#oc: avaraxi dagan
OC Tag Game
Got tagged by @starknstarwars thanks very much!
Will give out some no pressure tags to @swtorpadawan, @a-master-procrastinator, @dream-of-tanalorr, @imperial-topaz2003, @voidendron and anyone else that sees this and wants to give it a go!
favorite oc - Amarra Kine
I have fallen so hard for my girl Amarra. She is a force for political change yet has no vision for the future. She is one of the most powerful individuals in the empire yet has no ambition for personal power. She loves her family more than anything and yet she is completely alone in the empire. She is the deadliest warrior in the galaxy yet she wants peace for herself and her people. She is a mess of contradictions and I love her for it.
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newest oc - Lana Kine
Lana is my OC Kelsa Kine's youngest child. Lana was named after Kelsa's mother Lana Beniko.
(Lana is in the background and Kelsa is in the foreground)
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oldest oc - Ryscha Kine
When I made the decision to give SWTOR another chance at the start of the pandemic, I made Ryscha. She began as a semi-self insert before I just started making my Kine Family of OCs and she became her own person. (I did have two previous SWTOR characters that I made in like 2012 but I never really developed them into actual characters)
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meanest oc - Avaraxi Dagan
My mad scientist OC that will happily vivisect anyone if it gets them more usable data points. They did vivisect and ran numerous experiments on Kelsa Kine, even harvesting some of her eggs for later which is how Lana Kine and her siblings came to be.
Also diversity win! The mad scientist that's running unethical experiments on you is non-binary!
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softest oc - Bryala Kine
All Bryala wants in life is to be a good person and not disappoint those closest to her. And if she can help others along the way then she'll happily do so.
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most aloof/standoffish oc - Keras'eren'naru
She is a Chiss that believes in Chiss supremacy. Everyone else is beneath her and her people.
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dumbest (affectionate) oc - Inara Almari
She spent her early young adult life raiding dangerous tombs and ruins on the off chance that there might be ancient knowledge she can study. She will also forget about lab safety procedures if she gets too carried away while running experiments. Because she focuses so much on her work she was captured by Zakuulan forces on three separate occasions and all three times resulted in her being rescued by Ryscha Kine who eventually took her on as an apprentice. Inara might have also accidentally infected Ryscha with the rakghoul plague while developing a vaccine. Whoops sorry Master!
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smartest oc - Serra Kine
I mean she helped develop the refined Children of the Emperor procedures for Vitiate. Was trusted to develop a Children of the Emperor 2.0 generation using children actually sired by the Voice of the Emperor. While doing all this successful force experimentation, she also planed out a coup against Vitiate (which while unsuccessful in her life was more or less carried out by her daughters Amarra and Ryscha). She also discovered Nathema on her own and managed to negotiate an alliance with the spirits of Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow, Tulak Hord and Exar Kun on Yavin IV to help her take down Vitiate.
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horniest oc - Élise Kine and Braken Rist
This married couple enjoy dominating the other nobles of Alderaan in their spare time and will also happily engage in the whole sleep with a target before killing them assassination special. They usually go at it again with each other after said assassinations too.
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oc you'd bang - Damar Nakash
Damar is kinky, caring and enjoys making his partners quiver. Also those sith ridges are always mmmm
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oc you'd be best friends with irl - Inara Almari
I love folks that have special interests and hyper-fixations. Listening to them info dump passionately is always great and I enjoy learning new things that way. Inara fits that bill. She is also the right type of dumb ass that I would probably laugh a lot with her
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A little out of the ordinary
Whumptober 2022 Adverse Effects | Unconventional Restraints | “This wasn’t supposed to happen”
51 ATC. Kelsa Kine’s identity as a powerful force sensitive has been discovered by the Hutts. Eager to make a profit, the Hutts have begun renting Kelsa out to wealthy force users curious to learn about the Kine’s powerful connection to the force.
