#Y: the whole school knows; weiss!
amelia-yap · 2 years
can u make team rwby say something in tagalog i’ll buy u skyflakes pls nd thank u
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google translate dont @ me
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
He Says Nothing, And Yet He Speaks More Than Any Other
First Day at Beacon Academy, was meant to be a day of excitement, and joy, and to bask in the thrill of the uncertain! Or, in Ruby Rose’s case; to be utterly lost, and confused.
Ruby: So lost, so lost, oh so so so lost… Thank’s for ditching me, Yang…
: (Need some help?)
Ruby, let out a startled yelp as she turned to face, a tall blond boy. He had kind blue eyes, and an innocent smile across his face as he softly waved at her.
: (Hi! Names, Jaune, Jaune Arc; and you are?)
Ruby: I-I’m Ruby, Ruby Rose. And yeah… I’m lost… really lost…
Jaune: (Can’t find the auditorium for school initiation?)
Ruby: Y-Yeah… How did you know…?
Jaune: (You’re lost, first day of school… Seems pretty self evident)
Jaune just smiled, and shrugged his shoulders at the whole situation. All the while, Ruby gave an adorable little pout at his expense.
Jaune: (Follow me, and I’ll take you there.)
Ruby: Oh thanks! I thought all my seniors would be in classes right now.
Jaune: (First year actually.)
Ruby: O-Oh…
Jaune: …
Ruby: So… I uhh… I’ve got this…
In a flury of motion a Ruby’s weapon, a death scythe buried itself into the ground before them.
Ruby: This is Crescent Rose, my…?!
Jaune: (A death scythe? Impressive… I heard they’re infamous for being hard to wield. I look forward to seeing it in action, I’m curious to see how someone so small can wield such a large weapon.)
Ruby: I’m not small! I drink…?!
Jaune: (It takes more than a glass of milk to grow up.)
Ruby: How did you know I was going to say milk…?
Jaune: (A… A lucky guess… Come along little one we’re here.)
Ruby: I am not little!
As, Jaune shot her one last smug smirk before entering the auditorium, she could help but ponder on how odd, Jaune’s voice sounded in her head.
Ruby: Yang!
Yang: Hey, Rubes, meet anyone?
Ruby: Actually, yeah I did!
Yang: Oh, really who?
Ruby: That guy over there, with the sword, and shield, and the, Modern Tactical Mauser pistol!
Yang: You mean the blond haired, blue eyed, teenage boy, in the officer’s uniform?
Ruby: Yeah, he’s the one!
Yang: Of course you’d recognize him by his weapons, you total nerd…
Ruby: I’m trying okay!
Yang: Ha…! Well, he looks nice, but is he nice…?
Ruby: Oh he is! He showed me where to go, took an interest in, Crescent Rose. He did tease me a bit, but he’s a pretty nice guy! But…
Yang: But…?
Ruby: His voice, it sounds weird…
Yang: Weird how?
Ruby: Whenever he speaks, it sounds like there is an echo in my head…
Yang: An echo?
Ruby: And, he always sounded oddly… happy.
Yang: Okay… Don’t worry about it, Ruby some people just have odd voices.
Ruby: O-Okay…
She wouldn’t worry about it openly, but she couldn’t help, but feel that something was off about him.
Pyrrha Nikos, a legendary champion fighter, was once more uncomfortable as she was once more was being scouted to join someone’s team, and this time it was someone she couldn’t easily get rid of. Weiss Schnee, Heiress of the, SDC. If there was anyone she wasn’t looking forward to dealing with, it was her. She didn’t even try to hide the mad glee in her eyes as she planned out how they would become the schools power couple.
At least she thought she was trying to hide it…
: (Excuse me, but you’re in my way.)
A voice that cut through her thoughts like a scalpel entered, Pyrrha’s mind. The voice was smooth, and calming to her ears unlike any other. She turned to the side, and saw a blue eyed, blond eyed man, give her a roguish smile. A faint blush spread a ross her cheeks as she looked upon his rather handsome visage.
: (Hello~!)
Pyrrha: H-Hello…
Weiss: And, who are you?
: (Ahh…! My manners escape me… My name is, Jaune Arc, and you are?)
He gave a polite bow as he addressed the two, but before, Pyrrha could politely reply in kind, Weiss had to interrupt, and show what she thought of his ‘interruption.’
Weiss: And, you don’t know who she is?
Jaune: (I know precisely who you both are, Weiss Schnee, Heiress of the SDC. I just though, Ms. Nikos, would like to introduce herself first.)
Pyrrha was taken aback, she was used to people recognizing her, but seldom did one not act out upon seeing her.
Pyrrha: Y-You know who I am?
Jaune: (Such an odd question; How many people do not know of, Pyrrha Nikos winner of the… thing…? In all honesty; I know you are a champion fighter, however I mostly remember you for being on the Pumpkin Pete cereal boxes.)
Pyrrha laughed softly, it wasn’t everyone who saw her championships as a, thing. It was oddly refreshing.
Pyrrha: Many know me from those as well. I don’t mind, I just wish the cereal was more healthy.
Jaune: (True, but the Pumpkin Pete’s hoodie is damn comfortable.)
Pyrrha: Oh, you won one of those? Not many did. They have a huge surplus of them in a warehouse somewhere waiting for next time.
Jaune: (They have more? Then I will need to appease to your better nature to get more hoodies.)
Pyrrha: Oh, are they that good?
Jaune: (Yes, so much so I need more, several more…)
Pyrrha: Oh, and why is that?
Jaune: ( One gloriously comfortable hoodie, and seven sisters; I was lucky to wear it once every other month.)
Pyrrha couldn’t help, but laugh at the plight he had no doubt experienced at the hand of his sisters. Something she found herself envious of, such were the plights of the only child.
Jaune: (I do apologize for seemingly ignoring you, Ms. Schnee. But, I’m afraid bar dust rounds I have very little to discuss with you, and if you don’t mind. You are in the way of my locker.)
Weiss: Oh, yes, that’s quite alright.
Jaune: (Thank you.)
Pyrrha couldn’t help, but stare as she watched him dawn on his sword, and scabbard, along with his pistol holstered on the back of his waist. She watched him with laser like focus, as he effortlessly put them, and walked with the grace of someone who had worn them for years. There was something about the professionalism, and the way he carried himself she found… appealing…
Jaune: Well, I shall see you two ladies later; who knows, we may even partner up. Till later then.
Pyrrha: See you later, Jaune!
Weiss: That was… odd…
Pyrrha: Odd? What was odd about that? He seems like a very nice, and respectable person.
Weiss: H-He does, I haven’t met a person that genuinely nice to me before. More often, than not the ‘nice people’ I’ve met, have been trying to get on my good side to mooch off of me, and my family name.
Pyrrha: Haa… I know the pain…
Weiss: But, his voice… His head was in his locker, and it should have had an echo since it was there. And, yet it sounded like he was talking right next to my ear.
Pyrrha: Really…? I hadn’t noticed.
Weiss: Strange, very strange.
Jaune sat on a tree stumb, gently spinning the blade in his hand as he felt its weight, and balance He was impressed on how such a complex weapon could feel so perfect in his hands.
Jaune: (Why hello again, Pyrrha.)
Pyrrha: How did you know it was me?
Jaune: (The… leaves were rustling, not to mention you threw your spear at me. Why did you do that, anyway? I didn’t need your help getting down.)
Pyrrha: O-Oh well… You seemed like you were going to crash… So I thought I help you out…
Jaune looked at the weapon in his hands once more, before tossing it at, Pyrrha. He stood up, and dusted himself off, before looking towards the deeper parts of the forest.
Jaune: (Word of advice: Never throw away your weapon so carelessly again, you can only run for so long.)
Pyrrha: R-Right… I probably shouldn’t have assumed you weren’t able to land safely by yourself.
Jaune: (Wise move… But, in the mean time.)
Jaune walked over, and gently grabbed, Pyrrha’s hand, and gently placed a kiss upon it. His eyes never leaving her for a moment.
Jaune: (You have my thanks, my Lady.)
Pyrrha’s face was flush red with a fierce blush, she was used to people flirting with her, but this, he was something else!
Pyrrha: Y-Y-Your welcome!
Jaune: (Now then, shall we get going.)
Pyrrha: Y-Yes… L-Let’s get going…
Ruby: Hey, Jaune!
Jaune: (Oh, hello, Ruby, and Ms. Schnee? Is this your partner, Ruby?)
Ruby: Yeah, she is… She’s a real big meanie!
Weiss: Hey!
Jaune: (Well, she is an Atlassian, they tend to be a bit grumpy most of the time.)
Weiss: Hey!
Ruby: Oh, Jaune! This is my big sister, Yang!
Yang: He there soldier boy!
Jaune: (How original, its as if I have never heard that one before…? Interesting…)
Jaune couldn’t help, but give her a look over. Normally he would never do this to anyone, much less a woman he had just met, but the resemblance’s were uncanny.
Yang: Uhh… Care to explain why you’re staring at me so intently…?
Jaune: (Bar admiring your natural born beauty. I was noticing the similarities you bare to my sister’s. If it wasn’t for your eyes, I dare say you were one of them.)
Yang: Oh, so you got some hot blonde sisters, eh?
Jaune: (They are my sisters, I would never say such things about them. But, as for yourself, you are quite mesmerizing.)
Yang: Ha! Hell ya I am~!
Jaune: (And, who might you be?)
: Me? My name is, Blake, Blake Belladonna. It is a pleasure to meet you.
Jaune: (The pleasure is all mine, my dear. A question if you will?)
Blake: You may…?
Jaune: (Why the bow?)
Blake: W-What are you talking about?!
Jaune couldn’t help but notice the small flinch, and how Blake’s body instinctively moved backwards, away from him as he said that. Evidently, he had hit a nerve.
Jaune: (Just curious… It’s quite fitting for you, Ms. Belladonna.)
Blake: T-Thank you…
Pyrrha: Uhh… Jaune, could you help me?
Jaune: (Oh, but of course. Excuse me, Ladies.)
Jaune gave a quick bow before running off to be with his partner. All the while the duo couldn’t help but watch him leave.
Yang: Huw… Ruby was right, his voice does seem to echo in my mind…
Blake: Yeah… it actually does…
Yang: By the way, why did you react like that when he asked about your bow?
Blake: Ohhh… Nothing, it just caught me off guard is all.
Yang: Okay! Uhh… Did that girl just come in ridding an, Ursa?
Atop the hill of overlooking the Emerald Forest, the sat together with their trophy in hands, the quartet of Hunters-in-training made there way back to Beacon Academy, the bodies sore, and aching from a hard day’s effort, but things had been going well for them. Now it was just time to hand in their trophies, and call it a day.
Nora: That was awesome! Did you see that, Ren! We were all like powpowpopow! And, then that Grimm was all like, ‘Skree?!’ And, then it died! And, we won! Whoo! Best day ever!
Ren: Yes it was, Nora. Yes it was.
Jaune: (I must agree, dispute you’re overwhelming exuberance, you are quite the capable fighter, Nora.)
Nora: Nahh… Thanks, Jaune-Jaune…
Jaune: (You were all amazing, I look forward to seeing what this years is going to be like.)
Pyrrha: Thanks, Jaune. Your were spectacular.
Jaune: (My thanks.)
Weiss: Well it shouldn’t be any surprise, a Schnee is meant to excel~!
Blake: And, be a braggart.
Weiss: Hey!
Yang: Pff. Nice.
Ruby: Well, I think we were fantastic too!
Nora: Hey, Jaune can I ask you a question?
Jaune: (Depends on the answer.)
Nora: Why can I hear your voice in my head, but your lips aren’t moving?
Everyone stopped dead in their tracks, as they all slowly turned to stare, at Jaune’s face. And, just as, Nora said, they could all hear his soft laughter in their heads, the rolling of his shoulders as he laughed, and yet his lips never parted from their mischievous smile.
Yang: I-I can hear him laughing…?!
Blake: If he’s laughing, then why aren’t his lips moving?!
Weiss: T-This has to be a semblance of some kind, r-right?
Ruby: A cool semblance!
Nora: A really cool semblance!
Pyrrha: Uhh… Jaune, you okay?
Jaune: (Ah-hahahaha… Haa… Oh, that’s funny… We’ve been around each other for hours now, and it’s the most spastic, and seemingly random amongst you was the only one to actually noticed that I have been speaking all day, and yet I have said nothing~!)
Pyrrha: Jaune, w-what is all of… this?
Jaune: (Oh where to begin, where to begin indeed…)
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superiorsturgeon · 2 years
Pyrrha: You’re sure about this?
Nora: Of course!
Yang: Have we ever steered you wrong before?
Pyrrha: *holding fake pregnancy test box* Well…
Ruby: Come on! It’ll be funny! Besides, Jaune had a great sense of humor!
Weiss: Knowing him, he’ll probably have a panic attack in the middle of the school.
Pyrrha: That sounds mean…
Blake: *takes Pyrrha by the shoulders* Pyrrha, listen to me. Jaune is your boyfriend, and you know him best. So, do you think he can take a joke? Especially from his partner?
Pyrrha: *looks away* I suppose…
Yang: Great! *spins Pyrrha and pushes her towards Jaune, who is innocently reading a comic book and eating cereal* Now get out there and pull off the prank of the year!
Pyrrha: *deep breath* It’s okay, it’s all in good fun, I can do this.
Pyrrha walks toward Jaune with determined steps.
Pyrrha: *looking at Jaune’s unsuspecting face* I can do this…
Jaune: *looks up and unleashes the Arc™️ sunshine golden retriever smile* Hey Pyrrha! I saved you a spot for breakfast! 😃
Pyrrha: 😫 I can’t do this!!
Jaune: …uh, you okay Pyrrha? *notices prank test in her hand* What do you have there?
Pyrrha: *immediately hides test behind her back* Nothing! Nothing at all!
Across the cafeteria…
Blake: …aaaaaaand she’s wimping out.
Weiss: Honestly, for a champion fighter she’s too sweet for her own good.
Back with the Arkos duo…
Jaune: Wait a minute, I recognize that box!
Pyrrha: Y-you do?!
Jaune immediately jumps up and tries to grab the box as Pyrrha frantically tries to keep it away from him.
Yang: Nevermind! It just got interesting again!
Pyrrha and Jaune awkwardly play keep-away until Jaune’s superior reach finally allows him to get a hand on the fake pregnancy test box.
Jaune: 😧
Pyrrha: 😣
Jaune: Pyrrha…is this…?
Pyrrha: Jaune, I can explain!
Jaune: *high-pitched squeal of delight* I’m so happy!
Pyrrha: W-what?! You’re not upset?
Jaune scoops Pyrrha into a hug and spins her around.
Jaune: We’re gonna be parents! I mean, it’s earlier than I had planned, but I’m SO EXCITED to be a dad! I have to call my family, and we’ll need to make arrangements, but I promise one way or another we’ll find a way to make things work! I’ll totally be a stay-at-home dad if you want to keep your huntress career, and I’ll fight anyone who says you shouldn’t! Oh, crap, I need to get you a ring! Ren! Will you be my best man?
Ren: *looks up from his breakfast* Wait, what?
Jaune: You’re the best, Ren! I’ll call Nora later about planning the ceremony!
Jaune immediately sprints out of the cafeteria dragging a stuttering/blushing Pyrrha by the hand.
Yang: …wow.
Weiss: I have to hand it to the idiot, he’s taking responsibility.
Blake: Even if he completely missed the word “prank” written on the box. How long do you think it’ll take him to notice? Or for Pyrrha to explain herself?
Nora: Knowing Pyr-Pyr and Fearless leader? Probably after their third kid.
Years later…
Pyrrha: *to her five blonde children with green eyes* And that’s how your father and I got engaged.
Jaune: *looks up from cradling youngest arkos baby* …it was a prank test the whole time?
Pyrrha: Just the first one. The one a few weeks later was real.
Pyrrha: *back to her kids* And that’s also why it’s important to choose a partner who is trusting and willing to support you whatever happens in a relationship.
