#also she said she wasn’t sure where Xander was it
um-vvhat · 1 year
Unfortunately I am a Yoly hater now. That was some nerve saying yes to Mal just to turn around and not only meet up with Xander, but actively leading her on…. Crazy.
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riddles-n-games · 2 months
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Pairing: Lyra and Grayson Summary: It's summertime in Texas and Lyra is at the Hawthorne House spending time with her new beau, Grayson Hawthorne. He loves to swim and she loves being outside by the pool with a book in hand but often disregards one important rule: applying sunscreen. Lucky for her, she has one very concerned boyfriend to remind her of this. Length: Moderate Story Type: One Shot
"Didn't I tell you to put sunscreen on?"
Lyra snapped out of her thoughts. Grayson was getting out of the pool and approaching her, sopping wet as she blinked against the glare of the sun. Sunglasses only could do so much.
“And didn’t I tell you to dye your hair so you don’t reflect the sun onto me every time you look my way, Goldilocks?”
He narrowed his eyes at the nickname but let a half smile slip. “Even more reason for you to apply it then.” She rolled her eyes. After retrieving his towel, he sat on the lounge chair across from her and started to towel dry his hair.
They were by the pool at the Hawthorne House, his home. Lyra had only been a handful of times and she still wasn’t sure what to make of it. The manor was stunning but it was unsettlingly huge; she dared not ever going through the maze of endless halls without Gray or any of his family to lead her.
Jameson was usually the best guide but Xander knew of the unconventional interesting spots. According to him, he got lost in the passageways during his grandfather’s Saturday games and sometimes gave up to explore the uncharted territory. It made her wary of him at first but soon after he became one of her most loyal and trusted friends. Interesting where life got her after the Grandest Game when Grayson Hawthorne turned it upside down.
Xander called it the Hawthorne Effect and the theory wasn’t exactly far fetched. Who better to testify than the Hawthorne heiress herself? Alongside her sister and best friend, they secured relationships with three of the Hawthorne brothers in a short interval. And now, the last single brother was Lyra's. Or stolen, as the internet put it; those fangirls were no joke. Lucky her. But Grayson was a dedicated boyfriend and he put those worries to rest with a fierceness that made her confident he was the one.
"What are you thinking about?" She blinked. She'd done it again; her thoughts got carried away and the Hawthornes were in the center of it all and- and it was just overthinking again, wasn't it? Lyra looked down and closed her book, sighing in exasperation before she sliding to the edge of her chair and taking his hand in hers. Grayson's eyebrows were furrowed with concern but he stayed quiet as he watched her trace his hand when she spoke up.
"I'm just... Just overthinking, I guess. Your family, your house, everything about you guys; it's a lot, ok? I know you know that and I'm not trying to put you down. Please don't take it to heart. It's just overwhelming to take in and sometimes I can't deal with my thoughts. But you don’t need to worry, I’m working on it and I believe I’m getting better.”
He smiled gently at her. “That’s fine. I know what it’s like, too. Not in the same way, of course, but there are times when being part of this family also overwhelm me. I just coped by hiding it and now I am unlearning that behaviour or trying at least. You could call it-”
“-Failing miserably?”
“Yes. But I’m only admitting that to you and even that’s risky because the walls here have ears.” He gave her a look that said you know who. She smiled knowingly and nodded. Xander. “So just know that if you ever bring it up, I will deny it in public.”
“Of course.” Lyra winked conspiratorially. He smiled back and brought up the hand entangled with hers to his lips, pressing a kiss to her wrist. Then he lowered their hands and brought his free one into her thick locks, threading through them slowly to get the tangles. She closed her eyes in contentment.
It was one of the challenges for her to deal with during the summer but her and Xander often did haircare together and Gray was all too happy to help brush through her hair with his fingers after. And he was also pretty darn good at giving scalp massages; she was truly gifted with a man of all professions.
"You still haven't put on sunscreen." She opened her eyes and gave him an exasperated look.
“I don’t burn that easy.”
“Maybe not but your nose does and skin cancer is a thing, so humor me.” Rolling her eyes, she settled herself closer to him and leaned forward on her hands as he took the sunblock and took a dollop of cream, smearing it across her cheeks and forehead. He took his sweet time massaging it into her skin and she was pretty sure he was just doing that on purpose to prove his point.
"You know I'm pretty sure you wiped it off with how thorough you're being."
"I'm doing it this way to make sure I feel the barrier form evenly on your face."
"Now you just sound like I do when I'm talking to my little brother."
"Well, now you know how I feel. And I'm pretty sure you also explained the importance of sunscreen to him when you're at the pool but he kept running away. Am I right?"
She rolled her eyes again. "Just for that, I'm going to add triple the amount on your arms. But I still haven't done your nose so I must take care of that before I move on."
"You know, I used to think you were intimidating and very closed off but the fact you're now being this cliché, I'm not sure I recognize Grayson Hawthorne anymore."
"Well, I'm a man who wears many hats."
"That sounded like a very Jameson thing to say." He raised a brow at that and she laughed.
"I'm going to ignore what you just said and let that insult be the one off. I was also going to say that it's all due to my therapist suggesting I put the mushy feelings-yes, that's how she put it-out on display."
"So you're implying I can totally make fun of you for it."
"When did I say that? Nobody gets away with such a thing. Not even Xander."
"Hmm, then what was that thing that him and Jameson were trying to tell me about an atonement night? Something about leather pants."
"Those two are going to die tonight, that's all you have to know."
"Aww, don't be like that. Now I have to know."
"Nope, not a word. That's been redacted from recorded history so it technically doesn't exist and never happened. You are most certainly not allowed to know anything more or less than that. I forbid it."
Her arched brows, wide eyes, and amused grin were very telling of her growing curiosity but Grayson wouldn't budge. He was tightlipped and refused to say anything more on the matter. "Stop trying. You're just making yourself look stupid and I don't want that for you. Now stay still so I can get your nose."
"Maybe that's exactly what I've been doing this whole time; distracting you so you can let go of the sunscreen obsession. Think it's now permanently in my skin." Her nose scrunched in disgust at the thought.
"Good, that way you'll be protected year round and I won't have to worry when I take you skiing at the lodge." In response, she stuck her tongue out but he didn't let that slide. He retaliated with a bigger dollop that he plopped on the bridge of her nose and with a light finger, started making lines all around as if he was going to do her makeup. Then, he started making horizontal stripes. "Are you making a grid? Is this tic tac toe on my nose but you have the advantage because I can't see?"
"Shh. I'm making art." She snorted but Grayson didn't lose focus. Instead, he just patted her cheek in consolation before fixing his grip on her jaw to make her stop fidgeting. With careful precision that made no sense to her, he rubbed in the sunscreen on her nose. "There we go."
Lyra shook her head and sighed. Her boyfriend was a piece of work, not that she minded all the time. Even he could be a dork sometimes and it was cute. Not that he needed to know.
"Oh wait, I forgot one more thing."
"What could you have forg-" Before she could finish, Grayson cupped her cheeks, leaning in and kissing the tip of her nose. She gasped in surprise and went still. He pulled away with a smug smirk. "Now it's all good."
Lyra gave him a long incredulous stare before looking away, finding the plants in the neighboring garden suddenly more interesting. "You're lucky I like you."
"I know you do, that's why you let me do this." He placed a finger on the side of her jaw and redirected her to face him before pulling her in for a kiss. Lyra's eyes widened but she quickly closed her eyes and cupped the back of his head, running her fingers through the semi dry locks. Grayson proceeded to deepen the kiss and slid his hands around her back and under her knees, lifting her from her spot on the chair and placed her on his lap.
She held tight to him and relaxed when he repositioned his arms around her lower back, his hand sliding up and down reassuringly. But soon after that, she had to break away for air and she placed her hands on his bare chest, breathing in hard. He wasn't much better and for a moment, only their shallow pants were the only noise aside from the distant roar of a lawnmower.
When their breathing slowed, Lyra smiled mischievously at Gray.
"So about those leather pants." He scowled. She laughed. His heart soared; maybe those mushy feelings weren't so bad after all.
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cjsmalley · 1 year
Wished Away 7:
Happy Thanksgiving (Early, I Know, Shut up):
“Father, Mother, and Uncle Tucker wish to invite you to our Thanksgiving meal,” Damian said.
“Are you sure?” Bruce asked, “we’re a lot.”
Even without Damian, Bruce had many children and cooking for all of them was sometimes a tall order.
Damian smiled, “We are aware. You are not the only family we are inviting. Every child Father, Mother, and Uncle Tucker has taken in we have invited along with their remaining family if they have any. Even the non-Americans have been invited.”
“We’d be delighted to come,” Alfred said for his family, “should we bring anything?”
“You may,” Damian agreed, “however, the chefs and cooks of the Palace will be preparing the main meal. It will be mostly meatless. Seitan mostly, in observance with mine and Mother’s dietary needs and our beliefs. It will also be made in-line with kosher regulations.”
“Cookies,” Jason said, looking at Alfred, “we can make vegan cookies.”
“Very well, Master Jason,” Alfred nodded, already planning for such a large batch, or several batches.
Damian grinned.
Thanksgiving Day arrived and the portal opened.
They filed through and were greeted by Sam, the younger Sam on her hip, “Happy Thanksgiving.”
Sammy just waved shyly, gaining fond chuckles.
They all echoed the sentiment and were led through the palace to one of the ballrooms, “Not even the large dining room is big enough to hold our horde,” she said with humor.
“Everyone invited came,” Sam explained before visibly remembering, “Oh, and any red wine you see? Not red wine; we have a vampire in attendance. He eats human food but not really.”
“Of course,” Bruce nodded; only Dick was of age to drink, of his children, but neither one really drank. Still, it was good to know.
“’m assuming the vamp’s friendly?” Jason voiced.
“Friendly as in doesn’t eat humans anymore, yeah,” Sam nodded, “but, well, Spike’s Spike. You’ll understand once you meet him. Don’t go after his humans and he’s nice enough.”
“Fair enough,” Stephanie nodded.
“Also in attendance are a Vampire Slayer, several witches and wizards, two magic superheroes…basically everyone you met at Damian’s birthday party’s here. I know Spike wasn’t there; he had to babysit the Hellmouth that day, so he’s really the only new face. Him and his daughter, Hope.”
“Vampires can have—”
“She’s adopted, from a separate dimension. Danny brought her to the Hellmouth group to hide her. She’s being raised by Buffy and Spike.”
They finally made it to the ballroom; the doors were wide open; servants rushed forward to relieve the Waynes of the platters of cookies they carried before they entered the room.
Most of the room was divided down the middle by a cartoonishly long dining table, bench seating on either side of it. Settings were already in place.
In one corner was a padded and gated off area where Anakin and the baby that could only be Hope played. Well, played as only young babies could, which wasn’t much.
Dotted around the room were small clusters of regular chairs and beanbag chairs, some of which were already occupied, surrounding small tables with pitchers of water and juices and, yes, blood.
Spike the vampire was easy to pick out from the masses because he had a glass of what looked like red wine in hand. Nobody else did.
The Waynes spread out, first finding Damian to say hello, then mingling and visiting with the friends made at the birthday party.
Bruce made his way towards the vampire.
“’Lo,” Spike greeted lowly over his drink, Buffy at his side.
“Hello, Buffy,” Bruce said before smiling with a closed mouth, “and you must be Spike. Bruce Wayne.”
“Not an ape, mate,” Spike snorted, “won’t attack if you smile at me. Sit down, take a load off. Hear you’re Batman. The real deal one.”
“I am,” Bruce took a seat, reaching to fill a cup with orange juice, “where did you hear it from?”
“Dawn was excited; her little brother’s bio-dad is Batman,” Buffy explained, rolling her eyes fondly, “one of my friends, Xander, is a big comic book nerd.”
“Ah. I assume there won’t be any problems?”
“Not from us,” Spike agreed, nudging Buffy with a smirk, “my girl here’s a superhero too. Won’t be any trouble from our lot. Right, Slayer?”
“Yep. No problems from us. If Danny and Sam are good with you being…you know, you then we’re good,” Buffy nodded, “just as long as you don’t put Dawnie or Hope in a suit.”
“I don’t want them out there,” Bruce grumbled, “but if I didn’t help them, they’d all be dead by now.”
“We get it, honestly,” Buffy assured, “Dawn’s given us enough gray hair,” she grinned mischievously at Spike, “she’s even given Billy Idol here some.”
“Slayer, you know that pissant stole—”
Bruce laughed.
Everyone mingled and chatted for a few hours before the meal began; servant after servant carried food and drinks to the main table as everyone found seats on the benches.
Spike and Danny placed the babies into highchairs.
By the time everything and everyone was ready, the table was fairly groaning with the meal.
Danny gained everyone’s attention, standing and grinning, “Welcome to Thanksgiving Dinner at the Palace. Thank you all for coming, even our non-Americans for putting up with our silly traditions.”
The non-Americans laughed fondly, nodding; even Alfred cracked a smile.
“For those who’re probably wondering,” he continued, “our essential living staff celebrated at lunch and most will have the day off tomorrow. Everyone else had the day off today. Now, normally we’d go around and say what we’re thankful for but we’d be here forever if we did that tonight. So, while we eat let’s just think about what we’re thankful for and enjoy the food and the company. Oh, and just so you know, everything’s kosher and most of the ‘meat’ is actually Seitan. Real meat is on the green platters. But before we begin, let’s give a round of thanks to the kitchen staff for making the food!”
Everyone applauded.
“Now, tuck in!”
They all did so with gusto; the meal was magnificent and it was clear the Palace staff had put their all into it.
Most of the Seitan was shaped into meat product appearances, looking indistinguishable from the real turkeys and hams. And it tasted almost like the real things too.
The meal lasted well into the night and everyone went home stuffed and with leftovers.
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wish-i-were-heather · 2 months
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ABOUT: 1410 words, no use of y/n
STORY: jameson calls you on a night out with his brothers... drunk.
WARNINGS: none, just jameson being a drunk idiot
A/N: THIS IS A REPOST OF MY OWN FIC!!! I'm posting it again because my account got deleted, but I still want to keep all my fics on my blog. Thanks to everyone for helping me get this all back.
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1:53 A.M.
You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. You almost just closed your eyes and ignored it, your half asleep brain thinking it was your morning alarm, until you opened your eyes and saw the color of a face, someone's contact photo, but you were still too tired to process who.
Forcing yourself to sit up, you reached over and answered the call, not knowing who it was. “Hm, what do you want?”
There was too much noise from the other end. People talking, glasses clicking, and music playing. But then his voice. “Heyyyyy,” Jameson said, his words heavily slurred. “I miss you.”
You blinked a few times and then realized what was happening. You checked the contact and sure enough it was your boyfriend- the name read Jamie and it was a picture of him from that one time you two went ax throwing. 