Avaraxi hummed to themself as Kelsa’s screams echoed around the lab. Kelsa’s connection to the force was fascinating. It was incredibly strong and her midi-chlorian count was naturally extremely high, higher than anything Avaraxi had ever seen.
Not for the first time, Avaraxi bemoaned that loss of the Alliance Commander. If Ryscha Kine had lived then they might have been able to gain another data point. Did the Kine’s artificially engineered connection to the force decay over generations? Was it a constant? Did it cause any other genetic abnormalities? And could the experiments done by Serra Kine which started all this be replicated?
So many questions and so little data.
Oh well. A person can only work with the data that they have, the zabrak mused to themself as they dug their hands around Kelsa’s exposed organs.
They were just taking a liver sample when the equipment around her let out a shrill warning. Avaraxi didn’t need to look at the instruments to know what had happened, they were staring into Kelsa’s open chest cavity after all.
It seemed that Kelsa’s heart had stopped. How odd.
Sighing in annoyance, they stopped focusing on the liver and instead moved their hands to Kelsa’s heart and used the force to get it pumping again. They then used their hands to poke and prod around her other organs to see what had caused the problem.
Hmm... nothing. Everything appeared to be in- well not perfect health, but good health.
But then how had this happened? Because it was not supposed to happen. It shouldn’t have happened, not with all the precautions they had taken to keep their subject alive.
Perhaps a closer examination was required.
Returning to the liver sample, Avaraxi placed it under the microscope.
“Oh now that is fascinating,” they mused aloud. It seemed that Kelsa’s midi-chlorians had some sort of natural defense mechanism that Avaraxi had never observed before.
Quickly returning to their subject, they took several other samples and confirmed the same reaction was happening throughout Kelsa’s body. The midi-chlorians were deliberately shutting down her organs.
They wondered why it was happening now of all times. If it was a conscious effort on Kelsa’s part then why had she not done something earlier when the cartel was torturing her? Was it perhaps a reaction to the force and how Avaraxi was using it on her body? None of the cartel enforcers were force sensitive as far as they were aware. Or more intriguing a thought, were the midi-chlorians acting on their own?
Smiling a toothy grin, Avaraxi wrote down a variety of notes and observations before diving back into their work. They had never felt so alive! Barely a few hours and Kelsa Kine was already proving to be the specimen of a lifetime! They would need to discuss an arrangement with the Hutts to conduct further experiments. Things to consider later, they thought before gleefully cutting more samples from Kelsa’s body.
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Third Galactic War OCs
OCs that I have made for the Third Galactic War era of SWTOR of my Kine Legacy. Any Kine Family OCs from the era are here.
In my canon, the Third Galactic War breaks out in 52 ATC after almost two decades of peace enforced by the Alliance and close to another decade of growing tensions after the Republic bombing of Odessen.
Jayla Sunrider - Jedi Knight
Riqi Sartori - Jedi Knight
Zola Teks - SIS agent
Tanah’ezu - SpecForce soldier
Anaya Von - Colonel in Imperial Special Forces
Lapra’na - Sith Lord, member of the Sphere of Military Command
Alec Sharpe - Sergeant in Imperial Special Forces
Jade Ivor - Sith Lord, member of the Sphere of Sith Doctrine
Avaraxi Dagan - Rogue Sith Lord
Republic OCs
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Jayla Sunrider
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Birth year: 30 ATC
Sexuality: Heteroflexible
Profession: Jedi Knight
Jayla was a descendent of the legendary Nomi and Vima Sunrider. Like her ancestors before her, she was highly skilled in the art of Battle Meditation. Her ancestry and abilities meant that a great deal of pressures and expectations were placed on her. To cope, she started to pull pranks and gained a reputation as a mischief maker. Noticing that this was a coping mechanism, Biraka Neldorr, the newly appointed Grand Master, took Jayla as one of her students to ensure that the pressures of the Order would not crush her. Jayla would go on to befriend another of Biraka’s students, Riqi Sartori and the pair became fast friends with many believing that the pair would become great Jedi Knights.
