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victoriayoga · 5 years ago
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#listentoyourbody . #innerguidance . #ahimsa #nonviolence . #selflove . #yourbodyyourtemple #sacred #loveyourself #selfrespect . #synergyyoga #loveislove #preventivecare #healthylifestyle #iseeyou . #recharge . #purify . #detox . #moveyourbody . #reconnection . #ilovemyself❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B4hdZFhAKpt/?igshid=1f4nclw2g135e
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jaibhaktiblog · 3 years ago
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Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose) stimulates the nervous system and opens the heart, enlivening the inner intelligence. One may feel glowing with energy and vitality for the rest of the day. Urdhva Dhanurasana can also be used as a tool for gaining clarity and focus through transcendence. Affirmation: I open my heart to divine guidance #flyyogachallenge #UrdhvaDhanurasana #wheelpose #affirmations #growthmindset #selfcare #selfcompassion #yogateacher #yogateachertraining #higherstates #being #balance #harmony #doshas #accessibleyoga #yogapractice #yoga #innerstrength #youtube #vedas #ramayana #growth #strength #neworleans Flow with: @sayloveyoga @flywithalishareed @yogainternational @yogawithdena @synergyyoga @kinoyoga @tarawood1 @karenpburnettyoga @erikalimalife @emillylana44 @jaibhaktiyoga @lovemorehotyoga @ivy_tha_yogi @corbinstacyyogashuff For tutorials and instructional videos, subscribe to YouTube -> Jai Bhakti Yoga Foundation Photo by @goldenhotpants (at City Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUYomDwFQFD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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skye-yoga-blog · 4 years ago
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#synergy #jenniferpowell thank you @synergyyoga DAY 2 AERIAL YOGA TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM YES WE OPEN WITH MEDITATION #aerialyogateachertraining #OneLevelIsAllYouNeed ONE LEVEL IS ALL YOU NEED Hablamos en español!! #habloespañol #wespeakspanishhere Μιλάμε ελληνικά εδώ πέρα #Μιλάμεελληνικά #WeSpeakGreekHereSKYE-YOGA FIT AERIAL YOGA TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM Book YOUR SPOT NOW 100$ OFF AERIAL YOGA SKYE-YOGAFIT TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM BOOK YOUR SPOT NOW!! Deepen your stretches add another PROP TO YOUR REPERTOIRE #MsAdelaide @MsAdelaide #Bywater #HouseofSkyeYoga #TeacherTrainingProgram #AerialYogaTeacherTraining @Bywater Affordable accommodations can be made FOR OUT OF TOWNERS! https://www.skye-yoga.com/aerial-yoga-skyeyoga-fit-teacher-training (at House of Skye-Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQRSPihFKFy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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synergyyoga1 · 4 years ago
The Buddha's eight-fold journey, which you might discuss briefly at your yoga teacher training center, can be considered the forerunner of Yoga Sadhana. The Bhagwad Gita, which describes the concepts of Gyan Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Karma Yoga in greater depth, contains more detailed explanations. Source
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krispaceyoga-blog · 8 years ago
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Today we are teaching an #acro workshop @synergyyoga 1-3pm in Miami Beach! Come out and play with @susievanessayoga as we lay out a bunch of cool stuff for all levels of Yogis and Acrobats. See you today! #acro #acroyoga #acrobatics #acroyogaforever #yoga #yogi #balance #croc #lbase #partnerworkout #partneryoga #balancepartner #balance #miamiacro #floridalife #coolstuff #beachyoga #beachlife #live photo @jadapace (at Miami Beach, Florida)
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joasana · 10 years ago
Post #yoga & #vegan lunch vibes... Feeling shanti with my ladies 🌊👙😇🍉🎹 #chant #synergyyoga #joasanayoga #shakti #amigas 🙏💜✌️ (at South Beach 2nd & 3rd Local Beach)
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victoriayoga · 5 years ago
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Dont die undeveloped. You have an enormous potential within yourself ready to be awaken. Invest in your evolution.✨✨✨. . . Tomorrow is the last day for the early bird tuition with Master #andreylappa , coming in January 10 for a intense training, only for committee Yogis. Rsvp with a humble deposit of $300. If your goal in yoga is #kundaliniawakening , so this is your opportunity. Ask me any questions!. . ✨See you on the mat this 🕉monday 6pm. 🕉wed 9:30am. 🕉Thursday 6pm 🕉Saturday 9:30am 🕉Sunday 10am. .’ . Dont get too fascinated for the external postures. Yoga is according to Guruji “ Open heart and Peaceful Mind”. . . #seeyouonthemat #yogapractice #yoganidrasana #developyourself #warriorspirit #superhumanyogis #kundalinirising #shakti #yogamiami #synergyyoga #universalyoga https://www.instagram.com/p/B4tXiyFgfIK/?igshid=8fxvd1gkudvj
