#jacob gats
teonys-jf · 2 years
do you have some dumb shalashska sibling stories? or like funny moments of them
so, funny thing, i’ve switched stuff around!
now it’s toby, xander {xavier}, and terra are all siblings and cousins to ein {zack’s side} and technically jay {aphmau} but the gats wanted to keep in touch with sylvanna so they spent more time together :) also, terra is the half-sister to toby and xander, terra’s mom is in her first marriage with the boy’s dad and it’s his second marriage
but i’m sure i’ve got some family stories :)
so toby is the oldest, xander is the middle, and terra is the youngest
xander hated growing up in public school with the “oh you’re toby’s brother? how funny is that!” stuff and was obviously uncomfortable and wanting out of the situation
terra loved it, though, and would take pride in it and always make ‘my brothers gonna beat you up’ jokes and already be on good terms with teachers
xander was the closest in age with ein, so they spent the most time together
at one of the family get-togethers, they decided to pour milk down the toilet and not flush. they were like 5 or 6 and came back giggling, and after their grandmother found out what they’d done, they got in trouble {ein got in more trouble than xander because zack and elizabeth were not made to be parents}
terra was close with jay, they constantly had sleepovers in middle school despite their schools being hours apart
when jay was homeschooled terra would try and keep them up to date with what was going on in her school, leading to the misconception of school even more than if it was just anime since terra loved making up stories and forgot to say which were made up
sylvanna was happy that her little girl wasn’t going to be lonely during homeschool and would thank jacob and kristine, who waved it off and said they were glad terra had someone with enough energy to keep up with her
toby would try and help ein once he was old enough to see what’s going on, but ein had already shut himself off from the world. instead, toby kept in contact with him over the years through online games and they loved playing tf2 together
when xander and jay were little, they got on each other’s nerves and would ‘play fight’ as sylvanna called it, but xan’s father would call it wrestling. eventually when they lost their first teeth on separate occasions they had to stop
neither of the kids remember this, just that they lost their teeth while family was over
sylvanna told this story to eric and that’s how jay found out about it, who immediately called terra and told her about it {didn’t have xander’s phone number}
terra loved to be outside in summer all of the time, mostly during sunny days. she would get toby and xander outside too, but terra would forget about sunscreen and get burned
xander used to torture her when she got sunburned, but stopped when he was a tween
toby would usually be the responsible one and bring out water/snacks for all of them, their parents would either read outside as the kids had fun or sing/dance inside
xander was the one who gave terra her tattoo idea, toby took all of them to the parlor when it was getting done. terra doesn’t have great pain tolerance, and her brothers ran in as she waved them off going “everything’s good, just a baby” and wiped a tear away
toby tipped the guy directly for an apology, they laughed and said it was okay and that if it was their family, they would’ve done the same thing
terra understood where ein was on being the half sibling and would try to cheer him up when they were little by making drawings of the gats, marin-filla, and filla family
he forgot that it’s in a box in storage, but remembers her smile and gets happy
they also connect over their half-aquatic sides and always worked together on ocean-themed coloring books
terra was ecstatic to learn that her and jay were going to be roommates in college, and gave a lot of ideas for them to hang out and watch netflix and pizza parlors
jay is allergic to pepperoni, so they’re mostly stuck with cheese, but terra doesn’t mind
there was a running joke between the two that terra would put a slice of pepperoni on what food was hers
jay met, and found out about, ein through toby. after she agreed to be the carrier for aaron and lily’s baby, since her second pregnancy would put her in danger, aaron mentioned toby who introduced the hald-siblings
jay was pissed that sylvanna didn’t tell her about ein and elizabeth, as sylvanna explained everything from her side jay asked what terra saw and got that side and put everything together
jay and ein don’t treat each other as siblings, more like strangers on decent enough terms
jay would be more likely to ask terra or toby to look after levin, malachi, and gabriel if zoey is out of commission
i should probably mention all of the schools everyone went to oopsies
terra, toby, and xander went to falcon high, decent public school
jay went to phoenix drop highschool, fluctuating private school
ein went to scale high, bad public school
jay, xander, and terra went to falcon claw university while toby went into military service and met aaron, ein did online college
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lavenderleahy · 1 day
last line challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
I was tagged by @spnstillstudies. Also using this as Tease Tidbit Tuesday! (tagged by the lovely @evanbi-ckley) So there's a bit more than one line ;)
“You know,” Gregory comments, tilting his head slightly to the side to see Jacob, whose face is drawn where he leans against the window. “It’s okay that we didn’t win.” He puts his eyes back on the road, careful as he weaves through Friday night Philadelphia traffic. It’s not his typical scene, so he’s not as practiced navigating the bright lights as he should be. Jacob lets out a heavy sigh. “I know…” He is silent, for a beat. Then, sitting up sharply: “But why did Morton, of all people, have to win? I’ve never seen him at trivia night, and then tonight, all of a sudden, he’s here and he sweeps?” He’s talking with his hands like he does when he gets particularly passionate about something. “It’s gotta be rigged or something. Like, he had to have an in with the owner.” “Yeah, something like that,” Gregory nods, noncommittal.   He’s disappointed in their loss, too, but not for the same reasons as Jacob. Tonight was supposed to be about cheering Jacob up, yet it seems to have done the opposite. 
No pressure tags: @hermioneindisguise @queerdiazs @thatmexisaurusrex @kirkaut @didsomeonesaybuffet
@forestofsprites @archervale @edmundo-noches-buckley @theotherbuckley
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rowenas-my-fave-child · 3 months
I’ve seen ppl complain about Fiona coming back to life but am I the only person who thinks that her entire death was bad like right after she was introduced I thought “ok she’s dying” and I was right. I’m not sure exactly why I thought that but I did. I Do know why I thought she would die, in the manigre (the animal place idk how to spell) Jacob literally thought “Fiona Raised Her hand, she was so quiet I had for got she existed” (not an exact quote, I don’t want to search it up but u gat the gist) um yeah that’s the post, I’m rly sick rn I don’t even know how managed to post this and illl make a bettter post later
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Former deliverances and present troubles. For the Chief Musician. A Psalm of the sons of Korah. Maschil.
