#also i realized pudding is fun to write
Spending Time With Them-Mai Natsume, Trinity Glassfile, Es, and Celica A. Mercury
"Anonymous asked: Really enjoyed your "What it would be like hanging out with them" BlazBlue scenarios. Then I realized that my favorite gals weren't on 😭. Do you think you can do one for Mai Natsume, Trinity Gladsfille, and Es (Xblaze)?"
Fun Fact: Originally Mai was supposed to be on the original list, I even recalled writing something for her and everything. However, once I actually went to put in her Eye Catch, I couldn’t find it and it turns out I had not written anything for her. Trinity and Es were also originally on the list but were cut due to a lack of ideas for them.
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Time spent with Mai would involve a lot of animals, especially strange ones and doubly so for reptiles.
She really likes reptiles.
Something about them always piqued her interest.
She would love it if she could share that interest with you, and especially if she could talk about it or just dump all the strange factoids and tidbits of information she can onto you.
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Spending time with Trinity would most likely be spent with a cup of tea in hand.
Her personal preference is black tea, but she is interested to see what you choose.
Other than that, the two of you would probably enjoy the silence, and, depending on the weather, Trinity might try to “stealthily” scoot over to where she would be leaning into you.
Or, she will at the very least try to do so, though she’ll probably sike herself out of it.
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Spending time with Es can go one of four ways.
Eating pudding.
Or eating pudding while reading, or people watching, or watching a documentary on some strange subject.
Es likes pudding to an unnatural degree.
She Also likes watching strange doccumenteries.
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Spending time with Celica would involve a lot of walking and strolling and exploring.
Especially in the cooler times of year before winter when the weather is the perfect mix of cool and warm.
That, mixed with Celica’s own dislike of keeping still and her lack of directional sense often leads to some…
Interesting moments.
Who knew those little Kaka’s were so vicious?
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sanguineterrain · 2 years
Lampshade - s.h.
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Based on this request. This ended up way longer than a blurb so I decided to post it on its own. I got a little teary writing this one---hit close to home for me. Hopefully I did your request justice anon
Summary: After an encounter with your high school bully, you're reminded that you don't have to be alone with your insecurities.
Word count: 2.2k
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!plus-size!reader
Warnings: fatphobia, insecurities, self-doubt, bullying, arguing (happy ending!) Steve is the sweetest angel baby mkay?
MAIN MASTERLIST | Follow my notification blog @sanguine-stranger for fic updates!
You feel like a lampshade.
It's been a long time since you've dared to set foot at a party. The last one had been Eliza Meyer's eleventh birthday party at her house. A kid had eaten too much ice cream and threw up on the carpet.
Tonight's party isn't much different. Whoever's house it is, it's already trashed.
Maybe you should've fought harder to do literally anything else this weekend, except Steve's puppy eyes are brutal. And you can't deny the guilt you feel already, forcing him into trips to craft stores and the bookstore instead. Steve deserves a girl who can have fun. It's only been a year since Steve was King Steve. You know you're part of his fall from grace. You know that. You never fucking forget it, frankly.
But you feel like a lampshade. Dimmed light, hidden. As insignificant as wallpaper. As tiny as a fly.
You're used to taking up space; used to telling yourself that it's okay you take up space. That you deserve to exist just the same as anybody else.
But this is not your place to take up space. You don't belong here.
Steve is getting drinks. You'd opted to stay in the living room, not wanting to attempt navigating a kitchen full of drunk young people. Steve had kissed your cheek and promised a swift return.
You turn. French manicured nails curl around a red plastic Solo cup. Andrea Burgess has the same big hair you remember from high school, hairsprayed and teased to the heavens. She will probably marry some schmuck and pop out three or four viper babies who have her fire hazard hair. Poor kids.
Andrea is all smiles, razors hidden beneath pearly whites. You remember how she'd dumped pudding over some poor band kid's uniform in junior year. How she'd terrorized girls in the locker room. How she'd terrorized you.
Maybe she doesn't remember you.
"Didn't think this was your scene, Y/N."
No such luck.
You nod tightly, praying she'll leave you be.
"Aw, c'mon. Nothing to say? I know your mouth is big enough for extra cafeteria pie. Surely you can spare a hello."
"Leave me alone, Andrea," you say.
Her eyes light up. She loves when her victims beg.
"Heard you're going out with Steve Harrington now. Like, I knew you were pathetic, but I didn't know you were a liar."
"It's not a lie. Steve's my boyfriend."
That only fuels the fire. You've seen the bitter jealousy before. Girls have no idea what the hell Steve is doing with someone like you. They're confused, then angry, hurling daggers with their eyes. You never mention it to Steve. You can't bear to see realization in his own eyes. He'll wake up from a fog. They're right. What am I doing with you?
Andrea laughs. "What, as like, charity work?"
Your eyes begin to burn. Where are you, Steve?
"Leave me alone, Andrea." Your voice is weaker now and sounds more like a plea.
"What're you gonna do? Chase me down?"
You are a lampshade. You are a feather floating in the wind. High school is past you. Andrea means nothing.
Oh, but her words hurt. You've always been sensitive, too soft. Steve thinks you're a dream. You feel like a raw nerve.
"You know, Steve used to make fun of you too."
Your blood runs cold. Andrea clocks your reaction and keeps going.
"You think he was above that? Look at who he dated. I mean, God, Nancy Wheeler's not winning any prizes, but she's tiny."
Nancy is beautiful. She's also incredibly smart and has become something of a friend. But that voice has always been there, sounding suspiciously like Andrea Burgess. A reminder that Nancy had Steve first for a reason.
"S-Steve would never do that."
Your voice wobbles. You're trying to be strong but you can't. You'd hoped all these years would've toughened you up but you can't do it. The Andreas of the world will break you every time.
"Called you every name in the book," Andrea informs you keenly. "Big girl and built like a linebacker. He was real creative. You're a joke to him, Y/N. He'll get you out of his system and move on."
Steve has never mentioned your weight or appearance. Kindly, he calls you beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, sweet, lovely. He akins you to a shrinking violet, a flower that just needs a little coaxing to bloom. He asks for you to let him take you shopping. You never seem to want to go shopping with him. Baby, how come we don't go to the mall? I have style, I swear!
You don't mention your weight to him in fear he'll notice. Steve will notice, and then he'll realize what a huge mistake he's made. So you keep quiet. Maybe he won't know. Maybe you'll get to keep him. Steve is a patch of golden sunshine in this hellhole.
You love him. The thought, however frightening, is there, real and true. You don't want to mess this up. You'll suck in your stomach and cover all the mirrors if that's what it takes.
"He's already ditched you," Andrea continues cruelly. "Probably glad to be rid of the dead weight."
You can't take anymore. You run.
Andrea doesn't follow you. There's too many people in the hallway and your vision is blurring fast. You go upstairs, blindly checking doors. Your hand hovers over a knob to a bedroom. The thought that Steve is inside with someone else briefly crosses your mind. You sprint down the hall, away from that thought.
You find the bathroom and lock the door. Then you sit on the toilet lid. And you cry.
You try to keep quiet. The bass from the speakers thumps below, but still. You can't risk anybody finding you. Least of all Steve. Steve would ask you about what happened. Steve would want to fix it, because Steve always wants to make things better.
You can't be fixed. He can't know.
Your nose is snotty, tears clumping in your lashes. You grab the edge of the window sill and cry harder. Your chest aches from lack of air but you can't stop.
You have to calm down if you want Steve to take you home. You'll need an excuse, though. Sick, you feel sick. You threw up. Steve won't question that. He'll touch your forehead and coo and you'll never have to talk about tonight.
You scrub your face with cold water. Your eyes are puffy from crying and you can't smooth your frown no matter how hard you try. You wipe your face with toilet paper.
You can't look in the mirror too long or you'll break and start crying again. So you spin on your heel and unlock the door, slipping out. The hallway is still empty. All of the noise is downstairs. Your secret is safe.
Steve will likely be searching for you. Hopefully, you haven't been gone too long. You can say you got lost, or caught up with an old friend. You're a terrible liar, especially to Steve.
Andrea's words creep back in. Maybe you're lying to yourself too.
You wipe your nose with a knuckle and swallow. You just need to keep it together for another hour. Then you're home free.
Steve looks like he belongs here. Two cups in hand, coolly perched on the edge of the armchair, Steve Harrington is certainly somebody's king.
Andrea touches his arm and giggles. Steve's barely looking at her. A wave of nausea turns your stomach.
He sees you and stands, shaking her off. But it's too late. You're out of Steve's system.
"Y/N? Baby, where are you g—"
You barrel through the crowd by the front door. You don't care about your jacket in Steve's car. You'll walk home if that's what it takes. Anything to get away.
It's more than chilly tonight. But the air feels good on your face, hot tears having returned. You scrub furiously at them.
You should've known. Why hadn't you seen it? You know better than to let your guard down around somebody like Steve Harrington. To think he could want you. Who are you? You're never making that mistake again.
Steve is running. Of course you had to go and fall in love with a guy who's athletically inclined.
You pick up your pace.
"Go 'way, Steve!" you hiccup.
Your voice is hoarse and raw from crying. You know Steve can hear it.
"Y/N, honey—"
"I'm walking home," you shout, voice cracking. You ache so bad. You want to stop and break right there on the sidewalk.
He catches your elbow. You wrench your arm away. When you turn, Steve looks like he's been slapped.
You keep wiping your eyes but the tears are coming too fast now.
"Y/N, what happened? Tell me what happened," he begs.
You cry harder and bend, holding your arms. Steve steps forward, hands fluttering over you.
"Baby, baby. Please, I need you to breathe, please. What hurts? Tell me what hurts."
"I'm your joke," you grit through tears. "You've got me out of your system."
"What?" Steve gasps. "What are you talking about?"
"Look at me!" You're too loud. You've never been this loud with Steve. "Look at the fucking big girl! Did you have fun?"