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wasp-coffee · 2 years
for the emoji ask:
🍦🎬 📚 🌸 💁
When I was, like, 12? My school went on a trip to this outdoors center in the middle of nowhere for a week and it was pretty cool. I mean the weather was terrible, the wetsuits stank, and kayaking sucked but the food was amazing and it was sort of the shared misery of being forced to participate in team-building exercises with the guys that made fun of you for X, Y, Z. It was great, I'll always remember it, especially with the coma-inducing amount of sweets everyone managed to cram into their suitcases.
Top Gun (1986) (shocker!), The Mummy (1999), Whip It (2009), Anastasia (1997):
I really don't need to say anything about Top Gun... I'm sure EVERYONE is well aware of how I feel about Top Gun.
The Mummy is both iconic and hilarious, I must've seen it upwards of 100 times when I was younger and it still holds up (yes the CGI sucks but IDGAF). Starring Racheal Weiss and Brendon Fraser it truly is bisexual culture. Its a great film and a fun watch.
Whip It is THEE rollerskating movie, directed by Drew Barrymore (icon) and Eliot Page (Icon) it has a brilliant cast of mainly women and is just a fucking masterpiece tbh the soundtrack is great. Everyone should go watch Whip It (not sponsored).
Anastasia is an absolutely amazing musical with the wackest animation that the late 90s could offer, with MEG RYAN as Anya and Angela Landsbury as The Dowager Empress. All the songs are fucking bangers, it's a beautiful film with a hilarious antagonist AND a broadway musical based on it (slime tutorials readily available on youtube, but you didn't hear that from me).
JUST THREE??? Hm okay... (please don't @ me) -I'm going off the books I think I reread the most (I haven't sat down to read properly in ages so bear with)
The Infernal Devices its a series but it counts as (1)I've read it upwards of ten times after I found it at the library five? (jeez) years ago. I now have my own copies and the spines make a beautiful picture. Here's some quotes:
" And you are still with me. When I breath, I will think of you, for without you I would have been dead years ago. When I wake up and when I sleep, when I lift up my hands to defend myself or when I lie down to die, you will be with me. You say we are born again. I say there is a river that divides the dead and the living. What I do know is that if we are born again, I will meet you in another life, if there is a river, you will wait on the shores for me to come to you, so we can cross together." 
“I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.”
“Patriotic?” Will looked smug. “I’ll tell you what’s patriotic,” he said. “In honor of my birthplace, I’ve the dragon of Wales tattooed on my—”
The Hunger Games - I must have read it on repeat the summer I bought it (thank you duty free!) The poor book is fraying at the corners and the spine is in smithereens but here's a quote:
“Yes. I killed him. And buried her in flowers," I say. "And I sang her to sleep.”
The City of Heavenly Fire (another Cassandra Clare book ik ik and its YA I can hear the chorus of groans already) Its the last Mortal Instruments book and its fucking good okay.
“His eyes were green.”
“We are all the pieces of what we remember. We hold in ourselves the hopes and fears of those who love us. As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss.”
I want to note here that I do have a lot of other books on my shelves but these are the ones I've read more than most. I have a whole shelf of classics and another for non fiction but these are just the books that I feel made an impact (or a crater) on me the first time I read them.
An ambivert I think? It depends on where I am and what's going on.
Uh I don't know, It's dependant on the situation really. How rude? I mean is it like someone shoving past or cutting a line or verbally? If it was, like, someone saying something rude I'd usually just let it slide - put it down to ignorance - but if someone's rude to me and then someone I'm with I'd probably say something. I have a no tolerance policy for people treating my friends like shit.
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
SDAU, Red Light Baby, Pledge Week
Word Count: 1.5k
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“This is the kid that they’re paying a whore to live off campus for?” a heavily accented country voice asked, “the hell did he do so right?”  
“Told you he’d pledge with us,” the president smirked as he started down the line of pledges, “Pledge Weiss, step forward.”
Mike swallowed his nervousness and stepped forward until he was in line with a few other guys that weren’t pledges, but brothers in the frat.  An alpha bear stepped in front of him, “pledge Weiss, is that true?”
“Y-yes Brother Lee,” Mike admitted quickly to the heavily accented man, “the school pays for Kitten to remain at my disposal at all times…she’s not a whore so I’d appreciate you not calling her that.”
He chuckled and another one of the guys came up, a smug look on his face as he crossed his arms, “so you’re her personal pimp, or what?  Does she fuck anyone else on the side, pledge?”
Mike’s jaw ticked.  In the half a year he’d known Kitten the school had been paying for her apartment and living expenses, meanwhile, she was wholeheartedly at his disposal.  There was even a time when he won the state championships for his high school that the college flew her out and they spent the night celebrating in the way that he had grown accustomed; with her taking him the whole night.  He knew that she didn’t fuck other shifters, but he’d never asked her if she was having sex with humans. 
“Sounds like Bobby wants to put your girl in one of his little videos,” the president, Curtis, chuckled as he clapped Mike’s shoulder, “gonna let us use your little slut if we let you in, Pledge Weiss?  Gonna share that little bitch and all her holes with us…be a good brother?”
Mike’s jaw ticked again, “don’t talk about her like that.”
A few of the guys ‘oohed’ in a chorus and they circled around the young pledge.  Curtis stood up a little straighter and narrowed his eyes at him, “what’d you say to me, pledge?”
“She’s not a whore…and she’s not your slut, and she definitely not some bitch to be bred by any of you.”
“No,” Curtis smirked, “but she’s yours…and the school is paying for her…only fair that if we let you in, you be a good brother and offer her to your fellow brothers…matter of fact, you should call her up for us right now…have her come down and give us her own little personal welcoming party…get to know each other the right way with one big, long train.”
“With all due respect, I don’t think I’m going to do that, Brother Curtis.”
This time it was Curtis’ jaw that twitched as he crossed his arms, “you want in, don’t you?  Want to be an Alpha Chi Rho?  All we’re asking for is a taste of that tight little cunt you’re tapping!”
“Kitten is mine,” he snarled, glaring the other alpha down, “I don’t share…”
“Pledge Storm…step forward!”
Another younger man stepped forward as he kept his eyes trained ahead of him.  Curtis and Mike continued their little stare down, “Yes brother Curtis?”
“Are all dragons this possessive, pledge Storm?  Or is it just Pledge Weiss that’s refusing to share his little extra kick-back from the school?”
“Fuck,” he chuckled, “only the uptight ones…I’ll share my girls if you good brothers share yours!”
The men on the lawn laughed, and Mike frowned.  Curtis stepped up to him and squared his shoulders, “Pledge Weiss…give me your phone.”
“What?  No!” he almost yelled, “Why?”
“We’re going to use your little whore…and then you’re going to become one of us…now give me…your phone…and maybe I’ll only let the current brothers use her up and not the other pledges too.”
“She’s not yours.”
“I said give me your phone,” he growled, projecting his aura.  Mike snarled, feeling the pressure of Curtis’ force, but he didn’t break, “Give me your phone, pledge…we’re going to use your whore.”
Mike snarled, and instead of reaching for his phone, he lashed out, launching his fist into Curtis’ jaw.  The larger alpha stopped projecting his aura when his head snapped in the direction of where Mike’s fist pushed him.  The laughter from the other Rho’s stopped as they realized that the pledge just hit their president. 
A few of them started growling, until Curtis held his hand up.  He stood back up to his full height and stared at the younger alpha, wiping some blood away from his lipt.  The two of them seemed to glare for a few seconds, before Curtis’ look softened into a smile and he wrapped his arm around the alpha dragon, “that’s what a real alpha does.  I’m proud of you kid!”
“A real alpha is a man about these things!” Curtis cheered, messing with his hair, “stands up for his omega…whether she’s a human or not.  Takes care of business.  You get to bypass hell week kid…you’re one of us!”
Mike smiled, “r-really?”
“Hell yeah!” he grinned, “Pledge Kemp, grab Weiss a beer!”
The other pledge bolted, making his way into the house to accommodate what the bear was asking as the rest of his new brothers began congratulating him.
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“Come on omega,” Curtis growled at the young, freshman gymnast, “present like the little bitch you are!  DO IT!” 
The gymnast, who was completely mortified, tried to ignore the alpha command, but as the muscles in his neck flexed and the veins started to pop, he wailed as his body forced itself over the bench, his ass arching high in the air so that he fulfilled the request, presenting for the bear. 
“Please-Please, stop,” the omega whimpered as he clung to the bench, far too embarrassed to look at his aggressors, “j-just leave me alone.  I didn’t do anyth-“
“Shut up, omega!” Lee growled, spitting on the man, “What you thinking, Curtis?  Drag Storm in here, having him spine the omega bitch…have Bobby record it…you know Storm will fuck anything…even a worthless litt-“
“What the hell is going on?”
Curtis and Lee turned to see Mike dropping his gym bag at the door of the locker room and they instantly relaxed. 
“You won’t believe this,” Lee laughed as he snarled at the omega who still clung to the bench, “little fucking omega gymnast here…took up space in the hockey teams lockers…”
“Why the fuck is he bent over the bench presenting for you?”
“Come on, Weiss…it’s just a little hazing to put the omega in his place…” Curtis laughed as he stalked towards the dragon, “what else is there to do with an omega that doesn’t know his place, other than fucking them into submission?  We were gonna call Storm up and have Bobby record it…but I won’t judge if you wanna tap that…after all a good brother shares…speaking of sharing…when are we gonna get a little taste of your kitten?”
The omega in question whimpered as he looked away from the trio.
“Let him go,” Mike growled, his jaw twitching as he ignored Curtis’ former questions, “omega are you okay?”
Curtis’ head snapped to the younger dragon, “excuse me?”
“Don’t fucking treat him like he’s less than you because he’s an omega,” Mike growled.  He looked at the omega in question, “get up and get dressed.  Ignore anything they tell you and leave with me when you get dressed!”
“What the hell do you think that you’re doing?” Lee asked as he watched the omega scurry off with his bag towards another part of the locker room to get dressed.
“You’re going to let him go…” Mike said firmly, “and I’m going to make sure that you two don’t fuck with him again.”
“Look out…” Curtis laughed, “champion to whores and omegas alike…you fucking that worthless thing too?  I know you’re not good at sharing.  That why you got all pissy when you saw him presenting?  You’re human whore isn’t enough so you have to fuck an omega too?”
Mike snarled at him, but the three settled down when the omega ran behind Mike, now fully clothed in his red sweatsuit, “you ready to go, omega?”
The man nodded and Mike turned.
“You walk out that door with him, you’re not a Rho, Weiss.”
“I don’t need to be a god damned Rho, you fucking prick,” he growled, leading the omega out by his elbow.  The door slammed hard behind him, and he started walking with the omega out to the common area, “you got somewhere you can go?  Somewhere safe I can take you?”
He nodded, unsure of what to say, “I-I’m pledging at the Sigma house….I-“
“I know where that is,” Mike confirmed, he started towards Greek Row, “they didn’t hurt you, did they?  Because if they did I’ll take you to the medical wing or the hosp-“
“I-I’m fine,” the man said appreciatively, cutting the alpha off.  He nodded and they walked for another second in silence, “th-thank you…not too many people would step in and help me…because you know…well...omega…and a guy…a lot of peop-“
Two men ran up to the pair and Mike snarled, immediately placing himself between the gymnast and the new people.  He could smell that one of them was an alpha, and another was an omega. 
“Do you know these people?”
“Ari…Steve…” he smiled, stepping forward.  The gymnast turned back to Mike, “th-this is the vice president of the Sigmas, and the secretary.  Ari…Steve…this is…”
“Mike…Mike Weiss…”
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Interdimensional Moms: Bonus
Part 4 here<-
After many tears and tissue boxes, all members of team RWBY had finally stopped crying. Blake was the best off with her eyes a little red while Ruby was the complete opposite. The girl’s face was still rather red and her eyes were puffy. She hadn’t even completely stopped sniffling yet; much like tear marked partner. Yang on the other hand rested her head on the table. She had cried hard enough to giver herself a minor headache. She was completely drained.
Yang:Ugh, this blows! I thought this was gonna be a fun learning experience.
Blake:We definitely learned. It just so happens we had to poke at some.... extremely sensitive topics.
Weiss:I’m all for looking inward and self reflection but I’ve had my fill.
Ruby:Same. Should’ve kept the summary light.
Yang:No, I’m glad you got that off your chest. We just need a way to lighten the mood.
Blake:.....I kicked Weiss’s butt in a tournament.
Blake:During the time spent training for Salem, another tournament was held between the schools. It had team matches and singles. I kicked Weiss’s butt in my fourth round. It was a good day.
Weiss:How is that lightening mood!?
Blake:Listen, it was a big deal! I never thought I was gonna win the whole tournament but I really wanted to beat you. I love you but your head gets a little big when you’re on a roll for too long; plus I just really didn’t want to lose. I always felt a bit of rivalry between us.
Yang:Hehe, is that you’re way of saying “It would look bad to lose to a Schnee?”
Blake:Well it would!
Yang:Wait, does that mean we went back to school?
Blake:Yeah. It was pretty comforting. There was definitely a lot left to learn.
Yang:Weird. School kinda faded into the background.
Ruby:I went back to school. We all did actually. It was fast tracked by roughly a year but it was fun. We all got to pose in caps and gowns.
Weiss:Damn! I should’ve went back just for that. Unfortunately I was busy making rent and learning how to properly preheat a oven.
Yang:It’s like two buttons.
Weiss:Gas stove, and six years out of date.
Yang:Awww, you had to learn the hard way. I’m surprised and thankful you never left the gas on.
Weiss:There’s an alarm for that. Also I’m not irresponsible! Anyways, I mentioned similar tournaments earlier. I didn’t participate much but enough old videos of me in them were enough for to really light a fire under my kids. For awhile I was a bit concerned that they were just following a trend but they really love it. They used to always go around playing like knights when they were tiny.
Ruby:Carmine was a little different. She definitely always tried doing things I could but nothing got the girl jumping like seeing Yang’s horses or new ballet shoes. There wasn’t a morning when I didn’t hear a vase fall over or seeing her spin like a top. Carmine still hums some old routines when she isn’t paying attention.
Yang:Not too many memories of Yujin when she was pint size. But I do remember that wild child always loved using my bandannas for everything! Napkins, capes, ropes; anything but an actual bandanna. I used to get a bit upset with the napkin one but she’d always look at me with her big eyes and crazy hair. I never stayed mad.
Yang:She was like a pudgy puff ball! Fat cheeks and wholesome smiles. Ah! So adorable!
Weiss:I used to always have at least one of my kids on my hip when I was out and about. I think the media has a magazine amount of pictures of me at the park kissing my babies. Summer liked tummy rubs. She’d never go to sleep without one. Some nights I’d sing too but start to doze off so Jaune would have to take over.
Yang:*smiles* Speaking of Jaune.....
Yang:You don’t even know what I was-
Ruby:Were you about to suggest we compare our Jaune’s in the bedroom?
Yang:*red*......Well not just the bedroom! What’s the harm!? I just wanna know if he’s consistent across the board. No need to get detailed.
Weiss:You really never change no matter the world.
Yang:Can’t change greatness. It shows in any form!
Blake:He’s pretty compliant and accommodating. The benefits of being his first when I had prior knowledge I suppose.
Ruby:Don’t answer!
Blake:Why not? I’m comfortable with it.
Yang:Don’t listen to those two Blake. They’re just a bit more embarrassed since Jaune has literally been their one and only.
Blake:Huh, I never thought about it like that. Jaune would’ve been the first person you two opened up to on such a level; especially Weiss.
Yang:That’s still hilarious. All the protesting and somehow you found yourself stripping for the guy.
Weiss:Shut up! I already know! It was....I.... *blushing* emotions ran really high.
Ruby:An entire mental rollercoaster of thoughts and firsts happening all at once. Anxiety was high.
Yang:Heh, so you could say that Jaune Arc-
RW:Got through our walls. Hardy har har.
Yang:Shit, I am the same in every universe. Well I don’t have any reservations about it! *grinning* He makes me feel special every time!
Yang:I’m ignoring you.🎶
Ruby:Hehe, sounds about right. He...might make me feel a bit special as well.
Ruby:How can you just guess off of that!?
Blake:It’s a gift.
Weiss:Leave me alone.
Blake:I don’t know what has you embarrassed. You told us you’ve slept with everyone here except Ruby! I knew you were repressed but geez.
Weiss:For your information it wasn’t my idea! It was yours!
