#i discovered my one irl friend used to love the games and then i got my other irl friend playing them
coffee-keith · 25 days
Really struggling with trying to figure out what's me. Like what I enjoy and what ideas/traits/desires are actually my own. I think it's beautiful that people influence each other and grow together, but I'm left feeling lost right now and wondering what's actually me.
#idk ive been thinking about it a lot and really struggling#hard also to tell what's the depression and whats actually something i don't care about#i feel like i can say that playing world of warcraft was something that came from me.#but it started feeling like a chore in Dragonflight so i stopped playing.#and now everything feels tainted by other's influence and i dont know whats me anymore.#although i do need to remember that i did start playing Dragon Age on my own but it only feels like it was influenced by others because#i discovered my one irl friend used to love the games and then i got my other irl friend playing them#but i dont know how much of going into physics was my own choice or just following the path i saw before me#although i loved physics when i started doing mechanics in calculus and thought it was so cool#then i found accelerator science and detectors and nuclear physics to be so cool when i did an internship at a national lab#and then i took the most direct route to get into doing research at that lab#but things have gotten so lost and tangled up with all the horrible stuff that grad school puts you through#and the horrible stuff from this collaboration in particular#that it feels like all thats left is shame and fear and none of the wonder or curiosity#everything i do or write or whatever feels like an opportunity to 'get found out' as a fake or just fill me with shame#i thought that getting a job offer would fix me and help me get through the bullishit but the pressure is makikg things worse#and with this job im wondering if im just doing what im told and being influenced by other's suggestions and wants.#(dont go to grad school. its literally the worst thing you can do for your mental health)#vent#okay this actually kind of helped so im glad I made this post#feel free to reblog if you relate
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dailyadventureprompts · 3 months
Therapy Vs. Power Fantasy
Like a sage delving through cursed tomes to discover lost truths I recently I stumbled into some of the danker corners of the internet and abzorbed some absolutely vile takes. One of the recurring themes that popped up was people with rancid personal beleifs taking aim at the newer generations of TTRPG players (d&d and otherwise) for finding personal meaning or catharsis in their games, and how these new gamers were spoiled children who were getting overinvested.
Of course, they contrasted this "bitch" behavior there's a lot of other mysoginistic, homophobic, and ableist slurs they like to throw in when youtube TOS isn't looking with the badass way they play the game, like they've been doing ever since they were kids, like they still do in their playrooms mancaves away from all those pissbabies and girl feelings.
This got me thinking, specifically about power fantasies, how vunrability relates to art, and how repressed men are terrified of seeming weak, and how the early d&d lore is laregely based around childhood or adolesent fears.
The tie between media illiteracy and conservatism is nothing new. To enjoy art, you have to open yourself to it, to the chance of elation or disapointment or challenge, to let it resonate with you in ways you can't nessisarily predict or control. The fascist conservative only likes art that reinforces who they perceive themselves to be, strokes their ego, and confirms their biases about how the world should be.
It's very telling then that when you see chuds talking shit about younger d&d players, they often throw "therapy" around as an insult, because much in the same way that art can touch something inside you, therapy is about challenging your ingranned self image, toxic ego, and beleifs... all things that chuds consider vital to their sense of self.
This is not to say that a power fantasy can't be theraputic: a good portion of my own writing is about vicariously smashing broken systems and ousting the corruption of the world.. but there's a fundimental difference in the power fantasy of raising your fist against unjust power and the fantasy of being the boot inflicting that power downwards on those you dislike.
What the chuds are trying to do here is use d&d (or whatever OSR itteration they've decided to parasite this week) as a balm for their insecurity, not ask questions about WHY they're scared of being weak, or what strength really is, but to have a space where they can larp as being the ubermench real MEN they've always fallen short of IRL.
They're people who were bullied and ostrasized, and like good little bootlickers they've decided that the only thing wrong with their abuse was that they were the ones on the reciving end. Part of the reason they're so upset that this new generation of players is so "woke" is because the "woke" players refuse to put up with them being assholes, dening them the chance to establish themselves as the new top-rung in the abuser hierarchy.
Also, before I sign off, mad love to my friends in the OSR community, I know you have to put up with an above average number of these dipshits and while you prefer a different style of game to mine I know we're all fighting the good fight for a better, more welcoming TTRPG hobby.
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imsparky2002 · 3 months
Barbie as Rapunzel: First Thoughts
The following is my thoughts while watching this for the first time.
Wow, already an upgrade in the shading and lighting judging by this intro alone.
And the CGI looks better too! Nice casual outfit Barbie’s got on.
I assume each special will start out with Barbie reassuring Kelly about something? Hope this doesn’t get stale soon.
Already this special feels like it has an upgraded sense of scale.
Ooh so instead of a tower, it’s a mansion protected by a magic barrier. That’s… actually pretty cool! A nice change from the original, even if the home seems pretty modern looking on the outside.
I find it humorous that the name of one of the coolest Spidermen ever is also the name of a cockney rabbit sidekick.
A sweet and colorful dragon portrayed by Cree Summer? I’m getting flashbacks to Sonic: SATAM.
Peneople looks like if a Dragon Tales character was in an early PS2 game and I like it. She’s so cute!
Remember how I joked about Disney copyright last time? Seems like Rapunzel did the idea of Gothel being an attractive witch first.
Ok this entrance of Gothel riding through the forest is way more metal than Tangled.
Interesting how this Rapunzel calls Gothel “m’lady” instead of “mother”.
Speaking of Disney, Gothel’s design reminds me a lot of Lady Tremaine.
The ferret sounds VERY fruity.
Man Hobie straight up wants Gothel to die. Pretty dark for a Barbie movie.
I find it funny that shenanigans with a tea set caused a secret entrance to be found.
Lol, I can relate to Penelope’s hatred of snakes.
The plot thickens as we see Rapunzel discovering a message from her real parents way earlier than in Tangled.
Heh, the ferret uses it’s tail as a sleeping mask for Gothel.
Once again, a new room discovered via accident.
Wow and she’s already out of the tower and discovered the kingdom. This thing’s going along fast!
Why is seeing the chef in his comically large hat standing in one spot with a goofy smile on his face causing me to mentally cackle like a loon?
Punzie, the cook wasn’t trying to poison you. It’s just a free sample.
I LOVE the “rabbit’s ear as a radio antenna” gag!
Wait, Penelope has a dad?
Looks like both Penelope and Rapunzel have parental issues.
I can relate to Penelope’s fear of heights. It’s ok, honey, we can curl up into a fetal position together.
Hobie: “Does he ever smile?” Penelope: “Not around me”. God my heart just broke into a million pieces at that line. Why does this hurt more than anything Gothel says to Rapunzel?
It’ll never not be odd to see all of these children with the same face.
The Prince looks just like the one from the Nutcracker. I wonder if that’s intentional?
Of course the kings are too stubborn to hash things out. As a result, you get death traps like that pit.
I love the way Otto pronounces “vill-oge”. Hilarious.
Nice showing of both Rapunzel reporting her day to her friends and Otto ratting her out to Gothel at the same time.
Damn, Gothel using her magic to destroy Rapunzel’s paintings of Penelope is cold! Honestly this Gothel seems a lot more menacing and realistic than the Disney version.
