#blazblue phase shift
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mizukagami-takamagahara · 4 months ago
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By Hayasino on Pixiv
Hayasino can also be found on Twitter and even here on Tumblr!
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clavisalucard · 7 months ago
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Clavis Alucard Phase Shift Illustrations
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new-fire-chicken · 1 year ago
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Sorry for my long absence. Work has been busy and I am currently taking a vacation in Japan. Got myself something here. I won‘t be fully translating it, but I can load up summaries of the chapters once I‘ve read them.
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aretheywlw · 4 months ago
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*this character has been submitted as a transfem reading, so this poll is specifically about the transfem version of this character; keep this in mind! as such, the usual "not a woman" options have been removed.
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smellpelt · 2 months ago
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couldn't finish this but still happy with how it was turning out!
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kingofdinosaurs · 2 years ago
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agnerd-bot · 1 month ago
Ragna man take him by his azure hand
I'm glad you never get sick about asking me about Ragna because lord knows I never get sick of answering.
favorite thing about them - I love how Ragna's design, motifs, weaponry, and snarky attitude all point towards him being a complete and total edgelord, but in reality he's just... so kind. Yeah, he has anger issues(hard to blame him considering his life), and yeah he's a smartass, but even with that he still chooses to show kindness to others, to sacrifice himself to protect people. There's just something about a man titled 'the Grim Reaper' ultimately being the one to save the world, even when the world deems him to be a monster.
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least favorite thing about them - Do Platinum's 'jokes' count?
favorite line - I use his "WHAT" so many times it's not even funny(it's definitely funny).
brOTP - Ragna and Nine. As much as Nine hates Ragna in canon, the two have so many similarities with the tragic nature of their lives and their determination to defy the will of the gods to create a happy ending for the people they love. In an ideal world, I do feel they would sass each other to hell and back but also begrudgingly respect each other(heck, they actually do so in Phase Shift).
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OTP - Ragna x Taokaka. I've come to really like this ship over time at least partly because A) Tao's not one of Ragna's siblings/his adoptive mom and B) they have a really fun dynamic. It helps that Taokaka's consistently one of the nicest characters to Ragna in canon and Ragna actually does enjoy living in the Kaka Village and babysitting the kittens.
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nOTP - Ragna x any of his siblings. For obvious reasons.
random headcanon - Due to his upbringing, Ragna actually knows quite a bit about theology and various belief systems within the world of Blazblue. I don't see him actively practicing any form of religion(in no small part because of the whole 'the universe hates his guts' deal) but he does know about them. It helps that under the jacket, he does resemble a priest a bit.
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unpopular opinion - As much as I love Ragna and want more of him, I do think that for his story, it'd be for the best that he stays dead/gone. So much of his life has been filled with being forced through an endless cycle of death and rebirth, being puppeted around by gods, mages, Observers, and everything under the sun, with so many routes ending tragically and in pain. Having his story end on his own terms, being able to save the people he loves and finally just rest after so much tragedy feels like the best way to end his story.
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song i associate with them - Aside from his canonical themes, I heavily associate inHuman from Death Battle with him, mainly because he's very much Cole MacGrath coded to me.
favorite picture of them
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*gross sobbing* I MISS HIM SO MUCH!
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mangocoal · 10 months ago
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Was inspired by a silly conversation in the BlazBlue Centralfiction matchmaking discord asking what you'd do if you saw Hakumen in the grocery store. People were also talking about how Celica and Hakumen got along well strangely enough in the Phase Shift books so I decided to make this little gag of an image.
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marshmallow--shark · 2 years ago
Rules: Share 10 facts about yourself and tag other blogs! The facts can be about anything!
1. I cannot feel fear, it becomes either arousal or anger.
2. I tried to take a martial arts class once but when someone touched my neck for a chokehold, I moaned. I never tried to do marital arts again.
3. For the longest time, I thought rape and sex were the same thing. No, not in a rape is acceptable way. The opposite, all sex is painful, disgusting and scary. Even now, it's extremely difficult to write it consensual.
4. I never had a boy/girl crazy phase at puberty, I didn't start getting stupid crushes on characters until recently.
5. I don't understand torturing someone based on hate. If I truly hate someone, I just won't do anything to them. They're nothing.
6. The best games are Kirby's Adventure Wii Deluxe, Corpse Party Bloodcovered, Miitopia, Dramatical Murder, Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea and Blazblue Continuum Shift. Discussion is not allowed.
7. I get bored of everything rather easily but not when it comes to fandoms. I will never leave a fandom, I'll always find a way back to it.
8. I prefer early 2000's slang over whatever stroke inducing gibberish people speak these days. It's easier to learn Russian than modern slang.
9. The only change I want to make to the world is write or draw something so horrible that it will make people psychoanalyse and belittle me. Or a murdersim that makes people want me ocs to demolish them.