“You miss me?” You asked. “Where are your brothers?” He scoffed. “Oh, they’re here. Don’t worry. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they left me because sometimes they’re really big… uh… meanies.” You try not to laugh. 
“I- uh, I just wanted to call you and tell you I love you and you’re so pretty and you make me happy. You make me feel like, um, like a puzzle. But when you finish it. You… finish me?” “Save the poetry for when you’re sober, Jameson,” You hear Grayson mutter in the background. “Not that it’d be any better, but at least you’d comprehend my insults.”
“See?” Jameson cried. “Meanies!”
You rolled your eyes. “Is that why you called me, babe? Because you miss me and Grayson is mean?”
“Well also because I… I miss you a lot. And I wish you were here but you’re not. I saw someone who looked like you-” He gasps as if he appalled himself. “Well, they didn’t look like you. No one looks like you, you’re too pretty. But she had the same hair and I was really excited but then Nash told me it wasn’t you so now I’m sad.”
At this point there was no holding back your laughs. “Right, right. Where is Nash right now? He’s not left you alone like this, has he?”
“No, no, Nash is here. And even if he wasn’t Gray and Xander are so- hey!” His voice grew quieter on the phone. “Hey!”
There’s a moment of shuffling and then silence. Then a new voice speaks. 
“Hey darlin, it’s me. Your boyfriend had a bit too much to drink.”
You sigh in relief hearing Nash’s voice, just because you know someone is responsible there. “Yeah, I can tell. Do I need to come pick him up?” “No, don’t worry. I haven’t had anything to drink so I’m driving us home. You don’t need to-”
“But I want her!” You hear Jameson whine. “I want her, I love her, I need her now! Because- because I need her so bad, I need to-” “Jeez, shut up,” you make out Xander interrupt.
If the four brothers go out, it’s never not chaotic. 
“It’s fine, Nash,” you told him, sitting up and slipping on your shoes. “I’ll come get him. You can stay with Xander and Grayson and not have to deal with him spouting nonsense any longer.”
He laughs. “Alright, if you say so. Careful driving in the dark, hm?”
You step out of the car and make your way into the bar, looking around for him. And soon enough do you see the familiar brown head of hair, now much more messy than it was when he left the house, practically bouncing up and down when he finds you. You start walking towards him, but Jameson practically sprints to you and wraps his arms around you in the world’s tightest hug. “Mm, missed you, babygirl.” His hands find their way to your hips, resting there. “Love you.”
Before you can even respond, he then goes in and kisses you on the lips, claiming your mouth with his. Then he pulls away and starts kissing all over your face. You couldn’t help but giggle, trying to push him away. “Jamie, stop it. You’re drunk, we’re in public.” “But I missed you.” “I missed you too. But can you at least wait till we're home so Grayson isn’t glaring at us?”
Jameson turned around to his brother and flipped him off. Grayson returned the gesture. 
“Okay, okay,” you sighed, grabbing your boyfriend’s wrist and bringing his hand down. “Put that thing away. Now you’re becoming the mean one.” You gave Grayson an awkward smile as if to make up for it. Not that he cared much anyway- drunk Jameson Hawthorne wasn’t necessarily a once in a lifetime occurrence. 
With only a little struggle, you managed to get Jameson off of you, though he insisted on keeping an arm around your shoulders. It was probably for the best, actually, because he couldn’t stand up on his own.
Nash approached the two of you, helping adjust Jameson to lean in a more comfortable position against you. “Sorry we let him… y’know. Get like this.”
You shrugged. “I don’t mind. He can be annoying sometimes, but it’s kinda cute.”
“You think I’m cute?” Jameson practically shouted.
“Yeah, adorable. Come on, let's get you home.”
He grinned, almost falling over. “Whatever you say, beautiful.” 
It was a hassle to get him into the car and buckle up, then to get him to sit still the whole drive, then to get him out of the car. But you did it, despite his constant affection. You loved it, of course, but he was being a bit much. 
You helped Jameson get to bed and he laid down with a groan, almost hitting his head on the headrest. Without speaking, you began to take off his shoes in an attempt to make him more comfortable. You figured he was half asleep already anyway. 
Until you slipped off his suit jacket. It wasn’t worth changing his clothes entirely, since he probably wouldn’t cooperate, but you wanted to at least do something. As you took off the jacket, his half-lidded eyes looked up at you with a crooked smile. “Whatcha tryna do there, huh?
“Getting you comfortable. Don’t get any ideas.”
“Oh, I have a lot of ideas.”
You rolled your eyes affectionately. “Save them for the morning.” You folded his suit jacket and set it on the dresser. Jameson wasn’t done talking. “But I don’t wanna wait. I want you, I want you now…” “Hm, too bad. Tomorrow, promise. But right now you’re drunk.”
“Hmph, fine,” he grumbled, rolling onto his side to face away from you like a grumpy toddler. You were almost tempted to record it- just for him to see in the morning, not for anyone else to see… probably. But you didn’t. Jameson deserved some shred of his dignity left after the other embarrassing things he’d done while drunk. And the things he was forced to do after not answering a 911 text from Xander. 
Plus, you wouldn’t do something like that to your boyfriend. You loved him too much. 
You checked the time. 2:39. It had been almost an hour. And it was very late. You should probably get back to sleep. 
So you decided to change back into your pajamas, which you’d changed out of when you left to pick him up. Even if he was busy pretending to be mad at you, you could feel Jameson’s eyes on you as you undressed. Yet another laugh escaped you as you knew he was watching you, no doubt enjoying the view. 
Ugh, how you loved him.
When you looked back, Jameson immediately turned back around as if he was caught in the act. You sighed, amused with his drunken antics, and laid down in the empty space next to him. 
“I’ll be right here when you need me, Jamie.”
He doesn’t respond. The two of you just laid there together, even if you weren’t speaking. After a while, you thought he’d finally fallen asleep, and decided to get more comfortable and close your eyes.
That’s when he rolled over, eyes still closed, and wrapped his arms around you. He placed his head in your lap and sighed contently, not saying anything. There was no need for words. No need for explanation.
Jameson Hawthorne loved you.
He may have been drunk out of his mind, but he was sure of it.
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the writing above belongs to me. please do not copy, modify, repost on other sites or claim as your own. © 2024 wish-i-were-heather
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infiniteimaginings · 3 months
Hii! I know ur requests are closed and stuff and I don’t even know if you’re still writing for this but could you do a Ravi ross x reader?? Maybe an enemies to lovers thing? 😭 I was also wondering if it could be set when bunk’d was taking place if that makes sense! If not that’s ok :) Have a nice day or night.(excuse my English not my first language lol)
Lost (Ravi Ross x GN!Reader)
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Summary: You get lost with one of the only people at camp you can't stand and somehow it's your fault? Who's leaving the other if a bear comes? Who's taking the last life jacket and leaving the other? Whose dislike of the other is just intense admiration that they don't know how to handle? Pronouns: You/Yours Warnings: They talk about/to each other rudely, in depth about parental issues lol, but other than that none Word Count: 3.4k A/N: Me saying requests are (ever) closed just means I won't respond to them quickly or look at them closely. If it's open it means I can write for them and I know for a fact I'll be able to post it. Don't worry, you can still send stuff in, it's okay.
Camp Kikiwaka was a summer camp placed in the outskirts of Maine where a bunch of kids would either complain due the lack of cell service or would find comfort in one another through competitions. Most everyone at Camp Kikiwaka got along, that was mainly due to the counselors who pushed everyone together almost against their wills. That worked for almost everyone, almost.
You were extremely likable, people wanted you on their teams, in their campsites, at sleepovers, etc. You were a caring and sweet person who people got along with. This meant you were basically friends with everyone. That wasn’t true though, it wasn’t true because someone in the camp absolutely despised every single thing you did.
That person's name was Ravi Ross, someone who people enjoyed the company of. They thought he was intelligent, helpful, resourceful, and interesting as well as fun. He was also someone you decided to name ‘Try Hard Rich Boy’ because he tried way too hard for a camp where the main objective was to have fun. From the nickname alone, it’s clear the sentiment he shared for you was reciprocated.
Both of you understood the lack of bond the two of you had, and neither of you cared. Sure, you had the same friends, and you were friends with his siblings, but that didn’t matter. You tried to keep any sort of conversation short, and it lasted the majority of the time at camp.
You had to go to the Grizzly cabin one day to grab something from Xander for Zuri. The curly haired girl was currently busy on the docks and kindly bribed you to go instead, to which you agreed after much persuading. You took your time and knocked before letting yourself in due to a lack of response, Zuri said the item was in a bag with her name on it, it should’ve just been on one of the dressers. You knew Xander wouldn’t mind, so you shrugged and began your search.
As you looked you heard a bit of a heavy walk so you turned around and were met face to scales with Mrs. Kipling, one of your favorite campers of Camp Kikiwaka. You smiled gently and crouched down to her, gently using your finger to gently rub from her head to her mid-back. Mrs. Kipling let out a small hum of a hiss which you always took as enjoyment since she never did much other than scoot a bit closer to you. 
 You were so caught up with the seven foot long lizard that you didn’t notice one of the Grizzly cabin members walking in. 
The person scoffed and walked forward, “Can I help you?” They asked, the familiar accent filling your ears, causing your eye to lightly twitch in frustration.
You stood up and turned to look Ravi Ross in the eyes with a blank expression, “Nope.” You spoke simply, moving your head to the side and walking to the dresser on Xanders side, quickly snatching the bag and walking out the cabin, closing the door behind you.
Ravi rolled his eyes, not even looking back to where you walked away. He simply tilted his head down to Mrs. Kipling and frowned, “Traitor.” He spoke with a huff, walking towards the bathroom.
He never enjoyed the fact that his closest companion enjoyed your presence at all. He thought his best friend since his childhood would at least be on his side, but every day he is proven wrong.
Short exchanges, dirty looks, sighs of frustration, and that was it. That was your dynamic, which the two of you were fine with. Everyone else on the other hand, absolutely hated it.
All of your friends were sat in the middle of the cafeteria as you were helping a camper put up banners and Ravi was on the other side, clipboard in hand, giving other campers directions to follow.
Emma put her head down on the table, “I’m sick of this.” She groaned, lifting her head so her chin would sit on her forearms.
Xander nodded, rubbing circles into her back as he looked around the table. “There’s gotta be something we can do, right?” He asked, looking between the two sides of the cafeteria. “I mean, they’ve been so rude to each other since camp started.”
“I know!” Zuri interjected, “I’m tired of trying to get them to talk by sending them to do my chores.”
Everyone looked over at Zuri with confusion, Lou especially. “For once, I’m going to ignore that you just said that.” The brown haired girl said, turning to face Xander. “I don’t know how we would fix…” She paused, waving her hands in the two general directions, “that.”
Tiffany gently rocked herself, “I mean, if they were forced to be together, maybe that would help.” She suggested to which the table hummed in agreement.
“I know if Gladys told them to be partners on something, they wouldn't be able to argue it.” Jorge nodded to his own words, crossing his arms on the table, “That woman is scary.” He spoke lowly, staring down as if he was getting some sort of flashback to every horrifying thing their camp owner has ever done.
Xanders eyes brightened up and he stood up suddenly, “I have an idea.” He told everyone before rushing off, leaving the group at the table with no explanation.
Before the end of the day, Xander was walking into the cafeteria with the menacing woman herself. She looked…bored to say the least. 
“Campers!” She yelled out, causing the attention to be drawn to her immediately, which she genuinely enjoyed. She sighed before scratching at her leg that was shown under her cargo shorts, “We’re having a camp activity in a few days, something of the sorts of an ‘adventure quest’.” She told the campers surrounding her, air quotes around ‘adventure quest’. Gladys rolled her neck a bit before continuing, “I need two campers to go out to one of our set up camps about half an hour from here to gatherer the supplies from this list.” She explained, paper list in hand  
No one raised their hands so Xander coughed a bit, before whispering into Gladys’s ear.
The woman rolled her eyes and pointed to you, “You, and…” She trailed off, looking around before her sharp gaze set on Ravi, “you.” She spoke, pushing the list into Ravis chest before walking off, not letting either of you argue with the decision. “And you need to leave today! Supplies will be provided by your counselors!” She yelled out her final demand before her footsteps got quieter by the second.
The cafeteria was silent as they watched you and Ravi Ross glare at each other. Everyone was highly concerned whether either of you would return from this trip since neither of you are very team friendly with one another.
Not another word was passed between anyone as you and Ravi walked out, in silence, to your own cabins. Xander and Lou looked at each other, a bit of worry in their glance but they hoped it would work. You two were responsible enough to at least take care of one another if the time came, right?...Right?
Lou sent you on your way with a backpack full of camping gear just in case it took longer to get to the camping site. It was pretty late in the day so she wanted to be safe rather than sorry. She sent you off with ‘Be safe’, ‘Don’t kill each other’, ‘If you see the cases of sodas we hid there, bring back a few cans.”
When you finally walked out of your cabin, away from Lou’s smothering, you found Ravi getting the exact same treatment from Xander, an equally heavy bag on his back. The sight was honestly kind of funny, Xanders hands gripping Ravis shoulders as he gave him a stern ‘talking to’.
After the warnings ended, Ravi turned to go to your cabin, but noticed you were already ready, grin on your face. 
“What’s so funny?”
Your smile dropped, “Let’s just go.” You spoke, turning to the trail path, Ravi following with no complaints as he wanted to get this over with as quick as possible. The two of you passed by your friends and other campers waving you off and wishing you well, telling you both to be careful, which you both would try to.
Once you got to the path, you were met with a fork in the road almost immediately. Ravi suggested right, near the deeper portion of the forest where you’d be able to find more signs for where the campsite was. You suggested left where you guys were closer to the shore of the lake.
Both of you knew that either direction would lead to the camp site since it was just ahead, it wasn’t in the middle of the forest, but it wasn’t on the beach. 
After a bit of debating, you decided to choose Ravis way. His way was helpful as you saw the arrow signs directing you both to the site. You guys were making good time, the sun hadn’t set and you guys were almost there, you were almost hopeful.
Almost. And that almost was crushed the moment Ravi stopped walking.
You nearly ran into his back before stepping to the side, “Why’d you sto-” Your sentence was interrupted when you saw the large sign practically screaming at them ‘WAY BLOCKED, UNSAFE TRAIL’
Both of you groaned, and looked around for another way.
Ravi huffed, “If we go back without even getting to the camp in the first place, Gladys will have our heads.”
“You don’t think I know that?” You snarled, rolling your eyes. “Let’s just try to find a way around.” You spoke, stepping around to find a different trail that went the same direction, but was longer than the original one.
Walking, walking, and more walking with extremely heavy bags and short patience, wasn’t fun. 
