#ace batman
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via-the-cryptid · 2 years ago
so we rejoin the story to find the Riddler having a crisis over the fact that Ellie somehow Does Not Know Who Batman Is. Ace is trying to explain it to her, except the Riddler can’t see Ace and is therefore considering the fact that the weird little girl he picked up might have a legitimate mental disorder that’s causing her to hallucinate. however his prevailing theory is that the toxin from the bullet (because of course it’s toxin, why else would it be green?) is messing with her head, so maybe she’ll make more sense once that’s dealt with.
except then he tries to say something about cleaning the wound and trying to get all the green out so she doesn’t get poisoned any further, and she fuckin goes.
“Oh, it’s supposed to be like that.”
yeah, so fun fact for you, Eddie: Ellie’s insides are just green sometimes. and she’s not explaining why. there’s a reason, yes, allegedly a very good and normal reason according to her, but she’s not going to tell you what it is.
“Well, will you at least let me clean it?” He asks, not entirely believing that her blood is Supposed To Be A Little Bit Mostly Green. “Infections are a serious business, you know, they’ll eat away at your flesh if you don’t know what to—”
And Ellie just shrugs. “Yeah, whatever. As long as I come out of this with as much flesh as I went in with.”
And what the fuck does she mean by that. Is that an issue for her? Tissue theft? Do people regularly attempt to make off with her flesh? Every word out of this child’s mouth makes him more and more baffled and concerned.
Ellie, of course, is well aware of the fact that sometimes she would go into Vlad’s lab and then leave with less mass than she had before, so it’s quite a valid concern for her. Ellie also does not entirely know what a hospital or infirmary is, and therefore is under the impression that all people-fixing happens in a lab, since that’s how it went with both Vlad and Danny. Ace’s account of experimentation only supports that, although Ace is at least somewhat aware of what a hospital is.
so Eddie takes his newly acquired headache back to his base, grabs the first aid kit, and comes back into the room he left her in to find that yes, her blood is both green and red, and yes, it’s now on his floor. and so is the bullet.
“Can’t leave you alone for five minutes, Jesus Christ,” he mutters, punching the bridge of his nose. Ellie is unsympathetic.
“You were taking too long and I wanted the bullet out.”
Above her, Ace is sighing, though Eddie can’t hear it. “I told you to be careful. You could have waited for tweezers. I know he was bringing them.”
“Yeah, well, my fingers worked, didn’t they? I don’t need his tweezers.”
“Who are you talking to?”
“Ceiling ghost.”
“I said what I said. She’s unimpressed by you, by the way.”
“I— what? Why is a ceiling ghost judging me? And for that matter, whose ghost is in my ceiling?!”
“That’s irrelevant! You should work on being someone the ceiling ghost can be proud of, dammit!”
(Eddie is very close to throwing something, but Ace is laughing for the first time since Ellie’s met her, so. Ellie can’t really bring herself to regret antagonizing the question man.)
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concha-del-mar · 2 months ago
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moonllshadow · 11 days ago
If "To The Past From An Unforgotten Future " gives me more service dog Ace (Or Ace in general) and good mother Talia I will scream into the void until the void fears me (positive)
Of course, we love those tropes! Both are canon in this fanfic—Ace is such a good boy (ᵔᴥᵔ) and of course, we want a motherly Talia (•̀ᴗ•́)و in the picture. I’m really happy you’re excited about it! And to celebrate, here’s a sketch of our best boy and Jay as a kid together. Hope you like it! (≧◡≦)
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officermaddie23 · 2 years ago
This is one of the reasons why I like Batman. It’s the fact that he has compassion for helping others come to terms with childhood trauma
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spicy-apple-pie · 6 months ago
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One thing about kids is that they will casually trauma dump to you and not bat an eye
Also sorry about the nothing burgers lately, I just prepping for the... next arc...
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tamago-aki · 6 months ago
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day 1 // pets!!
