#also I imagine her color scheme to be mainly yellow
quibbs126 · 9 months
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Okay I’m trying to work on Cheese Fondue, but I don’t know what to do for her outfit
I kind of want to give her an outfit that’s something like what the TBD have, but also I’m not sure if she works with the TBD because that’s confusing (context: the idea is she’s Dark Fondue’s mom because I overthink DF, and also I imagine the TBD to sort of exist outside of time so people from different times can work there at the same time, but I don’t think that’s actually how it works). But at least she has an aesthetic similar to them, or like something kind of business-y, if that makes sense
Also I want her to have a dress or some sort of skirt, or something like that. I’m gonna be honest I really only have vague ideas for her
If anyone can give suggestions that’d be much appreciated
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author-main · 1 year
Tell me about the character design for Wild, Shad and Twi.
Let’s just do one character per ask. You’ll see why. This is gonna be for the baby, Wild.
Note: Wild’s current pronouns are they/them. Some stuff from 2020 use he/him for Wild, but Dec 2020 onward, Wild’s pronouns have changed. There may be a time in the future where they use she/her or something else.
I should start off with the original idea for Wild back in 2020. Due to my own artistic limitations, Wild and the other Links were a lot thinner back then. They also looked very similar to each other. Now I make it a point to have the Links look as different from each other as I can. That way when they do look similar in some way, it’s on purpose and not because of any skill issues.
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At the time I started Ask-LU-Wild, I was still very new to the fandom. But I had written a fanfic series before the Ask blog that I call Poe!Wild. So my original idea of ALUW Wild came from what I imagined Poe!Wild looked like, but with a completely different personality. 
When they first met the chain, their hair was heavily singed and their eyebags? Bad. Their scars were also pretty different, along with the length and look of their ears. But everyone’s ears have changed drastically since 2020, that’s an artistic preference turned into actual world building. All of these things have changed over time. Their hair will always change length and look. It’s very fun giving them different styles to wear. Ever since I’ve changed my original brush, I’ve had a hard time figuring out how I want to draw Wild’s eyebags, but they’re still pretty terrible. Their scar pattern has changed and I sadly can’t add the amount of detail to them that I used to without making Wild’s face look cluttered. I'll talk more about their features later.
It was on purpose that Wild looked older than they actually were. Back in the day, I remember Wild acting as if they were an old man, because they kind of feel like one despite being 17. Not only are they 100 years older than they look but Wild IS in a lot of physical pain and is very tired too. But ever since Checking Courage, they’ve looked much younger. Style changes + character development, I suppose.
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Wild is the median height of the Links, 4’10 (147.32 cm). They’re very muscular, but also very light.
Straight, thick, blonde hair with white streaks, azure blue eyes, pale. Roundish face. Very sharp teeth.
They have second-third degree burn scars all over their body, mostly on their left side. These are guardian blast scars and have a completely different texture to other burn scars. Their left ear is almost completely black and barely hangs on.
They also have a big scar on their right side caused by a lynel. Malice entered that wound.
There are 2 burn scars on their left shoulder caused by a flame blade
Cautery wound on their right leg
Rough soles and palms, and chipped nails from climbing and running.
Diamond motif, sheikah motif
I won’t ever use #000000 or #FFFFFF for a character unless they are meant to look uncanny.
Wild’s main colors are blues and yellows, with some white. This is mainly because I wanted Wild to have an aesthetic similar to Sheikah Technology. Their champion’s tunic helps with this, along with the hylian trousers as they are mainly composed of blues, whites, and browns. But they of course wear other clothes so… yeah
Their skin used to be a lot peachier pre-calamity than it is now. This is something that they share with Wars. I decided it was because they both lost their battles against Ganon/Ganondorf and it changed them physically. 
Something I added to Wild’s character design during the Checking Courage arc: White streaks in their hair. I think this is a good time to mention that WIld’s middle name Punica means something and was chosen based on things from BotW.
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THE HERO’S CLOTHES Full of Greens, Browns, and Reds. They fit in a lot with the other Links visually with it on. I decided that most/all heroes will have a Farore symbol on their hero clothes, and that started with the Set of the Wild (SotW). Most of them are on the back, close to the collar.
The SotW was a reward from the sheikah monks after completing all 120 shrines. Therefore, there are some sheikah tech symbols on the fabric and leathers. And a metal sheikah eye hangs on the top of the hood. Cap was turned into a hooded cape with braided tassels. Farosh is embroidered on the back. There’s a triforce pin that holds the cape together.
The tunic is made up of several layers: Brown long tunic, green shawl (?), leather breastplate, dark green sleeves, leather arm braces. Their belt has a pouch design for the sheikah slate.
For the pants, they’re just brown shorts. Wilds normally wear bandages on their legs because they chafe. The boots were fun to draw and actually look pretty comfortable to wear?
The set of the wild has to be one of my favorite side projects related to ALUW.
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WILD'S FAMILY Wild is the only Link with a thought-through family history. I’ll just draw them all here.
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Note: These portraits are obviously not contemporary. -Caeras: 29 -Sonya: 39 -Misko: 22 -Wild: 17 -Milo: 66 -Liliaz: 65 -Lucy: 34 -Othinn: 70
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creativeskull95 · 2 years
Another Succubus!Uzi AU Thingie
*gets teleported out of hell through unknown forces*
  …Welp, that was terrifying.
  Anyways I have more ideas for the Succubus!Uzi AU so…yeah.
  (You might wanna put this under a cut again I’m not sure.)
  (Once again, important details in Italic. Feel free to comment.)
Commentary will be not bullet pointed cause I’m having formatting issues.
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To start off, I just want to say that Nick and Vanessa live in an apartment near their college as they didn’t particularly like dorms. Just pointing that out there
Everyone’s sexual preferences are the same, Uzi is a hard sub, Nick is a switch, and Vanessa is very much a dom
Vanessa is a dominatrix in her spare time. She sometimes uses her…skillset, on Nick sometimes during sex
To get an idea on what her dominatrix looks like, see the eighth prompt of this: https://mobile.twitter.com/Inkhandprint/status/1442613819168133122
Succubi produce invisible and gas-like hormones that act as an aphrodisiac, causing a person to go into Heat. These hormones usually last a few hours unless replaced by a fresh batch. The effects of these hormones usually go away an hour or two after being off of it.
Uzi produced a lot of hormones during Spring Break to use them on Nick and Vanessa. They didn’t leave their apartment that week. They all decided that Spring Break was going to be their…Loose Time, where they all…let loose ;)
I’m imagining her just collecting them all up in jars, to be released first day of Spring Break.
N: Uzi what’s with all the jars?
Uzi: You’ll find out. ;)
Uzi’s just tall enough to reach Nick’s crotch
Nick and Vanessa’s college has a very lean dress code, so they just wear what they usually wear what they usually wear
Nick and Vanessa’s outfits are similar to the ones they have in the pilot 
Nick wears a heavy leather jacket with a yellow shirt underneath, blue jeans, and some leather boots
Nice. Though in my vampire au, while he wears the jacket he doesn’t wear a shirt underneath.
Vanessa wears a black leather jacket, some short shorts, stockings, and underneath a sports bra, a net shirt connected to her waste.
Vanessa’s outfit is basically a combination of the first and sixth prompt of the link listed above
Ooo, that’s a good outfit for her.
Uzi’s tattoos act as her outfit, as they can change from just being tattoos to hard black purplish leather in a moment. Her tattoos just so happen to go over her privates, only barely, by the way
Uzi has a purple color scheme going. Naturally purple hair, Magenta eyes, black wings with a purple tint, purple choker, that sort of thing
Nick is VERY well endowed. It’s almost longer than his thighs. Just throwing that out there
Nick, like in Wireplay, is very good when it comes to sex. Also just throwing that out there-
Casual sex was always a thing in Nick and Vanessa’s apartment, but became more of a thing when Uzi arrived. N checking his phone while uzi sucked on his morning wood, Vanessa helping Nick find a specific book for school while railing a tied, blindfolded Uzi with a strap-on, Nick and Vanessa casually talking while both fucked Uzi, Uzi rambling about some anime she likes while getting absolutely pummeled by Nick who’s also listening intently, that sort of thing
That seems a little too much, but makes sense if it’s an influence from Uzi. Succubi are probably already really casual with sex, so I can see it transferring unintentionally onto her two roommates.
The Star’s Allure is an underground brothel run by succubi, intent on bringing pleasure to all. Nobody knows of the brothel outside of the usual demons and demon fuckers, so they don’t really have to worry about payments. Uzi’s a regular there
The two details below this ask are remakes of old ones, mainly because I might have exaggerated a bit
Uzi is one of the biggest sluts known to her fellow succubi. A grand achievement for a succubus to achieve
Uzi thinks about cock. Constantly. Not enough that it takes up every facet of her mind, but enough that the thought of Cock is ever present in her brain
Good retcons. They did seem a little bit extreme before, so this seems more realistic.
Despite the two details above, Uzi is very vanilla with Maia. The two almost have a sibling-like relationship. Sometimes Thad will even let Uzi babysit her, she’s that good with Maia. They talk about their favorite shows and anime and random stuff that doesn’t matter. It’s nice!
Yay happy platonic bonding!
Like the Strip Club AU, this au is strictly episodic and doesn’t have an overarching plot. It’s a slice of life sitcom mixed with hentai and that’s all there is to it. Just wanted to let ya know
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And that’s all I’ve got for now!
  …except it isn’t because I’m thinking bout doing a submission about succubus lore-
  Anyways, hope you liked…whatever this is.
  Till next time!
Note: I saved this post as a draft to fix a formatting issue, and that’s what took away my ability to be purple. I think. I still don’t understand Tumblr. :/
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Style Headcanons
So basically, I’m a big hater to the way the costume team worked on them. The whole “All Isle kids wear Leather” and “Auradon Kids always look like they’re on their first kid and on the way to the country club” thing drives me crazy. It sorta feels like they made costumes before giving them personalities (The leather on Carlos  and Evie feels like it clashes with their personalities. Lonnie’s dresses in the first movie doesn’t fit the personality we see, even though she didn’t have much of a personality until movie two. Audrey dressed like a thirty-four year old mother who just picked up her kid before going to the country club. Ben’s only good outfit was his swim trunks.) So here are some personal headcanons and pictures of what I imagine for them. (I started making them at 1am last night lol)
Villain Kids 
As someone raised to want to be a princess, she wants to dress like how she imagines a princess would.
She loves pastels and is no stranger to pairing pastel blue with a neutral red or bright white. 
The only pants she really wears are either athletic shorts or those little flowy elastic shorts, otherwise she’s all skirts.
She’s sorta a prep but not in the same way a character like Audrey would be. 
Evie has respect for most aesthetics, even though she doesn’t fully fit just one. However, she hates crocs and those little pastel shorts that white boys wear, she will announce it often.
Wouldn’t be caught dead in neon colors. 
owns a blue fur coat (it’s fake fur, obviously)
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Baby boy is a total softie
You know that one gay little sweater in movie one, that’s where they went right, more of that.
He’s into the soft boy aesthetic and only strays from it for formal wear
loves layering sweaters over button ups
Cuffed jeans, always because ya know, bisexual 
Owns a floral button up from Jay, normally he hates patterned button ups but it’s his favorite shirt. 
Loves striped sweaters, he owns about 6 variations of them in different colors (all include red, white, or black of course)
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In theory, Jay doesn’t really have one aesthetic, he’s willing to try on just about anything
Most of his clothing was bought by Evie or Carlos, especially his formal wear
The only clothes that Jay will buy for himself is athletic wear
He doesn’t really see the point of buy clothing that he can’t go straight to practice in. 
Still has the beanie,  but he owns one in just about every color to match it to his outfit.
Listen, we know Jay’s main color is yellow/gold, but why did we always see him with more red/blue in the movie? What type of snow white aesthetic were they trying to give him?
Jay owns a button up that he write on, he refuses to wear it actually buttoned though
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She loves the grunge/alternative aesthetic, she thinks it makes her look more like she belongs to the Isle
She wouldn’t wear skirts until after she and Evie became friends, Evie bought her her first skirt (a purple plaid one) and she fell in love with it
Mal has a whole jewelry box of just chains, both necklaces and ones that attach to clothing 
Owns a pair of Demonia Swing-815 boots (black patent) and a pair of Demonia Camel-203 boots (holographic purple) 
100% owns one of those studded hot topic belts. 
Has a headband with little horns that symbolize her mother’s horns 
Instead of the leather half gloves from the movie, she has those little fishnet gloves and covers her hands in rings.
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Her style is similar to Mal’s because if Mal is going to do something, Uma will do it better.
