#alfred may know something that bruce dont know
emacrow · 1 month
Kronos, Agent A, and bites marks
Kronos looked a bit skittish and dejected after the sixth Doctor nearly got iced by her baby after he made an unfortunate choice of mumbling words which lead to Batman calling in a favor from the Wayne's to bring in a good doctor that actually can get near both the ancient beings long enough to give a diagnosis.
Incoming Agent A, who was calmly explained the situation as he walked slowly into the containment. Kronos look at him for a moment before a bit of realization flickered in his eyes, as she murmur something.
Batman and the other heroes watches behind the hidden camera screen office, watching as Alfred check Kronos's temperature, painless blood drawn, checking her heart and breathing and gave a clear full body examination to a couple heroes were shocked to see a long horrifyingly yet old looking scar on her stomach area that look like someone dragged something sharp and was stretched a bit wide.
That gave one point to Diana theory of Kronos story being warped dramatically, but the fact of that Zeus did cut opened Kronos's stomach to pull out his siblings pin true.
A couple of more minutes past with alfred carefully examination the baby boy who was a bit squirmish while alfred did a couple of comments obviously praising Kronos whom face flushed a rather colorful red blush turning her head a bit. Alfred did asked and provides Kronos and Her baby much better comfortable Maternal and baby clothes then what they were currently wearing.
By the time alfred came out of the containment cell, alfred's soft gentleman look shifted a bit, before speaking after handing the vials of swirling golden glowing blood.
"Both madam and the child are well, a bit underweight, Ms. Kronos will need headache relief medicine, both her and the child is in need of a very light seasoned meal and drinks to not overwhelmed their senses in which I'll be providing." Alfred told then after handing the written documents forms of the examination. Batman could only grunt a bit, considering he trying not to look back at Alfred's glance considering his armored wrist had a tiny bite marks that actually dented the armor with indents.
"Ms. Kronos did asked what and where is this place as I asked what was the last thing she recalled was falling from Olympic while trying to hide her child but as she spoke, it seem to cause her abdominal pain that seem to be PTSD related." Alfred said to which batman nod knowing that Alfred would never lied to him.
Part 3 << >> Part 5
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i-cant-sing · 9 months
Yandere batfam with a sick reader?
Yes but sick reader who is still defiant because hello, they kidnapped you?????
Reader is just glaring at them with tired eyes and a red nose as they once again tuck her under the covers, Dick is highly worried as he frets over you like a mama hen because he did have a heart attack when he caught you standing in front of your open window, where "harsh" gusts of cold air were "attacking your fragile form", so of course, he had to drag you in and wrap his arms around you, rub his cheek against you because he NEEDS to warm you immediately, lest you die of hypothermia.
Yes, Dick overreacts. And yes, Damian will accompany his brother in his delusions, or well, take any chance he gets to scold you.
"You should be in bed, Y/n." Damian said sternly, his eyes narrowed because how dare you worry his favourite brother like this. "Didn't Dick tell you to rest? Are you that incapable of following simple commands?"
You narrowed your eyes back at him, opening your mouth to say something mean but got cut off by your own coughing fit, making Dick rush to help you drink some water, rubbing your back along it. Your throat felt scractchy, and it hurt to speak, but you still wanted to convey your feelings so-
You flipped him off. For a nano second, because Dick immediately grabbed your hand and tucked it back under the covers while Damian's eyes widened at you disrespect, but before he could make any more gremlin noises, but Bruce walked in and Damian knew better than to complain to him about you when youre already sick, cause Bruce wouldve still favoured you.
"Y/n? How do you feel now?" Bruce asked, his voice gentle as he walked closer to where Dick was throwing away your mountain of tissues.
"Im fine. I wanna go out-" "No." "And why not?" "Because youre sick." "You may be Batman, but youre not a doctor!" "I am your father though."
No, youre not. You wanted to say, but knew that would only piss him off and you need to be on his good side if you want Dick and the others to be off your back so that you can escape.
"Whats her temperature?" Bruce asked Dick, who put a thermometer in your mouth quickly. Dick sighed as he told Bruce how you were out of bed and standing in your balcony in the cold just moments ago.
Bruce placed a palm over your forehead, and you tried to move away but there wasnt really any space or energy for you to do that. Bruce's eyes shifted the slightest bit at your burning forehead. "Why do you insist on getting out of bed and sleeping on the floor? Ive already had to pick you up 3 times in the past 2 days."
You pulled out the thermometer and glared at him. "Im fine. Its just sniffles." Bruce's lip quirked a little. You looked absolutely adorable in your delirious state, like an angry kitten.
"I dont think its just sniffles this time. And-" Bruce pulled the thermometer from your hands that you were hiding under the covers. "-dont hide the thermometer from me." His eyes scanned it and the twitch in his brow was enough for Dick to know that the number was too high.
Bruce then eyed the cough syrup next to your side table- its still full.
"Why havent you been taking your medicine?"
"Im not sick-"
"White paint has more color than you do right now. So why havent you been taking the medicine?" Bruce asked and even though he was a little annoyed, he had enough practice dealing with the other kid's rebellious phases to have the patience of a saint.
You shrugged. "How do I know its just cough syrup and not a sedative?" "It is a sedative too. Its supposed to make you sleepy." "Well, I dont wanna sleep and let my guard down in a house full of 5 strange men." You obviously never counted Alfred- hes the only normal one here- except for the part that he wont call the cops for you, but oh well.
Bruce just casted a look to Dick and before you knew it, Dick was pinching your nostrils close and titling your head up while Bruce grabbed the syrup and poured some in your mouth before clamping his hand over it. You struggled to break free, but you were obviously no match to them. Still, tears of frustration pricked your eyes as you looked at them in betrayal and hatred.
"Drink this and dont argue with me, please." Bruce said- well, he genuinely requested at this point.
You didnt have much of a choice other than swallowing it.
With a defiant glare, you begin closing your eyes as your body gave into the effects of the drug, the last thing that you felt were Bruce kissing your forehead while Dick pecked your cheek.
Jason finally decides to drop by the Wayne manor, only to be greeted with the sight of reader lying on the kitchen floor. His heart stopped for a moment- you werent breathing-
"Y/n!" He rushed to your side, only to be smacked in the face by you.
"Shush. Dont be too loud." Your voice sounded like sandpaper against rocks.
Jason huffed. "Well, sorry for freaking out. I thought you were dead-"
"From a cough? Im not weak."
"Yeah? So, what exactly are you doing on the cold floor in the middle of the night?"
"What? So I cant even take a nap in this house? Jesus Christ, am I allowed to have any autonomy here?"
"Y/n." Jason called, clearly unamused by your sarcasm.
"Fine. I may have fallen and then didnt have the energy to get up, so im just catching my breath here."
"Why are you even out of bed?"
"I was hungry and Im not gonna drink another spoon of Alfred's bland soup again." Alfred made it bland on purpose so that your throat wouldnt be irritated.
"Please stop wasting whats left of your voice on complaints of the soup that you cant even taste." Jason chuckled as he picked you up, only for you to push at his chest weakly.
"I dont need your help. I can walk on my own."
Jason quirked a brow. "If you can make it to the front door without fainting or throwing up, I'll help you escape." You stared at the front door- it wasnt too far, but judging by the fact that its even hard for you to breathe properly and that youve fainted way too many times by just standing for more than a couple of minutes.
But youre stubborn. With great effort, you pushed yourself off Jason and used the kitchen island to pull yourself up. Jason decided to walk in front of you and stand near the kitchen exit because he really wanted to see your struggling face.
You took a trembling step, then another, one hand still using the support of the island until it ended and you were only a couple of feet away from Jason. At this point, you were already out of breath and when you took another step, your legs gave out and the room began spinning.
Luckily, Jason was quick to react. "Alright, just place your arm around mine- or just fall on me, that works too." He teased when you couldnt hold your body weight.
You slumped in his arms. "Just take me to my room." You huffed.
"Alright." Jason lifted your legs up and carried you back up the stairs. "You know you'd get better a lot faster if you just stayed in bed and took your medicine on time. Wouldnt that make your chances of escaping the manor better?"
You stared at him blankly. "Wow. The world must be ending for Jason Todd to be making logical suggestions."
Jason rolled his eyes as he tucked you in bed. "Im just saying, if you get better faster, you'll get to try running from us quicker too."
How do you explain to him that you just dont want to comply to them, even when they're helping you. How do you explain that you dont wanna listen to them because the soft pitiful, patronising look they get in their eyes when they look at you makes you wanna scream and carve your skin out. These are strangers, rich men who just kidnapped you to be a part of their family. No one is that kind. And nothing ever comes for free. Nothing.
"Do you need something? Food, perhaps?" Jason asked. You shook your head. "No, I think Im gonna throw up."
"Oh shit." Jason was hauling his ass out of the room t get you a bucket, only to return with a backpack.
You barely held your puke as you asked. "Wait- whose is this?"
"I dont know!? Damian's?!"
You grinned. "Oh, perfect." You proceeded to throw up into Damian's bag. That little shit just got on your nerves.
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"I know you have attachment issues with your blanket but its been a couple of days now and you need to let me wash it." Dick said, trying to tug it out of your grip.
You sniffled and glared. "Im not a child who needs their blankie, Dick. Im just too cold without it and no other blanket can warm me up the same way it does."
"Give the blankie, Y/n." Dick said seriously.
"Its not a blankie." You retorted, but before you could react, Tim suddenly grabbed you while Dick ripped away the blanket. And even though he immediately replaces it with a clean blanket, you still let out a gut wrenching cry
"You'll have it back tomorrow-" Tim starts saying, only for you to sneeze directly in his face, making him freeze.
"And that's why we use tissues." Dick says, wiping both your nose and Tim's face with tissues, while you're not making any effort to suppress the grin that comes on your lips.
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weebsinstash · 9 months
something that I think would be, truly one of the worst things about the yandere Batfamily really truly is their power to make any and every problem you've ever had completely go away in no time at all
it can be such an awful feeling to see that you struggled in vain with something that was nothing at all to someone else. You could have significant issues that have followed you all your life and have had traumatic impacting effects on you and these people could come in and sweep that all away. Student loans you've been paying off for years, if not a fraction of your lifespan, still burying you in debt? We are talking fucking decimal points on the scale of Bruce Wayne's wealth. That bad leg from an old work injury? Let's grab you one of the best doctors in Gotham, if not the entire world, fuck, we may even get you a doctor or medicine that isn't even human-made! Y'all want a magic leg? We know this chick who can speak backwards, you want a magically healed leg?
Crippling loneliness? Eternal sunshine and objectively best Robin Dick Grayson is here to brighten your entire world since he knows what it can feel like to be hurting and alone and he's literally like the heart and soul of the entire manor besides Alfred
Chronic pain, an undiagnosed disability, or maybe you're not confident in your fitness? Jason has extensive knowledge of injury recovery, physical therapy, and overall knowledge about human biology and musculature and how everything correlates
Family issues? Daddy issues? Let Resident Troubled Kid Expert Alfred Pennyworth be your new grandpa. He's dealt with more than one temperamental snappy individual, and he'll use his patience, experience, and wit to wear down all your stress and hostility. It's hard to keep being cruel to someone who's nothing but kind to you, and he has plenty of patience and delicious baked treats to hold out until you give in
Honestly just the fact most of them are so fucking young would get under my skin. You could be approaching your 30s and be sitting here at the Wayne family dinner table as their weird sister/mom/girlfriend/whatever and being all "I've just always had these struggles my entire life, I dont know what's wrong with me, I feel like I can't control how I act or feel and I hate it" and someone like Tim who depending on the source material and where you are on the timeline is a literal teenager with extensive knowledge of criminals and psychology is just over here, "oh, that? You have chronic childhood trauma, recurring resurfacing conflict related ptsd, severe abandonment issues, emotional regulation problems that are probably biological, and also you probably have autism, and there's nothing wrong with any of that :)" and then he turns to Bruce and starts talking about how his school is taking a trip abroad to Greece while you sit there processing that everyone around the table has extensively psychologically evaluated you and you probably have your own file on the Batcomputer (you do. It's excessive.)
It's just. The psychology of having all these problems you've struggled with be wiped away by someone else like it's nothing and how, that can result in making someone feel all the more worthless and helpless. Oh, Bruce was able to just make all your problems disappear? Clearly YOU weren't trying hard enough. Tim is able to suss out what's wrong with you? Well YOU'RE the dysfunctional idiot who was born wrong, and YOU were the one choosing the wrong doctors. You're watching all these young teenagers or young adults be vigilantes and travel the world and learn multiple languages and you're like. Normal guy Steve from the grocery store. You know? They take control of your life and make you feel like a side character in it, because everything you do is now attached to them, and all of them and all of their adventures are so... spectacular
And really, someone with a meaner heart, and maybe someone more blunt like, say, Damian, could perhaps come in and make some comment, "see? This is why you needed our assistance in caring for you" and what are you gonna do, NOT act like they basically fixed your entire life in less than a year's time, with the one objection of kidnapping and imprisonment? You're just over here, "um yeah, actually, I'm an adult and I can take care of myself, you don't need to TAKE CARE OF ME???" meanwhile Bruce and Alfred are exchanging knowing looks while you speak as if the old butler hadn't needed to help you call your doctor and other important urgent matters because being on the phone with strangers gave you such intense anxiety. Ok yes sure honey you are a lovely functional adult and your brain is big and beautiful and perfect 🥰 now shut up about going to live back home on your own, go play Xbox with your new brothers or go bake something with Grandpa while the world's greatest detective sits down in the Batcave using the Batcomputer to track down and "have a friendly chat" with that one childhood teacher that gave you that one really specific trauma-
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sreppub · 1 year
im a different anon but YEAAS AHYES that reasoning for the RR au is so REAL!!! i recently described it to a friend that i think reverse robins bruce matures in a different way because he cannot Run Away from being a father by calling damian his ward. and that half of why I like it is bc i think rr!dick would have a bruce that was 100% ready to be a father to him. the bruce canon (or fanon like u said lmao) dick deserved to grow up w
it's all in good fun and i play with relationship dynamics like barbie dolls :)
I have a very long stream of consciousness headcanon about batdad below. Read at your own risk lol
my batdad constants, reverse robins or not: first kid has so much freedom. bruce isn't much of a parent, he vaguely knows kids should go to school and eat vegetables and it's probably fine to sit in the passenger seat if he has his seatbelt on, right? (bruce hasn't had his parents since he was 9, and while alfred loves him, alfred himself was not ready for parenthood and also straddles the house staff/nanny/father lines and so basically he and bruce love each other but They Are A Little Weird.)