"Y/N." Steve looks like he's close to breaking. His eyes are glassy. "Please stop. Please. Don't call yourself that. Was it her in the chair? I pushed her away. I don't even know her name, I—"
"Her name is Andrea Burgess. And you're all the same. You lie," you grit. "I love you and you love girls like Nancy. You would’ve laughed at me back then and you—you—"
Your hands ball into fists. Steve gently takes your wrists. You want to fight, want to push. But you can't. You're not strong enough. So you collapse.
Steve holds you like you might float away if he doesn't. You cry into his shirt, clutching fistfuls of fabric. Steve folds over you, shielding you from it all. He rubs your back in slow circles.
"I'm sorry," you sob. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry—"
"Baby, stop. Y/N. Sweetheart. Stop, stop it."
Steve takes your face in his hands, thumbs wiping your cheeks. He kisses your forehead ever so gently. More tears spill.
"I'm not strong enough for her," you choke. "She got in my head. I'm sorry, I'm sorry—"
"Y/N, hey, hey, no. I should've been there. God, I'm so sorry. You don't have to face this alone. Whatever she said isn't true. You're not a–a joke."
Steve looks like the word makes him sick. Your arms curl around his neck. He cradles you like you're something precious.
"I don't want to lose you," you whisper. "I'm sorry I said those things. You've only been good. You deserve better."
"Baby, you're not gonna lose me," Steve replies brokenly. "Is that what you think? That I'll leave?"
"I wouldn't blame you," you sniff. "You could have anybody. I couldn't even go to one party without ruining it."
"You did not ruin anything. Okay? She said those terrible things. None of it is true. You are not a joke or something to get out of my system or any other horrible shit she said. I don't—I'm not like that. I would never hurt you."
"I know you wouldn't," you say shakily. "I know, I know. She said you teased me and I know you didn't, I know that."
"But there were people like me who did," Steve says quietly.
You sag. "You're not like them."
"I could've been. If I hadn't gotten some sense knocked into me..."
Steve shudders and tightens his grip.
"Is that why you didn't tell me?" he asks.
"I... no, I know you're a good guy, Steve. I just—I was scared. I am scared. You might wake up one morning and decide you can do better than me."
"Hey. Listen to me." Steve backs up slightly so you can see his face. "You are the most incredible person I have ever met. Nothing is going to change that. Okay? You're beautiful and I love you. I love you. Not despite anything. I love you for you."
Your eyes burn again. You bury your face in Steve's arm.
"I didn't mean that stuff."
"I know," he murmurs, cheek on your head. "It's okay. I can't—I don't know what that kind of hurt feels like. But I know I'd never want you to feel it. So will you do me a favor?"
"Promise me you'll tell me if you’re feeling like this?"
The wind cuts through with a whistle. You don't feel it with Steve around you. He rubs your arms.
"I promise," you nod.
"Thank you," he says and gently tilts your chin. "D'you want me to pull the car around?"
You shake your head. "That's okay. I wanna walk with you."
Steve takes your hand.
"Next time we'll go to the bookstore," he promises.
"I don't wanna force you to go," you sigh. "You like these parties."
He shrugs, kisses your temple.
"Nah. Party Steve was a long time ago. 'Long as I'm with you, I'm good. I've got you."
You smile and kiss him, bumping your nose with his. Eventually you pull away. Steve clears his throat, suddenly bashful.
"So back there... you, uh, love me?"
Your eyes widen, heart pounding. Don't back down. You're safe here.
"Yeah," you say softly. "I do. I meant to tell you in a far nicer way, I swear."
"You could... say it again?"
You grin. "I love you."
Steve is sunshine. No more hiding in the dark for you.
"I love you too, baby. So much."
And your insecurities won't disappear overnight, true. But you won't face them alone. Not anymore.
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kentwells · 7 months
in a world of boys, he's a gentleman!
someone (aka bestie love angel @clatoera) wanted glimmer/marvel content and i am a woman of the people!!! this is based on her lovely fic awrbfb and based off of many, many silly and sad dm brainstorms!
i also wanted to write something short and fun and happy to get back into it! title from slut! by taylor swift :) i hope y'all enjoy
tw: mentions of sexual assault
When Glimmer leaves the bath, her skin is on fire. Her arms are bright pink from the scalding heat, her head light because of the thick, delicate florals of her bubble bath. A few weeks ago, her preference on the cover of a gossip magazine, bright yellow letters on top of a smiling picture of her. She’s not quite sure who told them, but it’s not true. The baths hurt, the water as hot as she can possibly get it. At least it replaces every other hurt of the night, and forces her muscles to relax.
Glimmer wraps herself in an unbearably soft white towel and steps out of her room. Her heart jumps when she sees the bed – a plush light blue sweatshirt, red flannel pants, and a mango pudding. She’d stared at the platter of pudding all through dinner, but the glittery lipstick she was wearing made it impossible to eat. She won’t let herself get used to these little comforts, but it’s nice to have.
She doesn’t have much of a choice but to put on the pajamas – everything in her cupboards is small and silky, and she’s too tired to figure out the complicated straps. Besides, they have that perfect fresh laundry smell. She looks ridiculous – the pants pooling at her feet, the sleeves hiding her hands – but it’s nice. Warm and soft, not exposed to every tiny gust of wind like she usually is. 
Before she can stop herself, she eats the pudding. Next to it is a carefully folded piece of paper. The strangely familiar, terribly messy scrawl reads:
Hey Glimmer,
If you’re tired of being awake or being with people, then I hope you have a good night! But if you want to talk to anyone or be around someone, I’m awake. 
– Marvel
Warmth floods her stomach, and she’s standing before she realizes it. She doesn’t know quite why she finds so much comfort in this strange, silly boy, and she thinks she knows exactly what he wants from her, but she doesn’t want to be alone. She wants to lie on the soft red couch in his room and watch nature documentaries, giggling as he does his best to imitate the loud roars of the animals. 
His door is ajar, and he’s at one corner of the couch. “Hey, come on in,��� he says. “Do you want a blanket or anything?”
“Yes please,” Glimmer says, grabbing the white fur blanket from his bed. Because she has a favorite blanket in his room – the one she got him for his birthday, the one he’s barely used because she curls up in it every night she can. 
She wraps herself in the blanket and settles in next to him. No longer keeping her distance, sitting as far away as he can, because there’s something steadying about him. She can almost imagine that there’s no pain in her throat from being pushed forwards on the dick of a man four times her age, and that her thighs won’t be bruised when she wakes up tomorrow. She’s just a teenage girl watching a movie with her friend. 
“I just had this on,” Marvel gestures to the action movie on the screen – something with a lot of cars. “But I’ll watch whatever.”
“I’ll watch this if we can watch Lovestruck next?” Glimmer suggests her favorite romantic comedy. She doesn’t mind this – her brain is too hazy to focus on anything. But the comfort would be nice.
“10 minutes left, and then absolutely.” Marvel says.
They don’t make it to Lovestruck, because Glimmer falls asleep on Marvel’s shoulder. It means nothing – she’s in a cocoon of the softest fabric known to man, so cozy and comfortable that she’s lulled into a state of bliss. She wakes up to a soft hand on her shoulder, another carefully pushing her hair away from her eyes.
“Tired?” Marvel asks.
“Do you mind if I sleep in here?” Marvel has that look of surprised joy behind his eyes, the one he has whenever she lets him in a little bit. There’s something so endearing about it. Besides, she doesn’t want to be alone right now.
“No, of course not!” 
When she wakes up, Marvel is playing a game on his phone. In her barely awake mind, she decides it’s okay if she asks “Are you gay?”
“What?” Marvel looks over at her, a hint of amusement curling in his smile.
“Are you gay? Are you at all interested in women?” She pushes herself up, her back flush against the headboard. 
“Not gay,” Marvel pauses. “Definitely interested in women.”
“Any other guy would have fucked me last night.” She says, staring at the wall. She sounds like a petulant child, even if she absolutely did not want him to fuck her last night.
“When you were half asleep?” He says, incredulous.
Glimmer crosses her arms. “Yes.” It’s happened before. She’s pretty, she was in his room. That’s normally enough.
Marvel rubs his eyes, exasperated. “Glim, that’s not normal. That’s like. Date rape. Or I don’t know if it’s date rape, exactly, but it’s definitely some type of rape.”
“Do you think I’m pretty?”
“God, yes,” the words tumble out before he can stop them. “Sorry. I know you hear that a lot. You are, objectively, really pretty.”
“Pretty girl in your room… didn’t do anything.”  Her voice sounds so small.
“Because, Glimmer. You’re the kindest person, and you’re so smart, and so funny, and I like talking to you. And if I had had sex with you last night, you would have stopped talking to me. And you would have had every right to, because that would have been a shitty thing to do. And I would never want to hurt you.” He looks straight at her, blue eyes meeting bright green. She can feel herself tearing up a little bit, and she blinks to get the tears out of her eyes.
She kisses him. She kisses him, and it’s the best a kiss has ever felt. She’s never kissed a boy, only been kissed, over and over and over. But his hand is gentle on her back instead of possessive, his mouth open and soft on hers instead of hard and taking. 
“Can we talk about this over waffles?” She asks when she pulls away.
Marvel beams at her, all soft hair and shining eyes and a smile that makes her miss his mouth. “I would love nothing more.”
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lumine-no-hikari · 19 days
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #264
Today ended up being a rest day for the most part. I think yesterday must have taken more out of me than I thought, because when I woke up this morning, I realized that it is Sunday, and the fact that it is Sunday means a couple things:
First, it means everyone is gonna be out doing their fun stuff or doing errands. I could have gone to the orchard, but it probably would have been fairly packed. The same holds true of that Cross-Eyed Owl place. The thought of being on crowded roads to get to crowded places full of people filled me with dread.