Uma only wore outfits that were super Fem and had skirts until Mal started doing it
Then it was Uma always wearing pants, because of her love for plaid skirts she owns a whole collection of plaid pants
the only jeans she owns are black or dark wash. 
Her first ever large purchase was a pair of Doc Marten 1460 Zip Tartan Lace up boots (they’re green, black, and blue plaid) 
She and Harry bought matching Doc Marten Jadon platforms (his are more shiny though)
Isn’t as into chains as Mal, more into chockers. 
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When the E-boy aesthetic came out, Harry was all over it 
Harry definitely has one of those chains with a little lock on it. 
I’d like to imagine he has baby gauges
the before mentioned platform doc martens, he definitely treats them like his baby
Even though Harry dresses like an e-boy,  he always has his pirate hat on
Definitely wears cloth masks as a fashion piece he actually would wear his in the pandemic though, unlike some people who wore them before but not for safety 
Harry is actually really good at graphic liner, he owns a gold, red, and white eyeliner to add color to the outfit if it’s mainly black
Bought plaid pants because Uma did, he want’s to match with his captain
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As we know (maybe you don’t) it’s in the canon that Gil’s mother taught him to sew and he enjoys it. 
So Gil doesn't dress in one aesthetic or even close to being in one, he wants to try out everything, both making and wearing them.
He does stick to a monochrome color scheme though, mainly shades of brown with white or black thrown in. Sometimes he adds a little red or yellow though to “honor” Gaston
Most of his clothing is more comfortable than anything
Only owns three pairs of jeans, the rest are different types of pants (he loves corduroys) 
Owns a pants chain that harry bought him but he only really wears it when Harry and Uma are wearing one so he won’t feel left out on it. 
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Baby girl has seen the Isle steal the childhood innocence from people, she dresses in kidcore as a way to keep hers
Her outfits always has at least 4 different colors in it.
No stranger to neon colors, she has a pair of overalls that are neon rainbow and covered in gummy candy and she only wears them with a neon green tee, Evie and Carlos hate this outfits, Jay loves it because of the disappointment it brings to the two fashion fans 
Dizzy’s outfits in the movie were colorful obviously but they should have been just more over the top
She loves patterns and has no fear of pattern mixing
definitely owns some funky earrings, clay rings, and  statement necklaces
puts beads on her shoe laces, especially on her converse (they were white ones, she drew all over them) 
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Auradon Kids 
Okay so Ben’s animated and movie outfits were bad, you can’t convince me of anything else
Why was Ben not dressed in the soft boy aesthetic? You’re trying to tell me that Belle’s son wouldn’t be a soft boy?
He has a jean jacket with his father’s beast symbol painted on the back
Absolutely loves graphic crewnecks, often layers them over collared shirts
He and Carlos go shopping together often in their free time
Lover of funky crew socks,  ones with paintings, patterns, logos, whatever. But his socks always match
After he and Mal started Dating, he bought a white jean jacket and let her paint it, he wears it all the time even though it didn’t match his original clothing, he bought more clothes in her color scheme to match it
He owns like 6 pairs of high top converse (light blue, yellow, white, navy, black, and Purple after getting the jacket back from Mal)
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Listen, out of everyone he was the closest to how I imagined he should be, that being said, he had a little soft boy thing going on in some movies that I don’t think fit his personality
Polos and button ups are basically all he owns, but he does have some of those pastel simply southern esc graphic tees (Southern people probably know what I’m on about, all the guys who act like Chad at my school have like 5 of them each)
Owns 6 pairs of those horrid little southern boy pastel shorts in different shades of blue (plus 1 white pair)
Will not wear jeans, ever, the only pants he owns are khakis
All over the shirts that have logos embroidered into the shirt over the chest. 
Definitely gets asked if he’s on the way to golf/ the country club, the joke is that he is, he has to meet his father there after school
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Listen, I’m not an Audrey stan, but they did her so dirty in the first movie
She should have been the stereotypical mean girl outfit wise, I mean, mini skirts, all pastels
Owns a pink teddy coat, and a white one, she actually cares about if they get dirty though, takes good care of them
definitely has a collection of tennis skirts, pairs them with sweaters/crewnecks or blouses that have a slight puff to the sleeve
The type of girl to wear rufflely rompers on her birthday every year, pink, white, or baby blue obviously
loves those tiny shoulder bags
preppy and looks good in it. 
cropped polos and tube tops
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This account is a Jane should have been cottage core/ fairy core fan page, her outfits were almost there, just not there, she’s literally a fairy but can’t use magic nor did they let her dress like one, I hate it here
Baby girl loves gingham and floral patterns, some of her dresses are a little more to her mother’s taste than hers (her mother bought them) but as long as it’s a pattern she likes she will wear it. 
Cardigans are her best friend, she owns one in multiple shades of pink and blue, plus a white one (all of her clothing fits a pastel pink/blue/white color scheme)
Babydoll dresses her a her favorite style of them (the one I put in the top right corner is what I imagine her birthday dress as) 
People try to mockingly ask if she’s on her way to a tea party/picnic (like they do with Chad and the country club) if the answer isn’t actually yes one of her friends still say yes, no one can be rude to her about it 
She owns a corset (Evie bought it for her, it made her nervous at first but she loves it) 
Owns kitten heels and flats mainly also two pairs of mary janes (in white and blue) 
has one of those little pearl purses that aren’t really useful but they’re cute 
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Last but not least, our funky little lesbian (she is, Jay is just her emotional support queer man) Lonnie, she sticks to the teal, blue, and pink color scheme they gave her in movie one
She mainly wears sweats (or athletic clothing) otherwise it’s graphic tees tucked in (many of them are from the men’s section) 
Only wears sneakers, she has places to be but also collects them (also owns 1 pair of pink crocs, Evie tried to burn them)
Carlos and Ben talked her into wearing a collar shirt under a graphic tee once (they bought her a sleeveless button up which she hated at first) and now she does it anytime she wants to look like she put effort into her outfit. 
Wears a lot of necklaces and rings (she loves to layer necklaces, she thinks it makes her sweats look less boring) 
Uses a mini backpack instead of a purse, easier to carry more things.
Has two pairs of custom painted air forces. 
Hates wearing bracelets but always has to have a hair tie on her wrist so they don’t feel empty .
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winxngasks · 2 years
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🐉🔥 Bloom, Fairy of the Dragon Flame 🔥🐉
Actually had this done for a couple of days, but here is the first of the redesigns! I’ve been inspired by a lot of other redesigns, so many of them are so creative so it was kind of hard trying to come up with ideas that haven’t already been done or are unique. I tried my best, though!
These will mainly just be my ideas for their physical appearances, for some of them probably just outfit ideas for their civilian/casual looks too. I will mainly be doing hair, special physical features(like freckles for Bloom, for example), three outfit ideas, and then some sort of accessory idea! Keep in mind that while I am just sticking to these basic elements for each of them, I do see all the girls in other outfits or looks than the ones I’ll be sharing, which will mainly be based off of their season 1 + 2 looks. I will be doing the main 6 girls, but I might also do the Trix or some of the other characters later if anyone is interested in seeing those. I might also do their fairy forms at some point too, or perhaps even other ones(like formal attire, makeup, piercing or tattoo ideas, etc), so if that is something you are interested in or have questions about, feel free to let me know! Other than that, I hope you enjoy~ ^w^
Details for Bloom’s look above are included under the ‘readmore’!
- For Bloom’s physical appearance, I imagine her to be one of the shorter members of the Winx, around average height but the second-shortest of the girls, with an average, soft, round body type that is a little more curvy in the hips/thighs. For her hair, I still imagine it to be the fiery-orange color it is, in a messy/wavy style that is about shoulder-length. Eyes are the same color, as well as her having a fair skin tone, but for extra physical details I decided to give her freckles, as a little something extra for her appearance.
- For her color scheme, I kept the same blue scheme but decided to bring the yellow out more as a bolder element. As she lived her life on Earth I wanted to give her a more casual, down-to-earth, and comfy style, not too girly or tomboyish, but one that is still fun in its own way. I also wanted to lean a little more into the artsy side with her, with a lot of her clothes being ones she thrifted and modified herself, like painting on patterns or designs on her jeans or shoes. I also kept the denim looks for her too.
- For accessories, since she is an artist I imagine she would make most of them too, but one main one I wanted to give her here is some bunny necklaces, as they are her favorite animal and they just look cute.
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phoenixtakaramono · 3 years
Character Design Thoughts for Shen Yuan & Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky in ‘The Untold Tale’
(This is a Follow Up to This Post)
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Hello, @averydrearydiana! Loved reading through your tags! I’m excited that you’re excited! Since I’m also seeing comments on AO3 speculating about how our transmigrators are going to appear as in The Untold Tale, I might as well give my current thoughts and have this archived on tumblr for future reference.
A fun fact about TUT is that a lot of the imagery in the story is inspired by Chinese PVs and popular C-dramas and literature. Since TUT is conceived as a lovestory to SVSSS, one element that I’d wanted to incorporate is playful attempts at satirical genre deconstruction. With that comes with me playfully poking fun at some clichés or things I’ve noticed in Chinese works.
Shen Yuan’s Celestial Design
Before I talk about his mortal appearance, I have to give a lil context about his celestial design in the story. We already know what he looks like as the celestial fortuneteller in TUT’s cover art that I’ve already posted on tumblr. As everyone knows, I was heavily inspired by this Chinese PV:
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(TUT ch1 - Excerpt)
Among the things I’ve noticed are the fictional characters with white hair. We have a whole subculture of fans liking male character designs with white hair in anime and animation. Taking that a step further, they’ve even shown up in C-dramas, i.e. Teng She from Love and Redemption (technically more blond than platinum white, but shhhhh, just let me have this), Dong Hua Dijun from Eternal Love of Dream aka Three Lives Three Worlds, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms (rest assured, I’m aware of the source material’s controversy, but let’s not get into that here), etc. One of the tags for TUT is Opposites Attract. Luo Binghe’s color coordination is aligned with black and red mostly. Now, visually speaking, what’s the opposite of that?
The yin yang symbol.
Fun fact, besides black vs white, green (SY) is the complementary color of red (LBG) on the color wheel. Now taking everything I’ve said, to take it even one step further, my thought process at the time was, “why not go the extra mile then and just have SY be albino? Within context of the Heavenly Realm, that character design makes sense.” TUT is me subtly riffing off what I can (for the good ol’ meta humor), but making the content come across as a legitimate story experience. As Protagonist A and Protagonist B, LBG and SY have to look visually striking together. With all that said, let’s talk about....
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(In reference to the original tumblr post)
Shen Yuan (Mortal)
I’ll keep some elements of his albinism from his celestial form (light sensitivity and pale skin mostly), but SY’s mortal form is essentially SY pre-transmigration but within context of the xianxia genre.
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For his appearance, let’s just keep this Author’s Note^ and TUT’s summary in the back of our brains. This is the fanvid I was originally inspired by for SY’s mortal appearance:
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(TUT Summary - Excerpt)
For what he wears, I’m currently feeling very heavily inspired by this PV:
His mortal appearance wouldn’t be considered as “strange” or “otherworldly” compared to the “ethereal fairy-like beauty” SY retains in the Heavenly Realm, but as a side-effect of the 【PROTAGONIST’S HALO】 and his +20 CHARISMA stat, he would still be considered attractive to people even when he takes on a mortal appearance. (Mainly, I like the idea of Bing gē taking large shots of vinegar seeing SY turning heads no matter which appearance SY takes on, and Luo Binghe glaring at these “insects” for even “daring to lay their unworthy eyes on his fated person.” The thought of it just makes me laugh.)
What I mean by how SY’s mortal form being very much based on how SY appeared pre-transmigration but in the xianxia genre context, I mean he’ll have his dark hair (but longer), a “scholarly air” (as a nod to his novelist background), dark eyes, and even his glasses technically (the divine monocle mentioned in ch3, which is also a subtle nod to Sha Po Lang and a riff on men wearing monocles in other Chinese works andit’salsoforeshadowingbutshhhh).
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(TUT ch3 - Excerpt)
Shen Yuan originally was an author in his forties pre-transmigration, so I like the idea him having a mature air about him in the Cultivation World as well. So for both our Protagonist B’s celestial and mortal appearances, the idea is that you can look at him and immediately recognize him as a protagonist of the danmei setting. My only two prerequisites are that his appearance screams “hello, I’m Protagonist B” and that he appears in “scholarly” attire.
Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky (Mortal)
Keeping in mind the original tumblr post where I wrote my thoughts on who I’m transmigrating him as, currently I’m thinking it’s a combination of these two PVs for his mortal form:
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As a nod to him being a successful novelist, I wanted him to also appear scholarly. A scholarly crown prince, if you will. For his attire, imagine all the C-drama clothing you’ve seen actors wear in period dramas, and you already have a good idea already of the direction I’m heading down.
As the prince of the cannon fodder emperor, I very much like the idea of Airplane perhaps having a baby face and brown hair (as a small nod to fanon!SQH from SVSSS) but with a great body (a huge source of inspiration are clothing worn by Prince Yu and Prince Jing of the three princes from the C-drama Nirvana in Fire). Since Airplane will also be able to select his Character Creation stats like Shen Yuan had, one thing I’m fairly certain is that he will max out his CONSTITUTION—because “game logic” and not wanting to die. (For those who don’t know, the CON stat in tabletop RPs essentially indicates a person’s overall health, wellbeing, and vigor checks...so him maxing it out is equivalent to him being as invulnerable as a cockroach. A high CON means overall healthiness, which means your character probably is full of energy and vitality, can heal rapidly, and will rarely get sick—if ever. Low CON usually means a higher susceptibility to sickness and disease, wounds that fester and linger, and a general fatigue would haunt you, etc.) Like how SY zeroed in on his CHA, Airplane would have prioritized +20 CON (+5 modifier), especially knowing the fate that’d await him as a prince and the vicious environment that is expected for palace intrigue plots (the harem is a big factor, with concubines and consorts and even the empress sabotaging each other—just to win the favor of one man). Against poison or whatnot which is a cliché in palace intrigue plots, rather than relying on luck, you typically stand a better chance of passing the CON check if you have a high modifier aiding your checks. He’s basically become impervious to illnesses, most poisons (probably being able to spring back quickly), and is considered the healthiest prince in all the mortal imperial line. <- This could be taken both seriously and humorously simultaneously.
Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky (Deity/ Celestial)
For Xiàng Tiān Dà Fēijī’s “actual divine body” that is currently asleep and won’t be awakened until Airplane completes his mortal trial to “regain his cultivation powers,” the face should obviously be similar but, as Xiàng Tiān Dà Fēijī, he would appear regal and dignified as a god of this world:
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Imagine something along the lines of mortal Airplane as the man on the right, celestial Shen Yuan in the center, and deity/ celestial Airplane as the man on the left. I envision a respectable appearance that would knock the air out of Mobei jūn and make him recognize Airplane despite any visual dissimilarities, and in a way we have the Four Beauties of China: Luo Binghe, Shen Yuan, Mobei jūn, and Xiàng Tiān Dà Fēijī.
I will say I currently have an idea of making Airplane have “golden” eyes in both his celestial and mortal forms. (Spoiler alert: in my notes, I’d written down to give Airplane yellow eyes as an Easter egg to Yanxi Palace, I believe, where there was an episode where someone of the imperial harem schemed against the empress and almost had the newborn baby killed because that and the yellow skin was an inauspicious omen. We later find out through a timely intervention that the true reason was due to jaundice—because of the diet/ pregnancy cravings she ate for a period of time which resulted in her son’s symptoms. With Airplane’s high CON and another trope I’m bringing in which’ll have to do with the Medicine King’s Valley/ Valley of the Medicine King, his yellow eyes are the only side effect that lingered from that traumatic event which would have killed him had they gotten away with their scheme. A lot of palace dramas have to do with the vicious harem plots, so this would potentially be one such example.) The reason being that this is the identifying marker for MBJ to clue in that they’re the same man he will have loved. And I think that has romantic potential.
Now addressing the other tags, yes, essentially speaking, Mobei jūn might just very well experience his very own Big Damn Reunion trope that Bing mèi had suffered from SVSSS. Poor MBJ. He’s in a tumultuous ride of his own with him considering Airplane as his own fated person, hahaha. But for the Moshang dynamic, I want him—a demon—to find himself taken with Airplane in his mortal guise—and subsequently his true celestial appearance once he finds out. I very much also want SY to jokingly snark to his fellow transmigrator-and-writing-colleague about him getting in a relationship with his own “creation” (MBJ). And Airplane would jokingly snark back about SY “ruining his ‘first son’ as well” (LBG). If you can read between the lines of that, then kudos. I’m glad to hear you’re looking forward to the palace intrigue.
I’m especially very happy to hear you’re looking forward to the descriptions! I personally love worldbuilding in the stories I consume I’m an interior designer and realtor irl, so I’m glad my love of house details and landscape, etc shows in TUT. For the pseudohistorical vibe, in the Mortal Realm, I will be referencing the Forbidden City of our Chinese history and a couple popular period C-dramas. Take the settings of period C-dramas like Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace, Yanxi Palace, and Nirvana in Fire as examples for what will be awaiting us when we finally meet Airplane in his mortal body. In the Heavenly Realm, the descriptions will be heavily referencing shows that contain aesthetics such as those of Ashes of Love, Love and Redemption, and Eternal Dream.
Take this with a grain of salt just in case I change my mind later on, but in the chapter when we meet Airplane for the first time, I probably won’t say which character he is in the first scene. I’ll give plenty of hints in the first scene so that you all can make your guesses before the big reveal, but I’m fairly confident you all or most of you will be able to pinpoint who he is among the cannon fodders. We’ll meet the emperor, who is discussing with his sons about the matter regarding the approaching calamity that is Luo Binghe. Then when we transition into the second scene, we’ll know exactly which “royal prince OC” it is that our beloved Airplane has transmigrated into, hahaha.
(*Keep in mind, for everything written above, some details are subject to change. Nothing is official until it appears in the story, or I’ve actually drawn my ideas out and posted online to both my tumblr and twitter. These are just my current thoughts.)
A goal of mine for TUT is to make the story widely accessible, meaning it doesn’t matter if the reader is new to the SVSSS fandom or aren’t familiar with the Easter egg references or meta jokes or subtext or even the Chinese culture, or even if English is not their first language. Having knowledge beforehand might help someone notice more hidden details in TUT, yes, but it is a humble wish of this writer for her esteemed readers to be able to dive into the story and get the enjoyable feeling like they’re reading a genuine danmei novel. It really makes me smile whenever I hear feedback that I am able to emulate that experience.
Very exciting developments indeed are in store!
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petrichormeraki · 3 years
Unconfirmed Hels!Hermits Because I'm Bored And Love Wordplay:
Grian: Gealach
Grian means Sun, and Gealach means Moon! Fits pretty well as far as opposites go. I'd imagine Gealach would be very chill, calm and downright unfun to be around. In fact he probably chastices others whenever they disobey rules, so harshly that one would never want to disobey again. He probably wears mainly blue.
Stressmonster: Calmhero
Calm is the opposite of stress, but it was surprisingly difficult to find an antonym for "monster". Anyhow, despite the name, I'd think Calm is actually very high strung and serious, a stark difference to the bubbly and colorful Stress. Calm probably would force her surroundings and peers to match her idea of orderly and perfect, while Stress finds beauty in everything without changing a single thing. I imagine Calm probably wears all white, a complete absence of color.
Zedaph: Aleph
Zedaph's name origin is something I couldn't find, so I went more surface level with my idea. Zedaph has "Zed" in it, aka the Greek letter Zeta, so I just went with the Greek letter for A, which is Alpha! Alpha's phoenician pronunciation is Aleph though, and that sounded cooler. Zed is very chaotic and inefficient with the way he does things, so I imagine Aleph is very productive and quick at whatever he tries to do. He probably only makes machines for convenience, and even then doesn't add anything fun; they're just machines, and they're one purpose is efficiency. No fun decor or backstory in the slightest. Aleph would probably wear a suit/other stuffy attire.
Mumbo Jumbo: Clear Sense
Clear is probably one of the few Hels!Hermits that doesn't seem like they're from Hels. Whereas Mumbo is very anxious but creative and fast paced, Clear probably is very simple-worded and takes it slow. Clear is probably also very full of himself and thinks he's the best at whatever he does (since Mumbo is critically self conscious), but never tries to do anything new. I also think it'd be very funny if Clear had a beard and wore the Pacifico tropical shirt getup all the time instead lmao
TangoTek: WaltzWorx
Waltz is most likely a lot less cartoony with his redstone and ideas compared to Tango. While Tango made fun games like the collection maze run Decked Out, Waltz probably would not make games at all. I also think he would barely do any redstone/building at all, since Tango has to work on a huge project or he'll die of inactivity. Much like their respective dances, Waltz would be slow, calculated, and graceful, while Tango is much more sporadic, snappy, and high energy. Waltz's color scheme is of course blue and purple instead of red and yellow.
ImpulseSV: RestrainND
Restrain is most likely good friends with Waltz and Clear, because holy shit he would be SO SLOW. He'd probably take days to make a decision because he had to be sure it was the right one, and he's probably very uptight and left-brained compared to the human puppy dog that is Impulse. He'd probably match Waltz well with the purple color scheme.
Iskall85: Eldig58
Iskall means "ice cold", so naturally the opposite would be "red hot". Eldig is probably the most Helslike besides Helsknight; he's mean, short tempered and unfriendly to any who would come close. Basically take Iskall's friendly insults and remove the friendly. That savageness without restraint would be Eldig. His prosthetic robot eye would probably be an eyepatch instead, and on his right instead of his left. He'd have a more barbaric clothing theme, I reckon. Plus the red color scheme because even though it's not the direct opposite to green, his name literally means "red hot", come on!
BDoubleO100: BooDoubleO100
(Directly stealing from @fluffy-papaya and @sweetest-honeybee so go follow them please and thanks) Boogeyman!! Boogeyman Bdubs!! A phantom that haunts the night, builds underground nests of creepy crawlies and heebie jeebies, Boodubs would be TERRIFYING. The only thing close to a sweet and friendly big smile would be his horrifying teeth, so big and sharp that the sight of them would give terrors for weeks. The nightmares are his home, and under the bed is where he resides. He's the shadow in the closet that is mistaken for a lump of clothes, the split second of movement you see right when you open your eyes from a dead sleep.
This is getting long so I'll end it here but I have many more ideas if y'all are interested!! :D
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rena-rain · 4 years
Miraculous Holders’ Costumes - RANKED
#1 - Dragon Bug
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Dragon Bug’s design is the freaking epitome of asymetrical balance. Everything about this suit is both smooth and sharp. The curving stripes and spots give the impression of fire licking up her body, same with the flame-shaped horns in her hair. You can hardly go wrong with black, red, and gold. The upward-pointing hair accessories reflect her downward-pointing pigtails, adding more subtle balance, and I love the details on her mask.
#2 - Rena Rouge
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This design really suits Alya. The shape of the white front is both slimming and compliments her curves, and the black accents at her extremities are an excellent counterbalance to the white and orange. Also something about the coattails just completes Rena Rouge’s look! It’s the right shape too, because fox tails are on the bushier side, unlike cats and mice.
#3 - Chat Noir
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Chat Noir’s costume can be described as “black cat meets knight in shining armor but modern.” Let’s go from the head down. The change in hairstyle balances out his cat ears. His blond hair, green eyes, and gold bell are beautiful contrasts to the black suit, which has a subtle texture to the fabric. There are visible seams over his shoulders, arms, and torso that add visual interest to the design and makes his suit resemble armor - even more so with his boots and gauntlets. Those details are fantastic because black is extremely slimming and they give some emphasis to his shape. Between the ears, eyes, bell, claws, and tail, you could never mistake his aesthetic as anything but catlike.
#4 - Hawk Moth
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Do not tell me Hawk Moth’s costume isn’t sleek as hell. The monochrome works for him, the suit pairs well with his weapon being a staff, the overhead silver helmet-mask gives him a great villainous feel, and every pointy detail gives a sense of evil butterflies. I love that his miraculous is the focal point of his outfit, the light color contrast really draws the eye.
#5 - Snake Noir
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They definitely combined the best elements of the Chat costume and Aspik costume for Snake Noir. In a word, you can describe his design as “lithe.” The cyan pairs well with the green, especially because there’s a Chat Noir-green diamond on his chest. The snake elements are a bit subtler, with his head smooth, the design tapering down his body, the fangs on his mask, the scale texture on his suit and the lines running down his arms. It’s cohesive, elegant, and stark.
#6 - Bunnix
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I think Bunnix is meant to resemble a snowshoe hare. They didn’t give her a tail, but I think that’s what the little rounded ball accents are supposed to represent. The markings are bold and evenly distributed, making her look balanced and symmetrical. She actually has a vague vintage feel to her design: the white torso is reminiscent of a corset, which goes with the gloves, boots, and umbrella/parasol. Like Chat Noir, Alix’s hair makes a great contrast with the light blue and white. Also POCKETS.