1 We have heard with our ears, O God, Our fathers have told us, What work thou didst in their days, In the days of old. 2 Thou didst drive out the nations with thy hand; But them thou didst plant: Thou didst afflict the peoples; But them thou didst spread abroad. 3 For they gat not the land in possession by their own sword, Neither did their own arm save them; But thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, Because thou wast favorable unto them. 4 Thou art my King, O God: Command deliverance for Jacob. 5 Through thee will we push down our adversaries: Through thy name will we tread them under that rise up against us. 6 For I will not trust in my bow, Neither shall my sword save me. 7 But thou hast saved us from our adversaries, And hast put them to shame that hate us. 8 In God have we made our boast all the day long, And we will give thanks unto thy name for ever. Selah
9 But now thou hast cast us off, and brought us to dishonor, And goest not forth with our hosts. 10 Thou makest us to turn back from the adversary; And they that hate us take spoil for themselves. 11 Thou hast made us like sheep appointed for food, And hast scattered us among the nations. 12 Thou sellest thy people for nought, And hast not increased thy wealth by their price. 13 Thou makest us a reproach to our neighbors, A scoffing and a derision to them that are round about us. 14 Thou makest us a byword among the nations, A shaking of the head among the peoples. 15 All the day long is my dishonor before me, And the shame of my face hath covered me, 16 For the voice of him that reproacheth and blasphemeth, By reason of the enemy and the avenger. 17 All this is come upon us; yet have we not forgotten thee, Neither have we dealt falsely in thy covenant. 18 Our heart is not turned back, Neither have our steps declined from thy way, 19 That thou hast sore broken us in the place of jackals, And covered us with the shadow of death. 20 If we have forgotten the name of our God, Or spread forth our hands to a strange god; 21 Will not God search this out? For he knoweth the secrets of the heart. 22 Yea, for thy sake are we killed all the day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. 23 Awake, why sleepest thou, O Lord? Arise, cast us not off for ever. 24 Wherefore hidest thou thy face, And forgettest our affliction and our oppression? 25 For our soul is bowed down to the dust: Our body cleaveth unto the earth. 26 Rise up for our help, And redeem us for thy lovingkindness’ sake. — Psalms 44 | American Standard Version (ASV) The American Standard Version Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Exodus 10:2; Leviticus 26:17; Numbers 6:26; Deuteronomy 6:14; Deuteronomy 28:37; Deuteronomy 32:30; Deuteronomy 33:17; Joshua 22:22; Judges 6:13; 1 Samuel 14:23; Job 3:5; Job 13:24; Psalm 7:6; Psalm 64:8; Psalm 68:28; Psalm 69:7; Psalm 78:7; Psalm 102:13; Psalm 119:157; Proverbs 27:11; Jeremiah 9:24; Jeremiah 15:15; Hosea 1:7; Luke 10:11; Acts 7:45; Romans 8:36
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rotterdamvanalles · 3 months
Coolsingel. Toen circa 1900 1906-1910 & Nu
De naam Coolsingel is afkomstig van het ambacht Cool. Het ambacht Cool komt reeds voor omstreeks 1280. In 1596 kocht de stad de ambachtsheerlijkheid Cool, Blommersdijk en Beukelsdijk van Jonkheer Jacob van Almonde. Bij Koninklijk Besluit van 20 september 1809 werd het ambacht Beukelsdijk, Oost- en West-Blommersdijk, genaamd Cool, tot een zelfstandige gemeente verheven. In 1811 werd Cool door Rotterdam geannexeerd. Naast het ambacht had men ook nog de polder Cool. Deze lag tussen de Rotterdamse en Delfshavense Schie; deze werd in 1925 opgeheven. Een gedeelte van het grondgebied van Cool was reeds in 1358 bij de stad getrokken na de vergunning van hertog Albrecht van Beieren om grachten om de stad te graven en het stadsgebied te vergroten met Rodezand in het ambacht Cool. De Coolvest scheidde voortaan stad en ambacht en vormde de westelijke grens van de oude Stadsdriehoek, later naar het zuiden uitgebreid met de Schiedamse Vest.
In 1480 is er al sprake van een singel aan de ambachtszijde tegenover de vest achter Bulgersteyn; het zuidelijke deel kreeg na de grote stadsuitbreiding rond 1500 de naam Schiedamsesingel, het noordelijke Coolsingel. De Coolvest is in verband met de aanleg van een brede verkeersweg in de jaren 1913-1922 geheel gedempt en kreeg toen de naam Coolsingel. Enkele jaren later volgde de Schiedamse Vest tot aan de Witte de Withstraat, en ten slotte werd meest zuidelijke deel van de vest gedempt met puin van het bombardement.
De Coolsingel is sinds de wederopbouw de centrale verkeersader van de binnenstad. De Coolsingel verbindt het Hofplein met de Blaak. Daarnaast is het een winkelboulevard.
Aan de Coolsingel staat het Rotterdamse stadhuis, alsmede het voormalige hoofdpostkantoor, de VVV van Rotterdam, de Bijenkorf en C&A. Voor de Bijenkorf staat het monument De gestileerde bloem (bijgenaamd Het Ding of De Stopnaald) van Naum Gabo. Aan de zuidzijde wordt de Coolsingel afgesloten door het Churchillplein (voormalig Van Hogendorpsplein). Aan de overzijde ligt, naast het Maritiem Museum, Plein 1940 waar het beroemde monument De verwoeste stad (bijgenaamd Jan Gat) van Ossip Zadkine zich bevindt.
Op de hoek Beursplein/Coolsingel staat het Beurs World Trade Center Rotterdam (WTC Rotterdam), het zakelijk hart van Rotterdam.
Over de Coolsingel rijden diverse trams van de RET, eronder rijdt de metro. Ondergronds, onder het Churchillplein, kruisen de tunnels van de noord-zuidlijn (de lijnen D en E) en van de oost-westlijn (de lijnen A, B en C) van de Rotterdamse metro elkaar. Ook de metrostations Stadhuis en Beurs liggen onder de Coolsingel.
Onder de Coolsingel door loopt de winkelpassage Beurstraverse die in de volksmond de Koopgoot wordt genoemd.
De Coolsingel is het punt van samenkomst voor volksuitingen van grote vreugde. Zo worden kampioenschappen van Feyenoord doorgaans gevierd op de Coolsingel, en bij mooi weer ook weleens in de fontein op het Hofplein. Tevens vinden de start en finish van de marathon van Rotterdam alsmede het Zomercarnaval Rotterdam op de Coolsingel plaats. Ook is het de finishplaats van de Roparun.
