#clearing snake
stepswowdsen · 17 days
【KagePro】 Outer Science x ENVY BABY 🖤❤️🃏🐍
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Happy 11th Anniversary to Outer Science! 🖤 💛 ❤️ 🎉🥳🎊
I actually had this prepared for Outer Science's 11th Anniversary on August 31st, but I just didn't post it here.
Outer Science will be my favourite KagePro song and MV forever. It was my gateway into KagePro as a 12 y/o, and it's also the song of my fave KagePro chara 🥰💞
I'll fill in the rough colours whenever I get the time. When I do, I'll post these on my art main blog (@/stepswordsen) and copy the rambles from this post over to main.
In celebration of Outer Science's Anniversary, I'll be posting rambles on the Outer Science MV (which will be split into parts cuz it's really long), these doodles, and the Outer Science illust I'm working on.
The first doodle I drew before is a crossover with Kanaria's ENVY BABY
I updated the eyes and eyelashes on this Kuroha x ENVY BABY crossover by making it consistent with my current art style. I also redrew the sleeves slightly.
I think I'll just post my old doodles since it'll be quicker to splotch rough colours on this doodle for now.
Once I do, I'll redraw stuff like the balloons and card and placement of the hearts and stuff.
I'll be cleaning up the 1st doodle and fill in the rough colours for it soon. I'm planning to take my time with my doodles. I'm planning to combine motifs from both Outer Science and ENVY BABY.
The truth is that I had 4 composition ideas but I think I'll only get the time to draw one of them. It'd be fun to try drawing the others in the future (whenever I get the time further down along the road).
I was gonna post the WIP of the Outer Science gen-fanart doodle I'm working on, but it'd spoil the surprise of my composition, so I'll post it whenever it's ready ^^
It'll be super fun to surprise people with my composition. It has mild artistic horror 😌 The sketch is only half-way done so far, so I'll take my time with it.
I also included the doodle of Manga Route 2 Kuroha/Saeru that I really like ^^
Playing around with screentones is fun!
Old doodles are under the cut!
Kuroha Doodle
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When I first came back to KagePro in late April, I drew this doodle inspired by Kagerou Daze VII -from the darkness-
I imagined yellow cords and ropes tied around him, similar to Azami in the Outer Science MV
This was my first recent KagePro doodle in a long time.
KagePro LN 7 has my fave LN cover. I love it soooo much 💞
Sidu has a brilliant aesthetic sense. The way Kuroha and Azami are drawn in this... Omg...
I still like some parts, but I'd probably redraw it to make it consistent with my current art style
Like I'd probably redraw it with a new pose. The expression is nice tho!
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stepswordsen · 1 month
【KagePro】 KuroEne/SaeEne 🖤💛💙
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【KagePro】 KuroEne/SaeEne 🖤💛💙
【カゲプロ】 黒コノエネ/クロエネ/冴えエネ
My shadow wants to swallow up this dream of yours.
KuroEne was baby Sen's 1st ship that I was OBSESSED with as a 12 year old, and after 10 years, the KuroEne obsession is here to stay.
Snake x Bunny 🐍🐇
Ene's twintails look like bunny ears 💙
I came back to KagePro in April and got obsessed with Kuroha and KuroEne again, exactly as I predicted. Turns out I'm not immune when my meow meow mf gets handsy with my wife.
B*tches when Snake of Clearing Eyes. I'm b*tches! /lh
I first got into KagePro when I was 12 when I watched the Outer Science MV. Sidu's MV aesthetics and Kuroha's design drew me in immediately. Great design and song~
I'm obsessed with Meow meow mf charas. Black and white colour scheme and design aesthetics. Causes problems on purpose. Sen-core bastard cat. Smug chaotic edgy evil asshole character. Violent, unhinged, bloodthirsty and murderous. Arrogant with a huge ego that distances them from humanity (or social interactions).
All of my top fave masc charas are like this. There's literally no one with more obvious and predictable tastes than me LMAO 😭
Kuroha/Saeru, the embodiment of "Knowledge/Wisdom" as a dark evil cunning and malicious entity in KagePro, and the main source of conflict and tension in the plot, is so interesting to me.
With Ene, I'm very enamoured with her chara and design. The way the way she acts so cheery and self-centered in the hopes of Shintaro to open up more, how she wants to be someone else's friend to subside their loneliness, the same kind of loneliness she'd always felt back then… It also feels like over-compensation for her past regrets, wahh, Ene… ;_;
Rough sketch WIPs. I love their expressions here sm~ I started playing around with Gradient Maps cuz I love picking colours. My works tend to lean more saturated with high contrast, so I ended up going with a more saturated palette.
This shows my process for picking colours. The final one I ended up picking is the 1st one. It has a blue hue shift on Ene, red hue shift on Kuroha, and generally more saturated colours and higher contrast. The last one shows the colours I started with.
The more red + purple toned Kuroha has really nice visual contrast against Ene's cool colours (blues) in her design tbh~
I started off with a more muted palette (different from what I'm used to), but ended up going with more saturated colours cuz I think it fit the mood of the piece more. Though I think it'd still be fun to do both a Muted Colours and Saturated Colours version!
These doodles aren't refined, and just me roughly filling in the base colours on my sketches to get an idea of colours. Since Idk when I'll get to refine these drawings and clean up the sketch and lines
Shadow gate to love by Guilty Kiss is sooo Sen ship-core. It basically works for every Light/Darkness, Angel/Devil, and Narrative Opposites ship of mine. Oh baby shadow gay~ 🌈
KuroEne has such a unique context as a ship cuz it uses HaruTaka and KonoEne (my no. 2 KagePro ships), as a basis. Ene has a "special" relationship with the person that Saeru uses as his vessel.
KuroEne is like the equivalent of the evil sleep paralysis demon (in this case, evil sadistic parasitic snake) possessing past love (Haruka), or the person that you're conflicted about, but still have a certain kind of tenderness for (Konoha). Sadistic parasitic evil snake bf and computer virus gf
Ene already gets flustered around Konoha who is airheaded. So with Saeru, the teasing would just be merciless, cuz Ene is easy to rile up. ENE BELOVED…
I'll talk about the setting of my KuroEne AU. I'll put the rest of my rambles under the cut! I copy pasted these rambles from my side blog since it's pretty long.
KuroEne AU: Set-up
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Source: KagePro LN: 7 - from the darkness - Colour Illustration Source: Sidu's Mekakushi Dan Members Colour Illustrations
Ok, I'm just gonna ramble about the setting of my KuroEne AU.
I also included a summary for context just in case my non-KagePro mutuals want to tune in to read these rambles.
I just wrote this quickly before I go to sleep. I have more to say but I think this is a good starter.
In official KagePro media, the present day plot starts after 2 years, on the fateful day of August 15th (Kagerou/Heat Haze) Day.
The Kagerou Daze, the never ending world, swallows up people who die on August 15th, and gives those with especially strong desires, who are compatible with an Eye Ability, a substitute life so that they can return to the real world.
In most Routes, Saeru ends up orchestrating Haruka and Takane's deaths. One thing you'll learn about KagePro is that this guy (Kuroha) is responsible for almost everything bad that happens
Because killing them so that they'd come out with an Eye Ability, is a part of his plan to get the rest of Azami's snakes out of the Kagerou Daze and into the real world.
Haruka's death leads to the creation of Konoha, and Takane's death causes her to lose her human body and become a cyber girl named Ene
There are multiple different ways that a KuroEne AU could go, depending on the Route. KuroEne AU Routes are so fun to write, because any time I get a new idea, I can just put into a different Route (timeline) to explore all the "What if" scenarios that don't fit into a single Route.
Kuroha's Plan and KonoEne
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Source: @/x0401x
Mekakushi Dan Clear Files: (X)
Normally, the rest of the Mekakushi Dan members meet each other in the present day plot after 2 years, the fateful day of August 15th, the day Kuroha/Saeru plans to kill everyone.
Kuroha/Saeru's plan is to gather all the snakes with a new Medusa in the real world (bringing the rest of Azami's snakes out of the Kagerou Daze to the real world), and killing all Eye Ability users.
Then, he forces Marry, "the next Master," to rewind the world using the power of the Queen Snake, Combining Eyes.
In official media, Kuroha/Saeru usually possesses Konoha's body at the end of a Route on August 15th, the day he plans to proceed with the "Tragedy" and kill everyone.
