#also i only found this out because i wanted to play a game with my partner while he visited a couple of months ago
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wlwsoccerfics · 1 day ago
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Warning: deaf reader
A/N : when i Put something in ' ' it means it's signed
Summary: you get called up for your first England Camp and people are not taking it well. the fact that you are Keira Walsh's Baby sister doesn't make it any either. And you start doubting If you even should be there.
You sit on a bean bag in the gaming/TV room at England Camp. It was just the first day. The comments you have read so far were mostly great and supportive under the Team list of who made the cut. But then you read comments about yourself. Lots of mean ones including:
'how is she supposed to win us anything? she can't even hear instructions!'
'she is only on the team cause of Keira. she must have put a good word in for y/n.'
'her on the Team feels like a charity case!'
There were lots more of those comments. Which only made your self doubt become worse. Even though if it was just a first full day everyone had noticed that you were acting distant. Especially towards your sister & on top of that Grace. Your girlfriend. You just wanted to focus on football. Deep down you knew you were able to play at this level. You were one of the Star Players at Arsenal. Yes you and your sister played for two different teams. So did you and your girlfriend. But your best friend Alessia was playing for Arsenal with you. While your girlfriend Grace was playing with your other best friend Tooney. If you weren't any good Sarina wouldn't have called you up to play for the lionesses. But still theres a part of you hurt by people thinking just because you were deaf that you couldn't do your job. In the last five games for Arsenal you scored 7 Goals. That alone was saying alot. Yet there were still people wanting to bring you down.
'you are avoiding me!' you see your girlfriend sign, she showed up out of nowhere so you put your phone away.
'i am not!' you look at her and frown.
'you are! you are also avoiding Keira, Less & Tooney. And basically everyone!' she was clearly concerned.
'grace i am fine. just let it go.'
The fact that you didn't use a cute pet name for her was confirmation enough that something was totally not right.
Less and Tooney were also in the room, looking over at the two of you. they knew something was up as soon as you said you didn't want to play cards with them. And the discussion you had with Grace only confirmed that for them as well.
At the same time with Keira, Leah and Lucy...
"Keira, i think i know why your sister is keeping to herself." Lucy told her. Handing her Phone over to her. Showing the comments under the Squad post that are related to you.
"that's nasty!" Leah said, after Keira wordlessly showed them to her.
"i hope she knows that this Is crap. Nothing about this Is true!" Keira stated.
"well you should try and talk to her about that." Lucy replied.
'yeah either you do it or i will. If we wait for too long she is gonna Spiral!" Your England Captain and Arsenal teammate said.
"i will talk to her, don't worry about it." Keira let them know and then went to look for you.
She found you and Grace still arguing. Looking over at Less & Tooney.
"what is this about?" Keira asked your two best friends.
"y/n is claiming how fine things are and that she is not avoiding anyone! Even though we all know she is!" Tooney stated.
"they going back and forth now for almost 20 minutes!" Alessia explained.
"i want to know why she is avoiding us." Tooney stated and Keira grabbed her own Phone to show her and Lessi.
"Lucy thinks this might be the reason and honestly i think so too!" Keira let them know.
"oh my god. This Is terrible. And not true! She deserves to be here!" Alessia stated.
"which is why i will talk to her now." Your sister answered.
The Talk with Grace has gotten to a point where you both have gotten frustrated with one another that you stood up and wanted to race past your sister but Keira quickly grabbed your hand.
'stay. We need to Talk.'
'no we don't!'
'you do need to start letting us in on what's happening.' Alessia looked at you. Worry written across her face.
'fine. what do you want to know?'
'why you are acting this way. You avoiding us is not normal.'
'i don't belong here.'
'so it's about the comments!' Keira let out a soft sigh. Grace now standing next to you.
'what comments?' she wanted to know. Keira showing her the comments. Grace looked mad now.
'those comments are not true! you are amazing and you deserve this place in the Team!' Grace let you know.
'deep down i know. but those comments still hurt. i just want to show them how wrong they are!'
'then let's do that!' Tooney smiled at you.
The team put out a Statement that there is no place for bullying in any form. And that people who are disrespectful towards the players, especially the Younger ones Like you (you were only 22 years old) shouldn't watch the games.
You could Show them what you are made of during a Game against Portugal were you scored two Goals during your debut which sure did shut up the haters. Getting praised by your teammates and Sarina.
You couldn't hear but your eyes were working perfectly fine.
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shineon3 · 2 days ago
hi sarah! for the situations ask game
22 + 43 maxiel 👀
From here.
Hi tysh!! This was fun to write tbh ^^ so here's some Fake dating + Truth or dare maxiel for you ❤️
“Okay, yall, we’re playing truth or dare!”
Max winces, his groan drowned in the sea of cheers that erupt in the room. Trust Charles for wanting to play stupid drinking games.
Next to him, Daniel laughs, loud and unrestrained, like he always gets as soon as he’s just a little bit tipsy. 
Max watches the first rounds play out, thankfully being spared by the spinning bottle sitting in the middle of the table. He watches Franco awkwardly flirt with Lewis for a dare, cringes when Alex has to spill the beans about the infamous throat infection incident while George tries to get the earth to swallow him whole.
And then, just as he got comfortable being a spectator, the world sends him the biggest ‘fuck you’ ever uttered. 
“So, Max. Truth or dare, hm?”
There’s a dangerous glint in Charles’ eyes, and he swallows, throat clicking a bit too loudly. 
“Uh, truth, I guess?”
Charles’ smile widens, almost shark-like. Around them, the whole table falls silent.
“How did you and Daniel start dating?”
Max wonders if he can escape this if he slams his head hard enough against the table.
See, the thing is, Max and Daniel aren’t dating. Not really. It’s just that, at the beginning of the season, Charles, the paddock’s biggest gossip, had caught them sleeping in the same bed, something they did whenever one of them ended up being too tired after hanging out, and had drawn his own conclusions. Neither Max nor Daniel had denied it, thinking that Charles was just teasing them, but the Monegasque had spilled the beans to the whole grid, who now also believes they're dating. 
