#absorption abilities
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hunterguyveriv · 8 days ago
A question that has been bugging me lately
So recently, I saw a poll on YouTube in which it was a bunch of characters who had the best absorption abilities, and Cell was second place behind Kirby in most of those polls I saw. So I wondered how powerful his absorption abilities were, especially when everyone in the fandom seems to treat Dragon Ball as the end-all-beat-all series of everything. So this is my question to Dragon Ball fans on 2 characters from my favorite series.
This made me think: Could Cell successfully be a Guyver? Let's start with the Guyvers. I acknowledge that standard Guyvers stand no real chance against the higher-tier Dragon Ball characters,
Scenario Imperfect Cell version 1 comes across Guyver-I and or Aptom in his rampage to find the Androids before he encounters Piccolo. Would he be able to absorb these 2 who are currently the 2 most powerful protagonists of the Guyver series or would he avoid them if he realized they were far more dangerous than he initially thought?
Let me start with the Guyvers. These 3 are currently the only 3 living in the Manga and of course the live-action version
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Now, Guyver Units typically aren't dangerous. In fact, they are typical pieces of equipment for the alien race (Advents/Creators/Uranus - yes, that's what they are sometimes called). They only become weapons when a sentient being touches the control medal in which it comes to life.
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When it attaches to a sentient being, it stores a sample of the host's DNA in its Control Medal and turns it into the Guyver. Where that being's physical abilities increase 100-fold. Sure, he could absorb a human Guyver-Host, who is human until he calls the Guyver armor (host is in the top left corner, transforming into the blue armored figure you see).
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But would Cell be able to absorb the Guyver into his being? Especially when the Guyver needs the Control Medal connected to the host brain to regulate and maintain its energy levels. You see with out that Control Medal, whether it is removed
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or it is already damaged before activation and punched while malfunctioning
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one of 2 things can happen, the Guyver turns
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Into a mindless, bloodthirsty creature known as the Bio-Boosted Creature (seen here), or the energies will run so rampant the armor will eat the host alive until nothing remains.
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But if Cell did find a way to do so and managed to fuse the Control Medal to his being, would his Android physiology be able to stop it from regenerating a totally new Guyver because it stores the host's DNA in it? Do you think Cell would successfully absorb a Guyver and add their abilities to his own or not risk it? If he was able to successfully integrate the Control Medal into his body to control his abilities, would all that energy he has overload the control medal and cause it to eat his body alive as it did Guyver-II, seen above
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Now, let's talk about the next character from the same series, Aptom. In the Guyver series, this guy is one of the most powerful beings, potentially rivaling all the Guyvers and possibly every Zoalord except for Alkanphel.
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And that is saying something when there are Guyvers, Guyver-Gigantics, Gigantic-Exceeds, Zoalords, Zoanoids ranging from Sub-Standard Zoanoids (what I call the live-action Zoanoids) to Lost Number Zoanoids and Guyver-Killers - Zoanoids whose genetic properties were designed to melt Guyver Armor. He originally started off as a Zoanoid whose Optimization failed, turning him into a Lost Number - a Zoanoid that can't be mass-produced/replicated by Cronos/Kronos/Chronos (however you want to spell it). Because he was a failed Zoanoid
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Cronos experimented on him to the point that he turned into something more than a Lost Number, severing his connection to Zoalords.
This guy can imitate Guyvers in appearance,
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Because of being experimented on by Cronos he also gained the ability to absorb Zoanoids gaining their abilities and create battle forms based off the Zoanoids he absorbed as seen here
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In this form, he fought and was eventually defeated by Guyver-I. He had an arm cut off, which he picked up and fused back to his body, which ironically was the only piece that remained after their fight, which regenerated Aptom's head and arm. He then started absorbing as many Zoanoids as possible, including the Hyper-Zoanoid Team 5 (seen here), starting with Elegen (the tentacled one). He never gets the chance to absorb Thancrus (the one with sword hands) because he is killed by Guyver-III, so his abilities are not allowed.
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He attacks and attempts to absorb Archanphel in this clip (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfGMY6_IRkw). But even though he was blown to bits, his body parts attached and absorbed the 5 zoanoids in blue suits Alkanphel killed. He later infiltrates the Cronos base and kills Gaster, the pink one, off-screen/panel. He then manages to infect and take over Derzerb (the rhino looking Zoanoid) even with 99% of his Gaster-possessed body blown away by Zx-Tole turning into this form
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Aptom Version-3, which this form is called, fought Zx-Tole and was severely damaged. When Zx-Tole was about to kill him, the last of Aptom's duplicates ambushed Zx-Tole grabbed ahold of his leg and started to absorb him til Zx-Tole blew off his own leg to get away. But that was enough for Aptom because all he needed was a tissue sample to absorb Zoanoid's abilities (regeneration from just a tissue sample is also possibly proven in the series and manga later on). Anyway, the last Aptom duplicate absorbs not just Zx-Tole's leg but also the upper torso of Version-3 to create this form
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Now, in this form, he can degenerate himself in emergency situations but turn himself into a bunch of missiles and shoot them from his wrists and shoulders and have them form a new body in an attempt to retreat and regroup, which got him captured by Cronos later on, which a Zoalord found a way to control him. When Guyver-I and another Lost Number by the name of Bio-Freezer and Aptom's friend (because during his time with Cronos, Aptom and Lost Numbers were outcasts amongst all the other classes and became friends - so when he found out Bio-Freezer was a lost number he became protective of him)
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attempted to rescue him.
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He attacked them like he wasn't in control of his abilities like he typically was which became evident to to them and hatched a plan to sever a limb so it could regenerate the true Aptom.
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As the battle climaxed, Bio-Freezer was injured and froze the Evil-Aptom," as he was called, including the piece inside him that started absorbing Bio-Freezer's body. The absorption and subsequent regeneration of Aptom enraged him towards Cronos even more but also gave him his latest form known as Aptom Omega Blast
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He does share a form with Guyver-I, his most trusted ally now, and vice-versa, but that is mainly for infiltrating Cronos to speak to one of the more respected Zoalords or go on a stealth mission known as Guyver-Aption
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Now that I have gone through all of his current forms, in which you can see all the different zoanoids he has absorbed and his regeneration,
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A tissue sample like seen above, and given a chance, those 5 samples could regenerate into 5 Aptoms or infect 5 Zoanoids and take control of their bodies. Would Cell keep Aptom's ability to absorb him from the inside out at bay while adding Aptom's abilities to his own, or would Cell start to absorb him and realize he was dangerous to his own existence and not risk it? I'd like to know your thoughts.
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bluueejayart · 16 days ago
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Alexa, play “Over and Over,,” By Rio Romeo
Wanda Django Maximoff, as seen throughout her publication history and the repeat element of possession, deception, and manipulation- specifically at the hands of those like Chthon, Immortus, Mephisto, Doctor Doom, and others.
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evil-daily-ac · 5 months ago
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i dontt think theyd be able to touch/silly
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hannibalyaoi · 2 years ago
every generation from now on will be near entirely reliant on the internet to learn about philosophy, sociology, and politics because schools are gutting liberal arts programs and oh my god that is horrifying
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i thought sungirl had sunboy/inferno's powers
not buffed killer frost powers
Gotta say I'm not super familiar with sunboys powers so I can't really comment on him but yeah Sungirl is op as hell
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daisybell-on-a-carousel · 6 months ago
Ive seen a few mentions of the story and some panels spread around, but I gotta say, I definitely never could've expected that ending
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endawn · 9 months ago
pax sometimes forgetting he is, in fact, a mage because he loves whacking people with a giant metal stick too much. sometimes he needs to [chain lightning] , yknow?
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amateurmasksmith · 2 months ago
I’m inflicting this on everyone
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for me, remus dialogue kinda just writes itself. which is unfortunate, cus now it’s in my head.
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thecupidwitch · 6 months ago
Herb’s Properties part 3
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Aloe: femininity, healing, protection, beauty, love
Anise: dreams, youth, lust, blessing, cleansing, divination, offerings, protection, spirit protection
Alfalfa: protection, money, happiness, grounding, fertility
Bayberry: Good fortune, luck, healing, and stress relief.