The first kid teaches Bruce a lot, but Bruce is pretty easily convinced to an extra hour of patrol or an unreasonable purchase. (dont get me started on the money. dont tell me bruce is normal with money before the kids start putting things in perspective for him.) (Dick thinks Bruce's rich-guy-ness is funny, but mostly doesn't care. when something costs more than $100 jason is mortally offended.)
It takes a few years, but eventually alfred's pointed commentary on bruce's parenting skills (communication not great in this mcmansion) cause bruce to read those parenting books (+ mommy blogs depending on which kid) and by the second kid he is ON IT. this kid is gonna get SO dad-ed. in RR, that's duke :)
By the last kid, he's a goddamn helicopter, but also has a bunch of kids to like... delegate lol. once you lose a couple kids and go through trauma after trauma you start thinking maybe, RR dick should not be allowed on the streets until 16 at least.
RR dick is waaaaaay more spoiled too, because the others baby him and he EATS IT UP. I think Jason especially would be a total mother hen if he'd met recently traumatized baby dick while he himself was still baby.
So about Dick vs Damian, I think firstborn dick has an idea of what big families and parents are supposed to do (if slightly different due to cultural differences and. Circus.) and has no qualms correcting Bruce about What Kids Are Supposed To Do and Kale is Gross Bruce I Want Funnel Cake.
Damian did not have anything like a regular childhood lol. And I think he would go along with a lot of what Bruce does because for all he knows, this is How To Be A Wayne And Be Good So His Father Doesn't Send Him Back and also bruce promised he wouldn't make damian kill any cats so frankly this rules. bring on the kale.
because kids are resilient and I love them, damian may be a Little Bit Of A Brat and then goes through some big brother trials but comes out all right. is he a little miffed when bruce comes home with some rando? Yes. Is he a little snobby because he grew up a little assassin prince and bruce's privilege did little to dissuade that? Yes. But also he's had some empathy training in his years of living in non-assassin world and he CARES goddamnit.
(but lets not forget communication sucks in this mcmansion so it takes a minute)
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therapy-ghost · 5 months
Batfamily x male reader who has Reactive Evolutionary, powers and abilities of Darwin from X-Men
The power basically goes like this:
his body automatically adapts to any situation or environment he is placed in, allowing him to survive possibly anything.
Examples of his powers include: gaining night-vision after a few seconds in the dark; functional gills after being submerged in water; fire-proof skin after being exposed to flame; increasing his own intelligence; converting his body into pure energy; no longer requiring oxygen after being sucked into space; morphing into a sponge when shot at with a weapon designed to destroy the subject's nervous system; and acquiring comprehension of any language merely by looking at written samples. His power may concern itself with more efficient methods of survival than Darwin himself might choose; for example, instead of continually increasing Darwin's powers when taking punishment from the Hulk, his body simply teleported him away from the fight.
His power can also work when dealing with non-immediately-life-threatening situations, such as rendering it impossible for Darwin to get drunk by allowing his body to process alcohol faster than humans would normally.
Said abilities that he picks up vanishes when something gets resolved or it's no longer needed in some situations.
Sorry for going all 🤓 on ya, thanks and have a great day
Hey, sorry for the wait (Im a broken record at this point)
Most likely met through a justice league member like Vixen.
Tim was the most fascinated with you; he wanted to know how your mutation worked an everything.
”The Boy was found up north of Gotham, surprised you weren’t the one who found him” Vixen spoke to Batman and nightwing as Damian judged you harshly.
Relationship wise for Damian, you’re fine… I guess: He will use you as practice on his swords or even a way to sharpen them.
Can’t say Jason wont do the same thing with his guns.
Batman, Barbara and Tim are most likely the ones invested in you emotionally and genetically the most; having seen things like this before but never in your way.
“Does your whole body adapt or is it only in the part that is needed?” Tim would ask a lot of in detailed questions that would make you think a lot if you dont already have the answer and Barbara would take notes and asked to do human experiments.
both would be cool if you said no but Tim would be still bummed.
Alfred fines you useful when cooking and if you are good at conversations, even better.
Dick would convince you to join some kind of team and become an official hero.
Bruce would also try but in a more monotone fashion… since he’s Batman.
Bruce would also try and get Vixen and/or Martian man hunter to mentor you to help with a further understanding of your mutation.
other then that, most are a fan of the abilities and wanna see more.
Thanks for the patience
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codemonki · 8 months
Ok so I have a in progress owl house AU with the bat family. Now they don't really easily paste into the existing roles so there has to be a bit of editing and small changes. Here is the current role swap list.
Luz: Duke Thomas
Gus: Cass?? Maybe?? May give her a more dramatic backstory that Gus and that she left the "Emperors Coven" a while ago???? And she'd be older making Steph the younger one of the 2.
Willow: Steph??? Bc of the relationship between Willow and Amity?? Not quite accurate to Tim and Steph but drama?? Maybe?? Post breakup??
Hooty: Alfred...? Posh hooty....
Hunter: Damian
Golden Guard: Jason Todd
Ok so that needs some explaining, I kinda had to split that character into two because Jason could "die" and then come back as the crimson guard, but Damian fulfills the role of having been related to the Emperor. It'll be weird but kinda work?? I think??
I'm also not sure if I'll make Damian a grimwalker. I may be able to make him one that Talia may have raised?? In replacement of her old child she had with Bruce before they split??
Raine: Talia?? This could be so cool actually (Talia fits better in this role but It would be fun to have superbat. Unlikely though)
Eda: Bruce Wayne
Lilith: Kate Kane
Ed: Dick Grayson
Em: Barbara Gordon
The Emperor: Ras Al Ghul (dont know his situation! Talia may be a half elf in this)
They aren't aren't related but I feel like they got the vibes. Also idk if Dickbabs will be a thing here. I think it may have been a childhood relationship but they're almost outta school and Dicks with Kory.
if anyone has suggestions for who King may be lmk or how some changes in this could work??
Robin is a palisman that transfers around, Dick Grayson had it first, it being a palisman of one of his parents before they passed. When Jason started to hang around him and Bruce at the bathouse it eventually transfered over to him, and then transferred to Tim afterwards.
Dick Grayson did get a new palisman eventually though!! And it's reminiscent of Nightwing.
Jason does die and gets brought over to the Emperor and becomes the Crimson Knight and is stationed with Damian a lot. So missions Damian goes on, he is there as back up (As per request of Talia). He's a lot like the Young Justice Redhood at this point and my design is also reminiscent of that.
Tim's got the mid parents, may lean into the way Amity's parents are. He also doesn't have older siblings there to help out until Duke shows up and convinces him to go stay at bathouse permanently or something. (Dick and Babs do have a friendship with him though at school and try to get him to go to Dicks house more often but he doesn't)
Haven't thought about Stephs situation enough so if anyone has any ideas!!
As for covens, (I haven't thought about them enough RIP, will be added to as I get my act together)
Dick: Illusionist (Bruce doesn't have as bad of a relationship with the school as Eda did, though it did get worse after Dick started going!!"
My thought process was Illusionist is a very performative coven and he is a performer at heart <3
Jason: Bard Coven
I wanted to draw him with a guitar. Sue me. (It was a tiktok lmao I can't remember if I had any real reasoning)
Kory: Construction Coven
Because I could see her wanting to make things and she's strong
Duke Thomas: light glyphs so many light glyphs
He's gonna go through the Luz route and found the Bad Bat Coven (tm)
Bruce: Head of Bad Bat Coven
If anyone has any ideas for what covens other people will be I'd like to know 🥺.
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hi!! would you mind doing some hcs for a reader in the batfam who's falling into a depressive episode, and most of them dont notice bc its pretty early on (like only a few days in) but alfred takes care of them?? im so soft for caring/familial alfred + hurt/comfort stuff. and maybe near the end the others realize and a few of them chip in to help cheer them up??
⚠️ before you read!! This story contains talk of depression and mental health struggles. If that is at all a trigger for you, please scroll past ⚠️
Batfam x reader x Alfred
I know mental health struggles and issues are different for everyone. I will be writing this based off of my experience.
You were one of the many children Bruce Wayne had taken under his ‘wing’
But you had issues with your mental health, call it a side effect of your up bringing if you will.
You were feeling kinda bleh, unmotivated to move, shower, brush your teeth, or move out of your bed really
Alfred was the first to notice after the first day, you didn’t come down to eat as much and instead were only seen in the mornings for food.
Alfred made your favorite tea/drink, with a small portion of your favorite snack.
He made his way to your room, and Gently knocked to open the door. He set the food down and made work of clearing the floor
Getting you fresh clothes, a wash cloth, and mouth wash.
���Young y/n you need to take care of yourself a little bit, I know it’s rough right now. But at least use the mouth wash and spit into this cup”
You did as asked, ate some of the food. Sponged bathed and changed in the bathroom.
“I will leave the comfort blankets on the couch, open the blinds, is there anything else you may need?”
You just walked up to Alfred and gave him a hug, his hugs were nice filled with affection and warmth.
You repeated this cycle for three more days before the others noticed
Bruce was the first of the group to notice, he look at how when you were on the couch you were zoned out. Also being wrapped in the blankets
He would walk by and rub your back a little bit and help brush your hair
Jason and dick were the next ones to notice, they wanted to get you up and running but knew that wasn’t a good idea, so instead they watched movies or napped with you
Tim was just awake enough to burrito next to you and nap with you, it was small but it was a gesture of affection
Damien was the last to notice, by day seven of you being in this rut Damien had had it.
“You need to do something!!! Who and I supposed to talk too!!!” He even grabbed your face. Not roughly just enough to kinda spook you
But you said nothing and carried on
Bruce had to explain it to him a little bit “ sometimes we get into a rut, we just have to ride it out and trust they will tell us when it gets too bad for them “
“So there’s nothing I can do?!”
“Just be patient, like they were with you”
Head nod was all Bruce got in exchange.
Alfred however was still making you use a wash cloth daily and mouth wash twice a day, brushing when you had some more energy.
Sometimes when your brothers became overwhelming, you could be found in Alfreds portion of the manor in a blanket. Because he brought peace
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batfamspews · 3 years
Red Robin and Jason have been battling each other in an abandoned building for the past fifteen minutes and the fight ended with Jason victorious and Tim flat on his back on the ground. Both of them are bleeding and have several internal wounds.
Jason: *going to jump out of a nearby window* It’s been fun, replacement! Though I have to admit, I think you’re getting a little rusty. You used to be so strategic, but now you’re just pure chaos. I like the change but it makes you pretty easy to beat. Probably should start thinking things through again.
Tim: *deadpan, unflinching, staring at the ceiling*
Jason: *Confused because just a couple of seconds ago Tim was bustling with squirrel-like energy* Hey man, you good?
Tim: Yeah man just rethinking my life.
Jason: Ah. *goes to jump out the window but then hesitates and looks back at Tim. Not a single muscle in his body has flinched. Jason figures he had better stick around and keep an eye on him since he’s pretty sure he heard bones breaking during their fight and he wants to make sure he didn’t paralyze or give Tim brain damage.* You wanna talk about it? *goes and sits down next to Tim*
Tim: Eh, life sucks, you know? Fight all night, work all day, study. I’m supposed to be the smart one, right? What if I can’t keep up? What if I crack and lose it? What if someone smarter comes along? Besides, I can’t help but feel like I’m just ticking every one off.
Jason: *surprised but slightly amused that his straight-rod, genius brother would have such a poor opinion of himself* Heeeey, come on, little Red! You don’t suck that much! I mean, I do get sick and tired of your virtuous crap every once and a while, hence me beating you to a bloody pulp right now, but you’ve got a good head and heart! What’s making you feel so down?
Tim: …
Tim: Tried to make supper the other night. Alfred got food poisoning. He’s still in the hospital.
Jason: So you’re guilty?
Tim: *smiles* Yes but that’s just a part of it. I’m in charge of making my own food now, but since I’m scared that I’ll poison myself I’ve only been drinking a concoction I made up a while ago that I know won’t kill me.
Jason: Yeah? What?
Tim: Iced coffee made with Red Bull instead of water.
Jason: …
Jason: ……. .. . …
Jason: That sounds disgusting
Tim: It absolutely is.
Jason: How long has this been going on?
Tim: About a week?
Jason: ??? And that’s all you’ve had?
Tim: I mean, I ate some Nachos last night and I have an emergency stash of pop tarts in my room that I finished off the first two days.
Jason: ???????