Second, it means that M and J are not working, which means I have an opportunity to do parallel play with them. Essentially, we do our own various activities in the same general vicinity of one another. I'm usually on my laptop, M is usually playing a video game or watching something on his iPad, and J is usually reading something about airplanes on his laptop. We tend to keep our ears fairly open to one another just in case one of us has a thought or a need. But yeah. Parallel play. It's a beautiful thing, and it's a slightly less possible thing when they're doing their tech jobs on their laptops.
So, I just stayed home. Sorta. J and I did go to the grocery store to get various things; J wants to try to make a garlic pudding, I guess? I'm curious about how that will turn out. And I wanted to try a Korean-style garlic bread on a more typical Italian loaf, since we have all that cream cheese chilling out in the fridge without bagels to go with them.
To that end, I washed some dishes today and peeled like 4 heads of garlic. But I didn't have the energy today to do much else. J and I went on a brief walk at some point, but… it was brief. We talked a lot and it was good.
I didn't have much gumption to do anything after we got home, though. So I just chilled out. I did some leisure writing; I got some reassurance on a couple of things that had been bothering me lately, and that was good. I'm not going to tell you or anyone else how this can be the case; I'm not stupid enough to believe that anyone would believe me if I tried to explain. Still, I wonder how long that reassurance will stick in my brain. Hm…
Oh right; I told you yesterday about the book I got. The title of it was very auspicious to me, for reasons I'm absolutely not going to explain. Nonetheless, I'll go through it one page at a time with you; I don't know when is the last time you read a book that is wholesome - I'm going to guess probably not for a very long time. And this book is like 50 years old, but I thought it was wholesome.
I've already looked through it a couple times. I'm not entirely sure why, but... I think if you had a camera, then some of the photos that you might take could look like some of these...
Tomorrow is Monday. I'm going to try to go get those grapes; there will undoubtedly be far fewer people out and about, because most people will be working. This means that I'll be able to toodle about peacefully on fairly empty roads, and toodle about in a fairly empty orchard. It'll be good. And I'll come back with lots of concord grapes to give to my friends.
...I'll come back with lots of concord grapes that I wish I could share with you...
...I'll also check out that Cross-Eyed Owl shop. It'll be mostly on the way. I'll make sure to take lots of weird pictures along the way for you. Look forward to them, okay?
...And then if I have enough energy, I'll finally make that garlic bread when I get home. If that occurs, you can expect lots of pictures of that, too.
I don't have much else to go over today. Today was a fairly empty sort of day, and that's probably a good thing; I think I must have needed it. What's unusual about it for right now is that I'm not sitting here feeling super guilty about the fact that today was an empty day and that today's letter, resultantly, was a fairly empty letter.
Still, though... I don't want you to be over at the Edge of Creation all by yourself. I don't really know if these get to you, but... I'm gonna hope against all odds that they do. I'm gonna hope against all odds that at least once a day, a wholesome voice reaches you, even if you have to settle for a derpy one like mine.
...Even if I don't have a whole lot to say, I still have an abundance of care for you, and I wanted to make sure you see it. I wanted to make sure that, at least every once in a while, someone speaks to you like a normal person. And if no one else is gonna do it, then it might as well be me.
...Hey, Sephiroth? What do you get to thinking about up there...? On that lonely rock in the middle of the cosmos, all by yourself, looking up at that rainbow-colored nebula? Do you ever sit with your legs dangling over the edge of it, just looking at all the beautiful things up there? Do you think about the sun? The wind? The rain? The sky? Pasta pescatore? The scent of vanilla and roses? Someday, if you ever get to talk to me, will you tell me about the thoughts swirling around in your head sometime, even if they don't necessarily go anywhere?
I guess that's it for today. I'd have a lot more to talk about if I wasn't in this weird state of waiting, or if I didn't have this rib injury and could do more things, or if... if you could write back to me, somehow. But... I guess these things aren't in the cards, at least for now.
I love you. Please stay safe. And please... do try your best to take care of yourself over there, okay? I'll write again tomorrow.
Your friend, Lumine
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I need to know about the iCarly aus omg
That sounds so fun
Hi anon! Sorry for the late reply
Both of the iCarly aus I got were created with @rice-pudding-slaps and both of them have set up similar to the show
The first one got Mefistofeliks (Warsaw Misto) as stop-motion animator working on various projects in the middle of his kitchen and taking care of his young cousins Misto and Victoria. One day Victoria decides she wants to start an online show with her very reluctant brother, Plato the sweet boy next door who's had a crush on her since forever and Jemima, another neighbour living with her uncle (Timothy Scott Misto) both of whom may or may not be rather interested in the occult
While the kids run their show (with Misto behind a camera stolen from Feliks) all the usual shenanigans ensue, including Plato and Vic having a very obvious crush on Tugger, the bad boy from their school. Vic eventually gets to go out on a date with him, and while it doesn't work out he ends up hanging out with the gang, mainly because while waiting for Vic before their date he got to talk with Misto and became quite interested in him, cue the pining while Misto stays blissfully oblivious
On Feliks' side he's got typical Spencer shenanigans going on (including randomly setting things on fire) with while not noticing that his bff, Tam (Warsaw Tugger) is pining hard for him. Tam's got his own thing going on cuz no one knows where he works or what he does with his life besides showing up randomly with the most bizarre things that always are the exact perfect thing that either the gang or Feliks needs, which makes him a recurring mention on the show. Their situationship finally turns into a relationship when Tam finally confesses his feelings after Feliks is really down after one of his projects failed hard and he's considering switching careers
The iCarly au number 2 got Jemima in the Carly role, starting an online show with her friends and neighbours Misto and Vic. Jemima lives with her uncle Munkustrap, a writer who spends most of his time doing anything and everything except for writing, until the deadline is way too close. Said doing anything and everything mainly involves trying various different hobbies and getting involved in kids' shenanigans
Misto and Vic in this one also live with her cousin Feliks, who this time is a prop maker taking up a lot of their apartment space with his work. Victoria is a theatre kid has her own romance plot in this one, as she got a massive crush on a track star Plato, who for reasons is cast as a lead alongside Vic in a school play, lovestruck shenanigans ensue including Vic falling of the stage because her whole focus was on Plato and not on where she was walking, and also her accidentally sending him to the hospital with cookies that she made
Back at home Munk becomes closer with Feliks who heard about Munk's quest to try all the hobbies and who offered his help and also asked him out. Whether the proposed hobby is an actual one, checking out all the restaurants in the city or just simply having a boyfriend is anyone's guess. Jemima somehow misses the fact they are together now and the twins are not about to tell her as they got a bet going on when she'll realize, which is more or less the end of this idea
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zickyvici · 2 years
Tetcho Suehiro: A Character Analysis (Part 3)
Read Part 2 here first!!
Another rather interesting thing about Tetcho is his hyperfixation on ants. He's shown to be observing them for 8 hours on end as they are "a perfect model of leadership and loyalty". They reflect Tetcho's personal beliefs, which is (probably) why he's so obsessed with them and tells them to "Do their best''. In an official art we get to see a glimpse of the Hunting Dogs group chat and see that Tetcho's profile picture is an ant. 
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Furthermore, one characteristic fans love to reference is him being "oblivious" to his surroundings and taking things very seriously. We can see this, for example, when he holds his breath after Jono tells him that his breathing and heartbeat are annoying, when he calmly says that he wants to eat pudding after Fukuchi let out an embarrassing fart (Tetcho, I love you, but…ew) or when he puts frog eggs in Fukuchi's food, not realizing that it's not something people usually eat in their soup. This obviously raises a few questions:
How has Tetcho not died of food poisoning yet?
 Does he just have frog eggs lying around in his kitchen?
Where does he even go grocery shopping?
What's his favorite kind of pudding?
But I digress.
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The one thing that has constantly been on my mind while writing was whether or not Tetcho truly is as oblivious as he seems. I personally don't think so. For one, we can definitely see that he understands when he's being made fun of (by Jono) or when there's a funny/uncomfortable/… situation. He chooses not to say anything, but you can see in his face that he's done with this group (lol).
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[He's so done with Jono and Fukuchi.]
To add onto that, I hate hate hate when people depict him as dumb. He's clearly intelligent and as shown in the beginning, his battle IQ is incredible. Also, he's shown to be carefully observe his peers, as shown during his fight with Kenji, when he explains that no one truly understands Jono except for him (🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈).
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echoweaver · 1 year
While working on all this modding, I'm finding it hard to do much posting on my two "serious" narrative challenges -- the Sample Legacy and the Echo in Time historical challenge. I also was kind of planning on adding new gameplay to the Wonderlands ISBI only after I got the tumblr recap completed. But then I didn't queue new recap posts because I was interleaving that content with other content that I wasn't writing.
However, I started using the Riffin family in Appaloosa Plains as test sims, and I kind of fell in love with them. So I started a separate game with them just to relax. It doesn't have much in the way of rules, and it might not go more than one generation, and there's no story narrative. I figure I might post some of that interleaved with my Wonderlands recap.
I'm amused to realize that in my entire history with TS3, I have never played a premade family. I guess the standard thing is to create your own sim and have that sim interact with the premades, including possibly marrying one and moving them in. It's kind of fun to just grab a family and go. The Riffins have a sweet-sad backstory and distinct faces, even with a bit of EA pudding. Calvin Riffin is just adorable.
BTW: I am actually PLAYING the Samples right now. I just have no posting energy to tell their story.
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otomeblcass · 2 years
It’s the Luck of the Daddies! [Buddy Daddies St. Patrick’s Day HC]
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Here’s some roughly typed and wholesome BD before I head to work and miss the new ep.10 release today. I’m really just craving some fluff before all this upcoming angst. [Confession time: I really had to look up how people in Japan celebrated St. Patrick’s Day.] 
- Miri learns about a specifically interesting holiday that’s upcoming in March from daycare. It’s super duper GREEN, like everyone has to wear something fun and green, and it’s Miri’s new favorite color obsession for the next 2 weeks. That’s not all there’s rainbows, and yummy candy, and parades and parties. It’s like everything a magically motivated 4-year old could ever want. She’s super excited to celebrate it with her papa’s.