“Why did we have to go this way specifically?” Ravi asked, knowing there were two other paths that could have potentially been better than this one.
“Because it’s easier.” you answered quickly, stepping forward, looking around more, using the lasting sunlight to get as far as you could.
“No, it’s no-”
You quickly turned around to face him, “Im sorry.” You spoke suddenly.
“You’re…sorry?” Ravi asked, clearly confused from his expression and tone of voice.
You nodded, “Yes, I’m sorry that you're such a control freak that you can't have anyone but yourself have their way.” You told him with a tilt of your head, a glare forming on your face.
Ravi gave you a sarcastic laugh before pushing past you, continuing to walk. “If you only have insults to spit out, just be quiet.” He told you without turning around.
You simply rolled your eyes before following him.
It was getting dark, dark enough to the point you guys couldn’t see where you were going and you felt like you were going in circles.
Ravi hit his forehead slightly, “You’re the reason that we’re lost, you don’t even know where this trail leads!” He suddenly groaned out, turning towards you, you thought. You couldn't tell, it was pitch black. 
“We’re in the woods, I think we have bigger problems than ‘who got us lost’.” You started, pulling your bag off your back to pull the tent. “Which is you by the way.”
“How is this my fault?” Ravi asked, doing the same as you, pulling out flashlights so neither of you would mess something up with the excuse of it being nightfall.
“You took over walking in the front, you lead us deeper into the woods.”
“And you didn’t want to speak up?”
You turned and faced him, puffing out your chest and holding up your finger, “If you have nothing but insults to say, just be quiet.” You repeated his words before rolling your eyes and turning back to putting up your tent. 
Ravi simply scoffed and went to get firewood, deciding not to talk to you because he felt as if his head was being constantly twisted past its limit when speaking to you.
Over time, he got the fire started, and pulled out some food to cook for you to choose from. You found a pretty good stone slab to set one of your prepared towels onto so you weren’t just placing food on the forest rocks. You also pulled a few snacks out of your bag, tossing a few to Ravi without a word. He turned to you with furrowed brows, confused by your sudden act but you were turned towards the fire, already beginning to fix up the food you guys had brought along.
You both sat in a tense but a more comfortable silence than either of you were used to.
Ravi broke the silence, looking up at you for a moment before looking back down to the snacks he just opened as he waited for you to be done with cooking. “I still think we could’ve taken another path.”
“And I’m still sure the path I chose is less deadly and still faster even though we’re camping out.” You answered, the light glistening in your eyes. 
There was no response to that, so you left it at that…until you heard rustling.
You looked back and noticed only one tent was set up, yours. Ravi seemed to be having trouble with his and you couldn’t even find it in you to laugh, because it really was late. 
“Do you need help?”
“It’s been half an hour-”
“I don’t need your help, okay?”
You blinked at him before taking the food off the fire so you wouldn’t burn it. You stood up, brushing yourself off, “You are so incredibly stubborn, to the point that it’s ridiculous.” You stated, walking to him and helping him put in the rods, ignoring his protests. “You hate asking for help, even when you really need it.” You continued on, snapping at him to move to the other side to which he reluctantly followed. “You think you need to do everything yourself, fix everything yourself, for what?” You asked him, finishing the seemingly simple set up of his tent.
Ravi shook his head, choosing to ignore you, sitting on the side of the campfire. 
“It’s as if you think no one sees how hard you’re working, trust me everyone sees it.” You grumbled, crossing your arms as you walked to the other side of the camp fire, “It’s infuriating how hard you try with something you really don’t need to put that much effort in.”
“What about you? Huh?” Ravi interrupted, tilting his head, stepping closer to you. “You just blank on people.”
“Blank on-?”
“When you believe you failed at something, it’s like you go dark in your head .” Ravi explained, expression hardened. “What’s up with that?” He asked, raising a brow. “You do so well in everything and when you don’t get the results you want, you shut down.” 
You blinked at him and looked him up and down, “Why do you watch me so hard to notice that I get into my head?”
“Why do you observe me to the point you notice how hard I work?”
There was silence from the two of you, just a stare from across a dancing fire. A stare of two campers who believed they were comfortable in each other's hate, that they didn’t notice how much they really knew each other more than anyone.
Ravi seemed to be the person who spoke up more, which was surprising, but at the same time it wasn’t. 
He looked away, tongue poking the inside of his cheek, “I don’t ask for help because my parents weren’t much help.” He spoke, sniffling ever so slightly as a distraction to his far off gaze.
“What do you mean?”
“Me and the majority of my siblings are adopted.” He told you, finally turning to look back at you, not expecting your eyes to already be on him. "Since my parents are famous, they have to be gone a lot, so we had nannies.” He began to explain, swallowing harshly, “Those nannies took care of us more than our parents did.”
You furrowed your brows, “So, them sending you to camp…?”
“It's like another nanny situation.” He answered, sighing a bit. “We had nannies as we grew up, and our last nanny was our longest nanny, she was great.” He told you with a small smile, “She was there for years, and honestly was the best person who deserved only great things.” He explained to you fondly to which you listened. “She left so our parents could stay for good, but clearly, that didn’t last that long.”
Your expression formed into something Ravi couldn’t explain, he couldn’t tell if you were sad for him, felt sympathy, but the feeling was comforting since he never really talked to his own siblings about this.
“What I’m trying to say is that there’s a freedom you have when you feel as if you’ve been abandoned.” He swallowed harshly as he tried to explain, “It just kind of sucked because I already felt as if I was abandoned as a child since there was a need for me to be adopted. Going through that twice isn't a good feeling.” Ravi told you, trying to laugh through it. “I don’t ask for help, because I didn’t really get help until our recent nanny, and now that she’s gone, I just don’t have that kind of easy connection to ask anymore.”
You hummed a bit, “I wasn’t necessarily saying you not asking for help is a terribly bad thing.” You told him slowly, tilting your head to the side as you looked away from him. “It’s admirable, you do things on your own, you’re intelligent, I know you’re capable of more than the average person.” You complimented him, to both of your surprise.
Ravi continued to listen, adjusting himself to be more comfortable.
“I was just saying that because it’s worrying.” You answered truthfully. “We keep our conversations short, I know, but I still see you working on millions of projects a day.” You explained, smoothing out your knitted brows, “I’m worried you’re going to drop and that’s when people are going to notice that you’re overworking yourself on things you shouldn’t be overworking yourself on.” You told him, puffing air out of your cheeks.
The boy across the fire nodded a bit at your words, “You weren’t telling me to stop trying so hard because you thought I was irritating, you were saying it because…”
“Camp is where you can relax for a minute, you don’t have to prove yourself in anything that much.” You completed his thought for him. “You are a try hard and it’s annoying, because it’s concerning.”  
“Well, since we’re sharing concerns, why do you shut down?” Ravi asked you, wondering if you’d answer or not.
You chuckled a bit before inhaling deeply, “If things don’t go perfectly for me, I feel as if it was better not trying at all.”
“Because everything I’ve ever done to this point was never good enough unless it was absolutely perfect.”
Ravi hummed a bit, nodding, “Was it because of family?”
You nodded with a bit of a scrunched nose, “It’s hard to let go of what your parents put onto you for your entire life, when they’re not around.” You answered honestly, waving at a few bugs around. “If I don’t get everything perfect, what use will I be to anyone?”
“You’re plenty of use.” Ravi interrupted your words, “You help everyone at camp, even the counselors, even Gladys.” He began to list off, scratching at his neck. “I notice that you get in your head, but now that you’re telling me this… you’re comparing yourself to a standard you’ll never reach.”
“Perfection is reachable, actually, if you try hard enough.”
“Not at camp kikiwaka where the boats are about to fall apart and the food barely looks edible.” He answered with a slightly straight face.
His blank tone and expression caused you to burst out into laughter and nod, “I guess you’re right.”
It was a sudden camp trip where suddenly the two of you felt like you could actually talk to each other. A night of camping where you both realize you had more in common than you actually thought.
A night where neither of you minded that you would be spending extra time with one another to get to the other campsite and back to kikiwaka.
You smiled at Ravi, the food now done as you exchanged stories about your friends and activities you’ve done over the summer. “You know, even though I’m sure we’re lost, I guess I’m glad it’s with you.”
Ravi chuckled and shook his head, rolling his eyes playfully, “Me too.”
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coraniaid · 1 year
Anne is such a well constructed episode.  It’s not the best season opener (that’s Bargaining) and it’s not my favorite season opener (probably When She Was Bad), and if you’re feeling cynical you could argue it’s at least partly a pilot for the Angel spin-off series in disguise (since … it is?), but it’s just so well put together and full of so much foreshadowing and symbolism and references to previous episodes.  I really like it and I really liked rewatching it, almost more than I was expecting to.
The last time I watched it I remember being annoyed by the fact it didn’t focus entirely on Buffy in LA.  I thought the scenes set back in Sunnydale were a distraction from her story: I don’t care about Xander and Cordelia’s relationship and I don’t care about the Scoobies' attempt to stake one very obliging random vampire.   And yet, for some reason, this time around I felt a lot better disposed to this half of the episode.  I do still think it would have been interesting to have a whole episode away from Buffy’s friends, and that the Sunnydale plotline is a lot less intense than what’s going on in LA. But I think it’s a mistake to conclude the scenes in Sunnydale are a waste of time or don’t do something important.
The juxtaposition between a Buffyless Sunndale and a Buffy who’s stopped being Buffy felt a lot more deliberate this time around, whether that meant cutting directly to Buffy’s dream about Angel after Willow said she wished she knew where she was, or the way the big, noisy crowd at the first day of school hard cuts to Buffy sitting alone in silence in her tiny rented room, or Joyce asking Giles “and who exactly is she?” right before Lily comes back to the diner to ask Buffy for help.  And, having set up this pattern, the fact that we never once cut back to Sunnydale while Buffy and Lily are trapped in the hell dimension suddenly feels weirdly claustrophobic, and makes that final jump back to Joyce at home at the end work a lot better than it otherwise would. 
I also really really like Lily.  As Chanterelle in Lie To Me she wasn’t really given much to do, but Julia Lee is really good here as – not quite a proto-Faith, but another alternate Buffy who’s quietly hinted to have a pretty horrible backstory.  That pause after Buffy asks her “what do they call you at home?” speaks volumes, as does the way she assures Buffy she wouldn’t tell anyone about who she is or where to find her because “I know how it is when you’ve got to get lost”, or how quickly she resigns herself to believing they’re in hell later because she “always knew she belonged here”.
And, almost at the same time, she’s also a great comic foil (asking Buffy if she can “come with her” right after agreeing that they should split up, or coming back to apologize to her when she's meant to be getting away "in case we die").  I love that she gets to push Ken off the balcony mid-speech (in fact, I almost think the episode would be stronger if that really was the last we saw of Ken: I’m not sure his reappearance later just to be killed by Buffy herself really adds much).  And I love the argument about Rickie’s death (that isn’t really about Rickie) that she has with Buffy: “he didn’t do anything wrong, why would this happen to him?” versus “These things happen all the time. You can’t just close your eyes and hope they’re going to go away.”
I really like the fact that Lily (as Anne Steele) goes on to be a minor character on Angel, but I do wish we’d had some hint that Buffy really had stayed in touch with her after this episode the way she promises she will.  Once again I am imploring the Buffy writers, decades after the fact, to please let Buffy have a few more friends. 
(Oh, and, look: neither Buffy nor Lily get magically pregnant and die this episode!  The possibility doesn’t even come up!  Maybe this wasn’t a stealth Angel pilot after all...)
And I've not even touched on the wonderfully unsubtle foreshadowing of Ken’s repeated lines about kids “getting old fast here”, or the way this episode almost acts as a proto-Bargaining (with Willow very clearly taking charge of the group in Buffy’s absence, even taking on the Slayer role in the pre-credits scene), or Oz throwing his stake at a retreating vampire and then ruefully noting that “that just never works” as it bounces harmlessly wide, or just how much everyone in Sunnydale seems to miss Buffy in their own different ways, or Larry insisting this is the football team’s year if only they can “keep discipline, maintain focus and not have quite so many mysterious deaths”.  Or that last shot of Buffy back home, and how it’s deliberately framed from her mom's perspective rather than her own.
Honestly, I just think Season 3 is so good and I love it so much (I furiously remind myself, knowing that Dead Man’s Party is up next and will try its best to convince me I’m wrong…)
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zscyber · 24 days
Cut section from the next chapter (18) of TDAD
I realized this flashback section wasn't needed, but since it was already written (though unedited) I figured it wouldn't hurt to put it here for anyone interested.
(minor spoilers if you're not up-to-date with chapter 17)
“We have to leave,” Lydia said as Tikala and Hilda worked to create a barrier around the village. The locals had rose for battle at an impressive speed, some wielding weapons and others standing beside their Nexomon. While some might say the Renegades should stay and help the village after the more-than-generous hospitality they’d been shown, she was confident those of the forest could handle themselves.
The rest of Parum, however? Her home on the Drake Isles? That she was a little less confident about. While Parum City and Lateria had their walls for defense (as did the Frozen Tundra, somewhat), none were set up for an onslaught like this.
(There also just wasn’t enough room with the dense trees and denser canopy for all five Tyrants to fight. Especially Petram, who had spent the day trying to disturb the forest floor as little as possible while they were out and Mulcimer, who had remained in his trap since Jin arrived in the very flammable area.)
“Agreed.” Jin had, reluctantly, taken an offered walking stick to use as a makeshift cane while in the village. “The warp stone here is active, correct?”
Celine shifted her weight between her feet. “It is, but are we backing up the kiddo? I’d assume she’s still in Parum City, but-“
“She is not.” Hilda glided over, still glowing slightly from whatever witch powers she was using. “The Queen and her friends have left to confront Ziegler and Xanders, and they are not in place you can reach via the warp stones. However, the Drake Isles, Palmaya, New Ignitia, and Cadium are all under assaults led by Ziegler’s Wardens, while Parum City, Lateria, and the Frozen Tundra are being swarmed.”
“We’ll split up, then,” Jin decided. “Parum City has the most tamers, as well as Vados. I propose we each take one of the remaining cities, based on where we’d have the strongest advantages.” He glanced around the general area of their group, though he missed Logan, who was off to the side. “That would be New Ignitia for myself and Mulcimer. The Drake Isles for Lydia and Eurus. Cadium for Logan and Bolzen. Celine and Petram could help Palmaya or Lateria-”
“I’ll take Lateria,” the dark-haired woman said. “It’s easier for Petram and my other Nexomon to fight in the desert. If they don’t need me, then I’ll head to Palmaya, but I’m sure Merida’s already there. We’d just get in her way.”
“In all likelihood, there will be nothing much Bolzen or I can do,” Lydia heard Logan mutter to himself. The electric-type Tyrant (and the only one currently out of its trap) buzzed. “Yes, yes. I know there’s no point trying to get out of it. I was just stating a fact.”
