of it now.
Like I've said earlier, it's a damn good arc, but it's very isolated from others. Don't misunderstand me, it references stuff that'll come up in other arcs, but this specific arc won't be referenced much if at all later on. Which is a shame.
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Kinda made me think how slavery isn't a thing in Balbadd, so maybe that's why she wasn't as freaked out. She genuinely doesn't understand what it means until Morgiana starts explaining it.
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I am both curious, and at the same time, I'm not sure I want to know what Morgiana is saying.
Also, listen, I know I have a tendency to see mah boy everywhere, but I'm kind of wondering if it's the Same Face Syndrome or maybe it's just, like, how Balbadd people look. Seriously, Nadja reminds me a lot about Alibaba, when it comes to her face. It's also kinda cool, in general, bc Hope is also something associated with Alibaba and his Household. As in, according to the wiki, the name of all the spells there are a corruption of Amal, meaning hope.
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Another thing I thoght abt is how... desensitized Morgiana feels. Tbh, I'm gonna guess she's dissociating a bit here, to focus on the situation at hand rather than get overwhelmed, which does sound like a defence mechanism she would've created under Jamil.
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But hey, the intentions are there.
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Sad as shit, no surprises. But the fact that Morgiana sees herself in Nadja kinda pushes my "Nadja symbolises little Morgiana" agenda.
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She's doing her best.
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Same as before, she's trying.
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Aaaand fake smile falls.
The next page is really sweet, but, like.
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Did she kiss her forehead? ;;
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Nadja's sick & Fatima decided to get rid of her & I'm fairly certain this is the exact same thing that happened in SnB, like, disposing of a sick slave.
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Aaaand there goes Nadja's sickness, I guess.
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I wish Morgiana had more opportunities to emote so fucking much.
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Finally. I have enough space in the post for Morgiana flashbacks.
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I wish Magi characters had more opportunities to face their traumas. And also for that not to be timeskipped.
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C minor, put it in C minor-
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sojourner-between-worlds · 2 years ago
Rather than subject myself to the Complete Humiliation of posting old things anew on ao3 but since judging from that poll I made ages ago now that ya'll just as desperate for content as I am, lol, I have decided to link all of my old Yugioh 5Ds fics here, complete with short (spoiler-free!) commentaries about what you can expect from these ancient monstrosities. (Yes, the links are to ffn; don't complain about ads if you still aren't using an adblocker in the year 2023.)
Under the cut since there are quite a few and commentary doesn't help make it any shorter of a post, lol.
General Notes: **Posted in FFN publication order; fics posted on deviantArt at an earlier date have that noted. **The earliest fic is 13 years old. I won't tell you how old I was but... it was much younger than now, lol. I was 16/17 okay? A Baby. **As stated above, commentary is spoiler-free so feel free to read that before clicking through (actually, I'd recommend it; there are trigger warnings on a several of them that appear in those notes). **I had not seen the sub at all/ all the way through at the time, so all names/terms are from the dub. Similarly, some details may also be different. **Feel free to laugh at all of these, but please laugh about them here on tumblr and not on FFN. If you leave me a comment over there, I won't know you came from here and that it's in good faith instead of just being mean-spirited. (Or, if you feel you must comment there, at least tell me you came from this post. But I would love to interact over them and I probably won't do that with FFN comments.) Feel free to laugh (because God knows I did while re-reading some of these), but let me laugh with you.
Proceed at your own risk.