Tim: *shrugs* The Red Bull iced coffee gives me energy. Kinda sucks though because I crash when it wares off and have another identity crisis. I should really get some more before the tremors.
Tim: You know, there’s a line between intelligence and wisdom- oh crap here they come. Totally jinxed myself.
*Jason stares in disbelief as Tim’s whole body starts shaking. He start to say something but Tim- doubled over in pain- holds up a hand to make him wait. The tremors stop after a few seconds.*
Tim: I should probably grab some more coffee or something before that happens again. You wouldn’t happen to have an energy drink on you, wouldja? I’d get some myself, but I’m pretty sure you broke something in my leg and it hurts to move it.
Jason: For the love of God, Tim, you need professional help. Call Bruce to come pick you up???
Tim: I don’t really feel like talking to Bruce right now. I don’t want to get lectured again.
Jason: …
Jason: Fair enough, but I’m not leaving you here like this. I may not be an exceptional brother or anything but I’m pretty sure it would be considered child abuse if I let you torture yourself this way.
Tim: *laughs* you just broke my bones and beat me into submission.
Jason: you were being annoying.
Tim: And besides, Bruce doesn’t stop me.
Tim: ??? Where are we going?
Tim: Bruce is gonna be ticked. I’ve still got another hour on patrol.
Tim: I don’t wanna tell him that-
Tim: I mean? Dick’s been out of town so I’m gonna assume he’s doing fine. The Kents have invited Damian’s vegan butt into their household until Alfred recovers. Pretty sure Babs, Steph and Cass are surviving on hot pockets and chicken nuggets.
Jason: NOT MY GOOD GOOD GIRLS! That’s it, you’re coming home with me and are not leaving until you are fully recovered. I’m gonna call the girls too. Tonight you four are going to have a round, home cooked meal. *carries him down the stairs* Geez, kid, you’re skin and bones. On no accounts should you be this light. And you look like a zombie! Is this just the malnutrition, or are you not sleeping either?
Tim: I mean, I’ve passed out a couple of times…
Tim: The caffeine made sleeping virtually impossible, though now that it’s wearing off I do feel a bit drowsy…
Jason: Normally I would not give an idiot like you the permission to rest while I’m helping them out but for the love of everything that is holy, Timothy, go to sleep!
Tim: Dope. *immediately passes out*
Jason brings Tim to his apartment and puts him on the couch. Jason already has a nutritious vegetable and beef stir fry ready for the girls when they arrive. He’s also made broth that Cass spoon-feeds Tim when he wakes up shaking. They’ve all turned off their coms, so when Batman desperately calls Red-Hood’s home phone for help, Jason tells him what a horrible father he’s been lately and that even a problem child like himself would make a better parent. Cass, Steph and Babs leave after supper, but have agreed with Jason to eat lunch and supper at his place until Alfred got back. Jason called Nightwing up, told him the situation and asked him to come back to Gotham to deal with Bruce. The next morning Jason brought Tim to the hospital to get an X-ray done on his leg. When they found out it was fractured, Jason arranged for a very exhausted but thankful Tim to stay at his apartment until it healed, even when Alfred recovered. During that period he was able to break Tim’s eating habits and introduce him to healthier options. According to Jason, “I might be a ‘danger to society’ and a ‘homicidal maniac,’ but at least I can make a half decent home cooked meal for my poor starving siblings!”
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Tims S/O vs. the batfam
You, the reader, are Tim’s significant other. Congrats! you may think the hard parts over right? WRONG. you need to win over the whole ass Wayne family and heres how it goes.
refers to you as Mx. L/N; however as you visit the manor more frequently, he begins to refer to you as Mx. Y/N
Since he refers to you as Mx. Y/N, you call him Mr. Alfred because you feel weird calling him just by his first name
No matter what first impressions you gave off to him, he never shared them due to not wanting to be impolite
you quickly realize that none of the bat fam helps with the chores, so you try to lend alfred a hand whenever possible
you try to be polite as possible around him, and he appreciates it
Is EXTREMELY protective of Tim
So when you first met him, he did the whole “you break my brother’s heart i will break your face” talk and that was TERRIFYING
Tim tells you not to worry about it, but whenever you were with Tim, you could sense Dick out of the corner of your eye, watching
However, as you spend more time around him, he sees that you’re really in love with tim and hes really in love with you
And you see that tim and dick have an amazing brotherly relationship, something you’ve never experienced yourself
One night, you tell dick that you wish that you had a brother as great as him
In that moment, he decided that he was gonna adopt you as one of his siblings and boom hes your big brother too now.
Duke being considered the newest person in the Wayne Manor, is basically your liaison, explaining all the dynamics and history of the Wayne Family/Manor
Super Charismatic, though hes clearly being observant of your every move, analyzing who you are as a person
But for the most part, he made you feel really comfortable at the manor
So the day you bought him a 1000 puzzle set was the day you basically won him over
You let him geek out about film and riddles, listening to every word he said, which was something that apparently didn’t happen often to him
Also duke straight up just third wheels you as often as he can
so basically
you were scared of jason
He was rarely at that manor, especially while you were there but when he was, he came in dragging blood or drinking alcohol
once while you were alone in one of the rooms by yourself, Jason came in, mask off, bandage on his right arm
he asked you, “so why are you dating replacement?”
“Why do you call him replacement?”
“Oh you know, because he replaced me when I died”
“oh. right.” Yeah you’re kinda stupid for that one
It takes a while for you to remember that jason is a vigilante who literally died and came back to life, and it takes him a while  to remember that you’re a teenager and not a crime fighting super hero
so yeah your relationship does improve a bit
Whenever you guys get to talk, he always asks you some really deep question that throws you off guard, but you guys end up having really meaningful discussions and you get closer with him that way
you were even more scared about Cass than Jason
She just silently stared at you sometimes: didn’t even try to hide it
Like duke, she analyzed you a lot during your first meeting with her, although she did it to a more extreme: just by looking at you, she could sense your breathing, heartrate, movements; she was basically reading you soul
From this, should was able to tell just how absolutely frightened you were to meet her, so she made sure to smile to calm you down
Whenever you were alone with her you couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward; not only was there a bit of a language barrier but she was not the most talkative person, at times you just sat in silence
So you would try to do things with her rather than talking: you showed her pictures from your phone, she showed you her fighting moves, and you made conversation through facial expressions and body movements
i mean whos gonna be happy about seeing their ex’s new s/o not her nope
She kept smiling and laughing but you could see the burning hatred behind her eyes
It took a solid month before she actually talked to you
and it took another month for you to pluck up the courage to ask if she actually hated you
She looked embarrassed and admitted that she did kinda hate you in the beginning but that was solely because you were dating her ex, but she saw how good of a person you were, so she doesn’t hate you anymore
She asked if you hated her, since she kind of ignored you in the beginning
You said no, since she was so cool and you could see why Tim dated someone like her
Yeah so now you’re besties
And you often talking about Tim and his dating antics, sometimes right in front of him lol
Sometimes she would joke about stealing you from him, making sure to give you extra long hugs, and give u a kiss on the cheek just to piss Tim off >:)
definitely looked up all your information as soon as she found out you were dating tim
Immediately went to interview mode when she met you
Asked about your future plans with tim, your job, your future college choices, your darkest fears, your median income
“... Im like 16″
Asides from that, shes pretty chill
you dont see her often, but she’s always down for a talk!
Would acted like my aunt from new jersey (in a good way)
You were super nervous about meeting him
Tim recalled events with him like he was recalling a war
So you were surprised to see a 12 year old kid being the one shooting daggers at you
“Drake brought home another guy/girl/person”
“damian shut the fuck up”
one day you catch him painting in his room
You ask him about his various paintings and he tells you his inspirations from each, going on a long rant for a solid hour
He realizes that hes been lecturing you for an hour and looked at you, blushing a bit
“Damian, you’re an amazing artist.” you say. smiling 
Now Damian always tells tim that you’re too good for him, and everytime you banters with tim damian always took your side
Except when he saw you two kissing/cuddling, he would call you guys “disgusting pigs” and bolt out of the room
ah, bruce. the final boss
You couldn’t help but feel absolutely terrified. 
I mean not only is he a super mega rich business man and also like super famous but hes also BATMAN
you are also almost certain that he doesn’t know who you are despite being with tim for a few months by now
Everytime youre both in the same room he is often too busy to look up from whatever hes doing or rushing past you to go somewhere
Tim often confides in you about being the middle child in the family, meaning that sometimes people dont notice him and its really frustrating for him and for you to hear
One day u and tim are chilling in the batcave and bruce comes it and freezes when he sees the two of you
“who are y- what are you doing here-”
“oh um hello Mr. Wayne”
Bruce kinda just looked at you with a perplexed look, but that was when damian and cass walked by
“Father. Drake. Y/N” said damian, with Cassandra smilng and waving at you, to which you wave back.
“Hey Damian” you say nonchalantly. “I saw that you’re working on a new painting. youll have to tell me ALL about it later.”
“Of course. Im sure you’re aware of Georgia O’Keeffe” 
You smiled and nodded, to which he gave the tiniest of a smile back as he and cass headed for the training room
Bruce just stared at you even more perplexed than before, I mean, you just made damian smile
You glanced at Tim, who seemed just as uncomfortable as you
“Oh yeah Y/N, didn’t we have that movie we were gonna watch? yeah lets go like right now.” Tim said as he pulled your arm took you out of the batcave, giving bruce the well talk later look
After that instance he talk to some of his children about you, and they had nothing but good things to say. Even Jason, who literally kills people for a living, put in a good word about you.
The next time you visited the manor, you were greeted by bruce himself, dressed up in a business suit.
“Y/N, correct?” he pulled out his large calloused covered hand and held it towards you
After a brief moment you smiled and took it
“Yeah, thats me”
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch- Part 3
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
Ah Irony, I trust this wont be the last I’m seeing of you
First < Previous > Next
‘Sorry, Nino told Adrien that you guys said to go ahead!?’ Chloe explained.
“Looks like Liela’s at it again,” Marion tells Marinette.
“Of course she is,” Marinette was already hailing a cab
‘Lila must have told Alya who told Nino or something’ Marion responds.
'I am so sorry we’ll come back to get you’  
‘Dont worry bout it we’re getting a cab’
‘Dont let kags kill anyone’ He adds
‘No promises’
Marinette grabs Marion by the arm, dragging him over to a cab. Just as she's about to climb in someone grabs her, arm pulling her away. Reflexes kick in and she makes a jab at their stomach. They block her punch, but let go of her arm. Marinette looks up to see a black haired blue eyed boy who couldn't be any older than them.
“This isn’t a real cab,” He explains quickly, taking his phone out to snap a picture of the stunned driver.
“Oh? Oh!” Marinette processes, realising she just tried to punch him for helping her, “I am so sorry!”
“It’s ok, good reflexes,” He compliments, they step away from the cab as it speeds away, “I’m Tim,”
“Marinette,” She shakes his offered hand, “This is Marion,”
“Hi, thanks for that,” Marion nods towards where the ‘taxi’ was, “How could you tell?”
“You live around here long enough you learn to spot them,” Tim answers, “are you two french?”
“Yep,” Marinette chirped, “We’re on a class trip,”
“Where’s your class?” Tim frowns looking around.
“Ummm… they kinda….” Marinette looked down at her shoes.
“Left us,” Marion finishes for her.
“They left you? In Gotham?” Tim asks, the twins nod avoiding eye contact.
“Where are you staying? I’ll drive you there,” Tim decides.
“You don’t have to do that!” Marinette gestures wildly, wide eyed.
“We’ll be fine on our own,” Marion adds, because yes they did almost get in a fake cab, but it wasn't as if they couldn't have dealt with it.
“It’s all right,” Tim tells them, scanning the cars around, “Look my rides here,”
The twins turn to see a limo pull up, a well dressed driver steps out of the vehicle.
“Good Evening Master Tim, how was your trip?” He asks, taking Tim’s bag.
“It was fine Alfred,” Tim says, “would you mind if we dropped these two off at their hotel?”
“Not at all, Master Tim, I am Alfred Pennyworth,” Alfred greets the twins, “May I ask your names,”
“Uh, Marion, and this is Marinette,” Marion replies, “You really don’t have to, we’ll be fine,”
“It’s no trouble at all,” He tells them, “Where are you staying?”
“Wayne hotel,” Marinette goes to grab her bags to find them gone, turning to see Alfred already placing it in the trunk.
“Witchcraft,” Marion whispers to her, Marinette nods. She always made sure to at least be touching her backpack, as it held the Miracle box.
“Come in,” Tim offers, already sitting in the Limo.
The twins concede climbing in after Tim a little awkwardly. He had somehow gotten ahold of a travel cup and was holding it like a lifeline.
“I’m surprised you're staying at the Wayne hotel for a class trip,” Tim takes a gulp of the probably scalding hot coffee.
“Marinette submitted an amazing essay to the Wayne Foundation and won the trip for the whole class,” Marion dodges her kick, Tim hides his smirk behind his cup.
"We submitted an essay,” Marinette corrects, glaring at Marion for shaking his head.
“Thank you for the ride,” Marion changes the topic.
“No problem, I really don’t mind, the longer I stay away from the manor the better,” Tim replies sleepily.
“Why's that?” Marinette questions, concern written all over her face.
“Loud, too many siblings” Tim quickly clarified, “I need more time with my coffee before I deal with them,”
“I think I can relate,” Marion mutters, ignoring Marinette's look, “How many siblings do you have?”
“Officially? Thr-Two brothers,”
“Unofficially?” Marinette prods.
“Feels like half of Gotham most the time,” Tim sighs, making them chuckle.
