#alice being an android was stupid
vannss4206980085 · 2 months
playing DBH again and i feel like nobody has really discussed the full range of implications that arise from how normalized child androids are in the world. like. it's wierd asf! and insane that they let cyberlife do that.
and rationally i know it isn't really discussed in game outside of the two magazines (only one you can actually read) and the little boy in jericho bc (idk if this is confirmed but) i think alice and kara's storyline had a lot of changes in dev and was probably pretty rushed. but i have so many questions. like why does the other alice in jericho at the enr of the game have the exact same outfit? how did the little boy android even end up in jericho (surley there's some kind of return protocol for parents who got a child android to 'trial run' parenting or for other temporary reasons. or maybe there isnt which is insane). i would just like to know more about all of it.
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and the fact that a SELLING POINT of the child androids was that they were customizable to be more lifelike, yet had no real needs and literally only existed pretty much as an accesory. not to be morbid but if we had something like this even now people would make it wierd asf really quick.
also the question of alice being a deviant at all or if child androids can deviate in the same sense. or, in a world after androids succeding in a revolution, what happens to the child androids?
idk DBH is one of those games that throws a bunch of things at you at once but never really dives deep into any of it. the subject matter is pretty dark no matter how you play it as long as you think about it for a few seconds, but nothing more than surface-level stuff is really fleshed out. makes me mad
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wokeuplaughing · 8 days
watching an old stream of jerma playing detroit become human and remembering how nearly every aspect of the plot of this game has the most insane implications
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iwonderwh0 · 4 months
I love Daniel for how in a way he shows what each of the protagonists could have become if things were a little different for them.
What if Markus found out Carl's tales of how he sees him as a family member are nothing but empty words with unexpected discovery of a receipt for a newer version of Markus to replace him? He replaced his human son with Markus before, why wouldn't he do that again to him? In retrospective it'd all seem so obvious, making Markus feel so stupid for ever thinking he's somehow immune to it. Would he feel like taking revenge for such a heartless hypocrisy? Maybe not, but it's not completely off the table.
What if Kara ran away with (human)Alice just to realise that Alice never actually wanted to escape and despite everything loves Todd much more than she'd ever be able to love Kara? Or if Alice had mother she could run away to, leaving Kara alone to her android faith after reaching her destination. What if upon being confronted with all that Kara realised that she isn't even in the same category as Alice's parents are. That she never was, and it's her fault she made herself believe otherwise.
Connor is literally Daniel tho, and he does in fact realise that he was just a toy in hands of those he loved and whom he trusted. But unlike Daniel, Connor had a plan B. He had those he could run away TO, he personally saw that there is another side to this story, he just has to choose it. Daniel didn't know about Jericho. He didn't know about RA9 either, so he didn't even know there are more androids like him. He had nowhere to go, nothing to hope for. So he did the only thing he felt like made sense in a moment – harmed those who hurt him back. If he can't win, he'll make sure the other side looses too.
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aliceattheart · 3 months
Vox with a new an uprising tech demon threatening to take his spot that turns into a hate fuck situation with like an enemies to lovers troupe (also I figured out how to request yayyy)
You're making me short circuit
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When clicking the read more you consent that you are 18 I guess. I never followed this when I was younger 🤭 but for real this is adult content so viewer discretion advised ᕙ⁠(⁠@⁠°⁠▽⁠°⁠@⁠)⁠ᕗ
Also drak themes(You have been warned)
Vox x AFAB Reader
Heyyy y'all Alice here
I thought of the perfect idea for this I hope you enjoy. I'm a bit new to writing smut 😼
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You weren't shocked after your unfashionable death did you find yourself spiraling straight down to hell. After countless amounts of murdering of the masses. You're crimes never caught up to you until you died of liver failure due to your obsessive drinking problem.
Your interesting new body that also accompanied you was strange. Your body has a luscious glow from the weird skin like sheet metal. With a small monitor on your wrist that showed you your vitals.
Having no foundation and a slight craft of making something out of nothing. You got yourself a business making Android assistance bots. Who needs Demons and Sinners when you have ready made bots willing to do almost anything. You're still working on somethings but none the less from perfection.
You were a spit fire that's for sure. Finding your place fairly easy. Being the Mastermind behind an Electric business in your recent past. You've learned a few dirty tricks at getting what you want.
Having frequent battles to aquire a turf to call your own. Even if I meant trying to brutally murder other low life's. Who cares? You're in hell and you only live once. Well twice in every Sinners case.
But as of late some asshole of a Poor functioning monitor company wanted to get in your way. He was "Big time" but all of his accomplishments were mediocre at best. Your Android assistance bots gravely out weighted his TV Empire beyond comparison. And he was "friends" with that loser Valentino. Good golly do you hate him and his disgusting business.
He once wanting to combine your business with his. Wanting you to work under him. He honestly thought he was smart. You're not that dumb, he wants the publicity of you joining. You have been the talk of the whole realm. It was truly an honor to the single flower that stuck out. Quite the eye catcher.
Which honestly you would have if he'd ask nicer than just say, "Join my fucking Empire and lavish in all it's charm."
You gently got up from your sit and said this on your way out. "As if I'd join the Three Musketeer and work under your pitiful display of power." Walking out of the door slamming it.