Daniel had laughed when he found out, and then shrugged.
“They’ll understand their mistake sooner or later, I reckon. It’s not like we’re actually dating, Maxy, right?”
It just had to come back and bite their asses.
Of course.
Max should have known.
“We’re- Charles, we’re not dating.”
“Don’t lie, Max, I saw you. Daniel was practically naked in your bed!”
Fuck. Daniel had been practically naked in his bed. But that’s only because he’s used to sleeping in his boxers! It’s not weird! 
Something tickles the shell of his ears, making him shiver. 
“Go on, Maxy. Be a good boy and tell ‘em how we started dating, hm? Or should I do that for you, darling?”
Daniel’s deep, crooning voice rumbles right against his ear, and Max can feel himself flush. The brunette’s arms wrap around his waist, under the cover of the table, playing with the hem of his shirt. Fuck. How could Max forget how touchy Daniel gets when drunk?
“I suppose it is acceptable, if you’re the one to tell us,” Charles' smile is somehow even wider. Max will be getting new, better friends, after this. “Spill the beans, Daniel.”
And Daniel does. He tells an elaborated story about the start of their supposed relationship, where he “seduces Max with his wild looks and gentleman manners”, whatever that might mean. Max doesn’t fully pay attention to it, especially when Daniel’s hands shift lower, dangerously close to where Max has been half hard for a while, the older’s curious hands roaming around his midsection coupled with the way Daniel spoke to him just a minute ago enough to rile him up. 
Okay, so. Max might have a tiny, itty bitty insignificant crush on his best friend. Might. He can’t help it if Daniel insists on looking like sex on legs whenever he wears clothes, if Daniel constantly crashes his bed because he “sleeps better on it”, if Daniel always invites him out for dinner, if-
“ - but if you’ll excuse us, I think Maxy and I have some things to do. Adios, losers.”
Max tunes back in just in time to get up when Daniel tugs at his arms, a big grin almost spreading his face in half. The brunette drags him out of the club and into a cab, tucking himself as close as physically possible to Max.
“We’re going back to my room, and unless you’re against it, I’m going to take my sweet time fucking you. Capiche?”
Max has never said yes to anything this fast. 
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dredgen-dumbass · 2 days ago
(Disabled) player's guide to making D2 more accessible
because so far (correct me if I'm wrong) I haven't seen one on here, & maybe (hopefully) it'll help someone.
Alright, to get it out of the way, I'm disabled. I have neurological damage from a tbi, and more recently another concussion, and among many many other things it makes gaming a lot more complicated. It can (unfortunately) be difficult to find advice for disabled gamers online that isn't just "get good" or "then gaming isn't for you", so I figure this might be helpful, since it was for me.
I can't speak to other conditions, so this is more about adjustments for specific symptoms, but I can only really speak from experience. That said, I've had to learn quite a bit, so it's sharing time :)
(I play on Xbox. Some settings aren't the same between platforms, just a warning. For that reason, some of this post is going to be xbox-specific.)
This is divided up into menus & subjects of bullet points are bolded to be easier to skim.
Controller settings - (and explanations for some of them in case y'all don't know)
Test out different look sensitivity. The default is 3, I moved mine up to 5. I have issues with spacial awareness and saccades dysfunction, and this has made it easier for me to keep whatever I'm looking at on-screen.
ADS sensitivity- if you don't know, this is the speed when you aim down sights. The default is 1, I have mine reduced to .5, and I've found that the larger difference between the look & ADS sensitivity can really function as having two look settings available when using a weapon that doesn't have a very extreme scope.
The default sprint-turn scale is 0.4, I bump mine up to 0.8 for similar reasons to the look sensitivity increase. (Turning this up makes you turn faster, turning it down makes you turn slower.)
Alternatively, if you have more issues with overstimulation/visual clutter/quick movements/etc, you may want to turn everything down a bit to slow down your camera, but that may make combat harder to keep up with, especially pvp.
Axial & radial deadzone. This helps with stick drift. Stick drift is a pain for everyone but if you have fine motor issues, tremors, arthritis, etc, it's even worse. Finding what works best for your hardware will help make sure you're compensating less, which puts less strain on your hands.
I've seen people recommend turning off controller haptics for the same reason- the vibrations make you grip the controller harder and can cause worse strain. Personally, I leave them on because the sensory input helps balance out the awareness issues, but maybe it's for you! (this one's a system setting, not a d2 one.)
Video settings
Brightness can be important if you have issues with eye strain. I would recommend changing this relative to the lighting in the room, not just your monitor. Turning it up may help with visual issues with the tradeoff of risking overstimulation. Again, all of this is very dependent on the person.
Motion blur- Evil, evil, evil, turn this off. Visual problems or not, it's harder to follow things on-screen with it enabled. Combined with any garden variety problem with eye movements or cognitive strain it's even worse.
Chromatic aberration- I turn this off. It's a nice vfx, but it can wind up just being added visual stimulus and if that's a problem for it's worth losing. It can also make the radar harder to read. Not worth it (personally.)
Film grain- off for the same reason. It's a smaller change, but a clearer view is worth it if it helps you.
Sound settings
If you have problems with your hearing/auditory processing, I highly recommend turning the sfx & music drastically down compared to the dialogue, and then just turning up your system audio.
Personally, I often play with music entirely off, but I know that can be a very boring experience to a lot of people, so take that as you will.
(my current settings: sfx 8, dialogue 10, music 1)
if you're playing with an Xbox party or in a discord call, etc, I really recommend messing with the mixing settings there when you first get on to balance out peoples mics, regardless of processing problems.
Gameplay settings
HUD opacity- I turn mine down to high, the default being full. Just another thing that makes it easier to keep track of stuff.