“You two must be twins?” Tim guesses.
“Unfortunately,” Marinette sighs.
“You love me,” Marion scoffs.
“Unfortunately,” Marinette repeats, Tim cracks a smile.
“If it's any consolation you seem to get on much better than I do with my siblings,” Tim takes another long sip from his coffee.
“If it’s any consolation we’re always fighting,” Marion parrots, sharing a knowing glance with Marinette. Fighting? Yes. Fighting each other? Only when Chat Noir gets brainwashed.
“So what are you looking forward to in Gotham?” Tim asks.
“Lots of things,” Marinette and Marion start to tell Tim all about their(civilian) plans. Tim suggests places every now and then, he points out the hotel as they start to get closer.
“Ah!” Marinette exclaims, turning to Marion, “We were meant to check in as a class, will they even let us in?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure they do,” Tim assures them. When they pull up at the hotel Alfred opens the door and Tim gets out with them.
“Thank you so much,” Marinette takes her bags from Alfred, giving him a smile.
“You’re welcome Miss,” Alfred smiles back.
Marion also gives his thanks and they follow Tim into the building. Marinette admires the architecture, brainstorming ideas for designs. Perhaps she can make improvements to the outfits they’ll be using at the concert. Tim goes straight to the front desk and explains the situation. The receptionists hands over the room keys, telling them their classmates had already grouped up, three to a room.
“That was surprisingly easy,” Marion muses, as they walk towards the elevator, “Thank you,”
“My pleasure,” Tim answers easily, as they step into the elevator, “I must be off,”
They give their goodbyes, letting the doors close as Tim walks away.
“He was nice,” Marinette hums in agreement.
“Hopefully there's more people in Gotham like him,” They step out of the elevator.
“There will be,” Marion assures, “Meet back here when they go to sleep?”
“No, I’ll text you when everyones asleep and you can teleport in,” Marion nods, both know Kaalki won’t be impressed.
They go their separate ways. Marinette knocked on the room door that was opened a few moments later by Kagami.
“I am sorry,” Kagami immediately apologizes, “I should have known better and asked you myself,”
“Don’t worry, we’re fine,” Marinette gives the girl a hug, rolling her suitcase into the room.
“Marinette, you need to see this place, although it’s as good as daddys hotel,” Chloe grabs her by the arm. Leading her through the well furnished and decorated living room with a kitchenette to the side.
“You do live in the penthouse suite,” Marinette looked out the floor to ceiling window, displaying the view of the city, itching to grab her sketchbook.
“True, but they didn’t put me in the penthouse, so it's their loss,” Chloe guides her to a room with a large bed, bedside tables with flowers on them and a mirrored closet door. “This is yours,”
Marinette went to grab her suitcase only to see Kagami behind them with it. She thanked her and got settled in. Once she was unpacked they sat together in the living room to talk about tomorrow.
“You’d better not go wandering off, Gotham is dangerous,” Chloe wagged her finger at Marinette.
“And you’re going to protect me?” Marinette threw a couch cushion at her.
“Well, duh, I was Queen Bee,” Chloe bragged, catching the cushion and throwing it right back.
“For, like, month, years ago,” Marinette caught the pillow, sending it to Kagami, “Weren’t you replaced with Bumble Bee?”
“It was a mutual decision,” Chloe caught the pillow that Kagami hesitantly threw to her.
“Right,” Marinette said in a disbelieving tone, knowing full well that Bumble Bee was just Chloe’s new alias. “I think I’d rather stick with Kagami,”
“Rude,” Chloe threw the pillow at her.
“Didn’t we all agree Kagami was as good as any bodyguard?” Marinette asks, throwing the pillow to said girl.
“Excuse you, we said she was better than any bodyguard,” Both gave her inquisitive looks, “What? I’m just stating facts!”
“Of course,” Marinette caught the pillow, still smiling.
“I am!”
“I believe you,” Marinette threw the pillow back at her.
“No you don’t!” Chloe throws the pillow forcefully at her.
“Whatever gave you that idea?” Marinette chucks the pillow to Kagami.
“You’re infuriating Dupain-cheng,” Chloe huffs, catching the pillow from Kagami.
“I can show you some… moves,” Kagami hesitantly speaks up, as Chloe throws the pillow at Marinette, “For self defence,”
“Sure,” Marinette puts the pillow down, standing up with Kagami.
They spent the next half hour with Kagami instructing Marinette on basic fencing moves. With the cardboard wrapping of the now empty Toblerone block.
“Where is she going to get a sword?” Chloe was scrolling through her phone, “Unless you want her to carry that around everywhere,”
“What do you suggest?” Kagami challenges defensively.
“Like this,” Chloe takes over, showing both Marinette and Kagami how to break out of certain holds to get their arm free or how to disarm an opponent.
“Where did you learn this?” Marinette watches as Kagami practices the motions of disarming Chloe's hairbrush gun.
“I told you, I was Queen Bee and I took that job seriously,” Chloe drops the hairbrush, Kagami kicking it away.
“Didn’t you tell all of Paris your identity and then send a train out of control,” Kagami asks, retrieving the hairbrush.
“I was young and naive,” Chloe sighs dramatically, had to her forehead.
“Three years ago?” Marinette stands up to try and disarm Chloe now.
“Four actually,”
“Oh, my mistake,” Marinette rolls her eyes trying not to disarm Chloe too quickly.
They carry on a little longer before Marinette sends them to bed.
“We have an early day tomorrow, we don’t want to be late,” She pushes Chloe towards her room.
“Coming from you? That’s rich,” Chloe laughs.
“Whatever, go to sleep,” Marinette closes the door on Chloe's protests.
“Goodnight Marinette,” Kagami nods, walking to her room without a fuss.
Marinette goes to her room, firing Marion a text.
“Alright dude,” Nino turns to Marion, “I’m with Alya, we all know who Adrien has a crush on-”
“Everyone!?” Adrien sits up from where he’s lying on the couch.
“Yes, everyone,” Nino deadpans.
“What about Marinette?” Adrien turns pleading eyes to Marion.
“Oh not Marinette, she's as clueless as you,”
“What’s that meant to mean?” Adrien frowns defensively.
“Anyway,” Nino interrupts, “Dude, who do you have a crush on?”
“Ummmm,” Marion shifts uncomfortably from where he’s perched on the couches arm rest, “... It’s sort of a celebrity crush,”
“Oh? who?” apparently that was not the answer that would make him lose interest.
“It’s not really important, not like anything could happen,” Marion looks at Adrien for help, but he seems just as curious as Nino.
“Just tell us,” Nino pushes.
“It’s a hero,” Marion immediately realises that just got them more interested. “... From Gotham,”
“Batman?” Adrien guesses.
“No!” Marion shouts, “No! He’s old enough to be my dad, geez,”
“Alright, alright, who is it?” Nino placates leaning forward on his arm chair.
“..... Red hood,”
“Isn’t he a rouge?” Adrien asks.
“No!.... Maybe, he’s still a hero ok?” Marion curls up defensively.
“Why do you like him?” Adrien is grinning, shifting closer to Marion.
“I don’t know,” Marion rolls off the armrest, onto the couch next to him.
“You have to like something,” Nino gets up to sit on his other side.
“I don’t know, maybe because he looks good in his suit?!” Marion shouts.
“You’re not that shallow,” Adrien pokes him in the stomach.
“Ugh, fine,” Marion relents, “He works with Batman right?”
They both nod.
“He’s just so unlike everyone else he works with, I just kinda…. admire how he can just be…. be himself.” Marion curls up under his friend's stares.
“You’ve put a lot of thought into this,” Adrien teases, Marion huffs.
“He does look good in his suit though,”
“Wait a minute, is this why you always wear that MDC outfit?” Nino is clearly holding back laughter.
“No!” Marion bushes at the memory.
They were doing a practice interview about his newest song. Marinette had designed his outfit based on Red Hood's. It was something he had endured endless teasing over as he insisted everything had to be perfect, not that the great MDC would make anything less.
“Were there any problems that arose from the design MDC?” The interview asked, moving onto the outfit choice.
“We had some minor disagreements about the hood,” Marinette gestured to the outfit Marion was wearing. A red hoodie underneath a faux leather jacket(not that you could tell) on the back there were flying red bats embroidered up the side. He was wearing a black domino mask with red detailing in place of the helmet. It was the outfit they chose to alter into their vigilante costumes.
“She was getting very frustrated over it,” Marion teased, “I told her it didn’t need one,”
“His name is Red Hood! Why doesn't he wear a Hood? Robin wears a hood,”
“He looks cool without it,” Marion defended.
“You’re just saying that, cause you have a crush on him,” Marinette teased in a sing-song voice.
“MD!” He shouted, pulling the hood up to hide his blush, MDC laughing at him, he groaned. “Please tell me the cameras aren't rolling,”
“Don’t worry, nothing we say is being recorded,” The interviewer was luckily professional enough to not laugh, but was certainly amused, “I take it we will be omitting that from the real interview?”
Unfortunately for him one of the staff members had been secretly recording. They leaked the footage online, getting fired, but not sparing MCD from the whole world finding out. The fanbase had been going crazy ever since they announced their concert in Gotham. Many imagining meet-cute moments or theorising that they were already dating. He shakes his head at the memory.
“I just think it looks cool,” He comes back to the present.
“Because it’s based on your crush?” Adrien teases.
“Nope, you don’t get to tease me about this, I haven't seen you not wearing something Marinette made you in years,” Marion cuts Adrien off with a raised eyebrow, looking down at his Ladybug onesie Marinette made him.
“Fine,” Adrien turns to Nino, “It’s up to you now,”
“Has Marinette made you anything Red Hood related?” Nino grins.
“Nooooo,” Marion moans, draping over the couch.
“Do you have a onesie based on him as well?” Marion finds his saving grace when his pocket buzzes.
“Never this is too good,” Nino teases, “Did you bring it with you?”
“That's enough for tonight!” Marion claps his hands, standing up.
“Awwwww,” They both moan in unison.
“Nope! I don’t have to put myself through this, goodnight to you,” Marion walks straight to his room before they can protest further.
He locks the door behind him. Plagg and Kaalki are in the room chatting, they fly over to Marion.
“You ready to go Kaalki?”
“I am not meant to be used for something as trivial as a taxi,” The Kwami complains.
“We just need to grab out suits, this will be the only night, I promise,” The Kwami gives him a nod, “Kaalki full gallop,”
He transforms and opens a portal into Marinette's room.
“Ready Bug?” He asks, stepping into the room. He opens another portal to their room in Paris.
“Of course,” They step through the portal, followed by their Kwami’s, into their room as quietly as possible.
Marion drops his Marinette pulls out their costumes from the closet. They were disguised to look like regular clothing, but could be altered to quickly change.
“I don’t know how you talked me into this,” Marinette takes the hoodie he usually wears, reaching under a secret fold and unzips the hood.
“Come on bug, our hero-selves cant be seen in Gotham, and you know full well we wouldn't stand aside if someone was getting hurt in front of us,” Marion takes the body of the hoodie from her, flipping it inside out to the black side.
“True, but why do we have to do nightly patrols?” Marinette finishes pulling on her leggings, flipping her usual white jumper with a cherry blossom pattern inside out to the same red shade as the hood.
“It would look pretty suspicious if we just showed up when our class was in danger, now wouldn’t it,” Marion fasten the yellow belt around his waist, slipping his baton into the holster and pulls on his on his boots, hopping slightly.
“I think you just want to be a vigilante,” Marinette takes his Red Hood jacket, flipping it inside out to black with yellow trim.
“Well, it’s exciting isn’t it?” Marion takes what would usually be Mainette's skirt, flipping the pink inside out to the green and unzipping it along a black line, “We get to test out our skills without miraculous, and we don't have the fate of the city resting on our shoulders,”
“You could a least try to take it seriously,” Marinette flips her beanie inside out to the black side. Pulling it on after the severed hood, lining the holes up with her eyes and pulling the hood up.
“I am taking this very seriously,” Marion says with the biggest grin. Taking Marinette's infinity scarf, running his hands across it to find the secret fold. Flipping it inside out to a green with yellow and black trim. He pulls it over his head, yellow stripe to his hairline.
“Whatever," Marinette fastens her holster with a baton around her left leg. They both pull on their black gloves. "Lets go,”
Marion transforms back and opens a portal to a rooftop far away from the hotel. They take off across the roofs, using their batons to pole vault across alleys, to land on roofs and fire escapes. As they race, taunting each other, they survey the streets below. Marinette stops, crouching down as Marion catches up. A young woman was being chased by two thugs.
“Let’s go,” She whispers, using the fire escape as a firemans pole. Marion follows suit.
They land in the alley as the girl gets backed up against a wall, clutching her purse. She looks straight at them, Marion gestures her to stay quiet as they sneak up behind the thugs. Marinette takes the one on the right, as he lines up behind the left one. Marinette attacks first hitting the right one over the head with her baton.
“What the-” Marion cuts the left one off by sweeping his legs with his baton, sending him crashing to the ground. He pins them down, tying his wrist together with one hand, “You little fuc-”
Marion stuffs the mans own hat in his mouth. He then ties the crooks legs together for good measure. He looks over to Marinette, her thug unconscious, she was comforting the victim, offering her a cookie from a hidden pocket.
“Thank you,” She takes the cookie hesitantly.
“Not a problem,” Marinette gives her a winning smile.
“Wow, this is really good,” She mumbles, with her mouth full, “Um, who are you,”
“Don't worry about that,” Marion slings his arm around Marinette, "We're just your friendly neighbourhood strays,"
“Ignore him,” Marinette pushes his arm off her, “Do you want us to walk you home?”
