I'm Simpin' and I Know It~
123 posts
Welcome, little simps!! You may call me Lorelin. I'm just your average writer, and I want to share my works with you~ Though I can't tell you when they'll appear UwU. Enjoy your time here, little simpies~ {Writing Requests: Open}
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
certified-ultimate-simp · 6 months ago
Also been an avid follower but somehow I didn't notice lmao N E WAYS
My first request to you!! I kinda have two different questions-
What's your AO3 and Wattpad??? I'm on Wattpad more but I wanna know so I can follow you there too!
Second question: Can I request the Building 13 boys with an s/o or found family member who has prominent motherly instincts and comforts them when they need it whether it be from nightmares or stress or irritation or just low self-esteem moments???? Take your time, love your work, and don't force yourself to do too much!! ❤️❤️❤️ ignore this if it's too much but eeeeeeeee bye have a good day/night!!!
HI HIII thank you for the interest in my content!! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° Means a lot!!
First off my Wattpad is CanaricalsTrash and my Ao3 is Canaricals_Trash!
Second off, absolutely you can!! I live for hurt and comfort fluff man,, went with found family for this with the found family member being a cellmate of the boys!
F/N = Found family member's name
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🔓 Jyugo 🔓
Jyugo lives in constant fear of losing his friends after meeting Elf
As far as he's concerned, he could drop in at any moment and steal them away. The thought terrifies him to no end
For weeks after his escape attempt was thwarted by his cellmates, he was stressed out and distant
F/N noticed this with a nervous start, and after carefully keeping an eye on him, she decides to talk to him about it
He's exceedingly nervous when she brings up his distant and stressed behavior, dancing around the question and trying to avoid the subject
F/N gives him a soft, caring expression, reaching out to cup his cheek and making him look into her eyes with a surprised look on his face
Tells him she'll always be here for him if he needs her, and that he can tell her anything he needs to get off his chest
She'll always be there for him..
Jyugo cant fight back the tears after that, and wraps his arms around her, sobbing gently into her shoulder
He'll always have his fear of Elf taking her and his other friends, but he'll be damned if he doesn't put up a fight for them if he's given the chance to when that bridge is crossed
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🎲 Uno 🎲
Uno ended up getting a minor injury while he and the others were jailbreaking
He got a scuff on his face after losing his footing and tripping, and being as enamored in his own physical image as he is, he lost his mind over it
Rambling about how Kiji's gonna call him a one, how he hoped to god it wouldn't scar, how he's gonna bruise, yadda yadda yadda..
Goes ham trying to mend it himself, applying different creams and beauty products to it to try and hide or heal it the best he can
Fusses over it for days straight and gets more desperate and sullen as it does indeed bruise, a blue and purple mark very visible on his cheek
F/N constantly tells him he'll be fine, that it's just a little bruise and a scratch and shouldn't scar
Uno constantly retorts that it's not fine, that this ugly bruise is in such an important area and oh so visible
F/N eventually has enough and one day, while Uno's in the cell's bathroom fussing over his bruise again, she cups his cheeks and makes him look at her
Goes on a rant about how he's beautiful just the way he is, bruise and all, and that he shouldn't let a temporary wound on his face ruin his self-esteem and good views of himself. It'll heal soon enough and he'll be as good as new!
He really needed to hear that. He puts a hand over her own and sighs, leaning into her touch as he gently thanks and promises her that he'll (try to) stop being such a drama queen
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🍩 Rock 🍩
While in the recreation room with F/N and his friends, there ended up being a brawl between two random inmates which Rock tried to break up
Got punched by one of them and got a busted nose and ended up getting pissed off as a result, punching the aggressor's own nose in
He got in trouble as to be expected for getting involved, and had to wait to hear from Hajime about what his punishment would be
He was laid up in the infirmary as Otogi treated his nose, growling and grumbling to himself about how stupid this all was
F/N stayed with him as he waited to be cleared by Otogi to go back to his cell
When Hajime came to bring the two back to the cell, he told Rock he'd be getting 30 minutes less of recreation time for a week as punishment (While the ones who started it got recreation time removed all together for the same amount of time)
Rock throws his head back with an irritated groan at that. Mumbles to himself how he shouldn't have gotten involved and should've kept his temper in check
F/N takes his hand as they walk back to the cell, her thumb petting over the back of it to soothe him
When they get back, F/N puts a hand on his arm as she looks up at him and gives him a comforting smile and tells him that it's alright, that she's proud of him for trying..
