#shadow vampir copil (oc)
Shadow would enter his bedroom, the night was young, and he craved something to do, yet, he could feel an angelic presence in his room, he'd light up the fire place before addressing the cause of the feeling.
"Have you nothing better to do than to make sure I am doing nothing like I've told you I've been doing?" It may sound annoyed or bitter, but really, Shadow was teasing this other person, that being Winter, whom he was having secret relations with, since a vampire and an angel being together like isn't exactly permitted.
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"Hello, I am Shadow Vampir-Copil, head of the Vampir-Copil house, and emperor of my kind, at least as far as our world is concerned, and I have a statement from my cousin, Noir, about the mass discussion about the different versions of our kind appearing to discuss themselves."
He adjusts a blank sheet of paper, what she said was simple enough to remember.
"In her statement, Noir states "I regret nothing", that is all."
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Continued from HERE
"Oh, so that's how it is, now you've got me thinking you planned this all along, either way..."
Turning around, Shadow would lean in and give Charlie a deep, intimate kiss, wrapping his arms around her to bring her that bit closer, never mind what he came for originally, it was now a booty call he was staying for.
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firestormburningflames · 10 months
Days had passed since Shadow had become the husband of the Princess of Hell, Charlie Morningstar, or rather now, Charlie Vampir-Copil, it was an arrangement made by their father's long ago and it meant that the system of power was shaken up as by proxy, she'd become the Empress of Vampires, and he'd become the Prince or whatever it was of Hell.
But it was a wedding done in secret simply to keep fears and concerns of Hell's denizen's down, though currently, the two would be on their honeymoon on Earth, Shadow had brought Charlie to somewhere cold and snowy, simply out of how warm, sunny places didn't agree with him due to his vampire nature.
On this night, he'd pass his wife a cup of hot chocolate he had made for her, there was marshmallows on the top as a treat as Shadow sat with his wife, but he couldn't help notice that the air felt constantly awkward with them.
"I hope we can become something less awkward as time goes on, ever since we met, we've been rather...stiff with each other, I assume because we were arranged to be than going by things normally?"
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Continued from HERE
“Huh, punishment?”
He may be the Emperor Vampire, but he wasn’t THAT kind of ruler of his people, he wasn’t sure who this person even was, usually, he’d have a scent to help discern between human, vampire, and other creatures.
“I...don’t work like that unless it’s something major, like causing problems between vampires and other races, I’m hoping that isn’t the case with you, right?”
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Oh, hey, it's a bunch of character head-canons I've forgotten. - (Part One? Master List?)
Even though they're not complicated to make, George struggles with instant-foods, like packet noodles with flavour packets.
The Arthur family line has freckles, with Skarloey, they are very faint, while Marie and Arthur Scarlet's are visible.
Like actual bats, the Vampir-Copil being bat faunus would likely have them hibernate or sleep longer in Winter periods.
My idea for Oz & Salem being at odds with each other in the Chibi sketches I did would have had a comedic reason we'd flashback to, like Ozpin forgetting tog et the chicken out the freezer
Because of how he was built, Oliver lacks an Aura of his own, unlike Penny who has some of Pietro's, and (RWBY) Dash who would have some of Ironwood's so Pietro was not straining his body.
Casper ends up with a Grimm dragon as a pet called Torch, likewise, his later younger sister Alice would get a Grimm house-cat, though if I was to play him, Hazel would have had a Grimm mouse called Buttons as company.
A quirk of Alice was her being unintentionally scary, like being caught saying she "can't to see you burn", only for it to be she's making toast or roasted marshmallows.
Jess & Shinobu don't like dogs much, Jess had a nasty scare as a child by an aggressive dog, while Shinobu is like Blake in that being a cat faunus, the reaction is more normal.
Casper & Veronica's daughter is called Victoria, but it's not know what she inherits from her father and his abilities.
Eventually, when working with the heroes, Casper would stop using his "human" appearance guise with blond hair and blue eyes, since the only reason to keep it up is to help get around places without questions of why he looks like that.
Sunny & Angel are supposed to have accents but I've never settled on which, at most, Sunny would have been Australian, while Angel was tied between French and German.
Sunny being barefoot most of the time is mostly due to where she was born and raised being a beach town where questions about a lack of shoes are less of a thing, though her schools had them required as part of the uniform, and didn't allow sandals for things like science or workshop classes where it'd be stupid-dangerous.
