#Yeah no this ain't happening chief
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shiroselia · 12 days ago
Did some good ol' research and turns out I am actually going to have to buy a light novel for once in my life what do you MEAN the manga is Just (barely?) wrapping up adapting VOLUME 3
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kumkaniudaku · 4 months ago
Sorry 2024
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Summary: This is Terry's sorry for 2024. He ain't gonna mess up no more this year.
Pairing: Terry Richmond x Black!OC
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: None
Previous: *Askew
Pastel blue light filtered through linen curtains and filled the quaint kitchen while Patrice maneuvered between the refrigerator and nearby counter. She spoke a mile a minute, running through a laundry list of important tasks and updates to keep Terry aware of the day’s needs. 
He halfway listened while he scarfed down piping hot oatmeal to satisfy post-workout hunger and used his index finger to scrub backward on game film from the previous week. His receiver core was shaky at best. They’d need to tighten up in the final game of the season if they planned to start their playoff run strong and remain in the hunt for a the ever elusive state championship.
“Honey, don’t forget I’m driving your truck to work because you’re getting my oil changed during your lunch. Where are the keys?” The sugar-sweet lilt in her voice reserved for Terry and Terry only went mostly unnoticed by her husband. 
“Yeah. That’s good, baby.”
Patrice paused packing her lunch and shifted her weight to one side with a hand on her hip. “You’re not even listening to me.” 
“I heard you,” he answered, finally looking up. 
“What did I say?” 
“That you’re taking the leftovers. That’s good with me. I’ll grab something on base.” 
“I said that fifteen minutes ago. Strike two.” 
Terry’s mouth hung open for a half second as he thought back through their one-sided conversation. Admittedly, his mind was split into a million different streams of thought. Work problems, coaching responsibilities, household bills, the incoming holiday season, and its host of arrangements all fought for his attention day in and day out, leaving little room for intentional quality time with his wife. 
For Patrice, the indifference toward her when she talked to him was frustrating and getting old. On too many occasions she’d forgiven him for staring off into space or flat-out ignoring her when she spoke. If silence is what he wanted, she was well on the way to granting his wish. 
Swallowing down a gulp of water, Terry rushed to respond. “Woah, woah! Two? What was the first?” 
“I asked you to turn the dryer on last night while I took a shower and guess who woke up to wet clothes this morning? C’mon. Guess!” 
“Oh, shit.” Terry’s face contorted as he winced at the memory finally returning. 
“Oh shit. Go away.” She mocked with an exaggerated deep voice before rolling her eyes and making a face. Mimicry, in his experience since the tender age of 15, was usually the prelude to a vicious attitude that had turned many into sworn enemies for life.
“My bad, Treece. I started wa-” 
“Watching tape and forgot. Sing me a different song, Terrence.” 
The disappointment etched in her beautiful features sent Terry’s stomach into the soles of his feet. Patrice’s full lips sagged into a heavy frown as she wrestled food containers into her lunchbox without looking in his direction. He could take her mumbling her anger or sending more than a few curse words his way. But the sadness in her silence was too much. 
After pressing pause on his screen, Terry took measured steps toward Patrice to avoid disturbing an angry lion. 
He touched her hip first to test the waters. When she didn’t reject him, he moved in to take up space behind her and pull her back against his body. He pressed a soft kiss behind her ear. “I won’t make excuses. Forgive me, sweetheart. It won’t happen again.” 
Resistance faded slowly but surely as he nuzzled his nose into her neck between kisses. Tense muscles melted under his touch, relishing the extra attention meant to settle a disagreement. Anger fought to remain the chief emotion. Everything in her wanted to continue forging a war path until she was satisfied with the destruction. But she’d always had a weakness for this man with a smooth baritone and big hands that he loved to rub up and down her body.
She kissed her teeth before turning to plant a kiss on his cheek as a silent truce. “Whatever. You’re lucky I like you more than most other people.” 
“What I gotta do to get that like to a love before you leave the house?” 
Patrice pulled Terry’s bottom lip into another kiss and smiled. “It’d be great if you confirmed you used your mama’s Costco card to get the study hall snacks like we talked about.” 
Terry froze. For days he’d had the nagging feeling that he was neglecting a task. Something important but vague among all of the other thoughts and responsibilities swirling in his head. He’d hoped for a reminder, but not like this, not on the heels of wriggling his way out of Patrice’s wrath only moments before. 
Ever perceptive, Patrice didn’t need him to speak to know that he’d, once again, missed a memo. Anger was back from its short hiatus and making her body hot to the touch in a way Terry had been spared from his entire life. 
She fought to wrestle free from his grasp, her body thrashing until he relented and let her go. Terry watched her stomp around the kitchen, snatching items from the counter and forcing them into her bag on her way to the front door. He remained hot on her heels with pleas to make things right on his lips until she stopped short at the coat closet.
“Strike three! You’re so fuckin’ selfish sometimes, Terry, I swear.” She grumbled as she swapped her car keys for his on their shared personal items hook. “I thought you would grow out of that by now but here you are, damn near 33 years old, and still doing the same shit.”  
The dig at his past transgressions stung more than Terry expected. He tried to maintain his composure though the wounded man inside wanted to get to the bottom of why she’d chosen to toss such an insult out so casually. 
He took a deep breath to quell the combative questions clawing through his throat while he watched her shrug on her coat with spite in her eyes. “Look, I messed up. We don’t need to start throwing jabs back and forth. How can I help?”
His attempt to reach out for her hand was thwarted once she snatched away to yank open the front door.
“Terrence, the time to help was early this week. Hell, last night even. I don’t have time for your sorry this morning. I gotta go figure this out by myself yet again.” 
Immense guilt attached itself to Terry, producing a heavy heart as he tried to make sense of Patrice’s most venomous blowup to date. Never had she been so crass toward him, not even when he deserved it most. She’d always been the pinnacle of grace and forgiveness. What scared him most was the suspicion that she was more unhappy with his disappearing act than she’d let on in all their honest talks about their path forward after heartbreak. Half of him wanted to chase her into the early morning chill, stop her from leaving, and convince her to call in so that they could sort through every issue, past and present, until they were back on the right side of newlywed bliss. Rational thought told him that some things were best solved through action.
Bitterness fueled the remainder of Patrice’s day. Jokes in the breakroom were no longer funny. Her class clowns were less charming by fourth period. A fierce bout of irritability resulted in a pop quiz for her senior AP English class for not participating in the group discussion to her liking. Every second of every minute carried a dark, heavy cloud that she couldn’t shake. 
She wanted to scream at Terry until her chest caved in from exhaustion. She wanted to throw things across the room, destroying every item in her path until the sting of compounded letdowns, actions he wasn’t even responsible for, was distilled back into the tiny box of rage she kept tucked away in her heart. She kept it hidden on purpose. If it ever got loose, there was no guarantee she could fix the damage it left behind. 
Once school bells had rang and children were carted off to their respective homes, Patrice sat behind her desk with a small committee of cheerleaders congregating in her classroom. She kept her focus on grading the mountain of quizzes she’d created for herself, silently ready to give everyone extra credit for the attempt. 
“Ms. Ellis,” Alana, her captain, started as she dusted Doritos remnants from her fingers. 
Mikayla cut in. “It’s Mrs. Richmond now. She got married! You see her ring.”
“And you ain’t invite us?” Alana gasped, pretending to be offended. “That’s cold Mrs. Richmond. I thought we were cool.” 
“We’re cool, Lana. I didn’t know I was getting married until it happened. No one was invited.” 
“Can I at least see that big ol’ diamond up close?” 
Young girls with fairytales and romance novels seared into their perception of love begged for a chance to see Patrice’s wedding band up close. With more energy, she would shoo them away and redirect them to the bulletin board they abandoned to snack and gossip amongst each other. But arguments before work were taxing and all she could bring herself to do was push away from her desk and join them in the center of their circle with her hand outstretched for their inspection.
Oooh, ahhs, and everything in between overlapped as each young lady took her turn running their fingers up against the clear stone and white gold band engraved with her new initials. 
“I want me a ring just like this!” Camille explained as she took a picture to send to her boyfriend. 
“Can we see your husband? Is he nice like you?” 
Patrice paused. “Uh…yeah. He’s a nice man. You all should be with nice boys, or girls, or whoever you like. Don’t allow anyone to be anything less than nice to you.” 
“Okay, but can we see him,” another girl reiterated. 
“It’s Coach Richmond, duh,” Mikayla exclaimed. “They got the same last name. And they was in this old yearbook together. I saw it in Ms. Shields's class when we were having a yearbook meetin’.” 
More oohs and ahhs, this time fawning over the new football coach on campus and the picture Mikayla had saved to her cellphone. Patrice listened to them gush over the thorn in her side as she eased into a desk to take the pressure off her aching feet. 
Camille looked between the photo and Patrice with a smile. “He was your boyfriend when y’all went here?” 
“For a little bit. Right before we graduated. But we broke up that summer.” 
“How come?”
“He wanted to go to the military and I wanted to go to college,” Patrice answered after a deep sigh. “So, he went his way and I went mine because I wasn’t changing my mind. Remember that. Do what you wanna do. You have a whole life ahead of you.” 
The girls all mumbled some version of their agreeance before another question pushed the tea session forward. 
“Then how did y’all get married. He came back?” 
Patrice smiled at the memory of Terry standing on her porch that fateful summer morning. “Yeah. He just…came back. We talked and never stopped talking after that until he became my husband.”
“Did he say sorry at least?” 
“He always says sorry. All the time. He’s nice like that.” 
A chorus of swooning ‘awws’ rang out in the classroom and escaped into the hallway. Terry was nice like that. It didn’t matter that Patrice wanted to hate him and call him every name but a child of God. He always apologized and he always meant it. 
A distant smile covered Patrice’s face as she twirled her wedding band around her finger. 
Camille took the opportunity to poke fun at her coach. “Aww, look at Mrs. Richmond, y’all. She smiling big! You gon’ let him come to the AP Christmas party?” 
“That ain’t fair! I’m not in AP English and I wanna see him.” 
“Oh my God, we all gon' see him at the games. Calm down.” 
“Alright, alright, alright.” Patrice couldn’t contain her laughter at their eagerness to meet a man two times their senior with no interest in them outside of their connection to her. “Maybe you’ll meet him one day. Today, I need y’all to hurry up and-” 
A knock at the door interrupted Patrice, bringing her attention to a tall, slender young man who instantly turned heads. He smiled bashfully at all the ogling until Patrice redirected his eyes with a wave of her hand.
“What’s up, Deanté? You leave something in here?” 
“Nah. Coach Rich told us to bring some stuff to you. Where you want us to put it?” 
“Umm, I guess you can put it back here by my bookshelves,” she directed, pointing to the back of the room. Confusion created fine lines on her forehead. “I’m sorry, what’s happening?” 
Deanté shrugged in the way only teenaged boys too cool for school could before waving in the rest of his crew. Each of them came bearing the gift of snacks, carrying boxes of wholesale goodies to their intended place like worker ants serving their queen. Chips, cookies, pretzels, juices, and water stacked high along the wall instantly turned her quaint classroom into a stockroom until they’d delivered the final package. Bringing up the rear was Terry with flowers in one hand and a carryout bag from Patrice’s favorite bakery in the other. 
Pressed khaki slacks and a cotton polo fighting for dominance against his veiny bicep should’ve thanked him for making them look better than they ever could alone. Patrice wrestled her gaze away from his long legs to look away before she ended up flustered in front of impressionable children.
He lightly knocked against the door, his gaze soft and his smile welcoming. “May I come in?” 
Like the audience track from a 90s sitcom, young girls squeal in his presence, making him chuckle. Patrice rushed to control the madness. 
“See, this is why I have to keep my eye on y’all. Head to the gym and warm up. I’ll meet y’all down there.” They groaned their displeasure in a last-ditch attempt to buy more time with Terry. She re-emphasized her instructions. “Go on. For every second I have to keep looking at y’all after I’m done talking, that’s a lap. One, two, three…”
Quick feet and the threat of additional exercise cleared the room quickly, leaving Terry at the doorframe waiting for permission to enter. Patrice stood and straightened her turtleneck before inviting him inside. 