I like how this Rapunzel is not only selfless but also has a backbone.
Trippy visuals with Gothel making the house literally grow.
As Hugo was assigned by Gothel to guard the castle, all he could think was “fuck my life”.
Hang on, the little blond boy’s name is Tommy? Wasn’t that the name of the younger brother in Nutcracker?
This boy’s got the “Phantom Menace Anakin” haircut and the personality. Brings back memories of the Prequels. Poor Jake Lloyd…
I like the fact that Stefan and Tommy have the same relationship going on that Barbie and Kelly do IRL
How on earth did the prince find the tower? Isn’t it in the middle of nowhere?
Apparently he “searched everywhere”, but it would probably take ages to go around the entire kingdom. I feel like it’d have been better if maybe one of Rapunzel’s animal friends had been followed by him.
Oh, wait. It was a dream! Ok, that makes more sense. Once again, I should have not underestimated the intelligence of the writers.
Headcanon: (Unless Penelope's mom shows up) Hugo's ex-wife is the dragon from Shrek and they share custody of Penelope. Hugo really hates donkeys now.
Holy crap, this is a beautiful melody Penelope is singing.
The knights remind me of Bert and Ernie. I’ve always loved that dynamic.
The mental paintbrush is a really cool idea. More properties should use it.
Rapunzel straight up saying she’d rather be dead than be a prisoner. Respect.
See, now is Stefan tired and exhausted from actually looking everywhere.
Maybe Rapunzel doesn’t want to know Stefan’s name in case it’s a dream or so that she won’t hurt as much if she loses him.
Once again, we have a prince not telling Barbie’s character he’s royalty.
It saddens me to know that the silversmith is unable to visit or speak to his brother due to the ban on Wilhelm’s kingdom. It’s a realistic worry.
Now we’re getting elements of Cinderella with the masked ball. Once again, connections since Gothel reminds me of Tremaine.
Hobie, I don’t think that Gothel is going to care if you’re in pain. Woman’s a total sadist.
Did Otto just orgasm?
The paintbrush really is OP. It can make clothes!
The mystical music is funny because right now, they’re doing the “girl tries on new clothes” montage.
Eh the final dress is ok, but I actually think the first “simple” one looked the best.
Funny how in Tangled, Rapunzel's hair gets cut by Eugene to stop Gothel. Here, Rapunzel's hair gets cut by Gothel instead.
Gothel, maybe don’t piss off the big strong dragon who has been willingly helping you?
Now we’re finally seeing King Wilhelm. I wish we got some more of him earlier.
Ok, Gothel has to have some sort of spell activated because how the hell did Stefan not think “why does your face look so different?”.
Love to see Penelope call her dad out on his bullshit, and get through to his softer side.
Nice to see her get some love from her dad after all this time.
WOO! Tommy used his bow and arrow to save his big bro! Kid’s got guts.
And now the little children pelt her with fruit!
Really impressive sword choreography for a Barbie movie.
So Gothel just stole Rapunzel from Wilhelm because she hated being in the friend-zone. Ridiculously petty.
And Rapunzel STILL offers forgiveness to Gothel! She truly is an angel.
Honestly, the fact that this Gothel is trapped inside the tower due to her own spell for all eternity is WAY more of a scary way to go then falling out of the tower like Disney’s Gothel did.
What a wonderful ending! Seeing everyone reunited and hearing that wonderful credits score gave me such a smile.
Hopefully a full review will come out sometime this month. I've got other creative AUs to help with. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and reblogs. @msweebyness @artzychic27 @nerd-chocolate
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fortunesfavours · 7 months
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time travel in ten - sequential narrative collage piece done for my class, Artifact.
ramblings below the cut for those interested in the process/life update for friends who have noticed i've been gone
right lmao. i had two weeks to do this project and had a completely different idea that i just could not get myself to be excited about. emailed my prof in desperation, but it being like 10 pm meant that she was not about to respond. within 30 minutes, as it goes, i got struck with divine inspiration by whatever force of nature governs procrastination-induced genius, and i promptly spent the next 12 waking hours non-stop working on this.
my class, artifact, is a requirement for the foundation year at the college i attend. it centers around time-based media, ranging from the sequential illustration here to video later in the semester, and a bunch of other projects designed to get us thinking in 4d. artifact is the theme of the class - my peers are doing the same projects under a variety of different themes (tragically, haunting filled up too quickly and i missed out on enrollment in that one).
our first project was designing an artifact and doing a write-up of the story behind it. the girl to my left made beaded spiders members of a fictional cult carried. the guy across from me made an amulet of a long-dead god. you get the vibes. mine, which I still need to take professional photos of, is a pocketwatch that lets you time travel. cause, yknow. i'm me. it was gonna be about time travel.
i had originally intended to do a bunch of drawings of the watch's owner, building out her backstory and the world she lives in, and explaining why the watch exists,,,, then i couldn't bring myself to pick up the stylus. I just can't seem to find the energy for my usual digital art (sorry friends i miss yall i'm still here i swear).
here's the bit about my life so feel free to stop reading if you just care about the art 👍
I haven't drawn fanart or my ocs in months now, since last semester, and I miss it a whole bunch but right now that creative energy just. is not happening. i don't plan on abandoning it forever by any means, but p much everything i have is going towards school right now. sad as that is, i'm having so much fun, and i'm so proud of the technical improvements i've made. I've got so many things i want to create, mostly for my ocs. i still love crit role, but i've fallen of campaign three. i don't have the time, and the story hasn't been engaging me for a bit.
i've been really into dr who lately, and am eagerly waiting for the spare time to sit and watch all of candela obscura. i'm in a new dnd game. i've got friends! real life friends! irl friends who called me the wizard friend within a few hours of knowing me before i even opened my mouth about dnd lmao. i've discovered a new love of collage, and i've just declared my major in something unique to my school, a program called Studio for Interrelated Media. i'll be learning about illustration still through the extra electives i'll have room for, but i also get to explore printmaking in more depth, as well as event planning, installation, curation, and theatre work as well.
i miss being on here a whole bunch and want to be more active when i get more time. don't plan on abandoning this blog by any means. boston has been kind to me, and though i have had some Real Low Points, i've also been living the life i've hoped for since i was a kid. i'm good, really really good.
to my friends, ily, i miss you, and i hope you're well. can't wait to catch up on all yalls art and fic. sending all my love. <3
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xoniarainforest · 7 months
Got tagged by @kiki-shortsnout and this seems fun, so let’s do it!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Great question! None! Mainly because I started using AO3 last year and I have natural anxiety towards the publish button.
(You may not understand, but that button… that button scares me.)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
I have a very prideful zero. My goal this year is to try publish at least a 1k word count fic? I think it’s a fair step towards conquering my fear with that publish button.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Various Minecraft YouTubers (MCYT). I’ve been in this fandom for years, wrote about lots of peeps, but my current obsession is GeminiTay o/ (and maybe a little bit of Ethoslab. I never watch the guy before and I’m finally discovering his charm whoops)
DanganRonpa. As in writing OCs in the killing game aspect. I barely written anything about the characters other than my top 5 favourites though.
