bapydemonprincess · 2 years
want to know your HC for how Grell and Rin got togther to have Zoe!
My brain might be a bit pudding-ish rn because I'm at work and running on fumes and also Hands Cold syndrome so it's hard to type, but let me see if I can write this out, as I HAVE discussed my general idea of how she was eventually conceived with @grelleswife, my partner in plotting crime. 💖
At that point of Grelle and Mey's relationship, they'd been together quite a while, and even though it was still canon times and Mey was still at the manor and Grelle still slipping away from her job to see the maid, they'd gotten pretty like reckless with their meet ups and couplings. No longer just meeting at night, but meeting during day times and sometimes while Mey WASN'T at the manor for fun outings. Much like the time grelleswife and I wrote their Valentine's Day Date! ❤️
And again, because Grelle realized that fact, she grew a bit careless in bothering to only come every once in a while, and to only kiss and cuddle so much with her darling maid.
She just couldn't resist wanting to faire l'amour to Mey Rin as much as she could!
And so... well.. even a bringer of death can create life, Grelle has discovered..
And on that note, I headcanon that would absolutely not be the first time such an oopsie has happened to Grelle Sutcliff. BUT, it definitely is rare, considering her male to female lovers ratio is typically more on having male lovers..
But that's another reason why it hasn't happened MUCH, because the lady death only finds a fellow sapphic once in a blue moon.. And well, her last lady before Mey had clearly been Angelina, and if you know her story, you know there was no possibilities there.. 💔
Back to our present loving ladies; I suspect like in many scenarios like this, they had no CLUE right after, and a day or two maybe went by...
Grelle may be a being that collects souls, but that doesn't mean she has some grand power to sense a new soul that has just been made!
So just like her Mey Mey, she was oblivious for a time of what they'd done in one of their best nights of passion, and perhaps, if not for another immortal being who CAN sense new souls, she would have remained oblivious up until the signs of a pregnancy in progress started to show up.
However Sebastian Michaelis, despite being a creature known for SIN and VICE, was quite displeased with this new development, under this very important roof and in this very important noble house.
He was in Mey Rin's bedroom as Grelle arrived in a typical fashion to see her love, and he informed her that they needed to talk right now.
And as he actually grabbed her wrist to drag her out in a particular direction, the reaper's mind went to an extreme direction with all this, and IMMEDIATELY attacked the butler, assuming he was holding back information on something that had happened to Mey Rin, perhaps such as their finagling had lead to her getting punished by this bastard and his bratty master!!
But the butler interrupted her shrieks of outrage, informing her he was taking her directly to Mey Rin, as they were BOTH in need of discussing something very important!
"Fine," the reaper huffed and pulled away from him where she'd pinned him down and shaken him, gripping his jacket violently, "then take me to her, tout de suite, demon!"
And rolling his eyes and getting up and brushing himself off, Sebastian continued.
Mey Rin was just in the kitchen. And just sitting in a chair, fiddling with her hands, also looking confused and uncertain of what was going on.
However seeing Sebastian return, but with her lover Grelle, Mey Rin practically flew out of that chair, knocking it to the floor, to jump into Grelle's relieved arms.
"Oh Grelle, oh I hope everythin' is okay!! I dunno why Mr. Sebastian was really persistent he was that I stay here an' wait fer 'im t'come back, an' an' he'd said he was gettin' YOU but I didn't know 'OW he was an' WHY an'--"
"Oh darling, hush now, I'm sure we'll sort this out, surely it's nothing too serious that genius ladies such as ourselves cannot work together to fix!"
A clearing of a throat.
"Ladies.. please sit so we can proceed.. and get right to the issue at hand."
Both ladies were semi hesitant to humor the butler, considering despite letting them be, he was quite miffed every night he had to endure overhearing them have their fun in the maid's quarters.
But Sebastian's extra serious expression could not be denied in this matter and they slowly parted and carefully sat, eyes darting from each other to him constantly and silently.
The butler actually took a breath, at first, before looking upon the ladies with something bordering mild concern.
"Beforehand I wish to say it is entirely up to you both how you'll handle this. You are both adults, and though this will be.. strange territory, especially to you Mey Rin," He looked upon her with an especially concerning look, "I will leave it entirely up to you on how to work this out."
"What the devil are you talking about, Bassy??" Grelle shrieked, letting annoyance cover up her fear of the unknown, "is this something to do with other reapers coming to muck about and try separating us?? Just describe what they look like and I'll take care of them myself!"
