#curtis everett x female reader
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I'll have what she's having! 😳
I really like how you wrote Curtis in this. He's just polite enough to not get in trouble with his "superiors". Also love that he had no shame about her seeing him without a shirt. Man's confident in his body, as he should be.

Love Over Gold
pairing: Curtis Everett x reader
Summary: Being a lady has its disadvantages, with its expectations and rules you weren't allowed to be the person you truly want to be. Freedom wasn't in the cards for you, but you take your moments when you can. Luckily, your head groom keeps quiet when you act out. In return you ignore his lack of obedience. He might be the only one you feel yourself with.
Word count: 4.027
Warnings: some pushing of boundaries, mention of scars caused by beatings, different class systems of the regency era (and therefore unfair treatment and expectations).
Notes: another Lord au story! But Curtis isn't a Lord this time, so let's see what happens! Please let me know if you liked it because it makes me very happy and often motivates me to write more☺️
Masterlist * Lord au Masterlist
You slowed your horse down as soon as your house came into sight, petting the flank of the shiny black beauty you called your own. Given to you on your 16th birthday, though your father might regret it by now.
She was feisty, but then, so were you, your mother always used to say. There was nothing more you loved than riding. Especially if it meant avoiding your other duties. And there were plenty now you've gotten older.
You were getting prepared to run your own household, but you were in need of a husband first.
You were in no rush however, since there were no male heirs left in the family, only a distant female cousin, and she only inherited after your death. It was important to choose well.
Men mostly bored you. They talked about hunting, or playing cards, or how much they spend on their library, and yet never seemed to read any of the books they purchased. They sipped wine and nibbled on their food and they had excellent manners. Conversation never drifted to important things, and if it ever did, it was quickly swapped since you, as a woman, were delicate and couldn't understand such important matters.
The thought of having to spend the rest of your days speaking about absolutely nothing filled you with dread. You liked horses, and you liked watching them be trained. You even had a good hand with them yourself, but ever since turning 18, you had been denied the task. It wasn't for a lady to behave so. You had servants for that.
You liked learning about the property and how much it made every year, how to spend and how to save. What worked on the land and what did not. Yet again, you were persuaded to take up embroidery or perhaps painting.
Your father allowed you to ride. Perhaps with the insight you would get too unruly otherwise - you did after all take after his temper - and you took the chance every opportunity you got.
Arriving at the stable you handed over your reigns to the head groom. Curtis had arrived as a boy and started from the bottom all the way up to this position. He worked hard, showed a wide display of skills but had taken a liking to tending to the horses. After old Jameson had retired he had been given the position.
He was often pensive. While his eyes were bright blue, they often looked overshadowed, creating the idea they were much darker than they were. He sounded gruff, and he was often quiet to many, giving the impression he was a harsh man. But you've seen how gently he handled your horse and you always suspected a kind heart underneath the grime.
“Make sure to give her an extra carrot, will you, Curtis? She's behaved excellently today. In fact, give her two! She deserves it.” You told him, petting the dark fur lovingly. “You did so well, girl. I can't wait to go out together again. Maybe tomorrow, if I can shake off Fetcher.”
“I'm sure Mrs. Fletcher will be pleased to hear you call her by that name.” His deep voice sounded near you as he watched you stroke the silky fur.
You looked up at him, “Did she not fetch me things?”
He did not fall for your sweet voice. He had seen you grow up as an unruly child to an unruly lady. Mrs. Fletcher had been the last of governesses, and the one that turned out to be somewhat keeping you in order. You resented that about her. The woman had found ways to put the fear in you, and you'd never forgiven her for it.
Your poor mother had been spared all this by being overcome by fever in your 12th year and your father had been left to handle the burden on his own. He had shown less patience for any trouble you caused, but you had the suspicion that deep down he enjoyed it much the same. Seeing himself in you, if you believed your old grandmama. He had been an equally unruly child. But he had been a boy, and that was his savior. You had no such luck.
“That woman deserves something extra next Christmas after all she's put up with.”
You raised your eyebrows. Honestly, it wasn't how a servant was supposed to speak with you. Had you informed your father he would have been belted, or sent away. Curtis and you had an understanding however, you left him alone and he never told anyone he had seen you swim in your undergarments several years ago. The thought still made your cheeks burn. If your father knew, you would never hear the end of it. Being seen in such a state of undress, by a male servant no less, would be its own scandal.
In your defense it had been a warm day and you were sick of the heavy clothing you were forced to wear. It had been a good thing Curtis had caught you after all, since you needed help getting dressed again, the 15 buttons on the back much harder to close then open.
You sometimes still felt his fingers brushing your undershirt as he struggled with the tiny nubs, but he eventually got them all. You remember laying suffering in bed that night, thinking he was going to tell anyone and it would get to your father. But he had not spoken a word and in time you were convinced he never would.
It was unspoken between you two that certain things were better left as it was. You with your occasional uncouth behavior, him and the way he never seemed to completely bow to the nobility.
You had the thought before he secretly despised the upper class. You could not be sure, and you could not ask. He might work for your family, but his mind was his own, and you could respect that.
“The woman is enjoying her power over me a little too much,” you mumbled. Soured at the reprimand.
“Power? As she works for you? Tell me, what do children of the wealthy really have to suffer?”
You stilled for an answer. Because the first thought of ‘off to bed with no supper, not allowed to visit a ball, or writing lines if your studies were disappointing’, somehow faded with the realisation that for children like he had been, things were much more dreadful. You had often seen him being hit by the other workers if he didn't behave or made a mistake. You suddenly felt foolish.
“She's making me feel bad often,” you mumbled.
“And it never lasted an hour. Now go on, back to the house, your father's looking for you, you're late for dinner.”
Oh no. Quickly you gathered your skirts and, very unladylike, you hastened towards the big building ahead of the stables. You weren't going to hear the end of it.
You sneaked out of the house unnoticed. It had been a few days since you weren't allowed to go horseback riding until you could behave and be back in time. You missed Flight, you were often not even missing a day to even see her. The guilt had crept up and you couldn't stand it any longer. Quietly, you had sneaked downstairs and hurried down the lane towards the stables. You hoped not to have been spotted, but so far no one stopped you, so even if they had, they had decided to not interfere.
You were relieved to see the wooden building and quickly opened the door.
There she was, her brown eyes watching you as you came up to her.
“There you are girl, did you miss me as well? Father is horribly cruel separating us. He even threatened to take you away, but I told him I would never forgive him. And I think he knew I meant it,” you told her quietly as you stroked her soft muzzle.
She sighed a little as you petted her gently, the warm breath ghosting over your hand so familiar to you.
“Maybe tomorrow I can manage to persuade him again to allow me to have an outing with you, but I fear he's still a little angry.”
“Not as angry as when he finds out you left your room in your nightwear to go sneak off into the night.”
You shrieked at the sudden voice. Turning around, hand pressed against your chest, you saw Curtis in front of you, holding a lamp to cast light on the both of you. You promptly forgot what you were going to say as you took a better look at him.
He had forgotten to put on a shirt, his pants were loose on his hips like he had forgotten to tighten them, and you followed the hair that had been generously spread around his chest and belly, leading down in a finishing trail towards…your eyes shot up to his.
He was watching you watch him. You didn't read his expression as the light danced around his face, making him look almost sinister. Was he angry?
“I just needed to see her.” You whispered.
“I thought someone had broken in.”
You forgot he slept inside the building, in a room especially for him to keep watch over the horses if need be.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.”
He grumbled what sounded like a laugh and you realized how foolish the idea seemed of you scaring him. Even if you had been someone with ill intentions, he could easily overpower you. His muscles were plenty and thick from all the hard work. Clean skin gleaming in the flame’s light. So much skin, all for your curious eyes to see.
“Never seen a man before?” He rumbled and you pressed your hands to your burning cheeks.
You had, in fact, not seen a man like this before. Both in this state of undress, and what you suspected, not with this build either.
“I,” you fell silent, not knowing what to say, feeling awfully warm like you were getting a cold perhaps.
“Shouldn't you rush back, in the dark of the night, hoping no one catches what you've been doing? So you can slip into your bed pretending you haven't seen me. But I guess that makes us even now. Since I've seen you before.”
You gawked like a fish, your mouth opening comically. Never had he ever spoken about it, not even to you. And now, now he wished to bring it up?
“That was an accident.”
“Like this is? And yet I can still see your eyes looking at me,” he neared you suddenly. He looked so intimidating to you, now you were here alone, in the night, with no one around as a chaperone.
“You keep staring at me. Are you that curious about a man's body? Have you never seen one? Or are the men you know nothing like me? They probably never lifted a finger to do any hard work. And work is the only way to look like this.” He spat out almost angry.
You were enthralled all the same. His words, his body so close you felt the heat seeping into your skin, and his smell which was clean and so very pleasant. You looked up at him with big eyes. A man had never been this close to you, unless it was your own father. You knew you should step away, rush back, yet you seemed frozen.