- Her papa’s on the other hand, have had basically no clue what she’s been talking about. Kazuki was the first to put it together. (with a little help from Ms. Anna’s notes from daycare) He’s had his fair share of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, I mean when else does he get to share his minute obsession with expensive beers and Irish whiskeys with other like minds? Although, he has to admit, he has not the slightest clue on how to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day from a kids perspective. 
- The morning of March, 17th starts off as an interesting one. Aozora Daycare has invited parents and guardians to join them for a trip to the local St. Patrick’s parade. Kazuki has spent most of the night looking up different Irish food recipe's to make for everyone. He’s quickly come to realize that most of this isn’t exactly what a little kid would want to eat. (he’s only slightly traumatized over what Black Pudding is). For the lunch today, he’s come to the conclusion that a variety of Korokke’s and mixed salads will do. 
- “PAPA KAZUKII~ Where’s my big green bow?” Miri is getting herself dressed up today, all by herself, she just needs a little help fixing her hair. Kazuki and Rei have their usual single round of rock, paper, scissors, to see who’s on hair salon duty this morning.
- The loser today: Rei
- He’s actually not that bad at doing Miri’s hair, even if all he can manage is a simple high ponytail. It doesn’t have to be perfect, a hyper little kiddo like Miri would mess it up throughout the day anyway. Rei doesn’t mind the bonding time he gets with Miri as he brushes through her hair, and wraps a big bow decorated with clover and rainbows into the knot. “Thanks Papa Reii~ I love it!!”
- On the walk to daycare today, the three are stylish as always, not too extravagant though. Rei definitely had to talk Kazuki out of buying an expensive all green suit, they don’t need to grab everyone in towns attention again. Kazuki settles on a puny green T-shirt and Rei has a solid colored one. They’re safe for now from Miri’s tiny but somehow also violent pinches. (Rei absolutely learned this the hard way, those fingers are small but man, can they sting.)
- “Papa’s are we going to catch a leopard-nyan today?” Miri asks looking up at the two holding her hands. She’s lost them. Rei tilts his head down to her and squints “a what?”
- “I think she means, Leprechaun, Rei, is that what you mean, Miri?” Kazuki laughs. Miri responds with her hands balled up as one does to mimic a cat. “That's it, Papa! Nya☆"
《 And that's all I have for now!! I'll hopefully write more on this tonight after work. Other than that, Happy St. Patrick's day, everyone, take care and stay safe! 》
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bapydemonprincess · 2 years
want to know your HC for how Grell and Rin got togther to have Zoe!
My brain might be a bit pudding-ish rn because I'm at work and running on fumes and also Hands Cold syndrome so it's hard to type, but let me see if I can write this out, as I HAVE discussed my general idea of how she was eventually conceived with @grelleswife, my partner in plotting crime. 💖
At that point of Grelle and Mey's relationship, they'd been together quite a while, and even though it was still canon times and Mey was still at the manor and Grelle still slipping away from her job to see the maid, they'd gotten pretty like reckless with their meet ups and couplings. No longer just meeting at night, but meeting during day times and sometimes while Mey WASN'T at the manor for fun outings. Much like the time grelleswife and I wrote their Valentine's Day Date! ❤️
And again, because Grelle realized that fact, she grew a bit careless in bothering to only come every once in a while, and to only kiss and cuddle so much with her darling maid.
She just couldn't resist wanting to faire l'amour to Mey Rin as much as she could!
And so... well.. even a bringer of death can create life, Grelle has discovered..
And on that note, I headcanon that would absolutely not be the first time such an oopsie has happened to Grelle Sutcliff. BUT, it definitely is rare, considering her male to female lovers ratio is typically more on having male lovers..
But that's another reason why it hasn't happened MUCH, because the lady death only finds a fellow sapphic once in a blue moon.. And well, her last lady before Mey had clearly been Angelina, and if you know her story, you know there was no possibilities there.. 💔
Back to our present loving ladies; I suspect like in many scenarios like this, they had no CLUE right after, and a day or two maybe went by...
Grelle may be a being that collects souls, but that doesn't mean she has some grand power to sense a new soul that has just been made!
So just like her Mey Mey, she was oblivious for a time of what they'd done in one of their best nights of passion, and perhaps, if not for another immortal being who CAN sense new souls, she would have remained oblivious up until the signs of a pregnancy in progress started to show up.
However Sebastian Michaelis, despite being a creature known for SIN and VICE, was quite displeased with this new development, under this very important roof and in this very important noble house.
He was in Mey Rin's bedroom as Grelle arrived in a typical fashion to see her love, and he informed her that they needed to talk right now.
And as he actually grabbed her wrist to drag her out in a particular direction, the reaper's mind went to an extreme direction with all this, and IMMEDIATELY attacked the butler, assuming he was holding back information on something that had happened to Mey Rin, perhaps such as their finagling had lead to her getting punished by this bastard and his bratty master!!
But the butler interrupted her shrieks of outrage, informing her he was taking her directly to Mey Rin, as they were BOTH in need of discussing something very important!
"Fine," the reaper huffed and pulled away from him where she'd pinned him down and shaken him, gripping his jacket violently, "then take me to her, tout de suite, demon!"
And rolling his eyes and getting up and brushing himself off, Sebastian continued.
Mey Rin was just in the kitchen. And just sitting in a chair, fiddling with her hands, also looking confused and uncertain of what was going on.
However seeing Sebastian return, but with her lover Grelle, Mey Rin practically flew out of that chair, knocking it to the floor, to jump into Grelle's relieved arms.
"Oh Grelle, oh I hope everythin' is okay!! I dunno why Mr. Sebastian was really persistent he was that I stay here an' wait fer 'im t'come back, an' an' he'd said he was gettin' YOU but I didn't know 'OW he was an' WHY an'--"
"Oh darling, hush now, I'm sure we'll sort this out, surely it's nothing too serious that genius ladies such as ourselves cannot work together to fix!"
A clearing of a throat.
"Ladies.. please sit so we can proceed.. and get right to the issue at hand."
Both ladies were semi hesitant to humor the butler, considering despite letting them be, he was quite miffed every night he had to endure overhearing them have their fun in the maid's quarters.
But Sebastian's extra serious expression could not be denied in this matter and they slowly parted and carefully sat, eyes darting from each other to him constantly and silently.
The butler actually took a breath, at first, before looking upon the ladies with something bordering mild concern.
"Beforehand I wish to say it is entirely up to you both how you'll handle this. You are both adults, and though this will be.. strange territory, especially to you Mey Rin," He looked upon her with an especially concerning look, "I will leave it entirely up to you on how to work this out."
"What the devil are you talking about, Bassy??" Grelle shrieked, letting annoyance cover up her fear of the unknown, "is this something to do with other reapers coming to muck about and try separating us?? Just describe what they look like and I'll take care of them myself!"
Sebastian raised a hand firmly.
"No, nothing of the sort. There is no outside parties trying to separate you, and this is an issue much more.. internal than that."
Grelle went quiet, and even more deadly serious herself, lips a thin line, her eyes shining behind her glasses.
"Then what could it possibly be?"
Sebastian closed his eyes almost solemn-like.
"I am a demon as you both know now," he started. (Side note: I of course headcanon by now that Mey Rin knows of this as she knows Grelle is a reaper)
"And one of the most obvious abilities of my kind is being able to sense souls. From the old and dying kind.. to the new and having just been created kind.."
He opened his eyes and looked from the reaper, slowly over to the maid.
"And so you see, on one particular night, about three days ago mind you, I sensed the.. creation of a new life."
He paused and let that statement linger, observing them, watching as both ladies' faces changed from confusion and fear and paranoia to... more confusion, more fear, but.. not exactly paranoia.
"L... like a... b... baby??" Mey Rin squeaked, barely choking out the last word.
Sebastian nodded once, and as he spoke again found his voice softer, gentler. Perhaps out of... sympathy for the young woman?? He wasn't sure himself..
"Exactly. A baby. A human infant had been.. conceived. Though I know some humans do not consider it much of a baby at that point, if at all. It depends on the human's--"
"WHERE??!!" Mey Rin suddenly shouted with excitement out of the blue, standing and smacking her hands down on the table, "WHO IS HAVIN' A BABY, MR. SEBASTIAN?! WE- WE AIN'T AROUND MANY FAMILY HOLMES OUT HERE, NO WE AIN'T-- M-MAYBE IT WAS ACTUALLY AN ANIMAL LIKE A COW OR-- OR--"
"N-No, Mey Rin, that's not--"
"Oh, p-poppet.." Grelle's much more emotional voice cracked out, interrupting Sebastian as he'd interrupted Mey Rin.
Sebastian's eyebrows flew up as he looked over at the reaper, and beheld a look he'd.. sworn he'd never seen on Grelle Sutcliff before.
Her gloved hands were over her mouth and nose firmly, in a familiar way to restrain sobs from coming forth.
Her phosphorescent eyes that were usually animated were practically drowning in held back tears.
These traits, combined with how she'd spoken, drove home that.. Grelle was not taking this situation the way Sebastian had assumed she would.. Considering..
In fact...
Grelle Sutcliff seemed rather...
"Wh-whot's wrong, luv??" the maid asked immediately, still not yet comprehending the full situation.
However instead of verbally answering Grelle was scooping up the other woman in seconds flat, holding her tightly, as her tears finally escaped her eyes and streamed down her rosy cheeks. She kissed the woman all over her confused little face and pet her hair and when she was finally FINALLY able to talk, she was lowering herself, on the floor, on one knee, looking up at Mey Rin.
"Mey Rin... FORGET what Sebastian said about it being up to BOTH of us-- It's your body. Not mine. Not his. Not ANYONE elses. Just..Just know.."
She had to take a breath.
