#and see when Ren is at my apartment (always)
bingbangboom666x2 · 4 months
I got 5 hours of sleep last night because I was re-playing 14 Days With You with the new Day 3.5 Update.
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my god I had forgotten (not really) how much I love this man. and also all the women.
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astranauticus · 9 months
Link Click single "Prometheus" Fan Translation
translation under cut!
Let night swallow the last bit of light
Pretend this is all a dream
If I can't escape, then let everything go out of control
If you have a taste of my pain
Maybe you'll understand that there is no point to crying
Count down, three two one zero
You're still playing up your laughable emotions and desires
This world has already been turned upside down
不如和我一起跳到深渊感受这失重吧 Why don't you jump into the abyss to feel this weightlessness with me
Let their dreams evaporate
As simple as coldly tearing apart a stuffed toy
It's their fault they keep falling into my hands again and again
Because they can't learn to stay in line
I've long grown tired of this annoying chattering
Use despair to paint a splatter on the wall
Invite them to never, never speak again
[(LTX:) piano solo]
The hidden, blood-soaked midnight fairytale
Smothers all light in an instant
Steal the torch of the gods
Fall down the bottomless abyss
The ones with no home await the world's collapse
(最后的 狂欢吧
(The final carnival
最后的 狂欢吧)
The final carnival)
Steal the torch of the gods
Fall down the bottomless abyss
The ones with no home
Sleep peacefully now
I'll conceal my claws and scales for now
The demon hides in her black and white keys
Keep your talk of causality and repetition to yourself
Will I receive retribution? We don't know that yet
(LX:) They're all expendables to me
I'm dragging you along by the nose and you still can't figure it out
一个 两个 三个 四个
(LX:) one, two, three, four
The sound of a racing heart is just white noise to me
Prying away the layers of safeguards
Just to pass the time after a fine meal
You people who get hurt needlessly
Because you lack respect for the night
When you look at me, never blink
Lest you miss the scenes of carnage
I am the one who will alter fate herself
I am the god that extinguishes the light
The hidden, blood-soaked midnight fairytale
Smothers all light in an instant
Steal the torch of the gods
Fall down the bottomless abyss
The ones with no home await the world's collapse
The ones with no home
Sleep peacefully now
(bonus: my translation of 321!)
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gumified · 5 months
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pairing: god!satoru gojo x fem!reader
summary: you had prayed and prayed for the drought to finally end, for the village to finally be granted rain, so when meeting one of the gods you strike a deal and pay the price.
content: 4.4k, smut, pwp, big dick!gojo, virgin!reader, praise, degradation, dirty talk, cunnilingus (fem. receiving), ice play, bondage, gagging, fingering, squirting, orgasm control, overstimulation, public but also not public sex
note: have fun :D
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The heat beat down on your face as you walked up the hill, buckets of water straining your shoulders. Your throat was parched and you were drenched in sweat. You were so thirsty it was unbearable. It had been months since the last rain and the nearest stream was miles away. Your village had long since lost hope, abandoning their faith in the gods. But not you. You knew they were up there. You believed they would help.
While everyone else assumed the drought would eventually end, as it had before, you couldn’t wait. Your brother was so young; he might not survive much longer. Water was life and without it survival was impossible.
“Hey, Ren.” You forced a smile for your brother. His face was flushed, and his clothes were tattered. “Come on, you need to drink this.”
Ren coughed, struggling to sit up. “Y/n, you’re back.”
“Yeah.” You brought the bowl closer to his lips, urging him to drink. He sipped weakly. “How have you been feeling?”
“I feel really hot.” You felt his forehead and sighed when you felt it even warmer than before. The fever he had was burning through his body. Ren wrapped his arms around your waist, clinging on you tightly. “Y/n you won’t leave me will you? Not like mum and dad.”
Brushing his hair out of his eyes, you felt your heart break a little. “Of course I won’t leave you. You’re gonna be stuck with me for the rest of your life, promise.” He grinned, giggling. There’s a small bit of you that wished that this would end soon but you knew better. 
“I love you Y/n.” Ren mumbled, eyes fluttering shut.
“Love you too Ren.” 
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You were shaken awake and you nearly screamed when you caught sight of a beautiful face in front of you. His jaw was perfectly chiselled and his lips were plump, kissable almost. You felt your cheeks flushed. His eyes were what captured you most of all. Sapphire swirls painted his eyes, you felt yourself being pulled towards him. 
“You mortals really do sleep like - what’s the saying? Oh yes - like the dead.” His sneer transformed his handsome features into something far more menacing. “Don’t you know it’s disrespectful to spend the night at a temple?”
“I-I’m sorry, I must have fallen asleep by accident.” You tried to move away but it was like an invisible force was keeping you from moving your limbs. He smirked, crawling closer to you so that you were inches apart. “W-Who are you?”
“Little mortal doesn’t know who I am.” His tongue flicked over his lips. “You’re in my temple, little one.”
"Y-Your temple…" The cogs in your brain turned and you let out a frightened gasp. "Y-You're a God."  
He grinned, a low chuckle escaping his lips. "Smarter than you look. It's Y/n isn't it?" Words failed you and you felt your throat grow dry. He twisted a strand of your hair around his finger. "You've been praying for a heavy rain season for weeks. How could I not remember your name." 
"Does that mean you'll help me?" 
"I'm afraid the weather is in my brother's domain. I control the oceans, mortal." 
"I know who you are, Satoru Gojo, God of the oceans and earthquakes. Your brother controls the sky and its weather." You said meekly, feeling your cheeks burn at how close he was. The tapestries had always depicted him as a handsome man with bulging muscles. But something about seeing him in real life had you so enamoured. 
Satoru smirked, the blue in his eyes growing even brighter. His body glowed with a soft, golden aura. You gulped, unable to meet his gaze. "And yet you knew that, but still came to pray to me every day, making sacrifices as well."
"W-Well they say you're the most generous s-so I thought…"
"You thought I would help you?" Satoru cocked his head to the side. "Don't you know everything comes with a price?" 
"And I'm willing to pay that price." 
A silent pause passed between the two of you before a smirk crept up on Satoru’s face. You noticed his eyes grow darker, the bright pigment transformed into a much more seductive hue.
“My, my, little mortal’s brave.” You felt his eyes trailing over your body and you felt like you’re being hunted. “So you’ll do anything?” His fingers brushed over your thigh teasingly. You nodded. 
A wicked grin spread across his face. You squeaked in surprise when his mouth collided onto yours. The intoxicating scent of the ocean filled your senses and your eyes fluttered shut. Satoru’s lips moved ferociously against yours, it made you feel dizzy yet they tasted sweet at the same time. You could taste the sugary taste of leftover ambrosia as he delved into your wet cavern, tongue exploring each and every crevice. 
Your arms remained by your side, unsure of what to do. But when Satoru tugged you forward, they wrapped around him tightly, and you felt him smirk. Your hands wandered over his rippling muscles, trying to carve the feeling into your memory. He bit down on your bottom lip, drawing the slightest bit of blood.
The taste of your own blood mingled with the sweetness of ambrosia, created a heady mixture that made you gasp. Satoru pulled back slightly, his breath hot against your skin. "Everything comes with a price, little one." He murmured, his voice a velvety whisper. "Are you sure you're willing to pay it?"
You nodded, breathless and trembling. "Anything, just please help us."
Satoru's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and something darker. "Very well, mortal. But remember, once a deal is struck with a god, there's no going back."
His fingers traced patterns on your skin, sending shivers down your spine. "You'll belong to me," he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear. "Body and soul."
You felt yourself growing hot as he ravaged your mouth, a soft growl emitting from his throat. You weren’t familiar with his actions, you had never been bedded, too busy tending to your sick brother. The people had called you many names but you didn't care. But now, with your minimal experience, you were nervous, scared even at the thought of a God deflowering you. Nevertheless, you started to grow wet, your pussy started to stick to the thin piece of cloth that covered you. 
Satoru pulled away yet again, a single strand of salvia connected the both of you as he awaited your answer. You panted, out of breath and slightly intoxicated from just the sense of him. 
“Do you accept?” His voice was deep and sultry, something about him was so deliciously seductive that you couldn't help the way your thighs squeezed together involuntarily.
"I accept." 
Satoru's eyes flashed with satisfaction. "Good. Then let our pact be sealed." He captured your lips again, this time more possessively, his hands roaming your body with a newfound intensity. You let out a moan as his tongue slithered back into your mouth. 
He sunk two fingers into your folds making you whimper at the stretch. Your hands gripped his biceps, nails digging down. Satoru licked his lips, continuing to pump into you, gradually increasing the pace. The lewd noises that filled your ears made a blush rise to your cheeks. Never in your life have you felt so dirty, so shameless.
"You're dripping, my sweet. Who would've thought you'd be this turned on." His tone was laced with unmistakable lust and hunger. "Been watching you for so long. Couldn't wait any longer to be inside you." He growled, fucking into you faster, drawing louder moans out of you. 
"S-Satoru…" You gasped as he plunged another digit into you, manoeuvring his fingers so he hit all the right spots. "I-I…"
He stared at your core, your juices all over. For a second he slowed down, giving you a chance to breathe and relax before he picked up the pace. Curling his fingers, touching your sweet sensitive spots in your velvet walls. His thumb rubbed your clit, playing with your sensitive nub. A tight hot rope seemed to wrap around your stomach as Satoru continued to fuck you harder. He smirked as your walls squeezed his fingers. You let out a gasp when he touches a particular spot within you. 
"Close my sweet?" He whispered, lips brushing against your ear and it sent you closer to your high. All you could do is nod fervently, the twisting feeling wrapping around your stomach tightened. You mewled as he fucked you faster, adding another digit. “You can’t cum just yet, got to make sure you’re ready for my cock.” He hummed.
You clenched around his fingers once more, tears pricked your eyes as you threw your head back at the pleasure you were receiving. Satoru surged forward, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. He swallowed your moans and whimpers. His lips trailed down your neck, leaving soft open-mouthed kisses in his wake. Your noises were like music to his ears as he drank in every moan, whimper, mewl - the breathy gasps and the lewd pants. 
“You know my sweet, there’s something that I love about being a God.” 
You gazed at him through your lashes, his lips curling up into a devilish smirk. An ice cube appeared in his hand. You weren’t sure what to think until he slid it up and down your hot wet folds, then you were gasping at the coldness that hit your core. There was a rush of newfound delight that filled you up and you were rutting your hips, asking for more.
Satoru simply grinned, pushing the cube of ice further inside you watching your reactions bloom in front of him. His fingers were dripping with both water and your arousal. You let out a soft hiss when the ice cube is pressed harder into you. The coldness contrasted with the warmness of your needy walls. It spiked through your body as it made your blood rise and your head became light at the overwhelming feeling. You were clutching onto Satoru with so much force that it would hurt him but he didn’t care, not when he was in the midst of unravelling you.
“Let’s see how many you can hold.” It shocked you into a frenzy when you felt another ice cube get pushed inside you, the last one still slowly melting. 
“Mmmph. Too much, ngh, feels weird, ‘s too much.” Your mind seemed to explode as you babbled incoherently. “F-fuckkk ‘toru it’s cold a-and-“
You were unable to finish your sentence as Satoru reached out his hands to pinch your clit causing you to jolt forward at the sudden gesture. You felt a rush as you gazed up at him. watching his smirk grow as he looked at your sopping pussy. 
“You’re so beautiful!” He teased your folds, rubbing against them harsher. “Take more for me okay? You’re such a good girl, my sweet, keep that dirty pussy dripping as I stuff you, okay?” Satoru’s lips brushed your ear. “Then I’ll let you cum.”
You felt yourself spiralling into euphoria when he slid his finger down your pussy. His tongue flicked over his lips as he admired your fucked out face. Morals left your body and you let your urges take over. All reason and thought left you as you were reduced to a whining needy mess. Your pussy clenched pathetically around the ice cubes, the cold still surprising you. Satoru did nothing but coo at you, tucking strands of loose hair behind your ear.
“Come on my sweet.” He urged. “You're doing so well. This pussy is so pretty, she’s just so gorgeous, fuckkk, wish you could see her.”
“A-Ah, ‘toru good f-feels so g-good.” 
You were writhing beneath his grip, a feeling of overwhelming pleasure surged through you as he continued his actions. Your pussy constricted around his fingers and you felt something grow within you. Your nerves and senses were heightened as you felt his fingers nudge at your swollen clit. 
“I-I feel somethingg, ngh, f-feels weird like I’m gonna burst-” You gasped out, unable to keep the noises within you.
“Awwww.” Satoru’s tone was mocking as he watched your tiny frame twist and turn under his grip. A wicked grin spread across his face. “You’re close, my sweet, beg to cum and maybe I’ll be nice enough to let you.” 
It was almost painful but the pleasure was so uncontrollable that it overtook any pain you felt. Satoru slid another freezing ice cube into you, making you scream. Your mind was dizzy and you could only feel yourself getting stretched repeatedly with the cold object. Your pussy walls were both cold and hot, the mixture that Satoru had concocted dripping from them. Sweat covered your body, glistening as the sun shone down. You felt like you were on the verge of collapsing, so desperate for an unknown pleasure to come to your saviour.
“S-Satoru...cum, p-please. W-Wanna cum…” You stuttered helplessly, silently shrieking at the contrast of temperatures.
“More, beg more.”
You screamed at the feeling as his fingers thrusted in you making your head light as you desperately gripped onto his shoulders, clawing at some sort of way to tether you to the present. His words were laced with seduction as he continued to tease you.
“C-Cum cum cum, please pleaseee, needa cum so b-bad ‘toru fuckkk! P-Please let me cum, ‘s too much need it s-so bad, please please please!”
Satoru laughed as he buried his head in your neck, placing kisses on the empty space. He loved your desperate pleas, the breathy moans that would fill the gaps and the tears that followed as you begged him for something you had never experienced before.
“You’ve been such a good girl.” He purred, his deep voice making you clench around him. “And good girls deserve to cum. Go on my sweet, let it all out on my fingers, make a mess of this pussy.” 