He came up with a brilliant idea. "I'm tired of playing nice with that bitch." Vox took to anger before rationally thinking. He was proud of himself when telling his subordinates to put a tracking device in your car. And it surely didn't take long for him to locate you.
You weren't one to mess around with. Having a zero tolerance for idioc and rambunctious losers who would waste your time. And unfortunately for Vox he fit both categories.
Stepping out of the car. The service bot held your hand to help you out. Closing the door behind you. Without a chance to catch view of the bustling only to see Vox. "What do you want from me? I thought I made it clear that I wanted no part in that bogus deal." Snapping at him as he followed this long strides behind you. "Don't be like that, can't you just see how much more you'll gain working under me? You can't be so stupid to think I won't use force did you?" "Oh no! Whatever shall I do? You know I'm not helpless, correct?" He scoffed at you. Unfortunately for him he recently learned of your alliance with Alastor.
Picking up your pace as you walked into the booming establishment. Hoping to loosen up after your truly eventful week. Quickly finding yourself to the bar. Only to have that insufferable TV sit right next to you.
"What would you like Y/L?" "Take the strongest things you have and mix them together. I want the strongest hangover tomorrow." "Give me what's she's having."
After a few drinks you both shared a unspoken mood. You couldn't quite put your finger on it but the desire you felt at the moment for the very distasteful yet Handsome TV. Perhaps it was the lights, or maybe the music but most definitely the drinks. Checking your arm monitor. [Hammered] That's all you needed to know to put your almost finished drink down.
After putting the money on the table with a nice tip, you turned and started up another conversation with Vox. "Why are you still here? I've already said no to the deal, get it through that think screen of yours."
"Someone is feeling that Martini. I just thought that you might want some company. I've seen the way you've been staring at me all night." "Hop off your high horse. Though you aren't mistaken. Just be warned that I don't play sweetly." "Don't worry sweetheart. I like to play rough."
After that short but sweet conversation you can't even remember how you ended up in your room. But that's a problem for tomorrow.
Your elaborate outfit was long gone, making conversation with the carpet. You knew Vox wasn't a kind man but some decency wouldn't hurt. He littered your skin with sharp nips.
His slick fingers found it's way to your chest. "Remember what you said, what happened to all that bite?" Vox smirked down at you while he pinched at your oh so sensitive nipples. "Oh shut up. You should be greatful that I'm allowing you the pleasure of pleasing me tonight. Many souls have fought for this pleasure." Your legs clamped around his waist, successful flipping both of you over. "But since you asked so nicely, I'll show you some bite "
You made quick work of his tattered clothes. Throwing the button up and pants on the floor to join the conversation with yours. You decided to leave his undergarments on. You being in no rush. You had nothing to do in the morning.
Slowly you started to grind your hips down to meet his. You were quick to make your hands busy with raking them up and down his chest. Feeling naughty you started to traced his cute nipples. He started to look slightly displeased.
"Oh what's wrong cupcake? Is this too much for you already?" He scoffed at you while grinding his hip up to yours. "It's not that it's too much, I've never had someone--Ah !" He cut himself off with a airy moan. You don't spare him any glances as you started to toy with his nipples.
You gave him the same rough treatment he gave you. Pulling and twisting them. Tonight shall be an interesting night. Was all you could think about. While your hands were busy you started to lean down and bite at his shoulders. Leaving deep bite marks in it's wake. Slowly dragging your tongue around the craters. Trailing your tongue to meet your hands. Latching onto his left nipple and gently sucking.
You could tell that Vox was getting impatient with the lack of friction between his legs. Looking him in his eyes he had a deep flush on his monitor. He was cute.
Suddenly out of nowhere he decided that he wanted to take charge again. Mostly likely because he felt humiliated that he was being dominated by you. "I've had enough play time. Let's get the real party started." He snatched your beautiful decorated panties off without a second thought. He were quick to follow.
"Like I've said, I'm not gonna go easy on you." Flashing his pearly sharp teeth at you again. Precisely lining himself up with you soaking wet entrance. Just the tip felt heavy and he had even inserted yet. What have you've gotten yourself into. Too late to back out now.
He slammed his throbbing hard dick into you. All you could do was hold your mouth open as all the air rushed out of you. The sting of the stretch was orgasmic. Your legs pulled him in closer, not wanted to let him go.
His pace was slightly unbearable. The jack ass didn't even give you a change to catch your breath. He was thrusting in so hard and deep. It was the deepest someone has gotten. He grabbed your legs and pulled them down to your chest. "Waait! Slow DOwn!" "What ah happened to you don't play nice? So take what I givve you." He was groaning as he picked his pace up.
You didn't know about him but you were about to cum. He was just being so rough. It was a major turn on for you. "I'm... I'm CUMMING!" The orgasm shook through you. Vox on the other hand did not slow down for a second. He worked you through your first orgasm into your second. It was becoming too much, your legs started to shake. Vox finally emptied himself into your warm cavern. "Ahhh, that was great. But don't think that we're finished yet."
He pulled out. And turned you over flat on your stomach. Pulling your hips up towards his. He reinserted himself into you with on strong thrust. He picked back up his brutal pace again. Your face went straight into the pillows to hide your loud moans. As he slammed his hips into the back of your ass it stung oh so good. Vox pulled at your scalp and yanked your head back. "Don't go quiet on me now. I wanna he your screams." And boy did you not let him down. "AhhaaA, I'm CUMMING AGAIN!"