He hung his lantern on the spike next to your horse’s stall, and his fingers touched your cheek. You gasped. His hand felt so warm, and it was so big on your face.
“A lady shouldn't be staring at a man like this. But then, you've never really been a lady, have you,” he whispered, breath blowing over your skin with every word.
He didn't wait for an answer, as he closed the gap and pressed his mouth on yours.
Your knees buckled, but he held you up. He did not pull back as you had expected, he continued to stroke your lips with his as his thumb caressed your cheek tenderly.
Your heart was beating so fast you thought it would soon give up and you would depart this world. His chest was pressed against yours, all those firm muscles against your soft breasts. And even lower, something hard against your belly.
He moved against you, grumbling softly.
If this was how you were to die, you thought it would be okay. Not the worst death. Would have been nice to extend it a little longer, however. You just had your first kiss. Something your husband should get, but it was probably better that Curtis stole it. He seemed to know what he was doing.
Husband…. You pushed him back suddenly, ashamed of the situation.
“We can't. I'm not…I can't be with you.” You gasped, as you pressed your hands together like a prayer in front of you. “This isn't proper, I need to go back.”
His face darkened. “Then go little filly, back to safety. And be more careful next time. Don't forget, I'm not a gentleman, I have no such manners.”
You looked at him once more, you meant it in a composed manner but your eyes got caught on his heaving chest and, even lower, a firmness in his pants that suddenly caught your curiosity. But you didn't linger any longer, you turned and rushed out of the stable, running like the dogs were chasing you like a trespasser. You did not care if anyone caught you, you just needed to be in the safety of your room. And it was with luck no one did see you, perhaps you had enough excitement for the night.
Exhaustion filled you for the coming days as at night your head was filled with the visual of that broad chest and the way his dark eyes had set upon you. You tried not to go near the stables, but when you were taking your daily walks, your eyes seemed to search for him in the distance and sometimes he stopped working and just looked at you.
It was unnerving.
Fetcher had sent for the doctor, believing you unwell with how little you ate and the random hot flashes you experienced, but the man found nothing wrong. Healthy as ever, just make sure you get fresh air and perhaps a lighter diet for the upcoming week?
Your father forgot about his anger instantly and you were free to do as you pleased, as long as you were careful. His worry turning him softer and more forgiving.
You avoided the stables for another day, but your restless nature couldn't deny going for a ride any longer.
You marched towards your stable, to your horse, and ordered the stable boy to ready her. As you waited, Curtis appeared inside and told the boy to go clean up the other stalls. You didn't refuse his presence because you did not want to draw suspicion.
He finished the task the boy started and turned to you expectedly. Huffing, you unlocked your crossed arms and stepped towards him. You didn't need the help to get up, having done it since you were nine, but his big hands grabbed your waist and lifted you to speed up the process. Flustered, you settled yourself firmly in the saddle. Now, it was common to ride on a ladies saddle, but here, in the privacy of your home, you rode like a man. You found you were much more balanced this way and thought it unfair women had to sit coyly while it prevented any real racing.
As it were, Curtis helped your foot into the stirrups, his other hand sliding up your calf. Your breath stopped as you looked down and watched him do it. He didn't even look at you. Then he moved to the other side and placed your other foot. Again, his touch lingered, but this time stroking higher even. You shivered. You should say something! It was indecent!
When his eyes looked up and caught yours, all thoughts stopped.
He knew what he was doing, he was teasing you! How dare he?
You grabbed your whip and spit at him: “Touch me once more and I will touch you with this!”
He was unimpressed. Neither did he speak. You huffed again in anger and turned your horse, urging it to go faster. You couldn't wait to be away from him.
Off to freedom. Away from reality. And away from those blue eyes that seemed to find you when you didn't want them.
Riding helped. The wind as you galloped, the will to choose what path to take. Your horse as you worked together in perfect unison. It was a breath of relief and all too soon it ended. It cleared your mind off all things awful, and when you returned you felt calmer.
Curtis just needed to know his place. He thought he could take advantage of you, like you were some weak willed maiden, not his future mistress. Perhaps you would fire him if you were running this estate! You would not lose your composure, however. You were going to be calm yet firm. And he would listen to you!
When you arrived it was only the stable boy who you found. After you asked for his superior, you were told he had retired to his personal quarters for a quick luncheon.
You thanked the boy and swiftly stepped towards the room. You were full of determination, it could not wait.
You knocked but quickly opened the door and caught him midbite of what appeared to be a plate of bread with some cheese and ham.
“I will not be treated this way!” You told him, your nose up in the air to appear taller than you were as you tried to look down at him.
“Treated like what?” he calmly asked, not dumbfounded at all.
“Like some…some slattern!” you hissed, slightly embarrassed to use the vulgar word in front of a man.
He stood up and immediately you lost your advantage as he towered over you.
“I was not aware I treated you as such. No,” he wiped his mouth from any remaining grease and crumbs. “I believe I treated you as a woman. Maybe you don't know the difference because those jolterheads would never treat you that way. They wouldn't even be allowed to touch your hand, but I touched much more. And it terrifies you that you liked it.”
You tried again. “How dare you!” You raised your hand to slap him but he swiftly caught it and pulled you against him.
“In here, in my personal quarters, you and I are no different. Just a man and a woman alone. And I will not be treated with any disrespect.”
You swallowed as his deep voice reached you, the anger so evident in every word. “Let go of me! You brute! I am your Mistress, and you will not touch me!” You struggled pointlessly against the strength holding you.
“I work for you, does this mean you own me?” he told you. “Are you claiming me as yours, filly?”
Why did he make it seem completely different than you meant? And why was your heart beating so rapidly again.
“ Unhand me, I do not feel well.”
“You're feeling what every woman feels when she's near a real man.” He placed his hand on your heart. “Or even feel at all. How fast it is beating. Are you that scared of me? Are you scared at all?” His voice had turned into a soft murmur and you pushed your face nearer to hear him better. Or so you told yourself.
“I can't stop thinking about the kiss we shared,” he whispered. “I am forbidden in your house unless your father calls for me, and yet all I want to do is go up your window, and feast my eyes upon you laying in bed, in that nightgown you exposed to me.”
You could only blink as you heard him make his confession. As his fingers slipped under the lace covering your bosom, stroking the top of your breast.
“I could make you feel things you never have before. I could make you crazy with want. To desire me until it's all you think about. Our bodies entwining as man and woman should. We would be equal, just us and our feelings, undeniable.”
Your father would kill him. You would be shamed. This could never happen. Every thought however was squashed as his hands formed around your breast and your knees buckled. You could only hold onto him, as he squeezed the soft flesh, his fingers finding your nipple and you gasped with the sensation that followed.
“Have you any idea how long I watched you? How much you teased me with your presence? Ever since that forbidden swim, where you let me dress you, did you even think of how it haunted me?” He rumbled as his other hand plucked the ribbons off your dress loose. And all you could do was stand there and let it happen.
“How I thought of having you, just like this? How I would undress you, and loosen your hair until it was spread out in my bed. And the sound I could pull out of you. I will make sure you will never want another. That you will crave me every time you turn away from me. I will drive you just as mad as you did me!”
He kissed you hardly, not giving you any room to pull back back, his hands pushing the fabric off of you until you were covered in your undergarments and corset, and even that didn't seem to be enough. His hands kept trying to remove something, even if your hands tried to prevent it, he was successful and even your corset fell to the ground. Both of his hands were on you and you moaned. It felt pleasant to feel them, warm and surprisingly gentle, as he stroked the fire inside of you.
When he pressed his naked chest - when did that happen? - to yours, you shivered. He kept pressing kisses on your lips, your neck, even your breasts.
You should be ashamed, but it felt so good. You grabbed onto him, your hands exploring his chest, feeling the muscles on his back as you pulled him nearer.
“If I could have you just once I could die a satisfied man. Will you give me that? Just once.”
You couldn't even answer, mind twirling with a need for something you didn't yet understand.
He picked you up and you yelped until he smothered the noise with his lips again. He carried you easily, another display of his strength and it made you feel so safe, even if he was a danger at the moment. Something hard pressed against your womanhood and instead of fear you felt excited. You felt so good right now, you didn't think to stop. You didn't think of anything but the feeling of his body against yours.
He looked magnificent naked. Every part of him was strong. He had more scars than you could count, some of them angry looking and you wondered how many of them were accidents or inflicted. You were against physical punishment, no matter if you had threatened to hit him before, both of you knowing you would never actually go along with it, and the thought he went through any of it hurt your heart, you kissed the skin over his heart, like you could personally apologize for all what he went through, and the way he looked at you afterwards made you swallow with the intensity of it.
His fingers touched you between your legs, and although heat spread there as well as the rest of your body, you wished to feel like this forever. And when he pushed inside of you, kissing your face as you cried out with the sudden pain, nothing would ever be the same again.