“Uh- yeah, thanks,”
“I love your outfit by the way,” Marinette tells her, as they leave the alley way. Marion walks behind calling the police to come pick up the thugs, explaining what happened.
“Hey, can I get your number so the police can get your statement later?” Marion interrupts, as they follow the girl to her apartment.
“Of course,” He hands over the phone, letting her hang up.
“I haven’t seen you around before,” She hands back the phone, Marion walking on her other side.
“We’re new to town,” Marion smiles at her.
“I can tell,” They both give her inquisitive looks, “You’ve smiled more in the last five minutes than most Gothamites do their whole lives,”
“You’re exaggerating,” Marinette chuckles.
“I’m serious, you’re going to blind someone,” She laughs with them.
They walk her to her apartment, holding polite conversation the whole way.
“This is it,” She announces, “Thanks again,”
“No problem,” They both say, turning to leave.
“Wait…. Um,” They both stop looking back at her holding her phone, “Can I get a picture?”
“Of course,” Marion bounces over to her, Marinette taking the other side.
They give the same big smiles they do as Ladybug and Chat Noir. Marion throwing up bunny ears behind Marinette's head. They say goodbye and run off to find someone else to help.
“Whatcha doing Tim?” Dick looks over his shoulder, still in his Nightwing costume fresh from patrol.
“I ran into some French students who were left behind by their class at the airport,” Tim scrolls through a word document, complete with pictures of smiling teens doing a mixture of charity work and sports among other activities. “They won the Martha Wayne educational trip, I was just looking through their entry,”
“They got left behind, in Gotham?”
“That’s what I said! I actually caught them just before they got in a faux taxi,” Tim reaches the end of the rather long essay.
“They could have been mugged, or kidnapped!” Dick slams his hands down on the desk.
“I know , Dick,” Tim rubs his face, “The worst part is they didn’t seem at all surprised about it either,”
Dick leaves Tim to his work to change, muttering to himself.
“Is everything alright, Master Dick?” Alfred appears with food for after patrol.
“What if it happens again?” Dick asks.
“I assume you’re referring to the lovely twins Master Tim met at the airport?” Alfred nods knowingly, Dick nods back. “Well hopefully something similar doesn't happen tomorrow for their tour of Wayne Tower,”
“.... Alfred can you place me in charge of the tour?”
“Consider it done, Master Dick,” Alfred leaves him to get changed.
He finishes changing into regular clothes as the Batmobile pulls in. Batman and Robin exiting.
“We need to discuss security measures for the upcoming concert,” Batman tells the room, they gather around,
“MCD is known for his advocacy of superheroes, so we can expect a few villains to make trouble,” Tim pulls up a picture of MCD with MDC as they walk down the red carpet for some event.
Dick is amused that the picture he pulled up had them in Batman and Robin themed outfits. MDC wearing a beautiful black dress with the bat symbol subtly incorporated into the bodice. Her dress trailed behind in sharp points like Batman’s cape. MCD was wearing a suit with a red shirt, his tie green and some yellow detailing.
“You are going to be professional aren't you?” Damian gives them both pointed looks.
“Whatever are you talking about?” Dick asks innocently.
“You two are always jabbering on about these two,” Robin glares.
“We do not-oh that reminds me, if we’re going to be guarding this event we have to invite Jason,” Dick addresses Bruce.
“He is worse than you two, going on about that interview,” Damian must be rolling his eyes under the domino mask.
“Come on little D. how often does your celebrity crush like you back?” Dick smiles, remembering the night Jason called him yelling in excitement telling him about the leaked footage. He had also asked him to get Tim to find out who leaked the footage and have them fired.
“I don’t know and I don’t care,”
“As for actual security measures,” Batman redirects the conversation.
“Master Jason has arrived,” Alfred reports, coming to stand with them.
“Speak of the devil,” Tim mutters.
“BRUCE YOU MOTHERFUCKER,”Jason bursts into the bat cave, “I need to know these things!”
“We were just talking about the concert,” Dick tells him.
“What? No! Why didn’t you tell me you adopted more!” He yells at Bruce. “I need to know when you’re planning to traumatise more kids!”
“Jason what are you talking about,” Bruce only lets a hint of irritation into his voice.
“THis,” Jason slams down his phone to a screenshot of a tweet. It showed a picture of a boy and girl, both with black hair and blue eyes, following Tim into a limo. Written underneath was;
Wayne Twins? How long has Bruce Wayne been keeping them from Gotham? Are they adopted? Or could the Family resemblance be more than coincidence?
#wayne twins #Bruce Wayne's secret children #aren’t they just adorable
“What is this?” Bruce asks Tim.
“They’re the one who won the Martha Wayne educational trip, their class left them at the airport, I gave them a ride,” Tim briefly explained, noticeably omitting the taxi part.
“Wait so you didn’t adopt them?” Jason picks his phone back up.
“No, Jason, I didn’t,” Jason’s eyes narrow.
“... Are you going to?”
“... No, I’m not,”
“Keep an eye out,” Jason not at all subtly whispers to Dick, “He hesitated,”
“What are we going to do?” Damian cuts their growing argument off.
“We could release a statement?” Tim suggests.
“Drawing attention to it will only fuel the flames, let’s just let it die out,” Bruce decides, getting nods of agreement.
“By the way Jason, we were talking about security measures for the MCD concert,” Dick changes the topic.
“Without me!?”
They go back to making security plans for the concert, including Jason.
“I think we should have someone inside,” Jason looks over the blueprint of the venue.
“Of course you do,” Damian remarks snidely
“You little-”
“Bruce!” Superman's face pops up on the main computer, “You can’t just take in new kids without warning!”
“They aren’t my children,” Bruce clenches his fists, “The pictures with Tim are taken out of context,”
“What? I’m talking about the new Robins-,”
“THE NEW WHAT!” Jason and Damian shout at the same time.
“What are you talking about?” Bruce probably asking that question more times today than he would like.
“Uh, this,” A picture is sent through a screenshot of another tweet that was steadily becoming viral.
The picture had two teens in masks on either side of a civilian, giving the biggest smiles that had probably ever grace Gotham. The boy giving the girl bunny ears. Underneath was written:
Almost got mugged tonight and was saved by these two. Didn't tell me their names. They kinda look like Robin right? Also they gave me a cookie? It was actually good too.
#new Robins #Robin #Batfam #OMG their smile are pure sunshine #send help I might be blind
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sea-owl · 4 years
So I saw the post of where MCU Loki is a teenager by Asgardian years. And now I want to apply this to the dickkori relationship.
Now I dont know how long a Tameranean's natural life span is but we're gonna say a long ass time just for the hell of it, and because they're aliens. On Earth years Dick and Kori are still the same age, but on Tamaran Kori's age is somewhere between Tim and Damian.
Clark is the only one to know this for years. Its during their pen pal sessions when Clark is getting to know about Tameraneans that he asks about Glafore.
Starfire's face brightens. "He retired as a general from the royal army due to injuries, but he is a wonderful knorfka. It is sad that he retired too young, he was only 150."
Clark chokes on his drink. "Starfire, how old can Tameraneans get?"
Starfire thinks for a moment. "The oldest I know of is 500, but on average, about 470-480."
That's when Clark realizes that the 16 year old alien in front of him is practically a baby in her own culture.
At one point Kori and Dick break up. Clark is sad for his little penpal but she still keeps in contact with him and he finds himself busy with his own son.
10 years go buy, surprise surprise, Bruce actually has a biological kid now in Damian. Clark tells Kori this on one of their phone calls. Kori pauses when Clark says something about how Bruce should've been told sooner.
"Do fathers on earth help with raising their children?"
Clark raises an eyebrow at the question. "Yes Kori, do they not Tamaran?"
"No, the survival of the race is more important. The mother and her family raises the child, and trains them. Once training is done the child can choose whether to meet their father or not, though they always know who it is. Royal families are different of course."
Kori pauses again. "I believe I have accidentally done something that I shouldn't have. Can you ask Mr. Wayne if I may come visit?"
Clark glances up, his husband wasn't at the manor at the moment but Alfred was nodding yes. "Of course Kori."
"We will be there tomorrow."
Clark is outside in the gardens watching Jon and Damian train. Damian swings his sword when another sword blocks his path.
A girl is holding that sword, she looks like Kori with black hair and lighter orange skin. Behind her is a boy, one who looks exactly like Dick with glowing green eyes.
"Their names are Mari and Jake, they're ten." Kori says as ahe floats down next to Clark.
Clark does the mental math, Kori was pregnant when she and Dick broke up.
Hearing the metal against metal Bruce and several others rush outside. Dick freezes when he sees Kori, and then sees her children behind her.
They go off to talk. Bruce comes up to Clark's side. "Congratulations, you're a grandpa."
Bruce groaned. "She should have said something."
Clark scoffs. "He made her a teen mom."
At the confused looks Clark explained that Kori was closer to Tim's age in Tameranean years.
Jason busted out laughing. "DICK ROBBED THE CRADEL!"
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I love annie so much that i had to post about her again for those that dont know her
I wrote headcanons about her awhile back
But our story starts with someone else
As dick grayson got out of the car he checked his phone 3:11pm still early enough to Alfred cookies and maybe catch damian just because he needed some case files doesn't mean he can't have a little fun, he grinned roy shot him a look "you think getting Bruce to loan you files wouldn't get you so chipper" the archer snorted
Dick shook his getting his keys "nope just excited for food that doesn't come from a cereal box or paper bag and seeing dami he's moving back into the manor and i may catch sight of him this time" damian hasn't been around alot always busy with something going on in his life he missed seeing his youngest brother often. Dick smiled slightly thinking back to when damian was his robin back in his batman days he really grew alot as person as he got older and dick couldn't be more proud of the man he became
As both men walked through the door dick heard a loud shriek of laughter as a blur of black hair cat ear and pink overalls ran past them chasing after two large dogs dick instantly lit up "annie cat!!" He jogged over and caught the small girl spinning her around caushing her to laugh harder
Roy looked confused "did bruce pick up another? I thought hells would be his last to be honest"
As damian came into the room "grayson unhand her this instance she has my keys" he gave the girl a soft look then shot a harser one to roy " why are you here?"
Annie's laughter quited down as she looked over "he's a friend daddy we be nice to friends remember" she patted dick's cheek "mister is a friend right?" She asked, Roy's jaw dropped in shock "iam sorry what?"
To be continued
Special thanks to @secondgenerationnerd love you sweetie you help me with the best of it and the worst of it <3
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You Again
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previous part
word count 3k
an: lmao LISTEN do i know its been two years since this was updated?? yes BUT ya know the people ask and the people shall receive lol feel free to catch up if ya want. also!! if you're invested in this pls bare with me on the links, my blog was changed in 2019, but I fixed the master list links so use that or search on the blog! be careful.. things aren’t always what they appear ;)
We’ve been together long enough for me to figure it out
The sentence flowed out of her red stained lips easily which threw everyone for a loop, surprised glances were tossed around the group. Barry’s mouth formed an O shape and Diana’s brows raised as she glanced between you and Bruce, whose angry eyes were locked on the smirking Selina Kyle. Bruce’s hand locked onto her arm and started pulling her away, leaving his team behind and Diana cleared her throat.
“Right then, let’s. . Get back.”
Her sympathetic eyes locked onto your face, which had a blank expression and led everyone back to the plane. It was strangely quiet, except for Barry who spoke quickly to Clark about something, “And I told him, all I did was push people over and run away, but he didn’t believe me! So..”
With Alfred’s help the plane almost completely piloted itself, Diana didn’t have to do much for it to return to the safe house. As it neared, she flipped a few switches to conceal the aircraft, and landed the plane just outside the familiar abandoned building. The engines slowed to a hummed noise, and everyone got up from their seats - everyone except for you. Barry passed you first but paused, which made Diana press her elbow into his back to make him move along. Clark stopped beside you, and placed a hand on your shoulder carefully, which caused you to look up from your pensive state, a small hmm leaving your lips.
“You wanna come inside?” He asked. You looked from his stare to your hands, and sighed.
“Don’t have much of a choice, do I?”
Clark smiled sadly at you, “Not too much of a choice.”
You laughed at his honesty. It wasn’t actual laughter, but he recognized the sarcasm laced in it. The half smile, the way you shook your head, and you finally stood. He let you walk off first and into the light drizzle of rain. Each step the pair took further from the ship, the ground beneath it began to descend. You didn’t even need to look behind you, Bruce was ever the brilliant man for that detail too.
Tonight you were learning quite a bit from him. Just like before.
When Clark and you joined the rest of the group, the chatter quieted. Barry was attempting to locate food in the kitchen, and Diana stood straighter from leaning against the wall near it. She smiled sheepishly at you, and Clark left from your side. You looked at the computer in the room, and was the one to ask the dreaded question.
“When is he going to be here?”
Diana glanced at Clark for a moment, who only shrugged his shoulders, “We’re. . . Not sure.”
You nodded, and found yourself drawn to the couch, and planted yourself there on one side. Tonight made everything much more clear for you about the breakup, about those last few months of your relationship with Bruce. It wasn’t the Batman revelation that made the split happen, no it was something much worse. Something that happened just a couple months after that.
Work had gotten busier for you. That wasn’t to say you weren’t successful during your relationship with Bruce, he didn’t play into that. You were successful before you met Bruce, but somehow in those last few weeks things had exploded for your business. You found yourself swamped in work but it was good, it was so good for you and your career. But with it, and with Bruce’s new found vigilantism, you began to see less and less of one another.
