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graphicpolicy · 2 years ago
Behold the madness that awaits in Summer of Symbiotes
Behold the madness that awaits in Summer of Symbiotes #comics #comicbooks #venom #carnage #milesmorales
Starting in May, the symbiote characters you know and love as well as exciting new symbiote stars will have their day in the sun! Dubbed the “Summer of Symbiotes,” this celebration of Venom’s 35th anniversary will include a host of ongoing series, limited series, and crossovers spotlighting Venom, Carnage, Red Goblin, and many more! Today, fans can vibe to the chaotic energy of this symbiote…
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vqx90x2 · 6 months ago
lista na co mam ochote i co bym zjadla gdybym tylko mogla zjesc co chce, nie byla gruba i nie miala zaburzen odzywiania 😃
bede edytowac
> platki z mlekiem - jakiekolwiek plateczki z cieplym mlekiem KURWAAA tak tez jadlam za dziecka KOCHAM
> frytki i paluszki rybne - za tymi paluszkami w sumie to nie przepadam (bo noe lubie ryb xd) ale jak ciocia zeobila takie czy cos O JEZU
> jakas bulka slodka albo jakikolwiek slodki wypiek wiecie typu drozdzowka z makiem/serem YHYYYH PLIS
> tosty po prostu zwykle tosty z serem
> rurki takie wiecie typu bonitki (tutaj az lezka w oku sie zakrecila bardzo je lubialam zawsze)
> ryz z warzywami
> jakis dobry makaron czy to na slono czy slodko jezuuuu glownie z sosem pieczarkowym
> pierogi ruskie KOCHALAM I KOCHAC BEDE jadlam i ogladalam sobie nasze najlepsze polskie paradokumenty haha
> batonik lion/kit kat
> nalesniki z dzemem albo z nutella
> chlebek w jajku🫠
> sekacz😭
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journal-rasa · 18 days ago
Dunia ini bukan tempat pemuliaan. Dunia ini tempatnya ujian. Bahkan jika kita diberi kemuliaan di dunia, ingatlah bahwa sejatinya itu juga ujian.
Selalu ingat, bahwa kemuliaan sejati tidak pernah ada di dunia. Di sini adalah ruang ujian. Bukan ruang perayaan.
Ingat-ingat ya, jangan tertipu lagi. Jangan terlena lagi. Kita masih diuji. Bukan diwisuda. Lulus aja belum tentu. Jadi jangan sampai ada lagi tu rasa bangga. Jangan sampai ada lagi rasa bahwa kita lebih baik dari orang lain, siapa pun itu. Sadar, gak sadar.
Ini khusus untuk orang-orang yang sedang berjuang melawan egonya sendiri. Berusaha menurunkan hatinya ke tempat terendah sejauh yang ia bisa, demi menyenangkan Tuhan-nya.
Ternyata memperbaiki hati memang sesulit itu. Mungkin ini kenapa Nabi Musa 'alaihissalam begitu diistimewakan sama Allah. Menjadi satu-satunya nabi yang diajak bicara langsung oleh Allah Yang Maha Tinggi. Diizinkan nego sama Allah. Dikasih manna dan salwa. Juga menjadi nabi yang namanya paling banyak disebut dalam Al-Qur'an.
Ada banyak umat muslim yang menilai bahwa Nabi Musa 'alaihissalam itu sombong. Tapi sebenarnya seorang nabi terpilih tidak mungkin sombong. Orang yang di hatinya terdapat kesombongan meski hanya sebesar biji sawi saja tidak akan masuk surga, masa iya mau dijadikan nabi? Kan gak mungkin.
Nabi Musa 'alaihissalam itu bukan sombong, tapi memang tempramen/karakter bawaannya seperti itu.
Nabi Musa dan Nabi Sulaiman sama-sama dibesarkan di lingkungan kerajaan.
Bedanya, Nabi Sulaiman 'alaihissalam dibesarkan di lingkungan kerajaan yang positive. Yang mensupport ketakwaan pada Allah. Vibesnya selalu mengingatkannya pada Allah. Makanya di surat An-Naml ayat 40, ketika beliau diberi nikmat berupa pemindahan singgasana dalam sekejap mata, beliau langsung ingat bahwa itu pun hanya ujian.
Sementara Nabi Musa 'alaihissalam dibesarkan di lingkungan kerajaan yang toxicnya na'udzubillah. Fir'aun, Hamman, Qorun... bayangin, lingkungan tempat Nabi Musa tumbuh itu se-toxic itu. Sedikit banyak pasti berpengaruh ke pembawaan tempramennya. Makanya kebayang gak sih, di surat Al-Kahfi ayat 62-82 itu Nabi Musa sudah berusaha sabar paling maksimal, tapi tetep aja gagal.
Nabi Musa 'alaihissalam itu bukan sombong, tapi kapasitas tempramennya memang gak seluas kebanyakan orang-orang sabar pada umumnya.