“What about the Frozen Tundra?” Lydia asked Jin. “If Merida’s in Palmaya, that means there’s no Tyrants there. Their defenses aren’t that good. I think Edward was heading there earlier, and I can try and order one of my drakes, but…” She tapped on her visor, switching the display. “It looks like they’re already spread out and fighting.” Minus Mystogen, Glamond, and Boscage, who were in the mountains behind the Guild…. Where Xanders was set up.
Ah. That’s where Regina and the other kids were.
A loud ‘Ha?!’ came from behind the purplette, and she turned to find Atlanta standing there, still wearing Logan’s coat. “What’da ya mean ‘what ‘bout the Tundra?’ Obviously me n’ Nivalis will take it.”
“Atlanta,” Celine tried to caution. “You’re still injured. No one will blame you for sitting this one out.” (Noticing that Logan looked like he was about to comment, and knowing that comment would almost certainly not be helpful, Lydia subtly walked over and jabbed the man in the arm with her elbow.)
The youngest Renegade snorted. “Yeah, Nivalis already tried that n’ you’re not convincing me either. I want my payback, indirectly or not.”
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teotalksaboutstuff · 2 years
Danganronpa Despair Time Chapter 2: Episodes 3, 4, and 5
Episode 3
-so no teruko traitor reveal? pog 
-monotv’s incompetence makes him my favorite host of any killing game. reminds me a lot of danganronpa: safety’s on, basically DR1 but Monokuma is about as incompetent as MonoTV is. it’s a great read, highly reccommended.
-teruko being bad at caulking a bathroom is so me. also of course monotv isn’t going to reveal the information but him not knowing it himself is interesting.
-hey, nice caulk.
-people changing clothes being this big thing is very funny
-charles’ straight up phobia of blood is uh... there’s clearly something deeper going on here
-teruko, put the fucking knife away. as much as it’s within reason that you’d be this paranoid, this does make you look like you are trying to murder Charles here, at least to him.
-id love to know whose motive Charles had, now that Teruko’s got it.
-loving charles and teruko actually being friends of some sort now that their positions have basically reversed since chapter 1.
-Chiteruko? i actually like the idea of those three as a polycule and want to see more whit/teruko interactions.
-MonoTV jumping on charles XD
-teruko playing with cacti i literally cannot???? best scene in chapter 2 by FAR
-living for the eden jumpscare here
-Eden’s hope speech is also iconic. Her knowing the world is kinda fucked but still being kind anyways is something Teruko clearly needed to hear.
Episode 4
-what is the tea
-the gurlz are fighting
-teruko sandwich duck face
-ace markey, the ultimate allistic
-by all rules of danganronpa arei should have died here, and i am so grateful monotv isn’t competent enough to actually enforce the rules but at the same time is arei the mastermind? ofc he wouldn’t kill the mastermind.
-veronika living for the fights is also very me
-’you’ve been acting jerkishly as well’ eden she is literally being deadnamed and STALKED are you blind. J is 100% in the right here.
-nico fucking roasting ace is funny, and i get why he’d think its constructive criticism because i too am autistic and would think much the same.
-see, veronika gets it
-when death threats are the only way to properly resolve an argument
-arei lashing out at monotv is iconic tbh
-jesus christ arei yeah that reaction is a sensible one given your circumstances
-”hey, just so you know, failed hanging attempts are pretty painful” teruko wtf, im not entirely sure how that was intended to be helpful?
-we know what the tea is
-the gurlz are still fighting
-teruko has 99 problems and these bitchez aren’t about to be number 100
-charles making cucumber flowers is iconic
-yeah people are gonna be... super hesitant about the motive secret thing, and teruko defo needs to talk to the person whose motive was originally charles’ as well as rose, whose she has
-see, j at least has the decency to ask the person before telling their secret
-eden has a dude’s motive secret evidently, maybe levi’s? that would be significant.
-who is the someone they’re inviting
Episode 5
-Arei’s typical ew reaction to everything, unsurprising. Makes sense she’d want to talk about motive though given her position.
-Teruko’s reaction being what it is does not surprise me.
-oh wow arei actually wasn’t bluffing when she said she had nothing to hide
-is _ illegal nahhhh let arei be a girlboss yall just dont want to see women win
-teruko please stop acting as if you have any moral high ground here 
-i mean unless something like this happened to you then thats another matter entirely
-the true arei trauma dump. contextualizes literally everything about her in a way that actually makes me fascinated with her as a wonderfully complex character. 
-naturally this would develop into a philosophy where kindness is weakness, yeah
-ah, rose time
-yass art therapy, but i can understand why teruko was so freaked out by it
-in all fairness i dont know how you would respond to someone saying the stuff rose was about teruko
-naturally, rose is fine with the secret coming out. she even has her own trauma dump scene with teruko
-i mean we been knew that teruko didn’t actually mean any of that and now rose maybe does?
-nico was mother for that tbh
-please don’t forget him down there ;-;
-the implication that nico actually likes the teruko gore art is an interesting one
-loving how nico wants rose to teach him painting omg
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charlenasaxen · 1 year
Favorite Quotes - The Hawthorne Legacy
“As sure as anyone holding a sledgehammer has ever been.”
my dearest, darling older brother here can’t say a single word until I finish.”
“At which point, if I choose, I can invoke the sacred rite of Taeb Nwod.”
Grayson dusted an imaginary speck off the cuff of his suit. “I believe those rules expired when I was ten.”
“I recall no such expiration!” Xander volunteered.
I glared at Eli, who apparently had a very big mouth.
I followed Grayson. Eli followed me. To Grayson’s credit, he gave up trying to lose me pretty quickly.
Jameson crossed to stand in front of his brother, lowering his forehead until it touched Grayson’s. “I know, Gray,
Xander stopped. So did I—and four feet away, so did Eli.
“And you’re on my team? Not Jamie’s?” Xander gave me a look. “Not Gray’s?”
Xander raised his lone eyebrow
“Other than the fact that my stick-in-the-mud brother utterly refuses to play Drink or Dare while we wait?”
“Grayson has business cards—and yes, I mocked him mercilessly for that
Max said immediately. “Loss reverberates through all the players in her tragedy to this day? Yes, I remember Emily.”
“Jameson what?”
“Jameson when, Jameson where, Jameson who?” That was Jameson, in the background
“We have to go,” Grayson said with a great deal of dignity
either the conversation moved closer to the phone, or the phone moved closer to the conversation,
“I am not.” I could see Grayson in my mind’s eye, every muscle in his body taut
She punctuated the names with air quotes, like she suspected they were aliases, even though I had definitely mentioned both of them to her
beaned Xander with a croissant. “Holding out on us?” she demanded.
“I see our budding friendship has reached its croissant phase,” Xander told her. “I am pleased.”
“You’re also hiding things,”
a new SUV pulled up outside. Jameson stepped out first, then Grayson. Both of them were wearing sunglasses.
Oren had called him the team’s arctic specialist. Because every Texas billionaire needed an arctic specialist on their security team.
The man blamed our family for his nephew’s death. He slept with her out of spite. God knows why Skye did it, but I was the result.”
“Was Toby really the straw that broke the camel’s back—or was I?”
See? I don’t need you to hold me up. I turned back toward my friend Grayson
a clump of snow fell down from the roof, right at our feet.
I looked up just in time to see Jameson dropping. He landed beside me on skis, no poles in sight.
“Nice entrance,” Grayson told him dryly.
I found Max on Xander’s shoulders, inspecting the blades of a fan.
“He’s very tall,” Max told me approvingly. “And he’s only dropped me once!”
In the wake of that bombshell, Xander went to find Jameson and Grayson. Hours later, all three brothers returned from the slopes, looking scraped up
“Don’t bleed on that,” Grayson ordered.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,”
“What are your thoughts on vomiting in that vase?”
“You’re an idiot,” Grayson replied.
Xander said grandly, hobbling over to sit on the fireplace, “I won the Drop.”
Max told me. She smiled wickedly. “Very fine.” She nudged me again. “Jameson Hawthorne is in the hot tub.”
“If I weren’t so confident in our brotherly affection for each other,” Jameson replied languidly, “I would find that comment a bit pointed.”
“Pointed?” Xander repeated in faux horror. “Gray? Never.”
“Am I getting ready to see the crown jewels?” I was only partially joking.
“Of what country?” Oren replied—and he wasn’t joking at all.
“After all, the proper way of starting a conversation often involves lurking in your conversation partner’s closet.”
“Can we see it?” That was Xander, who had poked his head out of the bathroom
I placed her father’s wedding ring on an end table. I’d committed the date to memory. I’d gotten what I needed.
There was no reason for me to take this from her, too.
It was gentle and slow and terrifying and perfect. And for once in my life, I didn’t feel alone.
He plucked the marker from Jameson’s hand and stood. “That was a friendly tackle,” he assured me. “Mostly.”
When I knocked a single pin down, a breath left my chest. Grayson went next and lost his suit jacket.
“Thea was right. Rebecca’s mom is having a rough day. There was vodka involved.
my eyes were starting to sting. “And I think he’s my father.”
because the next thing I knew, Mrs. Laughlin was hugging me, holding on to me for dear life.
it might have actually been worse for her. “Don’t expect me to start calling you Aunt Rebecca.”
That was the exact instant that I realized that if Rebecca was my aunt, then Emily had been, too.
A muscle in Grayson’s jaw tightened slightly. It was a good enough look for him that it took me a second to realize that he was trying very hard not to laugh.
And, Grayson, you’re perfection.” Like he needed anyone else telling him that.
“I don’t want to hit anything,” I said in a tone that did absolutely nothing to sell that statement.
Grayson tilted his head to the side, and his eyes settled directly on mine. “How would you feel about swinging a sword?”
Grayson had a way of smiling: lips closed, slightly uneven
This was what it meant to be a Hawthorne. This should probably be in a museum, but my brothers and I like to hit things with it instead.
the movement so perfectly controlled that I was overcome with the sense that he could cut a hair in half if he wanted to
you were just too busy being an asshole to notice.”
Grayson gave me his most austere look. “Let’s try to avoid using the word asshole, shall we?”
And still he came closer, forcing my blade vertical, until there was nothing but inches
“What are we doing?” I whispered.
His eyes closed. His body shuddered.
Last I heard, I was supposedly dating a princess, and my brother Jameson had some very questionable tattoos.”Monica’s eyes lit up. “Does he?”
Grayson leaned back in his seat. “A Hawthorne never tells.”
“If you’re going to come at our siblings,” he told her, his smile sharp
well aware that he could come out on top in any battle. He didn’t make threats, because he didn’t have to.
My grandfather didn’t raise us to be normal, and this is what he wanted. This is his legacy.”
Grayson gave her a wolfish smile. “None.”
Grayson leaned his head down and crushed his lips to mine
standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean. The wind is whipping in your hair. The sun is setting. You long, body and soul, for one thing. One person. You hear footsteps behind you. You turn.” Max opened her eyes. “Who’s there?”
Anyone. When I pictured myself on that cliffside, I pictured myself alone.
smile, but the one that felt truest to me was devastating. Jameson Winchester Hawthorne had a devastating smile.
She was holding a gun.
“Put it down.” Oren trained his gun on Zara.
Her own weapon held steady, Zara gave Oren her most unimpressed look
“Talk,” Zara told me. “You owe me that much, at least.”
All things considered, I probably did
All three of us turned to face Jameson. Grayson and Xander stood to his sides.
it occurred to me that she loved them.
“Please,” Zara said quietly. “Boys. Just tell me about Toby.”
“Go on,” she told the boys. “Out with the rest of it. In this family, there’s always a rest of it.”
But then you were a little boy. A wonderful little boy, and the newness of it all had worn off for Skye, and you were so lonely because she was never there.”
“But you were,”
before Toby died, you used to take care of me.”
At some point, tears overflowed
Finally, she let the letter go. It dropped from her hand, floating gently toward the ground.
The boys were all frozen in place
Not one of you will see my fortune. There are things I have done that I am not proud of, legacies that you should not have to bear.
I’d never questioned where my mother had gotten them.
Or from whom.
“You Hawthornes,” I whispered hoarsely, “and your invisible ink.”
She taught you to sing ‘Happy Birthday.’ My mom didn’t even call, but Sarah tucked me in every night, into her bed
“My point is that you know who your mom was, Avery. We both do. And she was wonderful.”
My lips should never have touched yours
and wholly rotten and you loved me despite myself
I’m sorry for letting you love me even a fraction as much as I will, to the day I die, love you. I’m sorry for what I did. For the fire.
And I will never stop being sorry about your sister.
Jameson and Xander slipped out of the car after me, and each of them took one of my sides. At least this time, it was me and the Hawthornes against the world.
I almost choked on the word, though I couldn’t have explained why. “Toby loathed himself almost as much as he loved my mom.”
“Heiress?” There was a question in Jameson’s deep green eyes
“I just happened to have my ear pressed to this door. I might have overheard some things, and I have a suggestion!”
Jameson looked like he might actually throttle his brother. I glanced at Oren, who was still pointedly ignoring
“Like I said, I inadvertently overheard some things while my ear was casually pressed to this steel door.
the next thing I saw was his face. Gray eyes, sharp cheekbones, sharper jawline. In the sunlight, his light blond hair looked platinum.
Grayson turned the phone back around and those gray eyes locked on mine. “Avery, have I ever given you reason to believe that I’m particularly averse to danger?” Grayson Hawthorne was arrogant enough to consider himself bulletproof—and honorable enough to see a promise through
Jameson was sticking his head over my shoulder, yelling to his brother
Grayson smiled, and that smile cut into me, every bit as much as his kiss. “Got it.”
Jameson squeezed in beside me to talk to his brother
I turned for just a moment to watch him go.
“That the way it is?”
You might be the only person on this planet who knows thereal me. Hate me, if you can, for all the reasons I deserve it.
I knew you wouldn’t let me go, and I cannot bear to say good-bye.
Something gave inside me. I closed my eyes and let my head fall, just for a moment
“She’s dead?” Jackson Currie stared at me. “Little Hannah?”
I nodded. “Natural causes.” Given the context, that seemed important to clarify.
But if she’s gone—only seems right to give them to you.”
I looked down at the thing he’d just handed me. I was holding another bundle of postcards.
a different kind of love story. From that point on, every single postcard was about me.
On and on it went, up until the postcards stopped. Up until she died.
My hand shook, holding the last postcard
Grayson’s hand made its way to mine
“Don’t look at me, young lady,” Tobias Hawthorne replied. “This is your subconscious.
The least you could have done was wake up while I was here, tragically backlit, unspeakably handsome, and waiting.”