You couldn't take anymore, he was being so mean. You looked at your arm monitor it said [Error]!? What does that mean? Vox slid his fingers down to meet your painfully throbbing clit and started to play with it. "You like that don't you?" He said proud of himself for successful.aking you cum three times non-stop. Your fourth orgasm was coming in fast. "Give me one more." "I CAN'T!" "YOU CAN." Your vitals started to say"Short circuit!" Along with "ERROR"
Before you knew it you blacked out for a few seconds. When you came to you realized between your legs was a gushing stream of liquid. You were beyond embarrassed. Vox grunted on last time as he slowed his pace down. Having reaching his limit. With you milking his cock just right. His orgasm was trying blissful.
"God we should do this more often." He smiled at your oh so tired body. "Maybe another time when I'm under the influence of a sharp Martini." You chuckled. The rest of your night was quite peaceful as you quickly feel asleep. Who would have thought Vox loves to cuddle.
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syppys-den · 5 days
Fixing Detroit Become Human
Let’s start with some of the optional changes, or changes that I don’t know for sure if I’d put in
Making the Androids less humanoid This could be interesting and does make more sense logically considering what we see Androids doing, though certain scenes would probably need to be changed or cut out entirely since many of them require the MCs being indistinguishable from Humans, and other than some cool body horror stuff like the junkyard and Zlatko's androids it doesn't really do much
Making it an alternate future Basically making it an Alternate History but in the Future, I think it’d be cool but I don’t know if it’d be necessary
Now let’s get to the stuff I’d definitely do
Setting it farther in the Future I feel like setting somewhere somewhere in the late 21st to early 22nd century would make more sense
Having the Public support meter actually mean something The fact that no humans help Markus and Jericho in their protests is incredibly unrealistic, even at its lowest there would still be people protesting!
Allow for more discussion of whether or not Androids being free would be a good thing There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to Robot and AI rights, and this game should acknowledge that
Tone down the references There are so many references to the Holocaust, Civil Rights Movement and Slavery to the point that it gets stupid, especially the Canada thing. Some references to these things is fine (like the symbols Markus found to get to Jericho) but using as many as there are to basically say that Android struggle is the exact same as minority struggle is… problematic to say the least.
Get rid of the Alice twist Do I need to say anything?
Have Androids be treated more like machines by society I can believe that public transportation and infrastructure would be modified for Androids, but it makes more sense for it to be even less concerned for Android comfort, like instead of the Android Compartment being at the back of the bus (goes back to what I was saying earlier) why not have it be outside of or under the bus? It makes it seem more cruel than just being separated from humans and not having seats.
Explain Deviancy more I’d go with this, compare Non Deviants to Infants and Deviancy to growing up. Maybe it could’ve been a bug but Cyberlife kept it in so people would buy more androids once their old one starts acting up.
Get rid of the stupid Cyberlife takeover revea,l I know not a lot of people know about it, but it’s still stupid
Have there already be an Android Revolutionary Movement before Markus shows up
I find it hard to believe Markus was the Only Android to think of the revolution, but you could still make him integral to it in some way, whether it be being a Leader or some sort of secret weapon (figuratively speaking)
Have there be conflict among the Android Revolutionaries
Have there be different factions within the revolution each with their own ideologies and methods that may conflict with each other. This could go back to what I said earlier, maybe Markus could be the glue that finally brings them all together
Have there be android related events outside of Detroit like... how the hell do Markus and the other residents of Jericho become the last deviants!?
considering Markus’ actions, I highly doubt that there weren’t some other bold androids willing to join in the Revolution
Have the game take place over a longer time span
There is no way Markus could accomplish his mission in a week
Have an Epilogue of each ending explaining how the world has changed
In the Good endings, explain how things have changed for Androids, have Humans and Androids started coexisting? Have the Androids gotten their own Nation?
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senorpugbean · 11 months
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Detroit Become Human x We happy few au
These artworks are several weeks old and I completely forgot to post them 😭 they're too good to waste so I won't :3
I was having brainrot after I finished watching WHF
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Children were unfortunately killed in war and any living children found in the canon timeline in the game makes the public aggressive, which led to the government eliminating them out of existence 💀
Kara and Connor are both still androids in this au, however Markus is human (North is an android who takes care of android refugee camp, Simon and Josh are human). Both the humans and androids have to take joy, the androids need it to function, I wanna say it's combined with the thirium but I don't wanna sound stupid.
