#jay filla
teonys-jf · 2 years
do you have some dumb shalashska sibling stories? or like funny moments of them
so, funny thing, i’ve switched stuff around!
now it’s toby, xander {xavier}, and terra are all siblings and cousins to ein {zack’s side} and technically jay {aphmau} but the gats wanted to keep in touch with sylvanna so they spent more time together :) also, terra is the half-sister to toby and xander, terra’s mom is in her first marriage with the boy’s dad and it’s his second marriage
but i’m sure i’ve got some family stories :)
so toby is the oldest, xander is the middle, and terra is the youngest
xander hated growing up in public school with the “oh you’re toby’s brother? how funny is that!” stuff and was obviously uncomfortable and wanting out of the situation
terra loved it, though, and would take pride in it and always make ‘my brothers gonna beat you up’ jokes and already be on good terms with teachers
xander was the closest in age with ein, so they spent the most time together
at one of the family get-togethers, they decided to pour milk down the toilet and not flush. they were like 5 or 6 and came back giggling, and after their grandmother found out what they’d done, they got in trouble {ein got in more trouble than xander because zack and elizabeth were not made to be parents}
terra was close with jay, they constantly had sleepovers in middle school despite their schools being hours apart
when jay was homeschooled terra would try and keep them up to date with what was going on in her school, leading to the misconception of school even more than if it was just anime since terra loved making up stories and forgot to say which were made up
sylvanna was happy that her little girl wasn’t going to be lonely during homeschool and would thank jacob and kristine, who waved it off and said they were glad terra had someone with enough energy to keep up with her
toby would try and help ein once he was old enough to see what’s going on, but ein had already shut himself off from the world. instead, toby kept in contact with him over the years through online games and they loved playing tf2 together
when xander and jay were little, they got on each other’s nerves and would ‘play fight’ as sylvanna called it, but xan’s father would call it wrestling. eventually when they lost their first teeth on separate occasions they had to stop
neither of the kids remember this, just that they lost their teeth while family was over
sylvanna told this story to eric and that’s how jay found out about it, who immediately called terra and told her about it {didn’t have xander’s phone number}
terra loved to be outside in summer all of the time, mostly during sunny days. she would get toby and xander outside too, but terra would forget about sunscreen and get burned
xander used to torture her when she got sunburned, but stopped when he was a tween
toby would usually be the responsible one and bring out water/snacks for all of them, their parents would either read outside as the kids had fun or sing/dance inside
xander was the one who gave terra her tattoo idea, toby took all of them to the parlor when it was getting done. terra doesn’t have great pain tolerance, and her brothers ran in as she waved them off going “everything’s good, just a baby” and wiped a tear away
toby tipped the guy directly for an apology, they laughed and said it was okay and that if it was their family, they would’ve done the same thing
terra understood where ein was on being the half sibling and would try to cheer him up when they were little by making drawings of the gats, marin-filla, and filla family
he forgot that it’s in a box in storage, but remembers her smile and gets happy
they also connect over their half-aquatic sides and always worked together on ocean-themed coloring books
terra was ecstatic to learn that her and jay were going to be roommates in college, and gave a lot of ideas for them to hang out and watch netflix and pizza parlors
jay is allergic to pepperoni, so they’re mostly stuck with cheese, but terra doesn’t mind
there was a running joke between the two that terra would put a slice of pepperoni on what food was hers
jay met, and found out about, ein through toby. after she agreed to be the carrier for aaron and lily’s baby, since her second pregnancy would put her in danger, aaron mentioned toby who introduced the hald-siblings
jay was pissed that sylvanna didn’t tell her about ein and elizabeth, as sylvanna explained everything from her side jay asked what terra saw and got that side and put everything together
jay and ein don’t treat each other as siblings, more like strangers on decent enough terms
jay would be more likely to ask terra or toby to look after levin, malachi, and gabriel if zoey is out of commission
i should probably mention all of the schools everyone went to oopsies
terra, toby, and xander went to falcon high, decent public school
jay went to phoenix drop highschool, fluctuating private school
ein went to scale high, bad public school
jay, xander, and terra went to falcon claw university while toby went into military service and met aaron, ein did online college
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Ninjago pokemon crossover/au
Given my name here I think this was going to happen eventually...
But yes Im making my own version of a ninjago pokemon crossover/au and Im sure people have expectations and Im gonna say this.
They are still the ninja first and formost. They are NOT gym leaders, trial cpatainsnor anything related to the trials in becoming a champion. They ARE type trainers EXCEPT they each have one pokemon not of their type at all on their team.