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Riqi Sartori
Gender: Female
Species: Human / Mirialan mix
Birth year: 29 ATC
Sexuality: Demisexual
Profession: Jedi Knight
Riqi was the daughter of Khefren Shuffi, a member of the Sixth Line, and Nyra Sartori, the former CO of Havoc Squad. She was raised on Odessen along with many other children of Alliance personnel. With the fall of the Alliance and the Republic bombing of Odessen, Riqi was left traumatized and angry. This made it extremely difficult for her when she was taken to the newly rebuilt Jedi Order. Fortunately, Biraka Neldorr, the Barsen’thor and newly appointed Grand Master of the Order, noticed this anger and chose to personally take Riqi as a padawan to help her deal with her trauma. Riqi found it difficult being a part of an order that routinely served the Republic, the same government that refused to aid her parents in their fight against Zakuul and later destroyed her home. But Biraka managed to convince Riqi that the Jedi were not the Republic. Yes, the Order might have historically defended the Republic but that did not mean that Biraka and the rebuilt order would stand idly by and allow the government to bomb worlds like Odessen again.
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Zola Teks
Gender: Female
Species: Togruta
Birth year: 23 ATC
Sexuality: Pansexual
Profession: SIS Agent
Zola’s family has a long history of serving the Republic. One of her ancestors even served aboard the fleet that destroyed the Star Forge. Being born into an era of peace, Zola pursued higher education with an economic focus. She eventually became a financial auditor working for the Republic.
It was her actions as an auditor that eventually gained the attention of the SIS. She was auditing senate budgets when she discovered irregularities. Her investigation led to the discovery of a ring of senators that were receiving payments from corporations with ties to the Empire. The SIS were impressed with her work and decided to recruit her.
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Gender: Female
Species: Twi’lek
Birth year: 25 ATC
Sexuality: ?
Profession: Republic SpecForce soldier, Nova Squad leader
Tanah’ezu was born into slavery on Nar Shaddaa. It was a hard life and she suffered. But being surrounded by crime, she also gained a lot of skills. By the time she escaped, thanks to some SIS agents that were disrupting her master’s business, she had medical skills, slicing abilities and was a talented brawler.
She was incredibly grateful for the SIS agents role in her escape and eventually enlisted in the Republic military. Her drive to help others as she was helped led her to excel and eventually join Republic SpecForce. After many successful assignments, Tanah’ezu was eventually given command of her own squad.
Imperial OCs
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Anaya Von
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Birth year: 1 BTC
Sexuality: Bisexual
Profession: Colonel in the Imperial Army, CO of the Sith Support Group (SSG) special forces unit
Anaya was born on Ziost to a lower class family. She enlisted in the Imperial Army but scored well enough on aptitude tests that she was sent to officers school. She was still studying on Ziost when the Vitiate attacked and consumed the planet. Her actions in assisting Imperial Forces during the crisis earned her a field promotion and she went on to serve as part of the ground forces aboard the Imperial Forward Command fleet during Zakuul’s invasion.
After the treaty was made with Zakuul, Anaya joined Imperial Special Forces and had a long and successful career. Her skills were noted by Darth Krovos who selected her to run a new special forces unit the Sith Support Group. The SSG would train soldiers to serve and fight directly alongside Sith during high risk operations. Anaya accepted and the SSG quickly became one of the most successful and deadly units in the Imperial Military, with its operatives often being compared to the CIphers of old given their resourcefulness and ruthless efficiency.
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Gender: Female
Species: Twi’lek
Birth year: 26 ATC
Sexuality: Demisexual
Profession: Sith Lord, part of the Sphere of Military Command
Lapra’na was raised on Odessen, along with her elder sister. She attended classes at the force enclave and was a very promising student. But when the Republic bombarded Odessen, Lapra’na’s sister was killed helping others to evacuate. This left her with a lingering hatred for the Republic and led to her and many other Alliance survivors to join the Empire.
