#adopt this fic idea
frownyalfred · 1 month
I am trying very, very hard right now not to write the "Ra's reveals Bruce is a killer to the Batkids" fic because I've already cranked out like 20k this week, but if you're looking for somewhere to start I've added some bullet points of how I think it could go down:
Ra's strolls into the Cave and is promptly tackled by the Batkids and thrown in some kind of restraints
This is fine with Ra's, he wants to talk with Bruce but he's content to wait around with the kiddos until his Detective shows up
Jason, Dick, and Tim are all present (by some small miracle Damian is out with Bruce on patrol)
Ra's decides to spend this time taunting and fucking with them one by one, because he already took Tim's spleen so emotional terrorism is his only option at this point
The Batkids have all been trained by Bruce so they know Ra's is full of shit and don't jump at any of his taunts
Ra's decides to change gears and digs his verbal fingers into Jason's recent blow-up fight with Bruce (how does he know about this? doesn't really matter, he just does)
Jason "no one insults Bruce except me" Todd doesn't bite and tells Ra's to butt the fuck out of his business
Ra's gleefully informs Jason, and the other Batkids, that Bruce is a bit of hypocrite, being so strict with him about killing. Considering he's got hundreds if not thousands of deaths on his conscience, at the end of the day
Jason is stunned into silence. Dick and Tim are shaking their heads. Ra's finally gets a reaction and doubles down
Ra's suggests that maybe that rule was formed out of guilt, and how much more useful and powerful Bruce was under his training with the League, how less burdened with mortality he was
Ra's tells Jason he should be proud, to be unburdened like Bruce once was, and to not fall into the trap of agonizing over rightful killing
....that's about when Bruce shows up, Damian in tow
Instead of interrogating Ra's as to why he's waltzing into the Cave, Bruce has to field three horrified looks from Dick, Tim and Jason
Jason points at Ra's, who's smiling, and asks, in the most simple of terms, if it's true. if what he said was true.
Bruce stares at Ra's for a long moment, not saying anything. His face is blank. His fingers curl and uncurl, the only sign of his distress. After an uncomfortable silence, he admits, yes.
It's not guilt, strangely, but resignation.
Anyway that's as far as I got before my next meeting, feel free to steal ANY of this if you'd like to write it! Because I will not be writing it...god willing...
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dclovesdanny · 7 months
DcxDp prompt
Teen dad Danny Fenton moving into Crime Alley and getting a reputation for helping. Street kids willing to babysit Ellie and Dan while he’s job hunting can spend the night, have a meal, get cash, whichever they choose. Sec workers who do Ellie’s hair/nails/babysit some nights also get the same benefits. He will treat anyone with injuries for the low price of showing Ellie and Dan their guns/taking them to the observatory/getting him job opportunities.
All of the people in Crime Alley know the single meta dad with two kids, who has helped half the alley at least. Everyone is also aware of how Ellie calls her other parent ‘The Bastard’, and how bad their nightmares are, the ones they have to call Danny for(A few of his repeat guests have seen the scars and burns on his arms. Some of the older street kids recognize that hunted look he gets when people touch him when he doesn’t know they are there. Some of the sec workers notice how protective he is of his kids, and the younger workers. No matter who they are, they all notice how Dan gets quiet and angry when asked about his ‘other dad’. They all have sworn never to let those kids go back to the other dad, Danny included. They are a part of Crime Alley now, and they protect their own)
Danny doesn’t realize how far his reputation goes/how much everyone trusts him until two of his regulars bring in an injured Red Hood, promising him whatever he wants in exchange for him helping their boss.
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arrowheadedbitch · 4 months
You know what? I lowkey wanna see a fic where no one ever finds out that Tim's uncle isn't real.
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batty-pham · 11 months
You know how in twin Damian and Danny AUs Damian always assumes Danny is a clone?
Well what if Danny is a clone of Damien.
The league fucked around with Lazerous water in making a new Damian clone and ended up with a super powered Damian clone.
This one is a little bit...off though.
It smiles more than any other clone, it jokes more, lighter on his feet.
But the league sees him as too valuable to kill, the powers are too hard to replicate.
When Damien comes head to head with this clone he is 100% expecting to kill it no problem, his blade goes through it's chest and-
It goes through it's chest??
No blood. No resistance. No- what??
The clone takes advantage of Damian's surprise and knocks him on his ass and beats him??
Oh this won't stand.
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popcornkwantum · 6 months
"Jerry is Lincoln's and Scary's biological son, which means teen pregnancy" or "Jerry is adopted"
It's Scam Likely again
What's the one good thing that Grant and Marco got out of Scams shitty wedding gift? Their son Lincoln. So Scam has learned that the best gift at a wedding is giving someone a child of course
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charlie-thewitch · 2 months
Ok so
BinggeYuan but Bingge thinks SY had a girlfriend/has been recently dumped.