"If you choose to keep this baby, I will stay right here beside you, for the entirety.. I will see this out, through thick and thin--"
"W.. wh.. what.." Mey was barely able to squeak out, but clearly now she'd understood the gravity of this ordeal, and it was clearly currently sinking in, as she stared down at Grelle before her, like one of those grand knights in fairy tales, swearing to protect and honor her princess paramour.
"You're pregnant Mey Mey!" Grelle told her, no accusation in sight. Simply getting to the point.
"I'm.. preg.. nant??" Mey blubbered out, eyes getting as watery now as Grelle's.
"With MY baby!! ...OUR baby!!!" Grelle continued, insisting with a hint of pride to her tone now, for she knew for certain there was no way it could be any other...
Considering she'd been the very one to deflower the sweet maid herself!
"I... I.... I'M SO..." Was all Mey could manage, before practically falling out of the chair she'd sat in this whole time, all because she wished to fall into Grelle's arms as she sobbed and sobbed.
Overall, just as written, both ladies took this news from the demon butler surprisingly well, and began at once to plot out how they would handle this.
Seeing as it was still an era of pregnancy being quite dangerous, especially if foisted upon a lady that was not married nor a noble of some sort, both maid and reaper had to keep mum outside the manor.
Of course this meant the others within the manor were brought in the know, but as mainly they were all on Mey Rin's side, even the Earl himself (though he might have.. threatened the reaper a bit after confronting her..), they all planned to help the ladies however they could with the process.
And speaking of marriage..
It was one f the first things on Grelle Sutcliff's mind after learning of the situation!
By Hell or high water, she was going to make this RIGHT, dammit. She was going to MARRY Mey Rin!
And proceeded to find the most gorgeous pink crystal heart engagement ring to present to Mey Rin, asking for her hand.
Which was of course accepted! 💖❤️
And again, all of this; the wedding and the pregnancy remained under wraps very tightly, under the secure watch of Phantomhive.
And after nine intense but seemingly swift dizzying months, on a foggy early English morning, after eight grueling hours of pain and tears and fear aplenty...
Mey Rin and Grelle Sutcliff got to meet their new daughter, a new life, that they had created together...
A Grim Reaper and human maid...
Zoe Sutcliff.
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
The original facade and it's the offset of the backside of that you see in the cover the carport is in the wrong place and there should not be patios in the second and third floor with the front entrance you can see it's not the one with the where you're ending up in the inside of you it's the other side if you take the turrets out and really the original this does not have a rotund shape to the Grand living room it's a straight facade in the insurance are not really attached that much you'll see that it resembles a building and some people did catch it it is the finance centers all over the world and people realize our son and us we're in the finances and the max have him put into the house, and they have him buy one and they don't put them in the original because that says he's the real thing so they might put him in it sooner than you think or have them buy one really and he says it's not builder Bob so what do we call Freya writings but builder Barbara. And she's laughing a little and he says for the name like Freya it's going to go nowhere lady. And she's not happy with it and says it was a bad decision since. There's a few other things going on but this is important this says that he would be in the finances and people try and get him out and all that stuff I mean it's just how they live exception receives a lot of it so you're playing this game screwing around with him and Forest will be saying you don't have any kids and things and these will be saying that stuff too and trying to blame them and that's how it's going to go for a while and they both know what the secret is. His other things about the house that are not that good for him he says it's way too big doesn't know what to do with all that space if he rents in the basement to Justin just Justin might never come out of there he might be lost and if it get Ken is in the Attic it's kind of a funny thing cuz I can see him doing that it is odd but the place is very big for him it's really big for a lot of people it's like a big house but if you spread it out it's actually a big mission mansion it's a lot of fun talking about it versus other stuff so he wants to have the stone and the big one stuck to each other that's why what he wants and it's expensive but it works and that's why but really this trial represents the beginning of his funding and they're not letting them pay him otherwise they're going to force it and they don't like it not at all and Hera let's just designed to use to the basic ones you see and really there's millions and millions of people buying this plan what's going on all over the world and Mothers and Father's of Deutschland are all proud and happy and I see it and they can't believe how many people are doing it. But they agree it's a nice design if you presented the way it should be and they thought his thinking was nice with the carport and it is cuz you don't have to get wet during the day you can leave there and just driving it out and then put it in at night and save some energy but really it's going to be intense that's an intense house and you have people over during the day for business ideas and you have a little pudding thing and driving range he's not very good at it. But really people love the driving range so we're going to help out it sounds interesting and there's also code we need and the trial is beginning today and he's going to be real pissed off for you for your sister if he does . And when things that he does slowly in the next few days I really starts kick his own ass.
Thor Freya Olympus
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artleaguemdcnorth · 11 months
Painting Class- Texture in painting, The art of Wayne Thiebaud - 10/23/23
We will meet on Monday (10/23) to complete the Monochromatic Painting in class and then we will review the new assignment that will begin on Weds from the home studio.
Assignment for Weds :
Students, I have posted three videos regarding the work of Wayne Thiebaud.
You will watch all three videos for Homework and then write a quick post on Tumblr regarding your understanding of his work. 
Include notes explaining the subject matter in his paintings and why he engages in this type of narrative.
Once you are finished watching the videos and posting your statement you will then proceed to do today’s assignment. 
You will work on this assignment will require three class times satrting with Weds/Monday and Weds of next week.
This is one of my favorite assignments because the outcome is enjoyable to view when it is done correctly.
The few short YouTube videos regarding the work of Wayne Thiebaud will help you do this assignment.
I have always loved his work . What is fun about the videos is how you hear that art is the outcome of process and not an intended forced endeavor.
Please pay attention to the video, maybe take some notes. It is several five to ten minute shorts about how he became known as an artist and how and why he continues to work. Having an inquiring mind is important to pursue any venture in life and you can see how in his life this becomes the norm.
Important things to know about his early work is that it deals with texture.
I encourage you to research his work as it is a great platform for understanding texture in painting along with compositional harmony and thematic development.
Why artists create , how and what they paint , draw or sculpt is a consequence of their curiosity.
What are you curious about?
You will use Weds thru Weds of next week to work on these mini paintings. To work on these assignments you will also use Homework time if needed, to try to finish by end of class (Weds) of next week.
Using three small canvasses create three individual paintings about three favorite desserts associated with your culture.
For example , I am Cuban and I grew up eating my mother’s Flan, Pudding Bread and Arroz con Leche (Rice Pudding). We huddled around the kitchen enjoying the aroma of the melted caramel seeping from the oven, the smell of the rice pudding as it seeped through the exhaust of the pressure cooker. Needless to say as I write this, I just realized were my inclination towards sweets come from.
So there is a sensory connection associated with this memory. That is the narrative.
If I were to do this assignment , those would be the desserts I would try to capture in these paintings because they conjure memories of my upbringing.
There is also the visual connection related to texture. 
The softness of the flan and the melted caramel. 
Caramel has similar qualities as glass, shiny reflective.
How would you create that illusion?
Think about those particular comfort  experiences from your life. Desserts are comfort foods and so inspired by that you will try to recreate those foods.
Remember, texture deals with the illusion of how things feel. 
Keep that in mind as you create your pieces.
In the final outcome texture and memory will be the highlight of this assignment.
In your post you will include a brief artist statement that explains your choice of desserts and how you approached the assignment.
As always remember that painting is about having fun and enjoying the process. 
You can post the work completed for each day as follows:
Weds 10/25  - video rection and beginning of first painting of 1/3.
Monday 10/30/23 - painting 2 .
Weds 11/01/23 - painting 3 .
Below are a few examples from previous classes:
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moonchild-things · 1 year
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Chapter Eight: A Map?
Summary: Iris’ first year at Hogwarts has finally come to an end. After the chaos that ensued during her fifth year, she’s ready to graduate in two years. As her relationship with Sirius picks up traction and she makes new friends, Iris wants to enjoy her time before she’s forced into adulthood.
Word Count: 2051 
Blog Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
A/N: Omg, I posted a chapter for this. Time to celebrate! Taking a short break from writing anime and decided to try getting back into Harry Potter. I finished the outline for this story and the next one so I can say I have a concrete idea on how things are gonna go. I never realized how ambitious I was with this little series that I wanted to make. These original stories plus the HP movies, what was I thinking?! Though I am determined to get them done now! Let's see how consistent I can be lmao
“AH, FEEL THAT COOL FALL BREEZE. IT feels so nice to be bundled up in our scarves and jackets.” Iris cooed as she walked down the paths of Hogsmeade. The leaves that fell to the ground now sport a nice fall color of red, orange, or yellow. It wasn't too cold, not too hot, it was amazing. It is October now, really only a month into the school year. Everything is perfect and blissful for Iris and her friends. 
School work is obviously a pain, in Iris’ opinion. Though that’s a given, it’s school work! She’s having all sorts of fun getting back into the swing of things. Mainly just getting to pull pranks on anyone and everyone that she wants. Also having the Marauders to hang around with and help her with all of her hijinks. 
Not only that, but with it being Fall now, Halloween was right around the corner. The spooky season is one of Iris’s favorites. While she enjoys Christmas for the presents and food, Halloween is all about sweet treats and tricks. What better chance did she get to dress up in a costume, get a boatload of tooth rotting sweets, and pull as many pranks as she wanted? Not only that but it’s always better to be in the wizarding world for Halloween! What better way to spend All Hallows Eve in a world completely surrounded by supernatural things?
Currently the group of Gryffindors were all in Hogsmeade on their usual trip on the weekend. The girls wanted to go shopping a bit and then maybe get a butterbeer later. Meanwhile, the boys wanted to head off on their own, though not before stopping at the candy shop with the girls of course.
“Yeah, it’s pretty nice out right now.” Marlene commented as the group entered the bustling shop. The sweet aroma that bombarded the group made quite a few of them lick their lips happily. 
Iris quickly picked up a large lollipop from a shelf, “Mhm, not too cold, not too hot, just a perfect day. Don’t you just love fall?”