Tussen 2018 en 2021 vonden werkzaamheden plaats om de Coolsingel weer de grandeur van een boulevard terug te geven. Fietsers en voetgangers kregen meer ruimte, het autoverkeer ging terug van 4 rijstroken (2 per rijrichting) naar 2 rijstroken (1 per rijrichting).
Foto's komen van @Stadsarchief010 en informatie komen van wikipedia.
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forensicated · 4 months
Smiffina Episodes: Gun Runner Part 5 - Fire Fight (5/5)
Smithy finds himself being followed by a van with Tommy Rose inside. It speeds up, making him have to run to avoid being hit. He's unable to get away at a dead end and Tommy forces him inside at gunpoint to speak to Bob Gatting. Y'know, he'd have gone if Tommy had gotten out and spoke to him nicely too given he knows that the SE1 crew are stumping up the cash? Less fun though I guess (!)
Neil sums up what has happened so far for us uniform and CID in a briefing. Gatting and Cutler are planning to import high powered pistols and machine guns into Canley. The deal is going to go down sometime during the day and hopefully it means Smithy will be returning soon but it's up in the air until they know for certain.
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(It's been a real Ultimate Force reunion lately on The Bill - we have Christopher Fox (Louie/Clive 😂) and Sam Callis (Patrick) as it is, but in Witness we got Danny Sapani (Ricky) and in Gun Runner we've had Louis Decosta Johnson (Dave) and now Miles Anderson (Dempsey) )
Wallace is speaking to his solicitor who is a known pain in the arse. The remand center is full so it's likely he's going to be given bail.
Smithy is delivered to the workshop. Gatting asks where Cutler is and Smithy tells him he has no idea. Gatting blames Smithy for George "Jay" Jacobs being held for being an accessory in Sean Seatton's murder after he'd planted the gun in Wallace's car (unknown to Gatting, Wallace and Cutler) so the police could get it back via legitimate means. Smithy says he was all set to dump it in the river but Kieran got caught with it and that it was just bad luck he got pulled over. "No, you screwed up!" Gatting shouts. "You're finished, I'm taking over this deal!" Wallace turns up having gotten bail. Gatting demands an explanation as he reckons someone tipped the police off. Wallace says it wasn't him and Smithy points out he never knew he existed. Wallace shouts Smithy put the gun in the glovebox and set him up. Smithy retaliates that Wallace has been shouting off about Jacobs and the gun to the wrong people and one of them must have informed on him. Rose remembers the conversation the day before when he returned the gun where Wallace got cocky about the gun being fired and Jay 'getting double tapped'. To save his life, cover and the case Smithy has to maintain it and shouts that Kieran does nothing but swagger around like the big I am and he's fed up of covering up for him. He claims Wallace is a liability and can't be part of the job if Gatting wants it to go smoothly.
Gatting agrees and has Rose march Wallace outside for a beating. Smithy feels bad and says he'll do it. He takes him outside, feigns Wallace kicking him and mutters to him to run. Kieran tries but he doesn't get away. He gets a beating as a horrified Smithy, Max and Terry are forced to watch. Smithy tries to stop it by telling Gatting that Kieran is Cutler's nephew. Gatting shrugs. "It's business not family." he replies, considering the matter wiped from the slate now and everyone even. He tells Smithy to arrange a meeting with Cutler to go over the deal. "That's a warning, son." he tells Wallace. "You cross me again and you're dead." He then turns to Smithy. "Now it's your turn in the ring." Smithy tenses but stands his ground. "Only joking!" he laughs, patting his shoulder. Phew! Max worries Smithy isn't ruthless and hopes he doesn't let what happened to Wallace get to him. As they go to drive off, Kieran shouts that Cutler won't stand for it and that Smithy knows it wasn't him. Smithy dispatches him quickly and tells him to go before they start round two.
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Max tells Stevie that Smithy won't make their meeting at the house because he has to meet up with Cutler. He tells her to go to the pub meeting instead and to brief Smithy to smooth things over between Gatting and Cutler. Gina is worried that Smithy has been hurt after the mornings antics but Max reassures her he was only manhandled and that it's Wallace who took a beating. Neil reminds him Smithy's safety comes first and that if there's even the slightest hint of things going wrong he's to be pulled out immediately. Gina is clearly NOT happy about him remaining in as things stand.
Stevie speaks to Smithy before Cutler appears, reminding him that Cutler and Gatting need to be on good terms for the deal to happen. Cutler orders her to leave and she moves to the bar. Cutler orders Smithy outside, growling at him about Wallace having bruised ribs, broken fingers and cuts and bruises all over - his mum/Cutler's sister has been giving him earache about it. He blames Smithy for shafting Wallace and Smithy manages to brush it aside by telling him he has a bigger problem with Gatting threatening to take over the deal. After the beating Gatting considers it square so all he has to do is shake on it. Cutler would rather see the deal go tits up. Smithy advises him to paper over it until the jobs done and then have it out. Cutler agrees to but he won't let him think he can get away with it. Smithy updates Stevie and tells her that he's worried it's going to get nasty. Stevie looks over and sees Gatting look in their direction so she kisses Smithy. She sees Gatting walk off and continues the kiss for a while. Smithy asks her what was that and she says it was for cover and making it believable. "Wasn't that what you were doing...?" "... Yeah. Just putting on a show." They hold eye contact for a few seconds before Smithy clears his throat. "Got to go..."
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Interpol advise Demitri is really called Osip Kolchek and he has form for human trafficking, drugs and prostitution. He's also suspected of murdering a man he double crossed on a huge drugs deal and Neil is worried he's about to do the same to Cutler.
Smithy tries to broker peace between Gatting and Cutler. Cutler tells Gatting he had no right to beat Wallace up. Smithy points out Gatting is just as much to blame because Rose tried to dump a murder weapon on them without a warning. Gatting admits he should have been told up front and SE1 should have gotten rid of the gun themselves. Gatting irons out the deal finances. Finally they shake hands. Cutler tells them that Demitri has shown him a photograph of the guns, Gatting scoffs and says he'll bring a picture of the cash then. Cutler insists it's all sorted and will happen that afternoon - as long as Gatting brings the payment. Gatting is wary of going to meet him with the cash as he doesn't trust him but Cutler claims it will all go well, Smithy's coming with him to check over the merchandise before they hand the cash over so there is their 'insurance' (yeah. cos they won't be armed outside of that will they (!!). Gatting agrees and snarkily reminds them both to check their brake lights so noone else gets pulled over by the police.