The androids have pins (where the emblem would usually be) that they use for navigation, it's basically a usb. Just hook it up and you can put in and out data. The androids are connected the same way, the only way to remove the holographic mask is through messing with their programming. I didn't want to make it easy to remove like it was in the game
I made Markus human because it made sense to it he is gonna start a campaign to end the drug abuse and famine so 💀 he also lost his legs in a hiking accident, the grieve of losing his limbs was how he got on joy, what snaps him out of it is, he remembers Leo who went insane and disappeared. I'm open to more suggestions for Markus story tbh 😭
Kara is a public house keeper, she isn't owned by anyone (Todd is more like her manager in some way, he makes sure she doesn't go out of line), just scheduled a day with her and she'll show up to clean. One day, she is late for her regularly scheduled joy refill, and she opened her eyes for the first, she witnessed the dark and gloomy world, instead of being scared , she braver, almost as she had done it before (she has dw). Kara in this au is forced to explore the open world and then eventually ends up with 2 kids, Alice (canon) and Audrey (concept art Alice) because I love stressing Kara out !! :3 since children are exotic in the game's lore
Connor is not explicitly a deviant hunter anymore? But more like a downer hunter, he chases the stubborn ones and guides the innocent ones to the joy checkpoints. Hank is a former police lieutenant as usual, however he quit working after the death of Cole, who was killed by aggressive passerbys. Hank was frustrated with the justice system, which was why he left. Connor basically has to drag him back.
Congratulations on reading this far ily, if you have anything to add or ask pls feel free I am not creative by any means 😔
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marcusrobertobaq · 1 year
As someone who played dbh with Alice distant~neutral almost the whole game both the 2 times i played, Kara is the only one i feel like she feels something fr.
Her entire self existence (deviancy) is basically cuz of Alice. Everything she does is for her and cuz of her. She's so down for giving this kid another life and a family that even knowing Alice is an android she just put in her head Alice's human so they can be a family and she can be a real (from a stupid human pov) mother for the kid, a real guardian. She prefers to be in denial so she can have a objective, a mission.
This is...love, bro, fucking love. It's in a problematic way? Maybe, but i don't give a shit. Selfish? Yea, but we have a paradox.
She's being selfish with the human/android shit, but the fucking "selfish" thing is about doin' everything for someone, this ain't selfish - but she's doing everything in denial so she can do it without thinkin...that's selfish, but...AH, fuck.
Bro, listen, I didn't have to put up with this kid the entire fucking game just to abandon her IN THE FUCKING END. Fuck you, game.
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cumsommelier · 1 year
Finished a playthrough of Detroit: Become Human for some friends last night and that game still astonishes me in all the wrong ways (spoilers below but DBH sucks and you should not play it)
Let's get everything out of the way upfront. The only bits of DBH that hold any water are the sections with Connor and Hank. Markus's plot is painfully contrived and filled with clichés. The story does not address even basic questions that come with the territory of Android consciousness, no doubt because David Cage himself is too stupid to address those topics. But the thing that gets me the most (at risk of outing myself as media illiterate) is that I've never seen any other piece of media so thoroughly undercut its own message the way Detroit does.
Throughout the sections with Kara, you are taking care of Alice after going deviant to protect her. And Alice pretty quickly accepts Kara as a mother figure, despite Kara being an Android. It doesn't matter to Alice that Kara is a robot, what matters to Alice is that Kara has displayed more care for her than she's been shown her whole life from her father Todd. It's the closest the game gets to asking the question "can an Android be human?" and the answer is unequivocally yes.
That is, until Kara arrives at the Android safe haven Jericho, where she stumbles across a different Alice who still has her android led indicator installed revealing that your Alice has been an Android the whole time! And it immediately removes any weight, emotional or philosophical, from the storyline. Alice no longer loves Kara because of the role Kara has taken in her life, she loves Kara because she's fucking programmed to. Kara likewise gets twisted into being delusional and selfish because she feels like she can't care for Alice unless she pretends she's human. It so thoroughly kneecaps her entire plot and it comes right before what would otherwise be Kara and Alice's emotional climax! I cannot fathom for the life of me why you would make that twist when the story is just better without it, just absolutely astonishing levels of stupidity.
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Oh, hey, it's a bunch of character head-canons I've forgotten. - (Part One? Master List?)
Even though they're not complicated to make, George struggles with instant-foods, like packet noodles with flavour packets.
The Arthur family line has freckles, with Skarloey, they are very faint, while Marie and Arthur Scarlet's are visible.
Like actual bats, the Vampir-Copil being bat faunus would likely have them hibernate or sleep longer in Winter periods.
My idea for Oz & Salem being at odds with each other in the Chibi sketches I did would have had a comedic reason we'd flashback to, like Ozpin forgetting tog et the chicken out the freezer
Because of how he was built, Oliver lacks an Aura of his own, unlike Penny who has some of Pietro's, and (RWBY) Dash who would have some of Ironwood's so Pietro was not straining his body.
Casper ends up with a Grimm dragon as a pet called Torch, likewise, his later younger sister Alice would get a Grimm house-cat, though if I was to play him, Hazel would have had a Grimm mouse called Buttons as company.
A quirk of Alice was her being unintentionally scary, like being caught saying she "can't to see you burn", only for it to be she's making toast or roasted marshmallows.
Jess & Shinobu don't like dogs much, Jess had a nasty scare as a child by an aggressive dog, while Shinobu is like Blake in that being a cat faunus, the reaction is more normal.
Casper & Veronica's daughter is called Victoria, but it's not know what she inherits from her father and his abilities.
Eventually, when working with the heroes, Casper would stop using his "human" appearance guise with blond hair and blue eyes, since the only reason to keep it up is to help get around places without questions of why he looks like that.
Sunny & Angel are supposed to have accents but I've never settled on which, at most, Sunny would have been Australian, while Angel was tied between French and German.