He stopped sending flowers, he stopped sending those cute emails like he would at random times in the day, you heard from him less and less. But it wasn’t all his fault, it fell on you as well. Some dinners were cancelled, calls were missed, and texts unsent. It wasn’t on purpose, it just happened. But you didn’t want it to. You never wanted it to.
One night, you remembered the rain and how hard it fell that night, you drove out to see him, in that house by the lake you often wanted to call home. You did, kind of, you stayed there for most nights during the week, but not so much anymore. It was hard to see past the sheet of rain as you pulled into the long waved driveway. But you did it. You parked behind his car and switched the engine off, and squinted into the glass windows. All the lights were on of course, but there was no sign of him.
You had to fling the door open and grab your purse and rush inside. You fumbled with your key and slid it into the lock and let yourself in, but it didn’t matter, you were completely drenched. As you shut the door behind you and wiped some of the water from your face, you heard the tap of feet come down the hallway. But it wasn’t Bruce’s, Alfred came around the corner, and looked shocked to see you.
“Hey Al,” you greeted, and smiled at him.
“I keep telling him to pull the car in if he’s expecting you,” he casually said. You set your purse down and removed your wet jacket, and Alfred was quick to grab it from you.
“Oh he wasn’t expecting me I just thought I’d surprise him,” you said, “is he..?”
“I’m afraid he is,” Alfred replied, already knowing the question. You nodded and started towards the bedroom you shared with Bruce. You didn’t know what you were going to find out that night.
You were pulled from your thoughts when the door opened, everyone looked to it and weren’t surprised to see Bruce enter the room. He looked nervous, everyone could see it, and you just kept your arms rested on your legs, and stared at him.
Bruce let the door close behind him as he took a couple steps into the room. He looked between Clark, Diana, and you. Barry was eating something behind the group in the kitchen, and wasn’t paying too much attention. Clark and Diana stood behind the couch, arms crossed in front of them, but Diana was the first to break the silence.
“Do you care to tell us what’s going on, Bruce?” she asked.
Bruce glanced your way again, but you had averted your gaze to the wall, “I’ve been in contact with Selina about what’s going on, after the Arkham break out,” he stated very carefully.
“Only after?” Clark asked. Bruce narrowed his eyes at him, but you sat there and your stomach turned.
“For this matter, yes,” he said honestly. But Clark knew this wasn’t the answer you had hoped for. He looked at your shoulders tense, as did Bruce. You just continued to rub your hands together.
“Well, what does she know?” Diana pressed.
“The mayor’s office has covered up the fact that all of Arkham’s inmates were broken out,” he said, “not escaped. Someone initiated it. She doesn’t know who this guy is, but he’s planning some kind of siege on the city,” he paused, “he’s only starting with Gotham. Metropolis, Central City, Star City, they’re all going to be targeted.”
Silence filled the room. Diana looked down at her feet and Clark up to the ceiling for a moment. Barry was fully paying attention at this point, and shifted his weight from one leg to another, “Shouldn’t we be getting more guys in on this then? Anyone?”
“I know a lead in Star City,” Bruce said, “but getting him in may be difficult.”
“It’s a start,” Clark said. There was a nodded agreement amongst them, and Diana looked to you once more. She motioned for Clark and Barry to follow her out of the room. Clark followed, pushing Barry along in front of him, who exclaimed his confusion.
That left Bruce and you alone in the open. He had his hands twisted in his jacket pockets and looked at his feet. You finally broke your stare from the wall and looked at him. You both didn’t say anything, and you could feel the sting in your eyes. It was funny, you had told yourself just 6 months ago you wouldn’t cry over Bruce Wayne ever again. Yet here you were.
“What did she mean by it,” you asked in almost a whisper. But he heard you. He just didn’t know how to reply. His silence though bothered you.
“What did she mean by it, Bruce,” you said a little stronger now. That made him finally look up and meet your gaze.
“We’ve been. . . Intimate a few times,” he said, “nothing more than that.”
You nodded, a hurt smirk on your face, “For how long.”
Bruce took a step forward, “(Y/N)-”
“Dont fucking gaslight me,” you said, standing from the couch and pointed at him, “tell me the truth. For how long.”
“Fine! You really wanna know?” He yelled, and put his hands on hips.
“Yes! I want to fucking know!”
“Over a year! There! Are you fucking happy?”
You blinked at him as your jaw dropped a little. Over a year. You broke up only 13 months ago. That could only mean. . . You couldn’t even finish the thought, but his face gave you the answer you never wanted to hear.
“Is that why you pushed me away,” you whispered, “because-”
“Yes,” he breathed, “I. . . Couldn’t bear the thought that I had done it. And I couldn’t admit it to you.”
A single tear fell down your cheek. You shook your head as you focused on a spot on the floor, “Did you. .  In the house did you-”
“Yes,” he mumbled, “a couple of times, yes.”
“A couple,” you stopped yourself, “in the bed that. . . that we would-”
“Yes,” he finished for you. Silence fell over you both as you two began to process what he was sharing, every gruesome detail. Tears were on the brim of your eyes, and Bruce looked on sadly. He tried to take a step closer to you, and you moved away to the end of the couch.
“What do you think-”
“I’m sorry,” he pleaded, “I’m so sorry. I loved you, I still love you-”
“No,” you cut him off this time, “you don’t do that to someone you love.”
“Please just let me explain-”
“No,” you cut him off again, and took another step back, “no you don’t get to explain anything to me.”
Bruce stopped in his tracks, and watched you glance over him one time, and then you turned away from him. And in that moment, he felt like he lost you all over again. He watched you walk away, just like he did over a year ago. And it still broke his heart.
You made it to your room and shut the door very softly. You had managed to hold the tears in but couldn’t any longer. They slid down your cheeks and neck and you stared at the bed before you. The thought of last night came into your mind and something in you snapped. You practically tore the clothing off your body and threw it into a corner of the room, it would go forgotten for awhile. You took your time picking out shorts and a basic tee to throw on when you looked over at the bed. Your skin burned just looking at the sheets and covers on it.
Frantically, you tore every piece of bedding off of it and threw it in the same pile as the clothes. Tears clouded your vision as you worked on peeling each dirty memory from the bed, until it was bare. And you were bare. A quiet sob left your body and you covered your mouth with your hand, and eased yourself onto the ground. You pulled your legs to your chest and leaned against the bed. Tears just slid down your cheeks, and you sat there. Alone. Quiet.
There was a soft knock at the door, but you didn’t bother to acknowledge it. However, that didn’t stop the person from pushing your door open. From the corner of your eye, you saw the tall figure, who tried to look for some kind of sign they could come in. The best you could offer was a glance, and your face scrunching up in another cry. A plea.
Clark entered your room and shut the door behind him. He hurried over to you and sat beside you and that’s when you started to cry once more. His right arm wrapped around your shoulder and you leaned into his side. Your body shook from the cries, and he wrapped his left arm around you to soften the gasps. His chin rested above your head as you burrowed yourself more and more into him.
He sat there with you until you started to calm down. Until the gasps stopped, until your sniffles disappeared, and until you released your legs from your grasp. He tilted his head to get a look at you, and all he could see were those (e/c/l) pensive eyes staring at the wall.
“Stay here,” we whispered. You nodded in response and he carefully detached himself from you. As he stood, you watched as he entered your bathroom and entered the closet in there. He was gone for just a few moments before he reappeared with a fresh set of sheets, and new comforter. He didn’t say anything as he worked around you to fit the sheets on, dress the pillows in new covers, and smooth the comforter over the bed. You didn’t make eye contact with him again until he kneeled before you, and rested his arms on his legs.
“Come on,” he whispered, and held a hand out for you. You looked from his face to his hand, and hesitated only for a moment to take it. Clark pulled you up from the floor, and with his strong arms he helped you climb into bed, and under the covers.
He offered a small smile, and you still gripped his hand. He turned as if to leave, but the fact you didn’t let go of his hand pulled his attention back to you.
“Can you stay for a bit longer, Kent?” You whispered it to him, but he heard you.
He would always hear you.
He nodded and crawled over you so he sat beside you. You sat there quietly for a few moments before you spoke again.
“Did you hear?”
You played with the blanket covering you, and Clark sighed, “I did. . . I’m sorry.”
You shrugged, “I know you can’t help it,” you smiled sadly to yourself, “I just,” you laughed a bit, but this time he could hear that hurt, “Bruce he was the first one that I let into my life, after..”
You trailed off, and Clark frowned, but you didn’t look at him. You just kept playing with the fabric of the blanket.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
You glanced over your shoulder a bit, and then focused back on the blanket you played with. You moved a bit, shimmied down the bed and Clark couldn’t help but smile at your movements. You proceeded to lay your head in his lap, and he carefully moved his arm so it rested behind your back. You were positioned so that you stared ahead at the door, and Clark instinctively started to gently run his fingers over your hair.
He remembered vividly the last time he did this with you. Before you went off for college, before he disappeared from your life. He sat in this same position, and you rested your head in his lap and fell asleep. It would be the last time you saw him for years. But not the last time he would see you.
“Clark,” you suddenly called out.
“Yes?” he asked. You twisted a bit so your head laid straight up in his lap and you could meet his gaze.
You bit your lip a bit as you wondered about your question, “After you left. . . Did you ever come back?”
There was something in your still wet eyes, and they looked at him in a way he hadn’t seen himself in years. You were looking for the truth, it was something you needed to know. Clark cleared his throat and shifted a bit back towards the headboard.
“I did,” he admitted, “a couple of times, but. . . You were gone by then. And your mom she wouldn’t-”
“She never told me,” you said quietly.
Clark nodded, “I saw you once,” he paused and you looked at him in shock, “in Metropolis. Sitting outside a restaurant.”
That was enough to get you back sitting up, and facing him completely now, “You saw me?”
He nodded, “You were reading Jane Eyre, your favorite, the same copy your father gave you. You had this blue dress on and I saw you from the other side of the street, couldn’t miss you,” he smiled a bit to himself, and you looked at him with sad eyes, “I was going to go over, but then I saw Bruce join you, and you two kissed and I thought. . . You’d be better off not knowing I was there.”
You smiled sadly at him and then suddenly you had moved to lay down. Clark’s arm wrapped down your back as you cushioned yourself into his side. You didn’t say anything and neither did he. Why you felt the need to hug onto his side was beyond him, but Clark didn’t budge the rest of that night. You needed someone there with you, and if you needed it to be him then he would be there.
this is the old tag list y’all I cannot believe im doing this to you, if you wanna be removed just let me know im cackling im so sorry
@panic-angel3314 @dutifullyfuriousnerd @mrsemmaevanswriting @fourtristattoos @offlikeadirty-shirt@barrel-racing-lover @sexyvixen7 @bless-my-demons @sarcastic-ohohoh @whovianayesha@neohhetric @my-dccomic-dreams @hellomistressj @avengersgirllorianna @spunky-89@dammitkyloben @topthis808 @theboldandthebootyful @andtheytoldustotellyouhello @amandakwoodstock @brooke-supernatural16 @kissingwintergoodbye @missthang2734 @random-fandom-lady @supernaturaldean67 @crimesolversherlock​ @lunaticgurly @sweetiele-ash
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thebookwormfairy · 5 years
Captain the Retired Police Dog Part 3
I had no idea this would turn out like this, but here we are part 3
Just a quick warning this chapter is a bit sadder, but there will be plenty of fluff and love to try and make up for it. Also like 1 curse word
The next morning was a sad one for Marinette
She didn't want to leave her baby boy in the hotel room for the better part of the day
But she has no choice they're going to some museums today and they really don't want dogs in there no matter how well behaved they are
So Marinette filled up Captain's food and water and headed out
Marinette: Bye Captain be good we'll be back around 2, I left animal planet on for you
Captain gave Marinette a lick on the cheek as a goodbye and watched as his girl left without him
Even though Marinette didn't have Captain with her she tried to make the best out of the situation
She had to admit without Captain or Damian the trip felt a lot more lonely
The first stop was to an art museum.
Marinette loved it she was so inspired by all the pieces
She even got a couple of new designs out on it
Next came the superhero museum
Marinette loved that and it even helped her come up with a plan to stop Hawkmoth for good
It turns out that cities or other heroes can make formal request to get help from the Justice League to help with problems
And even though her and her team have grown as superheros Hawkmoth has also grown as a villian
Marinette fears the day that Hawkmoth decides to try and recreate Hero Day again
She knew she didn't have enough allies to call on anymore.
After the rift of the class the boy people she feels she can call upon now are Luka, Kagami, and occasionally Chloe
Chloe has gotten a lot better and she doesn't torment Marinette anymore
She mostly just keeps to herself and Sabrina now
She sometimes talks to Marinette too, but she wouldn't exactly call them friends yet
The next museum was local history museum
That was where Lila thought it was best place to have the "talk" she's been meaning to have with Marinette
Lila: Oh is poor little Marinette lonely without her stupid dog
Marinette: What do you want Lila. I literally haven't done anything to you. I stopped trying to exposed you, you took away all my friends in class, what more could you possibly want?
Lila: You silly stupid bitch. I may have done all that but do you really think I'm done? I won't stop until you're completely alone friendless, familyless, and dogless.
Marinette: What does that mean?