Radar Background Opacity- Opposite here. If you have problems with spatial awareness you're probably relying pretty hard on the radar instinctively, so the clearer it is, the better. I play with mine on medium, you may want to play around.
Subtitles- Are on by default, so that's nice. Let's check out their settings menu for a moment.
Turning on show speaker name can be really good for hearing/auditory processing issues.
You can also change the color for the speaker name/caption text if the clearer contrast will help you.
The best background style for visibility is box, but it won't look as nice. Another trade.
Background opacity may be easier to lower if you switch to box, since the faded style isn't even. A lower background opacity may help you follow things on-screen at the cost of caption readability
If you don't need captions but do need to reduce visual clutter, try turning them off!
Colorblind mode is, obviously, helpful if you're colorblind, but I have also heard it recommended because the color changes can help improve contrast. Not one I've tried, but worth including.
Full auto firing/Full auto melee- Does what it says. Turning this on might help in the same way as turning off haptics/messing with deadzones, ie by changing how much you need to click. You can still fire normally with it on, so if anything it just gives you another option.
Reticle location is slightly below the center on d2. I prefer to center it, though it takes some getting used to. More helpful if you frequently switch between other games that center theirs.
Neutral/targeted reticle color- The defaults are white and red respectively. I prefer black for targeted because I feel like it makes it easier to see what I'm actually aiming at, but you may want to leave it for contrast. To each their own.
Brief overview of Xbox accessibility settings
Xbox has a narration setting. I would assume anyone who needs it is aware of this, but just in case.
If you need more assisted play, there's controller assist where you can combine two people's input
Turning off haptic vibration (as mentioned) is in accessibility -> controller
You can make the on-screen keyboard larger!
There are party chat settings for both text to speech and speech to text
There's also game transcription!
Games that have the function can also do their own read-aloud. I don't know if/how this applies to destiny
Mono output for audio may make things easier to understand depending on your audio setup
There's also high-contrast mode for both dark or light
Colorblind filters are here, too
Night mode! You can change how much it dims/filters your device. If you have problems with blue light or eye strain, or have to limit screens for medical reasons like me, this setting is a lifesaver. The filter will affect how your games look, but personally it's worth the tint. Same is available on most PCs.
Hardware, etc.
The Xbox Adaptive Controller is highly customizable and great for anyone with physical impairments that make the standard Xbox controller difficult to use. Find it here.
I've seen thumbstick extenders recommended for arthritis, might also be helpful for similar conditions
If you have arthritis/fine motor issues/muscle weakness/tremors/etc/etc/etc controller grips might make holding a standard controller easier
If any of those are the case for you, then you might also benefit from a lightweight controller (or playing with a standard controller plugged in & removing the batteries for a lesser weight adjustment)
evilcontrollers also has one-handed controllers and a one-handed controller customizer much like the standard controller customizers
evilcontrollers for hardware accessibility in general
If you play on PC and have muscle or joint issues then you may want to look into different keyboard/mouse shapes. Lightweight, vertical, and ball mice are all options, though there's apparently some argument about using them for gaming. I've also seen good reviews of the Azeron keypad from people with muscular/joint problems. There's also split keyboards, wave keyboards, one-handed, etc etc etc.
If you have problems with auditory processing I would HIGHLY recommend gaming with noise-cancelling headphones. (Hell, do everything with noise cancelling headphones.) I would recommend these for everyday, but they also work pretty well for gaming. The mic is mid, but it works well enough, and there's multiple sound modes + active noise cancelling.
Other other (oh no I forgot these, editing now)
Compression gloves !!!!!
Pause and do hand exercises after a while
20/20/20 rule for eye strain
may come back and expand this as I think of more things
There is a lot that Bungie could do to improve the game's accessibility without causing an imbalance with abled players, but I'll save that for another post. Feel free to reblog this with any other advice/anecdotal stuff/whatever, I'm considering this as opening a discussion.
I don't know of any clans specifically for disabled players but I'm sure they exist? If anyone has recommendations for community stuff, please do throw that in.
As always, my dms are open. Being a disabled gamer can suck sometimes and if you need a space to vent w/ someone who gets it, I'm your guy. If you're just curious how it impacts gaming, I don't mind being asked, I just don't feel like posting about myself that much unprompted.
I think that's all for now. Happy gaming :)
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rosieyart · 24 hours ago
okay, by popular demand (and by popular demand, i mean 3 people and my inability to keep my mouth shut) i am here with my saiou/ousai relationship + mini character analysis. this is an elaboration on this ask i got earlier !!
i should mention that i’ve only ever played through v3 once, so there is probably a lot i am missing, nuance wise and what not. i also haven’t edited this well, so it’s kinda just a word dump (sorry), so i’m not sure how understandable/coherent it’ll be. nor do i know how original my ideas are; there’s probably someone who’s dumped their opinions exactly like mine somewhere… in any case, here is my conclusion on why i think saiou is a rather intriguing ship and why i’m personally drawn to them, individually n otherwise ✌️
ouma kokichi. god what a complex character. some might argue otherwise, but i think his character and his arc throughout the game is not only hard to crack/understand, but integral to the v3 plot and overarching themes presented. well never truly know what he was thinking, and so many have already fought tooth and nail to defend or oppose him. in my humble opinion, however, the way i see it is this: ouma’s overall goal was to unite everyone against an active, obvious threat in the killing game. the mastermind was hidden amongst them, as they decided found out on, and by outing himself as the mastermind, making himself a clear and obvious target, it encouraged the remaining survivors to build trust within one another and fight together. kokichi realized very early on that no one was going to trust anyone as long as there was a hidden mastermind posing as a student within their group. he knew they weren’t going to get anywhere if they kept doubting each other — so in a very unorthodox way, he united them together. they didn’t need a friend, he realized, they needed an enemy. and by default, he sort of becomes shuichi’s nemesis as most antagonists in the games do.
i was on tiktok the other day and found this comment that i thought made a good point, regarding kokichi’s character and why people hate him.
