#curtis everett
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I was preparing for it later, I was thinking she'd crack first, but this! Oooh! This is lovely this is. So much for "one more part before bed." I need answers now.
I Know I Should Know Better 3
Pairing: Curtis Everett x Female Reader, past Colin Shea x Female Reader
Word Count: ~4k
Summary: Curtis has been working as your body guard for almost two years now. Standing by and watching you work and party your life away is becoming more and more difficult, but is there anything he can do about it?
Warnings: Angst, adult themes, complicated power dynamics, minor age difference (not explicit in this part, but reader is mid-twenties and Curtis is early thirties), drinking & implied drug use, explicit language, bad boyfriend (Colin isn't even in this part and yet he's somehow even worse??), self-destructive behavior, anxiety, negative self-talk. Everyone's having a bad time, you guys. All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist
A/N: Uh... It has to get worse before it can get better?? **runs and hides**
Any comment, reblog, or ask to let me know what you think will be greatly appreciated. Even if it's just screaming at me. 😄 As always, thank you so much for reading! 💜
The party was raging.
People filled your living room and kitchen. They were on your deck, in your pool. Curtis scanned the area, trying to figure out where you’d gotten off to. He didn’t like not having eyes on you.
He checked his watch. It was well past three. Christ. It’d started with you declaring the club you were at “fucking dead” a little before midnight. A small group had followed you home and then they’d called their friends who’d called their friends who’d called their friends.
People milled around him. Whispers of “Did you hear whose house this is?” “I haven’t seen her, yet. Have you?” “My cousin invited me. He knows her publicist’s assistant’s roommate.”
One woman stumbled over to him. “Hey!” she whisper-yelled. “How much for two?”
“What.” he growled.
“Two!” she repeated, shoving two fingers in his face. “How much?”
Just as Curtis was about to lose it completely, her friend crashed into her. “What are you doing?” The friend asked. She looked at how her companion was holding her bag, ready to remove the correct amount of cash, then up at Curtis and let out a wild cackle. “No!” she said. “That’s her bodyguard!”
“What?” The first woman asked. “You said the guy in all black in the corner.”
The friend’s laughter was nearly uncontrollable now. “Yeah, that corner!” She raised an arm and gestured to the other side of the house.
“Oh my god!” screeched the first woman and also into giggles, as they thankfully made their way somewhere fucking else.
Curtis pushed himself off the wall. He needed to find you.
You weren’t in the kitchen, or out by the pool. He’d already been in the living room. He finally found you on the stairs up to the bedrooms, slumped against the wall. He crouched in front of you and said your name a few times before finally getting your attention.
“Mmm, Curtis,” you said, your eyes half-closed. “I’m sleepy.”
He sighed. “Well, it’s almost four in the morning, so that makes sense.”
“I’m gonna go t’bed.” You grabbed the railing above your head and put all of your weight on it as you tried to lift yourself. You faltered and he reached out, a hand on your hip to steady you. “Oh boy,” you whispered as you tried again to right yourself. “Bedtime.”
Curtis said your name again, trying and failing to keep his frustration at bay. “Your house is still full of people.”
You were moving up the stairs now and waved dismissively to him behind you. “Get rid of ‘em. I’m done.”
That’s not my job was at the tip of his tongue, but arguing with you right now would be useless. So he followed you up the stairs to make sure you didn’t fall and excused himself once you were safely in your bedroom. In the hallway, he took a deep breath, trying to push down the anger and frustration he felt. It wasn’t his job. He shouldn’t have to do it. But he would.
Back downstairs, he went straight to your sound panel and cut the music to the whole house. “Alight!” he bellowed. “Party’s over. Get the fuck out!” He had no energy for niceties at this point.
As people, very slowly, started milling out of your house, there was a heavy and demanding banging at your door. He grumbled and made his way to the front, finding two cops standing there. Fucking shit.
Opening it, he plastered on what he hoped but doubted was a friendly smile. “Morning, officers. How can I help you?”
“Is the homeowner here?” one cop asked while the other craned his head around to try to get a look inside. It did not seem to be a professional curiosity. Goddamnit.
“The homeowner,” he said, trying to give away as little information as possible, “is asleep. But I work here. What can I do for you?”
The first cop straightened. “Well, sir, we’ve had several noise complaints from the neighbors tonight. Looks like you all had quite the party.”
He gave the slightest nod of acknowledgment. “But as you can see, everyone’s going home now.” Curtis moved over slightly to make sure his large frame filled the doorway. Who knew what was still going on behind him?
The officer watched the people stumbling out around him for a moment. “Well–”
“I’m sure,” Curtis interrupted, “that she��d be incredibly appreciative if you let her off with a warning. Just this once. And I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.” He hoped it was worth the slight acknowledgment of who you were to avoid making this an even bigger problem.
The cop looked around again and then nodded. “Since everything’s already breaking up here. And you promise you’ll make sure she’s more responsible next time?” He looked to Curtis who nodded, knowing it was a big, fat lie. “Alright, yeah, I think a warning’s all that’s needed here. You have a good rest of your night.”
Curtis’s sigh of relief was cut short by the other cop stepping forward. A closer look revealed how young he was, early 20s. “Hey,” he said, “could you tell her that I really loved her in Sweet Sixteen? I used to have that Teen Vogue cover up in my locker.” Curtis tried not to grimace as the young man fished a card out of his breast pocket and held it out to Curtis. “And maybe give this to her? I know she just broke up with that guy, but I gotta shoot my shot, right?” He was lucky that Curtis just silently took the card instead of commenting on the fucking audacity. It was too late/early to deal with any of this bullshit.
“Well,” he said, trying to prevent an awkward moment and get out of this while he was technically ahead, “really appreciate you both coming out here. Have a good night.” The instant the cops started turning around, Curtis closed the door. He immediately tore up the cop’s card and added it to the mess of the living room.
He spent the next hour or so going through the house, kicking out the stragglers and making sure nothing was irreparably damaged. By the time he was done, it was just about five o’clock. Christ. He stood by the door. He could leave. He should leave. He’d done more than enough. He clenched and unclenched his hands once, twice, three times. He turned around and went to your kitchen, filling a large glass of water. Then he got two aspirin from your medicine cabinet. He took it all into your bedroom and set it on your nightstand. He checked to make sure you were sleeping on your side, then pulled your trash can so it was right next to the bed. Ok, now he could go.
It was after six when he finally got home. He sent a text to Michelle as he got off his bike.
Hey, I’m just getting home now. Last night was bad. She threw a party, cops came. Just a warning for noise complaints, but I’m sure the whole thing will be on TMZ in a few hours. Going to bed. Don’t know when I’ll be in. Only call if you absolutely need me.
He looked at it for a moment, then added
There needs to be a conversation about what my job actually entails
He knew Michelle wasn’t the right person to send that last bit to. She wasn’t his boss. But he was exhausted and he needed someone to know that he was at the end of his rope.
You were going through a hard time, he knew that. You’d ended your relationship with Colin in spectacular fashion, posting a picture to your Instagram stories of the flowers he’d sent the day after your fight on the deck lying in your trashcan, his apology note fluttering above them with the text “No thanks @ColinSheaOfficial.” It hadn’t been your most thought-through decision. Tanya had freaked out and it was deleted 15 minutes later, but it was too late. The post had immediately gone viral. Colin hadn’t been happy and had spent the last month telling anyone who would listen (bro-y podcasts, mostly) how awful it’d been to date you – you were unstable, too needy, a cold fish in bed. That had gone viral too. If Curtis thought he’d get away with it, he’d have driven out to Colin’s house and taken care of the asshole, himself. But his connection to you was too documented.
You weren’t handling it well. Of course, you weren’t. But Curtis felt like, while everyone else was doing damage control on how it was affecting your career, he was the one left to pick up the pieces of you as a person. If things had been too much for him before, they were becoming near impossible to deal with now.
It didn’t help matters that after your night on the couch together, you’d started to put some distance between the two of you. He understood. It was the right thing to do. This was his job. You weren’t friends, he was your employee. (Sort of. In a roundabout way. Technically, he worked for your manager. But still.) He couldn’t be your friend and do his job to the best of his ability. Trying to do both compromised your safety. He’d been ignoring that truth for too long. It had been inappropriate for him to stay that night when you’d asked him to. He shouldn’t have done it, no matter how often he’d thought about it after – the way you’d looked fresh out of the shower, how his fingertips had brushed against yours, your thigh resting against–
So the distance was needed. But it meant that all he was able to do was trail after you as you self-combusted with a determination he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen before. And it couldn’t be his job to hold you together. It was taking a toll. Something had to give.
He entered his house through the back, straight into his kitchen. He stopped in the doorway, surprised to see Edgar sitting at the island in his pajamas, eating cereal. “You’re up early.”
Edgar shrugged. “Didn’t hear you come in last night.”
“Yeah,” Curtis said, bending over to take off his boots. “Had to work really late.”
Edgar just nodded and took a bite of cereal. Curtis finished with his boots and took off his leather jacket, hanging it by the door. He was about to excuse himself to his room when Edgar spoke again.
“I have an interview lined up for this week.”
“Yeah?” Curtis grinned. “That’s great!”
“Mhmm,” Edgar hummed, looking into his cereal bowl as he continued. “If it works out, I probably won’t be able to afford my own place right away, but I swear, I’ll save up and get out of your hair as soon as I can–”
“Hey, no,” Curtis interrupted. “I told you, that room is yours for however long you want it. No strings attached.” Curtis had known Edgar since the kid had been in diapers, ending up in the same foster home right before Curtis had turned eighteen. He’d been the only one who’d been able to calm the kid down when he’d had a tantrum. After he’d aged out, he’d done his best to keep in touch with Edgar and now that Edgar had aged out of the system himself, Curtis was determined to do whatever he could to help him. Especially if that meant he could prevent Edgar from making the same desperate choices he had. He didn’t regret joining the army, per se, (he was mostly ambivalent at best about his experiences there, but it had opened up opportunities after he was discharged) but it had felt like it was the only choice for him at the time, and he didn’t want that for Edgar. So if having a place to stay that he didn’t have to pay for would help, then that’s what Curtis would give him. “Listen, I want to hear all about this interview, but I’m fucking exhausted right now. I need to crash. We’ll talk later, ok?”
Edgar nodded but furrowed his brow. “Everything alright?”
Curtis nodded and tried to smile at him. “Just a long fucking day. I’ll see you later.”
When he finally got to his room, he let out a sigh of relief as he collapsed onto his bed. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out to find a response from Michelle.
I’m going to have to tell Tanya. Fucking fuck fuck!
Curtis tossed the phone onto the other side of the bed. Yeah. Fucking fuck fuck sounded about right.
When he woke up late that afternoon, he had another message from Michelle.
She’s so fucking hungover. You don’t need to come in. She isn’t going anywhere. See you tomorrow.
So he ordered pizza with Edgar and they watched TV until Edgar fell asleep on the couch. It was a good night.
The next day he got to your house just before noon. On days when nothing was scheduled, you never started early. He stopped short when he saw two cars he recognized in your driveway.
Michelle was sitting at your kitchen island, staring at her laptop, one hand scrolling down the trackpad, the other nervously tapping the counter.
Curtis helped himself to an organic juice from your fridge as he greeted her and asked, “Wilford and Tanya are here?”
“Mhmm,” she said, not looking up.
“House call’s not a good sign.”
“Nope.” She looked up at him, more haggard-looking than he was used to. “You still pissed?”
He sighed. “Not pissed. Tired. Frustrated.” He paused to take a sip of juice. “Worried.”
“She’s fine,” Michelle said, “she just needs to reprioritize.”
“That what this house call’s about?” he asked.
She grimaced. “She lost that big ensemble movie. The director cited his ‘no assholes’ policy.”
“She isn’t an asshole.”
“No,” Michelle agreed, “but she’s getting a reputation as one. High maintenance.”
He glanced out the doors to your patio, where he could just see the edge of you. “So it’s a Come to Jesus talk.”
“I don’t suppose they’re going to do anything to actually help her?”
“They’ll get her career back on track if she listens.”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it,” Curtis scowled.
“Listen,” she said, pushing her computer away and giving him her full attention, “my job is the same as yours – get her where she needs to go, on time and in one piece.”
“Yeah?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “And how do you think we’re doing on that ‘in one piece’ part?”
“She’s blowing off steam, that’s all.”
He snorted. “Sure, if you say so. But you’re never around for that part, are you?”
He shook his head, “I need to talk to her when they’re done,” then went to wait in the living room.
Wilford and Tanya left about half an hour later. Curtis watched them go, arms crossed over his chest. Wilford, especially, he did not like. They’d only been in the same room a handful of times, but Curtis would swear he could see the dollar signs in Wilford’s eyes every time he looked at you. If Curtis had his way, that man wouldn’t be able to get anywhere near you.
But that was part of the problem, this protective streak Curtis had for you. It wasn’t serving him. And it obviously wasn’t serving you either. It wasn’t helping anything. Protection was the job but from the outside world. Not from your own team. Not from yourself. He needed to get his act together. Set some boundaries. And that’s what he was going to do.
He let himself out onto your deck, expecting to find you lounging by the pool, in a swimsuit probably, maybe a drink in your hand. Instead, you were sitting at your outdoor dining table, knees pulled up to your chest, staring off into nothing, wearing leggings and an oversized sweatshirt. You looked awful, hair sloppily pulled together on top of your head, red-rimmed eyes, a blank expression on your face. He stopped short. Maybe this wasn’t the right time to do this. But he knew that if he waited it wouldn’t happen. And maybe this was the right time, maybe he’d actually be able to have a conversation about everything with you.
He softly called your name and when you looked over at him he added, “We need to talk about the other night.”
“Oh, great,” you said, tone flat. “You here to yell at me too? Fun.”
“I don’t want to yell,” he said, sitting down across from you. He didn’t want to hover over you. “Just talk.”
You sighed impatiently. “Well, go on. Let’s get this over with. How have I disappointed you today?”
He said your name again, as gently as he could, but your reaction was the opposite of what he wanted. You looked down, shoulders coming up to your ears. Regardless of your size, you looked so small. The smallest he’d ever seen you. But he had to do this. So he plowed ahead.
“What happened the other night, at your party, that can’t happen again. I can’t be responsible for what happens in your house when you aren’t there. I have a very specific job. You don’t get to just use me however you see fit. I’m not here to clean up after you. Kicking people out of your house, dealing with the cops–” He shook his head. “I’m not your bouncer or your babysitter.”
He saw you flinch at his last word, but you came back with a glower. “Is that all?” you asked.
“No,” he shook his head. “I’m also not going to be working any more 16-hour days. That isn’t fair to me.”
“Are you going to quit?” you asked, voice somewhere between angry and pleading.
“I don’t want to,” he said, keeping his voice firm, “but I’m serious that what happened was unacceptable.”
You swallowed visibly and nodded. He waited for you to say something, but when you didn’t, he asked, “Are you ok?”
Your head shot up. “What?”
There was something in your eyes that told him to proceed with caution, but he still repeated his question. “Are you alright?”
You looked at him carefully for a moment, then "Are you my friend?"
Now it was his turn to ask "What?"
"You said you aren't my bouncer or my babysitter," you said with a challenge in your eyes. "So what are you? Are you my friend?"
He had to look away, understanding now what you were doing. "No," he said quietly, "I'm not your friend. I'm just your bodyguard."
He hadn’t looked up yet, unable to tear his focus from his hands in his lap, but he could feel you nodding in his periphery. “Right,” you said, voice low. “Then whether or not I’m okay doesn’t really matter to you, does it?”
Shit. He had fucked this up so completely and so quickly that he wasn’t sure exactly where it had gone wrong. He looked up to find you twisted around to stare over your pool, your knees still tight to your chest, your hand visibly gripping your chair for dear life. He breathed out your name, but you just shook your head.
“No, I get it,” you said. “You’re here to do a job. Because I pay you to do it. I understand. Consider me put in my place.” Your hand not holding the chair swiped furiously at your face, wiping away a few stray tears that fell down your cheek. You took a deep breath. “I’d like you to go away now.”
He stood up, wanting to give you what you asked, but he just couldn’t seem to pull himself away from you. He wanted to reach out to you, touch you, give you some sort of comfort, but what fucking right did he have to do that?
“Curtis, please,” your broken whisper was what it finally took to get him to move. He paused at the glass door back into the house. He wanted to say something, but he had no idea what. So finally, he ducked his head and went back into the house.
He tried to pass through as quickly as he could, but when he walked by Michelle, she started, “Hey, how’d it g–”
“I need a fucking minute,” he growled out.
He slammed out the front door of your house and began to pace behind your privacy fence. What the fuck had happened? It wasn’t supposed to go like that. He should’ve been able to set professional boundaries without feeling like he was tearing his own heart out. He’d done it before, countless jobs and assignments, where he’d drawn lines and it’d been expected and appreciated. It’d never hurt like this. No job he’d had had ever been this messy, this difficult, this all-consuming.
That was the problem, wasn’t it? His mind was always here, always on the job. He thought about you all the time. He worried about you constantly. You were always on his mind. My god, if he didn’t know any better, he’d say–
He froze next to your gate. No. No no no no no. Absolutely not. He could not. That– That was not possible. He started to walk again. Now that he’d let it in, this goddamn intrusive thought just got bigger and bigger as he paced around until he couldn’t ignore it anymore.
He was in love with you.
What a fucking disaster. He almost laughed. And he’d worried he couldn’t properly protect you when he thought you might be friends. He was completely fucking compromised now. He should quit. He needed to quit. He should quit. He should quit. He should quit.
But the idea of leaving you hurt even worse than he already did. You weren’t ok. It was obvious. And even though he had no idea how to help you, he couldn’t abandon you. He wouldn’t do that. Not ever. Not until you asked him to leave. Which you eventually would. Of course, you would. What could he possibly offer you when you already had all this? But he would stay until that moment. As pathetic as it was, he didn’t think he could do anything else.
The gate opened and he had to scramble to get out of the way of the car that drove in. It stopped on the driveway next to him and the driver’s side window rolled down. Jensen leaned out. “Hey man, you okay?”
Curtis just stared at him for a moment before he got his bearings. “I’m fine.”
Jensen looked at him skeptically. “You sure?”
“I’m fine, Jake!” he gritted out. Without giving Jensen time to respond, he continued, “I’ll meet you inside. I want to go over the exit plan for her appearance tomorrow.”
“Again?” Jensen asked.
“Yes, again. We need to be prepared.”
Jensen gave him a look and sat back. “Yeah, sure whatever you say,” then finally began driving to the back of the house.
Curtis put his head in his hands. He felt so fucking transparent. Everyone must know. Looking back, it felt so incredibly obvious. But no one had said anything. You certainly hadn’t, so he was hopefully safe there.
He took a deep breath. This was fine. He’d tamp it down. He’d ignore it. He’d do his fucking job. He began walking up the path back to your front door. He’d be there when you needed him and that would be enough.
It’d be enough.
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@stargazingfangirl18 @drabblewithfrannybarnes @thezombieprostitute @before-we-get-started
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Doing face masks with babes:
Jake - super excited, wants to do a full spa evening, with masks, nails painting and aromatherapy
Lloyd - scoffs at your cheap face masks and whips out his fancy, exorbitantly priced products
Steve - stares at you a little weirded out, but lets you put on him whatever you want because it would make you happy
Ari - chill af, agrees without a problem, but also asks for a massage
Andy - at first required a lot of convincing, but in the end he agrees and makes faces as you try to apply some goo onto his face
Curtis - frowns and resists at first, but one sad pout from you and he gives in, but only one mask and nothing else!
Ransom - tells you flat no, but only to drive you to an actual SPA because his perfect face can be treated only by professionals and the best products 🙄
#just silly thoughts#jake jensen#steve rogers#curtis everett#ari levinson#lloyd hansen#ransom drysdale#andy barber
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Queen J! It’s been a minute. Quick! What’s the first spicy thot about Curtis that pops into your mind? The hoes need to know! 😘
Oh man, this is a good one. Thank you 😨🥵🔥
Ever since Curtis and the survivors found their village and finally fought off the front end passengers to get to a more stable, peaceful time, he's had a lot more free time on his hands. It took a little adjusting because usually, his mind was several steps ahead, focusing on survival, on his girl, their new baby daughter, Tanya.
Now, without that, he has time to just live life. Isn't that new? And a big part of his life is his girl. Two things in particular make him lose his mind these days.
TW: We're going to get a little sexually explicit here...
The first one is watching her nurse their daughter. Nursing is just a human function. Mothers did that on the train in the 17 years he was on it. But when it's her doing it? Her breasts are just so beautiful right now and he tries not to make it obvious he's watching the entire time, finding excuses to be in the room. He's mostly successful. It's just that later, after their baby is in her bed, and it's time for them to go to bed, he knows her breasts are so sensitive after that. He plays with them carefully with his lips and tongue knowing what it does to her libido. He'll sneak a taste here and there, but that's not his objective. The milk is for their daughter. It's the way she twists against him when he plays with her nipples, wanting more. It's the way her thighs will clamp around his, the way her hands will grab for him. Wordlessly, she's begging for him to fuck her raw and he will, but he makes her wait just to drag it out. He wants her to be at the point of frenzy, wild for him.
The other? Curtis loves almost getting caught. It started with the first harvest your community had, a beautiful early fall night. It was a little colder than usual because the environment is still trying to right itself.
You'd simply been bringing a pitcher into the house to refill it with the spicy tea you and Yona had made. Curtis waited for you there.
"You've got to be quiet," he says, pinning her to the wall on the other side of the kitchen where people have been wandering through all evening. He'll take a knee, haul up her dress and pull off her panties. He'll get his mouth on her, the taste of her his favorite flavor, and he'll eat her out against the wall she's fretting above him, wide-eyed and shaking, worried someone will see. But not worried enough to make him stop.
Once he's brought her off that way, he'll fuck her quickly against the wall. One leg hoisted over his hip and he'll take her fast and greedy. His girl struggles being quiet while he fucks her. She'll try covering her mouth with her hands and he thinks it's so cute. But if he covers her mouth with his hand, takes her a little roughly, she soaks his cock as he drives into her. She doesn't last long. Between anxiety over being caught and the fact that she loves when he dominates her brings her off a second time. Sometimes a third. He'll stuff her panties in his pocket when they're done.
It leaves her a shaking mess who needs to get back to their friends, their guests. He loves the idea of her walking around the party for the rest of the night with his come on her thighs. Knowing she feels him the entire time.
***Siri is a bad, bad influence and one of my favorite people here. Ever. HUGS. 💕💕💕
This Curtis and his girl are from Out of Darkness which has a new chapter coming in the next couple of weeks.
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Curtis is the only stalker I can approve of the others are fucking weird but it must be scary for her that another man just come out of nowhere and trying to save her
Fantasy 2
Warnings: non/dubcon, stalking, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Curtis Everett
This AU is called Watcher Anonymous and will include different series for different characters. This is our introduction to Curtis and Whimsy.
Summary: the bookshop window holds intrigue for both buyer and seller.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
Jake always says Curtis should go outside more. Coming from Jake, it could be an insult. He takes the advice that day. It might not be that dumb.
It's an excuse really. He's 'cleaning' the windows. Busying himself as he waits. For her, of course. Like he does every day.
He gave up trying to pretend a while ago. Seeing her pass by helps him track the time that drags by. He should be happy. He's no longer standing out in the sun, getting burnt as he holds a sign or lays tar. He has his shop but it's just not enough. It's lonely.
Jake laughed. Well, he typed LMAO when Curtis said so. A lone wolf like him, lonely? Don't call me that, Jensen.
He pulls the squeegee down. The sun might be a little less cruel if he wore anything lighter than black. He never pays much attention to the forecast.
He checks the time through the window, that old clock hanging behind the counter. She should be there soon--
Something wet splashes his leg and a squeal cuts through the air. He was so distracted trying to predict her, trying to look busy, that he hadn't heard her. She's kicked over the bucket. She stumbles over it and he turns to catch her, dropping the squeegee as he does.
"I'm so sorry," she braces his arms as she holds herself up. He feels big. Strong. She feels tiny. Especially with the bruise around her eye. "I wasn't looking--" She gently draws away and the emptiness returns. She bends to pick up the bucket and retrieves the squeegee to hand it back. "I was trying to see the books."
He looks at the window, "I'm in your way."
She stares at him as he dares to glance back. Her eyes as pensive. Does the recognise him?
"You work here? That must be wonderful."
"I... I own it." He answers.
"You own it?" She turns back to the window. "That's so cool. I always wanted to work in a bookshop. But I suppose you don't get to read all day or whatever."
"Well... I do," he tilts his head.
"Oh," she utters dreamily. She goes rigid and looks around him. She gulps. "I'm going to be late."
"Sorry," his chest pits. "I didn't mean to get in your way."
"No, I should've looked," she smiles but it's not quite that. She looks forelorn. "I gotta go."
"Sure," he says. "Be safe."
"Yeah, get dry," she says back. "Sorry again."
She flits past him. He's sweating and for more than the sun. He puts the squeegee in the bucket and sighs. He looks down, only then feeling the moisture up his leg and in his soles.
He retreats inside. He puts the cleaning stuff in the back and goes back to his seat. He can't focus enough to pick the book up again. He balances the till. He'll get the after work rush and have to do it again. He doesn't mind.
When he sees her again, her head is down. That man she's with walks ahead of her, stomping. She follows, hugging herself as she hides from the sunlight. He remembers how it shone in her eyes. Now she's cast in gloom.
It makes him mad. How can someone have her only to make her miserable? She deserves better.
His chest churns. He thinks of those meetings. He thought the others were a bit pathetic but they aren't so different. And they aren't entirely wrong.
He's doing her harm by not doing anything. He's as guilty as the man who makes her cry. The same one who put that swell in her cheek. He balls his fists.
He doesn't think. He grabs the copy of Wuthering Heights from the window. The one he painted himself in hopes she'd stop and admire it.
He doesn't know what he's doing. He locks the door. It's like before. Prowling like a cat in the shadows but it's still so bright he feels exposed.
The way home is made longer by the racing beat of his heart. He watches them go inside. The curtains are drawn. Fuck.
He paces around her balcony. Go back, Curt. You're being stupid.
Fuck it.
He climbs the tree. He drops onto the balcony just before a pair of pedestrians turn the corner. He catches his breath as he frees the book from under his arm. He's still not sure what's next.
He listens at the door. The man is yelling. She cries out and there's a thump. He winces.
He knew it all along but that's the proof he needs. More than he should have waited for.
He opens the screen door. The inner door is unlocked. He lets himself in.
"What the fuck--" The man doesn't finish his confused holler as Curtis hurls the book at his head.
The woman squeals from the floor. Curtis has his hands around the monster's neck. He can't think. He sees red. Literally. He sees himself smashing this man's nose to a pile of mush.
Something snags his arm. It's her. He stops and falls off of the other man, heaving as he shakily wipes his face with his bloodied knuckles. She keeps a hold of him.
"Please, don't do anymore," she pleads.
He looks at her. The bow of her lips is traced in her own blood. He snarls and closes his fist again. A few more hits and he'll dislocated his ring finger. He doesn't care.
He gets to his knees as the other man snivels and scrambles over the floor. She tugs his back.
"No," she uses all her weight to hold him back. He lets her. "Who--" she pauses and looks at the book near his foot. His lips part. How does he explain this?
"I'm sorry," his hand shakes as he lets it open, resting it over his knees. "He hurt you--"
"How... how..." she babbles.
The man approaches and Curtis is quick. He moves between them. He deflects the man's weak punch and shoves him so he sprawls.
"It doesn't matter how," he snarls as he reaches behind him, clasping onto her wrist. "You're leaving. Now."
#curtis everett#dark curtis everett#dark!curtis everett#curtis everett x reader#series#fantasy#drabble#snowpiercer
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𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐭 𝐆𝐨𝐝
pinboard¦ playlist¦ dividers¦ wc:14k ¦ paring: Dark!Frat!Alpha!Ari x Alpha!Omega?Reader
warnings: Misogyny, sexism, Rape! Non con! Breeding kink! blood, fighting, violence, forced impregnation, power imbalance, size difference, Ari being very mean, Manipulation, depression, yandere, obsession, Bucky and Curtis being assholes too, forced oral (m), being recorded without consent.
This is a very dark fic so please be aware of that before reading! This is my first commission too! <3 This is the alpha version! :)
Everyone knew Ari. How could they not? With a striking 6’6 figure, well toned with muscles that would make any woman shiver at the sight of the hunky man. All embodied with the face that would seem like it’s from a Greek god with a body to match. Gorgeous chocolate brown hair that was always swept back from his face yet still long enough to frame his angular face. A beard to match, making him look older than he was, an aura of maturity and grace in everything he did, no matter how simple. All matched with the most beautiful brown eyes that would glow like honey in the sunlight or darken like a black void when he laid his eyes on something he desired, which would only ever be you. The feisty Alpha that he was determined to bring to her knees, turn you into what you were meant to be, an omega. That’s what a woman was designed to be, and yet you defied his logic, and he just couldn’t stand it. You made his nose wrinkle in disgust at the fact you didn’t submit; how you carried yourself would make him curl his hand up into a fist. You were simply wrong to him.
It wasn’t just his looks that made him so well known, everything about him drew people in. He was the head Hockey Player, he had never lost a game and he prided himself on that. And in return so did everyone else, their champion who would always win a match. Then afterwards throw a raging party that left everyone filled with regret or empty memories. Especially the omega’s, they would enter these parties and leave defiled by whatever alpha had gotten them. There were rumours that Ari had participated in this but it was never backed up as he would often brag about how he would never accept such a tainted slut that got drunk and spread their legs so easily, he believed in true mates and that he would find his woman and put her in her rightful place. On her knees sucking his cock while the dinner was cooking and the baby was sleeping upstairs safely in the nursery all while living in a beautiful house he bought with a pretty white picket fence. He was traditional to an extreme amount. Despite that though, it didn’t stop him from sexting every girl on campus, only getting nudes to stroke his cock to while he imagined breaking in your tight, disobedient cunt and making you cry from the stretch of his knot breaking your will.
And you despised him, He was nothing but an asshole who needed to be put in his place, All he did was play with girls online coaxing sweet, innocent omegas to open their hearts to him online before he exploited them and left wanting more and forever empty. He had broken your dorm mates heart, a sweet girl called Vera, she was studying art and she fell hard for Ari. He had so many promises to her but they were left in the dust like she was as well as the other omegas. All he wanted was to look at these willing women and picture how willing you would be if he broke your place and he was going to. You were a strong alpha woman, you were proud of that too. You rose above the rest and set an example of how women should be. You were paving the way for independence and respect step by step.
You were studying business and you were doing amazing at it, to the point that you were over achieving. Or well you would be if it wasn’t for the bear of a man that took the class with you. He gave you a run for your money, he would always one up you in class. He was smug in everything he did. Crowding your space, stealing pens so you had nothing to write with, critiquing your notes whenever he could. And the worst part was that the teacher did nothing. He has disregarded it as it being Alpha playfulness when it was Ari’s systematic way to oppress you and it was working. Every little thing he did kept you busy studying while he breezed through lessons without a care.