Blake:Not surprising. Let’s switch the topic. How is this other child of mine? Can’t picture me having a daughter.
Weiss:Veronica is very sensitive. Even if she tries to act like she isn’t. One time when she was tiny, a soccer ball hit her straight in the face and she sprung up saying “I’m fine!” Then you took her behind the bleachers to patch her up; tears all on her face. It both breaks my heart and very adorable to see her act fine while her ears are folded back.
Ruby:Your other son Kovu was a bit of cry baby. Partly my fault. Carmine kept beating him up and making fun of him.
Yang:Ha! Wait, that’s my kid too. How the heck!? Are you telling me you raised the rowdy child and I got the baby?
Ruby:Yang you’re a baby. I’m like twice as rowdy compared to you. A nevermore got worked day one at school.
Weiss:She has a point. You cry the most out of any of us.
Yang:Wha- that not- how....shut up! *pouts* I’m not that touchy.
Ruby:Kovu is a sweetie and not a cry baby. Carmine is just a little mean when she tries to care about others. She beat him up in an attempt to make Kovu give up dreaming about being a huntsman. That way he wouldn’t be in such a dangerous job. Reasonable logic but you know, a little over the top. Almost broke his arm. Boy did I chew her out. All it did was make him want to try harder.
Yang:Fantastic. I shouldn’t expect less from my own blood. I bet Yujin would like him. Which reminds me, anybody have kids in relationships?
RWB:We’re working on it.
The three women paused briefly before laughing at their meddling. Yang could only admire and fear her friends.
Yang:Should I be scared for your children?
Blake:Lucas needs someone to break up the routine in his life. I’m not saying he has to date her, but it would put a smile on my face.
Ruby:Carmine takes after me, not really thinking about stuff like relationships much. However, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t at all. Carmine tries her best to not act like she’s a teenaged girl with teenage wishes. But everyone sees right through it. I’m fine with her not being in one but I would like if she acknowledged that it’s okay to just....ugh, be normal! Why can nobody have normal knees in my life!?
Weiss:Nick likes Valerie who tries to deny she likes him by liking Summer, who doesn’t like her; while Veronica crushes on Nick who obviously has conflicting feelings.
Yang:Why is it always complicated with you?
Weiss:How is this my fau- okay it is a little bit.
Blake:Where do you stand?
Weiss:I think Valerie would be lovely for him.
Yang:What’s wrong with my baby girl!?
Weiss:One, not yours. Two, have you met who I’m married to? Can’t really say he’s wasting his efforts. Though I wouldn’t be upset with Veronica. I think those two might be good for each other.
Blake:Any other bombshells people got?
Ruby:Ilia is happily married.*sips coffee*
Blake:Oh that’s wonderful! I’m glad she found a loving wi-
Ruby:*smirks* To Sun.
Blake:....*stands up* I need, champagne!
A bottle of champagne poofs into existence with several glasses. Blake immediately pours everyone a glass before raising hers into the sky.
Blake:Ruby Rose, today you’ve erased guilt upon my conscious. I’m happy there’s one world where it seems all of my good exes get over me.
Ruby:Are the Ilia and Sun where you’re from miserable like Yang!?
Blake:No, but they kinda fumble in actually going for relationships. It just always makes me feel a little bad.
Yang:You can technically count two worlds. I’m fine, Ilia is dating a pretty secretary, and your one evil ex is now raising a morally good family.
Blake:You’re right! This calls for a double toast! To alternate universes! *puts glass down*
Weiss:Haha, aren’t you gonna drink it!?
Blake:No I’m still recovering; but how could I pass up the opportunity!? Man I wish I could attend that wedding! I don’t know if I’d be a bridesmaid or the best man!
Yang:You’re just gonna steal Neptune’s thunder like that?
Blake:Hey, Sun and I have taken bullets for each other and stab wounds. I think I deserve to be a little greedy and say I ride or die for that man just a little harder than Neptune.
Ruby:Geeeeeez Blake! Haha, I didn’t even tell you about the baby.
Blake:*visble excitement* Excuse me!?
RWY:*raises glass* Cheers.
Blake:CHEERS! What’s he like!?
Carmine:Eugh! Cover your mouth! I don’t need to get sick.
Aero:Damn! What happened to uh I don’t know, “bless you!?”
Carmine:*pulls out tissues* Happy?
Aero:Where...why are those in you book bag?
Carmine:It’s flu season.
Aero:....I can’t tell if you’re the coolest person around or just a second mother.
Carmine:I can be both. My mom is arguably both but don’t tell her that. It’ll make her month and she’ll hug me too tight.
Aero:Bitch, you love hugs. Stop being difficult.
Carmine:Mmmm nah.
Aero:I feel bad for your mom.
Carmine:I feel bad for yours.
Aero:Hop off. You’re so childish.
Carmine:And yet you love me.
Aero:*red* In your dreams!
Carmine:It would make your day if I dreamed about you,wouldn’t it?
Aero:I hope you dream of spiders.
Carmine:We do not joke about that! *grabs him* Aero I will beat you up if I dream of them tonight! That’s just mean!
Aero:Stop crying ya baby. I could’ve said they were- ow!
Sun:*hitting him* Shut up and just kiss something! We’re trying to watch a game.
Aero and Carmine:We don’t like each other!
Jaune:With all do respect, that’s a lie. But please by all means Aero, continue not touching my daughter if you know what’s best for you. I don’t wanna have to fight you and your parents right afterwards.
Sun:Ilia would kill you.
Jaune:Yeah! That’s why I don’t want the fight! Much like Ruby, she’s short and terrifying. Her size holds the rage.
Ilia:*peeks in* Who’s talking shit?
JASC:Nobody, we love you!
Ilia:.....Got my eyes on you four. *holds Garnet up* and this one; the most well behaved in this bunch even with no nap.
Garnet:*fussy grumbling* I’m a ball of rage!
Ilia:You wanna nap?
Ilia:See, behaved. *walks away* don’t make me come back out here.
Carmine:....So do you like me because your mother is also imposing?
Aero:This is it, my evil origin story. It begins today.
Ruby:I admire his patience.
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bestworstcase · 2 years
Yo I just came across your mamoth of a Penny post you mad lass and it was fascinating read! Loved it! I honestly just wanna thank you for acknowledging and highlighting her relationship with Winter. While I do see people comment on how great and unexpected it was I really got the sense that many people thought that it doesn't really rival her relationship with say Ruby(tho maybe I just don'tfollow the right people). And I am not really a fan of ranking relationships since people obviously can and do have many close relationships with others without there being some kind of hierachy. But I feel it is kinda important to shout out Pennys relationship with Winter not just because it is important to her character and arc but also because I think it's special to have their friendship develop independent of our main cast and that it works so well even if it was so unexpected. It's just such a well written dynamic that deserves to be talked about so thank you!
thank you i care them
ghdksfh i think the undervaluing of penny's friendship with winter is fueled a lot by the popularity of ruby/penny and shippers in general having a tendency of kinda. zeroing in on their ship
but its always sort of baffled me because the friendship between penny and winter is more important, narratively speaking, than penny and ruby, because penny's and winter's moral and emotional quandaries and the arc of them struggling together with those things is one of the major thematic arcs underpinning v7 and has huge ramifications for what happens in v8, whereas penny and ruby's developing friendship is... just not one of the load-bearing pillars supporting the story as a whole, ya know? which isn't to say its insignificant but its like. it's a nice couch.
SO its like--tbh any textual analysis of the atlas arc that tries to place greater narrative emphasis on penny/ruby than on penny's friendship with winter feels. off to me, in exactly the same way that it would feel weird to encounter someone saying that a really nice couch is what's holding the roof up.
on the other hand
speaking in terms of the characters perspectives and like, what and who they care about and how they value those relationships--in THAT sense, my feeling is that penny values ruby's friendship just as highly as she does winter's (and i think reading that friendship as tinged with romantic interest makes sense) but she's probably a lot *closer* to winter simply by dint of having had so much more time--
like penny meets ruby when she arrives in vale to prep for the vytal festival and they click right away but also really only have like... a couple months tops to get to know each other, while ruby is kept busy with school + trying to figure out what torchwick's up to and penny's handlers are actively working to keep her isolated from other people, so they wouldn't have had much time to hang out and what time they did have would've been in pretty short stints, by necessity. so its like—they're very compatible and enthusiastically want to be friends and probably managed to cram a lot of bonding into that very thin amount of time, but theres like... a depth in relationships that can really only happen over long periods of time, which they didn't have a chance to do before penny died in v3.
and then at the beginning of v7 they immediately pick up where they left off but they're in a similar boat of just, not having a lot of downtime so most of the time spend in each other's company involves one or both of them working, so again they get along super well because they're really compatible, and they squeeze plenty of bonding into this less than ideal circumstance, but it's still like--they CARE about each other so much, they're COMFORTABLE with each other, but their dynamic in v7-8 i would describe as "solidly friends, starting to become close and mutually interested in growing closer" whereas i would describe penny+winter as close friends/found family. (same with ruby+weiss or ruby+blake or ruby+yang). like the LOVE is there, with penny and ruby, that's the foundation, and they're beginning to fill in the shared experiences and history and like depth of knowledge that defines deep, close friendships like what penny has with winter or ruby has with her teammates.
which is less about like. hierarchy of friendships (which is inane) so much as it is like--hm as far as penny/ruby goes what really interests me is they have this IMMEDIATE connection and then have to struggle and really make the best of what little time they have to take that spark and build it up into a real fire, and the world and circumstances makes that so damn hard for them, and in atlas theyre in like this murky. not-truly-close-yet, wanting-to-be-close, becoming-closer zone and stuck in a situation that is just not conducive to building the kind of relationship they both obviously want to be building with each other, and i love the tension and drama of that dynamic and the potential of how it could evolve if things went a little differently and penny survived, and also the tragedy of loss happening in the middle of this murky zone and the pain of losing not just penny herself but also all of the possibility for what could have become--and i think the reason NND content by and large doesn't appeal, both in terms of the analysis coming out of NND circles and fanworks centered around NND, is overall it kind of skips straight over that messy liminal Becoming™ zone to land on a more, i guess, finished relationship? its kinda like i want to watch a house get built and the NND crowd by and large seems to be doing house walkthroughs and interior decorating instead.
i've kind of wandered away from the actual content of what you said rip i just. i have a lot of thoughts abt penny
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warsmith-38 · 3 years
How I would do RWBY pt. 1
Revised Timeline of story events (This is not a script, but a semi-loose outline of the story)
Red, White, Blake, and Yellow trailers can stay. They’re perfectly fine as is, barring some early series production foibles (and the voice acting).
Series would be split into three arcs with three seasons each. 1. The School Arc 2. The World Travel Arc 3. The War Arc. (4. The epilogue season of mini episodes just to cap a few things off)
School Arc.
Season One.
Ruby is shopping.
Roman tries robbing the place.
Ruby gets involved because ‘fight good yes’.
Fights Roman and goons.
Beats goons but starts losing against Roman.
Glynda intervenes.
Roman am-scrays and Ruby is detained by Glynda.
This is not the first time Ruby has been called in like this.
She’s been doing free-lance vigilante stuff for a while now.
Tai comes in, worried to hell and back… again.
It’s almost routine by now, but he has a heart attack each time.
Ozpin gets wind of it this time.
Is impressed by her and offers her position at school.
Ruby says yes.
Tai says Ruby is too young to be-
Ruby says yes.
Tai keeps trying to argue-
Ruby. Says. YES!
She wants to be a huntress like her mother was more than anything else in the world.
Next few days is various entities trying to get Tai to greenlight the idea.
Ruby constantly begs, Yang says it’s a good idea, Ozpin is quite forward as to the benefits, et cetera.
Tai relents when Qrow calls him and argues that Ruby is never going to stop her vigilante thing and should at least be doing it legally and with training.
Tai tells Yang to watch over Ruby.
Yang only promises to try.
Ruby instantly loses her after they arrive at Beacon.
Yang tried, just not very hard. Wants Ruby to be independent, both from her and Tai.
Ruby meets Weiss.
Carefree and rebellious Ruby immediately clashes with stuck-up and bad-tempered Weiss.
Blake intervenes, slags off the SDC, everyone walks away annoyed.
Ruby meets Jaune.
Jaune is less bumbling.
More of an Octavian figure. Meek of body, but quite strong of tactical and strategic mind.
Jaune meets Pyrrha.
Has no idea who she is. Not all that into celebrity gossip, especially whole kingdoms away.
Comes off as polite and charming, if a bit oblivious.
Ruby encounters Blake on her own.
Says thanks for helping ward off angry Weiss.
Blake seems a little standoffish but Ruby’s infectious friendliness makes her give her a chance.
Have actual conversation about books.
Have minor debate over the exact meaning behind the symbolism of a character in a story.
Y’know, nerd shit.
Ruby and Weiss talk again.
Goes roughly as canon. IE: poorly.
Ren and Nora introduced, again, roughly as canon.
Ren talks a bit more, less of Nora motor-mouth with him just being there.
Have brief conversations with Jaune and/or Pyrrha.
Relic hunt starts.
Ruby and Weiss meet each other faster than usual.
Grimm show up and they kill them together.
Weiss calls her an idiot but agrees that she’s at least competent in a fight.
Blake and Yang meet each other.
Have actual conversation.
Blake tries to be standoffish and curt but Yang’s winning smile and corny sense of humor makes it hard.
Jaune and Pyrrha meet again.
Jaune has actual plan to get relic.
Have conversation about aura and semblances in a way that doesn’t make Jaune seem like he was dropped multiple times on his head as a child.
Says that he hasn’t unlocked his semblance yet, but he says that he scored high enough on his aptitude tests to make up for it.
Ren and Nora meet up because… well, duh.
Meet Jaune and Pyrrha and decide to team up to speed the overall process up.
Bumble into pissing off giant grimm.
Ruby and Weiss start arguing, come to brief blows even.
Teenagers, am I right?
Big grimm shows up.
They bond a little by fighting it off together.
Main characters start to coalesce at the relic site.
Future JNPR is there too.
Everyone has brief hello with each other.
The two large grimm from earlier show up.
Each would-be team gets one.
Happy teamwork scene.
Kill the grimm, get the relics, same old shit.
Teams RWBY and JNPR are made official.
Team CFVY are present as the designated senpai group.
Cue bonding scenes.
Ruby and Blake create book club with Ren, Jaune, and Yatsuhashi.
Yang, Fox, and Ren have Kung-Fu training scenes.
Velvet passes around the collection plate for Wild Call, a large and helpful faunus rights group.
Blake and Velvet are kind of tense with each other. No one knows why.
Then again, Blake is pretty tense with everyone, but especially Velvet and Weiss.
(Velvet knows that Blake is a faunus and dislikes that she hides it. Blake dislikes Weiss because Schnee.)
Ruby is happy to talk to Coco-senpai and her crazy purse mini-gun.
Nora, Yang, and Pyrrha have push up contest. Ruby wins.
Weiss helps Ruby study with things like flash cards, note taking strategies, and other things she ignores.
Weiss has tense moment or two with Ruby but Yang delivers some context as to why Ruby is so unruly.
Mom died, dad got WAY overprotective of Ruby and more than a little distant with Yang.
Ruby always wanted to be like her badass of a mother and saw their father as being in the way of that.
Weiss empathizes to a degree.
Weiss and Yang team up to be the semi-responsible ones for Ruby.
CRDL are cunts.
Act racist to Velvet.
Push Jaune and Ruby around a little.
Say ungentlemanly things to Yang and Pyrrha. (They do it to all of the girls, but to them the most)
Cunt stuff.
CVFY can’t do much because A. They can’t be brawling with underclassmen and B. They wouldn’t be able to not kill the little pricks and that’d be a bad look for them.
JNPR is just trying to ignore them.
This leads to a confrontation between CRDL and RWBY.
They make a bet over a set of sparring matches.
If CRDL wins then RWBY has to operate as their maids or something creepy like that for the school year.
If RWBY wins then CRDL has to fuck off for the school year.
Best of four matches with a team battle if a tiebreaker is needed.
Ruby actually loses to Cardin due to his tankiness, him being the most (IE: only) competent part of his team, and secret cheating.
Weiss beats Russel rather handily.
