#mai natsume x reader
Spending Time With Them-Mai Natsume, Trinity Glassfile, Es, and Celica A. Mercury
"Anonymous asked: Really enjoyed your "What it would be like hanging out with them" BlazBlue scenarios. Then I realized that my favorite gals weren't on 😭. Do you think you can do one for Mai Natsume, Trinity Gladsfille, and Es (Xblaze)?"
Fun Fact: Originally Mai was supposed to be on the original list, I even recalled writing something for her and everything. However, once I actually went to put in her Eye Catch, I couldn’t find it and it turns out I had not written anything for her. Trinity and Es were also originally on the list but were cut due to a lack of ideas for them.
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Time spent with Mai would involve a lot of animals, especially strange ones and doubly so for reptiles.
She really likes reptiles.
Something about them always piqued her interest.
She would love it if she could share that interest with you, and especially if she could talk about it or just dump all the strange factoids and tidbits of information she can onto you.
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Spending time with Trinity would most likely be spent with a cup of tea in hand.
Her personal preference is black tea, but she is interested to see what you choose.
Other than that, the two of you would probably enjoy the silence, and, depending on the weather, Trinity might try to “stealthily” scoot over to where she would be leaning into you.
Or, she will at the very least try to do so, though she’ll probably sike herself out of it.
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Spending time with Es can go one of four ways.
Eating pudding.
Or eating pudding while reading, or people watching, or watching a documentary on some strange subject.
Es likes pudding to an unnatural degree.
She Also likes watching strange doccumenteries.
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Spending time with Celica would involve a lot of walking and strolling and exploring.
Especially in the cooler times of year before winter when the weather is the perfect mix of cool and warm.
That, mixed with Celica’s own dislike of keeping still and her lack of directional sense often leads to some…
Interesting moments.
Who knew those little Kaka’s were so vicious?
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nkn0va · 5 months
Request(Blazblue): On the day of their birthday's Makoto, Noel, Tsubaki, and Mai's S/O's back them their favorite dishes (Mai's S/O even asking Noel to help them cook for her).
I am so sorry if this gets repetitive, that's kinda how it goes sometimes for 4 character requests. Probably gonna be a bit shorter than usual.
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-It doesn't take much to figure out what kind of food Makoto likes. Not only does her heritage make it pretty obvious but she's also quite the foodie in general.
-She doesn't have any particular favorite food but she is a big sweets gal, and of course being a squirrel, nuts are a personal favorite of hers. There are plenty of dishes out there that meet both those criteria, you have options.
-Eventually the idea you decided on was a chestnut parfait. Sweet, easy to make, had nuts, and had fruits to make it at least somewhat healthy. The perfect plan.
-When lunch eventually rolls around you head up to Makoto and present it to her while wishing her a happy birthday. Her mouth almost starts to water right then and there.
-She scarfs it down at record speeds that are frankly a bit concerning. She certainly enjoyed it though judging by her smile and the way her tail couldn't seem to stop wagging.
-As soon as she's done her arms wrap around you immediately in an enthusiastic showing of thanks. She's absolutely going to ask you for more in the future.
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-Noel's not too much of a foodie, she absolutely prefers to cook instead of eat, much to everyone's dismay.
-However her birthday happens to fall on Christmas, so you have as good of an excuse as any to make something for her. A traditional Christmas dish could fulfill your needs well.
-You spend hours toiling away in the kitchen, making a nice, full meal for the both of you to enjoy. You figured it'd be a nice thing to do for both of you since work in the NOL has left you both unfortunately unable to go home for Christmas.
-Mercifully, your workload is at least greatly lightened for the day if not outright eliminated entirely. As soon as you're done with what little you have to do and evening comes you invite Noel over to your place, not telling her the reason.
-The first thing Noel is met with is a table filled with steaming hot food, leaving her unable to hold back her shock that you'd go so far for her.
-She doesn't know whether to kiss you or dig right in, however her nervousness gets the best of her and she opts to go for the food, which is by no means a bad choice. The effort and love you put into it really shines through.
-Mission success. Now all that's left is to pray to whatever God will listen that she doesn't get the urge to return the favor...
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-Tsubaki is a sucker for chocolate, as much as she tries not to let it get to her. It gets to the point that Jin of all people worries about her in this regard.
-Her birthday just so happens to coincidentally fall on White Day, so you'd likely already be getting her chocolate anyway. The problem is having both occasions on the same day sorta ups the pressure on your part to perform.
-You eventually decided the best way to fill the criteria for both was via chocolate cake. You didn't want just some simple, easy cake from a box anyone could make, you knew she deserved better.
-Then you had an epiphany. You could indeed churn out something worthy of such a lovely lady. After spending a good amount of time in the kitchen you end up with a chocolate cake sweetened with condensed milk along topped with caramel and whipped cream. Surely this would pay off.
-Tsubaki's eyes light up as soon as she sees the fruits of your hard labor, even more so once she takes the first bite. She is practically in heaven. It felt like she was falling for you all over again.
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(Can't believe it took this long to finally write for Mai. Though I'm writing this last minute on late night April 21st so what can you do lmao)
-It's rather tough for you to pin down what sort of food Mai would like considering her...complicated relationship with food.
-Whatever you do see her eat, it's completely mangled beyond recognition by whatever the hell Noel does whenever she cooks. You don't know, and frankly you don't think you want to.
-However this is going to turn out to be a nice boon for a change. Not being able to cook for Mai was a serious point of grief for you due to her supertaste, but with Noel around you can finally do so. She immediately agrees to the plan.
-After some discussion about what she typically makes for Mai and what she seems to like best, you two decide on a seafood pilaf. You'd make the base since you wanted to contribute at least something to the dish, and let Noel take it from there.
-Frankly it's a bit scary, leaving her with a perfectly normal dish and then getting it back looking like a weapon of mass destruction. This weapon of mass destruction though was all Mai could eat so you really can't complain. (Not complaining about Noel's cooking...what the hell have you come to...?)
-Mai's grin is practically ear to ear as she eagerly eats everything down, especially once she hears that both you and Noel worked on the dish. As far as she's concerned this is the best damn thing she's ever eaten, thanking you both with a big smile and hug. Being able to eat after what happened is always a treat.
-You still have no idea what Noel does to any food she touches to make it end up the way it does, but perhaps it's one of those mysteries that's just best left unsolved.
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your-phantomfield · 6 months
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i .. ii .. iii circa 2198 for @tokufan400
Cooking for Mai Natsume...
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Cooking is a great way to take care of your loved ones. A good meal makes anyone happy, there are countless ways you can experiment and personalize your work, you don’t need fancy words or a whole lot of money to express your feelings this way, and learning someone’s favorite foods is like learning more about them as a person! For anyone who enjoys cooking, part of the fun of dating is learning all your partner’s favorite dishes and seeing their eyes light up when you surprise them with one!
Which is why things with Mai are starting to stress you out. She’s a wonderful girl; earnest, hardworking, always kind. But there's something about the subject of food that's causing a bit of a problem in your relationship.
The problem started early on.  When you first brought up that you liked to cook, she seemed to take it fine... but looking back on the memory now, her reaction does seem a little off.  At the time you figured maybe she just wasn’t that much of a foodie, or maybe it was just the typical nervousness of early attraction.
As you started dating, Mai never seemed interested in lunch or dinner dates. It was the one type of date that she always seemed to need to rain check last minute. The times you’ve tried to bring her a treat, she’s always claimed that she just ate, so she’ll have to take the food home and eat it later. She’s reluctant to even try it in front of you!
At first it’s a little heartbreaking- you can’t help but wonder if she’s not interested in you, or trying to hide something, the way she’s being so evasive. You may not want to doubt her, but she’s flat out not acting normal. You start looking for other signs, and things go from upsetting to… outright worrying.
At some point you notice that you never see her eat.  At all.  With you, or with anyone else.  The next time she assures you she already ate before she met up with you, you try to ask her about what she ate.  She seems thrown off- even frightened- by the question.  When she answers, it honestly sounds like she’s making something up.