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Stevie is flustered after letting herself into Smithy's to find him wearing a vest and unbuttoned jeans after freshening up to wake himself up. "Do you like how it looks?" he asks, fastening his jeans. Stevie almost blushes and watches him. Smithy realises and smirks. "The house!" They flirt in between Smithy unburdening about having had another gun pointed in his face that morning and how he had to drop Wallace in it to save himself and the case. Stevie reassures him he's bound to feel bad because he's a good man and he's on his own in the middle of bad on bad and that he's over identifying and looking for a friend and it's all normal. He tells her that Wallace reminds him a bit of him at that age and that he could have gone the same way if he hadn't joined the army. Stevie reminds him Laurence can feel guilty but Smithy himself has done nothing wrong. She then starts to massage Smithy's shoulders and he gets very confused, leading her upstairs [Heaton, Millie and Banksy's reactions as they watch are hilarious! "That's the bedroom isn't it?" "He's probably debriefing her, sir." Millie: *SNORT*] out the way of the CCTV where he asks her what's going on. Stevie tries to explain it as TLC for Laurence. "You're messing with my head." "Am I...?" she smiles. "Sorry...." Cutler arrives before they can kiss again. As he goes to leave she asks if there's anything else he needs. Smithy smirks and nods at his washing. "You couldn't er.... I haven't had a chance." Stevie rolls her eyes playfully. "Sorry Smithy, I'm just not that sort of girl." "Ah well, was worth a try." "Cheek." She smirks as she watches him go.
Max updates Neil that Smithy has left with Cutler and he in turn updates Gina that he's going to view the weapons. She tells him she'll get uniform ready and meet him in the yard but Neil tells her to keep the troops at the station as it will be 'simpler' and therefore safer.
As Stevie leaves Smithy's with his washing, Wallace appears and threatens her, demanding to know where Smithy is. She tells him that he's gone out and she doesn't know where. He tells her he's crippled because of Smithy and drags her round the side. Banksy orders a uniform unit to do a drive past. Wallace threatens he's going to kill Smithy when he sees him. She tells him Smithy had no chance and that he covered to save both their lives and that he's told Cutler to take him back. He asks her to swear that Smithy put a good word for him with Cutler. She tells him Smithy will get him back in and back on track. Wallace believes her, saying that he knows they were good friends before it and that's why he couldn't understand it. She tells him to go home and stay there and he'll get Smithy to call him. He looks thoughtful then leaves. Banksy cancels the drive past on seeing Stevie appear from the side of the house once Wallace had gone.
Smithy drives him and Cutler to a warehouse. Max and Neil are hiding in a nearby building. Rose and Gatting arrive and Demitri invites them all inside with Gatting ordering Rose to keep an eye out outside. Inside the warehouse Demitri shows them a Mach10, telling them there are no serial numbers, they are brand new and entirely untraceable. Smithy checks it over and tells both Gatting and Cutler that it appears exactly as described. Demitri offers him some bullets and he loads it, aiming it at a target on the far wall. Smithy fires it three times and destroys the target. Gatting gets cocky and offers £1200 instead of £1500. Smithy asks Gatting what he thinks he's doing and Cutler tells Demitri not to listen as Gatting is just joking and they will pay £1500. Demitri doesn't look overly impressed, asking to be shown the money and Gatting pulls out £1500. "What is this?!" Demitri glares. Cutler looks confused. "You agreed to bring the whole payment." Demitri loads the Mach10 again and points it at them as Smithy pleads with him to calm down and they'll get it sorted. He insists Gatting is only joking and that he has the deal as agreed. "I was just joking." Gatting shrugs, laughing. Smithy smooths it over and says they'll take that Mach10 and give him the cash there and then for that one. Gatting throws the money at Demitri's feet and Demitri throws the gun to Smithy. "We'll do the trade tonight. And this time, bring all the money..." Demitri warns.
Gatting and Cutler turn up at Smithy's unannounced. Cutler tells him that they're on and there'll be a blue box van at limeharbour dock at 6pm. Demitri will text him at 5.50pm, he's to phone Cutler when he gets the text and then go to the warehouse to meet Demitri and examine the goods. They'll be at the pub with the money. If he's happy, he's to call and they'll arrive with the payment. Stevie is also at the house and Gatting and Cutler growl at her to go make them some tea. When she does, Cutler tells Smithy to go to the workshop and get himself a gun as he'll need to be armed if he's going to be dealing with Demitri. He agrees and says he'll drop Stevie off on the way but Gatting insists that no, she's making them a cup of tea and they're going to stay to enjoy it and that Tommy will drop her off later.
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As he leaves, Gatting tells Cutler they'll take Stevie with them to the pub as insurance. He doesn't trust him since Wallace got nicked. Stevie tries to refuse but Gatting makes it clear there was no offer. She's going. Thankfully Stevie is an experienced former SO10 undercover officer and Neil trusts her to do the best she can with the circumstances and calls a station briefing, telling them what has been agreed and that CO19 will be deployed at the warehouse. Once Smithy confirms the guns are there, CO19 will move in and make arrests with uniform. They will then move to the pub where Smithy will ring Cutler. As they leave the pub, CO19 will make the arrests with support from Sun Hill. Arun is placed to keep an eye on Stevie. They have half an hour until things should start to kick off.
Neil and Max see Demitri arrive. Demitri texts Smithy and Smithy gets a gun out and shows it to the CCTV in the workshop and tells them that Demitri has made contact. In doing so he has to move the Mach10 be on top of the safe whilst he gets it out. Unfortunately Wallace arrives and wants to have it out with Smithy. He claims Stevie lied to him about Smithy speaking to Cutler. Instead of going home like Stevie said, Kieran went to Cutler's where he was told to get lost. He says Smithy lies to everyone and is probably a grass. He rants about how he's not stupid and won't be pushed around and grabs the Mach10 from the top of the safe, pointing it at Smithy.
Terry and Heaton watch, urging Smithy to talk him down. Wallace rants about how it's Smithy's fault and how he stood there and watched whilst he was beaten. Heaton tells Neil what's happening. Max suggests they go in as Demitri is getting jumpy. Neil says the guns might not be there, he could be planning to double cross him or the guns might be at a different location so they have to wait.