I imagine that in my KuroEne AU, Kuroha/Saeru possesses Konoha's body MUCH earlier. Like, anywhere within the timespan after Takane and Haruka's deaths (1 - 2 years)
Because of this, Konoha and Ene usually end up meeting and befriending each other earlier. Ene recognizes Konoha as Haruka's game avatar from back then, and mistakes him for Haruka. Konoha asks if she has the wrong person, and Ene gets heartbroken at Konoha's seeming amnesia and inability to remember her.
Ene imposes a sense of distance around Konoha due to her conflicting feelings (he resembles the person she loved but isn't him).
In my AU, KonoEne establish a relationship dynamic of some kind (which varies depending on the Route), which either progresses to an acquaintance-ship, friendship, or intimate relationship.
Kuroha introduces himself to Ene for their first meeting in a Route
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Source: Sidu's 2016 Calendar Hanafuda Set
And then, at some point, Kuroha/Saeru possesses Konoha's body. At this point, when he introduces himself and makes himself known to Ene for the first time, he can choose what information he wants to reveal, and how much.
For example, Kuroha can choose if he wants to introduce himself as Black Konoha, and/or "Saeru," or whether to reveal it for later. (And he also chooses whether he wants to reveal his true identity as the Snake of Clearing Eyes.)
Ene later nicknames him "Kuroha" and "Saeru" to shorten the name.
He knows that the 1st one would be more familiar to Ene. To introduce himself with the 2nd one would make Ene more distrusting/suspicious of him.
He most likely doesn't reveal his true intentions (to kill the Mekakushi Dan) so soon, because he knows that if he does, Ene is (obviously) not gonna want to "play the game" (of being intimate with him) anymore, cuz it means that he is literally putting her and her friends' lives in danger.
Though, across multiple Routes, he probably does play around and experiment with the timing of when he reveals certain information, and how much.
I think in most Routes, Ene is suspicious of him at first, and asks about his intentions and what he's really after, and Kuroha/Saeru just tells her that it's too early to say yet, and that she will find out soon.
(Though, Kuroha could probably quell her suspicions with enough convincing, due to the massive amount of knowledge he carries)
KuroEne AU: Context
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Source: Mega Man Battle Network 6 (Rockman.exe 6)
In my KuroEne AU, Kuroha/Saeru, who has messed around with human technology and innovation, has been able to develop a humanoid android/robot body with human flesh that Ene can transfer into.
This concept is inspired by Mega Man Battle Network (Rockman.exe), specifically, the NetNavis (humans' companion AIs in this universe) from MMBN/EXE.
NetNavis can transfer into CopyBots (android bodies) for limited amounts of time, to move around in the real world. These CopyBots take the appearance of the NetNavi that transfer into it.
In my KuroEne AU, I imagine it's battery powered, but with every Route, he gets better and faster at making it. Like he improves the battery life over time, so it goes from lasting an hour to lasting a whole day, etc.
According to the KagePro LNs, Kuroha/Saeru has knowledge from everything from the start of civilization...
Shintaro in the KagePro LNs compares Saeru to "a living encyclopedia with a full grasp of everything from the start of civilization up to modern science."
That LN bit confirms that Kuroha/Saeru carries knowledge of the history of mankind and its technologies over (probably) millions or thousands of years.
Especially when scientists have made developments regarding wrapping living human-like skin onto a robot that can heal when cut.
If he carries knowledge from the start of civilization, so much knowledge that it's unfathomable to the average person, then yeah I definitely think he could get it done (especially for the sake of my AU).
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KuroEne's Intimacy
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Source: (X)
Scan: @/ayara-resara
Kuroha proposes that he has a solution for Ene not being able to move around in the real world, and introduces the little invention that he made, for her to test out, which Ene eventually agrees to, out of curiosity.
Ene feels a sense of gratefulness to him for allowing her to move around in the real world since it gets lonely in the cyber world, not being able to feel or touch anyone on the outside…
Kuroha gets to know and bonds with Ene, anywhere within this 1 - 2 year timespan, and at some point, Kuroha and Ene get intimate with each other.
Ene gives into the sense of longing/yearning that she feels for Kuroha/Saeru, a yearning for warmth and touch after being stuck alone in the cyber world for so long (in spite of everything - if she knows about his true identity at this point), which is in part caused by his vessel (being Konoha, who's in Haruka's body).
Kuroha knows how to react to her and what to say to her and how to act around her due to his knowledge, and so, seduces his S/O and tempts her with carnal pleasures, and they indulge in "the game/dance" of being intimate with each other.
Because Kuroha/Saeru keeps memories of previous Routes, he remembers memories of being with the Enes of previous Routes, and thus, knows how to react to her when talking/chatting with her normally, knows how to appease Ene's behaviours and whims, goes along with what she wants, knows how to get the responses he wants when he wants something from his partner (so he knows how to seduce them), and knows how to satisfy his partner in the context of intimacy.
Because of the knowledge he carries, he knows the context, past, Eye Abilities, vulnerabilities, etc., of every Mekakushi Dan member, and that includes Ene. So he'd definitely know about Haruka and Takane, and Konoha and Ene's context and relationship together.
The person who's her greatest enemy (whether she knows it at this point or not), very literally knows everything about her.
Kuroha's Nature
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Source: COSPA - Tsumamare Series (Keychains and Rubber Strap Charms)
Not only does he weaponize Konoha's body by using Konoha's body as a murder weapon to kill everyone at the end of a Route, he weaponizes words, too. Kuroha/Saeru uses "knowledge" as an advantage over his partner, and weaponizes knowledge. Actually staggering advantage. Because he knows almost everything.
Kuroha ships are like the only time I have ships where one party in the ship has THIS much of an advantage over their partner.
Therefore, as I said before, Kuroha/Saeru ultimately has a power imbalance with his partner (any Mekakushi Dan member that he could be paired with).
He has an overwhelming advantage over his partner due to his role (set-up as an antagonist constantly killing the cast) and capabilities. It is ultimately in his favour.
That fact in itself, that the power imbalance exists, isn't inherently a bad thing, it just means that you NEED to tread carefully with portraying Kuroha's ships. I always make sure to depict my ships with as much care as possible, and as healthy as possible.
Ene is one of the characters who is a really good match with him. Because making Ene more assertive and dominant in the KuroEne ship, and making them take turns in leading intimacy, with having Kuroha letting Ene take control through their bedroom intimacy at times, helps alleviate this power imbalance slightly.
Kuroha is literally so fucked up dude cuz even his twisted form of affection that he holds for his S/O (the Mekakushi Dan member who he's paired with), is still in a twisted, selfish, self-serving way.
Due to his twisted nature, he embodies Koi (恋), "Selfish love," "loving someone for their own sake."
Even when he caters to his partner's pleasures, it still ultimately caters to his pleasures the most. That makes him interesting, though. Someone so inherently dark and twisted and sinister, with selfish desires like that… 🥰💖✨
Misc Rambles
So I imagine, in most KuroEne AU routes, he reveals his true intentions either approaching the fated day of August 15th, or right on the day of August 15th.
There's absolutely a sense of betrayal that Ene would feel following the reveal of his true intentions - he built up a relationship with her, on purpose, just to drop the worst possible scenario imaginable.
Like let's be real. The reveal of "I've been killing you and your friends throughout multiple Routes (timelines)" just sounds like a nightmarish scenario, especially if you've been fucking this guy, like come on. 😭
And something that would make Ene get especially pissed at him, is if he decides to reveal that he was responsible for orchestrating Haruka and Takane's deaths in the first place.
(In official media, Ene sees Konoha for the first time, on August 15th, 2 years after Haruka and Takane's deaths)
Though, there are probably KuroEne AU routes where Konoha and Ene don't get the chance to meet each other - Routes where Kuroha/Saeru possesses Konoha's body before the two can actually meet, so when Ene sees who she thinks is "Konoha" for the first time, it's actually Kuroha/Saeru. With this kind of setting, he could even pretend to be Konoha, if he wanted.
And then on August 15th, he proceeds with killing the Mekakushi Dan with sadistic glee (and even his S/O - though if he's feeling nice, then he can spare them, since he doesn't need to kill everyone), and forces Marry to rewind the world.