A Secret Kept Originally Posted: April 7, 2011 (First posted on dA -Aug 14, 2010) Summary: When questions of his past surface, Yusei uncovers a 20-year-old secret that someone will do anything to keep hidden - even if it means murder! Length: 22 chapters (~36.5k words) Commentary: -- This was originally posted in three parts on dA but was combined for ease of subbing on ffn. -- Trigger Warnings: ya know, murder if that wasn't clear in the summary, lol; gun violence (in relation to the murders), vehicle accidents, dubious science -- Don't ask me what I was on when I named OCs, okay? I don't know. Pretty sure in my head "Kale" was not pronounced like the leafy green stuff, lol. Maybe there was supposed to be an accent on the 'e'? I don't know so don't ask. (I'm laughing about this, okay? Feel free to laugh too.) -- There's one chapter early on that gave me second-hand embarrassment so hard that it is the reason I am not posting these on ao3 at this time. I contemplated cutting it out but then realized I couldn't because, as terrible and cheesy as it is, it's too relevant. Just. Just keep that in mind. -- Medical Inaccuracies. Because I was Young and it makes for better drama. I am sorry. I am so, so sorry. It's so terrible. It killed me ten times over. I am so sorry. -- I had zero concept of the layout of the garage apartment. But, then again, I feel like most people don't, lol. -- The timeline is waaaaaaay off in places. Whoops. In my defense, streaming as a whole was pretty new at the time and I didn't have a way to re-watch episodes yet except pirating, which, you know, I had to do for the last 20 anyway, but I digress, lol. -- I have nothing to say about the plot except: Yeah. It gets Weird in places. The resolution is also Weird. Probably not any Weirder than the sequel, though, honestly. (....or any weirder than some of the things that happen in canon, for that matter.)
Changing the World Originally Posted: April 25, 2011 (First posted on dA -Sept 11, 2010) Summary: Crow is fed-up with the way Kalin is running the Enforcers! What happens when he walks away? Length: 4 chapters (~4k words) Commentary: -- Slightly canon-divergent but still fits in the overall narrative. -- Trigger Warning: suicide (It wasn't actually suicide but you don't even find that out in this fic, so.) -- Why did I ever think first-person POV was a good idea? It is not. -- Very loosely tied to both a collab listed below (A New Hope) and Angels and Devils but not truly necessary to read this one first. (Its connected by one name and one event. That's it. That's all. lol) -- I started rereading this one and then Did Not. Make what you will of that.
Shattered Soul Originally Posted: May 1, 2011 Summary: Yusei has always been the quiet, almost shy one of the gang. Jack is the one to explain why this is since only he, Martha, and Dr. Schmidt know the truth. Some reasons were never meant to be understood... and this is one of them. Length: 12 chapters (~21k words) Commentary: -- Trigger Warnings: semi-graphic depictions/descriptions of child abuse, graphic self-harm, gang violence and murder (mentioned) -- The second half of this fic was entirely unplanned when I started, so there is an abrupt shift in story-telling about half way through. -- The timeline doesn't quite match up correctly with canon, but I'm just gonna blame that once again on not really having a way to rewatch episodes back then, lol. -- This one actually got a sort-of one-shot re-write, lol. The re-write ended up almost entirely different, but this was where that idea came from. (You can actually read that one on ao3 because it's pretty recent.) -- If I were to actually fully re-write this one in the future (I never will), I would absolutely not format it like this. The format is pretty terrible, and some things should just...not have been written the way they were, lol. (Please excuse the info dump that is chapter 4, for example.) -- This one is also loosely tied to the collab listed below (A New Hope) but not necessary to read first since we didn't actually get that far into the collab for it to make a difference. Just a fun fact for you. (There was an unresolved plot point that was intended to resolve in the collab, but we didn't get that far. So if you read this and wonder about something, yeah it was probably that, lol.)
Scattered Memories Originally Posted: June 7, 2011 Summary: 50 Yugioh! 5D's related one-shots and drabbles. Length: 18 chapters (~14k words) Commentary: -- Clearly this is not 50 chapters. I never finished it because I started writing for a different fandom and lost interest. Ironically, I also started a theme challenge for that fandom as well that I never finished (though that was because my hard drive crashed and I lost the list, lol). -- I did not reread this one since it is just one-shots. There's nothing terribly memorable about them that bares mentioning, however, so... make what you will of that.