Undertale and its AUs. Especially the AUs, I remember being so crazy about it. Still do, but a bit more tone down in these past years. I write them during my need of comfort days. I have this one incomplete story from the fandom that I intend to finish it one day.
Marvel. This is my current biggest obsession. Specifically FrostIronStrange, following up with the Avengers.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m gonna answer this based on other websites that I’ve published since my AO3 page is empty. I don’t normally publish my fics cuz I’m a bit awkward in sharing, but amongst the ones I do share to public (they are mostly taken down at this point):
Méng Yǒu
Five Nights at Team Crafted
Three Peaks Castle
Dream. Glitch. World.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Most of my comments are from my friends so yes!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably that one Marvel series about an immortal child entity who travels through the multiverse determined to help solve the universal problems/threats in every universe/dimensions that they visits. It’s a series of never ending one shots because she never stops travelling. Obviously there are bound to have some very angsty endings where they fail to save the whole universe. Or she saved the universe, but she had to make hard decisions that affects them deeply.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhm… the world is saved from not being converted into a coded game? If you don’t consider fluff fics about typical daily life. Now that I think about it, there’s never a ‘true’ happy ending with my fics. I usually write the ‘to achieve the ultimate win, you lose something along the way’.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. My fics typically don’t get discovered by people. Let alone by haters.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
When I’m feeling horny. I write very questionable porn with plot fics. Don’t ask. I swore to never share them.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes! I love writing crossovers between two of my favourite fandoms! I think the craziest would be MCYT x FNAF. Cuz it’s my first ever crossover fic and it holds a special place in my heart.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope. I think people prefer stealing works that are both great and completed. Sadly I’m neither great nor have I ever publish a complete fic to the public.
12. Does not exist apparently
Like my works? I have a ton that I have completed but never share to anyone.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Does co-writing a comic counts? I’ve co-written a short comic series with an irl friend before. It was only shared amongst my group of friends.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
FrostIronStrange is definitely at the top. It’s one of the very few romance shippings that I do since I normally do platonic or familial ships like Gemtho, SansxToriel, CharaxFriskxAsriel, Grian and Pearl etc.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Most of my long fics. Don’t get me wrong, I love all of them and I’m not abandoning them, but I have this problem where once I finish outlining the plot of my fics, my brain automatically files them as completed and places them at the easily forgotten corner even though I didn’t finish writing them. Plus I have a habit of jumping around between different stories… listen, I write for fun okay? I enjoy writing for the sake of writing so I don’t really care if it gets complete or not. Thinking about ‘must complete’ gives me stress and I don’t think it’s worth carrying that pressure when life itself is already stressful.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Worldbuilding, plot making, character backgrounds.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Grammar, dialogue writings, endings.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I constantly writes in both English and Chinese, so that’s not an issue for me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Team Crafted from the very old MCYT fandom
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I like all of my fic. Case closed.
(You are never gonna force me to pick one. NEVER)
Who to tag next for the game?
I’m tagging everyone who has seen this post and hasn’t done the answers yet. So TAG, YOU’RE IT!
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alelelesimz · 9 months
thank you for tagging me @nefarrilou 🖤🖤🖤
🌸 What's your earliest memory of playing the sims?
my friend/neighbor had the sims 1 so we used to play together
💫 How did you discover the sims franchise?
because of that friend from above! she had two older brothers who had like, every video game ever so i learned about most games from my childhood from that
🍇 What was your first sims game?
although i loved ts1 i never got my parents to get it for me so the first one i actually owned was the sims 2! and after that probably some gba sims i think?
🍦 How long have you been playing the sims?
since forever lmao!
🧋 What is your favorite sims series?
i think for pc ts2 was the most fun to actually play, but i also really loved the handheld story based sims! the ones for ds and gba were ugh so good i wish they made more of those
🤍 Do you have a favorite sim created by you?
most of my ocs i adore but i'm especially obsessed with these two :p tinker my first simblr oc and vega my little guy. tiny even
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🧸 Favorite townie?
probably candy behr and miko ojo :) i have a type
🍨 Do you have a sim self? If yes, do you play with them?
yeah this idiot. i don't play with them bc they're as annoying as i am irl
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🫐How often do you play the sims?
play PLAY actually play, never lol. i just open the game and don't leave cas
🌱Do/Can you relate to any of your sims?
i have a couple that i relate a bit but idk not too much
🐬Favorite sims challenge?
any fun cas challenge i'm here for it
👜 What in-game career would you choose if you were a sim?
was there a video game streamer or something like that? hell yeah
🌷Which traits would you have if you were a sim?
hot headed, loner and creative (and moody & lazy)
🍮 Favorite thing to do in the sims?
put my sims in fun outfits :)
❄️ Favorite in-game season if you own The Sims 4 Seasons?
summer but later in the season when sims are not dying from being under the sun
❣️Do you talk about the sims with any of your friends/family members in real life?
yeah basically everyone in my life is a big nerd so me liking the sims is not the weirdest thing lol
✉️ How big is your mods folder?
oh god don't do this to me. 122gb
📱 What made you want to start a simblr?
i got ts4 back when it came out but i was graduating high school/figuring out uni stuff at that time so i didn't really get too into the online community until around 2018, i was looking for cc and realized all the good mm stuff was on tumblr and oh boy! there's a bunch of people here sharing fun sims posts hell yeah i'm staying here! so i ended joining simblr in 2019 :)
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catgirl-pawbs · 1 year
though,,, I've said it a few times in a few places but I'm super enamoured with the concept of having different names for different contexts though I've been bad at actually doing it and the name I'd like to use in online spaces / for people I don't know irl is Ryuuka (I know I had another online alias/name before that i streamed under for 2yrs but due to Events I now hate being called that so all 3 of u that know it that name is dead to me now please forget) so I suppose instead I should write
LONG POST INCOMING sorry if I take up ur whole dash
so I tried to search my blog for the "hobbying" tag to see what I have and have not posted recently but lo and behold,
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tumblr is truly the functional of webbedsites, I KNOW ITS THERE I PUT IT THERE now please show me !
except it won't if course because it sucks.
so anyway I'm gonna start typing about things and hope I get everything I haven't posted and nothing I have.
something like three weeks ago, I finally got to play a match of Warhammer 40k with my older brother! this had been in the making in a way since 2014(-ish I don't remember), when this same brother introduced myself and my other brother to the concept of Warhammer and all three of us bought models. sadly both brothers quickly discovered the "building and painting" portion of the hobby and promptly dropped out, one of them giving his T'au models to me because I LOVED THIS SHIT.
anyway I think I posted about all this before and that Match In Question wherein I took 500pts of Grey Knights (Brother-Captain, Terminator Squad, Strike Squad) against my brother's 500pts Imperial Guard (Commissar, Guardsmen regiment, 3x Mortar Crew models, Sentinel, Leman Russ)or something like that I didn't read his list. Unfortunately this battle ended with my noble Grey Knights getting summarily decimated and right tabled by the mighty power of the autocannon-equipped Leman Russ if that bastard Russ wasn't already dead I'd kill him myself
again I'm fairly sure I've posted about this before so I'll stop there and not add images.
also before I continue (to explain why points counts might seem weird to other 40kplayers) I should note that I have been and will continue to be playing Fifth Edition Warhammer 40k, because those are the books that I have. New books are hellishly expensive and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to reasonably use wahapedia so anyone who is going to tell me to play a more recent edition please kindly do one of the following;
1.) shush.