Karena ternyata, memperbaiki hati hasil pembentukan dari lingkungan masa kecil itu memang sesulit itu. Kebayang jadi Nabi Musa, harus menghadapi Fir'aun dan bala tentaranya yang sombong, juga menghadapi kaumnya yang degil, ditambah harus menghadapi dirinya sendiri, memperbaiki dirinya sendiri.
Mungkin ini kenapa Allah sangat menghargai usaha Nabi Musa, hingga nama beliau paling banyak disebut dalam kitab terakhir. Karena hidup bukan hanya tentang baik atau buruk, bukan hanya tentang benar salah, bukan hanya tentang kiri atau kanan, tapi juga tentang proses, usaha kita untuk menjadi baik, untuk menjadi benar, untuk masuk golongan kanan.
Katakanlah, “Setiap orang berbuat menurut pembawaannya masing-masing.” Maka Tuhanmu lebih mengetahui siapa yang lebih benar jalannya. (Q.S Al-Isra': 84)
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ubriacadarte · 28 days ago
"La belle dame san merci"
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Frank Bernard Dicksee, 1901, oil on canvas. (137,2 x 188 cm), Bristol Museum & Art Gallery.
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-John Keats
Incontrai una dama nei prati molto bella, figlia di una fata i suoi capelli erano lunghi, il suo passo era leggero ed suoi occhi erano selvaggi
Feci una ghirlanda per la sua testa, e braccialetti pure, ed una cinta fragrante: lei mi guardó come se mi amasse ed emise un dolce gemito
La posi sul mio destriero al passo e non vidi altro durante tutto il giorno perché si piegava sul fianco e cantava una canzone di fata
Mi trovò radici di dolce sapore e miele silvestre e rugiada di manna e sicura in una strana lingua mi disse "ti amo veramente"
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fiorescente · 3 months ago
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Sono giorni in cui la città è bellissima in modo sfacciato e con un freddo quasi frizzante, forse la parola che cerco qui è croccante come le birre quando è estate piena.
Vado al cinema e usiamo sempre questi posti qua che sono bellissimi, in fondo, tranquilli, si vede tutto e non hai nessun* dietro.
Sto cercando di capire anche passivamente cosa posso fare veramente in questa città e forse sono tante cose e devo scegliere che vestiti indossare, sarò un'ambientalista sfrontata o una tesserata a un partito? Vedremo, intanto sono sicuramente una studentessa e il laboratorio che seguo mi piace tanto, anche la mia collega M mi piace proprio e vorrei tanto stringere di più, ma sono timida e mi emoziono troppo quando le parlo tanto che non riesco a dirle niente di troppo sbottonato o frasi più carine, di complimento, senza arrossire.
La psicologa è una manna dal cielo davvero anche se vorrei riuscire a gestire la terapia in modo da sfruttare al massimo ciò che mi può dare, penso che sia tutto in stallo fino a quando non finirò questo percorso
In questo periodo ascolto tanto Guccini e pensavo che forse anche io se avessi previsto tutto questo forse farei lo stesso e anche io oltretutto sono nata fessa.
Comunque sto ascoltando tantissimo Canzone delle domande consuete che è stupenda (tanti anni che son qui ad aspettar primavera, tanti anni ed ancora il pallone) e E cerca 'e me capì che forse non vale la pena di spiegare, ha molto più senso ascoltarla.
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kasja93 · 6 months ago
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Kolejny dzień wolnego minął. Wróciłam do domu w poniedziałek wieczorem i nie wiem kiedy minął czas wolny bo jutro już piątek. Jeśli Domestos (ksywka jaką nadałam mojemu spedytorowi) jutro się nie odezwie wyjazd będę miała dopiero w środę, ale mimo wszystko wolałabym wiedzieć na czym stoję.
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Poranek minął standardowo. Kawka ze słodzikiem, karmienie uszaków, kur oraz podlewanie ogródka. Zebrałam wiaderko pomidorów oraz ogórków. Te drugi trafiły do kiszenia na małosolne, pomidory zaś jutro będę robić na przeciery do słojów litrowych. Oberwałam też dolne liście w paprykach :)
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Gdy już wszystko miałam zaczęłam poszukiwać słoików bo moje zapasy się wyczerpują. Czymś wspaniałym jest to jak ludzie nie potrafią pisać. Bo to, że mają problem z wysławianiem się odkryłam już dawno temu. Jednak jako, iż mało czytam wesołe twórczości osób, które nie są zawodowo związane z szeroko pojętym pisarstwem to zachwycił mnie niski poziom na olx. Przykład? Ogłoszenie ze słoikami z Turku. Podane są dwie ceny. Pierwsza za sztukę oraz druga za sztukę przy zakupie całej palety. Napisałam zapytanie o ilość słoików na palecie, uzyskałam odpowiedź i oznajmiłam, że zdecyduję się na 300 sztuk (jakaś 1/5 tego co jest na palecie). Dostałam informację zwrotną, że sprzedaż jest możliwa wyłącznie na palety…
Iks Kurwa De
Serio xD co za debilizm. No, ale na szczęście napisałam do kobitki z Kalisza i tam też udałam się po słoiki - niestety tylko 124 sztuki litrowych szklanych naczyń z nakrętkami. Na początek wystarczy będę polować jak wrócę do domu następnym razem.