Chain Reaction Originally Posted: June 23, 2011 (First posted on dA -Dec 28 2010) Summary: If you had the power to change the past, would you? This is the question Yusei receives from a mysterious stranger. Will he accept the invitation to stop Zero Reverse from ever happening? Length: 10 chapters (~18.5k words) Commentary: -- Ye old cringey "what if"/alternate timeline fic. Except it doesn't actually happen. And nothing is explained at the end. -- I read about the first page and noped out of it. Maybe it gets better, hard to say. Let me know if it does if you actually dare to read it, lol. So unfortunately I can't really warn you about anything since I haven't read it in who knows how long. Sorry. You're on your own on this one, folks. -- (I do remember it being fun to write, but that doesn't really mean much. I'm sure I had fun writing all of these, after all, lol.)
The Camping Bet Originally Posted: June 26, 2011 Summary: What starts out as an argument between Jack and Crow turns into an all-out bet, guys vs. girls! The guys don't think the girls can last in the wilderness without electricity and running water; the girls think likewise of the guys. Who will win the bet? Length: 8 chapters (~12.5k words) Commentary: -- I only wrote about the first half of this one, so when there's an abrupt shift in writing style, that's why. Debated not including it, but I still like the premise honestly, and it was a lot of fun to write. -- Features my former best friend's OC, Elodie Kumari. You don't really need to know anything about her for this fic, though. Except that she's dating Crow? I think? I didn't reread this one, either. -- Incorrect geography. I did not look up places in Japan. I used the Boundary Waters in MN, USA, because I've been there. I have no regrets about this, however. -- I did skim the first chapter, but since I didn't re-read it in full, I apologize that I can't alert you to anything weird. Like replacing all of the 's's with 'z's in Sherry's dialog since she's French. I'm sure that seemed like a good idea at the time... *shrugs*
Darkness Before Dawn Originally Posted: Sept 24, 2011 Summary: Sequel to A Secret Kept. The worst has happened: Yusei is dying and the doctors can't figure out why. Now the gang must call on an old enemy for help… But will he be able to help? Will the gang find out what's going on before it's too late? Length: 11 chapters (~17k words) Commentary: -- I don't know where this absurd premise came from, but also it's really not that absurd within the Yugioh universe, so. Whatever. (It's so nutty but somehow I still love it? Idek.) -- Medical Inaccuracies. In part due to the dubious science of the previous fic, but hey. Also because of, ya know, magic and stuff. But also because Drama. Same as last time. -- Look. All of these are cheesy. But this one? Takes the cake. By a mile. (Also very majorly shippy --YuseixAki-- if you're into that, lol. Very minor JackxCarly and CrowxSherry but like. barely.) I had to stop reading a couple of times to gather myself. It is an ooey-gooey mess. -- So many epithets. I am so sorry. -- Also so many typos. I don't know why its so bad in this one, but it really is. -- (Also, where were the twins through all of this? I have no idea but I didn't write them in this and it actually makes zero sense that they aren't present, considering certain events. Me @ past!me: care to explain yourself? lol)
Angels and Devils Originally Posted: Nov 6, 2011 (first posted on dA -Feb 7, 2011) Summary: Naomi Mori may live in the Satellite, but her life isn't as horrible as most - that is until one so-called friend turns everything upside down. No shippings, mostly OC's with mentions of cannons until the second half of the story. Length: 4 chapters (~12k words) Commentary: -- Ye old cringey OC story. 'Nough said. -- This one was originally posted in two parts (Looking for Angels and City of Devils) on dA but was combined for ease of subbing on ffn. -- Trigger Warnings: gun violence (someone does die), suicide (that's actually not but still), implied attempted sexual assault (me @ past me: excuse me but why) -- The only reason I posted this one over to FFN was because of the collab listed below because Naomi plays a large part in it and readers needed to know who she was and her history. -- Side note: as someone who actually plays the game now but didn't when I wrote this, the deck I created for her is absolutely terrible. As in, nonfunctional except for anime duels where you always get exactly what you need, lol. -- I have no idea if half the cards I use in these duels are real cards or not. I know I made some of them up, but at this point, I don't remember which ones, lol (with the exception of one that is very obvious when you read it). There is definitely some Absurd Things going on in this duel. I'm pretty sure I did not count cards and even though I'm not counting them now either, I'm pretty sure this character does not have this many cards available to him, lol. Little Me did not know anything about dueling, lol. Take everything with a grain of salt.