That’s how life was for you, always battling Ari. From his darkened gaze when he watched you do anything, his eyes would devour your form no matter what you wore and every time you saw him readjust his half hard cock in his pants with a lazy grin tugging at his lips. He wanted to break you, to have you submit from being an Alpha to an Omega. You wanted him to bow like that pathetic sexist mongrel that he was to you. It was a rivalry to you, a battle of will. To Ari it was a contest, a game that he would win without even breaking a sweat.
Of course there was another reason you despised the Adonis that graced the hallways and that was because he was filthy rich. Spoiled to a degree that he had never worked for anything, he expected it all to just fall into his hands if he just flashed a wad of cash. A luxury you had never experienced as you had grown up from roots that encouraged you to work hard for everything, to earn it so then you would understand the hardships of life. That was the life of a female omega, forced to strive harder than any other kind. You had to battle for everything and you were not giving up now. Which is why when you signed up for this prestige college you knew you had to work until your back ached and your bones were sore. You needed the money.
So you had ended up with a small job at a cafe across the campus, it was simple at first being a waitress, taking any extra shift you could to meet the expenses you faced on the daily and it was smooth sailing. You looked out for the omegas that worked there before it transpired into a friendship between you all. They relied on you to keep them safe during the shifts and you did. Which led to you climbing the ladder to becoming a manager at the cafe. The pay was okay, enough to scrape by while also save some money. Every penny counted, you told yourself and in a way it did, it had gotten you this far after all. Yet your smooth sailing and peace was soon disrupted when the frat alphas heard about it and deemed it a place to harass the omegas. And the leader that led the great conquest was none other than Ari. You assumed that he would be there to use the Omegas yet he never did. He didn’t treat them with respect, but he never laid his hands on them or said anything vile, he would just wear a neutral expression on his face while he watched them work.
Soon his eyes landed in you, just like they did whenever he saw you, drawn like a moth to the light. His deep brown eyes would swallow your form, analysing your every move like it was a chess game. And as time grew, when you moved he did, in the most subtlest of ways. If you went to sort a customer out, in the corner of your eye you would see Ari making his form look bigger, squaring his shoulders and spreading his legs. You noticed every time which was just what he wanted, you couldn’t help but hate him for that for somehow always having your attention.
It was a Tuesday, the sun was just starting to fall and the street lights were flickering on as the darkness stretched down the streets making it known that it was evening. Autumn leaves were piled up on the streets, littering the concrete carpets of the outside world with hints of green, brown, orange and red from the leaves that had fallen from the trees leaving them barren. Inside the cafe, you were cleaning up. Mopping the floors while the 2 omega servers were behind the counter, wiping and cleaning the any spills or excess that had dribbled onto the counter while they handed out coffees or teas throughout the day. You were in your blue mom jeans and a long sleeve black top, you wanted to be warm at this time of year, you couldn’t help but worry for the girls you worked with who all wore skirts, how cold they would be or if an Alpha tried anything.
“Hey, ladies. Why don't you start getting ready to leave. I can hold this place over for the last 30 minutes.” You coo to the girls and their eyes light up. You watch as they quickly scramble up and begin to head to the back to clock out. You huff and put your hand on your hip, it’d be easier to send them home now before it got too dark. You put the mop back into the bucket and wheel it into the back. You see the girls putting their coats on and you smile softly. They beam brightly at you as they walk past nattering away with each other and soon, they leave bidding a sweet good bye.
As you were finally settling the cafe down, preparing it to be closed for the night as the customers were long gone on an autumn night and were probably at home snug in their warm homes watching creepy movies to get in the spirit for Halloween. You knew when you got back to your dorm you would be studying as always, making notes and expanding your ideas by searching things up. While you were in your drifted state of thinking, getting ready for all the notes you would have to take and trying to map out the specific points you would have to make you heard the cafe bell chime. The sweet bell ringing in your head and sweeping you back into the moment, someone was in the cafe and it was time to close. You feel your brain itching with irritation at someone coming in at the last minute just as you were leaving.
You push you hair back from your face before pinning it into a bun with a claw clip and wiping your face with your hands, hoping to wipe the sour look that had graced your face. As you walk out the back to the counter though, the sourness on your face soon reappeared. A look of disgust and disdain shinning in your eyes.
Stood there with his gorgeous brown locks swooped back was Ari. A baby blue button up shirt wrapped around his big muscular form, the sleeves rolled up and clinging to his biceps like a second skin, while he wore a pair of brown pants that hugged his big, meaty thighs. He was slouched onto the counter, his elbow resting on it and his hand balled up as his head rests on it. A smug grin pull at his lips as he sizes you up with his eyes lazily. You see the momentary look of disgust on his face appearing, no doubt from the fact you were a woman and you were working.
“You gonna give me my coffee, mutt?” Ari mutters his dark voice dominating the quietness of the cafe and disturbing your peace fully. You grind your teeth together and before you can utter anything out he beats you to it, further trying to reinstate his dominance over you trying to prove he was the alpha out of you two. “Or you gonna spit in it again? I don’t mind, at least I’ll get to taste you but of course you’re practically begging for it, aren’t you? You want me to taste you, to consume you.” You can’t hold yourself back from practically spitting at him, but you knew it would be no good. Not when a foul creature such as him, thrived off it. You take a deep breathe and he decides to stir the pot more, wanting to see you explode, to see you melt with submission. “Do it. Make my coffee, bitch. Follow my commands, you know you want to. You might seem tough but you just want to be ordered around. My little bitch, listening to her alpha like a good girl.”
Each word that leaked out of his mouth without filter spurred you on, you hold your chin up and finally spit back at him a taste of his own poison. “I’m the mutt?” You snort at him as you glare at him from behind the counter, your eyes clashing with his dark brown ones, a silent reprimand that if he didn’t stop that he would face consequences harsher than your words. “Then I guess that makes you the mangy mongrel that follows the status quo because you’re just that desperate for attention that you’ll follow the crowd. You think you’re in charge but you’re not. You’re just a little lost puppy that follows everyone around because you want their approval, you don’t wanna let them down.” You murmur softly but every word was fuelled with spite. You were calm but you wanted to tear him to shreds with soft words.
Ari straightens up, his hulking body stood at his full height and his hands have been rolled into fists. You watch as he flexes his long fingers before they rest down at his sides. A smirk graces his lips again but his eyes are darker, gleaming with menace and his aura is very strong and upset. You had wormed your way under his skin and you were thriving on it. He cracks his jaw and leans his shoulders forward with a terrifying look on his face. It unnerved you, the sick grin on his face and the malice in his eyes.
“Smart words coming from an alpha that would spread her legs for me just as fast as an Omega in heat. You’re gonna be mine, and when you do let me take that tight little cunt you’ll see your place as my slutty little Omega.” He coos to you and you shiver. He said it like it would happen, like it was fate, like it was set in stone. The way he cooed it to you like a lullaby, the calmness that ebbed from his body was horrifying. Your alpha was cowering at him at the pure dominance and certainty in his tone. You gulp and avert your eyes to the till, you don’t look down refusing to submit so much to him. You knew he would see you averting your gaze as a form of submission and looking down would only add fire to his ego.
You tap the price into the till and push the card reader to him and he pulls his card out scanning it. You quickly rush around the cafe and make him a coffee, refusing to spit in it. Especially when his eyes were glued to you. Everything about him gave you goosebumps and you wanted this over, now. So after rushing and making his coffee you hand it to him. Your inner alpha lets out a whimper when Ari wraps his large hand around yours that was clasping the drink. He hums as he scans you, like he could smell your panic. “Good girl.” He says, his deep voice rattling every bone in your body. He takes the drink, his fingers slowly rubbing yours as he pulls away. As he slinks his large form away he turns his head to look at you, a grin on his face and he winks at you before leaving.
The second the door closes you take a deep breath and gaze down at your shaking hand, Ari was bad news and he was planning something. After gathering your thoughts and reaffirming your control before it slips away, you head back to work closing the cafe and trying to focus on the notes you had to write up when you got back to your dorm, but Ari’s lingering scent was etching itself into your brain and the seed had been sewn. The game was officially on.
After that strange little show down between you and Ari, you had studied harder than ever. You just wanted to prove him wrong, that you were stronger than he ever was. That you worked hard and you would never back down. You were a determined girl with her whole life ahead of her and you weren’t going to let female alphas be a laughing stock any more. They were better than the male alphas that seemed to rule the world, you were concise you planned everything out and you had plans. So many ideas and steps to act out on, you’d be damned if you were going to let Ari stand in the way of that.
It had only been a week but you were heading to class. A business major, it was a scarce class with only about 10 students. You had been cursed with Ari being in that class but you refused to let that disrupt your education. As you shuffle down the hall way, your boots hitting the floor in a rhythmic way, you were stopped. There they stood. The alpha’s that you detested with every bone in your body, that made your blood swell and fizzle with hatred. Ari, the head hockey player, stood as tall as ever with a smug grin on his face as he wore his usual flannel that hugged his muscular body.
Followed by Bucky, a well known frat boy who had used nearly any and all omegas that he could get his tight grip on. His dark hair was groomed back and he stood in dark jeans and a leather coat that only just managed to fit his biceps in. He was 5’11 but he was still tall, he fit into the class jester world as he treated everything like it was a huge joke. You would have respected him as he worked hard to get into this college too, but his blatant disrespect for women left a sour taste in your mouth and made it nearly impossible to tolerate the alpha.
Finally, stood at the other side of Ari, was Curtis. Another hockey player that took the sport way too seriously. It was no secret that he had anger issues that he either took out on the other alphas when he was playing or a helpless omega that he would fuck so hard that they wouldn’t walk. His sharp blue eyes could cut through diamonds and his large figure could easily crush you. He towered over you at 6’4, and made you feel small as he was clad in his simple black joggers that hugged his beefy legs and a coat that added more to his size.
You raise an eyebrow at the trio of men before they snicker down at you, “See, I told you. She has bite.” Ari murmurs proudly to his friends, and the second those words left his mouth you could feel their eyes scanning you. You bristled at them all. “Get your fucking eyes on the floor you scumbags.” You say firmly with your chin raised and hell fire brimming in your eyes. Bucky snorted before he laughed hard at you. The sound bouncing off the walls and making your brain ache with frustration. This is why you had to make a difference, so no one would laugh at you the way Buck was now.
Bucky’s brown eyes sweep your form again as a lazy grin settles on his face, “Oh she is feisty.” Bucky practically sings to Ari. Curtis hums as he gazes at you still. You turn your gaze to meet him, a warning glint in your eyes. “She’s cute. I’d tear her apart on my coc-” Curtis mutters before Ari elbows him in the ribs a growl leaving his throat. “I said she’s mine.” Your eye twitches at them. “I’m not yours, mongrel. Watch your tone.” You hiss before you briskly push past the alpha’s and get into your lesson.
After ten minutes and settling into class, you were busy noting everything down. As the professor turns back to his computer to leave everyone to write their notes up, you feel your phone buzz and pull it put. A text linger on the screen from a sweet omega that you worked with. Her name was Valeria and she was short, chubby and an overall sweetheart, The most gorgeous brown eyes to ever grace a face and freckles surrounding her face like she was the night sky and they were stars. She was a very good friend and often asked you to chaperone her places, purely so she didn't get taken advantage of. She was smart and you liked that.
[Will you join me to go to a Hockey match tonight? My brothers playing and I want to cheer him on!]
You gaze at the notification and way up the pros and cons in your head. If you went then you’d have to see that awful alpha trio. But if you didn’t go, anything could happen to Valeria. You sigh, you weren’t going to be stopped seeing a sport because of three egotistical men who thought they run the school. You were above their childish games, this would be a small way to revel and you would revel in the power. With a smile on your lips at the idea of this subtle power play, you respond to her.
[Absolutely V! I’ll meet you outside your dorm at 5!]
And with that your first step had been made, and you were excited. But that feeling soon dispensed when Ari trailed in through the door before he strolled over and sat down next to you. He was so casual with everything he did, never having to worry because he knew his parents could just pay for him. Anything he wanted. From expelling someone he didn’t like to getting top grades. The world was his oyster.
He fakes a cough before dragging his head to gaze at you. He chuckles and smiles down at you like you were an ant and he was the boot about to stomp you down. “Sorry about the guys earlier. They won’t touch you. Not when I’ve had my eye on you. I mean, there’s a special collar and everything for you, mutt. Can’t wait to wrap it around your neck and claim you as my bitch.” He whispers into your ear and you have to hold back a snarl because unlike him, you couldn’t get away with everything and you couldn’t pay your way out of it. Instead you had to grin and bear it and he knew that. In fact he used that to his advantage whenever he got the option,
As the lesson drained on you could feel your mind twisting in agony at holding back retorts of disgust back at the vile creature that had decided to situate himself next to you. In the grand scheme of things, it would be worth it. Every come back you had to gulp down would have made a difference and Ari’s precious money would run out while you ruled the world. But you had to take it one step at a time. With a sigh, you clear all your things up after taking your notes and turn to Ari, a look of nothing in your eyes as you regarded the man because you saw him as nothing. He scoffs, “Watch yourself. You may be an alpha but you’re still a woman. You’ll be bred, mutt. I’d suggest quitting while you’re ahead.” He mutters before he gets up and slinks out of class leaving the threat to hang in the air. You gulp and shake your head, you’d come too far to quit and you were certainly not going to listen to a spoilt mongrel. Never.
It was busy at the hockey stadium, the seats were crowded and the variety of people that blended in with the scene made it look like a sea of people. The scents that lingered were so mixed, sweet smells that rose from all the omegas that came to see the Gods that cruised on the ice with a brutal force. To the betas that were simply there with friends or wanted to watch the sport, all over shadowed by the smell of the alphas. From the hockey players that stunk of aggression and sweat to the alphas that were hopped up on adrenaline from the bets. Overall, it was a very stuffy place to be and you slightly regretted coming, But you had made your mind up and you were not leaving Valeria alone, that and you had a point to make.
You and Valeria sit in the cold, plastic chairs that left you with an uncomfortable back but you couldn’t complain. It was probably the overwhelming amount of people and the increasing anticipation that was swelling in your chest. You were anxious and tense to see Ari’s gorgeous face drop into a murderous look when he clocked eyes on you, you weren’t scared you were just uncertain. But every subtle move in a large chess game made the players tense and nervous, this was just one step in the grand scheme of things.
As the sounds of blades cutting through the ice screeched through the stadium everyone’s attention soon turned to the game. You could see the three alpha’s you despised. All a hulking mass on the ice and in their uniform and you couldn’t help but gulp at how imposing they appeared. They could wipe you out with a simple swipe and no one would care. But you had to swallow that fear and squeeze it in your stomach to stop the bile from crawling up your throat. You were just as strong. Maybe not physically but you could easily outsmart the ape-ish men.
Throughout the game you wrung at your hands, twisting them as every scene you saw filled your heart with more terror and regret. You had watched how Ari had practically destroyed the other player. Not just in points but physically too. You couldn’t help but flinch at every bash against the stadium walls as you watch the trio of men bully a poor alpha into it. The blood that painted the ice was far too much for a simple hockey match, it was practically a death sentence to be on the ice against the team. They would wipe you out and skin you without a care, or at least that’s how it seemed. The brutality they shared against the other players seemed so personal all while they somehow looked elegant. It was sickening and Valeria shared the same sentiment as she watched her brother get slammed into the stadium walls, his head bouncing against it with a thud while Ari stay trained on the puck after mercilessly beating the younger alpha up.
Valeria let out a cry of fear as the medics swoop in and drag her brother off the ice, she gazes at you desperately and you give her a look of concern, throwing your arm over her shoulders to help calm her for a moment as she cries softly. “P-please can you go check on him. They don’t let Omegas back there.” She pleads and you find yourself agreeing to please her. You give her one last cuddle before working your way through the crowd and slipping into the locker room. Just as you walk down the hall way to them though, you hear the sound of the Hockey match ending.
Cheers and screams echoing all around you before you hear the stomping of boots coming down the corridor behind you. Within seconds you scan the are and jump into a janitor closet and hold your breath, your heart racing so loud in your chest. You felt like a spy, no, more of a peeping tom. You cover your mouth with your hand as you hear the boots pounding against the ground and the deep voices of men cheering, But, you hear one pair of boots pause directly outside your room and a deep rumble of a laugh bouncing off the walls, Ari’s laugh. Without warning you watch as light from the key hole disappears and a click sounding out before the light returns. Ari had locked you in. Your chest grows tight at the realisation of it all. You remind yourself to stay calm, Valeria knows where you are or roughly and when you don't return soon she’ll come looking for you.
That’s what you told yourself, oh how wrong you were. As the darkness crept into the hall ways and the sounds of everyone leaving drove itself into your head you felt like a doll, You were a sitting duck and now that the door was unlocking, you realised the metaphorical farmer was here to shoot you. As the door is dragged open at such a slow pace is makes your stomach turn to knots, you gulp rather taking the gun from a farmer than this. Stood bright and tall at the other side of the door was Ari, Curtis and Bucky.
They all chuckle down at you and tilt their heads. “What’s wrong, mutt? Scared of the dark or were you just sad you missed out on peeping?” Ari’s deep voice rumbles out and you feel the fire inside you burn immediately at that. Your fight filling your veins and you pathetically kicked at Ari’s ankle. Bucky’s face crumbles at the sign of your disrespect and Ari takes a step back chuckling menacingly. Just as you were about to hiss out a warning, Curtis’s big hand fists your hair and he begins dragging you back to the locker room with the men all following. “Stupid fucking girl!” Curtis barks out before he pushes you against the lockers and you let out a whimper as your ribs collide against the cold metal and knock the wind out of you.
Before you can recover, Bucky’s hand is gripping your hair and pushing you to your knocks. You gasp and gaze up at the men, regretting it now. All three towered over you as you sat on your knees. Each one of them was unzipping their flies and pulling out their hards cocks. Ari grins down at you smugly as he jerks the tip off and swipes some precum off the tip. He pushes his finger towards your lips and when you move to turn your face, he utters something so softly that you would have been fooled if it not for the promise of the end of your life. “Open your mouth mutt, or I’ll get you expelled. Say that you cheated on a test.” Although he had cooed it down to you, he made it known that he could wipe your education out in the blink of an eye without any remorse. So, you close your eyes and fight back the bile clawing at your throat again and part your lips.
His thick finger intrudes in your mouth as he swipes his precum on your tongue and you gulp. You know his rules and you know what he wanted from you, at least you thought you did. As you lean forward to wrap your lips around his thick, pink tip, he tuts at you and taps your nose like as if he were reprimanding a dog. You gaze up at him with bleary eyes, the tears already leaking down your face. “I have my friends here mutt. Don’t forget that. They deserve some attention too. After all, we just had a very tiring game, we need to get our stress out.” Ari continues to use that same soft tone and it irks you. You weren’t a pet, you were a woman, one in a terrible situation and if this was a small step to one day making a big difference, then you would suffer through it.
They form an almost triangle formation, all their cocks firm and dripping in excitement. You close your eyes and loll your tongue out and within seconds you can feel the tip of a cock sliding along it, soon followed by another and another. They were practically spilling their precum all over your tongue. You gulp before leaning forward and beginning to suck eagerly at Ari’s cock. The groan he let out was beautiful something from the sweetest melody that has ever left someone's vocal chords. You gulp that thought down though just as soon as you begin to gulp Ari's cock down your throat. You bob your head in a steady rhythm before he grips your hair and pulls you backs and guides you open, wet mouth onto Bucky’s desperate dick.
You trail your tongue all the way down Bucky's shaft before he directs you to his balls. You suck one into your mouth, ignoring your dignity that was slowly slipping out of your fingers, out of your soul. You could hear Bucky’s whimpers of delight before his hand begins to steadily pump at his cock as you slurped on his balls.
Yet again you get dragged away, but this time by Curtis. Before you can even flash him a hateful glare his cock is speared down your throat making you gag. He didn’t care though, Curtis was far too aggressive and it was shown in sex as he face fucked you. Tears streaming down your face and you could hardly breathe from your nose because of the snot. But none of the men cared. That was until Ari dragged your mouth off Curtis’s cock. You didn’t see the malicious look that Ari flashed Curtis, you were too busy being hunched over coughing and catching your breath.
That didn’t last fro long though as Ari’s large palm cupped your chin and directed it upwards, you kept your eyes closed as you heard the men shuffled. Ari opened your mouth wide again, and your jaw ached so much by now, they weren’t small men and they definitely weren’t packing small. Each cock was big or thick in it’s own way and each one made your jaw ache more and more. Now you were dreading which dick was going to be buried down your throat.
However you soon heard all the men groaning and saw a bright flash of light behind your closed eyes. You peeked an eye open and horror is painted on your face as you see Ari recording this on his phone, all three men gathered around you jerking off as they pointed their release at your face. This was terrible. Before you could even get up to run or stop this, Curtis let out a groan and his cum shot out and landed on the left side of your face. You immediately close your right eye which you had peeked open as a chain reaction occurs and Bucky paints the right side of your face.
But Ari went above and beyond and pulled your open mouth around his cock and pushed all the way down until your nose was nuzzled into the thick bed of pubic hair he had. “Fuck, that’s so good. See this mouth is better used to suck your master’s cock rather than talk.” You gagged and the tightening of your throat around his cock was all it took before he came down your throat. After a few minutes, he dislodged himself from your throat and turned his phone off from recording. You cough in the ground, tired and humiliated. You barely noticed them moving around. Bucky and Curtis dressed and cleaned. They give you a pat on the head while a satisfied smile clings to their face and they wave Ari goodbye.
You didn’t even realise Ari cleaning your face up of the cum that had been painted on it like you were a whorsh masterpiece. How he gave you water and even somehow got you an Uber home. You just felt helpless this was a bad situation to be in, even if you were wet from it that meant nothing. As you lay in bed, still in your daze you question how many female alpha’s in the world were subjected to this. Was it worth it in the end?
It had to be worth it. You got above and beyond it meant you could stop this from ever happening again, and that was all the motivation you needed. You rewired your mind and took some deep breaths reminding yourself to be strong. But first you would sleep before retrying, you needed to rest so that when you were awake you’d be ready to fight one small change a day.
The coming days after passed in a blur. A strange state that you were left in after your humiliation, after your assault- you stopped that thought immediately. You didn’t even want to remember it, you wanted to live in the emotionless blur that the days had seeped into. Your phone was crowded by texts and you just didn’t have the heart to answer any of them, you couldn’t bring yourself to ask for help and loose your role as the woman who others would come to. That’s what you told yourself, but there were numerous reasons, each one more depressing and degrading than the last. It had only been a week since the incident and yet you had holed yourself up in your dorm room, it was becoming a mess and it reflected your mind. Th blankets that were piled up on the floor were the big thoughts that you were ignoring.
You had dragged yourself to work but you had stayed in the back the whole time, not having the will to go round front and serve people. During that time you had smelt all three alphas come into the cafe. Bucky was the first to enter, you could hear him talking and flirting with the omegas and your stomach was filled with dread. It was like you could feel his eyes seeking you out even though you were hidden. When he left, you would have breathed a sigh of relief but the bile that filled your stomach travelled and you could only vomit in the toilets.
That happened with them all, but the worst was Ari, who came in on Friday. His scent was a lot stronger and it was slightly sour, almost like you could taste it. The curdling in your stomach kicked up like rotten milk would. Ari was angry. You hadn’t seen him all week, choosing to neglect class and instead doing it online instead, and your professor was so kind and sweet. He understood that although Ari had been secretly bribing him, you had finally broken and you needed space. Yet every day you had class, Ari sat in his usual seat next to yours excited to see you. To brag to you and show you the video he had against you. But you didn’t show, and the more he didn’t see you the more frustration would leak into his veins making him tense his muscles and clench his jaw. He hated that you were avoiding him.
You were shaking in the back when you heard his deep voice rumble through the cafe, it was so dark and threatening even if he was ordering a coffee. Everyone could sense it, they could see how tense he was, his eyes darting around the cafe, hunting for your form. He could smell you and it was driving him crazy. Where were you? Ari grinds his teeth as the little omega serving him shakily makes his coffee. His eyes shoot to her form and a dark look overtakes his face. He clears his throat, “Faster. I have things to do.” He grunts out and glares at the girl. She gulps and hurriedly gives him it.
He leans forwards and smirks, “Tell your little manager that if she keeps avoiding me, she’s in for a world of trouble.” His murmurs softly almost cooing down at her, but his eyes were flaring with hatred and warning. And soon turns on his heel putting the fresh coffee in the bin and marches out. All you could do was stare blankly, you heard every word and you felt yourself falling deeper into the hole that had caved itself into your mind. You wanted to sink until no one could find you again. Despite it all, you stayed strong, as strong as you could. You worked hard in your studies still and kept your work in line. You threw yourself into anything and everything to keep distracted. Including an omega group on campus that wanted to be stronger than their hormones and they were very happy to accept a female alpha that was going to help them stay strong.
You had been to one group meeting and it was so inspiring to see that they were trying to overcome the sexism that ran rampant all over the campus and society. You were happy to help build upon their ideas and even helped introduce new ones. So far they had come up with an app, a special dating app for omegas to use. It was simple but if you put in an alphas name it would come up with any recorded offences they had and just general info so then omegas would know in the future who they might spend their heat with or might mate with. You had added in the idea of logging on any crimes they had done, just so they knew what kind of person they would be partnered with. It was simple but it would make a big change in the omega dating world and you were proud to help.
Another week had passed and you found yourself at a classic frat party, people were drunkenly slobbering all over each other either through kissing or speaking. You couldn’t help but cringe at it all where had everyone's self respect gone? You were sat in the corner drinking out of one of the crappy red plastic cups that seemed to be almost dreamlike in your hand. You didn’t want to be here, so whey were you here? You pause and gaze down at the liquid in your cup before you glance back up and meets the eyes of one of the omegas from the group you had recently joined. She was shy and hidden in on herself and a deep look of sadness gleamed in your eyes and you understood why.
During you weekly meeting, the omegas had all suggested they go to a party with all types of people, and they would all have a red button. The premise was simple, if the omega was overwhelmed they would press the red button and everyone would gather round and would evacuate the party. It seemed like a good idea, a way to stand up and finally go to a party without being seen as sex object. So you all agreed happily, wanting to test this red button theory and see how well it worked.
Yet it had crumbled so quickly, after a few drinks some of the girls hit the dance floor which was just a large living room with all the furniture pushed to the side, but mixed with forty people it turned into a crowded dance floor. The red buttons that were favoured so much were now forgotten as they grinded against sleazy alphas. They were lost causes and the odd few that were left had fled the scene disappointed and scared at the outcome of their idea. Yet you were still sat there, across from Kari. She was a sweet girl, she was dressed in a cute white dress and cosy brown cardigan but despite her looking cosy and warm she was shaking. She was just so scared about the outcome, at how easily her friends gave into their hormones.
You sat patiently, keeping an eye on her. You agreed to stay with her until her Uber came and she was very thankful for it. This way, if she were to give into her hormones, you could step in and direct her away. That’s why you were stuck in this hell pit of sadness. Next morning all these omegas would be left, hanged to dry like a forgotten pair of socks on a washing line. They deserved better but in the end there was nothing you really could do. They consented and you were jealous that they had the chance to consent. Why not you? You shoved that selfish thought down and gulped down the rest of your drink, it was nobodies fault but Ari’s, Bucky’s and Curtis’s.
You push your hair back from your face and gaze at Kari, “Let’s wait outside, okay angel?” You coo to her and she nods eagerly, she hides her soft hands in the sleeves of her cardigan and fists it anxiously before she stands up and gazes at you desperately. You stand up and leave your cup on the table, before reaching your hand out and intertwining it with Kari’s hand. You navigate out of the crowded frat house, your head already easing up the second you stand outside as the cold air wraps you up in its embrace and grinds you back down to reality.
You squeeze Kari’s hand and turn your head to flash her a reassuring smile while squeezing her hand softly again. She smiles shyly back at you as you walk down the large porch and head towards the road. You could hear the loud, blaring music that was echoing out of the house and your face twists into one of disgust. You hated it all, you understood people having fun but whatever went on in that house would turn into sadness in the end. Besides you had better things to do, you had ideas in place. How you were going to create a great business one day and instead of only focusing on profits you would take care of the workers. You would let women’s voices be heard and let them climb the tower to success just like you would.
A genuine smile graces your face after the first time in weeks over the idea of creating such a powerful environment and as you walk with Kari you can’t help but begin to tell her about it. You watch her eyes light up as you go into more detail, a feeling of hope blooming from you both as you unravelled more of this idea. You felt that boost that you had been missing, that push to ignore what had happened and actually do something for once. In the future you could get justice, but for now you would have to grit your teeth and bare it, even if it hurt. It would be worth it for omegas like Kari, for strong alpha women like you and the beta women that were often left behind.
You both sit on the curb of the road, happily talking. Dreams and ambitions flowing through you both and a sense of pride leaps out your heart at how proud this omega was, how strong she was. After all the excited chatter, the Uber finally pulls up and you help her to her feet before hugging her tightly. She kisses your cheek and your heart flutters. She was a good woman and she deserved the world and you hoped you could help give her some of it. You stand back onto the pathway and give her a sweet wave as you watch her drive away. You would have gone with her but she was on the other side of campus and half way through your conversation you had noticed your phone missing. No doubt you had left it inside at the crappy party, so with a deep breathe in to encourage yourself you marched back to the party.
As you shoved your way through the mingling bodies that littered the house, you sauntered into the living room and your eyes glazed the scene before you headed towards the corner where you and Kari were sitting before. But just as you were about to approach it, you could feel every hair on your body stand up and a lump in your throat forming. You could smell them, all three of them. But before the bile could coat your stomach, you remembered the hopeful look in Kari’s eyes as you spoke about the future. And this was a step towards it, making your presence known and stepping down on the dirt that proclaimed themselves as the kings of the school.
You square your shoulders and straighten your back, your chin raised high and you turn on your heel a look of hatred flaming in your eyes. It as Bucky, holding your phone as he regarded you with a look of lust. His body language was relaxed but you could see how excited he was just at seeing you. You raise an eyebrow at him and responds with a smug smirk. “What’s wrong, Doll? Not excited to see me? I was looking all over for you. Curtis was too, he was just so sad that our freshly bloomed daisy wasn’t there for him to get his stress out. And don’t even get me started on Ari, all he’s done was rage at everyone. He’s so pissy and all because of you.” You seethe at him, looking at his dark brown locks and you square your jaw. “Give me back my phone.” You command and all you get in return is a laugh.
However, before Bucky could chortle out a response the party fell silent and Bucky stiffened before he relaxed a smug smile pulling at the corner of his lips again. You were confused for half a second before you smelt it. The searing anger that could only be produced by Ari. Bucky grins as he gazes over his shoulder watching the angry God approach you both. You could feel your heart hammer and you were close to having a panic attack but you just couldn’t afford to lose this battle, for Kari and for yourself. You gaze up at Ari’s hulking form, he stood behind Bucky with a dark look on his face that would destroy every ounce of strength of hope that clung to your bones.
“You found our little mutt. Curtis will be glad to know I’m about to put her in her place after avoiding us.” Ari grumbles out and Bucky chuckles at him. The look you receive from Bucky rattles your bones, you both know something big is about to go down. You’re about to be punished by the frat God and no one will help you.