Rock sighs and smiles back, thanking her for the kind words and saying that having her around was a big help to keep his head level
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💊 Nico 💊
F/N wakes up to a sharp cry in the middle of the night, turning to see Nico upright with cold sweat dripping down his face
Tears are in his eyes as well as he lifts his hands to cup his head, shivering violently
He must've had a nightmare..
She gently says his name to get his attention, asking him if he's alright. Nico's reply is two head shakes and a whimper
F/N coaxes him over to her own bed for comfort, and he's with her in a heartbeat, wrapping his arms around her and sobbing into her chest
F/N rubs the back of his head with one hand while the other rubs away his tears, her face against his vibrant green hair as she whispers soothing words to him
Whispers how he's alright, that it was just a bad dream.. that he's safe here.
Nico lets out little whimpers and nods in reply to each thing she says, slowly calming down to her warm touch and soothing voice
When he finally fully calms down, he slightly hesitantly explains to her that the nightmare was about when he was experimented on way back when, and that it felt so real-- like he'd gone back in time.
F/N gently holds him close, continuing to calm and reassure him that it's now a thing of the past. As long as she's around, no one will harm him like that again. It made Nico smile at last, nuzzling against her in thankfulness
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certified-ultimate-simp · 7 months ago
Y e s
₊˚ෆˎˊ˗ everyone adores you, at least i do.
synopsis. cell 13 relationship hcs (separately).
content contains. gender neutral reader! building 5 arc mentioned. multiple hajime mentions (jumpscare) not proofread!
mei’s note. wrote this for all the nanbaka enjoyers, i also need nanbaka mutuals 2bhonest :,).
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jyugo (ジューゴ)
jyugo is definitely something when it comes to relationships! he’s been behind bars his whole life, how is he supposed to know how to show his affection?
so, he gets advice! almost everyday he can be found next to uno, seeking relationship advice tips on how to show his love for you. although the advice he receives isn’t the most useful, he still makes an effort. however, there was one instance where he turned to hajime for advice, and lets just say it didn’t turn out so well.
jyugo is your #1 protector, always looking out for you just in case anything happens to you. in the building five arc, he keeps a watchful eye on you, never letting you stray too far from his side. his grip on you is firm, seeking solace in your presence.
cell thirteen freaks the FUCK out when they hear about jyugo having a partner. literally, how could someone like him possibly pull someone as cute as you?
like i said earlier, jyugo struggles to express his love for you. his attempts are often clumsy and timid, leaving him embarrassed even at the mere utterance of “i love you” coming from his lips. but, don’t get the wrong idea about his lack of affection. he adores you deeply, please be patient with him!
he loves to show off his jail breaking skills to you, only to be caught by hajime 10 minutes later. and then you have to witness your poor boyfriend get yelled at for trying to escape. at least you’re there to comfort him and praise his skills, which makes this all worth it in the end.
he never. stops. talking. about. you. never. it’s painfully obvious he’s head over heels for you. even before you two started dating, he was talking about you as if he was your biggest fan. which, he is. but he doesn’t want you to know that.
if you’re a criminal and you belong in a different cell/building, trust me, jyugo would be sneaking out of his cell all the time to visit you. it gets so bad that you have to tell him to stop, or else hajime would literally kill him with his fists.
if you are in the same cell as him, jyugo likes to play with your hair while you’re sleeping. the sensation of his fingertips running through the strands relaxes him, especially when it’s late at night when he’s stuck in his cell. he could escape if he wanted to, but now he doesn’t because he wants to spend time with you. it’s also a way of showing his affection for you without getting embarrassed because he knows you’re sleeping. if you wake up and catch him, he’ll pretend that nothing ever happened.
jyugo’s heart nearly stopped when you first told him that you loved him. he knew it, of course, but hearing the words coming out of your mouth was too much for him to bear. tears sprang instantly to his eyes, and he buries his face in your shoulder, sobbing. his mind swirled with words of love he’d never heard before, words so soft and tender he couldn’t believe anything could make him feel this good. please, let him have his moment.