You felt a wave of ecstasy rush over you as he pressed his fingers down, biting into your neck. Your body shook at the sensation that overcame you. You rocked against Satoru as you felt your pussy squeeze and constrict. A newfound feeling gushed from within you and you felt yourself scream at the pleasure. Your mind was reduced to filth as you moaned, the ringlets of your release jolting through your body. Satoru groaned at the way your cum coated his fingers and he stared at your desperate cunt, watching the aftermath of the mess you had just created. You didn’t know what to think, your mind cloudy and confused. 
“You fucking squirted, dirty fucking girl.” His eyes were transfixed and suddenly you felt embarrassed at the wetness between your thighs. He reached his hands out forcing you to stay open for him, exposing your most private part for him to ogle at. “Who knew this cute little pussy was capable of such filthy things. You’re just a whore in disguise aren’t you?”
Your pathetic mewls convinced him of nothing. Satoru stared in wonder at your pussy, watching as you clenched around nothing. He slid his fingers in his mouth, tasting every bit of you. A low moan was heard before he dived down licking up your mess. Still sensitive, you cried in shock, threading your hands through his hair. He sucked harshly at your sensitive bud, lapping at your juices. The feeling made tears bleed from your eyes and you tug on his wispy locks. 
“Like it, my sweet?” His voice sent tingles down your spine and you held back the urge to scream. “Can’t hear you?”
“L-Like it so much ‘toru…” You let out a shaky breath, beads of your tears clinging onto your lashes. “P-Please…”
He lapped at your cunt greedily, swallowing every single drop. Your arousal dripped from his chin with a mixture of his salvia. His ears were blessed at the loud squelch that would emit from between your legs. Everything was so messy but he didn’t care as he continued to play with your pretty cunt. You could only whine and quiver at the feeling. Your legs shook, still sensitive from your previous orgasm. Blissful thoughts whizzed by as he kept you locked in an euphoric sensation. You struggled to not cry out and sob when white dots blurred your vision. 
Satoru flicked his tongue against your engorged clit, plunging the wet muscle inside. His mouth was hot and you felt his tongue circle your swollen clit messily while you stuttered out pleading moans. He pried open your thighs, desperate to access deeper into the precious new heaven he had discovered. You felt your eyes roll to the back of your head at the overstimulation, finding it hard to focus on anything as your senses overloaded. Your mouth hung open as sweet whines constantly fell from your lips. All you could do was lie there letting Satoru ravage your pussy like a man dying of thirst.
“C-Close, close so so so close!” You gasped when you felt him release with a pop before diving back down to continue to suck. “Too much, ‘toru ‘s too much, feels t-too goodddd…”
It wasn’t long before you were cumming again. Another round of your wet arousal coating his face and he licked it clean. You were drooling now, salvia running down your chin as you felt the tears run down your face. It was too much and you feel yourself fall into a new world of pure pleasure. You could feel Satoru’s lustful grin against you as he sucked your pussy. Your thighs shook, chest heaving up and down. Despite the fact you had just released it never stopped the god from indulging you in his carnal desire.
"Sweet little Y/n." He cooed as his thumb ghosted circles around your puffy clit. “Think you’re ready for my cock?” 
It was a question that didn’t need an answer but you still nodded your head lifelessly. Your body was limp in his grip and you struggled to hold yourself up, relying only on him. Satoru smirked from above you, pushing you down on the marble floor. His hands were big and warm and the simple touch had heat blossoming at your pussy. You barely registered what was happening until you had your hands tied together. A thin golden cord wrapped around your wrists and Satoru bit his lip. You looked so beautiful, so pretty, so submissive. 
“I like you this way my sweet. All tied up and ready to be used.” He frowned and you panicked, scared you had angered him. He snapped his fingers and you found a piece of cloth in your mouth, stopping you from speaking. “That’s better, as much as I love your noises I find this much more appealing.”
Your eyes widened when he reached down to release his cock from its confines. You had never seen something so big and dare you say pretty. Satoru’s cock was red and flushed, pre cum oozing out of the swollen tip, dripping like pearls as they rolled down his fat cock head. You felt yourself drool at the sight and you didn’t think you would want something in your mouth so bad. He grinned smugly at your reaction, knowing you were unable to say anything as you stared transfixed at the sight before you.
“Don’t worry my sweet, I’ll make sure to make you feel so good. I know how much this pussy loves to be filled up.”
The words are dirty yet you couldn’t help but let out a muffled whine as he picked you up. His tip pushed past your folds, nudging into your pussy hole. You shut your eyes letting yourself feel the stretch that he gave you. His cock was so big and every bit of your body felt like it was on fire as he continued to push inside. He paused letting you adjust, whispering into your ear quietly. Filthy praises that only made you drip and mewl. It felt like magic and you whimpered into your gag helplessly. Satoru’s fingers brushed through your hair and he peppered sweet kisses across your face. 
It was like your world had imploded as he thrusted into you. Nothing else mattered as you moaned and squirmed at his touch. Your senses went into overdrive as he quickened his thrusts. He pumped in and out of you. He filled every crevice of your sex. His pace never slowed even as you felt all the energy leave your body. You screamed into the gag when he hit that particular spot that had you keeling. You felt your eyes roll to the back of your head and you gasped for air through the gag. 
“Fuckkk you’re so tight, such a slutty virgin pussy. Look at how you’re gripping on my cock my sweet, she’s so loud.”
His words only made you keen with desire as you gave in to the carnal temptation that bloomed within you. 
“Mmmmph!” Your moans grew louder with every harsh thrust as his cock touched every part of your gummy walls. “Ah-Ah-Ah! ‘toruuuu!”
Satoru showed no mercy as he pounded into you. Cock plunging in and out of your pussy. Wet noises echoed through the walls of the temple and a small part of you felt bad for doing this, here of all places. It was inappropriate but it felt so good. Too good even. He continued his movements and the binds that once bound you vanished and you assumed that this was a sign that Satoru wanted you to touch him so you obeyed. Your fingers dragged down his back, sure to leave marks. Fingers fluttered from place to place, desperate for something to anchor you.
“You look so beautiful, pussy sucking in my big cock. Such a good girl for me.” He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. Everything he did felt amazing. “Moan for me my sweet, go on let me hear those filthy sounds.” 
You obeyed his command letting the lewd sounds tumble from your lips as you gasped for more. Your hands roamed the vast expanse of his body, the taut muscles that lay under your hands, each touch ignited sparks. His grip on you tightened, his fingers tangling in your hair, pulling just enough to make you gasp again. Every brush of his lip, every stroke of his tongue, every bite and nibble was a reminder of his power and you couldn’t help but give in completely. 
The vigor that he fucked you with was compared to no man and you couldn’t help the lustful sounds that escaped your lips as his hips snapped to yours. It made your mind reel with the feeling of pleasure. His hair fell into his eyes and you reached your hands to sweep through his locks. Satoru was so handsome. He was a god after all and you couldn’t help that your heart pounded whenever you looked at him.
You felt your orgasm approach and you clenched your hands around his toned biceps, nails digging into his skin and he hissed. You moaned repeatedly into the gag as your body shook frantically from the pleasure. 
“A-A-Ahhh! ‘toru ‘toru ‘s too much, nghh.” Your body thrashed in his grasp, wriggling and writhing as you felt the immense feeling build up again. Every movement magnified the intensity as you felt the shock ricochet throughout your body. 
“It’s okay my sweet.” Satoru whispered but his thrusts were unrelenting. His fingers brushed against your clit, circling the bundle of nerves as he drew out your orgasm. “It’s okay, let's cum together. Soak my cock Y/n, such a good girl.”
Your juices overflowed and you felt his cum pump into your body, filling you up until you were so so full. Warmth blossomed throughout your body and you felt yourself wringing his cock with every drop of cum. The feeling was incomparable and you gasped for air once he removed the gag with the snap of his fingers. Satoru kissed you, his lips were demanding, moving against yours with raw hunger. The taste of the ocean filled your senses, salty and intoxicating. He pulled out to place a kiss on your thighs, on your pussy. You were so sensitive and you felt his cum as it flowed out of you. He stuffed two fingers in your pussy and you squealed at the sudden gesture. His fingers curled in and out of you before he slapped your core. The sting sent shock waves through your body and you couldn’t help the moan that tumbled out of your lips.
“Keep it in there my sweet, I’ll be visiting again.” His voice was a husky whisper, deep and seductive. 
Then, with those words, he disappeared, leaving you a naked mess on the temple floor. You were breathless and reeling from the pleasure that he had just bestowed upon you. You had just given yourself to a god, one that had just stuffed you so full of his cum. You stared at the place where he had been in shock, your head felt light from all that had just happened. Your legs gave way when you tried to stand up, they were sore and achy, covered in splatters of both of your cum. His smirks and groans filled your senses once again and you felt yourself flush at the memory. 
Satoru Gojo had just introduced a lustful desire that you didn’t think you would be able to forget for a very long time.
You gathered your belongings with shaking hands, urgently attempting to steady yourself as you stood. The wet splashes that painted your body were a stark reminder of what had just happened, and you tried your hardest to conceal them along with your flushed, fucked-out face.
You hobbled your way back to the village, heart pounding in your chest. Every glance from a passerby felt like they could see right through you. The sheer thought that someone would stop to talk to you had you eager to get home unnoticed.
Unbeknownst to you, Satoru was watching from Olympus, his eyes never leaving your retreating form. He grinned, a sense of satisfaction washing over him as he saw your tiny self hurry home. The memory of your trembling body and flushed cheeks was seared into his mind and he felt his cock harden again at the thought. He knew you were thinking of him, longing for him, and that was exactly what he wanted. When the time was right, he would come for you again, and induce you in a pleasurable haze once more.
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vetitiscripta · 11 months
some sfw and nsfw headcanons for tpof ren please🦊🙏🏻 instantly fell in love with your writing and craving the foxy dilf
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he lets you run your fingers over his scars, tracing them. if he’s feeling up to it, he’ll even tell you the story behind them
still a big anime fan so on his days off he likes to just relax with you and do anime marathons
since ren lives in different apartments, of course you go with him when he moves locations. he found an apartment by the bunker to stay in while you were recovering. traveling while you have multiple open wounds seems like a hassle so he figured it would just be easier to get a place nearby
YOU ARE SO SPOILED!! anything you want, its yours. you once mentioned how you miss all the games you had and you woke up the next morning to just about every new gaming console under the tv, already plugged in and games loaded on them. sometimes you have to be careful with what you offhandedly mention wanting because he will get it for you (he just likes seeing you happy, he lives for your smile)
once you are trusted with being outside (something that took quite a while for you to earn), he will absolutely take you out and about in town just to A) show you off and B) take you on shopping trips. he 100% has a black card. ANYTHING YOU WANT, YOU GET! that sweater is $1500? sure, get one in every color. you like the glass elephant that is made purely of crystal? it can be a decorative piece on the dining table
despite how spoiled you are, you are not free from being punished. you don’t get punished as much anymore, but at the beginning of your relationship, you defied him, hoping that you could get away (either running away or by death, you didn’t care at that point). ren has been through his fair share of punishments, he’s told you such; he knows how to leave a memorable punishment to help you understand. he’s also not above bringing out the shock collar in case the punishments aren’t enough
but after every punishment, he always cleans you up and cuddles with you, stroking your hair as you cry into his chest. depending on how far in the relationship it is, he can feel bad for punishing you but he knows that it’s to help you behave and understand
before you’re trusted to be left alone in the apartments, he’ll bring you with him to the bunker when he’s streaming. the first time you realized where you were, you almost threw up from the pure panic that spread through you. ren cupped your face and kissed you to help calm you down, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t find how absolutely terrified you were adorable. while he’s streaming you are left in the hands of rhino and kangaroo, who you have come to enjoy and consider friends (or at least as close to friends as you can get in your now abnormal life)
ren once considered getting you a pet to keep you company when you’re alone but he quickly discarded the idea due to how jealous he would be. you are his and your full attention should be on him. he might consider something super low maintenance like a goldfish (you would have to beg him for it though because he would still be jealous what a loser)
i personally think that ren would want a family. its not an intense urge he has, not something he thinks about 24/7, but he thinks about it every so often and how nice it would be (he’s also not getting any younger). ren is very fucked up (from both trauma and who he is as a person now) and it might not happen, but he still thinks about it, especially with you. its very cheesy of him to say, but he knows you’re the one. when he’s really going through it and feeling down, he wonders if what you have is real, if you truly love him or if it’s all for show to just survive (you always tell him that if it was just for show you wouldn’t be so willing to be around him and probably would have killed yourself early on babe your stockholm syndrome is showing)
nsfw (under the cut)
cliché but ren likes to bite during sex. he gets rather caught up in the moment and tasting you really gets him going
his heats can be pretty intense. his more clingy side comes out when he’s in heat and he will not leave you alone. from the moment you wake up until you fall asleep for the night (if you sleep during his heat), he has you in different positions and his dick is always inside you. even if you have to get up for something, he is following you, basically piggybacking you with how close he is
while you probably don’t appear in streams anymore, ren will occasionally film you two fucking. he teases you by telling you that you’re live and everyone is watching or that he’ll upload it for his fans later (a lie, you’re for his eyes only now but he does love how flush you get and how you beg him to turn the camera off)
this is already canon but ren loves seeing you in cute, frilly lingerie. there is nothing he loves more than to buy you an expensive lingerie set and have you show it off to him, only for him to rip it off of you within seconds. if he really likes the piece he’ll fuck you in the lingerie and will have you wear it again
phone sex while he’s away. every night he’ll call you just to listen to you get yourself off while he talks you through it. he’s fisting his cock during it as well, but he loves guiding you through it more. he has to make sure you don’t miss him too much. sometimes he’ll cut the call short and will wait for the spam of calls and texts from you as you beg him to call you again so you can cum. if you don’t get to call, he’ll demand you send pictures/videos. anything will do: shirtless pics, videos of you fingering yourself. he keeps everything you send him in a special folder on his phone that he turns to when he needs a quick dose of you
loves teasing you in public. fancy restaurant on the nice end of town? ren has his hand in your pants while the two of you talk over a split dessert (well, he’s talking. you’re trying to not moan out loud in the middle of the restaurant). is not afraid to drag you into an alley and push you to your knees, cock springing out as he tells you to open your mouth. he’s not worried about anyone seeing but if they do he’ll either throw a smirk their way if you’re hidden from their sight or, if you’re not hidden, he’ll remember what they look like and will seek them out later for a ‘friendly chat’ (you are for his eyes only)
BREEDING KINK!!! following my whole ‘ren wants a family’ thing, he def has a breeding kink. even if his intention isn’t to knock you up, he talks like it is. talks about cumming inside you and how good you would look all round and full of his pups. you moan at his words, too drunk on his cock to reply or think about what he’s saying. you’d ask him to cum inside you, begging him to fill you with his cum. he’s also definitely the type to push his cum back into you as it leaks out. (for my ladies: he’ll definitely put a pillow beneath your hips to help the chances if he’s feeling spicy)
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thinkingotherwise · 5 months
Ways of loving
Finally second part 🥂 (it took way longer than I meant for it to do)
Bofurin second and third years:
Hajime Umemiya, Toma Hiiragi, Ren Kaji, Takeshi Enomoto, Yuto Kusumi, Tasuku Tsubakino, Uryu Sakaki, Seiryu Sakaki
First years + Kotoha
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1. Words of Affirmation
Yuto Kusumi - being fond of his frizzy hair
You came into your boyfriend's room like usual on the weekends, ready to spend your free time together. You were so happy and waited for Yuto as he got ready in the bathroom, yet when he came out of the bathroom with his hair still in disarray you could see the disappointment and slight irritation present on his face.