Clover: money, prosperity, luck, happiness, spirit work, fae, protection, healing
Clove: healing, prosperity, friendships, money 
Catmint: healing, animal magic, relaxation, calmness, happiness, psychic ability, love, wishes, meditation
Cayenne: strength, curses, protection, heartbreak, curse breaking, love
Chives: protection, balance, divination
Lemongrass: psychic ability, divination, cleansing, communication, protection, love, luck, jobs
Magnolia: love, fertility, meditation, psychic ability, healing, strength
Mint: communication, energy, money, spirit work, cleansing
Olive leaf: healing, luck, protection, cleansing, fertility, offerings, blessings
Raspberry leaf: fertility, femininity, menstrual cycle, lunar magic, love, creativity, protection
Saffron: healing, offerings, wealth, strength, blessing, cleansing, psychic ability, sleep
Paprika: spell work, energy, psychic ability, curses, creativity
Tarragon: luck, calmness, secrets, peace, love, protection, meditation, spirit work
Valerian: spirit work, absorption of negativity, protection, self acceptance
Spirulina: power, strength, health, luck
Wheatgrass: cleansing, protection, blessing
Ylang Ylang: beauty, love, luck, happiness, relationships
Ko-Fi Herb’s Properties Part1 Herb’s Properties Part2
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prokopetz · 26 days ago
You know a lot about the cultural influences behind various aspects of D&D, so: do you know the origins of the thing in 3.5 where it seems like a main way they want you to play as a psionic warrior is to grow massive claws and get breath weapons? It's so specific and out of left field for a "warrior who uses the power of the mind" that I've always wondered.
Much of 3E's handling of psionics closely follows material presented in the 2E supplement The Complete Psionics Handbook, which, contra later editions' habit of treating psionics as a variant of wizardly magic, presents psionics as a totally separate and mutually incompatible thing. One feature of this treatment is psionics having its own distinct set of "schools", or disciplines: clairsentience, psychokinesis, psychometabolism, psychoportation, telepathy, and metapsionics.
The 3E psionic warrior stuff is a more or less direct port of the discipline of psychometabolism; I can only presume that this is because it's the most "fightery" of the Psionics Handbook disciplines, though I can't back that guess up. Apart from your cited examples, other psychometabolic powers presented here include self-healing; energy absorption; turning into animals, objects, or living shadows; wuxia-style "lightfoot" techniques; camouflage; shrinking or expanding; stretching one's limbs Mister Fantastic style; and others.
Of course, that just kicks the can further down the road: if the 3E psionic warrior is a port of 2E's psychometabolism specialist, where the heck did 2E get the idea for the discipline of psychometabolism? The general idea of shape-shifting and fire-breathing and such being psychic powers that can be cultivated through mental discipline pops up in quite a few places, but we're looking for a specific constellation of tropes, not isolated instances of little bits and pieces of it.
The Complete Psionics Handbook helpfully includes a comprehensive bibliography of its inspirations (remember when Dungeons & Dragons used to have those?), though I'm unacquainted with most of the books it cites, so that's where my ability to help in this respect ends. I'll include a copy of that bibliography under the cut, though – maybe one of this blog's followers can point out which of its entries, if any, might be most directly informative.
Taken from page 113 ("Related Reading") of The Complete Psionics Handbook:
Bester, Alfred; The Demolished Man, The Stars My Destination.
Bradley, Marion Zimmer; Darkover series: The Bloody Sun, Children of Hastur, Darkover Landfall, The Forbidden Tower, Hawkmistress!, The Heritage of Hastur, The Keeper's Price, The Planet Savers, Sharra's Exile, The Shattered Chain, The Spell Sword, Star of Danger, Stormqueen!, The Sword of Aldones, Thendara House, Two to Conquer, The Winds of Darkover, The World Wreckers.
Brunner, John; The Whole Man.
Del Rey, Lester; Pstalemate.
Henderson, Zenna; The People, The People: No Different, Holding Wonder.
Foster, Alan Dean; Flinx series.
King, Stephen; The Dead Zone.
Kurtz, Katherine; Deryni Rising, Deryni Checkmate, High Deryni.
May, Julian; Saga of the Pliocene Exile series: The Many-Colored Land, The Golden Torc, The Non-Born King, The Adversary.
Nourse, Alan E.; Psi High and Others.
Pohl, Frederik; Drunkard's Walk.
Russell, Eric Frank; The Mindwarpers.
Robinson. Frank M.; The Power.
Schmitz, James H.; The Universe Against Her, The Lion Game, stories.
Simmons, Dan; Carrion Comfort.
Sturgeon, Theodore; The Synthetic Man.
Tucker, Wilson; Wild Talent.
Van Vogt, A.E.; Slan.
Zelazny, Roger; Creatures of Light and Darkness, The Dream Master, Lord of Light, lsle of the Dead, This Immortal, To Die in ltalbar.
Brookesmith, Peter (ed.); Strange Talents, from the series "The Unexplained: Mysteries of Mind, Space, and Time;" Orbis Publishing, London, 1983.
Index of Possibilities: Energy and Power; Pantheon Books/Random House, New York, New York, 1974.
Mind Over Matter, Powers of Healing, Psychic Powers, Psychic Voyages, from the series "Mysteries of the Unknown;" Time-Life Books, Alexandria, Virginia, 1987.
Puharich, Andrija; Beyond Telepathy; Anchor Press/Doubleday, Garden City, New York, 1973.
Rhine, J.B.; The Reach of the Mind; William Sloane Associates, New York, New York, 1947.
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bloomzone · 27 days ago
ᴇᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ sᴋɪɴᴄᴀʀᴇ (ᴛᴇᴀ ᴠᴇʀsɪᴏɴ)
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Drinking tea offers several overall skin benefits due to its natural properties. Tea helps to reduce inflammation, which can minimize redness and irritation on the skin. It also provides hydration, supporting a healthy, moisturized complexion. Additionally, the antioxidants in tea protect the skin from environmental damage and premature aging. These compounds help promote a more youthful and glowing appearance by combating oxidative stress. Regular tea consumption supports the skin's overall health and vitality, making it an excellent addition to a skincare routine !!!
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1. Green Tea & Lemon : glow
Purpose: Brightens the skin and fights free radicals that cause aging.
1 green tea bag or 1 tsp of loose green tea
1 cup of hot water
1 tsp honey (optional)
Juice of ½ fresh lemon
1. Boil water and steep the green tea bag or loose leaves for 3–5 minutes.
2. Remove the tea bag and add honey (if desired) for sweetness.
3. Squeeze in the juice of ½ lemon, stir well, and enjoy.
Green Tea: Rich in polyphenols, particularly catechins, which protect the skin from UV damage and have anti-aging effects.
Lemon: High in Vitamin C, it brightens the skin and supports collagen production.
2. Chamomile & Honey Tea : soothing
Purpose: Soothes irritated skin, reduces redness, and promotes healing.
1 chamomile tea bag or 1 tsp dried chamomile flowers
1 cup hot water
1 tsp raw honey
1. Steep the chamomile tea bag or flowers in hot water for 5 minutes.
2. Remove the bag or strain the flowers and add honey.
3. Stir and enjoy while it’s warm.
Chamomile: Contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that calm irritated skin, reduce redness, and heal blemishes.
Honey: Naturally antibacterial and hydrating, helping to nourish and cleanse your skin from within.
3. Rose Hip & Mint Skin Tea : hydration
Purpose: Provides intense hydration and repairs skin tissue.
1 rose hip tea bag or 1 tsp dried rose hips
1 cup hot water
4–5 fresh mint leaves
1 tsp honey (optional)
1. Brew the rose hip tea by steeping the tea bag or dried rose hips in hot water for 5 minutes.
2. Add fresh mint leaves and let them steep for an additional 2 minutes.
3. Strain and stir in honey if desired.
Rose Hip: Rich in Vitamin C and essential fatty acids, it helps repair skin cells, brightens, and fights pigmentation.
Mint: Refreshing, helps soothe irritated skin, and has antiseptic properties.
4. Turmeric & Ginger Tea : antiinflammatories
Purpose: Reduces inflammation, fights acne, and brightens the skin.
1 tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp grated ginger root (or ½ tsp ground ginger)
1 cup hot water
A pinch of black pepper (to enhance turmeric absorption)
1 tsp honey or maple syrup
1. In a cup, mix the turmeric, ginger, and black pepper.
2. Pour hot water over the mixture and stir well.
3. Add honey or maple syrup for sweetness, then stir again.
Turmeric: Known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to reduce acne scars and improve skin tone.
Ginger: Has antioxidants that help fight free radicals and reduce puffiness and redness in the skin.
𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦:
Morning: Green Tea & Lemon
Midday/Afternoon: Rose Hip & Mint Skin Tea
Evening: Chamomile & Honey Tea
Anytime (or after meals): Turmeric & Ginger Tea
𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐥𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 (𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 , 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬 )
3–4x per week: Turmeric & Ginger Tea → Reduces long-term inflammation and supports skin healing.
