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sea-owl · 3 days ago
To start, fuck that bird. Justice should roast it. He got his fire back now. Side note with Justice, him and Destiny are kinda cute. A mother and father with all their children at Serval Cat House.
I do like in the end, too, that the Luke that eventually does defeat himself is not the legendary hero persona that has been thrusted upon him since birth. The Luke that defeats him is the Luke Natsuko fell in love with, the real Luke who boldly declared his love for her, who cooks, and is a dork. The role of a hero broke Luke, but those who loved and knew the real him brought him back.
As for the ending, I'm not surprised. I had a feeling they were going to pull something like this. Luke's world is saved, but Natsuko still had unfinished business in her own world. I adore she still has the horn, and its magic seems to still be reactive to when Unio is trying to track it.
It's also looks like Luke kept his promise to Unio. They're in reality now seeing things they never seen before.
The story leaves off on a hopeful ending, and leaves the door open for more.
I would love to see a season two or something where it's now a basically reversed Isekai, and Natsuko has to get them adjusted to the real world. I feel like it be hilarious. Because I know for a fact at least one person would think Unio is a furry. Memmeln is going to get heavy into fandom culture, especially now that she can see the source material? Luke would attach himself to Natsuko like glue. Man would become her house husband.
It's fun to imagine. I hope we get something.
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sea-owl · 9 days ago
Do you think once Valka reached Valhalla she'll find Stoick and tell him he's as beautiful as the day she lost him?
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sea-owl · 10 days ago
Ok so this might get a little perverted, 18+ warning now for you all.
I'm undecided. Someone requested some spicy Violet x Portia, with Portia bottoming, and I'm debating whether or not to involve adult toys. They existed back then, I've checked. I'll poll it out.
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sea-owl · 17 days ago
So if Luke doesn't crash out next episode and hunt down that bird I FUCKING WILL.
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sea-owl · 22 days ago
how do you think the ton will cope with whistledown now in s4?
That's a good question. I think Penelope will probably have a harder time gathering gossip because she is known now, but we do also see her talking to the queen in one of the stillshots so that will be an intresting new dynamic to see.
I do think it depends how they plan to adjust Penelope's writings as Lady Whistledown. Is Lady Whistledown going down a new path? Will she have interviews now? Is there going to be a transition periord or are we going to see some of the ton try to feed Lady Whistledown gossip about other members?
Honestly, I can see it going at least two different ways. We'll have to wait and see.
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sea-owl · 22 days ago
Hi I am a huge fan of your work and I've never read any of the books besides rmb cause fat girl power and hot "my wife" guy. I still have no interest in reading the rest but I fell in love with the bridgerton spouses through your works. I was wondering if you have any or known anyone who has like a character sheet/analysis of the spouses? Or their dynamics with the bridgerton family I wanna write for the fandom but don't know much about the characters outside of polin. I'm sorry this doesn't make sense I'm super sick and brain no work and I love bridgerton in law friendships and I wanna try to fill the crater your writings have left on my psyce esp Michael pen Phil Sophie friendship <3
I am so sorry for how late this is. First of all aww, thank you.
As for character dynamics, I personally don't have any analysis on them. Part of my writing for dynamics go off vibes, the characteristics we see in their own books, and the crumbs we get from the books.
There isn't a lot of interaction between the spouses in the books. Which I was hoping we could have seen more in the show, but sadly, it's lacking there, too. I think the one who interacts the most with the other spouses bookwise is Penelope. She has a scene with Kate and Sophie on their books before they marry their Bridgertons. Simon mentioned having a dance with her and that if he had to dance with any of the Featheringtons, she would be the one he danced with. Michael mentions her in his book.
Simon and Kate interact during the pall mall game in the book. They're friendly to one another. Kate also interacts with Lucy, who sees her as a maternal figure.
Phillip and Sophie mainly interact when Phillip saved her son's life so a brief interaction there. You can see building blocks for a friendship with them.
I'm sorry I'm not more help.
@thekatebridgerton do you know if anyone did analysis sheets?
Or anyone who comes across this post feel free to help guide anon.
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sea-owl · 22 days ago
Started and finished the first season of High Potential, now I'm watching HPI, the French version of the show.