Blake loses to Dove due to him cheating and everyone still not noticing yet.
Yang traumatizes Lark as a warning.
Team battle!
CRDL takes an early advantage due to RWBY having some coordination issues.
RWBY figures out that CRDL is cheating via wire tapping into their team communications.
Ruby takes the reigns.
Coordinates with her team via code with an old inside joke to Yang, a literary reference to Blake, and one of those studying tricks to Weiss.
They act in ways that CRDL aren’t expecting and can’t cheat around.
RWBY wins.
Yang and Blake take CRDL aside and threaten them that if they renege at all they will make what Yang did to Lark look like a massage, not to mention telling the staff about the cheating.
They are scared into avoiding RWBY and co. where convenient.
CRDL slink off to be cunts elsewhere.
Pyrrha, because fuck ‘will they won’t they’, asks Jaune out on a date.
Jaune, breaking dense anime boy tradition, says yes.
They’re cute together and N+R support them.
Beginnings of Vital Festival starts.
Team RWBY sees Sun causing chaos.
He briefly introduces himself to them and then runs off to cause more monkey mischief.
SSN are right behind him and are rude bastards who don’t introduce themselves while fleeing the cops.
Penny meets team in glorious awkwardness.
Ciel, whom Weiss recognizes from Atlas (they went to the same starter school together), is constantly chasing after her and her antics.
Her other two teammates are just combat bots with special retrofits. (They’re prototypes for Penny)
Gives context of tournament and her place in it like an awkward robot would.
Weiss says something pretty damn racist directed towards Sun.
RBY call out Weiss on racism.
Blake gets angry with her.
The topic of the White Fang comes up.
R + Y both agree with Weiss that the White Fang are assholes, despite also condemning Weiss’ racism.
Weiss has horror stories about what they’ve done, including kidnapping her at young age.
Points to her scar for emphasis.
Blake can’t argue against what they’re talking about but counters with the horrible stuff the SDC has done across planet.
General scumbag corporate crap as well as paramilitary actions that break most international laws.
R + Y also agree with Blake that SDC sucks too.
Weiss is a little taken aback.
She genuinely had no clue that things like that were happening.
Blake lets slip that she was White Fang.
Runs off before people can react.
Team gives chase.
Blake thinks they’re going to turn her in and/or lynch her.
They only want to talk to her and get the full story.
Weiss is conflicted about things.
Sun finds Blake, says that he remembers her from a White Fang attack in Vacuo, despite the masks they wear, and wants some answers.
Sun says that general opinion among faunus (at least in Vacuo and Mistral) is that the White Fang are asshole supremacists that cause more problems than they ever solve or even try to solve.
Blake gets reality check about White Fang.
Confesses that she was involved with some acts of violence but thought it was for the greater good.
She makes a point of saying that she, herself, did not kill anyone. If anyone was killed it was not by her.
If someone died, then it was either an ‘accident’ someone else did or Adam swung the sword.
Also thought that the genuinely horrible stuff she heard was propaganda or just Adam being a dick.
It was said dickishness of Adam’s cell that was tolerated by larger organization that made her leave and try to repent.
She had no idea that Adam was only marginally more of a lunatic than other cell leaders.
Blake happens to see telltale signs of White Fang attack. Uses them as an excuse to change subject.
Sun gives her benefit of the doubt on her attempt at personal redemption and assists her in trying to stop terrorist plot.
Penny has nothing better to do so she gives Ciel the slip and starts helping Ruby look for Blake.
Have conversation about friendship, freedom, and weapons.
Weiss airs concerns to Yang about future of team.
She seems scared at the idea of losing a friend like Blake.
White Fang are taking orders from Torchwick and his goons.
Blake tries to appeal to their good side.
They call her and Sun race traitors and try to kill them.
Blake and Sun vs Torchwick.
Neo (Roman’s adopted daughter) shows up to help Torchwick.
White Fang go all out.
This is a problem.
RWY and Penny arrive to brawl.
Penny solves problems.
Sun and Penny take on the White Fang
Roman + Neo are final boss of season for RWBY.
Hard fought fight, but it is clear that RWBY is going to win.
White Fang have contingency explosive.
No one important dies, but Penny is grabbed by her superiors in the confusion.
Weiss and Blake confrontation.
Both apologize for the mistakes in their earlier arguments and for flying off the handle.
Both still have rose-tinted glasses about their respective sides but the tint is wearing off.
Blake stops hiding being a faunus because the rest of the world isn’t as horrible and racist as the supremacist terrorists told her it was.
Agrees to be more transparent to her team.
Weiss agrees that #notallfaunus and that the SDC has done some dirt.
Torchwick meets with mysterious benefactor about problems with latest job.
Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, and Adam tell him not to worry and that Evil Plan is still a go.
Season one done.
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danurso · 5 years
The Arc charm
RWBY: *playing with adrien*
Adrien: *happy baby giggles*
Yang: awww.
Ruby: he's so cuuuute.
Blake: he is.
Weiss: *hugging him* he's the most adorable thing on this planet.
Saphron: wow, so young but already surrounded by girls, adrien is quite popular don't you think.
Terra: *nods*
Jaune: yup, he is. Just don't let dad teach him how to flirt, its gonna go wrong for him.
Saphron: who needs flirting skills? He has the arc charm on his side already.
Yang: vomit boy already mentioned this arc charm and used it to go after ice queen, it didn't worked for him though.
Jaune: *deadpans* not all charm in the world could make up for how annoying i was being.
Saphron: still, i'm surprised your charm didn't work on her *grins* adrien on the other hand doesn't seems to have problems using the arc charm to get the attention from the ladies.
Ruby: what is this arc charm?
Saphron: it's a natural skill all arcs are born with which makes you a chick magnet basically.
Yang: is vomit boy's charm broke? Cause he isn't that magnet.
Saphron: believe me, during school days there were lots of girls interested in jaune, he was just too dense to notice that.
Jaune: i wasn't dense.
Saphron: yes you were, just like dad was when he first met mom. *sigh* at least i hope adrien didn't got that side from arc family.
Weiss: if you raise him properly, then you won't have that problem right?
Saphron: i don't think so, being dense is engraved in the arc DNA, so i'm afraid that i can't really do much about that.
Blake: *raises eyebrow* i thought adrien was terra's kid?
Terra: and he is.
Saphron: but he's also an arc.
Weiss: wait, wait, wait, how is it possible that he's both terra's child and an arc, last time i checked two womans couldn't. . .well. . .reproduce.
Saphron: *snort* and they still can't silly, that's why we had to add the boy factor to the story. *pulls jaune into a headlock* and that's where my little brother comes in.
RWBY/_N_R: *car crashing sound on the background*
Ruby: w-wait a minute. . .does that means that-
Saphron: adrien is jaune's son with terra? Yup, he is.
Nora: hold on a second. *picks up a cup of tea and sips it, before spitting it all out* HE'S WHAT!?!?
Saphron: what? We wanted our kid to be an arc too, and since my brother was a very kind person he didn't refused to help us and donate some of his DNA.
Weiss: o-oh right, so jaune donated the DNA so you could make an artificial insemination? For one moment i thought-
Saphron: no, they just straight up banged for a whole night.
RWBY/_N_R: *chokes*
Terra: *blushing* s-saphron!
Saphron: what? It's the truth.
Terra: still. . .
Saphron: still what? Don't act like you didn't liked it, i can still hear you screaming and moaning jaune's name for hours. it kinda makes me jealous, i never heard you moan like that with me.
Terra: *atomic red*
Jaune: *red* s-saphron? Don't you think you said enough already?
Saphron: yeah i probably did, but that reminds me, are you okay with making me and terra another baby?
RWBY/_N_R: *chokes even harder*
Jaune: *deep red* w-what!?
Saphron: me and terra were talking about it for awhile and we wanted another baby, we're both very excited about the idea of another adrien running around the house. . .although i can't really say if terra's excitement is for the baby or for getting dicked by you again.
Terra: *solar red* s-saphron!!!
Saphron: so? Can you help us out?
Jaune: . . .are you really okay with me doing that again?
Saphron: as long as you give me a new kid i'm one hundred percent fine with it, luckily terra is on her fertile period today so i don't think you'll have troubles knocking her up.
Jaune: *blushing* and you terra? Are you okay with that?
Saphron: ohh i bet she is, especially now that you've got ripped and even more handsome.
Terra: *hiding her face with her hands and with smoke coming from the top if her head* please stop.
Saphron: that's not a denial. So, can you do me that favor lil' brother?
Jaune: *dark red* well. . .if she's okay with it i don't mind.
Terra: i-i don't mind it, really.
Saphron: *pushing them upstairs* great, great, now get out of my face and start making me a second kid.
Jaune/Terra: *disappears on the second floor*
Saphron: *walks back to the living room and sits down on the sofa with a sigh* finally. *looks back at RWBY and _N_R who have completely shocked expression on their faces* what?
Ruby: *blushing* a-are jaune and terra going to. . .uhm. . .well. . .
Saphron: yup, unless you know another way for them to make babies.
Weiss: and you don't care for the fact that jaune is going to sleep with your wife?
Saphron: he's doing me a favor, why would i be worked up about that? plus terra has been a bit stressed because of her work recently and i don't have much time to take care of her, jaune's actually doing me two favors for the price of one.
RWBY: *blushing* oh my god.
Ren: well, when you put it that way it does make sense.
Nora: fearless leader has also been stressed for awhile now, i bet that this is going to help him too.
Weiss: are you two seriously agreeing with this!?
Nora: yup.
Ren: *shrugs*
Saphron: what about you girls?
RWBY: us?
Saphron: did any of you give my brother a try?
RWBY: *dark red* a WHAT!?
Saphron: so? Did you?
Ruby: n-no.
Weiss: absolutely not!
Blake: i don't think so.
Yang: no.
Saphron: you girls have no idea what you're missing. I bet jaune could help you girls with all the stress you've got on this trip.
Weiss: *red* who said we're stressed!? And what makes you think he can help us!?
Saphron: *grins raising three fingers*
Ruby: . . .what does that means?
Saphron: three. . .two. . .one *cover adrien's ears* aaand.
RWBY: *blushes*
Ruby: w-was that. . .terra?
Saphron: yup.
Yang: is the always that loud?
Saphron: not even close, terra is pretty shy in bed and she gets embarrassed of the neighbors hearing her lewd noises, so she tries her best to hold back her voice, but that's only with me, when jaune comes around the story is different.
Blake: *blushing* is he really that good?
Saphron: oh he is, i never saw him in action for obvious reasons, but from everything i heard from terra. . .well, let's just say that if she met first jaune instead of me, terra nowadays wouldn't be lesbian.
Blake: wow. . .he's that good?
Saphron: isn't that enough of a proof to you?
Saphron: do i really need to say anything else?
Yang: . . .gotta admit, she does have a point.
Weiss: are you serious!?
Ruby: i mean. . .terra is supposed to only like girls, but jaune can still make her feel like that. . .what would happen if he did it with a girl that likes boys?
Weiss: ruby i. . . *sigh* why do i even bother.
Yang: where's blake?
Blake: *walking downstairs with wide eyes and a nosebleed*
Ruby: blake? What's wrong?
Blake: i saw them. . . 
Weiss: d-don't tell me you were peeping on them!?
Blake: there are things i thought were only possible on books and doujins. . .jaune just proved me wrong. . .i need to see the rest. *walks back upstairs*
Yang: okay, now i'm curious. *follows her*
Ruby: h-hey! No peeping *follows* i-im going too, but just to make sure you'll not peep on them.
Weiss: y'know what, i don't care anymore *follows* wait for me!
Ren: . . .were you planning all of this?
Saphron: *grinning* maybe, but would it be that bad if your friends and jaune got together and made us some nephews?
Nora: it would awesome! And they would be so cute too!
Saphron: *picking adrien up* and adrien would have friends to play with him. Now if you excuse me i'll walk a bit with adrien, maybe find a nice hotel to stay, something tells me that even after he's over with terra jaune will still have a lot of work. Bye you two! *leaves*
Ren: . . .
Nora: . . .soo, wanna do something renny?
Ren: like?
Nora: i don't know, watch a movie, eat something, maybe-
Ren: *sigh* you wanna do 'that' too, don't you?
Nora: *pounces at him* thank god i thought you weren't going to ask!
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darthkvznblogs · 4 years
“I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may.”
Anyone else kinda get the feeling Pyrrha inadvertently said what Ozpin was thinking throughout this whole thing?
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Hello again! Welcome back to Darth’s Book Club, the show where I more or less gush about the media I love for the duration of an entire Tumblr post (books and/or clubs optional)
Some housekeeping before we start: I’m shooting for an episode a day, mondays through thursdays, unless otherwise stated. Might also do fridays, but definitely won’t do saturdays and sundays. We good? We good!
RWBY Volume 1, Episode 4: “The First Step”
I miss you, Monty Oum.
This episode is ridiculous, in (nearly) all the best ways. Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren make their debut, the odd, long-suffering, but ultimately mutually supportive couple (that is, of course, not together-together). It’s, admittedly, a bit of an “out there” introduction, for the so far established humor of this show - really, this whole episode suffers or benefits from this, depending on your perspective - but I happen to enjoy this sense of humor a lot. Kinda slapstick-y, with dialogue that would have anyone around tilting their head quizzically (and is actually a bit lampshaded by Ruby! Points for that).
Ruby continues to express her distaste for human interaction - which, mood - and actually calls her sister out for very clearly not being super keen on teaming up with Ruby. Yang does bring up a good point, in that Ruby really needs to break out of her shell, but I wouldn’t agree that this is the best way to go about it, if for nothing else than this “push off the nest, see if they fly” strategy never really sits well with me. What I will say is that - even if it’s just because I know future stuff - it does give Yang a sort of awkward, motherly vibe.
Kinda can’t wait to get to Taiyang, not gonna lie.
Then, of course, we get to finally hear my beloved Pyrrha talk! Even having practically learned her every line in order to write some of my earliest Fanfiction, I was shocked by how earnest and sincere she sounds. She must know Weiss is being kinda facetious - gags aside, she’s not being even the slightest bit subtle - and yet I have no doubt that she’d be willing and happy to team up with her. Huge props to Jen Brown - again, even though there’s certainly room for the VAs to grow into their roles, the casting in this show is brilliant.
Say it with me now: good stuff!
I will call out that she claims Jaune could be a wonderful leader, though...so far there’s no indication for it? Could be the confidence he, uh...oozes, I suppose, but otherwise I drew a blank there. Guess she took a peek at the script for the next few episodes.
Finally, the initiation. Hot take here, but being launched via spring pad into a monster full of monsters is both an infinitely cooler and even more problematic way to get your school year started than a talking, mind-reading hat - take that Joanne, you raging transphobe - and it makes for several small, hilarious character moments in the closing seconds of the episode, my personal favorite being Yang putting on her shades to avoid making eye contact with someone she wouldn’t wanna team up with and just, y’know, to look cool.
That’s it from me! If you enjoyed this installment of Darth’s Book Club, please consider checking out my works over on Fanfiction and AO3 - I write a bunch of crossovers, mainly involving superheroes, but there’s also some fun gaming, movie, and book fandoms in there. You can find me at:
And if you like what I do and have a coffee’s worth of money to spare, please consider checking out my Ko-fi! I post every update to my works and now Darth’s Book Club there. You can find me at:
If you have anything you’d like me to check, please shoot me an ask or message! I’m just doing RWBY for the foreseeable future, but I’m willing to give your suggestions a shot. 
Until next time!
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zerolympiustrife · 5 years
Bleiss and weiss fight for jaune love (and hidden sword)
Hooray, more Bleiss vs Weiss shenanigans!
Anonymous asks: Metal Gear Arc: The Twin Schnees (RWBY)
*At the library, Jaune is just laying down on a couch, reading his comics*
Jaune (smiling): Hm...
*Jaune suddenly feels somebody undoing his belt and zipper*
Jaune (looks below him): Huh?!
Bleiss (licking her lips): Mmm~! *Notices Jaune looking at her* Oops. It seems I’ve been caught red-handed. Why don’t you continue reading and pretend I’m not here?
Jaune (pulling his pants up): Bleiss! Not here!
Bleiss (pulling his pants down): Oh, please. Nobody else is here but us.