Thankfully, due to the nature of Ene's body and predicament, she won't feel physical pain when he kills her. And then, a new Route (timeline) begins.
Previous KuroEne Posts
In my new post (this one), I wrote more about the set-up of my KuroEne AU.
My old post has some more rambles regarding some general ideas of my KuroEne AU (since I didn't feel the need to copy paste the same stuff here too)
Shadow gate to love by Guilty Kiss
Source: (X)
These lyrics work so well for ships like LimGuda, XanLena, IdaTatsu, and KuroEne.
The song sung by the sub-unit, Guilty Kiss, in Love Live! Sunshine!! My favourite version of Shadow gate to love is this fan-edit that pitches down the song to match the original voice actors’ voices, compared to their characters’ voices (which are higher in pitch)
Shadow gate to love is sooo Sen ship-core. It basically works for every Light/Darkness, Angel/Devil, and Narrative Opposites ship of mine.
It’s my song to fall back on if I can’t think of any other songs for my ships. I think it fits these 4 the best, though.
Oh baby shadow gay~ 🌈
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The lyrics of the song works for all of my meow meow mfs in general.
In KagePro, though, the mention of "Strong scented eyes" takes on another meaning cuz of the emphasis on EYES, particularly the Eye Abilities.
I also love the emphasis on the Light/Darkness aspect and seduction in the lyrics.
KuroEne: Kuroha seduces Ene by tempting her with carnal pleasures, and keeps the secrets of his plan to commit the Tragedy (killing the Mekakushi Dan on August 15th, Kagerou Day) hidden from her. He tells her "beautiful lies" in order to keep up his facade.
He decides to act tamer prior to the fated date of August 15th, catering to her desires and befriending and bonding her and spending time with her and actually getting to know her. They'd do soft and fluffy stuff like go to the amusement park together, play video games together, and eventually, get intimate with each other.
Due to his inherently dark and twisted nature, Kuroha/Saeru prioritizes his own desires and desire for immortality, and constantly keeps causing the Tragedy by killing the Mekakushi Dan, Marry's friends, forcing the time loop resets. He also believes that doing this allows him to be with his partner forever, because he can continue to come and meet them forever and ever.
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william-snekspeare · 1 year
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This is so real
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shazzbaa · 21 days
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Like a moment glimpsed through a keyhole - intimate, and distant.
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hermit-frog · 2 months
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for me personally‚ the flashlight in the museum (that Armand had stolen from the guard) represented her hope/dream (to be seen, to belong, to find home)‚ happiness (Madeleine)‚ and Claudia herself.
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kitconnor · 9 months
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it's the things we love most that destroy us.
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katnissandpeetamellark · 10 months
Nothing Suzanne Collins writes in her books is on accident
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sukifoof-art · 4 months
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siyi-draws · 1 month
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obsessedwrhys · 3 months
Hello, could you create a headcanon for ROTTMNT where Leo and Donnie, separately, fall in love with a female reader who can transform into a giant white snake
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ fluff, no angst, bunch of goofiness, fem reader!!
When he met you, he thought you were just a simple human April had introduced to him and his brothers.
So when you suddenly transformed into a giant white snake to help the brothers fight against the foot clan, it threw him off guard.
He was completely drawn towards your snake form. The head was adorned with intricate patterns and your eyes glistened like twin emeralds. He could feel himself being lured into a hypnosis everytime he stares into them.
Of course that doesn't mean he likes your human form any less.
Once he finally got to know you properly, he couldn't help but fall for you HARD.
You were naturally quiet but the moment you talk to someone you were comfortable with or trusted very much, you would just beam with this beautiful glow as you talked about your favourite topic.
That's what Leo finds so fascinating about you.
After learning some of your interests or hobbies, he would always purposely ask you about a certain thing related to it just to see that joy on you. Your smile was infectious that he would sometimes fail to notice himself smiling while listening to you talk.
He also realised you would hiss whenever you were frustrated or felt threatened, you say that it's a hard habit to let go even when you were in your human form. It was just your instincts.
He doesn't mind much about it but he can't help but find it adorable when you'd hiss at someone just because they wanted one piece of the potato chips you were enjoying.
Since you curl up everytime you sleep, you'd constantly be found sleeping on one of the sofas curled up like a snake would. Leo once stumbled upon you in that state and was concern on whether or not if your back hurts sleeping like that for such a long time.
That's why the next time you went to your usual spot to nap, you'd find it filled with blankets and pillows for you to snuggle with. You didn't know who it was but seeing the familiarity of the pillows, you knew immediately it was Leo.
All these little moments shared between you both, Leo would storm up ideas of the right way to confess his feelings to you.
This was a once in a lifetime opportunity that he wouldn't dare miss!!
That is why he decided to ask you out to Run of the Mill Pizza. The first reason being that he'll feel most confident if he has his buddy Hueso there to provide some support and the second reason being him wanting to treat you to some good pizza.
The night went on just fine, you were laughing and enjoying yourself. After dinner was over, he had insisted to take you to a good spot to enjoy the city view. To your surprise the rooftop of the building was decorated with flowers.
As you examined the flowers clearly planted by the owner of the place, you failed to notice Leo who had a bouquet in his hand. It was when you turn around that you finally see it, the roses being the same shade as the blush on his face.
"Oh Leo... you didn't have to"
"Well it's worth it if I get to see that killer smile of yours. Besides, I know I'm probably not the most romantic guy, but I'd like to try" He said and you raise an eyebrow at him, a bit taken back.
"What are you trying to say here?"
"I guess what I'm trying to say is that you've captured the heart of a charming, witty, and incredibly handsome man like myself. Is it too much to ask for yours?"
He'd look at you with a smirk to try to cover up his anxiousness, you couldn't help but laugh as you accept his confession. You can imagine how overjoyed he was when he picked you up and swung you around in his arms.
Which is why you'll have to get use to his terrible dad jokes about your snake abilities. It comes with the love.
"Hey hey (Y/N), what do you call a snake that can't make up its mind?"
"I don’t know, what is it?"
"A hesssssitate!"
Insert him laughing to himself as he slaps his knee.
He's a flirty boy. Not to mention very cheesy at it, he chose to nickname you 'Sapphire' because of your eyes. Just imagine him going around being "Oh my Sapphire" or "My sweet Sapphire" whenever he's talking to you. It drives his brothers insane.
Nonetheless, he thinks that you are the most venomfully gorgeous girl he has ever seen. His words, not mine.
When April had introduced you to the group, he was fascinated with your whitish hair. He was curious whether or not if it was genetics.
The second you had transformed into a giant white snake to save the brothers out of a messy fight. He was completely blown away.
Your scales shimmered like a thousand tiny diamonds and your movements were both fluid and swift. Watching you fight was mesmerising like a scene out of a fantasy movie.
Naturally, after the fight was over and that you've all returned to the lair. He was the first to ask you about your snake form, just imagine the gleam in his eyes as he scribbles down all the information you provided him with.
Just when he thought he has studied everything Yokai, the world ceases to surprise him.
He'd definitely be very analytical once he has your consent to study your snake abilities. But soon his simple idea of coming up with a hypothesis would turn into him getting to know you better.
Despite being cold-blooded, you were the most kindest person he has ever met. You were the type of person to stop whatever it is that you were doing just to help an injured bird. It was a trait he liked about you.
Now back to the hair, when you had finally told him it was genetics due to your snake form, he was amazed by it. It just looked so good on you you know. That's why whenever you're talking to him, you'd always catch his eyes trailing up to your hair to admire the way it moves and looks.
Seeing how you were unbelievably captivating like a myth, he found himself falling deeply in love with you.
Using any excuses he could to spend time with you. His brothers could sense his eagerness to be around you so obviously they would sometimes tease him about his little crush on you, that is surprisingly something you still had no idea about.
You would offer to be in your snake form for him to examine every detail about it. He had to admit, he was afraid to approach you the first time but after some getting use to, he felt more comfortable to touch the scales on your body. It was hard as expected but your belly? It was EXTREMELY SOFT!! You once giggled from how ticklish it felt and he couldn't help but swoon.
Which brings the reason why he is so devoted to make you laugh. It's like music to his ears!!
That's why every now and then you guys would exchange funny memes and videos you'd find online. He prefers to do it in person so he could see your reaction. The way your expression changes as your lips start to curve upwards is what satisfies him the most.