Honestly, I like both versions. I haven't seen every episode of season 1 for HPI, but I definitely love its more comedic approach. HPI feels more episodic right now with a case of the week, while High Potential has definitely set the groundwork for over arching storylines alongside their case of the week early in the story.
Absolutely love Morgan's/Morgane's and Karadec's dynamic. Gives off orange cat and black cat vibes. Grumpy and sunshine. The kids are a riot too.
One thing I also do really appreciate is that Morgan/Morgane actually has a good coparenting relationship with Ludo. They give off the vibes that we are better as friends than lovers, and I respect that move made by the writers.
I'm excited for more of this show! At least I can space out HPI while waiting for season 2 of High Potential.
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sea-owl · 1 month ago
Watching Zenshu today and can we please talk about that bird? This one.
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Like I'm pretty much convinced, it was the original directors fun self insert when she made the movie originally, and when she died in the real world, she reincarnated into her character.
I just want to see where they go with the bird because right now, it's a cryptic observer watching as this younger animator basically creates her own fanfiction. I can see two potential storylines, one where the bird becomes a mentor figure, or we get a "don't meet your heroes" storyline. I'm kinda hoping for the first because, as we observed so far, Natsuko has only lived for her dream. Meanwhile, we know the other director has had a family and possibly children. Maybe we can get a storyline of be better than me kinda thing.
I'm not sure but please finally do something with that bird.
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sea-owl · 1 month ago
Also, this could be such comedic duo if they actually went for this dynamic between Colin and Portia. This just might be the actors but imagine if it was how things are.
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I do like this idea that the costume designers that the Bridgerton men are matching with their wives aesthetics in the designs on their vests. We saw it with Anthony in season 3 and now you can see it here with Colin. The design on Portia's cuffs actually match pretty well with the design on Colin's vest and if you zoom in on Colin's vest you notice that the base color is the same soft blue as Portia's dress.
I like to think this shows the mixing of the two families and the influence they have on each other. The pattern showing the influence of the Featheringtons on Colin and the blue showing Colin's influence on the Featheringtons.
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sea-owl · 1 month ago
Oh, my baby girl, Posy looks gorgeous! I'm so excited for her character! Love to see that they decided to go with the mermaid idea for dress that was in the books. The shell and wave designs in her dress look gorgeous.
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sea-owl · 1 month ago
Oh this would be so fun! I think we should throw another challenge into Kate's plans though.
Daphne sees this headstrong woman rounding up her siblings and decides that's going to be her new sister-in-law. Come on Simon we gotta go watch the chaos!
Kate doesn't know what to make of the duchess as she was barely around in her previous life, the duke even less. Now almost every time the Sharmas are invited for dinner the Hastings are there as well.
Daphne and Simon rotate on who pushes Anthony and Kate together each time. Sometimes Daphne is with Kate helping her round up her siblings, though Daphne's way may be more chaotic as typical for a Bridgerton. Meanwhile, Simon is in Anthony's office pointing out all the qualities Kate has for a viscountess. Other times Daphne will be with Anthony be less nice than Simon and confronting her brother that he wants to marry Kate. While Simon is Kate's confidant in trying to navigate the Bridgerton brood.
Kanthony revenge regresion au
So hear me out @sea-owl just hear me out. What if we did a Kanthony regresion revenge au.
In which, Kate's first life was more or less not involved with Anthony and Edwina's courtship. She was just focused on getting Edwina married off and didn't care who she married.
Then Edwina bagged the Viscount Bridgerton and Kate thought this was the jackpot, BUT it turned out that Anthony made Edwina miserable for the rest of her life by neglecting her and doing exactly what he said he would do in the books, and having mistress after mistress while Edwina wilted away at home trying to be the Viscountess that the Bridgerton brood needed. And Kate who had to live the life of a spinster aunt/poor relation to Viscountess Edwina spent the rest of her life witnessing kind and gentle Edwina wilt under Anthony's tyranny to the point where Edwina starts having mental breakdowns over not being able to provide Anthony with an heir, with only Kate to console her.