Daily or every other day: Green Tea & Lemon & Rose Hip & Mint → Hydration + glow.
Nightly or having a stressful day ? : Chamomile & Honey → Helps skin recover while you sleep.
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numbersandstars · 4 months ago
Top 17 Most Mysterious Nakshatras
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Purva Bhadrapada: The Dark Magician. Natives' boiling energy and their curiosity about the other worlds make them extreme in their spiritual practices. Depending on their level of maturity, they can fall into harsh malevolent practices. Natives usually have a lot of occult knowledge and most importantly, they can contact otherworldly entities, especially the aliens. They are connected to graveyards and some saints.
Ardra: The Ascetic Monk. Natives' power lies in their intense emotions. Their emotions can make them so tough they can ignore physical pain. They are healers, hermits. They tap into the energy of nature, mostly mountains and forests. They can predict the weather, they are able to bring rain. They can perform extreme spiritual practices.
Ashlesha: The Hypnotic Witch Queen. Sensitivity is natives' power. They can sense anything in their surroundings, hence a strong intuition. They can dive into the human soul and spot any weaknesses. They can read your mind. They are very magnetic. Natives should trust their Vastu/Feng Shui abilities and their healing skills.
Mula: The Exorcist. Natives have a strong root chakra, which makes them invincible. Thus, they are more sensitive to the telluric currents, the caves, the ruins and the ancient temples. They often deal with negative spirits and when they are well prepared, they can expel them. Natives are usually interested in the occult and they often do research in that field.
Shravana: The Wise Wizard. Natives' gift lies in their connection to the Source and their absorption ability. They can get glimpses of their past life memories, which help them in their current lifetime. For example, they can remember some bits of a language they used to speak in a previous life and use it in their job today. They can perceive guiding voices and see spirits. They easily sense their environment.
Shatabhisha: The Druid. Natives' mind is their strength. They are highly connected to nature, hence their healing abilities. They see things people do not: they are excellent at discovering occult secrets through many disciplines, such as medicine or astrology. They can invent new ways in their field, such as healing naturally. They can get involved in secret societies.
Jyeshtha: The Sorcerer King. Natives know the power of the occult too well. If they are scared of it, they cover themselves with protective talismans and do specific prayers. Or, if they do not, they perform strong rituals or they get involved in occult societies in order to gain power... But there is a price to pay.
Magha: The Archmage King. Natives' strength lies in their connection to their ancestors and their knowledge. They can dream of their ancestors and receive their messages. But because they can contact them, they can have out of body experiences, sometimes they can even have a near-death experience. Natives usually chase spiritual knowledge and occult powers and they end up mastering them very well.
Hasta: The Fortune Teller. Natives' power lies in their hands and words. They can be very good at palmistry, tarot card reading, healing (especially with hands)… Their mantras and spells are always highly effective.
Uttara Bhadrapada: The Mystic. Natives' strength lies in their connection to the atmosphere and clouds. That is why they are able to bring rain. They tap into rain and water's energy. Their spiritual practice is deep and their devotion to their Gods make them stronger... And threatening if they choose the wrong side.
Revati: The Psychic. Natives' power lies in their connection to the other worlds. They can have astral traveling experiences; they can contact the dead, the divinities; they can receive messages from beyond and become prophets.
Ashvini: The Healer. Natives' strength lies in their vitality and their connection to the other worlds. When they are in the medical field, they can perform miracles. They can discover secrets on life and immortality. They can be good at channeling spirits.
Bharani: The Ancient Patroness. Natives' power lies in their connection to the other worlds and their raw strength. They can connect to other planes and ghosts. Natives feel linked to the pyramids (in Egypt and/or from other places), some tombs of saints and the primordial feminine energy (shakti).
Purva Ashadha: The Regenerative Healer. Natives' strength lies in their incredible restoring vigor. Their energy is such that they can invigorate anyone around them, as well as crumbling activities. Natives do wonders with a pendulum.
Anuradha: The Seer. Natives’ power lies in their faculty to see and receive light as well as perseverance. In the deepest mud of people’s minds, using a coded chart, natives can find out people’s benevolent nature and their shameful secrets. Natives are hard working and patient. They keep so many secrets. That is why they can be very good at numerology, astrology and other occult sciences.
Dhanishta: The Element Master. Natives' strength lies in the natural elements and directions. They can become experts in Vastu or Feng Shui and fix a home. They are good in alchemy, reading pulses and other more spiritual practices.
Purva Phalguni: The Enchanted Fairy. Natives' power lies in their huge amount of luck. A problem happens, a native smiles and it is gone. They can be interested in the occult, usually the traditional knowledge, such as mantras, astrology, and palmistry.
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ad-caelestia · 6 months ago
Crystal Meanings A - Z 🔮 [long post]
Correspondences for commonly used / mentioned crystals and minerals [updated 11/28/24]
Agate (All types): Protection, good luck, balance body/mind/spirit, perceptiveness, strength, inspiration, awaken talents.   Healing lore: Insomnia, teeth/gums, digestive/circulatory/endocrine system, stamina. 
Ajoite: Peace, harmony; heal old emotional wounds, overcome sorrow, anger, and fear; connect with Higher Self, meditation, remove and release negative energies, transformation.   Healing lore: Powerful healing booster. 
Alexandrite: Inspiration, willpower, self-respect, self-esteem, purification, renewal, creativity, imagination, soothing emotions.   Healing lore: Reproductive system, nervous system, endocrine system, liver stimulation, detoxification. 
Amazonite: Truth, honor, communication, integrity, and trust; Enhances intuition, psychic powers, creativity, intellect, and psychic ability. Lessen stress and self-destructive behavior by calming and building self-esteem. Heals emotional disturbances and trauma.   Healing lore: Preventive energy for general health, colic, cardiovascular problems, calcium deficiency, pregnancy, eczema, muscle cramps, nervous system, decreasing tooth decay, osteoporosis. 
Amber: Soothing, calming, cleansing, remove toxins, wisdom, purification, intellect.   Healing lore: Detoxification, addictions, alcoholism, stress and anxiety related problems, poisoning, bone problems, cardiovascular problems, circulation, ears, hearing impairment, endocrine system, fibromyalgia, intestinal/digestive disorders, renal system, genitourinary system, respiratory system, general healing. 
Amethyst: Addiction of all kinds; Stability, peace, calm, balance, courage, and inner strength. Protection against psychic attacks. Stimulates telepathy and psychic abilities; good for meditation and dreamwork, past life work, or to help visualize your life path. Ease pain and grief/bring upon happiness. Beneficial for legal problems and money issues/leads to prosperity and abundance. Protection for travelers.    Healing lore: Addictions, alcoholism, headaches, insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, circulatory system, endocrine system, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune system deficiencies, asthma, migraines, phobias, pregnancy/preventing miscarriage, menopause, PMS, and general healing. 
Ametrine: Intellectual stimulation, attunement, optimism, remove negative energy, releasing, dispelling tension, connecting, psychic abilities, remove prejudice, inner peace.   Healing lore: Boost immune system, chronic fatigue syndrome, blood cleanser; repair DNA/RNA, depression. 
Andalusite: “The Seeing Stone;” Clarity, scrying, enhance memory/recall; brings chivalry, moderation, and balance. Helpful for meditation and centering.  Healing lore: Immune disorders, eye problems, deficiencies in calcium, iodine, and oxygen; water retention, edema. 
Angel Aura Quartz: Serenity, love, harmony, spiritual communication, ease emotional distress, mental clarity, self reflection, transformation Healing lore: Immune disorders, illness related to pollution, UV rays, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, thyroid problems, asthma, upper neck and back pain.
Anthophyllite: Releasing, especially when things to be released cause problems or pain, cleansing, aura cleansing, writer’s block.   Healing lore: Colon/lower digestive tract issues, absorption of nutrients. 
Apatite: Intellect, achieving results, healing, insight, humanitarianism, meditation, balance, creativity.   Healing lore: Skin/nails, allergies, arthritis, bone problems, cellular regeneration, calcium absorption, teeth/cartilage, suppress appetite, raises metabolism. 
Apophyllite: Spirituality, mysticism, meditation, astral travel, purification, protection, mindfulness, self-realization.  Healing lore: Stress, anxiety, respiratory system. 
Apple Aura Quartz: Growth, expansion, prosperity, intuition, stability, balance, letting go, severing ties, release, protection from emotional or psychic attacks. Healing lore: Immune system, lymphatic system, spleen.