2.) buy me the books urself since you can afford it
3.) go get intimate with a cactus.
Now! about a week ago, a little less, I got to play ANOTHER match of 40k! a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. this time with a friend who has an adjacent interest in similar sort of games and who helped me build the felt-and-aquariumplant terrain pieces Im certain I posted pictures of before though I can't go check >:|
This match was again 500pts and featured both my lovely new terrain and the following armies;
TYRANIDS. >Tyranid Prime (boneswords, devourer) >3xRaveners (rending claws) >5x Ymgarl Genestealers >10xHormagaunts (adrenaline glands) >10xTermagaunts (devourers)
GREY KNIGHTS. >Brother-Captain (mastercrafted storm bolter, mastercrafted nemesis force sword) >5xTerminator (mastercrafted storm bolter [justicar], mastercrafted nemesis force sword [justicar]) >5xStrike Squad (nemesis force halberds [all], mastercrafted storm bolter [justicar])
it was great! took about 4 hours because I hadn't memorized everything yet and my friend/opponent was new to 5th but we had a good time despite getting real exhausted by the end of it there are too damn many numbers to remember
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I'm still super happy with how the new terrain looks!! sure it's very Amateur Hour and doesn't look ~realistic~ but I love it and am very proud of it!
Unfortunately in this match, the Grey Knights not played by me this time again tasted bitter defeat. I begin to think that list I made just sucks. or that the army needs a larger point total to make a functional list. further experimentation needed.
First blood was taken by the Knights shooting down a few(2) Hormagaunts, which was repeated in the next turn gunning down another 5 of them. the remaining gaunts took shelter for their lives behind a small copse of trees, though the Knights' Terminators quickly closed to finish their prey.
the Nids took revenge in the Genestealers flanking and stealing the jeans off the Strike Squad, without a single loss.
Finally came the crushing melee of the Raveners charging the Terminators and Captain from the cover of the ruins, slowly inflicting death (with great difficulty and losing one of their number due to those incredible 2+saves), eventually being joined by the Tyranid Prime and Genestealers in finishing off the stragglers.
the Termagants... yeah. those guys were there. they mostly just hung around. fired off 40?-ish shots and inflicted a total of 1 wound. good job guys. worth every point, truly.
Unfortunately because I failed to teach the game and remember the rules properly, this match was unbalanced, as the Terminators were not making 2 melee attacks per turn as they should've and I'd forgot to roll for the Nids instinctive behaviour rules (though the only difference that would've really made was the already useless gants running for cover if they failed)
It was a good learning experience and we had fun though!! surely we'll have a better and more heated match next time! ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
that kaomoji looks kinda haunted,,
In other news! yesterday I finally took the time to get my printer in Operational Condition again! this means that, after being more than a month with only one arm, my Knight Armiger Warglaive proxy (model courtesy of u/johnbearross on reddit) is finally fully operational! catgirl very extremely excited about this one
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additionally, though I do need to print another warglaive and two helverins still, I've started on printing the bigger boy, a Questoris Knight Paladin proxy (model credits the same), something I've been excited to do for forever and the next step towards the biggest finalest goal; the Imperator Titan
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base and left leg printed (6h each), right leg in production (another 6h) (also I know the quality is bad because of the flash but my kitchen's lighting is awful and I promise without it looks worse) (don't mind the bag of rice in the bg, girl's gotta eat)
FINALLY, the most recent development in Ryuuka's Hobbying;
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bit of a story on this one, but first; I know that I told one of my dear friends like 6months ago that the next time I bought gunpla of get one for u too and we sat down and picked one out for u and everything and I didn't forget I swear but I shouldn't've even bought these boys since I have a lot of debt going on, the only reason I did is that on god man I need a distraction project or the depression is gonna Get To Me (not that it doesn't already but,) so like. When I actually have spare money instead of spending money I don't have I WILL get u that gunpla and we will build them together I didn't and am not gonna forget.
Okay so the deal with these boys is that I was talking to a friend recently about how I really like the appearance of Mass Production Mobile Suits over the special Gundam suits (unpopular opinion but I hate gundam suits' horns/crests, I think they look so so silly), in particular I love the look of the DaggerL and the Rgm-79 GM, but I really don't like the GM's helmet, I feel that it dramatically detracts from my man's vibes since the GM is made of angular and square segments and then the helmet is ROUND and also the visor is really large and open, giving it something of a 'friendly' (anthropromorphizing, I know) look that really doesn't suit the rest of it's design. In the same moment I was lamenting this design contradiction, a guncannon came on screen, which has a helmet with a narrower visor, and a- well I guess it's called a visor too but the shade thing some helmets have like a built-in imitation ballcap thing and anyway the Guncannon's head design gives it a much more 'serious' look that I feel would fit great on the GM, and the GM's more open and round design would fit right in with the Guncannon's rounded limbs and fuckoff huge shoulder-mounted cannon barrels.
So immediately in that conversation I had something of an epiphany of this and decided that I HAVE TO make a headswap of those guys and NOW IM DOING IT except what I need right now is a project so we're taking it a couple steps further
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I'm gonna trim these guys all out of the runners, file the nubs, label all the parts with masking tape and little baggies, swap the head parts, then going one colour/runner at a time, prime them black, paint them, panel line them, sticker them, top coat them, and ONLY THEN will I finally start assembling them
I've never painted a gunpla before but the best way to start is a headfirst dive into conkcrete babey let's get it
also I want to try weathering on my GM, nevermind that I've never tried it before and have no idea how, and each kit will be getting a different topcoat; glossy for the Guncannon because I want my boy to look like fun lil candy apple lad, and matte for my GM because I want it to be a semi-realistic Setpiece build.
also been thinking about utilizing the power of masking tape mid-painting process to add stripes of red to GM's arm&leg armour, but currently unsure if I want to follow through with the idea.
kay I think that's everything that's a lotta words I've been typing for forever it's 3am im not checking for typos I'm gonna sleep now goodnight gamers, nyan~
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russeliarat · 4 months
Life Update for 12th May
I have so much coursework to do that it's taken up a large portion of my life but tbh I have nothing but my ADHD and laziness to blame lol. I have 3 huge assignments due by the end of next week, a biology mock exam to revise for in 2 days, and a social life to keep up with :'] It's all fine though coz I get to go to Alton Towers theme park after my actual biology exam is done on 7th June. It's starting to become summer now and there's a heatwave right now so I'm able to do more stuff, if you wanna see what the system is up to, I have an instagram I'll happily give to people?