I'm not a native english speaker so bear with me, ok?
Post Bingge vs Bingmei.
Bingge has been looking for his kind Shizun but! He's not some knucklehead, this man is smart and knows to analyze a situation before entering a potential fight. So, instead of just appearing in SY's apartment out of nowhere, he begins stalking poor unsuspecting SY to confirm if this is the man he's looking for. I mean they do share some resemblance but is that enough for a kidnapping?
But what does he see intead of a learned man studying or whatever he thought SY would occupy his days with? A woman. A beautiful woman going and coming from his apartment like she lived there (The horror! Kind shizun may not be unspoken for! Will he have to kill this woman? Decisions, decisions)
What's worse is that once the woman appears to come less and less frequently and BingBong decides it's time to stalk from closer SY seems to be absolutely drunk? And crying over his alcohol like an abandoned lover! Did she leave for another? It doesn't matter that SY doesn't know he exists, he can't cry over some hussy while Binghe is right here!! He! Is! Not! Allowed!
Oh, wait! This is the perfect time to pick up his new bride and just skip to his universe! Now new Shizun doesn't have a lover to go back to and can't refuse!
(Binghe, in fact, confirmed this was the man he was looking for in like an afternoon but the jealousy was too strong and he couldn't help but want to know how to destroy their relationship like a true homewrecker and immediately got obsessed)
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Shen Yuan just wants to know who's this gorgeous man that interrupted his I-can't-believe-pidw-it's-over-and-the-finale-wasn't-even-good pity party that he's been putting off for weeks because he accidentally almost killed himself on a bun and his sister decided he couldn't be trusted with himself anymore.
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madeofstardust17 · 22 days
I have absolutely both no energy and no real idea of how to write this but I'm just imagining a scenario where Tim as Robin has been kidnapped and the bad guys give him one of Ivy's pollens. It's basically a watered down sex pollen, used for torture bc the only way to make the burning/painful sensation dissappear even a little is physical touch. What really works is kissing.
Anyways, Tim calls for Kon, bc his comms are down and these guys stripped him of all his gadgets. He's crying and sobbing bc the pain is so much, he's drowning in it. And the bad guys leave him alone for a little while, see if he reconsiders telling them what they want to know. That's when Kon shows up, and the moment Tim is free he grabs Kon and smashes his lips to him. They are NOT together, btw.
In between gasps and kisses he explains just what is wrong and Kon just rolls with it bc hey, they've seen weirded things and he's not complaining about the heavy making out with his team leader/crush.
So the scene I'm picturing with all clarity is Kon telling Tim to tell him when the pain rises up past a 6, so they can stop and fix it as they're trying to sneak out of the base.
Tim doesn't fucking listen, of course he doesn't, and Kon stops on his tracks when he hears Tim whimper. When he looks back, Tim is covering his mouth, eyes shut in pure agony. Kon grabs him by the arm, brings him close.
"Shhhh, shhh-- Rob, Rob, c'mere."
He reels him in, pushes away his hands, thumbs wiping away tears. He holds his face in his hands and ducks a little to catch Tim's mouth in his. Tim gasps a breath, pure relief in his face, his whole body sags into Kon's.
"You're okay, Rob-- Tim, we're okay, just breathe."
He holds Tim as he shakes, tucks him into the shadows, presses his lips against his cheek, his temple, and reminds himself this is necessary, but it isn't real.
Tim doesn't really want this with him. He can't savor this, because his friend is hurting, he's in agony, and this is the only way to help him. And Kon would swallow Kryptonite for Tim.
Tim is thinking the exact same thing. Between tortures, there's nothing but Kon's lips and pure bliss. But he can't savor it, he can't because Kon is doing this for Tim, because he's selfless like that.
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manofbeskar · 9 months
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the baby is hungry
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minty364 · 10 months
DPXDC Prompt #105
Danny knew he wasn’t from this dimension. He wasn’t sure how he knew but it was something that he felt deep in his core that was true. Something’s just didn’t feel right sometimes and it also felt like the things that were happening were off or wrong somehow. His parents on his 15th birthday came out to tell him that he was adopted and that just cemented the feeling that he wasn’t from here. He goes to Ghost Writers library to look for anything that could help him and he finds a summoning request, basically you can request that someone summons you as long as you’ve got a vague idea of who it is. Danny asks to be summoned by his birth father.
Pick anyone from DC to be his dad but ima go with Batman for this example just because it’s Bruce LMAO. Batman suddenly gets a piece of paper that requests him summon the Ghost King and while everyone is terrified about what such an entity want’s especially since it’s Batman. Everyone is further confused when a teen gets summoned and looks around the room at all the superheroes in awe.