Aqua Aura Quartz: Psychic skills and awareness, meditation, telepathy, psychic healing, distance spiritual energy healing, communication, awareness of one’s own motivations, success, prosperity, protection from psychic attacks.   Healing Lore: Throat problems, stress-related illness, immune system deficiencies, and thymus gland. 
Aquamarine: Courage, luck, purification, peace, intuition, inner strength, self-expression, balance, relieve fear, calms communication, angel communication, preparedness, protection during travel on water.   Healing lore: throat, speech, chronic fatigue, eyes, eyesight, fluid retention, edema, headaches, intestinal/digestive health. 
Aragonite: Magick charms, increase energy, boost self-confidence, diminish anger, and relieve stress.  Healing lore: Chronic fatigue, hair loss. 
Astrophyllite: Self-acceptance, self-awareness, breaking bad habits, grounding, calming, protection, honesty, fidelity, positivity, astral travel.  Healing lore: Hyperactivity, weight loss, seizures, cellular regeneration. 
Aventurine: Healing, money, mental agility, see potentials, happiness, peace, opening heart, creativity, imagination, motivation, leadership, friendship, gambling luck, good fortune, career success, protection.   Healing lore: Strong healing, vision/eyesight, blood flow, headaches, sleep disorders, circulatory system.
Azeztulite: Very high vibration, angelic, ascension stone, raise vibrations, expand consciousness, light energy, project positive energy, never needs cleansing, remove energy blocks.   Healing lore: Disease of all kinds, cellular regeneration and rejuvenation.
Azurite: “Stone of Heaven”, intuition, dreams, healing, insight, stilling the mind, concentration, self-transformation, meditation, control energy.   Healing lore: Prevent cancer, liver, arthritis, joints, depression, sinuses, and skin problems.
Binghamite: Good fortune; holds the energy of Elves and Fairies.   Healing lore: Regenerate energy flow in the body; cellular regeneration, Theta brain wave patterns, burns, convulsions.
Biotite: Rationality, responsibility, mental clarity.   Healing lore: Disorders caused by disorganized cell patterns, eyesight, shrink growths, bile regulation. 
Bloodstone: Courage, survival, adaptability, release blockages, renewal, strength, victory, intuitive decision making, banishing, and abundance.   Healing lore: Intense healing, emotional trauma, anemia, blood diseases, blood pressure, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, renal system, genitourinary system, physical trauma, post-surgical recovery. 
Blue Lace Agate: Tranquility, grace, higher spiritual planes, calming, gentleness, ease communication, public speaking, perform miracles, protection.   Healing lore: Arthritis, headaches, digestive issues, skin issues especially eczema, growth, and bones. 
Bronzite: Protection, grounding, self-confidence, harmony.  Healing lore: Emotional/mental disorders, muscle tension, iron assimilation  
Calcite: Amplify energy, lessen fear, reduce stress, purification, peace, calming, emotional healing, compassion, memory, awareness, and appreciate of nature.   Healing lore: General healing, physical energy, back pain, physical strength, teeth/bones. 
Carnelian: Creativity, sexuality, manifestation, good luck, precision, analytical capabilities, verbal skill, protection, protection from anger, jealousy and fear, peace, spirituality, reduce sorrow.   Healing lore: Abrasions/scrapes/cuts; tissue/cellular regeneration, rheumatism, kidney stones, other renal problems, gall stones, colds, pollen allergies, neuralgia. 
Celestial (tanzan, tanzine) Aura Quartz: Celestial magic, intuition, psychic abilities, dreamwork, inner vision, spiritual communication, astral travel, overcoming boredom, reclaiming passion. Healing lore: Anxiety, emotional distress, memory, neurological disorders, connective tissue disorders, physical strength.
Celestite (Celestine): Angelic communication, serenity, verbal skills, healing, compassion, calming, growth, intuition, hope, emotional protection, decrease negativity.  Healing lore: Eyesight, mental disorders, detoxification, digestion, cellular disorder. 
Chalcedony: Relieve depression, lessen hostility, kindness, miracles.  Healing lore: Emotional and mental stability, heavy metal toxicity, senility, dementia. 
Champagne Aura Quartz: Cleansing, protection, grounding, resolving conflicts, harmonious communication and relationships, dissolving negativity, transforming negative thinking. Healing lore: Endocrine system, hormones, eases musculoskeletal pain, relieves headaches, purifies environmental pollutants.
Charoite: Spiritual growth, dreams, endurance, courage, emotional healing, inspiration, transformation.   Healing lore: Headaches, hepatic problems, detoxification, muscle cramps, cardiovascular problems, insomnia. 
Chrysocolla: Easing heartache, harmony, stamina, wisdom, peace, love, communication, vitality, inner strength, purifies a place, removes negativity, reduce fear anxiety and guilt.   Healing lore: Asthma, emphysema, TB, pneumonia, muscle cramps, arthritis, childbirth, pregnancy. 
Chrysoprase: Good fortune, prosperity, balances opposing energies, love, grace, compassion, clemency, personal growth, mend broken heart.   Healing lore: Eyesight, immune system, fertility, gout, mental illness, fevers, temperature regulation, reproductive health. 
Citrine: Success, intuition, comfort, creativity, physical energy, wealth, mental awakening, clarity, protection, good fortune / luck, decrease nightmares, remove toxins.   Healing lore: Depression, mood swings, trauma, digestion, sleep disturbances, thyroid, general health, heart, kidney, liver, muscles, strength, endocrine system, circulatory system, tissue regeneration, genitourinary system, immune system, fibromyalgia, addictions, OCD. 
Cobalt Aura Quartz: Contentment, removing blockages, overcoming obstacles, self expression, creativity. Healing lore: Immune support when an illness has become unresponsive to treatment; kidneys, pancreas, liver, spleen; vitamin absorption.
Coral: Diplomacy, wonders of nature, creativity, optimism, understanding of purpose, quieting emotions, visualization.   Healing lore: General healing, blood disorders, circulatory system, renal system, genitourinary system, epilepsy, bones/bone marrow disorders, eyesight, respiratory system. 
Covellite (Covelline): High energy, psychic, intuitive, meditation, past life recall, rebirth, see solutions to problems.   Healing lore: Depression, anxiety, ears, nose, mouth, sinuses. 
Cuprite: Awareness, teaching, spiritual messages, will power, security, confidence, sexuality, morality, past life experiences, heals father relationship.   Healing lore: Thymus gland, cardiovascular system, blood metabolism, muscle tissue, skeletal system, oxygenation, stamina, renal system, menstrual cramps, vertigo, water retention, edema, addictions, alcoholism. 
Danburite: Peace, stress relief, interdimensional travel, love, calm, tranquility, acceptance, positive outlook on life, restful sleep.   Healing Lore: General healing. 
Diamond: Courage, strength, healing, protection, spirituality, mental abilities, love, bond relationships, abundance, amplification, hope.   Healing lore: Genetic disorders, bed-wetting, lower cholesterol, flatulence, constipation, exhaustion, hair loss, lower fever, athlete’s foot, prevent gallstones and kidney stones, gout, dizziness, seasickness, rheumatism, shingles, lumbago, hot flashes, sciatica, corneal inflammations, knee pain, headache, varicose veins, bronchitis, indigestion, paralysis, cramps, prostate, back pain, strains, sunburn, gums, cysts. 
Dolomite: Calm, balance, focus, grounding, optimism, emotional stability, generosity, kindness, alleviate negative emotions.  Healing lore: Cardiovascular system, circulation, oxygenation, reproductive health, hearing impairment, muscle/bone strength, adrenal glands, renal system, insomnia, calcium/magnesium balance. 
Dumortierite (Blue Quartz): Self-reliance, mental clarity, stamina, patience, recognition of potential, understanding, communication of ideas, spiritual development.   Healing lore: Throat, thyroid, parathyroid, detoxification, overstimulation, blood, spleen, hyperactivity, endocrine system. 
Eliat Stone (King Solomon’s Stone): A combination of Chrysocolla, Malachite and Turquoise from Israel near Eilat. Aligns subtle bodies; heals hurt, fear, stress, and loss; stress relief and anti-depressive.  Healing lore: Cardiovascular system, respiratory system, depression, thyroid, bones, fevers, sinuses. 
Emerald: Love, domestic bliss, sensitivity, loyalty, memory, mental capacity, harmony, focus, eliminating negativity, romance, memory, faith, truthfulness.   Healing lore: Remove mental causes of disease and unwellness, general healing. 