You gazed at the other alpha that had so happily assaulted you, you watch with a sense of fear ready to fun or fight but you were cornered. Cold feelings of dread immediately gripped your form as Ari turned back to you and sized you up. He smirked as he always did, it seemed so easy to him to pull his lips into that evil look where you knew something awful was going to happen again. You couldn’t afford it again, you couldn’t lose that little spark but with every breathe that left your lips in his presence you could feel that little light being snuffed out. Bucky let out a chuckle and pat Ari firmly on the back, “Teach her her god damn place. Put your bitch in her place.” He mutters with a grin on his lips before he saunters away looking around for an Omega to pass the time.
“So, my little mutt can make it to a party but not to see me.” He mumbles before he lets out a bark of laughter, malice was dripping off every musical note that left his lips. He let his head roll down to gaze down at you through his strong nose. His gaze was so very cold it was like ice seeping into your veins and it left you gasping for air. “I have a very pretty video of you choking on my cock like a good little bitch. Now..” You couldn’t breathe at his words, your fate was sealed and you felt so hopeless. The little spark was downed out now. “You can stop avoiding me, be my good little girl and bow down, or I can send this to professors and around the school and get you kicked out of here without so much as blinking.” He cooed it to you like it was a lullaby and without thinking, the last part of you that was screaming in your head had won.
You raised you hand and it was almost in slow motion, such a delightful moment that your entire body sang praises about, as you punched him. The sound of the punch reverberated in the room and everyone fell silent. You felt giddy, excited, so much so that you felt yourself getting wet at giving him some pay back rather than laying down and dying. Ari’s head snapped to the side and he rolled his jaw cracking it almost like he, too, was savouring such a momentous moment. The moment died quickly though. Within seconds of you feeling like a hero, you fell like a villain as his large hands slid into your hair and gripped it tightly. You whimpered in pain as he fisted your hair but you soon let out a cry as he dragged you outside. No one stepped in, no one watched. It was too late for you and your destiny was sealed.
As you round a corner outside he pushed you and lets go of your hair sending you barrelling into the side of a wall, just as you recovered and looked around noting that he had dragged you into an alleyway, you heard Ari let out a sick little chuckle before you looked up and got a firm knee into your ribs. You hunch over and gasp for air before you get a knee swiftly to your face. You don’t know how your nose didn’t break, all you knew was that you were giving up. You crumpled on the floor sobbing and you gazed up at him. Blood dribbled out your nose and your face was red. You felt bruised and battered, even if it was only two hit, they were hard. He was a strong man and he was a hockey player, you didn’t stand a chance. “You’re such a fucking pest in my side. You would be perfect as my bitch. But you just have to open your fucking mouth like the desperate little mutt you are. You have to speak for the attention you’re so god damn desperate for. And then you had the nerve to punch me, with your soft little fucking hands. You should be ashamed to call yourself an alpha. You have done nothing but be a pain in my ass. At least if you were an omega, all I’d have to do is mark you. But no, you have to have it all. You want it, then you fucking got it.”
You couldn’t even hear him, all you could hear was a monotonous tone that rang in your head and you focused on that as a feeling of numbness consumed you. Yet just as you were about to fully give into it, Ari’s large hand grasped you jaw and he tutted at you before he gave a harsh slap to your face. A whimper leaves your lips and you let out a noise of anguish. This was overkill, you both knew it but he just wasn’t satisfied. “A full fucking year! That’s how long I’ve been pining for you, you dumb bitch! I learnt you schedule, everything about you! I listened to your shitty bands to understand you, to get you to bow down. Hell. I even started learning about business class when I didn’t even need it. But no! Wasn’t good enough for Miss. I’m so up my own ass! I’ve had enough. You’re mine. I have done everything for you and it’s time you repaid me.” He hisses out to you, his steely gaze burning holes into you crumpled form that was so tired and numb.
As you lift your head to gaze up at him, you watch his eyes dilate. He lets out a moan that he swallows, “I can smell you. You’re so fucking wet for me.” You can’t even bring yourself to stop him and his lies. You were wet earlier from teaching him his place but it back fired so badly. Humiliation engulfs you as you feel him wedge his shoe between your thighs. “Hump.” He hisses and you swallow a gag and finally manage to shake your head. He quickly leans down and garbs your hair again, “Fucking hump it like the desperate mutt you are or I swear to god that video goes around and I’ll pay for your life to be a living hell.” Ari promises you and you swallow the last sense of your pride and dignity.
You lift your hips before rubbing your clothing covered cunt against his shoe. You feel your eyelids flutter closed in shame but also pleasure. Through your jeans and your panties you can feel your clit rubbing deliciously against Ari’s shoe. As you hump him, your hand drag from the floor and crawl up his leg, clinging onto his calf like it was a carousel and the ride you were currently experiencing was one so unique you would never forget it. Your lips part and a small gasp leaves your lips as Ari tilts his foot upwards putting just the right amount of pressure against your clit. He adds a bit more and his hands card through your hair before he gently pulls it back and tilts your head up to face him.
You gaze up at him with half lidded eyes, One half closed from pleasure and the other from pain. The tears that gleamed in your eyes added a sparkle to them that made Ari adore you even more as his pet, how could he not? You were his toy, you just needed a firm hand even if it did break you. He would pick up the pieces and put you back together because he owns you and no other woman could compare in his mind. So as he analyses your face with adoration dripping from his soul as he takes in how beautiful your sparkling eyes were in the dim street-light. He could see the bruise that was forming a ring around your right eye, the blood that dripped out your nose and blended in with the blood from your busted lips. Such a beautiful mess that only he could ever appreciate and understand, proof of him puttying you in your place.
It was like Ari had plucked the wings off of an angel and watched it crumble and fall down to the ground in a heap in shame and sadness, and the groan that left his lips fell in sync with yours as you kept humping his foot. You let your eyelids flutter again before you hear Ari groan again, and for a moment you feel yourself snapping out of this sadistic nightmare. Your skin crawls and you stop moving your lips. Adrenaline pumps through you like cold ice enveloping your blood, without thinking your fight or flight instincts kick in and your teeth sink into Ari’s thigh. Your teeth coat with regret and blood and you scrunch your eyes tight as the world comes crashing around you. Ari’s knee met your cheek again in a much harsher blow and you were left wiped out on the floor, you let out a pitiful cough and blow splatters out.
Every part of you was aching and you felt your mind slipping. The zip of Ari’s flyer being the symphony to the loss of your mind, like a crow cawing on the day of a death or the wedding song echoing down a church while the forgotten bride sits there numb because her groom ran away. You couldn’t even stomach up the emotion to be jealous of the groom running, you now knew Ari would never let you go. Your fate was sealed and you fist the cold rocky ground and rest your forehead against it as the last tear you can muster leaves your eyes and caresses your cheek before leaning onto the cement.
Ari’s large paws grip your hips as his knees sink to the floor, the crunch of the cement being heard sliding under his shoes and he gets into his position. He flips you and you blank eyes gaze up at his, all you could see was the hatred that lingered as well as his sickening gaze of love. His eyes flick down as he tears your top of without a second thought, the sound was deafening and you couldn’t help the shiver that ran up your spine when the cold air caresses your skin. But not before the disgusting sensation of Ari’s hands soon travelled upon your skin, It was like being burnt. His hands were so warm against your ice cold skin.
You could feel his breathe against your neck, it was shaky with excitement. He tore your bra off without hesitation and for some reason you were thankful he didn’t look yet that part of you died as soon as you through it as you felt Ari begin to map out a destination on your skin with his lips. His hands were tearing at your trousers, it was like it was nothing to him. His brute strength was beyond your comprehension. A moan leaves your lips though before you even have chance to continue thinking about this giant’s strength as he wraps his lips around your nipple and begins to gently suck.
His other hand massages your breast before he moves his thumb to gently run over your nipple and the sensation that tingles down your spine at the subtle touch results in another moan leaving your lips. It was like he knew your body, and of course he did. You were the apple of his eyes and he had seen every part of you even if you didn’t know. He has memorised every vein, every inch of skin for his hands to feel, his lips to worship and his tongue to taste. Ari could feel his heart swelling with pride as he hears your moans surrounding his ears like a hug of delight. His thumb and forefinger pinch your nipple before he begins to roll it, all whilst he’s suckling on your other nipple his tongue flicking against it. You keep your eyes closed and pretend that your body is separated from this scene. Even if it felt good and the ice that ran through your body was instead turning to heat, you didn’t want this and your mouth no longer worked, either because you had been moaning so much or because of how swollen your lips were.
When he switched to lavish your other nipple with his tongue, you couldn’t stop moaning any more, but your mind was disconnected. You were floating in a void of darkness while your body tingled with delight at Ari’s touches. You could feel his spit coating your nipple and when he pulled away and blew on it, you gasped at the cold. You peaks were well presented and Ari wished that he could keep this as a picture. He was all over you and he was filled with absolute arrogance at how easily you had submitted to him. Your moans were forever engrained into his head like it was a holy prayer and he would always worship you to get to hear you sing your angelic verses. “My good girl, see you sound so much better when you whimper than when you’re barking. My pretty bitch, not a little mutt any more. You have an owner and I’m gonna spoil you.”
You could hear Ari’s words echoing in your head but they were soon silenced by the deafening tone that screeched in you head as his hands skated down your stomach and under the band of your panties. He groans, and his breathe gets heavier. He tears through the final piece of fabric and his long, thick fingers trail down before tracing your wet folds. He dips them in for a moment and brings them to his face, he sniffs them and his pupils dilate even more making his eyes seem like pure black. His tongue peeks out his lips before he licks at your juices that coat his fingers. A deep rumble leaves his chest, and the alleyway seems to shake at it. “Fuckin’ beautiful. The sweetest nectar. That’s why you’re so mouthy, isn’t it? Because you knew you tasted God damn divine.” You couldn’t even muster a reply to him, your head was turned and you were counting the small stoned that littered the ground. This was the end and you knew that Ari had won. “Present for me.” He commands but you couldn’t even move you body. Your limbs were heavy and bruised and Ari’s patience was so thin it snapped a mere second after his command left his lips.
You felt his large paws grip your hips as he turns you, he drags the scraps of clothing from your body leaving you bare to the cold, night air. You knees scraped against the cement and grazed them, your chin rested on the gravel as he twisted and turned you into you were in the right position. He drapes his body over yours, the heat from his skin blistering yours with disgust. His lips gently kissed your ears as he whispered sweet words of devotion but you focused on the tone that continued to screech in your head. You gulped as your felt him nudge you legs wider from behind, you closed your eyes tightly within seconds as you felt the tip of his cock rubbing between your folds and his groan vibrates against your back and you finally manage a tear that falls down your face and onto the cement as he slides his cock into your tight little cunt.
Ari’s eyes roll back into his head and his mouth falls agape as some drool leaves his mouth, he had torn down heavens gate and was finally in the place he had craved for years. He was in heaven, he was buried so deep in your snug little cunt. You could feel him stretching you, you could feel every vein of his cock as your pussy was wrapped around him. Your stomach felt full and empty all at once, you were either going to throw up or pass out. Ari’s large hand grabbed your chin as he pressed his bearded cheek against yours. “Mine. This is mine. You are mine. How could I ever have called you a mutt when you’re literally just a pup. My little pup who needed training. Sweet little cunt on my sweet little bitch. The places I’ll take you, the things I’ll spoil you with, you’ll never want for anything again.” He coos through groans and panting breaths.
He moves his hips and the thrust rocks your entire body, your knees grazing against the cement again this time tearing through the graze and pulling blood out. You let out a soft breath as he pulls out but soon your eyes roll back as he pushes back into the hilt. Ari let out such delicate moans and groans at every thrust he delivered to your fragile body, You were just so tight and wet, and the heat from your pussy was absolutely delicious. His hand falls from your face and falls to the pavement, practically clawing at the floor with every movement he anchors to your body. The wet squelches echo down the alley from your wet pussy and Ari’s balls finally slap against your clit making you let out a pathetic mewl that only stirred him on. It only made Ari want more of that precious little noise, he needed to have that noise injected into his heart so that every time it beat he would remember you giving in to him.
You could feel every hit of his balls just momentarily adding pressure to your clit that would make you moan and drool. Ari had enough of this, ho he had to wait for every thrust to make you moan. He moves his hand to between your legs and instantly begins to rub your clit, polishing it like a prized jewel. You cried out and Ari’s heart rate sky rocketed. Nothing could ever compare to this, to you. As he continues to rock his hips like a desperate mad man, he soon begins changing from his soft caresses on your clit to now circling it aggressively. He was abusing your clit and the sounds that you felt leaving your lips, they didn’t sound real. They sounded fake, and how you wished they were because you knew that the whispers of pleasure that were leaving your lips would only boost his ego, only encourage him.
Ari could feel the sweat that lined his body, how it was falling onto your skin, making both your scents combine. Two alpha’s now mating. A forced submission that Ari wished he could regret or feel guilty about but he simply couldn’t, not when you were finally his. He could feel you clenching around him before you let out a gasp and came around him, every time his cock speared into you a ring of your cum was around the base marking him as yours. He could feel every hair on his body prick up as he began to reach his climax. He moved his head and pressed a small delicate kiss to your neck, your scent gland. He was about to do something rare. He was about to mate another alpha, a very hard thing to do, but he had already put himself as being the most dominant out of you two. He knew you were his fate and he would never want another.
As he licked your neck with a slow pace, his hips were moving faster and he gritted his teeth together mid lick as he growled. This was it. His hands gripped your hips and he pulled you up before sinking his cock deep into your cunt, the tip pressing against your cervix and his balls rested against your clit. His seed pumped into you, filling you up. You could feel it leaking into you, but before you could even begin to comprehend his cum leaking into you, his teeth sank into you neck. Your eyes flashed white as you passed out in a heap on the floor, Ari’s cock still speared inside of you as it began to expand and knot, tying you together. His teeth coated in your blood as the bond between you snaps into place. It struggles at first rejecting the idea of to alphas being together, but Ari’s will as stronger, he knew what he wanted and he was having it. He exhaled all the breath from his lungs before taking another breath of pure contentment. He had you in the palm of his hand and he knew the clean up after this was going to be huge. He had to take care of you now. He was your mate even if you hated it. “Good pup, gonna take care of you. Promise.” He coos to your unconscious form and squeeze his body tighter against yours to keep you warm and safe in his arms.
When you finally came back to reality through the haze, you gazed down at your hands and counted your fingers before you saw the bedsheets under them. A deep red bedding was wrapped around your form, something you had never seen or owned. You slowly tilted your head up and your eyes scanned the surroundings. This place was luxurious, deep wood furniture and floors surrounded the room. It seemed almost regal. You mind spiked with memories from that night the second you smelled Ari. His scent was every where. In the room and on you and you felt your stomach turn immediately. You rushed to the bathroom on wobbly legs that barely seemed to hold you. You reached the toilet and instantly began hurling. As you emptied your stomach a hand wrapped gently around your hair and kept it away from being covered in your vomit. It was like your blood curled in seconds as you sensed who it was, you hadn’t even heard the sounds of the shower when you woke up. Ari gently rubs your back and whispers words of support and when you’re finished you rest your head on the toilet. You sob quietly. “I know, pup, I know. I’m sorry and I know you hate me. But this was for your own good.” He murmurs.
Within seconds your turn around and begin throwing punches at him, or you tried to. He wraps around your wrists and he pulled you onto his lap as he wears only a towel around his waist. You claw at him, desperately wanting to cause just one second of pain to him like he had done to you. After a few minutes the fight is torn out of you again and he picks you up, cradling you in his arms like you were his most prized love. The only thing he had ever needed. And he did, he needed you, you were his everything. So he would accept every bite, every mean comment, every slap you threw at him just so you would be okay again. He leaves you on the bed as he rushes around the room and gets dressed into a pair of boxers and a tank top. He sits on the end of the bed and gazes you. Your knees were pulled to your chest and you were vacant and his heart ached. He had caused this and even though it hurt, he knew this was needed.
He gulped and gazes down at his hands. “You were out for a week, But the bond formed and I know your mind isn’t handling it well-” You cut him off as your voice echoed out into the room in a hollow voice, “You raping me didn’t help.” The hopelessness in your voice left his stomach aching. “Yeah…” He whispers and gazes down at his hands. “I’m sorry, But I patched you up and I went to your dorm, got everything you needed.” He murmurs, he turns his head daring to glance at you, but you're still in the same position and for a brief moment he feels bad before he remembers this was necessary to make you his. To break you. And the guilt washes away from him. The silence was killing him, he gulps and speaks again, “I’ve moved you in with me, and I called in at your work. You don’t have to work again, but- um- I knew you wanted to earn your business degree, so I left that alone. I just brought the notes from the classes you missed today. Everything else is um non negotiable. You’re mine-” He winces at his word, “You have to stay close, I don’t want you working. I’ll provide and I know you want to as well but I can’t let you. That’s a command.” He whispers it, but the command was still firm. It was set in place and your life had ended. He paused and gazed at you, but all you did was breath from your nose in response. He was frustrated but he swallowed it down, he had to build you up again before he broke you.
He stands up and begins to pull on some trousers and a flannel top, he pushes his hair from his face and analyses you. “I have to go out, I have practise, As your alpha I command you not to harm yourself. That is an order.” He says firmly. He knew you wouldn’t run, you couldn’t. He clenches his hand as he fights back the urge to kiss your forehead and reassure you, and instead spreads his fingers out and grabs his hockey gear and leaves you.
It hadn’t been long, at least to Ari it hadn’t, but as his practise went on he had a looming feeling of dread swiftly travelling down his spine making him shiver. And as more time went on he got more and more distracted by the game until he felt a sharp pain in his heart, like a rubber band had been snapped. You had disobeyed one of his commands so without a second thought, Ari had ran to the locker rooms and gotten changed ignoring everyone else’s shouts of confusion of disappointment. He could feel his heart in his throat, hammering away and making him feels sick to the stomach. How could you disobey him already? He needed to retrain you or punish you. He drove past speeding limits before he pulled up to his apartment that was nearby the school. He barges his way through it and he doesn’t see you frozen in your spot on the bed but he instantly picks up on the sounds of the shower running.
The scene that greeted him had him rolling his eyes, you were such a pathetic alpha huddled into the corner of the shower as the water poured down on you. He clenched his fists and rolled his neck before his long legs dragged him to the shower, He squatted and the water poured down on him, soaking his clothes making them tighten around his strong form. He tuts and tilts his head as he gazes at your blank face. “Disobeying me already? We don’t want to be punished again, do we?” He coos and a smile splits across his face is sadistic anticipation in hopes you do want to be punished again. His eyes scan you ad watches as you shrink in on yourself and he sighs in frustration before he drags you onto his lap and pushes some wet hair from your face.
His large hands cradle your face, firm but gentle. He scan your face and a glare settles in his eyes, “You’re not even trying. Stupid fucking pup. I’m working my ass for you here. I tried to be nice, to make you feel at home despite you only being a pet. But no. It’s still not good enough for you.” He hisses into your ear but you barely acknowledge him until you hear his breathe directly against your ear. “If you don’t start acting like the strong alpha you claim to be, then I’ll fucking leave you on the side of the road with nothing. Understood?” It isn’t a threat, It's a promise you can hear the sincerity dripping off his tone and it makes you shiver. You gulp and nod your head in compliance because you had no other choice. You were trapped.
So, you gazed up at the shower head that poured the water down onto you both and closed your eyes and for a brief second you saw your future and it was glorious. Even though you were in a dark spot right now, you would claw yourself out of it and claim yourself as the true alpha you are no matter how hard it was. You had to escape Ari. You just needed to bide your time, have a plan and prepare.
Months had passed and every time that you built yourself back up to being strong and establishing yourself as a good alpha, Ari would make it known that you were nothing. Either by making you submit to him and making you spread your legs or being subjected to humiliation as you were shared between him, Bucky and Curtis. Every time you tried to help the omega group, Ari would have Curtis and Bucky ruin it and every time they would drink and party afterwards while Ari fucked you hard and left you a hollow shell.
You were stuck in a hell pit. Ari, Curtis and Bucky saw you as a special toy, one they would never grow bored of. After all they all grew up together in high school, they shared everything together and you were no different from the trophies they won at hockey games. They had a deep brother hood, Ari had always taken care of both the men. Bucky and Curtis grew up rough and their homes even rougher, and Ari grew up rich and sheltered and would often offer for them to stay with him when they were younger. This kindness Ari had shown had ended up in the men swearing a loyalty to each other. A bond and a brotherhood none of them would ever break as they were far too loyal and thrived off of each other’s dominance and they all strived to push each other. You stood no chance when Ari set his eye on you and wanted to break you. When Ari wanted you, so did the other two, but they wanted to help push you to Ari. They wanted their brother happy so if that meant having you suck their cocks while they filmed, they would happily accept. They wanted to break you but they wanted to support their brother too, they would never complain.
But after months of this abuse you grew tired and soon began becoming desperate and started searching for a plan and when you found one you began mapping everything out: See, your running plan was smart and cunning, after a lot of healing and still a lot more to come, you realised that being Ari’s mate wasn't the end of the world. Rather it was the start of it. Because you no longer had a job it meant you could take another class and you did, you took a computer class. You had researched Ari’s dad’s company when he would go to hockey practise and you had your eyes on the prize. When you got your degrees and finally married Ari, you would take over the business at the first female Alpha. Ari didn’t stand a chance. You were ready, and his father was getting close to death. You knew Ari would agree because of the rocky start to your relationship and how he would do anything to amend it. This was your high road, your way to victory and glory where you would prove everyone wrong. Of course it meant playing along a bit, but you were doing it with easy now days. You and Ari had sex often and you found yourself liking some of the presents that he had spoiled you with.
But whilst you were being cunning, Ari had his plan in motion too. It was simple and an easy one, one that could wait with time. He would knock you up. He knew you were ambitious and you would no doubt try and rub the company and it would be fun to watch you do it. But all it took was one baby and you were out of the game. And the second you were put, Ari would be back on top. As the leader of the company, as the true alpha between you both. And you wouldn’t ever complain because you would be too busy doting on your child, inspiring it to make a change one day. That’s all it would take and he was well on the way to winning.
So as you stand so proudly in the crowd and throw your graduation cap in the air bursting at the seams with excitement over the changes you were about to make, you had no clue that it would be so short lived. As days later you would find out that Ari had won again and you were pregnant with his child, forever sealing you as his.
#ari levinson x reader#chris evans#ari levison x reader#ari levinson#ari levinson au#ari levinson angst#curtis everett au#curtis everett smut#curtis everett x reader#curtis everett#dark curtis#ari levinson smut#ari levinson dark#dark ari levinson#dark ari levinson x reader#ari levinson x y/n#ari levinson x female reader#ari levinson x innocent!reader#ari levinson x black!reader#ari levinson x woc
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When moms out Step daddy steve and Step bro curtis come out to play with reader 🤤🫡🥴😏 d.p anyone and teases heheh
summary - your mum leaves the house, leaving you alone with your stepdad and stepbrother.
warning - smut, cheating, stepcest, word slut is used.
18+ only please, the gifs I use aren’t mine, divider by @newlips
Your mum had mentioned going out to see some friends, leaving you alone with your stepdad and stepbrother. Your cheeks had been heated ever since you had said goodbye to her, the reason being was the two very large men leaning against the wall opposite you, staring at you with hungry eyes.
You didn’t know how it happened so fast, the moment your mum pulled out of the driveway, Steve and Curtis grabbed you, pulling you into the lounge room and onto the couch. They hastily pulled your clothes off, smothering your body with their kisses and rough hands.
You whimpered against them as your stepdad Steve gripped your hips tight, thrusting into your soft cunt. Your stepbrother Curtis teased your puffy clit, flicking and rubbing it. A smirk on his lips as he watched your eyes flutter, your lips parting as the prettiest sounds slip out.
“Who’s our good little girl?” You clench around Steve, the raspiness of his voice causing your insides to tingle. A gasp gets caught in your throat as Curtis slaps your clit, enjoying how you squirmed against his touch.
“Answer your daddy, you little slut.” You whine, feeling your mind become dumb. They watch as a tiny bit of drool slips past your lips, and chuckle, picking up their movements.
“C’mon, baby girl. Answer us or you don’t get to cum.” Steve threatens.
You begin to babble, “nooo…” Your mind slipping into a fuzzier state, your moans coming out as huffs as you try and speak. “Y—you two are!” Your vision becomes white as you feel something inside of you snap.
Steve and Curtis groan as they watch your juices gush out, coating them. Your stepbrother leans forward to prolong your orgasm by taking your puffy clit between his lips, your back arches as he sucks it harshly into his mouth.
Steve grins, whispering roughly into your ear. “Good girl. Our good fucking girl.” Those are the only words you hear as you drift off.
thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
#imyourbratzdollasks#anon reply#imyourbratzdollwork#steve rogers imagines#steve rogers imagine#curtis everett imagine#steve rogers x reader#curtis everett x reader#steve rogers au#curtis everett x you#curtis everett#steve rogers fanfiction#curtis everett fanfiction#steve rogers fic#curtis everett fluff#steve rogers fanfic#curtis everett fic#steve rogers#curtis everett oneshot#steve rogers drabble#chris evans fanfiction#chris evans#chris evans characters#chris evans x female reader#chris evans x reader#chris evans drabble#chris evans one shot#chris evans fan fic#chris evans imagine#chris evans imagines
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Psycho Husband!Steve Rogers who is a crazed coercive bastard.
Warning(s): Noncon, misogyny/sexism, depraved housewife kink, head shaving/hair cutting, he's a mental mf who thinks he is only doing what's best for you; cruel punishments are care and better sense according to him, age gap, fear kink, infantilization, humiliation, size kink. MDNI.
. . .
You meekly sit atop your husband, Steve Rogers' lap as he feeds himself and you the dinner you meticulously prepared for him as he cares greatly for detail and perfection.
The older man hums with each bite, one large paw caressing your back from over the thin -nearly sheer- material of one of the many dresses that make up the entirety of your wardrobe.
“Absolutely delicious, baby, good job” he has been praising you with each bite and so you cannot help but smile at the compliments, your smaller body resting against his as you gently comb his hair with your fingers.
This is good.
Him being pleased is good.
“Thank you, my heart” you kiss his cheek that he had shaved just this morning when you were on your knees getting rid of his morning wood. He usually does that at night but you chose to wear a certain dress yesterday that caused for you to remain trapped in bed from the moment he got home till the both of you woke up tangled and sticky.
“See?” Now his fingers silkily glide up the length of your spine, past its dents that appear on your nape and towards your scalp that holds no barriers between your skins. “Wasn't I right?” Steve's fingertips flex all over your shiny head that he keeps empty from any hurdle between yourself and him. “Didn't it make things all better for us, hm?” Your tongue grows heavy and you feel it beginning to swell.
But you must not speak your mind.
For you are not allowed to have one.
“Yes, hubby, you were” you feel him stroke the bald crown of your head and the feeling of his coarse skin rubbing your soft and moisturized one sends shivers down your spine.
His dark but relaxed blue eyes watch you, outwardly friendly but secretly inspecting you closely for the tiniest slip up. “Just too stupid to see it back then, weren't you?”
You nod nervously, offering him a smile as you avert your gaze from his, choosing to awkwardly play with his dress shirt instead. “Yes, hubby, I was.” Before you look up momentarily. He hates it when you don't look at him while speaking. “Thank you for teaching me better.”
“And what did I teach you?” You bite your tongue, his words scalding your ears.
Of course, he wants you to say it.
It is a routine that he likes to do every night.
“That you are always right because you know better.” You resist the urge to cringe from how he suddenly gives you a burst of praise head rubs.
It is a trap, meant to set you off.
He knows you don't like his hand rubbing your bald head like you're some kind of an animal and he still does it.
You've made the mistake of fighting back one too many times in the past.
But now you know it never fares well for you.
So better to just obey.
“Yeah?” His eyes begin to dance all over your form in that lewd fashion of theirs. “And how did I teach you that?” This is nothing new, and yet your heart drops.
“You taught me by…” Your face becomes hot from the embarrassment and humiliation. “B- By…” Fuck.
Even after all this time, it's no easier to do it.
“By?” You can feel his sick arousal poke into the back of your thigh. He shifts to readjust himself. “Know what, honey?” He actually has the gall to sound friendly like he's doing you a favor out of the goodness of his heart. “I'll help your little mind out by giving you a hint.” You cannot hold his gaze anymore. So you drop your eyes and train them on his collars as you whimper into his cheek from how he hugs you closer with the arm he has draped around you. He loves proximity. “It had something to do with a machine and a cute head” his long fingers caress your scalp in circular motions.
Your heart is erratic against his chest. “H–” the whimper you let out is shaky and pathetic. Your expression falters into one of pain but you recover just as fast. At least on the outside. “T- Taught me by shaving my head.”
Steve's smirk is one of pride. “Oh? And what setting did I shave it on? Did I leave anything behind or did you become a complete cueball?”
Tears sting your eyes from the sensitivity and helplessness as you feel your throat tighten even more. “N- No, hubby. Nothing was left. You shaved it all off…” Closing your eyes momentarily is the only way you can let out your next words. “Until I was a cueball.”
“And why was that, huh, baby?” Now he speaks to you like you're a child.
He does that when he is horny.
The realization makes your stomach twist.
“B- Because you warned me many times but—” your voice breaks and you softly sob into his cheek all of a sudden because the memories overwhelm you. “I didn't l- listen and my hair kept getting in the food I would prepare for you.” He somberly cooes and lowers your head forwards in a submissive position to caress the links of your spine.
“Oh, honey. Is that what happened?” Though Steve rests his cheek atop your bald head that he keeps shiny with scented oils and feigns sadness his bulge is too stiff against your tender skin for his little act to hold any weight.
“Yes, hubby.” Your tears fall on your lap.
“And how did it happen, huh, darling?” He loves the helplessness of your situation. That has got to be it. “Can you tell me?”
You nod and swallow the bile in your throat. Denial is not an option. “The scary razor went all over my head, hubby” you make yourself sound like a baby because that's what he likes. “Like buzz buzz buzz~” you try to mimic the sound and gesture as you run a pretend trimmer over your naked scalp.
“Aw, it was scary for your little baby self, was it?” You timidly nod, pouting a little. “That's because you're so small and easily scared, aren't you?” He presses kisses all over your head and pinches your cheek.
“Yes, hubby.”
“Aw, my poor girl” he cups your face and lets his thumb trace the shape of your mouth. “I get it, you’re just a baby” he cannot but kiss you deeply before speaking again.
“But it was necessary, wasn't it? And it worked” it is typical of him to seek validation for his unhinged actions from you, probably helps him sleep easier and pumps his pompousness further. “No more hair in the food.” He smiles and forces you to look at him by tipping your head back.
“No more hair in the food.” You echo him like the hollow doll he has made of you.
“Awww” he chuckles at the dejection in your voice. “Cheer up, silly. You look just as perfect as the first moment I laid my eyes on you” his lips repeatedly peck yours for a few moments. Then he continues. “I am the only one whose opinion matters for you and I think you're the most gorgeous thing alive” he scoops you up in his arms before standing up and you give him a smile like you're supposed to. He leans in to capture it in his own. “The cueball only makes you sexier and more nude for me. So it's a win all around” you whimper into the words he utters against your mouth. “C'mon, hubby will make you feel all better.” He whispers before carrying you to the bedroom. It is impossible not to be aware of your devastation and that is why he offers compensation the way he does. “Yeah?”