Smithy tells Wallace that Cutler told him that he had to break his brake light, plant the gun and let him get caught, probably as he had a grudge against Jay. He tells him Cutler had threatened him with the same beating if he didn't and reminds him he'd tried to let him get away. "Cutler's pure evil, you know that!" He tries to get Wallace to give him the gun but Kieran now wants to kill Cutler. "He'll be at the Boat Arms where he always is, sipping his whiskey, laughing his bald head off! Well he won't be laughing much longer!" He points the gun at Smithy and orders him to open the door. With no choice, Smithy has to do so and Wallace leaves the warehouse to find his uncle. Smithy shouts to the CCTV that he needs an armed support and ambulance to meet him at The Boat Arms before Wallace walks into a packed pub with a machine gun. Terry tries to stop him but Smithy jumps into the car and he speeds off after Wallace.
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Demitri is not happy at waiting and is getting jumpy. Neil tells Max that CO19 are needed at the pub as Wallace has gone after Cutler with a Mach10. Neil has no choice, he has to prioritise actual threat to life. He tells Max he should have had another unit standing by but Max assures him this couldn't have been predicted. He tells Neil that they'd still take 20 minutes to get to Smithy even with the blues and twos on and that there'll be an ARV on the way already. He insists they have to take down Demitri and cut the guns off at the source or lose everything. Neil tells CO19 to go in when ready. They take down Demitri's men but the man himself makes a run for it. Max leaps on him as he draws his gun and manages to arrest him. They check the back of the van and find the guns are all there! Max has a moment, remembering his colleague who CO19 lost to a Mach10, telling Neil he should have been there to see it.
There's a bit here that amuses me silly amounts when it really isn't that funny. Max realises the boxes in the back of the van are nailed shut so needs something to pry them open. He doesn't even finish his sentence before Leon The Mind Reader appears and hands him a hammer to pull the lid off with. It's not in the slightest bit funny, nor is it written as though it is but it just happens like Leon carries it round with him just incase someone might need it and leaps to it!
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At the pub Cutler claims Smithy should have been in touch by now and he's also getting jumpy. Gatting tells him to stop worrying because it's getting on his nerves. Rose asks if the sirens he can hear are police but Stevie claims it's just an ambulance.
Smithy speeds alongside Wallace's car, trying to box him in. He manages to get in front but Wallace pulls the gun on him again and tells him to get in the car. Smithy tries to reason that he can't use the gun in a packed pub because it'd be carnage. Wallace doesn't care - as long as Cutler is dead. Smithy tries to encourage him to sort it out one to one not with the gun. Kieran points it at him again and tells him to back off. Smithy pulls the gun out of his belt. "I am an armed police officer. Put the gun down. Put the gun down, now!" Wallace realises it was Smithy all along and he lifts the gun. Smithy shouts at him not to do it and as he says he will, Smithy has to shoot him to protect his own life - with milliseconds to spare as Wallace ends up firing into the air after the first shot.
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Armed police swarm and Smithy is ordered to step away from the body. Gina shouts that he's one of them and not to shoot. She gets him away then informs Neil. Smithy is clearly massively affected by what he's had to do and Gina shouts at him at one point because he's not listening to her but staring at Kieran's body. She's also affected and terrified at what she saw almost happen to him.
Smithy makes the call to Cutler to tell him that the guns are at the warehouse and that everything is fine. They leave the pub and head towards the car when CO19 and Sun Hill officers - including Smithy - approach to arrest them. Gina tells Smithy that Wallace is dead. "Great, I warned Wallace he could end up dead in the gutter. It's my job to keep guns off the street and me who shoots him dead." Stevie reassures him it wasn't his fault. Gina tells him she'll need a statement from him, finishing it with "And you look a complete shambles. The quicker I get you back into uniform the better!"
Heaton congratulates Smithy on a successful result with their targets arrested and the guns seized. Neil tells him the DPS want to interview him but not to worry, he had no choice and did the right thing. Max asks him why he went after Wallace and Smithy points out he had a machine gun and was threatening to use it. He tells Max he'd followed his rule - whatever you think you need to do, be ruthless and do it. Max tells him he respects that and that he too had tough calls to make but his safety was number one. He admits he didn't think Smithy could hack it at first but he has no doubts about him now. "Good working with you, Smithy." he tells him, shaking his hand. He tells him he's earnt a break but Smithy says there's no chance of that as the DPS and IPCC will be crawling over him for weeks and then the coroners court. Max offers to back him up and sit with him throughout it if he needs someone. Smithy thanks him and leaves CID only to bump into Stevie.
"Ah Laurence..." she teases, asking him how he feels. Smithy admits he's a bit shaky but he feels alright. She tells him she's done his washing and has put it in the Sergeant's office but found a pair of white y fronts in her things. "Well... we've all got a comfy pair, ain't we." he smirks. He asks if they can 'draw a line under them' and she agrees before kissing him, telling him she was just saying goodbye to Laurence 'before boring old Dale comes back on duty'. They exchange smiles and seperate, Stevie going back to CID and Smithy heading towards his office.
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emasculates · 11 months
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Ok so about me. I’m JJ, I’m a dude, I’m bi, I’m an uncle.