Also I've gotten into Avatar (2009) and Avatar Way of Water, the Metkayina clan from the latter low-key high-key reminds me of the Zora from LoZ so that's probably a part of why I like it tbh. Very good movies, the worldbuilding is phenomenal, the linguistics is an absolute treasure trove to explore, and I don't usually like love stories or romcoms but I think Way of Water definitely managed to explore different kinds of love and hate in an easily digestible way and has some very morally grey characters with complex motives. I like it 10/10, will probably read fanfics of it on ao3 later (probably even the bad Wattpad ones for fun too)
And me being me, I made an oc for it too coz I can't engage with a piece of media if I don't have an oc obviously. Her name is Mizawt, she's a part of the Metkayina clan if you haven't noticed, and I'll probably make some posts about her later coz I want to.
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Speaking of media and ocs and sketchbooks, I've finally finished my big sketchbook and have moved onto using an A3 sketchbook for big character design work and a tiny plain paper sketchbook I got from my college for doodling. I have an original story fusing Filipino mythology and the Princess Diaries and Aphmau MyStreet for fun with my boyfriend :]
Other fandom stuff; excited for Chonny Jash's newest song to release tomorrow-ish, getting back back into Fear & Hunger and the first game is still my favourite (mostly just coz of how simple it is to master and understand) I hope Miro was able to recover most of their lost update progress from last year, my friends are getting me into Invincible and JJK (mostly the two boys in my friend group - omg yes I have irl friends now and it's a big group of friends and I love them all, college has turned out NOTHING like highschool (uh thanks to anyone who's stuck around who knew the mess I was in highschool I'm a lot better now)), and UK moth fandom still revelling over that new moth discovered literally December.
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OC Tag Game
Got tagged by @starknstarwars thanks very much!
Will give out some no pressure tags to @swtorpadawan, @a-master-procrastinator, @dream-of-tanalorr, @imperial-topaz2003, @voidendron and anyone else that sees this and wants to give it a go!
favorite oc - Amarra Kine
I have fallen so hard for my girl Amarra. She is a force for political change yet has no vision for the future. She is one of the most powerful individuals in the empire yet has no ambition for personal power. She loves her family more than anything and yet she is completely alone in the empire. She is the deadliest warrior in the galaxy yet she wants peace for herself and her people. She is a mess of contradictions and I love her for it.
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newest oc - Lana Kine
Lana is my OC Kelsa Kine's youngest child. Lana was named after Kelsa's mother Lana Beniko.
(Lana is in the background and Kelsa is in the foreground)
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oldest oc - Ryscha Kine
When I made the decision to give SWTOR another chance at the start of the pandemic, I made Ryscha. She began as a semi-self insert before I just started making my Kine Family of OCs and she became her own person. (I did have two previous SWTOR characters that I made in like 2012 but I never really developed them into actual characters)
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meanest oc - Avaraxi Dagan
My mad scientist OC that will happily vivisect anyone if it gets them more usable data points. They did vivisect and ran numerous experiments on Kelsa Kine, even harvesting some of her eggs for later which is how Lana Kine and her siblings came to be.
Also diversity win! The mad scientist that's running unethical experiments on you is non-binary!
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softest oc - Bryala Kine
All Bryala wants in life is to be a good person and not disappoint those closest to her. And if she can help others along the way then she'll happily do so.
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most aloof/standoffish oc - Keras'eren'naru
She is a Chiss that believes in Chiss supremacy. Everyone else is beneath her and her people.
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dumbest (affectionate) oc - Inara Almari
She spent her early young adult life raiding dangerous tombs and ruins on the off chance that there might be ancient knowledge she can study. She will also forget about lab safety procedures if she gets too carried away while running experiments. Because she focuses so much on her work she was captured by Zakuulan forces on three separate occasions and all three times resulted in her being rescued by Ryscha Kine who eventually took her on as an apprentice. Inara might have also accidentally infected Ryscha with the rakghoul plague while developing a vaccine. Whoops sorry Master!
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smartest oc - Serra Kine
I mean she helped develop the refined Children of the Emperor procedures for Vitiate. Was trusted to develop a Children of the Emperor 2.0 generation using children actually sired by the Voice of the Emperor. While doing all this successful force experimentation, she also planed out a coup against Vitiate (which while unsuccessful in her life was more or less carried out by her daughters Amarra and Ryscha). She also discovered Nathema on her own and managed to negotiate an alliance with the spirits of Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, Tulak Hord and Exar Kun on Yavin IV to help her take down Vitiate.
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horniest oc - Élise Kine and Braken Rist
This married couple enjoy dominating the other nobles of Alderaan in their spare time and will also happily engage in the whole sleep with a target before killing them assassination special. They usually go at it again with each other after said assassinations too.
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oc you'd bang - Damar Nakash
Damar is kinky, caring and enjoys making his partners quiver. Also those sith ridges are always mmmm
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oc you'd be best friends with irl - Inara Almari
I love folks that have special interests and hyper-fixations. Listening to them info dump passionately is always great and I enjoy learning new things that way. Inara fits that bill. She is also the right type of dumb ass that I would probably laugh a lot with her
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niennawept · 1 year
Tag Game - Fandom Edition
Tagged by @somebirdortheother, thanks so much, lovely! This was fun!
Your Name: On here, Nienna or Ni, if you please. I have 4-5 names that people regularly call me outside of that (IRL nicknames) but I prefer to keep that private.
Your First Fandom: Tolkien. Before I even knew what fandom was, I was composing fanfiction in my head about being Bilbo Baggin's niece (yes, before I read LotR, I somehow knew that he would have an adopted child because he definitely wasn't marrying a woman - A+, baby Nienna). At the time, I had no concept of what fanfiction was or what a self-insert was, but here I was, doing the thing at age 8. I think it counts, lol.
Your Current Fandom: Rings of Power specifically, wider Tolkien Legendarium also. And the thing you must know about me is I have two fandoms which are special interests of mine. 1) Tolkien and 2) Star Trek. Normally, when one is dormant, the other wakes up. So we'll count Star Trek too, even though that interest is currently sleeping (shhh, she needs her rest).
How did you first get into fandom?: Um, doomed by the narrative? My dad read The Hobbit aloud to me when I was little and then proceeded to read me LotR out loud a year later. I couldn't NOT form my whole personality around that (and Trek, which he introduced when I was 10).
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces?: I discovered fanfiction online when I was 14. I used to write a long time ago, but college and grad school got in the way. I lurked for years (reading a couple longfics a week) but I didn't have the energy to create much myself. Adar and Rings of Power brought me out of that shell. So I guess the answer is: it's complicated.
How often do you read fanfic?: I'm almost always reading at least one longfic, although I have slowed down significantly now that I'm writing a longfic. These days I squeeze in reading one-shots because I set too ambitious of an update schedule and I'm trying not to get burnt out.
Top three characters from your current fandom?: Adar (my love), Tar-Miriel (who I am so worried about going into the next season), and probably Galadriel. I really admire how they let her be nasty enough to be credibly accused of being Morgoth's successor, by someone who would know. That's brilliant and gives her character a lot of room to grow into the Galadriel we know in the Third Age.
Have you ever written a fic for a fandom and if so, shout it out!: I do not think any of my very old fic still exists (thank the stars). But I'll link a few Rings of Power fics here (use caution, all three works are 18+):
Scars of Silver and Gold: A Second Age romance/adventure (Adar/OC) that will eventually answer the question "what is the best case scenario for Adar and his uruks that still fits within the constraints of Tolkien's legendarium?"