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justaz · 3 months
sometime during season 2 merlin realizes how dense camelot is. he’s been accused and even confessed to sorcery multiple times and no one has believed him. even when aredian accused him of sorcery, uther was hesitant to execute him. UTHER was HESITANT to execute him after being accused of SORCERY. merlin gets accused of sorcery bc people think he’s put them under a love spell. he’s gone to arthur at the darkest of times and whispered how he could perform a spell to save everyone and arthur bites back that its not the time for jokes.
merlin realizing how stupid everyone is. he tests it a few times: he gives gwen a bouquet of flowers and tells her he conjured them with magic, she just laughs and thanks him for the flowers, mumbling about how funny and ridiculous he is; he joins the servants in their ranting over their jobs and says that he has a trick up his sleeve to complete his job…magic!! they ohh and ahh sarcastically and mutter how much easier their jobs would be if any of them actually could do magic; he tells leon straight up that he’s planning on killing uther with magic, leon just laughs, pats his back, and wishes him luck.
the whole city is so fucking stupid!!! merlin tests his luck further and blatantly commits acts of magic in front of people and they’re just like “:o how odd…oh well” and go about their day. someone comments on merlin’s eyes going gold and he’s just like “mmmmyeah my eyes just do that in the sun sometimes” and NO ONE questions it. he notices how people go out of their way to help him and they slip him things for free or just as gifts. he notices how much he gets away with with arthur and morgana and even uther. merlin spills a bit of wine and uther goes “i will never understand why my son insists on keeping you around” and merlin smirks and goes “i put a spell on him” and uther throws his head back in laughter
merlin doesn’t perform obvious acts of magic, he doesn’t yell out in the old tongue in front of anyone or whatever, but he gets away with magic so much and he knows that no one will ever truly suspect him or accuse him anymore (and if he is accused then it wont go anywhere, uther will just roll his eyes and wave away the accusation) so he just stops giving a fuck. he ends up helping morgana with her magic and is like “yeah this kingdom is so fucking stupid i wouldn’t even worry about it girl”
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frownyalfred · 1 year
i just know, in my heart of hearts, that if the Justice League was trapped in a situation where they were all definitely about to die, Hal would absolutely turn to Bruce and go "to be honest, I always thought you were hot as fuck and we had mad chemistry. wanna try it?" and Clark is right there and just absolutely sputtering while Bruce, reluctantly, horrifyingly, contemplates how much he wants to hate himself for his last seventeen minutes on earth
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sarahowritesostucky · 4 months
The Fic:
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Reader has had a crush on roommate Bucky for while, but they're just friends. She can't risk losing a good roommate who pays rent.
Then she notices him rearranging his junk in his pants all the time, and then overhears him telling/showing his guy friends his nifty new SAXXS underwear he got.
Reader Googles it, and now knows that Bucky is well endowed - especially in the, ahem, balls department, and she cannot keep calm around Bucky anymore.
He notices and asks her what's up --- while padding around the apartment in just his new underwear. He catches reader looking and gleefully figures out what's up.
He coyly teases reader and then gets a little more flirty and heated, telling her that it's okay for her to be curious.
"You wanna feel em? Here. Gimme your hand."
And that is how reader winds up with her hand, cupping Bucky's junk.
And maybe other things happen after. Maybe cock worship, maybe teabagging, you decide.
Excuse me I need to go douse myself in holy water.
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rewrittenwrongs · 4 months
A thought has occurred to me. Billy Batson’s parents were archaeologists. Tim Drake’s parents are also archaeologists. What if they met during a dig and kept in touch? What if the Batsons left Billy’s custody to the Drakes? Or what if Tim, after learning Captain Marvel’s identity and learning about his situation, convinces his parents to foster him? What if they were childhood friends?
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dp x dc idea… more of a mini fic 108
Dani is melting in front of Danny’s eyes and Danny is panicking. He reveals that he and Dani are halfas. Begging his parents to help stabilize Dani. That he couldn’t watch her melt away. his parents don’t take it well. Chasing him out of the lab.
He barley got Dani and him out with minimum injuries.
Danny had no access to proper supplies, and risks going to vlad.
Offering to be the perfect son if he saves Dani. Making him promise she would be safe and stable. Telling him all that happened. That his mom wouldn’t accept him, she didn’t even accept Danny.
He has a bad feeling when vlad eye flash red and he agrees.
After a few test the fruitloop announces he got the dna necessary to stabilize her. That he will easily synthesize the necessary components. But he wouldn’t hand over the cure unless Danny proved what he said. That he was capable of following orders and being the perfect son.
He was Holding a vial of some liquid. Telling Danny to drink it.
Vlad wouldn’t kill him right?