Alfred ... it's just abit of mud .... titus aint that stinky... :(
day 1 of damian week on twt!! (prompts below the cut)
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harmleikurdraws · 1 year ago
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Bruce and Ace <3
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everwalldigan · 28 days ago
Jason: so I bet you’re wondering why I gathered you here today
Jason: I have a very special very secret duty for you two. You’re gonna bury me alive twice a week for two months. For absolutely no reason. Not because I want to get over my fear of being buried alive. I am red hood, I have no fears.
Goon #1: have you maybe… tried therapy for that non fear first?
Jason: no. Only stupid people try therapy. You are stupid. This will work. I will not start hallucinating my younger self from weeks of sleep deprivation then accidentally blow myself up
Bruce: I too am in this hallucination
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seilnakyle · 7 months ago
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Ace The Bat-Hound and Bitewing in Super-Pets special: Bitedentity crisis
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crinbyignby · 5 months ago
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WHO is this DIVA
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superbat-love · 1 year ago
Clark: [stares at Ace] Is that what I think it is?
Bruce: Oh, that’s Chewperman, Ace’s favorite chew toy.
Clark: You let Ace chew on a mini me?
Bruce: That’s what it’s made for. If it makes you feel bad, I’ll make one for Krypto too. He’ll love it, right boy?
Ace: Woof.
The following week at the Fortress of Solitude…
Bruce: Why is this toy kept behind a glass casing? It’s meant for Krypto. [takes it out of the casing and tosses it to Krypto] Here boy!
Krypto: [happily chomps on the Batman chew toy]
Clark: Noooo! Don’t! Krypto, let go of Batsqueak!
Bruce: Batsqueak?
Clark: It just feels wrong, Bruce! I can’t bear to let any harm come to Batsqueak. He should be kept safe in his ice cave, not mauled by giant fangs.
Bruce: …
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via-the-cryptid · 2 years ago
Eddie is beginning to regret his decision to bring the gremlin into his hideout. On the one hand, she let him bandage her wounds and has been trying to come up with legitimate answers to every riddle he’s asked her so far, but on the other… well. There’s green and red spattered all over the floor, an alleged ceiling ghost judging him, and he’s currently got a terrible headache from trying to comprehend anything she says.
What he’s gleaned so far is, unfortunately, just the basics. Her name is Ellie — short for Danielle, not Eleanor (he asked), she’s fourteen and not ten or eleven like he’d assumed, she tried to tell him her eyes were blue even though he can very clearly see that they’re green, and she does not want to go back to where she was before.
She’s mentioned two names a few times, Danny and Vlad. The first seems to be in a good context, but the second… not so much. Eddie can’t help but wonder just what sort of situation she escaped from before landing herself in Gotham, but she’s made it rather clear that she’s not going to expand upon that.
Still, there are things that don’t add up. Her appearance, her mannerisms, her abilities… she has to be a meta, but what exactly can she do? Is it limited to going through solid objects? Is there anything she can’t go through? How did she get like this? Perhaps that’s why he brought her here — Eddie never could stand to leave a question unanswered, and this kid is practically a treasure trove of mysteries. He can’t help but want to know more.
She’s talking again, this time to the ceiling and not to him. It almost seems like she’s having a legitimate conversation with done invisible person, which only makes him wonder more about toxin and hallucinations. The Joker’s poisons can do far more than induce uncontrollable laughter, after all, and not even Eddie knows the full scope of the Joker Toxin’s effects. For all he knows, sudden vivid hallucinations are a part of that list.
“Yes, I know that, but it can’t be a safe box, those have keys and lids.” Ellie insists. “And probably hinges. I don’t know, I’ve never seen one.”
Silence falls for a moment as Ellie presumably waits for an answer. Then, she huffs.
“I can still make an educated guess. How would they put anything in without a key?”
More silence.
“No, that’s not right, there’s nothing gold in it… but you could put something in it! Hey, green beans, I got the answer!”
He’d given her an easy one this time — easy if one knew the pop culture reference, that is. Ellie, apparently, did not. Yet another odd thing to add to the list of facts about the gremlin currently sitting on his counter: nearly every time he brought up something that was common knowledge, she didn’t have a clue what he was talking about.