“Come in. Close the door behind you.”
Terry did as he was told in silence, hoping to appease the Queen in her castle. Patrice tried to remain stoic as she approached her portable lectern to thumb through the day’s notes and lesson plans. He deposited the flowers onto a nearby shelf then slid into a desk at the front of the class and waited for her to at least acknowledge him beyond a fleeting glance. 
Finally, she looked up and pointed at the white bag resting in front of him. “Is that for me?” 
“Yeah,” Terry smiled. “I haven’t seen you grab one in a while so I hope you still like the cinnamon roll. If not, I got the lemon loaf too. Your other favorite.” 
After all those years separating their adulthood from an entire semester of sneaking away during lunch for a warm, doughy signature roll, Patrice couldn’t believe Terry still remembered such a trivial detail. 
She bit her bottom lip to hide a smile as two short steps took her to the desk beside him. Metal creaked against the floor while they turned to face each other in seats too small for Terry who had come a long way from his high school physique. 
Terry watched Patrice quietly remove her treat from the bag and cut it in half with a plastic knife. She carefully placed one side on a clean napkin and passed it across the small gap separating them. 
She lifted her portion into the air and smiled a friendly smile. “Cheers?” 
Their respective hunks of roll kissed the other briefly before they took big bites to satisfy early afternoon cravings. Terry chuckled as Patrice hummed her satisfaction with her eyes closed and shoulders lifted near her ears. 
A little piece of Heaven. He was happy to provide anything other than the strife he contributed hours earlier. 
“Thank you,” Patrice whispered once the delight of her first bite had passed and her eyes were open again. “It’s still my favorite. You were right.” 
He didn’t respond past a small nod and a small half smile as he watched her enjoy another bite. His thumbs nervously twiddled around themselves while he wrote and erased apologetic statements in his mind in a search for what to say next. 
“Treece, I can’t say enough how sorry I am.” 
“We don’t need to do this. I overreacted and threw things in your face.” She started, trying to stop the uncomfortable discussion before it could start. 
Terry remained steadfast. “No, you didn’t. You called me out and it was the right thing to do. I have been selfish and you’ve caught the brunt of that for a long time now. It’s not fair.” 
“I just…fuck.” Tears that Patrice had managed to keep at bay during work forced their way past her waterline before she could stop them. She dabbed at them with a napkin and took a deep breath. “I’ve had to be really independent for a long time. Relationships didn’t stop me from doing things on my own because they convinced me that asking for help made me weak. Then you came along and immediately took on more than I could’ve ever asked.”
“That’s what I’m here for, baby.” 
“Yeah, but when you stop all of a sudden or pick and choose when you wanna help, it makes me afraid that one day, you’re gonna stop altogether like everyone else. And I really, really can’t take you being like everyone else.” 
Another layer of Patrice had been shed to leave behind an emotionally raw, vulnerable woman searching for an anchor in her life. The tears were gone, but they left evidence of deep-seated hurt on her face. 
Terry reached across his desk for her hand which she offered without protest though she refused to look him in the eyes. He kissed her knuckles softly, paying special attention to her ring finger before lacing their fingers. 
Sad eyes looked across at her. “You’re my main priority. If you want me to drop all this extra shit, I’ll do it in a heartbeat. Say the word and it’s gone.”
“I don’t want that. Be honest with me. Listen to me. That’s all I’m asking.”
“Okay,” he spoke into the inside of her wrist. “Give me a chance to be better.” 
“You already are.” 
Where misunderstanding has once festered, a flower of progress bloomed. They’d traversed uncharted territory as a unit to find common ground that would lay the foundation for years to come. 
Patrice made the first move toward reconciliation, standing from her desk to meet Terry at his side. Her hands cupped the sides of his face, tilting his head up to hers as she stood over him. 
“I love you. Always. I might still be a little miffed, but I’ll get over it. Promise.” She landed a flurry of kisses on his forehead and he accepted while he wrapped his arms around her waist. 
“I understand. I’ll earn your trust again.” 
Fuzzy feelings and chaste affection in what they believed was a safe space were cut short when a small yelp and thud sent a group of girls crashing to the tile floor, pushing her door ajar.
Patrice giggled along with Terry as she turned to get a look at the spectacle. “That’s what you get for being nosey. Now get to the gym for real this time.”
“Sorry, Mrs. Richmond,” they all chanted as they scrambled to stand and scatter. 
Terry listened for them to exit hearing range before turning back to Patrice and leaning up to kiss her lips. 
“I’ll be done with practice at 6:30 sharp and come straight home. Don’t worry about dinner or anything else. Let me handle it.”
“No problem.”
Final kisses and another promise to be home on time sent Terry and Patrice in opposite directions with optimism pumping through their veins. Tomorrow would bring its own storms and issues to work out. But, those were tomorrow’s problems. 
Today, they’d lick their wounds and settle next to each other on the couch with love in their hearts and the taste of each other on their lips to make every hard time worth the end result.
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint · 9 months ago
Fury for the Living (1) | Yandere Ghost Detective
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Cypher is a prodigy detective 
Officially on the police force now he’s been a raging force for unraveling piles of cold cases across the country
He was truly a talented man
Alas aspiring detectives and veterans in the field can only speculate what gives him such amazing insight in every case
They’d never guess what the ace up his sleeve is 
One of the sole factors other than his prodigious charm that made him the amazing detective he was
He could see ghosts
Apparitions, yokais, curses—you name it
Thanks to their undead input Cypher’s been able to piece together a case with nothing but a single clue
It’s his thing
It didn’t matter if he wasn’t exactly moved by justice
Or that he often hated that he had to speak with ghosts often
There was nowhere he could really go that didn’t have ghosts and the undead chatting and whining in his ear
Except for one place
An abandoned and rotted mansion in a restricted area in the forest
Or it was 
Until he found you
“Hm, I didn’t know anyone was still coming here.”
He outwardly groaned, facepalming as he prepared for your desperate plea to be help with their ‘unfinished business’
But you didn’t 
You smiled at him before skipping back up the stairs and through the wall
For a while, he’s just glad you didn’t bother him longer going back to reading his book
But then he’s pulling at his hair as the feeling he’s been ignoring hits him full force
“So what happened to you?”
“Tch, look I’ve been comin’ here every day and you never say a word. I’m tired of you being polite. Just tell me already.”
“I…actually don’t know…”
“I just remember waking up and being….free. I don’t remember much else.”
It isn’t odd that the undead don’t remember
But not caring about it is another
For once he’s intrigued, so after a while he pries a first name out of you 
Then he begins his search 
Finding all the records about your life or death is completely scrubbed
“I don’t know that’s awfully weird ain't it?”
Similar to him, the prodigy police chief has no idea as well
Thus a weird bud of excitement blooms 
“I’m going to solve your case!”
“Uh okay, if that makes you happy.”
So he visits so much more often 
Having to talk to you about your past 
A past you don’t remember
So he elects to bring whatever he thinks might interest you
Along with taking note of what’s in the dilapidated manor
Rotten books, old gaming systems, some form of music, paints and pens
He gets to know you pretty well
“I think Cypher if I were alive again, I’d love to spend time with you.”
“Yeah, you’re a real good friend.”
You have no idea what you do to him
He thought this newfound investigation would consume his mind like all good detectives had
But instead, he was thinking of you
Standing and walking beside him like you weren’t a ghost
Cutely tilting your head when he makes a joke you don’t understand
It sends blood rushing in places it hadn’t when he found out you could touch him
Casually tapping on his exposed shoulder to reveal a secret passageway
He used to complain to himself about how far he’d have to walk to get to his little place of paradise
But now he was complaining when the station was calling him in
“Hey (Y/n)...have you ever tried leaving the manor?”
“Mmm no.”
“Why not?”
“Never a reason to.”
“Then let’s try something new.”
He’s ecstatic when you can follow him into his car and eventually his apartment
But then he’s reminded of all the annoying nuisances that he was trying to avoid
“Hey everyone! Cypher’s all pooped out maybe we can give him a break?”
As if you were an exorcist all those ghosts seemed to understand 
Letting you organize them in the room over while Cypher locks himself into the bedroom
“Oh thank you? I think you’re amazing too Cypher.”
“I don’t think you understand (Y/n)...I desperately want to marry you.”
“But Cypher you know I’m dead, right?”
“I can easily change that to be with you.”
“Cypher don’t!” 
Now he’s got to fight himself about solving this case
If he gets to the bottom of your death, he’d lose you
So he might stall a bit 
At least until he finds a small bit of evidence pointing to your death from a murder
“You were…murdered?!”
“Was I? That sucks.”
You’re right it sucks
And now Cypher’s motivated with one thing
How dare some dirtbag kill you before he got to meet you?!
Put you in any amount of pain when you so easily are the light of his?! 
He vows that whosever is the cause of your death will pay greatly 
And he’s willing to put everything on the line to solve your case
I think I smell a series coming out of this 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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seriouslycromulent · 4 months ago
The Math Ain't Mathing
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So I'm sure people are going to accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist, but the more I think about the results of this US election, the more it's clear that things aren't adding up.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm well aware of the US's long history of racism and misogyny, and it is totally possible -- in theory -- that more people voted for a moronic straight, white male who is an ajudicated grapist and convicted felon over a more-than-qualified, intelligent, results-driven woman of color for a position as leader of the wealthiest nation on earth.
I'm not saying that couldn't happen. But did it? Legitimately?
The more I think about Trump's campaign, the more fishy this result seems.
So here was a man with ...
virtually no policies (that he could talk about openly),
no ground game,
no door knocking apparatus to urge folks to get out the vote,
no phone banking,
he was constantly running out of money and had to shill products to raise more,
stole money from down ballot candidates, putting their marketing strategies at risk,
found liable for SA,
found guilty of millions of dollars in fraud,
constantly rambles and shows clear signs of being mentally unwell,
invokes violent and hateful language against specific communities as well as individuals,
bragged about being a dictator on Day 1,
had over 40 former cabinet members declare him unfit for office,
was called a fascist by his own former chief of staff,
was not endorsed by any reputable economists,
saw a flood of lifelong Republicans -- literally millions of them -- abandon their party to vote for his opponent,
has been impeached twice,
has seen sharply, dwindling crowd sizes at his rallies for the last 6 weeks,
... and somehow he won the popular vote by 5 million?
Even though he never won the popular vote in 2016? Or 2020?
Suddenly he "found" a bunch of votes from people who liked him?
Um, no.
Just no.
One of Trump's biggest failings is that he and his team tell lies like children. That is, they've never learned how to keep things believable. Like a misguided 10-year-old who is desperate to impress someone with his whopper of a tale, he always exaggerates to the point of hyperbole and insults our intelligence.
For example, he told us his rally at Wildwood, NJ, this past summer had 108,000 even though the town itself only has 80,000 residents and the venue he held the rally in only held 20,000 people.
Or how he kept insisting that American kids are going to school and somehow receiving gender reassignment surgery over a couple of days and without parental consent before being sent home.
Each lie is so over the top and grandiose it makes him look infantile while at the same time insults our knowledge of reality.
And that's exactly what this feels like.
There is no way this man won the majority of the votes and the popular vote after only winning due to the electoral college the first time and not at all the second time. More people vilify him now than they did in 2016 and 2020, and that's saying something.
There just aren't enough voters in the US to give him a clear path to victory here no matter how committed his sycophants are to white supremacy. MAGA voters are not the majority of the voting electorate.
Also the fact that the exit polling data is suspiciously similar to the same tall tales Trump's been selling for the past year about how he had a ton of support in the Latino and Black communities, despite there being no data to support it at all. He was polling damn near 0% in some majority black communities like Detroit and Atlanta.
Yeah ... no.
This math ain't mathing.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I know when something isn't adding up. And nothing about these results add up at all.