#7 - Carapace
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I love how much Carapce emulates a turtle. His hood and cowl are shaped like a turtle beak and also hide his face, serving both to protect his identity and give the impression he can physically retreat into his costume. His shield looks like a shell, the designs on his hood look like common markings on turtles’ heads, and he has a tortoiseshell pattern on his chest and shield. Like Chat Noir, the lines of his suit give his arms and legs visual interest.
#8 - Queen Bee
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As much as I personally dislike the color yellow, Queen Bee’s costume has a straightforward elegance about it. Obviously the black and yellow stripes resemble a bumble bee but they’re also good for Chloe’s slender body type.. The black “neckline” and “gloves” are regal in flavor, suiting her moniker. You get a distinct bee impression from the sharpness of her stripes (a reminder of her stinging power), the black swirl around her hair, and the antennae-like hair ribbon.
#9 - Multimouse
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Multimouse is another example of a well-balanced and symmetrical design. It uses the reliable faux gloves and boots design with colors that go well together. Her buns and jump rope look like mouse ears and a tail. I have a suspicion the animators came up with it to easily combine with other miraculous powers, mainly by changing the color of the pink stripes post-unification. Overall, this costume is very cute. I won’t go over every permutation of the multimice combos since very little changes other than color.
#10 - Lady Noire
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Overall, Lady Noire’s suit is minimalist and elegant in a sharp, modern kind of way. Black is naturally slimming, and Marinette is already very slim, so the horizontal green accents help emphasize her curves. I don’t love the green lining of her ears, but I suppose that keeps the design consistent. I’m absolutely in love with Lady Noire’s braid (and I’d be remiss not to take the chance to point out this is the only time we see her hair properly black instead of blue). Her suit has a completely smooth texture, unlike both her Ladybug suit and Chat Noir’s, which I found odd and does’t do her petite frame any favors.
#11 - Mr. Bug
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I’m glad they gave Mr. Bug black panels on his sides. The full-cover spots of Ladybug is fine for Marinette, but Adrien has a bigger frame and it would just look ostentatious on him. This design emphasizes his shoulders and slims him down a bit. He actually looks like a football player (American football, don’t @ me about this). He ranks just below Lady Noire because of the hair.
#12 - Aspik
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OMG what a cutie pie. I can’t not say it - he looks like he’s wearing a corset in the left pic. Not a good or bad thing, I’m just saying. Look at this cutie pie! Aspik actually looks more snake-like than Viperion, imo: the design is sleeker and he’s got the diamonds over his head, that’s a nice touch. The snake scale pattern is a great detail. I had to step outside my own bias with this one because snakes really freak me out and so does Adrien without hair.
#13 - Jade Turtle
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He’s less turtle-y than Carapace, but I was pretty happy with the Jade Turtle costume. The Asian style obviously suits him, and it makes sense because he was originally from China, while many of the others would be more used to Western clothing at a young age. Fu has a tortoise-shell pattern on his hat and shoulder guards and his shoes look like turtle feet. However, His chest plate deviates from the turtle theme
#14 - Viperion
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My favorite parts of Viperion’s costume are his mask with the little snake fangs and the scale texture of the suit.As I mentioned above, it’s less snakey than Aspik’s. The lines suit his shape pretty well, but don’t taper down his body in the way a snake slims from chest to tail. I just feel like something’s missing from the outfit as a whole.
#15 - Ladybug
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There’s just...nothing all that special about Ladybug’s costume. The red and black do suit Marinette’s pink coloring and dark hair, and contrast with her blue eyes. The bright color and pattern emphasize Marinette’s curves pretty well and make her look a little bigger than her slim stature. All that said, the suit is both busy and plain somehow.
16 - Pegasus
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While I do love the hair, something about Pegasus’ costume is both too subtle and too over-the-top somehow at the same time. He has a lot of bells and whistles, though I suppose it’s supposed to look similar to horse tack. The winged shoes seem completely out of place. It’s not that I think he looks bad, but he doesn’t look particularly cool either.
#17 - Mayura
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The one sin of Mayura’s outfit is the giant slit up the skirt, but kwamis is it a sin. The colors all go together and the headpiece matches the hem, and it has a distinct cold-weather theme going on with the boots, fur collar and cuffs, and full coverage design. That gets negated by the slit, which exposes nearly all of her legs, something that works far better for a summer evening dress.
#18 - King Monkey/Roi Singe
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I’ve tried to figure out what it is about King Monkey’s costume that looks less than optimal, and I’m pretty sure it’s that it isn’t balanced well. He has large gloves, and elaborate crown and hairstyle, a thick collar, and a thick belt high up his waist. It makes him look kind of top-heavy. Similar to Pegasus, but to a greater extent, he’s washed out by the excess of neutral colors that the red doesn’t counteract very much.
#19 - Ryuko
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I expected the dragon outfit to be more exciting. Other than the tail design (and the horns???), there’s just nothing dragon-esque about this. Come on, Chat Noir got ears, claws, and a tail; Viperion and Snake Noir got little scale motifs all over and fangs on their masks; Multimouse got bun ears and a tail; Carapace got a shell and a beak; Rena Rouge also got ears and a tail on top of a design reminiscent of a fox’s fur markings. Imagine the awesome tail and claws and fire motifs we were deprived of with the dragon. The best parts of Ryuko’s design is the embellished mask, her reptile eyes, and the red/black/gold color scheme, which are pretty cool.
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unklarity · 5 years
Critical Role: Yasha
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“I feel like I’m either very unlucky or cursed. And I don’t believe in luck.”
It's not very often I get the urge to make a box for a character from a series I've never seen/read/played before, but I clearly have a type, so I decided I needed to make a Yasha box.
Below is the description and explanation of all the contents of the box as well as more pictures!
I started out getting information about her from various places, including friends who DO watch Critical Role (I thank you all for your service and for answering my ridiculous questions) and then I got to work. I had a specific color scheme and plan in my head - for one, I wanted to use mainly flowers instead of an even mix of flowers and herbs, and I wanted to really lean heavily on the storm imagery.
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I struggled finding a focal point for the box for a while, and I'd finally decided on hunting down an Astrophyllite tower when I happened upon something even cooler: a mineral called Arfvedsonite, which is very similar in appearance and composition to Astrophyllite but with a blue sheen instead of a gold one. I found a sphere with the most amazing lightning-like flashes, and I really love the way it looks in the box. It conjures the image of a stormy sky, filled with turmoil and chaos.
I first chose it for looks, obviously, but when I investigated its meaning I was surprised how well it fit Yasha! It’s meant to help soothe deep sadness and emotional turmoil, and assist with moving forward and imagining a future after dealing with emotional pain, grief, and loss. it also helps people who have trouble communicating with others, encouraging them to speak clearly and be able to share their feelings truthfully and accurately. Lastly, it helps make major life changes easier, and can help when your life takes you in new and scary directions.
The sphere also contains almandine garnet and pyrite. Almandine garnet (aka Eudialyte) can help a person let go of the belief that they are unable to avoid suffering or hardship, is used to dispel anger, negativity and guilt, and also assists with processing the difficult end of a relationship and letting go peacefully. Pyrite is a stone for protectors, and helps increase both strength and self-worth, overcome feelings of inadequacy and help reach one's true potential.
Next, I collected some smaller crystals for the box. From the beginning, I knew I wanted some Iolite in the box as it reminded me of Yasha as soon as I read about her. It's a stone that helps wanderers and travelers with navigation, and helps with finding your path when you're lost, literally or figuratively.
There's also a baby blue chunk of celestite, a tumbled piece of gold sheen obsidian, a small purple amethyst tower, and a faceted blood red garnet. Celestite, as its name suggests, is connected to the celestial, which I thought was a good match for Yasha (lol). It represents gentleness, softness, connection with the divine, and helps nerves when talking to others. Gold sheen obsidian is a stone of protection -but also gentleness, which I thought fit well. It's good at shielding from negative energy and evil influences, and lets us shed our negative perceptions and grief slowly while bringing comfort. It also helps to stop us from self-sabotaging.
Garnet, in my practice, represents the heart. It means commitment, devotion, and trust. It helps you to remember things you've forgotten, and helps control self-directed negativity and anger.
Amethyst is traditionally a stone of protection, which does fit, but it also facilitates confidence and calm and banishes anxiety, helping you to form bonds with others and better communicate with them.
The potions are a bit different for Yasha than my normal process, because I really wanted to try as hard as I could to use almost ALL flowers. Normally I use a mix of about 50/50 flowers and herbs, with the occasional other materials, but I wanted to make them full of flowery goodness this time. It took a bit longer and I had to source a ton of flowers from all over the place, but it was totally worth it, in my opinion.
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There are 7 potions, labeled on the bottom with their corresponding number. The first potion in the first picture (#1) represents devotion and love. I wanted to make something that really showed Yasha's devotion to Zuala and her love for her wife, because I definitely cried about it and needed everyone else to do it too. The potion contains dogwood, lavender and sunflower for devotion, delphinium for commitment and yarrow for eternal love. It is sealed with silver wax and stamped with a sunflower in black.
The second potion (#2) represents the other end of devotion- faith and duty. I felt like devotion was the best word for both of them, because Yasha is very devoted to the Stormlord, but her sense of duty and faith is a different kind of devotion. This one contains amaranth and rosemary for faith and loyalty, and peach rose petals and bluebell for gratitude to the Stormlord for pulling her out of "hell” and is sealed in silver wax with his symbol.
The third potion, (#3) and last in the first photo, represents the contrast between Yasha's strength and her softness. She's tall and intimidating, but she's compassionate and kind to her friends. This potion includes pink roses for gentleness, pink carnation for sweetness and kindness, vervain for tenderness, chrysanthemum for awkwardness or bluntness, and then also contains hydrangea for coldness and aggressiveness, and marigold for cruelty and rage in combat. It is sealed in black wax with a silver sunflower stamp.
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The next photo depicts the remaining 4 potions. The first one (#4) represents grief. Yasha has had her fair share of grief, definitely, and I wanted to be sure I touched on that. There's dark red rose petals for mourning, magnolia for grief, purple hyacinth which means "Forgive me," and Zinnia for carrying the memory of an absent friend in your heart. The Zinnia is for Molly, and the hyacinth for Zuala, but the rest of the flowers I think apply to both, and also to Yasha having to leave behind parts of herself with the people (and memories) she has lost. The bottle is sealed with silver wax and a black sunflower stamp.
The second potion in this photo (#5) represents fear and doubt. I really connected with Yasha saying she thought she was cursed, or doomed to suffer. I think the pain she has gone through really affects how she interacts with others. This potion contains chamomile for adversity and rue for obsession over your mistakes (rue and chamomile can also represent feeling cursed or doomed to misfortune), plus purple heather for solitude/wanting to be alone, and agrimony and yarrow for fear, cowardice and self-doubt. Sealed with black wax and a blue eye stamp to match Yasha's blue eye.
The next one (#6) represents growth and the journey that Yasha has made so far, both literally and spiritually. It contains rose quartz for healing and mending a broken heart, yellow rose petals for friendship, and cloves for gaining friends and being made a better person by those around you. There is one clove for each member of the Mighty Nein. Sealed with black wax and a purple eye stamp, to match Yasha's purple eye.
The last potion (#7) was a late addition, but when I looked at all the rest of the potions I felt something was missing from the narrative. This last one represents contrast, but most importantly transformation - in a few ways. Obviously there's the literal: Yasha says she looked different when she woke up on the Stormlord's altar, and then there's the transformation she goes through with the Necrotic Shroud and her wings. But I wanted to draw contrasts between Yasha running from her tribe and leaving the M9 at the behest of the Stormlord; between her struggling with being a coward and being so willing to fight. I wanted to show the transformation from her being helpless to being a protector to so many - from being saved to being someone who saves others - and what had to happen for those changes to occur. It contains bay leaf and moss for strength/power and becoming a protector, cinquefoil for being saved and granted protection, mint for virtue, and labradorite for transformation. This one is also sealed with silver wax and the symbol of the Stormlord.
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To tie everything in, I added a small sachet with a hand cast d20 (filled with heather and rosebuds), a small health potion, and a sword charm to represent Yasha’s greatsword. I also included a pink carnation and dogwood flower, along with one of my favorite parts of the box: a miniature leather book that contains a four-leaf clover and other pressed wildflowers. I loved Yasha and her flower collection so much I knew it had to be a part of the box as soon as I heard about it! I hand pressed and added all of the flowers, and there’s room in the second half to add more.
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Finally, I painted the inside lid with a lightning storm scene to tie in all my storm references, and the bottom of the inside of the box is painted with a set of black wings and a grey rose.