Epidote: Transmutation of negative energy, memory, enhancing energy, manifestation, attracts the same energy you put out into the world.  Healing lore: Clear energy blockages/congestion, balance energy, absorption of nutrients, digestion, general healing and recovery, immunity, dissipating tumors, weight loss from modifiable source. 
Fire Agate: Vitality, creativity, sexuality, implementation, safety, calming, attraction, expression, protection.  Healing lore: Circulation, depression, lethargy, concentration, metabolism, digestive system, endocrine system, sexual activity, sleepwalking, epilepsy. 
Fire Opal: Passion, creativity, sexuality, vitality, removal of negative energies, removal of emotional/mental toxins.  Healing lore: Adrenal glands, PMS, menopause, renal system/detoxification. 
Flame Aura Quartz (Rainbow Aura Quartz): Focus, confidence, courage, awareness, spiritual attunement, inner strength. Healing lore: Diabetes, immune system, skeletal system, blood cancers.
Fluorite: Stability, peace and calm, impartial reasoning, responsibility, concentration, spiritual wholeness, psychic development, meditation, mental blocks, aura cleansing, protection from psychic attack, self-love.   Healing lore: Overall health, skeletal system, muscular system. 
Fossil Stone: Accomplishments, business, communication, innovation, breaking old habits, quality, excellency, telepathic.   Healing lore: Paranoia, schizophrenia, abuse recovery. 
Fulgurites: Direct and channel energy, leadership, weather manipulation, communication with extraterrestrials.   Healing lore: Immune system, ears, nose, and throat ailments, eyesight, thymus gland, tumor reduction. 
Galaxite: Protect and cleanse aura, astral travel.   Healing lore: Stress-related illnesses, anxiety disorders, CNS disorders, digestion, metabolic illnesses. 
Garnet: Remove negativity, romantic love, passion, sensuality, intimacy, career success, self-confidence, protection from evil, awareness, commitment, regeneration, order, insight.   Healing lore: General health, cellular regeneration, blood disorders, cardiovascular system, respiratory system. 
Goldstone (glass): Calming, easing emotions, generating energy, deflecting unwanted energy, manifestation, achieving goals.  Healing lore: Circulatory and skeletal system. 
Hematite: Mental attunement, memory, calming, balance, grounding, centering, focusing energy and emotions, peace, inner happiness, transforming negativity.   Healing lore: Temperature regulation, blood disorders, CNS disorders, insomnia, spine alignment, mend broken bones, and anemia. 
Hemimorphite: Empathy, emotional healing, communication, joy, bliss, personal growth, good fortune, self-esteem, psychic visions, enlightenment, balancing feminine/masculine energies, banish regret.  Healing lore: Overall health, blood disorders, ulcers, hormones, PMS, weight loss. 
Herkimer “Diamond” (Herkimer “Diamond” Quartz): Attunement, Mind/Body/Spirit Balance, manifestation, power, inner vision, purification.   Healing lore: Pain relief, metabolic disorders, cellular disorders, physical exhaustion, immunity, eyesight. 
Howlite: Awareness, calm, emotional expression, observation, patience, eliminating negativity, selfishness, creativity.   Healing lore: Bones/teeth, calcium levels, leg cramps. 
Infinite Stone: Soothing, calming, healing, protection, revitalization, regeneration.   Healing lore: Strong healing, emotional/mental stress relief, pain relief, fatigue, joint pain, connective tissue damage, cellular regeneration, restful sleep. 
Iolite (Water Sapphire): Intuition, spiritual growth, balance, releasing discord, awakening to inner knowledge, visions.   Healing lore: Strong healing, addictions, sobriety, detoxification, sore throat, varicose veins, blisters. 
Jade: Fidelity, dreams, realization of potential, peace, accord, resourcefulness, accomplishment, emotional balance, protection.   Healing lore: Cardiovascular system, renal system, general illness. 
Jasper (All Types): Protection, nurturing, joy, awareness, relaxation, tranquility, wholeness, astral travel, Yin/Yang.   Healing lore: Hepatic system, digestive system, gallbladder. 
Jet (Black Amber): Grief, mourning, protection from evil negativity and psychic attacks, banishing, financial safety, depression, sympathy.   Healing lore: Epilepsy, migraines, stomach pain, colds, glandular problems, lymphatic problems. 
Kansas Pop Rocks: Release blockages, energy alignment.   Healing lore: Arthritis, back pain, general healing, cellular regeneration, adrenal glands, chronic fatigue. 
Kunzite: Understanding, communication, heals “broken heart”, stress, anger, love, peace, harmony, removing obstacles.   Healing lore: Strengthen circulatory system, respiratory disorders. 
Kyanite: Energy alignment, channeling energy, altered states, dream recall, visualization, loyalty, honesty, tranquility, diminish anger, ease confusion, and remove energy blockages.   Healing lore: General healing, cardiovascular system, throat, eyes. 
Labradorite (Spectrolite): Alignment, success, dreams, reduce stress and anxiety, spiritual growth and awareness, transformation, mental clarity, peace, progression, psychic development, discernment, protection, intuition, creativity, wisdom. Healing lore: Stress related illness, sensitivity to cold, anxiety disorders, gout, colds, rheumatic fever, blood pressure regulation. 
Lapis Lazuli: Manifestation, wisdom, truthfulness, openness, communication, inner power, intuition, spiritual evolution, virility, self-confidence, objectivity, dreams, purity, serenity, guardian spirits, love & fidelity within marriage, protection.   Healing lore: Sinus ailments, insomnia, depression, recurring fevers, vision, hearing impairment, throat, lungs, immune system. 
Larimar: Freedom, peace, energy.   Healing lore: Throat, upper respiratory system, schizophrenia. 
Lavender Aura Quartz: Meditation, spiritual growth, tranquility, peace, harmony, relaxation, restful sleep. Healing lore: Insomnia, other sleep disorders, nightmares, overall health and wellbeing.
Lepidolite: Hope, stress reduction, birth, peace, acceptance, spirituality, physical strength, luck, protection, emotional balance.   Healing lore: Bipolar disorder, stress, anxiety, depression, manic-depression, despondency, PTSD, anger, traumas, panic attacks, addictions, glands, immune system, skin, nails, hair, DNA, enzyme balance, alcoholism recovery, pregnancy/childbirth, general healing. 
Magnesite: Meditation, visualization, relaxation, calm, harmony, self-love, recognizing unconscious thoughts. Healing lore: Detoxification, magnesium absorption, muscle cramps, headaches, clotting disorders, heart disease, regulation of body temperature. 
Malachite: Transformation, insight, spiritual evolution, protection during pregnancy and childbirth, clarifying emotions, fidelity, loyalty, practicality.   Healing lore: Radiation sickness, asthma, arthritis, tumors. 
Marble: Charitable actions, original thinking, alleviation of sorrow, universal love, ancient wisdom, self-control.   Healing lore: Postpartum depression, bones/teeth. 
Merlinite: Luck, magic power, subconscious thought, clear psychic visions, past life recall, cleansing, wisdom, balance.  Healing lore: Skeletal system, improves blood flow, physical growth, lymphatic system, respiratory system. 
Mica: Recognize flaws with love, improve visions, mystical clarity, eliminate negative personality traits, enhance flexibility in all realms, personal growth, lessen anger and nervous energy.   Healing lore: Purposeful fasting, insomnia, mononucleosis symptoms, dehydration. 
Milky Quartz (Snow Quartz): Good fortune, calming, soothing, meditation, looking within, purification.  Healing lore: Immune system health. 
Moldavite: Enhance inner journeys, channeling, cosmic consciousness, crystal consciousness, extraterrestrial and interdimensional contact, transformation, raise vibrational level.   Healing lore: All healing, hair loss, fertility issues, promotes new cell growth. 
Molybdenum: Reliability, stress relief, communication, balance.   Healing lore: All types of healing, stress-related illness. 
Moonstone: Introspection, reflection, beginnings, insight, tenderness, harmony, peace, travel, intuition, psychic abilities, protection (especially during pregnancy, childbirth, travel at sea), substitute for pearl in crystal healing.   Healing lore: Pituitary gland, digestive system, obesity, water retention, edema, hormonal problems, menstrual problems. 
Morganite: Angel stone, heart stone, bring love or rekindle old love, communication with angels, compassion, empathy, self-control, patience, ease separation pain.   Healing lore: Emphysema, tuberculosis, cardiovascular disease, respiratory problems, throat problems. 
Mother of Pearl: Mental clarity, intuition, sensitivity, imagination, adaptability, cooperation, psychic, protection of children, purify environment.   Healing lore: High blood pressure, dizziness, vision, cataracts, wound healing. 