10. I'm great at disappearing. Too great.
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mizukagami-takamagahara · 2 months ago
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By Syueii on Twitter
The artist can also be found on Pixiv!
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mystech-master · 2 years ago
Hi, pretty sure I was the one who made the idea of having Platinum and Akitsu-Kou bring connected to Ragna because I haven't seen anyone else bring it up.
It'd be a much better reason for Plat to hate Ragna than "Ha Ha look at the angry punk be punked on b a little kid, but he can't hit back otherwise he is satan....even though that brat needs her teeth kicked in for some discipline." Plus it'd be a good morality thing to question Ragna on.
But for the other parts, I think they added Celica because once they got to CP and got rid of the individual story modes, the interpersonal character conflicts were also gotten rid of b/c they needed everyone to be on the same page for the linear narrative to fight Terumi and Izanami but also have them still hate each other to keep Blazblue's edgy tone and so that every arcade fight could sound big and dramatic without actually moving a character forward.
Noel was already dealing with Tsubaki and mastering her Murakumo power, Celica was apparently sure popular in the Phase Shift novels and I guess she played a similar "innocent good girl" role with a bit more cheerfulness added in b/c Noel has a lot of angst with her that would appeal to Japanese fans. So adding her to be a catalyst for Ragna's development made sense for them I guess. This is all just a guess though.
Tao is also like pure comic relief with the IQ of a concussed goldfish, but it would be funny to see her give the same speech to Ragna and the others as Caboose did to Tucker in the 2nd season of the Chorus trilogy in RvB (Hopefully someone will get what I mean).
No you don't understand
There is so much that CP fucking dropped the ball on and I can never possibly fucking begin to explain it unless I sit down. Tao and Noel could have easily filled in Celica's role of helping Ragna develop. Ragna didn't need to be SPOONFED a motive or development from Celica, a literal who he has barely known and was forced to be around because the plot demanded it. Tao could have even showed a certain level on "intelligence" by helping Ragna find another reason to fight, cause she wants to help her village above all else!! Even if she can be very childish, she has a good heart at the end of the day and lets most things not bother her!
And I've been thinking about it more, and I'm mad Platinum and Bang being travel buddies didn't stay longer, because CS had Bang just ignore/roll with whatever Luna said. They did more than just make pedo jokes with Bang, and it worked because Bang didn't let those comments aggravate him. I've seen an idea thrown around here that Platinum could have resented Ragna for causing Akitsu-Kou's weather system to malfunction, and that could have given her a more valid reason for hating him. Could you imagine if Bang helped Platinum to not let vengeance consume her the same way he doesn't let his hatred for Jin control his every move? There could have been a nice relationship there!
I fucking hate Chronophantasma so much :^))))))
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new-fire-chicken · 1 year ago
Blazblue Radio W Ep 1: Ranking Island
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Blazblue Radio put up a survey online with 10 questions which were answered by blazblue radio fans. Here are the results:
list of Questions: 1: Who would you like as your sibling? 2:Who would you like as a pet? 3:Who would you raise as a child? 4:Who would get annoyed/offended during a date?** 5:Who talks a lot in their sleep? 6:Who would you like to share a room with? 7:Who would make a good father/mother? 8:Who seems to have a messy private life? 9:Who looks good in a school uniform? 10:Who seems to have been a non-human in a past life?
Answers to 1: Who would you like as your sibling?
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2:Who would you like as a pet?
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3:Who would you raise as a child?
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(they Joke that Kon-Chan[Noel/nu/Lambda] almost has the 3 top spots.)
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4:Who would get annoyed/offended during a date?** **(small clarification: THey're basically asking who it would be the worst date partner. I haven't been able to find a good direct translation yet.)
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5:Who talks a lot in their sleep?
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6:Who would you like to share a room with?
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7:Who would make a good father/mother?
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8:Who seems to have a messy private life?
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9:Who looks good in a school uniform?
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10:Who seems to have been a non-human in a past life?
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(to Bang: a fan comment was: he was definetly a Gorilla. Another said that Bang must have been Lava from a Vulcano of Honululu)
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These rankings were conducted during the release of the psp and 3ds release of Continuum Shift. Also the first 2 Phase Shift novels had already been released.
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smellpelt · 3 months ago
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kingofdinosaurs · 2 years ago
wait... did kazuma have a cat allergy?
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mizukagami-takamagahara · 2 years ago
I personally don't want to make any assumptions, between things like the current situation of the BlazBlue series creating a high chance that Mori may end up parodying his work to continue his story, or the history of the BlazBlue series with Fans Jumping To Conclusions Too Soon (people thinking Hazama and Terumi were the same person, people thinking Sechs and Izanami were connected, people thinking Ripper and Terumi were the same person, people thinking all PFDs were Noel, people thinking BBDW was some kind of Phase Shift expansion, people thinking Juusan was a Nu-Ragna fusion, people thinking Tsubaki was in the Susano'o... I could go on forever.)