Jaune (pulling his pants up): Except for your twin sister staring angrily at us. *Points at Weiss, crossing her arms and glaring at the duo, but mostly at Bleiss*
Bleiss (distracted): Oh! Sister! What an unexpected surprise.
Weiss (deadpan): ...You knew I was standing here the whole time, weren’t you?
Bleiss (being coy): Nope!
*Jaune takes this opportunity to walk away while the twin Schnees continue to argue*
Bleiss: What do you think dar- *Notices Jaune is not there* Oh, great job, sister! You scared him off!
Weiss (taken aback): Me?! YOU’RE the one who kept trying to take his pants off!
Bleiss (smirking): You’re just jealous that I’m the dominant Schnee. You, on the other hand, are the submissive one. Darling needs a woman that always takes action.
Weiss (baffled): Wha-
*Three hours later, Jaune is at the cafeteria, playing with his food*
Jaune (slumped over): Hm...what am I gonna do with those two...?
Cardin (shoving Jaune’s face into his plate): Hiya, Jaunie-boy!
Jaune (face covered in food): AGH! Cardin, what the hell?!
Cardin: You wanna do me a solid and help me and my team humiliate all the freaks in this school?
Jaune (cleaning himself): And what makes you think I’d say “yes”?
Cardin (gritting his teeth): Damn son of a-
*Bleiss IMMEDIATELY jumps at Cardin, tackles him on the ground, and strangles his neck*
Bleiss (very angrily): My darling is OFF LIMITS!!!
Cardin (being choked): Agh! Y-Your nails! Your- Ack!
*Bleiss presses her nails against his neck, inflicting more pain upon him*
Weiss (handing Jaune a napkin): Um...here’s another napkin to clean yourself.
Jaune (taking it): Er...thank you. *Wipes all the food off then looks towards Bleiss* Bleiss, that’s enough!
*Cardin lets out a high-pitched squeal because Bleiss is angrily squeezing his groin*
Bleiss (glaring daggers at Cardin): If I see you near darling within 50 feet or less...then I’ll make sure your legacy NEVER carries on. Do I make myself clear?
Cardin (nodding): Yes! Yes! I understand!
Bleiss (letting go of him): Very good.
*Cardin runs away in fear*
Bleiss (walks towards Jaune): Now then, onto more important matters at hand. *Licks Jaune’s cheek, causing him to jitter*
Weiss (weirded out): Bleiss, what the hell?!
Bleiss: What? He missed a few spots. *Licks Jaune’s other cheek*
*Jaune sighs*
*Another three hours pass as Jaune is walking down the halls of Beacon*
Weiss (standing behind him): Jaune!
Jaune (turns around): Huh? Oh, Weiss! What can I do for you?
Weiss (handing him a present, blushing): Um...I got you this.
Jaune (unwrapping the gift, surprised): A 500 Lien gift card? Thank you, Weiss!
Weiss (nervously): ...Mmmm! ...Jaune?
Jaune: Yes?
Weiss: If...if it’s not too much trouble...can...can you take me on a date?
Jaune (eyes widened): A date? You wanna go on a date with me? *Chuckles* After all the times I’ve asked you to go out with me-
Weiss (shushing him): Yes, I wanna go on a date with you! ...And...I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not giving you a chance.
Jaune (smiling): Hm...
*The next day...*
*At a fancy restaurant*
Weiss (smiling): Hm~...You know, Jaune, this isn’t what I had in mind when you said you’d take me somewhere nice.
Jaune (shrugging): Well, anything to surprise the wonderful ice queen.
Weiss (squinting at him, playfully): Oh, you...
*Little do they know, Bleiss is staring at them from outside of the restaurant*
Bleiss (glaring at Weiss): I won’t accept this, sister.
Jaune (shivering): Brrrr! Did it suddenly get cold in here or something? *Looks around*
*Weiss sees Bleiss from a distance, but she says nothing*
*At night...*
Bleiss (getting ready for bed): So, did you have fun, sister?
Weiss (also getting ready for bed): What do you mean?
Bleiss: Don’t play dumb. I saw you at that restaurant with darling.
Weiss: Jaune doesn’t need someone who constantly stalks him and tries to-
Bleiss: Don’t you dare try to one-up me, sister. Darling is mine!
Weiss (rolls her eyes): Whatever.
*Bleiss squints at her as the two go to bed*
*The next day...*
Jaune (pondering): Hm...I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask... *Hears fighting going on in Team RWBBY’s room* Huh? *Knocks on the door*
Ruby (opening the door): Oh, thank goodness you’re here.
Jaune: What do you mean?
Ruby (yelling): Jaune’s right here!
*Bleiss tackles Jaune out the door with Weiss following suit*
Bleiss: Darling, you love me more, right?
Jaune (internally): Not this again...
Weiss: Bleiss, get off of him!
Bleiss (holding Jaune closer): No!
Weiss (pulling Jaune towards her): BLEISS!!!
Jaune (sighing): STOP!!!
*Bleiss and Weiss stop pulling him*
Jaune: ...Look, you both love me, right?
Bleiss/Weiss (in unison): Yes!
Jaune (sighing): I...I know this is gonna sound rather silly, but...why don’t I just date both of you?
Weiss (raising an eyebrow): Both of us?
Jaune (getting up): Yes. I’m sick of seeing you two fighting.
Bleiss (pondering): Hm...
*At night...*
*Team _NPR knocks on Team R__BY’s door*
Ruby (opening the door): Who could it be at- Oh! It’s you three.
Ren (holding his pillow and blanket): Do you have an air mattress? We might have to sleep here for the night.
Ruby (confused): Why is that? *Realization!* ...Let me guess: Is your leader and our two teammates occupying the room for...”activities”?
Ren (nodding): Correct.
Ruby (sighing): ...Alright. Yang!
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Bumbleby Prompt? If not its cool, but not sure which other person I could hand my ideas. Blake either waking up in the night or feeling cold in the day (on a chill day, get it? but like they have a break) and she wants to feel warm without wanting to bother Yang so she snatches one of Yang's worn shirts and slips it on instantly feeling like her dragon hugs her until said dragon comes in and cute akwardness begins! Sorry if I'm bothering, but you are so good 😅
Aw, bud. You’re not bothering me. I enjoy getting prompts. Stops the dreaded writer’s block 😊
This is actually really cute and I will always be a softy for the headcanon that Blake is a clothes thief and a snugglebug.
Also... there’s a reference to a Mary Lambert song in here.
Uh quick side note? I need y’all to know that I am currently feeling extremely sentimental about all of you. All of the support and love that you guys have give me and my work has successfully turned this sarcastic Australian asshole into a sentimental sap. My heart is so full. I appreciate all of you. From those who reblog or like/kudos to the people that comment. From the people who have recommended my work to the people that have made art based on what I write. Thank you all so much 😭💕
Sincerely, a very sentimental Defence.
Blake huffed. Why in goddamn hell was their dorm room so cold?! Atlas had the best technology in the world and General Ironwood had a military and a school. Would it kill the man to put in some proper heating? Blake had slept in trees that had better insulation.
Not that Blake had anyone to complain to. It was a leisure day for them. A rare thing indeed. So Ruby and Weiss had joined Winter for lunch while Yang went to go train with the Ace-Ops. Blake could handle being alone. She’s been alone before. She enjoyed being on her own. This was fine. She definitely didn’t have any sort of separation anxiety when it came to a certain lilac eyed, blonde haired woman that intrudes on her thoughts so often that she could make past half page without some stupid joke of hers coming to mind and making her giggle.
Nope. Not. At. All.
Blake let out a weary sigh. Granted, she could have gone and watched. But recently, a certain little Ice Queen made it abundantly clear that Blake was far from subtle and she was not prepared to explain to Yang, in front of an elite team of Ironwood’s best, why she couldn’t remain professional.
She could go hang out with Jaune’s team. She enjoyed their company. But considering the Ren and Nora situation, she didn’t really feel like sitting in on that whole drama. She was dealing with her own... thing with Yang, after all.
She let out another sigh as she let her head fall against the bed frame of her and Yang’s bunk bed. Her right ear twitched as she heard something hit the floor. Yang had left her bag in her bed, open, and the vibrations from Blake smacking her head against the bed caused it to tip over, dumping out a familiar yellow hoodie. It was the one that Yang tended to wear when they were at ease. Blake rolled her eyes fondly and picked it up, shaking it out and preparing to fold it to put it away. But then… she didn’t.
She held the hoodie in her hands and smiled down softly at it. Something about it made her feel all… warm inside. Fuzzy. And she felt safe. She wouldn’t put it on. She wouldn’t. But then… she did.
Immediately Blake was hit by Yang’s familiar scent of bonfire and lavender. An unusual combination but one that made Blake feel safe. Like she was home. With a quick glance around her, she pulled the collar up and snuggled into it. It was almost as good as an actual hug from Yang. She let out a happy hum and sat in her bed. Yang wouldn’t mind if she wore it for a while. Right? By the time she got back, Blake would have packed it away. But then… she didn’t.
Mostly because Yang chose that moment, as Blake was nuzzling into her jumper to walk through the door excitedly.
“Blake! You are not going to believe how much Elm can bench! And I thought I was-“ Yang cut herself off as she saw Blake. Blake stared back. “I… um… huh.” Yang struggled for words, an adorable blush on her cheeks. “That’s my hoodie.”
“… I’m sorry, I can explain!” Blake blurted out, ears pinned uncomfortably. She couldn’t even look at Yang, she was so embarrassed. Soon though, she felt the bed dip beside her and she instinctively curled into herself.
“I’m not mad.” Yang murmured softly, gently placing her hand on Blake’s shoulder. “I’m just… a little confused.”
When Blake looked up at, she noticed that Yang had a definitive blush on her cheeks and a small unsure smile across her lips. Blake, on impulse, reached up and took her partner’s hand and fiddled with her fingers nervously, gently running her fingertips across scars and callouses.
“I- it.. the thing is…” Blake stuttered before closing her eyes and giving a frustrated sigh. “Gods. Can you look away? It’ll make this easier for me.”
“Uh,” Yang said, bemused. “If it makes it easier for you, of course.”
Blake waited until Yang turned her head away and continued to fidget with her friend’s fingers while she talked.
“It’s stupid. And juvenile. But I was cold…” Blake paused, wincing at what she was about to admit.” And I guess I was fee- feeling a little… lonely.” She did not like how her voice cracked. “And, um. Y-you have a habit of making me feel safe and warm so… I maybe… kind of… sorta stole your hoodie because it reminds me of you?” Blake said, her statement sounding more like a question as her voice squeaked in embarrassment.
Yang turned to look at her after a moment. Her cheeks were a dark red and her eyes were soft and bright. Yang had a large, adoring smile on her face as she bit her lip to muffle a giggle.
“Tha- that..” Yang cleared her throat when her voice come out thick with emotion. “That is the sweetest thing that anyone has ever said to me. Like ever.” She cooed, gently leaning forward to rest her forehead against Blake’s.
“You… don’t mind?” Blake asked, scrunching up her face in confusion.
“Nope. I actually think it’s kinda cute.” Yang mumbled, shyly. Blake felt her eyes widen as Yang entwined their fingers together. “I’m glad that you feel safe with me. And, uh.” Yang stumbled over her words for a minute. “If you ever feel like you need it, you can wear my hoodie. Well. As long as I’m not wearing it.”
“Why would I need it when I could have you?” Blake whispered, nuzzling her nose against Yang’s affectionately.
“Oh.” Yang breathed. “Okay. That’s it. Cm’ere you!” She laughed as she pulled Blake into a tight hug, nuzzling into her neck sweetly. “You are too cute!”
Blake felt her cheeks grow hot buried her head into Yang’s shoulder, a contented hum escaping her lips as her arms wrapped around Yang in return.
“The hoodie is great and all.” Blake thought to herself. “But nothing will ever compare to Yang. She makes me far softer than I’ve been in a long time. She brings out the romantic sap in me. But I can’t change. Even if I wanted to. Even if I tried. She’s my love. And she keeps me warm.”
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archdukecaleb · 4 years
Freezerburn Week 2020 — Day 7: Free Day
Word Count: 1545
Yang Xiao Long was at the top of the food chain. She was the most popular girl in school, had tons of friends, and was the captain of the volleyball team. Everyone loved her because of her kind heart and willingness to help others. There was a running joke within the walls of Beacon High that compared her to being “the mom of the high school,” all because of how much she genuinely cared about everyone’s wellbeing.
She was superb at making new friends and being the light that brightened up everyone’s day. Her best friend, Blake, and her sister, Ruby, always said she could have whomever she wanted from the school if she would only show interest in them. Yang always thought they were exaggerating, greatly.
Regardless, Yang did not just want anyone from the school. She wanted the right person for herself. Someone special that was complex and interesting, who has more to them than can be seen initially. She believed she knew exactly who that person would be after first meeting her at the beginning of this year.
No one could say they were surprised that she managed to make nice with the infamous Ice Queen of Atlas. Yang always hated that nickname.
It was not the poor girl’s fault she was a little shy; aloof, even. Just because she never spoke to anyone and kept to herself, she had gained the reputation of being a cold loner. Rumor has it she curses everyone’s name behind their backs and has been plotting against them ever since she transferred from Atlas Academy for Girls.
Yang had debunked these rumors early on. She had never believed them to begin with. After talking to the girl for a few weeks, she had learned much about her. She learned she was not a hateful person with a personal vendetta against everyone, but a normal, teenage girl who was trying to find her place in the world like the rest of them. And her name was Weiss Schnee.
But, despite knowing more about Weiss, she still remained as mysterious as the origins of that scar over her left eye.
Yang could tell, ever since they started talking, that Weiss had a hard time growing up.
She would always try to change the subject when their conversations steered towards that time of her life, and she always became really uncomfortable when the topic of family was brought up.
It was after that when Yang decided to make it her personal mission to make Weiss laugh at least once a day. Many days, she was successful, but there were still days where she could only try her best. She was almost certain she was Weiss’ only friend, even after the several months they have been in school so far.
That broke her heart.
Such an amazingly complex person like Weiss deserved more compassion in her life, and Yang wanted to help as much as she could. As time went by, she found herself spending more time by Weiss’ side. She would feel happy when Weiss was happy and sad when she felt forlorn.
Soon, the signs showed themselves and Yang realized what was happening. She had developed a massive crush on Weiss.
Recently, Yang had become awkward around Weiss, which was completely foreign to her. She was always confident in everything she did, but this? The strange feeling in her stomach and sharp increase in her heartbeat were two things she was not used to.
She wanted so badly to delve deeper into Weiss’ story; to be there for her when no one else has, and she knew just the way to get started.
“I’m going to do it, Rubes,” Yang huffed as she walked down the hallway with her math textbook in hand, “I’m going to ask her out.”
Ruby grimaced, “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“I’m not trying to burst your bubble or anything, but have you ever considered that maybe Weiss actually is as nasty as everyone says she is?”
“Have you actually talked to her?” asked Yang.
“No,” Ruby rolled her eyes, “But only because she refuses to speak to me. I’ve been her lab partner for this whole semester, and I still don’t know what her voice sounds like.”
Yang stopped and faced her younger sister, “That’s just because she’s… reserved.”
“Yang, you could’ve had literally anyone! Why did you have to choose her?”
“I just really like her, okay?” Yang pouted, “Can you just trust me on this one? Please?”
Ruby bit her cheek and sighed, “If you really think Weiss is a nice person… I’ll trust your judgment.”
Yang smiled and patted Ruby’s shoulder, “Thanks, Baby Sis,” she said as they resumed walking, “Now… What the heck do I do!?”
“Can’t you just, I don’t know… ask her out?” Ruby asked, “Just be straight up with her.”
“No way,” said Yang as she shook her head, “Weiss is classy. This needs to be something special, or it won’t work.”
“Um… Give her a flower, too?”
Yang sighed and dragged a hand over her face with a loud groan, “This isn’t going to work, Rubes.”
“Man, when you said Weiss was different, I should’ve believed you,” Ruby chuckled.
“This isn’t funny, Ruby. I want to be with her so bad, but I don’t know if she wants the same with me.”