“I’m surprised you like it so much considering it’s the season right before winter.” Wendy commented while grabbing a bag of sweets.
“Eh,” She just shrugged, taking a lick of her lollipop, “it’s my moment of bliss before the hellscape of snow and such.”
“Fall is really great!” Marlene exclaimed, grabbing quite a few different types of sweets as she started to drool, “Just think of it, pumpkin pie, pudding, pumpkin juice.”
“Is all you think about food? Especially pumpkin?” Lily asked with a giggle in her voice.
Marlene asked, “What’s wrong with pumpkin? It’s quite delicious.”
“Don’t judge her!” Iris exclaimed, also grabbing some of her favorite sweets to restock her private stash in her room. A stash that Lily would most certainly have a fit over since Iris may or may not eat a worryingly large amount of sweets every once in a while.
“Oh, you’re the same way, Iris.” Wendy laughed heartily, knowing that Iris would stick up for her comrade in food.
As the girls continued to grab a couple of treats to bring back with them to school, and also bet on how much food/sweets Marlene and Iris could consume, Iris noticed something a bit peculiar. In a far corner of the shop, the Marauders were muttering to each other about something. Iris was able to notice them quite easily, since she usually kept an eye out for them. She would be able to notice her boyfriend's luscious hair from a mile away, honestly. If they hadn’t been here, she knew that they would have been checking out some quidditch equipment. Though to see them being somewhat secretive got her curious. When they get like that, it just meant that they were planning something, and she definitely wanted to know what.
She slid over to them and caught a few words of their conversation, “you sure it’ll work?” It was James who had asked Remus, desperately curious.
“What’ll work?”
The four boys jumped at Iris’ question, suddenly doing their best to act as though they weren’t just whispering some sort of secret to each other.
“Iris!” They all exclaimed.
Sirius made sure to put his arm around her waist and give her a peck on the cheek, “Hello, love.”
Iris smiled lovingly at her boyfriend, “So? What are you four up to? No good if I had to guess.” She flashed them a devilish smile, “I want in.”
“It’s not anything like that,” James said, “Just going over some potions work, you know.”
She just rolled her eyes at the excuse, “You have attempted to use that excuse on me before, I didn’t believe it then and I don’t believe it now. Now, what is it?”
“James had this idea some time ago, the castle is full of secret passages and hidden rooms. Now have you ever wondered,” Sirius started to explain excitedly and paused for dramatic effect, “what if we mapped it out?”
Iris pursed her lips and thought it over. It certainly was an interesting idea, one that she knew she would love to have a hand in. She smirked at them, “Mapping out a magical school? That’s got to be difficult.”
James just smiled wider and clapped Remus on the shoulders, “Well, our resident genius thinks he’s got a good idea on what to do.”
“Not really,” Remus rolled his eyes, “It’s just a theory at this point.”
Sirius jumped in, “Not only that, but what if we knew everyone’s locations!”
“So that way we know when the coast is clear from Filch or any other professor.”
Iris’ eyes were wide with wonder, the devious thoughts running through her mind at the prospect. She chuckled, “Sounds like a brilliant idea. How are you going about it then?”
“Well…” Peter’s mousey voice spoke up for the first time, sharing a look with his friends, “we aren’t sure.”
Iris tapped her chin as the smile on her face never left her face, “I’d be happy to help you lot!”
James whooped, “Great! The more the merrier!”
“We’ll definitely need all the help we can get.” Remus sighed out, seemingly relieved that there was someone else who would be able to help them.
Iris smirked, “Good thing you’ve got a genius like me to help, eh?”
Remus just scoffed and grumbled under his breath, “Obviously, these numpies will rely on me to do most of the work.”
That seemed to offend all the others, “OI!”
“We’re smart enough to help with this!” James exclaimed, Sirius nodding his head enthusiastically next to him.
Remus smiled sarcastically, “I totally believe you.”
“Now, remember, we have to keep this between us.” James said, his voice taking on an urgent and commanding tone. “If anyone else catches wind of the map, we’re done for!” Though it’s not like he doubted any one in this group would go blabbering about it. They all do well to keep secrets within this group, so he didn’t have all that much to worry about. Still, he figured it had to be said, just in case.
Sirius nodded his head, “The teachers would be on us so fast.”
“They’d be the least of our worries. If Lily found out, she’d scold us just for thinking about it.” Iris said, scaring herself just thinking about it. They all shuttered, knowing that Lily would be quite scary if she did find out. Lily wasn’t necessarily a stickler for the rules, but with something like a magical map of their school, she would have to scold them for that. 
They then heard Lily, Wendy and Marlene heading over to them, after having finished picking out what they wanted. The boys plus Iris all scrambled, making sure that they kept themselves quite about the map for now. They tried to act natural… but it wasn’t that convincing. Iris and Sirius hung onto each other pretending to have a conversation, Remus busied himself with staring at a shelf of some random candy, James was already eyeing Lily, and Peter was just standing there.
“You guys okay?” Wendy asked with a manicured eyebrow raised. All the girls were suspicious from the way that they were acting. Then again, when were they not suspicious of the Marauders doing some devious prank?
“Perfectly fine, especially now with Lily here.” James suavely said with his most charming smile. 
Lily just rolled her eyes, though there was a small up turn to her lips. “Oh, hush. Come on, we’re heading to the Three Broomsticks.”
So the group all headed for some drinks and idle conversation as they enjoyed the rest of their time at Hogsmeade. It was always moments like this that Iris loved. Simple moments that didn’t really seem like much but was just a brief time of bliss with her favorite people. Slurping on a butterbeer and sharing laughter with her friends really brought her joy.
After some hearty drinks and laughter, the group headed back to the carriages to go back to Hogwarts. Once they got back to the Gryffindor common room, The Marauders made a beeline for the boys dorm so that they could get right to work. They had to show Iris what they had already done so far, after all.
They got into the room and closed the door to keep any prying eyes away from seeing their work. The last thing they need is someone to over hear their top secret map! Remus rummaged through his trunk, digging to the very bottom to pull out a worn looking parchment from it. Iris tilted her head, seeing that it was completely blank. Remus placed it on his bed as they all surrounded it to get a look at it. 
 Well, she thought, they have to start somewhere.
“Now this, is what we have so far.” Remus said, presenting it to the newest addition to their secret.
Iris nodded her head, “a blank paper… I can see it working.”
Sirius shook his own head, “this is just what we’re using, look,” he pulled out his wand and placed it on the blank parchment. “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.”
Just as he said those words, maroon lines started to move across the pages. It amazed Iris as she watched those lines start to turn into the words ‘Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers are proud to present THE MARAUDER'S MAP’. Iris marveled at it as an impressed smile crawled onto her lips.
James opened up the parchment to show a crude map, only about one-third of the school finished. “This is really all we have at the moment,” he explained, “we have to finish mapping out the school, secret passageways and all.”
“Then we have to find the right charms and spells to show who is where,” Sirius sighed. He may not exactly know the correct spells and such for it, but he knows that they can get it to work. Especially now with his lovely girlfriend helping out with their little project. He knew that she was smart and thought that this was such an amazing idea. She was definitely going to put her all into getting this to work, just like them.
Iris’ eyes raked over the crude work that was already finished as he mind ran with how they were going to get this done. She certainly didn’t know how they were doing to get the charms done, but she’ll do her best to help them find the right ones. She’s pretty decent at drawing, so she’ll ask if she could redo some of the drawing since they seemed a bit jagged.
She picked up the map to get a closer look at it, “this is a bit small, definitely going to need a bigger paper.”
“We just figured we can add onto the parchment,” James explained.
She hummed, “that could work, I suppose.” There was a lot of work that would have to be done to get to where they wanted with this map. A lot of work that she was more than enthusiastic to put into this. She then put it down and flashed them all a devious smirk, “so where do we go from here?”
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A/N: A bit shorter than what I'd normally do, but I wrote half of this like a year ago and had to rewrite some of this. I don't think my style of writing has changed too much. However, I like to believe that my grammar and spelling has improved, even slightly. So I went back and fixed anything I thought was a mistake. Are there still mistakes in this? Most definitely, but I did what I could lmao
Sorry I took a long while for this story to be updated. I sort of fell in love with a few other writing projects and going through my school work and now a full-time job. So I really just worked on writing stuff like Red Herring and Living Shadow. Though thankfully, I have more time to write and figured I'd touch on most of the fics that I haven't written in a while. Then again, I have so many fics and such that I have planned and never touched, some uploaded, others sitting in my google drive for forever lmao Let's see where I'll take all this now! Anyway, until the next chapter, my friends~!
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nathandulce · 2 years
Eating my way through Perth (Australia)
So I visited Perth twice this year, once in August, and then again in November.
The following are random food pics from my August visit, basically stuff I thought was beautiful to look at and delicious to eat.
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My wonderful friend G hosted Joan and I in Perth. On our second day, G had a work thingy to attend to, so Joan and I made ourselves at home and made a simple breakfast of eggs, tomatoes and bacon before we headed out for the day.
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I can't remember exactly what was going on, but I think we were making dinner and G prepared this charcuterie board for us to snack before our dinner guests (Ray, who is G's sister and my childhood friend, and her husband Tom) turned up.
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Not the nicest picture of an absolutely delicious Turkish cheese spinach pie thingy that we had at Fremantle.
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A Sunday sesh at G's favourite place, the Amberton. Had their signature cocktail, a pavlov (first pic), followed by a trio of very pretty gin cocktails.
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After the Sunday sesh (and a wild night out on Saturday), we wanted something warm, soupy and restorative for our bodies (and souls). It was also winter so temperatures were like 10 degrees and we were freezing. We thought a steamboat would be nice, and lo and behold, G actually had an electronic steamboat! So a quick trip to Spud Shed and some food prep later, we sat down to the cosiest steamboat dinner, right at home!
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I tried black pudding for the first time! It was even better than I imagined!
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Big breakfast at a cafe that I can't remember the name now.