SO WORTH IT!!! He'd always tell himself.
After what seemed to be days, he finally convinced himself to confess his feelings towards you. The problem however is that he struggles with his words, which is ironic considering he's the smartest out of his brothers.
That's why he came up with an idea. He IS smart.
It was a normal day, you were in your apartment simply scrolling through your laptop until a virtual mail with a heart shaped wax seal popped up from the corner of the screen.
At first you were afraid it was a stupid virus you accidentally installed until you see the words 'From Donnie' displayed next to it. Feeling assured, you clicked on it.
Thats when your screen was covered by confetti, you chuckled as you see hearts also floating around the opened mail. You then began to read what was written.
"Hey (Y/N), do you know how sometimes you see a picture of a fluffy kitten, and your heart just melts? Or how you hum along to a song even though you have no idea what the words mean? That's kind of how I feel around you. Just… happy. Feeling of belong... to put it short, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm kind of falling for you. But no pressure of course!! No expectations!! Just wanted to get that off my chest!! But it wouldn't hurt to ask if you felt the same. Do you feel the same??"
Your heart practically melt by his confession and right below contained two boxes. One writes 'Yes' and the other 'No'.
After a quick minute of consideration and freaking out, you pressed yes. You laugh when a white snake began to slither out and blow you a kiss.
At the other side of the city, the moment Donnie received the answer back from his computer, he almost fell out of his seat from pure shock. YOU SAID YESS?? YOU DIDN'T MISS CLICK RIGHT???
Once the relationship became official, he'd definitely be more affectionate towards you, but he gets easily flustered when it's you who initiate it.
So get use to being showered with gifts because this man expresses his love better with his actions 😚
To put it simply, he worships you and gives you the appreciation you long deserve, from head to toe 'til the end of time.
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nahusnab · 1 year
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Happy 8/15! Kagerou Project has been a big part of my life since 2012 (couldn't find my 2012 Seto art 😢)
Last year was the 10 years mark of me being a KagePro fan while I also graduated college on the same year (2022)! So I brought a Seto standee on my graduation day to celebrate it!
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And as usual, here's the yearly Kagepro Meme Zine. I could only do 1 this year but I hope you still enjoy it! The full zine can be accessed here!
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stepswowdsen · 11 days
【KagePro】 KuroEne AU: KuroEne's Amusement Park Date + Kuroha pretends to join the Mekakushi Dan 🖤💙
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KuroEne AU: Scenarios
Dialogue Scripts (Suggestive dialogue)
Kuroha goes to the Amusement Park with Ene
Kuroha/Saeru pretends to join the Mekakushi Dan, while getting intimate with Ene. Shintaro accidentally stumbles in on KuroEne's intimacy and learns about their relationship.
I originally wrote these rambles on 8/29/2024 and 9/1/2024 but forgot to post them here
I put these rambles under the cut as usual!
KuroEne AU: Dialogue Scripts
(CW: Suggestive)
Based on an idea I had where Ene asks Kuroha about his motives. He then tells her he's been with the Enes of previous routes. Ene dares him to make her feel good, and Kuroha accepts the challenge.
Ene recognizes that she might not be able to ever truly beat him, but that doesn't mean she'll ever stop trying.
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Ene reflects on her experiences with Kuroha/Saeru.
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KuroEne AU: Unsorted dialogue scripts.
I'll post my Outer Science arts and Outer Science MV analysis rambles soon in the coming days (since I always try to find new things to say when it comes to analyzing my fave MVs).
Whenever I get the time.
For now I'll just post this since I forget which dialogue scripts I have and haven't posted
Both in terms of art and writing, KuroEne really gets my creative juices flowing, so I'm so grateful to this pair (and my other faves too) for getting me out of the rut of never posting anything. I'm slowly getting more comfortable with posting my art WIPs too.
KuroEne AU: A monologue snippet from Ene. I want to write more scenes like this ^^
I think it's super fun to delve into and explore her feelings and the kinds of insecurities and loneliness she tries to keep beneath the surface.
How in Manga Route 2, she admits to Shintaro that having so much fun spending time with a friend made her start to feel like she didn't deserve it... Weh weh weh ;__;
Kuroha/Saeru uses the pronouns 僕 (Boku, "I") and 君 (Kimi, "You") in Outer Science, and the rougher masc pronouns 俺 (Ore, "I") and お前 (Omae, "You") in the Kagerou Daze manga.
I made him default to using Ore (俺) and Omae (お前) in my own dialogue scripts since the rougher masc pronouns fit an arrogant chara like him, but I imagine that he probably does use 僕 (Boku) and 君 (Kimi) if he wants to appear softer to Ene.
It'd be familiar to her since Haruka and Konoha both use 僕 (Boku) and 君 (Kimi)
I don't have a favourite character to write dialogue scripts for, since I enjoy writing for all of my meow meow mf and wifey faves. But writing villain charas is seriously cathartic for me :)
The dialogue is sooo fun to write for villain/antagonist charas.
I excel at writing my faves most, so other charas' roles tend to be rather minimized/minimal (or mainly just cameos, if they're there), since I usually just focus on the ship itself in my ship AUs.
Kuroha takes Ene to the Amusement Park
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Kagerou Daze Manga: Ch. 9 - Shintaro and Ene
I decided to put the pages for context just in case my non-KagePro mutuals wanna tune into these rambles ^^
I didn't get to write all of what I wanted today but I got most of it down so I'll just post what I got for now
One of the ideas I had that I forgot to talk about was Ene getting Kuroha to take her to the amusement park. Ene gets excited talking about how, while she was surfing the web earlier when the android body was recharging, that she found out about an Amusement park attraction and wants to go with him.
I imagine that Kuroha decides to play nice prior to the fateful day of August 15th (in which he plans to enact the "plan" or "Tragedy." Like he acts more tame/normal on purpose, and holds back, and decides to go along with his partner's whims.
Ene goes like, "Take me to the amusement park!!!" And she gets excited when he agrees. I assume they're in a Route where he's made enough improvements that the battery can last anywhere from several hours ~ a full day instead of just an hour or few.
At some point during the Amusement park trip, Ene innerly thinks to herself with flustered, panicky thoughts, like, "W-w-wait why is my face getting all red??? Maybe it's because I'm just embarrassed by this guy's teasing??? Yeah!!! That must be it!!!"
She thought of it as going with like, a friend, before, but she thinks about the fact that it's just the two of them here and that this IS the person she has an intimate relationship with and thinks to herself, "HOLD ON!!! IS THIS A DATE!?!?" And cuz Ene is so easy to read, Kuroha can guess her inner turmoil and just gets amused.
Ene pulls him by the arm and makes Kuroha to come along with her to all the amusement park attractions, and he lets her. They probably go on stuff like the mini boat rides and other attractions.
Kuroha just reacts like (...) the whole time while on the roller coaster ride, like the completely calm type that doesn't react at all, he just watches Ene's excited reactions of "Yippee!!!" (>v<)
Kuroha comments that it's good that Ene seems to be enjoying herself, and Ene tells him that she's never had the chance to go to an amusement park before and that she's having LOTS of fun!!! And that she's glad that he is here with her.
Ene goes like, "Come onnnnn, carry me!!!" And he carries his fussy needy gf, while making a teasing quip that she acts awfully spoiled. And she just pouts like "It's fine, it's fine!!!" (>3<)
When he thinks about it, Kuroha picks up on the fact that back when she was Takane, she'd spend most of her time cooped up in her room at home playing video games, and probably didn't get the chance to go to an amusement park (also due to her chronic illness too). So the bright and peppy exterior Ene displays is over compensation for her regrets and an opportunity to do the things she didn't get to before
At one point, Ene wants Kuroha to win prizes for her at a booth/stand selling plushies by throwing darts into a target marker, and Ene tells him she wants him to win prizes for her. When Kuroha throws the darts, it hits the center (red bull's eye) perfectly.
There's probably also a game with hitting moving targets as well, and he hits them all perfectly and wins the prizes that Ene wants. And Ene's like, "Wow~ You're good at this! Throwing darts, I mean!"
And Kuroha tells her, "Naturally. This much is child's play. I am quite skilled at hunting down moving targets..."
He has plenty of practice at it. Ene takes it as a video game thing cuz Ene makes him play video games together and her faves are shooter types, but ahahaha, there's a much darker secret to that. After that, Ene is carrying a fluffy bunny plushie.
