#I love that I can change my status <333
bingbangboom666x2 · 4 months
I got 5 hours of sleep last night because I was re-playing 14 Days With You with the new Day 3.5 Update.
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my god I had forgotten (not really) how much I love this man. and also all the women.
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miumura · 2 years
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synopsis : You've never had good luck with dating. You just couldn't seem to make it work. You were led to believe that was how things would always be. You had no idea but, Jungwon, one of your classmates has been crushing on you for a long time. But because you are you, you never paid attention to him in class. After seeing him staring at you for a time, you finally identify him as a barista at the aroma café. Will anything ever change for you? Will you be able to establish a committed relationship at last?
pairing : nonidol! jungwon x nonidol! fem! reader
genre : high school au, smau, fluff, lots of crack, strangers (?) to lovers, classmates to lovers
featuring : all enhypen members, eunchae and yunjin from le sserafim, beomgyu from txt, hyunjae from the boyz
warning : cursing, use of kms + kys jokes, jungwon and yn being kind of dense..
status : completed! [oct 30 2022 - nov 16 2022]
author’s note : first time writing an smau 😧😧 so this may not be the best smau 🤗 kind of scary but fun at the same time.. the updates might not be fast since i’m in school!! so please be patient while waiting for me to give updates ^^ (also i moved this to my main blog LMFAO)
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PROFILES : bitchless [y/n] | the idiotic mfs [jungwon]
1. no bitches???
2. jungwon hate club
3. eye twitches
4. his name starts with a j?? (written + smau)
5. HES BACK ?? OMG ??
6. she knows me. what.
7. jungwons first win ‼️‼️
8. jake watch out.
9. study session (written + smau)
10. am i dreaming?
11. niki shut up challenge !
11.5 will you be the fiona to my shrek 😘😘
12. hes kinda…
13. even a girlboss has her weak moments..
14. im his fav customer!! (written + smau)
15. the plan.
16. dude who is he
18. can he js ask me out already 🤗
18.5 me + j = love
19. planning the confession.
20. giggling saur hard rn
21. jay and hyunjae bsfs now??
22. something is going on here..i dont like this.
24. confession. (written + smau)
25. together at last <3
26. i hate couples.
26.1 jungwons jealous
26.2 baking with jungwon <3
26.3 fuck shrek!!
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thank you for liking this smau <333
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azulsluver · 2 years
I need I need!
Bully!Idia n bully!Sebek!
Oh my liege would you be so kind as to share your thoughts with us mere mortals?
—Eel anon
you ask and I shall receive! I actually have a draft of bully!sebek because he's just soooo <333
tw. yandere, suggestive themes, stalking, blackmail, dubcon touching, #delulsebek
Minor at writing !! Read at your own record,
slight malleus and azul x reader
Idia in any au I have is just gross, irnoic since he loves to degrade you for being so gross. He loved the idea of the bully and victim trope, a guilty pleasure he plays and reads with every chance he's got. Idia is still scared to bully anyone that isn't you, because you're such an easy target it rubs his ego in a nice way. You cower when he just as much mimics Leona or Vil's personality/voice to edge you, grinning wildly at your upset expression. You make this all too easy for Idia to play with, he's tested and studied your behavior, will you let sneak his hands under your shirt? Take his fingers down your throat?
Of course things go south with Idia, horny gripping his knee when you as much beg him to not expose the photos he secretly took while you showered. You let Cater keep some so why can't he >:( Still can't get over the fact he's rich! Idia using his status and wealth to get you to bend under his thumb, like the tweels and Azul, he finds a way to get you in need of some cash, the world is so cruel to useless things like you.
He can easily court you to stay with him, you're so interesting to him yet he treats you less. Pointing out your insecurities and telling you that eventually, they'll leave you to die one day. Not Idia, well, if that were to happen surely you wouldn't mind exchanging those fleshly limbs for something more hard.
RUFF Idia teasing Azul that he has pictures and videos of you that he secretly kept cameras in your room. He's enjoying Azul's reaction to you changing or showering, sure Azul has done these type of things but it's you! Idia knows how hooked you got these unhinged men coming for you, it's silly to drag Azul deeper into this fucked up fantasy of his. Or or!! Idia seems like the type to pay someone to take you out on dates and flirt with you so he can get more information about your likes and dislikes,, before Idia comes to show you a video of them sleeping with another person. It's a new hobby of his now.
More thoughts about bully!sebek....
He really just hates you for no good reason, every word coming out of his mouth is utter bull, shouting that you should stay away from him and Malleus. Although, Malleus would be the one coming to you. Just breathing near him drives him crazy! You could be idly minding your business and cautiously looking around in fear, and Sebek would speed walk your way to give you your daily lecture. Your appearance is inappropriate, smeared lipstick and devilish hair; just came out of Malleus's room.