Ruby pressed her lips into a thin line, “Yang, you are the strongest person I know. Whenever you set your mind on something, you can get it done. If what you said about Weiss is true, she’s just like any other person. For all you know, she could be building up the courage to ask you out too. You just have to shoot your shot, and take that leap of faith.”
Yang let her sister’s words sink in as a wide smile found its home on her face, “Wow, Ruby. That… actually made me feel better. When did you get so good with words?”
Ruby shrugged as Yang let out a chuckle.
“Okay! It’s settled then! I will ask her out!” said Yang, triumphantly as she spotted Weiss organizing things in her locker, “Tomorrow!”
Yang swiftly turned on her heel as the anxious tension in her chest began to expand exponentially.
“Yang,” called an angelic voice from behind her.
Ruby snapped Yang a swift salute and disappeared with the crowd.
Yang cringed and turned around with a toothy grin on her face, “Hiya, Weiss!”
Weiss closed her locker and smiled as she walked the short distance to Yang, “You didn’t come to my locker before first period today. Is everything alright?”
“Oh! Yeah, everything’s cool,” Yang chuckled nervously as her hand instinctively combed through her hair, “I just hit snooze on my alarm too many times.”
Weiss giggled as she reached into her bag, “My calc teacher gave us some candy today. I’m not really a fan of sweets, so I thought I’d take some for you.”
“Oh, cool! Thanks,” smiled Yang as she accepted the candy.
“No problem,” Weiss smiled back, “I have to head to chemistry. If I don’t see you later, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Wait!” Yang blurted, causing Weiss to turn back, “U-um… Before you go, I just wanted to ask you… something.”
Weiss looked up at Yang with a curious twinkle in her eye, “What is it, Yang?”
Yang chuckled nervously as she timidly placed her hand on the back of her head, “I was just wondering if… If you would— um… If you would maybe want to go with me… on a date… on Friday?”
Weiss’ mouth fell ajar as she scrambled for a response, “Oh! Um. Uh…”
“Y-you don’t have to say ‘yes.’ I completely understand if you don’t want to,” Yang added a little too quickly.
“No!” Weiss nearly shouted, “I mean yes! I do want to go on a date with you… But I can’t.”
The brief spark of joy in Yang’s heart was snuffed out.
“Oh… Okay,” she mumbled as she turned to leave.
“Wait!” Weiss called out this time, “Are you free on Saturday? Could we do it then instead?”
Yang’s eyes widened for a moment, “I think we could… Oh, wait. No, I promised Ruby I would watch her track meet on Saturday.”
Weiss looked at her shoes, “Oh…”
A thick fog of quiet formed around them as the rest of the students in the hall flooded into their classrooms.
“Well… Are you busy today after school?” Yang asked.
Weiss flinched, “Um… No, I’m free for the night.”
“Great,” Yang chirped, “So… I’ll pick you up at seven?”
A wide smile slowly formed on Weiss’ face, “That works for me.”
“Awesome,” Yang grinned, “It’s a date!”
The two girls laughed together as the bell indicating classes have started rang loudly.
“Uh oh. I should probably get to class now. I’m already late,” Yang chuckled.
“Yeah, me too,” said Weiss as she tucked a lock of her white hair behind her ear.
“Okay! I’ll see you later!”
As Yang turned to walk away, she made sure to wait a few moments before leaping in joy.
“She said yes!”
Little did she know, her date had heard her cry, and could not contain the smile that it enkindled.
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jiyeong · 5 years
bmblb flowershop au
been CRAVING this for weeks so i wrote one on twitter and im gonna do a post here too so i don’t lose it in my 43k tweets in case i ever do anything more with it (’: but here’s my bee flowershop au pls enjoy. it’s set in late spring/early summer
yang, age 18 and freshly out of highschool, gets her driver’s license and immediately asks for a motorcycle. taiyang gives her the keys to the family minivan instead and tells her if she wants a deathmobile, she can get a job and buy it herself
she’s walking down the main shopping street looking for job opportunities when she sees a cute girl putting up a “help wanted” sign outside a flowershop. it’s blake. the cute girl is blake.
it’s a delivery job and she applies immediately and gets it mostly because she’s the only one who applied, but ironically also because the minivan is big enough to hold large bouquets, has a 5star safety rating, and also does not go faster than 35mph so its extremely unlikely that she will be in any accidents lol
blake’s family’s shop is very popular, and they do a lot of weddings and big events. it’s an on-call job and she gets called in maybe once or twice a week. it’s always blake calling her in, and they always have a nice chat before she has to go deliver the flowers
she finds out blake is the owner’s only daughter, so she’s probably off limits so like ok. disappointing but whatever it’s easy money and she gets to talk to a hot girl every time she goes to work so this is fine
but then she starts getting some really weird deliveries...
the first one is to a wrestling tournament at some prep school. it’s for a boy (sun wukong, the delivery slip says) who giggles like a little schoolgirl as soon as he sees her coming with the flowers, and before he’ll sign for the delivery, starts talking to her about sports and her workout routines, etc
he’s a nice guy, they talk for a bit, and she asks if he got the flowers because he won and he says no, it’s the nationals and he made third place. the whole time he’s grinning like it’s some kind of inside joke, so that’s what she figures it is.
when she goes back to the flowershop, she tells blake about it, about how weird it was delivering to a wrestling tourney of all things- and she’s laughing too.
yang mentions looking at the delivery slip and that she’s never heard of the flowers before. this gets blake GOING.
she tells her that they’re ranunculus flowers, more commonly known as buttercups in some other flowershops, and that they symbolize attraction, that you find someone charming.
“huh. guess he has some big fan out there,” yang laughs.
“yeah,” blake smiles softly, “guess so.”
the second time it happens, it’s a delivery to some small town fashion magazine publisher. this time, blake mentions the flowers before yang leaves.
it is a mixture of carnations,lilies, and white orchids, and they all symbolize, to some degree, beauty. yang supposes it’s fitting considering she’s going to a fashion magazine, i guess??? this makes blake laugh a bit. yang thinks her laugh is really very cute.
the flowers are for a velvet scarlatina. yang notices her fidgeting as she drops them off in her office. it’s not a nervous fidget, more like she’s excited but is a bit too shy to say and doesn’t know how to express it, maybe?
so yang asks. velvet’s surprised by the question, but she smiles and tells her anyways. she’s just been promoted to lead photographer, she’ll have an entire photo editing department to lead starting tomorrow, and it’s probably the biggest thing that’s ever happened to her. it’s exciting! she’s excited! yang congratulates her, she’s genuinely happy for this girl. she seems like a hard worker.
as yang turns to leave, velvet stops her, holds up a camera slowly, and softly asks if she can take yang’s picture. to test out her new lens, she adds.
it’s a little weird, but okay; artsy people are always weird, yang’s smokin hot on a normal day, AND she’s having an incredible hair day today, if she does say so herself. so she agrees. before she leaves, velvet hands her a small rabbit’s foot, “for good luck.”
this time, yang tells both blake and ruby/weiss about it. blake seems amused, but doesn’t say much, and ruby immediately demands to see the rabbit’s foot charm.
while ruby is occupied by the charm, weiss asks yang how her new job is going. yang gets stuck talking about blake, how cute she is and how smart she is and how nice she is. her smile and her face and her voice.
at this point even ruby’s tuned back in.
so, they do what any good sister/sister’s weirdly obsessive girlfriend would do. they tag along the next time she gets called in to work.
ruby and weiss immediately drift to a section of shop on their own, distracted. ruby’s picking out a bouquet of roses for weiss (ugh, yang thinks) as yang walks to the counter where blake sits. this time the bouquet is simple, made of only one flower: gardenias.
“it symbolizes purity and love,” blake tells her.
“wow i feel like 90% of these flowers symbolize purity and love,” yang jokes. it makes blake chuckle, so very softly, and yang feels like a hammer has dropped in her chest. love. oh no.
“probably accurate. gardenias though, if you were wishing to send someone your undying love anonymously, you would send them gardenias,” blake muses, eyes drifting over to ruby and weiss making a fuss in the corner. “it’s a symbol for a secret love.”
yang’s head is screaming. oh no.
yang ends up leaving (ditching) ruby and weiss there with blake.
the flowers are being sent to the same prep school as the wrestling tournament, but instead of the gym she’s headed for the locker rooms. there’s a sign for a track meet today, and the flowers are for an ilia amitola, some star on the team, yang guesses, as she walks through the school.
ilia is the only one still in there, and yang senses the hostility immediately.
ilia absolutely GRILLS her, there’s no other way to describe it. she asks her question after question about her tastes, her hobbies, her personal life. it’s a little intimidating, and yang is still sort of distracted from her revelation at the flowershop (oh nO) so she answers them all.
ilia’s quiet for a bit at the end before signing the slip and letting yang go.
“don’t fuck it up,” she says as yang’s leaving the room. what the hell???
when she gets home she immediately storms into ruby’s room.
“i think im in love with her,” she’s freaking out. pacing. weiss is in there too, because of course she is, and they’re both just staring at her blankly.
apparently, it was obvious.
“I don’t know why you’re freaking out,” weiss huffs. “when was the last time you dated a girl? like, actually, with feelings??”
“shut UP weiss you’re not invited to this conversation. ruby, sweet ruby, my wonderful adorable baby sister with a strange addiction to model guns and extremely violent shooting games, how the fuck do i get over the cute flower girl that makes me feel like i want to bash my head against the concrete??”
“uhhh well, for one, i think weiss has great ideas so im re-inviting her into the conversation. (”thank you,” weiss huffs, because she was raised to be polite even while offended) and two, just, like, uhhh don’t???”
they convince yang to confess to blake. but yang’s like ok it’s been a while since ive had actual, swear-to-god, feelings, so she wants to do something ROMANTIC. something BIG. something GAY.
yang’s saved up a nice chunk of cash from her job - and okay, who needs a motorcycle when you could get a girlfriend? and like, okay, blake works at the shop, so she’s not quite sure if flowers are an appropriate idea, but she’s literally always reading books on flower meanings and flower dictionaries and looking at natgeo magazines etc so she watches shia lebeouf’s just do it video and why the hell not
but she has to do it right - and she asks the only flower experts she knows other than blake. blake’s parents. she wants to get their okay as well anyways - she’d quit if she had to - so it’s like two birds one stone. but yang’s been charming them since her interview, and they’re almost strangely enthusiastic about helping set up their only daughter.
she gets weiss to place the order, because ruby can’t stop giggling on the phone. it’s a HUGE bouquet - full of every flower that symbolizes love that mr & mrs belladonna recommended her. it’s almost embarrassing listening to weiss list the flowers and knowing that blake is the one receiving the order.
the bouquet is so huge that yang insists that she needs help carrying it. conveniently, ruby and weiss are busy doing something gay, so they aren’t free to help her. blake raises her eyebrow when her parents send her off with yang to help. yang thinks it’s very attractive.
the address is a meadow right on the outskirts of town. lots of rolling hills, lots of swaying trees, the sky is clear and you can already see the moon even though it isn’t nighttime yet. it’s all very scenic, a perfect wedding venue. it’s late afternoon when they leave the shop.
“preparing for a wedding so late in the day is so strange,” blake comments on the way there, playing with the radio stations like she owns the van. it makes yang’s heart clench. can you die early from too much feeling? how awful. “what eccentric people, to be having their ceremony so late at night.”
“aha... y-yeah, eccentric people for sure,” yang sweats.
they park on the hill, and there’s no one there. blake steps out of the van, confused. she’s looking at the sunset and it’s as picture perfect as she thought it would be, but where is everyone?
and when she turns around, yang is holding the very large bouquet perfectly fine on her own. she almost shoves it into blake’s face.
“they’re for you,” yang blurts out immediately. “i’m the eccentric people.”
blake’s all ??? for a second. and then it sinks in and she’s laughing because, “do you know how much these flowers cost? did you literally spend all your money on a bouquet of flowers for me, a florist’s daughter who is literally around flowers all day?”
turns out blake has also been spending her money on bouquets for all of her friends uncharacteristically often, with their consent of course, just to get the cute new delivery girl into the store more so she could see her and maybe have a chat. they’ve been returning the flowers with small favors of their own - non-consensual blake makes sure to point out - namely, yang’s favorite workout spots, some really cute not-at-all-candid pictures of yang, and what basically amounted to, yup u guessed it, an entire autobiography of yang herself. god.
they kiss as the sun’s last rays are fading, laughing, on a hill almost an hour’s drive away in a rusty old minivan, and over a ridiculously unnecessary amount of flowers. it’s pretty fuckin gay.
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
RWBY Fables by Squiggles: ”The Most Beautiful Rose”
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Squiggly Disclaimer: 
...Ooookay. You guys remember this, right? This was originally an incomplete RWBY Squiggle Script that I polished up back in June  in the hopes of turning it into my own little project to contribute to the Rose-gardening Rosebuds community. 
...Unfortunately; due to school and other responsibilities that came up, I wasn’t exactly able to really do what I wanted to with this story, sadly to say:/. But since Rosegarden Week II is in season alongwith today being the canonical birthday of a certain lovely rose, this squiggle meister decided to just simply post what I had managed to pull together for this short story.
It’s not exactly what I’d call a finished but...it sells what I wanted to convey with it. Apologies to those who were looking forward to seeing this become something.  I still really, really, REALLY wanted to share this short story especially with my fellow Rosegardeners because it’s based on one of my favourite Rosegarden fan theories---well several of them actually.
So…in the end, I just decided to post this story anyways, as is.  I hope my fellow Rosegardeners will like it maybe if they happen to read the whole thing. 
Happy Rosegarden Week 2.0 and a happy birthday to the most beautiful rose who inspired this short tale of mine. Enjoy! 
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“…It is only with the heart that one can see rightfully. What is essential is invisible to the eye”
- The Little Prince
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I was once just a boy. Another simple farm boy from Mistral in a continent full of them. Nothing special and I used to believe that that was all I was destined to be for the rest of my life. Then my life changed. Suddenly I went from being another farm boy from Mistral to one in a culmination of valiant men who gave their lives to protect humanity from the forces of evil time and time again. You would think that then this would grant me some semblance of individuality. But no. Once again I was made just another in a different category. Nothing special and for a second time, I convinced myself that this was all I was meant to be for the remainder of whatever life I have left. But then I got to know you.
Since we met, you’ve always treated me differently. You’ve always treated me like I was my own person. Like I’m still me. Because that’s who you see when you look at me, right? You don't see him. You don't see them. You see me. To you, I'm not just another life in a lifetime of other lives. To you, I'm unique and I've always appreciated that about you. You always saw me for who I was rather than who I was meant to become. You see me. This is why I want you to know that I see you too.
It's kind of hard not to. Hair red like roses. Silver eyes as radiant as the moon. Endearing. Enchanting. Unforgettable. Beautiful. But that's not all I see when I look at you. I see your honest soul. Your courageous heart. Your indomitable will. Your warmth and genuine kindness to those you believe need help. Your dedication to the people you love. Your unquantifiable spark that drives you. That drives all of us. You are such an extraordinary person destined for greatness. You are the one I look to the most.
So don't think for one second that I would never notice if you were hurting. That I wouldn't be quick to help if someone hurt you. That I wouldn't give anything; do everything in my power to protect that spark of yours and keep that flame burning bright from those who dare try snuffing it out. I may not be the strongest. Or the bravest. I am not that special. But you make me feel that way to you. You have given me the strength to believe in myself. In a legacy of lives, you make me feel unique. So please understand just how much I want you to know how unique you are to me too.
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“Whitley Schnee may be rich and smart but...he's not the only rich or smart person in this world. He's not even the only guy in this world,” Oscar said slowly, “I guess what I’m trying to say is…Remnant is a pretty big world as Jinn showed us. But it doesn’t matter if you are one person in a world of a hundred thousand billion more people. Find that special someone who only has eyes for you. The person who thinks that you’re the most unique to them in all the world.”
Oscar flashed Ruby his most reassuring smile. His hand was resting comfortingly on top hers and at the sight of her disgruntled expression; Oscar gave it a light squeeze in hopes that it would increase his chances of ridding the silver-eyed girl of her melancholy. However much to the former farm boy’s disappointment, Ruby only frowned further in her seat across from him as she gazed idly at the running water of the statuesque fountain before them. Oscar felt his heart sink at the anguish written on Ruby’s face; cheeks red and tear-stained from her previous cry. When she finally spoke, her voice was a whisper.