Heads, I kiss you.” His voice broke slightly. “Tails, you kiss me.
or couldn’t face me. I’d watched him swimming laps every night
“The bomb should have worked.” Sheffield began cuffing the sleeves on his dress shirt, a furious motion—and a familiar one.
Sheffield Grayson’s achingly familiar eyes settled on mine
“Horrible girl.” Toby’s voice was tender.
Trying not to look at the body on the ground—at Grayson’s father
fury gave way to devastation.
“Horrible girl,” he whispered. “Don’t you know by now? No one lets a Hawthorne do anything.”
That was the truth.
I knew, with a strange kind of prescience, that this moment would never leave me. “You’re not staying, are you?”
“What aren’t you telling me?” I asked.
He shook his head. “Horrible girl,” he whispered, his voice tender.
You have a daughter, I’d told him.
I have two.
“Am I ever going to see you again?” I asked, my throat closing in on the words.
pressed a kiss to my forehead, and stepped back. “It would be a very risky gamble.”
I would have to learn to think like the old man.
Twelve birds, one stone.
Maybe I was both. Maybe I was a dozen different things, chosen for a dozen different reasons
“Something to tell me? Is it possible you have me confused with one of my brothers?”
“Jameson has laser focus. Grayson always finishes what he starts.
from everything I’d inherited along with Tobias Hawthorne’s billions.Poison tree and all.
When Thea and I hung up the phone, I went to see Grayson.
The entire time, his face was like stone
I waited for him to look at me, with silver eyes and the weight of the world on his shoulders.
I’d been given the world. It was time to stop living scared, time to take the reins.
It was time to take risks.
This was a risk—one the old Avery never would have been capable of taking.
the last secret built into the walls—there will always be one more.”
“But sometimes you have to improvise.” My heart was racing. I was vibrating with the same energy
Or maybe I was one stone meant for twelve birds, most of them still undiscovered.
Like Jameson had said, this was Hawthorne House. There would always be another mystery
This wasn’t nothing.
This was the beginning—and I was ready to be bold.
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Your arei theory is actually really interesting now that I think about it. J being on the title screen feels like it’s definitely going to have more importance than just her secret being revealed first. I feel like most people panicked when first seeing, but almost as soon as J’s secret gets revealed people started thinking that maybe that’s all the title screen meant.
It could mean that she’s the blackened or is important to the case in some way…or it could be that she’s the victim, like you said.
There’s only really 2 big problems I have about the theory tho.
1.I don’t think the bda being at the end of the episode actually means anything. Yes Xander’s bda didn’t end the episode, neither did Ace’s, but both of them were at a point where it made sense from an audience standpoint to end the episode right there. Xander’s death was probably mostly predictable, since it’d be insanely obvious who stabbed Teruko if he was still alive, and the bda itself had to take place early on in the episode, where it couldn’t really end 4 or 5 minutes in. Ace’s death had to be further elaborated on to reveal that he wasn’t actually dead. The majority of canon game deaths had the bda be the last scene before the “deadly life” title card, which is as close as it can be to the episode “ending” as it can. In most non-game fangans I’ve seen (mostly instaronpas, fanfics, and namely Danganronpa f: shattered hope, which follows the same episode format), it isn’t really out of place for the chapter/episode/post to end right after the bda, sometimes as soon as the body is discovered. It could still definitely mean something, especially since the bda music didn’t play when finding her, but I’m not sure we can be certain of it just yet.
2.This is a pretty big one but, the timing of her death just doesn’t seem to support how someone could’ve killed and dressed up another person (especially J, who had Arturo following constantly) *and* also leave the crime scene before Teruko or the others find them. The first scenario where J’s killed before the morning announcement can’t really happen, which, unless Arei was also dressing up as J for whatever reason, can’t be possible since we’ve seen J ourselves. She was one of the first to look for Arei. Even if Arei was dressing up as her and we, the viewer, in the pov of teruko couldn’t discern her face, someone like Arturo, who obsesses over beauty, especially J’s, would definitely see something wrong with her if it wasn’t really her. The 2nd scenario, where J’s killed after she leaves to find Arei doesn’t seem possible either, since the killer would have to find a way to get her away from Arturo (unless it’s Arturo himself, which would cause him to be the main suspect unless everyone still thinks it’s Arei who died), kill her without anyone seeing, dress her up as Arei, and hang her in the play ground before escaping, despite how Teruko said that most people were looking around in the first floor, and the elevator was the only way to get from floor to floor. The blackened would almost certainly have to be somehow already carrying around Arei’s clothes too, since it’d take too long to kill someone, leave them unattended, go to another floor, come back, and replace their clothes, before going back to J’s room (which is probably locked), and putting it back.
The theory’s definitely really fun to think about, but from someone who was also hoping Arei was going to survive longer and not get hit by the chapter 3 curse a chapter early, I just don’t see how it’s possible with the timing of it all.
//I admit my theory's not flawless with the information we have now, and it's probably going to be revealed how exactly all this happened
//The key is that maybe they didn't switch clothes immediately, but instead were pretending to be each other for a little longer so J could get Arturo off her ass for a little bit. They could've switched keys and everything
//If you take that into account, then there's plenty of time for this scenario to have played out like I believe it did. Especially regarding whatever fucked up secret Arei happened to get, and how it relates to this scenario as well
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spnae · 2 years
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37 Living Dead Girl
“Buffy? Spike? Buffy?”, there was yet another knock at the door and Buffy realized she couldn’t ignore it and started fumbling blindly for her bathrobe; which wasn’t where she normally kept it… Shit.
She lifted her head. It felt like the roadrunner had smashed an anvil into it. Buffy let out a groan and the arm she hadn’t realized was snaked around her constricted. Spike.
The pounding on the door resumed, “Buffy?”
She groaned again, “What do you want, Xan? We’re half dead in here.”
“It’s too early for your puns, Love. Make the boy go away,” Spike grumbled into a pillow as he shifted onto his stomach like a sullen kid.
Buffy huffed without looking over at Spike, “Go away, Xan!”
“Come on guys! I’m supposed to get you up! The coma girl’s parents are here. She woke up and they want to talk to you so get some clothes on!”
Spike groaned and pulled himself up out of bed, “Bugger all,” he grumbled, pulling on his jeans gingerly over his injured leg and limped over to the door pulling it open fully. Xander’s eyes grew wide in shock when he saw Spike’s bare chest.
“Dude, what the hell is going on here? Have you looked at yourself in a mirror?”
“Not as of late, no, you ninny,” he murmured as he looked down at himself. He knew she had written her name under his left collarbone, but he hadn’t realized she had also drawn swirling doodles and a few hearts into his skin. The doodles interspersed with the numerous cross burns dotted all over his chest certainly told their own story. The burns were nothing more than little pinkish-red marks now but they stood out in sharp contrast against his pale skin, “Bollocks. How bad are the bits I can’t see?”
“Got a turtleneck?” Xander scratched his own neck indicating corresponding marks on Spike, “Those are pretty obvious, man. What the heck did you do to him, Buff?” he asked as he tried to poke his head into the room to talk to her.
Spike blocked him, “She’s not exactly decent, mate, getting dressed and a bit hungover too. Who’s with the Andersons now?”
“Faith answered the door and sent me to get you. Will and Giles are in serious book mode. I think they’re in the library but I’m avoiding. Faith wants me and Callum to put the girls to work on the duplex, while she takes the grads to the airport.”
“Right, we’ll be down,” he closed the door as Xander turned away. “You hear him, Pet?”
Buffy had pulled on a purple sleeveless top over a long black skirt with purple embroidery. Her hair was still a mess from sleep and it made him smile as she tamed it.
Buffy nodded as she finished and pulled out a pair of cute but practical sandals, “Yeah, we better get down there.” She looked up at him, “Maybe you should just stay up here. Keep off of that leg.”
“It’s about Sheena and Ruby. I need to be in this.”
She paused taking in the extent of the marks on his chest, “Fine, but maybe go with one of your dress shirts and that new black infinity scarf I just got. I really did a number on you last night,” she grimaced apologetically.
“Nonsense, I love your handiwork. As for that scarf, I might be a bloody poet, Pet, but I sure as hell aint about to dress like one of those trendy wankers running around nowadays.”
“Do you want to make Mrs. Anderson faint again? Because I’m pretty sure advertising evidence of kinky vampire sex might just do it, call it a hunch. Xan’s right, I must have left it on too long in a few spots, a couple of those don’t look good. Look at it this way, at least it’s a plain scarf, no frills.”
He frowned, “Yeah alright. I hear you. As nice as they were, I get the feeling they aren’t going to be all smiles in regard to Ruby’s new living arrangements and lifestyle as is.”
“Which part? The dead but soulful part, the undead-living-here part, or the liking women part?”
“Hard to say.”
“Let’s see what they want first, they might just want to tell us about Sheena.”
“Phones work.”
“True… let me track down Willow. Sheena might have said something to them about our visit.”
“Right, I nearly forgot ‘bout that. Got a bit distracted last night. All went well I take it?”
Buffy shrugged, “I was just the guard dog, but the mind walk Will did with Ruby did the trick. I didn’t really do much except help get Ruby’s stuff out of her room and lend a minimal hand with Odette. Ruby ‘did pretty much all the work. Odette didn’t seem like much of a fighter to be honest.”
“Probably just the regular demon stuff. I certainly didn’t teach her anything. I’m still dumbfounded that Dru just let her go.”
“It’s crazy to expect crazy people to make sense”
Spike shook his head, “Dru is insane but she always made some sort of sense. Even if I didn’t see it right away. In the end she almost always did.”
“I don’t know how you put up with her for so long.”
“Can’t really explain it to be honest,” Spike said awkwardly and rolled a shoulder.
“We better go, I want to see if Will is in the library.”
When they reached the library they were surprised to find Ruby lounging with her leg up over the arm of the chair in the corner with a book in hand. She was situated a short distance away from the large table where Willow and Giles were pouring over books and a stone tablet.
“Hey guys!” Buffy interrupted them, “Ruby’s parents are downstairs.”
Ruby’s head shot up from her book in alarm, “Do they know about me?”
“We don’t really know what they know. Just because we didn’t say anything to them doesn’t mean that Sheena didn’t.”
“How do you want to play this Buff?” Willow asked.
“I think Spike and I need to get down there. Give us a minute or two and then come down with Ruby, but maybe just hang out in the stairwell by the living room so you can hear what’s going on. Oh and by the way, once I get him downstairs, Spike is forbidden from getting off the couch.”
Willow and Ruby smirked at each other and Spike rolled his eyes. Soberingly, he looked squarely at Ruby, “You and I need to have a talk young one. I was out of line but there are things you need to know.”
Ruby nodded, “Whatever you say, g-“
“And don’t you bloody well dare call me grandpa!”
“I was going to say, go see what my parents want. And maybe don’t mention Willow is a witch, I just don’t think they’d respond well.”
“Oh, well right then.”
Buffy put her hand on Spike’s chest, pushing him back slightly from where he was leaning against the doorframe, “Talk later.”
In a matter of minutes the two of them were downstairs greeting the Andersons. Faith took a step towards the staircase, “Sorry to cut and run Buff but I got to make sure Addison and Ursula make their flight.”
“No, it’s fine. I know you got a busy day, thanks for doing this.”
“No problem, B. Hey,” she grabbed Buffy’s arm and gave Spike a barely perceptible glance, “Everything 5x5?”
“Yeah, all good.”
“You gonna fill me in later?”
Spike gave Faith a nod, “Mind yourself, Doe-eyes, doin’ much better now, thanks. You get the beer later and maybe Buffy and I will spill the relevant bits.”
“You’re on, pal,” Faith replied as she headed up the stairs.
Buffy turned back to the Andersons and directed them into the living room.
“What can we do for you?'' Buffy asked cordially as she and Spike sat down together on one couch, the Andersons took the other.
“We’ve just come from the hospital. But I think you already know Sheena is awake.”
“Oh, well I was just there visiting and—“
“Ruby was with you wasn’t she? You found our girl and you didn’t tell us?” Mrs Anderson was trying to keep the accusation out of her voice but it was still there.
“It’s more complicated than that—“
Mr. Anderson bristled, “Our daughter is alive and you didn’t think we should know? When did you find her? How long has—“
“Mr Anderson, please calm down. We were planning on calling you when Ruby decided she was ready. She’s been through—“
“She is our daughter!” he roared, standing up, “What gives you the right to keep her from us!?”
Spike stood up with a deep growl, “You need to have a seat, mate. The lady is trying to explain the situation.”
The Andersons looked a little shocked, they hadn’t missed the growl but they didn’t understand it either. Mr Anderson didn’t sit down, “Young man, perhaps we should be talking to Mr. Giles. I don’t—“
“Don’t you ‘young man’ me, I was—“
Buffy reached for Spike’s wrist, “Sit down, you need to rest that leg.”
“Leg’s not so bad, Pet. I’m fine. But if he thinks I’m just—“
“William, please.”
“Buffy, you know as well as I do that we’re the only ones willing and able to help them and they—“
“Don’t know the whole story.”
Spike deflated as he sat down, his leg really wasn’t fine and he stretched it out in front of him on the coffee table.
Buffy hit Mr Anderson with a hard gaze until he relented a little and sat down too. “Thank you. Now maybe we can talk like adults. As I was saying. Ruby has been through a lot. We have been helping her.”
“Helping her?” Mrs. Anderson asked, “What has happened to our girl? First you tell us she might have been turned and now we find out she’s been hiding out here and you didn’t say a word. Where is my daughter? I want to see her!”
“You will. But I think you need to hear what happened after Ruby attacked Sheena.”
“After— but—“
“We haven’t been keeping you in the dark so please stop acting like we have been. You know she was turned, you know she attacked Sheena. Denial isn’t going to help anyone here. What you don’t know is that we were able to capture her afterwards and hold her here.”
“You held our daughter hostage?”
“We held a demon inhabiting your daughter’s body as a prisoner,” Spike corrected, “You’re welcome.”
Mr. Anderson wrapped an arm around his wife tightly. “But she was with you at the hospital wasn’t she?”
Buffy inclined her head a little, “Yes. We were able to have someone retrieve Ruby’s soul and put it back in.”
“So what does that mean? She has her soul, she’s cured? I thought you told us that it couldn’t be done.”
Spike huffed, “It’s not a cure. That’s utter nonsense. She’s still a vampire, she’s still dead. Crosses still burn and she still needs blood to survive. Animal blood, that is. She hasn’t had human since she’s been with us.” He paused looking at Mrs. Anderson. She had blanched at the mention of blood but didn’t look faint so he continued, “She’s also more her true self now. She has all her humanity back. She can discuss literature sensibly again, and thank god for that because trying to talk with her about Oscar Wilde without a soul was just— bloody painful…” he stopped catching a bewildered look from Buffy, “Point is, she can make opinions and decisions based on morality and has a working conscience again. It doesn’t mean she’s any less of a vampire. It also means that she essentially has multiple— How do I put this?”