She went to Korriban and passed her trials, outmatching almost all of her Imperial born counterparts. Her skills and hatred of the Republic drew the attention of Darth Krovos who took on Lapra’na as an apprentice.
Despite her hatred of the Republic, Lapra’na still maintains genuine if strained relationships with other former Alliance personnel that fled back to the Republic or simply remained independent of the two galactic super powers.
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Alec Sharpe
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Birth year: 20 ATC
Sexuality: Bisexual
Profession: Sergeant in the Imperial Army, SSG Alpha Team leader
Alec was raised in an era of peace for the Sith Empire. Because of this, he  was able to pursue other passions besides loyalty to the Empire. While he still devoted himself to the military, he also gained an appreciation for literature and poetry in particular. This appreciation extended to cultures beyond the Empire, so when opportunities for cross training alongside Alliance military personnel came up, he took it.
His time training with the Alliance was brief but gave him greater opportunities within the Empire when he returned and he eventually joined Imperial Special Forces. Having trained alongside Alliance Force sensitives, he was eventually chosen to join the newly created Sith Support Group. His time training with the Alliance proved invaluable to the new special forces unit as he had an appreciation for alien cultures (more and more Sith were aliens) and already had a background working directly alongside force users.
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Jade Ivor
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Birth year: 26 ATC
Sexuality: Lesbian
Profession: Sith Lord, part of the Sphere of Sith Doctrine
Jade was born on Dromund Fels during the time of peace that the Alliance brought to the galaxy. As a child, she loved watching the Imperial Reclamation Service excavating ruins. It inspired a lifelong interest in history and archeology.
After completing her trials, Jade joined the Sphere of Sith Doctrine and was part of the team that studied the holocron and philosophies of Kel’eth Ur. This led to her pursuing research into other force philosophies. Her research quickly caught the attention the Sphere of Military Command which created a joint task force with Sith Doctrine to study and learn to combat alternative force philosophies such as those of Zakuul as they managed to defeat the Empire during Arcann’s conquest.
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Avaraxi Dagan
Gender: Non-binary
Species: Zabrak
Birth year: ?
Sexuality: ?
Profession: Sith Lord, part of the Sphere of Sith Doctrine
Avaraxi has always been fascinated with understanding how things work. As a child they would often take things apart and put them back together just to learn how they worked. This mindset extended into adulthood with Avaraxi developing an obsession with truly understanding the force and how it impacts the universe.
Their position in the Sphere of Sith Doctrine gave them access to all sorts of secrets and knowledge. They began to focus on the Emperor and how he managed to gain such a mastery of the force. Needing to understand, Avaraxi started a ceaseless hunt for more information about him and the rituals that kept him alive for so long. Their hunt led them to the eldest daughter of the Alliance Commander, who was herself an experimental daughter of one of Vitiate’s Voices. Avaraxi found Kelsa Kine being held by the Hutts and paid a fortune to gain access to and experiment on her.
They gained a far greater understanding of the Emperor and the Force through their experiments and had intended to pay more or even steal Kelsa for themself. But Kelsa somehow managed to escape Hutt slavery, causing Avaraxi’s research to come to a halt. Since then, Avaraxi has been hunting for Kelsa and any other surviving Kines, eager to continue their work.
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Hehehe 😈 Kelsa has three biological kids that she didn't even know about!
So after her identity as the eldest daughter of the Alliance Commander (and granddaughter of Vitiate) was discovered by the Hutts, Kelsa was “rented out” to wealthy clients that were interested in her strong connection to the Force (in addition to the Hutts selling off samples of her blood and other genetic material with high midi-chlorian counts).
One of the most frequent clients was a Sith Lord, Avaraxi Dagan.
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The only thing that Avaraxi wants is to understand the mysteries of the Force and its role in the universe. If they knew that tearing the universe apart would grant them the understanding they seek, then Avaraxi would pull the universe apart atom by atom. So, poor Kelsa (granddaughter of perhaps the most powerful force user in all history) was subjected to many horrific Force experiments all so Avaraxi could better understand the Force.