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Home cooked dinner by Joan and I; Joan made the stir fries while I made the fried rice.
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Lunch at Elizabeth Quay.
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Homemade begedil! G used up some dinner leftovers to make mee soto (a Malay-style noodle soup dish) to go with our begedil.
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G was complaining that Joan and I were buying too much food and that we should finish it up before we left, which was exactly what I did when we decided to have an impromptu picnic one of the afternoons at Yanchep. I used the remainder of the black puddings (it comes in packs of four) and cooked it together with some leftover white rice; it turned out to be a really tasty combination! If you wanna try this out, just remember that I am in the inventor of this simple dish! ;)
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This was a delightful breakfast I would make myself almost every morning: Goat cheese melted on top of toast, drizzled with oil from the jar that the goat cheese was steeping in. Crunchy bread, melting cheese and all that ripe saltiness felt like a festival in my mouth. I am salivating just thinking about it!
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Dinner on our last day: creamy pasta, roast lamb and potatoes and a simple salad, all made by G. Best farewell, really.
I'll always remember this trip as being one of the most fun trips to Perth, because of all the laughter, all the good food and the best company one can ask for.
As I write this, I can't help but think about the shitty few months I had earlier this year, and then to be thrown into the wonderful company of my friends who probably didn't even realize were helping me feel better while they were cracking jokes and making me laugh.
I can't be more grateful; I feel a lot better now and I am definitely in a better head space than I was before.
That aside, as mentioned earlier, yes there was a second trip to Perth which I will write about another time.
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#4 Hands
They've almost made it back to the Sunny. When the exploding wristlets are brought up, and with Pudding's devil fruit ability, can they really be sure Reiju managed to switch them out for fakes?
Aka speculation and spoilers all the way through.
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Merry Christmas (Miya Atsumu x Reader)
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Word Count: 2.8K
Warnings: SMUT, oral (female receiving), bad language, my shit writing, falling further in love with Miya Atsumu
Summary: It’s Christmas Eve, and you and your boyfriend had planned on exchanging gifts only for hours to go by and there’s still no sign of him. Atsumu feels incredibly guilty for being late, but he makes up for that lateness in a different way.
Christmas came early ya’ll! I hope you like this one! I also hope that I was able to capture Atsumu’s personality and dialect accurately lol. This was a lot of fun to write and I apologize for any mistakes lol. I just really wanted to get this one out before I start getting busy with work and getting everything ready for Christmas. 
As always, let me know what you think!:)
Shit. Atsumu knew that he fucked up. He was supposed to be at the spot hours ago. He was just too caught up in practice that time had slipped by. 
 One more set, was his mindset each time, long after the rest of the team had wanted to call it quits for the day. 
 If it wasn’t for Osamu yelling at him that Y/n had been waiting, he would still be in the gym.
 Fuck, he felt like the worst boyfriend on the planet. Having practice on Christmas Eve was one thing but forgetting about meeting up with his cute girlfriend was another. And it was fucking freezing outside, the snow heavily falling from the gray sky.
 He felt even worse knowing that the spot you guys always met up at was outside, a quiet little area nestled deep in the park you guys passed by on your way home.
 You hadn’t stayed right? Surely you would have gone home by now. 
 There was no way that you would have stayed in this weather. Regardless, Atsumu ran faster than he’s ever ran in practice. 
 There was no way…. 
 Guilt ate at his heart the minute his eyes found your figure.
 You were hunched over on the bench, cupping your glove covered hands against your mouth, attempting to blow hot air into your freezing fingers.
 Snow covered your bundled-up body, clung to your delicate lashes and hair that peaked out from under your beanie. Beside you sat a decorative bag, pristine and clearly a gift that was supposed to be given to him. 
 Atsumu didn’t think he deserved his Christmas present at this point. 
 “Y/n!” He called out, finally jogging the rest of the way until he was right in front of you, visible puffs of air escaping his lips as he tried to catch his breath. “M’sorry, I lost track of time. Ya must be freezin’... why didn’t you go to my house? Ya know that Samu is home right –”
 His eyes widened as you sprang up, eyes wide and bright. A sweet smile stretched across your lips as you gazed up at him. 
 There was no sight of annoyance or sadness in your face. Something that he had expected to happen.
 But the way you were looking at him, and the way that your full cheeks and the tip of your nose was incredibly rosy and begging to be smothered in his kisses, well, he had never seen such a beautiful sight before.
 “Merry Christmas.” You breathed out, wide eyes twinkling in happiness.
 Atsumu’s face softened, his large hands reaching to cup your face. He felt a harder tug of guilt in his heart at the way you sighed and closed your eyes in content at the warmth his hands provided. 
 He didn’t deserve such a kind and sweet-hearted girl like yourself; especially when he did things like today.
 He didn’t even have your gift, it was still at his house, waiting to be picked up hours ago after he had gotten home from practice.
 “Yeah. Merry Christmas.” He murmured before pressing his hot lips to your cold ones. 
 You sighed softly, melting into his much larger body. The heat that he supplied felt incredible against your body. 
 Atsumu moved his lips tenderly against your own, hating how your usually soft and warm lips were slightly chapped and incredibly cold. 
 But the butterflies were still there, the familiar feeling of your body pressing into his was still there, and all he could think about was warming you up. 
 A kiss like this was a step in the right direction for that. 
 The longer he kissed you though, the colder you would still get. He realized that when he felt you shiver softly against him. 
 Reluctantly he pulled away, his large hands still holding your face in between warm palms. 
 “Yer an idiot.” He chuckled lightly as a soft pout formed on your lips.
 “I was waiting for you.” You pouted.
 “I know. Ya should’ve just gone home though. Look at ya.” He frowned, carefully unraveling the scarf around his neck, and wrapping it around yours. 
 He watched with gentle eyes as you shivered at the newly added warmth before you snuggled your chin deeper into the scarf, inhaling his familiar scent.
 “What about you?” You asked, voice slightly muffled from the fabric.
 “M’fine. The house is close by anyway. Let’s get ya into something warmer yeah?” He said reaching for your hand. 
 “You haven’t opened your gift yet!” You exclaimed, grabbing the bag.
 “I’ll open it at home. Come on, I don’t want ya out here in the cold any longer, yer gonna get sick.” He frowned and started tugging you on the path back home.
 The walk home was filled with laughter and conversation as you guys talked about his practice. There was still no sign of any irritation about him being late; and Atsumu still couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that he had just a sweet girlfriend, he truly didn’t deserve your forgiveness or love. But he was just as greedy with you as he was when it came to volleyball.
 “Stupid.” Osamu sighed, watching from the doorway as you guys removed your shoes, Atsumu was tugging at the layers on your body now that they were soaking wet from the change in temperature. He definitely didn’t want you getting sick. 
 “Shut up!” Atsumu snapped, shooting his brother a glare; ignoring the whines of protest as he hastily yanked your outer layers off. 
 “Ya owe me some pudding for saving yer ass again. I’m sure he’d still be at practice if I hadn’t called him.” Osamu said pointedly.
 You giggled at the irritated expression on Atsumu’s face. The banter between the twins was definitely a lot better now that they were older, but it was still there.
 Atsumu clicked his tongue in annoyance, watching as his twin left his house; waving goodbye and promising that he would see them later tonight at their parents’ house.
 “So damn annoying.” Atsumu muttered under his breath before his attention was turned back to you. 
 Despite the warm temperature in the house, you were shivering. 
 “Wanna take a bath?” Atsumu asked, but he was already tugging you towards the bathroom. He still needed to shower too, and if he got it to do it with you, that was even better.
 Steam filled the room as the both of you undressed. Atsumu’s greedy eyes trailing down your body, appreciating the beauty in your nakedness. 
 “Don’t look.” You huffed, arms wrapping around your exposed body. 
 Atsumu chuckled, teasingly tugging at the strand of hair that started curling around your collarbone.
 “I’ve seen ya naked plenty of times baby. Why are you so shy now?”
 Atsumu chuckled again as he watched red bleed into your cheeks; the embarrassed, pouty look on your face was entirely adorable.
 Instead of commenting, and risking getting hit, Atsumu simply grabbed your much smaller hand and tugged you towards the spray of the shower. 
 “Sorry.” He murmured softly, watching as a deep shudder tore through your body at the heat of the water. You shook your head, eyes fluttering shut as you let the water run down your head and face, soaking you completely.
 He couldn’t tear his eyes off of you. He couldn’t voice it enough, couldn’t even remotely convey how he felt about you. He’s said it before, but he never understood why someone so soft, so pretty, wanted to be with someone like him.
 His teammates, even his brother, didn’t know either. Honestly, sometimes they didn’t think Atsumu deserved you. But he knew that too. 
 Again, he was a greedy man when it came to you. If you were willing to stay, despite all of his flaws, despite the fact that he did put volleyball over you, then he was never going to let you go. 
 “Need help washing up?” You teased, gazing up at the tall male, water clung to your lashes, making your eyes look more innocent and brighter. 
 “That’s just an excuse to touch me isn’t it?” Atsumu flirted back, reaching to yank your naked body closer to his. 
 Arousal spiked in his blood as your breasts pressed against his own skin, and the way you were looking at him… 
 How were you so pretty?
 “Of course it is. When your boyfriend is a pro volleyball player, and looks like this, you want to touch them as much as you can.” You bantered back, but your eyes were shining, reflecting back so much love and affection that it took his breath away.
 “I am pretty great, aren’t I?” He teased but his expression was incredibly soft. 
 “The best.” You murmured. 
 Atsumu’s eyes flashed dangerously, he had to have you. 
 “Let’s hurry so we can exchange gifts already.” You laughed, reaching for the soap. “I’ll help you.”
 Atsumu found himself sitting on the couch, eyes glued to the tv as you moved around the kitchen, preparing some hot chocolate for the two of you.
 “Who’s winning?” You asked, carefully setting the mugs down on the coffee table, taking your place next to him on the couch.