Inevitably I started watching Critical Role about ¾ of the way into making this box and am a fan now, so I’m blaming my friends for this one :)
Thanks for reading! Yasha will be available in my shop in my July 7th update (EDIT: she has SOLD). Feel free to ask questions on this post or in a message!
You can find my site and shop at unklarity (dot) com!
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ambitionsource · 4 years
What kind of bedding does everyone have? Like sheet/duvet or comforter or blanket? Does anyone have a unique blanket? I told you these would get more random
random, yes, but did es and i spend undue amounts of time talking about it? yes. yes we did.
riley’s bed has a purple color scheme, like lilac, light purple sheets and then a quilt-like blanket that’s got a sort of floral, springtime vibe going on on top. she really only sleeps with one pillow, but she is the QUEEN of decorative pillows. she’s the kind of person where you could give her a decorative pillow as a present and she would actually like it. she also of course has a couple of stuffed animals amidst all the pillows. it’s pretty standard size, like somewhere between a double and a queen.
farkle’s bed is definitely larger since they have the money and the space, so at least queen size. his bed is essentially one of those like... workspace type beds, where it has shelving and pieces attached to it that make it basically built into the wall. his sheets are dark grey, with lighter grey and bold color accents, like red. he only has two pillows. the top comforter is more like a duvet, relatively thin and just bundles up with the sheets.
maya’s bed is a loft space above part of their apartment, where she has a twin size mattress crammed into the space. her color scheme is a lot like what she puts as her exterior aesthetic, cremes and pinks and whites. she has two relatively flimsy pillows that act as what she sleeps one, and one (1) decorative pillow that is fuzzy pink and she’ll hug that a lot when she’s just laying up there. her blanket is a champagne pink duvet that was her mother’s in college and is so worn its basically a sheet rather than a duvet. luckily, since she’s high up, maya rarely needs more than that since heat rises. when she moves into the matthews apartment, she basically takes all that stuff with her, but riley lets her use a few of her decorative pillows to spruce up her bed.
zay’s bed is somewhere between a double and a queen, and i have this very distinct image of a dark-colored headboard that’s kind of like... slate. he has 2 - 3 pillows, and his sheets are dark-colored, typically dark green or navy blue. the blanket is a comforter, but not really a fluffy one, and its got a color scheme of like... blacks, silvers, and golds. he has a stuffed lion that he’s had since he was a kid that typically sits up on the headboard like king of the pride lands surveying his land (zay’s room).
isa’s bed at her foster home was really messy, basically a duvet and a couple blankets, but it was all old and crumpled and whatever could be dragged out from the linen closet. then for a while she was couch-surfing at blue’s, which again comes down to whatever is on hand at the time. now that she’s staying with eric, she can actually start to take ownership of her space and make it feel more like hers. it’s the biggest bed she’s ever had. eric gets her all new stuff, so a comforter with a dark space-theme and a few pillows to match. she has an old ratty teddy that she got at the first foster home she went to -- it was already a there, a toy they owned, but she loved it and they let her keep it when she moved (either that or she stole it NCMDKKS) -- and then after Val’s funeral, she also has the baby blanket that she found at her estate.
charlie’s bed is kind of like... the pinterest board equivalent of what a bed would look like in Refreshing, Clean Aesthetic. that is to say, it’s comfortable but it’s hella boring and has none of his personality. the color scheme is off-white and light blue, and his comforter is like, fluffy but also light and airy. like literally exactly what you’d imagine a comforter in a comforter commercial would look like. its cozy, but like the rest of his room, it feels like a sanitized version of his aesthetic rather than what it would look like if he actually had control over it.
lucas’s bed (if you can call it that) is basically a mattress stacked on top of a bunch of junk (boxes, bins, stacks of books, etc.) since his room is essentially also the family storage closet. it looks fun and quirky to sleep that way when you see a photo on pinterest, but imma tell you. it’s not comfortable. he has one pillow and a dark blue comforter that used to be decently fluffy, but he’s had it basically since the one time he got new bedding which like when he was 9 so at this point ten years later its worn to hell and more like a duvet. also he doesn’t sleep, so it doesn’t really matter. when he had his set up in the booth, he had a sleeping bag (which he didn’t use like... like a sleeping bag, he just used it as a cover blanket rather than like zipping himself inside, especially since he may have had to move quickly at any given time, and then the pillow from his bedroom. he needs a 1000 year nap.
asher’s bed, like everything else in his life, has been carefully curated to his preferred aesthetic and level of organization. he has a long pillow that rests against the headboard, and then two regular pillows that rest on top of that. his sheets are little denser, like closer to flannel than linen considering how cold he gets with his little bird bones, and they’re typically like a light jade green or off-white to pair with his light burgundy comforter. like his whole color palette is very autumnal -- he is autumn. typically his pillowcases match but when dylan started staying the night all the time that changed because when he used the off-white pillow case asher quickly realized that his dark-haired puppy dog boyfriend sheds like CRAZY and you can really see dark hair on a light color so he was like. bro tf. and so now his pillow is the off-white and dylan’s pillow is whatever other pillow case he has that won’t show off dark hair so easily LMAO. his one special item is this decorative pillow that jade made him their sophomore year as a christmas present, but it usually sits in his desk chair rather than on the bed -- he only puts it back on the bed if he’s just made it up all perfectly.
dylan’s bed is considerably smaller considering the orlando apartment is smaller and they don’t have as much money (which is why they usually spend the night together at asher’s -- i mean, there’s also the fact that dylan will sneak in and travel across town to do it whereas asher would catch on fire from guilt if he did that -- but it’s mainly that its way more comfortable to share a bigger bed. you only suffer through scrunching together like that when absolutely necessary). dylan moves a lot in his sleep so his sheets and one blanket (a duvet-quilt type thing) are often scrunched at the end of the bed or on the floor, and they’ll stay like that because he doesn’t make his bed nearly often enough to fix it. he’s rarely there anyway, so shrug. he has two pillows, both pretty thin, and a stuffed giraffe he’s had for AGES so it is so faded you wouldn’t even know it was a giraffe if not for the long neck (dave: “why’s your stuffed dog got such a long neck?”). the other main special piece is this knit baby blanket that his mom made him, it’s soft pastel-y yellow. it typically sits near the bed rather than on it so that it won’t suffer the same fate as his other blankets, but the only time it really gets use is when asher is there -- since he gets cold so easily, he usually ends up with it at some point. and that makes me wanna cry. thank u
-- Maggie & Es
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katiebk1-wtm-blog · 6 years
Crimson Peak
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Although horror/gothic films (or anything remotely scary) are not really my thing, I have to say that I’ve fallen in love with this movie and everything it has to offer. In just the first couple scenes we (literally) look Edith up and down and her outfit is showcased. Not only were these costumes rendered beautifully but each character has their own color scheme that represents the innocence of their character. Edith mainly wears yellow, white, and brighter colors and Lucille mainly wears dark reds and purples. This stuff I’m actually really passionate about as I was in many fashion design/construction competitions when I was in high school. Every element design wise of this movie was well thought out and excellently displayed through camera. Not only the did their clothes enhance the gothic mood of this movie but the set design was just as influential; even down to the sheets on the bed.
One thing that I liked the most in this movie is how important all the female characters are. Edith was a FEMALE writer in 1887; she even mentioned not using a pen when writing because her feminine calligraphy “gives her away.” The main antagonist in this movie is also female; Lucille calls all the shots and is the murderer for many of the deaths in this movie. Even the ghosts that Edith sees are women (besides Thomas). All of these female characters are powerful and strong but they are mainly working against one another, unless they are a ghost that Edith sees. Edith has no female support group besides (loosely) the ghosts. Unfortunately, she only understands the ghosts’ motives after it is too late.
I also wanted to mention how interesting of an interpretation this movie is as a whole from stories like Bluebeard and The Bloody Chamber. It has the same general story line where a woman falls for a man who is no good but the twist here is that his sister is the real problem. I think the audience was debriefed well on the history behind Lucille and Thomas and their murders. Some obvious parallels include the antagonist owning a room dedicated to his dead victims and a more powerful man/woman manipulating a younger girl to fall into his arms. Unlike The Tigers Bride, Edith’s father is against this love and cares greatly for his only child. In contrast, just like The Tigers Bride, Edith rebels and chooses Thomas because she feels he is all she has. All of these minute changes make Crimson Peak more imaginable and realistic than other retellings.
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tangerinechar · 6 years
MDZS ML au??
seeing as how I'm way deep in mdzs hell already, I came up with a MDZS miraculous ladybug au. As if I don't have enough fics to write already.
-wei ying as Blackie, the holder of the Black Cat miraculous and adopted son of the powerful Jiang family.
-lan zhan as Ladybug, the holder of the eponymous Ladybug miraculous, spare heir to the Lan Corporation and new kid in school.
-jiang cheng as Monarch, the holder of the Butterfly miraculous and heir to the Jiang family, and jiang yanli as Honeycomb, the holder of the Bee miraculous and the heart of their three-person team.
-nie huaisang as Kitsune, holder of the Fox miraculous and the biggest source of gossip at the Rich Kid(tm) academy they all attend.
+Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue as supportive older brothers who know their siblings' superhero identities
-Wen Ning as Tortoiseshell, the holder of the Turtle miraculous and the shyest theater kid you'll ever meet. Wen Qing as the one girl who knows everybody's identities.
-she acts as technical support and backup for the superheroes
-(and used to be their medical support, too, before Ladybug showed up)
-Jin Zixuan is given the Peacock miraculous by jiang yanli, much to wei ying and jiang cheng's amusement, and becomes Iridescent.
-Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue, and Jin Guangyao form the Venerated Triad of the intersection of academics, arts, and athletics... they all attend the same college
-lan xichen as the prodigal student who's studying to become an international diplomat, nie mingjue as the captain of the martial arts team and future world champion, jin guangyao as the stunning musical talent (and holder of the rat miraculous.)
-some of the miraculouses are passed down by families, the jiang fam has the butterfly miraculous, the Jin family has the rat, etc.
-the Stunning Six (or the superhero seven, after lan zhan enters the picture) as they might be called, protect Shanghai and are pretty high-profile. Despite that, they manage to keep their identities well hidden.
-thanks to the magic of the miraculous, it'll stay that way
-nobody in the superhero group knows who Ladybug is
-except Wei Ying, who found out purely by accident
-aside from that, jiang yanli keeps her identity hidden from her teammates (except her brothers and Jin Zixuan) because she doesn't want word to get back to her parents
-Jiang Cheng uses his powers to create a body double of jiang yanli, because their parents would never allow her to moonlight as a superhero
-but everybody knows anyways, from how wei ying and jiang cheng are so protective of her.
-aside from jiang cheng, wen ning, and jin zixuan, the miraculouses were found hidden in their schoolbags or in their rooms one day.
-along with a note that warned them of unrest in shanghai and the danger to come, and a brief explanation of the miraculouses.
-everyone you meet either loves Ladybug or loves Blackie or both, and most everyone ships it too
-Ladybug is like
-the last person you'd imagine to be the co-leader of the superhero group, and so popular with the general public as well
-he's cold and stone-faced and super efficient, and has 0 tolerance for the media
-Blackie is charismatic and knows exactly what to say at all times and loves talking to his fans, on the other hand
-so they become the twin symbols of peace very quickly, Blackie being the sun, reassuring and comforting and confident, while Ladybug is the moon, scarily powerful and distant.
-jiang cheng, jiang yanli, wei ying, and lan zhan are the offensive
-nie huaisang, jin zixuan, and wen ning are the defensive
-out of all of them, Wen Qing, Nie huaisang, wei ying, and lan zhan end up doing the strategy and plans
-jiang yanli and wen ning provide moral support and food
-if anything goes wrong, the jiang family home is the unofficial meeting place for planning
-jin guangyao uses the miraculous of the rat
-he's the heir to the Jin family, but he has more nefarious plans in place to ensure his succession and consolidate his power
-the main superhero gang is in a rich kid high school
-can you imagine the efforts they go through to conceal their identities
-I mean, once things start going south they have to find a place to transform and deal with any new developments, trying to stop jin guangyao's underhanded plans
-all without skipping class or breaking any rules
-the place ends up being the empty science classroom on the second floor
-Blackie is the biggest flirt ever, but once Ladybug arrives he only has eyes for him
-half the net ships them ("look at how Done Monarch is with them! And how supportive honeycomb is being here! Don't you dare tell me they aren't trying to set Blackie up with LB.") And the other half is thoroughly convinced that they hate each other.
