#celica a. mercury
Spending Time With Them-Mai Natsume, Trinity Glassfile, Es, and Celica A. Mercury
"Anonymous asked: Really enjoyed your "What it would be like hanging out with them" BlazBlue scenarios. Then I realized that my favorite gals weren't on 😭. Do you think you can do one for Mai Natsume, Trinity Gladsfille, and Es (Xblaze)?"
Fun Fact: Originally Mai was supposed to be on the original list, I even recalled writing something for her and everything. However, once I actually went to put in her Eye Catch, I couldn’t find it and it turns out I had not written anything for her. Trinity and Es were also originally on the list but were cut due to a lack of ideas for them.
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Time spent with Mai would involve a lot of animals, especially strange ones and doubly so for reptiles.
She really likes reptiles.
Something about them always piqued her interest.
She would love it if she could share that interest with you, and especially if she could talk about it or just dump all the strange factoids and tidbits of information she can onto you.
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Spending time with Trinity would most likely be spent with a cup of tea in hand.
Her personal preference is black tea, but she is interested to see what you choose.
Other than that, the two of you would probably enjoy the silence, and, depending on the weather, Trinity might try to “stealthily” scoot over to where she would be leaning into you.
Or, she will at the very least try to do so, though she’ll probably sike herself out of it.
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Spending time with Es can go one of four ways.
Eating pudding.
Or eating pudding while reading, or people watching, or watching a documentary on some strange subject.
Es likes pudding to an unnatural degree.
She Also likes watching strange doccumenteries.
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Spending time with Celica would involve a lot of walking and strolling and exploring.
Especially in the cooler times of year before winter when the weather is the perfect mix of cool and warm.
That, mixed with Celica’s own dislike of keeping still and her lack of directional sense often leads to some…
Interesting moments.
Who knew those little Kaka’s were so vicious?
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starswordneo · 1 year
I've been playing BlazBlue: Chronophantasma and have been having an absolute fucking blast :D Ever since I saw a post showing Celica and Minerva, I looked for the game and found it! Been having a blast with playing as Celica, Taokaka, and Ragna, those three I'm pretty damn good with! Also, been enjoying story mode and reading all the lore, though it all makes me a little dizzy!
Either way, I've just been adoring the game! A couple characters make me wince a little bit though... Platinum is a little... too underdressed, and Amane, as much as I like his goofy fuckin' run... He's a bit creepy with his sideplot of chasing Carl...
Kokonoe, Rachel and Noel are also favorite characters of mine, they're pretty fun in their own ways. Love how deadpan Rachel can be, and her excitement to fuck with Ragna, Kokonoe is cool and I love a good mad scientist. Noel I also like, she's very sweet
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^ Absolute fucking sweetheart.
Also, FUCK FIGHTING No. 13 and Tager.
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shadowcatgirl09 · 6 months
Playing BBTag I missed how much I ship Ragna and Celica
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I can’t find a gif of the animation of Celica A Mercury’s Crush Trigger special :(
Y’know, this one
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mangocoal · 5 months
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More silliness I imagined in my head.
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thinking about that one bururaji halloween outfit... 😇
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nkn0va · 3 months
Celica, Yuzuriha, and Rise with a more mellow, jaded s/o? Like their still nice and stuff to people they just have completely opposite energy along with being a little cynical, also probably a smoker.
Garcello lookin' headass /hj
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-This girl needs someone who can keep her down to earth so, so badly. As much as you love her, she was the type to have her head in the clouds a bit too much for her own good.
-It's as endearing as it can be troublesome at times. Your patience is the biggest reason you two mesh so well together. You sorta remind Celica of Jubei in the sense you have the chill he does that's able to remain so nice and understanding despite seeming to some like you don't care about much.
-You sorta came off that way to her too, but she's a firm believer in not judging a book by it's cover. She wanted to actually take the time to know you, and it paid off. You were definitely more than met the eye.
-If you happen to smoke, she'll gently chastise you for the behavior but it's not the biggest dealbreaker as long as you have the decency to not do it inside. She's too pure to turn something as petty as that into a relationship-breaking argument.
-Having Celica as a girlfriend will also be a huge boon to you because of her healing magic. She won't risk secondhand smoking and can heal the ill effects of it you'd otherwise have to suffer through.
-She one hundred percent wants you to meet Ragna. She thinks you two are similar enough to get along. It's an interesting interaction but it does go surprisingly well. He's lowkey impressed by you being pretty much the only stranger he's met that doesn't react with immediate fear upon meeting him.
-You and Celica stay surprisingly happy together, much to everyone's confusion. Nobody really knows how it happened but there's no complaining, except maybe from Nine, but she can be won over eventually given enough time.
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-Yuzuriha takes an extra joy more than anyone else in poking fun at you. The way you contrast her energy so much leads her to finding a childlike, almost petty satisfaction in attempting to get you all worked up. Good naturedly, of course.
-Meanwhile you're the one keeping her down on Earth. She can be a little ditzy sometimes and forget the fact that she has duties at the shrine. Having someone other than her sister to reliably remind her of her schedule is definitely good for her.
-She's kind of the one in charge of your relationship. You don't mind her dictating the pace as long as she's happy. Though again, you'll have to tell her to hold her horses if she tries advancing things too fast.