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uno (ウノ)
you bully him for being a brit (jay kay. maybe)
loves to play cards with you! even if you don’t know how to play, he’ll teach you anyway. he even lets you win just to see the smile on your face.
uno is always with you, always holding your hand. he likes the feeling of your touch, and he will never let go—no matter what how much you tell him to.
uno let’s you do his hair, and he does yours as well. he’s all about hair care and skin care, so no doubt he’ll remind you to take care of your skin and your hair. and then, you both end up glowing together.
he likes to flirt, and if you’re someone who gets easily embarrassed, uno will be flirting with you all the time just to see your reaction. he plays with your heart strings, he plays with your head; it’s like a game to him. he’s charming in his own cocky way. it’s a part of who he is and what he does best.
but, if you flirt back with him, he’ll melt and whine. he’s the one who’s supposed to do the flirting!
uno is the epitome of a doting cuddlebug. he is constantly attached to you, whether day or night, no matter who sees. he is so head-over-heels for you, that even hajime has to physically tug or otherwise force him away from your side..
when talking to others, uno frequently brags about you in the most adorable way possible. he flexes by casually pointing at you and asserting you’re his partner, often saying things like, “that’s my partner, [name]! so lucky, right?” to everyone else in earshot. in essence, his pride runs deep, and he’s not afraid to show it.
when rejected or ignored by you, unl tends to become highly sulky and dramatic. like a child throwing a tantrum, he’ll sulk and pout, spreading misery to everyone else near him just because he was in a bad mood. he’ll go so far as to ignore you unless you apologize, although his bad mood rarely lasts for too long. no more than an hour later, you’ll find uno clinging to your side once more, as if none of it ever happened.
uno’s self-proclaimed as a ‘pretty boy’ is a fact. nonetheless, he’ll still be a blushing, embarrassed mess whenever you acknowledge it, especially if you tease him about it. he’ll nervously scratch the back of his neck, his cheeks a bright shade of red, trying to come up with a reply that doesn’t make him sound like a giddy schoolgirl — but failing miserably.
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nico (ニコ)
nico is always recommending manga to you, based on what you’ll like— and he’s usually spot on due to his vast experience. if you’re an anime lover as well, he would be more than happy to chat with you about it, and will probably end up introducing you to his favorite series.
nico is utterly relentless when it comes to showering you with affection, always sparing no opportunity to tell you how much he cares. everyone else in cell thirteen has seen it all before— the constant showering with kisses and hugs, the endless compliments and praise, the clear unashamed adulation.
but to nico, it doesn’t matter if others see it or not, because he wants you to know how much he loves you, and he wants to make it known to you, right here, right now, however he can. it’s quite sweet, really.
playing video games with him is special to nico, especially since it’s you he’s playing with. he considers you to be his favorite person ever, and wants to do everything with you, which includes playing video games. however, nico can get a bit competitive at times. but, don’t worry. if you end up losing a round, he’ll feel bad and let you win all the other rounds after that, just to lift your spirits and make you feel better.
if you’re not one for talking, nico would be more than happy to fill the silence by yapping your ear off about anything that comes to his mind. and you would sit there, listening patiently each time, never judging him for wanting to share his thoughts and interests with you. having someone who is always willing to hear him out really, really means a lot to nico!
nico seems to have a sixth sense for whenever you’re feeling down, ashes constantly checking up on you. whether you’re feeling sad, stressed, or just plain tired, nico will do whatever it takes to cheer you up. he would take you to nanba’s arcade, put on a comedy anime for both of you to watch, or even simply cuddle with you the whole day if that’s what you want. despite his childish demeanor, nico is understanding and sympathetic, always willing to listen to you vent about your problems, while gently holding you close and doing his utmost to comfort you and make you feel better.