In her first life, years pass, the Bridgertons don't pay attention to Kate, but she sees them destroy their chances at happiness one by one, and because Kate thinks they're all contributing to making Edwina miserable, she doesn't help them. She sees Colin lose Penelope to Debling, Francesca stay in mourning, without giving Michael a chance, Eloise live her life as a bitter spinster, Benedict go from mistress to mistress without knowing that his true love is actually a maid working for Viscountess Edwina. Kate sees Hyacinth and Gregory make mistake after mistake and end up in unhappy marriages themselves and she doesn't pity them or help them one bit. Because in her heart she blames them for Edwina's unhappiness and her eventual death at the hands of robbers during an ill fated trip to Aubrey Hall.
After Edwina dies, Kate blames Anthony and spends a considerable amount of time and resources looking for a way to get revenge and makes a shady deal with some mystical druids to send her back in time to Eloise's first season, so she prepares Edwina better.
In this second run at life, Kate is determined to keep Anthony Bridgerton from marrying Edwina, not only is she royally angry at him for being a jerk husband to her sister in their last life, she's determined to whip him AND his degenerate family into shape. Anthony running off to meet Sienna during Eloise's presentation, Kate will have none of that, he's going to take responsibility over his lunatic family even if it kills her!. Cue sending Eloise a death threat the day before her presentation, sending the house in a frenzy and forcing Anthony to be there. HA HA, lets see how Anthony likes having his nerves destroyed. On the other hand, he does end up being there when she's on her morning ride covering her tracks (for the death threat thing) and she may or may not have told him he's a deplorable human being, so there's that.
But Kate has bigger things to worry about than Anthony being intrigued over the fact she has her morning rides suspiciously close to his house. Someone needs to tell Eloise that the thing with the printer boy isn't going to work out, asap, and honestly, this is the kind of sloppy Lady Whistledown work that got Penelope caught red handed by Debling in the first place so, two birds one shot right?. Twart Eloise stupidity, make Lady Whistledown owe her a favor, and oh right, keep Anthony Bridgerton from dancing with Edwina at all costs during the first ball of the season. As you can see, Kate Sharma is a busy woman. And if she has to dance with Anthony herself to point out that Eloise is running wild right under his nose, well good! he deserves it, also, she's going to step on his feet for good measure.
What do you mean Anthony still wants to marry Edwina? why?? Kate is doing everything she possibly can to keep him busy and away from her sister, doesn't this man have 7 crazy siblings to manage? where does he find time to send flowers??, ugh time to up the ante and force Anthony into taking even more responsibility over his siblings mess ups.
Because by week 2 of the season, Kate has about had it with the Bridgertons! so fine if Edwina is fated to marry into that family of crazy people then Kate is going to have some words with them. Anthony can keep inviting the Sharmas into his house to dine at his table, but that doesn't mean that Kate has to be nice to them. especially the resident second son AND the third, because seriously no wonder they ended up making her sister cry on more than one occasion, for the sake of Edwina, Kate is going to make sure that Anthony's pack of idiots know what should and shouldn't be done to impress a lady with delicate feelings. Also someone get Francesca a box of tissues, Kate may or may not have given her a whole speech about standing up for herself and looking for love on her own terms.
Week 4 of the social season, the good news for Kate? Edwina is seriously considering the proposal of a Bavarian prince, the bad news? Anthony has ditched Sienna and cancelled his membership at the local whorehouse, this is bad news because he's now trying to marry Kate herself...And according to Lady Whistledown all his siblings think she's top candidate for the position of Anthony's Unhappy wife #1. Do these people have a masochist vein she doesn't know about?
Kate doesn't want to marry Anthony. He's an idiot who wouldn't know how to treat his wife with respect if it hit him in the head. Besides all she's done since regressing back in time is interfere with the Bridgerton's lives and call them out on their bad personality traits. And their bad choices.. And their bad relationships. In Kate's opinion that's not exactly the basis for a healthy family dynamic. (Viscountess Violet and Anthony's 6 clingy siblings beg to differ. )
But then again, Kate is getting to know Anthony in ways she never did in her first life, he's been opening up about his life and about the burden of his father's legacy and his hopes and dreams. Could it be that Kate misjudged Anthony all this time, maybe Anthony didn't know how to make Edwina happy in Kate's first life, it wasn't that he didn't want to love Edwina, he just couldn't. He didn't know how to be a husband anymore than Edwina knew how to be a wife. And things broke down before they even began. Maybe just maybe he would be a good husband for someone stubborn and cutting like Kate, in ways he would never be for someone like Edwina.