I don’t know what I like besides guys that are like me in video games. I like having fun and talking and having friends. I’m an uncle to 3, the last one is my favorite. People think I’m annoying as fuck but if I stopped, I’d stop having fun. emos dni
If I had a kin list in 2023 it would look like this:
Johnny Cage - MK
Jacob Frye - AC:S
Ian Malcolm - JP
Steve Harrington - ST
Jesse Mcree - OW
Jimmy Bending - GTARP
Leviathan - oc
With some honorable mentions to these studs
Carlos Oliveira - RE
Johnny Gat - SR
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fmhiphop · 1 year
Raising The Bar: Nas And Tobe Nwigwe Unleash TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS Music Video - "On My Soul"
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Nas has cranked up the excitement to a whole new level by teaming up with Tobe Nwigwe and Jacob Banks for their fresh and lively jam called "On My Soul." On the splendid day of May 18, this electrifying track was unleashed via the remarkable Mass Appeal Records, a label co-founded by Nas himself in 2014. And on June 1, Houston rapper Tobe Nwigwe and Nas dropped the music video for "On My Soul,' featured in the epic TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS film. Right from the get-go of this soulful masterpiece, Tobe Nwigwe bursts onto the scene with his signature lightning-fast delivery, releasing a barrage of lyrical genius that will leave you mesmerized. Yet there is more to come! Can You Keep Up? The Challenge Of Tobe Nwigwe's Lightning-Fast Delivery As soon as those soulful beats hit, Nwigwe storms in with his trademark rapid-fire delivery, spitting out bars so scorching you'll reach for that rewind button, desperate to savor and unravel every word. It's as if he's a poetry machine gun, blasting out rhymes like bullets, leaving you in awe of his lyrical prowess. Can you keep up? Probably not, unless you've got a time machine! 'On my soul, everybody in the clique strapped, and they all on go Keep a stick, just like branch, papi, but I ain't a troll On my mama, can't nobody out here play me for no ho Guard your grill, guard your grill Ain't nobody out here hard to kill The gat I pack go, "Pap" and peel your cap from front to back.' Nas's Mechanical Flow With a booming chorus belted out by Jacob Banks, Nas kicks it up a notch. He launches into a lightning-fast verse of his own. And he stays true to the script, spitting lyrics that will have you scrunching your face in utter disbelief. How does he manage to keep up that level of intensity? It's like he's on a mission to blow our minds with every line. Are you ready to be blown away by the incredible brilliance? 'Don't slander all the banter Just one answer, I'm an animal I'm just one man, outstandin' though Part wolf, part king, part hannibal Example, proof, I'm built like I'm mechanical On the mic, I'm a cannibal You don't know who I'm family to You don't know my team, you don't know what my mans'll do Turn it up to the maximum, gorillas in the trap.' I had to turn down the volume because this heat almost burned my house down! I guess that means the gorillas got too hot and had to escape the trap! Watch the video below: The Battle For Earth Begins! TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS Brings Epic Action! TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS roared into action, ready to captivate moviegoers worldwide. But this time, the Autobots are embarking on a thrilling '90s globetrotting adventure that will have you asking, "Where to next?" But with the crazy-fast speeds of the Autobots, you'll be asking, "Where were we?!" We're introducing a brand-new crew of Transformers called the Maximals, joining forces with our beloved Autobots to defend planet Earth. This film was set to rock your world when it hit theaters on June 9, 2023, under the skilled direction of Steven Caple Jr. and starring Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback. With an all-star cast, action-packed special effects, and a story of heroic defense, the Maximals and the Autobots will ensure that this summer blockbuster is not one to miss! If you haven't seen the movie yet, get your tickets here. Who Is Tobe Nwigwe? Tobe Nwigwe is a true enigma! His music tells the story of his challenging upbringing in Alief, TX, but it also takes you on a wild journey through the hood. You know, the place where gang violence, drug deals, pimps, and prostitution are all too familiar. But here's the catch: Tobe's music is filled with undeniable authenticity that hits you right in the feels. And despite all the hardships he's faced, he remains a beacon of positivity and kindness. How does he do it? Well, Tobe's songs not only describe shootouts and the heartbreaking loss of childhood friends. They also emphasize the power of faith and the significance of having a purpose in life. It's like he's saying, "Hey, I've been through some tough stuff, but faith and purpose can help you overcome anything." Speaking of purpose, Tobe has a singular goal that drives him every day: to make purpose popular. This first-generation Nigerian kid from Alief had dreams of playing in the NFL, with a college football scholarship and all. But then, fate intervened and handed him a career-ending foot injury during his senior year. Ouch, right? It could have been the end of the road for many people, but not for Tobe. In the depths of his despair, he turned to his faith and discovered a new calling: to teach others how to "move with purpose." Changing Lives Beyond Music Even before Tobe picked up a pen and called himself a rapper, he made an impact. He started a nonprofit foundation called TEAM GINI and began speaking to rooms full of students, enlightening them about the incredible benefits of living a purpose-driven life. Tobe changed lives even before he knew he had the power to move people with his music. And wow, did he succeed! Through constant consistency and flawless execution, Tobe has attracted fans from all corners of the globe. We're talking about big names here, like Erykah Badu, Sway Calloway, and Dave Chappelle. How awesome is that? The next time you listen to Tobe Nwigwe's music, let it take you on a trip through the hood and remind you of the power of belief and purpose. And hey, if Tobe can overcome obstacles with grace and positivity, what's stopping you from doing the same? Written by Nikiya Biggs | LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram Follow and like FMHipHop on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Spotify! Read the full article
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mhmains · 2 years
Borderlands the pre sequel grinder recipes
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#Borderlands the pre sequel grinder recipes mod
While I know that Order won't make you invincible, it should increase your effective health. Some don't die, some get second wind, but either way that is too fragile. when you seem them use the build, you see them dropping to 20% health over and over, nearly dying repeatedly. Even with the builds that people are claiming that you kill so fast your shield barely takes any damage. Those are fine up to a point, but I really hate dying so often or whatever. I've been running through a lot of youtube builds and almost everyone is going glass cannon builds. I'll do what I can with the shift codes that are listed around. Tying it to the double jump is just insult to injury, but I'll see if it causes me trouble or not.ĭoes anyone have words of wisdom or a link to good tips and tricks? One thing I really hate is getting a one of a kind gun too early so that it is useless later. I really don't like the O2 countdown, despite being able to refill it with ease (so far). I haven't gotten any level 60 DLC yet, depending on how much I enjoy the game will determine if I buy that. The best (offense/defense) is a good (defense/offense), so it is possible they are largely interchangeable. A good defense can keep you alive longer and a good offense often means fewer bullets per bad guy. On one hand I hate dying and on the other hand I hate running out of ammo. When just starting out, do you focus on Law and Order or Fan the Hammer first? I don't know how tough stuff is in the game, and it seems that Law and Order is mostly a defense tree and Fan the Hammer is mostly an offense tree. I even have my second skill point, which brings to mind my question: I've gotten my second OZ kit (the one that heals). I am starting with Nisha like I said from page 1 of this thread. So last night I plugged in my Logitech G13 and copied my key binds from BL2 and started up. I've had it installed, but wanted to finish off Dragon Age: Inquisition and Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell first. But it eats bosses like nothing else.Īnd what I use on Iwajiru with Double Penetrating 88 Fragnum. It isn't any good at stuff like the Holodome. So you better have a good fallback weapon of a different type. The good is that this gun/build puts out an unbelievable amount of damage. I will go screenshot my skill build in a bit. I think he was talking about my Double Penetrating 88 Fragnum. Then again the Hyperion low-acc until a few rounds have been fired is more detrimental to my playstyle.