Sebek is a little slow at the moment, but he'll connect the pieces and good lord. He can't decide whether or not Malleus chose you or you're such an attention seeking whore. He's grabbing at your thighs and pulling them open to see if you and Malleus actually did do it.
He's ripping whatever you have that's in his way of spreading your legs, trying to shove a finger in to see if Malleus has...put his wonderful and precious seed in you!(lol i can't take this seriously) You're crying already, fist pounding at his head as you tell him that you didn't sleep with Malleus and that he was only teasing you. But was he really gonna believe you, luckily, whatever god there was heard your prayers. Sebek backs off, mentally preparing himself to get over the fact Malleus chose you.
This will create a routine of Sebek dragging you to someplace more private, a hand over your mouth as his fingers curl deep inside you to make sure you aren't fooling around with others. Malleus deserves to dirty his virginity to a lover who isn't willing to spread their legs to any man! But there are times where he lingers longer than usual, the excuse is that you probably didn't clean properly and he's certain that someone like you isn't all that pure. Not like he's any better.
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ARIIIII HI HELLO HEY !!! i got a bit busy (i hate assessments) but I'm back and I will soon read all the things I added to my tbr that you posted !! soooo excited hehe :3 I wanted to ask how you guys are playing phanpara.... i also want to see all the fun stuff and play.. ☹☹ manifesting the banners for you so you get them easily <333 - ❄ anon
❄️ ANON MY LOVE !! welcome back!!!! :3 i hope your assessments went well…. i’m proud of you for working hard 🫂🫂🫂 AND PLS don’t feel any pressure w the tbr, my fics will always be here when you have the time !!! <3333
BUT YES . phanpara ….. i’m not gonna lie to you anon getting it downloaded on ios was a whole trial of will but 😭😭 it’s actually. fairly simple. it’s easier on android (you just need to download a bunch of apps to emulate it!!) but on ios you need to manually change your appstore region to japan. and then download a vpn app. the biggest downside w ios is that there aren’t really any good translator apps!! :(( on android you can get bubble translate which lets you translate on screen text really easily…. but you won’t get anything like that on ios. so you won’t understand what the characters are saying (unless you take screenshots and throw them into an image translator)….
buuut if you’re still fine with that!! (assuming you have ios and not android)…. then i’ll leave the instructions down below :33 i’ll try to make them as clear as possible but just ask if you have any more questions!! i’d love to help!!! phanpara is sm fun…
ok so . here are all the steps !!
1) make a new appstore account!!
this step is easy :3 … i don’t. remember how i did it tho. pretty sure you just go to the appstore browser page?? or something.., and then you obv just need to add a name and a functional email address!
when you’ve made a new account, make sure that your ios is logged into it . just go to settings -> click your profile -> click on the appstore icon -> log out from your usual account and log in on the new one!! then you just need to press ”show account” to go to the next step.
2) change your region to japan!!
this is the complicated step. it’s not really that complicated though it just took me a while to figure it out 😭😭 you can use this site for reference if my descriptions confuse you lol
when you try to change your region to japan, you’ll be forced to add your name and your address. you can use your normal name (assuming it’s made up of english letters), but you’ll need to generate a jp address!! it’s actually kinda easy. this is the website i used!! it lists all the information you need in the correct order, so just . copy and paste into the settings . (i believe you’ll need to choose the prefecture manually, so just look at the prefecture name on the website and match it with the options ios gives you!!) street name, prefecture, city, zip code, phone number… etcetc. this may or may not be an illegal process but if you’re a gacha enjoyer i’m assuming you like living life on the edge.
you’ll also get the option to add a payment method, but you should be able to skip it by choosing the option at the bottom. this is important because otherwise it won’t let you change your region (unless you happen to have a japanese credit card hanging around)….
when you’ve entered all the necessary information, click the blue text in the top right corner to move on!! if you’ve done everything correctly you should be taken to the jp appstore :3
3) download phanpara + ovpnspider!!
now you’re almost done!!! downloading phanpara should be easy, just search for it in the appstore and. well. download it. when i did this i had to click through some ios popup page..??? but just . click your way through it. trial and error. until it lets you download the app <33
while phanpara is loading, download ovpnspider!! this one is super easy and doesn’t take up much space at all. when it’s finished downloading, just go into the app, go to the ”jp” folder and connect to one of the vpns!! the status has to be ”alive”, but any of them should work :3
4) play phanpara !!
now you should be good to go <33 the only issue is that the vpn can be a little difficult sometimes. phanpara might take a bit to load, and throw you out if the vpn disconnects, but as long as you just exit the app and change the vpn there shouldn’t be any issues. could be a little bothersome sometimes but you get used to it quickly!! just make sure that you’re connected to a vpn, enter phanpara, and play :33 for me it takes up roughly 5gbs of space, so make sure your phone can handle it!!
aaaaand that’s it <333 i’m sorry if this is just. gibberish 😭😭 or if i’m making it sound more complicated than it is …. and pls let me know if it works for you!!! i’d love to be friends in game if you make an account :33 then you’ll be able to use my gojo in battle … hehehe ……..