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Włożyłam do słojów trochę wiśni na kompot. Nastawiłam również balon z wiśniami w spirytusie oraz gąsior wiśni zalanych whisky. Chyba na wiosnę kupię sobie zestaw do bimbru i będę robić własny alkohol na nalewki. Zwróci mi się po zrobieniu 10 litrów 90% żytniówki 😅 chociaż patrząc jak mocne wychodzą mi wina mój bimber będzie miał 120% xDDD
Do słoików trafiło również niemal 5 kg brzoskwiń - poszłam na szabry do sąsiadki, która przyjeżdża dwa razy do roku bo ma 200 lat. Jak mają gnić to trafią w lepsze miejsce 😉
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Generalnie dzień minął spokojnie aczkolwiek wyjątkowo szybko. Wręcz bardzo szybko. Nie miałam zbyt dużo czasu dla siebie. Będę chciała zrobić sobie mikro spa jutro jak się uda wysupłać wolną chwilę bądź dwie.
Zwłaszcza, iż chciałabym zrobić pasztet z cukinii (cukinia, marchewka, cebula, żółtko jajek, kasza manna i przyprawy).
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W ogóle dziś jedzeniowo było w miarę dobrze. Wjechała porcja lecza oraz dwa pomidory i dwa ogórki (po jednym na śniadanie oraz kolacje).
Zwierzaki są zadowolone. W ogóle bawi mnie, że jak wracam do domu to śpię w łóżku z trzema chłopami - Gryziem i Koperkiem w nogach oraz Jerrym na poduszce.
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eretzyisrael · 28 days ago
In a new bombshell report, “The Unholy Alliance: UNRWA, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad”, UN Watch reveals how UNRWA, despite its claims to be a humanitarian agency, has forged an unholy alliance with Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other terrorist organizations. This secret relationship allows the terrorist organizations to significantly influence the policies and practices of a UN agency with 30,000 employees, and a $1.5 billion annual budget that is funded primarily by Western states.
The report shows how UNRWA’s international officials, and its senior local managers, routinely meet with terrorist groups in Lebanon and Gaza, mutually praise each other for “cooperation,” and describe each other as “partners.”
The terrorist groups frequently make demands of UNRWA and influence its decisions. Moreover, when the terrorists oppose specific actions by UNRWA—such as the introduction of biometric IDs for beneficiaries of UNRWA financial assistance, an ethics code affirming LGBT rights, or suspension of employees for promoting terrorism—the terrorist groups are often able to foil implementation, including by issuing threats.
Through uncovered photographic evidence, the report exposes the close relationship top UNRWA officials have with designated terrorist organizations. Current and former UNRWA officials with terrorist ties included in the report are:
UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini (2019-present)
UNRWA Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl (2014-2019)
UNRWA Director-General in Lebanon Dorothee Klaus (2023-present)
UNRWA Director-General in Lebanon Claudio Cordone (2017-2022)
UNRWA Deputy Director of Programs in Lebanon Gwyn Lewis (2015-2018)
UNRWA Director-General in Lebanon and Director of Operations in Gaza Matthias Schmale (2015-2021)
UNRWA Director-General in Lebanon Hakam Shahwan (2016-2017)
UNRWA Gaza Director Thomas White (2021-2024)
Acting UNRWA Director-General in Lebanon Munir Manna (2023)
UNRWA Director-General in Lebanon Anne Dismorr (2012–2015)
UNRWA Deputy Commissioner-General Leni Stenseth (2020–2023)
Numerous UNRWA Regional Directors in Lebanon
Read Full Report
Executive Summary
This report reveals how UNRWA, despite its claims to be a humanitarian agency, has forged an unholy alliance with Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other terrorist organizations. This secret relationship allows the terrorist organizations to significantly influence the policies and practices of a UN agency with 30,000 employees, and a $1.5 billion annual budget that is funded primarily by Western states.
The report shows how UNRWA’s international officials, and its senior local managers, routinely meet with terrorist groups in Lebanon and Gaza, mutually praise each other for “cooperation,” and describe each other as “partners.”
The terrorist groups frequently make demands of UNRWA and influence its decisions. Moreover, when the terrorists oppose specific actions by UNRWA— such as the introduction of biometric IDs for beneficiaries of UNRWA financial assistance, an ethics code affirming LGBT rights, or suspension of employees for promoting terrorism—the terrorist groups are often able to foil implementation, including by issuing threats.