Lila: You just better watch the ones you love Dupen-Cheng. We wouldn't want anything to happen to them now would we. And you know how easily somebody could be akumatized nowadays
Lila walked away leaving Marinette shaken for the rest of the day
Tikki tried to reassure her chosen but there's only so much she can do when she's forced to stay inside a bag
Tikki leaned into Marinette's leg hoping to show some comfort to the poor girl who had to grow up way before her time
Marinette numbly: Thanks Tikki
Luckily for Marinette that was the last museum of the day, and before she knew it Marinette was back in her hotel room hugging Tikki and Captain close to her as she cried
Captain hated this it was like nothing he could do could help his girl
He didn't even want to think about what possibly could have happened to but her in this state
Marinette was still crying when she's got a call from Damian
Marinette was going to hit ignore but Tikki stopped her
Tikki: You should talk to him Marinette I know he'll make you feel better.
Captain budge her with his head to show his encouragement
Marinette just nodded her head trying to calm her breathing before answering her phone.
Damian: Hey Angel Titus and I are out fro-
Marinette in a broken voice: Da-Damian.
Damian suddenly on high alert: What's wrong Marinette?
Marinette tried to think about what to tell him, but she realized all she wanted was to be held in his arms
Marinette: Can you please just come up to my room?
Damian: Of course Angel what room and floor on you on?
Marinette told him and Damian went running with Titus at his heels.
Damian was barely aware what was going on around him until he was standing in front of his Angel's door. He could hear her sobbing through the closed door.
Damian was suddenly filled with the need to hurt whoever put his Angel in this state
Damian pushed his thoughts of murder aside and knocked on Marinette's door
As soon as Marinette opened the door she rushed into Damian's arms
Damian didn't know what to do, but he did what felt right
He wrapped his arms around the girl he's come to love so quickly, guiding them back into her room before any of her classmates can see them and does his best to close her door behind them
Captain seeing Damian struggle got up from his place on the bed and used his nose to close the door for Damian
Damian: Thanks Captain.
Damian guided Marinette back to her bed
Maneuvering them so they were now sitting on the bed Damian continued to hold Marinette close as she cried
Damian kept silent and just let Marinette get everything out of her system
The only time Damian moved was to press light kisses to the side of her head.
Titus and Captain also got in on the cuddle action surrounding Marinette silently letting her know that they too were there for her
After what felt like forever Marinette pulled away from Damian enough to see his face
Marinette: Sorry about that Damian I guess I ruined our date huh?
Damian wiping a tear from her cheek: Not at all Angel. What happened?
Marinette: Dont worry about it Damian. It's not important
Damian: If it made you cry then it's important and I want to hear about it
Marinette stay quite for a minute before she finally broke down and told him everything. About Lila's lies, about how the friends she'd known almost all her life choose someone they just met over her, about the feeling of isolation, and about Lila's threats.
Damian: I won't let Lila hurt you or anybody you love Marinette. Before she can even try I'll yeet her to the sun
Marinette letting out a giggle: Did you really just say yeet?
Damian chuckling: I thought it would cheer you up
Marinette still giggling: You were right
Damian: Do you still want to go out tonight, or do you want to stay here watch a movie and cuddle
Marinette: I think I want to cuddle
Damian: excellent choice habibata, and I know the perfect movie
Marinette: Oh really what's that
Damian messed with his phone connecting it to the tv
Marinette waited patiently for Damian to show her the perfect date movie and much to her surprise it's the 1999 Mummy
Marinette was a little skeptical but Damian was completely right
It was funny action pack and had a pretty good romance
Seriously guys this is my favorite movie
Marinette: I have to admit that was a great movie Damian
Damian: I know right it was one of the first movies I saw when I first moved to Gotham
Captain stared at this strange new boy and his girl
He did what Captain couldn't do
Reluctantly Captain officially accept this boy into his and his girl's life
If he could make her feel better then Captain would let him stay as long as his girl wanted him there
Damian and Marinette decided to take their dogs for a short walk to give them a chance to do their business and get some exercise before heading back to Marinette's hotel room to continue their movie night
After ordering some pizza from a near by shop the couple and their dogs spent the rest of their time together watching the other 2 Mummy movies in the trilogy then had a blast tearing apart the remake with Tom Cruz
Damian and Titus left after that movie, leaving Marinette feeling much better and safer.
Damian finally got home sometime after midnight. He expected everybody to be asleep or out on patrol but instead he found his family sitting in the living room
Walking towards them he was met by Ace
Damian: Hey girl how are you?
Damain rubbed the german shepherd's head
Ace gave the boy a lick on the hand before trotting away with Titus to go to sleep for the night.
Damian: I thought you guys would be asleep by now or at least out on patrol
Dick: We were worried about you Baby Bird. We thought you would be home hours ago
Bruce: Not to mention that you completely ignored our texts and calls
Damian: Sorry father something came up with Marinette, and she needed some cheering up so we had a movie night
Jason: seriously you spent 9 or so hours watching movies with your girlfriend
Guys I actually looked it up it would take about 8 hours to watch the Mummy trilogy plus the remake
Damian smirked: Yep and it was one of the best dates I've ever had. She has another free day tomorrow and we're going to hang out and go on another date
Tim: Really another date? And when will we be able to meet this girl?
Damian: If I can help it never.
With that Damian turned on his heels and heads to his room
Jason: So we're going to ambush them on their date tomorrow right
Dick and Tim: Definitely
Alfred: Are you sure that is wise? What do you think Master Bruce?
Bruce: If you're going to do it make sure you get some pictures
Dick winking: Will do
Tumblr media
A bit shorter then usual sorry. But after the Lila scene I wanted to spend the rest of the post making Marinette feel better, and I felt like this was the best way to end this part.
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thebluenebula · 4 years
Getting Ready for the Gala
Ashleigh AU Fic Masterlist
Ashleigh didn't like the thought of Galas. Big social events with lots of people she didn't know, and didn't want to, but all it takes is a simple question from Cassie to change Ash's mind on going.
First Xmas Gala
. . . . .
Babs, and Dick had to pick up there outfits for the Gala today, so Bruce, Kate, and I tagged along. After they got that sorted, we hung around the mall for a few hours before heading home. By time we got back, it was already past six.
Alfred was waiting to greet us. "Welcome back. Miss Sandsmark came by, she was asking for you, Miss Ashleigh."
"Did she say what she wanted?"
"No, but I did allow her to wait in your room. Unless she left unbeknownst to me, she should still be there."
I turned to the others. "I'm going to go see what's up."
"Come down in a couple minutes, we'll have some ice cream." Bruce shouted after me as I ran up the stairs.
I got to my room, and Cassie was sitting on the bed, looking through one of my sketch book. "Hey."
She looked up. "Hey. Alfred said I could wait up here. Hope that's okay?"
"Yeah, absolutely."
She set down the sketch pad as she got up. "They're good. You should try posting them online, or something."
"I have a Pixtagram for that."
"You do? You never mentioned it."
"Never came up."
She looked at the two bags I was holding. "Whatcha got?"
"Stuffs. I was shopping."
"Anything nice?"
"Plenty. Bab's, and Dick had to go pick up their clothes for the Gala. You should see them. They're beautiful."
"I bet. Speaking of the Gala, I was wondering if you were planning to go?"
"No, I'm not."
"Would you consider it?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to come as my date?"
"Like a date, date?"
She gave me a confused look. "Yes?"
"Like a, I like you and want to go on a romantic date with you, date?"
She grabbed my shoulder, and shook me. "Yes, for the love of god, Ash."
"I just want to be sure."
"And now that you are?"
So many thoughts raced through my head in that moment. "I'd love to."
She awkwardly rubbed her neck. "I was kind of expecting you to be here earlier, so we could've talked more about this, but I've got to run right now, I have a thing with Donna."
"Yeah, sorry about that."
"My bad, I should have called before I came over, but maybe we can talk later, over call?"
"Yeah, absolutely."
Cassie rushed out of the room. "Thank you. Talk to you later."
I took a moment to get my thoughts together, before heading down to the kitchen. I hadn't planned to go to the Gala, but I guess now I had to.
Bruce, Kate, Dick, and Babs sat at the table eating ice cream. Bruce looked up from his treat. "Does Cassie not want any?"
"No, she left. Had something with Donna."
"Oh, what'd she come around for?"
Kate smacked the back of his head. "Stop being nosey."
Bruce went to smack Kate, but she grabbed his hand. "Dont even fucking think about it."
I smiled at the two. Sometimes it was hard to believe they weren't siblings.
"Do not make me come in there!" Alfred shouted from the adjacent room.
Their hands quickly shot to their sides. Dick handed me a bowl of ice cream. "If you wait any longer, you'll need a straw."
"Thanks." I leaned against the counter. My mind was racing. I'd never been on a date. I definitely could use some advice, but who to ask? Dicks got the most experience, Babs has common sense, Kate is easy to talk to, and Bruce, well I don't think he's been on a proper date with anyone that's not a villian in quite a while, but it'd be nice to ask him.
"Ashleigh? Ashleigh!"
Something bounced off my forehead, snapping me back to reality. "Huh?"
Kate was staring at me. "You alright?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Cause I had to bounce a napkin off your head to get your attention."
I looked at the crumpled up napkin on the floor. "I was just thinking."
When in doubt, pick every option. "Cassie just asked me on a date, to the Gala."
Dick jumped up excitedly. "Really?"
Babs grabbed his hand. "Calm down, Romeo."
Bruce got up, and leaned against the counter beside me. "What did you say?"
"Oh, I said yes."
He lay a hand on my shoulder. "I guess you're going to the Gala after all."
"Guess so."
"You okay?"
"I've never actually been on a date."
"Don't worry, between everyone in this house, we have plenty of experience."
Cassie and I talked later that day, as we said we would. We confirmed our plans for the Gala, then we talked about feelings. More her then me. I'd never really talked feelings to Cassie much. I never felt the need to.
She told me how she'd thought I was cute the first day we met, how over the next six months she'd formed a crush on me. With some encouragement from Donna, and Artemis, she decided to ask me to the Gala.
Of course I thought she was cute as well, and sure, I'd thought about asking her out, but I never intended to act on those thoughts. I figured a couple of weeks, and they'd pass, but she asked me, and I said yes.
The next week was full of preparing. Babs had agreed to show me how to dance, and Dick wanted to help me with an outfit.
So the next day, I found myself standing in the middle of the ballroom. It was still crazy to me, to be living in a house with it's own ball room.
Babs entered, followed by Cass, Steph, and Dick. "So you ready?"
"As I'll ever be."
"Cass will be your dance partner."
"Why Cass?" Not that I had a problem with Cass, but I had expected one of the others.
"Because no matter how badly you mess up, you won't knock her off her feet."
"This is why your the smart one."
Steph scoffed. "Tim's the smart one."
"But Bab's has brains, and common sense."
"Yeah, that's fair."
I gestured to Steph, and Dick. "And why they here?"
"They wanted to watch, plus they're want to sort out your outfit after we're done."
"Okay. Cass will lead first. Just do as she does."
Cass took my left hand and draped it over her shoulder, then placed her right hand on my side. She took my free hand in hers. "Ready?"
"Don't blame me if I trip over your feet."
"Scuff my shoes, and you will live in constant fear of my vengeance."
I nervously giggled. "That's a joke, right?"
She smirked, and took a step to the left and I followed. Then another. "Now right." Two steps to the right.
We repeated these steps over, and over again. I watched our feet as we moved from left to right. It was simple, but I did have a serious case of two left feet.
Babs coughed. "Eyes up, Ash."
I quickly looked over to her. "I was watching our feet, I swear."
"I know that, your hand would already be broken if you hadn't been, but keep eye contact. Focus on her."
I nodded, and looked to Cass. "How am I doing?'
She had a reassuring smile on my face. "Great."
We kept at it for a while, slowly adding more, and more on. After a while, Babs decided we were finished for the day.
Dick, and Steph quickly took this opportunity to drag me away to my room to sort out an outfit. Dick, and Steph sat down on the bed. The two already had their outfits sorted, so they insisted on helping me.
Dick clapped. "Let's get started. If we want something made in time for the Gala you're gonna have to decide on it soon. So whatcha thinking?"
"Made? Can't I just buy something?"
"You could, but getting one made just adds a bit more you to it."
"But thats so ex-"
"Don't say it."
"That's so impractical."
Steph smiled. "Practicals boring anyway."
Dick nodded in agreement. "So come on Ash, if you could have any dress in the world made for you, what would it look like."
I thought for a moment. "It'd be blue, maybe."
Steph leaned forward. "Is that it? You don't have anything... more specific in mind."
"Well I have loads of ideas, but most them don't really work together."
"Just start shooting 'em out."
"Hold on." I opened a folder on my phone, and handed it to Dick. It was full of my ideas for outfits. It had pictures of dresses, and sketches I'd done. "These are some of the ideas I've had."
Dick quickly scrolled through the pictures before handing it to Steph. "Ash, how long have you been thinking about getting a dress?"
"A while."
"I can tell."
Steph set down the phone. "Lots of  potential candidates here, but you'll have to pick a favourite."
I sat beside her. "So what do I choose?"
"That's your decision."
"Steph, you know I hate functioning as an independent human."
"If I'm making all the decisions, I'm the one going on the date."
"I can't tell if you're serious or not."
Her eyes narrowed. "Try me."
Dick grabbed her shoulder. "You agreed you weren't going to steal anyone elses date."
"Wait!" I was flabbergasted. "You actually stole someone's date?"
"They said I was bluffing."
"She must have been so pissed."
"I think she was actually more impressed then pissed. You should ask her to tell you about it sometime."
"Yeah, I will."
We began weeding through the ideas. A little while later, and we were left with three outfits.
I looked at the remaining ideas. "My brain can't decide between them."