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though i am biased, i think it’s fair to say that in a world without the killing game, kokichi would want to be friends with shuichi. or at the very least, he’d be intrigued by him and push shuichi’s buttons to figure him out. i think it’s funny and such a nice detail to notice, but just as shuichi (and us, by default) are confused about kokichi and his actions, shuichi himself is actually a mystery to ouma as well. in the eng version, kokichi had shuichi labeled “trustworthy?” on his whiteboard meanwhile in the jp version, it’s “tricky/can’t figure him out.” in both versions regardless of translation, i think it’s fair to say that kokichi is intrigued and wants to understand shuichi better. one part of their dynamic i really love is the whole “i’m gonna annoy because it’s so fun and you react to said annoyances in ways i thoroughly enjoy.” and it’s fun, and silly, but i think it’s also kokichi’s way of figuring shuichi out. shuichi is… an anomaly. he’s an ultimate detective who’s supposed to search for the truth, yet he is ironically afraid of what he’ll find out. he has a knack for discovering and unearthing mysteries (he can’t help but connect two dots together) and yet he simultaneously is hesitant to discover more. he wants to find the truth, but is willing to tell lies in the classroom trials. this is a really fun juxtaposition with kokichi, who is notorious for telling lies and skirting around the truth like it’s the plague. and yet, they both want the same thing: to find out the truth and be done with this killing game. one is searching for the liars within their group, the other is finding out the truths.
this is one reason why i really enjoy saiou. one of the biggest themes for drv3 is the relationship between truths and lies. there’s the overarching “truth” of their world which is that it’s gone to hellfire and everyone but them are dead. the world ended. except, nope! that’s a lie! the *real* truth is that they’re in a killing game show. kokichi is known for telling lies, and so when he reveals the fire destroyed world outside and says that this is the truth out of the outside world, it’s ironic. kokichi knows there’s something else up, but he reveals the truth of the outside world to them (this, from what i understand/theorize, is ultimately to further everyone’s hatred towards ouma and help them form a close and trusting bond together, but the symbolism behind it is really interesting to me). “here is your truth,” he says, and they can’t dispute it as a lie because it’s right there in front of them. just like they couldn’t dispute gonta in the fourth trial.
except… what *really* defines truth? kokichi must’ve known the outside world was a lie, or that there was something more to it, otherwise why did he go through with his suicide in chap 5? to beat a dead horse: he tells a lie about the “truth” that is the outside world. we circle back to this lie vs truth theme in chapter six when shuichi starts questioning his sense of self. what is really true if he used to be someone else? if his memories and experiences are fake, does that make himself a fake human? a fake person? ultimately we come to know that it doesn’t matter — *he* gets to choose his own truth, even if there are lies buried beneath them. his memories may be fake, but his emotions and feelings aren’t. you cant fake the beating of your own heart or the pain you feel at knowing it’s all unreal, that it’s all a *lie*.
one thing i just thought was so so clever and genuinely helped me understand kokichi more was his friendship reward. for every friendship star completion thingy you complete, you get their underwear (💀) and a special skill to use in the trials. kokichi’s friendship reward is “kind lie.” he has a multitude of lies under his belt — real ones, hurtful ones, white ones, and ofc kind ones. you could argue his plan to deceive everyone as the mastermind was both a hurtful lie and a kind lie — he was ultimately lying for the greater good (imo). shuichi, despite being afraid of the truth, has no problem lying for the greater good either. i was so confused about the whole “perjury” aspect added to this game. i thought it was just another lame addition that didn’t make sense as a means of attempting to change it up a little in comparison to the last two games. but now i understand it’s greater purpose. lying is ultimately not a bad thing. not always, anyway. lying, as we find out, can help us pursue the truth. and i think kokichi knows this to be true in some ways, which is why he’s always acting so oblivious and naive at some times — or outright lying when he knows the truth is the opposite of what he’s saying. without a doubt, kokichi seriously helped move debates along during the trials. pretty sure whether you hate him or love him, people could agree to that. even if he appeared to be spouting nonsense or derailing the conversation, shuichi being the detective he is was able to slowly but surely understand (if only somewhat minimally) kokichi’s methods and thinking process. which is why chap 5 was so wild because it quite literally was all up to shuichi. kokichi single handedly put his trust into kaito to follow through with the plan, and shuichi to figure it out; NO ONE ELSE would’ve been able to figure it out except shuichi (except maybe maki but she was too stubborn to see thru to the truth). and that is like. holy shit??? that’s crazy to me and i think it shows that despite not trusting anyone and not knowing how it was going to turn out, kokichi took that gamble anyway. and it worked! except yknow. it also didn’t, in a way. all in all, the lying aspect of the trail grounds ties into the bigger overarching theme of choosing your own truth to live, and choosing what lies to believe in — good or bad.
side note: i think it’s so funny how mad kokichi gets when shuichi lies about seeing him in the virtual world in chapter four. had shuichi not lied, we wouldn’t have figured out it was gonta (or more likely, kokichi would’ve spoon fed the answer to everyone a bit more). gonta wasn’t supposed to have memory loss, and i have to wonder if not lying about kokichi would’ve made the trial go along if gonta still had his memories from the virtual world. in any case, when shuichi pulled the “yeah i actually did see you walk up the stairs” — the fact he LIED (mr “i’m searching for the truth so we can live and find the culprit” detective) to notorious king of liars ouma kokichi was so funny to me. like girl. ofc kokichi’s gonna realize you lied. and he did and he got so fucking mad over it and kokichi being petty like that and just saying “yeah okay gonta’s the culprit” is so funny to me. bro was LIVID he decided to just up and say the truth to be petty 😭
moving on, i think the big three characters juxtaposed with shuichi is something to note. those three being kaede, kaito, and kokichi. mayyyybe i’m looking a bit too much into this but i want to mention their relationship with shuichi and their character designs because it feels very intentional to me. a while back i discovered shuichi and kokichi have inverted color palettes — black with light accents vs white with dark accents. grey-ish yellow vs purple eyes. but the eye color inversion also actually applies to kaito and kaede, who, just like kokichi, have purple eyes. here is my argument: purple is an important color to the story, as it overall conveys a symbolism for trust and truth. if you look at those three’s color palettes, purple is a notable color. for kaito, it’s dominating. kaede, she’s a bit more desaturated, and kokichi it’s like his accent color. barely there, but noticeable nonetheless.