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rock (ロック)
food dates food dates food dates! although, nanba prison is probably not the most ideal setting for a food date — but your boyfriend still manages to make it work somehow. he’ll beg shiro for the most delicious meal he can offer, and in a heartbeat, you’ll be presented with a ten-tier cake.
rock loves having you on his back while he does push-ups, that’s it. no specific reason.
if anyone even so much breathes a word of disrespect in your direction, rock would go ballistic. without a moment’s hesitation and without any words exchanged, rock would proceed to throw hands, until the person who dared disrespect his beloved had a broken nose and a busted jaw.
while rock may appear brash and impulsive on the outside, he’s nothing more than a big sweethart who would do anything and everything for you. hell, he’ll even go so far as to share his meal with you. he’s got a very obvious soft slot for you, but he’s rather not say that out loud.
another cuddlebug! sure, his loud snoring may keep you up at night, but he’s your boyfriend, and it doesn’t really bother you, after all. the security that comes from rock’s big, muscular arms wrapping around you tightly is worth it. his cuddles are like a warm blanket, making you feel safe. sometimes, they can be so tight you can barely move— no complaints there from you, though. the warmth and comfort rock brings us more than worth it.
rock always asks you to watch him fight, regardless of whether he wins or loses. he doesn’t even mind if he does lose, as long as you’re there to cheer him on and offer him words of praise afterwards. that’s one thing that makes it worthwhile, seeing that big, dumb-happy grin show up on his face after getting congratulated by you for giving it his all.
rock often finds himself comparing hand sizes with you most of the time, knowing full well that yours would be smaller than his, but he still does it anyway. maybe it’s the intimacy and close contact of putting your hands against each other, and the feeling of your soft, slender fingers running up and down his rough, calloused palm. for rock, it’s an almost comforting sensation and he often asks you if you’re willing to do it again.
many others including cell thirteen have noticed the way how rock is especially more gentle with you. how his voice mellows to a calming, relaxed state as soon as he starts talking to you, and how his gaze becomes more relaxed and gentle. it’s as if a switch has been flipped once he locks eyes with you.
the guy is just sososo in love w/you :,)
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certified-ultimate-simp · 9 months ago
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certified-ultimate-simp · 9 months ago
Hate you? Why I would never! I simply want you to be happy with the characters you love so much, old and new ones (like Crow~)
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certified-ultimate-simp · 9 months ago
Because I can~
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certified-ultimate-simp · 9 months ago
Imagine your f/o writing you love letters/poems.
proship/comship/neutral DNI
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certified-ultimate-simp · 9 months ago
My Pharaoh!!! 🥰🥰🥰😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️
Yami Yugi Appreciation Post
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certified-ultimate-simp · 11 months ago
I am Lorelin, God of all kinds of people
I- okay??? Bet??
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I am Arran, god of the most important thing
EDIT: if y'all don’t wanna use your name use your username
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certified-ultimate-simp · 11 months ago
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certified-ultimate-simp · 11 months ago
Me and my lovely friend @feliciakainzofspades decided to do a chaos reading of her story Golden Flower of Hogwarts! Originally posted on A03 under her user FeliciaBelle and posted on my Wattpad (MuiLori) with her permission! The video is very chaotic and completely unedited, so you guys get to hear all of our bloopers and fun talk!
Audio Warning: Lots of cursing because we don't have censor buttons, possible cringes from large amounts of stuttering and bloopers (Sorry, not sorry), Unedited video so you'll hear a lot of chaos in the background and maybe some unfavored opinions.
It's a long video but at least if ya'll have homework or chores or some other shit, you have chaotic background noise : D
Hope you guys like it and let us know what you think! This is only the first two chapters, but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway!
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certified-ultimate-simp · 11 months ago
you know what? fuck you (affectionate) rainy for vegito
Ehe, of course you chose him for me. I need to add him to my list, but I need to figure out how to list that fandom, lmao. Anyway, let me answer this before my break is over.
rainy: do you and your f/o go out and play in the rain? or do you stay inside?