Maybe he needed to revisit that theory about government labs and human experimentation.
“A box without hinges, key, or lid, and yet inside, golden treasure is hid,” Ellie recites. “I think it’s a vase full of coins.”
“…A vase full of coins.”
“May I inquire as to why you guessed that?”
“No hinges, no key, no lid, but it’s not open on top like a bowl, so you can hide things inside if you want. The golden part is the coins.”
How unconventional. Not the answer he wanted, but not technically wrong, either.
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concha-del-mar · 2 months ago
Bruce: I don’t worry
Also Bruce: *stares forlornly at Ace’s dog bowls and bone* What did he do to you, boy?
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rin-may-1103 · 7 months ago
Delilah's language (part three)
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Danny stood next to Mr. Bruce, watching as people milled around and chatted. a large group gathered right in front of them.
They had flown to Gotham last night, and Danny had been given a nice room to stay in at some fancy hotel. motel? which one was supposed to be fancy?
eh, either way, Danny settled into the room and promptly went back to sleep. He managed to get a total of twelve(12) hours of sleep before waking up. he spent the time after that just sitting and playing on his phone until his alarm went off.
that was two hours ago, and now here he was, standing in the middle of Gotham City Zoo at 8 in the morning. No one had noticed them yet, which Danny was greatly appreciative of; he had not been ready for this.
Sure, Mr. Bruce had said he invited all the scientists, but this? this was not what he was expecting.
he was expecting maybe one or two scientists to be standing around, watching Dalilah and her family as some rich kid hounded them for answers. they were scientist, surely, they had better things to do than attend some kid's birthday party.
but no.
All of them were here. All. Of. Them.
the whole scientific team was in attendance, and right in the middle of them was the birthday boy. his voice drowned out by the scientists all hungrily trying to force their knowledge into his brain.
oh dear ancients what had Danny agreed to?
suddenly, an older boy (slightly younger than Danny, it seemed) approached the group and turned the birthday boy to look in their direction. Danny's poor overstimulated enhanced hearing instantly zeroed in on what they were saying, a pool of dread settling in his stomach. "look, Damian. Bruce is back with that dude you wanted to meet."
Immediately, the kid's green eyes lit up in excitement as they settled on Danny and the kid's father. The boy promptly shoved past the other scientist and marched over to them, mouth somehow set into a scowl even though Danny could feel the kid's excitement increase tenfold. The older boy easily followed behind in amusement.
before the kid could open his mouth, Danny felt the air shift next to him. It wasn't a ghost, they wouldn't have been so obvious, and his sense hadn't gone off, so human then. (he should have heard them earlier, but with how loud it was? Danny wasn't too worried about how he had missed the person) which means, Danny couldn't react obviously or people would ask questions.
tensing up, to prevent his body from reacting on instinct, he waited for the person to act. Not even a second later, someone threw their arm around Danny's shoulders and pulled him close to their side, their voice bright and cheerful. "Damian! look who Bruce dragged in!"
Danny turned his head to glance at the man, he had black hair and blue eyes. This wasn't a surprise, considering almost all the kids Bruce adopted had the same features, so which one was this? One of the older ones, obviously, hmmm. Slim frame, but still musculer. perfect for swimming or gymnastics. So, that would mean, this was Dick Grayson, the oldest?
"tch," Damian scowled even more, "release him, Grayson." bingo. Danny had been correct then. and that was one heck of a scowl, how did the kid do that? Danny could feel he was happy at the sight of the older boy, but somehow, he looked like he'd rather be eating snails than deal with the man.
maybe he should introduce him to Sam, she'd love to learn how to do that.
"Alright! Alright!," Grayson chuckled, what was Danny supposed to call him? Dick or Grayson? Richard? "I'm just trying to be nice."
he turned to face Danny, releasing him from his grasp, his smile almost blinding, "Hi there! my name is Dick. Yes, that is my name. No, I'm not joking. It's nice to meet you, what's your name?"