On top of that, they ran their entire campaign like they didn't care about people getting out to vote. They kept insulting different segments of the electorate over and over again, as if they didn't need the votes of single people or people without children.
Plus, we saw record voter registration leading up to the election. More people voting early in state after state, and millions of people voting for the first time in their lives. But somehow there were fewer votes cast in this 2024 election than in the 2020 election?
Hell, Georgia alone tripled its early voter turnout. So how is this election getting fewer votes than 4 years ago?!
There were historically longer lines than ever before in parts of the country that never saw long lines, and yet there were millions fewer votes counted so far this year? Are we really to believe that all those long lines and so many new voters managed to only add up to 136M versus 158M who voted in 2020?
I call bullshit!
Also, a number of folks are commenting on how quickly the states were called. In all my years of voting, I've never seen a US election turning around so fast.
Yeah, the math ain't mathing.
Sure, he could've eeked out a win via the Electoral College without the popular vote like he did in 2016, but given her momentum and the majority of the polls either favoring her or having had them tied, none of these results pass the smell test.
Meanwhile, Harris had a multigenerational, multiracial, multiethnic, multigendered coalition of enthusiastic supporters who volunteered, phone banked, door knocked, and fundraised in every state plus D.C. Her media strategy was savvy, her interviews were sharp and intelligible, and her demeanor was inclusive and congenial. Again, not putting anything past good ole American racism and misogyny, but all the data showed that her supporters were clearly larger in number and more enthusiastic than his.
Long story short --
I do believe we are witnessing the American government being hijacked and a dictator installed right before our very eyes.
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sugar-plum-writer · 1 year ago
A Heian Era Affair
Paring: GojoSatrou!ModernEra x FemReader!HeianEra! Tags: Fem!Reader; Gojo!imagines; slight!mention of violence; 18+ as more chapters come; slow burn [I want to have a good build up~ just like my Sukuna series fic~]; An ancient Japan romance through time with reader Text: Gojo ends up in the Heian Era through unknown reason (will be revealed later on) and meets reader and hence a journey begins both of adventure and romance~ [If you all like it, please heart and reblog the post! to know you want to read more~ and follow for chapter updates! or leave a comment to tag you when I put out new chapters~ I will do my best to roll out UPDATES ASAP!]
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You were stuck now, you barely had enough for yourself and now this 190cm giant man was in your house, how did you end up like this even you are confused yourself. All you remember was eating something known as a cheesecake and the next thing he and you were in your house
"Oh wow, it really is old" Looking around he touched the wooden beams examining the craftsmanship
Before you could say anything; a loud slam on the door boomed across the room making you freeze in terror- as if a demon had arrived
"HIDE!" hurriedly you shoved him in the corner much to his confusion
"Don't…make a single sound…got it? Please…" Trembling you looked at him and closed the cupboard
"Y/n! Open the door!" with a bang the door of the house flew open causing you shrink back in horror
"There you are" loud steps thumped as the wooden floors creaked underneath, a man walked in smirking- about seven feet tall, his voice dripping with malice
"If you ain't gonna pay the tax today~" smacking his lips eyeing you head to toe "I will need to collect it some other way hehe~"
"It won't be necessary, I have the money" Opening a drawer shakily- you took almost all the money you had and gave it to him
He was disappointed but took the bag of coins, "You won't be so lucky next time…Y/n" Looking at you with a filthy grin he left slamming the door shut behind him
"Who…was that?" his stern breathy voice made you jolt
"It…was the tax collector…he is the right-hand man of the chief…he always targets me…aish it's hard our leader is trash really", biting your lips you glared at the door the man walked out from, "I want to leave this village and go away somewhere else…but…I don't have enough money nothing can be done..." you stood up groaning
"I see…." with a nod clenching his jaw, he looked at you
"Now about you" Looking at him up and down your brain raced with what to do about his appearance, he was tall, his hair was white- eyes were blue, and he was super good-looking. His clothes were weird- he screamed attention; if anyone saw him god knows what would happen to you
"Yes, what about me?"
"Since you can teleport and all can you also change your appearance like magic?"
"I cannot…I might be able to fight, teleport etc but I cannot change my appearance- I am no magician though it would be fun heh~"
"So you are useless then"
"Hey! I am not useless! I am very strong…the strongest" pouting he crossed his arms together
"Yeah, Yeah…as if" Rolling your eyes you sighed
"Can you at least do household chores? Help around the house? Washing clothes, dishes?"
"Yeah! I can I am Gojo Satrou after all~" he smirked cockily
"Fine good…not completely useless then" Looking at him with doubt you rummaged through your drawers and took out a set of old blue robes
"This…belonged to my father... he died in a war so you can use it for now..." your voice dripped with melancholy as you handed the robes to him
"I see…well thank you I will...treasure it" he tried to smile but the atmosphere was gloomy as he looked at the robes
"By the way? What is your name?"
"Y/n is my name, you change- I will prepare dinner", walking out of the room you made your way to the kitchen
After some time, the scent of hot food and its aroma permeated the air, he sat near the table as you arranged the plates, bowls, and chopsticks
"What is this?" he looked at the food curiously like a child who found something interesting
"It is millet porridge rice, with some vegetables on the side"
"I see…no meat?" picking up his chopsticks he took a bite
"Hmm! Not bad now this 100% organic food~" humming he ate
"Meat is a luxury for nobles, we peasants…it's a dream to even eat a bite, sure some people hunt, but I can't…I don't have enough strength" Picking up your chopsticks you ate your food
"What is organic?" you looked at him, he sure used some weird terms
"It is…well...uh it's like pure food you know? without anything added to it!"
"How do you add something to food? It is gross"
"It is, the world after 1000 years is very different! buildings are touching the skies with more than 30 floors" Excited he explained many things as you guys ate, even something known as a car though you don't know what it meant, it was fascinating though
"It is....very different, your time sounds nice; I guess people are not suffering as much" you chuckled
"Our time has it's own problems but hey! maybe when I go back I can show it to you~" he smirked smugly
"Really?" your breath hitched as you looked at him, to be able to live in a world like that is it possible?
"Well, if I do manage to find a way back…I also need to find my clan" helping you pick up the dishes, he and you together washed the dishes- sure he did look dumbstruck, when he saw the ancient way as he called it when you sat down to wash dishes
"Man…I really appreciate modern technology now…thank god humans evolved...I cannot live like this...." sighing he did his best; though he broke one bowl but the guilty puppy eyes he gave you made you not say anything
Seeing him struggle you could not help but chuckle; soon everything came to an end, all the dishes were washed and it was time for bed- finally the day had come to an end after all the chaos you were exhausted
"I only have one futon so we will need to share, I never needed two so I never bought another one...is that okay with you?" taking out the futon and pillows you arranged them on the tatami wooden floor
"Well...I uh don't have any other choice do I? I am in no position to complain haha~" chuckling he laid down on the futon and you laid down beside him; blowing out the candles as the moonlight illuminated the room and braided your hair
"You said you were from the Gojo Clan I have never heard of it?" turning towards him, batting your eyes you gazed at him
"Well...our clan has existed since the Heian era"
"What...? that is amazing to survive till your time...more than a 1000 years"
"Yeah", smirking his azure eyes glistened under the moonlight, "It is, but I never cared....does not matter to me I just need to find the clan in this era...and find a way back"
"But...how will you convince them you are part of the clan?"
"No need to worry, just my ability is enough to convince them~ I am that great after all~"
"Huh....you mean their are more people with powers like you?"
"Oh dear you have no idea~ how vast the world truly is- it's beyond your wildest dreams"
"Really?....where is your clan though?"
"Well...that's the point I don't know; in the modern times it's in Tokyo, but...I don't know where Tokyo is in this era...hah.." sighing he looked you with tired eyes
You paused
"I am sure you will find it...." smiling you looked at him trying to cheer him up
"I hope so~ if not ahhhhh I don't know what I will do~ maybe become head of the clan in this era or something?" with a wink he sneered
"Y...you know how hard it is to become a clan head? people DIE trying to do so...?" your eyes widened in horror
"Darling~" leaning in lips inches apart "All the worries are unnecessary, Afterall I am the strongest~ just trust me dear!"
Link to my pinned post which has my master list and other links! in case you want to read more of my works!
[I have tried my best to look through historical maps of Japan in the Heian era and hence many details I use will be historical just like in my first chapter. From food to location to lifestyle~] And thank you so much for more than a 100 followers! I am so glad you all like my work! my asks are open in case you have any questions for me etc~ I will put out a short intro of myself! <3
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tribalauthor · 2 months ago
THE WISEWOMAN (roman reigns ff) <chapter 1>
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Word count: 2k
It is a snowy Saturday in New York which is perfect for a coffee hangout with friends drinking overpriced hot chocolate or reading a clichè romance book by the fireplace at home but do you know where I am? I am situated in a hospital room, worrying my ass off for my dear uncle Paul.
"Uncle, I hope you get better soon" I was holding his hand. If something happens to him, I would completely lose it. He is the closest family I have after my mother.
He apparently got into an accident earlier and for everybody's surprise, that accident didn't happen in WWE - the place that can literally end you in the hospital especially for a talker like my uncle. But no, it wasn't there. He may have broken his leg in his very own house while he was trying to fix his lightbulb.
Yeah, I know this sounds very dumb but sometimes the dumbest things lead us to accidents.
"Don't worry, Sophia. I'm going to be fine." he assured me with a little nod.
"So Mr. Heyman" the doctor entered in the room. A medium tall man with very short grey-white hair and beard. He was holding an X-ray.
"You see this?" he showed it to me and uncle. I see an X-ray. My mom would be more familiar with this. "I don't know how you fell down but this a serious injury. You will need a lot of rest and time for recovery."
"Yeah, okay. I understand" uncle gave one of his light smiles.
"That means no work" the doctor specified.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Johnson" oh no. Here he goes. The ultimate talker himself, Paul Heyman. "I am the special council for your Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns and he has to prepare for a very important match for the Royal Rumble which is a fatal 4-way match by the way which in case you don't know, it means he has to fight three men at the same time, so he can defend his Undisputed WWE championship and then he has to prepare for Wrestlemania 40." I'm sure the doctor understood close to nothing from what was said. I know uncle gets crazy during Wrestlemania season and now he will get even crazier that he won't be able to work.
"Uncle" I sighed and rolled my eyes. He loves his job. He has always loved his job but he is way too dedicated and that's why he got so far, of course. He is amazing at what he does. I watch his stuff from time to time. I know all of his guys and I know that Roman Reigns is a big deal.
The doctor had the typical look of confusion, probably thinking my uncle is crazy which he is. He is a crazy man indeed but I still love him. He has helped me a lot throughout the years.
Especially after my father died from overdose almost 9 years ago. I was just 18 years old when this happened and uncle still hasn't forgiven his own brother for doing this to me, his only daughter, and my mother who is a very successful surgeon, by the way.
Uncle was the only one who supported me when I said I wanted to major in journalism in Julliard because I think I got that orator skills from him. My mother, of course, wasn't supportive since she wanted me to become a doctor. I mean are we surprised?
But I knew I ain't made for the hospital rooms. I am made for talking. I was born with a big mouth and have talked smack since forever.
After I finished my master's degree program in Mass Communication in Julliard I started an internship in Brooklyn Magazine where I write articles. The editor in chief likes them and she said she sees a high potential in me.
"If you want to recover sooner, Mr. Heyman, you have to stay at home and take a rest. Your wife can take care of you-
"I'm divorced" uncle interrupted him.
"I will take care of you, uncle. No problem." I said immediately.
"No." he just shook his head. Who is gonna take care of him then? My cousins are in college and I'm working a full time job.
"Look, I can ask my boss for less hours work" I tried to persuade him.
"No" he shook this head, saying with the exact same tone as earlier. I see the spark in his eyes. The same spark when he comes up with something.
"I can always hire a lady to take care of me but you, my dear niece, will take my spot temporarily in WWE as a special council for the Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns".