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honey-crypt · 3 months
yapping about farmer benny to cure my sadness so here’s some benny facts for y’all <333
★ expanding the sdv version of earth with this one but benny’s dad immigrated from the solennia kingdom and married benny’s mom (whose dad is the grandpa that gifts the farm in sdv) in the ferngill republic, which makes benny solennian-ferngillian
★ so benny has dual citizenship but he doesn’t really talk about being half solennian because the solennia kingdom is allied with the gotoro empire, who the ferngill republic is at war with
★ so shit goes south real fast when sam and them are in their lil lovey dovey himbo-ery and kent comes home from the war and immediately clocks benny as having solennian ancestry… ANYWHO, MOVING ON
★ their farm’s name is honeycomb farm and it specializes in honey and mead
★ benny has a condition called bertolotti’s syndrome (which is an irl thing that i, bee, have) and gets flare ups in his lower back and legs that can interfere with their farmwork (and life in general) sometimes
★ they use a collapsible cane to walk long distances or if they’re flaring up, the cane is covered in stickers and colorful duck tape; he let jas and vincent add some stickers on it
★ SUPER ACCIDENT PRONE TO THE POINT OF INJURING OTHERS BY MISTAKE, such as accidentally tripped morris and decking pierre in the face
★ loves combat and is always in the mines, much to doctor harvey’s horror because “BENNY YOU’RE GONNA HAVE A SPASM I SWEAR TO YOBA”
★ fighting monsters is basically benny’s version of physical therapy, they always make sure they go in the mines with the right supportive gear like their back brace and orthotics
★ pretty chill with the wizard, visits the tower at least once a week to either say hi, use the changing statue (he uses it to help their dysphoria), or learn about magic
★ will drink anything you hand him, such as the time the wizard handed him a potion to hold for a moment and they just… drank it…. it was a potion of teleportation and he accidentally teleported into sam’s bedroom, it was very awkward but funny
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pnwdagnabbit · 6 months
Ya know... I kept hoping that things would ease up, but more stuff just keeps piling on. I think it's time that I officially switch my status to a legit "hiatus".
I'm at a point where I don't want to be online really, just because I don't want to bring everyone down. I have too much anxiety, depression, and stress with mental, physical, and financial things that it's making me need to stay active. It's the only way that I feel better about what's happening in my life. At least, cleaning, cooking, caring for the animals and assisting my kin can give me a sense of accomplishment and purpose. It's not much, but it takes a lot out of me to simply do mundane tasks when my seizures are draining my energy, concentration, focus, and ability to function. I'm truly tired in ways I can't explain.
I don't know if this is permanent or if I'll come back to Tumblr later. I don't know how much more health issues are coming, but the doctors are running more tests. There's concerns in other areas, besides my epilepsy, that's been really affecting my health. Stuff I don't feel like getting into, but I'm trying to keep my hopes up.
Most of you have my Discord and can reach out to me if you feel like keeping in touch. If things get better, I might rekindle this profile, but... I simply don't know right now.
Please know that I love and care about each and everyone of you and this isn't something that I ever thought I'd actually have to do. If time changes things and I'm able to come back, I hope most of you will still be here. If not, I'll understand.
Thank you for everything and for staying my dear, sweet friends all this time, whether it's been from here, on Discord, or just in general.
I love and miss all y'all, but like I said, most of you know my Discord account. I'm not completely gone. Just can't be here. If you don't have it and would like to stay in touch, you can add me up at UntamedSouthernCharm.
Take care and stay safe, my budlits. Much love, always always. <333
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cryingatships · 6 months
Thank for the tag @tellmetheskyisblue!! <333
Last Song: Jeff Satur's Ghost. It's just so addicting >.>
Favorite Color: Changes all the time, but recently it's pale blue and green. The spring's getting to me XD
Last Movie/TV Show: Lotr rewatch for movies, and 23.5 for shows
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Savory!! (I'll also sneak in an ice cream cause it's wayyy too hot here rn and i'm very much craving one)
Relationship Status: In an unrequited (??) crush situation ≧ ﹏ ≦
Last Thing Googled: Nut Supanat (I just wanted to show this pretty boi's face to a friend ok!!)