After using yet another shampoo he was annoyed to see the frizzy locks on his head. Even with all the time and money he spent on buying and testing all the different shampoo brands he didn't find one that could get rid of his problem with hair.
"Is it yet another shampoo that doesn't work?" You asked the rhetorical question and he nodded sadly. He went towards you and sat on the bed making your legs touch. Yuto leaned his head on your shoulder and your hand immediately went behind him and moved along his back to bring him some comfort.
When he moved away, you grabbed your bag from the floor and searched through it. Finding the conditioner you took it out and moved back on the bed making a place for your boyfriend. "Well then, I can't make it disappear but I can help with the issue a little bit." You shook the tube showing it to him and then patted the sheets in front of you. "Come on."
Yuto reluctantly shifted closer to you, and you got started. Kneeling you squirted some of the conditioner on your hands and moved towards his hair. You massaged his head, combing through his strands and making his unruly hair a little better.
"You know I actually really like your hair." You said trying to pick him up. He responded with a hum that meant something along the lines of "Why would you like the mess on my head?" while scrolling through his phone. "It's so soft to touch and you look really handsome." Your voice was teasing but you really meant what you said. "And it's pretty easy to tell you apart from everyone else because your hairstyle is pretty unique."
Yuto chuckled at your words and put away the phone before turning to you over his shoulder. And as you finished you leaned to the side and kissed his temple.
While the conditioner didn't help getting rid of the frizz, your words certainly made him feel better.
Seiryu Sakaki - adoring his fashion style
Seiryu was one of the, if not the best-dressed person you knew. It was not only because his clothes were stylish but also the fact that despite looking so fashionable they also felt good. They were so comfortable you took any chance you had to wear his shirts or jackets. Because of that you always couldn't wait for June, because it meant rain and rain meant whenever you got soaked while walking with your boyfriend you had a chance to wear his clothes.
During one such day after completing getting drenched, he pulled you as you ran back toward his home. He let you in first and moved deeper into his house to get you some towels. He placed one on top of your head as you entered his room and you started drying your hair. "Do you want some clothes to change into?" Seiryu asked taking off his shirt and moving towards his wardrobe to pick some clothing for him and you. "I thought you'd never ask." You said putting the towel over your shoulders and came closer to him.
He put on a fresh shirt first and then thought deeply, moving some shirts trying to decide which one would be the best for you before finally deciding on one. "You're a true fashionista, Sei." You said absentmindedly watching all the outfits he owned. You knew some of it was his brother's but still the ones that were his.. He had so many, it was easily twice or even thrice as many as you had.
"Well, that's true." He said matter-of-factly. You furrowed your brows at him trying to hide the smile from appearing on your face, he was so confident it made you adore him even more. "I like it when you wear my things. They match you." He added as you took the shirt he picked for you.
You ran your hands through it noticing it was one of the softer shirts he had. He knew you liked it and chose that one specifically. "I like them too, they are so comfortable. Not to mention you look great in them." You replied joyfully and switched your soaked shirt for the dry. "But I look better." You joked.
"As long as I get them back later on." He teased you back poking his tongue at you. "Of course, can't steal the amazing wardrobe of my fashionista diva boyfriend. Who do you think I am?" You played along and did the same in return before turning away from the couch.
Seiryu snorted before plopping on you smashing you against the couch and you giggled at him patting his head.
2. Acts of Service
Toma Hiiragi - taking care when ill
Dating Toma, you knew all about his issue with stomach aches and about his addiction to Gasukun 10. You appreciated that despite his health problems he still tried to take care of everyone and tried to solve their issues, putting them before himself.
Yet whenever he didn't depend on someone when he was sick you would get concerned but annoyed. You rapped at his door waiting for him to open it. You tried to call him but he didn't pick up so you sent him a message you were coming. Finally, he opened the door and he looked shocked as he saw you with a shopping bag tightly held in your hand. "What are you doing here?" He asked his voice raspy and before you could answer he sneezed loudly. "Umemiya told me you got sick." You replied pushing him back to his apartment and closing the door behind you. "Of course he did."
You took off your shoes before picking the bag a little higher so he could clearly see it. "Why? You don't want me taking care of you?" "No, just don't want you to catch a cold." He answered honestly. "Don't worry about me." You stepped into his kitchen and noticed the package of his "favourite" medicament. "Wait, please don't tell me you took the Gasukun."
"Not yet, I was about t-" Toma took the package but you immediately stole it from his hands and put it behind you. "No, you won't take it. How many times do I need to remind you it won't help you with everything?" You scolded him and he tried to reason with you. "Huh? But-" You cut him off again before picking up the shopping bag you brought and pulling out a bottle.
"No buts, you have a fever, not stomach ache. Here." You handed him a vitamin water. "Drink this and I'll make you some porridge." You unpacked the rest of your bag and as you started preparing things for the dish he still stood beside you. You turned to him raising your eyebrow in question. "Do you need help?" He asked but you weren't about to use him when he was sick. "No thank you, I'm taking care of you today. You go get some blankets and lay in bed."
After finishing the porridge you brought it to him. Toma sat up with fluffy blankets around him and turned to you to reach for the bowl. "Open up." You said suddenly and his hands froze, his eyes widened as he looked at you holding the spoon for him to eat. "You know you don't need to feed me." He said tiredly his hands falling down on his lap. "But I want to, you don't mind right?" Your eyes were so soft as you stared at him. He knew he couldn't resist you.
Toma was weak for you even when he was healthy and you knew he wouldn't say no to you.
Uryu Sakaki - packing bento
While you were at school your phone vibrated signaling a new message. You unlocked it to see your boyfriend texting you. Uryu: "I'm dying.." You snorted to yourself at his dramatics. Y/n: "??" You waited for his reply and it came soon enough. Uryu: "I left my lunch at home, I'm dying... Need food.."
That did explain his dramatics. Food was something Uryu couldn't live without even for some hours and you were very much aware of that. Y/n: "Why not go to the market near your school?" Uryu: "Can't. Busy"
A thought about going to the supermarket yourself, after your classes, and bringing him food did cross your mind but the bell soon rang for your next class. You left him on read then as you moved to the classroom. It was home economics and how lucky was it that you were to cook during the lesson.
As you finished cooking and got it graded your friends ate the dishes while you packed the ones made by you in two containers. Home econ was your last lesson for the day, and so you quickly changed your shoes in the locker and made your way towards Bofurin school. Y/n: "You at school?" Uryu: "Yes - rooftop, are you coming?" Y/n: "Yes" He liked your response and waited for you while doing the tasks he got from Tsubakino for the day.
The moment you entered the school and climbed the stairs up to the rooftop, you saw the twins moving some fertilizer and soil bags around. "Working hard?" You asked and your boyfriend quickly ran up to you. "Hi, (Y/n), you came to help?" He asked softly and leaned closer trying to kiss your cheek.
You, however, seeing that he was wearing the dirty apron stepped away from him with a grin, for which he pouted at you. Not wanting him to be sad and hungry you took off your bag and then took out the two containers. "If you mean helping as bringing you food then yes." Your boyfriend's eyes shimmered in excitement and he quickly started taking off his apron and gloves. "You're the best."
His eagerness was noticed by his brother who looked at you curiously. "I got some food for you too Seiryu." You called to him and he smiled before joining the two of you for a lunch break. "You're lucky I had cooking at today's home econ class." You told them as the brothers stuffed their faces with food. "I'm lucky to have you." Uryu said sneaking a cheek kiss and you nodded at him. You were also lucky to have such a good boyfriend as him.
3. Gift-Giving
Hajime Umemiya - buying books for each other
Gardening was Hajime's greatest passion, right after keeping the town safe. With him being your boyfriend, you knew that all too well, as his passions came with a lot of shopping for daily work so that the plants grow properly. "Is it heavy?" He asked in concern moving towards you, ready to take the bag you were carrying. "No, it's fine." You waved him off observing the shops along the streets.
Your gaze stopped at the bookstore and you slowed down making him match your peace as he observed what caught your attention. "Do you want to go in?" He asked motioning towards the shop. "If you don't mind." He smiled at you and moved quickly to the doors opening them for you. "Go on." He let you in following after you. You asked the cashier if you could leave your bags near the cash and she happily let you.
Hajime looked around all the shelves before gasping as an idea came to him. "Let me pick a book for you." He proposed. He was curious if he could find something you'd like. "Fine, but I'll pick one for you then." You replied almost instantly and he nodded with a big grin on his face. "Okay, see you in 15." He said and turned left moving deeper in the shop looking at the different genres and thinking about the best one for you.
Fifteen minutes passed just like that and when you walked back to the counter Hajime already paid for the book. "What did you pick?" He asked as soon as you stood in front of him tasking the bag of gardening tools you previously carried. "I saw the new volume of the series that you like!" He added in excitement before you could respond to his question. You smiled at him, happy he listened to your rant from a few days ago about the new volume. Seeing your smile his grew even more, if it was possible.
"Thank you, Hajime. And I bought you something about gardening." You thanked him sincerely before showing him the book you had in the bag. "Oh my! Thank you so much, babe. You're the best." He bounced onto you and you almost fell down because of all his weight being put on you. He left a soft peck on your nose before pulling away. "Let's go bring the tools back to Bofurin and then we can go back home to read." He said opening the doors for you. "Mhm." You hummed in approval and walked with him in the direction of the school.
After leaving the gardening tools in the shed in his high school you spent the evening together sitting on the couch, with Hajime gasping and highlighting things in his new book every few minutes. He was sure to use the newly acquired knowledge for his rooftop garden and grow the best plants possible for you.
4. Quality Time
Ren Kaji - sharing music together
Ren Kaji - sharing music, creating playlists with new songs You and Ren sat together by the corner shop on the bench waiting for Hiiragi who went to buy some stuff before their patrol with the rest of Bofurin members. You were joining them this time and Hiiragi decided to put you with Ren just so he can watch over you, if you have any trouble.
As the third year went to buy some more Gasukun10, you talked with your boyfriend about the new songs you found. "You know I got a nice song recommended recently." You mentioned and he turned to you a lollipop in his mouth. "Huh?" By the sound you knew he wanted to learn more so you grabbed your phone before searching through the tracks you recently listened to. "Wait, let me search for it, I saved it some- oh I got it. Here." You turned the phone to him with a song titled 'Uncontainable' shown on the screen. "I can play it if you want." You added. "Sure, go on." He nodded and put his headphones down from his ears.
You were used to him having them on even if no music was playing, but you always appreciated whenever he put them down when you wanted to show him something or wanted to talk about some concerns you could have.
Turning the sound up a little you held the phone speaker up so you could hear the music better. As the first sounds came out you noticed Ren moving his head slightly to the rhythm and you smiled knowing the song was in one of his music types. "Hmm.. it's nice, what was the title again?" He said when the chorus finished and you moved the phone back down and showed him the title and band name. "Thank you." He said taking out his own phone and writing the names in his notes. "No problem. By the way, did you perhaps finish putting the playlist you mentioned last week?" You questioned remembering that he promised that and you wanted to listen to it.
You loved getting to know new kinds of songs and music that Ren deemed good enough to listen to. You also showed him some new songs or playlists you put up and because of that your playlists constantly changed in volume. "Yes, you can come over later on and I can show it to you." He responded and smiled softly when he saw the joy on your face, a small blush appearing on his. "That'd be great, thanks." At that moment Hiiragi came back putting the medicine in his pockets before standing near you. "You going together after the meeting?" He asked and you quickly answered. "Yes." "Gonna have another heated conversation about music?" Hiiragi said.
He knew well enough that some of your meetings ended up in friendly arguments about the different types of music, he was a witness to some of them and he was still surprised how one second you could argue but another you were in agreement. Music was truly something that both connected you and Ren and at the same time divided you, as your opinions would clash, fortunately rather rarely.
"Oh, shush it Hiiragi. It's a deep discussion about music." You argued back as the boys stood up ready to start the patrol. "I think Hiiragi is right." Your boyfriend muttered and you looked at him in shock. "Reeen, how can you betray me like that?" You whined following after them. "Sorry, but it's true." He patted your shoulder trying to apologize to you that way. Still, you pouted at his words and he sighed. "Either way I like them." He said quietly, barely audible to you, before speaking louder. "Do you want to listen to the playlist or not?" "Fine, let's go." You run up to them walking side by side with your boyfriend.
Tasuku Tsubakino - doing skincare together
You had a deal with Tasuku, namely one weekend you spent however they liked while the other was prepared by you. That way you could become closer and get to know more interests of each other. This week your partner was the one to pick an activity and it was having a day off and doing some skincare. It wasn't the first time for you, as Tasuku was very fond of taking care of themselves.
Previously they taught you all things about haircare like the different conditioners, oils, and herbs that could be used to make the hair more silky and well cared for. You weren't sure about it at first, but when your hair turned softer and looked even better, you started following some of the advice that was given to you.