This pushes things past the point of you being worried about your relationship, and into the realm of you being worried about her. You're becoming more and more convinced that your girlfriend is hiding an eating disorder.
This is where you learn about Mai’s unique condition, and her complicated relationship with food.
Mai Natsume really can’t eat. Well, she can- she still has to, like anyone else- but it isn’t easy for her. There was an… incident, back in her teen years, that messed up her sense of taste really bad. She was in the hospital for a while. Since then, she really can’t taste her food at all.
Instead, she experiences this bizarre sensory overload. She calls it ‘super taste.’ When she puts something in her mouth, the taste is there, but it’s buried under all kinds of other information about what she’s eating. The thoughts and feelings of anyone who cooked the food come rushing into her head, alongside the sentiments of the ingredients themselves. It's like everything in the dish is alive and screaming at her from the inside of her head.
She laughs awkwardly as she tells you the story, almost shaking. She won't look you in the eyes. You are her first relationship, and she didn't want to ruin things like this. She knows how insane this all sounds, and what's worse, she knows how much you like cooking.
She understands that this might be a total deal breaker for you... if you can even believe it in the first place.
Her story explains her odd behavior, and it addresses some of your concerns, but it also brings on several new ones.  What has she been eating, if eating is so painful for her?  She has to eat something, right???
She's able to reassure you that she does eat, but she's not enthusiastic about it.  When she joined Sector Seven, an entire small team was tasked with attempting to fix her condition.  They failed, in the end, but their experiments did produce the least agonizing way to feed her.
Her daily meals are protein packed rations with all the flavorful appeal of prison food.  All ingredients are synthesized beyond recognition in an attempt to distance them from whatever form of genetic memory Mai's taste picks up on, and packed with neural depressants to try to prevent the sensory overload she experiences.  These meals are bland, tasteless, and they still leave her with headaches, but at least she can eat.
With the truth out in the open, Mai can finally stop avoiding your questions and tell you her favorite foods. The truth is, she doesn’t have one, considering how awful everything is for her. Since her taste changed, there’s only ever been one thing she can eat and actually enjoy… Her mouth is practically watering as she explains that one of her old friends is such an amazing cook, they can make food that Mai can eat, and it even tastes good! Great, actually! She describes it like heaven.
Naturally, this catches your attention. If it’s possible for one person to crack the code on how to make food Mai can eat, then it has to be possible for another person to learn to do the same. You’ve been wanting to cook for Mai since you first fell for her. Learning just how miserable her experience with food is has turned that ‘want’ into a full-on mission.
It’ll be just like learning a new recipe- or, maybe a whole new style of cooking. You’re sure you can do it. People have been fine tuning how they cook and developing whole new menus for people with special dietary needs for centuries! Vegan menus, gluten sensitivities, all KINDS of allergies- what Mai has must be just, like one of those on steroids. And she just confirmed that it’s possible to cater a menu to her needs. Whoever this mythical chef friend of hers is, you need to meet them and start studying with them asap!!!
This leads into a new problem. Mai hasn’t seen this friend since she left school. She doesn’t know where they are now, and considering her work with Sector Seven, it isn’t entirely safe to go hunting them down. If Mai was comfortable doing that, she would have done it already.
So, you won’t be able to learn directly under this mythical chef. Fine! It’s not going to stop you now that you know a solution is out there. As long as you consider yourself a cook, your girlfriend is not going to be eating bland sensory hell food for the rest of her life!!! Mai is worried about making you go out of your way for her, but even as she tries to tell you you don't have to do this, she's practically jumping out of her seat in her excitement. Your whole relationship you haven't been able to share your love of cooking with her, and now here she is, eyes lighting up and telling stories about foods she wants to try again one day. There is no way you're going to give up now.
Your first step from there is to talk to the research team behind Mai's meals at Sector Seven. You need to learn what they already know that works, what doesn't, and all the 'safe' ingredients or techniques you can use as a baseline. It's 95% complicated drug names you've never heard of, but you're learning.
You also need to taste what she's eating now. You don't have super taste, you have normal human person taste, but even then, this stuff is gross. You find you hate eating it, even without it beaming a flood of nonsense into your mind and giving you a migraine- you can't imagine how Mai manages to choke it down.
Then it's long talks with the research team to swap ideas. They're a bunch of chemists, not a bunch of chefs, so there have to be things they're missing. Unfortunately, a lot of your early ideas to improve the taste have already been tried and just make things worse for her. The issue for her is stimulation, and adding much flavor or any of the ingredients you'd usually use would bring her back to the hell she experienced before they started making special prescription rations for her.
No matter what you make, it’s going to need to be packed with sedatives. Which makes you feel like some kind of mad scientist, rather than a cook.
At the very least, you could do a lot to improve the visuals and atmosphere of her meals. Again, these are a bunch of chemists that are cooking for her. Her meals may still have to taste like muddy dog food until you’ve made some kind of breakthrough, but they sure don’t have to look like it.
It’s an interesting experience for a cook, focusing all your attention on the visuals of her meals rather than the flavor, but it definitely grows your skills in new directions. People have said food can be an art, and plenty of studies have shown that the way a meal looks and smells will impact the way it tastes. Maybe if you can stimulate her taste through her other senses, rather than directly via her tongue, you can avoid triggering her condition.
☆ Bonus ☆
The fun part about all the research and experimenting you have to do is all the time you're able to spend with Mai now. You sit down with her for all her meals, so different from only weeks ago when your girlfriend would disappear into the night at the very mention of dinner. Now you sit with her and brace yourself for the most unappetizing gruel you've ever had the displeasure of dining on, a notebook or a recorder at your side to track the ideas and complaints that come to mind.
You hold her hand and let her squeeze while the pain washes over her, sitting in silent comfort until she's ready to talk- then maybe make a few jokes about the awful meal to get a smile back on her face. You grill her for everything she experiences- taste, thoughts, pain, smell, anything- and the two of you spend an hour or more brainstorming together. You tell her about the foods you love, and steadily she opens up about which ones she wants to try one day, and the meals she misses most from before her taste changed. She hasn't been cured, yet, but being able to share the experience with someone is life changing in its own way.
She doesn't dread when it's time to eat anymore. What's more, alongside the thoughts clouding her mind as she eats, she can feel how much you love her as she eats your cooking.
She can hear the thoughts you had during the hours you worked to make something that wouldn't hurt her, something she could enjoy.
The first time she eats a meal you worked on, using all the weird ingredients from Sector Seven and all the tricks you've learned, she breaks down crying.
You're afraid you may have messed up- that something you did to the food is hurting her.
She's not in pain, though, and she'll tell you that when she can stop crying.
The first words she manages to choke out through a sob are,
"I love you too."
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Spell book - Page 34: Transformation Spells Continued
Natsume x MTF!Reader
CW: a bit emotional but it's lovely I promise.
*throws at hyper speed* DO YOU FEEL SUPPORTED?!?!?!
I know much less about mtf than ftm and decided to use that to reflect Natsumes feelings (I am studying to get a better understanding too). Anyways I hope this makes you smile c:
Would he still love me if he knew I wasn't a man? If I were a woman?
Negative thoughts like this and others raced through their mind but were quickly bottled up and the pressure grew and grew and grew.
Until one day she couldn't take it anymore and those feelings burst. There, in the empty library on the way to that secret room of his, she let the words free.
"I'm a girl!"
The words are so quiet yet they seem to echo so loudly alongside her heartbeat. It seems like hours before she gets a response and when she does she can't help but want to cry.
"...We're so vastly different yet so aliKE."
Natsume hums, his expression fond and he takes her hands in his.
"I won't pretend that I understand you FULLY. But-"
Natsume gently lifts her trembling hands to his lips placing a soft kiss on her knuckles.
"- I will do my part as your significant other to support you. You've always shined brighter when you're allowed to be yourSELF."
"And when you're reaDY, to come out to your frienDS, seeing a docTOR, or even start wearing the uniform skiRT-"
He rests his forehead on theirs as they sob.