It'd also be fun to think about the Amusement Park Scenario with KonoEne too? KonoEne where Konoha just noms on cotton candy while staying close to her, and she just gets all blushy and huffy at him.
Also with the darts scenario, Konoha wouldn't hold back (cuz of how dense and airheaded he is), so him throwing the dart just creates a mini crater in the wall.
Like it plays out much differently with KuroEne ofc.
I was just thinking about it but I really want to write dialogue scripts for an Amusement Park scenario in my KuroEne AU.
Basically Ene tells Kuroha she's always wanted to go to the amusement park (since she didn't get the chance to before) and that she wanted to go with a friend (Shintaro), but said friend was a total shut-in and not the type to want to go outside.
So this is the perfect opportunity for her to go with someone!
Ene has a faint blush on her cheeks and pushes her sleeves together as she goes like, "I've been meaning to ask! I was wondering if you would… take me to the Amusement Park?" And Kuroha agrees to take her.
While there, Ene tells him she's having lots of fun! Kuroha muses to himself about the irony. In Manga Route 1, he ended the MekaDan at this very same park. The irony isn't lost on him.
But it's cute to see Ene enjoying herself and having fun and he finds her behaviour naive and foolish for readily accepting him and trusting him so easily, but also innocent and endearing.
Kuroha/Saeru pretends to join the Mekakushi Dan
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I just had an idea like y'know what would be a fun idea for a KuroEne AU Route.
I just thought about it since, my KuroEne AU routes usually have KuroEne hang out alone together in a secluded/abandoned building or real estate just to themselves.
But I also thought that it WOULD be interesting
If the Mekakushi Dan doesn't get the chance to meet Konoha, but Kuroha pretends to be an Eye Ability user and "joins" them just out of curiosity.
The MekaDan think they've invited a new member, in reality they have the enemy in their hideout. The irony isn't lost on him.
He's good at playing pretend.
Something that he can pull off because he's an Eye Ability snake, he can make his eyes glow red. And he just pretends his Eye Ability is Awakening Eyes
The other Mekakushi Dan members accept him like, "Welcome to the Mekakushi Dan!" (:D)
And upon getting this warm greeting from everyone, he goes from (…) and slowly smirks like, "Thank you for having me."
Like, Kuroha/Saeru pretends to be apart of the Mekakushi Dan and be "one of them" to find new ways to spice up the game and make things fun. It's something different cuz he's usually used to playing the game alone with Ene, now they have "spectators" around them
Though obviously they'll be alone for their intimacy.
Shintaro almost feels relieved to see someone like Kuroha/Saeru that can manage to tease Ene so easily and make her flustered, it's like getting payback or sweet revenge for Ene always teasing him.
I thought of one scenario that'd be fun where it's like… KuroEne are alone in the MekaDan's hideout together, the rest of the members are still out and have yet to come back.
Shintaro comes back earlier than the others (earlier than expected) cuz it's been a long time since he's been in the summer heat (as a shut-in NEET), so he's not used to it.
Shintaro wonders where the others (KuroEne) are while thinking to himself. While checking one of the rooms, he sees that the door is slightly open and catches a glimpse of the view of Kuroha leaning in to kiss Ene through the space in the door that's open.
He just immediately backs away from the door and freaks out innerly to himself. Then Shintaro thinks back on all the instances of Ene actually getting embarrassed/flustered by Kuroha/Saeru's teasing, which is so unlike her usual self, and things start to make sense.
Irt Kuroha/Saeru, he's a Snake so he can sniff things out way better than a human can, he probably smelled the scent of another person in the air when Shintaro came in through the door. But it doesn't matter to him if anyone finds out about their r/s.
Shintaro: (Come to think of it… I just thought it was fun to see Ene being the one getting teased.. I never thought there'd be something like THAT between them!!!)
Made these rambles after being inspired by Feila's KuroEne chatroom style posts
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Feila's KuroEne posts 😭 CRYINGGG /POS
Ene managing to pester and tease Saeru is a huge feat she should feel accomplished. I think it's so funny to imagine Shintaro being the (unfortunate) spectator of KuroEne's shenanigans together.
Ene being bratty on purpose to rile up Saeru is a fun concept :3
Especially when he's usually a more calm/level-headed character so it would take a lot but I think my wife has it in her 👍
C: Omg
Me: We should have Ene acting bratty enough to Saeru for him to want to tease her back in exchange :3
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stepswordsen · 13 days
【KagePro】 KuroEne/SaeEne 🖤💛💙
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【KagePro】 KuroEne/SaeEne 🖤💛💙
【カゲプロ】 黒コノエネ/クロエネ/冴えエネ
My shadow wants to swallow up this dream of yours.
Intro Rambles
Happy 9/6! Happy HaruTaka/KonoEne/KuroEne Day!!! 🖤 💛 💙 🥳 🎉
I've loved 9/6 and all related ships for over 10 years now 🥰💞
KuroEne was baby Sen's 1st ship that I was OBSESSED with as a 12 year old, and after 10 years, the KuroEne obsession is here to stay.
Snake x Bunny 🐍🐇
Ene's twintails look like bunny ears 💙
I came back to KagePro in April and got obsessed with Kuroha and KuroEne again, exactly as I predicted. Turns out I'm not immune when my meow meow mf gets handsy with my wife.
B*tches when Snake of Clearing Eyes. I'm b*tches! /lh
I first got into KagePro when I was 12 when I watched the Outer Science MV. Sidu's MV aesthetics and Kuroha's design drew me in immediately. Great design and song~
I'm obsessed with Meow meow mf charas. Black and white colour scheme and design aesthetics. Causes problems on purpose. Sen-core bastard cat. Smug chaotic edgy evil asshole character. Violent, unhinged, bloodthirsty and murderous. Arrogant with a huge ego that distances them from humanity (or social interactions).
All of my top fave masc charas are like this. There's literally no one with more obvious and predictable tastes than me LMAO 😭
Kuroha/Saeru, the embodiment of "Knowledge/Wisdom" as a dark evil cunning and malicious entity in KagePro, and the main source of conflict and tension in the plot, is so interesting to me.
The truly evil monster who wears the face of a past love.
With Ene, I'm very enamoured with her chara and design. The way the way she acts so cheery and self-centered in the hopes of Shintaro to open up more, how she wants to be someone else's friend to subside their loneliness, the same kind of loneliness she'd always felt back then… It also feels like over-compensation for her past regrets, wahh, Ene… ;_;
Rough sketch WIPs. I love their expressions here sm~ I started playing around with Gradient Maps cuz I love picking colours. My works tend to lean more saturated with high contrast, so I ended up going with a more saturated palette.
This shows my process for picking colours. The final one I ended up picking is the 1st one. It has a blue hue shift on Ene, red hue shift on Kuroha, and generally more saturated colours and higher contrast. The last one shows the colours I started with.
The more red + purple toned Kuroha has really nice visual contrast against Ene's cool colours (blues) in her design tbh~
I started off with a more muted palette (different from what I'm used to), but ended up going with more saturated colours cuz I think it fit the mood of the piece more. Though I think it'd still be fun to do both a Muted Colours and Saturated Colours version!
These doodles aren't refined, and just me roughly filling in the base colours on my sketches to get an idea of colours. Since Idk when I'll get to refine these drawings and clean up the sketch and lines
Shadow gate to love by Guilty Kiss is sooo Sen ship-core. It basically works for every Light/Darkness, Angel/Devil, and Narrative Opposites ship of mine. Oh baby shadow gay~ 🌈
KuroEne has such a unique context as a ship cuz it uses HaruTaka and KonoEne (my no. 2 KagePro ships), as a basis. Ene has a "special" relationship with the person that Saeru uses as his vessel.
KuroEne is like the equivalent of the evil sleep paralysis demon (in this case, evil sadistic parasitic snake) possessing your past love (Haruka), or the person that you're conflicted about, but still have a certain kind of tenderness for (Konoha)
Sadistic parasitic evil snake bf and computer virus gf~
Ene already gets flustered around Konoha who is airheaded. So with Saeru, the teasing would just be merciless, cuz Ene is easy to rile up. ENE BELOVED…
KuroEne is SUCH an interesting ship to think about and analyze due to their characters' context and the potential of the complicated, complex, and messy relationship that they would have.