Current Obsession: Having multiple existential crises through the day. And opening my Pit Babe fic wips, writing a sentence, and deleting it immediately (come back my fic writing skills i miss youuu 😭😭😭)
Last Book: The Adivasi Will Not Dance by Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar (Does readings for college count?)
Looking Forward To: some to-be-released beloved shows aka This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans, Next Prince and Pit Babe gang's other series' announcements. Hopefully these can get me out of the show-watching rut I've fallen in these days
Tagging @valentinaonthemoon, @acingthecounts, @boysslove, @doyou000me, @ohanny, @supanuts, @le-trash-prince (no pressure tho!) and everyone who wants to join in!!
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kichikichiko · 1 year
When requesting from me <333
SLOTS: 1/4
Request on the ask box! You can be anon if you wish :)
⋆。𖦹 °.🐚⋆❀˖°
1. Genshin Impact (up to date!)
2. Hazbin Hotel (up to date!)
3. Welcome home (W.H IS STRICTLY ROMANTIC OR PLATONIC! Respect Clowns wishes!)
5. Tears of Themis (mildly up to date, I dont play the game unless I miss Artem)
6. Honkai Star Rail (UP TO DATE NOWW)
7. OBEY ME (Not keeping up with the lore, but I know the characters well)
→ You can request as many times as you want!
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YES! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Character x reader (gen neutral fem or male, not sure abt male but ill try) PLEASE STATE THE GENDER YOU WANT AS U REQUEST OR ELSE I'LL WRITE AS GN! 🌹
Headcanons (3 characters max!)
Platonic relationship character x reader (we love friends!)
Modern AU, OG universe, childhood friends AU, fantasy AU and some others probably!
Platonic relationship with children and reader (Diona, Qiqi, Klee, Yaoyao, Hook, Nahida etc...)
NO! (´;︵;`)
Character x character
Trans character (dont feel comfortable with changing characters genders unless its canon) or reader (sensitive subject and I aint boutta fuck it all up bc of how I potray it through my writing)
Hardcore kinks (piss kink💀💀💀💀 etc)
Romantic relationship between reader and children... I mean come on... I dont have to explain why
Sexual relationship between children and reader
Poly relationship
3 somes or more than 2 people
Hardcore degrading smut
BDSM (depends tho!)
Glorifying cheating fanfics
Honestly might be more but i cant think of any rnnn
Pls lmk thru dm or question box if u have any questions.
Enjoy requesting and reading my work! 😍❤️
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Masterlist here!
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ctrldoll · 2 months
List your husbandos/waifus 🫵
Yayyyy! ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) I'll list my main ones!
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KENTO NANAMI! (Jujutsu Kaisen!) - The suit! The shirt and tie! <333 He's so husband material! Oh My Days, I love him! The amount of support he seems to offer despite his strict form is so comforting! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
GETO SUGURU! (Jujutsu Kaisen!) - He's so cute! I also feel sorry for him and admire him as a well-written character! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) He's a bit of a sweetheart and cares deeply which is so adorable!
GOJO SATORU! (Jujutsu Kaisen!) - He's so adorable! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I love his bubbly personality! His interactions with his students and the moments he shares with individuals such as Megumi make me love him more! Aww, I love his character sm!
HIGURUMA HIROSHI! (Jujutsu Kaisen!) - Dark hair, a suit and somewhat exhausted personalities always get me because...aaahh, he’s so adorable! (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)
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KÖNIG! (Call of Duty!) - The MAN that you are- (∩˃o˂∩)♡ ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
He's tall as hell and tough with a probably sweet inside! When Tumblr first introduced me to COD through a Simon fic, I wasn't that attracted to Simon. He's alright, don't be sad, but not necessarily my type.
König, though, whooooo don't get me started! He is so adorable! I'd happily be his short wife! I have a thing for tall men! ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰
JOHN PRICE! (Call of Duty!) - Maybe it's the moustache, maybe it's because he's high-key a DILF & maybe because he is so attractive...IT'S ALL OF THEM! ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
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LUCIFER! (Obey Me!) - I adored him the second I started playing the game! His strict personality got me in seconds! Plus, he's dark haired and looks stunning in a suit which helped a ton! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ)
DIAVOLO! (Obey Me!) - Look, the sweethearts get me a lot! I adore his sweet personality despite his status! (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) I haven't gotten deep into Obey Me! (mostly because I have to repeat the game because I deleted it a while ago. I've reinstalled it and installed Nightbringer!) but I hope to.
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JOHN DOE! (John Doe Game!) - John Doe's so adorable! I love my wholesome man so much! He's just so silly! ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
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TODOROKI ENJI! (My Hero Academia!)- I’m not gonna try to defend this one. He's terrible and in a long process of changing his ways, but so hot. I can't be surprised I have a thing for him. Muscles get me, they get me too! ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)
SAKAMATA KUGO! [GANG ORCA!] (My Hero Academia!) - The suit and his frame got me so good! He's so dashing and so darling! (⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)
(I'm not denying the Venom allegations.)
