#ahhhhhhh anyway
teddybeartoji · 13 days
i think i mentioned that my dad let some guys put film on our windows so they'd reflect the sun a bit more or whatever right....... well they did that yesterday and everything was fine they washed my window and everything but now . i look out and there's a fucking CRACK IN THE GLASS????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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remxedmoon · 2 months
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everything’s fine.
(greyscale + extras below!!)
so! this was SUPPOSED to be a bonnie drawing. but for some reason i just Can’t draw bonnie to save my life today. and i needed to draw something simple to make myself less frustrated!! and by simple i mean this took me almost 3 hours and i had to redraw it because i didn’t like how the lineart turned out the first time!! oops!! at least it turned out cute🩶. and i got to play around with my textured brush!
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also as a bonus, my terrible first attempt + the sketch!! that i apparently accidentally deleted at some point? so this is a screenshot from the timelapse. i dont know what happened to it…
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blueberrysan · 4 months
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a smiley san for the dash 💜
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duskiers · 7 months
Enchanted Beginnings
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Percy / Aphrodite!Reader
Percy falls for the new Aphrodite daughter, leading to a series of amusing mishaps as he's too distracted by her presence. With a little help from Grover, Percy finally connects with her ☆
First request woop woop 🙌 💗
The day you arrived at Camp Half-Blood, the sky was painted with strokes of pink and orange, heralding your entrance into a world where myths breathed and heroes walked. Percy Jackson, already a seasoned hero in the eyes of many, found himself at the archery range, his focus far from the quiver and bow. The camp was busy with the arrival of new demigods, but one in particular seemed to capture everyone’s attention before the gods themselves claimed her as their own. You, with your grace and an aura that seemed to whisper of Aphrodite's lineage, had barely crossed the camp's threshold before a glowing symbol of the goddess appeared above your head, sealing your divine heritage.
From across the field, Percy caught sight of you, and in that moment, the world seemed to slow. Everything about you fascinated him—the way you moved with effortless grace, your smile that seemed to light up the surroundings, and the kindness in your eyes that spoke of a gentle strength. He was so captivated that he hardly noticed Grover, his best friend, approaching.
"Who is that?" Percy's voice was a mix of wonder and curiosity, his gaze fixed on you as you laughed at something another camper said.
Grover followed his gaze, a knowing smile forming on his lips. "That's the new girl. Daughter of Aphrodite, and it seems like she's already making quite the impression!" he teased, elbowing Percy lightly.
In the days that followed, Percy found himself drawn to you, often going out of his way just to catch a glimpse of you during training or meals. However, his attempts at nonchalance led to a series of comical mishaps—walking into door frames, tripping over nothing at all, and yes, even walking straight into a window, all because he couldn't tear his eyes away from you.
Grover, witnessing Percy's increasing clumsiness and the amused whispers of their fellow campers, decided it was time for intervention. He made up a plan to finally push Percy into taking action, rather than just daydreaming about you from afar.
One sunny afternoon, as you were returning from a strategy session with Annabeth, Grover saw his opportunity. With a quick, "Trust me" whispered to Percy, he gave him a not-so-gentle push, sending him stumbling directly into your path.
The collision was gentle, but unexpected, causing you to catch Percy in your arms in a moment of surprise. "Whoa! Are you okay?" you asked, concern lacing your voice as you helped him.
Percy, cheeks flushed with embarrassment, managed a sheepish smile. "Yeah, sorry, I just... lost my footing.." he stuttered, internally cursing his lack of grace.
"I'm Percy , " he introduced himself, though a part of him worried you might have already heard of his less-than-graceful moments around camp.
You laughed, a sound that to Percy felt like music. "I know who you are. Percy Jackson, the hero of Olympus. I'm [Name]." you said, extending your hand in greeting.
What followed was a conversation that flowed more naturally than Percy could have hoped for. He found himself opening up about his adventures, the burdens he carried, and the simple joys of camp life. In return, you shared your own journey to Camp Half-Blood, the fears, and excitement that came with discovering your heritage, and the hope of finding a place where you truly belonged.
Grover watched from a distance, a satisfied grin on his face as he saw the two of you laughing together, completely at ease. He had no doubt that this was the beginning of something special.