All you can do is nod defeatedly.
. . .
If you made it down here, hi you're cool.
#steve rogers#steve rogers imagine#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers x you#steve rogers x y/n#steve rogers x oc#steve rogers and reader#steve rogers drabble#steve rogers smut#steve rogers fanfiction#steve rogers fic#steve rogers angst#dark!steve rogers#dark!steve x reader#dark!steve rogers x reader#dark!marvel#ari levinson#lloyd hansen#curtis everett#andy barber#ransom drysdale#chris evans characters#chris evans character fanfiction#chris evans character x reader
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Tangled Up
Pairing: Andy Barber x Soft!Dark Reader
Summary: Andy has no idea how he’s found himself so quickly tangled up in your web. And your basement…
Word count: 2,756
Content/warnings: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI, dark themes including but not limited to kidnapping and isolation, restraints and interrogation, noncon/dubcon, emotional manipulation and humiliation, forced and semi- dom/sub dynamics, kissing, smut, grinding and pussyjob, p in v unprotected sex, cum tasting, mentions of starvation, swears
A/N: I’m SO EXCITED for you all to read this! This reader is a certified feral loony and such a blast to think about. Made in collaboration with @brandycranby
Comments, reblogs, and asks are especially appreciated!
Dividers by @ghoulbloggerrr
AU Masterlist | Bigtreefest Masterlist | Brandycranby Masterlist
Andy roused from a restless slumber fully confused and disoriented. His head was pounding, eyes crusty, hair matted to his forehead likely from a stress dream he couldn’t remember now, despite the way the cortisol still flowed through his bloodstream. Everything around him was unfamiliar, yet he’d memorized the barren surroundings in the couple days he’d been trapped in this basement. At least he thought it’d been a couple days. Time seemed irrelevant now.
He never thought it would happen so quickly, having been solitary for so much of his life. Before, being alone meant peace, but since the divorce, and a couple days with such few creature comforts, he realized that wasn’t the case.
He moved to run a hand over his face in thought, in an attempt to clear off his brow so he could focus a little better, but winced from the pull at his tender wrist. That’s right, the man with the goatee tied him up pretty tight. His back was slightly arched, shoulders digging in uncomfortably to the backrest of what he assumed to be a dining chair. His lower half was nearly numb from the worn cushion underneath him, tailbone growing sore. He attempted to adjust, just to remember his ankles were restrained, too which yanked him back down to the hard wood.
The hiss Andy let out mixed with the vague sounds of footsteps upstairs. It just barely made it through the soundproof walls, but was easily picked up through the deafening silence. That must’ve been what had woken him, they were coming. You were coming.
His body went stiff as a board at that, no longer groggy, but fully at attention. This would be the time to fight back. Maybe he could finally convince you to return him to his bachelor pad, to his life.
Andy sat in anxious anticipation. In seconds that felt like hours with the way his heart was in his throat, the door at the top of the steps cracked open, golden hour sunlight bouncing off of the drywall and towards his eyes through the double glass doors of his cell, the first non-fluorescent glow to hit him in eons. Andy had never been one to stop and admire the sunset, except maybe on vacations with Laurie, but now, he’d give anything for a glimpse of the sky. Because that would mean freedom. Freedom from this place that he still couldn’t quite understand that he found himself. It was gone too soon as the door clicked shut.
He watched as your bare feet padded down the steps, tantalizingly slow, revealing bare legs under a short, silk robe. Warm food steamed in a low-brimmed bowl that balanced on your hand, the other holding a glass of water with a straw. Your eyes were focused on the next step until you reached the bottom, finally looking up to meet his gaze. It was so beautiful, so blue, but so full of turmoil. You smiled, seeing him in all of his glory, finally in your house.
Your slow stalk towards him was diverted to the basement bathroom to grab a washcloth, before you resumed your walk to the airlock. As you made your way through the double doors, a smirk broadened your lips at the sight of Andy tied up in the center of the room. Unable to do anything but be at your mercy. You set the bowl of food and glass of water down beside his chair and sat sideways on his lap, placing a gentle hand on his cheek as your eyes roved over his face, taking stock of every detail. At your touch, Andy turned his head away and squeezed his eyes shut, causing your face to scrunch in disappointment.
“Andy, honey, let me clean you up.”
He moved just barely enough to shake his head as you lifted your other hand to his face, firmly guiding him to look towards you once more. He opened his eyes again to be met with a soft look.
“That’s better, now, isn’t it?”
You began to wipe off his eyes and forehead, doing your best to clean him up. Andy’s breath picked up as his lips parted.
“I want to go home.”
Your hands froze, just about to tousle his hair, cupping his beard instead. As your eyes bored into his, all Andy saw was deep, deranged darkness behind them.
“You are home, silly. How many times do I have to tell you that? I’m going to take such good care of you, but you just have to let me. The more you learn about how to be a good husband, the more freedoms I’ll allow you, hm? Now, how about some dinner?”
Andy’s eyebrows were furrowed in anger, disgust as he stared you down, pulling at his restraints until he realized it was better to avoid the rope burn that was developing. But you didn’t seem to be bothered by that at all, setting down the washcloth and swapping it for the bowl of food, no longer steaming, but still warm. He could tell it by the way the scent surrounded him, and he hated that he thought it actually smelled good.
As you resettled in his lap, Andy found himself looking in the bowl, seeing gravy, speckled with bright orange carrots and something green, over rice.
You nestled in close, putting together a spoonful of the food and clocking his curiosity.
“It’s beef stew. Curtis is nearly famous for it. So savory, so delicious, and packed with love for this very special Valentine’s occasion. It’s a real treat.”
He was confused by your evident excitement with the dish. Were you trying to sell this to him? Poison him? What was the point? Who was Curtis? And it was already Valentine’s Day? Where had the time gone?
You held a bite up to his mouth, eyes sparkling, but your eyebrows gathered when you were met with sealed lips.
“Open up, Andy. It’s good. You’ve got to eat. Don’t want those plush swimmer’s muscles wasting away. That would be a shame!”
The tone of your voice was almost as shiny as the lipgloss you wore, making Andy’s stomach turn more. You attempted to make another bite, a smaller one of just rice, and put it to his lips again.
“C’mon. Just a little. He worked so hard on it!”
Andy opened his mouth and scraped the grains off the spoon with his teeth, chewing slowly and swallowing them down. Carbs were good, maybe that could fuel him for a few more days like this, and keep him in your good graces. Your face softened in satisfaction to the way he acquiesced and you held up another spoonful, which he promptly refused. You shrugged and set the bowl down, this time straddling his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck when you came back.
Your tone was congratulatory, yet nonchalant, “One bite! That’s progress. I’m sure I’ll have you eating out of my hand soon enough.”
Andy looked up at the ceiling. Anywhere but at you and the way your silk robe had parted where your legs had spread, teasing what little fabric lied underneath.
A grumble emerged from his lips. A mere mumble you were hoping you didn’t catch correctly, as you ran your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.
“What was that?”
He directed his face towards you again, eyes sharp as his nose and jawline, a killing look almost.
“You’re sick.”
You threw your head back with a light laugh.
“Honey, I’m nothing of the sort. I just know what’s best for you, and that’s being here, with me.”
He shook his head, moving to gesture to the nearly empty room, only to be reminded of his restraints again.
“This? This….empty torture chamber!? This is what’s best for me? There’s nothing down here! It’s just some shitty IKEA rug over a concrete floor, blank walls, a mattress, and a prison bathroom!”
Your face flashed a hint of anger at his defiance before you steeled yourself quickly, replacing it with a look of concern.
“Well, there’s not much down here because I don’t want you hurting yourself, Andy pandy. You don’t know what’s best yet, I’m taking care of you. Once you learn how to behave, there’s no need for these precautions. You can have all sorts of trinkets and decorations eventually. And if you’re really good, maybe you can come upstairs and stay in bed with me.”
His jaw ticked at that. This wasn’t his home.
“I have a house. It has everything I need. People are looking for me! I’m sure it won’t be long.”
You playfully rolled your eyes and your head dropped to your chest, a low, dry laugh emanating from your throat before you shook your head and met his eyes that were full of faltering conviction.
“Andrew, no need to lie to me. We can be honest with each other.” Your voice was sickeningly sweet and dripping with feigned sympathy. “I know you live in a sad, lonely apartment. And that your name as Assistant District Attorney doesn’t get you as far as it once did. Especially with the way you fumbled into success on your last case.”
His nostrils flared with ire. He opened his mouth to respond, deny, but was met with your shushing finger.
“Let me finish. A little birdie told me that you’re going to be let go any day now, especially with the several days you haven’t shown up, without a single call! And then what are you to do? Wither in your bachelor pad, squandering your nice severance payments? It’s not like Laurie would jump to comfort you. But I would. So, be a good boy, and let me take it from here.”
Andy shuddered as you shuffled closer to him, his tight lips denying the kiss you pressed to them.
“Still gonna be difficult? We can move to dessert. I know you hardly had any dinner, but let me give you a taste of how sweet things could be for you, old man. Just relax and sit back.”
Behind his back, Andy’s hands gathered into fists and his teeth clenched together. He had a feeling what your agenda was, and it was solidified by what he saw as you shrugged the pink robe off of your shoulders. Underneath it lied a white, lacy teddy, adorned with small pink hearts all over. So darling and sweet, and innocent. It was nauseating, the image coming together in front of him. The honey that poured from your mouth and hugged the curves of your body, soured by your true intentions that bubbled below the surface.
You tentatively ground your hips in a circle over the dress slacks that he still wore, pleased as he struggled to contain a moan. No matter how much Andy tried to deny it, his body was betraying him, blood rushing south, gaze sucked into the sight of your breasts being pushed up near his face by the flimsy lace.
Your pleased expression couldn’t be hidden either as you continued to hump against him, your hands moving to rub up and down his chest through his dress shirt which was no longer pristine and pressed. As you smoothed some of the wrinkles, you felt the broad expanse of what was underneath.
With a simmering eagerness, you began to undo the buttons painstakingly slow, revealing his faded undershirt. Your fingertips gently, teasingly grazed over the ridges of his pecs, thumbs flicking his nipples, gracing your ears with a low growl from his throat. You bit your bottom lip in excitement at what you were able to pull from him already, leaning in to press a soft, rewarding kiss to the straining muscles of his neck. He really was so beautiful like this, so needy already.
His dick was pressing against your thigh almost insistently with every fluid motion you were making to brush over it, mirroring the growing impatience you felt rising within your belly. Without wasting another second, you scooted back to undo the zipper of Andy’s dress pants and reached your hand in, his cock immediately standing at attention, precum already leaking from the angry red tip.
You swiped it up with your finger and sucked it off between your lips, taking pride in the way Andy’s breaths continued to pick up.
Genuine elation was filling you at that. “Mmm, tastes so good. Gonna give me more?”
His pupils went wide and dark, nearly as much as yours. You could tell his protests were wavering, despite the wispy denial spilling past his lips.
“N-no. Stop. I-I don’t want this.”
Your hand lowered again to cup his cock against the lace that covered your pussy, hips grinding up and down his length. The pressure and pleasure was almost dizzying with how you could feel the ridge of the head nudge your clit. The thin lace was quickly becoming soaked.
As you looked up at Andy, his face was turned downward and to the side again, so your brought your hand up to his hold his jaw, lovingly brushing your thumb over the apple of his cheek. You could tell he was biting the inside of his mouth to refrain from making any more noise, and you simply couldn’t have that.
You placed your forehead against his, speaking in the hot and humid air.
“I don’t believe you. I think you want more.”
You reached your fingertips under the gusset and pulled it to the side, revealing your bare, slick pussy, and pressed in closer, ground faster, watching as his cock was hugged between the lips. When your eyes flickered up to his again, his long eyelashes were brushing against his cheeks, gaze glued to the slick sight before him. It was the source of both his pleasure and his torture, and he evidently couldn’t get enough from the way his hips bucked into yours.
A wry grin graced your face as you took him in. A blush crept up his neck, and painted the tips of his ears. It was everything you wanted to see, but still not enough. You needed him to fully submit. To give in to just the beginning of the pleasure you knew you could give him. In your bounces over his lap, you inched yourself higher, his tip catching your entrance and slipping in with a delicious stretch, finally drawing a moan from the grumpy, stoic man.
It was all too much, all at once. The wet, tight warmth surrounding was him better than anything he’d felt in years. It only took a couple more bounces of your ass against his thighs, slaps muffled by his dress pants, for you to feel his dick twitch. You pulled him out just in time for his thick spend to coat your lower torsos, painting the innocent white material in sin. Andy whimpered, his orgasm torn from his grasp as you rubbed your clit to tip over the edge with him, the sight and sounds driving you towards bliss.
Drained to near exhaustion, he flopped forward as far as the restraints would allow him, straining every part of his body as it jerked and tensed beyond his will. His chest heaved, shoulders rising and falling with each heavy breath, eyes squeezed shut in a whirl of feelings and emotions. Shame, fear, relief, confusion.
You giggled triumphantly at the scene, smiling with fulfillment of the first step of everything you wanted from Andy. You brought your lips to his forehead and placed a kiss, speaking softly against his dewy skin.
“See? I think that was really nice for both of us.”
You lingered there for a second, breathing in his scent.
“Jake will be down in a little bit with a change of clothes and to help you freshen up.”
You pushed yourself up out of his lap. Andy sat there stunned, still in shock with his head limp and facing the floor. As you gathered your robe and shrugged it on, you made your way to the airlock and entered the code to leave his room, turning back for one final look. Andy just barely glared at you through those long lashes, resenting the sweet smile you gave him once again, but the cloudiness penetrating his mind made him think it was maybe a little less so than he did an hour ago. You waved teasingly with your fingertips before gracing him with your parting words.
“Welcome home, Andrew. And happy Valentine’s Day.”
Bonus A/N: who fed us after midnight? Because we’ve become gremlins😈
Taglist: @hawkeyes-queen @ronearoundblindly @mercurial-chuckles @steviebbboi @thiquefunlover63
#Andy barber#Andy barber x reader#Andy barber x you#Andy barber fanfiction#tangled up#Andy barber x soft!dark reader#x reader#reader insert#defending Jacob#Andy barber smut#Andy barber angst#dark fic#soft!dark fic#soft!dark!fic#Andy barber x soft!dark!reader#Andy barber x soft!dark! reader#curtis Everett#Jake Jensen#Chris Evans#Chris Evans characters#CE characters#CE character fanfiction#Chris evens character fanfiction#f!reader#Andy barber x f!reader#Andy barber x female reader#Andy barber x f!softdark reader#andy barber x f!soft!dark reader#Stockholm syndrome
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Third time is the charm! For your sweethearts game. ‘Bite me’ with Curtis Everett please. And thank you 😊 🤍 your patience is appreciated.
the vampire's pet
pairing: vampire!curtis everett x human!female reader
summary: vampires have certain rules that govern their kind, and when you test the limits of those rules, you push curtis everett until his control snaps and his monster is unleashed.
warnings: 18+ content (minors dni!!!), vampire au, monsterfucking, smut, piv sex, unprotected sex, rough sex, creampie, biting, marking, blood play, blood sucking, bloody kisses, sort of drugging/intox (because vampire bites deliver poison that gives pleasure), edging, orgasm denial/control, multiple orgasms, forced orgasms, overstimulation, spanking, some dacryphilia, begging, bdsm dynamics, dirty talk, sir/my lord kink, praise kink, degradation kink, pet names (wicked girl, pet), aftercare, happy ending
word count: 4.5k
a/n: thank you for sending in this prompt, Sparks, and for bearing with me!! i wasn't sure what i was going to do for this one until @buckets-and-trees sent me this post and i knew i had to use it as inspiration. the reader is a little mean in this one, and there's VERY little story around the smut, but i'm very happy with how it turned out 😈 thank you for playing my sweethearts game, i hope you enjoy ♡♡
sweethearts game masterlist
“May I cum inside you?”
It would’ve made you laugh, the way Curtis Everett bit out the request in such a bitter tone, his question an aggrieved acquiescence to the rules of his monstrous nature, if it weren’t for the magnificent cock splitting you open.
It had been with great delight that you’d learned a vampire could not cum inside a person without first gaining their permission—and it gave you no small amount of satisfaction to withhold it from Curtis for as long as you were able.
To be sure, in that moment when the vampire’s release rested upon your slighter human shoulders, you couldn’t have said which was giving you more pleasure. Either Curtis’s thick cock spearing deep inside your body, throbbing desperately with the need to cum as you rode him slowly, languorously, and forced him to balance on the edge.
Or the sound of the vampire’s near-bestial growling, the sight of his eyes gone nearly black with desire, and the feel of his feral grip on the soft flesh of your ass and hips. It turned you on to see Curtis’s true nature so close to the surface, and you found yourself growing greedy for more.
“Not yet,” you purred demurely, the breathless innocence of your voice at odds with the slick sounds of your pussy sliding up and down Curtis’s cock.
You enjoyed the way the vampire snarled, the tendons in his neck straining beautifully beneath his pale skin as he gnashed his teeth in your direction. But he did not bite you without your permission, though there was no such rule governing his kind. That was simply Curtis’s moral character.
You decided you didn’t want to be so cruel to the man whom you’d allowed to lure you back to his manor in hopes of a night of dark debauchery. After all, you’d heard the rumors that Curtis Everett was a monster, and you’d been breathlessly delighted to hear the whispers were true.
So you tipped your head to the side, offering your bare neck to the vampire with reckless excitement and utter trust.
“You may not cum inside me,” you murmured ardently, your eyelids heavy with desire as you caught Curtis’s gaze and leaned in closer. “But you may bite me, my lord.”
Curtis groaned as if in pain, but he wasn’t in any state to rebuke such an offer. His mouth fell hungrily to the elegant line of your neck, suckling on your skin and sending tremors of pleasure straight to your clit.
When his sharpened teeth grazed against your soft flesh, your hips kicked forward. You rode his cock harder, your release bearing down on you before he’d even bitten you.
Then, his fangs pierced your skin. They sank into your neck with a sharp pain that had your cunt fluttering helplessly around his cock, your tight heat greedily sucking him deeper. The sting was quickly washed away, as Curtis sipped decadently from your vein, and your body was flooded with the pleasurable poison a vampire’s fangs gave their victims to make them submit.
It sparked your release immediately, and a low, wanton moan fell from your lips as your body shook lightly with tremors of pleasure. Your mind was so overcome with the euphoria of your release, that you forgot yourself entirely, bearing down on Curtis’s cock and expecting your clenching cunt to wring the cum from his balls.
It wasn’t until his teeth pulled from your neck and he grunted fiercely into your throat, sounding as if he was being tortured, that you remembered.
“Please,” he begged, his voice rough and ragged as it puffed against your neck. His chest, strong and broad, heaved with panting breaths as if he was laboring under the greatest strain. But it was merely the effort to hold himself back, to not cum inside your pussy without permission.
A sense of power so potent and so intoxicating flooded your mind and made you feel nearly drunk with its effects. You couldn’t help the smirk that slid across your lips, curling the corners of your mouth into an expression much like a cat who’d got the cream.
Of the two of you, Curtis may have been the monster, but you most certainly had a wicked heart—with perhaps even more sinful depravity in your soul than the vampire.
“No,” you purred in Curtis’s ear, pressing down on his cock until he was buried so deep in your body, you could feel him in your belly. You reveled in the dark satisfaction that came when the vampire’s big body shuddered in your arms.
Curtis had stripped you naked and laid you down on the plush, red velvet chaise in the private chambers of his manor house. He’d charmed you with his austere handsomeness and the magnetic brightness of his blue eyes, which were such a contrast to his close-cropped hair, dark brows and even darker beard.
But you hadn’t let the monster cage you in against the sensual velvet for long. You’d insisted he recline against the back of the chaise while you’d climbed into his lap and begun to ride him, taking your pleasure from the vampire just as selfishly as you knew he’d drink the blood from your veins.
As you’d ridden him, the tension beneath his pale skin had grown more and more taut, his biceps bulging while his greedy hands roamed every inch of bare flesh available to him. His shoulders had bunched beneath your fingertips, belying the otherworldly strength in his muscles that he kept carefully tempered, ensuring not to hurt you even as you tortured him with your tight heat.
In that moment, when you’d refused him for a second time, you felt Curtis’s muscles growing even more firm and unyielding beneath your touch, making your breath catch in your throat as your body and mind waited with bated breath for his reaction.
A frustrated curse snapping from his mouth and the brush of his beard dragging down over your clavicle were your only warnings before Curtis sank his sharp teeth into the soft flesh of your breast. His fangs punctured your skin and his mouth drank from your body while his tongue laved against your nipple, thin dribbles of blood dripping down your chest.
Instantly, the sting of his bite was swept away in a flood of pleasure that had your pussy throbbing almost achingly as the need to cum rose up in you again. Your hips rocked wildly, grinding your cunt down on Curtis’s thick cock and rubbing your clit against the coarse hair at the base of his unyielding length.
An obscenely loud moan tumbled from your lips and your nails raked roughly through Curtis’s short hair, your fingers clinging to his head and holding him tight to your breast. You’d barely recovered from your first release, but already you were hurtling toward your second, and it seemed Curtis was intent on getting you there as fast as possible.
It only took a few seconds until the pleasure became too much, overwhelming you and you were nearly bowled over over by the intensity and power of your release. An embarrassingly shrill cry wrenched free from your lungs and your body was wracked with violent shudders as wave after wave of bliss rolled over you, matching the rhythm of Curtis’s suckling mouth.
Quickly, it became too much and your body sagged forward into Curtis’s hold. You collapsed against him and forced his lips from your breast so he could catch you and lean back into the chaise, helping you sprawl across his chest.
His pale skin was covered in a thick smattering of dark hair that teased your nipples pleasantly while you caught your breath, noting almost deliriously that Curtis’s cock was still hard and twitching inside you. Little tingles of pleasure were still dancing through your body, especially in your core, which was clenching around the vampire’s hardness.
“Now?” Curtis gritted out through a jaw clenched tight enough you thought he might crack a molar if vampires were not almost entirely indestructible.
Curtis’s hips were rocking between your thighs, fucking you in short, deep thrusts that had the tip of his cock pressing against a spot inside you. Each time the crown of his length bullied that spot, your pussy clenched and gushed with wetness, as if enticing him into spilling his seed in your cunt.
Unfortunately for the vampire, the force of your release had stolen all words from your tongue and it was all you could do to whimper and whine through the aftershocks of pleasure—which were, of course, made all the worse by Curtis’s insistent rocking, driving your pleasure higher again.
Your head lolled uselessly on Curtis’s shoulder and you wondered dreamily what would happen if you didn’t give the vampire permission to cum inside you. Would he pull out and mark your tits and belly with his seed? Would he spill upon your face, degrading you for the torture you’d put him through?
Once the errant thought had flitted into your mind, it refused to leave—and, in fact, it spiraled out of control when your fingertips traced the rigid lines of Curtis’s arms. You could feel that the tightly held leash Curtis had on his control was beginning to fray, and it only stoked the ember of your excitement into an inferno.
“Have patience, sir,” you simpered coquettishly, giggling when a growl rumbled deep in Curtis’s chest.
Summoning your slowly returning strength, you lifted your head from the vampire’s shoulder so that you could catch his darkened, hungry gaze. A salacious smirk curled your mouth and you lifted your hips, then dropped them back down on the vampire’s cock, taking great satisfaction in the way his bright blue eyes went hazy with pleasure.
“Are you not enjoying yourself?” you couldn’t help but ask, teasing the vampire, fully prepared for the consequences of your actions. And you were swiftly rewarded for your recklessness.
At your question, Curtis’s eyes cleared and sharpened into daggers of ice as he stared at you with his piercingly blue gaze.
“You are tormenting me, wicked girl,” Curtis growled, fury etched in his handsome face just as surely as it drenched his deep voice. “You must grant me permission to cum inside your damnably perfect pussy—or I won’t be able to control myself much longer.”
Your eyes flared with interest at Curtis’s warning, your body going tight with the thrill of excitement, your breath catching in your throat as you imagined what Curtis losing control could mean. Visions of the vampire ravaging you, biting you and fucking you with abandon, filled your mind, and your pussy clenched tight around his aching cock.
Curtis’s shrewd gaze caught your reaction and something within him seemed to loosen, as if a fear he’d held had been assuaged by your earnest eagerness to see the monster unleashed. His hands grew rougher on your body, groping you covetously before pulling away to deliver a sharp spank on your ass.
The obscene sound of his palm meeting your heated flesh and the burning sting that followed had your pussy gushing with even more of your sticky arousal. A debauched moan slipped from your lips and your eyes went hooded as you looked up at Curtis, watching him take in the pleasure on your face while your cunt lovingly gripped at the thick cock nestled deep within your body.
“Cum on my cock again without giving me your consent to spill my seed inside you and you’ll see what a true monster I can be,” Curtis promised, though you understood the warning within his deep, rumbling tone. He was giving you a final chance to save yourself before things took a turn.
Though you were already decidedly deep in the vampire’s lair, you knew you could’ve ended the night there if you’d desired. You could’ve told Curtis you were done and walked away from the vampire with no more than two orgasms and a couple bites.
But then you wouldn’t have been the girl who’d sought out the vampire, let him charm you into inviting you back to his home, and followed him to his manor to live out your darkest and most depraved fantasies.
You’d made your decision before you’d even set foot in Curtis’s home, and you were going to see it through. So you pressed your tits more firmly against his chest, arching your ass and presenting it readily for his next ruthless spank.
The vampire’s bright blue eyes held yours as his palm met your soft flesh with a cracking sound, the stinging pain ricocheting through your body and dissolving into a burning pleasure that made you moan again. Right alongside it, you felt a deep affection suffuse your heart in a warmth that was entirely unexpected.
You buried your face in Curtis’s beard to muffle the obscene sounds you were making in an excuse to shy away from the intensity of his gaze. You’d expected pain and pleasure to greet you in the vampire’s manor, but you hadn’t expected the depth of the feeling that would accompany it—and you certainly hadn’t expected to see it reflected in Curtis’s eyes.
It occurred to you that you certainly could’ve cum just from riding Curtis’s cock and feeling him spank your ass, but that wasn’t enough for you. So you pulled away from his beard to murmur in his ear.
“Bite me, my lord,” you begged shamelessly, rolling your hips and fucking yourself on Curtis’s cock while he thrust up from beneath you.
Tilting your head to the side, you offered the vampire the opposite side of your throat than where he’d bitten earlier. You didn’t even bother to question the instinct to have his bites all over your body. You wanted to be covered by Curtis’s marks.
Your vampire wasted no time sinking his teeth into your flesh, carefully drinking little of your blood while your body flooded with the pleasure poison of his kind. His strong hands gripped your hips firmly as he fucked up into you roughly, hitting that spot deep inside you perfectly.
It was all too much, too absurdly delicious, and your eyes closed as pleasure crashed through your body, your mouth falling open on a silent scream as a third release washed over you. It wasn’t as strong as the second, but it still stole your breath with its force, your body trembling in Curtis’s arms.
A groan fell from Curtis’s lips, only slightly muffled by his mouth still attached to your neck. He fucked you harder, his cock pushing deep into your fluttering, gushing, suckling cunt as if he could imprint himself permanently upon your body.
“May I cum inside you?” he asked, echoing his earlier question. His voice was still rough and furious, but all of the bitterness was gone from his tone. There was even, perhaps, a bit of goading humor in the deep rumble.
It was with an incredible amount of delight that you answered him just as you had before, your words clear and firm, with only an edge of breathless excitement. “Not yet.”
Curtis snapped.
The vampire let out a ferocious roar and easily flipped you onto your back, caging you in beneath his bigger body on the red velvet chaise lounge, using your new position to thrust deep inside you—so deep, you felt him in your guts.
“I’ve had enough of your brazen wickedness, pet,” Curtis growled, pumping into you with a fervor just beyond what was natural.
The force of his hips drove his cock into you so hard and fast, it nearly hurt. His brutal fucking balanced on the knife’s edge between pain and pleasure so perfectly, you felt as though you were drowning in him, succumbing to his monstrous nature—and it was glorious.
Not to be forgotten in light of his merciless cock, Curtis’s fingers were bruising as they groped all your softness, seizing your hips and pinning you to the plush velvet chaise then grabbing at your tits. His fingers pinched and plucked at your nipples, sending ruthless sparks of burning pleasure straight to your clit.
“Now you’ll learn how it feels to be tormented beyond belief.” The vampire’s words were a promise wrenched from the depth of his depraved soul, and you found yourself opening your heart to all of Curtis’s darkness, spreading your thighs wider so that he could sink even deeper into your cunt.
Curtis’s fangs sank into your flesh just beneath your clavicle, flooding your system with pleasure as he pounded into you, wringing another desperate release from your body. It was so soon after the last one that it felt like a small miracle you didn’t lose consciousness as your mind was overwhelmed with blistering euphoria.
Your body clenched down hard on Curtis’s cock and his feral growl was muffled against your soft skin, his hips rutting into you so fast and so hard, another release crashed over you, making you scream with surprised pleasure.
Your limbs shook violently as you gasped for air, but Curtis only pinned you down more firmly to the sensual velvet of the chaise and fucked you through the waves of your release with stubborn determination.
“Please,” you gasped through parched lips when Curtis finally pulled his teeth from your skin and your head cleared enough that you could speak.
Your vampire paid you no mind, though, brushing greedy, suckling kisses across your tits, licking up the trails of blood he’d left behind before sweeping his tongue over your sensitive nipples so fiercely, you cried out shrilly. His beard was rasping against the delicate underside of your tits and it was so depraved and delicious, it brought tears to your eyes.
“Please cum inside me, sir.”
Your words were little more than a sob, your body and mind so overstimulated, you could do nothing else but lay beneath Curtis’s larger body taking his cock while your fingers scrabbled feebly to cling to the smooth, pale skin of his shoulders.
But Curtis only chuckled darkly at your pathetic mewling.
“You’ll have to beg me much prettier than that, pet, if you want the torment to end,” he rumbled in your ear just before his fangs sank into the delicate skin beneath it.
Your nails dug sharply into Curtis’s skin and your spine arched almost painfully as your hips bore down on the vampire’s cock, and you came again with a startled shout.
As pleasure flooded your body and Curtis drank from your neck, your greedy pussy sucked on his twitching cock. But he didn’t spill inside you, and you sobbed loudly, the sound part pleasure and part repentance for your earlier villainy.
Unfortunately for you, Curtis wasn’t one to be swayed by such a pitiful apology. He kept right on fucking you, ignoring his throbbing cock while he thrust into your wet, swollen pussy and sipped from your veins with a conviction that never wavered.
The night went on like that for what felt like an endless age—Curtis compelling you to beg him to cum inside you. But when you did, he’d only to find a new, unblemished stretch of skin to sink his teeth in to and wring another orgasm from your body, which grew increasingly more exhausted and submissive under his remorseless treatment.
By the time you were babbling apologies for your cruel refusal to grant the vampire permission to cum inside you and begging him to please, please, please give you his seed, Curtis had your limp body folded in half beneath his monstrous figure.