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victoriayoga · 5 years ago
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Truly honor once again to witness what yoga can do to anyone spiritual life ✨. . ✨Still feeling the #yogahigh of this wonderful #yogateachertraining and graduation 🌹, so much Love, and the Family keeps growing 😊. . . ✨To be a yoga teacher you dont need to bring the feet behind the neck, the essential ingredient is to have a compassionate heart and promote peace to all, including all animals ✨. . . ✨Next #yogatraining with #yogamaster Andrey Lappa in January 20th, if your goal is enlightenment, this is a must. 10 days available. . . ✨Next #hathavinyasa training is on Feb 14, in #southbeach . . ✨#limaperu at @almayogaperu on March 21-. . . ✨#fortlauderdale at @peacehealgrow w #yogasister @carolotusyoga on April 18. . . ✨#miamibeach again on June 8th. . . ✨#ecuador🇪🇨 at @vikaralifestyle on July 20th , for an incredible time, w #oceanfront view, #surflessons , #natureimmersion with optional #shamanichealing . . . ✨🕉Click on the link on my bio to read the info on these intensive trainings with #international #certification w #yogaalliance . . . #seeyouonthemat this week always at #synergyyoga ❤️❤️❤️. . . #yogaforall #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #yogateacher #yogamiami #yogaeveryday (at Synergy Yoga Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4_XF7EgF_O/?igshid=xzryga3re91b
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victoriayoga · 6 years ago
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In the mist of this holiday Easter , lets see all these messages left for us from all avatars #vishnu , #buda , #jesus ✨🙌🏼✨🙌🏼✨🙌🏼✨🙌🏼✨🙌🏼 . . Death is just a door. . . We live and survive, and re-born from the Love , of compassion , and the power of forgiveness and kindness in our hearts💕 . . In Hinduism the Kundalini energy is represented by a snake. Just like the one on the picture. Crawling up and dancing in our spine, as it burst our chakras in a rainbow of colors. . . . The practice of #yoga give us the possibility to see these messages, not with our eyes, but with our entire being. . . Celebrate the death of ignorance and rejoice on the awakening of our hearts and soul. . . Be like those #avatars : full of light✨✨✨✨. . . Sending love to all of you from #marrakech , totally #blissout with this magnificent world 🌎 . . . . . #namaste #yogaworld #yogalife #kundaliniawakening #shakti #yogateachertraining #yogini #freespirit #synergyyoga #yogaretreats #travelphotography #yogaphotography #morocco #loveyou #openheart #happyeaster #jesuswasayogi #yoga #enlightenment #compassion #chakras #smile #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday https://www.instagram.com/p/BwdFqNCnfDU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=opg6zalydets
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victoriayoga · 6 years ago
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✨Happy monday everyone! . Still feeling that beginning of the year and new moon vibrating around.😉. .’ . ✨ life moves in circles, cycles, spiral forms and so we do. The begging becomes the end, the end is just the door a fresh start! Do you feel me? . . ✨Is hard to let go- even more when you put so much love , although that self love must always prevail. . . ✨ universe asked to clearly to slow down. I had lost my voice and by 7am i already took 3 ginger lemon teas . I dont longer force anything, first why?? , second, God and yoga fills me so much, detachment of others , labels , status comes natural and easy. . ✨i decide to let go of the school in Hallandale, and be more with myself and the art of the practice. Of course anyone interested on taking the school on , feel welcome to inbox me . The family there is united in love , the community is beautiful & i feel the mission was successful there. . ✨now me. Going back to the mountains for a few days to feel that kundalini spiral up as i grounded and restore. . . ✨start your year focusing on things and people that enhance who you are already. We all need to connect and together we lift each other up. . . ✨our #yogateachertraining in South beach getting full quickly. Dont lose the reduced tuition of the early bird registration! $500 off when u sign up a month prior. Starts on feb 11! . . . ✨March 23 teacher training in #limaperu with #viveyoga . . ✨April 21 Morocco #yogaretreat . ✨May 21 Teacher Training in Fort Lauderdale! . . ✨June 10 in #synergyyoga #southbeach and..... . ✨July 19 #yogacertification and #detox in Ecuador!. . . . ✨#loveyouall #namaste #openmind #openheart #flexible #circleoflife #pinealgland #everythinghappensforareason #recharge #restore #pachamama #ahomitakuyeoyasin #yogateachertraining #riseup #yogagirls #yogateacher #partneryoga #hanumanasana #bhujangasana #happymonday #letgo #happynewyear https://www.instagram.com/victoriabyoga/p/BsVilKeHBRK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=k5n3q5i6allw