-But no matter what your view is, you can't deny that their teamwork is amazing
-Honeycomb is an actual goddess
-who knows, maybe lan xichen gets the dragon miraculous and nie mingjue gets the tiger, if they ever end up needing more backup
-Wei ying's costume is black with red accents around the ears, tail and gloves. Along with his baton, he carries a flute with him that, when used with his miraculous, can speak to animals. 
-Lan Zhan's costume is also mostly black, with red areas cut out on his sides, spirals decorating the legs and his neck. His hair gets tied up in a ponytail during the transformation, but he keeps the white and blue ribbon. his costume comes with a circular shield on the back that expands to become a pair of wings. his mask is black with red swirls.
-jiang cheng has a very practical outfit, with a violet tuxedo jacket that flares in the back, dark grey pants and fitted black boots, a sword at his side, a protective leather vest and a darker purple shirt with white tie. his hair is adorned with a braid and bun held in place by a butterfly clip.
-jiang yanli has a poofy sunflower yellow skirt that has two layers - a gauzy yellow layer and a solid black inner - along with a yellow top that has fluted quarter sleeves with black swirls, black gloves and leggings, and rusty golden boots. she also gets translucent wings that let her fly. Her mask has a honeycomb pattern.
-instead of a flute, nie huaisang gets a fan. he can attack with it, creating gusts of wind, and create illusions by flipping it. he gets decked out in full-on fantasy robes that vary from pale orange and yellow (outer robe and pants) to white (inner shirt and boots) to vivid sunset orange (inner robe). his mask has paw-prints under each eye.
-wen ning's costume is mainly a deep emerald green with lighter accents in shell patterns on the sides of his legs, arms, and stomach. His shield covers much of his back, like lan zhan's, and can be used to fly. His hair gets swept into a bun.
-jin zixuan's costume is much like nie huaisang's, except with a darker blue-green-brown color scheme and less inconvenient. his robes turn colorful as they reach the ground, and his mask fans out on the sides of his head like a peacock's tail.
-you can often spot Honeycomb and Ladybug soaring through the air at night, accompanied by Monarch and Blackie if you squint hard enough
-superhero gang getting up to shenanigans around the city and Nie Huaisang filming it all, uploading it to his weibo account
-Nie Huaisang, after videotaping a transformed jiang cheng falling into a river and Blackie hissing at it while Monarch yells for help: I have no regrets
-they all frequent this one tiny bubble tea shop, both as students and superheroes
-Wei Ying, uploading a group photo of them on a skyscraper at sunset, drinking bubble tea: the secret to gaining superpowers is good bubble tea
-Wen Qing doubles as their social media manager
-just, superhero!mdzs gang being happy
...my hand slipped.
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austiins-blog · 6 years
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♡♡♡ ( CIERRA RAMIREZ, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ) AUSTIN FLORES was just hired. the TWENTY-TWO year old seems pretty KINDHEARTED and LOYAL, but they’re also CAUTIOUS and a PERFECTIONIST. i heard that they like to WORK ON PHOTOGRAPHY & STUDY when they aren’t working as a MAKEUP ARTIST at Frightland. ♡♡♡
hey hi hello my name’s brenna! i’m a loser 21 year-old from california who hates all things scary but is still a whore for halloween. this is my v old bby coming out of retirement, austin! this is lowkey thrown together solely bc i’m v late to this & i’ll have something more in depth up very soon! also, i’ll change the color scheme up soon to fit the Vibe™. anyways hi ily.
NAME: austin lucia flores
AGE: twenty-two
BIRTHDAY: july 4th
SIGN: cancer
she is from a small town in texas (although she was born in new york). she had a thick accent, but being away from her hometown for a while, it’s died down a lot.
she comes from wealth, her parents both being driven, self-made first generation americans who are paying austin’s way through college with pride.
she has three brothers who she remains incredibly close to, but being the only girl, she was subconsciously spoiled by her parents. although she remains incredibly humble. she’s never been one to flaunt her wealth or anything like that, but she’s a definite trust fund baby.
on top of that, she’s an incredibly smart person. she has an incredible memory and can remember pretty much everything she sees & hears. (she gives off reid from criminal minds smart vibes but not as smart nor nerdy lmao) however, she’s never discovered her limits or even knew if she had any. she skipped a couple of grades and graduated at age 15 (nearly 16 but she’s a summer baby lol). she’s intelligent to an extent that she’s even yet to fathom.
she chose the route of psychology and criminology with her fascination of studies and documentaries on serial killers and things of the like and that all sparked in high school (but she’s not like obsessed w them ok ajkcsnj i wanna make sure that’s clear) – she’s a few credits shy of her masters, but she’s not rushing on finishing.
studying always came easy to her, so she found a lot of time on her hands. with that time, she taught herself her way around more creative makeup through youtube videos. that eventually led to taking classes over the summer leading her to her now second year as a makeup artist for frightland. all for the fun of it. she’s all about that scary shit, even though she’s quite the jumpy person -- she loves it.
also, she does work for a camera store where she mainly just develops film and checks people out, but that always takes a backseat to frightland when the time comes ‘round. she has a lot of time on her hands
(this is more about her personality lol)
she’s such a kind and gentle soul that would genuinely never hurt anyone intentionally. however, once her mind is made up, that’s what she’ll stick to and she’ll try to let you down in the nicest way possible.
she’s a very sentimental person. she has a box of things (key chains, post cards, polaroids, etc.) that she likes to keep with her and add to whenever something, she feels, memorable happens.
she loves literally every genre of music except classical & heavy metal, but even then she’ll sit & listen to it if that’s what you’d like to listen to
her aesthetic is all warm tones tbh: yellows, oranges, reds, pinks. gold jewelry is also something you’ll always find on her person whether it be in the form of rings, earrings (hoops to be specific), necklaces.
she has an anklet with a very small heart charm that you’ll never see her without. it’s one of her favorite things she owns. she sees it as a form of a lucky charm.
OKAY SO PLOTTING!!!! i’m p cool with whatever tbh!! here’s a few i’d dig though!
the bad influence friend -- someone who pushes her nervous ass out of her comfort zone! like going on wild adventures & such! { OPEN TO ANY GENDER }
roommate -- austin hates to be alone, so having a roommate would be very in character for her. i’d imagine them having an apartment or town house, possibly a house, but we could plot that out. { OPEN TO ANY GENDER }
or like we can brainstorm????? love that
N E WAZE ! tbh i’m blanking a little bit, but i’ll definitely have an about page up for her soon. ily! feel free to im me!
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shippingk8 · 7 years
An argument for Freezerburn (Part 1) - Connections and Parallels
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As the Freezerburn ship has been gaining more steam @toomuchfreetyme2 and myself have decided to put out there our long running argument for a Weiss and Yang pairing. (For recent and die hard shippers, or just anyone who likes to read a good RWBY theory)
Disclaimer: This argument is not us saying that we don’t like or think bumblebee isn’t a viable ship or relationship. It has it’s own song, sooo yeah…. not really wanting to go there. Nor can anyone but the writers say whether any of the three are queer or are even interested in each other. This is just us making a case for a ship. So if you’re just here to defend your favorite ship, troll, or hate the freezerburn ship, then move along this post isn’t for you. (Warning minor V5 spoilers)
It makes for a better story
1. A love triangle with Blake, Yang, and Weiss would add more drama and complications. Thus providing the writers with a potentially more interesting story to tell. This would not exclude the possibility of a Bumblebee relationship, but would create more obstacles for either pairing to overcome. If you want to argue that RWBY isn’t a love drama that is a fair point, but this could be a series long undercurrent in the story that gets resolved towards the end. We are fans of the slow burn romance anyhow. *cough* “Recovery” fanfic *cough cough* Shameless plug aside, it is sort of unavoidable that as they grow up some of them will want to take romantic partners. IF the advancement of years in the story keeps the same pace then eventually they will be in their mid-twenties by the time all of this wraps up. It would be odd if most of them didn’t end up in a relationship of some sort after that much time, whether that would be a short thing or a more sustained relationship.
2. Additionally, a love triangle would involve the whole team. If Blake and Yang end up being a thing then that is a single love interest. Obviously there would be turmoil that the two would have to work through, but that would mainly be dealt with through those two specific characters. Ruby and Weiss would probably put in their two sense or be a shoulder to cry on, but otherwise it would be mostly a Blake/Yang problem. If Weiss was thrown into the romantic mix then that would cause even more conflict. To the point that, as the leader, Ruby would have to do something. In addition it would be her sister and her partner/best friend potentially being involved, which would be a lot more awkward for her than just having to deal with it being with another member of her team. 
3. It is a great Team STRQ parallel. As far as parallels go, the colors and personalities (as far as we know) match up really well. Yang (yellow) is obviously Taiyang who had a relationship with Summer and Raven. Blake (black) is obviously Raven with their similar tactic of runny away and being the quite literal dark and brooding types. We could even use Blake’s association to the White Fang and her sense of duty and responsibility towards the organization as a very direct parallel to Raven’s loyalty to her bandit tribe. We are pairing Ruby and Qrow, no not Ruby and her mom, sorry it seems a bit too on the nose for us and doesn’t seem to work for multiple reasons. The main one being that as time has gone on we have seen just how similar Ruby is to Qrow, in addition to the fact that she sees him as her mentor. This is an instance of their colors not matching up directly, but there is a similarity in the color scheme used in their character designs. Ruby being dressed in reds, blacks and dark greys. Qrow has light Grey, but also implements black and red in his outfit. Design aside, Ruby even has the same very rare weapon type as her uncle. That would leave Weiss’s parallel to be Summer (White). We don’t know a lot about Summer, but it would make the most sense. While we don’t know how Taiyang and Summer ended up together, we can make some logical assumptions from the context given. It is most likely that Winter was always there for Taiyang and had feelings for him, and when Raven left Tai finally realized what Summer meant to him. We do also know that Yang calls Summer super mom, she baked cookies and was really great mom, but also was an expert huntress. Sounds like a certain heiress that usually has to be perfect at everything and wants to be a huntress and an heiress at the same time, yet still cares about their group like a family even though she isn’t the leader who has the job of keeping everyone together. A final thought on the parallels (a big assumption, but interesting nonetheless), Tai and Summer were probably the only two not lone wolfing it in team STRQ. Ruby and Blake are always going off on her own, much like we imagine a young Qrow and Raven might have been. 
4. Lastly, it is almost weird how often Weiss and Yang always seem to end up paired together. Volume 1 they were together for hours off screen while they were searching for Blake. Volume 2 they were together for, again, many hours as they planned the dance together. Volume 3 they would have had to have spent lots of extra time together as they trained for the doubles match. And finally in Volume 5, who are the first two of team RWBY to meet back up again? Weiss and Yang. It’s like the writers can’t stop pairing them up off screen. And I feel like all this time together has started to show. In Volume 5 Weiss has had quite a bit of physical contact and familiarity with Yang. It is yet to be seen if this will be extended to the rest of the crew, but it is interesting coming from the ‘ice queen’ of the group.
Opposite Attract (Yin and “Yang”)
1. There is the Opposites Attract trope, which in itself is a fun trope. However the show itself not only uses this trope in a lot of their on screen relationships, but uses the theme of opposites and balance a lot. We have the gods of light and dark, the classic battle of good and evil, humanity versus monsters, even nature vs technology. The theme even follows into our traditionally paired characters: Arkos had the bad ass and… well Juane. We have Raven, the kickass and stubborn bandit queen who can literally teleport across the the globe with Tai the maternal cargo-pants dad that seems to stay stuck in one place. The most blatant one is Ren and Nora, the zen ninja that can cast “Calm Emotions”, and Nora the ‘charged up’ and hyper warrior/tank. So the argument and theme of opposites is an important one, and even more so is the balance the two are supposed to achieve. 
2.  Weiss and Yang are very stereotypical opposites, but also have many subtle similarities. This argument could and has been made for Blake and Yang already, but the Weiss and Yang pairing takes it to a pretty clear cut and tropie level. Which feels fitting for the show.
3. Opposites - They are literally fire and ice, warm and cold temperaments on the surface, common and upper class, street smart and academic, happy but nontraditional close family and unhappy distant nuclear family, open minded and close minded (initially), happy-go-lucky and tsundere.
4. Commonalities - stubborn, loyal, expert/ best fighters on their team due to rigorous training, have an unknown or unreachable path but just want to be fighters. They’re also very maternal, but in opposite ways. Where Yang is encouraging and doting, Weiss is quick to pick up on her team mate’s issues and force them to address the problem. (Ex: Blake in Vol. 2 and in Vol. 5 with Yang)
5. In our opinion this lends itself to the two being a very interesting couple. Bumblebee has a claim on this argument as well; the ‘opposites attract trope,’ but Freezerburn’s claim is just as good.