A New Hope Originally Posted: Jan 2, 2012 (First posted on dA -May 2011) Summary: Construction has begun on the bridge that will finally connect the City and the Satellite. But certain people aren't happy with the City's decision to unite the two places and will stop at nothing to make sure the bridge is never completed! Length: 12 chapters (~37k words) - Discontinued Commentary: -- I am still Mad at myself and my collab partner for having never finished this. It tied so many fics of both of ours together and resolved some previously only hinted at story lines. But -- wouldn't you know it -- we got stuck on a duel. We technically wrote past that, intending to just come back to it later, so there are probably at least 3 chapters that never saw the light of day because we never frickin got the duel written before we both moved on to other fandoms. *sigh* (She's also the one who had the notebook we passed back and forth so I don't even have access to those chapters anymore. Hard to say if she even has it anymore. It's very sad. I'm very smad about it, lol.) -- The first couple chapters are okay but a few chapters after are kind of a drag, not gonna lie. But they are also now essential because said collab partner decided to rewrite her OC story (that is rehashed in this one) and never finished the rewrite but also deleted the original. So those few chapters are really the only place the full story exists now, sadly. (If you really want to read what there is finished of the rewrite, you can here: Birds of a Feather. Also, if you are in desperate need of yet more really old and cheesy fics, her writing was always better than mine, haha.) -- After the first ~5 chapters, I really, really still love the plot, okay? Parts of it were really, truly genius. I kind of wish I could go back and finish writing this fic, but sadly...I cannot. For a lot of reasons, I won't get into here, haha. But yeah. If you can get passed the opening few chapters, I think you may still enjoy the rest of it. -- There's this really weird part where we wrote in first person despite the rest of it being in third person. I stand behind that decision for what we were wanting to do, but also terrible. Horrible. Should not have done that, and I think we could have found a way to write it in third. -- While I have reread this one recently, actually, that was still probably at least six months ago so I didn't reread it for the making of this post. Therefore, not a lot of commentary on the fic itself other than the parts I can remember.
Lay Your Weapons Down Originally Posted: May 27, 2012 Summary: After being married for two years, everything they fought so hard for is falling apart. Yuaki Length: One shot (~1600 words) Commentary: -- There was supposed to be a companion piece to this with Jack and Carly, but obviously I never wrote it. -- Contains the above collab partner's OC shipped with Crow but that's not the focus and you don't really need to know that much about her beyond that. -- Honestly? Didn't reread it. Super cheesy if memory serves, though, haha.
I Never Meant For This To Happen! Originally Posted: June 8, 2012 (First posted on dA Jan 26, 2011) Summary: Kalin is hauled away by Sector Security. Yusei wonders at his friend's mistake. Length: One shot (~750 words) Commentary: -- Nothing really. Didn't reread it either, honestly.
There we have it; ye old 5Ds fics. If these haven't completely scared you off from my writing, I do have a whole three fics I've written recently that you can find on ao3. I hope you enjoyed reading these (or at the very least that they gave you a good laugh at the absurdity of it all).