Part 2
@watermeezer @thezombieprostitute @rnurse-kole
42 notes
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Luck Be a Lady
Pairing: soft!dark Curtis Everett x female reader
Word Count: ~10.1k
Summary: Desperate for money, you accept a job as a cocktail waitress at an underground casino. You think you know what you're doing, but when you meet Curtis, will you realize you're in over your head?
Warnings: Mob AU, violence, allusions to murder, explicit language, dubcon touching, noncon touching (not Curtis), willfully oblivious reader, SMUT - facefucking, dirty talk, light d/s dynamics, praise kink, other explicit sexual content. This is definitely on the darker end of the soft!dark spectrum, so proceed with caution! All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Dividers by @thecutestgrotto
A/N: And here it finally is! This is my first real attempt at soft!dark. I hope I did it right! 😂
This was inspired by two things: 1) me going to a rep screening of Goodfellas and spending the entire time wondering why I hadn't done a mob au yet and 2) @bigtreefest saying "enforcer!Curtis Everett and mob boss!Andy Barber" in my general direction. Thanks for the inspo, friend!!
And big thanks as always to @paperweight91 who not only came up with Curtis's name for reader but also offered heaps of encouragement and was a great sounding board. And thanks to @stargazingfangirl18 for helping me figure out how exactly we'd get to the smut. Thanks Siri!
Any comment, reblog, or ask to let me know what you think will be greatly appreciated. Please come scream at me about this! 😄 As always, thank you so much for reading! 💜
You fruitlessly tug down your very short skirt as Holly talks at you. You’re both standing in the corner of the bar’s basement waiting for the night to start in earnest—your first night.
“Lloyd’s not so bad,” she says of your boss, the man who runs this little underground gambling ring. “You’ll have to split your tips with him at the end of the night, but he doesn’t take that much, and you’ll make enough that you won’t really notice. As long as you do that, he’ll mostly keep his hands to himself.”
You nod along, glancing at the mustachioed man conferring with the bouncer at the door. The interview process for this job had boiled down to a thorough once-over that’d made you feel naked in your jeans and t-shirt and a “You’re not too stupid to take a drink order, are you?” and then you had the job.
Holly had vouched for you. Neighbors for almost half a year, she’d come home early one morning last week and witnessed you trying to convince the landlord that you were good for your past-due rent. She’d taken you for coffee and told you she might be able to help if you were good at keeping your head down and mouth shut. And now you were here.
“The customers, on the other hand,” she continues, smacking her gum, “you’ll have to let them touch, at least a little bit. Within reason, you know? But if anything gets out of hand, you can just tell Jake at the door and he’ll take care of it.”
“Within reason?” you ask, voice shaking, just the littlest bit, as the pit that started forming in your stomach when you agreed to this grows a little more.
The look she gives you verges on exasperated. “Well, you want to make money, don’t you?”
Yes, you do. Very much so. It’s a need, not a want. So you nod and try to listen as she keeps giving you the rundown.
Before you’re ready, the first patrons start trickling in and then you’re off to the races. It’s not too bad. No one’s orders are too complicated, mostly just bottles of beer and glasses of straight whiskey. The bartender, Colin, is friendly enough, although you learn that he’s another person you’ll need to split your tips with.
As for the touching, there are hands on your hips, pats to your ass. But you’re rewarded with folded-up bills held up between fingers or tucked into the strap of your top. Or, twice, slid behind the waistband of your skirt. Once you realize that the majority of these bills aren’t ones or fives, but twenties, you care about the touching that comes with them much less. Plus, you’re too busy to really think about it that hard.
You can’t believe how busy it is for a random Tuesday night, multiple games of poker, craps, and who knows what else all going at once. But when you mention that to Holly, she just laughs and shakes her head. “This is nothing,” she says. “On the weekends there’ll be three more of us and another one of Jake. Things get wild.”
You don’t have time to decide whether that makes you nervous or excited before someone is signaling for your attention again. You manage to suppress your grimace when he slides his arm around your waist to tell you what he needs from the bar. You’re rewarded for your troubles by a wad of twenties. You aren’t sure who these men are to tip so freely, but you know better than to look a gift horse in the mouth.
It’s an hour or two later that Lloyd calls you over to where he’s speaking to a large, impossibly broad man, dressed in a soft-looking henley under a leather jacket with dark jeans. There’s dark ink all over his hands that disappears up his sleeves and reappears on his neck in intricate lines. He’s got close-cropped hair and a full beard that’s neatly trimmed. His deep blue eyes drill into you right away and you do your best not to shiver.
“Got a new girl tonight, Everett. Still learning the ropes, but she’ll take good care of you, won’t you, Cupcake?”
“Yes, of course,” you say, before Lloyd wanders off to check on one of the poker games.
The man, Everett, lets his eyes rove over you. “Cupcake, huh?” His voice is deep, gritty, but there's something there that's much gentler than you expected.
You give him what you hope is a coy smile. “Sure. If you want.” Lloyd was treating him like he's important. You hope important means deep pockets.
He hits you with a penetrative stare, so strong you almost have to take a step back. “No,” he finally says. “I don't think so. I'll find something more fitting.” Then he turns and starts to walk away, before calling over his shoulder. “I'm gonna get dealt in. Bring me a whiskey once I'm settled.”
You watch him go for just a moment, and then head to the bar, asking for a whiskey.
“This for Everett?” the bartender, Colin, asks. When you nod, he grabs a fancy bottle off the top shelf. “This is all he drinks. And he doesn't pay for it, alright? Don't ever think about giving him a bill.”
You look back at the man in question, seriously looking at the cards he’s just been dealt. Who is he???
You collect his whiskey and move back to him. As you set it down, he turns to you. “How about this?” he asks as he holds up a crisply folded hundred-dollar bill between two fingers. Your eyes widen at the money. All you’ve done is bring him one straight pour. “There’s another one of these in it for you if you make sure I never see the bottom of this glass tonight. Sound good?” And then he folds the bill one more time in his thick fingers, before sliding it under the low-cut neckline of your blouse. Your skin tingles where he brushes against it.
“Yeah, you got it,” you just breathe out, a little shocked you’re able to form words. He gives you a smug smile that you can only describe as shark-like before turning back to his cards, and you understand it as the dismissal that it is.
You move around the room, collecting empties, getting refills, trying to goodnaturedly accept unsolicited touches. The whole time you feel eyes on you, but whenever you glance Everett’s way, he’s focused on his poker game.
Eventually, a down moment finds you catching your breath against the wall. The moment Holly sees you standing still, she’s quickly making her way to you. “You need to be more careful around Curtis,” she hisses, lowly.
You look at her, confused. “Curtis?” Jake’s at the door. Colin’s behind the bar. You don’t know a Curtis.
“Curtis Everett!” You glance at the man at the poker table. He’s running a poker chip across his knuckles mindlessly. Then he looks up and you briefly make eye contact before you quickly look away. Holly is staring at you and she looks worried. But the name still doesn’t mean anything to you, so you shake your head and shrug. She groans as quietly as she can. “He’s Barber’s top enforcer!”
This whole conversation feels so out of the blue that it takes you a minute to catch up. Barber. Andrew Barber. The most feared mob boss in the city. Probably the state. Maybe even more. Ruthless and exacting was how the papers described him. He’d been the subject of multiple stings and taskforces and whathaveyou but nothing ever stuck. “He works for Andrew Barber?” you ask, shocked and a little appalled.
Holly stares at you in a way that you can only describe as dumbfounded. It takes her a few moments to find her words, then, “Bitch, you work for Andrew Barber!”
Everything stops. “What?” you gasp.
“Oh my god,” Holly groans. “This was such a mistake. It’s an underground card game in his city! Who did you think was running things?”
“I– I don’t know,” you stutter, stupidly. The god’s honest truth is that you’d never really stopped to think about it. You’d been staring down an eviction, struggling to afford groceries. Unable to make ends meet no matter what you did. When Holly told you about this job, all you saw were dollar signs. You didn't think about anything further. Of course, you’d known these games were illegal, but it seemed so minor in the grand scheme of things. You hadn’t connected it to anything bigger because you just hadn’t wanted to.
But now– Now that you know the truth, what are you going to do? You know what you should do. You should walk out the door right now. You should find some other legitimate way to pay your bills. It’ll be safer. It’ll be better. It’ll be so much harder.
As you bite your lip, trying to process all of this information, Holly continues. “Listen,” she says, “still get him drinks, be friendly, whatever you need to do. But keep your distance however you can. Don't encourage him. He's just– He's really dangerous. They don't call him Barber’s attack dog for nothing, ok?”
“Yeah,” you say. You start to look back in Curtis’s direction but stop yourself. You think about the hundred you already have and the one promised to you at the end of the night. You think of how empty your pantry is. But then you see the genuine fear in Holly's eyes. You let out a shaky breath. “Yeah. I got it. Thanks.”