This time, however they decided for the said skincare day. As you waited patiently for Tasuku to come back with all their products you patted the towel over your face just like they taught you. "I tried to pick the best one for your skin." They brought a box full of products and showed you the mask.
A smile appeared on your face when you saw it was one of those animal masks. "Okay, put it on." You said lying down on the bed while they opened the package and took out the mask. As soon as the sticky substance on the mask touched your cheeks you flinched back, a shiver running down your back. "Hey, hey don't move now." They said trying to put it on your face but you squirmed away as soon as it touched your skin. "But it's cold." You whined and they chuckled before putting it on you and moving their fingers over your face straightening and correcting the mask.
The warmth of their fingers helped a little and you stayed still enjoying the activity more and more as the time passed. The whole day was very relaxing overall and helped you ease up.
You were slowly getting used to Tasuku pampering you up with makeovers and skincare routines. You didn't like it as much as they did, not yet, but you did like spending time together, so it was an easy choice every time they proposed it.
5. Physical Touch
Takeshi Enomoto - cuddling while watching yakuza movies together
The movie collection of Takeshi was enormous, and you were quite sure it grew with each time you visited him. Most of the DVDs were action movies about yakuza or mafia but if you looked closely you could find other genres as well. Well, it didn't really matter as your boyfriend loved watching his favourite movies once more with you, letting you on the "fascinating", at least surely for him, and "well-written", in most cases, story plots.
After deciding on one of the movies he put it on and sat down next to you, who was already snuggled in the blanket, lying on the couch. He moved you before lying next to you and then placed you on top of him like usual. It was your favourite position to watch the movies whenever you were tired and Takeshi actually liked how close you were together. Being able to hold you was his go-to point during your movie night and it was either you lying on him or you sitting next to him with your legs over his.
"You want some?" He asked mentioning the snack in his hand he previously placed on the table. You only nodded and opened your mouth not wanting to take your arms out of your blanket. He sighed seeing your antics and moved his hand around you trying not to disturb you lying on him as he picked some crisps (chips) from the package he held in his other hand and then moved his hand back and towards your mouth. "You're so lazy." He said with a smile and you reciprocated it to him before pushing a little up and kissing his jaw and moving back to your comfortable position.
"You're just too comfy and it's difficult to leave this cozy position." You teased him grinning at the look he sent you. He sighed before placing his hand on your blanket-covered back and moving it up and down before he moved his head down and placed a peck on the top of yours. "You're lucky I love you." He uttered before focusing on the rest of the movie.
Easy to say you didn't make it through the whole movie as you fell asleep several minutes before the end. Sleeping on Takeshi was very comfortable, he made for a perfect pillow while embracing you and playing with your hair making it impossible to stay awake.
Tags: @misticbullet
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yueliie · 2 months
🎐.お茶 — missing you featuring umemiya hajime, hiragi toma, kaji ren & kiryu mitsuki
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⋆⠀᰷ ֹ 🍙 ˓ 𝙎𝙔𝙉𝙊𝙋𝙎𝙄𝙎 ﹗how much does he miss you and what did he do when you aren't around?
⋆⠀᰷ ֹ 🍜 ˓ 𝙂𝙀𝙉𝙍𝙀 ﹗fluff, gn!reader
⋆⠀᰷ ֹ 🍡 ˓ 𝙉𝙊𝙏𝙀 ﹗i got this silly idea when I was showering lmao so I couldn't help myself and draft it down immediately haha, hiragi is here cuz his part was the first one I thought of so here is a little something for all hiragi girlies out there but please go easy on me since it's my first timing writing for him ><!! also what do you guys think of the new layout? I might use this from now on actually cuz it's more colorful...?
⋆⠀᰷ ֹ 🍛 ˓ 𝙏𝘼𝙂𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙏 ﹗tagging my lovely moots @stunie , @littleplantfreak & @kajibunny for their man~ let me know if you want to be tag for any specific character.
⋆⠀᰷ ֹ 🍘 ˓ 𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙆 ﹗part 2 coming soon... | m.list
⋆⠀᰷ ֹ 🍥 ˓ 𝙉𝙊𝙒 𝙋𝙇𝘼𝙔𝙄𝙉𝙂... ﹗missing you featuring umemiya hajime, hiragi toma, kaji ren & kiryu mitsuki...
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🎐.お茶 — umemiya hajime
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— he planted your favourite flower so whenever he looks at it, the blossom reminds him of your smile.
Even if it is in the harshest season, Ume take great care of the plant, making sure it gets enough light, giving it the proper amount of fertilizer, cleaning the pot, cutting off dry leaves and so on. In his eyes, that flower is what spiritually connected you and him so it's only right for him to want to take care of your favourite flower, right?
And once it's time for it to show its vibrant and glorious beauty, he would take the flower and make it a pressed flower bookmark so he can feel closer to you when he carries it with him all the time even if you're miles apart.
🎐.お茶 — hiragi toma
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— he has your handkerchief and never give it back to you ever since.
Hiragi is someone who always carries around a lot of handkerchiefs for emergencies, but he never lets anyone else use yours; wash it, iron it, you name it, he does It all to preserve It as much as he can. But even if the handkerchief got all old and wrinkly one day, he would never throw it away.
It is his most prized treasure, and he keeps it in his breast pocket at all times so whenever he looks at it, he will be reminded of your angry face and how much you nagging at him for getting hurt as you patched him up.
🎐.お茶 — kaji ren
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— he listens to your favourite songs and remembers your humming to them while you're studying.
When you aren't around, listening to your favourite songs helps him to stay calm because he would remember that precious memory of your little performance, humming to the song as you worked through countless study books and soon enough, his head would be filled with your humming instead of the singer's voice.
And when Kaji found a song that made him think of you, he would make a whole new playlist just for that but he would never let you listen to them because it would give him away that he was constantly thinking of you while you were away.
🎐.お茶 — kiryu mitsuki
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— he checked his phone 24/7 to see if there were any new text messages from you.
Kiryu is always on his phone, but while you were away for a little while, he would constantly be checking your chatroom every single time he received a notification, and when he saw it wasn't from you, he got slightly disappointed, and he does it so frequently that the people around him noticing it.
And when he does get a text from you, it's usually when you ask him if he wants any souvenirs or ask about his day and because of that, he sometimes forgets to log in to his game; everything about you is his top priority.
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© yueliie 2024. do not steal, copy, repost, edit, translate or use my works.
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raticalshoez · 20 days
I just feel the need to get this out there because this has been sitting in my Google Docs brainrot document:
I will always believe that Scar is the saddest, most tragic Life Series character.
I'm unsure whether this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I feel like if I were to ask people who they think the most tragic member is they might say Grian, or Martyn, or Jimmy simply because of #lore implications, but when I'm bored I like to reflect on the Life Series characters and...like...
3rd Life had Grian indebted to Scar, creating a narrative based around loyalty that inevitably had to end in tragedy when they were the last two standing, neither one of them wanting to be to one to lead to the dekise of the other. Everyone knows the origin story of Desert Duo, come on now. I'd argue this is one of Scar's less tragic seasons though because throughout the entire thing, he had the unfaltering loyalty of a person, and that loyalty didn't waver on his end either. One might be tempted to bring up the Bdubs friendship pass, but that was all part of a plan Scar formulated, and Grian just never happened to see the secret message sent to him. All in all, a story of companionship that's only tragic towards the end.
Then, Last Life comes, and he is lonely. People are really quick to point to Joel for being lonely this season, but if anything, I'd describe Joel as manic over just lonely. This whole season, Scar tries to make friends after losing his only one to the curse of a red life. Time and time again he's seen trying to help people, he acts as a life dispenser, and at every turn he us either dismissed and never truly seen as an ally, or he faces death, whether by natural causes or by the hand of another player. In fact, instead of making friends, he seems to make a sworn enemy out of Team BEST. This season is really what kickstarts Scar's progression into being one of the staples of Lonely Characters ™️ of the Life Series, for even his final death is practically alone, with no happy reunions with allies, and no boos from any sworn enemies either.
I could argue this is another case of Scar being faced with lonliness because his once closely knit ally in Grian, has now shown scorn for their new fated bond. Scar is left behind as Grian goes to be with BigB, and out of them two, BigB has the guilt to tell Ren the whole secret soulmate ordeal, but Grian keeps his mouth shut. Scar finds out about the whole situation on his own, bitterly offering gifts for Grian to give, and hanging out with Pearl, the girl who is quite literally the commonly accepted poster child for all aspects of loneliness depicted in the Life Series. In this series, I think Scar gets some sort of closure in Grian and him working together again towards the end of the season, but even so, the two of them die apart, in a way symbolizing the disconnect they had all season long.
Limited Life is quite possibly Scar's happiest season, and therefore I don't really have anything to say about it. I think to some degree, everyone in the Life Series has the ability to be an asshole, and I think every single character is morally grey, and with all that being said I think the person Scar needed most was Cleo. Sure, they enable him to be as chaotic as possible, and yeah, being around Ckeo thus season quite possibly made Scar the snarkiest he's been, but the connection he had with her, and just the Clockers overall was so strong. Yes, there's the whole Etho dad thing, and you could argue that's another tally for Scar's abandonment board, but really, that whole bit has always been more comedic to me than it has been entirely dramatic or angsty.
And everyone knows Secret Life. Once again, Scar finds himself in the role of the lonely merchant, running a shop solo, and constantly trying to make friends, but there is always something stopping him from doing so because something in this world HATES him. Scar doesn't make friends, no, in fact, the Secret Keeper screws him over so much that by the end of this season he is literally embracing the role of a villain. He goes on a killing spree, more successful than he's ever done before, and he finds himself face to face with Pearl, who wants him to take her life. He calls it lame, and not fair because if Pearl's good at the game, she should own it and between me and you personally, I think Scar's just got a soft spot for a fair fight between the last two standing. I think the saddest part of Secret Life is the lack of closure Scar gets because he is the only winner that doesn't get to die and meet in this sort of afterlife where everyone reunites and talks like friends again, as if they all hadn't caused each others' demise. Scar doesn't get that, and is instead stuck in, at least in Martyn's interpretation, an endless loop of pressing that succeed button over and over as he goes mad.
This is a ridiculously long post, but I just NEEDED to get it out of my system. I feel like people could argue the curse of having allies is more tragic because you have to witness their deaths, or you can make the argument that maybe trying to fund the most tragic Life Series character is redundant because with how this game is, everyone is bound to be tragic either way, and to which I say true. I just feel like in a game where it's so natural for people to split up into groups of 3, 4, sometimes even 5, Scar's a character that has ended up alone so many times. It's honestly quite insane. I will always say that Pearl and Joel are the lonely dog girl and lonely dog boy of the series, but if there was ever just...the Lonliest, that title would probably go to Scar.
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mosaickiwi · 2 months
Hi again! Hope you've been doing okay!
First off I just wanna say that you always deliver, I mean "Fall Unto Me"?? Four part+an epilogue of me being torn between wanting to baul my eyes out and wanting to melt into a puddle from the feels :')
But as for the request, could I ask for Angel and [REDACTED] redecorating his appartment? Getting rid of the gaudy furniture once and for all!
Don't forget to drink water and take breaks whenever you need to! My brain is also 105% filled with this skrunkly but the trick is to keep two neurons in a cell reserved for this >:] /silly
HEHE I’ve been ok! Hope you are too!! <3 thank u for appreciating my (deranged) brainrotting fic c: the suffering is my favorite part. I’m drinking lots of water cause summer hates my ass. 💖 Also sorry this is long I am clearly not winning at the "be normal" challenge.
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
“This one?”
The dark haired man peered at the laptop in your hands for a long moment. “It's… nice.”
“Yes…? You called the last three couches nice, too. Any other thoughts?” You gently goaded your partner.
Choosing new furniture with [REDACTED] was supposed to be easy. You'd pick something, and he'd agree. Except you wanted it to feel like home for both of you. He didn't have to say the mushy, obvious line: as long as you were there, it was home. So progress was challenging with some things. You were sitting together on the current couch—the ugly, lifeless one that came with his apartment for some reason. 
His brow crinkled as he searched for different words. Those soft blue eyes went back and forth across the screen until he said, “It’s cozy yet functional.”
“Did you just summarize the description to me?”
He confessed to the crime with a sigh. “Angel, all I think when I look at it is you. And how cute you'd look sitting on it. Like y’do right now.”
“I'm always cute. Focus on the couch, please. Not me,” you insisted.
“No promises.”
“Let's see…” You had to find some way to get through to them. An idea came to mind that you knew he wouldn't like very much, but you had to try. “Pretend we're not dating. Or maybe I don't exist? You come home—don't make that face! I said pretend—so, you come home after a very terrible day and you see this couch. Is it nice then?”
[REDACTED] still made that face as he answered you. “Annoying as fuck to clean.”
It was progress. You didn't want to dwell on why that would be what they thought about after getting home. “Did the first one I showed you seem annoying to clean?”
“Mm... a bit.” They reached forward to change the webpage back for another look. “Y’never showed me these.” 
You leaned over to see what he was talking about. There were a few humongous bean bag chairs on the furniture wish list you’d made. “I just thought they looked fun to take a nap in. But I’m not sure we’d both fit, so it’d be silly," you explained and tapped the mouse to continue skimming through your other selections. “We can think about the couch later. I found some wall art that doesn’t look like it came from a dentist’s office.”
His eyes carefully followed the scrolling page until the bean bags disappeared at the bottom of the screen, but he didn’t protest.
The new furniture had arrived—and been efficiently assembled by your boyfriend, despite your protest—while you were at the library, so you were excited to get home. [REDACTED] held one hand over your eyes as he unlocked the apartment’s door.
“I already know what all the furniture looks like, Ren.” Even so, you didn’t wave their hand away.
You could hear the door click as he guided you into the foyer. “I may have added a few extra things,” he hummed while you blindly struggled and failed to take off your shoes. “Actually… close your eyes f’me.”
“O—kayy?!” Just as you closed your eyes the floor slipped away under you, replaced by familiar arms cradling you to their chest. His quiet footsteps barely echoed against the marble as you got your wits about you. The living room wasn’t that far, so you were certain where he took you without seeing anything. You just didn’t know where exactly in the room.