Natrolite: Spiritual growth, psychic abilities such as telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and automatic writing, absorbs toxic energy.  Healing lore: CNS disorders, water retention, edema. 
Nebula Stone: Memory, removes fear, let go of the old, grounding, vitality, “cosmic window.”   Healing lore: Vitality, detoxification, emotional balance. 
Nuumite (Nuumit): Protection from negative energy, shielding, remove energy blockages, clear aura, synthesizes psychic wisdom and intellect.   Healing Lore: General healing, infections, purifying blood, kidneys, insulin production regulation, eyesight, and CNS disorders. 
Obsidian: Clarity, deflecting negativity, protection, healing, grounding.   Healing lore: Buried emotions causing illness, stomach, intestines, muscle tissue, bacterial infections, and viral infections. 
Ocean Jasper: Transmutation of negative energy, stress relief, relaxation, physical/emotional healing, tranquility, clear thinking.  Healing lore: Internal organs (including reproductive system), PMS, teeth/gums, tumors, skin conditions, digestive and lymphatic system. 
Onyx: Self-control, decision making, conquer challenges, intuition, recognition of personal strengths, grounding, and protection.   Healing lore: Stamina, childbirth, wound healing. 
Opal: Creativity, inspiration, hope, spontaneity, relationships, memory, happy dreams, changes.   Healing lore: Eyesight, Parkinson’s disease, depression. 
Pearl: Purity, faith, charity, innocence, integrity, focus, wisdom, spirituality, sincerity.   Healing lore: Fertility, childbirth, digestion, muscular system. 
Peridot: Warmth, friendliness, understanding, openness in love and relationships, regulation of cycles, ESP, find what is lost, protective shield.  Healing lore: High healing energy, slow aging, ulcers, digestion problems. 
Phenacite (Phenakite): Extremely high energy, third eye, clear energy centers, meditation, intuition.   Healing lore: Spine, throat, hypothalamus, amygdala, carotid arteries, and jugular veins. 
Phlogopite (Phlogopit): Speed evolution, flexible perception, adaptation, channeling, remove spiritual blocks.   Healing lore: relieve mental anguish, back pain, muscle relaxation, dental health, and mononucleosis symptoms. 
Pietersite (Tempest stone): Relaxation, relieves worries, courage, improves memory, tenacity, work with angels, astral travel, and release deep emotions calmly.   Healing lore: Body fluid balance, nutrition, gastrointestinal functions, endocrine glands, hormones, PMS, menopause. 
Psilomelane (Crown of Silver): Gazing, scrying, astral travel.  Healing lore: Correct behaviors/emotions that are not useful/harmful, lungs, pneumonia, diabetes. 
Pyrite (aka Fool’s Gold, Healer’s Gold): Defense, prevention, protection from negativity, leadership, psychic abilities, memory, shields from physical danger.   Healing lore: Physical wholeness, lungs, inflammations, stamina, digestion, circulation. 
Quantum Quattro Silica: Healing, grief, depression, trauma, energy alignment.   Healing lore: General healing, immune system. 
Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal): Power stone, intensify energy, spiritual development, healing, raising consciousness, protection.   Healing lore: Pain, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, fibromyalgia, digestion, mental and physical energy, stamina, physical strength. 
Rhodochrosite (Rhodocrosite): Love, emotional balance,“Stone of Love and Balance”, cleansing, renewal, relaxation, expansion of consciousness.   Healing lore: Digestion, kidneys, thyroid, pulse rate. 
Rhodonite: Grace, elegance, peace, generosity, attention to details, calming, unconditional love, service to mankind.   Healing lore: Emphysema, joint inflammation, light sensitivity, strep throat, cardiovascular disorders. 
Rainforest Jasper (Rhyolite): Change, variety, progress, creativity, transcending barriers, Yin/Yang.   Healing lore: Hepatic cleansing, throat, general healing. 
Richterite: Calm, relaxation, strength, anxiety, balancing action and reaction, deeper meditation, internal communication, higher states of awareness.   Healing lore: PTSD, circulation, glandular problems especially thyroid, respiratory problems, parasites, fevers, typhoid. 
Rose Aura Quartz: Joy, attraction, self-love, release, kindness, consideration, tranquility, peace. Healing lore: Emotional healing, healing from past trauma, protection from radiation and static energy, anger issues, self esteem.
Rose Quartz: Love of all kinds including self-love, protection during pregnancy and childbirth, peace, happiness, gentleness.   Healing lore: Emotional wounds, cardiovascular system, circulatory system, fertility, headaches, renal disease, migraines, sexual dysfunction, sinus problems, throat problems, depression, addictions, ear aches, slows signs of aging in general, reduces wrinkles, spleen problems, fibromyalgia, and reaching one’s ideal weight/weight loss. 
Ruby: Integrity, generosity, nurturing, spiritual wisdom, attainment of values, economic stability and prosperity, protection from distress, home and contents protection.   Healing lore: Emotional problems, fever, constrictions in circulatory system, cardiovascular system, blood flow, muscular system, throat, parathyroid glands, CNS. 
Ruby Aura Quartz: Energy, strength, power, courage, passion, vitality, focus, transmute negativity, protection against aggression. Healing lore: Sciatica, lower back problems, endocrine system, degenerative disc disease.
Ruby in Zoisite: Energy amplification, psychic power.   Healing lore: Cardiovascular disorders, physical vitality. 
Salt (Halite, Sea Salt, Volcanic, Himalayan, and others): Protection in general, protection from evil, protection of the home, purification, dispelling negativity, magical and traditional rituals, and clairvoyance. Release attachments, grounding and centering, abundance and a rich home life.   Healing lore: Blood disorders, hypotension (low blood pressure), diarrhea, physical strength, intestines, and to stimulate the meridians. 
Sapphire: Joy, peace, beauty, creative expression, meditation, intuition, prosperity, fulfillment of dreams, mental clarity.   Healing lore: Relieve depression, lower fevers; reduce inflammation, burns, hearing impairment. 
Sardonyx: Optimism, confidence, strength, courage, creativity, mental clarity, grounding, integrity, absorbing information, will-power.  Healing lore: Respiratory system, allergies, immune system, water retention, edema, skeletal health, depression, anxiety.  
Schorl (Black Tourmaline): Ground excess energy, purifying, transform negative energy, protection, protection from black magick and the evil eye, deflect radiation from electronics, dispel fear.   Healing lore: Obsessions, neuroses, emotional stability, immune system, heart disease, arthritis, brain tumors, and gout. 
Scolecite: Manifestation, improve relationships, inner peace.   Healing lore: Circulation, blood clotting, clogged arteries, bruises, mental imbalances, eyesight, respiratory system, intestine, misaligned spine, and removing parasites. 
Selenite: Mental clarity, mental flexibility, decision-making, angelic guidance, access past lives, good business practices, removes energy blocks, love, clear and charge other stones.   Healing lore: To remove blockages for healing, skeletal system, seizures, epilepsy. 
Seraphinite: Regeneration, self-healing, angelic connection, love, personal relationships, conflict resolution, peace, harmony, understanding.  Healing lore: Respiratory/cardiovascular system, systemic illnesses, improves blood flow, hepatic/renal detoxification, release of tension in the neck and back. 
Serpentine (aka “New Jade” and other trade names): Attract love and money, emotional cleansing, psychic powers, protection vs snakebite, poison and venom, meditation, restore self-confidence.   Healing lore: Parasitic infections, snakebite, venom and other poisons, cellular regeneration, balance hormones, milk production in those who are nursing. 
Shungite: Purification, protection, healing, grounding, calming, relaxing.  Healing lore: “Cure-all:” benefits all body systems. 
Silver: Soul mirror, intuition, psychic, improve speech, eloquence, enhance and store energies of gemstones, draw out negative energies, moon energies, feminine/yin energy.   Healing lore: Hepatitis, detoxification, headache, rheumatic pain, nausea, gastritis, obesity, diabetes, increase assimilation of vitamins A and E. 
Smithsonite: Stress relief, relaxation, soothing, emotional healing, rebirth, love, guidance, protection.  Healing lore: Anxiety, depression, panic attacks, immunity, skin problems, respiratory/reproductive/endocrine/digestive issues, addiction. 
Smoky Quartz: Dissolving emotional blockage, clearing the mind, cooperation, grounding and centering, banishing, personal pride, joy in living, attentiveness to the moment, protection, and good luck.   Healing lore: Renal system, digestion, pancreas, reproductive organs, menstrual cramps, fertility issues, water retention, edema. 