“He doesn't even come in here that often. I'm surprised to see him tonight, so I'm sure it’ll be fine,” she says, but you can tell she’s nervous.
You nod, absently, finally letting yourself glance over at him. His drink is getting close to the bottom. “Shit,” you mumble. “I gotta get him his refill.”
“Do you want me to do it?” Holly asks.
You should let her do it. You absolutely should. But you just can’t give up on that tip. You shake your head. “No, I’ll be fine. But thanks.”
You head back to the bar and grab Curtis’s top-shelf whiskey of choice from Colin, then make your way to his table. You set it down next to him, hoping to move away without him even noticing, he’s so engrossed in the game. But as you take a step back, his hand shoots out to grab your wrist. He holds it tightly until you meet his eyes. “Good girl,” he murmurs, and you can’t help the sharp intake of breath or the way you feel his words in your knees. He strokes his thumb down the inside of your wrist, then abruptly lets go, pushing his chips to the middle of the table. You step away, gathering yourself as subtly as you can, and get back to work.
The rest of the night goes quickly. The crowd gets a little rowdier as they drink more, but you find that it’s nothing you can’t handle. The reality of who these people are, what they’re connected to, never leaves your mind. But really, they’re not so bad. None of this feels so bad at all. And soon, people start heading out. You’re beginning to clean up, when a recognizable voice rings out, “Bambi!” You turn and lock eyes with Curtis. He crooks two fingers at you and you quickly make your way over to him.
“Bambi?” you ask.
He grins at you and it feels more than a little predatory. You’ll never admit how much you like it. You try to keep Holly’s warning at the forefront of your mind. “Wide eyes and just getting your legs under you,” he says. You instinctively duck your head at that, which earns a dark chuckle. “Here,” he continues, as he pulls a genuine, fat money clip out of his back pocket. You’ve never seen something like it in real life before. He peels off two bills and holds them out to you. “This is what good girls get,” he says, a low rumble in his voice.
You swallow as you take them from him. Two hundred dollars. Twice what you were expecting. “Thank you,” you say quietly.
He shakes his head. “You earned it.” Then, after one last long look at you, he turns around and leaves.
You stand and stare after him. You don’t doubt anything Holly said, but three hundred dollars, just for bringing him drinks. He doesn’t seem that bad, not really. A little intense maybe, but there’s some sort of interest there, and it can’t be that bad to encourage it, just a little if it earns you these sorts of tips, can it??
Any hesitance you have about this entire endeavor completely disappears as you count your money at the end of the night.
Your first week flies by. You're starting to get the hang of the job. You get along with your coworkers. You get to know the regulars. You like it. Even Lloyd isn’t so bad as long as you give him his cut at the end of every night.
And you’re making so much money.
In your downtime, you pay your landlord what you owe him. You go grocery shopping without scouring for coupons first or calculating exactly what you can afford beforehand. You make a Pinterest board of what you want your apartment to look like now that you might actually be able to buy things to fill it. For the very first time, you’re thinking about things you actually want, not just desperately trying to figure out how you’ll pay your bills. You’ve never felt this calm, this relaxed, this free before. It’s an incredible feeling.
And Curtis. Despite Holly’s reassurances that you wouldn’t see him much, he seems to be there whenever you are, trying to capitalize on his winning streak at the poker tables, you assume. His tips are still insanely generous. You don’t think he carries anything less than hundred dollar bills.
And there’s just something about him. The way he looks at you. The way he touches you. It’s not like the other men here. His touch is like fire, warming from the inside. There’ve been times when his hand on your hip has almost made your knees buckle. That doesn’t happen with anyone else here.
But you’re being smart and you’re being safe. You are. You’re going to set a savings goal, you think. And once you hit that number, you’ll be out of here, onto something more legitimate. And until then, you’ll just keep your head down and mouth shut, like Holly said. You haven’t even really seen anything. It’s a good plan. It’ll be fine.
She’s right that the weekends are wilder. Even with three additional girls working the room, you’re kept running. You do your best to keep an eye on Curtis’s drinks, but it’s much harder than on weeknights. And you aren’t really able to pause when you drop them off. It’s one of these times, as you’re pulling away from the table as soon as you’ve set his glass down, that you’re stopped short by his hand on you. He pulls you back in by the wrist and says, “They’re just running you ragged tonight, huh, Bambi?”
You smile and shrug. “It’s busy.”
He holds out a bill and you try not to smile even wider as he slips it into the waistband of your skirt. “For all your hard work.”
You bat your lashes a little. “You spoil me.”
“I like spoiling you,” he says, lowly.
“You’re too sweet,” you say softly. Then, pulling your arm away with a wink, you add, “Gotta run,” and you’re onto the next table.
You’re getting good at this, figuring out what level of harmless flirting is just enough to keep the money flowing. And you’re having fun. You’d never expected that.
Holly and two of the other girls, Jane and Kristi, are congregated at the end of the bar, waiting for drinks, when you join them. They’re all watching you warily. “So, uh,” Jane starts quietly, “you seem to be getting pretty cozy with Curtis.”
Before you can respond, Holly scoffs behind her. “I’ve tried to warn her but she won’t fucking listen.”
You roll your eyes. You’re tired of hearing this. “I seriously don’t get what the big deal is. He’s nice and he tips well. It’s harmless!”
Kristi just gapes at you. “He’s nice?!”
Holly slams the drinks she was waiting for onto her tray. “Whatever,” she grumbles. “It’s her fucking funeral.”
You shake your head as you watch her go. It’s fine. You can take care of yourself.
The rest of the night goes by in a blur. You don’t get much of a chance to talk to Curtis, but you feel his eyes on you before he disappears a little before closing.
At the end of the night, once you’ve helped clean up, you cash out with Colin and Jake and then go to find Lloyd in his office. You think it’s kind of ridiculous that you’re basically paying him to work there, but it is what it is. And Holly was right, you’re making so much that you barely even notice.
Lloyd is sitting at his desk, looking a little more disheveled than you’re used to. He startles at your approach, which is also new.
“Oh, hey,” he says, with slightly rounded eyes. “What can I do for you?”
You look at him, a little confused. “Just here with your cut,” you say as you hold out his money.
His hands immediately fly up to his chest, palms out. “No, no,” he says. “You made that fair and square. You just– you keep what you make from now on, Cupcake. Sound good?”
You swallow and nod, preparing yourself for whatever other price you’ll have to pay for keeping your job, mentally calculating what you’re willing to do. But Lloyd doesn’t do anything, doesn’t make any move to get closer to you. Just stays there at his desk, turning back to his work. “You have a good night,” he says, clearly dismissing you.
You leave confused, but richer, telling yourself not to question it too hard.
Things go so smoothly for a few weeks that you’re a little shocked when the bubble bursts.
It’s a relatively quiet weeknight. There are a few games going, but nothing compared to the weekend. The pace of the night feels leisurely. It’s nice.
It’s maybe the first night you haven’t seen Curtis there. It feels weird. He’s become such a part of this place for you. A fixture, like the bar or the carpet. Just one of the elements that make it what it is. But it’s fine. Of course, he doesn’t come every night. He probably has a whole life outside of this. He must’ve gotten bored of playing cards. Oh well. It was nice while it lasted.
You’re passing the time talking to one of the regulars at the bar, Vinny. He’s in his fifties, you think, with gray hair and laugh lines. He’d gone bust at the poker table (or maybe it was craps tonight) earlier and then had moved to the bar to drink away his sorrows and bad luck. That was how his nights tended to go.
He’s sitting on a barstool, his arm around your waist where you stand next to him. He’s a little close for comfort, but he’s always just been a friendly guy, so you’re alright. Which is why you’re so surprised when, in the middle of a story about the good old days of the Copa Cabana, his other hand suddenly finds its way between your thighs. You freeze. For just a second. Then you force out a laugh and try to push his hand away. “Bad boy,” you try to tease, your voice shaking. His hand will not move. What is happening? “Come on, let’s keep our hands to ourselves.”
Instead of doing what you’ve asked, his thumb briefly brushes the inside of your leg and then his whole hand begins moving higher. You stop breathing. You push again but he won’t budge.
“You’re such a pretty doll, aren’tcha?” he says.
Tears start to gather in your eyes. You look around wildly to see if anyone’s noticing what’s happening. Colin’s busy making drinks. Jake and Lloyd are talking by the door. Everyone else is engrossed in their own business. “Vinnie, stop, please,” you whisper. You don’t know why you can’t get your voice to work, can’t get your body to move.
“Come on,” he cajoles, “I’m being nice, aren’t I?”
Then his thumb brushes against your panties and your entire body jolts into action. You wrench your leg out of his grasp and take several steps away from him. Your whole body is shaking now. “I gotta–” you start, trying to keep your tone casual and failing miserably. “I gotta get back to work, Vinny.” Then you grab your tray off the bartop and walk away as fast as you can.