TAISHIRO TOYOMITSU! [Fat Gum!] (My Hero Academia!) - He’s just so cute! How can I not adore him?! (≧◡≦) ♡ The amount of sweetness that he is- I could get lost in it! I want to get lost in it! ♡(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭
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MIGUEL O’HARA! (Across the Spider-Verse!) - I love my complicated DILF so much! (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)He is so adorable!
HOBIE BROWN! (Across the Spider-Verse!) - His energy is everything! (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠) I love how chill he is! It's so attractive!
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HADES! (Record of Ragnarok!) - The throne scene got me! I just adore the way he exudes respect! Him cherishing his siblings is so sweet! ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
ARES! (Record of Ragnarok!) - He's dashing and just so silly, it's adorable! ≽^•⩊•^≼ ⋆˙⟡♡ I wish ROR took him more seriously because he'd be an amazing opponent! <3
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CONNOR! [RK800!] (Detroit Become Human!) - He’s sweet and undeniably tough when he needs to be! He is so complex, I adore it! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
RALPH! [WR600!] (Detroit Become Human!) - I felt for him so much! (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠) He's a little lost but trying his best! He's so cute! (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
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This was fun! Thank you, Anon! <3
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dorianslayyy · 6 months
13 Books Tag Game
Tagged by @bubblegum-blackwood
1) The last book I read:
Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros - I absolutely devoured this sequel, omg. Obviously it’s nothing fancy or anything like that but hey what’s wrong with a smutty YA? Not to mention DRAGONS
2) A book I recommend:
Perfume by Patrick Süskind - when I read it I had no idea it was a whole entire modern classic, I just picked it up at Oxfam for like 3 for £1 or something but, wow, I can 100% understand how it earned that status! If you like an eery not-too-long horror story with the most beautiful imagery describing some fucked up gothic storylines and a lot of social commentary, you’ll love this book!
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
Ahhh ok, im gonna say In Memoriam by Alice Winn. The ending was… idk I wasn’t really a fan of the ending, I thought it kind of disengaged and took away from the struggles and severity of war and sexuality the rest of the book portrayed but until that point the rest of the story was everythingggg, there’s a sweet forbidden romance/coming of age/found family in the 1910’s propelling into a story of the horror of WW1 and losing everything you know. All I can really say is that I read it all in one go (more or less) and it had me laughing and sobbing throughout
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
I mean… there’s an obvious choice here - The Picture Of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. HOWEVER I’m going to absolutely cheat and also say Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, the drama, the trauma, the vast majority of these characters are awful and I love it 🤌🤌
5) A book on my TBR:
So many… so so many… I’m gonna say House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski tho because it was expensive and it’s cool looking and I’ve actually been meaning to read that for a while but boy howdy it’s huge
6) A book I’ve put down:
The Tale Of The Body Thief by Anne Rice UGHH I’m trying so hard!! It’s so many words with so little going on, and I do enjoy it, I really do, it’s so goofy, but it’s so.. i mean verbose isn’t really quite the right word but you know what I mean. Sorry mutuals :( I just need a break to read something short and silly - which I’ve almost finished the little series I’m currently reading
7) A book on my wish list:
Prophet Song by Paul Lynch - it sounds absolutely soul crushing and miserable, I know this completely contradicts what I just said about being in the mood for a silly read but <333
8) A favorite book from childhood:
Omg 10000x the Skulduggery Pleasant series by Derek Landy, guys you don’t understand, as much as I would love to talk about how my mum and I used to sit and read Anne Of Green Gables before bed or my Enid Blyton obsession when I was like 6, Skulduggery Pleasant was my absolute jam - I must’ve read that series (the original 9 + spin offs) a million times in primary school. I did keep up with phase 2 when that was coming out but I don’t know if I’ll bother with phase 3, I’m just too old now and phase 2 wasn’t all that imo - I think it’s sort of beating a dead horse at this point :( but the original 9 and Maleficent Seven/Armageddon Outta Here were my childhood and I definitely absorbed Valkyrie Cain into my identity as a child so that series probably shaped a big part of who I am and my hobbies as an adult
9) A book you would give to a friend:
Love On The Brain by Ali Hazelwood. Silly, nerdy, fun, a cute little Pride and Prejudice-esque enemies to lovers feat. women in STEM
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own:
Ok so anyone who’s seen my other poetry blog @apoemadaykeepsthehoesaway knows my obsession with The Complete Poems of Wilfred Owen (I have a lot of difference versions) AHHH by far my favourite poet - as you can imagine with such a young man, you can clearly see his changing mentalities, his growth as a person and a writer, his influences, and really gather a lot of context for what’s going on with him in general through his poems. And he grew up in all the same areas I grew up in and hung around as a kid/younger teen, which I think adds to my personal interest in him too. Idk ig we’re very close friends on a parasocial level lol.