kaede is our first culprit (except she isn’t since her plan failed). she is trusting and sweet and kind and encouraging. she is desperate, *desperate* to find the mastermind first thing because she is heavily determined to help everyone escape. her color palette is a mix of purple and pink, with pink being more prominent and her purple being a more lavender shade. she’s desaturated in color, especially in her eyes, and i want to say this is likely symbolic of her desire to find the truth, yet her willingness to deceive others simultaneously. she’s not a bad person, far from it, but when she “kills” rantarou, she doesn’t own up to it immediately. she owns up to it eventually, but she also doesn’t take advantage of the first blood perk as a means of further trying to find the mastermind. she is willing to lie about her plan to shuichi (even if it’s lie by deception/not telling) and willing to take a risk to find and kill the mastermind. this, i believe, is why her eyes are so desaturated in purple; she is telling the truth, but it’s watered down.
kaito is almost the complete opposite of kokichi, but also not exactly the same as kaede. out of the three, he has the brightest purple eyes and the most purple on his body. he is a living, breathing, walking example of trust and truth. he wants to find the truth so badly and would never even THINK to tell a lie. would never even consider murder, even if it was the mastermind. his hair is purple, his jacket is purple, and his eyes are purple as all hell. purple, in my opinion, is a huge color resembling truth and trust. he *trusts* maki just because he wants to. he *trusts* shuichi just because he wants to. he wants to believe in them because he wants to find the good in everyone. his trust in them help bolster shuichi into a better mindset, especially after kaede, and encourages him to keep going. kaito might not be the brightest, nor the most helpful in the trials, but emotionally he is vital to shuichi. because he *trusts* shuichi.
kokichi has the least amount of purple in his color palette, but i think his purple accents are the most important out of all of the purple trio. if purple is the color of truth and trust, then having that color reflected on kokichi almost seems ironic and misinforming. except it isn’t. ouma kokichi, the notorious king of lies, is actually quite good at leading everyone towards the truth. the only purple on him is in the dyed tips if his hair and his eyes— almost like the truth his bleeding out of him, or rather just barely visible that you can’t make it out unless you focus hard enough. after all, at first glance i imagine everyone would take in the checkered scarf and the fact black and white is so prominent on him. i think it’s symbolic to have purple as his eye color. it’s a nice character design aspect imo, but it also harkens back to that one saying “the eyes are the window to the soul” or something long that line. despite what kokichi might say or do, the truth is in his eyes (literally). it’s silent and unassuming, but it’s there. his eyes are actually a brighter and darker purple than kaede’s. not as bright as kaito’s, but still something to note.
with all this being said, shuichi gets a difference sense of truth and trust from each of them. kaede provides him an equal dose of truths and lies, kaito gives him absolute truth, and kokichi gives him almost all lies to find the truth.
and i really, *really* love the dynamic between shuichi and kokichi with this whole truth vs lie theme. kokichi, as we learn in his free time events, loves to play games. he’s a bit childish but still extremely mature. his way of having fun is messing with people (though not necessarily in a mean way. after all, he makes the stakes extremely high and concerning, like killing yourself if you lose — but he still purposefully rigs each game so they end in a tie, or with shuichi winning. hell, he STABS himself, hurts himself, in the knife game that is in the final FTE and holy shit if that isn’t foreshadowing for chapter five idk what is. he is willing to hurt himself to avoid others getting hurt. obviously this can get more complicated when it comes to chap. 4. you could argue he hurt miu and gonta terribly and he should’ve died if what i said was true, but i would counter argue by saying the killing game would’ve gone on and on, just like tsumugi wanted, without his intervention there… still a heart wrenching trial nonetheless and gonta and miu both deserved better imo. but what would danganronpa be without unfair trials and bullshit like that?).
it’s this push and this pull, this dance, if you will, between shuichi and kokichi. kokichi is a trickster pulling various stunts and never revealing his hand, and shuichi is a detective trying to uncover his secrets. i think kokichi gets thrilled at the prospect of being uncovered like that — he lies and he lies and he *wants* someone to catch him. after all, in the love suite hotel his entire thing is phantom thief being captured by detective shuichi…… the fact he still says “because i love you shuichi” is fucking insane, but that’s actually not the most important part here. during the love suite, he brings up playing games again, just like in the FTEs. “you weren’t bored playing with me, were you?” kokichi asks. and then “are you mad because i toyed with you? don’t worry. i’m always thinking about you!—“ (bombastic side eye 🤨🏳️‍🌈) “—you’re always trying your best to catch me. i really have to give it my all to win .” and then shuichi points out directly after that he seems to be enjoying himself, despite being a “cornered criminal.” and that’s when kokichi admits that he *wants* shuichi to catch him. ….. oh boy the connotations here are kinda crazy but…. it gets even crazier. i cant believe this part is voice acted but here i’ll just link the video so people can watch. (from 4:32 to 5:10) a lot of this, esp towards the end, is likely for the whole romantic love suite hotel roleplaying thing going on to appease the audience playing the v3, but even still it’s such a fun dynamic. again, the push and the pull. it almost feels like a game of tag, the thing going on between shuichi and kokichi. except it’s hard sometimes to figure out who’s running after who. overall, kokichi is a liar and it’s hard to tell what he says is true, and shuichi is a detective hungry for truths.