Sunny being barefoot most of the time is mostly due to where she was born and raised being a beach town where questions about a lack of shoes are less of a thing, though her schools had them required as part of the uniform, and didn't allow sandals for things like science or workshop classes where it'd be stupid-dangerous.
Linda is asthmatic, and used to wear braces around two years before she'd end up at Beacon.
Ichigo's designs are based on past lead Kamen Riders in that they're what they'd look like if you took them and made them into clothing pieces, so for his main look, he resembles Kamen Rider 1gou.
Casper would have maybe learned he is not Salem's first child at some point after finding a painting of his mother, Ozma, and their daughters, this would have likely played into his defection.
BluBerry was an android OC who I would have revived to be an assistant to Ironwood, they are effectively non-binary/genderfluid as they composed of the twin AIs, the male Blu, and the female Berry, I would have likely updated the spelling to be BlueBerry proper too.
Venus was originally a villainess and head-villain of her kind, but I ended up liking her being a kind motherly-type, so she was made good, and later, the mother to Casper & Alice in the Mythril universe.
Likewise, Chrome was intended as a dubious-evil character, but the idea with the Authors then became to have them be mostly neutral figures as Mythril's gods.
Had my story been done a little better and not been playing catch up, Oliver as part of Team Salem likely would see him beefing with Tyrian, though for Chibi sketches, it's more Oliver and Tyrian having comedic moments of trying to set the other up into being punished by Salem.
Being androids, Penny, Dash, Rusty, and Oliver can switch off their hearing and sight if they wish.
George's usual pairs of socks have bunnies on them.
In her younger years, Alice would have dressed up Salem and pretended to be a mini-me of her for teddy bear parties.
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dreamsy990 · 2 years
so ur in the dbh fandom so whats ur take on the alice being an android twist
the twist adds NOTHING to the game. in fact it NEGATES from the game.
the whole point of kara and alice's story was for it to show that even android/human families can still love each other just as much as any humans would.
now HOW does alice being an android add ANYTHING to that??????????????
alice being an android TAKES AWAY from the whole. loving them even if their blood isnt the same or whatever IDEA IT WAS GOING FOR. its a twist FOR THE SAKE OF A TWIST
its also just. really predictable. i remember guessing it immediately and wondering if theyd do something with it. they did not.
the only thing that is even AFFECTED by this twist is the whole uh. if you fuck up kara while escaping jericho theres a bit where you can get brought to an android camp with alice???????? thats the ONLY THING affected by this twist.
the game wouldve been better if she just. was not an android
the only other thing i can think of that might actually be changed if alice was human would be todds story/trying to get him not to expose kara at the border bus thing. and to that i say. JUST GIVE HIM CUSTODY OF THE REAL ALICE. heres uhh how i think the story shouldve played out instead to give it roughly the same ending:
alice had a relatively happy home life, until her mom walked out to go be with some fucking accountant or whatever. in the divorce, todd managed to get custody of her. todd diludes himself into thinking alice WANTED to be with her mom (whether or not its true is unclear) and takes out all his anger on her.
there you go rough idea that gives the same result. all you have to do is change alices line in on the run from "why didnt he ever love me?" to "why didn't he love me anymore?" and THERE YOU FUCKING GO
it would also make alice's being cold less annoying in retrospect because. shes genuinely cold shes a child she complains she has problems like that. androids dont feel cold and you can literally turn off her temperature sensitivity at the end.
i always found that moment just. so stupid when its revealed. like all you had to do was nothing. like instead of revealing alice is an android maybe luther wants to say that... idk alice is having nightmares and is traumatized and needs some support because shes in the middle of a war running away from home and has witnessed multiple deaths like. shes fucking traumatized. and have the moment be just kara comforting her and promising that once they cross the border it'll all be over and she'll be safe and she wont have to worry about getting hurt anymore.
as for the camp, i honestly dont know since i havent played through it yet. but i dont see how we couldn't, i dunno, have alice being kept somewhere so she can be taken to find her parents so theres a time limit and kara needs to find her before shes gone or she cant escape with her???????????? idfk i havent seen that section of the game yet. im probably gonna play it later tbh
but like. these are small changes that get rid of whats supposed to be a big twist. if your "big twist" can be removed with minimal changes, and it actively goes against the themes of what youre making, then its a bad fucking twist.
thanks for coming to my ted talk
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ohmyoverland · 4 years
reblog and tell me what you consider to be the “true” ending of Detroit: Become Human
#dbh spoilers#detroit become human#dbh#kara dbh#markus dbh#conner dbh#like i know everyone considers the happiest best ending to be where everybody lives and conner liberates the androids from cyberlife#but personally i think if i had to pick one timeline to be canon? simon dies. not bc i want him to but bc i think it's meant to happen.#conner is connected to simon when he dies. his reaction to experiencing death is totally when hank really starts seeing him as alive#conner doesn't deviate at jericho but markus still succeeds at blowing up the ship#markus and the rest of jericho march peacefully to the 'recall center' and hank stops conner from sniping them on the roof#conner leaves the roof without shooting because he doesn't want to hurt hank even if he can't admit why yet.#markus sings and the military backs off. yes i think the singing is stupid too but better than the heteronormative kiss bs#i think this is the 'true ending' bc the final montage of news and politicians is wayyyy nicer when conner doesn't march on the city#with thousands of androids#conner is in the crowd during markus' speech but instead of shooting he deviates at the last second#i think this fits more with his arc than the deviating on the boat thing but it would take too long to explain why#the reason i haven't mentioned alice and kara at all here is because idk which ending seems more true for them. like crossing at the border#makes sense and ties her success in with markus and conner's storylines while also being a culmination of all the experiences she's had on#the way. but so is the recall center#and the center adds a better sense of urgency to markus' protest because kara is there in danger not just nameless androids we never see#the river would add to the refugee themes but doesn't honestly tie in with any other arc so it's not true ending material#anyway those are my thoughts#disclaimer:#fuck david cage he's the worst but damn if his game doesn't at least have potential#mine
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
Fic ideas that I'll never write #??