Sebastian raised a hand firmly.
"No, nothing of the sort. There is no outside parties trying to separate you, and this is an issue much more.. internal than that."
Grelle went quiet, and even more deadly serious herself, lips a thin line, her eyes shining behind her glasses.
"Then what could it possibly be?"
Sebastian closed his eyes almost solemn-like.
"I am a demon as you both know now," he started. (Side note: I of course headcanon by now that Mey Rin knows of this as she knows Grelle is a reaper)
"And one of the most obvious abilities of my kind is being able to sense souls. From the old and dying kind.. to the new and having just been created kind.."
He opened his eyes and looked from the reaper, slowly over to the maid.
"And so you see, on one particular night, about three days ago mind you, I sensed the.. creation of a new life."
He paused and let that statement linger, observing them, watching as both ladies' faces changed from confusion and fear and paranoia to... more confusion, more fear, but.. not exactly paranoia.
"L... like a... b... baby??" Mey Rin squeaked, barely choking out the last word.
Sebastian nodded once, and as he spoke again found his voice softer, gentler. Perhaps out of... sympathy for the young woman?? He wasn't sure himself..
"Exactly. A baby. A human infant had been.. conceived. Though I know some humans do not consider it much of a baby at that point, if at all. It depends on the human's--"
"WHERE??!!" Mey Rin suddenly shouted with excitement out of the blue, standing and smacking her hands down on the table, "WHO IS HAVIN' A BABY, MR. SEBASTIAN?! WE- WE AIN'T AROUND MANY FAMILY HOLMES OUT HERE, NO WE AIN'T-- M-MAYBE IT WAS ACTUALLY AN ANIMAL LIKE A COW OR-- OR--"
"N-No, Mey Rin, that's not--"
"Oh, p-poppet.." Grelle's much more emotional voice cracked out, interrupting Sebastian as he'd interrupted Mey Rin.
Sebastian's eyebrows flew up as he looked over at the reaper, and beheld a look he'd.. sworn he'd never seen on Grelle Sutcliff before.
Her gloved hands were over her mouth and nose firmly, in a familiar way to restrain sobs from coming forth.
Her phosphorescent eyes that were usually animated were practically drowning in held back tears.
These traits, combined with how she'd spoken, drove home that.. Grelle was not taking this situation the way Sebastian had assumed she would.. Considering..
In fact...
Grelle Sutcliff seemed rather...
"Wh-whot's wrong, luv??" the maid asked immediately, still not yet comprehending the full situation.
However instead of verbally answering Grelle was scooping up the other woman in seconds flat, holding her tightly, as her tears finally escaped her eyes and streamed down her rosy cheeks. She kissed the woman all over her confused little face and pet her hair and when she was finally FINALLY able to talk, she was lowering herself, on the floor, on one knee, looking up at Mey Rin.
"Mey Rin... FORGET what Sebastian said about it being up to BOTH of us-- It's your body. Not mine. Not his. Not ANYONE elses. Just..Just know.."
She had to take a breath.
"If you choose to keep this baby, I will stay right here beside you, for the entirety.. I will see this out, through thick and thin--"
"W.. wh.. what.." Mey was barely able to squeak out, but clearly now she'd understood the gravity of this ordeal, and it was clearly currently sinking in, as she stared down at Grelle before her, like one of those grand knights in fairy tales, swearing to protect and honor her princess paramour.
"You're pregnant Mey Mey!" Grelle told her, no accusation in sight. Simply getting to the point.
"I'm.. preg.. nant??" Mey blubbered out, eyes getting as watery now as Grelle's.
"With MY baby!! ...OUR baby!!!" Grelle continued, insisting with a hint of pride to her tone now, for she knew for certain there was no way it could be any other...
Considering she'd been the very one to deflower the sweet maid herself!
"I... I.... I'M SO..." Was all Mey could manage, before practically falling out of the chair she'd sat in this whole time, all because she wished to fall into Grelle's arms as she sobbed and sobbed.
Overall, just as written, both ladies took this news from the demon butler surprisingly well, and began at once to plot out how they would handle this.
Seeing as it was still an era of pregnancy being quite dangerous, especially if foisted upon a lady that was not married nor a noble of some sort, both maid and reaper had to keep mum outside the manor.
Of course this meant the others within the manor were brought in the know, but as mainly they were all on Mey Rin's side, even the Earl himself (though he might have.. threatened the reaper a bit after confronting her..), they all planned to help the ladies however they could with the process.