“Just tell them what you told me,” Buffy reassured him.
He bobbed his head once and continued, “There’s more to her now. A lot of it she doesn’t even understand yet. First off she’s what we call a fledgling. Her demon didn’t have a lot of time to get real used to things before she got the soul shoved in. She’s getting off easy but she’s still got, sort of, multiple voices in her head.”
“Like multiple personalities?”
“No, no, think of it like the angel and devil on your shoulder kind of thing except a bit more literal. She has a lot she needs to work through before she can figure it out. Takes some getting used to. The guilt alone is enough to drive anyone mad.” Spike looked down, only just noticing Buffy’s hand clenched tightly in his own.
Mrs. Anderson’s eyes flickered from their hands and back up to his face, “You’re speaking from experience, Mr. Spike.”
He turned earnest eyes to her, “Yeah I am, and I know first hand how difficult it is. I was fortunate to have someone to fight for and who fought for me in return when it got to be too much. The least we can do is try to do the same for Ruby.”
Her eyes flicked to Buffy, “But you’re a Slayer like Sheena aren’t you?”
“The original, yeah.”
“Ruby is in good hands.”
“That’s what you said about Sheena and she still—“
Buffy bristled, “That was out of our control. It’s thanks to Spike and one of the other girls stabilizing her before the paramedics got to her that she is even alive. And further thanks to my friend Willow and Ruby for her waking up. I shouldn't need to tell you that Spike has cared for your daughters like his own family. Our family. We only want to help and part of that is helping Ruby make amends, getting her back on her feet and letting her make her own choices.”
“That’s why she was with you at the hospital.”
“Yeah, she wanted to see Sheena, help her if she could, and she did.”
Spike nodded, “She’s been doing really well, all things considered.”
The Andersons shared a look, Mr. Anderson turned back to Buffy and Spike, “I think we understand. May we see our daughter now?”
Spike turned towards the door concealing the staircase, “You get all that, Rubes? What do you say, feel like having a chat with your folks?”
The door opened and Ruby walked into the living room followed by Willow.
Ruby had pulled on what Buffy recognized as Giles' cardigan. She was holding it closed around her middle tightly, giving her the look of an awkward child, “Hey, Mum; Hi, Daddy.” Her parents descended upon her immediately enveloping her in a hug.
“Ruby! Oh my sweet girl! We thought we’d lost you!” her mother was crying.
“Well, you did, Mum, you did but I’m me again. For the most part. Not completely, but it’s mostly still me, like Spike was saying,” she nodded heavily as she pushed her parents back a little at arms length so she could look at them better, “He’s right it’s— it’s not easy and I was afraid to call, yet. I didn’t want them to contact you so please don’t blame them. Don’t be angry with Buffy and Spike, they’ve done nothing but help me.”
“We’re just glad you’re safe. When will you be coming home, sweetheart?”
Ruby shook her head, “I’m not coming home. I just can’t.”
Her parents looked at each other “But why not? I don’t understand,” her mother pleaded.
“What about uni?” Her father interjected.
Spike stepped in, “It’s Ruby's choice of course, but I have to say I agree with her. For one thing, living in a regular house like that can be kind of dangerous for a vampire, especially a young one. We are experienced here. Buffy has been dealing with the likes of me for years now and the castle is vampire safe. Ruby has already started to make herself comfortable and has a private space to call her own. Buffy and Willow here even went to help her clean out her room at University so you don’t have to worry about that. We’ll see to getting a phone line set up for her at some point here.”
“What happened to your mobile?” Her father asked.
Ruby shook her head, “Lost it the night I died.”
The phrasing seemed to strike her parents hard and Ruby‘s mom looked at her a little bewildered. With some effort she seemed to collect herself, “Well that’s simple enough, you’re still on our family plan, we will simply call our carrier, let them know that you lost your phone and see about getting you a new one. At least let us do that for you, sweetheart,” she nodded and looked pleadingly.
He nodded, “Seems silly not to. We’ll be happy to get it replaced, that way you can keep in touch.”
The unease in their voices didn’t go amiss to anyone, least of all Ruby, “Mum, Dad, I really do think it’s best for everyone that I stay here. I can train with Spike and Buffy and help them out where I can. I really think it’s what’s best. My afternoon class would kill me proper. I’d be a pile of dust on the sidewalk before I even got there. But yeah, a new phone would be brilliant.” She smiled at them both.
“But what about your future?”
“I’m dead Mum. The only future I have at the moment is right here, doing work with them. Fighting the good fight.”
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson exchanged another troubled look.
“It’s part of the deal I made when they offered me my soul. I chose this. I’m sure. Besides, it’s not like I’ll be that far, I can still visit.”
Willow stepped forward next to Ruby, “Absolutely! I can even bring her over tonight or tomorrow. Ruby was talking about wanting to get the rest of her things moved in.”
“That’s true, it would be nice to have the rest of my books and a proper bed,” she looked apologetically at Buffy and Spike, “I appreciate the cot but I’d love to have my own bed down there.”
Buffy rolled a shoulder, “Yeah of course, whatever you need; it’s your space. As long as your parents don’t mind you taking it, you can move whatever you want in there. It’s totally Ruby-ville.”
“Thanks. So what do you say? Can I come get my stuff?”
Her mother seemed a little overwhelmed, “I- we— If— yes of course. Can we see where you’re living?”
Ruby frowned a little, “I don’t really have it finished yet. Willow was going to let me paint.”
“This is Willow?”
Willow stuck out her hand, “Sorry! Yes, Willow Rosenberg. I teach math and science. I’ve invited Ruby to take the basement bedroom on my half of the duplex we started renovating.”
“You’re the one who helped Sheena?”
“I sure am. I’m also the one that ensouled Ruby too. I’ve sort of been keeping an eye on her, she’s been doing a lot better the last day or so.”
The Andersons seemed stunned, “But didn’t you say you teach maths and science?”
“I’m a woman of many talents.”
“And thank the Lord for that, and for everything you’ve done for our girls already. So Ruby will be living with you, not at the castle?”
“It’s on the grounds, you’re welcome to come and see it if you don’t mind a construction site,” Willow turned to Buffy, “do you know if they are working on your side or ours today?”
“No idea, Xan just gave Spike a quick rundown, and Faith didn’t say anything at all.”
“Or you’re welcome to come back another time after Ruby has had a chance to fix it up the way she wants.”
They glanced at each other, “I think we just want to see where she’ll be, that's all.”
“It’s fine Ruby, Buffy and I can show them around, you just hang out with Spike. You two have a lot to talk about anyway.”
Ruby nodded to Willow, “Yeah alright, what do you say, Spike? Mind if I join you while you heal up and get that talk out of the way?”
Spike had already rested himself back onto the couch with his bad leg up, the other foot still on the floor in case he needed to intervene, “We can bond over a pint— or tea if you prefer, I’m not particular.” He was about to say “a pint of blood” and caught himself just in time, he wasn’t sure if Mrs. Anderson would have stayed vertical or not.
“Ruby?” Willow looked worried, remembering the tea incident from only a few days ago, “Are you sure you’re all right to go back in the kitchen?”
Ruby shrugged, “Feeling a little more stable. Giles said it was better in there now and at least I know Sheena is gonna be okay. I can’t stay out of the kitchen forever, I like to cook too much.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have said anything, we might put you to work, Slayers like to eat,” Buffy joked.
Ruby laughed at that and hugged her parents again, “I have a good feeling about this, don’t worry about me alright?”
They nodded reluctantly and pulled away
Buffy frowned at her skirt, “I hope they aren’t going all dust happy over there,” she looked up at the two vampires in the room, “You know what I mean, alright, let’s see what’s going on over there.” She said firmly as she leaned into Spike, squeezing his shoulder and applying a little pressure with her thumb where her name was burned into him. “Remember to stay off that leg.”
“Yes, Slayer,” he had managed to keep his tone even, but it still hit Buffy the same way as if he had purred into her ear with his hand down her pants.
Oh my god Spike.
It’s not my mind that’s in the gutter for once, Slayer, he said silently with a smug grin on his face.
You just behave yourself, Mr. Pratt, don’t make me tie you up again.
His grin widened, Yeah like that’s a real deterrent.
She rubbed a hand over her eyes, I really hope I didn’t create a monster last night.
Oh sweetheart, I’ve always been a monster. You just unchained me…
Unless I decide I want you in chains again, however you wanna look at it. It was Buffy’s turn to smirk.
Willow caught the interaction between the two of them and raised her eyebrows, “Buffy, are we going to get going here or do you two need a moment?”
Buffy tried her best not to blush as she turned to her best friend, “Right, okay, Mr and Mrs Anderson, come along with us. We’ll show you out there, It’s the big stone building you guys sort of past on the way in and it needs a lot of work so it’s going to be a while before anyone else is going to be moving into it but the basement on Willow’s side is in exceptionally good shape so since Ruby doesn’t really need a whole lot it’s fairly well set up for her already.”
“What do you mean by that; she doesn’t need a lot?” Mr. Anderson asked as they headed outside.
“Well she’s dead, she doesn’t really need a lot of creature comforts, it’s just a fact. You should have seen Spike’s place when we first started,” she cleared her throat, “seeing each other,” she ended diplomatically.
Willow shot her a glance but didn’t say anything.
“You both went by ‘Summers’ at the hospital but you’re not married are you? I just assume because you all call him ‘Spike’.”
She cleared her throat again, she had really wanted to talk to Willow about Spike, but not like this. It really was like Spike said; that in many ways they already were married, so what was the answer; Not yet, but we’ve been talking about it OR Yes, we accidentally eloped in Paris and we’re technically on our honeymoon but we’re probably going to have a wedding anyway?
Before Buffy could make up her mind about how to answer the question Willow chimed in, “Oh no, they got married a few months ago. William took her name but we have all known him so long we still just call him ‘Spike’ out of habit.”
Buffy gaped at her best friend, had Spike talked to her about their plans? Mrs Anderson smiled “Well I’m glad to hear it. It certainly makes me feel better knowing that she will be around people who are setting an example for a normal life.”
Buffy‘s eyebrows shot up “Normal?”
“Well, yes. It gives me hope that despite all this, that perhaps someday she can still settle down. She has never shown much interest in finding someone but now she won’t be at university. Maybe she’ll be able to get her nose out of her books long enough to focus on finding a good man and make a life for herself.”
Buffy caught Willow’s eye and she shook her head warningly. “Ahh huh, yup,” she tried to sound convincing. Any more comments like that and she wasn’t sure if she would be able to stop herself from breaking her nose. If Willow didn’t beat her to it first.
Ruby stood in front of the microwave waiting for the timer to go off. Her eyes kept darting towards the corner she had thrown the girls into. The memory of it mixed with the vision from the mind-walk were colliding violently in her brain and it was all she could do to stand still where she was. At least her stomach wasn’t trying to expel itself, although actually drinking the blood in her mug might not be so easy.
She was having very mixed feelings about blood. On one hand, her body and her demon demanded it, but at the same time the idea was repulsive to her. She figured that would just be one of those things she would have to come to terms with. She tried to distract herself by looking out the window towards the partially burned orchard and another pang of guilt shot through her.
Despite several of the girls receiving various injuries, only one Slayer had been lost in the attack and that was on her. She didn’t think they knew of the extent of her involvement in the attack and in some ways that was worse. Looking back at it now, she couldn’t blame the dark haired girl who had snuck in to beat the crap out of her while she’d been tied up in the utility room. She didn’t know the Slayer’s name but she did know that she had left the castle already. Which really just meant that she never had a chance to apologize. She couldn’t blame any of them for hating her and she knew she didn’t deserve their forgiveness, apologies be damned.
She took a deep breath to settle herself just as the microwave finished. She gathered their mugs and whisked them out to the living room where Spike waited for her. “Here ya go,” she murmured, setting it down in front of him.
“Ta, luv,” he eyed her carefully.
“So, what did you want to talk about?”
“Thought I’d start with an apology for last night. You did good. Buffy told me you took Odette out pretty easily.”
“Did she also tell you I was blind with rage?”
“Didn’t need to,” he sipped the blood.
“So is that what you wanted to talk about, me killing Odette?”
“Partly. Did Buffy tell you anything about our line?”
“Sort of, you were sired by your ex and she was sired by some bloke named Angel. Then from what I gathered from your outburst last night, I’m guessing that there was quite a bit o’ funny business going on between the three of you.”
He ignored the comment, “You’ll probably meet Angel before long and I rather hope you never meet Drusilla. Don’t much fancy seeing her again myself.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because Buffy will likely have to be the one to put her down when it really should be me or Angel who does it.”
“There’s a lot there. I could start anywhere and just keep goin’ into next week. So let’s start with some questions. Anything you want, ask.”
Ruby puffed out her cheeks, “Why were you so upset last night when Buffy mentioned Odette?”
“Hadn’t given her a thought in years and thought she was dust long ago for starters. For all the carnage I’ve been responsible for over the years, I never really turned too many vampires. Turned Odette just to get back at Dru. I imagine it’s why she left you in the crypt the way she did, it’s what I’d done to her except that I was waiting there expecting a shag when she woke up.”
“You like to keep it in the family, huh?”
Spike laughed, “You’ve read Dracula, you got the gist of things. Stupid ponce and his bloody brides,” he grumbled and took a sip of blood.
“Nevermind, I don’t think he’ll be gunning for Buffy again anytime soon so you won’t have to worry about that wanker. Go on, drink up. It’s best when it’s warm.”
She looked at her own cup, “He’s real?”
“Git still owes me money.”
Ruby gave him a look that said she would be expecting more of that story later, “Sure… so what’s the plan for me?” She took a tentative drink from her mug. It wasn’t Slayer blood but Spike had been right about the herbs. The sip turned into a gulp.
He watched her with interest as she gulped it down hungrily. She clearly hadn’t been feeding properly which he had expected. “Good question. I thought I’d start you out joining in with the Slayeretts’s training. You can fight, that comes standard with your demon. But there’s always more to learn. Don’t get complacent. The best way to take advantage of the whole immortality thing is to roll with changes.”
“Says the punk rock poster child?”
“Pot. Kettle. Changes can be slow and I quite like my hair this way so I’m not likely to change that anytime soon. That and it’s sort of what keeps me alive with the Slayeretts when we go on field trips.”
“Are you saying I should start dyeing my hair a distinctive color?” She smirked.
“Don’t get smart.”
“Can’t help that, just am.”
“Yeah alright smarty pants, there’s still a lot I want to cover with you.”
“The girls hate me,” she blurted out suddenly.
“True. Deloris was a sweetheart. The girls aren’t real happy with you being here. Won’t do anything with me and Buffy around though.”
“Yeah, sort of already got that message.”