Until the Stars Burn Out: Set in Cuiviénen, under the light of the stars. Eren, the one who will one day be known as Adar, shares a moment of tenderness with the partner he was made for, Erenyë. (Adar/OC). Based off of "Awake, Arise or Be For Ever Fall’n"  by @dwarveslikeshinythings
Mistletoe Mischief: Christmas-themed smutty Adar/Reader fic. Modern AU.
Have you ever drawn fan art for a fandom?: I have, but I am not willing to share anything yet, because I'm just not where I want to be skill-wise.
Share a personal headcanon that you feel strongly about: Mmmm. I have many headcanons. It is hard to pick one. I'll say this: the elves that went to Valinor from the Waters of Awakening knew that some of them where kidnapped and taken but they did not see any orcs/uruks until the Noldor made it back to Middle-earth. It makes the Battle-under-Stars that much more existentially terrifying. Thinking about writing a horror one-shot about this - imagine recognizing your old friend, twisted by centuries of torture among the dead. *shivers*
You’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them?: Mmmmm. I don't think there's a clip of ROP that I can pick that doesn't have spoilers. All the parts I'm most attached to are in pretty deep.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you?: Community. Enjoying the thing you enjoy on your own is marvelous but enjoying it with other people is even better! People have such wonderful different ideas about things and that's very cool.
Tagging (no pressure, just love): @dwarveslikeshinythings, @lazymeriadoc, @bananaphanta, and anyone else to whom this looks like fun!
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thewolfmanny · 2 years
uhhh sappy post time
last halloween, i played house of ashes with my partner, their sister, and their sister's girlfriend. we all picked our characters and passed the controller around in couch multiplayer mode. obviously, i picked salim cuz he was the only one who wasn't us military lmao and i decided i needed to protect him at all costs. my partner played jason (cute) which thank god cuz they picked the best choices to make him feel really bad about himself hehe
i really enjoyed the story and discovered there was a fan community when i deep dived into the tumblr tag for aesthetic gif sets. i was so confused by how jason/salim could work that i started writing my fic home with you to see if i can come up with a story for them to believably get together. i don't think i did a bad job! it was the first fic i wrote/finished
now for the serious part and the point of this post - last year, i was going thru a major depressive episode bordering on suicidal due to some unfortunate-bordering-on-devastating things happening in my life. i was isolating myself and barely getting out of bed or eating. what was rough was that halloween is my favorite holiday so it was hard to get into the headspace to enjoy it until we got around to playing the game together
i found an online community during a time when i felt very disconnected with the community i used to have IRL and has since disintegrated due to the pandemic. i've lost a lot of friends over these past 2-3 years and it's still hard some days as i am trying to recover from a lifelong struggle with trauma
however, i've met some great people thru hoa and it's given me the inspiration/outlet to draw and write again when i hadn't done so for years. i look back at my first drawings for hoa a year ago and how much i've improved since then, even in writing. now i'm getting the itch to create original stories and take my art/writing seriously. being in fandom this past year has helped a lot in my recovery including safely exploring my gender and sexuality, trauma, educating myself on the world around me, and renewing old passions like learning about history. i love meeting new people from around the world and connecting together to enjoy something we love, to have fun, and relate to each other when so much terribleness is happening all over the place. kinda feels like the point of house of ashes and maybe that's why i love it so much
i'm going to start setting up my patreon and ways for folks to throw me some money if they're feeling generous. recently i had to quit a very toxic job due to racism/ableism and i'm not sure when i'll be in a good place to work full-time again. i wish i could draw and write every day for y'all and live comfortably but it's hard working solely as an artist nowadays. still, i have projects planned for the future - some horror related, kink related, original characters - and i hope y'all stick around. i'm not done with HOA yet
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here is a bunch of useless stuff abt prsk but i have no friends so im just saying it for everyone to hear. my opinions only dont take this seriously
nc @ 25
mafuyu: my favorite in the whole game. its odd considering that i used to absolutely hate her. i hated her for the same reason that most ppl hate her. i thought that everyone was overreacting to her problems but then i realized i was projecting my own insecurities onto that so i started to love her. ill pull her mothers hair out in clumps
kanade: my second favorite in the whole games. i just relate to mafuyu more. her hair is nice. we both hate going outside ♡︎ idk how shes paying the bills but either way i feel bad for her she lost so many ppl she loves & shes trying to protect someone she loves & i want a friend like her but i dont think itd be healthy but do i care? not really. i love kanade i wanna give her a comfy blanket to sleep with.
mizuki: this was very hard to do cause i couldnt decide to put them or kanade in the number 2 spot. ig i just have the smallest bit of more bias towards kanade. anyway their such a good friend big w for telling your bestie to run away (/serious) ily queen teehee were both transfem she/theys who hated life also their singing voice is the best out of all the characters
ena: ok i wanna like her more than i do but i just hate the way she treats mafuyu its like she thinks mafuyus a burden for not having conventional feelings a lot of ppl ik irl are like this so i dont care for ena that much but she obv has her moments of clarity ig but shes better than shiho (not sorry) also she abuses akito idc what ppl say
toya: hes autistic idk what to tell you chief i think the tenmas should adopt him his & tsukasas friendship is nice i like how tsukasas like an older brother to him. toya has my favorite voice of vbs i love how wholesome he is autism be damned by boys got daddy issues ill kick his dad in the teeth he & mafumom can fall into a volcano ♡︎
akito: i feel bad for the way ena treats him but i do wish he wasnt an ass sometimes but hes gotten better & actually has depth so i like him lots cause his voice is really good also his event stories are good i wish he had more event stories that were centered around him
an: 100% she ahouldve been the vbs leader my theory is that she looks too much like ichika ig & thats why. theres probably some reason that im unaware of. i like her event stories a lot shes a good character i like her determination also caucasian destination boy was her canon event not her discovering nagi is dead
kohane: shes cute & all & her singing voice is good. but she just feels like a copy & paste of minori, vice versa. her determination is cute & all but she just feels like super basic her outfit is cute tho ig.