They turned and came to a stop, rooted in place for a moment as if thinking to themself. “Y’gonna scream if I drop you?” 
“...Yes. Maybe.”
Without another word he let go. There wasn’t enough time to scream as you immediately landed against plush fabric with the faint crinkle of something below it. The fabric crinkled some more as you felt your shoes being taken off.
“Can I open my eyes yet?” you asked. You could already tell what one of the ‘extra things’ was. It felt like heaven.
“Sure, love.” Their voice was a little farther away than you expected. Probably from hurrying to put your shoes in the closet.
You found yourself nestled on one side of the room, with a perfect view of his handiwork.
A couch that was easy to clean, in a color you insisted he decide on, draped with a luxurious looking blanket that wasn’t in your list. A coffee table with rounded corners so they wouldn’t keep hitting their leg on it. Some wall art of Attack on Giants—with extra pieces from a show you sort of recognized, but definitely suited the man's tastes. A few shelves to show off merchandise from another of your favorites. And the enormous, navy blue bean bag he’d so rudely dropped you in moments ago.
Your darling hacker stepped in from the foyer and tossed their hoodie onto the new couch. “Everything good?” he asked, piercings pulling up in a smile.
“I think I love it.” Your eyes scanned the room again and eventually landed on the pictures. “And I love that you added your own stuff.” It didn’t seem to be a clone of your apartment that he just happened to live in, like you worried about. “What about you?”
“S’better than before. ‘Course, the best part is that I don’t have t’see some shitty couch when I open the door—I get to come home to you, trapped in a bean bag.” He stood up and walked over, eyeing you playfully from above. “Comfortable?”
You nodded, then immediately yelped when he fell forwards. Just before you were squished, he caught himself on tattooed arms, caging you in the crinkly, soft material. You only felt some of their weight on you like a heavy blanket. A soft laugh slipped past your lips as he got comfortable himself, clinging to you as best he could while you both sank further into the depths of the bean bag. It’d be impossible to get out.
You wiggled your legs, straining to even find the damn floor. No doubt a futile effort, you had to sigh, “At least we both fit on it."
[REDACTED] didn’t speak, already yawning from the exhaustion of setting everything up before meeting you at work. The walk to and from the library certainly didn’t do him any favors, either. In a matter of seconds, he was fast asleep in what surely felt akin to a nest, all four lanky limbs wrapped around you like a snake.
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wehaveimagineshere · 1 year
Request for Ren! Could I request a scenario for Astarion to react to his gender neutral crush said they would sleep on the couch while he sleeps on the bed when both of them had to share a room with one bed? Even though the bed is big enough for both of them!
I woke up at like 3 in the morning (don't worry, I went back to sleep), saw this, and spent like 20 minutes thinking about it. I think I even dreamt about it! Thank you so much for the ask, and I hope you like what I wrote!
While you wouldn't necessarily complain about sleeping in the wilds, with the stars above your head and the sound of creatures going about their business, you had to admit having a roof to block out the rain and a comfortable bed to cushion your back was a nice change of pace.
"We don't have enough rooms for everyone in your party, unfortunately," comes the innkeep, flipping through her books. "Hopefully you aren't against rooming up."
"It would be cheaper that way," voices Wyll with a shrug.
Karlach laughs. "I don't care if I have to sleep on the floor. Give me a nice fluffy pillow and I'll sleep like a babe."
You catch the innkeep's eye and smile. "I think that answers your question."
Setting four keys down on the counter, she motions to the stairs to her right. "Well then, breakfast will be ready in the morning if you're interested. Enjoy your night."
As you grab the keys and turn to your companions, you grin as everyone eyes each other up. Shadowheart and Lae'zel would have to have separate rooms lest you wake up to one of them dead. Maybe the druids wouldn't be against wild shaping into cats that could sleep at the ends of the bed to free up space. Astarion--
Is staring at you with mischief in his eyes.
The moment he sees your eyes lock on his, he sidles up next to you. "What was that, darling? You want to share a room with me?" He puts a hand to his heart. "I'm honored, of course I'll agree. You needn't even ask."
Fighting the smile and giving him an eyeroll, you wave the remaining keys and set them back on the counter. "Figure it out, you guys. I'm tired."
"I would be too," you hear Gale mutter, eyes darting between you two with a raised eyebrow.
Slipping an arm over your shoulders, Astarion turns you toward the stairs. "I wouldn't bother trying to add yourselves to our room. We'll be...busy."
You hear Lae'zel scoff while Wyll laughs, "We know."
Letting him lead you up the stairs and to your room, he leaves you at the door while he sets his pack down on the bed. A single bed, large enough for two, yet... Glancing about the room, you spot a small fainting couch and make your way to it.
Rifling through your pack and grabbing up your nightwear and blankets, you start undoing your clothes. "I can take the couch."
His ruffling stops, and you turn to see his shirt half off, a confused look thrown your way. "What?"
"I can take the couch," you repeat, motioning to it for good measure.
Furrowing his brow, he looks between you and the bed. "Are you blind? There's enough room for both of us, darling."
Raising an eyebrow, you study the bed. While there was enough room to stretch out comfortably, and the thought of cuddling up against Astarion all night makes your heart flutter...
"You'd be comfortable with that?"
He gives you an incredulous look, then you watch as it morphs into a confused look once again, then shifts into one of surprise. Tossing his shirt onto the bed, he approaches you slowly and doesn't stop until your chests are mere inches apart.
The emotions you see in his eyes closes your throat.
"My love," he starts softly, quietly, feathering his fingers down your arm before gently wrapping them around yours, "you always continue to surprise me." Bringing your knuckles to his lips, he places a soft kiss upon them. "I wish for nothing more than to wrap my arms around you, feel you pressed up against me, and keep you all to myself."
Feeling your cheeks burn, you squeeze his fingers and give a smile. "How long have you wanted to tell me that?"
He grins with a wink. "I'll leave that to your imagination. Now!" Pulling you forward, he tugs on your shirt. "Get dressed so we can cuddle and be mushy and gooey and make myself want to throw up."
Laughing, you pull your hand out of his and do exactly as he demands.
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renthony · 2 months
Lost in the Remaster: Star Trek, Vintage Special Effects, and the Charm of Old Media
by Ren Basel renbasel.com
Originally created by Gene Roddenberry, Star Trek is a franchise that spans decades. From the original series of 1966 to current shows such as Lower Decks, it stands as a titan of television and pop culture. The real world has undergone incredible change since Star Trek’s first appearance, yet nerds everywhere still find entertainment, inspiration, and hope in its classic episodes. Recently, along with my husband and best friend, I decided I wanted to attempt the gauntlet of watching the entire franchise from beginning to end, revisiting favorites and finally checking out the ones I missed. Media and fandom studies are my passion, after all, and Star Trek is a foundational part of modern American nerd culture.
Starting with the original series proved more difficult than expected. Living in a tiny apartment, we don’t have much space for DVDs, so Star Trek wasn’t in our existing collection. The local public library didn’t have copies, either, and putting in a purchase request doesn’t guarantee it will be made available. My family doesn’t have the funds to pay for every single streaming service on the market, and Star Trek isn’t available on any we do have access to. Piracy was starting to look like the only option, but even that fell flat when we couldn’t find a version with subtitles. Finally we dug it up officially and with subtitles, for free via PlutoTV, but there were still limitations: PlutoTV only streams season one, and season one is only available in the remastered edition that replaced the original special effects with new visuals.
It wasn’t ideal, but, hey, it was Star Trek.
Watching just one episode a week gave us enough time to scrape together savings to get what we really wanted for seasons two and three: the official BluRay release, which includes both remastered and original-release versions of each episode. The remasters are fine, but as a lover of media history and practical effects, I’m always disappointed to lose a chance to appreciate the originals. It doesn’t matter how good it might look, remasters are never as much fun to me as matte paintings, camera tricks, and whatever the prop department could pull off with ten dollars and some glue.
Finally having the BluRays in hand for season two only affirmed my love of vintage practical effects. Seeing the Enterprise in her original glory, before she was ever rendered in digital form, felt like opening a time capsule. I love time capsules. My favorite pieces of media are always those which capture a moment in time, showcasing the aesthetics, concerns, and culture of the time and place they were created. Star Trek: the Original Series is rooted in the late sixties, when mainstream culture in the United States was experiencing immense upheaval and social change. That context is written all over the show. The vintage effects add to it, grounding it in a very specific time and place. Updating the show’s effects takes away some of that 60s aesthetic, and while some may see it as making the show more timeless, I don’t care for it. To me, seeing what they could pull off before modern technology is half the fun of watching old shows. The ingenuity and creativity of propmakers, makeup artists, and set designers working on shoestring budgets is unparalleled.
To be clear, digital effects are also done by skilled professionals who deserve much more respect and many more labor protections. There are some truly stunning works created with digital tools. That said, I hate when digital effects are used to cover up the practical effects that came before. It feels disrespectful to the original artists, as if telling them their work wasn’t good enough; as if their work was just a placeholder until something better could come along and fix it. Practical effects aren’t a placeholder, they’re an art form in their own right, and that art form is one for which I have deep appreciation.
It frustrates me that the original, non-remastered episodes were such a pain for us to access, but I’m very glad to have added them to my personal media collection. No matter what future tweaks Star Trek’s rights holders might make, I can always pop in our personal copies to enjoy the Enterprise and her crew in all their vintage, “outdated” glory. If you’re also too young to remember the show’s original airing, and you have the opportunity to watch the unedited version, I highly suggest you do. Watching the version that aired in 1966 gives the show a charm that no amount of remastering can ever match.
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c1nna1nmyr0ll · 15 days
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Rensuke Kunigami x Fem!Reader
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Word Count: 0.7k
Warnings: praise kink, pet names (pretty baby, baby, and pretty girl), she/her pronouns used, vaginal fingering, multiple orgasms, squirting, vaginal sex, and missionary
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Kunigami always loves how sweet you are to him. How you cheer for him at soccer games, compliment him, and are kind to his family members is just all of it. While he can be embarrassed by overly complimenting you, he doesn’t do it incredibly often.
He does, however, compliment you as much as possible behind closed doors. His personal favorite way to do so was during sex.
“Look at you, pretty baby,” Rensuke coos as his fingers gingerly thrust in and out of your pussy. “Your cute pussy is so sensitive, isn’t it?” Your legs shake from the first two orgasms you received from your boyfriend.
“All b-because of you,” you tell him. Rensuke chuckles.
“Well, partly because of me,” he shrugs off the credit. Rensuke moves his other hand to your clit and begins to rub it. You reach out to his hand and grab at his wrist. His eyes flash to you, watching your face as your orgasm builds once again.
“Cum again, baby,” he eggs. “Lemme see that beautiful face of yours.” You moan out and feel yourself let go and cum on his fingers swiftly. Your cum squirting out, coating Rensuke’s hands and fingers. He removes his fingers from your pussy and licks away your cum with his tongue. You heavily breath as you watch him.
“I knew you would be so pretty cumming for me, baby,” he says. “You’ll be just as pretty when I fuck you too, won’t you?” Your eyebrows raise from his words. He once again chuckles. “You thought we were done?”
“I mean, I guess I thought that…maybe,” you say softly.
“We’re definitely not done,” Rensuke promises.
Rensuke grabs his pants and underwear and swiftly drags them off his body. You now notice his hard cock that has been begging for some kind of attention. You try to reach out for his cock wanting to give it the attention it so desperately wants. However, Rensuke stops your reach.
“Oh baby, I’m not done with that pussy of yours,” he says. Rensuke grabs your thighs and pulls them farther apart. Rensuke rubs his cock along the entrance of your pussy, with the tip slowly touching your clit. The sudden contact makes you shudder under him. “I love how sensitive you are.”
 Rensuke allows his cock to bathe in your juices for a bit longer, mixing his precum and your fluids.
“You keep teasing me,” you say.
“You’re right. I’ll stop teasing you,” he promises. He shoves his cock inside your pussy, not wanting to waste any more time. He goes in very deep, causing you to flinch. “See? I kept my promise, pretty baby.” He holds open your thigh by lifting them and angling himself better. Rensuke begins to slam his cock into you at a fast pace only he can muster. His strong hands hold you tightly as he uses you how he pleases. He watches your face morph to bliss as he thrusts into you. God, she looks so beautiful, he thinks.
He slows down to watch your face change occasionally to see how tuned you are to his movements. His favorite thing is seeing how well you know his tactics. When you notice his change, you look up at him with desperation. A look he knows all too well. He grips your thighs tightly again and continues slamming himself into you. You reach over and cover your mouth, not wanting to be too loud from the deep thrusts. It’s almost too much for you.
“Don’t cover your sexy noises, baby,” he tells you. “I want to hear you scream for me.” You do as he commands and let go of your mouth, but you can’t contain your moans.
“Mm! Ren-Rensuke,” you cry out. “T-Too much.”
“Aw, you gonna cum again, pretty girl?” he asks. “Don’t hold back on me now.” You squeeze the bedsheets under you and cum once again. You squirt, having enough power to force Rensuke’s cock out of your pussy. Your face burns from embarrassment. He looks down, impressed.
“Damn, you cummed so much,” he says. “My cock is so soaked with you, baby.”
“S-Sorry,” you apologize.
“Sorry? Don’t be; it’s so hot,” he compliments. “Let’s see if I can make you do it three more times?”
“Three more times?” you ask in disbelief.
“You can handle it. I know you can,” he says. “I just love seeing you cum for me, baby.” Rensuke slides himself back inside your pussy sure that he will get you to cum three more times.
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© c1nna1nmyr0ll 2024, all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, use for ai, copy, translate, or repost my content on any platform. comments, reblogs, and likes are loved
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juanarc-thethird · 7 months
Topic Idea based on Coco x Jaune Househusband: Jaune being asked to be the house husband of Winter?
Jaune's Apartment
*Ding Dong!*
Jaune: *Opens the door* Oh Winter! I'm glad you came.
Winter: No problem, thanks for inviting me to your get together. (This way I can see if you are worthy of my little sister)
Jaune: Thanks to you for coming, please come in.