As for what the teams are well I got all the main ninja EXCEPT Nya's team done though I do have three of Nya's pokemon planned out.
The teams so far, will make notes on if pokemon wasnt caught
Crimson, Flareon, male,flash fire, Rash, likes to fight, charcoal, moves: fire fang, Flame thrower, double kick, Iron tail (was a gift from Ray before he disapeared)
Lori, Indeedee, female, own tempo, calm, often lost in thought, twisted spoon, moves: calm mind, stored power, pay day, heal pulse (gift from Maya before she disapeared)
Skull, houndoom, female, flash fire, calm, thoroughly cunning,  focus band, moves: smog, beat up, fire fang, reversal
Bane, Arcanine, male, intimidate, relaxed, likes to eat, moves: extreme speed, fire fang, crunch, iron tail
Burner, Coalossal, male, steam engine, adamant, quick tempered, protective pads, moves: tar shot, flame charge, flare blitz, stone edge
Burst, Blaziken, male, speed boost, brave, likes to fight, blunder policy, moves: blaze kick, double kick, aerial ace, poison jab (recived after great devour...Kai's the only one who took the offered pokemon)
Thunder, Jolteon, male, volt absorb, jolly, likes to run, magnet, moves: thunder fang, thunder, shadow ball, Endure (egg was with him when his parents found him)
Sandy, flygon (shiny), female, levitate, docile, good perseverance, dragon fang, moves: dragon claw, dragon dance, earthquake, thunder punch 
Storm, Lanturn, female, volt absorb, timid, likes to run, leftovers, moves: electro ball, charge, aqua ring, scald (gift from Nya)
Surge, Raichu (alolan), male, bashful, highly curious, twisted spoon, moves: psychic, electro ball, protect, psyshock
Sunny, Heliolisk, female, sand veil, sassy, alert to sounds, scope lens, moves: parabolic charge, swift, dragon pulse, rock slide
Blade, Vikavolt, male, levitate, hardy, a little quick tempered, silver powder, moves: thunder bolt, x-scissor, Guillotine, bug buzz
Sam, Tyranitar, male, sand stream, serious, good endurance, smooth rock, moves: rock slide, stomping tantrum, stone edge, crunch
Filla, Florgest (orange flower), female, flower veil, gentle, often lost in thought, safety goggles, moves: petal blizzard, moonblast, synthesis, dazzling gleam (gift from his dad in hopes of getting Cole into dance)
Benny, Steelix, male, rock head, lax, good perseverance, rocky helmet, moves: double edge, iron tail, steel beam, stone edge
Gem, Coalossal, female, steam engine, naive, alert to sounds, utility umbrella, moves: rock polish, rock blast, heat crash, dig
Mark, swampert, male, damp, calm, somewhat vain, soft sand, moves: mud bomb, earthquake, surf, hammer arm (gift from his dad aftrr making up)
Neil, leafeon, female, leaf guard, jolly, likes to run, heat rock, moves: sunny day, synthesis, solar blade, dig (gift from the other ninja when they realized something)
Glacer, Glaceon, female, snow body, modest, somewhat of a clown, Icy rock, moves: Ice fang, hail, curse, pay day
Flare, Talonflame, male, flame body, serious, somewhat vain, sharp beak, moves: roost, acrobatics, flame charge, me first (given to him by his dad)
Winter, Ninetails (alolan), Female, snow cloak,  Mild, highly curious, nevermelt ice, moves: Aurora beam, blizzard, moonblast, disable
Chill, Frosmoth, female, shield dust, calm, strongly defiant, wide lens, moves: feather dance, quiver dance, avalanche, bug buzz
Chime, Lapras, female, water absorb, bashful, highly curious, mystic water, moves: life dew, hydro pump, sheer cold, smart strike
Snow, weavile, female, pickpocket, careful, thoroughly cunning,  moves: revenge, Ice shard, metal claw, night slash
Miller, Sylveon (shiny), male, cute charm, impish, somewhat of a clown, shell bell, moves: disarming voice, moonblast, shadow ball, wish (given as an egg)
Lady, bisharp, female, inner focus, serious, strong willed, moves: metal burst, night slash, guillotine, theif (gift from his dad, was already a bisharp)
Star, Togekiss, female, serene grace, calm, somewhat stubborn, focus band, moves: aura sphere, life dew, dazzling gleam, steel wing (gift from the other ninja)
Lotus, whimsicott, male, infiltrator, impish,quick to flee, miracle seed, moves: razor leaf, moon blast, endeavor, energy ball
Morgana, Hatterene, female, magic bounce, docile, often lost in thought, twisted spoon, moves: psycho cut, life dew, confusion, dazzling gleam
Mariposa, mawile, female, hyper cutter, naive, likes to run, metronome, moves: crunch, iron head, play rough, psychic fangs (found as an egg)
Nya's (so far)
Tidal, Vaporeon, male, water absorb, quiet, somewhat quick tempered, mystic water, moves: double kick, water gun, aqua ring, Aurora beam (gift from Maya)
Charm, Gallade, male, steadfast, calm, thoroughly cunning, black belt, moves: psycho cut, night slash, drain punch, reversal (gift from Ray)
Ravine, Lanturn, male, water absorb, serious, often lost in thought, moves: water gun, confuse ray, aqua ring, discharge (gift from Jay)
Notes about the teams
Nay and Jay admidedly laughed when they realized they caught a chinchou for each other. How could they not?