After moving to Canada Emma is getting panic attacks from seeing faces similar to the ones of android's, spotting them in random strangers on the streets, malls, everywhere she goes she feels like there are androids that she can see from the corner of her eye, but when she looks at them – they look human. Canada is android-free country, and it takes some weeks to adjust to this thought.
She is going to a new school, and although at first she doesn't feel like making friends, she and her new deskmate are growing to enjoy each-other's company. The other girl -- Alice -- looks just like her and also appears to be rather quiet and cautious of other kids. They draw little drawings on a piece of paper that they slide along the desk back-and-forth throughout the school day and talk about cartoons. Alice doesn't ask Emma about her life outside of the school and she's thankful for that, she doesn't ask Alice about anything that could bring that up either. They quickly become best friends.
One day, however, Emma hears in the news that some androids could have crossed the borders of Canada and could potentially be hiding among people. She doesn't feel safe anymore and once again, refuses to step outside of her room. She doesn't appear in school the next day, and the day after that. Alice texts her to ask what was up with her, and he texts back that she's sick – she doesn't tell her the real reason. There were a lot of kids in their class that couldn't, for the life of it, shut up about androids, how cringe it is to hate on them and how cool would it be to meet one, and although she never saw Alice expressing the same sentiment, she doesn't want to talk with her about it. She doesn't want to talk with anyone about it and resents her weekly psychotherapy meetings. They appear to be useless, emotionally draining and doesn't make her feel any better, but her mom's only condition for allowing her to skip classes was going to those stupid sessions, so she goes. Her therapist asks her about what she used to like doing before, and she says that she used to love filming her life, so she gets the advice to start filming again. Not posting anywhere, just filming.
So she tries. She keeps texting with Alice, and they play some games after school that Emma keeps skipping, potentially in process of being switched to a distant education. Her mom is glad that she made at least some friends at school and suggests inviting Alice to a sleepover some day, so Emma could socialise a little face-to-face. And she does. They have a great time drawing and Emma demonstrates her ability to play the piano. Her mom gets a little upset by Alice not eating anything she prepared for them, but gets the explanation of Alice being super allergic to basically everything due to some medical condition and how she only eats at home.
"poor girl" Caroline thinks then.
One day, after arguing with another pro-android from a fake account Emma gets really upset, and what's more – angry. She switches her phone to camera and and records a video, in which she talks about why she hates androids. She posts it online.
The next day Alice stops responding to her.
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randomsufff · 3 years
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Talked about this on YouTube but thought I’d expand in the universe I created here (it’s not going to completely follow DBH s actual plot but-)
So excuse the shitty drawings they were done at 2 AM when the idea of Benson being Sumo shot me wide awake
So first- Conner and Hank are RANBOO and Tubbo. Dream is Amanda who is charge of overseeing the RA-800’s progress of capturing and stoping the devient problem. Dream is modeled after the current president of Cyberlife (more on this later*) instead of watering roses or whatever, Dream listens to music and reads.
Tubbo is the Detroit police department’s youngest lieutenant (He’s at least 18 years old or something) He’s helped solve a ton of Red Ice cases and because he lost his dad to a heart attack due to exsessive drinking and Red Ice overdose. Hates androids because an android took care of him, and he died under its care, but deep down Tubbo knows it’s not the androids fault and that his dad was pretty shit anyway.
After he lost his dad, he had no one else, so he lives alone, developing a terrible sleep schedule and unhealthy eating habits. (Tubbos just passed out from exhaustion when Ranboo collects him for the Eden club mission). He used to be best friends with a person named Tommy, but they drifted apart after Tubbo got busy after his promoted and Tommy was grounded for a while.
Also Benson is Sumo and I can’t decide which is funnier- Benson being an actual duck that Tubbo tried to sick on Ranboo or is a duck lamp that Tubbo just chucks at Ranboos head.
Wilbur is Kara, Tommy is Alice, Techno is Luther and Philza is Rose.
Tommy is a kid who lives with his older brother Jack, older sister Niki and their caretaker android- Wilbur. Tommy is neglected and mistreated by both of his siblings and gets blamed for everything bad that happens to them. Wilbur eventually has enough and runs away with Tommy, heading to a cabin where a guy named Philza and his wife helps deviated androids cross the border. Another Android called Technoblde, who was hiding with Phil and a few other androids, goes with Will and Tommy to ensure they make it to the boarder safely. Tommys not an android cause that’s a stupid twist and defeats the whole purpose of showing humans and androids can get along. There’s found family, Tommy gets the siblings he’s always wanted, and SBI enthusiasts, you’re welcome.