0 notes
h-i-raeth · 2 years ago
WIP Files (I will admit to having adjusted file names since last time I did WIP Wednesday hah)(also whoops meant to get to this earlier in the day but it's alright progress is progress)
The Sum Of Our Parts (unpublished)* (AFTG, Andriel, Unwind AU, partially published)
Time And Hearts Will Wear Us Thin (hanahaki deconstrucion fic) (Stranger things, queerplatonic Stobin with several side ships, entirely unpublished will start to be as soon as I get the final draft up to season 3)
The Shadow Of Dust(Character & Plot Notes)* (Stranger Things, His Dark Materials AU, unpublished + looking destined to be Long)
Barb Lives Side A (Alive) (Stranger Things, unpublished + looking to be long, will start being published when I've got a base draft done up to the end of season 2 + also a proper title)
Alternate Version (Trapped In The Upside Down) (Stranger Things, unpublished but should be much shorter than the other two Barb Lives AUs living in my WIPs)
*TSOOP & TSOD are both in phases where adding sentences isn't what I need to do to progress, so asks for them will me working on them/their notes/editing for at least 15 minutes. I'll post snippets from CH5 that have passed a final-editing sweep for Sum asks & both a snippet of sentences from a different WIP + a lore tidbit about it for Shadow asks.
My Snippet:
And sure, the kids have been more actively involved in his life since this most recent bout of insanity. He’s folded the idea of something happening to them into the same place where he keeps his anxiety about party guests lingering unwatched near his pool, and it means that the kids have rapidly figured out that they can exploit him for rides pretty much anywhere as long as he’s free. He bitches at them about it, but it’s honestly a relief to know where they’re supposed to be most of the time, and they’ve all rapidly endeared themselves to him, Dustin especially. It helps, but it’s still more babysitting than friendship, especially at this stage.
Mike still hasn’t forgiven him for having dated his sister (and is too wrapped up in El to really have time to warm up to Steve even if he had), and Will never went on Steve’s monster-hunting tween bonding adventure in the first place. Plus, he’s not like Dustin, Lucas, and Max, who don’t have any actual adults in their lives that they can go to about the Upside Down bullshit. He has no need for Steve outside of his glorified chauffeur services, and he gets rides from his mother or Jonathan most of the time anyway.
Max acts almost like a feral cat. He’s… Pretty sure she’s fond of him, but he doubts she’d ever admit it, and that extends to soliciting his company. She lets him get close so long as he doesn’t show signs that he cares and orbits cautiously around the group, alternating between being wrapped up in Lucas and almost abandoning the boys entirely as she renews her efforts to further endear herself to El. And El, for her part, seemed to like him well enough the few times Hop had had Steve help Joyce keep an eye on her when he had to go out of town, but with her being pretty much confined to the cabin he’s probably seen her in person half a dozen times at most, total.
Dustin convinced his mother to hire Steve as an actual babysitter for her late shifts, and he knows that Claudia is relieved about it, as odd as that is for him, and that pretty much amounts to just passing time with him. Lucas often gets folded into that, coming over to hang out with Dustin, occasionally with Max or Will in tow, and the group of them asking for his input on their various conversations every so often (even if they dismiss that input half the time as he admits ignorance to their board game rules), and he approaches Steve for advice much in the same way that Dustin does, albeit less frequently. 
But. As fond as he is of the kids, the fact of the matter is they aren’t exactly friends, even if Dustin comes closer to it than the others. They don’t really hang out with him. Steve can’t lean on them the way that he encourages them to lean on him. They don’t go to school with him. And Steve sometimes feels stiff and wrong-footed trying to interact with them, uncertain of the protocols for being friends with people so much younger than him. So they can’t fill the ache in him that the loss of Nancy’s constant company has left in him following their break up.
