#precious beans
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agreysexualromantic · 2 years ago
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Ok I know we have all analyzed this scene to death but can we just pause and giggle at this particular moment here?
Wylan literally chuckling and hiding under the table and popping his head up to say "sure" to Jesper's (date) suggestion?
Like, the power of Jesper flirting with him is sending him directly under the fucking table.
Wylan needing a minute to figure out how to respond because sometimes he just gets overwhelmed by Jesper's Jesperness.
Wylan proceeding to be the one to just lay it all out there because he's actually brave and honest and willing to be the one who goes there first.
These two.
I can't.
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2aceofspades · 2 years ago
Those little moments
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Casey's training-talk has got peepaw feeling all proud
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neskastree · 11 months ago
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prismaticpichu · 7 months ago
SOLDIER: Wow, Sir! Your hair looks great today!! So shiny and slick!!
Sephiroth: *thinks back to that morning, sitting on his best friend’s couch, Zack laughing and telling jokes as he lovingly brushed his hair for the first time*
Sephiroth: Thank you, soldier. There was much care put into it~ :)
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deadbandsong · 3 months ago
If Anthony is doing what I THINK he might be doing? I will lose my goddamn mind.
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thiziri · 6 months ago
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Princess Anne and Prince Charles about to enter the Royal car, followed by the Queen on their arrival at Ballater Station on their way to Balmoral Castle, on 28 May 1952.
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transparentcatpngs · 8 months ago
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rebouks · 2 years ago
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Matilda: Do I have to? [Robin nods fervently] Matilda: Tch, so demanding. Robin: You’ve gots glitter on your eyes. Matilda: I do. Robin: I like it. Matilda: Ah, you’re just tryna butter me up. Robin: Papa tells me off when I eat butter with my fingies. Matilda: Well, papa’s a hypocrite. Robin: What’s that? Matilda: [snorts] Doesn’t matter-.. where’s papa hiding, anyway? Robin: In the bafroom, he’s not pooping though. Matilda: I don’t believe you. Robin: He’s not, I can tell! Matilda: How can-.. what’re you doing? Robin: I gots to go. Matilda: Go where? Robin: To mama! Ivan: Don’t run too fast, bud! [Robin clearly ignores Ivan, tottering off as fast as his little legs can carry him] Matilda: He’s running away from you n’ your stink. Ivan: Oi, I ain’t even touched that pond yet. Matilda: We’re supposed to be clearing it out. Ivan: [whispers] I reckon we oughta make Sam n’ Bruno do it…
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stormyvoltzzz · 11 months ago
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It's wild how such precious beans can go demon mode when push comes to shove!
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saki-chan16 · 1 year ago
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My BABIES dorks 🤧 I will never NOT ship them 🥹
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hummus-png · 5 months ago
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greatlyblessed · 1 year ago
Grabby hands tell me some nuanced details about 87 Donatello or the 87 Turtles in general!
Oh no now I feel put on the spot but, sure I shall try.
So in the 87, one thing that pops up only a little bit in dialogue is how Donatello? Doesn't really like humans all that much. He had one bit where he figured out some serum would change them into horrible creatures. Human beings.
Also this boy? Stuck up as all get out. Absolutely convinced he knows everything. He's also a more... mild-mannered? Donatello. Like, he doesn't act feral (like Rise). Does this mean he has any restraint? No. It's been one of those things I'm watching for and it seems like if there's a fight they may not need to actually get into, it's Donatello who will throw the first punch.
Also he just builds the weirdest, randomest things. Just cause. Half the time they explode in his face.
Raphael, I believe I've said the boy has the braincell most of the time and just uses it to make jokes. I stand by this still. This boy is about the only one to actually register his surroundings and what's going on. He will sass Leonardo for leading them into a trap. And then follow Leonardo into the trap without a real complaint.
Also I find it interesting to contrast Raphael in the last episode I watched (Leonardo Lightens Up) vs an earlier one (Take Me to Your Leader). Both times Leonardo wasn't around to lead. (Either because his teammates zapped him with a personality ray to get him to lighten up, or because he had a bad dream and psyched himself out so much he quit the team). Because in Take Me to Your Leader there was an actual discussion over who would be leader now and when Raphael was officially dubbed in charge, he freaked out. Absolutely 0 confidence. Very quickly (and happily) deposed by Donatello. And then in Leonardo Lightens Up, when it becomes clear that Leonardo is not gonna be able to lead. He kinda just steps up naturally? It's not called attention to at all, but he does seem to be 'in charge'. (Until Splinter shows back up.)
So yeah 0 self confidence boy but also he is competent!! He just doesn't believe it. :( (But also if there's a turtle who is not actually helpfully contributing? Likely it's Raphael. He got outdid by a granny one time, so proud of the boy.)
Leonardo. Oh sweet precious boy. Idiot. He's a defender of truth and justice! A hero! Boy is such a goober. He is in hero mode 24/7, unless he's having an attack of crippling self doubt. Interestingly though, seems very reliant on his team to make him feel Competent. I have a feeling this boy is repressing a LOT. Trying to focus on being this idealized version of a great hero! And occasionally the cracks show. My favorite turtle from 1987.
Michelangelo. Ah, Michelangelo. I feel like the 'stereotype' of what the 87 turtles are, is 1/4 accurate and that 1/4 is Michelangelo. Boy has 1 thought in his head and that thought is 'pizza'. Stoner party boy is just here to chill and have a good time. Still occasionally has a temper, and does have his moments where he's a competent ninja. (One episode, they did a two on two training exercise. Michelangelo didn't try, up until the point the others ruined his pizza. He then proceeded to beat them up single-handed.) So, he is a good ninja. He just doesn't much care about it. (Also, the 87 boys as a whole have interesting pizza tastes. Michelangelo still is the worst though. He wanted to find toppings out of the garbage facility in one episode.)
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aster269 · 2 years ago
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"You’re beautiful no matter what you wear"
Scene for an upcoming chapter
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loveforbobandeliza · 1 year ago
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Eliza and Bob during Dragon Con panel on day 1 (x)
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klopford · 1 year ago
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“If you stumble, I’ll be there to catch you. Or give you a thick ear. Maybe both, for good measure.”
“Thank you, Alisaie.”
My favorite cutscene in Endwalker!
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void-star · 2 years ago
How do my cats keep track of all 13,000 nicknames I give them??
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