I furrowed my eyebrows so hard that I bet, an enormous wrinkle appeared on my forehead.
"What? Why?"
"This is going to be perfect for your resumè, Sophia. Trust me. Think about this." he seemed absolutely certain.
"Uncle, I want to be a JOURNALIST. To sit around in the studio for the morning shows, wearing my cute little costumes that I'm going to buy with my own money and interviewing politicians, celebrities and all the crazy, pretentious people that come to your mind. I don't wanna be stuck in a wrestling federation interviewing some big ass sweaty men and asking them things like 'So what are you gonna do to your opponent tonight?'. No. That's not my dream. See, the boss told me she sees a big potential in me because of my skills and face card. How am I supposed to leave?"
I just dropped my dramatic monologue about my dreams. And I didn't lie. This is how I've been imagining myself my whole life.
Uncle didn't seemed deeply fazed by this monologue. Indeed, he softened a bit but he still had the look in his eyes, the exact look that he knows he has something against me.
"Okay. Alright, Sophia. Whatever you say. I get your point. I'm not going to force you but didn't you say you want to take care of me?" I see where the things are going right now.
"Yes but that's-" he didn't even let me finish my point because he knows another monologue is coming. We rarely argue but boy, when we do, things get crazy.
"Taking my place temporarily in WWE is the best way you can help me and yourself as well. It's a win-win situation." he flashed one of his cute little innocent smiles but he knows very well he ended me with using my phrase and the "help" part.
I just pressed my lips, closed my eyes in defeat and took a deep sigh.
"Also don't make me mention the fact that you are always going to travel around the country and even the world and if you get your dream job in CNN or GMA or like you called them "morning shows", you aren't gonna travel much, for the record. You are going to be stuck in the same thing over and over again but in WWE you have the variety of experiences and you are going to see for yourself. Also WWE is the best place you can get recognition which will lead to big opportunities beyond your imagination."
And with this statement uncle just solidified himself even more as the righteous one. The part about opportunities may be no lie.
"Plus, in WWE you can wear your "cute little suits" as you referred. Allow me to send you some money and buy yourself something" he took out his phone and transferred me some money.
"Okay, uncle. I got your point already. Alright. I'm going to be your replacement...temporary." I specified.
"Temporary, of course. I would never let you take my job, Sophia. As much as I love you, you know the grip it has on me."
"I am fully aware" I chuckled and rolled my eyes.
"You will see how easy it is to work with Roman Reigns." Uncle seemed weirdly excited.
"That Aquaman ass guy? He ain't giving me those vibes but whatever you say, I guess. You know him better than me." I shrugged. Uncle always talks in superlatives when it comes to Roman Reigns. He ain't even talking about me and my cousins like that, so we get lowkey jealous.
"I want you to behave in front of him, okay? And Jey and Jimmy too. Save the smack talk for the rest of the roster." he knows how dangerous I can get when I start talking.
"Got it, uncle" I rolled my eyes for the millionth time today. We will see how these guys are going to treat me and I will decide how to behave. But from what uncle has told me they seem like great men but at the end of the day, I'm going to be the judge of that.
"Alright. Now I'm gonna make a few calls. I am going to call Roman, Hunter and even your boss if you want to. Then I'm going to tell you all about work.
"I'm gonna tell my boss, don't worry about that." I assured him.
"So tomorrow you have a meeting with Triple H aka Paul Levesque aka your temporary boss and after that Roman will show you around the building and everything. He may even add some stories for the business from his point of view. Agh." uncle sighed and had a big grin on his face. "He is an amazing man, Sophia. The biggest single star in the whole sports entertainment. If someday you bring me a nephew in law, I wish him to be as Roman - successful, strong, loyal and dedicated."
"Chill, uncle. You ain't at work right now." I couldn't help but laugh at him.
Honestly right now, I don't want any man. Two months ago I ended my relationship with Robert Mayer. We graduated at the same university but he was from the Law Department. Does a laywer and journalist sound like a great match?
That's what I thought.
"Dad, how are you?" my cousins flashed in the room. They are a few years younger than me and they are so cute, honestly. We exchanged a hug.
"I am gonna be okay, kids" uncle couldn't help but smile at them. "As long as I have you three, I am always going to be okay."
"We told mom about this". Jason said.
"Why? What have I told you? You don't tell your mother anything about me". He scolded my cousins. Uncle can't really stand aunt.
"Don't worry, she is not coming". Amanda assured him. She looks exactly like aunt when she was young, though. Blonde hair and brown eyes. She looks nothing like uncle but his son does. He just has hair...still.
I got the blue eyes from my father and uncle and the blonde hair from mom since she is also a natural blondie but a very skilled surgeon.
Somebody entered in the room as well. That must be aunt. I haven't seen her in ages but I couldn't mistake her.
"What did you do, Paul?" she scolded him. They still have that "married couple attitude" although they have been divorced for so long and as much uncle claims that he cannot stand her, I know it's not completely true. She is the mother of his kids after all.
"Oh Lord, please save me" uncle started baptising and looking up at the ceiling.
"Chill your dramatic ass down and let me see what have you done" she went to him and smiled at me mouthing "Hi", I did as well.
I waved at my cousins and uncle goodbye because I intend to leave them alone.
"No, Sophia. Don't leave me" he begged.
"I have to prepare for tomorrow, remember? It's a big day" I replied while walking to the door. "I'm going to contact you tomorrow and make sure to keep me updated of your condition" these were my last words before I exited the room and dialed my boss' number.
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neko-loogi · 9 months ago
Boo, I'm back with more of my opinions on Helluva Boss, today I will talk about the newest episode, 'The Full Moon'.
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Okay, can I just say that this was the most underwhelming, anticlimactic, disappointing and overhyped episode in the entire series. No offense to hardcore Stolitz fans, but this episode ain't it, chief.
I'm going to be completely honest, I wasn't expecting much from this episode, because from what I've seen before, with previous episodes, they kept making Stolas the victim, and Blitzo just had to deal with it. The same thing happens here, so you're not missing out on anything. But one thing I will admit, was that this episode disappointed me more than any other episode-
Let me explain. So, Viv kept hyping up her fans, by saying that the episode was coming out soon. I know this because my entire Instagram feed was mostly filled with videos of Viv at a con or whatever saying shit like "The Full Moon episode is coming this Friday! Stay tuned!" Or people just posting videos of Stolitz and acting all sad (yet excited) about the episode coming soon.
I didn't pay much attention to it, because I don't really care about Helluva Boss. But I will admit that this episode was SO overhyped, and it made me think like "damn, this episode better be good, because Viv is spewing out the name 'Full Moon' from all her pores-". But nope, this episode was incredibly boring and it adds nothing to the lore, and it was misleading.
You see, the entire episode doesn't even focus on Stolas and Blitzo, but instead we have to watch the Cherubs and the D.H.O.R.K.S team up with each other and get their revenge on IMP.
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Honestly this episode was just 'Oops' 2.0, but more overhyped. And I get that they did this for the run-time I guess, but honestly this was just so painful to watch- I got bored from the moment the episode began and we had to see Stolas and Blitzo singing about meeting up with each other (which btw, I kept getting spoiled on YouTube. People were posting the song before the episode even came out, so honestly I was not impressed by the song). So yeah, moving on, this is the episode that the people have all been waiting for, and it turns out that it was hella disappointing.
The episode begins with Stolas feeling nervous about meeting up with Blitzo, for the usual sex schtick they have for the book. And Blitzo is excited to see Stolas because they haven't seen each other in a while. The song plays, blah blah blah whatever. Then we move on to Blitzo going to random sex stores to buy sex toys and other weird shit to "spice things up". Meanwhile, we have the Cherubs in the human world, doing random shit they deem will 'help them get back to heaven'.
Then they get captured by the D.H.O.R.K.S and they eventually team up, then they make the Cherubs wear robot suits that look like the IMP gang themselves. Then they are somehow magically transported to the Lust Ring, and they try to kill Blitzo, but they fail to do so, cuz they're stupid.
We get some "awesome" plot armor, where Moxie, Millie and Loona fight the Cherubs in the Lust Ring and Blitzo is completely unaware of everything happening behind him. Then we get to the part where he goes to Stolas' house, and shit gets serious.
So Blitzo is all excited to make Stolas feel good or whatever, and Stolas is like "I want the book back, permanently." So Blitzo freaks out and tries to convince him not to take the book. But then Stolas gives him an Asmodean crystal, and he tells Blitzo that he no longer needs to come back to do anything sexual with him. And then he tells Blitzo that he had feelings for him, and that it wasn't always about sex.
Which I think is bullshit, because from what we've seen in previous episodes, Stolas never cared about Blitzo, he was just using him, abusing him and treating him like a plaything.
Of course, Blitzo thinks it's a joke (and I honestly don't blame him). But when Stolas mentions he's being serious, Blitzo gets pissed off and lashes out.
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Honestly, this scene felt pretty satisfying in my opinion, despite the fact that I don't like Blitzo and I think he sucks as a character, it feels good to see him stand up to Stolas. But I do have to admit, the scene felt quite short and I was expecting a bit more on Stolas' part. He just cries like a little bitch, and says goodbye. Anyway, yeah, this episode wasn't great. Sorry for making this post so long but whatever- I had to get this out of my chest. Alright bye!
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utilitycaster · 2 months ago
I can’t help but feel that the people who are complaining about the people criticizing this campaign are the types that are going to be pissed if BH does just kill Predathos and lets the gods live, especially if that comes at the cost of some supposed deserved happy ending for their faves. And what’s maybe ironic is that I feel that an ending in which BH choses to save the gods, the campaign does rise a bit in my esteem, and might in the eyes of some other critics as well, as it would, i dunno, maybe play into these themes of forgiveness and love and overcoming resentment that keep being used as a defense of this campaign and these characters? 
Anyway, godspeed on the quest to find good faith arguments on why this campaign is excellent. would genuinely like to see one.
Oh definitely. Like...look. I hope I conveyed the point of "I don't particularly think either of us are approaching this with a deep respect for the other, but we can at least make a polite fiction of good faith that, if you actually can come up with an argument that assumes that, I will accept in genuine good faith" and so in that interest I'm trying to scale back on attacking people. But also...I've been down this road before. When people complained about how bad Campaign 2 was, firstly, it specifically took hold either right after a ship competing with theirs became canon or at least was strongly hinted towards; or was in response to Molly not coming back; and secondly a lot of this happened after they'd been effusive in their praise for the campaign up until that point. Whereas for Campaign 3 you can, if you actually wished to do the research, go to my blog or most of my mutuals' blogs and do an archive dig and trace the optimism and excitement turning into skepticism turning into "yeah, this ain't it chief" with fairly consistent complaints (poor pacing, plot-character mismatches, indecision, failure of the characters to ever really challenge each other meaningfully in a way that leads to growth) throughout, coupled with, if I am being honest, a massive deal of grace and patience and "maybe this is the course correction" that was not always earned. Dorym becoming canon did not shift this among the many people who like Dorym and also think the campaign isn't very good, myself included, so I don't really think it's shipping wank that's the problem. I'm not inclined to respect arguments that either, 118 episodes into a campaign that's very close to its end, demand I consider its ~potential~. I have. It has, for the most part, failed to deliver over the course of those 118 episodes.
If a common complaint within the fandom of people who have watched hundreds of hours of this story is "it's unclear what story it is telling and the party is aimless" and small pockets and echo chambers are like NO YOU DON'T GET IT...I don't want to say its impossible for this to happen and that the majority is automatically correct, but were I an outside observer I know where I'd place money in a bet.