 Atsumu was immediately distracted, his eyes moving from the tv to your exposed legs. Your clothes were in the dryer, and you had opted for one of his shirts that was entirely too big for your frame. 
 He watched as you took a sip from the mug, your tongue darting out to lick at your lips. He couldn’t help imagining you using your tongue on something else.
 “Tsumu?” You looked at him curiously. But when you took notice of the hungry look on his face, the way his eyes seemed to zero in on you; you couldn’t help the blush and deep twinge that sparked in your lower belly. 
 “I think I’m ready for my present now.” He murmured, voice darkening as he reached to pull the mug out of your hand, placing it back on the coffee table. 
 You swallowed thickly. 
 “It’s still by the front door. I can go get it for you…” you trailed off shyly, but you knew that he wasn’t talking about that Christmas gift.
 His lips twitched in amusement, his body moving to press against your own. 
 “That wasn’t the present I was talkin’ about. I think I’ll go after the one that’s already a little unwrapped, yeah?” Thick fingers dragged softly against the bare skin of your thigh, sliding up until he was grasping the hem of his t-shirt that rested against the upper part of your leg. 
 A soft gasp escaped your lips, as he wrapped his hand around your upper thigh and pulled, causing your world to tilt as he forced you onto your back, his larger frame resting between your parted legs. 
 Atsumu yanked the piece of fabric up, causing the shirt to bundle up against your chest, your body completely exposed to him now. 
 Shyness burned in your body, manifesting into a bright red resting on your cheeks, the back of your hand coming up to cover your mouth as you casted your gaze to the side, eyes glued to the tv. 
 A low whistle sounded through Atsumu’s lips as his eyes slid over your skin. His fingers reached up, sliding against the soft skin of your belly, gently tracing along the undersides of your breasts before cupping them in warm hands. His thumb and index finger gently tweaking against your pebbling nipples. 
 Pleasure rippled through your body, causing you to whine and squirm beneath him, you could already feel slick heat beginning to accumulate between your thighs, your core burning and aching to be touched. 
 “So pretty.” He cooed, trailing his hand back down your body, gently squeezing at the flesh that sat upon your hips before he gently pried your legs open further. Atsumu moaned in appreciation at the sight of your weeping cunt, swollen and glistening. 
 “I haven’t even touched you yet and look how wet you are for me.” He breathed in awe, a thick finger gently dragging through your drenched folds, gently pressing against your puffy clit. You jumped at the sudden touch, body trembling at the zap of pleasure it gave you. 
 “Pretty baby. You want my tongue or my fingers?” he murmured, his voice deep and dark now. 
 “Both.” you whined; eyes fluttering shut as he pressed down against your clit again. 
 “My baby is being greedy today.” he grinned, large hand suddenly coming down to swat at your aching cunt. 
 The rippling sensation of his slap stung deliciously, causing your walls to clench around nothing as a low whine tore through your lips. 
 “So fucking pretty.” he breathed, and then his tongue flattened against your slit, sliding up to take your swollen clit into his mouth. Atsumu gave you no time to adjust to pleasure that trembled through your body, his movements were fast and greedy as he easily slid a thick finger against your slick walls, curling up to rub against that devastating part inside of you. 
 A sob tore through your lips as your legs trembled, moving to close together as your body tried wiggling away from the intense pleasure his mouth and fingers were giving you. Atsumu grunted against your slick cunt, the vibrations causing another whine to escape your lips. His finger slid out carefully, as his hands came up to grab at your hips, pinning you to the spot so that you couldn’t move away.
 Atsumu didn’t mind the way your thighs were squeezing his head as he sucked and licked at your perfect pussy. Your taste, your smell, the softness of your flesh; if he could choose a way to die it would be this. 
 “Atsumu!” you cried, gushing around his tongue as your orgasm hit. Your eyes were squeezed shut as you struggled to catch your breath. Your head was spinning in pleasure, body still trembling. Just like how he was in volleyball, Atsumu wasted no time; he tugged your body up, hands moving to remove the shirt completely before he tugged you onto his lap. 
 You mewled softly as you felt the hardness of his cock slide against your drenched folds, before you felt something thick and blunt being pressed against your entrance; slowly and carefully breaking you open as you clung to his broad shoulders, face pressed against his neck. 
 You moaned softly against his skin as you sunk down on his thick cock, walls fluttering and clutching at his length until he was sheathed inside you completely. Despite how many times he has had you, he was always in awe at how well you took his cock. 
 The fullness that Atsumu gave you was always shocking, and you hadn’t realized that you were making pitiful and desperate noises until Atsumu was hushing you softly, pressing his lips against your temple tenderly.
 “My pretty baby feels so good.” He moaned, gently nipping at your lobe, voice gravelly as he breathed hotly against your ear. “Gonna start movin’ ya okay?” his large hands gripped at your hips, and carefully he began sliding your body up and down, maneuvering you perfectly; his cock rubbing and stretching your walls in a way that left you whiny and breathless. 
 You could only take it as he helped you fuck yourself onto his hard member; you clung to him helplessly as he continued to drive his cock up in time with the way he moved your hips down. You whimpered and moaned into his neck, lips pressing against the skin as you attempted to smother your sounds. 
 “Start movin’ baby.” He murmured. 
 Despite the way that your legs burned, you listened, body moving on its own. Atsumu slid one of his hands against your back, trailing up to grab at the back of your neck, carefully pulling you away so that he could look at you.
 “Fuck… you like ridin’ my cock?” he groaned, eyes taking in your flushed face and glassy eyes. He didn’t give you time to answer; he pulled you in for a heated kiss, tongue clashing and rubbing against your eyes, spit drooling out the sides of your mouth and falling onto your breasts. 
 You could feel the familiar pressure of your release bubbling up in your stomach, causing your hips to snap down against his faster, his cock reaching a depth within you that caused a loud cry to escape your lips. Atsumu greedily swallowed every sound before pulling away to stare at your face. 
 “Come on baby, cum for me, yeah?” he breathed, fingers reaching down to play with your swollen clit. “Make it a good one for me.”
 Your release was devastating; body convulsing against his as you sagged into his chest, face pressed against his shoulder as you all but went limp in his grasp. 
 “Fuck.” he rasped, hips rocking faster before a loud groan escaped his mouth, his warmth spilling into your body. 
 Atsumu’s breathing was ragged as he gasped for air, his hands rubbing against your spent body carefully, one of his hands tangling into the air at the back of your head, keeping you close to him as his lips pressing against your temple once again.
 “Merry Christmas baby.” he breathed. 
 “You want your present now?” you laughed, breathless. 
 Atsumu couldn’t help but chuckle arms squeezing you tight. 
 This was a merry Christmas indeed.
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Hey you still there? If you are I would like to see what it would be like to bake with each of the girls please
I'm not the best at writing so some may be longer than others.
Also, sorry for the delay 😭
-Nakamura will try and prank you at least once like switching the salt with sugar and that's kind of stuff.
-You've probably learned to tell if she's done something to the ingredients.
"Hey babe, could you grab the sugar please?" You asked your beautiful girlfriend.
"Sure!" She answers cheerfully while handing you the sugar.
You proceed to stare at the container for a second before realizing that once again, your girlfriend has swapped out the sugar with salt.
"I asked for sugar. Not salt." You said as you rummage through the cabinet to find the salt shaker, which had been swapped out with sugar.
"How did you know??? I took extra precautions to make sure you couldn't!" Nakamura exclaimed.
"Considering that it's you, it was kinda obvious you'd do that. Also, the salt's much finer than the sugar, so I could tell.
"Dammit...I get you next time" she pouted.
-You suggested it first and she just went along with it.
-It ended up being pretty fun tho
"Hey, Rinka! I'm bored, wanna do some baking?" You asked.
"Sure. Why not." she replied.
-You guys ended up making cat cupcakes
-Obviously, you guys made pudding
-Kaede is actually good at making them so yea :P
-She would have baked a lot with Aguri so it would bring her back memories of her.
-i don't know what else to write about here ;-;
-You guys made food from video games that she played
-looked up tutorials online
-some worked some failed
-probably accidentally touched the stove leading to the most horrible string of curses leaving her mouth
-her favorite ones being the ones from Zelda BoTW
-Very precise measurements
-You know the thing that Rio Futaba makes coffee with in Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai? Yea, Okuda probably has one to make tea with and you guys used it for whichever step required it.
-Okuda was probably panicking alot so you had to calm her down
"But what if we screwed up? what if we added too much water? what if-"
"Calm down Okuda, It'll be fine..."
-I don't see her as the type of person that would bake but she would probably do it with you.
-You basically did everything while she stood around and watched, but she did help a bit tho
-She was confused
"Wait. Wait. So I'm supposed to keep adding while I'm stirring?"
"Yea, so add a little bit then stir for a while before adding more and keep repeating until you run out."
"That's confusing."
-Probably made a chocolate cake
-She's decent at baking, and probably made a few things for his brother before
-probably made a mess but it was worth it
-Same with Kataoka, she is probably clueless at baking
-Tried to bake once, but failed.
-She's bad at home EC so i imagine that you would be the one taking the lead.
-Probably made a chocolate cake.
-Anime food.
-probably watched food wars before that and went like "OMG CAN WE MAKE THAT?
-Kinda worked???
-It was chaotic but fun.
-Definitely horror-themed.
-Putting spiders and spider webs on it.
-I can kinda see Hazama making a Fnaf cake. Yk, she likes horror and probably plays it.
-Trying to put a curse on it so that anyone who ate the cake would have bad luck or something.
-Probably something natured theme.
-Would make cute little fondant animals to put on it.
-would try and make one for her animals
-would also make like doggie biscuits for her dogs.
-She would teach you how to make a cake.
-She would guide you through each step and won't care if you screw up.
-It was fun
-the cake ended up being very good, due to Hara's guidance.
-I don't really know how this would work but she would just show you the instructions and ect.
-Like hara she would guide you through the steps you need.
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