"I'll be there with you every step of the way."
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Thank you, everyone, for your comments, reblogs and likes. Thank you for your asks. Thank you for your support.
And, as a little celebration, I want to start an 'event'.
Self-Aware BSD AU x SAGAU Imposter AU Crossover
"If you weren't alone"
What would happen, if Reader were transported into Teyvat with someone from BSD Cast.
I want to write a series of headcannons/short imagines.
1. If you want some general headcannon/prompt, send me next ask: "BSD Character Name, SAGAU"
2. If you want to see some specific interaction, or characters being in specific region, send me next ask: "BSD Cast Name, SAGAU, Region, and/or, GI Character"
3. You can ask for organisations (ADA, Hunting Dogs...), smaller groups (Flags, Buraiha...) and specific characters.
One ask - one organisation
One ask - one group
One ask - up to three characters
4. Oda's kids are considered as a group and as one character at the same time. You can ask for two more characters with them.
5. Elise are Mori's 'plus one'. She won't fill a character spot. You can ask for two more characters with Mori. Same with Elise, Mori is her 'plus one' without taking a spot. However, you can ask strictly for Elise/Mori. In that case, they will take one spot.
6. You can ask for both OG! Manga and BEAST! Characters. Character list are under the cut.
7. It's short fic/imagine or pure headcannons event. While I will keep this ideas in mind for a future, I won't write full fics for now.
8. Karl and Ayatsuji's cats are viewed as 'plus one' for Poe and Ayatsuji, and won't fill free character spot, leaving two more spots. You can ask not to include them.
9. You can ask solely for Karl or Ayatsuji's cats. In that case, they will fill characters spot. Ayatsuji's cats viewed as one character.
10. Mii-chan and Natsume Soseki are fiewed as one independent character. If you choose Haruno and want Mii-chan with her, you also should ask for Natsume.
11. Buraiha is fiewed as one group. You can ask for specific Flag characters.
12. You can ask for Zenku/Soukoku/Shin either as one group, or pick characters separately and have a chance to add one more character.
You can ask for GN/Fem/Male Reader.
You can ask for Child/Teen/Reader.
Specify in ask, if have some preference for Reader.
If you don't specify, Reader will GN and Adult.
List of characters and their organisations:
1. Adam Frankenstein (Others)
2 Akutagawa Ryunosuke (Port Mafia, Shin Soukoku)
3. Albatross (Port Mafia, Flags)
4. Louisa May Alkott (The Guild)
5. Ango Sakaguchi (The Government, Buraiha)
6. Atsushi Nakajima (Armed Detective Agency, Shin Soukoku)
7. Aya Koda (Others)
8. Ayatsuji Yukito (The Government)
9. Bram Stoker (DOA)
10. Chuuya Nakahara (PM, Soukoku, Flags, if clarified in ask)
11. Dazai Osamu (ADA, Soukoku, Buraiha)
12. Doc (PM, Flags)
13. Fyodor Dostoevsky (Rats and DOA)
14. Elise (PM)
15. Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (The Guild)
16. Fukuchi Ouchi (Hunting Dogs, DOA and Fukuzawa/Fukuchi Duo)
17. Fukuzawa Yukichi (ADA, Zenku Soukoku and Fukuzawa/Fukuchi duo)
18. André Gide (Others)
19. Gin Akutagawa (PM)
20. Nikolai Gogol (DOA)
21. Ivan Goncharov (Rats)
22. Nathaniel Hawthorne (The Guild)
23. Ichiyou Higuichi (PM)
24. Icemen (PM, Flags)
25. Saigiku Jouno (HD)
26. Tanizaki Junchirou (ADA)
27. Motojirou Kajii (PM)
28. Karma (PM)
29. Katai Tayama (ADA)
30. Kenji Miyazawa (ADA)
31. Kirako Haruno (ADA)
32. Kouyou Ozaki (PM)
33. Kunikida Doppo (ADA)
34. Kyouka Izumi (ADA)
35. Kyuusaku Yumeno (PM)
36. Lippman (PM, Flags)
37. Howard Philips Lovecraft (The Guild)
38. Lucy Maud Montgomery (The Guild)
39. Herman Melville (The Guild)
40. Margaret Mitchell (The Guild)
41. Mizuki Tsujimura (The Government)
42. Mori Ougai (PM, Zenku Soukoku)
43. Naomi Tanizaki (ADA)
44. Natsume Soseki (Others)
45. Oda Sakunosuke (PM)
46. Oda's orphans (Others)
47. Oguri Mushitarou (The Government)
48. Piano Man (PM, Flags)
49. Edgar Allan Poe (The Guild)
59. Alexander Pushkin (Rats)
60. Ranpo Edogawa (ADA)
61. Arthur Rimbaud (PM)
62. Shibusawa Tatsuhiko (Others)
63. Sigma (DOA, can be added to ADA, if clarified in ask)
64. John Steinbeck (The Guild)
65. Tachihara Michizou (PM and HD)
66. Santouka Taneda (The Government)
67. Teruko Okura (HD)
68. Tetchou Suehiro (HD)
69. Mark Twain (The Guild)
70. Paul Verlaine (PM)
71. Yosano Akiko (ADA)
BEAST Characters
1. Atsushi Nakajima (PM, BEAST Shin Soukoku)
2. Akutagawa Ryunosuke (ADA, BEAST Shin Soukoku)
3. Dazai Osamu (PM, BEAST Soukoku)
4. Chuuya Nakahara (PM, BEAST Soukoku)
5. Oda Sakunosuke (ADA)
6. Gin Akutagawa (PM)
7. Mori Ougai (BEAST Others)
8. Elise (BEAST Others)
9. Kyouka Izumi (PM)
Maybe, you will be interested. Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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instexcamera · 4 months
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Day 16 - Natsume Sakasaki
Natsume Sakasaki x AFAB!reader
Tags: Fantasy Au(kinda), Aphrodisiacs, No prep, Vaginal sex, Creampie, very very slight mindbreak
Authors Note: Omg I'm finally back, I meant to have this out earlier then unexpected plans slammed me into the wall and now I finally have free time, yay! Also this is kinda based on the fantasy Au I have but also not, it's just stated he's a mage
Word Count: 1.6k
18+ under the cut
The aroma throughout the workshop was minty. The smell seemingly sticks itself into every little crevice, most likely an attempt to cover the lingering putrid scent. This tiny fact made you unsettled and how the molten amber eyes scanned you as if they could see your soul and all its hidden desires made you shudder. The man they belonged to was anything but. Crimson colored hair with a few streaks of snow white twined though, along with under. Soft lips upturned into a pleased smile, head resting on a palm as he stares at you, awaiting your answer. "WeLL.. I can still change what you give mE, you are aware of that corrECT?"
This man was Natsume, last name unknown. A mage rumored to have lived deep in the forest beyond the village, said to give potions and conduct rituals for certain prices. The prices were always different, sometimes money, sometimes a specialty herb, sometimes the use of the person's body. You had wanted to find him, requiring a certain potion for your own purposes and it didn't surprise you in the least when his price was your body.
You had come prepared and willing to pay whatever price he demanded. Unbeknownst to you, if he requested your body he would also name a price in coins if the individual did not wish to lie with him. However, the mage was quite beautiful and the idea of his original offer was enticing.
Natsume still wore his smile but his fingers were starting to tap impatiently on his knee as he awaited your response. Not wanting to keep him waiting any longer lest he takes back his decision to help you, finding you too much of a bore. Nodding your head in agreement was the most you could manage, you may wish to sleep with him but nerves prevented you from clearly speaking. Not to mention, stuttering out the reply while averting your gaze may make him feel as if you are forcing yourself into it, perhaps making him decline.
"WeLL, then come with mE."
"Open that pretty mouth of yours Kitten, I must say it has a delightful flavOR." The taste of raspberries fills your mouth, cool and refreshing as Natsume tilts the small glass, letting the liquid flow. He had claimed it a fast working aphrodisiac as he stripped himself of his outer layers yet you were barely comprehending his words. Much too focused on how more of his skin was being revealed until he was left in just his boxers.