With Edwina marrying prince Friedrich and Kate's reason to come back in time finally fulfilled, Kate must make a choice, she can go with Edwina to Prussia, and once again live her life dedicated to her sister. Or she can stay in London and give Anthony and his clingy siblings a chance. A real chance.
AN: what do you think
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sea-owl · 1 month ago
Screaming because I just realized Hector and Imelda are the Odysseus and Penelope that didn't reunite.
Hector never made it home, and Imelda gave up waiting for him.
Their meeting again in the Land of the Remembered hurts so much more now.
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sea-owl · 2 months ago
One of my favorite types of agnst in stories is SIBLING AGNST. Don't know why, but it hits so nice. Especially if the siblings were close beforehand and then something happened that turned them into enemies or pit them against one another.
Anyway now that I've said that let me tell you my new favorite headcanon for Cain and Abel in Hazbin Hotel.
This is based on the theory that the souls that go to Heaven their winner form is based on something they loved back during their mortal life.
My personal head canon is that Abel, during his mortal life, wasn't blonde, but Cain was. After Abel's death, his hair turned blonde because despite it all, he still loved his brother.
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sea-owl · 2 months ago
Thoughts back to my Violet and Portia omegaverse post. What if we add in Edmund x Violet x Portia to it?
Like imagine with me. They were out in Aubrey Hall for a country house party. The children were already sent back to London with the majority of the staff. Portia knows Varley will be there in London to collect her daughters once they arrive home. But before the three of them can leave themselves a storm comes in forcing them to wait it out.
Well unknown to them, Edmund would go into rut that night while Violet and Portia would go into heat. And oh, everyone smelled so good. A week later and everyone woke up to one or two new mate bites.
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sea-owl · 2 months ago
How do you think Portia would act if she started to get courted by Edmund and Violet or they were courting her and she didn't see it as such until things take a turn for more bed room scenes?....please I'm desperate for some more Edmund x Violet x Portia's a need that imma start tweaking out
I'll be so honest, Portia would probably be oblivious to it if it was directly happening to her. Especially if this is recently widowed Portia who is running around trying to make sure her and her daughters are secured. Like if she saw the courting done to her daughters? Oh, Portia would jump on that in a heartbeat. But at her grown age with four daughters? Yeah, right. Portia is realistic about her place as a woman in the society that she lives in and saw marriage as a tool in a woman's arsenal to keep out of the poor house. Happy spouse, happy house. Plus, she already paid her dues. She's not doing that again.
So, being courted with all these romantic gestures? Right over her head. Violet is her friend, and you know the Bridgertons often had their own way of doing things. So Portia just kinda brushed anything Edmund and Violet did off as the Bridgertons being Bridgertons. Romance is for those who can afford it, and she is not one of those people.
Give her a gorgeous bouquet of roses, violets, and lavender? She gives it to Varley who knows how to make tea or snacks out of those edible flowers.
Nice jewelry? Well, Portia has no sentimental value to it, time to sell it! Or she adds it to one of her daughter's doweries.
Romantic words have no meaning to Portia. You might as well be speaking another language to her.
Eventually, Edmund and Violet realize the most romantic and sexy gift they can give to Portia is security.
Violet is the one to figure it out. During tea, one day, she asks her friend about her previous marriage and how it came to be. While Violet did not care for the previous Lord Featherington and thought Portia was too good for him, she still married the man. There must've been something she liked about him, right?
Violet was proven wrong when Portia made a brief face at the mention of her deceased husband. "The only good thing that man gave me was my four girls. I had married him for security, and he couldn't even do that much. Left us at the mercy of some mysterious heir."
So their courting kinda took a turn. Instead of normal courting gestures, they started to do things that would help stabilize Portia's life. One of those things is helping Portia find matches for her daughters currently out in society. Violet would help make lists for eligible gentlemen who would fit well with the girls. Edmund would look into these men to make sure they aren't hiding anything that would upset the security Portia wanted for her daughters.
Edmund and Violet still got her jewelry from time to time but did start to buy items in the daughters' tastes once they learned Portia was adding it to their doweries. They also start secretly leaving gifts her Portia's daughters as well. They know Portia is a package deal. Thankfully, Portia doesn't find it odd since two of her daughters are such close friends and beloved by their own children.