Danny blinked, then hesitantly shook the man's hand. he should have stayed home, anything would have been better than this. oh, shit they're all looking at him now. "uh, my name's Danny. Danny Fenton."
"Danny! nice. So, what did you do to be invited?" Dick asked, resting his hands in his pockets and lifting a brow. Mr. Bruce had walked away a while ago, so Danny would have to deal with this himself it seems.
Damian rolled his eyes but looked curious as well.
"uh, Mr. Bruce," This got an immediate reaction from all three of them; their eyes widening in surprise and maybe a hint of glee, "invited me. something about how Damian wanted to learn how to speak with Dalilah."
"Really?" asked the other boy, Tim? "you can actually speak with them?"
"Tch, of course not, Drake. The purple-backed gorillas do not have a spoken language, they use their bodies to communicate. Daniel here is the only person in the world to figure out how to communicate with them."
"Don't call me that," Danny cut in, wincing when they turned to look at him, "my name's Danny, not Daniel."
"isn't Danny a nickname for Daniel?" Damian asked, his brows furrowed. "I do not call people by their nicknames, it creates a false familiar connection."
"Usually," Danny conceded, "but my name isn't Daniel. My parents chose Danny, it's not a nickname. and if you really don't want to call me that, then you can use my last name. It shouldn't be a problem considering I'm the only Fenton here."
"Oh," Damian blinked, then thought about it for a second, "Danny it is then."
The other two shared a glance, clearly surprised for whatever reason. Sighing, Danny waved his hand in agreement. The kid could call him whatever he wanted, just not Daniel. Anything but Daniel. (Ancients forbid if he gets called Dan.)
"Anyway, like you were saying. Delilah speaks with her body movements but there is a vocal part. It's a little like sign language and that one whistle language combined, but instead of just using your hands, facial movements, and whistles to communicate, you have to use your whole body. All at once."
Danny then rubbed his neck, "And I'm sure someone else would be able to speak with her if they just paid attention. It's not that hard."
"Not that hard?" Grayson asked, glancing at the gorillas. "how long did it take you to figure out her language then?"
"Oh," Danny blinked, then shrugged, "like, two hours. Like I said, it's really not that hard, you just have to watch her talk for a while."
"two hours?!" Tim, Danny's pretty sure his name was Tim, gaped, staring at Danny like he was nuts. which, Danny didn't appreciate by the way. "It only took you two hours to figure it out?"
Danny wasn't sure if he should feel offended or amused...
"That's impossible," someone scoffed, dragging all of their attention to an approaching scientist. "It takes upwards of three months to multiple years of hard work to even understand human sign language, let alone animal gestures. You couldn't have learned it in just two hours."
Danny rolled his eyes, he remembered this guy. Dr. Trynul or something or whatever, he absolutely refused to believe Danny the last time they talked. he was a real stick in the mud if Danny ever saw one.
"Danny Fenton is listed as the only person in the world to have the ability to communicate with the gorillas. It even says as much in the scientific papers your group released last month." Damian huffed, narrowing his eyes at the man.
Dr. Trynul rolled his eyes, "I requested they leave that false information out, but Mertil absolutely refused to listen to reason."
"and it's a good thing she didn't," another researcher cut in. Danny remembered her from the first time he had to talk with the scientist involved with Dalilah. Real stern but a nice lady.
"This young man can communicate with them just like he would if he was one of them. I've seen it with my own eyes." she then turned to the group, a small smile growing on her face.
"Danny, it's so good to see you again! Delilah has been just such a sweetheart, and her baby is just the cutest thing in the world. You have to come and see them."
Danny rubbed the back of his neck and smiled back, "Sure, Oh!" He turned back to Damian, "maybe I can introduce you to them if you haven't been already?"
The boy nodded his head, his excitement rolling off of him in yellow swirls. Turning back, Danny nodded his head with a small smile, "Please, lead the way."
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lovesick-joey · 4 months ago
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doodle dump
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mylifeingotham · 2 months ago
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