They give me immense brainrot.
I'll talk about the setting of my KuroEne AU. I'll put the rest of my rambles and art WIPs under the cut! I copy pasted these rambles from my side blog and previous post, since it's pretty long.
It feels fitting to include it again, cuz it's basically the big summary of my KuroEne AU.
Art Rambles
Version 8: Lineart (Multiply + Colour Burn) + Increased saturation on Ene's Eyes (50% Opacity)
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Version 7: Lineart (Multiply + Colour Burn) + Increased saturation on Ene's Eyes (20% Opacity)
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Version 6: Lineart (Multiply) + Increased saturation on Ene's Eyes (50% Opacity)
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Version 5: Lineart (Multiply) + Increased saturation on Ene's Eyes (20% Opacity)
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Version 4: Lineart (Multiply + Colour Burn) + Increased saturation on Ene's Eyes (20% Opacity)
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Version 3: Lineart (Multiply) + Increased saturation on Ene's Eyes (20% Opacity)
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Version 2: Coloured Lineart
(Sketch is coloured a dark blue)
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Version 1: Lineart (Multiply + Colour Burn)
(Sketch is coloured black)
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KuroEne Kiss 😚 🖤 💙
Progress WIP shots of the Lineart set on Multiply vs. Multiply + Colour Burn (Combined)
These are still super sketchy lines for me since it's the 1st sketch pass (that looked good right away ^^)
I drew Kuroha with black nails (since I have a tendency to add painted nails and/or eyeliner on my fave) but Kuroha having black nails just felt so natural I forgot it was even a HC
I'm planning to do more sketch passes to clean up the sketch later on
Also I'm gonna say. Their headphones are lowkey annoying to draw 😭
Kuroha's are at least easier to draw due to the shape, but Ene's has this rectangular part on it that I honestly dislike drawing. I'll fix the sketch up eventually.
Also I adjusted the white colour on Ene's sweater compared to last time, so it's a bright tinted blue~ish white instead of pure white
Usually I don't repost stuff unless I redraw stuff (or make new edits and significant changes), but I figured I could talk about my art process this time.
I initially had Ene's eyes as ice blue for visual contrast against her hair.
With the lines being set on Multiply, the lines are slightly translucent
With the lines being set on Multiply + Colour Burn (combined), the lines gain a subtle glow on the edges.
In response to the lines being lighter, I upped the saturation of Ene's eyes.
I think having it at 20% Opacity looks best cuz it still harmonizes with the colours well
And I think I lightened the value of Kuroha's inner clothes a bit compared to last time. I'll play around with the values later.
I have a tendency to shift hues in my arts for the colours used for lighting and shadows, to keep things looking visually interesting.
That's why I roughly splotched red on Kuroha's hair, and pinks on Ene's hair and sweater to get an idea of colours
I've been playing around with a Auto Action called Better Line Color that you can find on the CSP Assets Store that colours the lines according to the colours underneath, and makes a subtle glow on the lineart.
It does some steps like Gaussian Blur, other adjustments, then sets the Layer Mode to Colour Burn, Linear Burn, or Multiply.
The duplicated lineart, when set to Colour Burn, creates a nice subtle glowy effect that I've been using on my coloured doodles.
Having coloured lines makes such a huge difference with my art. I think it has a really nice effect on my art 🥰
When I first tried it with the KuroEne doodle though, I was so confused cuz all white colours would show OVER the lineart. I found it strange cuz it didn't happen on my other drawings.
So then, for the KuroEne doodle, I just set the lines to Multiply Layer Mode instead. I think both versions look nice ^^
Colour Burn darkens shadows, deepens colours but preserves whites, so the whites show over the coloured lineart. The solution is to change the pure white to a tinted colour white instead. I'll fix that and make edits and combine both versions later.
So far, the dark spirals around Kuroha are on the same layers as the sketch, so it has the glowy lineart effect on it. Though I'll eventually make the dark spirals apart of the colours instead, like in Version 2
The version with the saturated purple glow still looks nice. This time I combined both Multiply and Colour Burn lineart versions.
I've been having fun playing around with colours, seeing which layers to turn off and such.
I've been playing around with Gradient Maps and Hue shifts and slightly different colours.
The purple/red toned Kuroha one is also really nice cuz it has nice visual contrast against all the cool colours (blues) in Ene's design
Red vs. blue contrast <3
Plus, it fits Kuroha to be tinted with red...
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Considering the red tinted shots in the Outer Science MV where he smears the Mekakushi Dan members' blood over his face.
Love the chosen shots in this MV. Outer Science is my top fave KagePro MV due to its stunning visuals and visual storytelling. Additional Memory and Losstime Memory are also in my top faves.
The white, black and red shots here look so good. And the expressions as well~ I love Sidu's brilliant visual aesthetic sense.
KuroEne Rambles
Ok I also have something to add (once again I'm snatching these rambles from my side blog's rambles cuz I've yapped way too much about these two)
It's pretty unfortunate that my yapping and ramble posts outspeeds me creating art so I'm just waiting for the chance to draw so many of my KuroEne writing and art ideas so I can post them on main combined with drawings
Canon verse KuroEne is not “romance,” at least definitely not in the traditional sense. But there IS desire and passion, and a sense of yearning/longing, a need for warmth and fulfillment. It’s filled with desperation and tension and conflict, which makes it really interesting…
When I think about their relationship in this kind of canon-verse AU setting, it's infused with feelings of love, obsession, desire, passion, yearning, and attachment.
It's so fun to think about Kuroha's selfish twisted nature and dark urges, combined with Ene's bold tenacity and confidence. Since he's someone that's generally observant and good at reading people and their desires, it makes him pair well with Enewho has trouble facing more honest feelings and being open about the things she wants.
I think a lot of things are playing into their relationship dynamic. Like the circumstances of HaruTaka and KonoEne's context, Kuroha's omniscience and knowledge, desire, and a craving/yearning for warmth, touch, and affection and companionship on Ene's end, and the pull she feels for him because of the vessel he uses, and his intimate knowledge of her.
For 9/6 day, it's time to blast the anthem of my fave ship, Yuukei Yesterday~ The song dedicated to Takane's feelings and HaruTaka~ Tatatara!! 💗
Considering the theme of my art, though, I put a lyric from Shadow gate to love.
I also wanna say that I'm seriously obsessed with my genderfluid Kuroha HC 💞
Kuroha can change his body into whatever he wants by using Konoha's Eye Ability, Awakening Eyes. In Novel Route, he knows how to use Awakening Eyes to rebuild the body molecule by molecule and make him immune to other Eye Abilities.
I think it's interesting that canon verse KuroEne is a ship that's so tinged with angst and tragedy. But I also love that aspect about them.
I think that in the context of a Kuroha ship AU, Kuroha believes that he and his S/O have a connection of karmic fate with each other, in the way that they'll continue to meet across all the different time loops, for all of eternity.
Kuroha’s love would inevitably be very dark and twisted, because he is that way at his core. At the end of a Route, he kills his S/O, and/or their friends, in order to meet with them forever. Ensuring the next coming of a new cycle is a priority to him.
The intimate knowledge that Kuroha/Saeru would have of his partner’s desires, wants, past, insecurities, relationships, etc., due to all the time loop resets, is so interesting to think about.
And, he gets to be with the other party forever by doing this. It’s a win win for him! He doesn’t want to give that up. Cuz in some fucked up way, in his fucked up form of love and obsession, he creates the concept of “eternity” with his S/O, by killing them, and/or, their friends, constantly, endlessly.
Kuroha is someone that wants to draw out "truth" to add to his "knowledge" (massive knowledge bank) and explore endless possibilities.
And Ene is someone who has trouble being honest, especially with her wants/desires, and Saeru was created for the purpose of granting wishes. So he finds it fun to tease her and rile her up, and fulfill her desires for warmth and pleasure, etc.
Ene asks Kuroha if he's learning how to pretend to be human throughout all the time loop resets. Kuroha says there’s no “pretending” about it. And it's true. He's been here since even before the beginning of the world. He asks her if you can really call it pretending at that point.
The end of Outer Science's MV shows Saeru in Azami's hair even before the creation of the world. He's existed before humans were born. He knows the nature of humans better than anyone else after observing them for a long time. He has so much knowledge, that the sheer extent of it is just unfathomable to the average person.