You don’t really have a destination in mind. You pick up a few empties as you wander between tables. You can feel his eyes on you, following you. You try to take a deep breath, calm yourself down. It isn’t very helpful. You look up to see Jake by himself now. You make your way over to him, Holly’s words on your first night in your ears. That was out of hand, wasn’t it?
He looks up as you approach. His big golden retriever smile on his face. “Hey, what’s up?” Then he actually takes you in and his smile drops. “What happened?”
“Um, Vinny, he, uh–” You feel a few tears fall down your cheeks and you just shake your head.
Jake’s face darkens. “Did he hurt you?”
“No, uh, he– he just–” You shake your head again. “No, he didn’t hurt me.”
Jake doesn’t say anything for a moment, just looks at you. There’s something about the way he does it that makes you think he understands everything you just can’t say. He nods once. “Alright. I’ll take care of it. You go take your time in the back. Do what you need to do. He’ll be gone by the time you’re done.”
You let out a shaky breath. “Okay, thank you,” you say so quietly. Then you get yourself to the back room as quickly as you can.
It’s really more of a hallway than a room, small and narrow. All of the storage space for the building is in the legitimate bar upstairs. But there’s enough room for you to crouch down, your knees pulled up tight to your chin. You bury your face in your thighs and let the tears you’ve been holding in finally fall. You’re okay. You’re okay. You’re safe. You’re fine.
You don’t know how long you’ve spent trying to calm yourself down when a large shadow suddenly looms over you. It takes you a moment to gather your strength to find out who it is. You hope it’s Jake telling you Vinny’s gone. You’re afraid it might be Lloyd, here to tell you to get back to work. There’s a slowly building terror that it might be Vinny himself.
After a deep breath, you look up to find Curtis staring down at you, concern on his face and fiery anger in his eyes. “What happened?” he growls.
You shake your head and turn away. He crouches down in front of you. “Are you alright?”
A humorless, uncontrolled laugh escapes you. Once you finally stop, you ignore his question and ask your own, “Why are you here?”
It takes him a very long time to answer. He just looks at you seriously for several moments. Then, finally, “Jake called me.” While you try to figure out why on earth Jake would do that, he continues, “I'm sorry I wasn’t already here.”
“Why?” you blurt out without thinking.
He looks away without saying anything. You both just sit in the silence for a few moments. Then, you try to change tactics. “Where were you?” you ask out of morbid curiosity. You can't imagine what his life is like outside of here.
“Working,” he says curtly. He plays with a ring on his middle finger and the movement draws your eyes to his hands, specifically his knuckles. They're scraped and caked with dried blood.
You swallow and you catch how his eyes track the movement. His eyes are always on you. He catches everything.
“Someone touched you?”
“Lots of people touch me,” you say, flatly. “It's part of the job. You touch me.”
His eyes narrow at that. “But this was different.” It isn’t a question.
You look down at your hands in your lap and don't say anything.
“Tell me who it was.”
“No,” you say instinctively, something about the moment feeling incredibly dangerous.
He huffs in frustration. “Are you trying to protect him?”
“No!” you say, sharply. “I’m protecting myself.”
“You don’t have to do that. Not from me. Not ever.”
You don’t know how to tell him that every atom in you knows that that isn’t true. You can’t explain it, and it wasn’t until the moment he joined you in this little closet, but you’d swear that he’s a danger to you. You just can't articulate how, but you feel it in your bones. And still, here you stay.
At your silence, he grits out, “If you don’t tell me who it was, Jake will.”
Jake probably already has, that’s what you’ve figured. “Great,” you say. “Then you don’t need me to say it.”
“Bambi,” he lets out in an exasperated growl. “I'm trying to help you.”
You just look at him and then figure you may as well ask the main question that's on your mind. “Why did Jake call you?”
He ignores you and stands up. “Come on,” he says and extends his hand, “I'm taking you home.”
You just blink up at him. “My shift isn't over.”
He shakes his hand at you impatiently. “It is now. Come on.”
You shake your head. “Curtis, this is my job. I can't just– Lloyd will–”
“I'll take care of Lloyd. Let’s go.”
You think about going home. About sitting alone in your small apartment. At least here you'll have something to do, things to focus on, to keep you busy. At home, there'll be nothing to think about other than that hand between your legs and– “No,” you say as firmly as you can manage. “I'm staying here. I'm finishing the night.”
His jaw ticks but he doesn’t say anything, just tries to stare you down. You stare right back. You will not concede this.
Finally, he exhales through his nostrils, then growls out an unhappy “Fine. But I'll–” He's interrupted by his phone ringing in his pocket. He takes it out and glances at the caller ID and sighs. “I have to take this.” He steps away as much as he can in the tiny area and answers with a curt “Everett.” There's a slight pause. “Yeah, I took care of it.” Another pause that has him glancing at you. “No, something else came up.”
You don't wait to hear the rest of the conversation. You take the opportunity to go back to the main room and get back to work.
You don't see Curtis again that night. You don't spare much thought to where he might've gone. You're too focused on getting through the remainder of your shift. When it's done, Jake insists on seeing you home. You don't ask why. You already know who's behind it.
The next few days are fine. You try to put what happened behind you, doing your best to ignore it. But that becomes impossible when three days after the incident you watch Vinny walk in. You can’t help the little burst of panic you feel as you warily watch him sit down at his usual table and get dealt in.
As subtly as you can, you make your way over to Jake. You don’t even say anything before he’s looking at you, chagrined. “I know,” he says. “I’m sorry, but I had to let him in. I promise it’s all going to be taken care of. It’s just– You can ignore him tonight, ok? Just trust me. You don’t need to worry about him. I promise.”
“Ok,” you say reluctantly, trying to resist looking back at Vinny. “I just– I didn’t think I’d have to see him again.”
“I really think that after tonight you won’t,” he says sincerely.
You don’t really understand what that means, but you nod anyway. “Ok,” you say. “I, uh, I should get back to work then.”
He just nods after you, looking a little concerned and a little sad. But the room is filling up, so you don’t have time to delve into it.
Sometime later, as you’re taking a brief moment to idle by the bar, a strange hush descends over the room. You’re facing away from the door, away from the rest of the room, but you see Colin take in whatever it is that’s caused this. His face pales and he lets out a quiet, urgent, “Shit.”
You turn around to see what on earth could be going on and you immediately freeze. Curtis is here. But that’s not what’s garnering all of this attention. Well, not all. Because he’s not alone, there’s a man with him. A little shorter, not quite as broad. But you’d be able to feel the power radiating off of him, even if you didn’t recognize him. Soft dark hair, thick beard, an immaculately tailored suit. You’ve seen him in the papers, on the news, but in real life, he’s even more intimidating. Andrew Barber.
Barber leans in close to say something to Curtis, who nods, eyes scanning the room until they land on you. Your breath catches, but luckily Colin calls your name behind you and you have an excuse to turn around. He places two glasses of dark liquor on the bar. “Everett,” he says, gesturing to one, then “Barber,” while waving his hand over the other. “Got it?” You nod and place them on your tray. They’re identical to your eyes except for the fact that Barber's has a muddled black cherry at the bottom of the glass.
You carefully bring them over, trying to force yourself to breathe. Curtis intercepts you and grabs the drinks when you're a few steps away. “Thank you, Bambi,” he says, lowly.
Barber perks up. “This is Bambi? Really?” He extends a hand and you have no choice but to take it. “Andy Barber,” he says with a disarming smile. “It's a pleasure to meet you finally.”
His handshake is firm, demanding. He is terrifying in his friendliness. And he knows who you are. Has known, for who knows how long. You glance at Curtis, but he's just calmly drinking his whiskey. You don't know what to say, what are you supposed to say?? So after too long a pause, you practically whisper, “Thank you, Mr. Barber.”
He chuckles lightly as he takes back his hand. To Curtis, he says, “You're right, Bambi does suit her.” Then he turns back to you and adds, “Andy, please.”
“O– Okay, Andy,” you say, with what you desperately hope is a benign smile. You look over at Curtis, you’re not entirely sure why, but out of these two dangerous options, he, at least, is familiar. “I should get back to work.”
Curtis is staring at you, but it’s Andy who answers. “Mmm, and we have a game to join, don’t we?” Curtis nods but still doesn’t break his gaze. Andy smirks, “No rest for the wicked.”
You have no idea what to do with that sentiment, so you take the opportunity and get out of there. You walk through the tables, checking to see if anyone needs anything, but the mob boss’s physical presence seems to have ground all action to a halt. The room is collectively holding its breath.
You go back to the bar for want of anything else to do. Colin is standing ramrod straight, coiled in case he needs to spring into action. Lloyd is sitting down at the end of the bar, drumming his fingers, eyes moving all around the room. You settle next to Holly, who looks just as scared as she did that first night when she was trying to warn you off of Curtis. “Is this,” you start to ask, your voice shaking. “Is this normal? Does he come here a lot?”
“No, never” she shakes her head. “Why would he come here? He has real clubs and restaurants. He doesn’t need to hang out in a shit hole like this.” She shakes her head again. “He’d only come here for a reason.”