nene: shes rlly cute her & emus friendship is one of my favorite dynamics we both love video games her whole mermaid thing is really nice i love mermaids sm also her songs are rlly cute her & lukas voices go well together shes also autistic just saying
rui: the other characters have queer aspects abt them but this guy was just queer all around i mean jfc anyway he said :3 i love his face he probably has my favorite face of the characters he has the best singing voice of wxs imo his event stories are cool too. hes autistic
emu: you ever meet someone so cheerful its almost intimidating? anyway shes adorable & deserves the world i like her lots i think shed give good hugs even tho i hate being touched id like to hug her at least once her event songs are good but im not a huge fan of once upon a dream
tsukasa: mr showtime is fire. he & emu would be in the same spot but i like emus singing voice better so 🤷‍♀️ he & mafuyu probably are systems (shoutout to hearth4days) my guy has glass child syndrome his parents are lowkey neglectful i love his big brother thing hes got going on i wish he was my big brother. his laugh is loud but nice
shizuku: so gorgeous no notes shes so sweet & cute & i love her voice & i want her to be my big sister & i love her singing voice the cards for the my color event are so lovely i want that costume for her so badly shes muah muah muah my love
haruka: we both have eds lol im not a huge fan of her singing voice but i like her hair when my hair grows out a little more i wanna style it like that i like her regular voice a lot
airi: lets go lesbians her & shizukus romeo & cinderella song was sooo good also her event songs are sooo good (momoiro key & icedrop ♡︎)
minori: her determination is cute & her design is cute but her personality is eh she & kohane are just copy & pastes of each other their both new at performing and have this main character determination & are obsessed with girls with blue hair (an & harkua)
honami: we both like drums. she probably has my second favorite face of all the characters. i also think she gives good hugs shes so nurturing and sweet i think her hair is very soft & smells good
saki: shes rlly cute i love her hair i wanna do my hair like that when it gets long we both are chronically ill & feel like a burden to the ppl around us lol her cards are really cute i also think her hair is soft
ichika: eh shes lame her singing voice is pretty good but other than that there doesnt seem to be too much thats interesting abt her
shiho: 🍅🍅🍅
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theizzifromosaka · 1 year
Time for another one of these mini reviews! Today I've got someone a bit unusual
Maple / Honjo Kaede (Bofuri)
full title - Bofuri: I don't want to get hurt, so I'll max out my defense
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Now you might be thinking "hey why are you talking about this girl? There's nothing monstrous about her" and you'd actually be right. There's nothing unusual about this young Japanese girl discovering her love for MMOs. Let me explain.
As the full title suggests when Maple first started playing NewWorld Online she decides to invest completely in defense. Her IRL friend who was supposed to be guiding her through got grounded last minute so she had to make several uninformed decisions early on, that due to the poor foresight of amateur game developers end up working unexpectedly in her favor.
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Early in she's coasting by on the fact that her massive defense stat makes her impervious to damage, however after an update nerfs defense she finds herself needing to rely on alternative strategies.
Her friend, no longer grounded, helps her get some game sense, and the two begin taking on bosses, which drop unique loot and grant abilities to the first players who beat them. This MMO is explicitly poorly designed, and the whole series is partially self aware about its own ridiculousness.
So how do monster girls play into this? Well the developers of the game might not be particularly good at balancing but they are incredibly ambitious. Pretty soon the abilities Maple stumbles into are full-on form changes, ranging from an angelic form that lets her take damage in place of her party to a mech form that gives her massive offense potential.
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The one I'm particularly interested in is her Atrocity form, which transforms her into one of the game's bosses.
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Despite her drastic form change she still acts the same, which makes her preferred method of attack particularly strange (she eats other players). What must that be like? The NerveGear-like console they play this game on simulates taste and touch, how far does this extend? This form also has an extra pair of limbs she can control independently, how does that feel?
I suppose this show's light-hearted tone mean asking such questions is kinda pointless, and the form only gets used two or three times in the first season. Still it's a great form, sorta Xenomorph-esque with the juxtaposition of her personality clashing with her appearance being fun.
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This show's premise make it sound like it's gonna be low stakes SAO with fights more akin to Gimmicky Isekais , but the show makes it apparent pretty quick that the stakes here are so low this is just a cleverly disguised slice of life moe anime. Maple's got no ambitions to become the best player or the top guild, she's just here to have fun.
Whenever I talked about this anime with my friends I'd refer to this series as "Shuckle Waifu", cuz at least early on that's really what this was, right down to the use of Toxic to stall out opponents. Gimmicky Isekais are a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine so this show was up my alley, and like most of those shows the protag here eventually ends up so overpowered the initial gimmick doesn't matter anymore. I've only watched season 1 so far and despite enjoying it I have no plans to watch season 2 at the moment.
By the way if you're like me that Vending Machine Isekai is surprisingly clever, 9 episodes in and he's still just a vending machine.
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the Sims tag!
I was tagged to do this by @pixelatedpanic, thank you for tagging me!
what’s your favorite sims death? I'm gonna go with disease. I like that horribly hilarious coughing and how it spreads to everyone. Fire and hunger are good too, but one is too noisy and destructive and the other one just takes too bloody long :D
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis Match, though I wouldn't say I'm a purist.
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? No. Why would I? If anything I wish there was more body diversity in the game (ts2) as even the 'fat' state looks pretty slim to me.
Do you use move objects? Yes, every time lol.
Favorite mod? ACR - I use this tweaked version by @episims and am very happy with it although it torments me to no end as my sims will not behave
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? It was The Sims: House Party. I think I was eight. I returned it because I learned that I needed the base game to run it, and my allowance couldn't get me both. But I was able to exchange it for The Sims: Deluxe Edition which was awesome.
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? Live as in give, mostly
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? It's a toss-up between Marama Tuatahi and Maitea Lehenik for me, they had so much character. If I have to choose one I'll go with Maitea because I loved playing her as a hot widow that all the men in town heart-farted over, and her particular style was unique in my little world so far.
Have you made a simself? Yeah, probably a dozen times, in recent memory mostly to test the ts3 and ts4 sim creators. My first sim-self I made as a 13-year old. I made myself as a teenager, my younger sibling as a child and our parents, and I picked romance aspiration for myself, not knowing then what that meant as far as gameplay was concerned. I grew up to marry Darren Dreamer and had an identity crisis when I got a bad memory out of it.
What sims traits do you give yourself? Brooding, Couch potato, Shy, Vegetarian, Frugal
Which is your favorite EA hair color? Uh... Red? Are we talking ts4 colors because I don't mess with that
Favorite EA hair? The store hair that's like a bowl cut
Favorite life stage? Teenagers :D all the drama, none of the boring responsibilities
Are you a builder or are you in it for the game play? In it for the gameplay. I like building but it's always with play in mind :)
Are you a CC creator? No(t yet)
Do you have any simblr friends/a sims squad? No, I don't really know what a sims squad is. I have a friend I used to play sims with, but no one I know irl knows my simblr and I like that.
What’s your favorite game (1,2,3,4)? sims 2 for definite. I've dabbled in ts3 and have a grudging respect for it, 4 not so much, and 2 definitely feels like an upgrade from 1 to me.
Do you have any sims merch? No.
Do you have a youtube for sims? No.
How has your “sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? At first, starting at Christmas 2004, I only wanted to play Veronaville because it was pretty. I later played some in Pleasantview to make my sim self and realize I'm not really a romance sim. Then I would build random half-decent custom worlds for years, gradually discovering cc and sims blogs, and through the latter get inspired to play the premades exclusively for yet more years, experimenting with megahoods and uberhoods. And now I'm all about the test of time challenge, and we'll see how long I'll be able to stick with it.
What’s your origin ID? uhm, it's either Jo137P or abosmalbysom, I haven't used origin in ages
Who’s your favorite cc creator? @sunmoon-starfactory, all their sets are what's keeping this very restrictive challenge stage the most fun rn
How long have you had a simblr? I started this one in June last year, so a little over a year, but then it took me about six months to actually start posting so lets call it even and say 9 months :P
How do you edit your pictures? Just cropping mostly. I'm dabbling in light exposure because some of my screenshots get hella dark
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? You know, I just wish they'd kept making expansions for The Sims Medieval. Like you could have a variety pack where you could choose a different map layout, different styles for the different buildings (yes EA, with different facades and floorplans too!) maybe an expansion that let you actually go to The Village and like Tredony and stuff on diplomatic or trade missions and actually see different people and different worlds
Phew! This was a reminiscence. I'm gonna tag @clouseplayssims, @squeezleprime and @cobycobsy2k. Sorry if y'all got tagged or did it already! Have a good one!