And yes, I agree. I think a lot of of the people defending it are either, to be very blunt, in a sunk cost fallacy situation/dedicated to a certain level of contrarianism more so than having their own opinions that exist independent of the fandom; or believe it will give them a happy ending for their faves or validate their belief the gods should die or they just want Exandria to burn at this point for whatever reason. I don't feel it's actually something that follows from the narrative, which, as this post so aptly puts, is just kind of sailing towards the rocks while the crew sort of bickers and doesn't do anything. It feels like the most satisfying endings possible are either achieving what the gods couldn't and destroying this existential threat for once and for all (in which case the gods survive, and hey, they actually did take a third option that no one was really talking about, the indecision was still boring as fuck but at least there's a scrap of payoff), or tragedy befalling them (loss of party members, killing a large swath of Exandria) as a consequence. And neither of those are what they want, which is like. the abstract concept of change and the less abstract and deeply unflattering concept of killing everyone who didn't give you what you wanted.
It is in fact unsurprising that the arguments in the fandom are the way they are. Wow I wonder why people who think "I asked this person for something and they didn't answer so I think letting loose an endless hunger entity to eat them" is a good and noble thing to do can't handle the idea that existing in the world means you and things you like will receive criticism, and other people won't just do what you want if you whine loudly enough.
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yesmissnyx · 8 months ago
Hi, I hope it's okay to DM. I'm looking for advice while getting into the kink lifestyle/self-realization.
I'm struggling to deal with internalized shame. It's the same old struggle, I'm guessing.
Figured out I'm bi and very, very kinky late last year, kind of all at once. Suddenly liking guys as well was easier to deal with. Realizing I'm into BDSM, hypno, crossdressing, and most of the kinks on your pinned list was... hard.
Some days, I can fully feel okay, and others I feel smothered in shame and depression, like I'm not supposed to want these things. I feel like I'm intruding into a space that I don't have the right to be in.
My question is, how do you recommend new kinksters/subs/etc deal with the question and internalized shame. Or specifically feeling positive about their kinks and the changes that happen as you realize them.
Sorry for a bit of a rant, and thanks in advance if you're willing to give me some advice.
Hey there! Sorry for the SUPER late advice! I hope you're feeling better in the meantime, but if not, I can do my best to offer you 1. some advice and 2. some words of encouragement.
First of all, HELL YEAH. Welcome to the Bisexual Kinkster Club--a club you now belong to because you are kinky and bisexual! Kink rocks! Being bisexual rocks! I am giving you a welcome basket myself.
(The lube tastes like strawberries.)
That being said though, I'm so sorry you're dealing with internalized shame around all of this :( Shame is a very personal thing and can be tricky to deal with, ESPECIALLY when parts of society are telling you the thing you like is wrong, just because they find it disgusting.
But...first of all, disgust-based morality ain't it, chief. It's a one-way ticket to being a miserable, hateful person with Main Character Syndrome and an easy target for fascism. Don't give into it! Don't listen to people who value their own disgust above the needs and happiness of others!
As long as what you are doing is not infringing on the personal rights of others, you deserve to do the things that make you happy. Full fucking stop. (And, newsflash, doing something that just happens to disgust someone is NOT infringing on their personal rights.)
Now, this might be controversial, but I'm going to let you in on a big realization that I had some time in my early 20s: shame is, in my humble opinion, a useless emotion to feel for any duration of time.
It makes you do things you don't want to do. It keeps you from doing things you DO want to do. It lies to you. It eats you alive.
More importantly, though, it's JUST an emotion, and like all emotions, its only job is to try to tell you something. Feeling emotions doesn't make you a good OR a bad person!
Of course, I'm not just telling you "lol just stop feeling things" because that's, like...not possible or healthy. BUT! You are not obligated to feel any emotion that you don't want to feel.
You might, however, want to interrogate the shame, because even if you aren't going to listen to its wishes (right???), it's worth understanding what it's trying to tell you.
So! What is the shame afraid of? What does it want to protect you from? What does it want you to do? Is what it wants you to do in line with your own goals and desires?
If you aren't in alignment with your shame, which I assume you aren't, then you can tell it that.
"I appreciate that you're trying to keep me safe, but I have no reason to be ashamed of the things I like, and I'm not going to let you stop me from enjoying them."
This might sound silly, but once you can speak frankly with your difficult emotions, it gets WAY easier to work through them. Viewing them as parts of yourself that just want to keep you safe is way easier than just dealing with nebulous shame, anger, anxiety, etc.!
And then, there's also the chance that it might be telling you something useful, once you start asking questions.
For example, if the shame is afraid that your friends might judge you, maybe you need to rethink how you navigate your friendships. If it's worried you might be going about a kink all wrong and you'll make a fool of yourself, do some research. If you're overwhelmed by the intensity of a new kink, explore it at your own pace and listen to your feelings about it with curiosity instead of judgment.
Remember: Action TOWARD a goal (in this case, pleasure and fulfillment) is always preferable to an action that AVOIDS negative feelings.
Enthusiasm and self-love are a better motivator than fear and shame. You deserve to be the best, happiest, more joyful version of yourself, and if that includes being a kinky crossdressing hypnotized bisexual, then so be it :)
Hopefully this all makes sense! And hopefully this helps you and others who might be in a similar boat.
Good luck on your journey and happy pride 🌈🏳‍🌈
(Also, please know that I'm always open to give advice. Ask me things. Let me live my know-it-all dreams 😜)
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sol-consort · 2 months ago
How far along are u in cp2077? And how r u liking it so far??
ain't gonna lie chief this game might as well be the lovechild of the Sims 4 and GTA 5 because I'm completely ignoring the main missions (currently neeed to either talk to Judy to find Evelyn or talk to rogue to find the relic engineer) and just doing side missions.
Okay, not just doing side missions, this is a full-on life simulator to me. I do side missions, I go at clothes stores to shop around and sell my loot, I buy new cars and drive around just to listen to music (body heat radio is my fav channel) I stop at pretty places to take pictures of V.
There is this XP buff you get from sleeping, so whenever it expires, around an hour irl, I drive V back home—yes I drive, I haven't touched fast teleport once, get her in the shower, flush the toilet, stare into the mirror, go watch the ingame TV while I get a snack irl, then put V to bed.
While I'm still at 1% Johnny virus and 5% death progress, one time while taking a shower randomly, V coughed up blood!
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I was genuinely surprised. I've been making V take showers a lot and this only happened once so far, randomly.
Then, another time, I was checking the mirror in a new apartment and
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Was greated by this goddamn face. My soul almost left my body. I tell you, this is the closest thing the game has ever gotten to a horror game. Because I was used to the routine, to seeing V's reflection, this wasn't even within my list of possibilities of things to happen unwarrantly!
I immediately went to the menu screen to see if the AI chip spread increased, but... no, it was still at 1% since I haven't done any main missions yet.
Anyway so, after V wakes up, I change the clothes to a completely new fit!
some of the fits I made!
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I also take pictures of NPCs with pretty clothes. Apparently, killing them doesn't drop the clothes and just summons cops :( Also, killing cops gives no xp, so I just stopped :(
But I Need Those Clothes
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It's a NEED. Give them to me game! Give them to me or I will crumble into dust and particles!
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And I was hoping for the ass window jeans :( It sure is endless disappointments Johnny
All of this might seem tedious to other players, but honestly, I'm having the most fun I've ever had. When I get bored of the quiet life, I do a mission or two. I read almost everything on those shards I find. One of them contained a snippet of the homer's iliad! It was a line about Achiles speaking about glory and having a choice to make, mentioning his mom.
I watch the ads on the elevator rides, I stop at interesting scenes I stumbled upon. Like this one time, all of V's neighbours were cowering on the stairs, and I didn't know why.
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Jumped over them (thanks to githzerai who told me to get the double jump implants) only to find that two cops were arresting my neighbour! Like woah, now things make sense.
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So far, I'm lvl 23, street credit 36, and I found a blue tier sniper! Fuck yeah. Got a new apartment in Watson for 10k, got my beautiful turbo car, and now closed the game because real life calls.
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Added a picture of Jackie and V above V's bed in remembrance
Honourable mention: Meredith sex scene
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Ma'am... ma'am, is that a strap harness?
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I'll take that as a yes.
This is what Ashley and femshep could've had!!
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I get to bonk people with the dildostrap that was just inside me?
Oh fuck yeah.
As a player I fucking adore Johnny, hope he stays around. He's so fucking fun to mess with.
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He has his deep moments, his empathy shining through. He has his silly moments, showcasing his effortless charm.
He has his sleezy moments, spikes of manipulation, and attempts at stealing the reigns.
Also, remember when I said this game doesn't have any misogynistic lines thrown around just because you picked a fem character? Yeah, that aged like milk. Enemies call you tits for brain on the regular here. Even "nice" characters can't help but comment on how you're "hot stuff"
For me, as a person, it doesn't bother me. I'm desensitised.
But I know it might bother other people, so I hope the playerbase will be more upfront about these details.
Does Johnny call a male V a joytoy, too? Otherwise... yeah.
Like I don't mind portrayals of harassment and toxic interactions in fiction, I like struggle narratives and how much conflict it creates. It gives you a window into the character's innermost workings when they don't see you as an equal.
But that doesn't mean other people have to be subjected to it just because they picked a fem V.
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mrsjavierp · 1 year ago
Where You Belong?
Chapter 7 - Torture
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Javier Peña x latin!f!reader
Summary: Running away from life as you always knew to start a new position as Head Chief on a DEA Office, far away, on Colombia. There, you'll face violence, as you never thought you could. There, you'll meet Javier Peña, your stubborn agent...
Warnings (to the whole fic): +18!, angst, smut, cheating, last relationships, drug dealing - Narcos Universe (not so accurate), bad spanish, english is my second language, use of Y/N and Y/LN. No physical description of the reader, only your clothes (sometimes). The POVs are shifting between reader (first person and Narrator - 3rd person)
(If I forgot anything, tell me, pls!)
Word Count: 2,6k
A/N: I'd love to know about you're thinking about it so far! Your opinion is really important! Tks <3 Btw, I'm tagging @pedrostories! Babe, let's show'em why we're so much in love for that man!
Obs: Oops, I did a "past x present situation" again, so, anytime you see something written like this, is past. If not, it's just Javi's memory about the night he won't (and can't) forget... And neither can you, reader <3 Let's be honest, how would we forget a night like that?
Narrator's POV:
Javier went to see how Steve was doing, after Connie left.
The apartment was a mess, with empty bottles all over.
If ever Steve were sober, it was before his girls went back to Miami.
He was so depressed... Made Javier think about his family as well, but in a different way: if it was him and Lorraine, would he try to do some or anything?
Steve sniffed and cleared his throat, handing Javier a beer, bringing him back from his thoughts.
"Have you, uh... Had anything to eat in the last 24 hours?" - he asked.
"About Y/LN..." - Steve ignored Javier. - "Do you think she's gonna send me back? Did she say anything?"
"To be honest, I think if she was going to send you back, she'd have done it already. We know she doesn't put up any shit."
Steve sputted.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Do you think I am out?"
"I don't know." - Javier answered.
"Well, I ain't ready to go home yet, Javi. I'll tell ya that." - Steve threw the top from his bottle away. - "Damn it! She's fucking..."
Javier got up, he needed to do some or anything.
"Take a shower. Sober up." - he suggested to the friend. - "I'll get back to you."
Steve sighted, sitting back down.
"Thanks for talking to Y/LN again, man." - Steve thanked, while Javier was driving to their new office. - "I mean that... You saved my ass."
"One more fuck-up, Murphy..."
"Oh, I know." - he responded.
"Is it gonna happen again?" - Javi asked, worried.
"I don't know. I really don't." - Murphy seemed lost in thoughts.
"Let's hope for the sake of our careers that is the first and the last one."
Shortly after they arrive, you show up by helicopter, wearing a black tight suit, heels and sunglasses. Javier was already shivering.
Making an effort to change his focus, he said to Steve:
"Get ready to get your balls snippet." - and they both smirked.
Steve and you sat down at your office, his expression was awful: sad, bitter, hangover.
“So Connie left… You’re upset, knocked a few back to numb the pain and then decided to take it out on some Wall Street pendejo”
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Isolated incident?”
“You still don’t trust me? That’s fine. But if I’m gonna have your back, I need to know that I can trust you. Otherwise, I have no problem sending you back to Connie in Miami… Am I making myself clear or do you need a drawing?”