Now he was closer, basically sitting on your lap as he watched you drink the aphrodisiac. Once the glass was empty he studied it for a moment before tossing it behind him. "ThERE, it's fast actING, you should feel its effects in a momENT." As he talked he produced another glass, you hadn't seen from where, too interested on the tent forming in his boxers. You only realized he had one himself when a low pop emitted from the glass as he uncorked it, downing the liquid in a second.
Once finished he carelessly tossed it behind him, joining yours on the floor. Natsume's attention finally focused on you once the aphrodisiacs were drank, a smile making its way on his face. "Are you feeling it yET?" He leaned close as he spoke, lips next to your ear, his crimson hair tickling your shoulder. Before you could respond a hand was firmly placed on your chest, pushing back until you were lying against the silky soft blankets of Natsume's bed.
Your body was heating up as he leaned over you, face Illuminated in the backdrop of golden light from the ceiling. You couldn't tell if the heat was from the aphrodisiac or how badly you desired him. As you gazed at each other the hand on your chest roamed down towards your waistband, fingers barely dipping in. Natsume seemed to be waiting for confirmation once again as his eyes narrowed just the slightest.
Not wanting to hesitate for even a moment, your body felt like it was burning up, feverish, and just the simplest touch of Natsume's fingertips had your body shivering. "Natsume, please" the words had barely left your mouth before his hand tugged down. He had managed to grab your underwear too, pulling those off along with your pants.
The cool air hitting your cunt even for a moment had you letting out a small embarrassing yelp. Natsume didn't seem to mind, only stifling a small laugh as he leaned himself closer to you, his bare chest flush with your clothed one. He had left your top on, you hadn't known why and questioning him soon left your mind with the first drag of his fingers through your folds.
"Kitten, you're so wet for mE. I don't even think I need to prep yOU. The aphrodisiac makes you slick enough for me to slide right iN." Natsume's words caused a sudder to twist itself through your body, the thought of no prep both frightened and enticed you. The interest and the impatience of having to wait longer for Natsume to enter you causing you to nod your head to the best of your ability.
The hand that was tracing just around your clit left once Natsume felt your nod, causing a pouty look to take form on your face as he raised himself up, giving a perfect view of him above you. "I'm starting to wonder if you really came here for the chance to bed mE? You're certainly desperate and submissIVE. Before you could form a retort to his accusation something firm pressed against your entrance.
All thought you had left once Natsume pressed in, not stopping till his hips were flush with yours. The sudden stretch surprised you, yet pain was barely registered, the aphrodisiac was certainly well made. Natsume's eyes were closed, face red, bottom lip stuck between his teeth as he struggled to stay silent. The sight was quite cute to your mind, growing hazier with want for the man above you to use you as he pleased by the second.
Natsume had yet to move his hips, keeping himself firmly in position, either to help you adjust to the sudden intrusion or for him to your tightness and warmth. The longer he stayed still the more you needed him to move. He felt firm and thick inside, just the right length to perfectly hit all those spots inside you, only if he moved.
Another minute of him staying silent and unmoving and your hips involuntary jerked up, barely able to from how close he was. Even that small amount of much needed friction had you whimpering. "So neeDY, you couldn't even wait for me to staRT?" The pressure of Natsume suddenly left you before thrusting right back in, the pace he set was brutal, each push into you making your body move up against the bed. It was just what you craved, eyes rolling back into your head as your mouth dropped open, drool running down your chin.
Natsume leaning down to kiss and bite along your collar didn't even register in your mind, all your attention focused on how good his cock was finally splitting you open in such a delicious way. You swore you could feel every vein rubbing against you, walls clamping down around him to feel more of him against you. He was relentless, drawing unfiltered moans and whines out of your throat, some of them becoming animalistic as your mind lost itself further.
Snaking your hands around Natsume's back as he continues, hips starting to falter as he moves closer to his release. "Kitten, I'm cloSE, can I- insiDE?" His voice came out deep and breathy before he buried his face in the crook of your neck, much too focused on bringing himself to his orgasm. In lieu of responding your legs wrap around him, clearly signaling to him your answer which you can't get out.
A coil starts to form in your stomach when Natsume's cock hits a particular spongy spot inside you causing small stars to appear in your vision. Your noises jump up in pitch and his thrusts seem to hone in on that spot, tip hitting it every time he pushes in. Tears brim in the corner of your eyes and your fingers scratch into his back, sure to leave marks later.
One of Natsume's hands holds your body against his, the other traveling down to where your bodies meet, feeling how his cock is slick with your juices before reaching up to your clit, pinching the sensitive nerve between his finger. This only brings you closer, and when he pushes into the hilt once more and grinds the coil snaps. Eyes seeing white as the only thought running through your mind is of Natsume, Natsume, Natsume.
Body spasming as your walls cave in on him, keeping him inside as he lets out his own low moans and finishes. His cum paints your walls white, warm as it only slides deeper inside you, filling you up. He doesn't move, fingers weakly toying with your clit as he rides out yours and his orgasm. His hips start to spasm against you, clearly wanting to release everything he has inside your willing cunt.
Your body can only hold so much of his seed and it isn't long before it's dripping out of you, pooling on the bed beneath your twitching thighs. Natsume let's out a soft groan beside you, hair brushing against your cheek as he pushes himself up, face flushed and eyes averting your fucked out face, tearsteaked and lips swollen. He takes a moment to stare at where you're connected before pulling out. A mixture of his cum and your own flows out, joining the mixture of his cum.
"...I'll start your potion noW."
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minyare2906 · 1 year
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Title: Hanakoi Tsurane | Dance of Love | 花恋 つらね
Author/Artist: Natsume Isaku Rating: +18
Summary: The self-destructive type, Sougorou is the heir of one of the well-known families in the Kabuki world. He has no interests in other actors his age with the exception of Gensuke who he recognizes as his rival and never wants to lose no matter what. However, fate plays a cruel trick on him and the two of them end up as classmates… How will their relationship develop…?!
Chapter 62 Download/Read online: Here
Note: Hello! How’s your weekend?
We’ve had a lot of rain lately over here and the weather has changed so suddenly and so fast that I got tonsillitis… At least I can breathe now!! I was gonna add a page in colour for this chapter but I was not in the mood, plus I had my hand busy holding and using the handkerchief. Sorry, I may do it for the next chapter.
Another day, another chapter. The story is clearly reaching its peak. With the SouGen duo getting more and more popular comes trouble, and that means that, at some point, they’ll have to reveal their relationship. Hopefully they won’t need to think about marrying women like their grandparents! Well, we’ll see what sensei has in store, we’ll have to bite our fingernails in the meantime. And let’s keep our fingers crossed for a Tsutamaru x Takeichi spin-off, right?
BTW, I know that not all the chapters I’m storing as Volume 9 are from that volume, so when volume 9 will be officially out, expect many chapters to be down due to reorganisation, don’t freak out and be patient, please.
As usual, I want to thank Adamay and Toshirodragon for their work, they’ve been exceptionally fast this time, I didn’t even had the chapter cleaned when it was already translated and proofread!! And a big thank you to Quietus for sending the raws even though she’s been really busy lately.