You turn your head back to the room and find that Andy and Curtis have settled at Vinny’s table, joining his game across from him. Your heart lands in your throat. That can’t– No. You’re just some cocktail waitress. Even with Curtis’s obvious interest in you, you aren’t important enough to bring the most powerful man in the city here. You’re nothing. He must have other reasons.
The room is quiet enough to hear a pin drop as everyone waits for something to happen, which is why when Andy does start speaking, you don’t have to strain your ears to pick up every word.
He looks at his cards carefully, then over at Vinny. “You know, Vinny, you’re a hard man to track down.” His voice is so calm, it sends a chill up your spine. “You don’t go home, we can’t find you at work. I was starting to get worried.” He runs a few chips through his fingers before tossing them into the center of the felt. “That’s why, when I heard you were showing up here, I sent my best man to investigate,” he nods towards Curtis, “just to make sure you were ok.”
You don’t have a great view of Vinny from where you’re standing, but you can see how stiff he is, how silent. But he still calls when it’s his turn.
“You can imagine my relief when I found out you were alright. Except,” he raises again, a few more chips into the pot, “you’re losing a lot of money, aren’t you? Now, this upsets me. Not because you’re losing your own money. But because it’s mine, isn’t it?”
Vinny finally tries to pipe up. “Andy, hold on. I can ex–”
“You owe me $150,000, Vinny. With interest, that total’s climbing every day. And yet, you sit here and you just keep losing, don’t you? At my own game. What would you do if you won, huh? Would you really try paying me back with my own money? I thought maybe you’d at least have the smarts to cross the border and try this at one of Roger’s casinos. Huh? Paying me back with my enemy’s money, at least that I could respect. But no, it’s only me you think is stupid enough to fall for your bullshit. So now I’m here to give you the chance to fucking do it to my face.” With that, he violently pushes all of his chips into the center of the table.
Everyone else has folded. It’s just Barber and Vinny now. You’re not sure Curtis even actually played. He’s just staring Vinny down, although occasionally his eyes will flick up and meet yours. You hate feeling like you’re a part of this, but you don’t know what else to do besides watch it play out.
Vinny is just spluttering, while Andy calmly looks on. It’s all the expected, cliche stuff you’ve seen in gangster movies. He’s got the money, he swears. He just needs a little more time. Andy has to know he’s good for it! You want to roll your eyes right along with Andy.
“Call, Vinny,” Andy cuts him off, sternly. “That’s $150,000 I just put in the pot. Call. And if you win, we’re even. Your debt’s erased. But if you lose, well then that’s $300,000 you’ll owe me. And you know I won’t be able to tolerate that. So call. And let’s find out where we stand.”
You can’t see what Vinny’s doing, but you can imagine the way his fingers must be hovering over his chips, his eyes moving down to his cards to check, one more time, if they’re as good or bad as he remembers. You know there’s no way out for him either way. He’ll have to call. He’s just delaying the inevitable.
You feel like you can't breathe as you wait for him to just finally do it, but Andy cuts in again. “The thing I can't understand, Vinny, is why you kept coming here after Curtis showed up. Either you're very stupid or really fucking greedy.” He looks at Vinny carefully. “Maybe a little of both. I hear you've been touching something that doesn't belong to you.”
You gasp. No one notices, but you do. He can't be talking about you. He can't. He can't.
Vinny seems even more confused than you. “What are you talking about? I haven't touched anything!”
Andy continues to ignore him. “So you're stupid and greedy. That's why you aren't afraid of him like you should be. They call him my attack dog, did you know? Have you heard that? Maybe that’s the problem. Maybe you think he’s some puppy that follows me around. You’d be stupid to underestimate him, underestimate me. But maybe you only do that because you've never seen my dog off his leash.”
Curtis springs into action, lunging across the table to grab Vinny by the collar, and then slams his head into the felt. Before there’s even time to react, he’s stood and he's picking Vinny back up and hurling him onto the floor. Curtis comes around the table to stalk after him and the look on his face has you gasping for breath. You've never seen Curtis like this. There's a glint in his eye that might be the scariest thing you've ever seen. Who is this man? What is he capable of?
Vinny is dazedly trying to crawl away, but Curtis catches him easily. He grabs Vinny’s collar and hauls him back up, delivering two punches to his face in quick succession. The sound it makes. There's no other sound in the whole room. No one's saying anything, no one's doing anything. Everyone's just watching, hypnotized. You turn away, your stomach churning. Your eyes catch on Andy, sitting back in his chair, placidly drinking the whiskey you brought him, completely relaxed, like he's watching anything else. You can't look at him either.
The room is completely silent except for the crunching of bones, Vinny’s whimpers, and Curtis’s grunts. You look up again to be startled by eye contact with Curtis. His eyes are wild, unhinged. Feral. But there's something else in it, like all of this is for you. That all of you are there, everything is happening, because Vinny dared to touch you. It takes your breath away. It’s mesmerizing.
Andy finally stands and strides over to where Curtis is holding Vinny up in the middle of the room. He looks down at Vinny, then spits in his face. “I'm tired of trying to draw blood from a stone,” he says. Then he turns to Curtis and finishes, “Get rid of him.”
Curtis gives you one last long look, his face unreadable. You feel it in your knees. Then he drags Vinny out, leaving a bloody trail behind him.
The moment they're gone, it's like the entire room can breathe again. “Lloyd,” Andy calls out. “How ‘bout a round for everyone? On me.”
Lloyd nods to Colin who hurriedly starts pouring drinks. And you, so grateful for something to do, instead of just standing there, shaking, start loading the glasses on your tray.
As you begin to pass them out, Andy of all people, pulls you aside. “Bambi,” he says quietly, “I hope you know now, we take care of our own.”
You gaze at him, shocked. It feels like a comfort and a threat. But why? It's not so much the implication that this all had something to do with you, but you can't for the life of you imagine what you've done to get yourself to a place where Andy Barber might consider you his, however distantly. It can't just be that you work here. You can't picture him doing something similar for Holly or Colin. Once again, this all feels so incredibly dangerous.
While you're struggling to come up with anything to say to that, he grabs a drink off your tray and downs it quickly. Then, with a wink, he turns and leaves. You’re left staring after him until someone calls after you and you're scrambling to pass out drinks again.
The night ends quickly. No one seems eager to stay and drink and play after everything that's happened. Not when there's still blood on the floor.
You do what you can to help clean up, but when you stare at the stain helplessly, Lloyd tells you not to worry about it. He's got a guy.
Colin walks out with you so you aren’t in the parking lot alone. You're grateful. You're still so shaken. As you approach your car, your beater that you still don’t quite have the money to replace, you see someone leaning against it. You stop short, looking to Colin for help, but he just keeps walking to his own car, his head down. That’s when you know it’s Curtis.
You take a deep breath and then force yourself to keep walking towards him. You can't begin to parse how you feel to see him now. Your keys are ready in your hand like you might just get in and drive off without speaking to him. You know you won’t.
When you reach him, his voice is rough as he asks, “Are you ok?” He’s cleaned up. There’s no more blood on his hands, his clothes have been straightened.
You open your mouth to answer, even though you have no idea, so instead what comes out is “Did you kill him?”
“Did you want me to?” is his immediate reply.
It stops you in your tracks as all sorts of feelings come bubbling up, ones you can not, will not examine. This is about his propensity for violence, how terrifying he became, not– No. “Did you?” you insist.
He looks at you carefully then shakes his head. “I don't think you actually want me to answer that.”
“But you've killed before?” You can't stop yourself from pressing, from pushing. You don’t know why.
He just sort of smiles, gently almost, in a way that is deeply unsettling. “You need to stop asking questions you aren’t ready for me to answer, Bambi.” And it’s the way he says the nickname, like you really are that babe in the woods, just born with no knowledge of the world around you, that has your hackles rising.
“Andy called you his dog,” you say, like he should be offended.
To your surprise, he laughs, his head thrown back. Then he takes a step closer to you, and you take the opportunity to sneak in behind him, get to your car. You realize your mistake immediately when he turns back around and cages you in, your back pressed against the driver’s side door. “Everyone calls me his dog. Because he’s the civilized man in the designer suit, and I’m the animal just begging for a reason to slip my leash.”
Your heart pounds wildly in your chest. You should get into your car. You should drive away as fast as you can. You should never come back. But you don’t. “You did it for him,” you say, mustering all the strength into your voice that you can. “You didn’t do it for me.”
He leans over you, the space between you shrinking rapidly. “Yeah, he asked me to do it,” he nods. “But if he hadn’t, I still would have done it. For you.”
You try to shake your head, to tell him that that can’t be true, even as a wild, loud part of you starts to rise up and claw out of your chest. You try to tamp it down, deny it, but before you can, Curtis is leaning in further, his whole body pressing against you, and then he covers your lips with his.