-Yuzu is overflowing with ideas for dates she's always wanted to try out, both from seeing places that caught her interest as well as ideas she's heard from other people. Almost every other day consists of her taking you out on a new date. She prefers to mix things up a lot to keep it fresh and prevent monotony.
-She kinda just drags you along every time. She knows that you're fine whatever happens. She finds it super cool how you just shrug off what seems like nothing and just keep on trucking, as she puts it.
-You get along pretty well with her sister, though when you ask her to tell you more about Yuzu, she only sighs and wishes you luck with dating her, saying that you'd need it. You didn't really know what she meant at first but it became apparent pretty quickly.
-Still, you wouldn't have it any other way.
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-Honestly you are a godsend for Rise. Specifically in the fact that there's no one better to help blend in and keep suspicion down on nearly every level.
-That's from the only reason she's dating you, obviously, but's certainly a huge plus not a lot of people, if any, have. People would definitely not expect the unenthusiastic, bored looking one to be dating someone with such opposite energy, especially if you smoke, and you're a natural at acting natural. The way you're completely unbothered by paparazzi and can steer them away with such ease nearly has Rise starstruck with how unphased you really are.
-Much like Yuzuriha, she takes it as a challenge to break your facade. If she manages to get you flustered she takes great satisfaction in doing so. Though you can easily see through her tricks after the first couple times. She attempts to come up with new ways to embarrass you almost like it's a back and forth game.
-The rest of the Investigation Team has absolutely zero idea how this happened. She did crush on Yu before you two met and yeah you're both chill and mellow most of the time, though Yu was far more popular for good reason.
-You're the yin to her yang if you feel so inclined, the normalcy she so desperately needs in her life away from the lights and grandeur of being an idol. You're her safe space.
-She honestly makes a ton of jokes at your expense about you two marrying someday which you take in stride, but the more you really pay attention as time goes on the more you start to realize it might not be entirely jokes. She really can't imagine her life being spent with anyone else. She just finally feels like...herself for once when you're around.
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By マイケルマヨネーズ on Pixiv
This artist can also be found on Twitter and Skeb, where they are taking commissions! If you like this art, consider commissioning them!
Remember to always check an artist's rules and availability before requesting a piece.
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shiorikirihito · 6 months
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requests from twitter
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flamerunn3r · 1 year
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Law of the instrument
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uponawhitehorse13 · 2 months
I was the first request for phantom field so now I must do the same once again (if caveofwanderers didn't already beat me to that lmao). How bout Celica with an s/o who is super overprotective? Basically acts like a mother hen especially with how much of a ditz she can be.
Celica with an overprotective S/O
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-You were on the run. Running from your past. You were unable to protect someone very close to you and you couldn't live with yourself anymore. You were just wandering aimlessly until you passed out near a forest.
-When you woke up you saw a nun looking over you asking if you were okay. She said she could take you to her church to help you. You could see it up on a hill in the distance. The only thing standing between you was a seemingly pretty small forest.
-You decided to let her take the lead and take you to the church. After THREE HOURS of walking you finally arrived and collapsed on the spot. You awoke again to see that you were taken to a bed. You didn't feel you deserved to be treated like that and decided that maybe this was your second chance. Your chance to fix your mistake and succeed in what you failed before.
-Living with Celica is an experience for you. On the one hand she enjoys all things domestic from cooking to cleaning and her only hobby is taking walks through the woods. On the other hand due to your overprotective nature things seem a lot worse. You are constantly running behind her catching things that might fall on her, putting out the fires that seem to always start out of her sight and of course sitting alone panicking because her "short stroll" is taking five hours again.
- It was actually her idea for you two to start going out on dates and when questioned about how she can date as a nun she seemed confused by the notion that nuns couldn't have partners. Even on the dates you sometimes seemed more like a bodyguard than a partner. Once you tried putting her on a leash to stop her from wandering off only to be asked if you were engaging in some sort of fetish play. You were so embarrassed you immediately took it off her and tore it up pretending you didn't know what they were talking about.
-It was all very nice until one day a cat who was Celica's BROTHER IN LAW? dropped off some kids. Celica was wonderful with the children. That was a good thing since you wouldn't really have the time to watch after them and Celica. You got along the best with Ragna since you two seemed to share certain goals.
-Until that terrible night. You stood there surrounded by flames. You knew Celica would never forgive you for attacking a child. So you did the only thing you could, you grabbed her putting yourself between her and the attack. When you opened your eyes you could see the sword peircing through you right into Celica. You could only whisper that you're sorry and as you felt your life leave your body you caught a glimpse of Celica giving you a soft, understanding smile. Almost like she was telling you that none of it was your fault and that you could rest easy knowing you did what you could.
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shippingbell · 1 year
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My beloved bbcf main you are so silly and good mwah mwah forever and ever mwwwwaaaaaah
Casting upon her 5 billion hugs and kisses from Nine who loves her more than any of us
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jichulichu · 8 months
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red woods
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arundolyn · 9 months
Celica and Minerva as Crow and Justice from GGXX?
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asterzabi · 6 months
i just realized me and the gc all have f/os that die.
does anyone else want to add to the pile
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mangocoal · 2 years
FLASHING IMAGE WARNING! There are a lot of bright GIFs here. Yeah, here's a bunch of BlazBlue GIFs I've collected and edited together over the months via the green screen mod and the HUD removal feature of the BBCF Improvement Mod or via extracting the sprites in the game files and importing them into a video editor as an image sequence.
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