#Borderlands the pre sequel grinder recipes mod
The biggest drawback is reload speed (which Nisha has a couple of skills and a class mod for) and the Jakobs' loss of accuracy upon rapid fire. What skills does Nisha have that would buff fire rate such that it's faster than you can press the mouse button? None of the other pistols I have empty their mag anywhere near as fast as my Jakobs'. My orange pistol isn't half as nice because of the way Jacobs doesn't really take advantage of your skills since you have to manually pull the trigger.
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cunagussos · 5 years
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trans johnny gat memes i made for me, my friends, and pride month 
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lavenderleahy · 10 days
Several Sentence Sunday
i don't have anything 911-related to share but we're doing this anyways. thank you @evanbi-ckley for the tag 💜
it's taken me a while to post anything because I've been stuck in the pre-writing stage of all of my wips. but I finally managed to write the first few paragraphs for a gregory eddie/jacob hill getting together fic (fandom: abbott elementary). sorry not sorry it's not 911; the rarepair brainworms won't leave me until it's written and I'm making it everyone else's problem. enjoy! or don't!
Gregory pulls into the driveway of Melissa’s modest craftsman home. She’s done pretty well for herself, considering the teacher's salary. Though, Gregory thinks, if she’s owned the house for as long as she’s taught at Abbott, housing prices were certainly more under control then than now. 
He steps out of the car, pulling his pea coat close to block out the chill, and breathes in deeply. He loves winters in Philadelphia; it’s cold, but the air feels crisp and invigorating. 
He knocks and is almost immediately welcomed by an exasperated Melissa, her disheveled hair thrown up in a bun. “Oh thank god you’re here; he’s been moping all night,” she says in greeting. Then just as quickly as she opened the door she turns away, leaving it wide open and Gregory standing on the porch. 
Well, he supposes that means he can come in.
no pressure tagging @edmundo-noches-buckley @nelsonsmynickname @hermioneindisguise @kirkaut @queerdiazs if you all want to post something from your wips!
let me know if you'd prefer not to be tagged :)
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“I wonder if you think of me too, because I need you.” It’s a simple line that cuts deep, with the whole themes of this song being quite relatable and melancholic. The contrasting yet similar viewpoints amongst two sets of vocals create a real depth of emotion. This is a song that would fit right in place in the 80′s - or in any other decade. The ideas and riff are timeless, yet no less catchy!
Written by: Cazzy Lewchuk
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rotterdamvanalles · 4 months
Coolsingel. Toen & Nu
De naam Coolsingel is afkomstig van het ambacht Cool. Het ambacht Cool komt reeds voor omstreeks 1280. In 1596 kocht de stad de ambachtsheerlijkheid Cool, Blommersdijk en Beukelsdijk van Jonkheer Jacob van Almonde. Bij Koninklijk Besluit van 20 september 1809 werd het ambacht Beukelsdijk, Oost- en West-Blommersdijk, genaamd Cool, tot een zelfstandige gemeente verheven. In 1811 werd Cool door Rotterdam geannexeerd. Naast het ambacht had men ook nog de polder Cool. Deze lag tussen de Rotterdamse en Delfshavense Schie; deze werd in 1925 opgeheven. Een gedeelte van het grondgebied van Cool was reeds in 1358 bij de stad getrokken na de vergunning van hertog Albrecht van Beieren om grachten om de stad te graven en het stadsgebied te vergroten met Rodezand in het ambacht Cool. De Coolvest scheidde voortaan stad en ambacht en vormde de westelijke grens van de oude Stadsdriehoek, later naar het zuiden uitgebreid met de Schiedamse Vest.
In 1480 is er al sprake van een singel aan de ambachtszijde tegenover de vest achter Bulgersteyn; het zuidelijke deel kreeg na de grote stadsuitbreiding rond 1500 de naam Schiedamsesingel, het noordelijke Coolsingel. De Coolvest is in verband met de aanleg van een brede verkeersweg in de jaren 1913-1922 geheel gedempt en kreeg toen de naam Coolsingel. Enkele jaren later volgde de Schiedamse Vest tot aan de Witte de Withstraat, en ten slotte werd meest zuidelijke deel van de vest gedempt met puin van het bombardement.
De Coolsingel is sinds de wederopbouw de centrale verkeersader van de binnenstad. De Coolsingel verbindt het Hofplein met de Blaak. Daarnaast is het een winkelboulevard.
Aan de Coolsingel staat het Rotterdamse stadhuis, alsmede het voormalige hoofdpostkantoor, de VVV van Rotterdam, de Bijenkorf en C&A. Voor de Bijenkorf staat het monument De gestileerde bloem (bijgenaamd Het Ding of De Stopnaald) van Naum Gabo. Aan de zuidzijde wordt de Coolsingel afgesloten door het Churchillplein (voormalig Van Hogendorpsplein). Aan de overzijde ligt, naast het Maritiem Museum, Plein 1940 waar het beroemde monument De verwoeste stad (bijgenaamd Jan Gat) van Ossip Zadkine zich bevindt.
Op de hoek Beursplein/Coolsingel staat het Beurs World Trade Center Rotterdam (WTC Rotterdam), het zakelijk hart van Rotterdam.
Over de Coolsingel rijden diverse trams van de RET, eronder rijdt de metro. Ondergronds, onder het Churchillplein, kruisen de tunnels van de noord-zuidlijn (de lijnen D en E) en van de oost-westlijn (de lijnen A, B en C) van de Rotterdamse metro elkaar. Ook de metrostations Stadhuis en Beurs liggen onder de Coolsingel.
Onder de Coolsingel door loopt de winkelpassage Beurstraverse die in de volksmond de Koopgoot wordt genoemd.
De Coolsingel is het punt van samenkomst voor volksuitingen van grote vreugde. Zo worden kampioenschappen van Feyenoord doorgaans gevierd op de Coolsingel, en bij mooi weer ook weleens in de fontein op het Hofplein. Tevens vinden de start en finish van de marathon van Rotterdam alsmede het Zomercarnaval Rotterdam op de Coolsingel plaats. Ook is het de finishplaats van de Roparun.