Honestly? I think it depends on our moods during the day when it rains
Like there will be some days we would gladly go out and play in it together, some where it's just me, maybe some where it's just him, etc.
I think on days where we do stay inside, it's quality time and maybe a movie date. Or we just sleep in and cuddle, depends on the day.
But regardless, any time spent with him, whether in the rain or inside, is time well spent and loved. So it really doesn't matter as long as we're together and having a good time~
Hope you liked this hun, lemme know if he's ooc or not. I tried, and this is just what I imagined for us. Feel free to come up with a ship name for us as well like with me and Atem~
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certified-ultimate-simp · 11 months ago
I said I would come after you and here I am~
For that Spring ask-game, I'm gonna ask about.... Gogeta~
Rainy, Flowers, Daylight, and Sweet, please dear~
Love you bye~
FINE- FINNNNEEEE YOU WIN ask game (open!) (answering as if gogeta's his own person separate from chi-chi and bulma)
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rainy: do you and your f/o go out and play in the rain? or do you stay inside?
gogeta's not one for going out in the rain because he doesn't want himself or me sick. we would stay inside all day just enjoying each other's company- occasionally have vegito barge in because he lives in the house "rent free" (gogeta keeps telling him to help pay rent and get a job)(vegito doesn't listen)
flowers: does your f/o have a favorite flower?
i never really thought of this honestly. gogeta would like the hydrangeas i think. according to hana kotoba, hydrangeas represent heartfelt emotion but also unity and togetherness. vegito teases him for this but i think it's nice whenever gogeta brings a bouquet of hydrangeas home.
daylight: how does your f/o make your life better? how do you make theirs better?
so i wasn't really into dbs/sdbh the way i am now but gogeta makes me believe for a better tomorrow. as long as he's there, i can continue doing what i need to do and keep fighting. oh- geta wants to answer the second part hold on
"mari? haaa.. what can i say about this..? she makes me fight for ou-- i mean the general future. she is a valuable person and should be able to see every day as a chance to live life to the fullest. mari's.. someone worth fighting for. .. don't laugh."
sweet: how does your f/o take care of you?
he can be a bit overprotective but he means well. he would go to extreme lengths just to take care of me if i get sick or something like that. then again he always does his best to take care of me whenever.
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certified-ultimate-simp · 11 months ago
Is Draco Malfoy a bottom yes or no. Choose your answer wisely
I'm honestly not even surprised anymore, it's you.
Uh.... no. My answer is no. Like in that um.. fic.. we're working on, he's a Charmer for sure unless he like... idk gets a spiked drink or something that would cause him to be a submissive. But no, he's a dom. Why, what do you think?
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certified-ultimate-simp · 11 months ago
Mari I'm coming for you, watch out/j
Come after me too I shall await requests lmao BUT I LOVE THESE
self ship asks: spring
pollen: does your f/o have allergies? how do they like the spring weather?
rainy: do you and your f/o go out and play in the rain? or do you stay inside?
flowers: does your f/o have a favourite flower?
grass: what does your f/o smell like?
sunny: do you do more things outside now that it’s warmer?
pastel: do you celebrate any spring holidays together? (easter, st. patrick’s day, vacation, etc.)
birds: would you or your f/o consider getting an uncommon animal for a pet?
daylight: how does your f/o make your life better? how do you make theirs better?
sweet: how does your f/o take care of you?
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certified-ultimate-simp · 11 months ago
You can cuddle with him, then~ He eepy and he sleeps better with you in his arms~
hi lori i know you're there can you tell my husband laurel i love him very much and i'll be coming home (from classes) soon? okay thank you you're the best sis
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certified-ultimate-simp · 11 months ago
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promo the mari? i'm a little dbz/sdbh brained right now but i do talk about enstars and ygo as well! wanna be friends? i promise i don't bite :3
proship/anti-selfshippers/neutral dni
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certified-ultimate-simp · 11 months ago
lori liking my reblog of a gogeta gif set is fking embarrassing
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