Examples of the UNRWA-Terrorist Alliance
Examples of the UNRWA-terrorist alliance, documented in the report below with 68 photos obtained from open sources, include:
UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini made a deal with Jihadi terrorist groups, at a Beirut meeting in May 2024, by which UNRWA allowed Hamas leader Fathi Al-Sharif to remain as principal of a major UNRWA school, and as the head of the UNRWA Teachers Union. For years, Al-Sharif had openly glorified Hamas terrorist attacks, including on his Facebook page, and published photos of his fraternization with heads of terrorist organizations. Contrary to its claims of robust neutrality mechanisms, UNRWA for years allowed Al-Sharif to occupy a senior position overseeing thousands of UNRWA teachers and students. Only when a formal complaint was made to UNRWA by a government, in early 2024, did the agency give Al-Sharif a slap on the wrist by suspending him. Immediately, Hamas and other terrorist groups responded by effectively shutting down UNRWA in Lebanon, mobilizing massive protests by UNRWA teachers and students. Three months into the shutdown, Lazzarini flew to Beirut and met with the alliance of terrorist organizations who were behind the strike. Local media reported on June 1, 2024 that Lazzarini and the terrorist groups reached “understandings” that would lead to a “positive” result for Al-Sharif, and the strike was called off. On September 30, 2024, Al-Sharif was eliminated by an IDF missile. Hamas announced that indeed he had been their leader in Lebanon, and eulogized the senior UNRWA figure for his “Jihadi education.”
Former UNRWA Commissioner-General Pierre Krahenbuhl met with terrorist leaders from Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, in February 2017, where he emphasized the “spirit of partnership” between them and UNRWA. He invited the terrorist leaders to privately challenge any UNRWA decision which he could then change or “tear up.” The head of UNRWA urged the Jihadi terrorist groups to ensure that their “discussions not be made public” so as to avoid harm to UNRWA’s “credibility.” Mr. Krahenbuhl, who was forced to leave UNRWA in 2019 due to a corruption and sexual abuse scandal, was this year absurdly appointed to head the International Red Cross, prompting a sharp protest by 17 members of the United States Senate.
Likewise, in June 2022, current UNRWA chief Lazzarini stressedthe importance of “partnership” with Gaza terrorist groups. He met regularly with Gaza terrorist groups under the umbrella of the “Joint Refugee Committee,” which is headed by Mahmoud Khalaf, a member of the central committee of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), designated as a terorrist organization by the United States and the European Union.
Matthias Schmale, the former UNRWA director in Lebanon, addressed a Hamas rally in August 2018 alongside Ali Baraka, one of six Hamas terrorist leaders indicted in September by the US Department of Justice, as the latter told the crowd that donor states must support UNRWA “until we return to Palestine.” Schmale thanked the terrorist groups “for their understanding” and reassured them that UNRWA is on their side. In October 2020, now serving as UNRWA Director in Gaza, Schmale met with the Joint Refugee Committee headed by DFLP official Mahmoud Khalaf, to discuss “the problem of forcibly dismissed employees.” In numerous such cases, local UNRWA staff suspended for links to terrorism were reinstated under pressure by the terrorist groups.
Former Deputy Commissioner-General Leni Stenseth personally went to Gaza, in June 2021, to kowtow before Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas terror chief who masterminded the October 7th massacre. Hamas had been angry with UNRWA after its then Gaza Director Matthias Schmale, an ardent supporter of the Palestinian narrative, unwittingly admitted in a TV interview that Israeli strikes on Hamas, during the May 2021 war, were “very precise.” The interview was widely shared by supporters of Israel. Outraged, Hamas declared Schmale a persona non grata, and orchestrated mob protests to threaten him. Stenseth obediently removed Schmale from his post, throwing him under the bus to appease Sinwar, and called Schmale’s interview “indefensible.” She went to visit Sinwar in Gaza to personally thank him “for his positivity and desire to continue cooperation in facilitating the agency’s work in the Gaza Strip.” Stenseth is now Director-General of the foreign ministry of Norway, UNRWA’s most ardent state supporter. Stenseth uses her current position to fund groups that lobby for UNRWA, such as the Chr. Michelsen Institute, which was unethically chosen to conduct the “independent review” of UNRWA led by Catherine Colonna.
UNRWA Lebanon Director Dorothee Klaus shared a stage with the leader of Hamas in Lebanon, Fathi Al-Sharif, was as noted above was also an UNRWA school principal and head of the UNRWA Teachers Union. At the event, before a cheering crowd, Al-Sharif proclaimed his support for “the resistance.” Ms. Klaus did not object.
UNRWA managers have participated at an annual Hamas conference which discusses internal UNRWA affairs such as employee vacancies and UNRWA Teachers Union elections. At the 2021 conference, Hamas offiical Ahmad Abd Al-Hadi announced the launching of a joint committee to “supervise the relationship with UNRWA and ensure it implements its obligations.”