There’s a heat that comes up out of him that fills you, the instant his skin touches yours. His hands are on you, your neck, your hip. You can’t keep track, can only say that his hands are there, everywhere, that his body touches all of yours, that his lips and his tongue are demanding, unrelenting. You are burning up from the inside.
Too soon, but ages later, he pulls away. His eyes are on fire as he looks at you. Then he tears his gaze away, and hits the roof of your decrepit car twice, looking at it disdainfully. “You get home safe,” he says, then steps back to allow you the space you need to get into your car.
You do what he wants you to do. You get in your car, sit in the driver’s seat, and then stare blankly out the windshield. You’ve never felt so out of control in your life. How did this happen? You were flirting for tips, that was all! You encouraged it for money, that was it, and now– You press your thighs together, trying not to pant. You will not be unmoored.
A slight movement in your periphery makes you notice that Curtis is still standing just to the side of your car, watching you. You turn your keys in the ignition and shift into drive.
It doesn’t mean anything it doesn’t mean anything it doesn’t mean anything, you chant to yourself all the way home.
It’s your next shift back, and everything seems to have changed. You don’t understand it. You keep doing laps of the room, keep sidling up to regulars you were so friendly with just a few nights ago, but now, they won’t even look at you, let alone touch you. No one’s ordering anything.
Or at least, they aren’t ordering from you.
Holly has been running around nonstop all night, basically having to take care of the entire room by herself. You watch man after man after man slip her little bundles of money.
You want to scream. What the fuck happened? What did you do? What are you going to do?
You go to stand by the bar to wait for something you can do. Colin gives you a brief nod of acknowledgment but that’s it. He’s been cold, too. No. Not cold, distant. You don’t understand what’s changed.
You take a deep breath. It’s one weird night. Things will be better tomorrow.
Things don’t get better. The next night is the same. You’re starting to panic. This job was supposed to be your lifeline. Without it, without the money you were making, you’re not sure how you’ll survive.
Curtis comes in after a couple of hours of nothing. You could cry you’re so happy to see him. But terrified too. If he gives you the cold shoulder, this job really is over. But you have no idea how he’s going to act, not after what happened last time. You’re not sure how you’re going to act either. You can still feel his lips on yours.
You bring him his whiskey immediately and he greets you with an arm around your waist, pulling you in. “Hey Bambi,” he says quietly. Then he gets a good look at you. “What’s wrong?”
You look at him carefully, not sure what to confide. You aren’t even sure what the problem is. You shake your head. “Not my best night,” you say with a tired smile. “But I’m fine.”
He stares at you for a moment, then stands up. “Come on,” he says, grabbing your hand and leading you to the little back room. You feel eyes on the two of you the whole way there.
Once he’s closed the door behind you both, he asks again, “What’s wrong?”
You sigh. “The last two nights have been weird here. I don’t– I don’t know. I’m just worried. I don’t know what happened but I’m not making any tips. No one’s treating me like they used to.”
“Mmm,” Curtis hums thoughtfully. “I think,” he says as he takes two steps closer to you, which in this small space is significant, “everyone else here has figured it out.”
It’s suddenly a little hard to breathe with him standing over you like this. His presence, his attention is always so much. “Figured what out?” you ask, confused.
“That I have lost my patience for watching other men touch you.”
It hits you like a freight train. “What?” It comes out in a whisper.
“I’ve let this go on for too long,” he says, his voice is calm, casual. “I don’t want you working here anymore. This is done.”
“I– What? Curtis. What?! I have to work! I have to pay my bills! I don’t understand. I don’t–”
He takes one last step forward. You feel the heat coming off of him. “Shh,” he soothes, cradling your cheek in his hand. “It’ll be alright. I’ll take care of you. I take care of what’s mine.”
You pull your face away, even as the urge to nuzzle into him is so strong. You feel like you’ve missed something, a thousand things. You feel too many steps behind. “Curtis, I’m not– I’m not yours.”
Something comes into his eyes and you’re reminded of him standing over Vinny, covered in blood. His hand travels down from your cheek. He strokes your throat once, and then his hand closes around it. “Look me in the eye,” he growls, “and say that again.”
His hand is firm, snug, but it doesn’t tighten. But you can imagine so easily how it might. You look him in the eye. You open your mouth, ready to say it again. But then– then you see it. In the way he looks at you, the way he’s always looked at you. You feel it in his grip on you, now. You can’t deny it anymore.
Curtis shoves you into his bedroom. You’re panting already. You need his hands on you, right now. You don’t have to ask for it. He gets you to the center of the room and yanks down your skirt, tearing it in the process. You step out of it and take your blouse off, throwing it on top of your skirt. Curtis’s eyes are cataloging your body, the swell of your breasts spilling out of your bra, your soft tummy, thick thighs. His gaze, as always, takes your breath away.
You reach out for Curtis’s shirt, but he grabs your hands. “I want you on your knees,” he growls and you immediately kneel for him. He throws off his shirt, revealing the expanse of his chest, the muted blacks and grays of his tattoos. You’re desperate to run your hands over them, trace the art, but instead, they just twitch at your side. He'll tell you what you're allowed to do.
He begins unbuttoning his jeans and your mouth drops open. He chuckles darkly. “Perfect little slut.” He takes his phone out of his back pocket and aims it at you, taking a picture as you gaze up at him under your lashes, your mouth wide open. “I've been dreaming of getting you on your knees for me.” He puts his phone on his dresser, then continues taking off his pants. “You ready to choke on my cock, baby?”
“Please,” you whine. You're practically salivating now. His bare thighs are as thick as tree trunks, the muscles corded. His abs ripple as he moves. His shoulders, his back. You want.
He frees his cock and rolls his black boxer briefs down his legs, stepping out of them. It's long and thick, just like the rest of him. Your breath catches. You don't think you've ever taken something that big before.
He takes a few steps so he's completely in your space, his cock bobbing right in front of your face. He takes it in one hand, the other firmly on the back of your head and slowly feeds the tip into your mouth. You taste his musk on your tongue. As he rocks into your mouth, going a little further each time, your hands come up to grasp his thighs. On his next thrust in, you run your tongue along the underside of his dick. His movements stutter just a little and then he looks down at you, a smirk overtaking his face. It's just a touch mean, in a way that has you soaking your panties. “You ready?” he asks, his voice rough. And then without waiting for the answer, he thrusts in all the way, making you take him deep in your throat.
You flail, slapping his thigh as you try to swallow around him, breathing frantically through your nose. After holding you there for a moment, he sets a brutal but steady pace. It takes you a moment, but you find your rhythm, your panic subsiding. Once you feel steady, you lift one hand from his thighs and bring it up to cradle his balls. “Fuck, Bambi,” he grinds out. “You're gonna– I– fuck!” His hand moves from the back of your head down to the back of your neck, which he grips firmly, pulling you off his cock. As you cough and splutter on the floor, he growls, “The first time you make me come is gonna be inside that perfect cunt.”
He helps you stand on wobbly legs, then shoves his hand between your legs, cupping your pussy over your panties. “Shit, fucking soaked just from deepthroating me?”
You let out a needy little whine, trying to push further into his hand, but he withdraws it, instead settling on your hip. “Well,” he grins, “if they’re ruined anyway…” then uses that hand to rip the black lace down the side, letting them fall to the floor. He makes quick work of your bra as well, then takes a step back and sighs, “Shit, Bambi, look at you.” It’s the reverence in his voice and on his face that has you launching yourself at him, unable to keep from kissing him any longer. He lets you, quickly taking control, letting you feel all his hunger, the want he’s kept barely bottled up since he first laid eyes on you. You understand it all now. His erection brushes against you, and now it’s his turn to whine, just a little.
He pulls away, brushing a hand down your cheek, then says “Get on the bed, on your stomach.” You quickly comply, laying in the center of the bed with your knees pulled up and spread beneath you. He brings his hand down on one asscheek harshly and you can’t help the lewd moan that escapes you. He chuckles, “Oh, I will definitely remember that for later.” He grabs your hips and cants them up, then whistles at your exposed cunt. “I knew it. Absolutely beautiful.” Then he unceremoniously shoves two fingers into your hole and you choke on nothing. “Shh,” he coos. “You can take it. My cock’s gonna be a lot thicker.”
As he starts scissoring his fingers inside you, you can’t hold it in any longer and start babbling. Mostly a combination of “please,” and “Curtis,” and “I need,” over and over.
“I know, baby,” he says as he pulls his fingers out of you. “I’ve got what you need right here.” You have a brief moment to feel the tip of his cock on your pussy lips before he’s thrusting it into you, as far as he can go without making it hurt.