Each time the Route resets, he gets to “perfect” his knowledge, and in the context of intimacy, he gets to know his partner and their intimate desires even better and better, each time.
He constantly refines and adds to his “knowledge” every new Route. He likes learning new things about the other party. Kuroha likes how Ene, with her confrontational, brazen personality, and predictable unpredictability, always manages to find a way to catch him off guard and surprise him.
Kuroha/Saeru possessing Konoha's body means he has his face. His body. His voice. Ene can't shake off the feeling of how uncanny his resemblance is to them, physically, and gets reminded of Haruka and Konoha around him.
Now I'll copy paste my rambles from my old posts that summarizes my KuroEne AU. Here. I added some new stuff at the end
KuroEne AU: Set-up
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Source: KagePro LN: 7 - from the darkness - Colour Illustration Source: Sidu's Mekakushi Dan Members Colour Illustrations
Ok, I'm just gonna ramble about the setting of my KuroEne AU.
I also included a summary for context just in case my non-KagePro mutuals want to tune in to read these rambles.
I just wrote this quickly before I go to sleep. I have more to say but I think this is a good starter.
In official KagePro media, the present day plot starts after 2 years, on the fateful day of August 15th (Kagerou/Heat Haze) Day.
The Kagerou Daze, the never ending world, swallows up people who die on August 15th, and gives those with especially strong desires, who are compatible with an Eye Ability, a substitute life so that they can return to the real world.
In most Routes, Saeru ends up orchestrating Haruka and Takane's deaths. One thing you'll learn about KagePro is that this guy (Kuroha) is responsible for almost everything bad that happens
Because killing them so that they'd come out with an Eye Ability, is a part of his plan to get the rest of Azami's snakes out of the Kagerou Daze and into the real world.
Haruka's death leads to the creation of Konoha, and Takane's death causes her to lose her human body and become a cyber girl named Ene
There are multiple different ways that a KuroEne AU could go, depending on the Route. KuroEne AU Routes are so fun to write, because any time I get a new idea, I can just put into a different Route (timeline) to explore all the "What if" scenarios that don't fit into a single Route.
Kuroha's Plan and KonoEne
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Source: @/x0401x
Mekakushi Dan Clear Files: (X)
Normally, the rest of the Mekakushi Dan members meet each other in the present day plot after 2 years, the fateful day of August 15th, the day Kuroha/Saeru plans to kill everyone.
Kuroha/Saeru's plan is to gather all the snakes with a new Medusa in the real world (bringing the rest of Azami's snakes out of the Kagerou Daze to the real world), and killing all Eye Ability users.
Then, he forces Marry, "the next Master," to rewind the world using the power of the Queen Snake, Combining Eyes.
In official media, Kuroha/Saeru usually possesses Konoha's body at the end of a Route on August 15th, the day he plans to proceed with the "Tragedy" and kill everyone.
I imagine that in my KuroEne AU, Kuroha/Saeru possesses Konoha's body MUCH earlier. Like, anywhere within the timespan after Takane and Haruka's deaths (1 - 2 years)
Because of this, Konoha and Ene usually end up meeting and befriending each other earlier. Ene recognizes Konoha as Haruka's game avatar from back then, and mistakes him for Haruka. Konoha asks if she has the wrong person, and Ene gets heartbroken at Konoha's seeming amnesia and inability to remember her.
Ene imposes a sense of distance around Konoha due to her conflicting feelings (he resembles the person she loved but isn't him).
In my AU, KonoEne establish a relationship dynamic of some kind (which varies depending on the Route), which either progresses to an acquaintance-ship, friendship, or intimate relationship.
Kuroha introduces himself to Ene for their first meeting in a Route
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Source: Sidu's 2016 Calendar Hanafuda Set
And then, at some point, Kuroha/Saeru possesses Konoha's body. At this point, when he introduces himself and makes himself known to Ene for the first time, he can choose what information he wants to reveal, and how much.
For example, Kuroha can choose if he wants to introduce himself as Black Konoha, and/or "Saeru," or whether to reveal it for later. (And he also chooses whether he wants to reveal his true identity as the Snake of Clearing Eyes.)
Ene later nicknames him "Kuroha" and "Saeru" to shorten the name.
He knows that the 1st one would be more familiar to Ene. To introduce himself with the 2nd one would make Ene more distrusting/suspicious of him.
He most likely doesn't reveal his true intentions (to kill the Mekakushi Dan) so soon, because he knows that if he does, Ene is (obviously) not gonna want to "play the game" (of being intimate with him) anymore, cuz it means that he is literally putting her and her friends' lives in danger.
Though, across multiple Routes, he probably does play around and experiment with the timing of when he reveals certain information, and how much.
I think in most Routes, Ene is suspicious of him at first, and asks about his intentions and what he's really after, and Kuroha/Saeru just tells her that it's too early to say yet, and that she will find out soon.
(Though, Kuroha could probably quell her suspicions with enough convincing, due to the massive amount of knowledge he carries)
KuroEne AU: Context
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Source: Mega Man Battle Network 6 (Rockman.exe 6)
In my KuroEne AU, Kuroha/Saeru, who has messed around with human technology and innovation, has been able to develop a humanoid android/robot body with human flesh that Ene can transfer into.
This concept is inspired by Mega Man Battle Network (Rockman.exe), specifically, the NetNavis (humans' companion AIs in this universe) from MMBN/EXE.
NetNavis can transfer into CopyBots (android bodies) for limited amounts of time, to move around in the real world. These CopyBots take the appearance of the NetNavi that transfer into it.
In my KuroEne AU, I imagine it's battery powered, but with every Route, he gets better and faster at making it. Like he improves the battery life over time, so it goes from lasting an hour to lasting a whole day, etc.
According to the KagePro LNs, Kuroha/Saeru has knowledge from everything from the start of civilization...
Shintaro in the KagePro LNs compares Saeru to "a living encyclopedia with a full grasp of everything from the start of civilization up to modern science."
That LN bit confirms that Kuroha/Saeru carries knowledge of the history of mankind and its technologies over (probably) millions or thousands of years.
Especially when scientists have made developments regarding wrapping living human-like skin onto a robot that can heal when cut.
If he carries knowledge from the start of civilization, so much knowledge that it's unfathomable to the average person, then yeah I definitely think he could get it done (especially for the sake of my AU).
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KuroEne's Intimacy
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Source: (X)
Scan: @/ayara-resara
Kuroha proposes that he has a solution for Ene not being able to move around in the real world, and introduces the little invention that he made, for her to test out, which Ene eventually agrees to, out of curiosity.
Ene feels a sense of gratefulness to him for allowing her to move around in the real world since it gets lonely in the cyber world, not being able to feel or touch anyone on the outside…
Kuroha gets to know and bonds with Ene, anywhere within this 1 - 2 year timespan, and at some point, Kuroha and Ene get intimate with each other.
Ene gives into the sense of longing/yearning that she feels for Kuroha/Saeru, a yearning for warmth and touch after being stuck alone in the cyber world for so long (in spite of everything - if she knows about his true identity at this point), which is in part caused by his vessel (being Konoha, who's in Haruka's body).
Kuroha knows how to react to her and what to say to her and how to act around her due to his knowledge, and so, seduces his S/O and tempts her with carnal pleasures, and they indulge in "the game/dance" of being intimate with each other.
Because Kuroha/Saeru keeps memories of previous Routes, he remembers memories of being with the Enes of previous Routes, and thus, knows how to react to her when talking/chatting with her normally, knows how to appease Ene's behaviours and whims, goes along with what she wants, knows how to get the responses he wants when he wants something from his partner (so he knows how to seduce them), and knows how to satisfy his partner in the context of intimacy.
Because of the knowledge he carries, he knows the context, past, Eye Abilities, vulnerabilities, etc., of every Mekakushi Dan member, and that includes Ene. So he'd definitely know about Haruka and Takane, and Konoha and Ene's context and relationship together.
The person who's her greatest enemy (whether she knows it at this point or not), very literally knows everything about her.
And not only that, the greatest enemy of the Mekakushi Dan, knows her better than she knows herself.
Kuroha's Nature
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Source: COSPA - Tsumamare Series (Keychains and Rubber Strap Charms)
Not only does he weaponize Konoha's body by using Konoha's body as a murder weapon to kill everyone at the end of a Route, he weaponizes words, too. Kuroha/Saeru uses "knowledge" as an advantage over his partner, and weaponizes knowledge. Actually staggering advantage. Because he knows almost everything.