In the weeks that followed, Percy and you grew closer, spending hours talking by the lake, training together in the arena, and sharing quiet moments under the stars. Percy, who had once been so entranced by your beauty, found himself even more captivated by your spirit—your kindness, your bravery, and your unwavering support.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of gold and crimson, Percy found the courage to express his feelings. Sitting together by the lake, he took your hand in his, his heart racing.
"[Name], from the moment I saw you, I was... well, I was in awe. But it's not just about how you look. It's everything about you—your kindness, your strength, your courage. You've become someone very important to me" he admitted, "and I keep finding more reasons to be amazed by you every day." his voice tinged with sincerity and a hint of nervousness.
Your smile in response was all the assurance Percy needed. "Percy , you've been my rock since I arrived here. You've shown me what it means to be a true hero—not just through your deeds, but through your heart.." You respond with a soft smile and a gentle squeeze of his hand. "I’m glad Grover pushed you into me that day," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Percy laughed, a sound filled with happiness and relief. "Me too. Me too."
As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, you both sat there, talking about everything and nothing. The world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you <3
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kyurochurro · 7 months
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this weeks (and LAST weeks too cos I took forever to finish WHOOPS) uni sketch is from the one with the whales ft. movie spirk taking an ice cream date in the middle of their mission! the consensus from the masses was that Spock would eat mint ice cream >:p
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xiiiwayfinders · 1 year
Not to be dramatic or anything but the KH2 prologue is one of the best video game things in the history of forever
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revenantghost · 4 months
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Watanabe dropped some of his personal lore about Trigun. And it's interesting that he seems to talk about Trigun while they're between projects... Has the "final phase" finished its next step, or are they maybe about to work on it? 👀 (But please remember this is machine-translated, don't read too much into the wording) [x]
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ahollowgrave · 11 days
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-- in your name we bare our hearts.
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ishipgenfics · 1 year
Camilla and Palamedes are just... everything to me. God. I don't read them as romantic or platonic or QPR, though I can totally see all of those readings. To me, they are the perfect embodiment of the necromancer/cavalier ideal. They did it. They got it right.
Think about it. Think about all the duos we see throughout the series. The Second House feels more like coworkers than anything. They work together very well, but there's not enough devotion. The Third House is a mess. Coronabeth and Ianthe have got one flesh down, but not one end. They care about each other like hell, but they don't agree with each other. And let's be real here, neither of them care about Babs. The Fourth House are just siblings, the Fifth House are married, the Seventh House... well, we all know what happened to the Seventh House, and the Eight House necromancer is eating his cavalier alive. Gideon and Harrow get the closest at the end of Gideon the Ninth, but their also very traumatized teenagers, and more codependent than anything else.
But Camilla and Palamedes? They did it! They got it right! They understood that the cavalier can't be the only one to sacrifice, that the necromancer must be willing to do anything for their cavalier too. They'd kill and die for each other, they'd do whatever necessary to keep the other one safe and happy. They're so in sync and so in love. They ate each other like binary stars to keep their love intact even if they as individuals couldn't be.
I just. I love them so much. I would actually die for them.
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bingbangboom666x2 · 4 months
I got 5 hours of sleep last night because I was re-playing 14 Days With You with the new Day 3.5 Update.
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my god I had forgotten (not really) how much I love this man. and also all the women.
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adamnsey · 1 year
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twilishark · 5 months
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Little Princeling
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moonymelly · 3 months
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Don’t you breathe for me
Undeserving of your sympathy
Took another break from Biggerler last night and instead drew this scene from Truffula Flu because OUGH.
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magicandmundane · 2 months
Something about Aftermath that I really love no matter how many times I rewatch it (or the series as a whole lol) is that extremely hopeful and excited feeling in the last scene. It’s nothing but potential, open roads and open skies. They can go anywhere, do anything, be anything. I know pretty much everything that happens after they shoot off into hyperspace by heart now, they’re going to face so much hardship and tragedy alongside all the good things, but that hopeful feeling never fades whenever I watch the stars in Omega’s eyes. The creators really make you feel everything she’s feeling about this new adventure.
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Like they fucking nailed it.
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coldcutfruit · 11 months
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Day 2: Intricate Rituals
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junotter · 1 year
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They’re the only duo that matters. Dawn would love Olivia Rodrigo and make Spike chaperone her (cause he’s the cool adult)
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