And ofc there really aren’t that many poets around that give such visceral, truthful, and emotional insights to the First World War as Owen does (also a queer icon). He was my intro to war literature and I have tattoos relating to him, he and his work are just incredible to read about, would highly recommend having a look at Siegfried Sassoon’s war poems too; another very blunt poet who was a celebrity and war protestor at the time and happened to mentor Wilfred Owen, as well as being linked with other influential folks of the time such as Robbie Ross, Stephen Tennant, Rupert Brooke, and Ivor Novello. Ok Ill move on :,)
11) A nonfiction book you own:
Surprisingly I quite like nonfiction, mainly history and essays from philosophers and the like. Speaking of, Friedrich Nietzsche’s Beyond Good And Evil is a pretty solid one I own, I’ve never read anything where the author begins by calling himself and all his coworkers socially inept incels 🥹 but even though I don’t remember the specific reason I bought it (I was reading it to argue against some other philosophers in an essay in college and I really don’t remember who or what it was) I remember it being a really interesting read
Or yknow in a more traditional sense of non-fiction, I also have Notes On A Nervous Planet by Matt Haig. Really helped me get through some stuff, if you’re struggling with anxiety or feeling a bit down lately I’d very much recommend
12) What are you currently reading:
Omg ok, The Hitchhiker Trilogy by Douglas Adams, I’m currently on book 3 of 5 - Life, The Universe, And Everything. Really silly and nonsensical space bs but somehow also a bleakly satirical social commentary on the unseriousness of our ‘serious’ world. Really enjoyable, fairly political to some degree, really short (around or less than 200 pages a book), really fun. Martin Freeman truly was the perfect casting for Arthur Dent in the film of the first book. Full of that quintessentially British cynical humour and of course plenty of cups of tea
To give a little preview, the second book literally opens “The story so far: In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”
13) What are you planning on reading next?
Books 4 and 5 of The Hitchhiker Trilogy, and then I suppose I had better carry on reading The Tale Of The Body Thief :D
Tagging whoever wants to have a go, it’s super fun, sorry if I went on a bit on some of these 😅
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lex-the-flex · 2 years
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I posted 281 times in 2022
That's 31 more posts than 2021!
147 posts created (52%)
134 posts reblogged (48%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 176 of my posts in 2022
Only 37% of my posts had no tags
#luke skywalker - 28 posts
#the sandman - 28 posts
#the sandman netflix - 28 posts
#tom sturridge - 27 posts
#star wars - 26 posts
#luke skywalker x reader - 26 posts
#neil gaiman - 25 posts
#you’ve got mail 💌 - 25 posts
#mark hamill - 24 posts
#luke skywalker x you - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 46 characters
#fantastic beasts and the crimes of grindelwald
My Top Posts in 2022:
For All Time - Masterlist
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Status: Ongoing
Pairing: 1789! Morpheus x reader
Summary: Entangled in a forced engagement with an unloving family friend, a mysterious Lord makes a legendary appearance at one of your family’s parties. However, it only takes a chance encounter for the King of Dreams to want you all for his own.
Warning(s): SO MUCH FLUFF, love triangle, angst, action and violence, descriptions of injuries, mean family members + fiancé, dream invasion, various nightmares, 18 + - SMUT. 
Chapters: 2 or 3 
Chapter One
Chapter Two - Coming Soon!
A/N: I am such a SLUT for 1789 Morpheus after watching The Sandman and I can’t get enough of him. Feedback is appreciated and enjoy! 
Tagging ~ 
See the full post
1,100 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
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Morpheus x reader 
Summary: In the wake of the Corinthian’s demise, an unsuspecting visitor to his realm captures the King of Dream’s eye, so the Endless does everything he can to fulfill this craving. 
Word Count: 1.1k
Warning(s): MEGA FLUFF, slight angst and sadness, descriptions of injuries, brief nudity, love at first sight + first kiss, and Dream being the most loving and faithful husband material EVER. 
A/N: I just finished The Sandman and it was so good! So I thought I’d combine two requests for this fic, which are; ‘where Morpheus makes you his queen’ and ‘the reader temporarily lives in the Dreamworld due to being in a coma and shares a relationship with Dream + first kiss.’ 
See the full post
1,330 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
Omggg can you write something abt the sandman like maybe seeing the reader for the first time , or relationship headcannons orrrr maybe spoiling the reader in the dreaming !!! Omg I love that skinny white man so much <333
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At First Sight
Morpheus x reader 
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long. I was brainstorming, but then I got so burnt out. 😢
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1,492 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
morpheus reuniting with his lover after a century.
like y/n drops whatever they’re hold it shatter and they just run towards him tears In their eyes.