And speaking of marriage..
It was one f the first things on Grelle Sutcliff's mind after learning of the situation!
By Hell or high water, she was going to make this RIGHT, dammit. She was going to MARRY Mey Rin!
And proceeded to find the most gorgeous pink crystal heart engagement ring to present to Mey Rin, asking for her hand.
Which was of course accepted! 💖❤️
And again, all of this; the wedding and the pregnancy remained under wraps very tightly, under the secure watch of Phantomhive.
And after nine intense but seemingly swift dizzying months, on a foggy early English morning, after eight grueling hours of pain and tears and fear aplenty...
Mey Rin and Grelle Sutcliff got to meet their new daughter, a new life, that they had created together...
A Grim Reaper and human maid...
Zoe Sutcliff.
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thiefkingyall · 8 months
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A very half-assed render of Jel I sketched tn for my gf- to be finsihed at a later date, but I'm throwing him here nonetheless.
tagging my gf since this was for her @varioushues
Reth to go with~!
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digitalangels · 6 years
do you have any advice where a sims2 sontent creation newbie and best learn and get advice from? I really want to get better at this but I have no idea where to learn from for such an old game. Thank you.
It really depends on what you want to create, but there’s Tutorial Database which is great place to look for all kinds of tutorials. ModTheSims / SimsWiki also has quite few tutorials and they’re sorted by hardness. I recommend starting with simple projects like recolors of any bodyshop content, or if you’re more interested in buy/build content then for example painting or poster recolors should be quite easy (of course depending on the mesh) and then start building your skills from there and experiment to learn more. :)
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shadowofthelamp · 6 years
varioushues replied to your post “A Civil Conversation”
This is EXCELLENT. I always thought Yami Marik was more of a trauma induced personality split enhanced by the darkness of the Rod than a true "Yami" and this articulates that really well.
Yeah, that’s what I think too! I figure he was originally a sort of cross of a protector alter and an avenger alter, but was severely warped by the shadow magic in the Rod once he grabbed it. 
(He probably had intended to kill their dad, though, it’s just everything after that was ramped up a LOT by the combo of being a garbage dump for the stuff Marik didn’t want to/couldn’t handle and the dark shadow magic.)
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anonymouscreampuff · 8 years
Would you do regular Bakura in A1 please? If you're still up to it.
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Artemis Fowl Podcast - Writers Room!
So, its finally happened! We have officially commenced editing of the Podcast scripts and moving the project along! However, I wanted to take a moment to introduce just some of the amazing people on our team. If you want to have a look at the other members of our team, here is our cast list thus far.
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Hey there, I'm Meira! You may know me from AFC :) I'm 25, Israeli, @ohyesitsmeira on Instagram and BurytheAcorn on AO3, and into all things Pirate. I've been writing my whole life and only very recently began to put my work back out online. Happy to be contributing to this fun and exciting project!
(OP ��� Yes, we actually got Meira. I’ve been fangirling for the last few weeks!)
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I grew up reading the AF series over and over again; I think I've read the series six or seven times by now. I'm so excited to be working on this project with so many awesome people who love AF just as much as I do. Also known as @emmas-cozy-nook on Tumblr.
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Aspiring writer and graphic designer, also helping work on the Assembly (by cv35w). Speculative biology, eldritch being, and alternate reality game enthusiast.
(OP- And if you’re wondering, yes. Mathew is a lizard in disguise. You cant fool me with your lizardy tricks! I see the truth!)
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I’m Xander, a recent Creative Writing degree graduate and enjoy eating books in my spare time. I also write for fun and joy as well as my own suffering, only recently starting my own fanworks. I have various other hobbies befitting a human person and my own skeleton that I grew myself. @lokebrenna​
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Stace, avid reader and single mum of two, has been writing for as long as they can remember. Artemis Fowl caught their imagination and kept it, and their life motto is "What would Holly do? My tumblr, is @shortace​, and I'm short_ace_8383 on IG.
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It's ya lad Vintage here. I write and do crafts and generally vibe. I do theater when the world isn't collapsing, and I play video games when it is. I'm on Tumblr as @pokegeek151​, and I sell my crafts (primarily professional quality friendship bracelets) on Tumblr as @vintage-makes-things​. I am excited to help bring this project to you!
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Hey there, I’m Becca/Hue, life long Fowl fan, writer, cosplayer and history nerd.