“Loud and clear, Jefe.” - He sighed. 
“Dismissed, Murphy. Go to work.”
He got up and left your office.
He was just a ghost… A resemblance to what he was, when Connie was here. God, you felt sorry for him.
Hours later, you sat down at the bar, close to your office, after all those hours, alone.
You just wanted peace.
So much happened and you also got quite some happening.
Steve and his bullshit, Escobar on the run, Crosby up on your ass...
"A Dry Martini, por favor. Seco." (A Dry Martini, please. Extra dry.) - you order.
"¿Señorita, dry martini? ¿Seco? ¿Estás enferma?" (Miss, dry martini? Extra dry? Are you sick?)
"No, amigo... Soló necesito olvidar algunas cosas." (No, my friend… Just need to forget a few things.)
He knew your drink was a neat scotch, he never saw you drinking any other thing.
You hated how the gin burned while going down your throat. You could almost remember when Javier fucked your throat at the same time you used your vibrator because he wanted to see how you've done by yourself... He convinced you to pick it up at your place because he needed to ruin you, as you did to him...
"Díos mio... I don't wanna remember anymore, please, make it stop..." - you whispered like a secret prayer, closing your eyes.
About 2 hours later, taking off his tie, Javier walked into the same bar.
He sighed, so frustrated, so hurt, so pissed off.
Lorraine just had put the cherry on top: she wanted to leave Laredo to Dallas or Austin, because... He didn't even understand why. She asked for more money, his visit for a few days... The only good thing on that call was his baby boy, Lucas, who your so called wife insisted on calling Luke. Sometimes, he felt a little prejudice from her against his latin origin.
And she demanded again! Javier was trying to delay it, but she was coming on strong at him.
The worst part is… He didn’t care about Lorraine. Not that he ever did in the first place, but… 
In reality, he was just sad... 
Sad that he spent an intimate long night fucking you and... Nothing.
You just disappeared. Left him hanging.
Javier didn't even get to listen to you masturbating anymore.
He asked for a scotch, neat.
Just like he purred to you that night…
Sometime that night, you sat down on the armchair by his bedroom window, lit up your cigar, while he served you a glass of whiskey. You wore nothing but your red panties...
Javier kneeled down, again, for you.
There you were, smelling like your cigars, whiskey, sex... And Javier.
His hands worshiped your figure, opening you for him, again.
"Javier, I'm a little occupied..." - you said to him, almost purring.
"I don't care. I need to touch you. Go ahead with whatever you drink or smoke. It's sexy as fuck."
He loved that your scent was just like his. Make him feel like you belong to him, only him. 
“When I'm done with you, you're gonna smell just like me… Like my come, my perfume, my spit, my sweat… You ruined me, cariño. I'm just returning the favor.”
“You know where you belong, don't you?” - his index and middle fingers entered you again. You moaned. - “You belong with me, cariño. I'm not letting you go.”
“Oh fuck…” - you moan. - “You also smell just like me, Javi…” - his eyes widened, surprised. - “You also smell just like my french perfume, my spit on your dick, my sweat on your skin… My come all over you…” 
You were so distracted you didn't even notice when he walked in and sat across from you.
When he spotted you, Javier went up to you.
"Martini, Y/N? Gotta say, did not see this coming."
"Bite me, Peña." - you responded through your teeth.
"I wish I could, cariño, but you won't let me get near you. I miss you. Don't tell me that you don't remember or you didn't like it." - his mouth came closer to your ear and murmured: - "You came so many times in my mouth that shirt I wore still smells like your cum, even after I washed 3 times already... Wanna know where it is?"
You sighted slowly, catching your breath, eyes closed.
"My bed, cariño. Right where you left your red panties, where you belong. Where you should be." - he continued to whisper in your ear.
"No, not Peña. Call me Javi, babyboy, obedient soldier, anything but as if we were working… We both know that’s not under your obligations."
You looked at him, in pain.
"I-I-I can't. We gotta be a part, Peña."
He hit the bar with his fist.
"Bullshit! You may be an award winning actress, but you can't pretend any of that. I remember it all too well... I remember you telling me that was a fucking dream and you didn't wanna wake up! I remember you melting under my touch..."
You laughed.
"Peña, I quit smoking and drinking whiskey because of you."
"Because it tastes just like you." - aside from the scotch, he smoked cigarettes, not cigars. Your eyes are almost in tears.
He looked at you with those puppy brown eyes.
"Cariño... You don't have to..."
"Yes, Peña. I do... You don't get it, do you?"
"Actually, no, I don't. Enlighten me, then." - Javier responded, rude. He couldn't bear to be hurt one more time. He wanted to be yours and you to be his, only his.
"It was a mistake, Peña. You're overthinking what happened... I... We..." - you didn't know how to say or justify. You were lying and you were such a lousy liar... Javier could see right through you.
"Don't! Don't you dare to continue to say anything like that!" - it was his time to respond through his teeth. - "You don't get to do that! I won't accept these lies! You're not fooling me nor anyone… Days ago you were moaning and coming all over me... Now you want to take it back? News flash, you can't! You can’t change the past, you can’t change the fact that we fucked worse than rabbits, cariño. I told ya, I’m greedy as fuck." - his voice went from pissed to almost cooing at you.
You were feeling awful. Guilty. You shouldn't want Javier so badly, but you wanted.
"Peña, I'm your boss. We've got a job to do. I can't get involved with you, it was a mistake!"
Javier's heart was pounding. You couldn't do that to him.
You tried to get up, but your liquor betrayed you, almost throwing you on the ground, but Javi picked you up before you got hurt.
"Vamos, cariño. I'll take you home, vecina." - he said.
You only cuddled with him, holding up all you could.
Javier helped you get inside, paying attention to what you needed: You needed to eat, to take a shower and lay down, unfortunately, too drunk to do it alone.
First, Javier prepared a bath for you, a warm one.
"Peña, I just dumped you... You don't get to see me naked again." - you said to him, while you were sitting on the closed toilet and he took off your shoes.
He laughed. You were a cute drunk.
"Don't call me Peña. I already told you. Right now, I'm not calling you by 'jefe' or 'Y/LN' either. You're cariño, hermosa or even babygirl."
You began to take off your clothes, while he took off his jacket and folded his sleeves.
"I like cariño, Javi..." - you almost purred. - "I shouldn't. But I do..."
"Good. Cariño will be, Hermosa."
He helped you finish undressing and getting in the tub.
"Oh, it's gooood. Thank you, Javi..."
He remained outside it, just taking care of you, not letting you lay down too much or sleep.
When you finished, he covered you with a towel, leaving you alone for a few minutes to look for some medicine, as hangover prevention, and some food.
A little like him, your fridge only had whiskey, water and a leftover pizza.
You two were more alike than any of you wanted or expected.
He used the oven to heat it, at the same time you put a red and lacy nightgown.
"Oh, fuck, cariño... Had to be this one?" - he asked you, trying not to sound so horny.
"It was this one or none. Pick your poison, Javi."
He sighed. What a fucking brat you were, even drunk as a skunk.
"Sit, please. There you go, eat it. Where do you keep your painkillers?"
"My bedroom..."
"Finish your dinner, cariño. I'm going to give you some, we've got work to do tomorrow, you need to bring your A-game."
"Peña, I always do. Don't mess with me."
He snorted. Feisty one you are, as usual. He liked that about you.
You finished your slice and he took you into bed, made you take your medicine. He didn't lay down, he just sat next to you, observing.
"He never took care of me like that, you know?" - you revealed, almost sleeping.
"Who, cariño?"
"Who's Ben anyway?" - Javier asked, pretending not to be curious, but you were too drunk to notice anything in his voice.
"My ex fiance... A cabrón... Malparido." - you cursed.
"Remind me, cariño, why?"
"You know... All the cheating, all the lying..." - you yawn. - "I'm tired, Javi..."
"Sleep, cariño. Buenas noches, hermosa... I'll bring breakfast tomorrow morning, before we go to the office."
But you slept before he even finished his sentence.
Javier left you safe and sound, at your apartment.
However, he never felt worse.
He wanted to be with you, more than sex. More than he ever wanted to be with any woman. 
The problem is...
He's also a cheating bastard. He also fucked half of Medellin and Bogota.
He doesn't deserve you and he knows it.
Javier doesn't care.
He's not going to give up on you: on the contrary, he's going to solve all that he can before you ever find out...
But how? How is he going to keep Lorraine away? How will he manage his boy's custody?
Too many questions, no answers.
“One problem at the time…” - Javier told himself, crossing the hall and entering his apartment.
He looked around: all in order, but you were missing. He wanted to do it right…
Javier laid on his sofa… But it smelled like both of you. He got up and sat at the table in the kitchen, Lorraine’s letters organized in a box. 
Pandora's box, as he joked sometimes to himself.
“Fuck…” - he cursed. - “How am I going to pull it off?”
Next morning, he knocked on the door, anxious.
The seconds before you opened it felt like hours. He was bringing you breakfast from Mrs. Hernandez's café: arepas with cheese and eggs, mantecada, marquesa and, of course, black colombian coffee.
You open, holding back a smile, wearing a black dress and boots.
"What are you doing here? Something happened?" - you sound surprised.
Javi smiled, coming in as you let.
"Yes, cariño, I told you I would bring breakfast... I don't get the surprise. Wait, you don't remember? You were that drunk?"
"Oh, fuck! I forgot... Sorry, by the way."- you said as Javi entered your home.
He pulled you into his embrace, after putting the food at the table, and held you close, smelling your hair. - "I miss you so much, cariño... Don't push me away, please." - he begged.
You took a deep breath, Javier's scent was so good, so masculine and strong... You miss him too, but how can you manage it all?
You look deep in those puppy eyes.
Fuck, you hate that effect on you.
"Can we talk about it later? I'm very thankful that you brought food and took care of me last night... But things are not that simple. I don't quite remember, I was really drunk. But I do remember that I said I dumped you."
He laughed, stroke your hair.
"Not exactly... But you did reveal a few things, including that you quit smoking and drinking whiskey because of me."
You turn your face away. You felt a stupid girl, alcohol in and truth out. Your own mind betrayed you.
"Oh, fuck. Peña, I... Really, let's eat. After work we can talk, okay?"
He agreed and you both set the table. It was all delicious, he brought everything you like.
"Was Ben at least thoughtful during your hangovers?" - he asked, casually, with a smirk on his lips.
"Peña, what the fuck? How dare you? That's none of your business!" - you screamed towards him.
How and what does Javier know about my ex? - you thought.
"Cariño, you're the one who brought him up last night. I was just curious..."
"Peña, you have no right! Leave my home! Right the fuck NOW!"
"Y/N, what the fuck?! What the hell happened to you from last night to this morning?"
"I got sober, my senses got back to the right place. And you know what? I was only delaying what I was going to say. We're not getting together again. That night was a huge mistake!"
"Your car is in the garage, by the way. Keys in the ignition. See you later, jefe." - he picked up his coffee that was on the travel mug and left your apartment, not looking back.
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scentofdriedflowers · 5 months ago
so I bit the bullet and watched the svu premiere today and well for me it was... meh on the characters/squad... better on the case (heard it was from a real story kind of so...)...
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squad is still a mess
Bruno and Velasco are kind of useless and boring I don't see why they're still there, sorry not sorry, one of them AT LEAST gotta go. They don't bring much if anything to the plate like, dudes have been there for 2/3 years now and have still 0 personality and the acting is wobbling at best, also how the fuck Bruno is dressed? he looks like he just got off bed, dude?!
new girl, Silva is it?, is meh, don't like her much, kinda like muncy but better acting at least, I need more to see, now is kind of a show off and bit arrogant on her 'i know things i'm from homicide' like gurl, you've been there 3 weeks tone it down a notch will ya? svu is gonna mentally challenge you, but at least she's kind of competent and can do the boys job alone lol. Imagine being mentored by Velasco tho LOL! big laugh I had there lmao. get me Rollins back ffs
I save Liv and Carisi here, at their best! thank god for a court scene fucking finally they remembered they have a court set. God I missed Amanda being there supporting him and watching him do his magic. Defense lawyers are kind of limp tho, I miss Rita Calhoun or Barth or Buchanan kind of lol assholes sharks but good. Fin is Fin, weird comment on the gun at the shooting range but whatever.