“Do you really mean what you said?” Ruby said solemnly, “do you think there is someone like that out there… even for me?
The insecurity emphasized in her words was enough to make Oscar grimace. He was so used to seeing Ruby be a beacon of unbridled confidence that it was heartbreakingly difficult seeing her this torn up over herself. So Oscar wasted no time in taking Ruby’s hand again; positioning himself closer to her so that his other hand was now rubbing her opposite shoulder.
“Of course!” Oscar answered confidently, “You have your people who love you, remember? I don't have to tell you that.”
“I know but...that's not what I meant,” Ruby uttered sheepishly, “I meant like...”
She trailed off abruptly. At first Oscar was confused by this, but eventually his eyes widened in realization of what she was trying to imply and he blushed despite himself.
“...Oh! Y---You mean...like a boyfriend?” Oscar said.
His question was only answered by the deepened frown on Ruby’s face. Suddenly her own cheeks turned an embarrassed shade of pink and she avoided Oscar’s inquisitive gaze in embarrassment. “You know what forget I said anything!” Ruby griped stubbornly.  
“No! No! It's okay I get it.” Oscar blurted awkwardly. He then cleared his throat regaining his calm demeanour as he pressed on with his earlier comment. “And yes; of course there's a guy waiting for you,” Oscar assured, “look, I know you were probably hoping for Whitley to be that guy and…it's terrible what he said to you. But...it doesn't mean he'll be the only guy.”
“You sure about that?” Ruby said.
“Of course,” Oscar countered honestly, “You're Ruby Rose. You're amazing.” .
This earned Oscar a smile from Ruby. A small one but genuine at best. Lovely as the twinkle of a star in the night’s sky. But it was unceremoniously short-lived; extinguished yet again as the melancholy returned.
“Oh Oscar, you are so sweet. You’re a sweet guy and it's pretty clear why girls would fall for you,” Ruby said humbly, “and right now I couldn't have asked for a better friend to say such nice things to me. But… I also know you're just saying that as my friend and not a guy who...”
For a second time, Ruby trailed off, suddenly withdrawing herself to hug her arms miserably. As if fighting back tears. Oscar did his best to reach out to her again but Ruby only brushed him off, turning away to hide her face.
“I know…it's dumb of me to get upset over something silly like this,” Ruby said softly, “and normally I wouldn't. I've always prided myself on being the type of girl who didn't care about this kind of stuff.”
“Stuff like what?” Oscar asked.
“My looks. The attention of boys. I mean who cares, right?”  Ruby scoffed dryly, “I never had to care. I'm a huntress. I fight villains and monsters ten…no, hundred times my size everyday not for the fame and glory of the title but because it’s the right thing to do. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always wanted to be like the heroes in the stories Yang and my mom would read to me. I wanted to be the kind of person that gives people hope because when the chips are down, even the tiniest bit of hope can be enough to bind us. I thought that way of thinking was honourable. Admirable even.”
“It is…” Oscar tried to say but Ruby cut him off.
“So then why should I care if some handsome rich boy tells me that my way of thinking is naïve and pointless,” Ruby said, voice rising angrily, “that my goals and ambitions are ridiculous because a single huntress like me is worthless when an army can do my job and more.”
“ …Ruby…”
At this point, the tears had returned to her face and Oscar’s heart sank.
“…That….that the only reason he even considered pursuing me was because of my silver eyes?” Ruby sobbed, “that if it wasn’t for that, he’d probably ask one of the many other girls who are far superior than me. That’s the word he used. As if to make fun of my intelligence too. Because…what? It’s not like I have anything else going for me. According to Whitley, I’m no special flower. Why consider myself the prettiest most unique rose when there are plenty others far prettier than I’ll ever be. I mean I didn’t really need him to tell me that. I’ve known that all along…”
“ …Weiss, Blake, Yang, Nora, Neon--- Of course guys would find them desirable. They’re all so very beautiful.
But me…I…”
An aching sob.
Tears stained her face, her trembling, tasting her bitterness of her own emotions.
“…I’m not...”
It was evident what she was about to say and at this point, Oscar had had enough.
She was breaking. Literally falling apart before his eyes.
Slowly but surely, Oscar touched Ruby’s cheek. She needed her to hear him. He willed her to listen to him as he ran his thumb gently across her skin, wiping away any stray tears that fell.
“Ruby, look at me.” Oscar said softly.
She ignored him. “Look at me, please.” Oscar implored.
With another whimper, Ruby met the farm boy’s gaze.
“Okay. This is the part where you stop and you listen to me very carefully, okay?” Oscar said determinedly.
Ruby said nothing. So Oscar continued.
“ Y’know when we first met Whitley, I thought he was a pretty smart guy,” Oscar admitted,  “It’s…one of the reasons why I thought you liked him so much. But I’ve misjudged him just as much as he’s misjudged you. I can withhold my tongue about a lot of things but I will not stand here and watch you cry in front of me while saying you’re not beautiful. That is ridiculous and don’t you dare think otherwise.”
Gently, Oscar wiped away the tears that streaked down Ruby’s cheek, his tender gaze never leaving her. He was rewarded for a second time with a small smile from Ruby who couldn’t resist the light-hearted laugh that escaped her lips. “How do you do that?” she managed to blubber out, “Know exactly what to say to help me feel better?”
“Well, you always know what to say to inspire others. Let’s just say I learned from the best.” Oscar replied warmly.
“You’re just saying that.” Ruby said coyly.
“ I mean it, though,” Oscar said honestly, “you're an extraordinary girl  Ruby Rose. So Whitley Schnee wasn’t the perfect date. That’s fine. Clearly he didn’t deserve you to begin with if he’s willing to look pass even the minor details of what makes you so great. Besides there’ll be other guys.”
Ruby’s face fell and at this; Oscar lifted her chin so she was looking directly at him as he emphasized his next words.
“There will be other guys,” Oscar said firmly, “any guy who gets to fall in love with you or just be with you … is...the luckiest guy in the world.” 
“You really think there’s a guy like that out there for me?” Ruby asked.
“Of course!” Oscar answered, “Out there...” He then cupped Ruby’s face, touching his forehead to hers. “…R---Right here. Right...in front to you.” Oscar added softly; voice practically a whisper.
“…What?” Ruby asked.                                                            
Oscar’s cheeked turned pink at Ruby’s reaction but still he kept his gaze determined. “I'm saying...I'm that guy,” Oscar said, gentle yet confident, “I mean...I want to be that guy. I want to be the guy who gets to stand by your side. I want to be the guy who does everything he can to make you happy. I want to be the guy who feels like the luckiest person in the world because he gets to be with you. I’m saying…I love you , Ruby…”
Ruby’s eyes widened. Her heartbeat quickened. She couldn’t believe her ears.
Oscar loves her.
He loves her.
Did she hear him correctly?
The heat rose in Ruby’s face extending to her ears which were practically ringing at that point.
Oscar loves her. The thought alone dissolved Ruby’s inner mind into a tidal wave of emotions.
Surprise. Disbelief. Confusion. Nervousness. More confusion. All mixed in with a strange feeling that Ruby never realized was there before. It was…a lighter kind of sensation that the silver-eyed huntress couldn’t quite pinpoint yet she found herself grasping and holding onto it as desperately as she could while riding the high of the sensation.
But before Ruby could be consumed further by her own spiralling thoughts, Oscar brought her a welcomed distraction. To Ruby’s surprise, the boy’s previously confident demeanour broke. No more was he the charming prince who boldly professed his love for her.  He became an awkward teenage farm boy again. An awkward country pumpkin as Oscar let go of Ruby’s face; looking away to cover his own freckled face which was now redder than Ruby had ever seen it. “I---I'm sorry.” Oscar practically squeaked.
Ruby only waved her hands wildly; equally flustered. “No, no it's fine! It’s totally fine!” she managed to say, “I…I…I just…I just never… thought that you were---”
“ … Interested?” Oscar interrupted; peeping through his fingers curiously.
“Interested in... me?” Ruby corrected embarrassedly, “Y’know, like that.  I mean…why would you---”
“Are you kidding me? Why wouldn't I?” Oscar interjected; now uncovering his face with a look of disbelief.
The two then stared at each other for a beat before eventually; looking away; both blushing like crazy. An awkward silence fell between them with nothing but the rush of the fountain providing the perfect disruption. Until finally; after a while, Oscar cleared his throat to speak again. His tone resolute.
“Let me put it another way,” Oscar said, “to give credit where it’s due, Whitley was right about one thing. There are…other beautiful flowers. The world is full of them. My Aunt Em used to say that flowers are a part of what gives the world its beauty. It’s part of their purpose and people are no different. It’s like what I said earlier. If someone is truly important to you and means the world to you, then it wouldn't matter if there are others because that one person will always be the most special to you.
That's how I see you. When you're with your team or…even if there is a room full of other pretty girls, I'm not looking at them. I'm looking at you. You're the one I look to the most. All the time. I look to you when I'm happiest because most of the time, you’re the reason. I look to you when I feel…overwhelmed because your courage gives me strength when I need it most. I look to you for guidance because your leadership keeps us moving forward. Keeps me moving forward.
Oz once described you as someone with an unquantifiable spark that can inspire anyone even in the darkest of times and I’m grateful I’ve been blessed enough to see the truth in that. I meant what I said when I said you are an extraordinary huntress and you’re an even more amazing person.”
“You…really think that way about me?” Ruby asked.
“I’ve thought this way about you since day one,” Oscar confessed, “the day I first looked at you and since then I’ve always looked to you for many things. And the more times I did, the more I saw your beauty shine through. Please don’t sell yourself short just because one ignorant person told you differently.”
Oscar then stared off at something behind Ruby. Following his gaze, Ruby realized he was looking at a small rose bush not too far from where the two sat by the fountain. Smiling Oscar got up and walked over to the bush. Ruby watched quietly as the former farm boy plucked one of the roses off its stem. As Oscar returned, Ruby got a closer look at the small flower in his hand. At first glance, it appeared to be a yellow rose, its petals a shimmering gold in the evening light. But upon further inspection, Ruby noticed the reddened tips. It was a circus rose. At least that was the name Ruby recalled Oscar expertly telling her during one of their past conversations. Oscar twirled the rose between his fingers, caressing its flushed yellow petals.
“Yes, this world is full of many beautiful flowers. Even other lovely roses,” Oscar continued thoughtfully, “but that doesn’t matter to me because in my eyes, you’re the most beautiful one, Ruby.”
The smile on Oscar’s face widened into a grin; bright and handsome, as he held the rose out to Ruby. At first Ruby just stared blankly at the flower, unsure what to do. But when she noticed the soft look on Oscar’s face and the way the sunset just happened to make his hazel eyes shine, she felt a sudden pang in his chest.
She didn’t know how to describe this sudden feeling. It felt strange. Entirely new to her. All Ruby knew was that it was making Oscar appear differently in her eyes. Ruby couldn’t tell if it was the setting or just her active imagination the way Oscar practically glowed before her eyes. The wind kissing his face. His eyes forever locked with hers. His lips etched in a smile that sung affection. It was a sight that made Ruby’s heart thunder and her face warmer than a summer breeze.
‘What is this feeling all of sudden?’ Ruby thought as she slowly accepted the rose from Oscar; her face a perfect pretty canvas of pink.
“…W—W--Wow I...I… don’t know what to say,” Ruby said blushingly, “I mean… I should say…thank you ? No wait, I shouldn’t say thank you. I mean thank you for the rose. Just not…y’know…thank you for the other thing…you said before. I---I don't think that's what you'd want to hear, right? It's not something you say right after a guy tells you he loves----It’s definitely not something you should say.”
Oscar tilted his head in an expression that unintentionally made Ruby’s heart sing its second chorus.
“Why shouldn’t it be?” Oscar said inquisitively, “If your gratitude is you being honest then nothing bad about that.”
“Yeah but… it's not what I'm supposed to say,” Ruby groaned awkwardly, “I'm supposed to say it back. I’m supposed to tell you how I feel about you.”
“Well how do you feel about me?” Oscar asked calmly.
“I… don’t know...” Ruby said unsurely. A playful grin then toyed at her lips as a mischievous thought came to mind. “I mean… if we’re being completely honest here, you are a little young for me,” Ruby commented sarcastically with an innocent shrug, “you’re also way too old for me. Then there’s the whole bit about you sharing a body with my old headmaster. A little weird but… there was that other Ozpin who had a family when Ozma was around. So I guess we wouldn’t have to worry about Ozpin interrupting us if we went on a date or something. So not entirely a deal breaker for me.”
“Hey I’m confessing here,” Ruby grumbled, sticking out her tongue childishly. She had only meant for it to be a casual joke; as a means of lightening the air between them. But instead, Oscar said this:
“I know and I’m asking you to be serious,” the farm boy remarked sincerely, “I’m not asking you how you feel about Ozpin or…Ozma. How do you feel about me?”
This took Ruby off guard and it must’ve shown on her face for Oscar’s expression softened; reflecting almost a silent need for Ruby for confirm something that he almost needed her to say. Something that seemed to almost transcend a requited love confession. Upon realizing this, Ruby felt bad for her previous conduct.
“I know I really like you,” Ruby finally admitted with a smile, “A lot actually. Sometimes a bit too much but that’s only because I care very, very much.”
“Of course, mother hen.” Oscar teased knowingly. Ruby shot him a quick unamused pout; making Oscar chuckled, but otherwise she continued her speech.
“You see that right there. You don’t get annoyed when I say crazy stuff. You’re patient. Brave. Kind. Smart. You could be a bit stubborn sometimes but that’s fine cause I’m stubborn too,” Ruby said, “you’re one of my closest friends. Sure we’ve only known each other a few months but…I feel like I’ve known you longer and I want to know you longer. I don’t want what we have to stop.”
“Ruby Rose is a companion to Oscar Pine for all of his lifetimes. That’s what you promised me, right?” Oscar said.
“I did,” Ruby reassured with a gentle smile, “and I still plan on keeping that promise no matter what because I really do like you a lot Oscar.”
“…But, you don’t love me?” Oscar interjected, expectantly.
However Ruby shook her head. “That’s the weird part. I don’t know,” she admitted, “all I know is that I really like you. But the way I like you is different. It’s not the same as how I like Weiss or Jaune or Blake or Ren or Nora or anyone else. It’s not even how I liked Whitley. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before but yet I can’t say what it is.
I’m mostly just confused . I’m not really saying yes because I don’t want to lie to you and… I’m definitely not saying thank you because even that doesn’t feel right. But…I’m not saying no either…”
“I…don’t really have an answer,” Ruby finally finished, “I'm sorry.”
To Ruby’s surprise, Oscar only offered her another kind smile; as he took her free hand in his. Even through the pair of red gloves he wore, Ruby’s skin felt like hot iron from their contact.
“Ruby, it's okay,” Oscar said understandingly, “You don’t have to give me an answer. I'm not really asking you to.”
Ruby blinked in surprise. “You're...not?”
Oscar smiled. “No,” he said sincerely, “I wanted to know how you feel about me but… that doesn’t mean I wanted to force you to answer my confession. My feelings are my own that I just wanted to share with you. Not because I expect you to return them but mostly just cause I wanted you to know how I feel about you. How I really feel about you,”
‘…While I still have a chance to say it to your face,’ Oscar added as a thought. And though his heart went blue for a brief moment, he still smiled brightly against his inner sadness. He couldn’t afford to stop smiling. Not when he was sitting in the presence of the girl her loved. For her, he would brave anything. Even his own strife.
“But…more than that,” Oscar pressed on, “I just wanted to see you smile again. Whitley’s true feelings made you cry. I was hoping mine would make you smile. I love you most when you're smiling. Your smile is one of the most beautiful things about you. I guess the only real answer I want to know is if I cheered you up.”
Now it was Ruby’s turn to smile. Despite herself, a few tears trickled down her cheek but they weren’t tears of sadness. They were from the sheer amount of happiness that swelled in Ruby’s chest for the young boy seated before her. The boys whose radiance and kind words quelled the heartache she’d once felt. Ruby felt beyond touched. “You did,” she managed to say through her soft sobbing, “You most definitely did.”