I’m excited to get to be part of this project because seeing a big fan adaptation done with this franchise has always been a dream of mine.
I can be found on tumblr at @varioushues​ and my discord handle is Varioushues#6156
Look at them! All these lovely people! And they all volunteered to help me and are so good at planning and giving me advice on what to do next in making the podcast and they’re all so nice! I can not stop thanking each and every one of you for your support and editing skills!
For anyone else interested in helping, we’ll be putting out a call for about four additional beta readers to the ones we have now, but that’ll be a little ways down the line by now.
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varioushues · 4 years
Also this is sort of a weird reach but- if any older fowl fans want to get in touch to yell about the movie when it drops.
Hey hi hello,  I’m Hue.
I’ve been in this fandom since I was 11.  I’m a grown up lady now so I’d prefer to only talk to other people 18+
(Thank you for understanding and I want to mention that the younger fans create great art and you guys rock too, and this fandom grandma supports you. )
But if you’re also old and bitter or just want to poke fun at the trashfire this moive’s sure to be, or like you want to yell about faeries, my discord is over at:
Varioushues #6156
and I’d love to talk to some of you!
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leonawriter · 7 years
varioushues replied to your post: To be honest I have no idea where it comes from,...
Thanks for sharing this. I’m always trying to figure out how to better connect to modern audiences in romantic writing. (like-everyone of all genders and sexual ids) and this is very good information.
You’re welcome! 
I wouldn’t want it to come off as ‘people shouldn’t use this term’ though, because in the right context, it can work. I think? And I don’t want to dictate saying what does and doesn't work when I know it’s a mostly irrational reaction.
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reapergrellsutcliff · 10 years
varioushues replied to your photo: “(( The 1st test run of my Thorin Oakenshield cosplay!!! I’ve been...”:
You cut your nails for this though. Sort of sad considering, but it's an amazing cosplay!
(( Aw, I am flattered that you noticed a little detail like that!  Yes.. I did cut my nails, and it was very sad to do. I waited as long as I could, I was already in part of the cosplay by the time I cut them *laughs*  It's really weird having short nails right now.
Thank you for the compliment! ^_^ ))
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thiefkingyall · 8 months
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Drew my gf's and my Palia OC's tonight, Rae and Hayden. Seen frequently trying to not fall asleep at cake parties~ 😘🎂
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shadowofthelamp · 6 years
YES THEY DO GET OFF ON IT I've made some money off of it when funds are tight but I don't enjoy it at all? I have no idea if. I'm ace honestly, I'd love to talk about this. For me, the only things I really like /in that way. are male voices and people's hands, like just hands. Not even in NSFW context. I ID as pansexual but this past year I'm starting to realize alot of my sexuality is-performative. And I'm wondering alot if I'm actually Grey ace- but I don't know much about all that
Fandom is often said to be a place to explore stuff, and this is no exception. It’s entirely up to you, and if your feelings change over time, that’s valid too!
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raptorific · 11 years
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varioushues · 6 years
I’m up all night panicking about my surgery again if anyone would like to volunteer to distract or encourage my discord is: Varioushues #6156
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reapergrellsutcliff · 11 years
varioushues replied to your post: ronaldlittlemouseknox replied to your photo: ...
Yeah that guy needs to get over his twisted little obsession and get a life. That was the most beautiful shutdown though. ~e
Indeed he does, sadly no life can be had by that sort. They are too warped to enjoy it. --- I thank you for the compliment!
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thiefkingyall · 5 years
(~We love you Little King.)
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// We love you too~ 💖
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thiefkingyall · 6 years
[Anon? No. But,you're actually one of my best friends. You're endlessly considerate, down to earth, funny, and don't know what sleep is. You're a more talented writer than you give yourself credit for, but more than that, you're the first person who took the time to really get to know my muse, my style, and me, all together. That means so much to me. My days are always a little better because of you. Your boy is consistently surprising, and it's a shame we don't thread on-blog too.~Hue]
fack. I mean, shit you’re always the only one up around 4am when I’m struggling to stare at the ceiling any longer and try and get some fuckdamn sleep. NO YOU’re and amazing writer! ngjreangfean but shit, yes, our boys will have what they deserve some day, it will happen, IT WILL HAPPEN. *drags your son kicking and screaming out into the world* VOILA!!
All joking aside I am so very glad we met (even under the…. odd, yet endearing circumstances) and I am so glad to consider you one of my closest friends. You and your boy make things interesting and fun and I’ll always enjoy our 4am conversations~
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