WIP Wednesday Game
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it woks:
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
Requested/Friend event mentions under the cut! If you'd like to be pinged next week, let me know!
friends @fiore-della-valle @redbirdblogs @greenbergsays @idkfandomwhatever @luckyspike @obaewankenope @mad-madam-m @sleepymccoy @eriquin @sosobriquet @qprstobin @spacebarrette @andavs @zainclaw @anonymousdandelion @flameraven @fractalgeometry @northeasternwind / Requests @aparticularbandit @madnessfromthemountains
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years ago
rules: tag nine people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below
tagged by @army-of-bee-assassins
four ships: The Fondor, Rev-12, The Ulixes annnnnnd. hmm. The Uhuru
Sorry sorry I am in fact. A long time shipper, [gestures expansively]. I like when guys from things do all that stuff. But tis the season? And those are some cool ships I genuinely like from things i like. I'm being contrary AND genuine. I do it all....
Last Song: I was listening to The HU's Rumble of Thunder on my walk. and just now typing this to pull up what that last song was. So it has techincally changed by now but I think I've already shared Bii Biyelgee so lets go with what it was oringally. Mother Nature
Currently Reading: Uh? Books? like novels?? Carmilla I suppose?? Via emails. I think the Frankenstein ones have started coming in but i have. not yet cracked those open whoops. Orv my constant.... I mean technically I think were coming up on like. a year of that. And non books! That's between me and god tho. There's been some good ones too tho.
Last Movie: that was the mother fucking BAT TURTLES babey. I mean. Its called Batman VS TMNT if u are not following this particular blog meta narrative. Chefs kiss babey. I have already posted about it. I love it.
Craving: Lets all just agree that saying food is the correct/only answer im giving on the small talk fun times post and leave it at that. I could destroy a fucking greasy pepperoni pizza right now. I dont have one so ill figure smth else out. Actually someone was barbaqueing when i was out earlier so i could also fuck up like. burger. ribs. beeg hot dog. any of that good stuff... corn on the cob even...
Tagging: [classic disclaimers of no pressure, no worries, whether cause ur experiencing the horrors or just dont wanna] oh the usual suspects... @joelleity @deadgrantaires @paradoxgavel @palms-upturned
And as always literally anyone seeing this who wants to do it. Im 100 Percent serious when I say that, say I tagged u and tag me back I would love to see ur answers.
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astrologybyana · 4 years ago
lot of spirit / part of spirit
hii babies, i'm back! in this post, our focus is on our lot of spirit ✨
lot of spirit tells us about where we can experience abundance in life
it is also believed by some astrologers that this placement in our chart shows how our spirit guides are like
so i'm just gonna connect those two and say it's your higher self whispering in your ear how your soul can find satisfaction hahah
its formula is ascendant + moon - sun
however, to find where your lot of spirit is located, you can simply go to astro.com, choose “free horoscopes” and then “extended chart selection”
from house systems, choose “whole signs” and write "37452" to the additional objects part, and there it is!
you can also access to my masterpost, here 🎈
it’s a long post so i cut it from here 🧚🏻‍♀️
lot of spirit in aries / 1st house
very passive earlier in life, you probably didn't like arguments and confrontation
and gave in easily bc you didn't wanna be alone
which means u might have been taken for granted a lot
you have learnt / are learning / should learn (lol sorry...) how to overcome this fear of yours tho
let people come to you and when the time comes, let them go, to let abundance in your life
once you get the hang of it, your need for indepence will take over and you'll see success comes easily with your leadership abilities 🌸
lot of spirit in taurus / 2nd house
you might not have felt good enough while growing up
in relationships, you might be the one who is more giving
pulling back from intense people might be good for you because you are prone to sacrificing yourself
and what you need is your own sense of "self", what you need is "you" separately
you are probably drawn to people who are wealthy and materalistic
others might challenge your self development but this is the area you need to work on anyways ✨
lot of spirit in gemini / 3rd house
you might have felt like you haven't been understood / listened enough while growing up, you might have had communication issues
you can read between the lines
you observe how people communicate, you can understand body language and gests and mimics easily
so it's hard to manipulate you, though, it might be easy for you to manipulate others
you probably make scenarios in your head to see how things can go
you might need to work on mind flexibility 🕊
lot of spirit in cancer / 4th house
family approval is important to you, uou feel like you need to belong somewhere, anywhere