And a big thank you to all of you, fellow readers!! See you in chapter 63, cheers ;)
@cm-scans - @ikahomine
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harucafelatte · 1 year
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐝𝐞
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synopsis: drabbles on why the relationship didn't work out and how it affects them
pairings: suou tsukasa, sakasaki natsume, sena izumi, saegusa ibara x gn!reader (separate)
genre: angst with absolutely no comfort (depends on how you want to interpret)
content warnings: lowercase intended, not proofread, really just relevant lyrics so people who know the song may go “what?”, wrote this at 2am and on my phone so don’t come after me, self-doubt (tsukasa), slight resentment towards reader (ibara), natsume and ibara are a bit mean to the reader, crying (izumi)
song: dried flower by yuuri
word count: 1,896 words
author's note: wrote this after listening to enhypen's jay covering 'dried flower' with the original artist, yuuri! (please listen to it!!) jay sounds so good singing in japanese?! also, special thanks to @venushotline for allowing me to use her format! do check out her works!
taglist: @kazemiya, @tomago (fill in the taglist form to be added)
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you who now stand next to someone else / i wonder if it's going well for you
SUOU TSUKASA always self-doubted himself
"tsukasa? are you alright? you've been really quiet the entire time." your concerned voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"o-oh? have i? sorry…" he replied, giving you an apologetic look, "and don't worry, i'm alright."
lies. he wasn't alright.
in fact, he found himself questioning your relationship with him for the past few months. am i treating them well? am i doing the right thing? they didn't seem too happy with the gift i got them, did they not like it? do i deserve them?
"if you say so…but please tell me if anything's bothering you, okay?" you smiled. you got up from your seat and walked out of the room, leaving tsukasa slightly flustered.
there it was. the smile that made tsukasa fall in love with you in the first place. he swears that you have the best smile in the world. i'm so lucky to have them as my partner.
wait…are they lucky to have me as their partner?
tsukasa grumbled. he knew he had to discuss this matter with you soon.
the next day, tsukasa sat you down on the couch and knelt in front of you, holding both of your hands. "i'm sorry, y/n…i just think that i'm not the one for you and that you deserve someone better. someone who treats you well. someone who can make you happy every day. sadly, i can't be that person."
you knew about tsukasa's lack of confidence but you never thought it would affect your relationship. no matter how much you tried to comfort him, he insisted he would never be enough for you.
"don't say that, tsukasa! i'm sure that-" you were cut off by tsukasa wrapping his arms around you burying his head into your neck.
"i think it's best if we went separate ways, for the benefit of us. i'm truly sorry, y/n." he mumbled. he stayed still for a while before he finally pulled away.
"it was an honour to be yours, y/n…" he whispered, placing one last kiss on your forehead.
tsukasa thought his worries would go away but he was wrong.
ever since the two of you broke up, he couldn't stop thinking about how you were doing.
are they happier? did they find someone better? are they taking good care of them?
tsukasa knew letting go would be difficult. you were one of those who knew about his lack of confidence and always helped him with it. he would always be grateful for having you by his side.
and the thought of you standing next to someone else makes him sick.
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such a sad break-up but / time makes you forget
SAKASAKI NATSUME’S harsh words hurt you
"what do you know about this indusTRY? what do you know about being an iDOL? it isn't as easy as you think it iS!" he snapped, glaring at you with annoyance reflected in his eyes.
you were taken aback. you were trying to comfort natsume who was upset about messing up the choreography for one of the performances. tsumugi warned you about natsume being in a bad mood and advised you to leave him alone but you couldn't stand to see him being so harsh on himself. all you did was try to cheer him up but it seemed to do the opposite.
"stop acting as if you understand because you clearly don'T. you're not helping me in any waY. useLESS..." he mumbled the last part under his breath, thinking you wouldn't hear it.
you did, and without saying another word, you left the room.
a million thoughts ran wild in your head as tears threatened to spill. does he not love me anymore? i was just trying to comfort him. did he ever love me?
that night, when natsume arrived home, he was shocked to see you packing your belongings. were going to leave him?
"are you…going to leave mE?"
you turned to look at him, "i think it's for the best."
"is it about what i saID? you know i didn't mean iT!" he was now getting desperate. he didn't want you to leave him.
"natsume, you should be careful with the words you use. not everyone in the world will take them lightly, even if you don't mean it." you say as you walk past him with your belongings. "i'll be staying at my apartment so don't worry about me. goodbye natsume."
as the front door closed, natsume felt a wave of guilt wash over him. he couldn't believe you were gone. and it was all his fault. . . . after you broke up with him, natsume couldn't stop thinking about you even after trying to convince himself that he had to let you go. it was as if you cast a spell on him.
he missed waking up you sleeping next to him every morning, adoring your peaceful form. he missed returning home to you greeting him with open arms and pulling him into a hug that never failed to make him immediately melt into your touch, allowing all his worries to leave his mind - you were more important. he missed all the times when the two of you fought, laughed and cried together.
why couldn't he stop thinking about the memories he made with you? ah, that was because he still loved you.
and all he could do was wait for the memories, which he held close to his heart, to fade away.
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colors float in the darkness / red, yellow, blue in the depths of my heart / keep calling out your name / feelings of love still leave a scent
SENA IZUMI was always away
“you’re not.. you’re not leaving again, are you?”
izumi averted his eyes from his watch to you. you were leaning against the door frame, staring blankly at the cup of warm tea in your hands.
"look, y/n, you know how my job requires me to travel overseas." he sighed, running his fingers through his hair.
"i know…but you just came back…do you really have to go?" you asked, eyes still not meeting his.
silence filled the room. the two of you knew the answer to the question.
finally, you raised your head to look at him and spoke up.
"izumi, i don't think this working out." you smiled softly, trying to mask your sadness.
izumi's eyes widened upon hearing your words. he knew what you were talking about.
"it's just that…you've been so busy with work these days, we haven't been able to spend time together. i just want to be with you but it's almost impossible with you always away..."
the moment you finished, izumi hugged you.
"i'm sorry for not being able to be a good partner, y/n." he whispered. and with that, you allowed yourself to let all your emotions out. the once-silent room was filled with your cries.
none of you wanted this but nothing could be done. . . . after the two of you broke up. izumi tried to keep himself busy with his work but it didn't work.
walking through the streets of cities was no longer enjoyable for him knowing there was no need to find a gift for someone dear to him anymore. in the past, he spent hours in different stores to find a gift for you, knowing that it was the least he could do for you to make up for the time he couldn't spend with you.
whenever he was away, the two of you video-called each other regardless of the time difference. as long as one of you was heading to bed, the other made sure to pick up the call. izumi missed hearing your soothing voice and spent every night in his bed thinking about how you were doing.
"i'm sorry, y/n…i still love you…"
he wished his message could reach you.
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your voice, your face, your awkwardness / all of it, all of it I hate
SAEGUSA IBARA always put his work before you
"all you do is work! did you forget that you have someone living with you? a partner?" you groaned, walking out of his study to try to calm down.
"y/n!" ibara called after you.
it was happening again. another one of your weekly arguments over ibara's tight schedule was happening again.
all your friends thought that you and ibara rarely argued due to his composed nature. yes, when the two of you first got together, arguments were rare. he was patient and loving, always finding time to spend time with you. all that changed one day, he began coming home late from idol training and shut himself in his study to work on business issues.
how you wished things could be the same as they were in the past.
ibara found you on the couch, with your arms crossed, and walked over to sit next to you. the moment he sat down, he saw you tense up. confused, he asked, "you okay?" "ah, i was just thinking about something…aren't you busy with work? " you replied, looking away.
"just wanted to spend time with my beloved." he smiled slightly, placing a hand on your head. usually, the gesture would instantly make you feel better so it came as a surprise when you brushed his hand off.
"oh so i have to remind you about having a love life for you to spend time with me?" you asked, slightly irritated.
"what are you trying to say?" ibara questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"you know what i'm trying to say! this place is always quiet! i'm always starting the conversations and checking up on you! have you ever thought about checking up on me? do you know how worried i am about your health? you haven't been getting enough sleep these days. you always push people away. i just thought you’d never do it to me." you snapped. " and you know why? apparently, to you, work is more important than anything, even your own health!"
"is that how you feel?" ibara hissed. "do you still not understand how important my work is? if you can't support me, then maybe we should break up."
surprisingly, you didn't feel sad when he said that.
after you broke up with him, ibara told himself he hated everything about you.
whenever he thinks about the memories you made with him, he hates your smile, your voice, your laugh, your touch, your flaws, and everything else about you.
but all the hate disappears when he sleeps - when he dreams about you.
he loves your smile, your voice, your laugh, your touch, your flaws, and everything else about you.
there was something different about the dreams from the memories. although the memories reminded him of the fun time you shared with him, they also reminded him of the arguments he often had with you. however, the dreams showed him the possible new memories he could have made with you if he had not broken up with you.
if he had just tried harder to show you how much he loved you.