Winter enters and sees that she is the first to arrive.
Jaune: The others don't take long to arrive. At the moment can I offer you something? Water, lemonade, um… Beer? I don't know if you drink or not.
Winter: *She keeps looking around* A lemonade is fine.
Jaune: Great, just a moment.
Winter: (He's attentive, that's good. Good start Jaune, good start)
While Jaune prepares the drink, Winter begins to inspect everything. He checks the furniture for dust, the windows for dirt, and even the floor for a hint of trash. But nothing, everything is clean. As if it were done by a professional.
Winter: (His apartment looks clean. My little sister would be comfortable living here.)
Jaune: Here is your lemonade.
He says as he approaches her to hand it to her.
Winter: *takes the glass* Thank you. By the way, who do you hire to clean your apartment?
Jaune: Nobody, I do everything myself.
Winter: Wait, you cleaned this apartment squeaky clean? You alone?
Jaune: Yes, it's something I learned living with 7 sisters. They really were a pain in the ass when it came to cleaning.
Winter: *Surprise* Wait, you were in charge of your household chores?
Jaune: Yeah, I was the one who cleaned the house, did the laundry, and even cooked.
Winter: *Curious* But your mom helped you, right? (It can't be possible for him to do everything alone.) *She puts her glass cup on a nearby table*
Jaune: Ahaha… *he laughs nervously*. Well, she's not very good at chores, so to speak. My dad and I were the ones who kept the house clean. But my dad works, so I did most of it.
Winter: (Wait so...) *Gets closer* So you know how to clean stains?!
Jaune: Ye-Yeah
Winter: *Closer* How about bathtub stains?!
Jaune: *Trying to move away* Th-That too
Winter: *Closer!* How about sewing?! Do you know how to do that too?!
Jaune: *Against the wall* M-My sisters always ripped their favorite clothes, so y-yeah.
Winter: (Oh my God! He is the perfect househusband! Weiss would be…! Weiss? Why does Weiss deserve such a man?)
Jaune: Um..Winter?
Winter: *Back to reality* Huh?
Jaune: Y-You are too close
Winter: Too close? *Gasp!* (Too close to my destiny!)
She takes both of Jaune's hands, drops to one knee, and with a voice of desire and hope she says.
Winter: Jaune Arc…
Jaune: *confuse* What are you doing?
Winter: would you marry me?
Jaune: *Red* Eh?!
At the time Winter said that, Nora and Ren were already entering the apartment using the extra key that Jaune gave them.
Nora: Hey Jaune, we brought the…
The two groups stare at each other
Nora: We'll come back later.
She says as she starts to close the door to leave them alone. But Jaune runs towards them and stops them.
Jaune: I-It's not what it looks like! There's nothing going on between us!!!
Winter: *Looking at him with desire* (Yet~💕)
I look at Winter as a person who focuses on her work and family first before herself, and looks for the most efficient. That's why she looks for the best candidate for her sister. But what if that candidate is great for her? Love may not be the most important thing to her, but it's not something she's not willing to try~
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Tokyo Revengers: Daddy's Girls And Their Nicknames
Hello dust bunnies. I came up with this little headcanons, the dads are back and they're the softest ever. Here for you, dads with the prettiest nickname for their daughter
Characthers: Hajime Kokonoi, Ran Haitani, Shuji Hanma
Warnings: None, Fluff, Daddy's Girl, Pregnancy
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Hajime Kokonoi calls his daughter Hiname jewel. There's nothing that values more than his little girl, something that money couldn't ever buy in a lifetime: the love and then the physical embodiment of your love for each other, crafted in a 4 years old blackhaired girl with her father'eyes shape and your e/c and your smile. Sometimes she can be the spoiled and most sassy little girl ever but to Koko, she will always be his valued jewel that he can be proud of and show her off even after saying the most degrading comment about her nanny, "Is this how you came out of your apartment to come here for me? Let me ask daddy if we can do online shopping for you Miss Nami", Koko proudly nod and gives the nanny his black card "That's my jewel, show her how to do shopping", he says before waving goodbye holding your hand, leaving a clueless nanny, confused by your daughter behaviour and her father casually giving her his black card just to do some shopping, money is not as important as his jewel's happiness.
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Ren Haitani is yours and Ran's perfect miracle, highly desired by the man, your daughter had her nickname even before being born: water lily. The man secretly wanted from the start of the relationship to be father of a pretty girl that inherited his blond hair and violet eyes and this what happened after years together. The newborn is the sweetest, but just like her father she gets really cranky if she doesn't have her proper sleep when she needs it. It's still weird for you to see how she calms down only when her father's hold her and start pronouncing her nickname instantly calming the baby down "Water lily? My my you need your beauty sleep if you want to grow up as pretty and strong like your mommy and daddy" Ren blinks her eyes and seize her whimpers as soon as she hears the nickname and soon she cooes her tiny fist into her father's chest falling asleep leaving you flabbergasted on how easily it was for Ran to calm her down, he sure knows how to handle your daughter but you're not sure how this is the possible by just pronouncing his nickname for her.
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Shuji Hanma plays with fire, everything was unplanned with Emiko, since her conceivement to her gender. Hanma got you pregnant accidentaly but you decided to welcome this as soon as you've seen his best effort into taking responsabilities. At one point Hanma kept bragging on how he felt you were going to have a son since your baby kicked so hard in your belly that it couldn’t be a "frail little girl". Boy was he wrong, his little pumpkin is the sweetest thing ever just like you but sometimes she can show her hidden side just like a pumpkin does with the right ingredient. The toddler is learning to walk and she's the brightest one ever, coeeing and walking everywhere, gripping into her fathers pants from the floor and let them fall, and soon pouting to be held by her tall father and lean to him as she didn't cause shenaningans just one minute before all over the living room.
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rachetmath · 3 months
Favorite Jaune Ship
Okay, let me do this. My Jaune ships. Other ships I’ll do later.
Lancaster/SilverKnight (Jaune x Ruby);
This ship still holds a special place in my heart and to me was supposed to be one of the factors of the show. Jaune and Ruby's relationship started at Beacon. Jaune was Ruby’s first friend and was the first thought of being a part of a team besides her sister. Unfortunately, she was stuck with Weiss and Jaune had a crush on her. Ruby has times when she and Jaune talk but were always cut short for reasons. However, after the fall of Beacon, I was happy to see her and Jaune team up. But my hopes were short-lived when Weiss and Oscar came onto the scene. Now, because of them, the one relationship I could support died because the story tries its damndest to push Whiteknight and Rosegarden together. (Like seriously, this is one of the reasons why I hate Oscar to this day. Volume five, to this day, I believe Jaune should have unlocked his semblance for Ruby instead of Weiss.)
DragonKnght/GoldenKnight/DragonSlayer(Jaune x Yang);
Now normally this is a crack ship. This ship is just two people boning for almost no reason, but I can see a story behind this ship with Jaune and Yang being an alternate version of Tai and Raven. Jaune is Raven because both  have supportive semblances, use swords, and have a distaste for Ozpin’s methods. Yang is Tai due to mainly being raised by him alone. Throughout the story, we see how Jaune and Yang interact and how their relationship differs from Tai and Raven’s. How Tai and Raven fell apart and what they should’ve done to maintain it. How Jaune and Yang handle situations differently they’ll always find a way to bounce back by talking it out and giving each other space. Though I believe Bumblebee fans would be offended and probably say, “Blake could add that same effect”, I still stand by this.
SilentKnight(Jaune x Neo)
Cute, deadly, and very sad. I haven't read the book but I have heard about it. Also, I wish they made a movie starring her or gave us an episode but… okay. Back on topic, I find this ship enduring. They have only one thing in common but that's enough to create a dynamic between them. However what makes the ship sad is that Neo will be the only one hurt. Image Neo trying to be Ruby just to be with Jaune only for him not wanting to be with her. Loving and caring for Ruby more than Neo. Neo hates and becomes jealous of Ruby because unlike her Neo has no friends. Roman died. And Cinder betrayed her. Jaune probably being the best thing in her life but she will never have. So sorry folks, Silentknight was a no-go.
Topaz (Jaune x Emerald)
Same as Silent Knight except it's Emerald’s loyalty to Cinder getting in the way of her having any relationship with anyone. Jaune probably would talk to her but trusting her could be too much of a stretch for him. Emerald might as well be one of the few who could talk to Jaune one-on-one and be real with him but still, I don't think neither of them is looking to like each other.
Knightshade (Jaune x Blake)
These two never had a single one-on-one conversation. Like really they barely interact with each other. I would not be surprised if they both got drunk somewhere and were found sleeping in the same bed by accident. But I believe they are good friends.
Knightfall (Jaune x Cinder)
Okay, this can go either way. Jaune is done playing the good guy to a bunch of girls who are favored by everyone and want to destroy the world. Cinder decides to be a good person and wants to redeem herself. I highly doubt this would happen but I love the concept. Imagen Jaune has to tell Cinder to chill out all the time. Then having to be the most patient with her especially when following a plan. Cinder trying to be nice but pushing her feelings down so she doesn't show weakness is funny, sad, and insane.  
Martial Arc and Nora's Arc(Jaune x Ren x Nora)
You two do not deserve him. You had four volumes to talk with this man but you didn't. Ruby knows your leader better. Yang treats your leader better. Shit Weiss treated your leader better. Ya’ll barely maintain a relationship with each other. How will you two be in a relationship with this guy if you can't contribute or commit to it? F*** the both of you.
Whiteknight(Jaune x Weiss)
Okay, now this may be my f*** all worst ship. First, I’ll admit Jaune was just a fanboy seeing his female idol for the first time in real life. But as he continues he eventually gets over her a bit. Then in some way, he does try to get with Pyrrha, who was an upgrade. What I don't like about this ship is unlike Lancaster it feels forced. Like in volume five Weiss got stabbed by Cinder for no reason. It should have been Ruby considering Jaune traveled and spent more time with her than Weiss. And Cinder hates Ruby. Then in volume seven she basically used the man to get away from Bumblebee. And the only time she ever acknowledged this man was in volume nine when he turned out to be her favorite character in a story. I may be wrong but no, this is not my favorite.
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talkbycolor · 11 months
let me hold your hand forever.
A/N; i almost threw up writing this because its not the usual "omg i love this cute yandere boy, so silly!" shit i do
Pairing; "Rendacted" x GN!reader
CW; Ren/[REDACTED] having unhealthy, obsessive and possesive behavior, wow, who would have told / TW; mutilations, romanticizing mutilation by Ren side but MC is really terrified / this is an AU where MC rejected Ren's advances and he lost his infinite patience / character with extremely questionable ethics / wow another nsfw in this blog? / you’re lucky this isn’t visual / i know in canon Rendacted would never hurt MC BUT HEY god gave me the ability to write and im making that everyone else's problem / surreal strength for the sake of the plot, IMPORTANT POINT
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It was quite comfortable, having a friend like Ren could even be strange, he looked like cotton candy and it was very nice to spend time together. But then again, you were just friends, it was a little strange that he mentioned being in a relationship with you.
But things have taken a bit of a drastic turn, Ren has spent his days trying to hang out with you, having lunch together, spending nights watching anime and horror movies, that would be nice if it didn't feel so overwhelming.
So it's time to confront him.
"Ren, hey, I know you like me a lot but we can't go out every day, I'm not always up for that so… I'll let you know when we can go out, okay?"
And there was only silence from the pink-haired boy, he seemed to be trying to smile unsuccessfully, just looking at you.
"Of course, angel, don't forget to call me!" He spoke nervously trying to hold back the storm in his throat.
Just when you were about to leave a hand grabbed your forearm, Ren was still looking at you with a smile, a sad smile.
"You're going to call me, right?" He asks, his eyes widening in desperation, Ren didn't want to lose you, he couldn't stand it, not again, what if you're thinking about slowly walking away?
"Sure, later" was the only thing you mentioned before pulling your arm to leave, it's not like you had an avoidant attachment pfff!
The days passed and life could be considered calm, you went out with your friends, you greeted your strange neighbor who loved to walk to her floors, work was not unpleasant and you even bought yourself a small dessert for dinner tonight.
You and Moth talked late into the night about the new episodes and since Haruko was so adorable, life felt peaceful once again. It's not that Ren was a problem, he was attractive and if you had enough self-esteem you would think you had a chance with him but…
I suppose not.
Speaking of Ren, what is he doing now? Visiting him would be a good idea, it's been days since they last spoke.
Once morning arrived you headed towards his large apartment and knocked on the door, not long after it was opened by Ren, who looked just like an abandoned puppy, you could almost see his eyes shine and his breath was lost just by seeing you in front of him. him.
"Angel, you're here! oh god, I-I'm so sorry for the mess, I didn't expect you to come… to my apartment…" It sounded a little strange, but it was just Ren being shy.
"Yeah uh… I'm sorry, are you busy? I can go, yes, maybe I should have let you know I was coming."
"No! NO! it's okay, you just surprised me, do you want a drink? I have your fav-… many options! I have many drink options" He corrected himself immediately with a smile, his face was almost the color of his hair and I was dying to say that I miss you so much.
"Or we can go out, do you want to visit the new cafe? Maybe we can-…"
“No” You interrupted, it sounded a little rude so you cleared your throat. "Now I'm not sure, I was just passing by to say hello, plus I don't have money to buy something…"
"I can buy it for you," he said almost immediately, his eyes fixed on you, almost sweating from having you close.
"That's very generous, Ren, but…"
"Please! It's your day off, right? We could go out and…"
"Ren, I'm not-…"
"Please, angel!" He begged, his hand had climbed to your arm and you didn't even notice, he was now gently squeezing your shoulder, wanting closeness, wanting to date, wanting you and you kept pushing him away.
The atmosphere was a little awkward now, you didn't know whether to be flattered that he thought you were interesting enough for Ren to want to spend time with you or scared by how desperate he looked about it.
"No thanks, I think I better go back to my apartment" You mentioned as you pushed his hand from your arm, you didn't even have time to turn to the door when Ren grabbed your arm tightly, a painful grip.
"Can we be together, please? I-I'll make you feel special, I want you to be okay and I want you to…" his expression seemed so… surprised, to see you, embarrassed to act like that? scared of being abandoned? overstimulated? "all I want is to be with you!"