In February 2018, UNRWA Program Director in Lebanon Gwyn Lewis met with Hamas official Ahmad Fadl, and they agreed on “ongoing cooperation and coordination.”
UNRWA regional directors routinely meet with local terrorist leaders for “cooperation and coordination.” At a November 2017 meeting, they told UNRWA’s Sidon Director Fawzi Kassab that UNRWA must exist until Palestinian refugees “return to their homes” and threatened that if donors do not continue funding UNRWA, the Palestinians will start a “popular revolution.”
In February 2022, UNRWA Lebanon Director Claudio Cordone, the former acting chief of Amnesty International, visited Ain Al-Hilweh camp to meet with a coalition of terrorist groups, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Ansar Allah. The terrorists told Cordone that the Palestinian issue in Lebanon is “a political issue and cannot be reduced to a humanitarian or security issue.” Likewise, in January 2018, Cordone met with Hamas official Ahmad Abd al-Hadi who affirmed that the terrorists support UNRWA because it “remains a living witness to the 1948 Nakba.” Contrary to what the world is told, UNRWA’s main purpose is not humanitarian aid, but rather to promote the narrative that Israel’s creation was an “injustice” and that the Palestinians will one day dismantle Israel.
In February 2017, UNRWA Lebanon Director Hakam Shahwan told terrorist leaders that UNRWA was “fully prepared” to have “a strong partnership mechanism” with them, so long as the partnership should not reach a stage “where some believe that we are partners in decision-making.”
This report reveals how UNRWA’s senior management not only knowingly employ individuals tied to Hamas terrorism, but also allow the terrorist groups to influence critical agency decisions and policies.
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pettirosso1959 · 1 month ago
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Si chiama NERC, North American Electric Reliability Corporation, è un Ente indipendente che sovraintende alla gestione delle reti elettriche negli Stati Uniti.
Di solito è molto indulgente con i Governatori e le loro politiche a base di nefandezze scientifico-tecnologiche, ma stavolta ha lanciato un allarme chiaro, chiarissimo, incontestabile: continuando di questo passo, con la chiusura di centrali turbogas e la loro sostituzione con pannelli fotovoltaici e batterie per lo stoccaggio dell'energia, data l'elevata elettrificazione dei servizi pubblici, la California, ovvero la Germania degli Stati Uniti, resterà priva di un valido approvvigionamento di energia elettrica entro il 2029, con conseguenze disastrose.
I Governatori che si sono succeduti sulla poltrona dello Stato hanno preferito puntare ad improbabili politiche Net Zero, che il tempo sta rivelando come un boomerang disastroso; emigrazioni di massa, povertà diffusa, deindustrializzazione dello Stato, criminalità crescente spinta da una povertà senza precedenti storici.
Dal 2014 al 2024 il costo dell'energia elettrica è cresciuto del 127% fino a toccare i 40 cent$/kWh, ma la previsione parla di oltre 50 cent$/kWh ben prima del 2029, anno del temuto blackout generale.ù
Un blackout che dovrebbe materializzarsi soprattutto nel periodo di settembre, dopo le 17:00, quando l'energia generabile sfruttando il sole sarà poca, ma la domanda ancora elevatissima e lo stoccaggio insufficiente. E non saranno sufficienti i 35 miliardi di dollari previsti per l'aggiornamento delle reti elettriche, nemmeno l'incremento delle importazioni di energia elettrica (a carbone!) dallo Utha, secondo il principio noto dell'esternalizzazione delle emissioni, ipocrisia tipica dell'ambientalismo osceno. L'orologio segna l'ora, il tempo si avvicina, forse gli americani e, soprattutto, i californiani si risveglieranno dal torpore, quando ricaricare una Tesla costerà più che comprarla nuova.
Nota tutt'altro che a margine: quelle che notate nella foto sono le turbine eoliche installate nel deserto californiano. Come si può ben notare sono installate in modo tale da porre in ombra l'una rispetto all'altra, quindi la generazione di energia è tutt'altro che valida e scontata. Si può dire che, fisicamente parlando (fluidodinamica) questo schema è altamente ed incontestabilmente discutibile. A loro, però, poco importa, perché ciò che conta è installarne tante, perché il credito di imposta, l'esenzione dal pagamento delle tasse, e le diverse forme di sovvenzionamento rendono assai redditizia l'installazione, non la reale generazione ed energia immessa in rete. Infatti, nessun "contatore" è installato, ovunque nel mondo, per contabilizzare la generazione elettrica delle fonti rinnovabili; fa fede il mero fattore di capacità imposto dal legislatore locale, nulla di più, una vera manna per i produttori. Ed alla fine della vita utile, le turbine resteranno a fare bella mostra di sé, inutili rottami che distruggono paesaggio e natura, ma questo è ben altro aspetto...