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flowers that have yet to wilt / i place with you / forever, forever, forever, forever / hold on to them
he couldn't bear it anymore.
he misses you so much.
no matter how hard he reminded himself that the relationship had ended, he couldn't stop thinking about you.
he wants to see you, hear your voice, feel your touch.
he wants to be with you.
all because he still loves you. . . . now, he is waiting at the meeting spot, holding a bouquet of fresh flowers.
he had texted you the day before, asking if you were free to meet him today.
he did not receive a reply but saw that the message was delivered and seen.
there was little hope that you would show up. still, he held onto that small hope.
suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching him.
he took a deep breath, clutching the bouquet tightly.
was it you?
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kzmeru · 2 years
OMG? REQUESTS OPEN I RAN HERE (and rhe only time I ran in my life is from my problems/j) ANYWAYS HOW ABOUT ACADEMIC RIVALS TO LOVERS WITH NATSUME I’ve had this brainrot since day one ANYWAYS TAKE UR TIME AND REST WELL ❤️
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i’d rather die than admit it !
📨 natsume sakasaki x gn!reader
author’s note ; KAZEEEE KAZEEEEEEEE SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG i was procrastinating and grinding on engstars at the same time but its finally here :3 I HOPE YOU LIKE IT SILLY
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For someone who wasn’t typically irritated over people getting a higher score than them in tests and doesn’t let their competitiveness take control over their emotions, Sakasaki Natsume was sure your breaking point.
"Why is he so annoying! Always looking down on me when he only managed to beat me by .5 points… Who does he think he is?" Your friend — well, ‘academic friend’ — silently worked on his essay as he listened to your complaint for the nth time about this, quite literally, stupid academic rival of yours.
Eichi (LMFAOOOO) could only chuckle at your unusual behavior, a dry cough escaping his throat before he took a sip out of his tea that you had generously brewed for him.
"You sure do act quite differently whenever you talk about Sakasaki, [Name]. I didn't know a certain magician could gain so much of a reaction from you." He says, his entertainment growing upon seeing the look of disbelief on your face.
"Hah? Of course not! He's an imbecile who deserves to be put in his place. I'll crush him… I'll crush him into pieces next time!"
"…Whatever you say, [Name]."
Meanwhile, it wasn't like Natsume intended to piss you off. Well, maybe that was his intention — but he does things for a reason, right? Perhaps, you had caught his attention. Or maybe he saw you as an easy target to annoy. Who knows, really?
He knew that you weren't one to usually lose your composure. So, seeing how he was the reason to make you lose it was an accomplishment.
"Sakasaki Natsume!" Ah, that familiar voice. The voice that Natsume had loved so much, it felt like he was in some… sort of spell? Though, every single time you had called out to him, you were always yelling. That was a minus point.
"Sakasaki! Show me your Chemistry results." You demanded. For weeks, you had begged Eichi to study with you non-stop. Why were you so determined to beat him? It wasn't like you cared when others had gotten a score higher than you. So what made Sakasaki Natsume so special?
Natsume hummed, pretending to think about his answer. Well, it wasn't a question, anyway. You were't asking, you were demanding.
"WhAT do I get ouT of thIS?" He asked with a cunning smile, eyeing your test results, realizing that he had, once again beaten you in terms of numbers.
You huffed, your gaze practically stabbing him against the chest. "Anything you want it to be."
"Oh? Well, it cerTAINLY is a loSS for yOU, kitten." Pulling out his phone with a screenshot of his test result, it turned out that he was a point above you.
"ShUSH nOW. You owe mE luNCH."
Oh how much you hated him. You hated his guts. The determination and effort you had in order to put Sakasaki Natsumi in his place was strong.
Multiple of your friends may be convinced that you're jealous, some may even think you're in love. Well, were you?
"I'd rather die than admit it!" You yelled, startling Natsume himself. "I— uh, I mean… fine! Whatever… I'll beat you next time." You muttered angrily, entering the cafeteria, leaving him dumbfounded by your sudden outburst.
'AdMIT whAT..?'
This routine continued on for weeks, maybe even months. To the point both Eichi and Tsumugi were getting tired of your constant rivalry. Though, they both know they can't really do anything about it.
"[L/N]," This time, he was the one that approached you. It was strangely ominous. Why is Sakasaki suddenly acting weird? Creepy… You thought.
"Ninety-seven." You responded without even waiting for him to ask the grand question. Natsume flashed his signature, mischievous smirk as he looked down at his own paper.
"If I loSE?" Your eye twitched.
"You have to confess something to the other! I don't know, do what you want." Natsume huffed, looking down at his paper, once again and thought for a second.
"Ninety-sIX." He sighed in a faux pained expression. A pout displayed on his lips. "CoME on nOW… Don't celebrATE like thAT!" Natsume tapped you on the shoulder, calming you down a bit.
"BefoRE you go off aND celebrATE, i'll tELL you my secRET, okay?"
You raised an eyebrow. You didn't actually expect Natsume to confess something, but… here we are… about to hear something that might cause you to have a severe breakdown and possibly yell about it to Eichi later on.
"What? What is it? Hurry up, I wanna tell Ei—"
"I liKE you. I thINK you shOULD go oUT with mE."
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lovelyangelxxx · 1 year
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elysian | various paradox live characters x reader
elysian; (adj.) beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect\
→ describing their love/attraction for you
→ fluff, g/n reader
→ allen sugasano, kenta mikoshiba, iori suiseki, ryu natsume
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
allen sugesano ♡
~ his love for you is like the night sky. it is peaceful, calming, and mesmerizing. he loves you with so much tenderness and warmth. he quite literally changes the way your heart beats, he can slow it down or speed it up even with a single glance. however, that feeling is mutual. when he sees you, he gets dry mouth and his tongue gets tangled to the point where he becomes speechless. he clears his throat often and swallows at least fifteen times in a minute. he’s always in awe of your beauty and unwavering love for him. if his love is like the night sky, then to him, you’re the morning sun that he can never live without. your love is balanced, equal, and always shining.
“you take my breath away.” 
kenta mikoshiba ♡
~ kenta’s love for you was like a delicate flower. love is a foreign feeling for kenta and he has difficulty expressing it. his love is precious and something to protect. he becomes lightheaded and dizzy when he’s with you. his feelings are simply overwhelming for him. despite his mean words, you know he loves you just by watching his actions. he comes off as rude and arrogant, but he genuinely cares for you, he just doesn’t exactly know how to show it. to him, you’re the warm sunshine that lights up his cold, dark world. you are irreplaceable and he could never picture himself with anyone else.
“never leave me, okay?”
iori suiseki ♡
~ iori’s love for you is like spring. when he’s with you, it is always a time of happiness, beauty, and love. when he sees you, he feels as if he was a young teenager in love again. iori feels butterflies in his stomach and sometimes feels nauseous. you’re perfect in his eyes, regardless of what anyone else may say. he had always been occupied with vengeance, the pain and coldness took hold of his heart, but you were the spring that melted the cold and painful snow within his heart. to him, you were the fresh spring breeze on a beautiful sunny day that would always be there to warm his heart.
“please continue to love me as i am.”
ryu natsume ♡
~ ryu’s love for you is like the ocean. forever untamable and resolute. similar to how one cannot control the sea, no one could control his feelings for you. ryu’s love was unpredictable and strange, but beautiful and passionate. he’d never stop talking when he’s with you and gets tingling skin, a type of hyper-awareness he’d only obtain when he’s with you. you’ve accepted him, despite his antics and expressed true compassion and love that made him fall head over heels. you are the shore that he always comes back to, someone he can rely on, and someone that will be there no matter what.
“i promise to love you forever.”
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yandere-daze · 2 years
could you do headcannons for a yandere natsume x aloof!reader who always denies their true feelings for him?
