cicerfics · 2 hours
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English added by me :)
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cicerfics · 1 day
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cicerfics · 3 days
Petty first-world gripe of the day:
I hate it when I'm searching online to try to identify a bug or a plant or something, and I find a picture that's absolutely identical to the thing I want to identify, but the picture just to leads to a random 'wallpaper' site and the image is titled 'white butterfly <3' or something like that.
Girl (gender neutral)!! You have to give me more information than that! THAT'S MY BUTTERFLY. TELL ME ITS NAME. 😭
This is a Petty Gripe because if I search for a few more minutes, I inevitably wind up on someone's 13-year-old long-abandoned Blogspot blog (or an 8-year-old archived Reddit thread) where I DO find out the name of the butterfly. Because random entomologists posting on some ancient messageboard are the only remaining source of truth in the world.
So I do find my answer eventually. I'm just peeved that the top search results are always so dang useless.
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cicerfics · 3 days
there are some things a character should not be able to tell us about themselves EVEN with a gun to their head. depending on the character that could even expand to include "most" things
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cicerfics · 3 days
A PSA from someone who has come out the other side of nearly dying: take your urinary system seriously. Do not try and be cute about UTI treatment. Do not waste your fucking time. Get it sorted. Take a fucking course of antibiotics and don't fucking die. Be in touch with your body and get embodied, learn yourself and trust yourself and forgive yourself.
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cicerfics · 3 days
Dealing With Executive Dysfunction - A Masterpost
The “getting it done in an unconventional way” method.
The “it’s not cheating to do it the easy way” method.
The “fuck what you’re supposed to do” method.
The “get stuff done while you wait” method.
The “you don’t have to do everything at once” method.
The “it doesn’t have to be permanent to be helpful” method.
The “break the task into smaller steps” method.
The “treat yourself like a pet” method.
The “it doesn’t have to be all or nothing” method.
The “put on a persona” method.
The “act like you’re filming a tutorial” method.
The “you don’t have to do it perfectly�� method.
The “wait for a trigger” method.
The “do it for your future self” method.
The “might as well” method.
The “when self discipline doesn’t cut it” method.
The “taking care of yourself to take care of your pet” method.
The “make it easy” method.
The “junebugging” method.
The “just show up” method.
The “accept when you need help” method.
The “make it into a game” method.
The “everything worth doing is worth doing poorly” method.
The “trick yourself” method.
The “break it into even smaller steps” method.
The “let go of should” method.
The “your body is an animal you have to take care of” method.
The “fork theory” method.
The “effectivity over aesthetics” method.
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cicerfics · 4 days
i'm going to make a life i love even if it's not the one i expected or thought i wanted. and i am going to let myself be proud and grateful of what i do have. i am allowed to be proud of it without other people realizing the gravity of what i have accomplished in scale to my life and abilities. i do not need permission.
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cicerfics · 4 days
sometimes your distress does indicate you should stop and respect your limitations. at other times it's more of a baby aquatic mammal being introduced to water for the first time thing. Too bad the difference is so hard to tell.
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cicerfics · 4 days
when travis mcelroy said “what if you could just cut out the bullshit and do good recklessly?” and when marc evan jackson said “now go do something good” and when chidi anagonye said “i argue that we choose to be good because of our bonds with other people” and when brennan lee mulligan said “you, mortal beings, are the instrument by which the universe cares. if you choose to care, then the universe cares. and if you don’t, then it doesn’t”
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cicerfics · 4 days
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He’s on an adventure 🌧️🐱
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cicerfics · 4 days
all of your feelings are valid as in “worth acknowledgment and internal consideration” but some of your feelings are also stupid and mean, and you need to deal with that shit without making it anyone else’s problem
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cicerfics · 4 days
The way people demonize seagulls is actually unreal. Almost all of their natural habitat has been destroyed (almost all coastal areas have been developed, destroying natural sand dune ecosystems) and they're doing their best to adapt. They're literally just trying to survive. You're in their home. The vitriol some people have for these gorgeous sea birds just because they're not shy about snatching food if you're not cautious is insane
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cicerfics · 4 days
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cicerfics · 4 days
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I never stopped calling you Home. (insp)
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cicerfics · 4 days
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cicerfics · 4 days
Hope, kindness, and compassion are skills. You can get better at them. Some people are naturally better or worse at them and sometimes something happens that makes them hard for you and that's okay. Just like coming back to work or a sport or other activity after an injury, you can slowly work up to it.
If you don't feel like you're a kind person, but you want to be, good news! You can be! It will just take some training just like any other skill.
A lot of people lack hope and you know what that's fair. But hope isn't this ephemeral thing the universe just gives you. It takes work to build a hopeful mindset. It's a skill.
If compassion is hard for you I'll tell you that it was once hard for me and now people tell me I'm the most compassionate person they know. Because I decided I wanted to feel compassion for everyone, even the people who hurt me, and started practicing.
They're skills and they are ESSENTIAL for living a happy life. If you want to be happy you have to be kind. If you want to feel joy without a cloud hanging over your head you need hope. And if you want to hurt less, you need compassion. I know you can do it. Good luck!
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cicerfics · 4 days
i cannot emphasize how necessary it is to have a buddy to participate in fandom with. completely elevated experience. don't have a buddy? find someone you like and message them and be their friend. gush over every sketch and drabble and insane headcanon they have. live life to the fullest.
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