Linda is asthmatic, and used to wear braces around two years before she'd end up at Beacon.
Ichigo's designs are based on past lead Kamen Riders in that they're what they'd look like if you took them and made them into clothing pieces, so for his main look, he resembles Kamen Rider 1gou.
Casper would have maybe learned he is not Salem's first child at some point after finding a painting of his mother, Ozma, and their daughters, this would have likely played into his defection.
BluBerry was an android OC who I would have revived to be an assistant to Ironwood, they are effectively non-binary/genderfluid as they composed of the twin AIs, the male Blu, and the female Berry, I would have likely updated the spelling to be BlueBerry proper too.
Venus was originally a villainess and head-villain of her kind, but I ended up liking her being a kind motherly-type, so she was made good, and later, the mother to Casper & Alice in the Mythril universe.
Likewise, Chrome was intended as a dubious-evil character, but the idea with the Authors then became to have them be mostly neutral figures as Mythril's gods.
Had my story been done a little better and not been playing catch up, Oliver as part of Team Salem likely would see him beefing with Tyrian, though for Chibi sketches, it's more Oliver and Tyrian having comedic moments of trying to set the other up into being punished by Salem.
Being androids, Penny, Dash, Rusty, and Oliver can switch off their hearing and sight if they wish.
George's usual pairs of socks have bunnies on them.
In her younger years, Alice would have dressed up Salem and pretended to be a mini-me of her for teddy bear parties.
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Noir & Queenie Summed Up:
Queenie: Sorry, I'm late, I was doing stuff.
Noir, following behind: And I was the stuff.
Queenie: Noir! No!
Shadow, deadpan: Haha, Queenie, you're banging my cousin.
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Continued from HERE
"Humans are strange, because they put so much pride into adoring us and our fellow races, yet they have items intended for the holiday after, and yet..."
Shadow's focus was on the Christmas items that entered stores long before Halloween even got a look-in, but the topic of humans seems to have set-off something in him that made him go quiet, it wasn't anything he'd be wanting to talk about either, so Ophira wasn't bound to find out why his demeanor changed suddenly.
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Send ‘*touches wings*’ for your muse to, you guessed it, touch my muse’s wings!
(@ any muse)
Send ‘*touches wings*’ for your muse to, you guessed it, touch my muse’s wings!
"May I help you?"
Being a winged-vampire, Shadow was a bit annoyed that somebody was touching his wings, and being that was the Emperor Vampire, touching him like that wasn't a good idea.
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Continued from HERE
“Hell?...I’m in Hell?! No, this...this is wrong, I’m supposed to be with my sisters and my cousins, why...”
Shadow tried thinking back to what happened only minutes ago from his side of things, and it was a blur, he just about made out someone or something...impaling him on his own sword? That couldn’t be right, and trying to see who the figure was no good either, they were a darkened blur.
“I need to get home, there must be a way, right? Can you help me with that?”
Shadow would look more scared and worried over how he’d usually be tough and bossing his way around, but sure, he was the Emperor Vampire, but that meant nothing if he was here in Hell, it was rare enough he could visit as it was.
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Continued from HERE
Seeing his chance, Shadow would fly behind Velma and change back into his humanoid form, quickly grabbing the orange sweater home invader, one hand over her mouth to keep her silent, the other around her body to stop her from running.
“Tell me why I shouldn’t feed you to the zombies, you home invader, how ironic that the vampire is complaining about invites to his home? Still, didn’t you read the signs?”
He wasn’t happy, if it wasn’t obvious, but he was in two minds, let her go and leave it, or punish her by making her a fellow vampire but in servitude to him, it would depend on her answers.
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With every “!!” i get, I’ll introduce you to an OC!
The red-haired vampire turned to see who had entered his throne room, it was Shadow Vampir-Copil, emperor of all vampires, so it only made sense to have such a thing, but it was being prepared to also serve as a dining room tonight as he would be holding a ball for his own kind.
“Unless you are a guest on the list for tonight, or are party of the staff under my employ, you have no rights to be here, state your purpose.”
(Yes, Shadow is technically on @firestormtriforce as he’s Merlo’s dad, but I’ve only ever played him as his original vampire self in a couple threads where it was a Vampire AU, outside it, he’s just a bat faunus, but he did start as a vampire character.)
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