side note 2.0: i think a lot of people hate saiou because it feels toxic and i can sorta see where they’re coming from: from a very bare bones glossing over their character dynamic, i could potentially see how they got to that conclusion, but i don’t think that conclusion did any real deep diving into their dynamic and characters. so no, saiou is not toxic. and also, it should be mentioned the moment shuichi shows signs of unease in the love suite hotel after kokichi shoved him over the bed, bro was up and out. kokichi respect boundaries and understands a no when he hears one 😁👍
tldr: truths vs. lies. games. purple = truths and trust. chasing after one another. saiousai cool ✌️👍
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dreadfutures · 7 hours ago
The people who don't engage with thoughtful criticism *from their own friends* and only look at whatever randomly shows up in their For You tab or the main tags unfiltered have such a skewed view of what the core problems are with the game and their defensiveness and rebuttals are just heartfelt "I enjoyed the game it can't be bad!" for the most part
I also enjoyed the game, it is objectively a very well crafted game. It is the best DA game to play. I like the characters. We agree on that. Have you taken the time to consider the gaping plot hole i tripped on, the complete loss of the main character's motivation, the "don't look behind the curtain" metaphysics of Thedas and its accompanying morality, the criticism of the game's clear message that the status quo is god, or the racism that many fans of color can't overlook? You're just going to gloss over how racist and awful Taash's quest is for anyone who comes from a mixed experience because we got our trans rep? You're just gonna ignore the upsetting non-progress, anti-community, and racist messaging baked into Harding's quest? Your essays about how the game made you feel good are not helping. I'm happy for you. I'm happy Lace Harding is allowed to be angry. I'm happy Taash found a queer community and their mom's dying breath validated them. I'm happy both your choices for Archon and all the good guys around them think slavery is bad and are going to take care of it. If you don't want to look deeper, fine, but stop making "essays" that "address" "the haters" because they aren't essays (they aren't structured arguments), they aren't addressing criticisms that are in good faith (because you are ignoring all of them very pointedly except for the absolutely wildest batshit takes you saw on YouTube 2 months ago being parroted by some random Tumblr user you've never met before in the main tag), and I'm not a hater 😔
I keep going and touching grass and recentering my fandom experience with people who just enjoy the game and aren't defensive about it and then someone has to come out swinging with "people who have problems with this game are just reactionary haters because it made me feel good and I am the only person who considered that we needed a story that makes us feel good right now and just like every other DA game these haters will go away--"
You know, I think a lot of the criticisms I have for DA4 are actually founded in some real soul searching and serious thought that I had post-game, after the warm fuzzy feelings wore off. The more I think about them and re-play the game and re-experience those moments, the deeper my concerns and critique go. That is not reactionary "she wasn't the bioware game ***I*** built up in my head" y'know?
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mgu-h · 20 hours ago
Hi! I know this is from a couple days ago but I was wondering if you had seen this clip from one of Max's streams
threads.net/@ mr.boblandoooo/post/DGgliMIKZFj?xmt=AQGzSM-FlpYKIAiMcfIB4BHqnoj|SMTrFsf5p2xYMTrtcw
I know it's probably just a joke that he "called" Jon but I still thought it was super cute and just so notrell and was wondering if you had seen this clip and if so what your thoughts on it were
(I hope the link works this is my first time ever doing an ask so l'm not sure if the link will actually work ����)
yesss ok so i saw this when it happened, and it was so funny and kind of surreal?? to watch something so classically nortrell happening live before our eyes lmao.
i went back to try to find what set max off enough to pretend to snitch, and i found that there was a (predicable, familiar) series of events that pushed him to the limit:
it was the "let's put on a pink golf shirt to play a nice bit of golf with bob" stream, max had waited around for lando to show up, and clearly expected the game to last the usual amount of time.
lando did irritatingly well at golf and beat max in the first 9 holes (time elapsed: like 15 minutes).
he'd been playing quite badly recently, and this was a notable turnaround, which is important; max is usually better, but lando's had an outlier, and his ego demands he capitalize on the moment to be insufferable about it.
so lando said he had to go to bed to be ready for testing, and he abruptly quit the game, not letting max respond in the next 9.
max was very 😠😤 about it and changed out of his golf shirt.
he only got grumpier as lando spent the next 15-20 minutes lurking in chat after leaving the game (enough time to play another round and let max catch back up).
lando was being his normal competitive prick (affectionate) self, and even used the classic:
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that emoji is called "maxfewCozy" and gives such a bratty energy to the message dklajsfafslk
[max began to rationalize that he lost because he was hungry, and that lando won because he'd been eating well in preparation for the season, but in typical lando fashion he denied it.
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max refused to believe that, and tbh i wonder who was right. it is in character for lando to neglect to eat for whatever reason, but max is also right that jon et al. would be keeping a close eye on his fitness right before season. ANYWAY]
lando then pretended to get bored with teasing max and said goodbye, but then clearly Kept Hanging Around. he must've texted ed to come dunk on max about losing as well.
he clearly wanted to see max be further annoyed (i love friendship), and max was indeed further annoyed! i guess i should say what ed called it, which was "frazzled."
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BUT the thing that finally triggered max to pretend to call jon was:
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max really is just as competitive as lando (or nearly so), which is why it's so fun and easy for lando to get him riled up. i also think it's why their friendship works and why lando likes him. he can beat max and gloat and know that max is just going to come back at him harder next time. there's a strong bond of trust that runs through the push-pull antagonistic/playful relationship.
it's interesting to me that there's a limit to what max will tolerate from lando before he'll act out in some way to shut lando up, usually through some mimed imitation of a harsher consequence, like pretending to hit him with hand or golf club, pretending to throw water on him, and pretending to call his trainer. he's soft even when he's being hard, you know?
the "calling jon" bit must've worked, because lando cleared off from chat after that lol. i think lando knows when the performative miming of consequences has happened and the game is not longer going on, and he'd risk actual anger from max if he keeps needling him (aka actually getting hit for real). he likes to push buttons for attention but it's not about actually making max feel bad or feel upset. it's so familiar and playful it makes me sick.