Fernando Arnò.
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graphicpolicy · 2 years ago
C2E2: The Summer of Symbiotes takes over with new announcements and reveals
C2E2: The Summer of Symbiotes takes over with new announcements and reveals #comics #comicbooks #venom #carnage #c2e2
At Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2) 2023, Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski and Venom editor Devin Lewis, along with David Pepose, Sabir Pirzada, and Zeb Wells, revealed what’s next for Spidey and the twisted symbiotic family tree of the Marvel Universe! Fans can now witness the full scope of Summer of Symbiotes, a season’s worth of symbiote sagas to celebrate Venom’s 35th anniversary!…
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pozartaa · 1 year ago
07.12.23 UTRZYMANIE WAGI dzień 281
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Zjedzone: 1570 kcal ( limit +/- 2100 kcal)
Bez liczenia: 28 migdałów/ kaszka manna 'Vitanella' z mlekiem smak waniliowy około 230g/ batonik 'dobra kaloria' chrupiący orzech 35g
Dziś dniówka w pracy. Czyli nic ciekawego. Stary jedzie do Białegostoku wstawiać zęba. (Nasza szwagierka pracuje w klinice dentystycznej coś tam załatwiła taniej. Bo Warszawskie ceny nas roz*ebały) Przy okazji odwiedzi brata i zostanie na jeden dzień. Dziś wieczorem jestem sama w domu w takim razie. Będę mogła w końcu spakować prezent i nie wiem... Posiedzę na golasa na kanapie 😜...
Miałam też pochwalić się prezentami na Mikołajki. Dostałam kredki a S. dostał czekoladowego mikołaja i oczywiście karty do Magic The Gathering
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Obiecał mi, że będę mogła odgryźć Mikołajowi dupę 😆. Kiedy zapytał czemu akurat dupę? Odpowiedziałam że będę mogła powiedzieć "I ate his ass" lol 🤣. Oooo taka jestem zabawna.
Dziś późny post bo po pracy jeszcze musiałam zajść do sklepu i po resztę gwiazdkowego prezentu dla S. Zrobić małe zakupy i narysować rysunek do challengu!
A dzień był niezły. Mój dobry humor udzielał się chyba klientom bo dostałam dziś dwa komplementy i to takie wylewne: Jeden dotyczył mojej kokardy ( kto śledził mojego starego bloga ten wie, że noszę kokardę i zwykle dobieram do niej kolor stroju i makijaż. Dobre co? Ubierać się do kokardy - ale to taki mój kink 😉)
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A drugi dotyczył mojego wyglądu i sposobu bycia. Klientka powiedziała coś w tym stylu: "Ależ pani jest taka zwinna i szczuplutka i tyle ma pani pozytywnej energii..." Ciekawe jest to, że ludzie nigdy nie omieszkają cię pochwalić za szczupłą sylwetkę, natomiast jeśli jest otyłym momentalnie stajesz się niewidzialny. Tak jest. TAK JEST i nic tego nie zmieni - żadna doza body posityvity i kształcenie społeczeństwa. A wiem to... bo znam dwie strony medalu. Tak... Jak jesteś "atention whore" to wierz mi - schudnij, a komentarzom nie będzie końca... (Taaa, Pozarta, a ty się żalisz czy chwalisz?! I żale i chwalę - chciałam być szczupła to teraz mam) Oczywiście komplement przyjęłam. W końcu nie będę udawać, że nie zapracowałam i że się nie zmieniłam trochę na lepsze. Jestem milsza, mniej zniechęcona i to też pewnie ma znaczenie.
A w ogóle to jutro ważenie i ja się martwię. Dziwnie się czuję. Okres mi się skonczył i momentalnie w ciągu paru dni coś jakby mi się spodnie poluźniły w pasie... Ja już bym chciała żeby ta waga nawet dwa kilo wzrosła (pewnie nie wiem co mówię w tym momencie) ale nie spadała.
Uważam że jem tyle ile mi wystarczy, a żrę z tymi przekąskami chyba już teraz z siedem razy na dzień i na wiele rzeczy macham reką i nie liczę tego wszystkiego ani co do grama ani co do kalorii. Plizz, plizz żeby się nie okazało że znowu schudłam 😢🙏
Ufff. Dobrej nocy wam życzę!
Edit: jestem tak zmęczona i widzę ile jest Waszych postów ale chyba pozagladam do was rano! Do zobaczenia.
