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kinoyoga · 2 years ago
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Sometimes I think it’s easier to say what yoga is not more than I think it’s possible to truly explain what yoga really is. Yoga is not just a physical practice. Yoga is a mirror that guides you to the truth self. Yoga asana is not an exercise or a stretch. Fitness and stretching are the byproducts of the practice. Yoga is not entertainment, distraction or denial even though yoga can be fun and joyful. Yoga is a spiritual discipline that seeks your highest liberation. What is yoga to you? What isn’t yoga to you? In this age of everything goes, some people are afraid of setting some guidelines about what is and isn’t yoga. Giving everyone permission to do everything and call it whatever they want may not truly serve their spiritual path. Sometimes what we need is a clear light to shine on the path so we can discriminate between what is true and what is untrue. But then again, I am an Ashtanga Yoga practitioner and I can’t help it if I believe at least a few guidelines are good for the practitioners and teachers to follow. Keep practicing 🙏 Next workshops: Mysore week and Adjustment clinic in February @miamilifecenter and then Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan and Cincinnati. Photo @ifilmyoga #yoga #yogapath #yogi #ashtanga #ashtangayoga #ashtangi #nyc #nycyoga #yoganyc #kinoyoga #omstars 💕 (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoYJr5FuGZ7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aym-escuela-de-yoga · 2 months ago
🧘‍♀️ Que la energía revitalizadora del sábado nos inspire para empezar esta semana con concentración, determinación y serenidad, mira que hermosa práctica de Yoga tuvimos a orillas de la madre Ganges de gran serenidad y profunda conexión con la naturaleza! 🌿✨
*Consejo del día: "Empieza la semana conectando con tu esencia y cultivando la paz interior". Namaste
Todos los cursos de yoga de AYM Yoga School están certificados por: Yoga Alliance, USA (Internacional) y Yoga Certification Board, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India.
* Más información próximamente.
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labrj · 2 years ago
O que é ser um Yogui?
Que valores e atributos queremos agregar a uma pessoa quando a qualificamos como um Yogui?
A filosofia do Yoga é um universo à parte. Ela é composta de tantos conhecimentos e ensinamentos, que é possível viver uma vida inteira estudando sobre ela e a cada novo dia conseguir descobrir algo a mais. Tal conhecimento tem o poder de permitir que um buscador sincero viva toda uma vida sem qualquer tipo de sofrimento. Repare, eu não disse sem obstáculos ou desafios, mas sem sofrimentos. Existe um oceano que separa estas duas situações.
Mas para ser um Yogui é preciso abdicar de tudo e viver nos montes frios do Himalaia, correto? Errado.
A vida está aí e ela se apresenta da mesma forma para todos, por vezes repleta de coisas lindas e agradáveis por outras um mar de espinhos e momentos que parecem vir somente para te tirar de sua zona de conforto. E talvez seja exatamente este o propósito deles!
Um Yogi é aquele capaz de manter essa consciência. A consciência de que a vida existe não para que vivamos em um estado de eterno conforto e inércia, mas para que possamos crescer e expandir a cada momento. E cada situação adversa é essencial para isso! Um Yogui é capaz de honrar e dar as boas-vindas a um desafio com o mesmo sorriso com o qual receberia uma boa notícia.
“Smastwam Yoga Uchayate”, esta é uma das definições de Yoga segundo o Bhagavad Gita, escritura sagrada da India. Esta frase pode ser traduzida simplesmente como: “Yoga é ser equânime”. E é com esta equanimidade que subtraímos o sofrimento de nossas vidas. Aceitando cada situação, seja ela boa ou ruim, com a mesma paz interior, com a confiança de que o que se apresente a sua frente é exatamente o que deveria ser.
O poder de aceitar as situações como elas são te permite atravessar a vida com um sorriso no rosto, como diria o Mestre Espiritual Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, o momento presente é inevitável. Então porque lutar contra ele? Por que resistir e desejar que ele não estivesse ali? Por acaso a nossa visão de mundo e inteligência são superiores às daquele que nos apresentou a situação em primeiro lugar? Uma coisa eu te garanto, quem quer que tenha trago tais situações até você, quer apenas uma coisa: o seu melhor.
E é com esta fé, com esta certeza inabalável de que somente o melhor virá (tenha a face que tiver), que o Yogi caminha. Caminha pela vida com a sutileza e a leveza de uma nuvem, que sabe que esta grande aventura chamada vida não dura para sempre, então para que fazer um grande estardalhaço sobre isso?
Um Yogi é sim flexível, resistente e intenso, mas estas qualidades não precisam estar necessariamente no corpo, precisam estar na mente. Uma corpo fraco não é capaz de sustentar uma mente forte, mas uma mente forte é capaz de sustentar um corpo fraco.
E isso é ser um Yogui. Isso é viver a vida com o conhecimento do Yoga.
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dantesecret · 2 years ago
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abracadabraaakirtiaaaaaaa · 4 years ago
Tender loving chaturangas.........
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anya-moon · 4 years ago
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I’m not enough - uncomfortable though, stiffness in your body - and it starts again, you run, searching for a medicine, only not to feel that not-enoughness. Maybe it’s worth to try new meditation, do new asanas or energy work, maybe new clothes or just spending the evening on your phone can ease the tension. Only not to hear the voice inside telling that you’re not good enough as a parent, not that good in your work or that all your labor isn’t bringing the result you actually desire. To go for a search outside - supposing that outer things can save you, other people’s approval or additional cup of coffee, new retreat, new life. But that’s a myth.
You might try to find someone\something to blame in your feeling that there is something fundamentally wrong with you. Programs instilled by society, upbringing, ancestor wounds. But finding something to put a blame on isn’t a way.