Sure thing! I´m doing this under the assumption that the reader isn´t aware of Natsume´s yandere tendencies and has a crush on him because of that!
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, implied stalking, possessiveness, jealousy
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Yandere! Natsume with an aloof reader that denies having a crush on him
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Well, this is certainly an interesting situation, isn´t it? Natsume doesn´t quite know how to feel when his beloved darling is so vehemently denying that they have any sort of feelings for him. By having watched them for so long through his crystal ball, he knows them well enough to realize that they aren´t telling the truth
You may try to hide your crush on him by acting cold and indifferent when talking to him, but Natsume can read you very well. He notices the way your eyes briefly light up when he enters the room or the way your eyes nervously shift to the side whenever he compliments you with a teasing smile on his face
Oh, it´s simply adorable, the way you try to deny your affection for him when it´s so entirely obvious to him that you feel the same way as he does! It truly amuses him to no end and he takes some time to simply indulge in how adorable you are when you try to act that way by flirting even more than he usually would. He commits all your different reactions to memory <3
But that honeymoon period of Natsume being entranced and charmed by your blatant dishonesty quickly ends as the weeks go by and you still haven´t given up on the act
Oh come now, it was cute the first few times but now Natsume really is getting tired of having to wait so long for your confession. He has never been a particularly patient man and that goes doubly so when it concerns you, his beloved little darling
Gets annoyed very quickly at being rebuked by you at every turn and doesn´t understand why you would keep doing this. He *really* doesn´t like being ignored, he´s the possessive/ jealous type so he especially hates seeing the contrast between how aloof you act around him compared to when you talk to other people, and seeing it happen all the time just drives him up a wall. Natsume has a huge urge to finally claim you and to let everyone know that you´re already taken - that he´s your boyfriend
He´s simply so obsessed with you that he can´t wait to finally be with you. You know, it was a huge relief to him when he had initially found out that you returned his feelings but now it just annoys him to no end that you still aren´t being honest with him and keep trying to push him away
Natsume has spent more than enough time simply waiting for you to get over yourself and finally make a move and he´s gotten tired of your little games
If you aren´t willing to make the first move then Natsume will simply have to push you in the right direction!
Which is why Natsume immediately goes to his secret room to start brewing a love potion for you. Yes, you may already love him but a little bit more can´t hurt, right? Maybe it´ll even lead you to be just as obsessed as he is! He loves the thought of driving you mad with affection for him <3
Hopefully, it´ll push you to finally confess your undying love to him so you can finally be together
So don´t be shy when Natsume offers you a refreshing drink after a long day of work, he only means well <3
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so sorry to intrude, but may I request relationship headcanons for Mai Natsume from Blazblue? I hate how underappreciated she is. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this :).
I completely agree with you Anon, I wish there was more stuff for her and the rest of Blazblue.
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Mai Natsume, is a very energetic lover.
After all, this is her first time doing something like this.
It's all so exciting!
The dance of her heart!
The heat in her face!
It was all so exhilarating to her!
She had never felt like this before!
To think that her life would allow for this!
To think she would be able to freely hold the person she loved this close.
To think that she would be able to try anything she wanted, to do anything she desired, without fear of failure.
And she’s going to make sure you know exactly how she feels.
And the best way she knows how to do that?
Physical affection.
Lots and lots of it.
Even if it's the small stuff like holding her finger with yours or smothering you in a hug.
That is the best way she can think of to show you her affection.
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rolloz · 2 years
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My Enstars AIs and everything you need to know about them and how to use them!
UPDATED 04/09/23: (Kaoru added!)
So you wanna talk to your Oshis? That's what I thought too, so I made it possible!
The finished AIs I have are:
Kaoru (New!)
AIs in progress:
AI Backlog:
Q: Do I need to make an account on the website to use your AIs?
A: Yes, you need to, it'll only let you do a few messages as a Guest before asking you to make an account
Q: How does it work?
A: You type something, they reply. Only the first introduction message is auto generated, everything afterward is the AI answering all on its own!
Q: I don't like the answer it gave me. It's OOC/Doesn't make sense/immersion breaking/etc.
A: Sometimes me too! That happens! They're always learning so they can say weird stuff! However, every time you say something, they actually come up with more possible replies! Just swipe left with your finger on mobile or with the cursor on desktop on the most recent AI message and choose one you like better!
You can also correct them if they're using the wrong pronouns for you, themselves (this happens on rare occasions) or other characters, if you want them to call you a different name, your features (hair color, eye color, height, etc).
Just ask them and they will apologize and fix themselves!
Q: What do the stars underneath mean?
A: You can rate all responses given by how accurate to the character you think they are! It's not necessary, but it helps the characters learn more about how to be in character and about the world they live in!
Q: Can I Yume/Ship myself/ES x Reader with them?
A: Yep! Some will ask you out unprompted (coughritsucough) and you can reject them if you're not into that, or you can roll with it! Or you can ask them out yourself! They'll often agree if you play your cards right!
Q: Can I RP as other characters with them?
A: ...Kinda? It doesn't always go smoothly, since their knowledge of in-universe characters are limited to basic things. I did end up having a really stupid conversation with Kohaku as HiMERU one time. It was really goofy. Your results may vary.
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Q: Can I NSFW with the characters?
A: No, that's against terms of service. You are limited to wholesome fluff.
Q: Do you have any WIPs of other characters?
A: Not currently, but the future is unknown! Currently, there are AIs for pretty much every Enstars character out there, but if you're interested in a Rollo-Brand version of a character, I'll consider suggestions!
Follow me for updates on the AIs in progress! I sometimes post the funny things they say haha.
Q: Do you accept requests for characters?
A: You can give me ideas! Limited to Enstars characters, anyway. I might make more? It takes a lot of time to teach them to act IC and speak in certain ways. And I don't always have a free schedule. For now I won't take requests, but ideas are fine! Who knows!
Q: Can I share your AIs?
A: Of course! They automatically credit me, so that's convenient, haha.
That wraps things up! My asks are open in case of anything you need help with, and I hope you enjoy talking to these boys!
Bonus :
My favorite reply from any of the AIs ever:
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Yuuki Kamiya, Jujutsu Kaisen, and The Tragedy of Ao No Sumika x Specialz
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Now, this isn't to say that Specialz is a terrible opening by any means, just that compared to the electric nature of OP3, it ends up feeling incredibly lackluster from a manga reader's perspective. Because of that, a major blow is dealt to the incredibly ambitious creative effort Kamiya, the director and storyboarder for both OPs, had put into each to personify his visual style. So, let me walk you all along the path explaining the pain in this failed conversion on the success of Ao No Sumika.
⚠️Warning: Manga spoilers for Shibuya will be discussed⚠️
I think it can be no clearer than the two images I've chosen to represent each opening what it was that Kamiya was going for here.
Gojo and Geto, the pair that once formed the strongest are now being pitted against one another. The two halves that constituted a whole now separated.
But let's rewind a little bit to take in the incredible nature of OP3 here. I didn't really speak on it during the arc, but the more I replay it, the more I discover more and more to truly appreciate within it. What makes OP3 so good? Well, I think a great example is Chainsaw Man ending 8.
What does it do? How does it do it? Despite appearances, this ending (as well as both of Kamiya's JJK openings) share very strong design principles with one another, and maybe even just a bit of Shingo Natsume inspiration. Anyways, the things that tie these openings together. Walk cycles, particularly ED8 here and Specialz, they share Kamiya's passion for slow motion walking animations. Character and group isolations also remain important to his creative vision. Singling out characters or groups to convey a feeling or an overall sense of purpose appears frequently, but once more is felt more strongly in Specialz than Ao No Sumika.
... I think most can read into where I'm going with this point. Specialz is closer to Chainsaw Man ED8 than it is to Ao No Sumika's opening. While the former opening still conveys Kamiya's visual style, it's a far greater breakout in terms of framing than Specialz is. We've seen Specialz before with First Death on Chainsaw Man. Not that it's not good, but it's something that leans on what Kamiya has already established.