So he drinks the mysterious liquid. Last thing he heard was that when he wakes up he and his sister would be safe. Which confused him. Why was Jazz involved.
When he woke up things were too big. Why was everything so big? Looking around they were in a cage… on with no roof. Then he saw Dani. Dani was small. Tiny a mere toddler. Maybe 5 at the most. Wait. No no no. He was the same size.
Vlad: i hear you’re awake little badger. How unfortunate. I was hoping to move the three of us before hand. It’s not as if you’ll remember any of this. I was planning on erasing it once we were across.
Vlad was standing in front of a portal. Not his ghost portal. One separated and with a deficient design.
Vlad: this dimension simply isn’t safe for my little family. I recently recorded an artifact that will allow us to jump dimensions. One time use unfortunately. With no stable portal not even your allies will find us.
Yea. No. That’s not happening. Danny didn’t agree to be turned into a toddler. Nor loose his memories.
He wasn’t going with the fruitloop. He just had to phase out of here. He couldn’t get himself to fully phase. Only a hand.
Vlad who hadn’t even looked up from the now glowing portal: “even you should have realized your powers aren’t working. It’s why i needed more dna samples. To fix both my children. Far to young, body’s to frail to handle them all. You’ll slowly grow into them.”
The fruitloop finally turned to face him and Dani. Approaching them. Picking them up. Did he really just pick him up?
This was not okay with Danny. So he started hitting, kicking and squirming. All while Dani stayed asleep.
Vlad: Daniel behave. Act more like your sister. The portal is only one way trip. You wouldn’t want to be left behind now would you.
The fruitloop was only getting close to the portal. He had to act.
One way trip… Act more like his sister. Act like Dani.
He hit the man as hard as he could. Until the man let go and essentially threw them to the ground oh so close to this new dimension. He didn’t have time to think.
They were so close to the portal.
He just grabbed Dani chucked his shoe at vlad to unbalance the man and fell through the portal.
Jonathan and Martha Kent certainly weren’t expecting two toddlers to fall out of the sky into their field. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time they took in two children.
Their oldests could do with some younger siblings.
Even if they did have to coax the two twins?siblings? inside with pie later that night.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
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i... wrote a smol fic (っ´▽`*)っ
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also!!!!! If you haven't seen it - shoutout to first ever published fic in Ninja Showdown/My Immortal Soul tags - Lustrous Red by @missadmyre !!!
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halfdeadfullgay · 6 months
DPxDC idea
This started as just an idea but I couldn’t stop writing
Edit: Now officially called The Adventures of a Cat and Her Stray and being post on Ao3 soon
Hear me out, the same basic gotham/batfam just replace Catwoman with the Catwoman from Batman Returns(the Tim Burton version) because she is semi ghostly/liminal with her whole nine lives thing. I personally think this version of Catwoman should be included more in DPxDC.
Like the tropes of Danny running away to Gotham, running into [insert dc character], living on the streets(optional), and ClockWork telling him that something needs to be returned to the dead(optional) would work perfectly. Idk if the last one is actually a trope but it’s in a lot of fics.
Basically Catwoman has a little unmarked grave where she got pushed out the window with a small cat statuette, someone steals. ClockWork wanting to make sure his son figure the prince of the dead is safe and maybe an excuse to see how he would do with a common royal task. Catwoman gets word it’s stole and goes to steal back.
It’s kinda like that one Spider-man meme where they’re pointing at each other.
putting the read more cause this got longer than intended
Like obviously Danny can sense/knows of the death around the batfam(and gotham in general) and how none/only one of them talk about it. So he just leaves it, that’s the family’s own issue, maybe he’ll get back into the hero thing later but he needs to focus on staying off the GIW’s radar.
As he’s still settling in, ClockWork sends him on a small errand. Just steal back something(a little cat statuette) that was taken from an unmarked grave, should be easy and simple but his ghost sense as he finally finds what CW sent him for.
At first he thinks it’s one of the batfam but remembers that the only one who actually makes his ghost sense go off is Red Hood but Danny is far from Crime Alley. That’s when something, someone moves out of the shadows. It’s Catwoman and to him, she reeks of death. He stands there for a second, Catwoman was going for the same thing he was stealing. Was she just going for it just because it was a cat or was it connected more?
On Catwoman’s side, she’s had to do a double when she realized that this was a teenager, a child. She hadn’t accounted for someone else wanting to steal the statuette but then again it’s hers. The statuette was left in the alley where she had lost her first life. She had gotten word that it was taken. Why would someone else want it?
She didn’t let her guard down, even though it was just a teen, there was something off about him. Mainly the way his eyes reflected like a cat’s when light hit them and how he seemed to notice her before she showed herself. She was about to speak when the kid opened his mouth.
“I’m gonna assume this is yours?”
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