Your thighs were pressed to your chest while Curtis bit into the skin of your ankle, his fangs hitting bone in a feeling so jarring, so deeply pleasurable, that you tossed your head back and screamed your release to the heavens—which had no pity for you that night.
“Please, sir, please, I beg of you, cum inside me,” you sobbed, your lips feeling almost numb as the words tumbled mindlessly forth. “Cum deep in my cunt, my lord, I need it—I need you!” Your chest heaved as you sucked in a breath and continued on, “I’m so sorry for tormenting you, I will do anything to repent, please! Just cum inside me!”
Another shift came in the vampire’s demeanor and Curtis chuckled indulgently, lowering your legs to his sides and gathering your body close to his chest. He lifted both of you up using his considerable strength, and sat back on his haunches.
Your legs were splayed wide over his thick thighs, your pussy split open on the girth of his cock. One of Curtis’s hands cradled the back of your neck as he guided your forehead to rest against his, while his other palm pressed to your lower back, holding you firmly pinned to his hard, unrelenting body.
“Good girl, tell me how much you need my cum,” Curtis cooed, his thumb sweeping soothingly along the side of your neck. His mouth was so close to yours that you could feel his breath against your lips, could taste the copper tang of your blood on his tongue. “Do you need it more than you need to cum again?”
“Yes,” you cried immediately, sensing the end of your torment was in sight and grabbing for it desperately. You’d reached and far surpassed the number of orgasms you thought your body capable of enduring, but you didn’t want the night to end without your vampire’s cum in your pussy. “I need it more than I need to cum—I need it more than life itself, please, my lord!”
A grin that was both predatory and affectionate spread across Curtis’s handsome face.
“We’ll talk about you giving your life to me another time, pet,” he murmured, brushing a teasing kiss to the corner of your mouth, making you shiver and chase his mouth, only for him to pull away. “Once you’re ready to discuss spending an eternity with me.”
Then your vampire captured your lips in a kiss and you knew you were lost to Curtis Everett forever.
His kiss was deep and possessing, his tongue delving between your lips and stroking hungrily over every inch of the warm velvet heat of your mouth. You kissed him back just as fervently, your nails raking through his short hair and pulling a groan from deep in his chest.
Curtis’s mouth devouring yours stoked the heat in your core higher, and he was happy to hold you in his arms while you began to squirm in his lap. Your hips humped against his thighs, fucking yourself on his cock, and you thought the vampire was going to leave you to chase your own pleasure.
But then Curtis’s sharp teeth sank into your plush lower lip, piercing the skin and drinking from you once more.
Your mind and body flooded with pleasure so potent and overwhelming, your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you moaned mindlessly into Curtis’s mouth, your hips rocking more furiously on his cock. Your clit rubbed against the coarse hair at the base of his length and it pushed you over the edge of another mind-breaking release.
It was only Curtis’s firm, dominant hold on the back of your neck that kept you conscious, grounding you in the moment even as the overwhelming pleasure of coming on his cock threatened to drag you under. You were glad you didn’t succumb, though, because your vampire finally—finally—came.
Curtis announced his release with a furious roar that shook you to the bone, the sound dissolving into a pleasured groan that had your tight hole clenching even more greedily around his cock. Deep inside your pussy, you felt Curtis’s hard length twitch violently and knew he was spilling rope after rope of his cum in your cunt.
You moaned heedlessly, grinding shamelessly on his cock as you wrung every drop of cum from his balls, your pussy milking him as your bodies rocked together. The two of you rode out your releases together, Curtis’s lips taking yours possessively, kissing you and biting you and sharing the taste of your blood with your hot, willing mouth.
When Curtis finally pulled away, you sagged in sated relief, allowing his strong arms to catch you and hold you against his chest. The downy hair on his pecs and stomach was soft and warm against your skin, heated by your own body, while he remained deliciously cool beneath. You sighed happily and let him take care of you.
Curtis rearranged your bodies until he could settle against the back of the chaise lounge, your bodies sprawled across the sumptuous red velvet. He pulled a blanket over your swiftly cooling body, then tucked your face beneath his chin while his calloused hands smoothed up and down your spine.
You smiled contentedly into Curtis’s neck and nuzzled your face into his beard, loving the feel of the thick, coarse hair against your skin. He smelled like sex and spicy cologne, and a little like the perfume you’d worn that evening, which only made a surge of possessiveness take root in your heart alongside your swiftly growing affection for the vampire.
“Did you enjoy yourself in the end, my lord?” you asked playfully, your voice soft around the edges as exhaustion settled into your bones.
“I did, pet—you are nothing like I expected,” Curtis murmured, awe and affection lacing his indulgent tone.
On that subject, you could agree with the vampire. You were quite certain you were nothing like the gentle lady Curtis had thought he’d lured back to his manor, since that was the impression you’d given him. But you were just as certain an attachment had formed between the two of you at some point between you denying his release and him showing you his true nature.
Curtis’s feelings for you were clear as he brushed a tender kiss to your forehead and you rewarded him with a happy hum.
“I think I’d very much like to keep you.” His statement was simple, but it made your heart soar. All you wanted was to stay with the vampire and make a life with him—a life of delicious torment and possessive kisses. A life of love.
“I’d like that, my lord,” you whispered sleepily, snuggling deeper into Curtis’s chest. He tucked the blanket tighter around your shoulders and held you close as you fell asleep, protecting you from the chill of the night and any other monsters that might think to steal you away like he already had.
From that night on, you became the vampire’s pet, his most beloved treasure, his most trusted partner, and, eventually, his loving wife.
When the time came, and you grew impatient enough to beg the vampire prettily enough, Curtis Everett turned you into one of his own kind so that your love would never die. Then, you spent an eternity together, happy and content—and perfectly matched in your wicked depravity.
sweethearts game masterlist
#curtis everett#curtis everett smut#curtis everett fanfiction#curtis everett x you#curtis everett x reader#curtis everett x female reader#chris evans#chris evans fanfiction#chris evans smut#chris evans characters#witchywithwhiskey's sweethearts#witchywithwhiskeywork#sparks-and-smoke#vampire au#vampire curtis everett
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Ooooooooohhhhhhh, lemme at her mom. I just wanna talk. (ง •̀_•́)ง
Colin can get in line, too. Gonna throw his ass off a balcony somewhere.
Curtis, however, my darling love... He can stay. And she agrees and that's what make her smart. I'm going to enjoy watching them squirm until they finally crack and make with the smoochy smooch. 😁
I Know I Should Know Better 2
Pairing: Curtis Everett x Female Reader, minor Colin Shea x Female Reader
Word Count: 5418
Summary: Curtis has been working as your body guard for almost two years now. Standing by and watching you work and party your life away is becoming more and more difficult, but is there anything he can do about it?
Warnings: Angst, adult themes, complicated power dynamics, minor age difference (not explicit in this part, but reader is mid-twenties and Curtis is early thirties), drinking, explicit language, bad boyfriend, self-destructive behavior, anxiety, negative self-talk. The reader's having a bad time, you guys. All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist
A/N: We're back! I so enjoyed writing this part. I hope you like reading it! Any comment, reblog, or ask to let me know what you thought will be greatly appreciated. As always, thank you so much for reading! 💜
You were stretched out on one of your lounge chairs by the pool, sunglasses perched on your head, wearing a bikini with a sheer coverup draped over your shoulders and an aperol spritz in your hand as you tried, for the third time, to get through this script. It was unbelievably dull. And the female lead was barely a person. You were clearly wrong for it. At least ten years too young, for a start. But your agent, Wilford, was insistent that you read it. Some up and coming guy was attached to it and apparently, he could be ‘talked into you’ for it. And as Wilford always said, “It’s not what it is, it’s what it represents.” So you would read it. And you’d tell him why you didn’t like it, and he’d talk you into it anyway. Same as it ever was.
You heard the door to the patio open and close. Michelle and Curtis had both been out doing who knows what and now you figured one of them was back and needed something from you. You’d been grateful to have the time on your own after a few days of Curtis’s careful glances. You didn’t remember exactly what you’d said or done after your fight with Colin outside the club, but you woke up with the feeling that you’d said something to Curtis and the way he’d watched you since seemed to confirm it. But he hadn’t said anything, so you hoped that you hadn’t embarrassed either of you too much.
When you looked up, it wasn’t either Curtis or Michelle who was standing on your deck.
“Mom!” you said. You blamed your shock for the fact that the next words out of your mouth were “Who let you in?” She was supposed to go through Michelle if she was going to visit, give a few days notice, let you prepare yourself.
“Who let me in?” she asked, aghast, her Chanel bag swaying aggressively from her arm. “That’s how you greet your mother? Who let me in?”
“I’m sorry,” you said, voice small. You were not prepared for this today. “I was just surprised.”
“Yeah, I bet you were,” she said, rolling her eyes. “You and your rules. Well, if you must know, it was the young man with the goatee and muscles. I don’t think I’ve seen him before. He’s not nearly as rude as the other people that work for you.”
“He’s new on my security team. His name’s Jensen.”
She waved dismissively at that. Of course she wouldn’t be bothered to remember. She sat down on the lounge chair next to yours and fanned her long, floral caftan out around her. “I bet you don’t give your father this runaround.”
Your father only ever called you on your birthday and at Christmas, content to live with his new family in Utah and only drop your name when it could get him something. So technically no, you never gave him the runaround.
“Well, how are you darling?”
“Um,” you bit your lip. Conversations with your mother always felt like a game you didn’t know the rules to. “Fine, I guess.”
She hummed in affirmation. “You’ve been all over the gossip sites.”
You groaned. “You shouldn’t look at those. It’s all bullshit.”
“Well, maybe if my daughter called me occasionally, I wouldn’t have to resort to a google alert to see how she’s doing. People on deux moi are saying you’re rude to your fans. And then there are reports of you fighting in clubs with your boyfriend.”
You shrunk in on yourself. Michelle did her best to keep all that away from you, but you still knew how people talked about you. “I told you. It’s all bullshit,” you mumbled.
“Well, it’s not the sort of reputation you want to have.”
“I know,” you said weakly.
“Whatever happened to that other boy you were seeing? What was his name? Jimmy? With the snowboard? I liked him”
“Johnny? I haven’t talked to him in, like, a year,” you said. She’d only met him in passing when you’d unexpectedly run into her at a restaurant opening. It’d been right in the middle of the one month you’d dated him.
Your mom scoffed. “Well, who can be expected to keep up, with how quickly you go through them?”
You clenched your fists where they rested on your thighs. This was just how she was. Feeling hurt by her never did any good. “Why are you here, Mom? Do you need something?”
“I’m here because I am your mother and I want to have a relationship with you, even though you don’t seem to want one with me. But,” she paused and you fought the sinking feeling in your stomach, “now that you mention it, Luka and I are going to France next week and what you’ve given me for the month just isn’t going to cover it.”
You closed your eyes for a moment. Of course this was about her allowance. “Mom,” you said, focusing on the part of her request that didn’t have anything to do with your money, “who is Luka?”
Her face went hard. “You would know who he is,” she said, “if you ever listened to me. You’ve always been so self-absorbed, you know that? You never think about anyone else.”
Your hand moved to grip the chair beneath you as you tried to take a deep breath. You were sure she’d never mentioned him before. You would remember. For all she gave you a hard time about dating around, she was just as bad, if not worse. The only difference was that her hookups didn’t get reported on. But you didn’t have the energy for the screaming match this would devolve into if you pointed that out, so you just said, “I’m sorry. I must have forgotten.”
“Sure,” she scoffed. “He’s someone who’s very important to me. And so is this trip.”
“You know I don’t control any of that. You have to go through my accountant.”
“Yes, I know,” she said, frustration bubbling over. “I already called him, obviously. He said you have to sign off on it first. It’s like you all think I enjoy having to come here and ask for money. When it was my hard work that got you all this.”
She loved to do this, bring that up. And you knew that she’d worked hard and sacrificed a lot. You did. She was the one who got you an agent and drove you to auditions and acting coaches and put your team together. But both your parents acted like you were just a doll that they’d placed in front of the cameras and then pulled your string to make you talk. You’d worked hard too and you were just a kid when you did it.
But, again, if you said any of that it would just start a fight and if you’d learned anything on all those sets as a child, it was that fights with your parents were to be avoided at all costs. You would never win. So you just said, “I know, mom. I know everything you’ve done for me. I’ll call him and tell him it’s fine.”
She started to brighten. “Today? You’ll do it today?”
“Yeah, I’ll do it today.”
She patted your knee and smiled warmly at you. You did your best to pretend that it didn’t feel like the sun coming out from behind the clouds. “You’re such a dear,” she said. “We’re trying to get everything booked, so time is of the essence! Text me the name of the place you stayed last time you were in Paris. Your pictures were incredible!” She was getting up now, hoisting her bag back up her arm.
“Are you leaving?” you asked, disappointed despite yourself.
“I’m so busy, honey, So much to do! But let me know as soon as you talk to him. And we’ll have dinner as soon as I get back, you, me and Luka! And you can bring your boy too! I want to try that new sushi place, down on Vine? They’re booked out for months, but I’m sure they’ll have a table for you!” Just as she was getting to the door back into the house, Curtis came out of it. He stepped out in front of her, narrowing his eyes, and pulling himself up to his full height. “Perfect timing,” she muttered, “your guard dog is here.”
“Mom,” you sighed.
She just rolled her eyes at you. “Calm down, it’s fine. He knows I’m joking. Don’t you, Carter?” You grimaced, but Curtis didn’t react.
“Ma’am,” he said, without any inflection at all. You could see her bristle at the address; she hated anything that reminded her that she was old enough to have an adult daughter. But she didn’t say anything else, just gave you one final wave and then moved past him into the house.
You took a deep breath, and then another, wrapping your cover up around yourself as tightly as you could. “Are you ok?” Curtis asked, startling you. He was closer now than you’d realized, standing right beside you. You’d never understand how a man that large could sneak up on you like that, but you were always surprised by the reality of him.
You shook your head and his brow furrowed. You shook it again, “No, I’m fine. I’m fine, it’s just–” you trailed off and shrugged. She always left you so jumbled. “It was fine.”
“It shouldn’t have happened,” he said, sounding deathly serious. “Jensen’s been talked to. He knows better now. It won’t happen again, not without Michelle’s say so.”
You nodded and picked at your sleeve. “Do you think I’m awful?”
“Why would I think that?” he asked, his voice so soft.
You shrugged. “She’s my mom and I make her jump through all these hoops just to see me.”
He nodded slowly and stared out over your pool. “I think,” he started, but then paused for a moment. “I think that you aren’t the kind of person who would just do that for the sake of it. I can’t imagine you ever being that spiteful. If this is something you need, then there’s a reason for it.”
He did that sometimes, made statements about your character that left you reeling, that made you wonder about the person he saw when he looked at you. It always seemed so different from the person you saw in the mirror.
You looked up at him, but he was still focused somewhere on the horizon. You were struck by how beautiful he was, as the sun shone down on him. His broad form, immaculate stubble, long lashes. You tried to think of him as just the wall of muscles that protected you from the world, but it was getting harder every day to ignore the ineffable Curtis-ness of him. He was so much, too much.
“What’d she want?” he asked, finally breaking the silence.
“Money, like always.”
“You ever think about saying no?”
You shook your head. “She’s not wrong when she says she sacrificed a lot and worked hard to get me here. She did. I wouldn’t be here without her. If this is what she wants from me,” you shrugged, “I feel like I should give it to her.”
He hummed at that and went quiet again. You looked down, went back to picking at the thread on your sleeve. After several moments, he said, “I think if you looked at all the sacrifices you made to get yourself here, and everything you’ve already done for her, you might see that you come out more even than you expect.” He finally looked back at you and nodded to himself. “I’ll leave you alone now. I just wanted to make sure you were ok.”
As he walked back into the house, you felt like your skin was too tight. You tried to shake it off and grabbed your phone. It was too quiet. You needed something to distract you. You pulled up Colin’s contact and sent a quick I want to see you text. Then you threw your phone on the lounger, shrugged off your cover-up, and dove head first into the pool.
When Colin showed up a few hours later, he was on you immediately, pulling you out of the pool and back over to the lounge chair where he settle you between his legs. “Fuck, you’re so hot,” he breathed into your chest as he laid back, bring you with him. When you resisted, he sat up, pushing his face into your neck and starting to trail kisses along your collar bone.
“Colin, it’s been a weird day,” you said, trying to push him down. Instead of backing off, his lips found your chest, just above your bikini. You tried again to slow him down. “Hey, hold on. Come on. I’m trying to talk to you. My mom stopped by out of the blue.”
Colin finally sat back with an annoyed huff. “Okay?” he said, “And?”
“And, I don’t know, seeing her always makes me feel really off and I just wanted to see you. Wanted you to come over and make me feel better.”
“Isn’t that what I was doing?” he asked with a grin, running his hands down your sides and then up your back, stopping to play with the string tying your bikini together.
“Colin, I’m being serious! I just, like, want to tell you about my day and have you listen to me. Okay? I just need someone to listen.”
He looked up at you and you leaned back a little at the annoyance in his eyes. “You seriously dragged me all the way out here to talk at me about your mom? I left a studio session early for you.”
“Ok, well, I didn’t know you were busy! You could’ve just said.”
“You’re so hot,” he said, starting to paw at you again. “How could I say no to you?”
Maybe he was right. Maybe this was the best way to make you feel better. What good would talking do? What you really needed was to stop thinking. You leaned into him again and he picked up where he left off. “We could go out,” you said. “Get real fucked up.”
“Mmm,” he said, with his face in your neck and his fist in your hair. “That sounds fun. You gonna promise not to abandon me in an alley this time?”
You pushed back against his shoulders and sat up with a glare. “Don’t be a dick.”
He rolled his eyes. “It was a joke. I’m joking.”
“It isn’t funny. I already apologized. And you never apologized for flirting with that girl.”
“This again? Seriously? I didn’t apologize because I didn’t do anything wrong. I wasn’t flirting, you’re just insecure.”
“Fuck you,” you said, standing up and putting as much distance between you as you could on your deck.
He rolled his eyes at you again and started picking up his stuff. “You’re so fucking high maintenance, you know that? One of these days, I’m going to wake up and decide you aren’t worth it.”
“Yeah?” You sneered, the pit in your stomach that started with your mom’s surprise appearance growing bigger. “Is that going to be before or after you use my instagram account to boost your album sales?”
“Fuck off. You think you’re so important. I don’t need your help.”
You threw your arms in the air. “Then why do you keep demanding it?”
“Whatever. I can’t believe I came all the way out here for this.” He shot you one final glare, before heading back out the way he came.
You stood at the edge of your pool and looked out over the canyon that expanded beyond your property. “Fuck!” you shouted. It didn’t make you feel any better.
You picked up your phone and started scrolling through your contacts. You didn’t want to be alone right now. You just needed someone to talk to. But everyone in your phone was a ‘going out friend’ or an ‘impromptu house party friend.’ And suddenly, the thought of going out, with the loud music, and flashing lights, and all the paparazzi yelling at you, made you want to crawl out of your skin. You scrolled through your whole contact list again. You didn’t have a single person who you thought might drop everything and come spend the night on your couch with you. You didn’t think you ever had. You felt tears starting to gather in your eyes and quickly wiped them away. This was dumb. You were fine. You could spend one night alone.
You walked back into your house to find Curtis glaring at his phone, leaning against your kitchen island.
“Hey,” you said, trying to get his attention. When he looked up at you, you saw him take all of you in. Your wet hair, bikini, tense shoulders, and your eyes, which you could feel were still damp. He straightened up, looking very concerned. “Um,” you looked down, feeling like you needed to avoid his gaze, “I’m not going out again today, so you’re free to go. You and Jensen.”
“Ok,” he said.
You looked back up to find him still looking at you carefully. When he finally started to move, you panicked and added, “Or, um, I’m probably just going to order a ton of food and just, like, watch TV, so if you wanted to, you could, um, you could stay. And, like, just hang out.” What the fuck did you just do? You were so pathetic. Why would you do that? What was wrong wit–
“Yeah, sure, I can stay.”
“Oh!” You didn’t know how to keep the shock off of your face. Or the intense relief. You started to feel yourself calm, just a little bit, for the first time all day. “Ok, great. I’ll just order the food – Thai ok?” He nodded. “And then take a shower and change. I’ll be right back.”
“Take your time,” he said. “I’ll let Jensen know that he’s good to head home.”
You just nodded and went upstairs.
After a long shower, you dressed in your comfiest pair of sweats and a large old t-shirt, clothes that usually stayed buried at the bottom of your drawer. You went down to your living room to find Curtis unpacking the bags of food onto your coffee table, the TV softly playing at a low volume.
“Thanks,” you said quietly.
He looked up at you and nodded. “I grabbed a couple beers too, that ok?”
“Yeah,” you said, grabbing one and pressing yourself into the corner of your large sectional.
“You want a little of everything?” he asked. He didn’t wait for an answer before he started making you a plate.
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I know.” He handed you a plate piled high and a fork, then started serving himself. “You doing ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you shrugged, “just a shitty day.”
He sat down a few spaces away from you. “Colin wasn’t here very long,” he said with a practiced casualness.
“No,” you frowned, “he wasn’t.”
“Can I ask you a question that’s none of my business?”
You looked at him warily, “Sure.”
“Why on earth are you with him?”
You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of you. “Uh,” you stopped to think, “the sex is pretty good.” He’d known where your clit was, which was more than you could say for a lot of your exes. “He can be fun to go out with. And we look good together. I don’t know, he gets it, which not a lot of people do.”
Curtis looked at you confused, “Gets what?”
“The whole thing. Just, what it means to be with me. Like, that I’m going to get recognized when we go out, and there’s always going to be paparazzi around, and sometimes I’m going to have to be on location for months at a time. It’s just there’s all this stuff around me. Being with me, it’s asking a lot, you know? But he gets recognized too, sometimes, and he doesn’t mind getting his picture taken and he goes on tour and stuff. He’s more willing to put up with it all.”
His brow furrowed. “You shouldn’t be something to be ‘put up with’”
You shook your head and waved his comment away. “You know what I mean. Anyway, moot point, probably. I think I’m done. He wasn’t very nice to me today and I’m just kind of over it.”
“Probably just as well. His band is terrible.”
You let out a big, loud laugh at that, head thrown back, as you felt some of the stress of the day slide off of you. When you glanced at Curtis, he was watching you, pleased. Proud of himself. It sparked a little blossom of warmth in your heart, and you ducked your head.
After a few moments of comfortable quiet, he cleared his throat. “For the record, anyone who makes you feel like it’s hard to be with you probably isn’t worth being with.”
You didn’t know what to say to that. You could feel him watching you but you were suddenly too afraid to look at him. After too long a pause, you said, “Well, you just described all of my exes, so…” with a weak little chuckle. He didn’t say anything, but you could feel your feeble attempt at a joke fall flat. You focused intently on your plate and shoved some food in your mouth for want of anything else to do. After a few minutes, you tried to change the subject. “I feel like now I should get to ask you something that’s none of my business.”
“Yeah? What do you want to know?”
“I don’t know,” you said, looking back at him. He leaned back into the couch, plate balanced on one thigh, a beer in his hand. It was the most relaxed you’d ever seen him. “I don’t really know anything about you.” You studied him carefully, feeling like this was your one chance at something, you weren’t sure what. “What were you like as a kid?” you asked without thinking, and then immediately regretted it. What an embarrassing question.
He didn’t laugh or roll his eyes at you, though. He just took a drink of his beer and then said, “Angry. I was really angry all the time.” You didn’t say anything, waiting to see if he’d volunteer more information or change the subject. He took another drink, then added, “I grew up in a few different foster homes and I was just mad, at everything. An angry little thing. Finally, when I was a teenager, I crossed paths with someone who gave a shit. Helped me figure out how to channel it, move past it.”
You sat for a moment, deathly afraid of saying the wrong thing. You didn’t want him to think you felt sorry for him, pitied him. You didn’t. But it felt glib to say you admired him for it or that he must have been so strong. You settled on “Thank you for telling me.”
He nodded and took a bite of his food. Once he swallowed, he asked “What about you? What kind of kid were you?”
You blanched slightly. You normally hated talking about your childhood, but in this moment it felt like it might be ok, like you didn’t have to sugarcoat it. Like you wouldn’t get in trouble for being honest. “I was really lonely. Um, I was never really in school? Or, I guess I was for the first couple years, but my parents were constantly pulling me out for auditions and commercials and stuff. And then when I was 9, I booked the show, and so from then on it was all studio tutors. And there were never really any other kids on the set. So, I don’t know, I was just by myself a lot of the time. Or with my parents.” You grimaced. “Even now, I feel like if I’m not working, I don’t really know how to interact with people. Never really learned how.”
“You’re doing fine right now,” he said, voice so gentle it made you squirm a little bit.
“You don’t count.” He raised an eyebrow at you and you shrugged. “I’ve always been comfortable with you.” You weren’t sure why that felt so much like a confession, but when you met his eyes and saw how serious they were, you knew he felt it too. You took a sip of your beer. “My turn.”
“Your turn?”
“Yeah,” you grinned, “it’s a game now.” He rolled his eyes, but smiled and gestured for you to go ahead. “Are you seeing anyone?”
He shook his head. “I don’t date much.”
He shrugged. “I have other stuff going on right now. And my work hours can be kind of weird and unpredictable.” He must have seen the way your face started to fall, because he rolled his eyes goodnaturedly and said. “This isn’t your fault. I just have other priorities right now. I’m sure that if there was something I was looking for, I’d be able to find it.”
“Yeah, you definitely would,” you said with a laugh. He looked at you somewhat quizzically and it was your turn to roll your eyes at him. “Oh, come on! I know you know how hot you are.”
He cleared his throat and let out a small chuckle. “Uh,” he said, as he rubbed the back of his head and you noticed that his ears were turning red. He was uncomfortable. You had made your big, scary bodyguard bashful. It immediately filled you with so much glee. “That’s maybe been mentioned to me, once or twice,” he finally choked out. Just as you started cackling, he cut in, “Ok, me now. When was the last time you took a break?”
You looked around with a slightly furrowed brow. “You mean, like, other than right now?”
He shook his head. “No, I mean, I’ve been with you almost two years now and you’ve worked nonstop pretty much the entire time. When was the last time you took a real, sustained break?”
“Oh, um,” you had to stop and actually think about that. Everything had always been go go go, ever since you were a kid. And even once you were an adult, everytime you thought about slowing down, there was always something to capitalize on, an opportunity that shouldn’t be ignored. “Oh! The summer I was, I think, 12? Maybe 13? I didn’t book anything for hiatus and my parents were so mad. But I just got to hang out all summer. It was amazing. There was this girl my age who lived down the street. And we would just like, hang out in her backyard, or go to the pool, walk to get ice cream. Whatever we wanted to do. I was so excited to have a real friend. It was the best summer I ever had.”
“Did you keep in touch?” he asked softly, startling you when his fingers brushed against yours.
“No, the next season was when they started to really beef up my role, which meant I got paid more, so we moved. I never saw her again. Which was fine. It was really fun while it lasted.”
When you made eye contact with Curtis, there was a touch of sadness there that you couldn’t stand to look at, so you went back to your food. You were fine. Look at everything you had! You were good. You had no reason to be sad.
“You should think about taking a year off,” he said quietly.
You looked back up at him and scoffed, “A year?!”
“You just told me you haven’t had a real break in 13 years. I think a year is reasonable. I know you’re doing fine financially. You should think about it.”
“Maybe,” you said, but you were sure that no one involved in your career would let that happen. You couldn’t even imagine it. “Okay, my question. What do you do when you aren’t looking after me?”
“Aside from sleep?” he asked, laughing at himself. You were instantly mesmerized by the sound. You didn’t think you’d ever heard it before. Dry chuckles, yes, but an actual laugh? You felt instantly addicted to it. “Uh, I go to the gym most days. I like to read, whenever I have the time. I’ve kind of been teaching myself how to cook, here and there. I don’t know, I’m not that interesting.”
You begged to differ, but saying that felt like too much. Like it would reveal more than you even realized. You were done eating now, so you put your plate on the coffee table and shifted to get more comfortable, bringing your legs up under the rest of you. As you did, your knees brushed against Curtis’s thighs. You stopped, surprised, and looked at where your bodies touched. Without realizing it, at some point during the conversation, you’d both eliminated the space between you. Wanting to see how far you could push it, while ignoring just how much you wanted the physical contact, you adjusted yourself again, so that now your thigh pushed against his. You watched for his reaction very carefully, while trying to look like that was the last thing you were doing. Something fluttered inside of you when he pressed imperceptibly closer. “It’s your turn,” you whispered.
He turned so that he could look at you fully and just watched you for a moment. You could almost see him thinking, trying to find the perfect question. Finally, “What would you do if you weren’t acting?”
You felt your brain short out for a second. “Like, instead?” You asked dumbly. He nodded. “Um, I have no idea? This is all I’ve ever done. I don’t think I’m really good at anything else.”
“I highly doubt that,” he said and you were thrown off by how sure he sounded. You weren’t sure anyone had ever sounded so confident about you before, especially when it was so unfounded.
“Well, it’s true,” you said and wincing internally at how harsh it sounded. “I don’t know. I don’t like that question.” Your skin was too tight again and you felt so, so small. He was seeing all of you now, how little there was, and had surely found you wanting.
“Ok, that’s fine,” he said quietly, like he was talking to a spooked horse. Something about it made you want to flip over the coffee table. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to– I’m sorry.” You just nodded and folded in on yourself. “We can stop playing.”
“No,” you said. “I still have one question left.” There was really only one you wanted an answer to. “Why did you stay tonight?”
He didn’t stop to think before he answered. “Because you seemed like you needed me to.”
“That’s not part of your job,” you said, feeling defiant without really knowing why.
“No, it’s not.”
You didn’t know what to do with him. This wasn’t how people treated you. You were either something to be vaunted or something they could use. Your parents, your friends, the people who worked for you, the people you dated. They all wanted to get something out of you. Curtis never seemed to want anything from you. But he didn’t put you on a pedestal either. He had always treated you like just a person. It was unnerving. What were you supposed to do with that?
You turned back to the TV, finally registering what was on. It was some reality show you’d never seen before. “I have no idea what this is,” you said.
“Me neither.”
Whatever comfortable calm that had existed between the two of you on this couch, it was gone now. You curled up, placing your chin on your knees. “I’m probably going to fall asleep.” You were exhausted, not just today, but in your bones.
“Do you want me to go?” he asked.
All you could do was shake your head and let out a small, whispered, “No.” As all over the place as you felt, you knew you weren’t ready to be alone yet, weren’t ready for him to leave.
“Ok,” he said, softly, as you felt his arm moving behind you to rest on the back of the couch. “I’ll stay.”
Part Three
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Yours Masterlist

Dark Mafia AU. Each section will have their own, more specific warnings but all will have some level of violence, power dynamics, non/dub consent.