During those experiments, Avaraxi harvested various genetic materials from Kelsa, including some of her eggs. With those eggs, Avaraxi grew children and continued their experiments on those children after Kelsa escaped from Hutt captivity. Not all of those children would survive the experiments.
Eventually, Kelsa discovered that someone was selling midi-chlorian rich genetic material on the black market and she became suspicious that it might somehow be related to her. She followed the samples back to their source and discovered that the Sith that had haunted her nightmares for years was behind it. She also learned that there were three children still alive and being experimented on by Avaraxi. Realizing that these were in fact her children, Kelsa set out to rescue them.
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Hm thinking that Kelsa might one day discover that she has children out there in the Empire. My mad scientist oc Avaraxi Dagan could have harvested some of her eggs when they were conducting some experiments on Kelsa. It isn’t like the Hutts were going to give Kelsa a complete rundown of everything done to her so she had no idea this happened. Avaraxi experiments with the eggs, hoping to learn more about the force experiments that made the Kines so powerful and in doing so makes some kids to conduct more experiments on.
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I know nothing about them yet but I was just really vibing with a spikey, zappy sith
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Diversity win! The Sith that has been torturing and conducting experiments on you is non-binary!
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Oooo glowy force!
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32 and 40 for Loyat and 23 and 50 for Kelsa 👀
Thank you for asking @palepinkycat! Haven’t really had many Loyat thoughts recently so this was really nice!
You've Got Questions and I've Got Answers OC Edition
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32. If they could change one thing about themselves what would it be?
If this is before Ilum, Loyat would probably want to get rid of her fear. She might be a strong Sith but at her core, she is afraid. She fears being seen as weak, of being taken advantage of and suffering the consequences of failure. If she could get rid of her fear then she thinks she would be much more content.
After Ilum, when she has begun a relationship with Ryscha, she really wouldn’t want to change anything about herself. Everything she is and has gone through led her to where she is now and she is happy with where she is. She has people that she loves and trusts, why would she risk that by changing who she is?
40. If they found a sword in a stone would they try to pull it out? How would they react to being able to pull it out or not?
Yes Loyat would try to pull it out. During her time with Arho it would have been because she desires more power to keep herself safe and secure in the Empire. There would be a huge sense of relief and pride because she has such a powerful artifact (assuming it is a sword that grants the user power) to protect herself with.
If it was after Arho and Ilum then she would probably try to pull it out as a joke, not really expecting it to work. And if it did work then she’d be very surprised and not really know what to do with it. She is already free of Arho and the dangers of Imperial and Sith politics so she doesn’t really need or want the sword and its power. She might offer it up to Ryscha or Amarra.
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23. How would they want to die?
Hm. Well when she was still living on Odessen, she wanted a hero’s death. She was being raised to eventually take over the running of the Alliance and expected to live and die in that role. As long as her death was in the service of the greater good, then she would be content.
When she was a slave and a lab rat, she wanted to die to escape all of the tortures and experiments that she was being put through. She didn’t care how it happened, she just wanted all the pain and suffering to end.
After joining the mandalorians and creating her own Clan, she hopes to die peacefully surrounded by Unna and her children (both adopted and her biological children that she rescued from my OC Avaraxi Dagan). Might not be very mando of her but she has had too much excitement in her life and wants a quiet death.
50. What is your favorite thing about them?
I think my favorite thing about Kelsa is her never ending desire to protect her family. She tried to stop caring, because caring about other just leaves you vulnerable to betrayal. But she could never truly stop caring about Élise, Bryala and even the Tiralls. She won’t hang around to get hugs and affection from them but she will drop what she is doing to go and save their lives.
She does the same thing and drops everything, even sacrifices her own freedom, to try and save the children she never knew she had from Avaraxi’s experiments.
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