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Forever Mine
Morpheus x reader
Word Count: 1.2k 
Warning(s): Memories in italics! Mega fluff, slight angst, mentions of heartbreak, brief loneliness, 18 + – SMUT, unprotected sex (stay safe kids), oral (f! receiving) and nudity.
A/N: I hope you enjoy and thank you for requesting! The only thing I changed is having the reader be an Endless like Dream. And I’m sorry if the smut is terrible, I haven’t written it in a while. 
See the full post
1,686 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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2,128 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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septembersghost · 2 years
Saw this cover today & thought it would fit in that retro Elvis Barbie concert…lol… that kinda would be cool actually (twitter.)com/NHDNMedia/status/1624094372898779164 (movin925.)com/until-i-found-you-stephen-sanchez-explains-why-his-hit-feels-like-its-from-another-time/
"retro Elvis Barbie concert" is now a phrase that has been added to my bloglore repertoire, i'm obsessed i love it sm
the thrill i got opening this and it being a video of NIALL! it's so much fun when i haven't checked twitter yet and get the updates this way instead 😄 niall 100% needs to be on the retro EP concert performers list, and the thing is,most people would probably tag him to play a ballad (like this, which is very pretty!), but given how great niall is at absolute banger songs, he could do one of the rock and roll numbers so well. (or both. both is good). *puffs imaginary cigar* get me hollywood on line 2, get me producers at nbc, we need to make this show happen.
i've heard clips of this song, i want to say in a commercial?, but hadn't heard it by itself or anything about the artist, i can't believe he's only 19!
“Those African-American groups like The Platters and The Ink Spots...I mean, they gave so much soul and heart into their music…the way that they sang about love was just so incredible.”
“That was something that I always gravitated towards because it was such a deep understanding and such a passion behind their words,” Stephen says of those groups, both of whom are in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
He explains, “Whether they wrote the song or not, they made it seem like they were living these incredibly simple, yet somehow timeless and profound moments that we’ve all experienced universally or have yet to.”
In fact, Stephen says the music those groups recorded didn’t just impact his songwriting: It changed his entire personality.
“It’s made me a more emotional person; it’s made me a more romantic person,” he notes. “And I think that I would be less of that person without that music and less of a romantic songwriter without that music.”
And Stephen’s glad that despite its old-timey sound, his song is popular with people his own age.
“It’s really cool to see this generation, like, really connect to that song that feels like it’s from another time, he says, adding, “It’s really, really special.” 
everything about this is lovely. the part about it making him a more romantic writer! yessss. steep yourself in vintage romanticism <333
something that is interesting to me is that idea of everything old being new again - for teenagers right now, those "old timey," as he called them, songs and sonic influences are so removed from most of the music they're accustomed to that i can easily imagine the sound of that music captivating them, because it is different, and if you've never heard something, it's fresh to you, even if it's decades old. someone will always be experiencing that for the first time, and discovering it anew keeps it alive.
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born-to-lose · 2 years
Thank you for the tag @thetimecrystal 💖💖
Relationship status: taken <333
Favourite colours: red, blue, black
Song stuck in my head: Strike Like a Cobra by Temple Balls
Last thing you googled: "discord video calls cost" so my cell phone credit doesn't go from 45 to 0 when I have this movie night with my bf on Sunday agjfkhs
Time: 11:17 pm
Dream trip: travelling across Europe with my baby @number-of-the-beast-is-666 (especially France, Italy, Norway and Slovenia)
Last thing you read: I started reading the first couple of pages of The Three Musketeers earlier for reasons and I wanna finish it by mid-November for Reasons
Last book you enjoyed reading: Slash's autobiography (which I still haven't finished but I love it so far)
Favourite thing to bake/cook: I don't cook a lot by myself (living at hotel mama) but at the moment I like making honey glazed pumpkin with radiatori and I love baking cookies and ocassionally slightly changing up the ✨exclusive recipe✨ I've been baking by since I was a little kid
Favourite craft to do in your free time: writing and I also picked up knitting again and finished a pair of socks in like four days because I was so into it lmao
Most niche dislike: uhhhh I probably have a bunch but I can't think of them rn,,,, when a DVD starts from the beginning when I want to continue watching where I left off the next day and I have to skip to the right scene
Opinion on circuses: I've only been to one once as a little kid and all I remember is that this one snake was cool af and the clowns were kinda annoying. I like acrobatics tho
Do you have a sense of direction: when I was in Venice in 10th grade, someone from my group got lost and called me saying "I'm on the bridge" and all I can say is my sense of direction is better but I won't say how much (I usually go by the "have I seen this store on the way here or not?" strategy)
Tagging @number-of-the-beast-is-666 @paleangels13 @aggressive-slytherin @usergrantaire
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flutteringfable · 3 months
for the selfship ask game! 👥, 💌, & ⏳ ^^
👥 ~ is there a character from their source who isn't/wasn't originally an f/o but that has lore connections to your s/i? in other words, a (potential) f/o for lore reasons?