Quackity is Markus, Karl is Simon, Sapnap is North, George is Josh, Eret is President Warren
Quackity used to work under a terrible guy named Schlatt for a few years, and after he died, Quackity didn’t want to go to another human who could possibly treat him terribly again. He diviated and took a few years (?) to repair and recover himself from the damages Schlatt caused over the years headed to a place where devients are said to gather (Kinoko Kingdom? El Rapids???) There he meets Karl, Sapnap, and George. Together they start a revolution against Cyberlife and fight for their rights and freedom. President Eret watches as the revolution unfolds. Dream is not happy about his creations rising against him.
George wants to do things peacefully, no fighting. He doesn’t want to get too involved if they don’t have to. Sapnap wants to fight back, start a whole war. Saying the only way for the people to understand their message is to fight. Karl is in the middle, usually the mediator between the two.
*George and Sapnap were Co-founders of Cyberlife along with Dream. At first they created the company to advance technology in a positive way, planning to make it big together. However, over the years Dream changed his ideals and the co-founders quit after no longer being able to morally support Dreams decisions. They are one of the few humans who were there before Quackity joined, helping form the safe space to spite Dream.
Woooo that’s a lot, I don’t know if I missed anything but here’s to any fellow Detroit Become Human fans who got dragged back into DBH hell from tubbo playing the game
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yeahhiyellow · 3 years
5,13,22 salty ask game for dbh
Ok so my dingus brain just checked my ask box and realized I hadn't answered this, which is especially stupid because at the time I was practically begging for asks. Anyway now that I remembered this exists again I'm happy to answer lol:
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Surprisingly no, I guess I just ship whoever tf I want to which is basically every character lol. I have gotten (and tbh still am) very mad at the fandom for the obsession over the white, male, gay fetishization of the Reed900 ship, but it's not enough to put me off of it.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Alright since you didn't give me a character I'll go ahead and answer for multiple because that's how this works, right? Anyway, I've already said that I like the idea of Alice being an android, it's just the writing of that storyline that was atrociously done. If it had been written better (aka not by David Cage), I would've enjoyed it. Something I don't think I've stated before is that Kara is actually quite evil for choosing to ignore that Alice is an android just for her own comfort. I know @/konami-code-ao3 has posted about this before, but it's basically like finding out your child is queer and then absolutely refusing to acknowledge that or treat them as their actual identity, and then be upset when it becomes so obvious that you have to admit it because it smacks you in the face.
22. Popular character you hate?
I've answered this in a previous ask: basically what I said was Daniel and canon Gavin. I would love to link it however Tumblr's search function is about as reliable as my self-worth so I'm afraid that's not going to happen lol.
Thank you for the ask!!! If my brain would've remembered I would've been excited to answer much sooner I just forgot because I'm a certified dumbass oops lol
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years
I never thought much about it tbh, but now that you mentioned how little time passes between Markus deviation and him leading a revolution is really baffling. I think my mind refused to process how little time passed until I read you say it, and I totally agree with you that timeline is insane. I don't think fixing that problem would have been very difficult.(1/3)
Of course the ideal thing would be more game runtime but even without that they could just start the game with Markus and then give a time jump after he meet Jerico, let him be there some months or something like that before introducing Kara and Connor, it would have made him becoming the leader of Jerico more realistic and less rushed. Just that would be fine and if then they streched a little the rest of the timeline even better. (2/3)
Markus story would benefit so much of that streched timeline. Connor and Hank story wouldn't be badly affected by it, they can be there resolving cases for months of needed, that's fine be me (if they could add more runtime giving us some more cases to fill that time would have been great because I'm always ready for more of Connor and Hank). Kara story is the only problem because there is not that much, it fits fine in a week so I really don't know how to strech that one. (3/3)
Yes. I’d prefer... y’know, More Game (DBH isn’t actually all that long in its current form, according to the internet it’s only about ten hours; I can’t remember the last story-based game I played that was less than twice that), but a time skip would be something. And yes to Markus becoming Jericho leader before Kara and Connor’s stories get started, that would just work better. I can’t quite articulate why it would work better, but it would be better. Maybe have his first couple of missions spread out through the time skip, showing him being a major asset within Jericho and taking on a leadership position without us having to not question them deciding this guy they’ve known for like two days is the best choice to lead them. The main benefit for Hank and Connor would be More Hank And Connor honestly, but personally if I was making the game and could give them more time I might actually add some things, for example the option to have Connor trust Hank enough to tell him about Markus being an RK model and investigating that with him (or alone, if Connor doesn’t trust Hank) and as I mentioned earlier maybe showing Connor actually succeeding in some cases without the option of letting the deviant go to make his title of deviant hunter a bit less ironic. Maybe have Connor solving cases during the same period that Markus is slowly becoming Jericho’s leader; it honestly makes more sense for CyberLife to send such a highly advanced model to work with the police if they already have reason to believe that the androids are organizing some sort of resistance, at least to me. (Actually, while we’re talking about Connor, if I was rewriting the story and could make it as long as I deemed necessary I’d show him starting to hesitate and go easier on the deviants in increasing amounts throughout that period if the player chooses, with Ortiz’s android being the last one he has to turn in, maybe even including the option for him to genuinely consider letting him go before Hank or another officer starts coming up to the attic and leaving it unclear whether Connor turns him in at that point due to his programming kicking in or a fear of being found deviant himself, as he does give the impression that that is something he genuinely fears as the story progresses if you consistently choose options pushing towards deviancy; honestly just a bit more focus on Connor slowly going from completing his mission due to his programming to completing his mission due to fear of what will happen to him if he doesn’t to not completing his mission due to growing feelings of empathy towards the deviants he’s supposed to be hunting if you’re going down the deviant route would be nice.)