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jiennal · 25 days ago
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sniadanie: kasza manna z low carbem owocami i maslem orzechowym + kawka czarna bez cukru
obiad: ryz z brokulami i kurczakiem w sosie teriyaki
kolacja: pieczone warzywa z sosem czosnkowym i jajko 🍳
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wyszlo o dziwo mniej kalori niz myslalam ale to na lepsze wyszlo wsm ≽^• ˕ • ྀི≼ spalone tez nie najgorzej
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postanowilam ze bede w taki sposob wstawiac co jadlam zamiast bilansow, jest wygodniej i traktuje to jako taki dziennik, a jak ktos potrzebuje mealspo to mozna skorzystac 🎀
z pozytywnych rzeczy to dostalam bieznie do pokoju swojego wiec moge se kroki nastukac i duzo spalac a kochaam biegać, posprzatalam pokoj i zamowilam koreańskie kosmetyki 😸
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gregor-samsung · 28 days ago
" Faceva molto caldo, e il cielo era completamente sgombro di nuvole. La macchia era asciutta. Guglielmo doveva ogni tanto interrompere il lavoro per asciugarsi il sudore. «Fa troppo caldo», pensò; e gli venne fatto di guardare in alto. Il cielo, perfettamente limpido, non poteva trarre in inganno un uomo esperto come lui. Dietro il sereno un occhio conoscitore scorge le nubi, come dietro le nubi il sereno. Fino ad allora erano stati eccezionalmente fortunati con la stagione, ma la cosa non poteva continuare all’infinito. Se dicembre era stato clemente, gennaio, con ogni probabilità, sarebbe stato tempestoso. Guglielmo presentiva vicina la stagione delle grandi tempeste invernali, quando i boscaioli sono costretti a chiudersi inoperosi nel capanno, ed è manna se schiarisce il tempo necessario per andare ad attinger l’acqua. Egli conosceva bene quelle giornate lunghe, monotone, quando la pioggia batte senza tregua sul tetto incatramato, e nell’interno del capanno gli uomini sbadigliano e guardano l’orologio ogni cinque minuti; mentre piú forte si fa la nostalgia della casa. In quelle giornate la presenza di Francesco si rivelava di utilità essenziale, dato l’imperturbabile buon umore e la provvista inesauribile di discorsi, di racconti e di storie del vecchio boscaiolo. Guglielmo si può dire che l’avesse assunto solo per questo. «Reggesse un’altra settimana», pensò dando un’occhiata indagatrice al tempo. In lui non parlava tanto l’apprensione del principale che deve corrispondere la paga anche nei giorni di forzata inattività e vede cosí scemati i guadagni. Egli paventava per se stesso quelle giornate, sapendo per esperienza come solo il lavoro valesse ad allontanare i pensieri che lo tormentavano. "
Carlo Cassola, Il taglio del bosco, presentazione e note a cura dell'autore, Giulio Einaudi editore (collana Letture per la Scuola Media n° 1), 1977¹°, pp. 78-79.
NOTA: questo racconto lungo esistenziale fu scritto e riveduto negli anni 1948-49 in un momento di crisi dell'autore. Fu pubblicato nel dicembre 1950 sula rivista bimestrale "Paragone-Letteratura" e subito recensito positivamente da Geno Pampaloni.
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mimiteyy · 3 months ago
‼️🎨 Fundraiser Fridays Art Requests 🎨‼️
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To continue to support those in need, I'm doing a sort of art request/giveaway!
Every Friday, send proof of your donation of at least $5 to a gofundme or charity along with an art request, and I'll draw something for you!
More examples of my work are found on my art blog, mimitay-art
Priority is given to helping those struggling in Palestine, Sudan, and DR Congo, as well as hurricane disaster relief efforts post-Helene and Milton.
Where To Give?
First I want to highlight the campaigns of some of the people I’d been helping each week!
The Al-Resh family (this isn’t everyone, but those I’ve spoken with the most):
Wafaa - Raising money for the family, especially her mother who’s sick
Mohi - Struggling with several severe health issues amid a genocide
Fidaa - Needs to support her infant daughter, Sila
Ahmed - Raising money for the family, extended goal to help support Mohi’s medical treatment
Others in need of help:
Aseel - Both of her parents have health issues, her father in particular is a stroke survivor in need of treatment and physical therapy
Hana - Needs support for her and her son, Youssef
This master document lists resources for helping Palestine, Sudan, DR Congo, Haiti, Yemen, Hawai'i, and Lebanon and for staying informed.
More links below— but they’re are not all there is, there are many many more reputable organizations to give to!
🇵🇸 Palestinian Fundraiser Spreadsheets/Resources 🇵🇸
Hussein and Nabulsi's list
Gazavetter's list
Bees and Watermelons
The Butterfly Effect Project
Operation Olive Branch
Gazafunds - This link gives you a random Gazan gfm to donate to if you can't decide.
🇸🇩 Sudanese Charities/Humanitarian Organizations 🇸🇩
Sudanese American Physicians Association (SAPA)
Sudanese Red Crescent
Sudanese American Medical Association (SAMA)
Darfur Women Action Group
Hadhreen (7adhreen)
🇨🇩 Congolese Charities/Humanitarian Organizations 🇨🇩
Friends of the Congo
Panzi Foundation
Focus Congo
Action Against Hunger
⛈️ Hurricane Disaster Relief ⛈️
Gofundme's Hurricane Relief Fund
Red Cross
Fleet of Angels
MANNA Food Bank
Hunger and Health Coalition
BeLoved Asheville
You can send proof of donation (screenshot of receipt etc etc) via ask and we can work out the details of your drawing request privately. I just ask that it stays simple so that I can complete it within a week alongside classwork!