“Yeah, well that is just something you’ve got to deal with. Fact of the matter is that we don’t really belong much of anywhere so we got to make our own place in the world. I sure as hell didn’t just wake up one day and say ‘Oh I’m just going to be good now’, not that I didn’t try. I was a sodding mess, one big bloody morally-gray mess for a couple of years. Trying to suss out what I should do and how I should act to make Buffy happy, make her tolerate me, even if she couldn’t love me. Then something happened… I— I lost control— I nearly hurt Buffy beyond forgiveness. If she hadn’t…” he flinched inwardly, he couldn’t bring himself to talk about that night. “If she hadn’t knocked some sense into me... Left in search of my soul just after that.��� He added weakly.
“So that’s what you meant before. The thing about it being a grand gesture of love. You did it for her.”
Spike hung his head down, he had almost forgotten he had said anything to her about that, “I was out of my mind in love with her but the demon can’t really process love the same way as a human soul. It’s close. Damn close. But there’s this— line in between and I nearly crossed it. Knew I couldn’t look her in the eye. Not after she’d seen me for the monster I was. Not when all she deserves is a good man to support her in everything she does. I couldn’t blame her for hating me, so I went to find the thing that would turn me into the man she deserves. I got it; and everything fell apart after that. Lost my mind. Buffy helped me shove my marbles back in place.”
“But clearly things worked out between you, I mean you’re together now, and you seem sane enough.”
“Sure as hell wasn’t overnight. Whole thing is far too complicated to get into now. You’re coming along quickly but then I sort of figured you would, pipsqueak. You and I aren’t exactly brooders like Angel. Can crack a smile for starters.”
“You don’t like him much do you?”
“We’re getting on alright now. Lots of unpleasant history there. Some of its guilt. Angel is big on guilt. Blames himself for everything he did plus everything me and Dru ever did. Well I don’t know about Dru really. I don’t think he can look at her without feeling at least a little pride. She was his greatest masterpiece after all. And then when she turned me, he thought he’d take on a new pet project. Taught me everything I know. Tried to twist me to be just as nasty as him but it just never did quite work. No one was more twisted and sadistic than Angelus. I didn’t bother trying to be like him after a while, became my own monster as it were. Started hunting Slayers.”
“Until you fell in love with one.”
“Almost sounds like you were searching for your soulmate even then.”
“Bollocks, didn’t have a soul,” he said a little too quickly. The truth was that it wasn’t a new thought. The idea had often kept him awake, especially just after he had first realized his feelings for her. The thought had crept back into the forefront of his mind after Buffy had told him about meeting his soul in the heaven dimension she was in.
“No, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some prophecy or something out there that says you were destined to fall in love with a Slayer.”
There was a ring of truth there that he wasn’t sure what to do with, so he just kept his response clipped. “What do you know about prophecies?”
“Nothing really. Willow has just been filling me in on some of the basic things she does with your group and mentioned something about them.”
“Good storyteller is she?”
“Could probably listen to her read the dictionary if I’m being honest.”
“Got it bad for the witch don’t you?”
She shrugged, “Not really a secret. She’s kind, sweet— generous.”
“You’re going to make your own choices no matter what I say but can I give you some advice?”
“It’s what you’re here for isn’t it?”
“Red is working on getting out of a crappy rebound relationship after losing the love of her life. A real nice girl I liked a lot too. Now Red clearly likes you, but the last thing that girl needs right now is some hot little thing twisting her head round.”
“I’m not saying stay away from the girl. Just take it easy. Pump the breaks. Do you both a favor and take the time to get yourself right in the head first. By the time you do that, maybe the time will be right for you both.”
She nodded glumly, she suddenly wasn’t feeling as secure about her situation as she had less than a half hour ago when her parents were in the room. Now she was feeling almost claustrophobic, the weight of unknown possibilities pressing in on her. She looked at the thin layer of blood coating the bottom of the cup and grimaced.
“You alright there?”
“Yeah, just thinking.”
“Yeah but also— This soul thing, and the fighting evil thing and–”
“The blood?”
“You need your strength. You’ll get used to it, and so will the girls. Willow too. Just wait and see.”
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scorbleeo · 1 year
Book Chat: Vicious Prince
Royal Elite (Book 5) by Rina Kent
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Source: Google Images
He’s prince charming. Just not hers.
I have a secret. I stole a heart, or rather a marriage contract. It wasn’t mine to own, to look at or to even consider. But it was there for the taking so I took it. Huge mistake. Ronan Astor is a nobility in this world. Arrogant player. Heartless bastard. Vicious prince. Now, he’s out to destroy me. What he doesn’t know is that I’m out to destroy him too. My name is Teal Van Doren, and I’m where princes go to die.
Source: Goodreads (2020)
As Misled As Teal
Titling this book Vicious Prince was in all ways misleading but the best kind of misleading. I think on some level, being misled and after all the revelation, I was experiencing this book like how Teal experienced Ronan.
As I went into the Royal Elite series, I expected to like Teal and Ronan as much as I do. Sure, them individually were extremely likeable but I always thought them together would be rather boring. Love that I was wrong. If you thought them individually was already good enough, them together is so much better. You would think Teal and Ronan would have an angsty relationship but man, they are cute together. If Kim and Xander's relationship is on a soulmate level, this pairing's relationship is on the most adorable couple level. It made reading Vicious Prince a rather fun time.
I am not sure this is book number what on Kent's bibliography but I've seen extensive improvement in her writing. If you read back my thoughts on Cruel King or Deviant King, you would know just how much I disliked her writing. This gives me a good feel for her subsequent books because I will be diving into her later series.
As for Vicious King, I really enjoyed the balance between plot development and smut, it's not 50-50 but in terms of my reading preferences, there was neither too much or too little smut while the plot developed in a steady pace. The character growth of our two protagonists were on a steady pace too, if you are not actively looking out for it, you would not know when it actually started. It felt absolutely natural.
I know I said Ronan and Teal is crowned (by me) the most adorable couple among all the Royal Elite couples, but do not assume that their story is not as dark. Personally, Vicious King is darker on another level. Please do check the trigger warning or feel free to ask me.
That being said, despite the dark aspects of this book, I felt that it could be a little worse, just a LITTLE bit more considering the kind of stories Kent already wrote in the past. I think that bit more could have brought me on a wilder roller coaster ride but I also know that bit could also be too much for many people.
If you ask me regarding if you should read the other books before getting to Vicious King, I will tell you it is not necessary. Sure, by this book, Kent wrote it in a way where she assumed you would have read the previous few books because she does not go in depth with introducing the crucial Royal Elite characters. However, with how the story played out in this book, it is absolutely not necessary to read the other books.
Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3.5/5)
More on the Royal Elite series here: Cruel King (#0) | Deviant King (#1) | Black Knight (#4)
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jordanprice · 1 year
June 8 - Last Day in Tokyo
I can’t believe it has already been two weeks since I’ve arrived in Japan. Tokyo has been a pretty great time and there have been so many cool things to do. One thing I keep talking with people about is that it doesn’t feel like we’re in Japan, then every once in a while we remember that fact. That’s how comfortable it is. The language barrier is honestly very navigable, and many things have English text as well. The metro is honestly so impressive as well. The trains are always on time and they can get you just about anywhere faster than by car and much cheaper as well. I’ve been thinking that I might want more time here as well, and may end up staying longer in Japan! Between temples, shrines, museums, parks, themed cafes, shopping, arcades, hiking, and more, there has been so much to do here and still so much I haven’t done.
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So, the day started out with packing. One thing that was cool is that we were presented the option to ship luggage to Kyoto instead of having to take it on the train. There ended up being enough room in the budget for this, as the exchange rates are very beneficial for USD to yen at the moment. I ended up shipping two bags: my big suitcase and my duffel bag, which was mostly filled with Lauren’s stuff. She didn’t have enough room for everything so I offered it to her to use. Leina was kind enough to show up an hour earlier than planned so that people going to the studio ghibli museum could more easily turn in their bags to be shipped. She is such a W tour guide and everyone on the trip loves her. I’m happy she’s coming to Kyoto with us (because Riki as always abandoned us :( how rude of him).
I unfortunately did not have tickets for the ghibli museum, as they sell out fast and I wasn’t sure about going. However, I did get dragged along with guy Sam to go to a maid cafe. It was him, Bryan, Xander, Julie, and I. I can say with full confidence that it was definitely one of the meals I’ve had on this trip and that it was certainly an experience I had in Japan. It was honestly fairly uncomfortable, and the food wasn’t all that great, but I respect their commitment and the effort that goes into making the vibe of the place. It just wasn’t for me though, but at least I can say I went to one I guess. I do really appreciate the invite from Sam though, he’s a cool guy.
(Also, this photo of Sam actually goes so hard)
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Later, Lauren, Bianca, Ana, and I went to the Cinnamaroll cafe. They were headed there from the ghibli museum and I was headed there from the hotel. We managed to get there roughly at the same time, but unfortunately I was late due to google maps lying to me. Once I got to the first station, it showed that the route I was going on no longer was an option, and that it would be an extra 18 mins to get there. I ended up rushing, and was only 10 or so minutes late to the cafe though. The cafe was cutely decorated and everything, but it was quite the let down that one they only had 5 food options, and two that only 2 of those options were actually available (the rest were sold out). I got a chocolate parfait and it was pretty decent. I just feel bad for Lauren because now that’s the second time that something she had been looking forward to and wanting to do didn’t exactly work out. First, Bar Lupin (a bar where famous authors used to hang out) didn’t have seating and turned us down, then Cinnamaroll cafe which had like no food. She apologized for dragging us around to these things, but it’s not like it’s her fault or anything, and I just feel bad that things she wanted to do didn’t work out.
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Her and I then went and got food from and food court and it was alright. A couple interesting things happened there though. One is that they MADE ME order four toppings on the pizza I got. Like it said a pizza came with four toppings, and I only wanted two. But when I asked if I could only do two, the guy told me that I had to order four toppings. Also, the “bacon” was just straight up ham, which was a disappointment. The other interesting thing is that when I paid with a 2000¥ note, the cashier looked surprised/confused. One thing that I had heard people mention before on the trip, and that I had looked up, is that apparently 2000¥ notes are rare, having only been printed in the year 2000. Apparently they are mostly only available at currency exchange places. It was kinda funny to me that the cashier then picked up the coin tray in the register and placed the note under it, as there was no slot in the machine for those notes, and it was the only one in there.
(L-Breath lol, why isn’t this a breath mint brand??)
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After that, I headed back to the hotel and finished packing (for the most part) to leave in the morning. I’m gonna miss Tokyo, but I look forward to Kyoto!
0 notes
prose-for-hire · 3 years
Face your demon
Pairing: Spike x reader
Request: Could you do A Spike x reader where the reader is in love with him, but doesn't show her emotions (except for getting easily flustered around him), but Spike overhears hears her talking to willow about it and he confronts her, ending in them being together?
Requested by: @wiccanindigo​
Requested tags: @fictionalhoomanofnowhere @artsymaddie​ @shy-ginger-in-the-graveyard​ @cameo-greaves​
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​You were pretty neutral in public. Your face rarely shifted other than to a polite smile or perhaps a confused frown should the moment take you by surprise. Other than this human reaction, you would usually maintain a resting face. One that appeared to most as if you didn’t wish to be in their company. Or anywhere at all really.
You felt a lot. You really cared about your friends, the people you loved. It was just near-impossible to express this. At least, in a way that you were comfortable. It was much easier to hold people at a distance. That way, you didn’t risk rejection. Or painful, bitter emotions that you didn’t enjoy.
So, you tended to hide your emotional side completely. Rather than wrestle with articulating the way you felt. It wasn’t necessarily a conscious decision, just one that you lived with. You struggled expressing your emotions – not only on your face but also verbally. Any way, really. It could be so hard.
Luckily for you though, you had some very caring and empathetic friends. The Scoobies. They understood and gave you the time you needed – between fighting apocalypses of course.
You were sat in the Magic box with all of your friends around you. Buffy, Willow, Xander, Anya, Tara and Giles. You were characteristically just staring into the centre of the room as the usual antics played out around you.
You contributed now and again although not as passionately as the others, it must be said. You tended to bounce off of someone else’s point and repeat it if you agreed with it with a shrug. As if you would rather be anywhere but there.
You weren’t shy. In fact you came across as the complete opposite. Cool, collected. Near apathetic should your friends not understand how deeply you truly did care – you just didn’t express it as much as most. There was no need to gush in your book. You weren’t one to keep your heart on your sleeve and make the entire room look at it.
Well, that was until him.
Spike ran in, slamming the door shut behind him. It slammed so hard the entire store shook and he sauntered in as if it was nothing. It made the corners of your mouth tug into an almost-smile but you looked down to avoid anyone seeing.
There he was, your weakness. The one that could render you speechless. A flustered mess. A heat would rise in your cheeks and your voice would appear weak and just wholly unlike yourself.
You had it bad. He always did this, walking in with that swagger. Those cheekbones. That look…
His eyes were straight on you. As they always were. You were a mystery to him, one he was so desperate to figure out. You had noticed the way he always made his way to you. The way he dropped his voice and made comments about the others in the room in the hopes of you cracking a smile.
You spoke to him as much as you could, but often your words failed you. You didn’t want to give anything away. Couldn’t. You didn’t want him to tease you, reject you in such a painful way.
He was Spike, after all. He could have anyone he wanted you were sure of it.
The point was, though, that he wanted you. And you were too wrapped up in focusing on how to breath properly when he was around that you didn’t notice.
Spike found your resting face beautifully morbid. He found you to be strong-willed and the very little he sensed or heard from you he found himself clinging to. You would be stamped onto his brain for the rest of his un-life, he was sure of it.
He was in so deep. Thought about you constantly. Wanted to know what you were doing, what you were thinking. Imagined himself by your side. Taking you into his bed… oh, and I won’t even start on the dreams. They left him aching. Such deep, unending desire. For you. God, it could only ever be you.
“Alright, pet? Don’t rush to say you missed me, written on your face already” He smouldered in that way he did. Hoping for any kind of reaction.
You looked up at him before immediately looking away. A ghost of a smile on your face as you shifted in your seat. He took this as an invitation to sit beside you and so he did.
“Hi Spike” You just about managed before your voice wavered. You didn’t like the way he rendered you this flustered mess. But, at the same time you couldn’t help but completely love it.
Your usual cool demeanour gone. Lost in those beautiful eyes of his. You could happily live in his eyes for the rest of your life.
You managed to position yourself in your seat in such a way that meant he made up most of you vision, without it looking glaringly obvious to anyone else. He lived in your peripheral vision. At least this way a little part of him was yours.
You became a little brave and moved your eyes to look at him properly, no longer just from the side. He was beautiful. The way that t-shirt clung perfectly to his torso. The way his leather duster managed to land in such a relaxed way on his shoulders. Effortless cool. Or, that’s what you assumed.