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victoriayoga · 6 years ago
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Namaste everyone🙏🏽. . Super happy to had finished one more #yogateachertraining #fulloflove and new #yogafamily faces💕. . . 😀Teaching my last class tomorrow at 9:30am before my Peru yoga training and Morocco yoga retreat!! Will love to see you on the mat and for a hug! . . #keepitup #nomatterwhat . #willmissyou #miamibeach #seeyouonthemat 😘😘😘. Always at #synergyyoga . . . #worldtraveler #practice #rainorsun #handstand #doitwithlove #yogagirl #namaste #grateful #peru #moroco #ecuador #miami #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday https://www.instagram.com/p/BvNVa3HHyU6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7mdj8aiihch9
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victoriayoga · 6 years ago
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#impermanence #yingyang #wisdom #allisgood #seebeyond #yoga #yogateacher #letgo #rising #goodmorning #foodforthought #chinesemedicine #balancedlife #miamiyoga #synergyyoga #enlightenment #awakening #samadhi #godisall #hatha #tantra #karma https://www.instagram.com/victoriabyoga/p/BqPZmVMHX5Q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8j9tyco7u2md
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victoriayoga · 6 years ago
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Convince your mind with persistent effort that the objects of the world do not hold happiness in them. True happiness,the spiritual bliss, proceeds from the self. . . 💫🙌🏼💫🙌🏼💫🙌🏼. Detach from the world, and Attach yourself to God. . Detach from the passing pleasures off the senses, and attach your self to the ever increasing bliss of the self💫💫💫💫💫💫. . . Join me on this beautiful #yogapath . #seeyouonthemat this Thursday 6pm and Saturday #freeyoga on the Charming #espanolaway in #southbeach . . . . 💫✨ Only 2 weeks left to join our #intensive #yogatraining ! #bestcarever ! feb 11-march 18! #synergyyoga . ✨#hariom #youregoisnotyouramigo #yogagirl #yogateacher #urdhadhanurasana #bridgepose #yogaphotography #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverday #yogini #swamiji #parampara #lineage #vedanta #yogaposes #yoga #bliss #enlightenment #samadhi #yogalife #youareenough https://www.instagram.com/victoriabyoga/p/BtSJPnbHpD0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ou88s7r6n7ob
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victoriayoga · 6 years ago
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You and I are one✨ #inlakech . ✨help others and get help. ✨love others and receive love. ✨what you put out you receive back. . . . ✨#seeyouonthemat today 9:30am and Thursday 6pm at #synergyyoga . . . ✨Next #yogateachertraining in @synergyyogahallandale January 7-Feb 11. . . #oneness #divineconnection #seebeyond #yogagirl #yogaquotes #miamiyoga #southbeachyoga #yogahallandale #yogini #yogateacher #inspired #mayas #incas #shamans #aho https://www.instagram.com/victoriabyoga/p/Bquga3RH3iD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=us617yk0cnh9
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victoriayoga · 6 years ago
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Leave a life that inspire others✨ . . Be so happy then when others see you, they became happy too✨ . . Control your monkey mind with mind activities ✨ . . See you today for a talk with me and @sadhuserves at 6:30pm at #synergyyoga ✨ . . join me tomorrow for Free Yoga at espanola way 9:30am✨ . . Morocco Yoga Retreat is On! April 21(:-) inbox me to receive a full itinerary of this amazing trip on the Sahara Desert and Marrakesh! ✨✨✨ . . . . . . . #kirtan #yoga #sadhana #happynewyear #goals #behappy #befree #yogateacher #yogalife #yogamiami #southbeachyoga #yogagirl #yogisofinstagram #yogaretreat #pigeon #raja #kapotasana #hathayoga #bhaktiyoga #tantrayoga #happyfriday #lifteachotherup #soblessed #namaste https://www.instagram.com/victoriabyoga/p/BsNu2L0neM9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1aeos6e6nt5iy
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victoriayoga · 6 years ago
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As you get older, you really just want to surrounded yourself by good people. People that are good for you, good to you and good for your soul. . . . Surround yourself with souls that incentive your own development is what happens when you come practice at the same school , sacred community develops. . . . #seeyouonthemat today at 6pm. . . . . #satsang #inspirationalquotes #bomdia #practicepeace #yogagirl #yogateacher #synergyyoga #yogamiami #begoodtoyou #allisone #namaste #happyholidays #happynewyear https://www.instagram.com/victoriabyoga/p/Br5KPdTn-P9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1od3yt8502v6e
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