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mageofseven · 1 year
Hello! I saw you opening match up requests soo here I am- Group choices :The Brothers
I'm a Taurus, but idk what that can be useful of
-Personally, I think I'm the kind that would only be interested towards special stuff/people, about the one I don't like,I don't actually care.(I will/try to remember every detail on the one that I'm interested.)I'm an extrovert(ESTP kind of extrovert)
-But if I'm outside, I still feel a bit shy
-My hobby/interest would actually be playing video games, but at the same time I like to write short stories. I'm extroverted in games and internet, but a bit shy sometimes irl. My friends say I'm a cheerful but chaotic person tho
For the games part, I like RPGs the most, that's also mostly my writing ideas are from!
-In my friend's opinion, I'm a therapist-like friend:D and the smart girl who always decides on whatever question they give me when they are confused.
-If about struggles/insecurity , the only thing I struggle abt is probably annoying people. I feel like I annoy people every time I talk to them and they don't seem happy. But I just wanna try cheer them up with hope that they won't feel even worse!
-Im a pansexual female(if that helps) and I swear, friends to lovers is smth I like a LOT.
Lastly, Hopefully I understood the guild lines right and doesn't get anything wrong! Have a good day/night/afternoon/time when u see this
An ESTP therapist friend? I did not expect that! I'm so used to therapist friends being ISFJs and INFPs, though in fairness, I can't say I've ever met an ESTP. Well, other than my late grandfather anyway.
From what I know about Tauruses (which my mom is one btw!), you like the best things in life and treasure home comforts. You are down-to-earth and loyal, but also very stubborn. (Also, side note! Your astrological skepticism is adorably ESTP and I love that for you 🥰)
Being an ESTP means your function stack is SeTiFeNi or simply SeTi. This means your primary function is Extraverted Sensing and is your main method of collecting information in you life. In it's simplest form, this just means you have to experience something to fully understand it. You understand better when you can touch it, see it, hear it, use all your senses on it. Hypotheticals simply aren't enough for you to grasp concepts and truly feel connected to them.
Next, you use Introverted Thinking. It's your auxiliary (or secondary) function that mostly operates in the background and supports your primary function Se. It's your logical frame work and reference material, which is used as a tool to solve problems you discover with your Se.
All of this paired with the rest of your info really brings one Brother to mind.
I pair you with...
Friends to lovers??? Say no more! Here's your ride or die bestie! Because let's face it, this man will be far too anxious to ask you out anytime soon, but he will have your back no matter what.
Mammon too is a shy extraverted. At least, he's shy to those who are new and matter to him, even if he tries to pretend otherwise. I can see him being afraid to annoy those who fall under this category too so he'd definitely empathize with you on this and go out of his way to make sure you know he could never be annoyed by you so don't worry about it! (I'd take this as a fun challenge, but that's just me hehe~). He'd really try to be comforting to you about your insecurities because, in truth, he has a lot of them himself, even if he pretends otherwise. In general, this man does a lot of pretending 😅
Mammon likes video games too so I can see him chilling and watching you play your RPGs and anytime you get stuck on a particular part, he'd gloat and say he could do it so easily. Then he'd actually try and 9/10 times fail worse than you did and the 1/10 get lucky and brag like "See? I told you The Great Mammon gots this!".
He'd ask to read your writings as well as a way of trying to support this hobby of yours, but not really make it that far into whatever story you hand him (I have a headcanon that Mammon struggles with dyslexia) so instead he'd ask you to just tell him about it yourself or better yet, read it to him.
Overall, I think Mammon would be a fun boyfriend who would go out of his way to understand you and support your interests. It might take a while for him to ask you out (if you yourself don't do it first at least), but once you are together, you'll never doubt his love and support of you 🥰
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itfitsitshipsart · 1 year
In celebration of your new book boyfriend, I have arrived with ask game questions hehe 😉
🌍Adventurecore🌎 , 🖕Bastardcore🖕 , 😱Expressionism😱 , 💾Internet Academia💾 , and 🚎Joyride🚎 for Grimoire Weiss please!!
( @pixelselfships )
^^ wonderful!~ let's get to it then!
🌍Adventurecore🌎 ~ If you could take your F/O anywhere in real life, where would you take them?
Am I allowed to say the bath? Cause I live dangerously and like to read books in the tub. XD that aside though, really there's nowhere in particular I'd want to take him, instead just wanting to take him everywhere my family vacations at. He can talk to me so I dont get carsick trying to read, and he's very smart so any rocks I find hiking or interesting flora and fauna he could probably identify.
🖕Bastardcore🖕 ~ Are there any “flaws” of your F/O that you find endearing?
oh, this book is flawed, please don't bonk me on the head with your spine, Weiss, and don't deny it, and I love it. So first off is just how arrogant and haughty he is, it's amazing just how much more superior he thinks he is to all humans. He also cannot shut up to save his life. He's always got something to say or a comment to make. It all adds to his charm though.
😱Expressionism😱 ~ Describe to us exactly how your F/O makes you feel! Or, for a twist, describe how you make your F/O feel! Or do both!
Confused? Warm and fuzzy? Complex feelings, that's for sure XD He makes me wanna hug and hold him, and feel his pages and smell that old book smell, but he also makes me feel confused just cause... he's a book. Not soft and fleshy, but a rectangle.
As for how I make him feel, sometimes exasperated XD thanks to my antics and bad humor and clinginess. But he also feels needed and wanted, and listened to, and sometimes respected. He would consider that he feels loved. Overall, not feelings he hates, and when I'm not around, feelings he kinda longs for again.
💾Internet Academia💾 ~ How did you discover your F/O or their source?
Alright, so a few years back my brother and I played Nier Automata and loved it, so we were excited with Relpicant coming out. But... we're also cheapskates with WAY too many games in our backlog to play, so the game came out and we waited until recently to buy it, and began playing just last weekend.
When we first met Weiss and heard his voice, my brother and I almost screamed. Mainly cause the VA is a voice we very easily recognize, and immediately we thought of Cumore (yes, Cumore from Vesperia. Mr. Pink Nut cup -_-' ). With that voice and him claiming we NEEDED him, I (cause I was playing at that time) refused to have him help. I was like "no way, that book cannot be trusted!" until we saw the game would not continue until we accepted his help.
Thank goodness our hand was forced! Cause we quickly realized he was a delightful and funny old book, and apparently attractive to me.
🚎Joyride🚎 ~ How would a road trip with your F/O, friends/associates, and you go?
If it's with my IRL friends (in which my first thought is friends from college) Imma have to keep one friend in particular from throwing hands with Weiss. Other than that it would all be good.
If it's me with Weiss's friends... maybe awkward. Kaine wouldn't let us live it down, they'd start arguing, I don't think I'd even get to spend much time with Weiss. Guess that's bonding time with Emil then!
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