Snowflake Obsidian: Balance, serenity, protection, gently brings issues to the surface.   Healing lore: Veins, skeleton, and smooth skin. 
Sodalite: Wisdom, logic, calmness, healing, stress reduction, companionship, self-esteem, work in groups, heal communication breeches, truth, intelligence, knowledge, learning.   Healing lore: Glands, digestive system, insomnia, calcium deficiency, head colds. 
Sugilite: Love, emotional healing, spiritual growth, wisdom, psychic advancement, calmness, peace of mind, dispelling negative energy, protection.  Healing lore: CNS disorders, mental disorders, learning disabilities, inflammation, headaches, pain relief. 
Sunset Aura Quartz: New beginnings, creativity, joy, confidence, trust. Healing lore: General health and wellbeing; emotional distress and heartbreak.
Sunshine Aura Quartz: Recovering from past trauma, optimism, joy, acceptance, energy, expansion. Healing lore: Digestive issues, matters of the liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, and neurological system; aids in vitamin absorption.
Sunstone: “Leadership Stone;” Alleviating fears & phobias, energizing, cleansing, strength, decrease stress and depression, good luck, abundance, negative energy and psychic attacks turn to positive energies, personal power, life force energy, animal guides, spirit guides.   Healing lore: General health, physical energy, sexual dysfunction, increases sexual energy. 
Tangerine Aura Quartz: Energy, creativity, catalyst, manifestation, joy, uplifting. Healing lore: Problems with intimacy, sexual matters, fatigue, brain fog.
Tanzanite: “Workaholic’s Stone;” Communication, intuition, protection, symmetry, decision-making, spirituality, slow down and take it easy, relieve stress, composure, harmony, poise.   Healing lore: Stress-related illness, high blood pressure. 
Tektite: Wisdom, knowledge, withstand mental or emotional “stumbling,” overcome challenges with mental processes, extraterrestrial communication, astral travel, lucid dreaming, strengthening one’s energy field. 
Thulite: Emotional healing. Healing lore: Central nervous system; coordination, concentration, dexterity. 
Tiger’s Eye: Self-discipline, practicality, protection, grounding, peace, clarity, intelligence, intuition & psychic powers, new experiences, financial stability, calmness, releasing inhibitions, integrity, willpower, prosperity, personal power.  Healing lore: Heal wounds/bruises, digestion, stomach problems, eyesight, night vision, pain relief, alcoholism, reproductive system. 
Tiger Iron (Mugglestone): Artistic abilities, creative projects, balance, beauty, endurance, motivation, vitality.   Healing lore: Low energy, tiredness, muscular system, white/red blood cell balance, natural steroids in the body, chronic fatigue. 
Topaz: True love, success, manifestation, understanding of interrelationships, expression of ideas, trust, health, personal expansion and growth, creativity, individuality, hope, spiritual peace.   Healing lore: Gout, blood disorders, hemorrhages, poor appetite, tuberculosis, reverses aging, tissue regeneration, endocrine system. 
Tsavorite: Manifestation, destiny, prosperity, spiritual world, benevolence.   Healing lore: Cell growth, quick healing, cardiovascular problems, disorders of the five senses. 
Tourmaline: Energizing, soul-searching, releasing, banishing, flexibility, happiness, objectivity, serenity, dispel negativity, ease grief, calm nerves, charisma, compassion, tolerance, psychic channeling, protection, raises vibrations.   Healing lore: Endocrine system, reproductive system, cancer, genetic disorders, peaceful sleep. 
Turquoise: Spiritual attunement, cleansing, communication, healing, protection, valor, soothing, peace of mind, guidance through the unknown, romantic spontaneity.   Healing lore: “Master Healing Stone”, prevents illness, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, all health issues in general. 
Ulexite: Clairvoyance, balance, actualization, telepathy, channeling, creativity, inspiration, imagination.   Healing lore: Eyesight, pineal gland, balance, nervous system. 
Unakite: Balance, rebirth, foresight, emotional balance, release blockages.   Healing lore: Reproductive system, healthy pregnancy, development of unborn child. 
Variscite: “True worry stone;” eases fear, anxiety, tension, worry, impatience, stress and depression. Provides inner strength and self-reliance. Psychic perceptions, meditation, intuition.  Healing lore: Cell/tissue strength, hematological issues, nervous system, renal system, musculoskeletal system, reproductive system, impotence. 
Vauxite: Peace, relaxation, calm, mental clarity, memory recall, meditation, trance, easing nightmares. Healing lore: Nutrition, renal system, fevers. 
Verdite: Growth, harmony, past lives, joy, enthusiasm, calming. Healing lore: Eases vertigo and dizziness.
Violet Flame Opal: Spiritual awareness, clairvoyance, clairsentience, intuition. 
Wavellite: Clarity, enhanced decision making, logical thinking, self-acceptance, calms anger, unveiling suppressed emotions.  Healing lore: Improves blood flow, stabilizes blood counts, dermatitis. 
Wulfenite: Transfer energy, white magic, emotional blocks.   Healing lore: Reproductive system, energizing and revitalizing the body systems. 
Zoisite: Trust in the universe, release fears, dispels laziness.   Healing lore: Vitality, adrenal glands, reproductive organs, and strengthening the heart. 
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matbenetti17 · 2 months ago
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Name: Bloom
Princess of Domino
Fairy of the Dragon Flame
Keeper of the Dragon's Flame
Species: Fairy
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 16
Birthday: December 10
Astrological sign: Dragon
Home planet: Domino
Occupation: Alfea Student
Affiliation: Winx Club
King Oritel & Queen Marion (“late” biological parents)
Daphne (late older sister)
Mike & Vanessa (adoptive parents)
Sky (future boyfriend)
Stella (best friend)
Selina (childhood friend)
Diaspro (love rival)
Kiko (pet)
Lockette (Pixie)
Powers & Abilities: 
Dragon's Flame
Fire magic
Fire/Heat manipulation
Magical healing
Fire absorption
Dragon Aura
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interstellarrisa · 5 months ago
Overpowered abilities to script you have ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
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(cause why not)
Space manipulation:
The ability to have control over spatial dimensions which allows the user to warp, fold or tear apart space itself. This power includes teleportation across vast distances, creating wormholes, or distorting space to trap objects or beings.
Some examples are teleporting through entire galaxies, creating pocket dimensions and trapping planets.
Matter manipulation:
Able to control and transmute matter on a cosmic level. The user can create, destroy or reshape matter to their will, affecting planets, stars or entire star systems.
You can turn planets or anything in general into energy, reshape celestial bodies and create planets from nothing.
Absorption of cosmic energy:
The power to absorb energy from celestial bodies like, stars, planets and even the fabric of space. The energy can be used to fuel other powers or be released in destructive blasts.
You can drain a sun in exchange for immense power, absorb the energy of a black hole or use cosmic radiation to enhance your abilities including physical or mental ones.
Cosmic manipulation:
Be able to manipulate the cosmos and the force of the universe itself. Manipulating the cosmos means that you can control phenomena like black holes, supernovas, dark matter and gravitational fields.
You can control the expansion of the universe, create, neutralize or destroy black holes and control dark energy to affect universal forces.
This power is telekinesis but with a twist- it's on a cosmic scale. Telekinesis on a cosmic scale can affect objects at vast distances, across galaxies. You can move stars, planets and galaxies with your power.
Using this power you can move entire star systems, throw planets or asteroids on enemies and reshape celestial bodies using telekinetic force.
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astrocafecoffee · 9 months ago
✨Your Past Life 🌌✨
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~✨ For entertainment purposes only, enjoy ✨
💫 what to check??
- check your south node in your natal chart, which house it falls in. It can give you insight about your past life as South node represents past experiences, patterns, and talents that an individual brings into their current life from previous incarnations.
Leshh go!! 🍂
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✨ South node in 1st house:
- sn in 1st house suggests that themes related to self identity, personal expression and the physical body may have been significant in past lives.
- you may have been highly independent, assertive, and self reliant, perhaps even to the point of being self centred or overly concerned with your own needs.
- you might have been a leader or pioneer in some way, forging your own path and asserting your individuality in the world.
- may also have struggled with issues of egob, self absorption or tendency to prioritise your own interest above others.
- in past incarnations you might have cultivated skills related to physical expression, such as athleticism, dance or physical charisma. You may have been known for your appearance, charm or ability to make a strong impression on others.
- in your current life you may be called to balance your focus on the self with a greater awareness of the needs and feeling of others. You may be learning to cultivate humility, empathy and a deeper understanding of your interconnectedness with the world around you.