Your Champion (Steve Rogers)
Introductions; Changes;

Your Comforts (Bucky Barnes & Curtis Everett)
The Trash;

Your Fixer (Jack O'Malley)
Breaking Point;

Your Husband (Nick Fowler)
#steve rogers#bucky barnes#curtis everett#jack o'malley#nick fowler#dark!steve rogers#dark!bucky barnes#dark!curtis everett#dark!jack o'malley#dark!nick fowler#mob!steve rogers#mob!bucky barnes#mob!curtis everett#mob!jack o'malley#mob!nick fowler#mafia!steve rogers#mafia!bucky barnes#mafia!curtis everett#mafia!jack o'malley#mafia!nick fowler
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𝐖𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐☆.。.:*
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐈𝐈 - 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: mean jock!Ari Levinson x naive!reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: extreme voyeurism, daddy!kink, drugs (ecstasy), smutt, dd/lg vibes, dubcon, choking, dark Ari, liar Ari, cheater Ari, mean Ari, size difference, innocence kink, naive reader, 18+ only, minors dni!
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Finally sick of Ari's lies, you're determined not to fall victim to his charms again.
𝐀/𝐍: This is part 2 of my fic, Wicked Games. Oh, I'm nervous about posting this! Please forgive any mistakes! Major warning for drug use and dubcon smut! Also, we finally find out who the second love interest it! Word count: 14.7k.
Coming to this party was a huge mistake, and you realise that the moment you enter the frat house. The music’s so loud, you can barely hear yourself think. You definitely can’t hear your friend Wanda, who’s excitedly mouthing stuff at you as she hands you a shot. You quickly down it with her before taking in your surroundings: the whole room is dark and packed, with red and black strobe lights thumping along with the music. Bodies writhing at every turn, people laughing, screaming, kissing and more.
And then you see him. Amongst the sea of what feels like a bazillion people, Ari stands heads above them all. The 6’6’’ captain of the basketball team, so handsome in a white shirt that clings snugly to his muscular biceps. Even with a snapback resting backwards on his head, you can still see tufts of his long brown hair curling at the base of his neck. God, did he have to be so goddamn hot?
Of course, he’s staring straight back at you, and you know you should look away. But you stand there, gormless and entranced like a schoolgirl. Watching him take in your body, letting his eyes trail leisurely down your form and drink everything in. He’s a fair distance away from you and half obstructed by dancing bodies, but you somehow still see his pink tongue peak out and run over his lips hungrily as he gazes at you.
Your dress is fire-engine red, daringly short and so form fitting that it barely covers your butt. The material is stretchy, hugging your body as the neckline dips lower than what you’re normally used to. You know Ari recognises the dress by the way his Adam’s apple bobs up and down. His eyes are locked in place, taking over your accentuated curves and pushed up cleavage.
He’d seen it in your closet a few weeks ago, and you remember how he’d picked it up and whistled. “What a slutty dress, baby.” He’d said, “Why don’t you put it on for daddy?” And of course, you had. You did anything he asked you to, and you’d never forget how dark his eyes had gotten, and how sombre he’d looked as he’d beckoned you over to his lap, his hands running up and down your body covered in the thin red fabric. “I don’t want you wearing this dress in public, okay baby? Slutty dresses like this are for my eyes only. Promise me you’ll never wear this for anyone else.”
And promise you had, but yet here you were. And you can practically see the smoke billowing out of Ari’s ears, and you can see his jaw clenching as he’s unable to rip his eyes off of you. And you feel almost bad for disobeying him, until you see a pink manicured hand grab Ari’s face and pull him down for a kiss. Sharon. He was here with her. But of course, he was here with her! She was his girlfriend, after all. And you were the gullible fool who he’d strung along the whole time he was with her.
It had only taken you a few days after your last hook-up with Ari in the locker-room to realise that he had not broken up with Sharon like he’d told you he had. You’d seen them together on the campus courtyard, hand-in-hand, Sharon looking happier than ever. She definitely didn’t look like someone whose uncle had just died. Ari had seen you too, and all he could muster up was a sheepish look before his girlfriend had dragged him away.
That had been last week, and since then, he’d been texting you nonstop.
Ari: Baby, it’s not what it looks like. Me and Sharon are just friends now!
Ari: Okay, fine. We got back together. But, baby, it’s only temporary ;) You know you’re my number one girl.
Ari: Send daddy a pic, baby girl ;)
Ari: Okay, I get that you’re mad but you know I don’t like it when you ignore my messages.
Ari: I miss you, baby. Let’s FaceTime soon, okay? Wear something sexy ;)
Ari: Fuck you. I’ve got plenty of other options.
You prided yourself on not answering even one of his texts, despite the fact that you could feel your resolve weakening all week. But you were determined to never speak to him again, and definitely never be his play-thing or side-chick again. And now here you were, at a frat party that you’d let your friend Wanda drag you to. Which you definitely didn’t come just so you could show Ari exactly what he was missing out on. Definitely not…
Tearing your gaze away from the beefy basketball captain, you pour yourself and Wanda another shot each, cringing as the colourless liquid sloshes down your throat. But the burn is a welcome change from the heartache you feel, knowing you’re in the same room as Ari and her. You dare to peak back at them one more time and hate yourself for doing it because now they’re dancing together, although you can see Ari still looking straight at you while his girlfriend’s back is turned.
“C’mon, let’s dance.” You drag Wanda to the dance floor determinedly.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Little Miss Side Chick.” You hear a deep voice in your ear as two heavy hands land on your hips. Wanda has already busied herself with dancing with a guy you vaguely remember from freshman orientation, so you turn around and come face to face with another basketball player. Tall and rugged, hair buzzed off and tattoos smattered all over his chest and arms. Curtis.
“What do you want?” You sneer, because Curtis is Ari’s best friend. And anyone associated with Ari is an enemy to you.
“Whoa, retract your claws, kitten. I’m not looking for a fight.” Curtis smirks, his hands firmly planted on your hips, swaying you along with him to the upbeat music. His body is practically glued to yours, and you can’t help but inhale his manly scent. It’s some type of aftershave that you don’t recognise, but boy does it smell good.
“Well, I don’t care what you’re looking for!” You raise your chin up at him defiantly, despite the fact that he’s more than a head taller than you. “And you can report that back to Ari, okay? And then you and him can both go to hell–Whoops!” You stumble forward in your high heels and cling to the beefy buzzcut-haired man in front of you to regain your balance. Curtis’ hand travels up to the small of your back as he pulls you closer, a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Careful, kitty kat.”
“Don’t call me that!”
“But you let Ari call you whatever he wants.” His lips brush against your ear as he whispers, and you can’t help but cling to him. You feel like a small fish in this gigantic pond of a party, and Curtis feels solid as you teeter in your heels. You see the glint in his eye as he flashes you a smile. “I’ve heard you getting fucked, you know.”
You pout, “That’s really pervy, Curtis.”
“Yeah? I feel like you and Levinson both love an audience. You want a drink, kitten?”
“C’mon, you look like you need a drink. I mean, just look at you. Standing in the middle of the dancefloor looking all cute and pouty like a little baby.”
“ ‘m not a baby!”
As if on cue, you pout again. But you let Curtis drag you back to the drinks table, watching in awe as he mixes different things together in a crystal glass he seems to have conjured out of nowhere. Something compels you to look over your shoulder, and you spy Ari from across the room. Sharon’s arms are around his neck but his eyes are still boring holes into you. He’s got a can of beer that he’s currently crushing in his fist, and even in the darkness, you can see his face going red as his lips pull into a sneer.
Oh, he was jealous!
You giggle and give him a wave before pointedly turning back to Curtis and accepting whatever drink he’s just mixed for you.
“A baby drink for a baby like you.” Curtis pulls your cheek condescendingly and you scowl before eyeing the concoction in the glass. It’s a pretty pale pink colour and smells kind of fruity. You look up questioningly at Curtis, who crosses his arms over his chest as he grins like a Cheshire cat. “Go ahead, kitten, it won’t bite. I told you, it’s a baby drink – you wouldn’t even know there’s alcohol in it. Tastes like strawberries and cream.”
“Well… that does sound yummy.” You dip your pinkie finger in the drink and swirl it around, pretending to consider it. Your eyes dart sideways in Ari’s direction once more. And he’s still staring at you, despite the fact that his girlfriend’s all up against him, whispering something in his ear. God, that makes you mad, and you down the drink without a second thought. It goes down your throat easy, with a pleasantly fruity aftertaste. You look up at Curtis and beam.
“You were right! Tasted much better than shots! Could I have another, maybe?” You bat your lashes at him and he smirks. But he makes you another one, and you down it quickly, trying to flush away any thoughts of Ari and Sharon out of your mind. Screw both of them!
“Easy there, kitty kat. It’s a drink, you don’t have to down it like a shot.” Curtis grins, and it’s only when you feel his arm around your waist that you realise you’ve fallen into him again. Whatever he’d put in your drinks seems to already be hitting you, but you don’t care, don’t care, don’t care! And Curtis’ thumb rubbing circles on your hip feel kind of nice, and so you let him hold you as you sway, blinking rapidly as the alcohol mingles into your bloodstream.
“You know, kitten, there’s a bunch of empty rooms upstairs. Maybe we could find one ‘em so you can lie down for a while?” Curtis whispers beguilingly in your ear, his lips brushing against your skin and making you shiver in your tiny dress. He casually plays with the flimsy straps, pushing one down and exposing your shoulder. A second later you feel his lips press against your exposed skin, making your heart jump with thrill. There’s something hard poking against your stomach, and you giggle and bite your lip.
“Don’t think I can get up the stairs, Curtis. Can’t even… Can’t even stand up straight!” He’s supporting most of your body weight as you lean heavily into him, loving the feel of strong, beefy arms around you. It’s dark enough that you can almost imagine they belong to someone else…
“Don’t worry, kitten, I’ll carry you up there. Babies like you are meant to be carried, right? And I want to hear you scream like you did for Levinson in the locker room.”
You barely have a chance to consider his proposition before you feel a heavy hand grab your arm and pull you backwards. You stumble in your high heels before your back collides with a very solid, very sturdy chest.
“She’s off limits, Curtis. You know that.” Ari’s voice is low but firm, and you turn to see the captain of the basketball team glaring daggers at his teammate and best friend, his brows furrowed and lips set in a thin line. His fingers are curled around your upper arm, not showing any signs of letting go as he looms formidably like a giant by your side. Sharon’s nowhere to be found.
“Oh yeah? You finally ready to jump ship from one girl to the next, Ari?” Curtis grins, wholly unperturbed as he pops open a can of beer and takes a long swig.
“Very funny, asshole. Go find someone else to take advantage of.” Ari says wryly, still holding you with an iron grip while you gape at both of them. And a part of you – an admittedly pathetic part of you – is thrilled that Ari’s come over to you now. Clearly, he was affected by you talking to his best friend, and that makes you feel special.
Surprisingly, Curtis backs off easily, slinking off into the party like a panther. The crowd swallows him up, and you watch him go for a moment before the crushing grip gets even tighter. You hear a rumble from Ari’s chest as he mauls you to a dim corner of the room. It’s still packed with people, but he manages to prop you up in a dark spot, his palms slamming against the wall on either side of you, trapping you against it.
“Well, well, well. Look who showed up to the party.” Ari sneers, pressing his considerably larger frame against yours. “And you’re drunk already. Hasn’t anyone told you not to accept drinks from strangers?”
You blink up at him, feeling slower and more sluggish than usual thanks to Curtis’ magic drink in your system. But then his words hit you and you scowl, craning your neck to look up at him despite the fact that you’re in heels.
“Curtis isn’t a stranger, he’s my friend!” (You’ve conveniently forgotten the fact that you’d sworn that any friend of Ari’s was an enemy of yours).
Ari scoffs, “He’s not your friend. You’re not allowed to be friends with boys.”
You stick your chin up at him, “Oh yeah? Says who?”
The huge basketball player drives his pelvis into you with force, his clothed erection rutting against your stomach and making your eyes pop wide open and a gasp dies somewhere in your throat.
He smirks, “Says your daddy.”
Beyond Ari’s broad shoulder, you can see the party commencing in full force. The DJ’s switched to a more R&B centric playlist, and the whole room reverberates with the sounds of heavy bass and sexy crooning lyrics. Couples find each other on the dancefloor, strangers join together like magnets. Swaying and grinding and groping each other in the dark.
You blink several times before refocusing your gaze on Ari, trying not to get lost in his eyes or his smell or just how big and manly he is compared to you. No. You had to stay strong and you had to stay away from him. He was trouble with a capital T, and there was no way you were going to let him get away with cornering you at this party – not after all the lies he’d fed you about breaking up with his girlfriend. Not after he’d strung you along for weeks…
“Fuck off, Ari! You have no right to tell me who I can or can’t be friends with! Now just… Just fuck off and go back to your girlfriend an’ leave me alone!” Your palms land on his chest and you push with all your might. Unsurprisingly, he doesn’t budge an inch. In fact, he yawns pointedly, infuriating you further as you continue to push his huge, muscular body off of you.
“Please. You thrive on my attention, baby. That’s why you’re wearing this slutty dress and flirting with my best friend.” He says matter-of-factly, making your blood boil and your jaw drop open indignantly.
“Don’t want your attention!”
“Babies like you need attention.” Ari tells you, saying each word slowly as if you truly are a dumb baby who doesn’t understand anything. One of his hands meanders upwards, casually twining a piece of your hair around his finger, “Or else you’ll cry and throw a tantrum. And we don’t want the little baby to throw a tantrum, do we?”
You can’t believe his cockiness! Before you know what you’re doing, you punch him straight in the chest. Hard. But Ari just looks down at you bemusedly. In fact, he looks bored, and that infuriates you even more. And on top of everything else, now your hand hurts and you feel your eyes well with tears.
“Aww, did the little baby hurt herself?” Ari teases, patting your cheek condescendingly. You sniffle and try to swat him away but he’s too quick, too strong. You’re helpless, stuck against his big, hard body and the wall behind your back and he knows it as he smirks. “Poor little baby, don’t cry or throw a tantrum. You’ve got my attention now, haven’t you? And that’s what you wanted.”
“No, I didn’t–!”
He cuts you off with a rough kiss, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth. Even in your heels, he still has to lift you up so he can kiss you properly without you having to crane your neck too much because of his height. And so he grabs your hips and hoists you up against the wall, your bare legs dangling on either side of him as he consumes you with a kiss that seems riddled in possessiveness. Until you bang your fists on his shoulders enough times for him to pull away.
“How…How dare you kiss me! When your girlfriend’s at the same party!” You accuse, despite the fact that your heart is racing and lips are tingling and you really want him to kiss you again.
Ari shrugs, still looking bored. “She went to the bathroom with a bunch of her girlfriends to fix her makeup or something. And you know how girls are with the bathroom, they’ll stay in there for ages.” He pulls you snug against him, “Gives us a bit of time to have fun, baby.”
“You’re a man-whore, Ari.”
He snorts, “And you’re lucky you still have my attention, baby girl.”
Your jaw drops open, “You’re the one who’s been texting me nonstop since last week!”
“Just so you wouldn’t feel bad.”
You can’t believe him. Huffing, you try to push past him and storm off. Which proves to be impossible considering he’s still got you lifted up against the wall, his leg snug between your thighs. And even if you were in a position to exit the situation, he was way too big and strong and could easily stop you. Ugh. (But not really because that pathetic part of you really is enjoying the attention he’s giving you right now).
“You look so hot tonight, baby girl.” Ari mutters as he starts kissing at you again. First, he tries your lips. But you’re still stubborn, still mad at him and so you turn your head. That’s not a problem for him, his lips pressing down against your cheek, down to your jaw, then your neck. His hands come up to brazenly squeeze your breasts, making you gasp. “This is some dress. Luckily, attention-seeking baby suits you well.”
“Stop callin’ me a baby!”
He gives your ass a hard smack, smirking when you yelp. You thank your lucky stars that it’s too dark and crowded and noisy for anyone around you to notice how indecent he’s being.
“Oh, so you’re a big girl now, huh?”
“Let go of me so I can go have fun with Wanda–” You once more try to elbow him out of the way but of course, he holds you at bay easily.
“Stay put.” He growls, giving your ass another smack. “And answer my question. I asked you if you’re a big girl now.”
You stick your chin up, “Yes, I am.”
The brunet grins wolfishly. And you’re too tipsy to even notice how, but he suddenly conjures up a tiny translucent plastic baggie, waving it in front of your face. Your eyes take a few seconds to focus on the light blue pills sitting inside, shimmering enticingly as the strobe lights land on them. They’ve got designs printed on them, but you’re way too tipsy to decipher what they are.
“If you’re such a big girl, then you’ll have no problem having some of this big girl candy that daddy got specially for you.”
Your heart lurches. Sure, you’re tipsy as hell right now. But you’re certain you know what those pills are… don’t you? And maybe it isn’t the best idea for you to take your first ecstasy pill with only Ari of all people there with you. But what does it matter? When he’s slowly grinding his thigh up between your legs, one of his hands groping all over your body and pressing up your dress?
“I… uh… I dunno, Ari…”
He takes one tablet out before shoving the baggie into his pocket.
“C’mon. Prove you’re a big girl and take one.”
Every sane cell in your body is screaming at you not to, but it seems like you’re not only drunk off alcohol, but also off of his touch and attention.
Ari’s thumb trails across your lower lip, stroking it gently before tipping it open. You watch him, slack-jawed and in awe, as he slowly brings the blue tablet up to his own lips. He holds it between his teeth before he dips his head and catches your lips in a deep kiss, transferring the pill into your mouth. It rests on your tongue for a second before you gather your saliva and swallow it quickly, wanting to prove to him that you were indeed a big girl.
I’ll just let him kiss me for a while and then I’ll leave, you tell yourself, sighing as he peppers butterfly-light kisses all over your neck and shoulder. He pushes the strap of your dress down, much like how Curtis had done earlier. And all you can think about is how good it feels when Ari does it, when he touches you like how no one else could. Not that you’d ever had anyone else – since Ari was your first. And you fear that no one else would ever compare…
Suddenly, the strobe lights seem so bright, so close. The music feels like it’s coming out from inside you, like The Weeknd is literally belting out his sexy lyrics from inside you. The lights hit Ari’s face, making him look so big and bright, shiny like a diamond. And so close, so sexy. God, he’s so sexy… And you feel sexy too, like the sexiest person in this room, in your sexy red dress with this giant of a man in front of you.
“Wanna kiss you, daddy.”
He smirks against the nape of your neck before straightening up, “Kiss me, then.”
You try, but he’s too tall. Fuck, you really want to kiss him all of a sudden.
“Can’t. I’m too small.” But you don’t feel small. Just the opposite, actually. You feel like you’re on top of the world, like you’re the most beautiful, most incredible person in this universe. You wind your arms around his neck, “Lift me up. Wanna kiss you.”
He’s already got you propped up with his knee jammed between your legs, but for once he makes no smart comment. He wraps his huge hands around your waist and lifting you up. And it feels like you’re as high as the empire state building. No, the moon! Your heart’s soaring and so is your head, your body’s buzzing, the music’s switched up to something even more sexy, and that’s when you kiss him.
“Good girl,” he praises against your lips, but all you can focus on is how good it feels to have his lips on yours, how good it feels that his hands are back on your body, touching you everywhere. “You’re such a good little girl, you know that?”
“Better than Sharon?”
“Of course, baby girl. I don’t care about Sharon. Only you.”
Firmly holding you against the wall, he pushes your dress up till the tight material is practically around your waist. And who cares, who cares, who cares?! Not you, not when his hands glide up your bare thighs, spreading them before cupping your pussy through the lace of your panties.
“These are pretty, baby. Did daddy buy you these?”
“No,” you lie. Of course, he’d bought them for you. Ari loved buying you lingerie. Often, he’d have it delivered to your dorm room with a special note telling you to take pictures and send them to him. Sometimes, he’d send other things along with the lingerie. Like once, he’d sent this sex toy – a dildo which was almost as big as his dick. And there was a note too, ordering you to put on the lingerie and facetime him immediately. He’d made you fuck yourself on the dildo repeatedly that night, all while you thanked daddy over and over again for your new toy and lingerie set. All while he sat in the comfort of his own dorm room, smoking a cigarette with a smirk on his face, casually pumping his dick and getting off on your humiliation and total submission. Well, you got off on it too.
Now, it only takes a tug of his wrist and your panties are slipping down your legs. They get caught in your heels and you impatiently shake them off, watching the lace as it lays on the ground. That’s when you feel a rush of air against your bare pussy, now only concealed by the flimsy material of your dress.
“God, Levinson, she looks wasted as fuck!”
You vaguely hear someone say that, but you feel like you are lightyears away from everyone else. As if you and Ari are on your very own planet where only the two of you matter.
As if on cue, Ari presses his clothed crotch against your bare pussy, grinding the denim up and down while you pant in his arms. God, you want him so bad.
“Bad little baby, you got my jeans all wet in the middle of a party.” Ari scolds. But you pay him no heed, instead busying yourself with kissing up his collarbone and smelling his manly cologne, feeling his muscles that ripple through his shirt.
“You’re so big and strong,” you murmur, saying exactly what you’re thinking like you have no filter.
Ari puffs his chest out, “I am, aren’t I? Especially compared to a little baby girl like you.” He drives his crotch against your bare pussy once more, lewdly grinding against you till the denim is soaking wet. And oh, the rough material feels so good against your clit, so good that you don’t even care that he’s dry humping you in the middle of a party with so many people around you.
His hand slips up to grab your hair, and he yanks you up roughly so he can put his lips to your ear, “You’re my little baby princess, aren’t you?”
A shiver runs down your spine. You like the sound of that.
“Y-Yeah, I am!”
“You like how much bigger I am than you?” He licks the shell of your ear.
“Ah – yes!”
“And you’ll do anything I tell you, won’t you? Because you’re just a baby and you need daddy to guide you. Right?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” You rut against him desperately, hoping he’ll carry you up to a bedroom and fuck you hard. It’s not like you’d be able to walk by yourself. Hell, you can’t even stand by yourself right now, which was why he was holding you up like you were a ragdoll. In the midst of a sea of people, but all you can focus on is Ari. And how high you feel, like you’re as light as a feather, as free as a bird who welcomes the cage of his grip.
You watch as he undoes his fly, pulling his hard cock out of his jeans. Your eyes nearly bug out of your head at how brazenly he does it – in a room full of people, no less! But you lick your lips, feeling your pussy clench at how fat and thick his cock looks under the pulsating lights. God, he was so big everywhere!
“So if I tell you that daddy wants to fuck his little girl in front of everyone right now, you’d say yes, wouldn’t you?”
You lick your lips, lust pulsing through every vein in your body. You’re already humping against him like a wanton whore, loving the feel of his bare cock gliding against your slippery slit in a room full of people.
“M-Maybe we can we go upstairs, daddy?”
“No. Here. C’mon, baby, you know you want to.” He nibbles on your ear, “I’ll make you my girlfriend if you do this for me.”
Your heart lifts, your mind feeling euphoric at the idea of that. And you believe him, of course you believe him! How could you not, when you’re feeling so on top of the world right now? Heart beating so fast, blood pumping even faster… And he said he’d make you his girlfriend! Oh, you wanted that so badly! You’d do anything to be his girlfriend, anything at all…
“O-Okay, daddy, I guess you can– AH, FUCK!”
He pistons his dick inside you in one quick movement, holding your hips firmly in place so you don’t fall over from the sheer force of him forcing his fat dick into your tiny, leaking hole. God, he was so big. You’d never get used to it.
“Good baby,” he smirks. There are waves of people around you – an entire crowd of sweaty, writhing bodies. But all you can feel is Ari, his cock so big and imposing yet your pussy swallows him readily as he bottoms out inside you. Grabbing your face, he kisses you possessively, and you can feel his cocky smirk through the kiss, “fuck yeah, just as tight as always. God, I missed my little pussy.”
Being fucked by Ari in the middle of the dancefloor of a frat party, drunk and high off your mind while his girlfriend was somewhere in this house. It wasn’t how you’d planned your night to go at all, but you cling to Ari like a koala, allowing him to control your body and take pleasure from you. You can hear him groaning as he fucks you slowly, trying to cover your body completely with his. You can hear him grimace, mutter how fucking tight you are as he tries to hold back from tearing your pussy apart like how he usually does when the two of you are alone.
“Not such a big girl now, are you?” he mocks, biting at your bottom lip and sucking on it as his dick drives slowly in and out of you. “Getting fucked in the middle of a party because you can’t ever say no to me, huh?”
“Nngh, Ari please. F-Feel so full,” you moan, never wanting him to stop. Maybe you’d regret this later, but right now it’s like you’re in a bubble of pleasure that has you ignoring the real world around you.
“And the fact that you thought you could make me jealous by talking to Curtis,” Ari huffs, giving you a particularly hard thrust that sends you reeling, and you bite down on his shoulder to keep from screaming at the top of your lungs. “What a pathetic little game you played, baby. But I’ll never get jealous, because I already know I own you. And you know it too. I own your fucking pussy.”
“Yes, yes, yes!” You gasp, feeling him so deep inside you, it’s like he’s practically in your womb. You wrap your legs tighter around him, grinding your clit against his hairy abdomen. The sensation feels heavenly, and you’re so, so close…
“Promise me you’ll never fucking speak to Curtis again,” he demands.
“Fuck me harder, daddy–OW!”
He slaps your ass hard, and you reel into him, shocked at the blow. You’d have fallen over if he wasn’t holding you up in his muscular arms.
“Fucking say you’ll never speak to Curtis again,” Ari says through gritted teeth, and his fingers wrap around your throat. Your breath hitches, eyes widening. But your pussy squeezes around his dick at the same time his hand squeezes your throat, “Say it or I’ll choke you the fuck out.”
Fear splices through the euphoria you’re feeling, but his hand constricting around your throat, him controlling your breathing – it turns you on so fucking much at the same time. But his eyes look so dark, darker than you’ve ever seen them. Is it because he’s high too? Or is it something else entirely?
“W-Won’t talk to him,” you promise, barely getting the words out.
Ari smiles and releases your throat, and you desperately gasp for breath. But when he kisses you again, you can’t help but hungrily kiss him back.
“I own you,” he repeats, slipping his hand down to play with your clit, pushing your dress up in the process. You’re high out of your mind and yet you still try to push the hem of your dress back down, only for him to slap your hands away. “Don’t hide this baby pussy from me, sweetheart.”
“E-Everyone can see,” you moan, breath hitching when he pinches your clit harshly before rubbing circles on it.
“Let them watch, baby.”
As if on cue, you hear someone whistle:
“You’re a fucking dog, Levinson! Can’t even wait to find a room to get your dick wet, huh?”
“She looks high off her ass, bro. Classic Levinson.”
Ari only laughs, continuing to fuck you and make out with you in the middle of the party as if it’s the most normal thing in the world to be doing. And if he’s okay with it, then it must be okay, right?
“This is what happens when you come to a party trying to be an attention-seeker,” he tells you, his fingers leaving your clit as he brings them up to his mouth, sucking noisily, “fuck, you taste so good, sweetheart. Your little baby pussy’s been wet for me all night, huh?”
“Yes, daddy,” you say dutifully, meeting his thrusts now as you feel yourself getting close. You continue grinding your clit on his hairy abs as he fucks you, the sensation so heavenly as you teeter on the edge of your orgasm, blabbering out your inner thoughts: “I…I think about you all the time, want you all the time. Wish you were with me all the time….”
“Mm, it gets you all wet, doesn’t it? Fucking a man who’s got a girlfriend?”
You gasp, but your walls clench around him all the same.
“Mm, I felt that, you slutty little baby,” Ari smacks your ass again, rocking his hips hard against you as you cry from the pleasure, “It turns you on that I have a girlfriend and yet I’m here with you, fucking you in front of all these people like you’re my personal fucking whore.”
“Ari, I’m so close, I–”
“Bet you wish she was watching us, huh?” He says suddenly, “I bet that would get you off, wouldn’t it, you dirty little slut?”
“Nooo,” you moan, but you can feel thrills rippling through your body, your pleasure mounting higher and higher as the music drones on all around you.
Ari licks his lips like he’s the devil himself, “Don’t fucking lie to me, sweetheart. I bet you wish Sharon was here, watching me fuck you.” His eyes glint wickedly, “Bet you wish she was getting herself off to us, don’t you? Fingering herself while she watches her boyfriend cheat on her with a slutty little girl like you.”
“Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“Mm, and what would you do? Cry your little baby tears and beg for her forgiveness?” Ari chuckles lowly, and you can’t believe you’re on the brink of orgasm and about to lose it and he’s just there, calm as ever as he fucks you in this room full of people. Forcing his big, fat cock inside you with a smirk on his face as if he owns the whole room. “You’d beg for my girlfriend’s forgiveness while you take my fat fucking cock inside your sexy little pussy. And she’d watch us, watch me call you a bad fucking girl while I fuck you so hard that I’d probably knock you up. And I’ve never fucked her like that, baby. I would never fuck her like that. Only you.”
“Daddy, please,” you sob and sob, clutching at his shirt because you feel so overwhelmed.
He grabs your face roughly, making you look at him.
“And you’d watch her rub her pussy as she watches us fuck, wouldn’t you? And she’d cum all over her fingers, watching her boyfriend fuck the living daylights out of you, watching you be a helpless little slut for your daddy. And you’d love every second of it, baby. Because you’re fucking sick, just like me…”
Your orgasm is earth-shattering, breaking your body apart as you squirt all over his huge fucking dick. And he fucks you through it, coaxing your cream out of you as you cry and cry, any sound you make getting drowned out by the blaring music, any thrashing movement blurred by the dancing bodies around you. Some of them know what’s going on, you know they do. But others don’t, lost in their own world as they dance around the two of you. And waves of searing pleasure overtake your body, over and over again as you grind up against him.
“That’s right, sweetheart,” Ari grunts, “cum on my daddy dick like the good little baby you are. God, fuck, you’re squeezin’ me so good, baby, feels so tight and sexy. Gimme another one.”
You cum again, as if your body is programmed to listen to him, as if just his words can make you orgasm. And that’s when he blows his load, muttering a string of curses as he empties himself inside you. He always came inside you, no matter what. And you guessed that he wasn’t going to stop that streak now, even in the midst of a crowded party. One or two guys are ogling at the two of you, but you’re too fucked out to care, your spent body sagging against Ari’s huge frame as he fills you up with his hot cum.
Everything is blurry for a while after that. You’re on the brink of passing out – not even from the copious amounts of drugs and alcohol in your system, but from how fucked out you feel. But you jolt out of it when Ari pulls out of you, whining needily but he ignores you. Instead, he pulls your dress back down over your ass, and you can feel his hot cum trickling down your thigh.
“How was she, Levinson?” Some guy pipes up from within the crowd.
“Move along, smartass.” Ari glares daggers at the random guy, flipping him off as he shields your body with his bigger one. But there are more guys surrounding you, more people beginning to notice what exactly is going on. Ari seems to catch on to this too, shooting dirty looks all around him as he tries to tug your short dress down even further to cover you more, as if he was fuelled by horniness before but now that he’s come down from that high, he’s hyperaware of everyone around you.
“Can’t feel my legs, daddy,” you lean heavily against him.
He picks you back up, carrying you through the crowd. You can vaguely hear the voices of other boys over the loud, pounding music. Thumping Ari on the back, congratulating him. You hide your face in his chest, trying not to think about what’s just happened. He takes you up the stairs, through random corridors, into an empty bedroom, and finally, a bathroom.