The only medicine is inside of you, nothing outside can fix your not-enoughness. Staying inside, seeing where that feeling is coming from, you start raising your awareness of it. Possibly, it’s a wound that needs your attention. Or it’s a signal that you should return to your center where you can realize that the feeling of not-enoughness is your resistance to being yourself, to tell your unique story where there will be self-validation, self-care, acceptance and understanding of your own way.
Here, on the line with the feeling of not-enoughness there are questions - who lives your life if you run from yourself? Who learns the lessons your soul is here to master, if you prefer to learn other’s lessons and bring into your life what doesn’t really resonate with you? Where are you if today you are not enough?
💜Art by Alexandra Levasseur
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ievagabriele · 4 years ago
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The #wisdom of #Yoga #transforms one from arrogance to self-#confidence , from meekness to humility. @srisriravishankar Do you agree..? 🥰😉🙏 When I was a teenager, I didn’t have that much confidence, so thanks God #modelling and yoga came into my life and helped me to become more confident... I’m so grateful for #yogapath as it gave me those unique practices and techniques which helped me during my school and university exams, after a breakup and the other difficulties... . . . . . . . #ashtangayoga #yogalovers #yogalover #yogaquotes #yogaquotesoftheday #yogaquarantine #yogateacher #yogateachers #yogaeveryblessedday #yogisofinstagram (at Liepaja) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE6G6R-gnOU/?igshid=1pfwyfvdf4vxm
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yogatoursindia · 5 years ago
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The first of the five niyamas is saucha, which translates to cleanliness or purity. It is both physical and emotional, internal and external, and applies to the self and to our surroundings; all these dichotomous facets of saucha come together to help yogis work toward a state of true purity.
External physical cleanliness may be the most obvious, and it does include things like hand washing and teeth brushing.
It also includes Ayurvedic cleansing techniques that are becoming more mainstream, namely oil pulling, tongue scraping, and nasal rinsing.
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ashtangini · 5 years ago
Si a pesar de todo lo intenso y apabullante que puede ser la vida, aún así encuentras la fuerza interior para confiar y sonreír, eres un guerrero de Luz que ninguna ilusión podrá derrotar. Gracias #mallorca por cerrar el #ashtanginiworldtour con magia ✨✨✨✨ #yoga #yogapath #ashtanga #ashtangayoga #ashtangalove #loveheals #loveis #loveislife❤ (at Mallorca) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0v6mGDITcJ/?igshid=s9s7u6b29ibn
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elenayogalove · 6 years ago
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Yoga is about find yourself.
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victoriayoga · 6 years ago
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Convince your mind with persistent effort that the objects of the world do not hold happiness in them. True happiness,the spiritual bliss, proceeds from the self. . . 💫🙌🏼💫🙌🏼💫🙌🏼. Detach from the world, and Attach yourself to God. . Detach from the passing pleasures off the senses, and attach your self to the ever increasing bliss of the self💫💫💫💫💫💫. . . Join me on this beautiful #yogapath . #seeyouonthemat this Thursday 6pm and Saturday #freeyoga on the Charming #espanolaway in #southbeach . . . . 💫✨ Only 2 weeks left to join our #intensive #yogatraining ! #bestcarever ! feb 11-march 18! #synergyyoga . ✨#hariom #youregoisnotyouramigo #yogagirl #yogateacher #urdhadhanurasana #bridgepose #yogaphotography #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverday #yogini #swamiji #parampara #lineage #vedanta #yogaposes #yoga #bliss #enlightenment #samadhi #yogalife #youareenough https://www.instagram.com/victoriabyoga/p/BtSJPnbHpD0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ou88s7r6n7ob
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kala-desha-patra · 2 years ago
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labrj · 2 years ago
Na vida, Deus não nos dá as pessoas que queremos. Em vez disso ele nos dá as pessoas que precisamos, Para nos ensinar, para nos machucar, para nos amar. Para fazer você exatamente do jeito que ele quer que você seja: seu melhor
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abracadabraaakirtiaaaaaaa · 4 years ago
11th June 2021
Handstand practise
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angelostories · 2 years ago
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200 Hr Yoga Teacher Training 06-30 November Crete @levinthos Registration is open. ✨Learn the foundations of anatomy, physiology - how the body moves and works and apply this knowledge to all the major yoga asanas. 💫Focus on yoga humanities, philosophy, meditation, mindfulness, values and ethics. ✨Discover the art of teaching yoga and how create your sequence and making yoga accessible for all. 💫Enjoy a small group of practitioners so you receive an abundance of teachings and one-on-one mentoring. Making a change in your life starts with you .#namaste🙏 www.angelosanandayoga.com #yogateachertraining #yogateacher #yogainstructor #ytt #yogaisforeverybody #yogapractice #vinyasa #hatha #asana #yogasutras #yogaphilosophy #yogaanatomy #physiology #selfcare #selflovejourney #yogajourney #yogapath #simplicity #discipline #yogaforall #yogawithangelosananda #yogadaily #yogalifestyle #yogaliving https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci1xXn7MSjq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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libelulasesinas · 6 years ago
Practica , practica ,practica... De todas las posturas de #yoga, #urdhvadhanurasana es de las que mas me ha costado practicar. Demasiado intensa, demasiada apertura. Por mucho tiempo la force. Hace años, hasta me disloque el hombro en un workshop 😖 . Hoy, con mas apertura de hombros y mas confianza en mi fuerza la vuelvo a integrar a mi #yogapractice 😁 Nota mental: usar cuando sienta estres, angustia y quiera lograr paz mental 🙏 #wheelpose #chakrasana #yogagirl #yogapath #everydayyoga (en San Pedro de La Paz) https://www.instagram.com/p/BstCCUOAXfv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5lq4ybaazo8x
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