You loved him. His looks. His personality. Just everything. You couldn’t escape it.
Something snapped you out of staring. Everyone’s eyes were suddenly on you. Staring.
“Huh?” You asked, feeling a heat rise in your cheeks as he turned to face you properly too. You had apparently managed to miss the entire meeting. Not one scrap of the plan had entered your head. You were consumed by him instead.
“Y/n? You sure that’s okay?”
“We’ll be fine on patrol, right love?” Spike smirked at the rest of the room and raised an eyebrow which made everyone reconsider.
“We can switch if evil dead makes you uncomfortable” Xander offered kindly which made spike glare. He wanted you to himself.
“No that’s good- uh, fine. It’s fine. I’ll patrol with Spike” you rushed out at a completely different pace than anyone was used to hearing you speak.
What you were supposed to be looking for, you didn’t know. You hadn’t been listening just focusing on regulating your breathing. Wiping the sweat from your palms at the proximity. He was sat so close to you. You wanted to just lean against him. Whisper how you felt.
You and Spike walked out into the cool night air. Mostly in silence, although you could almost hear the cogs in his mind whirring to come up with something to say. You didn’t realise but he was trying to impress you. Trying to get you to smile. He loved it when you smiled. Near melted.
He then finally asked something he had so wanted to say to you. For such a long time.
“We could, uh, blow this off, go for a drink?” He let the proposition hang in the air.
You didn’t even begin to consider this had been something more than a teasing joke because he didn’t want to be stuck patrolling anymore. Just wanted to rebel against Buffy’s sudden authority in his life.
“Yeah, because I’ve always thought you’d look great with a redwood through your chest” You spoke, referring to what Buffy would do to him should he leave you or the demon to run through the streets.
“It’d make a pretty accessory. Bring out your eyes” You deadpanned and he just stared. Why were you like this? Why did your flirting so quickly descend into just being rude?
It was like a disease. You were riddled with it. Any sense that your mouth would spill the contents of your mind and something took over. Possessed you, began to say the very opposite of what you wished to say.
You wanted him to ask you out for a drink. Tell you that you looked nice, that he felt lucky to have someone like you to take out. Have on his arm. Show off. You wanted to loop your arms around him and embrace him. Kiss his lips. Have him in your bed. His body yours and only yours.
But, instead, you had just told him he would look better dead. Or, well, more dead. He had taken this as a firm no, you didn’t want to go out with him. He looked upwards, trying to stop the stinging at the back of his eyes before he nodded firmly and just shrugged.
“Whatever, let’s find this vamp”
Oh, right. It was a vampire. You were supposed to be looking for a vampire. That at least narrowed it down… kind of.
Both of you took turns in glancing at the person beside them. So desperately wishing to touch them. Have some kind of intimacy. It was hard having the one that you loved so close and yet emotionally so far away.
There was a distance. A canyon between you that you both wished to cross. But it was so hard. There would be no turning back.
You never caught up with the vampire you were meant to find and Spike walked you home instead when it got too late. You tried to thank him for the gesture but he had turned and walked away. Licking his wound at the rejection you had inflicted upon him without realising.
Despite the fact you had hurt him though, he had needed to make sure you got in safe. Protecting you from harm meant everything even if you wouldn’t give him the time of day.
It had been a couple of days since this unwitting rejection and you and Willow had arrived early waiting to meet with the others at the Magic Box. Giles had gone to pick up some order sat the back. Which left just you and your friend. Well, that’s what you thought anyway.
She was the only one that knew how you felt for Spike. She had seen you watching him, a new expression unlocked on your face. As if she had won a quest or something in a video game and been allowed to see it.
Conversation had quickly turned to this man that you were so in love with it managed to fluster even you. You near hid your face from your friend at even the implication you liked him. But you were comfortable that Willow was being supportive.
You discussed that you liked him. Truly admitted it out loud for the first time. Not realising that the man himself was stood around the corner listening. He loved to hear your voice and so had stayed back because you seemed to speak less in his company.
Spike’s jaw tensed as he heard you talking about this mystery man though. He had never heard you gush this way before. Stumbling over your words to describe such longing. You usually appeared so calm, collected. He wished to be the one that sent you weak at the knees in the way that this nameless idiot did. He guessed it was probably Xander.
Stupid bloody Xander. Gormless nit.
“Maybe, uh, you should tell him? You can’t know his feelings unless you try” Willow offered.
Spike guiltily hoped that you would have to face rejection so that he could comfort you instead. Spend more time with you, prove to you that you could trust him with your emotions. He so longed to have your attention. Your trust.
“I can’t… I-it’s too hard” You sighed and his spirits lifted, maybe this would be his chance instead. While you tried to build up your courage, he could show you how much you meant to him. How much he wanted you.
Nothing could have prepared him for what came out of your mouth next. There had been only a slight pause while you sifted through your emotions.
“He’s so- he’s… he’s Spike” You had no other description other than this spike-ness was all that you wanted. You near craved it. But also these words explained how hard it was. How trying to speak to him was near impossible. Willow nodded in understanding and patted your shoulder sympathetically.
“It could be good for you, y’know? Facing your, uh, demon…” Willow’s voice dried up. Turned into a little squeak. You looked up, confused.
There he was, as if your longing had been a magnet to the man himself. Your eyes bulged and your mouth opened in shock. The most your face had ever given away.
Willow stumbled over some excuse that neither Spike nor you heard before she left for the exit. Allowing you to both speak.
“I’m the bloke you’ve been harpin’ on about?” He said slowly. He did this only because he wanted to hear it from your mouth again. As if he wasn’t entirely sure if he had dreamed it or not.
“We don’t have to make it into a big deal… I’m sure I’ll, uh, get over it” You tried, avoiding the rejection you could feel coming.
“Don’t” He said quickly, “God, please bloody don’t get over it. You’d break a poor dead man’s heart if you did”
“What?” You asked, frowning in confusion. He couldn’t possibly feel the same way… could he?
“Don’t be daft, love. Asked you for a drink didn’t I? Trailed after you despite you not even pretending to take an interest. Been there just in the nick of time before somethin’ nasty ate you?” He reeled off things he had pretty much done in the last fourty-eight hours. It made you gasp with surprise. How had you missed this? “Tell me I haven’t bent over bloody backwards for even a shred of your affection,”
“Spike…” You looked away, it was so hard. You didn’t even know how to begin to say what you needed to.
“Please, don’t shy away. Can’t stand it when your eyes wander…”
“Spike, I…” He took your hand, nodding subtly to show that he was there. That he liked you, that he needed to hear it. Whatever it may be, “I love you”
Spike pulled you into him immediately, knowing this must have bee hard for you. He was beginning to understand. You were like him, petrified of the rejection. The idea that the one that held such promise and stirred such feeling could ruin everything. You restored his faith in love. Rekindled his affections for the notion as well as confirming that he loved you too.
He crashed his lips to yours, his reply to your words communicated in this way. And you understood completely. Lips moving against yours, a display of affection only for you. he was firm in his love but so very tender. He embraced you close, a hand along the small of your back that made you shiver and lean further into him. Deepening this perfect kiss.
You parted, somewhat reluctantly and just gazed at the other for a moment before he spoke.
“I’m just glad you don’t have eyes for the whelp” Spike grinned and it made your face brighten. A smile. One that he savoured as you rolled your eyes at him being so pleased you liked him more than Xander.
He took your hand in his and sauntered beside you. Chest puffed out and proud to have you by his side. As if you had just gifted him the entire world.
Now you just had to break it to your friends. There was no way you would be hiding this.
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teonys-jf · 2 years
do you have some dumb shalashska sibling stories? or like funny moments of them
so, funny thing, i’ve switched stuff around!
now it’s toby, xander {xavier}, and terra are all siblings and cousins to ein {zack’s side} and technically jay {aphmau} but the gats wanted to keep in touch with sylvanna so they spent more time together :) also, terra is the half-sister to toby and xander, terra’s mom is in her first marriage with the boy’s dad and it’s his second marriage
but i’m sure i’ve got some family stories :)
so toby is the oldest, xander is the middle, and terra is the youngest
xander hated growing up in public school with the “oh you’re toby’s brother? how funny is that!” stuff and was obviously uncomfortable and wanting out of the situation
terra loved it, though, and would take pride in it and always make ‘my brothers gonna beat you up’ jokes and already be on good terms with teachers
xander was the closest in age with ein, so they spent the most time together
at one of the family get-togethers, they decided to pour milk down the toilet and not flush. they were like 5 or 6 and came back giggling, and after their grandmother found out what they’d done, they got in trouble {ein got in more trouble than xander because zack and elizabeth were not made to be parents}
terra was close with jay, they constantly had sleepovers in middle school despite their schools being hours apart
when jay was homeschooled terra would try and keep them up to date with what was going on in her school, leading to the misconception of school even more than if it was just anime since terra loved making up stories and forgot to say which were made up
sylvanna was happy that her little girl wasn’t going to be lonely during homeschool and would thank jacob and kristine, who waved it off and said they were glad terra had someone with enough energy to keep up with her
toby would try and help ein once he was old enough to see what’s going on, but ein had already shut himself off from the world. instead, toby kept in contact with him over the years through online games and they loved playing tf2 together
when xander and jay were little, they got on each other’s nerves and would ‘play fight’ as sylvanna called it, but xan’s father would call it wrestling. eventually when they lost their first teeth on separate occasions they had to stop
neither of the kids remember this, just that they lost their teeth while family was over
sylvanna told this story to eric and that’s how jay found out about it, who immediately called terra and told her about it {didn’t have xander’s phone number}
terra loved to be outside in summer all of the time, mostly during sunny days. she would get toby and xander outside too, but terra would forget about sunscreen and get burned
xander used to torture her when she got sunburned, but stopped when he was a tween
toby would usually be the responsible one and bring out water/snacks for all of them, their parents would either read outside as the kids had fun or sing/dance inside
xander was the one who gave terra her tattoo idea, toby took all of them to the parlor when it was getting done. terra doesn’t have great pain tolerance, and her brothers ran in as she waved them off going “everything’s good, just a baby” and wiped a tear away
toby tipped the guy directly for an apology, they laughed and said it was okay and that if it was their family, they would’ve done the same thing
terra understood where ein was on being the half sibling and would try to cheer him up when they were little by making drawings of the gats, marin-filla, and filla family
he forgot that it’s in a box in storage, but remembers her smile and gets happy
they also connect over their half-aquatic sides and always worked together on ocean-themed coloring books
terra was ecstatic to learn that her and jay were going to be roommates in college, and gave a lot of ideas for them to hang out and watch netflix and pizza parlors
jay is allergic to pepperoni, so they’re mostly stuck with cheese, but terra doesn’t mind
there was a running joke between the two that terra would put a slice of pepperoni on what food was hers
jay met, and found out about, ein through toby. after she agreed to be the carrier for aaron and lily’s baby, since her second pregnancy would put her in danger, aaron mentioned toby who introduced the hald-siblings
jay was pissed that sylvanna didn’t tell her about ein and elizabeth, as sylvanna explained everything from her side jay asked what terra saw and got that side and put everything together
jay and ein don’t treat each other as siblings, more like strangers on decent enough terms
jay would be more likely to ask terra or toby to look after levin, malachi, and gabriel if zoey is out of commission
i should probably mention all of the schools everyone went to oopsies
terra, toby, and xander went to falcon high, decent public school
jay went to phoenix drop highschool, fluctuating private school
ein went to scale high, bad public school
jay, xander, and terra went to falcon claw university while toby went into military service and met aaron, ein did online college
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alizachan · 2 years
“i’m sorry….”
This is a au killing game ;-; this takes place in chapter 4
P:S i’m sorry TvT also sorry if aco is a bit out of character
Another death…another trial….another execution…it never ends,
The Ultimate Foreseer looks at her friends she loves as siblings, Xander, teruya, tsurugi, aco, and Kouhei, all of them trapped in a killing game by monokuma..
‘‘I won’t let them die’, The girl thought as she felt a hand on her shoulder she look back to see teruya, “‘Ali come one everyone is leaving.”, oh she must’ve been deep in thought,”i’m coming..” both her and teruya make it to the elevator.
‘‘never again…i’ll protect y’all no matter what even if it means I have to die in the process..’, Aliza vowed herself that ever since the killing game started,
The atmosphere was dark the next day, “….”, everyone must be still down…. Of course it would. She heard from Tsurugi that they plan on having on staying at one of their rooms, ‘i don’t blame them any one of us can be next..’, she thought as she spoke up,”‘Y’all can stay at my room.”, they all look at her, “‘are you sure? Can we even fit in your room?”, dang aco was right, they need to come up with a plan..’but I have my own plan…’,”‘I can guard outside so that no one can get in.”, Xander spoke the moment she said that, “‘No! We can’t let you do that, what if someone tries to kill you?”, “i’ll be fine I know a couple of defense strategies so i’ll be fine..”, she knows they don’t like her putting herself in danger like that but she wasn’t going to let any of them do it.
For the next couple of days no one has bother killing until the motive got out..
I..won’t let them die…no matter what
One night most of them were asleep except for teruya, *click*, teruya look up at the door, ‘did the door just got lock- wait..’ he went to the door and tried to open it but it wasn’t Aliza was breathing heavily like she was scared, “‘A-Ali? U-unlock the door-”, “sorry.”, he was confused what was she sorry for? “‘I said I wasn’t going to let anyone here die but I couldn’t do that..”, “‘Ali what- no it isn’t your fault..open the door..” now he was getting scared he knew Aliza used magic to make the door stayed lock,”‘don’t worry…i’ll protect y’all…no matter what.” She then walks off to start on her plan, to make her death look like it was murder but it wasn’t..but before she did she wrote a note and slip it under aco’s door..
I’m sorry…
The next morning comes, they all went to the dining hall when, “‘Hey…where’s Ali..” Kouhei kept looking around for the Foreseer girl but she was nowhere to be seen, this put the group on high alerts,’she can’t be dead right?’, “‘I think we should go look for her.” Aco brought it up since clearly this was a sigh that someone was dead
They all split up searching different floors, teruya was with Kouhei and Tsurugi, checking each rooms until they got to the R/V room(whatever that place was called the door that had a window) “h-hey guys?”, kouhei took one look inside and panic suddenly got to him the two look in though the window as well the room was a messed like 2 people fought- Aliza was on the ground sitting against the wall, “‘oh no please don’t tell me-” “stand back i’m breaking the door down.” Tsurugi had the other two stand back as he forced the door open…
…There was a knife at her chest with blood coming out from her mouth like she remember a good memory and there were slash marks on her…then the announcement went off making one of their worst nightmares come true as the truth hits them, “‘A body has been discovered!”
Aliza sahpree was dead…
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