“Fuck, baby, you okay?” He asks after setting you down on the sink.
“I’m good,” you grab at him, trying to wrap your legs around him and pull him into you. You can still feel the effects of the little blue pill, and you try to kiss him but he pulls away, chuckling.
“We need to clean you up.”
Funny. He never cleaned you up before. In the past, he’d always fuck you hard and good and then leave you to get yourself together while he typed away on his phone or went outside to smoke. Then, he’d either come back inside to fuck you again, or he’d give you a quick kiss and leave, telling you he was late for practice or something along those lines. But right now, it looks like he was sticking around, and that makes your heart skip a beat.
“I can’t believe I just let you fuck me in front of everyone. It almost doesn’t feel real!” You muse out loud, wondering maybe it was all just a dream, because you feel so hazy and warm. You swing your heel clad feet, accidentally catching him in the stomach. He shoots you a warning look, grabbing your calves to still you before his expression relaxes.
“It’s what you deserved for ignoring my texts.” He smirks before grabbing a wad of toilet paper. He wets some of it under the tap and swipes at your thighs, cleaning his cum off you. You bite your lip, watching his tanned biceps ripple as he gets dangerously close to your pussy. You grab his wrist, pushing it between your legs.
“I think you missed a spot, daddy,” you say in what you hope is a demure and sexy manner.
Ari groans, “Don’t tempt me, baby girl.”
He feels around your folds, licking his lips as he plays with the mess he’s left in your pussy. But you whine after a while, clearly too sensitive for round two so you push his hand away.
“Lemme feel you,” he persists.
“Nuh uh, too sensitive.”
He rolls his eyes and you giggle, reaching out to smooth his long hair, twining a few strands around your finger. You stay like that for a while, liking how he looks at you in the privacy of this bathroom, where the music from outside is still thumping softly and yet it feels like the two of you are in your own bubble. Where the dull orange light makes him look double handsome, and it’s just the two of you and you can pretend he’s your boyfriend and you’re a happy couple and it’s the best feeling in the world.
Until Ari’s hand slips down between your legs again.
“Hey!” You squeal, batting him off, but he doesn’t relent.
“Let daddy feel you one more time, baby girl,” he tries to sweet talk you, but you shake your head, pushing him away again. That’s when he gets a glint in his eye, digging his fingers into your ribs instead. You squeal as he tickles you, and you try to do it back but clearly, he isn’t as ticklish as you because he just shoots you an amused look. You laugh and laugh, till you can’t breathe and even he chuckles, his face pink.
“Ari, will I be your girlfriend now?” You ask in a small voice once you’ve stopped laughing.
A pause. And then he sighs.
“Baby, we already have a good thing going–”
“So then why can’t we go out on dates and do all the romantic things that boyfriends and girlfriends do?” Your lower lip wobbles but you will yourself to remain calm and collected.
“You know why.” Ari avoids your gaze, backing up and gathering all the toilet paper he’s just used. He stuffs it into the bin before washing his hands, and the whole time you look at him, waiting for him to elaborate except he says nothing more.
“B-But I let you fuck me in front of everyone,” you scrunch your eyes shut to keep your tears at bay, “I let you do anything to me, Ari. And you keep telling me that you’ll make me your girlfriend but it never happens. An’ I trust you more than anything even though you keep lying to me, and–”
He clears his throat, running his hands through his hair before he reaches out as if to cup your face. But at the last second he holds back, fists curled to his sides. “Don’t do this right now. Look, I’ll get you some water to sober you up, then you can call your friend Carla–”
“Her name is Wanda.”
“Call your friend Wanda, and maybe she can take you home. You’re completely wasted.” He can’t help but reach out, fixing the strap of your dress which you hadn’t even noticed had slipped down your shoulder. God, you were a mess. A complete and utter mess and he’d used you again and now he wanted nothing to do with you. His fingers linger, brushing against your bare shoulder before he snatches his hand back and clears his throat once more.
“Is it because I’m not good enough?” A lone tear drips down your cheek. And it’s crazy because not even a minute ago you were laughing your ass off.
“Then why does it feel like you’re using me?”
No one speaks for several seconds. All you can hear is your own breathing, how you hiccup every now and then. How your head is beginning to pound and how all your emotion seem amplified. You know it’s because you’re drunk, and yet you’re hoping you may get something sincere from him in this bathroom right now…
But Ari only shakes his head, keeping his eyes trained somewhere beyond your shoulder, as if he can’t seem to look you in the eye…
“Now’s not the time to talk about this–”
“You lie to me all the time, Ari, and you always take me for granted. An’ I fall for it every time because I wanna be your girlfriend so bad…” Your voice falters, lip curling and tears welling in your eyes, “I really, really like you, Ari. Don’t you like me too? Enough to make me your girlfriend?”
“I already have a girlfriend…” He blurts out.
His words hit you like shards of glass, piercing you from the inside out. You feel like you’re falling, and even Ari looks guilty, as if he can’t believe he’s just said that so abruptly. He’s always come up with a story when it comes to his relationship; “we broke up,” or “we’re having problems,” or “she’s a bitch, I don’t care about her.” But it seems like now, he’s really just laying it all out on the table. She’s his girlfriend. And she always would be.
You bow your head, feeling like a veil’s lifted somewhere between the two of you. “I guess that just makes me the girl you keep around for easy sex.”
“You know it’s more than that, baby–”
His phone rings at that exact moment, cutting him off. But he looks relieved to be interrupted, and hastily fishes it out of his pocket. You sigh, staring down dejectedly into your lap. He keeps his voice low as he talks on the phone, but you catch a few words here and there, like “Sharon,” and “she’s looking for you.”
“Baby, I gotta go. But I want you to stay in here until you’re sober enough to go find your friend.” Ari says, shoving his phone back into his pocket.
“Y-You’re leaving?”
A pause.
Another tear trickles down your cheek.
“Please stay with me. I don’t wanna be alone right now.” He’s left you after sex many times before, but this time feels different. You feel vulnerable, small, afraid. Little you in this big party where you’d only feel safe if you were with him. God, it felt so special whenever it was just you and him alone together. Like right now, in the bathroom, where he’d carried you up in his arms, cleaned you himself and laughed while he tickled you. Oh, it felt so special to you! Could he not feel that too? Why did he want to leave?
Ari inhales deeply, “Don’t, okay? You know I can’t stay. Sharon… She’s making a scene. She’s really drunk, people are starting to notice I’m not there with her–”
“I’m really drunk too.” And high.
He pinches the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger, “That’s why you’re getting so emotional, okay? Just… Just call Wanda. Or one of your other friends.”
His words sting, and you know you should just back off. Let him do whatever the fuck he wants to do since clearly all he wanted was to get away from you. But neediness and sorrow clouds your brain and covers your heart, and in a last ditch effort, you reach out to grab his hand.
“Please stay,” you beg, and you feel like you’ve swallowed your pride but you don’t even care anymore, “Please, Ari. Y-You don’t have to make me your girlfriend, okay? I’m sorry I brought it up. Please, just stay with me. Don’t leave me alone, please, please, please–”
“Stop,” he says gently, peeling your hand off of his, “don’t make this bigger than it is. We hooked up like we always do, but I need to go now, okay? I’ll text you later.”
He backs away, pausing at the door. Hope fills your heart, and you wait with bated breath. But then he leaves, walking out casually like all he’s done is use the bathroom. And you sit there, his rejection like poison in your veins. Frozen, drunk, sad, dejected. Oh God, had you really expected him to stay? To be different this time? How many more times were you going to let him lie to you, disrespect you, embarrass you, play you?
How many more times till he broke you completely?
“C’mon, Wanda, pick the fuck up.” You mutter, jabbing at your phone in annoyance. The screen freezes for several seconds, before your call goes to her voice message. For the fourth time in a row. You bite your lip, daring to check your battery. Five percent. Great. Just Great.
After Ari had left you in the bathroom, all you’d wanted to do was curl up in the bathtub and cry the whole night away. And that’s what you’d been doing for at least an hour, until some horny couple barged in and started having sex against the sink. You’drun out of there in a hurry, and now here you were at the front of the frat house, wanting nothing more than to go home.
“Where the hell are you, Wanda?” You murmur, calling her again and praying to God your phone battery lasts until you find her. You were still drunk and not exactly capable of combing through the crowd of people in search of your friend. When she doesn’t pick up again, you feel a helplessness take over your body, like it had back in the bathroom. All you want to do is collapse down on the grass and cry like a baby, but you will yourself to persevere before you try calling her again.
“Excuse me, sweetheart. Are you okay?”
The voice is deep and rumbling, with an undertone of amusement. You don’t even bother looking up from your phone, your eyes too busy staring down your battery percentage as it lowers down to three percent.
“I’m fine,” you say distractedly, trying to walk further away from the frat house in hopes of getting better signal. “I’m just trying to call my friend so we can go ho–”
Your heel catches against a rock on the grass, sending you flying. You brace yourself for the fall but it never comes. Instead, you feel two strong arms wrap around your waist, catching you and pulling you back till you collide against a hard chest.
“Careful, baby,” the amused voice murmurs in your ear.
“Oh, um, thank you, uh–” You straighten up and turn around to face the stranger who’d saved you, finding yourself face to face with a built looking chest wearing an off-white t-shirt and varsity jacket. You crane your neck upwards, breath catching in your throat at what you see.
The stranger is tall and blonde, his pale skin shimmering in the moonlight (probably because you’re drunk because that’s what it looked like). His muscles ripple under his shirt, and he runs his hand through his hair in a way that’s all too familiar. His blue eyes sparkle as he smiles down at you, his arms still around your waist as if to hold you steady.
“Wow,” you say dumbly. He was handsome!
He smirks down at you, “Sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t quite catch that?” He had an effortless way of speaking, like a relaxed drawl as if he was far removed from all the craziness of the party going on around him.
“I – uh – I said thanks,” you babble, “thanks for saving me.”
“You’re welcome. What’s your name?”
You tell him, trying to keep your words from slurring because of the damned alcohol still pumping in your system. You’re acutely aware of his arms still around you, and the fact that your heart is beating fast and hard as you look up at him almost in awe. In your inebriated state, his pale colouring made it look like there was a halo around him (either that or a streetlight was shining directly at him), but it made him look almost angelically handsome.
“I’m Steve.” He says, confidently reaching out to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear, “What’s a cute little thing like you doing out by yourself so late at night?”
You stick your chin up indignantly, “Not by myself! I’m looking for Wanda!”
“Who’s that, sweetheart?”
“My best friend.”
“Well, she isn’t much of a best friend if she left you all alone at this party, is she?”
Steve cocks his head to the side, a crooked smile on his face that’s so attractive it makes you swoon inwardly, despite what he was implying.
“She didn’t leave me, Steve! She’s just…” you helplessly scan through the groups of people that have spilled out into the front yard of the frat house, “she’s around here somewhere…” Your eyes suddenly snap back over to the blonde, suspicion overtaking you. Who exactly was this guy, and where had he just appeared from, looking all handsome and angelic?
“Do you…uh…do you go to St. Andrews’ too?” You hardly know everyone on campus, seeing as your college is massive and there’s way too many people that go there. But you’re sure you’d remember seeing someone as handsome as him.
“Nope, I go to St. Jude’s.”
Oh. The enemy college. At least according to Ari (who was the main source of most of your information since he knew everything). Ari hated St Jude’s’ basketball team, as they were the main rivals of his own basketball team. You weren’t much into sports or any of that (you only attended Ari’s basketball games to look cute and get his attention), but you suddenly recognise St. Jude’s distinctive blue and white coloured varsity jacket that Steve has on. It resembles Ari’s varsity jacket – which is red and gold for St. Andrew’s.
“What’re you doing here, then?” You ask.
Steve shrugs, “Me and my buddies come to your parties every now and then…” he nods at two other guys in similar varsity jackets. They stand across the lawn from the two of you, talking to a bunch of girls. You look at them for a few seconds before Steve clears his throat, as if he wants you to look at him and him only.
“I think the real question is, sweetheart, what are you doing here?”
You frown, “What do you mean?”
“What’s a baby like you doing all alone at a frat house this late?” His thumb strokes your bare arm, his other hand still firm on your waist. “You’re too cute and innocent for a party like this, the frat boys will eat you alive.”
His eyes glint as he says it, but you presume that’s just you imagining things because you’re drunk.
“Well actually, I’m not a baby and I wasn’t alone,” you try not to hyper-focus on his thumb circling against your skin, “I was with Wanda, and then I was with Ari, and then–”
Steve’s grip tightens, “Ari?”
“Yeah, Ari. He’s my boyfr– Well no, actually he’s my nothing. He’s no one…” you sigh sadly, “I’m no one to him and he’s no one to me…He made that pretty clear tonight.”
The blonde whistles lowly, his hand still rubbing soothingly up and down your arm. And you kind of don’t want him to stop, because he feels so warm and he’s making you feel warm and it’s making you hurt a teensy bit less.
“A pretty little girl like you doesn’t deserve to get her heart broken like that,” Steve comments, “and you don’t deserve to be left alone to cry by yourself either.”
“W-Wasn’t crying!” you lie. God, he was making you sound so pathetic.
He weaves you through the crowd, his grip on you tight as he walks you over to a more secluded area of the front yard. With less people around, his arms catch around your waist and he yanks you closer to him, till you’re flush against his chest, your eyes wide as you look up at him and swallow hard.
“My point still stands,” he says, his voice so confident and velvety smooth. “Now, if you were my girl, you wouldn’t even be allowed to step foot inside a party like this, let alone be left unattended.”
A thrill ripples down your spine, but you barely have time to acknowledge it before you feel a rough grip on your wrist, yanking you away from Steve with heavy force.
“What the hell is this?!” Ari growls, pushing you behind his own body before he squares up to Steve. You gape over at both men, looking from one to the other. Ari was the biggest guy you knew, but Steve matched him in both height and stature. Head-to-head, the two men stare the other down, almost as if they already know each other. Side by side, you notice they look kind of similar. Both of them were tall and bulky, with vivid blue eyes. But Steve was angelically blonde and pale, and Ari was tanner, rougher, darker. Steve looked calm, unperturbed by the interruption – but Ari looked pissed off beyond belief.
“What are you doing here, Rogers?” He seethes.
Steve smirks, “I wasn’t aware that you owned this frat house, Ari.”
“Cut the bullshit. You know you’re not welcome here. Just because your own college parties are filled with ugly sluts doesn’t mean you have to come to mine.”
“Yours? And who exactly put you in charge?”
Steve steps closer as if to challenge Ari, but Ari just glowers at him before shaking his head.
“Do whatever the fuck you want, Steve. But she’s off limits. Everyone here knows she’s mine.” Ari’s still got your wrist in a death-grip, and you wince in pain when he squeezes even tighter.
“Lemme go, Ari!” You try to fight against his hold but to no avail.
The blonde snorts, “Oh yeah, it really looks like she’s yours, Levinson.”
“Fuck off.”
“I know what your girlfriend looks like, asshole. I know it’s not her.” Steve’s still got that smirk on his face, and you can see Ari’s face going redder and redder. God, he was really getting to him! And they did in fact know each other!
Ari pointedly turns his back to Steve as if to shut him out of the conversation. Instead, he looks at you. “Baby, why are you still here? It’s getting really late, let me call you an Uber.”
Baby? Was he serious? After he’d left you alone in the bathroom even after you’d begged and pleaded with him to stay with you?!
You feel a surge of anger, “No! Don’t want you to call me anything, Ari! Just leave me alone, I can get home by myself.”
He frowns, “You’re still drunk. I’m gonna call you a–”
“Where’s Sharon, Levinson?” Steve pipes up from behind in an amused tone, as if this is all an evening’s worth of entertainment to him. “That’s her name, right? Your actual girlfriend?”
Ari whips around with lightning speed. Your heart jumps to your throat as the brunet lunges forward, grabbing Steve by the collar and getting all up in his face, “If you don’t shut the fuck up–”
“Or what, huh, Levinson?”
The brunet lowers his voice, “You know damn well I can beat your ass off court just as much as I can in court.”
Steve scoffs, “You beat my team, not me.”
Oh, so Steve was a basketball player too. He and Ari had played against each other.
Ari barks out a laugh, “Oh yeah, I forgot you got benched in the last game. Can’t seem to keep that temper in check, can you?”
The blonde shrugs, “I don’t know, Levinson. Seems like you’re the one who’s getting all worked up right now.”
“Go to hell, asshole–”
Sharon stumbles up to where the three of you are standing, her dress riding high, heels in her hand and hair a mess. She’s even drunker than you are, and yet she still looks beautiful – in a dishevelled sort of way. Like Serena Van Der Woodsen, with her blonde hair so perfectly tangled. She looks tall and somehow still graceful despite how she all but falls on top of Ari, who lets go of Steve’s collar as he holds her up.
“Thought I lost you again,” she giggles, planting her lips on his. You blanch and look away, feeling like someone’s put your heart in a shredder. You almost don’t notice Steve grabbing you around the waist and pulling you back into him. Sharon continues to kiss Ari, making out with him except he keeps turning his head – but she’s too drunk to notice. “Babe, could you please take me home? I’m tired.”
Ari grimaces, “Sure. Why don’t you go wait by the car and I’ll be over when I’m ready?”
Sharon blinks, “What car?”
“My car.”
“What does it look like?”
Ari groans. Steve laughs. Sharon looks confused. And you hope the ground would swallow you whole so you wouldn’t have to witness the happy couple together right in front of your face.
“Sharon, just go wait somewhere else while I–”
“Are you guys a couple?” Sharon cuts him off, finally acknowledging you and Steve. “You look totally cute together if you are.”
“They’re not a couple.” Ari seethes, his blue eyes narrowing at Steve’s hands on your waist. “Let go of her, asshole.” he says quietly (not that Sharon would have even noticed). Steve ignores his, pretending he didn’t hear him.
“I, uh, I have to go,” you mumble, unable to stand being in their presence even a second longer. Sharon’s gone back to sloppily kissing up Ari’s jaw, and you just can’t take it. His words from earlier keep ringing through your ears: “I already have a girlfriend,” “I already have a girlfriend,” “I already have a girlfriend.”
You take your phone out, ready to call an Uber and be done with this night. You’d go home and charge your phone and try to reach Wanda from there. But just as you’re about to type in your address on the app, your screen goes black. Dead. Great. Fucking great.
“Oh no,” you whisper softly in dismay.
Ari’s already got his own phone out, typing away and presumably calling you an Uber whilst simultaneously trying to keep Sharon upright and at bay.
“I’ll take you home.” Steve volunteers.
“The hell you will,” Ari sneers, “Back the fuck off, Rogers, I’m calling her an Uber.” He looks like he wants to say more, his gaze still locked on the way Steve is holding you. But he can’t, of course he can’t… not with her here.
“Babe, I don’t feel well,” Sharon moans suddenly. Her face looks slightly green, and she’s stopped kissing Ari now.
“Just give me a second,” He tells her distractedly.
“Maybe you should worry about getting your own girlfriend home first, Levinson.” Steve says smugly before turning to you, “C’mon, let’s go.”
Ari’s eyes fix on yours, “Don’t go with him.”
You almost do obey. Because you always obey Ari. He’s told you in the past, warned you that you always have to do what he says because he’s your daddy and he’s in charge. But… But what about how you’d begged him to stay earlier, and he hadn’t? Now was your chance to do the same thing to him, give him a taste of his own medicine. That, and you also can’t stand to be in close vicinity of him and Sharon right now, or else you’d burst into tears again.
Pointedly avoiding Ari’s gaze, you look up at Steve instead, “O-Okay. Let’s go.”
The blonde tugs you along with him, and you purposely drown Ari out as Steve leads you away. And part of you wants Ari to follow, to push Sharon away and come after you, rip you out of Steve’s grip and take you home himself. But he doesn’t, of course he doesn’t. You don’t dare look back, knowing the happy couple is probably making out again, and you’ve already been forgotten.
“He’s such an asshole!” You burst out, “I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!”
Steve chuckles, “He’s an asshole, alright.”
“He really is! Hate how he treats me, an’ how I keep giving him chances. He just hurts me again and again and again and–”
“Let’s get you home, baby,” the blonde interrupts, getting his phone out.
You wait a handful of seconds, swaying in your heels but liking how he’s got his hand firmly on your lower back to keep you steady. You look up at him expectantly, “Well, aren’t you gonna ask for my address?”
“My address, silly! How else am I gonna get home?”
He blinks, before slowly handing you his phone. You miss the glint in his eye, however, and how his lip curls up subtly in… disappointment? “Oh yeah. How stupid of me to forget.”
You type your address in on his Uber app and click accept before beaming up at him, “Thank you so much, Steve. It really means a lot to me, I honestly don’t know how else I would’ve got home! But don’t worry, I’ll pay you back! We’ll split the cost in half, and–”
He presses his finger to your lips, effectively shushing you before he shoots you that charming lop-sided smile of his, making your insides melt. “You don’t need to pay me back, sweetheart. What kind of a guy would I be if I took money from a little baby like you?”
You blink, feeling an extreme sense of dejavu. He sounded exactly like… Ari. Ari never let you pay for anything ever. Well, Ari never really took you out anywhere in public, but the two of you would always order takeout whenever he came over to your dorm room. And he’d never skimp out either, ordering from fancy places like Nobu because he said you were his baby and he wanted the best for you. And whenever you tried to pay your share, he’d just snort and push your hand away, “What kind of a guy would I be if I took money from a helpless little baby like you?”
The reminder of Ari has a ton of different emotions washing over you all over again. Sadness, jealousy, anger…. You shake your poor drunken, muddled head, “Oh, I hate Ari so much, Steve! He’s heartless, and he–”
You’re still going on and on by the time the Uber arrives. And you’re so into your tirade, that you don’t even notice Steve’s arms going around you again, holding you tight against him as if he owns you. You don’t notice how his hands wander, how he rubs the bare skin of your arms, the small of your back, going lower and lower. His fingers playing with the short hem of your dress…
You do notice him slip cash into the driver’s hand… Probably the tip, you presume, too drunk to care.
Your mind wanders to Ari again during the ride home. You sit in the backseat with Steve, staring out the window gloomily as you think about how he broke your heart. Oh, how could you have been so stupid? So gullible? So innocent? You’d never let anyone take advantage of you like that again…
“You okay?” Steve asks, pressing his hand on your thigh.
You nod, “Yeah, I’m just thinkin’ about how much I hate Ari, and–”
“I’ve been listening to you complain about Ari for the past ten minutes straight. Don’t mention him again.”
He says it softly, calmly, and yet you shut your mouth and straighten up. Despite being drunk, you can detect the seriousness of his tone, and a hint of a threat too. Which you’re probably imagining because why would Steve threaten you? He was so sweet! Wasn’t he?
“I’m sorry, Steve,” you say softly, relaxing once he shoots you a smile.
The drive continues, and Steve’s hand remains on your bare thigh, squeezing every now and again. You don’t mind, his touch helping you feel grounded. You’re still so drunk and probably high too, from that damned stupid pill Ari had given you. No, no, no! You scrunch your eyes shut, willing yourself not to think about him.
“Baby, why don’t you come sit on my lap?” Steve says suddenly.
You whip your head in his direction, “Wh-What?”
“The Uber driver just told me the backseat is really dirty, and you’re in a dress, so I think you’d better sit on me.”
You glance at the driver, who looks straight ahead at the road, not batting an eye or saying a single word. You’re too drunk to argue, and so you just nod. Steve grabs you by the waist, easily lifting you up and placing you on his lap. You can’t help but welcome his warmth, shivering in your skimpy little dress as you wiggle around, trying to get comfortable. He notices, immediately shrugging off his varsity jacket and draping it over your shoulders.
“There. Nice and warm now?”
You smile up at him gratefully, “Yeah! Thanks so much, Steve!” You try not to ogle at his biceps.
“You look cute in my jacket,” Steve chucks you under the chin, “It’s huge on you.”
“That’s ‘cause you’re huge,” you blurt out, before your eyes widen.
“And you’re just tiny.” He quips, pulling you closer.
This was weird, right? You’d only just met him a mere twenty minutes ago, and now you were already in a car with him? In his lap, no less? But you could trust Steve, right? He was nice enough to give you a lift home when he didn’t even know you, and he didn’t want you to touch the dirty backseat either. And he’d given you his jacket so you’d stay warm. All of those looked like green flags to you. Unlike dumb stupid Ari, who was one red flag after another!
The car hits a snag on the road, causing you to bounce inadvertently in his lap. Steve groans as if he’s in pain, and you shoot him an apologetic look.
“Sorry, Stevie. That was an accident.”
He smirks, “Stevie?”
Heat spreads across your cheeks, unaware that you’ve said it out loud… But it’s a cute nickname nonetheless, and so you just shrug awkwardly, a sheepish smile on your face.
Steve’s hand rubs up and down your back soothingly, “It’s a long way till your house, baby. Why don’t you tell me about yourself?”
You nod, “Well, I’m a freshman at St. Andrews’ College, and…and…” your voice drifts off as you notice how close you are to him, how you can see the freckles and beauty marks on his face, how deep his blue eyes are up close. So much like Ari’s…
Steve licks his lips, “How does a little freshman like you get mixed up with an asshole like Ari Levinson?”
Oh God, where do you even begin? Instead, you shake your head, “I-I thought I wasn’t allowed to mention Ari again?”
“You’re right,” Steve’s eyes twinkle, and he brushes a piece of your hair behind your ear, “You take instructions well, sweetheart, that makes you a good girl.”
You glow at the praise, before the car hits another snag on the road – this time a much bigger one. You bounce on Steve’s lap again, biting your lip when you feel the rough material of his jeans graze against you down there. And that’s when you come to a horrific realisation.
You’re not wearing any panties.
Your mind flashes back to earlier in the night. Ari fucking you in the middle of the dancefloor. Lifting your dress up. Your panties slipping down your legs. You stepping out of them, the lacy thong lying on the floor. That was the last you’d seen it…
You gulp, looking down at Steve’s lap slowly. No, no, no. Oh no… There it is, plain as day… A wet stain on his jeans, directly beneath you. You hear a low groan, and you know he’s seen it too.
“Oh my gosh, Steve, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I–”
“It’s okay,” he breathes, his voice throaty as he grips your hips to hold you in place, “Maybe you should move…”
“Yes, of course, sorry, I’ll just…” You hastily try to get off his lap, but he holds on tight, not allowing you to budge.
“No, baby girl. I mean move like this.” With fluid confidence, he guides your hips over thick, jean-clad thigh. You gasp breathily, hands shaking as they automatically grip his shoulders. Your bare cunt grazes against the rough denim, pleasurable sensations thrumming through your body. Oh God, what were you doing? You glance fearfully at the driver, but he seems to be in his own world, carefully ignoring the two of you from the driver’s seat.
“Stevie, we shouldn’t–”
“Shhh, move again,” he orders, his thumb circling your hip through the thin material of your dress.
“B-But we just met, this isn’t right, we–” But he shushes you again by moving your hips for you. And his hands are so big, gripping you so tight as he moves you over his muscular leg, your cunt catching against the jean material again and making your whole body convulse. You automatically grab at his broad shoulders, feeling overwhelmed and confused yet horny and needy all at once.
Ari wouldn’t like this, your inner voice warns.
“I thought you took instructions well, baby doll.” Steve whispers enticingly in your ear, hands rubbing soothingly up and down your back as if to cajole you into doing what he wanted. “C’mon, move again like how I told you to.”
Your body obeys as if you’ve been wired to, and maybe it’s because you like listening to people or maybe it’s because you’re just plain horny. Either because of Ari’s damned ecstasy pill or because Steve is so handsome and hot and his body is so big and muscular and warm. Oh, you don’t know! But you do roll your hips down against his lap, eyes widening at how good it feels as you both gasp in unison.
“That’s a good girl,” Steve praises, giving you a sweet smile. And you’re so close to him, and he’s so handsome, and his lashes are so long and thick, his jaw so defined, his freckles so pretty…
“You’re so pretty!” You blurt out.
Steve snorts, “And you’re still so fucking drunk.”
“Nothing. Move again.” But this time he picks you up, repositioning you so that you’re face to face with him and straddling his crotch, and oh my! He was so hard, so, so hard! You could feel his dick poking through the denim, rubbing against your wet folds! What was even happening right now?! “Baby, this feels good huh? Moving against me like this?”
“Uh… y-yeah, I guess it does.” You answer shyly.
“Good. Then I won’t have to repeat myself after this one last time. Move. Again.” Quick as a wink, his hand leaves your hip, thick fingers curling around your throat instead. He speaks softly yet with authority and a hint of menace, blue eyes almost magically unblinking as he stares you down, “Rub your little baby cunt all over my jeans. You might as well, since you’ve already made a mess.”
You squeak before your jaw drops open. Had he just spanked you? Once more, you look to the driver in the front, but he seems to be determinedly ignoring whatever was going on in the backseat.
Almost as if he’d been paid to do so…
You start to move your hips, letting Steve guide you as you grind down on his clothed crotch. And fuck, it feels heavenly. Your poor clit is throbbing, so needy and desperate as you seek your pleasure, holding on to Steve’s sturdy shoulders.
“Fuck yeah, you’re such a cute little slut aren’t you?” Steve hums into your neck, his teeth grazing against your bare skin, “can’t believe a sweet little angel with a snatch as tight and sexy as yours landed right in my lap. Well, I stole you right from under Levinson’s nose, but that’s not important right now, is it?” He slaps your ass again, his other hand still wrapped around your neck. Not squeezing, just holding it, “Move harder, baby. I’m already letting you use me for your pleasure, so you better do as I say.”
“O-Okay, Stevie,” you pant, not really hearing what he’s saying because the delicious friction is too much for you to handle.
He nips at the nape of your neck, that now familiar glint in his eye, “Call me daddy, sweetheart.”
You gape at him. But you only ever called Ari daddy!
His fingers squeeze around your neck, making it exponentially harder for you to breathe. “Did you hear what I said?” He asks smoothly.
“Y-Yeah,” you barely get the word out.
“Then say it. Say it or I’ll choke you the fuck out.”
“Daddy!” You squeak as he loosens his grip, gulping for air, “D-Daddy, please!”
He smirks, leaning back against the seat as he watches you ride his crotch. You can’t stop now, it feels too good, too sexy. An yet it also almost feels like you’re doing something wrong, like you’re betraying Ari… Except you’re not, you’re not, you’re not! Because Ari already had a girlfriend and it wasn’t you!
“You’re enjoying yourself, aren’t you? Dry humping your little baby pussy on a guy you’ve just met?” Steve grabs the back of your neck and yanks you forward, till his plump pink lips ghost against yours, “You this slutty for all the frat boys, sweetie?”
You shake your head desperately, “N-No, promise I’m not! I’ve only ever been with one guy, ah!” Your poor pussy feels like it’s been rubbed raw, and yet you can’t stop. Your hips are both moving off their own accord, and Steve’s still moving your body lazily on top of his, the fat outline of his dick protruding through his jeans, a wet spot of your juices on top of his crotch. “W-Well, actually, now I’ve been with two, but–oh fuck!”