Ruby then closed the gap between her and Oscar, nudging close enough to rest her head on his shoulder. “Thank you, Oscar.” She whispered gratefully. With a sigh of contentment, her mind and her heart were finally at ease.
Seeing the silver-eyed huntress so calm made Oscar’s own smile grow into a proud grin. Draping his arm around Ruby’s shoulder, he pulled her closer to him to allow his head to against hers. “For you. Always.” The former farm boy whispered warmly. Though his voice was soft Ruby heard his words. She felt her heart crescendo and she was appreciative that Oscar couldn’t see her face in that moment as the prominent blush that was practically burned into her face from before deepened.
“Okay...now I see it.” Ruby giggled bashfully.
“See what?” Oscar asked.
“Why everyone keeps calling you little prince,” Ruby answered, “you’re kinda like the ones from my favourite old fairy-tales.”
“The ones who save the princess?” Oscar asked.
“The ones who they fall in love with,” Ruby said, looking up at Oscar’s face as she said it. His eyes widened in surprise making Ruby looking away coyly. Seriously, if her face got any redder, she’d give her own signature cape steady competition.
“But y’know…they’re just stories.” Ruby added quickly with an awkward laugh that was louder than she intended.
Fortunately her awkwardness only appeared to amuse Oscar. “You planning on living happily ever after with me now, Ms Rose?” Oscar teased with a wink. This earned him a playful shove courtesy of Ruby. ‘Okay, when did he get this cheeky and why is it so cute?’ She thought, ‘…wait cute?’  
“I’m just saying you can be charming when you need to be, Mr. Pine,” Ruby retorted wryly.
Oscar only nudged Ruby’s shoulder; laughing.
“Y’know I should probably start calling you something like that too. I never really liked the little prince nickname. Maybe sweet prince suits you better,” Ruby remarked lightly. She had meant it as a small joke but upon seeing Oscar’s smirk; eyebrows quirked, Ruby regretted everything. Now her face and cape were a perfectly set.
“I---I---I mean…” Ruby tried to correct herself but her words failed her and instead she settled on her humiliation. “I didn't...say that out loud, did I?” she stuttered.
“Yep you did,” Oscar said chuckling lightly, “but it's alright. If it's you, I don't mind.” “And I don’t mind the new nickname either so long as I get to be just your sweet prince.” He then added boldly.
“You’re not going to let me forget that one, aren’t you?” Ruby groaned.
“Never.” Oscar chuckled.
The two friends then shared a laugh.
For a moment, Oscar met Ruby’s gaze, beaming charmingly.  Ruby returned the smile, the warmth in her cheeks returning as the two sat smiling at each other.
“So, what do we do now?” Oscar asked after some time.
“Whatever we like, I suppose,” Ruby replied casually.
“Ready to head back inside?” Oscar asked.
“ …I dunno.” Ruby said with a frown.
“What Whitley said still bugging you?” Oscar asked glumly.
Ruby nodded miserably. “A little bit.” She said.
Oscar then poked Ruby’s cheek lightly, prompting her to look at him.
“Hey. Beautiful flowers are meant to be admired by everyone, not kept in the dark,” Oscar assured, “besides what would a rich boy know about caring for flowers?”
“What do you mean?” Ruby asked.
“Well it's like something my Aunt Em used to say about gardening,” Oscar said wisely, “rich folk may have all the money in the world but they don’t know a darn thing about gardening. They're so used to buying that the only green they every learnt to care for is their giant bags of money. Therefore, rich folks don’t make good gardeners. That's why the Gods made farmers because farmers know how to care better for crops and flowers of all kinds.”
“Okay but… what's that have to do with me?” Ruby asked.
Oscar smirked. “Well my lovely rose, sounds like you could use a farm boy. Not a rich boy.” He said with a wink.
Ruby couldn’t resist the laugh that escaped her lips. “Seriously? You did not just say that.” She giggled.
“I made you laugh, didn’t I? That counts,” Oscar quipped with a light chuckle, “I mean we can stay out here all night if that’s what you really want or…you can let this farm boy show Whitley Schnee and all of Atlas how truly beautiful you are. What do you say to that?”
Oscar offered Ruby his hand.
“I say…”
Ruby’s gaze fell to her circus rose; still in her hand from when Oscar had given it to her earlier. With a bright grin, Ruby tucked the rose in her hair as she accepted Oscar’s hand.
She then leaned in and kissed Oscar on the cheek---a gesture which pleasantly surprised him.
“Lead the way, my sweet prince.” Ruby said.
Oscar only beamed; leading Ruby back inside as the two rosebuds re-entered the festivities together.
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Squiggly Commentary:
 You can almost say that this story is a continuation; drawing reference to other scripts I’ve done before such as ‘A-Dork-You!’, ‘A Sister’s Blessing’ and ‘As You Go’. I made this story under the impression and headcanon that as their friendship grows, so does Ruby and Oscar’s overall trust in each other to the point that they are perfectly comfortable initiating physical contact with one another especially if it was meant to console the other. 
Usually Ruby is the one to always initiate contact between her and Oscar, according to the canon. My hunch is that at some point, Oscar will start reciprocating the same gentle touches Ruby would at times give him to the point that the two Rosebuds are completely at ease with committing to gestures such as cupping the other’s face, holding hands, resting their head against the other’s shoulder and breathing in the consolation that comes with their company. Y’know that sort of jazz. So that’s what I used in this story.
Sorry if this also wasn’t the kind of love confession story where feelings are reciprocated in the moment and the two lovers kiss. I wanted this short story to mostly emphasize on Oscar finally being open to Ruby about his feelings for her. Once it was brought up, Oscar had no choice but to bit the bullet and he made that choice.
For me, this is the most realistic I can envision the RoseGarden confession. At least the side where Oscar confesses first and Ruby moves forward knowing how Oscar feels about her.
Whitley is a little shit in this. Sorry to my fellow Whits. Although my feelings toward Whitley as a character have lightened a lot since V5, I based this script purely on my original RWBY Musing #24 where Whitley showcased just how much his father had influenced his behaviour particularly his treatment of women.
I even took it a step further with this concept by having Ruby being enamoured with Whit after their first encounter, believing him to be a pleasant gentlemen and love interest despite Weiss’ warnings about her brother’s true colours.
Ruby expressing genuine interest in a person she considers a crush is a side of her we have yet to explore in the main series. So for this script, I wanted to toy with the notion of what if…Ruby genuinely had feelings for Whitley and thought he felt the same way about her only to be greatly disappointed when it is later revealed that Whitley saw Ruby no different than how Jacques saw his own wife.
I’ve mentioned Whitley asking Ruby to be his date to the Atlas Ball many times over and it’s a headcanon I’m still holding onto; albeit I’ve shared different versions of this hunch. I’ve mostly talked about Ruby only agreeing to be Whitley’s date as a favour to Weiss to help with her investigation into her family affairs.
This is the first instance where I’ve actually entertained the thought of Ruby going to the dance with Whitley because she actually liked him. As you could probably tell by some of my past musings and headcanons, seeing Ruby behave like an average teenaged girl, gushing over boys especially one she might have a crush on is something I think would be cute to see.
I’m probably the cheese that stands alone with this thought but if I may further entertain this theory, imagine Ruby being the type of romantic who falls hard whenever she develops an interest in someone. She already does so much for her family and friends. Can you imagine a hopelessly in love Ruby Rose? I can picture that just as vividly as I can depict a close Rosegardening rosebud friendship and potential romance.
I can definitely see Ruby being the type of girl to gush over someone she likes to her friends. So imagine how it would be for Oscar, being the guy who secretly likes Ruby, to also be the close friend she feels comfortable enough talking about her crush to. I figured Ruby would talk to Oscar about this kind of stuff because unlike her sister and teammates, she wouldn’t be judged or teased about it especially if her crush was Whitley (which Weiss greatly disapproves of for obvious reasons).
This script is a culmination of theories that I wanted to touch base on and it basically spawned into a story that I’m proud of. I know I say that almost most of my writing but it’s hard to not feel giddy when you put a theory to paper and turn it into a story. If I had to picture how Oscar would first confess his feelings for Ruby and her reaction to hearing it, this would be it.
It’s not the typical confession moment nor is it the traditional unrequited love moment idea. I genuinely think if Oscar were to confess to Ruby, he would outwardly admit he loves her. Just tell that he wants to be the guy that gets to fall in love with her. Just as much as I wouldn’t expect Ruby to refuse Oscar’s feelings. In a way she would accept them. Just not have an answer for him. But she wouldn’t keep him waiting either. Just as how Oscar wouldn’t hold it to her to give him an answer because that’s not what’s most important.
This plays into another ancient RoseGarden headcanon I have where Oscar would confess and the two will move forward knowing how Oscar truly feels about Ruby but it wouldn’t affect their friendship as awkwardly. But it would provide an opening for Ruby to ponder on how she feels for Oscar. She understands he’s not holding her to return his love. However at the same time, there is that curious side of Ruby that wonders what it would be like if she were to fall in love with Oscar. Could she see herself doing that? And if she did, how would it affect her? How it would affect their entire relationship? Their friendship. Would she even wish to return those feelings knowing the truth of the Merge and the lingering mystery of the fate that spells for Oscar?
This is why I like this concept a lot. It lays everything out on the table while leaving room for more growth and opportunities to explore bonds and the meanings behind them. I’m not saying this is how I perfectly envision the Rosegarden romance taking root in the canon. I’m just saying it’s an idea.
All in all, I hope you guys have enjoyed this short story of mine and if you can, please let me know if you did enjoy it. I’d mighty appreciate it if you do.
Not sure if this counts as a worthy contribution to @rwbyrosegardenweek​ but I hope it does :D 
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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commandervisor · 4 years
Since you're just about to start vol 7, is there any theories you have going forward? Is there something you really want to see happend? Have you been spoiled for anything?
Putting this under a “Read More” because this is just one thing after another… 
Theories? In hindsight after writing all of this, most of it is not the main cast because I guess at the moment, they’re rather well-adjusted and/or recovering from their issues rather well lol, so I can’t make big enough guesses on them right now.
Emerald and maybe Mercury GTFO there, I think being stuck in Salem’s castle with Hazel until whatever goes down in Atlas I guess will 
Emerald becomes a Maiden, my guesses are:
A “redeemed” Cinder thinks of Emerald in her last moments, but it’s kept vague if she was thinking of her because she actually cared about her or because of something completely unrelated to that (ex. “Emerald better have-*gets killed midsentence*”).
Otherwise, Cinder finds out Emerald is now a Maiden and turns against her. Now Emerald has to deal with her mother figure, the woman who saved her life, wanting her dead.
Either way, I think this could lead to her redemption.
Mercury is pretty hard to read, especially after what he said in V6 about why he acts the way he does and how he feels about his relationship with Cinder and Emerald. Tyrian summed him up as just putting up a tough exterior because he doesn’t know anything else, so if something like Emerald going rogue happens, then it’ll be interesting to see how long he’ll keep those barriers up against Emerald.
Cinder “redemption” arc. I don’t know how, but it would constitute showing her backstory (because that infatuation for power and not wanting to be powerless has to come from something, and she’s based on Cinderella, so.). V6 already had Salem basically kicking her out of the house for disobeying her (albeit she’s apparently still keeping an eye on her…), so Cinder left to her own devices could end up doing a lot more loose cannon-y things outside of trying to get revenge on Ruby and this eventually leads into her becoming an anti-villain and something of an anti-hero?
Pyrrha’s and maybe Amber’s souls are actually connected to Cinder, kind of like with Ozpin and Oscar, because 1) Maiden mechanics? and 2) It seems strange to me that back in V3 when they hooked up Pyrrha to Amber in that aura transfer machine, they made a big deal out of how Pyrrha “might not be the same” if the transfer works but then she died anyways so that part seemingly didn’t matter outside of brief angst? At the moment, I don’t know where this would go other than Pyrrha and Amber kind of haunting Cinder like ghosts, maybe this could lead to her “redemption”?
After what happened with Vernal, I don’t know what to make of Winter Schnee and Summer Rose as possible Maidens, but it seems relevant? We’ll just have to wait and see.
Likewise, I don’t really know where Hazel’s arc may go, either they’ll keep him as someone who refuses to move forward and ends up dying a bitter, meaningless life, or he’ll finally realize that and maybe help the heroes against Salem and/or Em & Merc leave Salem (I think him trying to take the blame for Cinder’s failure in V6 was foreshadowing), probably at the cost of his life because I can’t imagine him turning against Salem and managing to walk away alive.
Weiss tearing Jacques a new one, because we got Yang doing that to Raven in V5 and Blake (and Yang) doing it to Adam in V6 too, so I think we’ll continue to see cycles of abuse, hate, spite, and so on get broken from this point on.
And also take Whitley and GTFO there too, it’d be neat to see him unlearn his behavior from being under Jacques this whole time and I guess “redeem” himself… I have no idea who should take him in but he could stay with Maria if she and the group are parting ways in Atlas, it probably wouldn’t be safe for him to tag along with RRAYNBBOW (or however they’re called now lol). I pretty much envision this as what Eh**z said about Azulademption if it had happened in ATLA (”I’m happy.” “Yes, we know you are, Whitley.”).
Tai fighting, because they’ve established him as being retired while Raven and Qrow are still in action, so I think we might see him fight at some point as things come to a head.
Because RWBY is a good show that knows how to properly “subvert expectations”, it is to be expected that a lot of questions and mysteries will get answered (ex. Almost everything about Summer, Raven/The Spring Maiden subplot to come back, probably if a Maiden killing another Maiden actually boosts their power or not, whatever they have to do to teach Salem her lesson, etc.), and there are a lot of endgames they’re likely building up to (ex. Salem is defeated, Oz and Salem reunite and reconcile in the afterlife, Oscar is the last Oz reincarnation because Oz’s quest finally gets a happy ending, the Gods leave Remnant alone, maybe the Grimm disappear from Remnant, etc.).
Things I want to see happen (outside of ships because I think y’all know already lol):
I think this is a victim of the show trying to find its footing early on, which does happen, but I think it would be/have been neat if we got to see Ruby’s friends from Signal at some point (I’m guessing this might be prime self-insert OC material) or at least get a glimpse of the “elementary”/”primary” Huntsmen academies, if only because I like worldbuilding/lore and Chekhov’s guns/foreshadowing :P. Though I doubt this will happen since the show is moving in a really different direction from the school setting it had back in V1-V3, which is fine.
Jacques joining Adam in clown hell
STRQ flashbacks, and maybe a TRQ reunion? Again, I can see this as something happening as things come to a head, especially since this would require Raven to kind of turncoat back to the good guys.
EDIT: I would also like to see Goodwitch come back, but I guess that might be a while since we’re focusing on Atlas at the moment and then presumably Vacuo?
Watts shaving his dumb moostash
More anime voice actors, because OH WOW IT’S AMAZING HOW THE ACTING INDUSTRY WORKS, HUH VI? 
I think that’s all I can think of for now… Anything else I usually wonder about is something I bring up in my liveblogs? I think??
Have I been spoiled for anything? Yeah, I guess, but it was because of people rb’ing RWBY on my dash/TL/whatever before I started watching the show, so I didn’t have context and I didn’t think much of any of it beyond that they looked neat. That, plus me having the memory of a goldfish about all of that probably helped… For example, ask me about Homestuck, The Adventure Zone, Critical Role, The Arcana, etc. because I see those on my dash a lot, but I have no idea what they’re about other than maybe some general info and a couple of character names.
That being said, I knew/know about some characters that hadn’t/haven’t shown up yet because that’s pretty hard to avoid (at the beginning, I only really knew RWBYJNPR, Sun, Penny, and also Ozpin, Qrow, and Summer but pretty much in name only; back when V7 started, I did notice a lot of popularity with certain characters from that volume), and some things I did know like someone being able to turn into a bird (when the Faunus lore got introduced, I thought this was going to be a Faunus power lol*), Blake was or was not a cat-person, Summer being gone, Bumbleby being the ship, and maybe more that I can’t remember at the moment.
* …“What I expected vs. What I got: RWBY Edition” is probably something that warrants its own post. Hmm…
It’s 3 AM and this is a huge garbled mess, but as you might guess, I’m really invested in RWBY right now and it’s fun wondering where they’ll take the story next. This is quality.
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