Internal Issues (Psychological Trauma)
1. Weiss has been and would probably always be there for Yang. When she saw Yang in danger during the doubles match she threw herself into a lava geyser. Despite witnessing Yang attack Mercury she immediately and fervently defended her saying, “Yang would never do that!” Finally in a recent episodes we have seen Weiss be openly affectionate and supportive of Yang and the things she is dealing with. Blake is hurt and frankly traumatized by Adam. She sees the similarities between him and Yang: They’re both charismatic, popular, have similar abilities, and quick to anger. It would be odd for her character not to notice these things, like she did. But it also makes it difficult (not impossible) for her to build true trust with Yang. 
2. Which leads to the goliath in the room, Yang clearly has abandonment issues. This means that she would do best with someone who is consistent and maybe even overly protective and caring. And not to harsh on Blake, but as they have written her so far, she is very much NOT that. She is, well… a cat. She comes and goes and her affection while there is not always glaringly obvious. This isn’t to say that a Blake and Yang pairing couldn’t work things out. But it would be rather ignorant to think that after all the times Blake has left, Yang wouldn’t always be waiting for the shoe to drop, in some corner of her mind. Again we are not saying that it would be impossible for them to work through that, but given Yang’s history and the way that Blake left it would take time to build back up such a seriously damaged trust.
Relationship Equality
1. The only person to benefit in the bumblebee relationship, SO FAR, has been Blake. Time and again Yang has been there to support Blake and try to protect her, but the opposite can’t be said. When Yang was accused of misconduct she said, “I WANT to trust you.” And it wasn’t till the rest of her team spoke in her defense, and Yang almost crying in front of her, that she said she would. When Yang was at her lowest most vulnerable point, and had lost a limb because she was trying to save her partner, Blake left. I get that leaving is sort of Blake’s thing for right now, but she didn’t even leave a note or a message with anyone. She just straight up bolted. Now in fairness to Blake she had just seen someone (potentially romantically) close to her almost get killed by her abusive ex-partner. She was placed in a worst case nightmare scenario, and because of that she fell back on her instincts and ran away. She has openly stated that she regrets her choices, and that she wanted to keep the rest of her team safe. Given what Adam wants to do to Blake this volume…. she might not have been all that wrong. (Still a note would have been nice.)
2. Weiss and Yang are likely to have a stable and equal relationship. Yang needs someone consistent and almost overly caring, and Weiss needs someone less uptight than her cold family that is patient and warm enough to break down her walls. They are also both stubborn enough that they would call each other out on their shit all the time… mostly in a good way. Lastly they have been seen to have a close bond and Weiss has been quiet supportive towards Yang throughout, while Yang has been patient with Weiss while she learns to be a better person.
End Game
1. If we use foreshadowing, it would seem like Blake will end up being the new leader of the White Fang, Weiss will end up running the SDC, and Ruby and Yang will most likely be huntresses and/or teachers at a school. Blake being a leader would keep her away from combat and adventure most of the time, and to that end I don’t think Blake actually enjoys fighting all that much. 
I will admit that a Yang and Blake pairing would send a great message about equality between the races. But if Blake were the leader of the White Fang it would mean that either Yang would have to be okay being stuck by Blake’s side during political meeting and bureaucracy, or that Yang would go off on missions and not be around all that much. Given what we know about Yang I don’t know that either of those would be what she would want, but we could be wrong. Now you might say Weiss would be in the same exact boat. But we would point out that her grandfather ran the SDC and was out discovering new dust mines all the time, and Weiss has more than once said that she wanted to restore her family name by being a huntress. Meaning she would probably jump at every single opportunity to get out the office and go kill some grimm and restore the honor of her family’s name by being with the people instead of lording power over them. Which in our opinion would make Yang a great distraction… sorry we meant partner in crime, lol. So even if Weiss did have to ‘run’ the company and sit in board meetings, we feel like Yang would be there to knock on the window and say, “It’s time for a little adventure princess.”
So that is our argument. Take it or leave it, but since there are so many people that have been jumping on the Freezerburn ship lately we thought we would put our long running discussion out there. We hope it sparked some thoughts or spurs some discussions, but mostly we just hope you enjoyed it.
Other Freezerburn Theories & Things
An Argument for Freezerburn Part 2
Is Freezerburn the untapped Korrasami of RWBY?
Freezerburn Volume 4 Fan Fiction - Recovery
Freezerburn AU Fan Fiction - A Business Proposal 
Freezerburn Drabbles
Freezerburn Ship Meme
RWBY Gay Alignment Chart
***Team STRQ and Team RWBY photos were obtained from the RWBY Wiki website. (cropped and edited together by author)
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breerps · 7 years
Keziah 1,2,3,4,5,35,36,37,38,39,40,41
1. How do they move and carry themselves? Pace, rhythm, gestures, energy?
Kesiah is a very bright and ebullient woman, and this shows in her stride. She walks straight and tall, her 5′ 8″ frame occasionally bumped up by 1-2″ heels, and there’s always a bit of a spring in her step which causes her curls to bounce. Even if she’s not in a good mood, the spring stays in her stride, it just becomes more purposeful and makes it clear she’s not to be trifled with at that moment. She has a naturally brisk pace when walking normally, though if she’s really contemplating something she will slow down significantly, possibly to her present companion’s annoyance. She also talks with her hands a lot. Part of this is from how expressive she is (read: extremely), and part is from her fluency in sign language. It’s extremely rare to see her with closed off body language (such as crossed arms or legs), and to see that means she is VERY upset and you should be very careful as to how you proceed with her.
2. How much physical space do they use, active and at rest?
About the average amount for a person. She doesn’t rock or shift a lot when standing or sitting, and she’s always very aware of people in close proximity to her so that she doesn’t take up too much space that they might need. Her personal bubble is much smaller than say Lukas or Neve’s, so she doesn’t mind things like people sitting next to her or bumping into her. This is pretty much the same whether she’s moving or still, though her awareness rises when she’s active.
3. How do they position themselves in a group? Do they like to be the center of attention, or do they hang back at the edges of a crowd?
Kesiah isn’t an attention hog but she does have a natural charm which draws people to her. It’s easy to tell that she’s genuinely interested in what other people have to say, so people are likely to end up focusing on conversations with her because she’s a delight to talk to. She’s not a wallflower, either, so it’s common to find her moving around a room, engaging many different people and making sure everyone feels attended to and listened to. She hates leaving people feeling like they’re out of place or unwelcome.
4. What is their size and build? How does it influence how they use their body, if it does?
At 5′ 8″ and 135 lbs., Kesiah is of average build with some lovely curves as an accent. She jogs regularly and does sit-ups and push-ups most days, and most of her physical exercise comes from running around after the kids in her class five days a week. But that’s more than enough to keep her fit. Body image is not something that’s ever bothered her, nor does she see her body as an object, weapon, or tool to be used as anything other than her means of living life to the fullest.
5. How do they dress? What styles, colors, accessories, and other possessions do they favor? Why?
Kessie always dresses with two things in mind: the weather, and bright colors. You will virtually never see her in black, and in fact she only owns a Little Black Dress because a friend convinced her that she needed one just in case. White is much more prevalent in her wardrobe, and even grays are more common, though she prefers them to be lighter in shade and will mostly relegate them to winter-wear. She’s a huge fan of leggings as pants, particularly when paired with sweaters/sweater dresses, and has fought her school’s administration on that subject many times. But her favorite color schemes involve bright, light colors and happy patterns, especially lighter blues and soft yellows (her favorite colors). In the summer, you can find her wearing shorts and tank tops, sundresses, and light jumpsuits. All her other possessions and interior decor follows this same color theory: bright colors and fun, happy patterns. For accessories, she’s more of a bracelet/bangle type than a necklace type, though she has a couple sentimental necklaces she’ll put on for special occasions. Also, if she didn’t keep her earrings in literally 24/7, she’d never remember to wear earrings at all. In contrast to the rest of her style, her choice of jewelry is often very subtle and delicate, and she favors copper or silver (as opposed to gold) with small gemstones.
35. How and why do they internalize knowledge? What effect has that had on them?
Although she’s an avid reader, Kesiah is a very hands on learner. She prefers to dive in and do things herself, learning by doing. Maybe she’ll read up before going into it, but the concepts and practice all stick better if she tries it herself. Unlike some other people, she doesn’t mind failure. She’s always been taught that it’s just part of the learning experience, so she doesn’t get discouraged if she has to do something repeatedly until she gets it right. This has caused her to become a very encouraging person: if she doesn’t give up on things easily, she wants to help others do the same.
36. How much do they rely on their minds and intellect, versus other approaches like relying on instinct, intuition, faith and spirituality, or emotions? What is their opinion on this?
Kesiah keeps a pretty even balance for the most part, but she does tend to make most of her decisions based on her instinct and intuition. If something feels wrong to her, she reasons that there’s got to be a good explanation for that and trusts her gut. However, as a TA and aspiring teacher, she does try to lead by example and remind her students that you should try to use both logic and feeling when making decisions on how to act and treat others. Even if that’s sometimes a little hard for her personally—she has been known to offer up such passionate arguments as “just… because! It’s mean!” as a reason she’s against things. In her mind, only following cold logic will leave the world cold as well, and she wants to make the world a better, warmer place where people treat each other right because it’s the kind thing to do.
37. Have they had any special education or training that colors their means of learning about or understanding the world? Conversely, do they lack some kind of education considered essential in their world? What kind of impact has this addition or lack had on them?
She went to university for a teaching degree and is currently finishing up her in-classroom TA experience so that she can finally put that Master’s to good use. If this has colored her understanding of the world, it’s likely it made her an even more patient person and a more empathetic one. Her studies included a great deal of psychology, particularly child psychology, so she knows how to relate to kids and adults alike in more effective ways. As for a lack of essential education, her one great weakness there is that she does not have a driver’s license. Where she lives, she’s never needed it because public transport is so good and driving gives her a lot of anxiety within the city. But the only real impact this has on her is that she can’t be a designated driver or a driver for school trips, and while this has been a small setback, she makes up for it by remaining a dutiful chaperone on party nights and taking her students on fun transit and walking field trips.
38. Is there anything they wish they could change about their worldview or thought processes? What, and why?
For all that she is a very positive and sunny person, Kesiah has been through some rough shit that she never talks about with anyone. She managed to come out of that a better, more compassionate person, but she definitely wishes that she’d never had to go through that stuff in the first place because it’s made her more suspicious. She fights that, and for the most part succeeds in still being an open, welcoming person. But she’s got a little hard spot in her heart now that she wishes wasn’t there to make her a more wary person.
39. What sort of questions or thoughts recur in their lives, either specifically or as a theme? Why are these never answered, or answered permanently to their satisfaction?
The main theme of Kessie’s life is whether or not she’ll be able to make a positive impact on those around her. It’s best exemplified in contrast to Lukas’s primary motivations: Lukas wishes to change the world mainly as a means of altering how people see him (as well as to make it better for people like himself), while Kesiah is very comfortable with who she is and just wants the world to be better for the sake of others. Because the world is vast and full of problems, it’s unlikely that she will ever permanently achieve happiness for everyone around her. But she’s aware of this and just tries to do what she can where she can.
40. What do they wonder about? What sparks their curiosity and imagination, and why? How is this expressed, if it is?
Different things day-to-day. Not big things like what’s the meaning of life or are we alone in the universe, but little things like whether plants understand our tone and meaning when we talk to them. Or what squirrels have conversations about. Often, if a kid in class poses an interesting question to her, she’ll ponder it until she has an answer to give them, even if it’s “I’m afraid I don’t know, but maybe someday you’ll find out!” She’s very taken with small, everyday wonders, and even something as innocuous as a ladybug landing on her knee will capture her imagination.
41. What associations do they bring to mind? Words or phrases, images, metaphors or motifs? Why?
Sunshine and sunsets, smiles, small beautiful flowers and plants, forgiveness, patience, learning, compassion, sacrifice, nightingales, rabbits, copper, aquamarine, ivy, holly, second sight, looking to the future, warm embraces, laying with your head in your lover’s lap while reading, Sunday brunch in bed, visiting dog parks to see cute dogs, day trip self-guided tours of the city, “It’s going to be alright,” “We can do this!”, a gentle hand on your face, the gleam of copper in the sunlight, rich genuine laughter, hummingbird feeders, sitting by ponds to watch fish and frogs, “I’m here”, long hugs and deep, sensitive kisses after time apart.