That said, I'm so excited to see where this goes. I mean, there's obviously a connection, the only question is what that connection will turn out to be.... and whether or not this will be revealed to be a project Mori is working on, or if it will be stuck forever in "fanart" limbo hell, depending on whether or not he'll legally be allowed to publish it.
For some additional observations; The Ragna-face I think I'll help myself to Typemoon fandom terminology until we have names for these two has a scar in the same place that Ragna's mark is, as mentioned in this post. To me, it seems to parallel Juusan's 'removed' mark. I wonder if Juusan and this Ragnaface were in development/being designed around the same time.
Honestly, now that I think about it, both of these characters have design aesthetics that fit with the BBDW original cast. I'd been thinking for a while that they don't fit the aesthetic of the BlazBlue (C-Series) cast, but the Ragnaface's design seems to follow the same guidelines as Juusan's, and the Rachelface's are similar to Tokiwa Camellia's non-combat attire.
I'm not saying that I think these would have been BBDW characters- now that I think about it, they definitely could be part of whatever story was intended to be told in that game... but for whatever reason I personally wouldn't bet on it. The ribbon on Aramasa does make me really think that whatever story this is, it takes place chronologically after the C-Series and the rebirth of that world.
I would love to see something of the world before the C-Series, where the Prime Field War took place and the Origin, well, originated, but I'm almost positive this isn't going to be it.
Lastly, an observation one of my associates made was that the Rachelface here also really resembles Celica. My friend mentioned her facial expression specifically, but taking a look at her clothing/silhouette and even her pose, I'm actually seeing a lot of parallels.
Whatever this is, I hope we get to see a lot more of it!
PS: I mention it in the tags, but there's another thing I am willing to bet on- the Rachelface in this image is almost definitely the same girl that features as the mascot of Studio Flare. So the odds of us seeing her again are pretty damn high.
New Mori pic
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Not a fan of Ragna(?)’s look here. Looks very generic.
Rachel/Raquel(?) looks cute though
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Text translation
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blazbluebrackets · 2 years ago
After a long fight and some close calls...
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(sprite rip courtesy of @arundolyn)
Thank you all for your participation! This blog will stay up for archival purposes, but who knows, another bracket may happen in the near future... (wink wink)
Below the cut are the final rankings! (Votes are cumulative. Characters who were present in round 1 will be given an asterisk by their name.)
Torakaka (C-Series) (203 votes)
Linhua (C-Series) (167 votes)
Chachakaka (Heart Series) (159 votes)*
Meifang Lapislazuli (Heart Series) (106 votes)
Trinity Glassfille (C-Series) (94 votes)
Taro Sasaga'e (Heart Series) (81 votes)
Kazuma Kval (Phase Shift) (69 votes)
Kajun Faycott (Heart Series) (58 votes)
Tomonori (Phase Shift) (50 votes)*
Kiri (XBlaze) (49 votes)
Shiori Kirihito (Heart Series) (47 votes)
Acht (XBlaze) (47 votes)*
Kuon Glamred Stroheim (XBlaze) (41 votes)*
Raquel Alucard (Bloodegde Experience) (38 votes)
Homura Amanohokosaka (C-Series) (35 votes)
Roy Carmine (C-Series) (35 votes)
Tenjo Amanohokosaka (Heart Series) (29 votes)*
Ringo Akagi (XBlaze) (28 votes)*
Touya Kagari (XBlaze) (27 votes)
Avenge (XBlaze) (27 votes)*
Hinata Himezuru (XBlaze) (27 votes)*
Ripper (XBlaze) (24 votes)*
Estella McKenzie (Heart Series) (22 votes)*
Akira Kamewari (XBlaze) (20 votes)
Karenjina Parsett (Spiral Shift) (19 votes)*
Clavis Alucard (Bloodedge Experience) (17 votes)
Sechs (XBlaze) (16 votes)*
Nobody (XBlaze) (16 votes)
Saya Terumi (Bloodedge Experience) (15 votes)
Mei Amanohokosaka (XBlaze) (11 votes)
Grimwood Huster (Spiral Shift) (9 votes)*
Eight (Phase Shift) (9 votes)
Seven (Phase Shift) (8 votes)*
Elise von Klagen (XBlaze) (8 votes)*
Cypher Albar (Heart Series) (8 votes)
Akane Teruhiko (Heart Series) (7 votes)*
Drei (XBlaze) (6 votes)*
Souichiro Unomaru (XBlaze) (6 votes)*
Yuki Himezuru (XBlaze) (5 votes)*
Houichirou Hazuki (Heart Series) (5 votes)*
Haruka Hayami (Bloodedge Experience) (4 votes)*
Fuzzy (Heart Series) (4 votes)
Kiiro Hikagami (Bloodedge Experience) (4 votes)*
Spinner Superior (Bloodedge Experience) (3 votes)*
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