Dick stood. "Well you don't necessarily need to pick right now. Sit on it overnight, and we can talk about it in the morning, but for now, we've got to get supper."
We got supper, and headed to bed. I didn't sleep, instead I spent hours reading articles about first dates, advice, things to avoid, etc. Morning came before sleep, so I got up. Alfred was the only one in the kitchen. I skipped the breakfast, just got a cup of coffee, and sat down.
Alfred came over. "Are you alright, Miss Ashleigh?"
I looked up from my phone. "Yeah, why do you ask?"
"Because if you tighten your grip on that mug anymore it may shatter."
I hadn't even realized how tight I was gripping it. "Sorry."
"Don't worry, it certainly wouldn't have been a first." He sat down beside me. "Now, do you wish to tell me what is bothering you?"
I set my phone down. "Well I was reading online about flowers for my date with Cassie, and I don't know, a lot of these articles say they're out dated."
"Believe it or not Miss Ashleigh, but its had been quite a while since I've been on a first date, but in my experience you can't go wrong with flowers."
"They're just really cliche, I don't want her to think I put no effort into this."
"Miss Sandsmark has been coming around this house for years now, and I know for certain, that no matter what you do, she'll know you put your heart, and soul into whatever you choose."
"Thank you, Alfred. Since you're clearly a Silver Fox, any advice on flowers?"
"As a matter of fact, I've been growing these rather delightful flowers in the garden that I feel Miss Sandsmark would love."
"I can't just take them Alfred, you work so hard on that garden."
He stood up. "Nonsense, it's only a few, plus it will be nice to see them serve a purpose."
I followed Alfred out into the garden. The flowers he showed me were perfect. The colours popped, and they looked amazing.
The rest of the week came, and went in what felt like an instant. I sorted out the dress with Dick, and Steph the next morning. It arrived later in the week, looking exactly like something out of my dreams. I tried it on, and it fit perfectly. It wasn't until I stepped out to show it to Dick, and Steph that I realized the problem. I was terrified. Terrified of the thought of being in public with this, of Cassie seeing me in this, but it was too late to back out now.
Every evening was spent with Babs, and Cass practicing dancing. By the end of it, I was actually okay, and, more importantly, I was enjoying it.
The night before the Gala, Carrie had insisted on stealing a handful of us away to see her new dress. Duke, Harper, and I sat on her bed facing the wall.
"Alright, turn around."
We all turned back to Carrie. She stood in front of us in a green sun dress. The colour perfectly matched the lenses of her glasses.
Duke smiled. "It's beautiful Carrie."
Harper stared at her for a moment. Tilting her head from one side to another. "It's lovely Carrie."
Harper looked at her curiously. "But?"
"You usually have some kind of smart ass comment."
"Carrie, for once can't I just appreciate how amazing you look in a dress without making a smart comment?"
"You can't think of anything, can you?"
Harper sighed. "I've got nothing."
Carrie turned to me. "What about you, Ash, nothing to say?"
"You look gorgeous, Carrie."
"Thank you."
Duke looked over to me. "So, Ash, when are we seeing your dress?"
"When I wear it tommorow."
Harper bumped me. "Come on, Ash. Give us a sneak peek."
"You'll see it, when I wear it."
We giggled, and chatted for hours before I headed back to my room. I sat on my bed. I was knackered, but I didn't feel like sleeping. I was too... excited, or maybe it was the nerves.
A knock at the door drew my attention. Jay walked in holding a garment bag. "Hey."
I looked at her curiously. "Hi. What's that?"
He lay the bag down on the bed. "It's one of Harper's old suit. It should fit you."
"Thanks, but why?"
"You don't exactly seem... comfortable in the dress, I figured, if you need it, this can be an alternative."
"Thanks, Jay."
"Just remeber, Ash, we'll be there tomorrow. If someone so much as looks at you wrong, just tell me."
I looked at him curiously. "What would you do?"
He smile, and cracked his knuckles. "I'd make sure they'd never do it again."
I giggled. I'm sure that was just a joke, right? "Thank you, Jay."
He got up, and ruffled my hair. "Enjoy tommorow, kid."
He left me alone. I lay down, and let my thoughts run away.
. . . . .
So writing took like forever, but it was really fun, and is kinda important for some of my future ideas so I hope you enoyed.
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nitholites · 5 years
Assuming someone in the BatFam is the end game:
It's been only a week or so since Tony figured out who Ladybug is
She's captured everyone's hearts, but has to go to Gotham soon
For help, but also because of her internship
The Stark Gala becomes a 'you better live and come back one day, Mari or I STG' party, hosted by Tony Stark, of course
She makes all the outfits of the Starks, her parents, herself, Jagged, Penny, Luka, and Kagami (the last two friends minus Chloe from Paris) and she makes extra in case someone has a wardrobe malfunction
Meanwhile, the Waynes have heard a lot about the newest Stark: MDC
Tim is a fanboy. He's found everything related to his favorite rock star's designer/niece there is to find ("I'm not obsessed! They're just super talented, and I'd like something from them! Stop laughing at me, Dick!")
Dick has no room to tease him, as both him and Jason are pretty much in the same boat
Kor'i and Mar'i love MDC, as well
Every one of the Bats are huge Jagged Stone fans
Like... Nearly rabid
(Damian, Bruce, and Alfred redact that statement)
They're invited to Tony's gala thing (he only started it to surpass the Wayne Gala, like the Lil Shite he is)
The night of the party, only Bruce and Jason go, since the rest of the bats are busy
Bruce, Jagged (who brought Fang), and Tony are all chatting in the middle of the floor, 2/3rds of the group are just talking up Marinette
Jason, meanwhile, accidentally runs into this small, adorable child who proceeds to spill her punch all over his suit
He insists it's fine, but she won't take 'no' for an answer ("I am so sorry, please let me make it up to you" "Kid, it's fine, accidents happen" "No, seriously, let me help")
There's a look in her eyes that insists she do something, and he eventually agrees
Cue to Marinette having a suit jacket that matches and fits Jason because "You look like you're the same build as Mr. Stark (she's all for joining Peter in calling Tony 'Mr. Stark' to get under his skin)"
"you know Tony?"
She shrugs, and doesn't comment anymore on it
"give me your address, and I'll bring this back when it's clean again. I'm moving to Gotham for a while soon, anyway"
He does, she doesn't realize he's a Wayne, and they part when the party ends
Cue the entire BatFam sprinting into Jason's room, chasing after a full on scream
Like, they didn't know Jason's voice could get "so high and squeaky, what the hecc?"
They pause as they see Jason litterally jumping up and down
"What the hell, Todd."
Instead of answering, he shoves the jacket in Tim's face with a shite-eating grin
It takes a moment, but Tim scowls and pulls out his wallet
When the rest of the family only look confused, Tim sighs and explains
"He got an MDC original first."
"...you had a bet on that?"
Jason freezes, eyes widening
They're confused for a solid minute
It takes all of Bruce's willpower not to adopt her on the spot when she visits them
Like, he almost brings up adoption papers
But he knows Stark would fight tooth and nail to keep this baby
So he restrains himself
(for now)
(he swears if one of his children doesn't marry her, he's bringing the adoption papers to court)
She doesn't stay long, only meeting all the Waynes at the house and going back to her hotel
The next day, a villain goes after Mar'i, near the park/mall/something Marinette is by
Instead of becoming Ladybug, she heccin kicks arse
As Marinette
She gets both her and Mar'i out of danger without a scratch using a yo-yo of all things and meets Batman and Robin as they clean up the rest
She's all like "no, it's alright, I'm sure anyone would do the same please stop thanking me, my family's gonna kick my ass to next year for scaring them like this"
Bats comes up and takes her statement, and she happens to mention the situation in Paris
"oh, this was nothing compared to some of the Akuma I've faced" "What's an akuma?" She paled, eyes widening in shock. "You don't know? About Ladybug, Chat Noir, Ryuuko, Viperion, Queen Bee, Red Wasp, Multimouse, Hawkmoth, Mayura, Carapace, Rena Rouge, and all them?"
She explains a little, giving basic information everyone knew, then shows him the app she made a while ago
The Akuma Alert app that held much more than just akuma-related things
She leaves soon after, and Batman has a goal in mind
Within the day, Diana is furious at the lack of response towards the Paris situation
"This Ladybug was left alone for all this time?! Shame on you all, leaving my mother's successor alone!"
When Ladybug is later spotted (hehe, get it?) in Gotham, the entire BatFam finds her and gets her in touch with the League
She explains how she asked both the League and the Avengers for help, all those years ago, and was pushed aside with warnings not to send in prank calls anymore
Of course, Iron Man has already looked into it, but he's not exactly a detective and the more brains on this, the better
Meanwhile, as civilians...
The normal shipping stuff happens
With the exception that nearly every criminal in Gotham low-key adopts Marinette
They may think she's the next Wayne, but the Angel of Gotham is off limits
And not because the little Wayne chases after anyone who even looks at her wrong with a katana
Not just as Robin. As Damian
Marinette actually meets a few villains on the street
She was going to a commission, carrying some hero, vigilante, and villain themed macaroons when she got lost
(before meeting the Waynes officially, actually)
She was in a park, looking lost when Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn came up
She offered treats, and ever since she's the Angel of Gotham
Once, when on a date with her romantic interest, Killer Croc tried taking the restaurant hostage after robbing a bank
Key word: tried
Marinette calmly slipped behind him, grabbed his tail, and dragged his butt outta there
(he blames the fast French girl and the tile on the floor, which didn't let him get a good grip)
By the time Bats and the police got there, Croc was in tears as this tiny French girl lectured him about manners and interrupting dates
(the BatFam can't think of a funnier time)
When the Joker actually kidnaps her as a way to get to Batman, literally everyone rages a rescue mission
Harley, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze (Marinette reminds him of the daughter he's always wanted, with his frozen wife), Two-Face (Marinette talked philosophy with him, showing him he still had choices beyond the black and white), Killer Crock (who was impressed by the tiny French girl who threw him out of a restaurant by his tail that one time), Batman, Robin, the Teen Titans, Red Hood, Red Robin, Wonder Woman (she could feel Tikki's influence on Marinette and guessed her identity), Nightwing, all the Avengers, Red Wasp (Chloe, with the Bee Miraculous because she earned it back ages ago), Sabine (no one messed with her baby. No one), a teenage boy wielding a potato gun (who let this kid here?), Pepper, Penny (the two women were fast friends, bonding over their husbands' eccentric ways), Jagged with Fang, Audrey Bourgeois, and the entire police force storm the Joker's hideout
He didn't have a chance
Later, they admit it was kinda funny watching the small Sabine beating the crap out of the deranged clown
Fang, who was usually a puppy with scales, didn't hesitate to bite off the Joker's hand, reminiscent of Captain Hook and the Croc
Marinette's fine (or not, depending on how much angst you want in the story. It's easy to have her tourtured and nearly killed in the Joker's clutches {or actually killed and focused on angst from everyone who knew her [possible heavy Lila/class salt]} and see her move past her PTSD) and she gets home eventually
Around this time, she's made the Guardian of the Miraculous
She eventually goes back to Paris with her huge family (or everyone she thinks could keep their emotions in check)
They kick Gabriel's arse, but Adrien gets away with his mother (who was healed by Ladybug)
Possible second book
Marinette's ship becomes the Black Cat
Time skip, fiveish years later, some of Marinette's classmates see her for the first time since she left
They insult and sass her, not changed since school
Her S/O scowls and debunks them easily, defending Marinette
When they don't stop, Marinette's S/O calls Bruce, Tony, Jagged, and the rest of the League and the Avengers to destroy the morons in the class because they know how long they've waited for this moment
Mari puts her head in her hands, but doesn't stop them because she knows how long they've waited for this moment
Three hours later, the speeches and lectures aren't done yet
Lila eventually goes to Gotham or wherever Marinette is, and tries to warn the person on her arm about Marinette's 'bulling tendencies'
That gets another lecture
Or, her class gets a tour at either SI or WE, depending on when in the story you write it (could be both, and the class just doesn't learn or Tony, Pepper, and their kids were visiting WE to talk about Mari Protection Measures when they overhear it)
Lila goes off on how Mari's S/O is actually Lila's, or how she's BFFS with Batman/Iron Man/ Bruce Wayne and his kids/ Tony Stark and his kids/ the Avengers/ the Justice League
Cue the class seeing Mari
Instant bullying
The resident children and billionaire steps up, insulting and embarrassing the class while defending Mari
Lila tries to turn it around, but they're having none of that
First the kids jump at the chance to defend their little sister and/or girlfriend, then the big guns show up
At WE, it's Bruce, a highly protective Jason, and Tim, who has every single sin/mean thing/lie pulled up in a folder
It's thicker than his hand, and hard to hold
It's both in digital and physical form and sent to every single member of Mari's family- blood related or not
At SI, it's Tony and Pepper
FRIDAY steps up, too
Harley shoots Lila with the potato gun mk 3 until she leaves
The class don't know what they did wrong, but they swear to make it up just to get the scary CEOs and relatives
Also, if anyone knows the AU where Marinette was a street kid with Jason and his little sister (I can't remember who made it or what it was called, but I fell in l o v e), that could work with this one too. Jason would be so proud of his Lil sister being so famous and awesome and "how dare you let me think you were dead!! Do you have any idea how worried I was?!" "I made you worried?! You up and nearly got killed last I checked!"
Jason swore not to tell her he actually died once. He prays she never finds out.
@tired-butterfly @evil-elf16 @doggiediva13 @krispydefendorpolice @mochegato @legallyspawned @kryptored
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