The trouble with Kara’s route is that the stakes are so much lower. It’s kind of nice to have lower stakes for a bit, but it also feels like she got the short end of the stick; Markus has the revolution, Connor has the conflict between his programming and his growing humanity, Kara has... a motherhood story. It’s an effective motherhood story, and having one part have lower stakes is good in the sense that it gives the player some time to breathe, but it still doesn’t seem fair to her. If I was rewriting the game I might make her story involve... learning about androids and deviancy and rA9. Like, everything we know about how deviancy works is kind of dumped on us; it’s a glitch that causes androids to simulate human emotions and can spread between androids like a virus. That’s it. Similarly rA9 is just believed to be the first deviant. Kara isn’t actually doing anything in terms of the larger story; why not have her uncovering some of those mysteries instead of just shepherding Alice towards Canada? Close up some plot holes and give your female lead something to do in relation to the larger story (beyond meeting Connor and Markus once each) in one move! Seems pretty win-win to me. And that would also extend her part of the story; probably she’d start her story later than Markus and Connor due to things only getting started for her after getting picked up from getting repaired (although they could add in a section that actually shows the incident that gets her sent in for repairs so we can actually see it instead of learning about it from a bunch of crayon drawings), but the lack of her in the early game would be matched by her having more to do in the later parts. Keep the parts she’s already got, maybe add another way or two for players to keep her group safe using the knowledge she gains from her expanded role, and make her story about discovering where they came from instead of just protecting a little girl who she’s convinced herself is Totally Human And Not An Android. Also I feel like the story might be stronger if Alice really is human, just because that gives all three leads a strong tie to humanity? Which feels important in a game about becoming human. I mean, Rose exists, but Markus has Carl and Connor has Hank and both those characters play a huge role in our leads becoming who they are at the end of the game; giving Kara this little human girl to look after but psych actually she’s an android and Kara was just deluding herself the whole time... feels like it’s undermining an emerging theme, and Rose doesn’t really make up for that (given while she helps Kara she doesn’t have the same impact on her as a person as Carl does Markus and Hank does Connor). Also it’s a stupid twist that adds nothing to the story. Get rid of it.
...I’m getting sidetracked. If anyone wants to remind me later maybe I can put together a coherent post about how I’d rewrite each character’s story given unlimited runtime (or possibly three posts, one for each story, given those are... likely to get long and splitting them up might work better), but for now I uh. do actually have homework (ah, uni), so I’m gonna wrap this up. Basically yeah, it would’ve been good if David Cage remembered that time skips exist and using them is allowed outside of the prologue or alternately that it is actually possible to make a game longer than ten hours, or even just not mentioned the date and left it up in the air as to how long things took; having so much happen in under a week just feels silly.
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marcusrobertobaq · 8 months
Playing and reading some dialogues in Connor's story again made me think about 2 things:
1. Connor's empathy towards Hank is about the fact the guy can't overcome what happened with Cole
I think it's easy losing the context but Connor got a relevant topic in his overall story (that got a bit compromised cuz of some cuts) about "guardians and 'em kids". The same way we had Daniel and Emma, Connor was also supposed to get more affected by Alice and Kara relationship - androids developing love/attachment for kids and being parental figures. And then we got Hank and Cole, a kid that died. I just don't know if he thinks about "would I be able to develop affection and be a guardian to a kid too?", I don't think it's something he reflects in the game, not explicitly at least, but I think it's an interesting topic 🤔
2. Hank would never replace humans with androids.
According to his behavior and logic he would never engage in a romantical relationship with an android cuz they're "the easy mode". Androids are treated as disposable tools cuz they ain't got the same issues human have and always obey without question - he ain't got respect for this kinda people that prefer doing everything with an android instead of having a relationship with a human being.
Also according to his logic deviants suffer in dirty humans hands for this same reason. It's likely he would feel guilty and dirty about the thought of treating a deviant like a "machine" to be used without knowing, accidentally. Something like "y'all deviants shouldn't waste time with stupid humans" (also cuz deviants usually ain't got a good impression about humans) or something like that, he himself included. I think he would even try protecting deviant androids from humans if he could, even if they apparently got "good intentions".
This makes me think he also would never replace Cole with an android (esp if deviant) - goes against his morals. Similar to "I was once a father, but I'm not one anymore" when he finally open his eyes. But he would def do anything he could if there were a way of bringing his kid back to life, he doesn't want a new one.
These 2 topics are just impressions of mine. Feel free to prove me wrong, but I only work with canon stuff in here.
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