[@gwenie-creates thanks for this ask, it DID work but when i tried to post my answer, tumblr ate it and it vanished. i'd taken a precautionary screenshot (i know how tumblr is) and i resubmitted the question to try again, in case you were wondering wtf happened and why it's on anon now haha]
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skeletalheartattack · 1 year ago
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#for context. a few weeks back i was playing on a fast respawn 2fort server#mostly because i just wanted to just. hang out somewhere without any real serious gameplay happening#that said. for the first few hours i was playing on there. was mostly playing gunslinger engineer and detonator pyro#and we had a good push up into their base but were stuck just at the entrance. with a heavy hold from the enemy team#but after a while. i just kinda got bored and wanted to just fuck about with the taunts and loadouts i had#first thing i did was play pyro and do the cheers taunt before getting on my bike and swerving a bunch as i drove#but i dont think anyone could tell thats what i was doing#so after a bit i just changed to scout. and started just riding my skateboard#(i also did the drinking and riding bit a few times but i eventually just ended up skateboarding around)#(one bit being me on the top of the bridge. doing the cheers taunt. getting on my board. and then skating off the bridge and killbinding)#so at some point. i kept getting stuck in place for some reason. like speficially on bumpy ground or... in the air#and the moment i got stuck in the air (for 30+ seconds mind you) i was just like ''my quantum board technique''#and from there. i just acted as if i was playing the newest Pro Skater game#saying stuff like ''i have to do manual ollie combo for 150000000 points''#or like ''i have to find grindrails on this level''#eventually found my way into the sewers and said something like ''IVE FOUND THE HALF PIPES''#before saying like ''man they really screwed up the physics since the last game''#a soldier on the other team was trying to find me the whole time saying ''wheres tony hawk''#specifically because he had a tony hawk avatar. and i only realized after he said something about it#anyway. after all that i skateboarded into a minisentry and died#and my last message was supposed to be ''my combo has ended'' but i ended up typing 'bombo'#and it made me laugh SO hard i couldnt backspace. and added on with ''my sweet bombo''#and then i left because i had nothing more to do there. my bombo had ended and i had to move on.
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moeblob · 10 months ago
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I unfortunately picked up Bravely Default 2 again (I bought it back when it released) and then started over since I last played it in June 2021. And. You know what. I like these silly beans. And then I saw concept art for Dag's expressions and I am not the same. Why did they decide to give him huge fangs in it.
(also I'm trying so hard to avoid spoilers less for plot but more for characters so if you know anything that happens to characters shhhhh. also the expression concept is below the read more so you can see what I mean.)
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#bravely default 2#dag rampage#selene noetic#i only just recently reached ch2 in the game and i may have a problem#someone was like wait how have you not gotten farther in 25 hours#and im like im sorry its a problem i have an obsession you dont understand#and then he found out i had three of the four party members with two jobs capped at 12#and then the fourth only had one capped but a bunch high up#and then i told him i was trying to get the gambler asterisk and that meant i had to play a childrens card game#and then i had to do side quests when they popped up#and he was like wait at that point you probably dont need jobs at 12 omg#and im like i know its a problem i cant stop it#so anyway chapter 1 took me forever because i committed to the grind too much#the emotions i feel for silly lil side characters ................ its too real#like even the fact that you beat these two up in the prologue im like teehee funny lil blonde guy#then you dont interact with them in a ch1 quest but they show up again at the same time doing the same quest#and guys i am FEELING EMOTIONS theyre just funny lil mercenaries doin funny lil mercenary things#also please do not tell me anything about the game past ch1 because i want to continue to enjoy experiencing it#which is why i have my ask box closed bc its a game from 2021 and i know im really behind the times#but i managed to not know anything until now and i wanna keep it that way#also i dont really know how to properly draw noses especially when i doodle#but his nose is important and i already struggle with his big jaw so i had to include it somehow#and in the concept art it looks like he has a lil stubble but in game i dont see it so im like ... squinting at he
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illdothehotvoice · 9 months ago
Thinking about when I told my roommate I hyperfixate on Mario a lot and he was like "I didn't even know you COULD hyperfixate on Mario until I met you" fkdnfnfndndndnfjfekef
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unsettlingcreature · 2 months ago
i think the funniest thing an ex-friend has ever done was change the login for one of the two laptops she gave me so it just reads "fuck you" as if she wasn't the one who gradually cut off contact with me. leah, if you're out there... what the fuck lmao
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no1ryomafan · 2 years ago
I do not like comparing things and/or needlessly taking jabs at something but holy shit the simultaneous feelings of me being almost done with gravity circuit and watching my friend in a call beat iX2 compelled me to make this. (Also I’m not posting this on my Twitter because I’d get more killed there)
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coffee-keith · 6 months ago
Really struggling with trying to figure out what's me. Like what I enjoy and what ideas/traits/desires are actually my own. I think it's beautiful that people influence each other and grow together, but I'm left feeling lost right now and wondering what's actually me.