gonna be honest, the only two characters i really associate with fable a lot are kaeya and benny, and they both have more of a familial connection to bun. i'm still mulling over how in gods name they meet furina, but again i don't think there'd be any other potential f/os there besides maybe navia. shes pretty i like her a lot..... tldr kaeya and benny r too familial for f/o status so it's just venti and rina for now.
💌 ~ any major changes in your selfship lore over time? if so, compare how it used to be with how it's now.
okay so fun fact. i did have an oc instead of a self insert for venti a while back. i won't get too much into his lore, mostly because i can't remember most of it lmao. so it wasn't actually a selfship to begin with!!! i never felt connected to icarus (original oc) throughout the time that i used him, and so eventually i swapped to a self insert instead :3
⏳ ~ do you have several timelines in your selfship? if so, describe them. alternatively, do you imagine your selfship in different stages of the relationship?
i imagine the different stages of venti and fable so much. they simmer in my head like a stew. i think initially, they have a more friendly relationship, because venti has Attachment Issues and fable can never tell the difference between platonic and romantic love + they got the Demisexual Tendencies (not wanting to leap into it too quickly cuz they dunno venti that well). theyre both awkward stupid blushy messes (maybe fable moreso than venti) and archons damn it someone make them kiss already jeez. again the furina side is still in the works and is more of just a general "imagining them kissing" thing rather than having actual lore rn lol.
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sahkuna · 4 months
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✰ — ignore how it says 3. i've changed my mind last minute and there's now 6 slots open for this event
is it a crime to romanticize the mundane things in life? NO! live, laugh, love summer and all the opportunities it has to offer.
if you've ever dreamt of being a big-time director so that you can call the shots on your next summer fling or romance “film” with your favourite character(s): look no further! this event is here <333
for each summer-themed request that’s sent in, i’ll be accompanying it with a written fic with a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 1,000 on my own accord
read the original rules!
will be focused primarily on jjk characters (unless updated/stated otherwise)
your ask should have the theme of summer tied into it please, OH, please! failure to do this would result in you leaving a space open for someone else to request. ↳ i.e. your lover catching the juice that drips from your chin of a whimsy popsicle you two share, meet cutes on summer vacay… the list is endless!
be creative and descriptive plsss. it makes it easier for me. :3
check the end to see if there’s slots open before you request!
that's it. not tooooo hard, i hope!
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are you thinking of strictly directing a summer romance [fluff]? shoot me an idea of who you want it to be with, and a brief synopsis of your summer prompt/trope!
or is a summer fling [smut] more your speed? add some plot/or a setting to it and you've got yourself a great home movie (if you know... you know).
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👒 need a draft copy of the script (an example)?
i.e. "hey beautiful gorgeous cutie girl, may i please request a summer fling with geto suguru, in which (fem) reader is a summer exchange student at his university and he spends the summer trying to know her better or wtvr ;)" <- ooo…
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STATUS: 3/6 slots left
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lovings4turn · 6 months
here's my sign of life !! so you don't worry about me !! i'm considering changing my pen-name once again, but we'll get to that some point in the next few days.
anyway, how have you been lovelie !? hopefully, alles goed ?? (oops, not the dutch coming out...) all good ? i was thinking abt the ocean acidification thing once again because how can i not !! it's lando's confusion that just gets me EVERYTIME !!
to answer your q abt if it can be prevented or the effects be minimised, er i'd say lowering the usage of fossil fuels, and ofc just being sustainable as a country && individual !! public health truly is the connection and working together of various stakeholders regardless of status, so like everyone has a role in it !! sorry for the tangent but, i love ya and miss you bunches :(( <33
ruhi sighting !!!! the sun is shining and flowers are blossoming hi my sweet !!! how have you been ??? how has life been treating you , how are your projects ???
i’ve been pretty good thank you m’love !! uni work has definitely been uni-working as of late but hey , i should have expected this when i chose to do a degree … and AHHH the dutch !!! lando’s confusion to oceanic acidification (i spelled that correctly on my first attempt and im proud) will forever be in my head rent free …
and noted !!! gotta do my bit to reduce this as much as i can — thanks sm for indulding in my silly little question !!! never apologise for a tangent - i’m always more than happy to hear it <33
love you lots sweetheart and im sending love and hugs always !!!<333
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