Gem and Burner are actually siblings
Sandy loves helping Jay work on things. It's part of how they meet even!
Flame regrets being the only male on Zane's team
Filla could care less about dance but she cares lots about Cole.
Filla, Lori, and Lady are all basically thenmoms of everyone. They team up to be the moms.
Do not touch Neil or you will have a bunch of angry ground types on your butt. On that note dont touch Chill or flame will hurt you. Dont touch Mariposa because then all the teams will be on you.
Lori helps Zane cook some times
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808repost · 5 years
Listen to By My Side (freat. Jay Filla) by RegoRacks
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Dhhdh two im happy I got this done. Almost all of Jay's team is tiny. Both Sandy and Thunder have scars cause they got theirs the same time Jay got his from the incident that gave him it. Theyve been with him that long. Like the rest of the ninjas the rest of his team didnt join till after he became a ninja (didnt metion this last post but for Cole his first two team members were Sam and Filla soo)
On that note so far Jay is the only ninja without a dark type Ive noticed...I had though of giving him a morpeko but decided against it. The team nicknamed him sunshine child for it though.
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Pokemon ninjago crossover au stuff
Sooo I mentioned in Jay's picture I drew that all the ninjas started with two pokemon before they actually became ninjas, not cpunting Nya who has three before she becomes one. I figured Id elaborate on that and a few facts on them. Likely what ever comes to mind.
First off three mom mons: Lori the indeedee (Kai's), Filla the florgest [orange flower] (Cole's), and Lady the Bisharp (Lloyd's) they have unofficially adopted all the ninja (and later Echo)
For Kai and Nya they are kinda obvious the mons that were gifts to them from their parents (and for Nya her gift mon from Jay)
Honestly when Nya was kidnapped by the skullkin Kai had *temporary* ownership of Tidal and Charm. He made it very clear that they werent his. Tidal made it obvious too as he and Kai did not get along at all. Lori played peace keeper a lot during that. The poor Indeedee was at her wits end most of the time.
Cole as mentioned was given Filla by his dad. Shortly after he ran away he meet and Caught Sam. It's pretty obvious that they are two peas in a pod. Though it's also pretty clear of the three of them Filla has the head in her shoulders. She also looks likenif she were human ALL these boys, and their mons sand Lori and Lady, would give her gray hairs.
Zane had Glacier and Flame before hand. Everyone makes fun of his poor naming skills and also wouldnt let him name the rest of his mons without approval. Flame and Glacier aproved of this. Also Zane is one of the top "child please stop" on the three mom mons list. Flame is very loyal to Zane and dear gods you do not try and hide his trainer from him (looking at Chen) he will go on a feenzy. Glacier will just let him and help him if needed.
Jay started with Thunder and Sandy. Honestly no one expects the electric type trainer to have a fucking flygon. The three of them dont understand it. They grew up in a desert. Ground types thrivebin deserts! Why would a tripinch bot be in a desert? No one can argue with Jay on it when he vpcalises it for the three of them. Sandy wanted a trainer like Jay. She got Jay she's happy and some times joins the three mom mons especally if Jay is in trouble.
Again an obvious one is Lloyd on how he got his mons. He for a long time only trusted Miller and Lady. Lady is very protective of the green bean because of what happened at Darkly's. This became over all the ninja when she realized "oh gods they are trouble magnets" like Lori and Filla before her. Also she's probs planning on atracking Pythor next time she sees him. She does not like him.
I think that's it for now. Im gonna try working On Nya's team some more.
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