Kuroha ships are like the only time I have ships where one party in the ship has THIS much of an advantage over their partner.
Therefore, as I said before, Kuroha/Saeru ultimately has a power imbalance with his partner (any Mekakushi Dan member that he could be paired with).
He has an overwhelming advantage over his partner due to his role (set-up as an antagonist constantly killing the cast) and capabilities. It is ultimately in his favour.
That fact in itself, that the power imbalance exists, isn't inherently a bad thing, it just means that you NEED to tread carefully with portraying Kuroha's ships. I always make sure to depict my ships with as much care as possible, and as healthy as possible.
Ene is one of the characters who is a really good match with him. Because making Ene more assertive and dominant in the KuroEne ship, and making them take turns in leading intimacy, with having Kuroha letting Ene take control through their bedroom intimacy at times, helps alleviate this power imbalance slightly.
Kuroha is literally so fucked up dude cuz even his twisted form of affection that he holds for his S/O (the Mekakushi Dan member who he's paired with), is still in a twisted, selfish, self-serving way.
Due to his twisted nature, he embodies Koi (恋), "Selfish love," "loving someone for their own sake."
Even when he caters to his partner's pleasures, it still ultimately caters to his pleasures the most. That makes him interesting, though. Someone so inherently dark and twisted and sinister, with selfish desires like that… 🥰💖✨
Misc Rambles
So I imagine, in most KuroEne AU routes, he reveals his true intentions either approaching the fated day of August 15th, or right on the day of August 15th.
There's absolutely a sense of betrayal that Ene would feel following the reveal of his true intentions - he built up a relationship with her, on purpose, just to drop the worst possible scenario imaginable.
Like let's be real. The reveal of "I've been killing you and your friends throughout multiple Routes (timelines)" just sounds like a nightmarish scenario, especially if you've been fucking this guy, like come on. 😭
And something that would make Ene get especially pissed at him, is if he decides to reveal that he was responsible for orchestrating Haruka and Takane's deaths in the first place.
(In official media, Ene sees Konoha for the first time, on August 15th, 2 years after Haruka and Takane's deaths)
Though, there are probably KuroEne AU routes where Konoha and Ene don't get the chance to meet each other - Routes where Kuroha/Saeru possesses Konoha's body before the two can actually meet, so when Ene sees who she thinks is "Konoha" for the first time, it's actually Kuroha/Saeru. With this kind of setting, he could even pretend to be Konoha, if he wanted.
And then on August 15th, he proceeds with killing the Mekakushi Dan with sadistic glee (and even his S/O - though if he's feeling nice, then he can spare them, since he doesn't need to kill everyone), and forces Marry to rewind the world.
Thankfully, due to the nature of Ene's body and predicament, she won't feel physical pain when he kills her. And then, a new Route (timeline) begins.
Previous KuroEne Posts
In my new post (this one), I wrote more about the set-up of my KuroEne AU, and then copy pasted my old rambles. I copy pasted the summary of my KuroEne AU cuz it felt relevant since I'm posting the same art.
My old post has some more rambles regarding some general ideas of my KuroEne AU (since I didn't feel the need to copy paste the same stuff here too)
Shadow gate to love
Song: (X)
These lyrics work so well for ships like LimGuda, XanLena, IdaTatsu, and KuroEne.
The song sung by the sub-unit, Guilty Kiss, in Love Live! Sunshine!! My favourite version of Shadow gate to love is this fan-edit that pitches down the song to match the original voice actors’ voices, compared to their characters’ voices (which are higher in pitch)
Shadow gate to love is sooo Sen ship-core. It basically works for every Light/Darkness, Angel/Devil, and Narrative Opposites ship of mine.
It’s my song to fall back on if I can’t think of any other songs for my ships. I think it fits these 4 the best, though.
Oh baby shadow gay~ 🌈
The lyrics are in the link above.
The lyrics of the song works for all of my meow meow mfs in general.
In KagePro, though, the mention of "Strong scented eyes" takes on another meaning cuz of the emphasis on EYES, particularly the Eye Abilities.
I also love the emphasis on the Light/Darkness aspect and seduction in the lyrics.
KuroEne: Kuroha seduces Ene by tempting her with carnal pleasures, and keeps the secrets of his plan to commit the Tragedy (killing the Mekakushi Dan on August 15th, Kagerou Day) hidden from her. He tells her "beautiful lies" in order to keep up his facade.
He decides to act tamer prior to the fated date of August 15th, catering to her desires and befriending and bonding her and spending time with her and actually getting to know her. They'd do soft and fluffy stuff like go to the amusement park together, play video games together, and eventually, get intimate with each other.
Due to his inherently dark and twisted nature, Kuroha/Saeru prioritizes his own desires and desire for immortality, and constantly keeps causing the Tragedy by killing the Mekakushi Dan, Marry's friends, forcing the time loop resets. He also believes that doing this allows him to be with his partner forever, because he can continue to come and meet them forever and ever.
Ai (愛) vs. Koi (恋)
Azami's genuine pure form of love for her family, willingly sacrificing herself for her family and mankind.
(In the context of a Kuroha ship AU)
Kuroha/Saeru holding a twisted form of affection and obsession for his S/O and wanting to continue the time loop Tragedy in order to be with his S/O forever in a twisted, selfish, self-serving way.
He looks up to his Masters and serves them, but won't put anyone else above himself and his wants and needs.
In the end, he's doing this all for Azami, because he believes that this is what she truly wanted and needed, but ends up being the one causing her the most suffering.
"Selfless" vs. "Selfish" love.
Ai (愛) vs. Koi (恋)
Azami -> "Loving someone for the sake of someone else"
Kuroha -> "Loving someone for one's own sake"
Kuroha's twisted selfish love and how he ultimately loves someone for his own sake, to experience the "high" of being in love...
Reminded of that one chapter title from FGO: Tunguska Sanctuary event (Koyanskaya's main story chapter)
"Love is Karma, and Karma is..."
This fits so well with Kuroha/Saeru's character and KuroEne. Good god.
I can't put any more images due to Tumblr's image limit so you can read about the two loves (Ai vs. Koi) here
Source: (X)
If you wanna put it crudely or in funny terms, then Kuroha ships are like the most elaborate ships with the time loop tragedy causing serial killer, in the history of anything ever. But actually really interesting and fascinating.
"I'm gonna kill you" boogaloo (and nothing else) is not very compelling for ships (and even in general) lol
In canon-verse, Kuroha/Saeru lacks humanity and forms of care for others (when compared to my other faves).
That's why I wanted to explore the ideas of Kuroha messing around in the Routes and actually getting to know the Mekakushi Dan members before he kills them all.
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raayllum · 13 days
like it's insane (affectionate) to me that Rayla starts in her tirade against dark magic because of good reasons that he should care about like 1) it's dangerous, 2) it hurts him, 3) it puts his life in terrible danger, and 4) makes him vulnerable to the thing she thinks he's most afraid of. And she can't conceptualize what would be worth risking all of that until he says "I did it for you," and well. That she can understand. Callum has risked his life for her over and over, and she him, and she knows he's not going to budge on that; that's part of why she's come back and stayed after coming back as their lives have gotten increasingly dangerous again.
So Rayla switches gears, because she kinda knows that asking Callum to not sacrifice himself for her is almost a moot point, of course it's worth it to him on that level, she'd do the same for him (and has in a heartbeat, that's why she left) and yeah she'll still probably be hypocritical about it going into S7, but of course he's going to want and try to protect her, that's what they do. So Rayla goes to the next area of concern and the one she's less easily able to justify or be okay about. After all, it's one thing to risk "his own stupid human life" (2x04) and another if she can't protect him ("I couldn't bear to put him in danger" / "Yes. I promise"), but it's another to risk the world ("but I am not going to let you risk the future king of the dragons" / "But right now, the world needs me" / "The world is in danger, and you can trust me to stay focused"). The greater good
And that's exactly why he will tbh
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tinycowboyart · 3 months
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Painting of Nova <33
Anyways ramblings about the painting in the tags as always
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crowfeathers · 3 days
me: finally tries the silly easter egg
pequod: "can you guys shut the FUCK up down there"
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