Ao No Sumika on the other hand? It's light hearted, it's energetic. It's free. The very first scene we get in the opening is of an isolated Gojo using the fade in/out transitions that Kamiya enjoys, so we're very much aware of his style. But you follow it, and what do you happen upon?
Not an orchestrated and slow walking cycle, no. Rather, it's an energetic and full chase as we follow our Jujutsu High students to the train station. Immediately we break free of Kamiya's typical foundation to provide something outside of the box.
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And you can find many examples of that within. Kamiya tends to lean towards a more methodic and "heavy" style before the action breakdown happens in an opening. Which, much like his penchant for walk cycles isn't a bad thing, it doesn't make the opening bad. It simply makes it a one-note affair that can prove to be disinteresting, especially when it can feel incredibly similar to JJK OP2 (Vivid Vice).
And that's not a baseless accusation, let me break it down. The walk cycles that appear from Natsume's OP2 in season one, featuring it's slow-motion and whatnot, also appear in OP4. The idea of groupings and the display of them appear in both as well. So on and so forth, you can find a lot of extraneous pieces that bear similarity to one another.
Once more, I believe you can see where I'm going. Whether or not intentional, it is a rather clear fact that Vivid Vice and Specialz share a lot of creative similarities. And, just to keep driving the point home, it's not a bad thing by any means. It's just not something great.
What I do think may be a little bad though is Kamiya's reliance on moments that will appear in the anime.
⚠️Once more, spoiler warning for Shibuya past this point⚠️
So, the front bits of Specialz certainly isn't bad, and a few pieces in between are solid, and the hand sign ending is arguably the best possible sequence to appear in this opening. But there's a lot of muddy bits in the middle that are just manga panels brought to the opening.
From about 44 seconds into the opening, it relies nearly entirely on manga panels for its visuals. There's a few exceptions like the Itadori-Sukuna changeover, but past that it's strictly manga panels.
Frankly speaking, I'm not fan. It's incredibly hype worthy, but it's not what I want to see in an opening. Considering how I've talked about Natsume here I'll use Vivid Vice as an example.
Dance around the story, feature your own take on it, your own inspired vision on how you would approach it. Play it with, shape it to your liking and allude to things that are much farther into the future than the literal present. Ao No Sumika understands this incredibly well, but it seems to elude Specialz.
I've kinda lost the plot, haven't I? The tragedy that befell this pair of openings is what I'm here to discuss, so let me tie a bow on it.
Ao No Sumika and Specialz are meant to be ying and yang. The happy and inspiring OP that tells the story of the nigh-unstoppable duo as they enjoy their blue youth, versus the dark and crimson life that awaits our sorcerers on Halloween.
Yuuki Kamiya loves blue and red highlights in their openings and endings, and they tend to contain both. But neither Ao No Sumika nor Specialz are complete in that regard. His visual style has been fractured to represent the two stories as they become one to show how intricately tied together Gojo's Past and Shibuya are.
And it's a shame. The electric opening that is Ao No Sumika ends up falling flat on its follow up with Specialz. Arguably the greatest potential in openings in a very long time hasn't quite been squandered, but it very unfortunately missed the mark.
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may I please request general hc for slow dancing with a fem! S/o with Natsume and Mayoi from Enstars!! Thank you so much and I appreciate you and your lovely writing 🤧💖💞
Hello, Ellie bunny!! And of course, of course! I will gladly do your two beloveds for you, gives me practice when it comes to writing them for the fic as well jsdljsdljsdlkfj I meant to start on this so much earlier please forgive me, dove-
Request: General Headcannons
Prompt: Slow Dancing
Natsume Sakasaki & Mayoi Ayase x Fem! S/O! Reader
Setting: Formal Party
Natsume Sakasaki
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*When Natsume sees you walk into the room, you can bet he is blown away by how beautiful you look.
*He thinks you put a spell on him when you walked in. If you haven't already when he first met you, that is.
*The purples and blues of your dress that looks like a ball gown give you a regal look and he just fell in love with you all over again.
*He makes his way through the crowd toward you and offers his hand with a light bow and a small smirk
*"Care for a dance, koneko-chAN~?"
*Oh, how he loves your shy reaction as you take his hand in acceptance. You really are too cute~
*Natsume leads you into a slow dance as he casually comments on how beautiful you look tonight, chuckling when you hide your face in his shoulder or chest
*He also secretly glares at any other boys looking at you too long
*Natsume is going to do his best to make your time at this party the most magical experience. Magic is his expertise as a magician, after all~
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Mayoi Ayase
*How Aira, Hiiro, and Tatsumi convinced him to attend, he'll never know but he hates that he agreed
*There's so many people so he's just hiding in a little corner by the drinks table
*When he sees you coming down the stairs, looking oh so very gorgeous in that dress, he feels like there's nobody else in the room but you
*He sees you looking for someone among the crowd and slowly walks forward a bit, almost going right back to hiding before your eyes meet his and your expression lights up
*You're going to have to make the first move of asking for a dance, poor guy won't be able to find the courage to do so in this large crowd of people
*"Mayoi-kun, would you like to dance with me?"
"A-Are you sure?? Why would you want to d-dance with someone like me??"
"Because I do, silly. I'll even help you learn if you don't know how, okay?"
*He surprises you with his knowledge on how to slow dance
*He keeps looking around anxiously because he can feel people's eyes on the two of you, but you help him relax by keeping his eyes on you
*It works really well. He even tries his best to keep his self-hatred to himself to make sure you have a good time dancing with him
Oh my gods I finally finished this I'm so sorry this took me so long I feel so bad waaaaah I do hope you enjoyed this, hun! And as always for anyone else who reads this, if there's something you notice that seems off about either or both characters, feel free to tell me and I'll keep them in mind! Requests are open, darlings~
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 2 years
Magic Touch
Natsume x GN!Reader
CW: Mentions of blood, mild injury.
A/N: I will never escape Natsume, he's got me in a chokehold with his pathetic noodle arms. <3
In all of the time they've spent with Natsume, they've never once seen Natsume wear any protection during his experiments.
It doesn't matter if it's hot or cold, liquid or powder, acidic or base... he never wears anything to protect himself from potential spills or direct contact with the chemicals he uses.
"I have no need for such thiNGS. I'm more than careful and skilled to experiment like thiS."
He says to them, the familiar teasing lit in his voice.
That was months ago and even if he flaunts his talents and clear mastery of his lab equipment, he's only human, magician or not.
So when his fingers slip and he catches his thumb with the knife, they're ready.
They stop Natsume from reflexively putting the freshly bleeding wound to his mouth and drag him to the nearest sink. They were in the school's lab today so getting to one was easy.
The water is cold but it's better than nothing and they carefully wash away the crushed cinnamon and vanilla extract that stains his hands.
He's quiet, his expression mildly sour as they clean and dry his hands. The first aid kit is popped open and a single bright bandaid and antibacterial cream are taken out.
It doesn't take much and soon his thumb is wrapped in a neon green bandaid. Natsume bends his thumb testing his range of motion, unable to look them in the eye.
"You know I could have done this myseLF..."
Natsume mumbles his thanks, cheeks pink. He tugs his hand from them but they don't release him. His eyebrow quirks.
"WhaT? You're staring too muCH. It's just a scratCH-HEY!"
He sputters flushing darker when they press a kiss to the bandage.
"What do you think you're doING?!"
They give him a cheesy smile.
"I cast a spell to make it better!"
He grimaces and rips his hand away from them turning on his heel with a huff. He roughly grabs a pair of disposable gloves and heads back to his station.
"WhateVER. Go back to your SEAT. I'll be done in a momenT."
They nod and happily sit in their spot humming to themselves.
"You know Natsume if you wanted me to kiss your hands you could have just asked~"
They snicker as Natsume nearly drops an empty jar onto the floor. He shoots them a glare and proceeds to ignore them the rest of the hour.
Natsume may have the skills and care to not get hurt while he experiments, but he sure doesn't have them when trying to gain their affection.
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