He almost roared out, his grip on your arm becoming more and more painful, he was pulling you away from the exit door.
"Ren, that hurts! REN! REN!"
"JUST LET ME HOLD YOUR HAND FOREVER!" He begged between screams, only a beeping sound existed in his head as he watched you fall to the ground in a pool of blood.
Now you were on the ground, screaming and crying out loud, it was agony, Ren had hurt you.
For fuck's sake, not only did he hurt you, he tore your fucking arm off and now you were writhing in your blood as you slowly lost consciousness.
Wake up.
Your body was still shaking, you were still terrified, and you had to escape, where was your arm? As soon as you woke up you found a sweaty Ren who was looking at you with a desperate and nervous smile.
It was a deranged look, almost immediately you started crying out of panic, your arm was gone, your arm, he tore it off, you were hyperventilating as you watched his left arm missing.
"REN! REN!!" You were sobbing in despair, the pool of blood was still on the floor, how long were you unconscious? not much because apparently Ren had tried to stop the bleeding and close the wound, seeing bandages full of blood made you vomit immediately, but that didn't stop you from crying in agony.
"Angel, please! s-stop crying, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, please forgive me! FORGIVE ME, I DIDN'T WANT TO! IT WAS NOT MY INTENTION!" He begged you as he sobbed himself, he had hurt you and that was something he never thought of doing, that he never wanted to do. "l-look, now we are equal, can you forgive me?"
What did he say ..?
Your throat had closed and the screams stopped, that guy was fucking deranged.
He ripped his left arm off of him.
For you.
He came up to hug you, wanting to be comforting, to make you feel accompanied in this, to give you love in such a dark time.
No no no no.
"NO! NO! NOOO! PLEASE, NO!" You screamed in panic as the tears came out, that couldn't be happening, disgust and terror filled your poor mind as you were caressed with so much love, Ren was going to take care of you and promised to never hurt you again.
"We'll be fine angel, just trust me, I'll take care of you." He spoke so lovingly, smiling as he held you, genuinely happy to be so close, to be able to touch you. "Now we match, right?"
He was joking at a moment like that, as if it were nothing, the sobs no longer came out, you could barely breathe while the tears didn't stop and he lulled you into your chest with the help of his only arm.
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seeingivy · 1 year
the party scene
roommate eren x f!reader 
you and eren won’t dance 
**find the series masterlist here
content warning: drinking, hitch and marlowe being annoying, someone gets pushed into a pool, marco getting clowned for his halloween costume, toilet humor 
an: ok yall. here’s the chapter. heheheheheh. and you should listen to the song, when you get to it. for vibes of course. to many anon who guessed correctly, hundreds of kisses. not my fav roommates chapters me thinks (but also it seems like everyone else has different fav chapters than I expected so)
previous part linked here
“What are you going to be for the party?” 
You can literally see Eren’s ears perk up, breaking his concentration from the dinner he was cooking on the stove. You tried to make ravioli for dinner. Key word, tried. He didn’t let you stand there for longer than two minutes because he didn’t want you to “burn the apartment down.” 
You put foil in the microwave one time and suddenly he thinks you’re some arsonist. 
“The party on Friday? You’re going, peaches?” 
“Yeah. Jean invited me. Kind of being a wingwoman for him and bringing my classmate Marco, who I’m like ninety percent sure he has a crush on.” 
Eren turns his face back to the pan, dishing the food around on the plate. You get up occasionally, grabbing things you know he’ll need before he asks for them. Setting the dishes, grabbing the salt (because this man doesn’t know how to season), the Yerba Mate Eren claims to hate but drinks anyways. 
“Hitch and I are going as Anakin and Padme. From Star Wars. Apparently, Marlowe loves that crap and she never gave him the time of day for it. She thinks it’ll make him real mad if we show up like that.” 
“You should put a braid in your hair. You know, like from the second movie.” 
“Ew. I’m going as the third movie look.” 
“Good. He’s hotter in that movie anyways.” 
He flashes you a smile as he dishes out the food, lifting the plates and setting them on the table. You join him with the drinks, the two of you sitting right next to each other. 
It was getting easier. Eren was your friend. Maybe even your best friend. You’d still get the occasional heart pounding, flustered cheesk whenever he walked past you or said something that made your heart flutter, but other than that, you were making progress. You can live with a heart flutter here and there. 
“What are you going to be?” 
“Jean wants to do some basic angel/devil thing for the party. I’ve got a white dress and he apparently has a halo already so it should be fine.” 
“Have you ever been to a party?” 
“Yeah. Not really my thing though, but I don’t mind helping Jean. It can be fun with friends. Dancing, letting loose and all that.” 
“Hm. Save a dance for me, peaches?” 
“I’m not riding up on you, Eren. That’s weird.” 
He drops his fork, an exasperated expression spreading across his face. The vein in his forehead is prominent and you always enjoy when it shows up because you know you’ve won. He’s just that easy to aggravate. 
“Who said anything about you riding up on me? I didn’t mean it like that. That’s like…perverted. You could expect that type of shit from Jean or something but-” 
You place your hand against his forearm, laughing in his face. He stops immediately at the sight of your laughter, glaring at you. 
“You’re so easy to piss off, Eren. I’ll save you a dance, okay? A normal one.” 
He holds his hand out, gesturing for you to shake.
“Deal, Ren.” 
“Hi Ren.” 
He steps into the bathroom, standing directly behind you as you finish doing your makeup for the party. Jean was supposed to be here in thirty minutes and the two of you were going to go pick up Marco. Meaning, you were going to have to deal with their awkward pining for the ten minute drive to the party. 
“Can you help me with something?” 
“Sure. What’s up?” 
“Can you help me draw the scar?” 
“Oh, yeah. Show me the picture.” 
He hands you his phone as you inspect the picture, the scar starting before the eyebrow and breaking just underneath the left eye. He sits on top of the toilet seat, his ankles crossed over each other. 
“Ah. Hitch gave me this to use. For the scar.” 
He hands you a tube of lipstick, which you slide open and swatch against the back of your hand. Too glittery for a scar.
“Do you mind if I use mine? Hers is kind of glittery and it’ll look kinda weird?” 
“Yeah, sure.” 
You bend over, digging through your bag to find the one tube of red lipstick you own, that Pieck forced you to buy for her wedding. You can’t show up to my wedding in lip gloss, that’s an atrocity. You find the tube at the end of the drawer, walking over to where Eren was sitting. 
As you amble over, you realize that the toilet seat is way too low and you can’t properly reach Eren’s face to reach. You were towering over him, his long legs sprawled across the floor of the bathroom. 
“Why are these toilet seats so low? I can’t even get the right angle.” 
“Levi. Kenny told me he hates having his feet dangle over certain toilets so he makes sure to get the shortest ones when picking his apartments. As if Levi’s going to come shit in our toilet at some point.” 
You nod, trying your best to lean over and indent the mark over Eren’s face. Out of all the angles you try, not one of them works - your head is blocking the light, your hands are in a weird position, you’re all up in his space. 
“Just sit on my knee. If it’s easier.” 
He splits his legs, tapping on the top of his thigh for you to sit. You nod, setting both of your legs on each side of his one as you lightly perch on top of his leg. 
“That’s hovering. Not sitting, Y/N. It’s fine.” 
You sigh, pressing your full weight against Eren as you lean back over for the phone and check the picture. As you slide over reaching for it, Eren puts his hands on your waist, holding you from falling off of his knee. 
“Thanks Ren. Just wanted to check again before I started.” 
You focus on the picture, the light shining against your face as you check where the scar was exactly on your eyes. Eren locks his fingers together behind your waist, pulling you closer so you can get a better look. 
“Okay. I think I’ve got it down.” 
You cradle the side of his face in your hands as you start drawing the scar on, trying to be as gentle as possible. Trying to avoid the fact that you’re basically straddling him right now. You can feel his cheeks warming under your touch and you try your hardest not to let the smile spread across your face. At least it’s not just you. 
“What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing Ren. You’re just blushing, that’s all.” 
“You’d blush if you were in my position too.” 
You shake your head, pressing your fingers against his lips so you can stop him from moving. You’re only halfway through the scar and if he talks again you’re going to smudge it. 
“Since when do you wear red lipstick?” 
“I don’t. Pieck made me buy it for her wedding. It’s for special occasions.” 
You lean back, cupping his face in your hands as you glean your eyes over the scar. You compare it to the picture and figure it's semi accurate, giving him a smile to signal you’re done. You slide off of his legs, beckoning him to join you in the mirror. You watch him lean forward, eyeing your work. 
“No problem.” 
“Can I try?” 
“Try what?” 
“Doing makeup on you.” 
You pause, dropping your lipstick tube back into the box. 
“I don’t have a scar for my costume.” 
“I know. But you must have something left to do. You just looked so focused, like you were face painting, and I just wanted to try.” 
“Um, okay. You can take this glitter. You basically just dip your finger in it and swipe it against my eyelids. And then along the collarbone too, because it's body glitter.” 
He nods, taking the white glitter into his hands. He inspects the box first, turning it over and over again, holding it up against the light, smelling it. 
“Do you need to do a police inspection on the box? It’s just glitter.” 
“Shut up. I was just checking if it was okay to use.” 
“It’s obviously okay to use if I’m giving it to you. I’ve used it before.” 
He rolls his eyes, learning down. He sets his hands on both sides of your face, angling your face to inspect you this time. 
“You’re short.” 
“Thank you, Captain Obvious.” 
“Do you always have to give me attitude?” 
“Pretty much.” 
“Sit on the counter. It’ll be easier for me to do if we’re closer to the same level.” 
You brace your palms against the counter, trying to push yourself onto the counter. You clearly misestimated how tall the counter was because you barely hit the back of the top, stumbling in the air. 
“Okay, Humpty Dumpty. Let me help you.” 
He reaches down, securing his hands around your waist to lift you up to the counter. You can feel your cheeks burning at the sensation, unable to look him in the eyes. 
Right. Because it was getting easier, because he was becoming your friend. But there were still moments like this. Ones where you can feel your cheeks burning, your heart pounding, your fingers shaking. 
You hate that he still makes you feel this way. 
“Okay, widen your stance.” 
“Open your legs.” 
“Ew. You’re so vulgar, Eren.” 
“Well, I said to widen your stance and you gave me that stupid look on your face. It’s your fault.” 
You roll your eyes, parting your legs. He steps in between the space, leaning close to your face with the glitter still in his hands. 
“So, the eyelids and collarbones?” 
“Yeah. You can just use your fingers. You wash your hands after you pee, right?” 
“Of course not.” 
“It’s better for the environment. If I just wait until I have to poop, I can just save water by washing my hands once. You should try it.” he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. 
“As if. Girls don’t poop.” 
“Yes, they do.” 
“No, they don’t.” 
“There’s no way girls don’t poop.” 
“Ask your mom. Or Mikasa. They’ll tell you the same thing.” 
“Okay, stop fucking around. We’re running late.”
“You started it with your stupid toilet humor.”
“Shut up. Your attitude is going to kill me one day.” 
“That’s a promise, Yeager.” 
He rolls his eyes, a small smile spread across his face as he dips his thumb into the glitter. He cups the side of your face and you flutter your eyes shut, his fingers gentle against your eyes. You can hear him laughing and you squint your eyes, glaring at him as you open them. 
“What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing Y/N. You’re just blushing, that’s all.” he responds, his tone mocking. 
“Did you do this just to prove a point? It looks like finger painting, my ass.” 
“Close your eyes. I’m not done yet.” 
You shut your eyes again, Eren sliding the last bit of glitter along your eyes. You open your eyes to find him staring at you, his eyes wide. 
“What did you do? Don’t tell me there’s glitter on my forehead.” 
“No, it just looks pretty, that’s all.” 
You look down, focusing on his hands as he dips into the glitter again. Stupid fucking hands and voice and smell and hair and soft cheeks. You can literally feel your heartbeat all the way in your stomach and he’s barely even touching you. 
He uses his hands to tilt your face up, lightly pressing the glitter against the exposed parts of your neck. You feel your body shiver, instantly remembering the last time you and Eren were like this. Pressed up in the bathroom, with him kissing your neck. He presses his hand to your shoulder, his eyes washing over in concern at you shivering. 
“You okay?” 
“Yeah, sorry. Got a weird sense of deja vu, that’s all.” 
He nods, finishing off the last of the glitter. When he’s done, he locks his hands across your waist again, lightly setting you back down on the counter as you both stand there. You’re both staring at each other, neither one of you talking first. 
Right. Because what are you supposed to say after that? Oh, sorry, I was just thinking of your lips on my neck, my bad.
The doorbell rings and Eren gives you a soft smile before squeezing your shoulder and leaving. You can hear Hitch in the doorway and you try to ignore the way your entire body is steaming. 
“What are you even supposed to be, Marco?” 
“I’m a space cowboy, Y/N!”
“You’re holding a glittery gun and wearing a flannel. You look like a kid who got lost at Party City and picked the closest thing you could find. You don’t even have a cowboy hat.” 
“Ignore her, Marco. I think you look great.” 
You watch Marco’s cheeks turn a bright pink, awkwardly stuttering to respond to Jean. Great. They’re going to do this whole oblivious idiots thing all night. 
Marco slides into the front as you and Jean walk to the other side, unlocking the car. 
“Ignore her, Marco. I think you look great.” you say, mocking Jean’s high pitched voice. 
He rolls his eyes, lightly shoving you as you settle into the seat behind him. They’re both talking animatedly, forgetting you were even sitting in the back. You unlock your phone, playing Wordscapes as they go on in the background. 
Eren’s eyes were trained on your figure, as Jean and Marco were spinning you around on the dance floor with them for a better part of the last forty-five minutes. He’s been waiting, staring at you, anticipating when you’ll look at him. 
You’re driving him crazy. Today, especially. Soft glitters, a willowy white dress, that stupid flowery perfume you wore during the concert. He even likes the stupid halo you have on your head. 
He wants to touch you. Press his hands against yours, drag you out and leave with you so he was the only one who could see you like this, your stupid eyes glittering in the light. 
He hates that you can still make him feel this way. 