#idk ive been thinking about it a lot and really struggling#hard also to tell what's the depression and whats actually something i don't care about#i feel like i can say that playing world of warcraft was something that came from me.#but it started feeling like a chore in Dragonflight so i stopped playing.#and now everything feels tainted by other's influence and i dont know whats me anymore.#although i do need to remember that i did start playing Dragon Age on my own but it only feels like it was influenced by others because#i discovered my one irl friend used to love the games and then i got my other irl friend playing them#but i dont know how much of going into physics was my own choice or just following the path i saw before me#although i loved physics when i started doing mechanics in calculus and thought it was so cool#then i found accelerator science and detectors and nuclear physics to be so cool when i did an internship at a national lab#and then i took the most direct route to get into doing research at that lab#but things have gotten so lost and tangled up with all the horrible stuff that grad school puts you through#and the horrible stuff from this collaboration in particular#that it feels like all thats left is shame and fear and none of the wonder or curiosity#everything i do or write or whatever feels like an opportunity to 'get found out' as a fake or just fill me with shame#i thought that getting a job offer would fix me and help me get through the bullishit but the pressure is makikg things worse#and with this job im wondering if im just doing what im told and being influenced by other's suggestions and wants.#(dont go to grad school. its literally the worst thing you can do for your mental health)#vent#okay this actually kind of helped so im glad I made this post#feel free to reblog if you relate
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arolesbianism · 1 year ago
Bro what do you mean endori is only 4 events from the graduation event. Stop it stop it Now
#rat rambles#band posting#bro theyre on the yukiran event rn with crying ran its so jover#yall arent allowed to be catching up thats illegal#well ok saying theyre catching up is egagerating a bit but still thats so scary#I only noticed this because Ive been thinking abt yukiran again because I alas love them still and I found out thats the current event in en#bro once mygo is in en thats rly when its going to be jover#and you know if endori does succeed in catching up one day theyll be in shambles immediately afterwards#although who knows I havent been keeping up with endori so maybe its miraculously become a functional english server again#like idk endori has never been perfect but at least its almost always been more usable than ensekai lol#bro the song list ui alone is enough to make me wanna beg ensekai players to delete it#its ridiculously ugly and unprofessional and also I hate a lot of the english names for songs (~close to grey~ is the big one for me)#also just in general ensekai is incredibly ugly and unstable even by sekai standards and it has done nothing to earn my trust in any regard#like idk if you care at all abt the actual rhythm game part of it I see no reason to not get the japanese version#like I get wanting to have a convienent place to read all the stories translated (even if I do Not trust the translators)#but like even with bndori which I started and played on endori for well over a year I still ended up drifting to jpdori as my main#the massively expanded songlist and up to date events just seem impossible to give up to me if you know how to access them#like ofc I wont go yelling at ppl to play on jp servers (plus theyd make multilives Much more unbarable) idc that much lol#but still I think if you can its a good idea to make a jp account if only so you can play jp exclusive songs if you want#this applies to both sekai and bndori to be clear although Id forgive an endori player for wanting to savor the old ui while they can lol#sekais new ui is fine but bndori's is literally sooooo ugly such a massive downgrade#also while I dont hate the new art direction as much as some ppl I definitely think its worse than the old one by a lot#its so dusty now </3#anyways I got off topic there time to stop talking
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thirsty-4-ghouls · 1 month ago
When I first played fallout 4 (my first rpg in years and my first fallout game) I was like "My character is a total nerd for sure and also would not have a lot of physical combat experience. I'll make her stats like that" and for the first, idk how long, I had so much trouble playing the game because my fucking point distribution was a terrible decision game wise and I just kept fucking dying. She was really good at stuff that made sense that she would be good at though! It's just that those things were not fighting raiders. I like to jokingly think that's why she went so hard into stealth the longer I played.
#emma posts#fallout 4#putting a bunch into charisma would have made sense with the lawyer thing but I forgor and she was probably lower that would make sense#girlie had a degree in law but not how to fight a deathclaw#I would like to say that me putting a lot into charisma as I progressed was to fit that lore#but it was 3/4ths so I could get all the befriending and calming perks#I could be friends with animals? Of course I'd want that!#and being super good at friends and getting a good grade in charisma sounds great!#I put a lot into stealth because I was better at being a sniper. yes#but also because I wanted to breath water and swim without taking radiation damage#my fucking special distribution kept looking like 'how much to not die while also really wanting these other things' and I don't regret tha#just maybe putting too many into int. and not doing charisma too#she'd be a terrible lawyer without both#I actually thought hacking was fun but my brothers who picked 'good ones to survive' when making their characters hated it#for me it was picking fun words while thinking a little under stress which I found fun#I was also better at predicting what the dialogue would be for each option because that feature was really weird in fo4#but they were much better at not dying constantly#I don't constantly die now though!#I need to play that game again. I just worry I forgot what I was doing. I kept a comic diary while playing though so I can probably figure#out what I was doing when I last played#I don't want to make a new character because I put my whole pussy into this one#girl had NOT been going to the gym and had JUST had a baby. what do you want from her?! She probably only swam and walked the dog
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thetangibleghost · 5 months ago
Despite the weirdness it's been kinda interesting talking to Fridays system in his little roleplay world.
Earlier today we had this convo, which made sense in context he didn't just say this randomly lol
SF: I don't have any memories of my mom
Me: none at all?
SF: none
Me: ....
SF: ....
Me: but other alters do?
SF: obviously.
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buggachat · 9 months ago
adrienette keeping their secret identities from their kids is underrated. not only do i think it's more practical/safe (when i was a kid i told all my friends ALL of my parents' dirty secrets because i was very trusting of my friends and also had no solid concept of consequence) but also i think it's more fun to keep the identity shenanigans going. their kids thinking their parents are lame, meanwhile thinking ladybug and chat noir are sooooo cool.
like dad you're soooo lame, stop wanting to play board games with us while we're trying to watch the newest Ladybug and Chat Noir movie. god mom is always so busy and anxious, she's nothing like carefree confident ladybug. my brother dressed up as chat noir for halloween and for some reason it made my dad cry. i told my parents i thought Chat Noir and Rena Rouge had the most chemistry in the movies and they stared blankly at me. i snuck out at night to go to a friend's place and ladybug intercepted me on the street and was super freaked out about it for some reason. some kids at school found out i'm hawkmoth's grandkid and are being mean to me and told me ladybug and chat noir would hate me and it made me cry. mom says ladybug and chat noir LOVE ME SO MUCH but that seems like a stretch?? the other night i heard SOMETHING eating VORACIOUSLY in our cheese cabinet and when i ran to my parents' room to tell them about it they AVIDLY denied it and THEN claimed it was a mouse but how the fuck did a mouse get up there??? why are they so shifty???? and WHO keeps eating my COOKIES
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