Talking about the shooting range, kind of weird/cringe, what was that?? this showrunner way to write 'team bonding' lol? news flash it didn't work. Also kind of coding this new girl as the Rollins replacement number...5? 6? lost the count , oh look she can shoot 🙄
I still found so many scenes were I'm: 'Amanda should be here', 'it's missing Amanda Rollins hour', yeah there still a big Rollins-shape hole in the squad room, still want her back there, big time.
Also Curry, only 'new' character I really like, but what the fuck is she still doing there??? why? what's the point? she doesn't look and act like a captain that's offending for her, I'm offended on her behalf! get her the deputy chief position for fuck sake! I thought that was the whole point on reintroducing this character!?!!! why Graziano is ruing characters that are not even his?! or if she likes so much svu get her to take the bronx svu to fix and lead, she get the boys out of Manhattan and we're good, and we see 16th interact with her in some episodes.
Bottom of the line it wasn't super horrible but it didn't feel like SVU, it doesn't feel like SVU anymore, since season 24 since Rollins left there's no family squad, they're just coworkers, no found family feelings, no meaningful private scenes, no real bonding...only happen sometimes when the core 4 are together and we need Rollins for that, they don't know how to introduce new characters and make them stick and be loved. When they introduced Amanda, Amaro, Carisi and Barba they were big presence since episode 1 and loved right there, when they introduced Mike Dodds or Kat or Garland they were swept in the family too, but now nothing. Maybe there's no chemistry/feelings with this new actors like there is with Mariska, Ice T, Kelli and Peter, but it's lacking the heart of SVU. and I don't see it happening anytime soon. Also still missing Amanda like crazy and not worth losing sleep over this show. I think I'll tune in when the Rollisi family is in, so episode 3 and 4 for now I guess lol.
rant over✌️
Ah I forgot new opening credit is yikes you get mariska and then a string of men, i think they put the new girl in it already just because if not it looked really bad with just a men cast with M, especially for a show about 99% women trauma. And why it looks so dark?? Why they all dressed in black or dark colors? it ain't a Johnny Cash song, it's missing some colors, also a blonde, just saying. And the precinct too, I miss season 17-20 layout, it had warm colors.
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fountainpenguin · 5 months ago
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"I am a lost boy from Neverland, usually hanging out with Peter Pan..." (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 41 - “Wednesday: Patience Zero”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
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“He’s cheating on me- Ren, this hurts so much. You’re so lucky you were never into me, dude; this hurts so much…”
Ren's restful morning at the phantom squall goes awry when BigB arrives with a Grian-shaped problem in tow. Also, Impulse takes a look inside himself. Something there ain't right…
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(First 1,000 words under the cut)
Location: Phantom squall, Midsouth District, Rose House Pergola
🖤  🌕  🖤
Breakfast at the monthly phantom squall is always a delight, even when they can’t get the full flock in Between. Real icebreaker on full moon nights and the pancakes and milk are free. Plus, you get to watch glittery, shirtless beasts tear into each other, really going at it with their fangs and claws and snapping wings. And since his hands can’t respawn until he’s through a cycle, he’s got Martyn feeding him early morning treats. What could be better?
Poor Impy, Ren thinks anyway, accepting a bite of pancake from Martyn’s fork. Rosejoy’s first spar was meant to be for show, and she won’t get to do a proper fight until they finish making their way up the ranks to her beta. It’ll only be a real match if the guy challenges her legit instead of just for show. That could take hours; it’s the way of the world.
So Rosejoy’s keeping busy by bothering Impulse instead, pestering with comments like “Why aren’t you the captain?” and the more sniffled “I could totally whip Bdubs’ tail, and I’m not just saying that to sound cool.” Impulse looks a weird mix of bugged and flattered. Ren can tell. It’s in the way he bats his tattered demon wings, flaunting even if he can’t play the game.
“Yo, Rosejoy!” Ren calls out. When she twists around, he whispers to Martyn, “Lift the cup, lift the cup,” and Martyn scrambles to do exactly that. He hoists it as though in toast. “You wanna have a go with me? I’m not a phantom, but I think I could take you.”
“Yeah,” Martyn chimes in. “With both hands cycling through the system!”
Rosejoy blinks. “Uh… I’m not into playing with you.”
Nonetheless, Impulse mouths his thanks and takes that moment to slip off. Rosejoy looks around like she can’t believe the massive hunk of junk got away. She hmphs and scampers off on all fours like a squirrel. Well. Problem solved. Ren shrugs, Martyn shrugs too, and they work together so Ren can drink his final sip of milk. Martyn’s chant of “Chug, chug, chug,” drowns in the noise of whatever low-rank fight is happening onstage.
“Ah… Delicious. I wish we had cocoa beans.”
“We do on Dog’s Life,” Martyn says, refilling the cup. Milk sloshes from the pitcher across his wrist; he jumps. His eyes dart up for just a moment before dropping down again. The cup moves towards Ren’s mouth once more. “If you and Joel let me join the flock, I could take care of you all the time.”
“Oh, yes… You know I have fun when you’re around, dude, but you know Joel. He’s…”
“-your captain.”
“One of those, yeah.” Ren takes the sip. Martyn watches in silence, but his tail coils at the tip.
“I hear you… But c’mon, chief- Put in a good word for me and I’ll be at your beck and call. We could take these losers by storm; you know that.”
“You can fight Joel, if you want. That’d be fun to watch.” Ren clears his throat. “For the content.”
Martyn rolls his eyes. The false plant beside him rustles its leaves. “Ren,” someone hiss-whispers, and Ren’s ears prick up. He and Martyn turn as one to the plant. BigB? That sounds just like him; Ren knows the man well after all these years. He sits up, trying to brace his weight on the bandaged stumps of his hands. Ow. Ow.
“BigB, hey! What’s shaking, man?”
“What,” Martyn cuts in, “is that sound?”
Ren hears it too in that moment- the throaty, chirpy call that snaps his code from flame to ice. BigB pokes his head from the leaves, pressing both hands together. He’s not the source of the chirp… and Ren’s ears quiver.
“Ren, please… I need your help! It’s Grian. He’s…” BigB struggles with the words a sec, then throws out his arms, gesturing vaguely behind him. “He’s gone total nonverbal on me, dude. I don’t know how to fix this! I’ve never seen him act this way.”
“You flared him?” Ren asks, jumping up. Martyn catches him, stabilizing him, but Ren shuffles to the plant without his help (leaving Martyn to untangle his tail from his chair). BigB’s antennae quiver and he flushes cyan. He parts the plant leaves further, using one cookie-patterned wing to gesture to the hybrid pressed up behind him. At the sight of Ren and Martyn, Grian starts and shifts behind BigB. Still… he butts his head against BigB’s shoulder. His wings, usually scarlet mixed with gold and blue, glitter purple and translucent now like glossy resin. Pretty sparkles…
Ren flicks his eyes back and forth between them. He looks at Martyn. Martyn… gawks. He looks at Grian, looks at Ren, then turns to look at the phantom squall behind them. They’d been sitting off to the side to begin with; most eyes still seem centered on the fight. “Should I get Etho?” he asks. “I think he’s around.”
Get Etho? For a flare? Grian nuzzles into BigB’s arm, hands all over him like he’ll climb on his shoulder if given the chance. He might try, even without golden carrots to buff the touch barrier… It’s a full moon flare and parrots are programmed to do that. BigB turns to catch him and Ren says, “I don’t think there’s anything Etho can do? Doc’s still working on the server core; we just have to wait it out. Get him somewhere safe. Is his room okay?”
“Oh.” Martyn leans forward with more interest now. “Wait- Is this a flare? I’ve never seen one before. I mean, I never got that talk from my parents.”
Yeah, what’s with the flare? Ren turns on BigB again, who throws him a guilty look as blue sparks flush his cheeks. “I’m flattered you came to me, dude, but…” Ren holds up his injured arms. “I need a respawn before I’ll be much help.” He holds back; he holds back. He doesn’t press for details- doesn’t ask why in Between BigB thought this would be a good idea. “Hey, hey,” he says, shuffling forward as the twittery, chirping Grian makes another attempt to clamber into BigB’s arms. “Okay… It’s okay, dude; these things happen. Who’s his contact? Mumbo’s over there.”
“His contact for what?” BigB asks, blinking like his vision’s bleary. It probably is- his and Grian’s pixels crackle and blur around their faces. Grian’s whining now, flapping his wings. He wants to go up. In fact, as Ren watches, Grian backs up several steps and smacks his wings for take-off. Oh, snap. Ren gets between them fast, wrenching BigB around the plant. Flip no! If BigB’s saying No, he’s saying No. Ren snaps his fangs at Grian and settles on a growl. Grian squawks and tucks in his wings… but he doesn’t back away.
“Ren?” Martyn asks. “What… What’s going on? Can I help?”
“He’s flared,” Ren says over his shoulder, but when both Martyn and BigB make their verbal question mark noise back at him, he clarifies as, “He needs supervision. He’s flared and moon-riled. Since it’s a full moon night, he’s tipped into his mob state. He’s not going back to standard unless he’s on a server or the moon starts to wane; he’s running through his idle behaviors right now.” And when that still doesn’t get a response, he finishes with, “He wants uppies.”
❤️ Read on AO3
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sydsaint · 2 years ago
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Summary: The Bloodline implodes at Night Of Champions and the readers finds herself in Romans's crosshairs. But lucky for her, Solo has a problem with that.
It's time for the Night of Champions payperview to kick off, and tensions within The Bloodline are already running high. Everyone is settled into Roman's lavish locker room and doing their own things while they wait for the main event to arrive.
You find yourself standing next to Solo, the standard routine when Roman isn't ordering you around. But Jimmy catches your attention from across the room and beckons you over to his and Jey's side.
"I'll be right back, Solo." You dismiss yourself and head over to Jimmy. "What's up, boys?" You ask the twins once you're at their side.
"How you feeling about tonight, shorty?" Jey asks you.
You shrug and glance back at Solo looking as stoic as ever. "As good as anyone, I guess. Solo seems like he's ready. Not that any of us would know any different."
"Right," Jimmy chuckles. "Do you really think that Roman and Solo can beat Sami and Kevin?" He asks you. "I mean, sure they're family. But they ain't no tag team." He reminds you.
"It won't be an easy match, that's for sure," You offer a neutral reply. "Roman wants me out there with Paul for some reason." You add. "Though I can't imagine why. It's not like I can help in any way."
Jimmy and Jey share a look and a hint of a laugh. "You ain't gonna be out there for him, that's for sure." Jey teases you.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You put a hand on your hip.
"Yeah, Roman's only got you out there for Solo." Jimmy explains with a chuckle. "You're his lucky charm."
You feel your face heat up and shake your head. "I am not!" You protest, but the twins just laugh at your embarrassment.
"Hey! What are you three doing over there!" Roman's voice booms across the room and makes you instinctively turn your head toward him.
"Nothing! Sorry, Roman." Your reply leaves your mouth before you can even process it.
Not wanting to get into any more trouble, you walk over to Paul and chat with him for a while. Soon enough it's time for the main event of the night. You exit the locker room at Paul's side and the group heads down to the ring.
Out in the ring, you glance at Sami and Kevin already standing in the ring before taking your place in The Bloodline's corner. The bell rings and the match begins. You watch Roman interact with Sami and Kevin as well as the crowd and you can't help but notice that his behavior is even more egomaniacal and convoluted than usual. In fact, you've been noticing that trend for a few months now.