Same standards for what I will or won't draw for commissions apply here. (That being said, if there's something you want drawn that's bigger or more complicated, my commissions are open as well)
Incentive or not, please consider donating when you can afford to!
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obl4ckcoff3e · 25 days ago
Jest sobota, waże 61,5 kg. Miało być 60,9 minimum... :c No ale okej wkoncu schudlam cn:3 A wczoraj poszlam tak glodna do łóżka że hit a wsumie zjadlam sporo. Dziś jem omad śniadanie kasza manna ok 400 kcal zapewne więc duzo w hu ale jakbym sie n najadla teraz to bylby napad później. Ale jak to pisze to wlasnie to jem i wsm to chb sie najadlam nie cala porcja xd anywayyyy dziś porobie cwoczenia jakieś albo pojde pobiegac idddkkk zoabczymy
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user1051 · 10 months ago
Zdecydowalam sie zeby przejsc na 1 posilek dziennie, zrobilam sobie na jutro czekoladowa kasze manna, na wierzch dodalam 3 kostki czekolady mlecznej i troche dzemu. Pierwszy raz od prawie 3 miesiecy zjem czekolade, kasze, dzem, plus jeszcze napije sie kawy. Moze i brzmi to strasznie, lecz zapewniam ze nie wykorzystalam calego limitu. Na mysl o tym ze mam to zjesc troche panikuje, ale chce powrocic do spozywania jedzenia ktore mi smakuje, i spedzac mniej czasu nad mysleniem o tym co zjem
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vividiste · 2 years ago
Sapevi che... ci sono enzimi vivi nel miele?
Sapevi che... a contatto con il metallo questi enzimi muoiono e il miele diventa tossico?
Sapevi che... ci sono tra 10 e 80.000 api in un alveare?
Sapevi che... Il miele contiene una sostanza che aiuta il cervello umano a funzionare meglio?
Sapevi che... il miele è l'UNICO cibo sulla terra che da solo... può sostenere la vita umana?
Sapevi che le api hanno salvato la gente dalla fame in Africa?
Sapevi che... Un cucchiaino di miele è sufficiente per sostenere la vita umana per 24 ore?
Sapevi che... La propoli prodotta dalle api è il più potente ANTIBIOTICO naturale?
Sapevi che... per ottenere 1g. veleno, hai bisogno di una puntura di più di 10.000 api?
Sapevi che... il miele non ha una data di scadenza?
Sapevi che... il miele è la prima forma (moneta)
del mondo... come pagamento?
Sapevi che... per guadagnare 1 kg. tesoro, hai bisogno del nettare di più di 1.000.000 di fiori?
Sapevi che... Le prime monete al mondo avevano un'ape dipinta 🐝?
Sapevi che... il miele è meglio consumato con il nido d'ape?
Sapevi che... c'è un cucchiaio di legno speciale per il miele, e non uno di metallo?
Sapevi che... i pascoli di api sono il cibo più salutare del mondo?
Sapevi che... Il polline può avere più di 1500 colori e sfumature?
Sapevi che... un'ape può volare ad una velocità superiore a 60 km/h?
Sapevi che... In Gran Bretagna la famiglia reale consuma miele rumeno?
Sapevi che... il miele di manna... è fatto dalla saliva di alcuni insetti chiamati "cicciottelli"?
Sapevi che... i corpi dei grandi imperatori del mondo sono stati sepolti in bare d'oro e poi ricoperti di miele per evitare il marcimento?
Sapevi che le api sono gli UNICI insetti che producono cibo per l'uomo?
Sapevi che... Il nome "LUNA DI MIELE" deriva dal fatto che gli sposi consumavano miele e idromele per la fertilità dopo il matrimonio?
Sapevi che... Mamma (regina) depone il doppio del suo peso nelle uova in un giorno?
- Sapevi che... Mamma ha una "sezione" chiamata cordone spermatico?
- Lo sapevi... che le api battono le ali più di 11.000 volte al minuto?
Sapevi che... l'unico miele che può essere apprezzato da persone allergiche ai prodotti dell'apicoltura è il miele di manna (manuka).
Sapevi che... il miele manuka è il miglior miele per le donne?
Sapevi che... Il miele di acacia non è dolcificato?
Lo sai questo...
Un'ape vive meno di 40 giorni, visita almeno 1000 fiori e produce meno di un cucchiaino di miele, ma per lei è tutta la vita! ❤️
Grazie API! 🐝🧡🐝🧡🐝🧡🐝🧡🐝
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