He sees you leave, waving off Jean and Marco who were still left on the dance floor. Marco’s wearing your halo and you have the glittery gun Marco was holding. 
He’s still watching you. Shamelessly. You weave around people talking, wait to walk forward so you don’t get in the way of pictures, compliment strangers on their costumes. 
“What are you staring at?”
“Nothing, Hitch.” 
She’s been annoyed for a better part of the last hour, not that he’s been paying much attention to it. Marlowe still hasn’t shown up. 
He doesn’t mind the guy. He doesn’t quite understand why Marlowe and Hitch have to play these games - circling around each other, making each other jealous, making up. He figures a part of it is the chase, but he’s always found that part the most agonizing. He’d catch you if he could. He’s been waiting long enough. He’d make you feel good right here and right now. 
He watches you leave the room, leaving the heat of the room to the patio outside. 
“Mind if I leave? Just call me when he’s here, okay?” 
Hitch nods and Eren basically bolts out the door, ready to follow you where you went. But before he can, Jean all but falls right off the dance floor, piled on the floor in front of him. He can see Marco’s hand under him, dragging them both up by their arms. He can tell Jean’s already too far gone and that he has to deal with this first. Then you. 
Your feet hurt. Like a bitch. You made the wrong choice of wearing your Doc Martens to the party. You had figured you wouldn’t be moving much, just sticking to the walls and talking to whoever you knew there. But no, of course Jean’s nervous ass had to drag you onto the dance floor with Marco, the three of you spinning in circles. 
You had made your safe escape, sitting outside on the patio. You had been watching the wind whistle through the trees in the dead of night, watching the lights in the pool change colors. They had been changing every minute - switching from purple, to red, to green. There were a few stars glittering out, barely sparkling in the sky. 
“Anyone sitting here?” 
You look up to find a guy with black hair and pale green eyes kneeling down, crossing his legs next to yours. 
“No. Well you are, now.” 
He smiles, the two of you sitting in silence. You watch people swerve around the pool, girls holding hands, people leaning against the chairs, everyone nursing drinks in their hands. 
“I’ve never seen you around here.” 
“Yeah. I don’t really come to these things, I just came here with my friend Jean.” 
He nods, leaning down to feel the temperature of the water. 
“Do you want to play twenty questions?” 
You hike your knees against your chest, tangling your fingers together across. 
“Your name is…?” 
“Y/N. Yours?” 
Right. Hitch’s Marlowe. The guy she was trying to make jealous, the reason Eren was seeing her and not you. Well, not exactly. He said you two were just a mistake but you could have convinced him if she wasn’t in the picture. Semantics. He taps your shoulder and you forget that it’s your turn. 
“You play a sport, Marlowe?” 
“Water Polo.” 
You nod, lightly turning your head to the side. This is wrong. Surely Hitch wouldn’t be the happiest that you were sitting with Marlowe and not her. You can hear the party getting louder behind you and you swear you can hear her screaming in there somewhere. 
“Seeing anyone, Y/N?” 
“Uh, no. You?” 
“Not exactly, Y/N.” 
“I have this friend, I think you’d like her. Her name is-” 
You pause, swallowing as you turn your face to look at him. He’s sitting way too close, an all-knowing look plastered on his face. 
“Thanks for the suggestion. I’m okay, for now. It’s your turn to ask.” 
“Um, okay. Why don’t you want to see Hitch?” 
“Because I’m talking to you.” 
He untangles his legs and stands up, holding out his hand for you to follow. You press your hand into his and he pulls you up, not letting go of your hand as the two of you stand. The party is getting even louder, the sound of voices drowning out the sound of the music. You’re positive you can hear her now. 
“My turn. Do you know a guy named Eren? Plays soccer, green eyes?” 
“Uh, no. Never heard of him.” 
He nods, squinting his eyes at you. He must know Eren’s your roommate. Maybe he’s found out their together and he’s trying to get you to admit it. You let go of his hand, the two of you standing awkwardly by the pool. 
You can’t really tell what he’s getting at, but every part of him irks you out. He’s perfect for Hitch. 
“My turn, Marlowe. Are we done now?” 
“That’s barely even twenty. But fine, one more question.” 
You teeter on the balls of your feet, ready to take off the second he asks his stupid question. He turns to the side, eyeing the window, before asking. 
“When was the last time someone kissed you?” 
Before you can respond, Marlowe crashes into the pool, with Eren suddenly standing at your side. Eren just pushed Marlowe into the fucking pool. You can hear the sound of footsteps behind you - Hitch, Jean, and Marco at your sides. 
Jean and Marco - well wasted beyond their minds - swing their arms around you, slurring as they ask you if you’re okay. Hitch on the other hand is pissed. At Eren. 
“What the hell is your problem, Eren?” 
“Him, Hitch. He was pissing me off.” 
“This wasn’t what I meant when I asked you for help with this Eren. And your stupid roommate wasn’t helping the case either.” 
You feel your eyes widen, as you make eye contact with Hitch, awkwardly crossing your arms across each other. You turn back to Jean, who still isn’t paying attention, instead playing rock paper scissors with Marco on the floor. 
“You want to be with Marlowe so bad, Hitch? Go ahead and join him.” 
He leans over, lightly pushing Hitch into the pool where Marlowe was still watching. He turns to you and ou can tell he’s pissed - that stupid vein on his forehead is showing again. But not in the good way. 
“We’re leaving, Y/N.” 
He grabs the edge of your wrist, dragging you towards the door as you shake on his hand. 
“I drove here with Marco and Jean, Eren. And they’re way too drunk to drive home now.” 
You both turn back, leaning over Marco and Jean. Jean’s way too out of it, but Marco looks up, smiling at the two of you. 
“You guys are so cute. I love your Anakin and Padme costume.” 
Right. Because he took your halo and you took the glittery gun because he kept hitting Jean with it. Eren turns to you, shaking your hand again. 
“Armin will come get them. You and I are leaving. Now.” 
“But how will he even find them? And what about Marco’s car?” 
Eren turns around fully, stopping in the center of the door. He’s pissed, at you now, and you can lightly hear Marlowe and Hitch arguing in the background. 
“You can hear them right? Knowing them, they’re going to walk up in a few seconds and start arguing with you and me. And if he says some shit again, I’m going to do worse than just push him into a fucking pool. You and I are leaving.” 
He tangles his fingers around your wrist again, his touch still gentle, as the two of you file out of the party, making it back to the apartment. 
Eren doesn’t say anything to you as you walk to the car, when you drive home, or even when you stare at him from the confines of your kitchen. He can tell by the look in your eyes that you’re waiting. For an explanation. 
But he can’t do that can he? Tell you that the reason he pushed Marlowe in the pull and argued with Hitch is because he can’t stand the thought of him being with you? He can see the entire scene in his head, like he has been for the past hour, his anger burning every time he does. 
“Jean, get the fuck up. You too, Marco.” 
They both stand up, half leaning on each other. Totally gone. 
“Eren. Marlowe’s here.” 
He turns to find Hitch at his side, her face scrunched up in anger. Eren waves off Marco and Jean, pushing them towards the kitchen where (he hopes) they’ll find water and sober up a little. There’s no way he’s letting them drive you home, that’s for sure. 
“With your stupid roommate outside. What is she doing?” 
Eren turns his neck to find you, where he was just about to join you, sitting by the side of the pool. He can see Marlowe sitting next to you, leaning way too close for his liking. He turns back around, pressing his hands against Hitch’s shoulders. 
“Get him to leave. Now.” 
“How the hell am I supposed to do that?” 
He drags Hitch out by the arm, the two of them leaning their necks so they can hear what you and Marlowe are talking about. 
“Seeing anyone, Y/N?” 
That’s enough. Eren moves forward, not exactly sure what he’s going to do, but Hitch stops him, pulling him back by the wrist. 
“What are you doing, Hitch?” 
Hitch digs her fingers into Eren’s wrist, turning to glare at him. 
“What the fuck is she doing?” 
“He asked her the question, Hitch. Shut the fuck up.” 
He’s getting angrier. He can feel it - burning hot, red anger. Because why the fuck is Marlowe talking to you? Asking you if you’re alone? Why are you talking to him when you know he’s here? And why the fuck is Hitch pissed at you like Marlowe’s not the one all over you right now? Don’t you know he’s been waiting for that dance you promised him all night? 
“Not exactly, Y/N.” 
“I have this friend I think you’d like. Her name is-” 
He turns back, his turn to glare at Hitch. 
“See, Hitch. It’s fucking Marlowe. Now go and stop him.” 
“How the fuck am I supposed to stop him? And I have no interest in chasing him.” 
“Get mad. Argue and then kiss and makeup. I don’t give a fuck. Just get him to stop fucking talking to her. Now.” 
“I already told you. I’m not chasing him.”
“This isn’t fucking about you. Do something now or I’ll call the deal off now. I’ve already done more than enough and you can’t do one thing for me?” 
“Why do you even care?” 
He turns his neck again, to find you and Marlowe standing, his hand in yours. He can’t stand it. Your hand in his. Because he doesn’t deserve you. No one does. Because he can’t treat you right and Eren can. He’d praise the ground you walk on if you let him. 
He hears the last question and he can’t take it anymore.
“When was the last time you were kissed?” 
So he does the only thing he can think of. Push Marlowe in the pool. Drag you out of the party, where Hitch and Marlowe and Jean or Marco or anyone can’t talk to you. See you. He hates it. Being possessive, getting jealous. He knows you’re not his. But he can’t fucking stand it. It makes his skin fucking burn thinking of an asshole like Marlowe even touching you, let alone kissing you. 
“Earth to Ren?” 
He looks back up to find you staring at him, awkwardly brushing your hands against your forearms. Right. Because you’re still waiting for a fucking answer and he can’t tell you. Tell you that the thought of another man touching you drives him crazy, that the only person who could touch you right, make you feel good was him. 
“You’re doing that thing again. I can see the steam coming off of your head.” 
He deflates, leaning against the counter as he watches you. You’re moving from the side, pressing the glass of water in your hand to the dispenser in the kitchen. It’s pissing him off even more. The thought of someone seeing you like this - bedhead in the morning, focused when you’re doing your makeup, half asleep on the couch. He can’t fucking stand it. 
“So. Do you want to talk about it?” 
“Okay, Darth Vader. No need to growl at me.” 
Fuck. Everything is pissing him off. Everything. 
“Let’s think about something else, yeah? We don’t have to talk about it just….stop being so pissy.” 
You’re at his side, circling the glass of water in your hand. 
“Fine. The answer to the question. What was it?” 
“What question, Ren?” 
“The one Marlowe asked you. Before I pushed him in the pool.” 
When was the last time you were kissed? In the bathroom, when Eren had his lips pressed to your neck. 
“A real kiss, Y/N.” 
Eren Yeager, mind reader.
“Oh. Um. A while ago, maybe a year? It was back when I was dating Floch.” 
Eren turns his neck, his eyes flashing at you as you look at him. He looks less angry, his eyes more concerned than murderous like they were a few seconds ago. 
“I don’t even think I can remember. I don’t know - he never really liked that stuff. Affection, compliments, all that.” 
“Did you ask him to? Do that stuff?”
“At first, yeah. But he never did.” 
Now he’s even more pissed. Because an asshole wanting to kiss you, him doing it all wrong is infuriating enough. But the fact that you had to ask someone to do it? He’d literally drop on his fucking knees if you gave him the chance and you had to ask someone for it? 
Eren does the only thing he can. The only thing he knows how to do. He wraps his arms around you, tucking your face against his neck as he holds you. 
It was either this or kissing you, full on like he wanted to. But he can’t really do that. So hugging it is. He hears you murmur against his shoulder, your arms pressing against his back. 
“S’okay Eren. What are you so mad about?” 
“You said we didn’t have to talk about it. And no. It’s not.” 
“We don’t. But I think this is less about whatever happened and more about whatever just-” 
He tightens his grip on you, the pressure of his arms silencing you. 
“I’m mad because you should be kissed. Often. And by someone who knows how. Like they can’t get enough of you, like you’re the air they breathe, like you’re inventing kissing just by putting your lips together.”
Shit. He said too much. 
You stand in silence, staring at him as he finishes talking. Oh he messed up big time. 
He watches the smile spread across your face, your eyes still in the dim light of the kitchen. Stupid fucking glitter. He’s going to go into the bathroom and throw it out. 
“Didn’t realize you cared so much, Ren.” 
He doesn’t respond. 
“Why do you?” 
“Why do I what?” 
“Care so much, Eren?” 
You watch him constrict his fists again, his jaw clenched.
“Selfish reasons.” 
You walk up to the counter where he’s leaning over, lacing your arm through his. You push your hands into his fists, forcing him to stop clenching his hands so hard. You can tell his anger is dissipating, his shoulders slowly tensing as you touch him. 
“Selfish reasons?” 
“I don’t want to see you unhappy or anything. You’re like...my best friend right now. Is it so weird that I want you to be happy?” 
You smile, leaning your head against his shoulder. Fucking idiot. 
“No, Ren. It’s not weird.” 
You both stand like that for a while, your head pressed against his shoulder. He’s still tense, his heart pounding against your ear. 
“So I say all this nice shit to you and you have nothing to say back?” 
“Nothing at all.” 
You shake your head, watching him begrudingly smile at you as you two smile In the kitchen. You stand there for a while, the anger, awkwardness, wearing off. It’s just you two, standing in the light of your kitchen. 
“You promised me a dance. You never even gave me one, Ren.” 
“I’m not riding up on you, Y/N.” 
“I’m heartbroken.” 
You both laugh and Eren leans over, grabbing your phone from the side. He puts a song on - I Won’t Dance by Fred Astaire - and holds his hands out. You lean forward, knotting your hands behind his back as he presses his hands to your waist.
“You know Fred Astaire, Ren?” 
“Old timey shit. My parents love it.” 
You tangle your hands behind his neck, the two of you dancing in the dim light of your kitchen. 
You hate this. That you want to lick all his wounds, hold him till his anger goes away. That you want to dance like this in the kitchen with him, all the time. 
He hates this. That it’s this easy for you to fix it all for him. For you to make it better. That he wants to hold you, make you feel good every night. 
Do you love each other? 
next part linked here
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