Tussen 2018 en 2021 vonden werkzaamheden plaats om de Coolsingel weer de grandeur van een boulevard terug te geven. Fietsers en voetgangers kregen meer ruimte, het autoverkeer ging terug van 4 rijstroken (2 per rijrichting) naar 2 rijstroken (1 per rijrichting).
Foto's komen van @Stadsarchief010 en informatie komen van wikipedia.
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booksaloha · 6 years
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“We are Sinclairs. No one is needy. No one is wrong. We live, at least in the summertime, on a private island off the coast of Massachusetts. Perhaps that is all you need to know. Except that some of us are liars.”
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supersonicart · 2 years
"Multiples" at Hashimoto NYC.
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Currently on view at Hashimoto Contemporary until January 8th, 2022 in New York City is the group exhibition, "Multiples."
"Multiples" features a number of limited edition HPMs (hand-painted multiples) and prints. The exhibition brings together a group of over twenty artists in a wide range of styles from around the globe.
Featured Artists: Scott Albrecht | Stephanie Brown | GATS | Lizzie Gill | Casey Gray | Seonna Hong | Celia Jacobs | Erik Jones | Augustine Kofie | Corey Lamb | Gabe Langholtz | Karen Lederer | Madi | Michael Reeder | Taylor Schultek | Lorien Stern | Rachel Strum | Madeleine Tonzi | Anna Valdez | Emilio Villalba | John Wentz | Ravi Zupa
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fmhiphop · 1 year
Raising The Bar: Nas And Tobe Nwigwe Unleash TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS Music Video - "On My Soul"
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Nas has cranked up the excitement to a whole new level by teaming up with Tobe Nwigwe and Jacob Banks for their fresh and lively jam called "On My Soul." On the splendid day of May 18, this electrifying track was unleashed via the remarkable Mass Appeal Records, a label co-founded by Nas himself in 2014. And on June 1, Houston rapper Tobe Nwigwe and Nas dropped the music video for "On My Soul,' featured in the epic TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS film. Right from the get-go of this soulful masterpiece, Tobe Nwigwe bursts onto the scene with his signature lightning-fast delivery, releasing a barrage of lyrical genius that will leave you mesmerized. Yet there is more to come! Can You Keep Up? The Challenge Of Tobe Nwigwe's Lightning-Fast Delivery As soon as those soulful beats hit, Nwigwe storms in with his trademark rapid-fire delivery, spitting out bars so scorching you'll reach for that rewind button, desperate to savor and unravel every word. It's as if he's a poetry machine gun, blasting out rhymes like bullets, leaving you in awe of his lyrical prowess. Can you keep up? Probably not, unless you've got a time machine! 'On my soul, everybody in the clique strapped, and they all on go Keep a stick, just like branch, papi, but I ain't a troll On my mama, can't nobody out here play me for no ho Guard your grill, guard your grill Ain't nobody out here hard to kill The gat I pack go, "Pap" and peel your cap from front to back.' Nas's Mechanical Flow With a booming chorus belted out by Jacob Banks, Nas kicks it up a notch. He launches into a lightning-fast verse of his own. And he stays true to the script, spitting lyrics that will have you scrunching your face in utter disbelief. How does he manage to keep up that level of intensity? It's like he's on a mission to blow our minds with every line. Are you ready to be blown away by the incredible brilliance? 'Don't slander all the banter Just one answer, I'm an animal I'm just one man, outstandin' though Part wolf, part king, part hannibal Example, proof, I'm built like I'm mechanical On the mic, I'm a cannibal You don't know who I'm family to You don't know my team, you don't know what my mans'll do Turn it up to the maximum, gorillas in the trap.' I had to turn down the volume because this heat almost burned my house down! I guess that means the gorillas got too hot and had to escape the trap! Watch the video below: The Battle For Earth Begins! TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS Brings Epic Action! TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS roared into action, ready to captivate moviegoers worldwide. But this time, the Autobots are embarking on a thrilling '90s globetrotting adventure that will have you asking, "Where to next?" But with the crazy-fast speeds of the Autobots, you'll be asking, "Where were we?!" We're introducing a brand-new crew of Transformers called the Maximals, joining forces with our beloved Autobots to defend planet Earth. This film was set to rock your world when it hit theaters on June 9, 2023, under the skilled direction of Steven Caple Jr. and starring Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback. With an all-star cast, action-packed special effects, and a story of heroic defense, the Maximals and the Autobots will ensure that this summer blockbuster is not one to miss! If you haven't seen the movie yet, get your tickets here. Who Is Tobe Nwigwe? Tobe Nwigwe is a true enigma! His music tells the story of his challenging upbringing in Alief, TX, but it also takes you on a wild journey through the hood. You know, the place where gang violence, drug deals, pimps, and prostitution are all too familiar. But here's the catch: Tobe's music is filled with undeniable authenticity that hits you right in the feels. And despite all the hardships he's faced, he remains a beacon of positivity and kindness. How does he do it? Well, Tobe's songs not only describe shootouts and the heartbreaking loss of childhood friends. They also emphasize the power of faith and the significance of having a purpose in life. It's like he's saying, "Hey, I've been through some tough stuff, but faith and purpose can help you overcome anything." Speaking of purpose, Tobe has a singular goal that drives him every day: to make purpose popular. This first-generation Nigerian kid from Alief had dreams of playing in the NFL, with a college football scholarship and all. But then, fate intervened and handed him a career-ending foot injury during his senior year. Ouch, right? It could have been the end of the road for many people, but not for Tobe. In the depths of his despair, he turned to his faith and discovered a new calling: to teach others how to "move with purpose." Changing Lives Beyond Music Even before Tobe picked up a pen and called himself a rapper, he made an impact. He started a nonprofit foundation called TEAM GINI and began speaking to rooms full of students, enlightening them about the incredible benefits of living a purpose-driven life. Tobe changed lives even before he knew he had the power to move people with his music. And wow, did he succeed! Through constant consistency and flawless execution, Tobe has attracted fans from all corners of the globe. We're talking about big names here, like Erykah Badu, Sway Calloway, and Dave Chappelle. How awesome is that? The next time you listen to Tobe Nwigwe's music, let it take you on a trip through the hood and remind you of the power of belief and purpose. And hey, if Tobe can overcome obstacles with grace and positivity, what's stopping you from doing the same? Written by Nikiya Biggs | LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram Follow and like FMHipHop on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Spotify! Read the full article
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