Unknowingly to Portia, she was slowly getting seduced, which kinda hit her when Jack Featherington started to hit on her. (She was already planning on taking the estate from him, but when she found herself comparing him to Violet and Edmund, she wanted that man out of her house even more.) Oh she knew this game, she's seen it be played out before. There's something he wants and thinks he can get from the Dowager lady by taking advantage of her situation. Well, it's best to play along right now until she can get those papers finished.
Edmund and Violet don't trust this man, and that's only 40% of their jealousy talking. Edmund does some digging while Violet sticks as closely as she can to Portia in the meantime.
To everyone's surprise Colin was the one to confront Jack on his scheme, and Portia used that to her advantage to get rid of him. She already had the papers ready.
Jack sneered at Portia when she bested him. "Going back to being the Bridgerton whore then?"
Portia glared at him, her face flushed in anger. "What did you just say?"
Jack scoffed. "Oh, don't act like some blushing debutant. It's obvious the Viscount and Viscountess are bored in their marriage and pay you to help them keep it exciting. How many are your girls actually a Bridgerton?"
Before Portia can lash out, Jack is knocked to the floor with a punch. Portia looked over to see the fist belonged to one Violet Bridgerton.
Edmund was not far behind. Grabbing Jack, he dragged him out of the room.
Portia's face was still flushed but for an entirely different reason now.
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sea-owl · 2 months ago
You know I think it's intresting how baseline human Lilith and Adam look. Like take away her horns and his wings and you got two regular ass humans you could see walking down the sidewalk.
Which we haven't really seen with anyone else in Hell or Heaven. Maybe Abel, but I'm going to chalk that up to how early he died or being a direct son of Adam. Everyone else we've seen though has been changed to something else after their deaths. Sinners often change into something they hate, like with Husk and cats, and there's a strong guess that winners are something they love.
Also omg side thought, what if Abel DIDN'T look exactly like that as human, what if he changed something about himself as a winner because he wanted to look more like someone else he loved. Like Eve, or CAIN. Oh the agnst potential.
Anyway, back to my rambling, my question is, when did they start taking on more of these traits? I know some say Adam hasn't changed because he loved himself, and personally that fuels my hc that Lilith and Adam are more alike than anyone wants to admit or realize, they just may show those same traits differently. It also makes me really curious for Eve. Does she look the same with some differences like added wings or horns? Or is she the first to get a new look after the death of her human body?
Now, personally, I do like the theory that Eve became Roo after her death or that she is someway now permanently connected or bonded to the Tree of Knowledge. It feels fitting in a way. It was Eve who ultimately led to the creation of Hell when she bit the apple and committed the first sin, but she also has already faced her punishment on Earth. She could honestly be set up in a way to be this neutral character or someone who haunts the narrative. I am curious to see how she fits into everything. I think it would be some twist of irony if Eve was truly the only free character of the Eden four. And we see that in her character design as she no longer looks like she did as a human.
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sea-owl · 2 months ago
How will Colin cope this upcoming season with having Portia Featherington as a mother in law?
Honestly he'll probably be fine. Portia did mostly chill out during season 3 as she no longer had to worry about the security of her family.
Now I'm not saying Colin is going to like her, but I don't see them antagonizing each other. Plus, for all we know, Portia might have moved out into a dowager house. Violet talked about moving to a dowager house herself during season 3, but Kate invited her to stay (probably so they didn't have to get a new set) I imagine if Portia is still in Featherington House it's probably for the same our world production reason as Violet.
Now who I'm really excited to see Portia to go up against in season 4 is Araminta Gun.
In the books, there is this subplot that I really hope makes it into the show. Portia and Araminta get into what is dubbed the Maid War. Basically, Araminta is stealing Portia's maids with what seems like better employment offers, but then the maids are treated terribly and are forced to do the job of, I think they said 3 maids? The maids come back to Portia after. This starts a cat fight between Portia and Araminta. Violet gets brought in at one point, too, when Araminta steals her maid away. I just want to see Portia and Araminta going at it, and then Violet joins team Portia after Araminta drags her in. I personally think it would be funny and would just allow us to see the Mamas around their peers instead of chasing their children. Especially since a good chunk of the season is supposed to be in the countryside it would give us chances to take a glimpse back into London for some comedy.
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