because you might not have felt the emotional connection you wanted to feel as a child
the lack of emotional connection might have been with one parent or both; they might have been aloof or distant, physically or emotionally
in relationships, you may feel responsible like you need to carry the traditional roles of a gender
you like knowing what's going to happen, it might give you a feeling of security
having a job that where you take care of others will probably be good for you 🦄
lot of spirit in leo / 5th house
you might feel like you haven't been a child really, or you haven't had fun a lot
you might have grown up in an area with people that are very different than you
you wanted to be popular, but those differences did not really let you
and feeling neglected by your peers probably blocked your creativity and heart chakra
you might have developed a wall around you, which you think protects your self esteem but the only thing it does is not let love in
you should learn how to be comfortable letting that wall down and reach out to others 💖
lot of spirit in virgo / 6th house
you might have grown up having to out a standart for certain stuff
you might have felt like you had to do what you were told, and you put high standarts to do those things, in order to get your parents' attention
however, this probably led you to put too much effort into everything you did
which might have made you feel like you were responsible for anything and everything
you might have a tendency to take things too personally
high standarts are good, don't get me wrong, but it might feel good to not critisize yourself and others too much and let things loose a little 🎈
lot of spirit in libra / 7th house
you love harmony and getting along and all that, but when you see unjustice, whoops 👀
you can't stand that shit. but good for you!
when you defend someone who feels support, you feel good, it's like everything is as it's supposed to be
but while fighting for others, you might tend to ignore your own problems
and no, sweetie, that's not good. you need harmony here, too
pls learn how to set boundries and take as much as you give 🌠
lot of spirit in scorpio / 8th house
you probably have developed a strong sense of self which lets you know when to help people, and when to step back
you might feel like you are unintentionally attracted stuff that are about other people's values
fear of failure, ✨a lot✨ which makes you driven to use your full potential in like anything
people might try to use their power on you, which triggers your sense of defence
you need to trust, but it's hard for you, you need to feel like you are loved as who you are
doing your own thing and achieving your personal success will open doors for you 💸
lot of spirit in sagittarius / 9th house
you might not have felt confident enough while growing up
you might have been in situations where you felt like you had to speak up, but you just couldn't because of your lack of confidence
you have a philosophical approache to life and you love expanding your mentality
you're intuitive, you just know when someone is genuine or not
you don't like small talk, you want to dig deeper and deeper
following your intuition and avoiding gossip etc. is the best thing to do here 🎀
lot of spirit in capricorn / 10th house
you had to learn how to take responsibility at a younger age
you were probably someone to step back and observe, you might have felt suppressed and feared of stepping outta line
because you knew there were consequences to face after doing something
as you grow up, life has probably challenged you by leaving you in situations where you have to deal with self esteem, and eventually developing it
you might also like to challenge yourself and see how much more you can accomplish
you'll find a feeling of satisfaction by facing your fears, gaining control over who you are, making your goals clear and achieving them 👑
lot of spirit in aquarius / 11th house
you might have no or little control over your identity while growing up, and it might have affected your social life
you might have had mood swings every now and then, which probably made you feel like your life was full of ups and downs, like a rollercoaster
although you're a very friendly person, but you might have felt like you never fit in, so you learnt to rely on yourself only
you are still discovering yourself, and that's beautiful
expressing your unique ideas will make you meet people like you
however, you should overcome your impulsivity in order not to experience outbursts 🎈
lot of spirit in pisces / 12th house
you probably think you are here to help people
what makes you think this way is that there have been so many people who needed you
you try to see the best in people, and while that's good, sometimes your sight might get too cloudy, which could lead to not seeing red flags
whenever you feel like your energy is draining, you need to get away
you tend to bottle up your own problems, and open up when you feel like you can trust someone 100%
you may find it difficult to say no, but that's exactly what you should learn 💖
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