When things start to look like they are going to take a turn for the worse, you call on Jimmy and Jey to come out and help. The twins come out from the back when they get your text and begin their assault on Sami and Kevin. Your plan backfires, however, when in an attempt to incapacitate Sami Zayn, the twins accidentally hit Solo with their signature double superkick.
"Oh shit!" Your hand covers your mouth in shock at the sigh of Solo getting hit.
You glance at Roman who has now climbed into the ring looking angrier than you've ever seen him. You watch him slip into the ring and immediately confront Jimmy and Jey. He shouts and pushes around Jey for a moment before it happens.
You watch in utter shock as Jimmy hits Roman in the back in defense of his twin. He hits Roman with a superkick after the champ gets to his feet before he and Jey make their retreat. Unsure of what to do now, you rush over to Paul's side just as Sami pins Solo in the middle of the ring for the win.
"Y/N! Paul!" Roman barks at both of you, beckoning you both to the ring.
"Yes, my Tribal Chief?" Paul speaks first, but Roman's gaze is fixed on you.
Roman stares you down and a chill runs down your spine. "What did you do?" He asks you with an icy stare.
"I...I was trying to help." You stutter out an answer while taking a step back from Roman.
"Don't move!" Roman snaps at you. "This was your plan all along, wasn't it?" He snarls at you. "You think I didn't notice you cozying up to Jimmy and Jey? Making plans with them?"
You take another step back, scared for your life at Roman's belligerence. "Roman! No! I'd never!" You try to reason with him.
"Don't lie to me!" Roman continues to yell and reaches out to grab ahold of you.
You gasp in anticipation of being grabbed, but before Roman's hand can reach you, Solo steps in front of you. "Roman! Knock it off! You're scaring her." He defends you.
"Oh, so you're in on this as well now, Solo?" Roman sneers. "If you're not, you'll move out of the way." He challenges Solo.
"You're about to cross the line, Roman." Solo stands his ground. "She didn't do anything. It's all in your head man."
Your heart pounds in your chest as you stand behind Solo. Jimmy and Jey's laugh echo in your mind. 'You're out there for Solo. You're his lucky charm.'
Roman glares at Solo for a moment before finally walking away, you're safe from Roman's anger for now.
Solo turns to look at you, but you can still feel the light sting of tears behind your eyes as Solo leads you backstage.
The walk of shame to the locker room is a tense one, you can still see Roman practically vibrating with rage. When you return to the locker room Jimmy and Jey are nowhere to be found. You assume that they just went ahead and left the arena for the night.
"Why'd you do that?" You turn to Solo, not being able to stand the deafening silence in the room.
"Well, I wasn't going to let Roman hurt you," Solo replies matter-of-factly. "Are you alright? You're still shaking?" He steps over to your side and puts a hand on your arm.
You close your eyes for a second and let yourself calm down. "So what now?" You open your eyes back up and look up at Solo.
"Now, we take care of business," Solo replies. "As long as I'm here, Roman ain't gonna come anywhere near you, okay?" He assures you. "We'll link up with Jimmy and Jey then figure things out."
You nod and find that you're resisting the urge to hug your savior. You're just not sure that you should. Solo sees the hesitation on your face and chuckles. "What?" You question him sheepishly.
"You wanna hug me, don't you?" Solo asks you.
"M-maybe." You blush.
"Come here." Solo chuckles again and holds his arms out for a hug.
You lean forward, pleasantly surprised by Sikoa's offer. He hugs you tightly against his chest. "Thanks." You mumble against his chest.
"Of course," Solo replies. "Now come on, let's get out of here." 
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richarddoi · 26 days ago
Fan Fiction:
Halo: Spartan Road Rage
The war was over, but that didn’t mean Master Chief had any time to relax. He was on a mission—one that involved some really bad traffic.
Master Chief’s helmet clicked as he glanced at the small floating display in front of him. "Arrival time: 13 minutes." He was on a desolate road in a quiet part of the galaxy, piloting a sleek UNSC vehicle through the winding hills of a barely-charted world. But the scenery, for once, wasn’t his focus. The issue was traffic.
A slow-moving transport vehicle was ahead of him, its driver oblivious to the urgency of the situation.
“C'mon, move it!” Master Chief muttered under his breath. The vehicle in front swerved lazily to the left, blocking his path.
This was it. He was about to lose it.
He slammed his fist against the steering panel. "Unbelievable!"
From the passenger seat, a Marine, Sergeant Briggs, shifted uncomfortably, his armor creaking as he looked nervously at Master Chief. “Uh, Chief, you alright there?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Master Chief grumbled, but his voice had an edge to it. “Just... not used to slow drivers. It's like they think they’re the only ones on the road.”
Briggs gave a nervous laugh, tapping the edge of his helmet. “Uh, yeah. I think the guy ahead’s got a few screws loose. This ain't exactly a Sunday drive, you know?”
“Tell me about it,” Master Chief muttered. He glanced at the slow-moving transport ahead. The driver was oblivious to the growing frustration behind him. “I’m not in the mood for this.”
Briggs cleared his throat. “I mean, maybe he’s just—”
“Doesn’t matter. Move it!” Master Chief growled.
The vehicle ahead swerved again, this time into the far lane, blocking his way once more.
“Alright, that’s it,” Master Chief said, his tone as sharp as ever. He pressed a button on his dash, and the UNSC vehicle roared to life, its engines shifting into a higher gear.
“Chief, I don’t think this is a good idea...” Briggs said, his voice shaking just a bit.
“I’m a Spartan,” Master Chief growled. “He needs to know who’s behind him.”
As they sped up, the vehicle in front jerked forward, the driver noticing the increasingly aggressive maneuvering in their rearview mirror. The slow-moving transport tried to change lanes, but it wasn’t fast enough. Master Chief’s vehicle was right there, bumper to bumper.
Then, suddenly, the transport swerved left again—right into the oncoming lane.
“Now he’s doing it on purpose!” Master Chief exclaimed.
“Okay, okay, now we’ve got a problem,” Briggs said, gripping his seat tightly. “Chief, this is just some poor guy driving to work, alright? Let’s not turn this into something worse.”
But Master Chief was beyond reasoning. “No one—no one—gets away with this.”
With that, he shifted gears and expertly weaved through the winding road, his eyes locked on the vehicle ahead.
The transport driver, realizing they were being tailgated, hit the gas and sped up, trying to shake them off. But Master Chief wasn’t about to let that happen. He dropped into pursuit mode, speeding after the transport, ignoring any obstacles in his way.
“Chief!” Briggs shouted from the passenger seat. “This is insane!”
Master Chief’s face remained stoic, but there was a subtle hint of satisfaction in his voice. “No one outruns a Spartan.”
The chase went on for a few more minutes, the sound of roaring engines and the screech of tires filling the air. Finally, the transport, realizing it couldn’t outpace the Spartan, took a sharp turn off the road, screeching to a halt in a nearby field.
Master Chief eased up, the vehicle slowing to a stop behind the abandoned transport. He adjusted his helmet, taking a deep breath.
“Well, that was fun,” he muttered.
Briggs looked at the wrecked transport and let out a long, nervous breath. “You... you okay, Chief?”
Master Chief’s voice was calm. “I’m fine.”
Briggs paused, trying to process what had just happened. “That was... a little much, don’t you think?”
“Maybe,” Master Chief admitted, “but that guy had it coming.”
As they both sat in the vehicle, the once tense air lightened. The road ahead was clear now, and Master Chief shifted the vehicle back into drive.
“Alright, no more distractions. We’ve got a mission to finish.”
Briggs nodded, finally relaxing a bit. “Yeah... let’s just hope we don’t run into any more traffic like that.”
Master Chief shook his head. “No promises.”
The road stretched out ahead of them, quiet once more, and with a renewed sense of purpose, they continued on their way—ready for whatever came next.
But somewhere in the distance, the transport driver sat frozen, staring at his rearview mirror in shock, and silently vowing to never drive like that again.
“...Or maybe not,” Briggs muttered under his breath, as the Spartan and his Marine companion zoomed off, mission still on track.
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kogurazu · 11 months ago
I'm just gonna rant my chest out regarding the recent Watcher's announcement because I'm still trying to process wtf has just happened & it's pretty late at night. (For the record, I'm one of their international viewers from a 3rd world country.)
It sucks that I cannot buy their official merch that is already expensive (due to conversion rates) + not being able to deliver in my country when I've some spare cash. That's fine by me.
It sucks that I cannot go & watch their live shows being available at certain countries that doesn't cost a damn fortune (plane tickets, hotel bookings, converting currency, etc.) + not in a million years they'll stop by SEA to do tours/live shows. That's also fine by me.
However, the way how they hyped up the announcement mentioning big things are coming only to just drop a video saying "Hey, we're leaving Youtube as the money ain't flowing much to cover our 'extravagant' expenses & all future contents will be locked behind a paywall. So if you're unable to watch most of your beloved shows because you can't pay then toodles!" That's NOT fine by me, let alone anyone else in the matter.
Even if I've a fuck ton of money to spare, I'm still not buying their monthly/yearly WatcherTV subscription because it's JUST. NOT. WORTH. IT. Who wants to buy a monthly yet alone yearly subscription just to watch 1-2 episodes of a show I like being put out weekly per season & then waiting for some time before another new season of another show that has a 50-50 chance whether I enjoy it or not pops up to fill the void? Not me, that's for sure. Damn, I rather subscribe to Netflix or buy YouTube premium if I could because the money spent is worth the content I can get on a monthly/yearly basis.
I get putting exclusive contents such as BTS, special interviews/podcasts, early access to episodes, etc. behind a paywall since they're just nice bonuses for fans who're able to support them but locking REGULAR YOUTUBE content that's not being released consistently & have nothing much to offer behind a paywall? I think you're losing your crackers on this one chief.
After watching the announcement video, I feel plainly numb & disappointed that this is the route they're going for. I understand they need the funds to make videos, pay people & also wanting the freedom to make content that you want to make without adhering to the restrictions of advertisers. I get it.
But what I don't get is this mind numbing decision to spit at the faces of people who can't afford to fork out some cash to enjoy their once free favourite shows that helped cheer them up during the tough times. It's even more disgusting what I heard from Coffeezilla's recent video about Watcher mentioning that they don't even give out a free WatcherTV subscription to their Patreon members as a way to say thank you for your patronage is really saying something eh?
4 years ago, I found Shane & Ryan via Buzzfeed Unsolved just like everyone else randomly being recommended to me on Youtube. I binge watched all seasons of Buzzfeed Unsolved exactly at the same time they're announcing their departure from Buzzfeed to go do their own content at Watcher. What's this? A channel where I can watch the ghoul boys do their own thing? Hell yeah, sign me tf up.
It's really nice to see Watcher growing & trying out new different shows. I'm aware not all the shows they put out matches my taste & that's fine by me. Probably there's an audience out there who enjoy these shows that aren't for me.
I remember the time I was excited when they bring in Ghost Files & Mystery Files which can fill in the Buzzfeed Unsolved void. Are You Scared? & Too Many Spirits are the shows I enjoy listening to them as background noise so that I can focus on my work.
Puppet History & Top 5 Beatdown is where I enjoy the chemistry between the talents & guests. Weird, Wonderful, World & Tourist Trapped is where I enjoy seeing cool places run by passionate people & is like a nice, come hangout with me type of video blogs.
4 years later, this is where I'll be hopping off with the knowledge that I can't no longer be able to enjoy all these shows anymore like I used to just because I can't afford to whip out some measly cash to pay for regular content that I can easily find on Youtube for free.
Even if you leave up the old videos on Youtube (after you've backpedalled your decision to remove all the videos entirely in the first place due to the backlash & gaslighting us into thinking we misunderstood but your Variety article says otherwise), the whole ordeal just makes the experience to re-watch all the content that I used to love & enjoy feels awkward & left a sour, bitter taste in my mouth.
With a very heavy heart, I say thank you for the fun shows you have been putting out these past 4 years & farewell to Team Watcher. I don't know how're you going to recover from this but I wish you a best of luck moving forward.
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