✨ South node in 2nd house:
- sn in 2nd house suggests that themes related to material possessions, values, self worth and resources may have been significant in past lives.
- in past lives you may have been deeply entrenched in the material world, attaching your sense of self worth and security to external factors such as wealth, possessions or status.
- you may have been involved in occupations or pursuits related to finance, banking or real estate or other areas where material resources were central.
- challenges related to attachment to material possessions, possessiveness or a sense of entitlement.
- may struggled with issues of greed, insecurity or a fear of loss , leading to difficulties in relationships or an inability to find true fulfillment beyond material wealth.
- in your current life you may be called to reassess your values and priorities recognising that true abundance and security come from within rather than from external sources.
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✨ South node in 3rd house:
- sn in 3rd house suggests that themes related to communication, learning, siblings, and early education may have been significant in past lives.
- you may have been highly intellectual, curious,and articulate with a natural talent for expressing yourself through writing, speaking or teaching.
- in past lives you may have been a scholar , writer, teacher, or traveler, engaging in pursuits that allowed you to share your wisdom and insights with others.
- you might have had close relationship with your siblings or peers who served as intellectual companions or rivals , encouraging you to excel in your pursuits of knowledge and learning.
- you may have experienced difficulties in forming deep emotional connections with others or may have struggled with issues related to gossip, rumours or miscommunication.
- there may have been a tendency to get caught up in petty disagreements.
- in your current life you may be called to balance your intellectual pursuits with a deeper understanding of the importance of emotional connection and empathy in your relationships.
- trust your intuition and communicate with others from a place of authenticity and compassion rather than purely from a rational or analytical perspective.
✨ South node in 4th house:
- with sn in 4th house you likely had past lives where family dynamics played a significant role. This could manifest in various ways , such as being deeply attached to your family, experiencing challenges within the family structure or being heavily influenced by your ancestral lineage.
- there might have been past life experiences where you struggled with issues of nurturing and security. This could involve experiences of abandonment, neglect or lack of emotional support within your family environment.
- past life experiences may have involved repeating certain family patterns or dynamics that have been passed down through generations. This pattern could be both positive and negative, and part of your soul's journey In this lifetime may involve breaking free from any destructive cycles.
- there may be unresolved ancestral wounds or traumas that you carry from past lives, which could manifest as subconscious fears, phobias, or patterns of behaviour. Working on healing these wounds can lead to greater emotional freedom an spiritual growth in this lifetime.
- you may have been involved in occupations like family business or inheritance or home related occupations.or nursing, counciling or social work.
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✨ South node in 5th house:
- with sn in 5th house in your past life you were a vibrant and creative soul. You may have been a artist, a performer or someone who radiated charisma and enthusiasm wherever you went.
- your love life was like a grand epic , filled with passionate romances and intense emotional experiences. You may have been involved in dramatic love affairs, where the highs were euphoric and the lows plunged you into depths of despair.
- children may have also played a significant role in your past life, whether as a devoted parent or a beloved mentor, you cherished the youthful exuberance and innocence they brought into your life.
- however your attachment to fame, pleasure and the pursuit of momentary happiness may have led you astray at times, causing you to lose sight of your deeper purpose and spiritual fulfillment.
- now in this lifetime you may find yourself naturally drawn to avenues of creativity, romance and self expression, but there's also a deeper calling within you , urging you to seek spiritual growth and fulfillment on a soul level.
✨ South node in 6th house:
- sn in 6th house suggests that in past life you might have been someone deeply involved in service or work that revolved around healing, health, or caretaking in some form. perhaps you were a dedicated healer, herbalist, or even a doctor, working tirelessly to help others overcome illness and ailments. Your daily life might have been structured around your work.
- however, despite your Nobel intentions there might have been a tendency to become overly fixated on the details or to be overly critical of yourself and others. Maybe you struggled with perfectionism or a sense of never feeling like you were doing enough. This could even led to feelings of frustration or even burnout over time.
- in this lifetime, the challenge for you is to find a balance between serving others and taking care of yourself, and to learn to let go of the need for perfection and self criticism.
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✨ South node in 7th house:
- sn in 7th house suggests that in past lives you may have focused a lot on partnerships , relationships, and one-on-one interactions.
- your past life may have been marked by experiences of intense emotional connections with others as well as lessons around compromise, negotiation and learning to see things from different perspectives.
- at times, you may have also faced difficulties in asserting your own needs and boundaries within your relationship, leading to feelings of resentment or imbalance. This could have resulted in patterns of seeking validation and approval from others, rather than cultivating a strong sense of self worth and autonomy.
- in this lifetime, you may drawn to experiences that echo these past life themes. You may place a strong emphasis on your relationships and partnerships , seeking to create harmonious and fulfilling connection with others. The challenge for you is to learn from the lessons of your past lives and to find a healthy balance between your own needs and those of others.
✨ South node in 8th house:
- in your past life, you might have been someone who delved deeply into the mysteries of life ,death and the human psyche. You may have been drawn to occult practices, esoteric knowledge or healing modalities that focused on the transformation of the self and others.
- you may have also been involved in situations where you had to navigate complex power dynamics , shared resources or inheritances.
- managing other's finances or dealing with issues related to debt, or taxes.at times , you may also grappled with feelings of possessiveness or obsession particularly in your relationships or dealings with other resources.
- in this lifetime the challenge for you is to learn from the lessons of your past lives and to find a healthy balance between intensity and detachment, depth and surface and empowerment and surrender.
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✨ South node in 9th house:
- in your past life, you might have been someone who was deeply engaged in the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. You may have been a philosopher, teacher, scholar, or traveler who dedicated your life to seeking truth and understanding the deeper mysteries of existence.
- at times , you may have also struggled with issues related to dogma or rigid belief systems, perhaps feeling torn between your quest for truth and the pressures to conform to societal norms or expectations.
- In this lifetime you may find yourself drawn to experiences that echo these past life themes. The challenge for you to learn from the lessons of your past lives and to find a balance between seeking knowledge and embodying wisdom. This might involve cultivating a deeper sense of inner knowing and intuition as well as learning to integrate the lessons from your past experiences into your present journey.
✨South node in 10th house:
- sn in 10th house suggests that in your past life you might have been someone who was deeply ambitious and driven to succeed in your chosen field. You may have pursued a career or vocation that allowed you to attain a position of authority,power or prominence in society.
- your identity and sense of self-worth may have been closely tied to your achievements and public reputation leading you to prioritise your career above all else.
- at times you may have also struggled with issues related to authority or responsibility perhaps feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of leadership or the expectations placed upon you by others.
- in this lifetime you may find yourself drawn to experiences that echo these past live things. you may have a strong drive to succeed in your career or to achieve recognition and status in your chosen field. Challenge for you is to learn from the lessons of your past life and to find a balance between ambition and inner fullfilment, this might involve redefining success on your own terms and cultivating a sense of purpose that goes beyond external achievements.
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✨South node in 11th house:
- sn in 11th house suggests that in your past life you might have been someone who was highly engaged in social or collective movements aimed at bringing about positive change in society. you may have been a member of various groups, organisations, or networks that were focused on promoting equality, justice or humanitarian causes.
- you may have been drawn to causes that aligned with your values and beliefs,whether they were related to political activism, social reform, environmental conservation or other forms of advocacy. - at times you might have also struggle with issues related to group dynamics or a loss of individual identity we the largest social movements. this could have led to experiences of disillusionment or betrayal as well as lessons around maintaining autonomy and integrity while working towards collective goals.
- in this lifetime, the challenge for you is to find a balance between your individual goals and the needs of the collective. this might involve cultivating a deeper sense of self awareness and authenticity as well as learning to navigate group dynamics with wisdom and discernment.
✨South node in 12th house:
- sn in 12th house suggests that in your past life you might have been someone who spend a significant amount of time in seclusion or retreat perhaps as a monk, hermit or spiritual seeker.
- you may have been deeply attuned to the inner workings of the subconscious mind and spend much of your time exploding the depts of your own psyche through meditation, contemplation or others regional practices.
- you may have struggled with feelings of confusion, disillusionment or even Paranoia as you grappled with the shadow expects of your own psyche and the collective unconscious.these could have led to experiences of self undoing or essence of being lost in the vastness of The spiritual realms.
- in this lifetime the challenge for you is to find a balance between spiritual transcendence and grounded presence in the material world. this might involve integrating the insights and wisdom gained from your spiritual experiences into your everyday life as well as learning to navigate the depes of your own psyche with courage and compassion.
That's it guys,hope you enjoyed 🌜💫
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