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thewizfinal · 4 years
New York as a Character: An Analysis of The Wiz (1978) and the Construct of Home
In the 1978 film adaption of The Wiz directed by Sydney Lumet, New York is key in creating a standout version of this classical story. Rather than a Kansas cornfield, The Wiz notably utilizes the urban landscape—though specifically New York City—to introduce nuances to the overarching theme of home. Lumet uses the vast economic disparity between different areas of the city to create a multifarious land of opportunity. By using New York landmarks, The Wiz updated well-worn territory to extrapolate new meanings and make the story relevant to a new generation of viewers. 
 In this version of the narrative Dorothy (Diana Ross) is a young woman, 24, afraid to go out on her own and leave home. She is a teacher and Aunt Em (Theresa Merritt) is convincing her to take a job teaching high school to make more money and to go lower the 125th street. Immediately this film is arguing for a more independent version of the character, though Dorothy does mention that her aunt has once again tried to set her up with a man. The overarching themes of family and home are still central in this version, however they have been updated for the times.
This discussion takes place as the two women clean up after a large family dinner. The dinner, which is a musical scene, takes place in a dining room with warm colors in the scene. It is mellow yet vibrant, capturing a feeling of familial love and warmth. In comparison, Dorothy and Aunt Em’s discussion happens while the two are alone in the small kitchen which is mostly shades of white. As they talk, they go back to the dining room to fold the tablecloth and this time the room is empty showcasing Dorothy’s isolation. 
This scene recalls discussions of escapism, fantasy, and homeland in regards to African-American film. Here, Aunt Em is advocating for Dorothy’s escape from 125th street to explore the rest of Manhattan. It is key to note, however, she is not suggesting Dorothy leave the boundaries of New York but to explore the other economic realities of different neighborhoods (this is maintained in the fantasy aspect of the story through the disparities of Scarecrow’s miniature cornfield between crumbling tenement buildings and the skyscrapers of Emerald City). It is interesting that the fantasy element, as we will continue to see, is grounded in New York, echoing the economic realities of different parts of the city.
In The Wiz, Dorothy and her mutt Toto are transported to the land of Oz via blizzard. This changed detail reflects the importance of location to this version of the story. Whereas The Wizard of Oz (1939) took place in Kansas and reflected the tension between rural and urban life, The Wiz takes place entirely in the urban setting of New York. Dorothy and her pals travel from Harlem, through the boroughs, reaching the emerald city in lower Manhattan. In the short documentary video Wiz on Down the Road found here, director Sydney Lumet discusses the massive scale of the “Emerald City Sequence” filmed at the World Trade Center. You can find more of these New York City landmarks listed here.
Continuing with the theme of New York, the munchkins, here, are children who were turned into graffiti on the walls of a playground. The scene begins in darkness after Dorothy and Toto’s crash landing in a sandbox, with black-lighted highlights of color as figures slowly free themselves from the wall (this, among with its other more imaginative scenes have contributed to childhood nightmares for many). Their cryptic movements are captured in tight closeups, removing context from the scene making it all the more creepy. As the figures approach Dorothy chanting “Toto” over and over the viewer shares in her fear.  The figures step out of the shadows to reveal the children, all covered in bright paint, with cheery dispositions. Just as the munchkins of the 1939 film, the children cheer for Dorothy for killing the wicked witch. In maintaining the aesthetic of a New York City park, the mother of the munchkins —Miss One (Thelma Carpenter)— is a cross of a fairy godmother and a bag lady dripping in sequins. 
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Miss One’s obsession with numbers brings up the implication of playing the lotto; she asks Dorothy if she would like to “play those numbers” when Dorothy gives her address, 433 Prospect Place, asking where her home went. Of course the difference in music between this film and The Wizard of Oz is monumental as I discuss here. The camera work in the munchkin land scene is dedicated to highlighting the choreography as well as the scale of the production. The director utilizes a number of crane shots that showcase the large scale, yet intricate set pieces as well as the large number of dancers. This tactic introduces a theatrical feeling to the film, reminding viewers of The Wiz’s Broadway roots.
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More New York humor plays in the film when Dorothy tries to hail a cab to travel the Yellow Brick Road, only for it to immediately switch to off-duty. Defeated and confused, Dorothy is left in an empty playground one again darkened. The same shots used to showcase the dancers movements are used to convey her isolation (both physically and mentally). Not even toto is with her at this moment. Unlike other musical movies some of these shots are so zoomed out that it's hard to tell who is signing—even as Dorothy is the only character in frame. She is lost in the set, placing importance on location as well as taking attention away from Dorothy physically. She sings to the empty space in the shadows, the viewer is unable to see her face until she sings about how she is “gonna be alright” as soon as she returns home. Here her face is contorted in sadness and anxiety in this foreign place, clutching her only link to home, Toto.
Still in the shadows, Dorothy walks through rubble of a partially demolished building singing her predicament. As she concludes her song the sun rises, lighting Dorothy in red and orange. The colors of the sunset recall the color scheme of the family dinner in the opening scenes. Another crane shot positions Dorothy in a junkyard, with nothing but two dilapidated buildings standing. Though it is unclear where this scene takes place in this mythical version of New York, it’s visual similarity to the burned out buildings of the Bronx during this time is undeniable.
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In terms of the scarecrow’s (Michael Jackson) introduction, we are again seeing the urbanization of rural elements. The scarecrow, rather than being stuffed with straw, is filled with garbage—the crows call him “garbage guts” with his Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup wrapper nose and popcorn bucket hat. The cornfield Scarecrow hangs in an abandoned lot surrounded by rubble and garbage. Again the scene incorporates crane shots of the scene showcasing the crow dancers with less focus on the singer, creating the same effect of isolation and theatricality as the playground scene. Overall it reads as a post-apocalyptic wasteland with a Quincy Jones soundtrack.
Scarecrow, literally, crawls out of this wasteland towards the yellow brick road: 
The loose bricks scattered among the debris turn to the neatly paved road across a bridge toward four Chrysler Towers and a Coney Island roller coaster. In the foreground of this frame we see the crooked wooden fence post, truly acting as the barrier between a neighborhood destroyed and the promise of success and pleasure. The blackened concrete gives way to a brighter gray sidewalk.
Inside this amusement park we find a setting in only slightly better condition than Scarecrow’s field. Abandoned, Dorothy and Scarecrow find the Tinman (Nipsey Russell) trapped beneath a mechanical attraction designed to look like a large black woman with large red lips curled into a sick smile and large white eyes. The image evokes mammy designs of the 19th and 20th centuries or black face characters of minstrel shows: 
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Like Scarecrow, the Tinman is made of garbage—a Budweiser can is in place of his wrist and he wears a playing card as a lapel pin. Additionally, unlike Dorothy, both Scarecrow and the Tinman long for escapism, continuing this overarching theme of home and opportunity. Tinman’s performance of the song “What Could I Do If I Could Feel” is shot in closeup without any crane-shots or choreography. This framing adds a more sentimental element to the moment, with a few comedic elements present. A wider shot is used for the following song “Slide Some Oil to Me” which further utilizes Russell’s comedic talents. Still without crane shots, the shot is adjusted as the trio dances around the Coney Island-esque theme park as it slowly comes to life—a Nathan’s Famous Hotdog stand further confirms this link. The framing visually creates an intimate bond between the three characters.
The in situ nature of the film takes the characters to the 42nd Street New York Public Library where they meet the Cowardly Lion (Ted Ross). Here, the filmmakers physically tether the characters to a New York landmark, in a pseudo meta manor.
In the following “Ease On Down the Road #3” there is a wide shot of the now quartet standing atop yellow cabs in front of the Ozian New York Public Library. It is striking how the landmarks of this fantasy New York are abandoned, or at the very least, currently void of people. Aside from Munchkinland all of the scenes have had no background characters filling the visual space. This creates a isolation made more unsettling by the fact this takes place in the typically bustling metropolis of New York. Aside from this, it is also important to note the development of each neighborhood, from the virtual wasteland of Scarecrow’s home, to the abandoned amusement park of the Tinman, to the empty yet well kept library where the Cowardly Lion hides in the statue of Patience the lion.
The group continues down into the subway where the yellow brick road continues.
The nightmarish qualities of this film mainly derive from this subway chase scene where a featureless knick-knack vendor’s puppets come to life and grow to be life size as the vendor laughs maniacally. This, of course, is made all the more scarier by the subway setting, where the group is trapper underground in dingy lighting. Truly this scene taps into many New Yorker’s distaste for the oddities of the subway system to begin with. 
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Chaos erupts as trash cans with teeth attack Scarecrow, wires from a callbox electrify Tinman, and tiled subway columns break free to surround Dorothy. The film utilizes the low ceilings and maze like tunnels of subway platforms to create a familiar fear.
From the subway, the film travels back above ground to nighttime in, presumably, midtown. The poppy field of The Wizard of Oz becomes an ally full of sex workers dressed in pink, purple, and red outfits between two adult film theaters. On either wall bright neon signs display sexually charged words such as “naughty,” “yummy,” “tickle,” and “thighs” to name a few. In the background a lit garage of yellow cabs can be seen. These two scenes, back to back, mature the otherwise traditionally juvenile story. And yet the presence of sex workers and adult theaters add to the authenticity of telling an unglamorized, fantasy New York. A quick google search leads to dozens of articles, including from the official Time Square website, talking about the prominence of vice in the area—gambling, prostitution, and drug dealing. At the time of production midtown was the center of sexwork and pornography in New York, before morality movements sanitized the are pushing sexworkers out. Yet the scene of the poppy girls is relatively short, and followed by “Be a Lion” where Dorothy cradles Lion, soothing him with a gentle ballad that evolves into belting. The scene is comparatively less saturated, with blue moonlight illuminating the scene. The camera alternates between shots of Dorothy from below singing to Lion in her lap and shots of Lion from above looking up at her with big eyes.
Finally the group sees the Emerald City at the bottom of manhattan with a golden apple in place of the sun illuminating everything before them. In the film this is the epitome of wealth. The city is protected by two guards and a golden vault door. Inside the city is crowded with enormous gems in the plaza of the World Trade Center.
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Here the shot is framed by the base of the two towers, dwarfing the dancers by comparison. It creates a widely futuristic image where the rest of the movie created a more colorful version of the city. Additionally, the closeup on the dancers’ fashion drives home the image of wealth and exuberance.
Evilene’s (Mabel King) layer brings the story back to the dinge of the city. The exterior establishing shot shows it to be a sweatshop. The camera follows all of the degenerate characters (the sexworkers, the subway vendors, and the crows) chained together, into the shop where rows of costumed black figures work. This scene utilizes crainshots, again taking focus off the singer and onto the dancers, who upon closer look wear geometric tribal masks with large mouths and eye sockets and soot covered orange uniforms with exaggeratedly large buttocks. This combined with their hairstyles recall images of the pickaninny stereotype:
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Exposed strip lights hanging about the workshop also add to the theatricality. Additionally this scene introduces the flying monkeys, portrayed as a motorcycle/human hybrid. These characters are given dark skin tones and large lips are again evoking images from minstrel shows. The protagonists are chased through Shea Stadium, the baseball stadium for the Mets at the time. Back in the layer, Dorothy pulls the fire alarm to melt the witch which acts as a cleansing rain. Her friends are put back together and the workers are freed and celebrate with dance. There are no empty spaces in this scene as the dancers take up the entire factory floor and make large gestures. The workers remove their costumes to a sultry trumpet refrain to reveal real black dancers, covered in sweat. They wear yellow costumes resembling bathing suits which show off their anatomy, again conveying a sense of humanness. In a sense this moment reads as black people shedding stereotypical images and chains of oppression which combust to achieve humanity and freedom and ultimately tying into the overarching theme of escapism. However, it is important to note in doing so they become sexualized beings—not exactly the opposite of negative stereotypes about black people.
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Lena Horne’s portrayal of Glinda certainly showcases her acting ability and vocal prowess however it contributes to a colorist narrative in the film. The light skinned actor portrays Glinda, the embodiment of absolute good whereas the other Evilene is portrayed by a dark skin woman. It cannot go without acknowledgement that this, along with other negative representations of black folks, are represented by darker skinned people.
The film ends at the point of departure, on snow covered streets of Brooklyn with Dorothy clutching her dog. The lessons Dorothy learns are not reinforced by her family in one final scene and instead end with Dorothy rejoicing at her arrival home. In this way it is left ambiguous as to whether she will leave her neighborhood and take the better paying job. Thus even in this fantasy driven narrative, the resolution to leave home to make a better future is fairly unclear. Overall, The Wiz is a vibrantly colorful love letter to New York. The urban approach to this classic story was certainly monumental. It offers a story acted by an entirely black cast that does not center on black trauma or violence. It is in so many ways original despite being an adaptation of an adaptation.
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