You whimper pathetically as Steve suddenly bites down on your neck, sucking against the sensitive skin till it breaks. He peppers the broken skin with kisses, and it hurts yet it feels so good. You find your hand slipping up to grab at his short hair, and instinctively you’d been expecting Ari’s long tufts because that was all you were used to. But all you can think about is Steve right now, and how good his huge body feels underneath you as you grind against it.
“And does it feel good, baby? Humping up against a stranger like you’re in heat?” He licks the shell of your ear lewdly, shivers running down your spine before he suddenly thrusts upwards, catching you off-guard. Your pussy clenches, lust pumping through your veins at his words. “Innocent little baby, only ever been with two guys and yet you’re dry humping me like you’re being paid to do it.”
He laughs wickedly, and how could he still look so angelic? The moonlight shines on his face through the window of the car, and one second he’s looking down at you mockingly, before his face morphs into one of lust and want, and he lets out a soft gasp as he grinds up against you. “Fuck, you’re doing so good, baby. Making daddy feel so fuckin’ good, aren’t you?”
“Y-Yeah, daddy, oh fuck, you feel so big,” you whimper with abandon.
Steve snorts, “I’m bigger than you could handle, sweet girl. Your cute little baby pussy would probably start crying if I tried to put my dick inside you right now.”
His dirty talk makes you moan, and you can feel yourself growing more excited. That’s when he starts to fondle you, his hands everywhere on your body, squeezing and rubbing your tits through the thin material of your dress. “God, you’re just a baby, aren’t you?”
“N-No,” you pant, only to earn another smack to your ass.
“Don’t fucking disagree with me,” he hisses, blue eyes blazing before his smirk returns, “You’re a little fuckin’ baby who’s known me all of two seconds and yet you’re horny for my daddy dick, aren’t you? I said, aren’t you?”
“Yes, okay?! Yes!” You cry out, your folds so insanely sensitive from rubbing and rubbing against him, and yet you’re so close. But was it just you, or had Steve’s demeanour changed. Back at the party, he was charming, funny, helpful. And now? Oh, he was still charming, and so devastatingly handsome. But there was a darkness to his angelic quality… Either that or you were imagining things.
“What if I pushed you down and made you ride my fuckin’ shoe instead?” He asks, that devilish glint ever-present in his blue eyes which were dark with lust, “You’d do it, wouldn’t you? You’d do anything to cum.”
“Daddy, ‘m so close!” you whine like a baby, clutching his shirt hard in case he did push you to the floor. You didn’t want that at all, and you blink up at him with wide eyes, “D-Don’t push me down, daddy, please! Promise I’ll be good an’ I’ll listen to you! Wanna stay in your lap, please!”
He blinks down at you, chiselled face softening some as he cups your face, his other hand still guiding you as you ride his thigh, “Fuck, you’re cute, aren’t you?”
But then his expression darkens once more, and he reaches down, grabbing the flimsy fabric of your dress. There’s a loud tearing sound and you gasp, jaw dropping as he rips the lower part of your dress clean in half. He smiles, “Keep going, baby. Daddy just wanted to see you better. And look at your baby pussy, look how cute and puffy she is. Bet you’re sore down there, huh?”
“Y-Yeah, but don’t wanna stop! So close!”
He runs his tongue over his plump lips, “I bet you are.”
Reaching down, he makes you gasp out loud when his fingers spread your sopping folds, and fuck, his jeans feel so fucking good now, so much better, so much rougher, oh god, oh god, oh god… And that’s when he takes complete control, grabbing your hips harder and moving you on top of him like you’re a doll. Like you’re his personal fucktoy, and he’s using you for his pleasure as he moves you back and forth on his dick, dragging you up and down on his clothed crotch while he whispers dirtily in your ear.
But it’s when he squeezes your throat again, that you feel your pussy clench doubly hard.
“You like that, huh? Like when daddy gets rough?” Steve chuckles darkly, before squeezing harder. Till he’s well and truly choking you, and you can feel your airway close up, and you well and truly can’t breathe, and it’s agony but it’s so delicious, and he’s dragging you all over his crotch, rutting up against you as you scramble on top of him, and you can’t breathe and you’re about to black out and, and, and…
You come hard, squirting all over his crotch which was already wet from your juices. And your cream keeps on pouring out, your orgasm hitting you so hard. And that’s when he releases your throat, like he’s given you the ability to breathe as a reward for cumming, and he rubs your back soothingly as you sob and squeak in pleasure, his voice all sweet once more, all dripping with honey as he caressed you, “you’re such a good girl, such a good fucking girl, you did so good, baby.”
The rest of the drive home is silent, you feeling fucked out in Steve’s lap, Steve looking smug, and the Uber driver staring straight ahead as if the debauchery that just took place in the backseat of his car had never even happened. Your legs are shaking, and you can’t believe what’s just happened but you’re too exhausted to truly care. All you want is your bed. And sleep.
“Sweetheart, I think we’re here. Is this your building?”
“It is,” you say hoarsely, suddenly feeling too shy to even meet his gaze. And there’s a part of you that feels guilty now that it’s all over, a part of you that keeps thinking about Ari and what he would think about all this. Fuck. You shake your head to clear out all those thoughts until tomorrow, “Thanks for giving me a lift home, Stevie.”
His lop-sided smile returns, almost as if the whole ordeal in the Uber had never even happened, “No worries, baby.”
He helps you out of the car, and your legs feel like complete jelly, but you’re thankful that you can stand upright. You feel a weight on your shoulders, suddenly noticing his varsity jacket is still on you. Blue and white, with his initials “S.G.R.” “Oh, your jacket, Stevie. Here–”
“You keep it.” He cuts you off, his eyes glittering with the reflection of the moon and stars as his lip curls upwards, “Keep it somewhere in your dorm room, somewhere where everyone can see, alright?”
“Okay.” You really don’t have it in you to question his weird request.
He walks you all the way to your dorm room like a perfect gentleman, waits while you rummage through your purse for your keys. Chuckles as he finds them for you and unlocks your door. Pats your ass as he pushes you inside.
But not before pressing a kiss on your cheek and murmuring a quiet, “I’ll see you soon enough, baby.”
And then he’s gone, and you’re alone. You put your phone on charge before immediately flopping down on your bed. Your aching muscles hum in satisfaction, and you feel instant relief as you kick your heels off and close your eyes. Your heart is racing – how had you gone from being a virgin at the beginning of the year to hooking up with two guys in the same night?!
Speaking of one of the guys, your phone begins vibrating the moment it gains its battery back, and you see a flood of texts and missed calls from Ari. And you think back to how you’d feel a small sense of satisfaction and a burst of happiness every time he texted you or called you in the past.
Now, you don’t even have the energy to open his messages. It could wait till tomorrow.
You close your eyes to sleep. And you dreamt of Ari, of course you did. You dreamt of Ari a lot. But there was someone else alongside the brunet in your dreams tonight. A blonde with a charming smile and glittering eyes, the moonlight bathing him like a halo.
But you weren’t so sure if he was an angel.
AFHJSAFA OKAY! SO. What do we think??? AND YES omfg of course the second love interest was Steve! Y'all know i'm a whore for Steve and for me, he's the only one who can believably compete against THE Ari Levinson!!! I can't wait to delve into this story!!! I hope you guys enjoyed! Feedback would mean the world to me!
(also i'm paranoid that there are mistakes and continuity errors even tho i sorta did reread it kind of but aksdfnldaskgal idk!!! i'm sure it's all fine tho)
I actually prepared some questions for yall just in case:
Is it too soon to ask if you're team Ari or team Steve?!?! BC I WANNA KNOWWW.
Do Ari and Steve know each other?!?! DO YOU THINK THEY HAVE HISTORY?!?!
donate to my ko-fi!
#ari levinson#ari levinson x reader#chris evans fanfiction#chris evans#steve rogers#steve rogers x reader#curtis everett#curtis everett x reader#andy barber x reader
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To Those Who Wait
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as non/dubcon, virginity loss, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are tired of being the safe one so you decide to pay for some excitement.
Characters: escort!Ransom Drysdale, Curtis Everett
Note: this is intended as a one shot but you also know I'm easy to influence.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. Thanks to everyone who reads this one and thank you for all your energy.<3
Love you all like Tony loves himself. Take care. 💖
“Happy birthday!” Vivica shoves the plastic teeth of the dollar store tiara into your hair.
You try not to glower as the rest of the table roars with laughter. It’s a happy night. You can’t spoil it just because you hate gimmicks. They mean well, you’re just a downer. Like always.
You force a smile, “thanks, guys.”
“Don’t thank us, it’s your night,” Jerrod chirps. “Which means you drink for free!”
Big whoop. You barely drink. You’ll have one or two for the occasion but you don’t like the way it makes your stomach feel. Ugh, stop being such a tight ass. It’s about you but it isn’t. They went to all this trouble planning the night. For you. Your friends. You can at least be thankful for them.
Yeah, you have friends but how much do they really know you? For as long as you’ve known them, they should know that this isn’t you. They are the ones that want to go out, that want to drink, that want to wade into the unpredictability of the general public. That’s not you.
“So, what are we having?” Mila asks.
“Hm, I don’t know. You know I’m not picky.” It all just tastes like alcohol.
“Ooh, cucumber gimlet. That sounds nice,” Jerrod says.
“Oh, it really does,” Vivica agrees.
“I’m going to try the gummy bear. I’m in the mood for something sweet,” Mila says.
“Sure, I’ll try that,” you shrug.
Jerrod flags down a server and puts in the order. As he does, Vivica stirs around under the table. Mila claps as she reveals the gift bag from beneath.
“My favourite part,” Mila wiggles with excitement.
“Oh, you didn’t have to--”
“It’s only one part of our gift,” Jerrod laughs knowingly.
You give him a wary look. You don’t like his tone. You accept the gift bag and look inside. You can’t tell what it is. You pull out the tissue paper and a small box wiggles inside. Slowly, you slip it out and just as quickly shove it back in.
“That’s it. You wanna do it just like that,” Jerrod guffaws.
Your mouth drops open as you look around the table. The bright pink dildo has your cheeks on fire. You can’t believe they’d bring that out in public.
“What is wrong with you guys?”
“Oh, come on, everyone can use a good six inches or so,” Jerrod snickers. “That’s our backup gift. Our real gift is somewhere around here.”
“Huh?” You peek around the bar. “Like a scavenger hunt?”
“Oh, it’s a hunt,” Vivica juts out her chin. “You set the target and we’ll take him down for you.”
“What?” You scoff.
“Come on, honey, you’re thirty. You need to get one last hurrah in,” Jerrod insists. “When it’s my turn, I want three beefy boys. One in each flavour, blond, brunette, and even a redhead.”
“I’ll have the same,” Mila smirks.
You’re embarrassed. Uncertain two. You can’t tell if they’re mocking you. Out of the four of you, you’ve always been the boring one. The sober one. All these years, and you were the one saving them from regrettable drunken mistakes and making sure they don’t leave the bar with creeps. It wouldn’t be hard for them to guess, would it?
“Don’t worry, we’ll be your wingmen. Wingwomen. Wingfriends!” Vivica says. “How about him?” She points as the server lays out the drinks. “He’s cute. Oh, look at his eyes.”
“Wow,” Mila preens. “A bad boy. That would be adorable.”
You want to disappear. You want to dissolve into the cushioned bench. Become a part of it. Life as a piece of a furniture must surely be nicer.
“And his friends, not bad, huh?”
You’re speechless. It’s a joke. Even if they don’t mean it as one, it is. All these years and you’ve never been the one approached first. You’re the straggler. You get the odd one out and they get stuck with you. Maybe, all this time, your friends had been too self-absorbed or too drunk to notice that.
You don’t mean to be bitter. You shouldn’t be. It isn’t their fault you’re so lame. That you’ve gone another year without a single thing to be proud of. Without any change.
“Right, well, they look busy.”
“Booooo,” Vivica hovers her glass in front of her mouth. “Who wants to break the ice?”
“Don’t mind if I do,” Mila stands.
“Wait.” You blurt out but she ignores you.
Some birthday. You get to spend it awkwardly making small talk with another disinterested stranger. You try not to show your discomfort. You grab the skewer with gummy bears impaled on it and stir the vibrant red drink. You sip through the thin straw. It makes your cheek pinch painfully. The sugar will do worse to your stomach than the vodka.
You keep your head down as Mila’s fluttery giggle wafts over. Vivica giggles as she watches and Jerrod cranes to see. You stare at the table and distance yourself from the moment, detaching from your body as the bar hazes around you.
“Hey, you guys, come on,” Mila calls over, “lots of room.”
Her waving hand brings you back to the present. Vivica nudges you with her elbow as Jerrod jumps up. He grabs Mila’s drink and you shuffle along behind them. The group of men sit at one of the tall tables. They rearrange themselves and you stand back as the others claim their seats.
You climb up on the last, balancing your drink and the gift bag, unable to bring yourself to look at the men on either side of you. You fixate on your drink and taste it again, even as the sickly flavour curdles in your mouth. Your friends introduce themselves and you choke on your name before Mila says it for you.
The men take their turns. Your eyes dart around evasively. A sweltering heat forms a sheen across your face. The one with the frosted tips and glasses is Jensen, the broader brunette in the button-up and blazer is Nick, the biggest with his bushy beard is Sy, and the last one, beside you, with the buzz cut, is Curtis.
“Nice crown,” Jensen says. “Happy birthday.”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you reach up and take of the tiara. “Thanks.”
“You from here or visiting?” Jerrod asks the men.
“We work at Stacks.”
“Programmers?” Vivica snorts. “You might know my ex. Two of them actually.”
They laugh. You don’t know what’s funny. This is weird. You hate that invisible barrier between you and them, that makes you feel like you’re on a completely different planet. You don’t get this part of the script. The prologue is as far as you ever get.
“How old are you?” Curtis’ deep timbre startles you as it rolls beneath the chatter of the others. You shift in your seat and twist the glass around.
“Thirty,” you pick up the Tiara, the 3 and 0 nearly hidden by the feathers.
“Ah, the big one,” he comments.
“Yeah, just another year,” you put the plastic crown down.
“What do you do?”
You sniff and tap your fingers on the cup. You lift it and drain the last of the fruity juice and stringent vodka. “You don’t have to do this.”
“Do what?” He asks.
“My friends are just being goofy. You don’t have to act like you’re into me.”
“Well, I’m not much of an actor. Never was into theatre,” he says. “I wouldn’t know, would I? Just trying to get to know you, figure that out.”
“Really,” you give him a sideways look. “Ah,” you hiss in false disappointment, “hate to break the seal but I gotta go the ladies. Excuse me.”
“Right,” he accepts dully. “How about I get you a refill, for your birthday?”
“You don’t have to but if you really want to, I could use a ginger ale. Thanks.” You accept as you climb off the stool.
You cross the bar and stop just at the threshold of the hallway that reads Girls and Boys above. You glance back. Mila has her charming smile on, Vivica is leaning into Sy, and Jerrod and Nick are watching something on his phone. Why can’t you be normal, like them?
You flinch as you catch Curtis’ eye. His eyes flick to you as he talks to the server. You quickly spin away. You’ll wait until the third round when they’re too tipsy to care. Then you’ll make your exit.
The hotel clerk hands you the key card. You don’t make eye contact. If you do, she might see right through you. You shove it in your pocket before the tremour is noticeable. You hurry away to the elevator and tap the button three times.
You’re not impatient because your eager. You just want to get this over with. Finally. It only took you thirty years.
The doors open and you step in, relieved that no one else gets on with you. When you’re shut in, you shudder. You’re disgusted. With this. With yourself. But you’re tired. You just want to pull of the bandage. You want to know what all the fuss is about so you can say you’re not missing out on anything.
Ever since your birthday, since that pathetic deja vu of going home alone, of your friends stealing the attention on what the claim was your night, you haven’t been able to stop those thought. You’re pathetic. A loser. No wonder it’s hasn’t happened yet. Who would want to touch you? They barely want to talk to you. They wouldn’t if you weren’t a leech on your friends’ ankles.
The doors open and jar you. You stagger then march out. You slide the card out and check the room number again. Your hands shake so bad it takes you five tries to get the green light.
Inside the room, the nausea swells in your stomach. Your teeth chatter. You go into the bathroom and put the bag on the counter. You dig out the anti-nausea medicine and read the insert; take one or two. Do not take with alcohol.
You pop the pink pill in your mouth and swallow. You look at your reflection. You look as scared as you feel. No time to waste, you’ve done enough of that.
You start with the shower. You wash every crook and crevice. You check your legs and under your arms. You only shaved yesterday night but you don’t need any pricklies. And your pelvis. You did a decent enough job trimming that down.
You get out and moisturise. You don’t want to smell. For once in your life, you don’t want to feel repugnant. You’re not some romantic. You thought of buying lingerie but that only seemed sadder. So you put on a pair of grey jersey pajamas, just a tank top and shorts.
You don’t want to look like this is a big deal. That you tried too hard. You do your hair and a little bit of makeup. Too much would just get messy anyway. Deodorant, perfume, and mouthwash. You’re as fresh as can be.
And anxious!
You take out the box of condoms. You don’t think the pills are working. You want to vomit, even though you haven’t eaten. You grab your phone and check the messages. Shoot, it’s a lot later than you thought.
Fuck, you forgot. You quickly flip over to your menu and sign in. You send the money and your chest drops. This is it. That’s a hefty wad of cash. You hope it’s worth it.
You reply to the text; ‘sent’ then the room number. There. Done deal. It’s going to happen. Then you can say, yeah, did it, no big deal.
You go into the suite and put your phone on the night table. You sit on the bed for a whole second before you bounce off. No, you can’t stay there. No, no, no. You pace and wring your hands as you wait.
The knock trips you up. You turn to stare at the door and like a horror movie, your eyes widen and your ears ring. He’s here.
You near the door and stop to look through the key hole. There’s a trickle of relief. He looks like the pictures her sent. That’s good.
You open the door a crack and look out. He looks annoyed as he checks his watch then tugs on the lapels of his jacket. It looks like a designer; the lining has little emblems on it. He says your name, “that’s you, right?”
“Hugh? Right?” You blink and he nods as he cheek ticks, “er, come in.”
You pull back the door and press yourself to the wall. He struts in and clicks his tongue in his cheek. He examines the room as he shrugs out of his jacket and slings it over the small bench against the wall. You close the door and he whistles. You face him as he tilts his head, looking you up and down.
“Smells good in here,” he grins and smooths his tidy hair.
Despite who and what he is, he’s handsome. Well, that probably helps. It’s why you paid half your savings for one night. You sway slightly then swallow down the despair. You’re doing it. You’re really going to do it.
A fucking prostitute. That’s as good as you can do.
“How about some music,” he approaches the speaker under the television, “think these things have bluetooth now.”
“Sure,” you croak, watching him as you cross your arms. It’s not too late. No, you don’t think you’ll get a refund now.
He takes out his phone and swipes around. He holds a button on the sound bar and it chimes. Soft R&B drawls from the speaker. You bite your thumb as you stare at him.
“So...” he looks at you.
You nod and clear your throat. You don’t know what to do. You don’t think the whole foreplay thing is going to happen.
He drags his hands down his cream sweater. He doesn’t really dress like an escort. Or maybe you just put too much trust in movies. He lifts the hem as you stay as you are. Your feet are glued to the floor.
He strips off the sweater and reveals a muscled torso and a thicket of dark hair across his chest. You don’t expect it as he sports a clean shave on his jaw. You clamp down on your arms as you keep them folded across your chest.
“Like what you see?” He winks and bites his lips.
He’s good. You almost believe him. If you weren’t missing a chunk from your bank account, you might.
“Come on, baby, why don’t you get some wine going,” he purrs.
A distraction. Thank god. You go to the bar fridge and take out one of the mini bottles of white wine. You peel off the foil over the cap but can’t break the seal. You struggle, trying to hide your effort, but sense him coming close.
“I just need to find some glass,” you say.
He chuckles and takes the bottle. His blue eyes devour you as he cracks the seal and flicks the cap away. He drinks directly from the bottle and smirks.
“No need. Go on,” he offers it up.
Your lips twitch and you take the bottle. You drink, nearly gagging. You swallow and hand it back. He swigs as he watches you.
He is so good looking. You wonder how he even got into this. He’s built like a god. No, a gladiator. You’re such a frigging dweeb.
“Hey, you don’t gotta be uptight,” he gives the wine back to you, “relax, enjoy the wine. You paid for the night. No hurry.”
You nod and drink again. It goes down easier. You return the bottle to him and he strides to the bed. He sits and pats the other side of the mattress.
“Come here, sweetheart.”
You quiver and lock your arms straight. You are conscious of every single part of you as you near him. You sit stiffly and stare ahead. The music drones as he gulps again. He bends forward to set the empty bottle on the floor.
You wince as he drapes his arm over your shoulders. He traces the strap of your tank top and pulls you against him. You shiver as he brushes up your neck.
“This your first time?”
You twitch then make yourself nod. You wait for him to laugh. He doesn’t.
“Well, let’s go slow, then.”
“No,” you erupt. “I mean--” you grip your knees and steady yourself. “I want to just do it. Get it over with.” You grit your teeth and force a breath out your nose. “There’s condoms in the bathroom.”
Now he laughs. “Huh, you know what you want.”
You don’t reply. You can’t. That was the last of your courage or whatever you want to call it.
He goes into the bathroom and you list as he opens the box. He emerges and examines the square wrapper. It looks even smaller in his large hand. He rests his other on the top of his pants.
“How do you want it?” He asks.
You stare at him. How do you want it? You don’t know. You raise your brows helplessly.
“Wanna get naked?” He suggests.
You look at the bed. You blink long and hard. Your head feels fuzzy. Must be the wine.
“Right,” he sighs and undoes his zipper. You peek up long enough to see the top of his boxers. You back away and crawl up the bed.
You face away from him as you strip off your shirt, then your shorts. You jitter as you lay down flat like a plank. You stare at the ceiling as the wrapper crinkles. He groans as he comes closer to the bed.
“I like these ones,” he puts a knee on the bed.
Your breath is like thunder. You feel like your suffocating. He touches your leg and you squeak.
“Gonna have to open up, baby,” he pets your knee.
You let him drag your legs apart. You can’t do it yourself. You wipe your face with a shaky hand.
“Don’t worry, I got you.”
Your eyes snap to him as something clicks. He holds a small bottle with a black label. He squirts the clear oil onto his fingers then reaches between your legs. You return your gaze to the ceiling before he makes contact.
He rubs the cool lube between your folds. Your thighs quake as he glides up and down. Over and over until the moisture is more than just from the bottle.
He tickles your entrance and you tense. He rasps as he circles around, “relax.” He pokes a finger into you and you clench. He wiggles it and hushes you as you whimper. “Look, you’re not gonna like it if you don’t chill.”
He sinks his finger further in then pulls it out again. You blow your breath out and suck it back in as he dips inside once more. You clasp the duvet beneath you as he fingers you rhythmically. Your pussy trembles around him.
“That’s it, baby,” he pushes a second finger into you. “You wanna be ready, huh? I mean... it’s your first time, you gotta be ready.”
The comment is like a slap across the face. Still, you can’t focus on his words. Your eyes feel fuzzy and your body is alight with a spectrum of tingles.
He rocks his hand and you lift your pelvis slightly. He presses his thumb against your clit and you gasp. The mix of pressure and motion is intense. You’re not completely clueless. That toy your friends gave you isn’t the only one you have, you just never used one inside of you.
You push your head down into the pillows and moan. He hums in approval and brushes his other hand up your stomach. He rolls his thumb around your nipple.
“Yeah, like that, relax,” he pushes deeper and you whine, little pouts coming as you dig your heels into the mattress. “Oh, my god, baby, you’re going to cum, aren’t you?”
You squeal as you spasm. It’s not your first orgasm but it’s the best one you’ve ever had. It’s wild how different it is with someone, anyone, else. You shake as your voice unfurl and your cunt squelches around his fingers. He cooes at you as he eases you through your climax.
“Was that so bad?” He wiggles his fingers before he pulls them free. “Huh? Think you liked that.” He gets up on his knees and moves between your legs. He strokes his dick, swollen inside the rubber sheath. “Think you’ll like this a whole lot better.”
You lift your head dozily and stare at him. He’s big. Long and thick. That dildo was probably smaller than him and you left it in the package.
He moves closer and you let out a surprised chitter. He caresses your thigh and hushes you as he grips your hip. He pumps himself with his other hand and angles his tip along your lips.
“You said you wanted to get it done,” he pushes his blunt tip along your entrance. “Don’t hold your breath, baby.”
He pushes into you and you cry put. Oh. That’s not good. The blinding pain ripples through you. This is different too. Not like his fingers. He’s...
“Too big,” you rasp. “Please-- ah, ah, ah.”
“Come on, baby, you can take it,” he growls as he inches into you. “Once it’s in, it’ll feel better.” He impales you down to his base and snarls as he leans his head back. He rolls his shoulders and shudders. “Fuck, it’s been a while since I had a virgin cunt.”
Flames of humiliation lick at you. This man who fucks for a living is taking your virginity like it’s a prize. Another deposit in the bank. Why did you do this?
“Hugh,” you eke out his name and reach down, pressing your fingertips to his stomach. “I don’t want--”
He thrusts and you shriek. Your lips form and O as your head falls back down. You whimper as your body shakes uncontrollably. Your fingers furl into fists and your toes curl.
“Baby, you said you wanted this. You paid for it,” he grabs your wrists and moves your hands above your head, locking them there as he holds himself above you. “Ah, fuck.” He rams into you again and your tears spill over. “Ah, ah, ah,” he continues to thrust, “you are fucking tight. Ah.”
He closes his eyes as his nostrils flair and he groans, “the way you’re squeezing me--”
“Please,” you snivel and he snaps his pelvis into yours. You push your legs wider, trying to ease the pressure. “Ow. You’re hurt—ing me.”
“Argh, yes, oh,” he ruts into you harder and harder.
The springs of the bed bounce you against him as his pace turns furious. He puffs like an animal as his eyes blare down at you. You writhe and sob, your face wet with horror and humiliation. Your flesh claps together slickly as he raises himself only to drop down with all his weight. Again and again and again.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum. Baby, you hear that. Your first time and you got about to blow,” he sneers. “Tell me you want me to cum.”
You gurgle helplessly and he slams into you, “tell me.”
“Please--” You squeal. “Please just cum. Just...”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he grunts as he batters you.
“Please cum--”
He bucks wildly and lets out a bellowing roar. He pushes his head up and drones through his climax as he fucks you into the bed. You close your eyes and turn your head away. He slows as your heart pounds in your temples and your skin scalds. What did you do?
He lets go of your wrists and pulls out of you all at once. He leaves you splayed on the bed. His footfalls slap away to the bathroom and the faucet runs. You don’t dare move, hoping that if you don’t, this will all just turn out to be a nightmare.
You touch your wrist and rip your hand away as if you’ve been burned. The bruises are tender. All of you is, but especially... that part of you.
You have a pillow under you as you sit on your couch. You can barely put your weight on your pelvis. Each time a pang strikes, you remember that horrible mistake. Now you can really say that it isn’t all it’s made out to be. It’s not worth it.
You lean on the armrest and stare at the television. You don’t see the faces or hear the words. Like the rest of the world, it’s now a fog. Like that night. The box for the pills said not to mix with alcohol.
You lean your head in your hand. You don’t want to think about it. That’s worse than what happened. The memory. That never ends.
Your phone buzzes. You ignore it. Vivica called several times. Jerrod once, and all Mila sent was some Tiktok you don’t care about.
The table continues to vibrate. It agitates you. You get up and stumble. You cup between your legs. You wear only a sleep shirt. You don’t want anything to chafe. You grab your phone and check the ID. Who the heck?
You answer, “hello?”
“Hi, is this...” the timbre asks. Do you know them.
“Uh, yeah, is this the pharmacy?”
There’s a silence, “uh, no, it’s Curtis.”
“Curtis,” you repeat.
“From the bar?” He says uncertainly.
You already know that. You just don’t believe it. You frown.
“How did you get my number?”
“Your friend. Viv. Sorry, I... I guess I shoulda asked you but you left so early.”
“Why?” You ask then cringe at your own stupidity.
“Why... because... I want to ask you out. I’m not good at beating around the bush, you know, but you don’t really give a guy a chance.”
“Asking me out?”
You’re quiet again. It’s like sledge hammer shattering your reality. A couple days ago, you’d be giddy. Not it’s ironic. After what you did. Another laugh in the face.
“So, did I... just embarrass myself here or...” he huffs. You feel bad.
You never gave him a chance. You never gave yourself a chance. And now you spoiled it all. You can’t bring yourself to take out your self-hatred on him again. You can humour him for one date. Then you can say, at least, that you’ve done that too.
“Um, alright,” you agree, wishing it was happier, wishing that it could be different. You’ll have to figure out how to let him down easy. Although Mila says ghosting is even easier. “Sure.”
“Sure,” he echoes you. “Don’t sound so excited.”
“Ha, sorry,” you turn and rub your neck. “Yes. Let me know what works for you.”
“I can do that,” he sounds relieved. “I’ll text you in a minute.”
“Alright,” you hold back a scoff. “Thanks for calling, Curtis.”
“No, thank you.”
He hangs up and you turn the phone to silent. Your eyes sting as you lay it face down on the table and walk away. Things could have been so much different if you weren’t so damn stupid. He’ll figure that out and maybe you won’t have to be the one to break it off.
#ransom drysdale#curtis everett#dark ransom drysdale#dark!ransom drysdale#ransom drysdale x reader#curtis everett x reader#snowpiercer#knives out#fic#dark fic#dark!fic#one shot?#one shot
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Watchers Anonymous Masterlist
Introduction | Meeting 2
Fool's Game ~ Loki ~ 1 ~ 2
Countermeasure ~ Jake Jensen ~ 1
Shutter ~ Peter Parker ~ 1
Taking Root ~ Bucky Barnes ~ 1
Give and Take ~ Steve Rogers ~ 1
Fantasy ~ Curtis Everett ~ 1
Sparkle in my Eye ~ Captain Syverson ~ 1
Adore You ~ Thor ~ 1 ~ 2
Home Grown ~ Cole Turner ~ 1 ~ 2
Little Miss Sunshine ~ Nick Fowler ~ 1 ~ 2
#jake jensen#loki#thor#peter parker#bucky barnes#steve rogers#au#drabble#series#curtis everett#captain syverson#cole turner#Nick Fowler
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All the soarings of my mind begin in my blood. — Rainer Maria Rilke
#tumblr mobile ruins the quality#but desktop looks normal#*#sebastian stan#chris evans#bucky barnes#lee bodecker#nick fowler#steve kemp#steve rogers#syd#lloyd hansen#cole turner#nick grant#curtis everett#ryan ackerman#captain america civil war#captain america the winter soldier#the 355#ghosted#london#push#cellular#the devil all the time#snowpiercer#fresh
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CHRIS EVANS as CURTIS EVERETT Snowpiercer (2013) | dir. Bong Joon Ho
#snowpiercer#curtis everett#chris evans#arthurpendragonns#cinemapix#cinematv#dailynetflix#dilfgifs#dilfsource#filmedit#flawlessgentlemen#mancandykings#marvel cast#mensource#netflixdaily#tuserliliana#unearthlydust#userbecks#userfinn#userreh#weheartchrisevans#mine
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