“Oh my god,” you cry, pressing your forehead into the mattress and balling his dark blue sheets in your hands. You feel so full. It’s so good. He’s working himself into you as quickly as he can, desperate now. You both are. Once he bottoms out, fully seated in you, he pauses. Then with one hand on your stomach and the other around your neck, he pulls you up onto your knees, your back flush to his chest. You cry out at the new angle; he’s somehow even deeper now. He starts thrusting up into you at a punishing pace. You’re bouncing up and down in his firm grasp. The hand on your neck turns your head to face him, his lips brushing against yours. He holds eye contact with you as the hand on your stomach snakes down your pelvis so his thick fingers can begin circling your clit. “Fuck! Curtis, please!” you shout.
“Yeah, come on,” he breathes, “you can let go. You can do it. Come for me like a good girl.” It’s those words that send you careening over the edge, your cunt pulsing around his cock, squeezing him until he’s coming too with a grunt, filling you up until both your cum is leaking out around him.
He holds you there, on your knees, as you both come down, your twin pants all you can hear.
You wake up slowly, the sun shining on you through the soft drapes. You start to shift then groan at how stiff you are. The night before comes back to you. Curtis took you two more times before you both collapsed in satisfied exhaustion. He’s still out like a light beneath you.
You take a moment to look at him. It’s odd to see him so peaceful, so still. There’s nothing of the feral predator he projects to the world. It makes you feel oddly close to him, seeing him like this.
You carefully get up without disturbing him and begin collecting your clothes. You put on your bra, but there’s no saving your panties. Same for your skirt; it’s ripped along the seam. So instead you pick up Curtis’s t-shirt from last night and put it on. It smells like him. You breathe it in shamelessly knowing there’s no one to witness it.
You savor the soreness as you move out of the bedroom. It’s like you can still feel him inside you, how much he wanted you, needed you. It makes you feel a little powerful, having that effect on a man like him.
You make your way into his living room. You didn’t really have a chance to look at his house last night, as determined as he was to get you into the bedroom. If you’d ever thought to picture it, this wouldn’t be far off. It’s all rich blues and greens and grays, leather and dark wood. Masculine. It suits him.
As you’re admiring the room, you hear footsteps behind you and then two big arms are encircling your waist, pulling you into him. “Good morning,” he rasps.
You turn your head to him. “Good morning,” you say with a smile.
“Fuck, Bambi, you’re even hotter in my shirt than you were last night.”
You smirk at him even as your face heats. “Mmm,” you hum. “It’s comfy. You might not get it back.” He nuzzles into your neck as you continue. “I was hoping you might have something I could wear for bottoms, too. You destroyed my skirt.”
His beard roughly drags against your skin as he asks, “Why the hell would I let you wear bottoms?”
You laugh. “Because I have to leave the house, Curtis.”
“No, you don’t,” he says as his hand begins to move between your thighs.
You playfully swat him away, even as you feel yourself getting wet again from his attention. “I have to go home.”
“Why? You’re staying here.” It’s how certain he sounds that has you turning around in his arms.
“I don’t like your building. It isn’t safe enough. Now that I finally have you, of course, I’m going to keep you here with me.”
Once again, you feel too many steps behind. You just blink at him, confused. How does he even know where you live??
He takes your chin in his hand, his fingers gentle. “I told you, Bambi, I take care of what’s mine.”
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#curtis everett x reader#curtis everett#soft!dark curtis everett#curtis everett x you#curtis everett x female reader#snowpiercer#andy barber#mob au#reader insert#curtis everett smut#chris evans fanfiction#ce characters#fanfiction#luck be a lady#kris wrote something
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Third time is the charm! For your sweethearts game. ‘Bite me’ with Curtis Everett please. And thank you 😊 🤍 your patience is appreciated.
the vampire's pet
pairing: vampire!curtis everett x human!female reader
summary: vampires have certain rules that govern their kind, and when you test the limits of those rules, you push curtis everett until his control snaps and his monster is unleashed.
warnings: 18+ content (minors dni!!!), vampire au, monsterfucking, smut, piv sex, unprotected sex, rough sex, creampie, biting, marking, blood play, blood sucking, bloody kisses, sort of drugging/intox (because vampire bites deliver poison that gives pleasure), edging, orgasm denial/control, multiple orgasms, forced orgasms, overstimulation, spanking, some dacryphilia, begging, bdsm dynamics, dirty talk, sir/my lord kink, praise kink, degradation kink, pet names (wicked girl, pet), aftercare, happy ending
word count: 4.5k
a/n: thank you for sending in this prompt, Sparks, and for bearing with me!! i wasn't sure what i was going to do for this one until @buckets-and-trees sent me this post and i knew i had to use it as inspiration. the reader is a little mean in this one, and there's VERY little story around the smut, but i'm very happy with how it turned out 😈 thank you for playing my sweethearts game, i hope you enjoy ♡♡
sweethearts game masterlist
“May I cum inside you?”
It would’ve made you laugh, the way Curtis Everett bit out the request in such a bitter tone, his question an aggrieved acquiescence to the rules of his monstrous nature, if it weren’t for the magnificent cock splitting you open.
It had been with great delight that you’d learned a vampire could not cum inside a person without first gaining their permission—and it gave you no small amount of satisfaction to withhold it from Curtis for as long as you were able.
To be sure, in that moment when the vampire’s release rested upon your slighter human shoulders, you couldn’t have said which was giving you more pleasure. Either Curtis’s thick cock spearing deep inside your body, throbbing desperately with the need to cum as you rode him slowly, languorously, and forced him to balance on the edge.
Or the sound of the vampire’s near-bestial growling, the sight of his eyes gone nearly black with desire, and the feel of his feral grip on the soft flesh of your ass and hips. It turned you on to see Curtis’s true nature so close to the surface, and you found yourself growing greedy for more.
“Not yet,” you purred demurely, the breathless innocence of your voice at odds with the slick sounds of your pussy sliding up and down Curtis’s cock.
You enjoyed the way the vampire snarled, the tendons in his neck straining beautifully beneath his pale skin as he gnashed his teeth in your direction. But he did not bite you without your permission, though there was no such rule governing his kind. That was simply Curtis’s moral character.
You decided you didn’t want to be so cruel to the man whom you’d allowed to lure you back to his manor in hopes of a night of dark debauchery. After all, you’d heard the rumors that Curtis Everett was a monster, and you’d been breathlessly delighted to hear the whispers were true.
So you tipped your head to the side, offering your bare neck to the vampire with reckless excitement and utter trust.
“You may not cum inside me,” you murmured ardently, your eyelids heavy with desire as you caught Curtis’s gaze and leaned in closer. “But you may bite me, my lord.”
Curtis groaned as if in pain, but he wasn’t in any state to rebuke such an offer. His mouth fell hungrily to the elegant line of your neck, suckling on your skin and sending tremors of pleasure straight to your clit.
When his sharpened teeth grazed against your soft flesh, your hips kicked forward. You rode his cock harder, your release bearing down on you before he’d even bitten you.
Then, his fangs pierced your skin. They sank into your neck with a sharp pain that had your cunt fluttering helplessly around his cock, your tight heat greedily sucking him deeper. The sting was quickly washed away, as Curtis sipped decadently from your vein, and your body was flooded with the pleasurable poison a vampire’s fangs gave their victims to make them submit.
It sparked your release immediately, and a low, wanton moan fell from your lips as your body shook lightly with tremors of pleasure. Your mind was so overcome with the euphoria of your release, that you forgot yourself entirely, bearing down on Curtis’s cock and expecting your clenching cunt to wring the cum from his balls.
It wasn’t until his teeth pulled from your neck and he grunted fiercely into your throat, sounding as if he was being tortured, that you remembered.
“Please,” he begged, his voice rough and ragged as it puffed against your neck. His chest, strong and broad, heaved with panting breaths as if he was laboring under the greatest strain. But it was merely the effort to hold himself back, to not cum inside your pussy without permission.
A sense of power so potent and so intoxicating flooded your mind and made you feel nearly drunk with its effects. You couldn’t help the smirk that slid across your lips, curling the corners of your mouth into an expression much like a cat who’d got the cream.
Of the two of you, Curtis may have been the monster, but you most certainly had a wicked heart—with perhaps even more sinful depravity in your soul than the vampire.
“No,” you purred in Curtis’s ear, pressing down on his cock until he was buried so deep in your body, you could feel him in your belly. You reveled in the dark satisfaction that came when the vampire’s big body shuddered in your arms.
Curtis had stripped you naked and laid you down on the plush, red velvet chaise in the private chambers of his manor house. He’d charmed you with his austere handsomeness and the magnetic brightness of his blue eyes, which were such a contrast to his close-cropped hair, dark brows and even darker beard.
But you hadn’t let the monster cage you in against the sensual velvet for long. You’d insisted he recline against the back of the chaise while you’d climbed into his lap and begun to ride him, taking your pleasure from the vampire just as selfishly as you knew he’d drink the blood from your veins.
As you’d ridden him, the tension beneath his pale skin had grown more and more taut, his biceps bulging while his greedy hands roamed every inch of bare flesh available to him. His shoulders had bunched beneath your fingertips, belying the otherworldly strength in his muscles that he kept carefully tempered, ensuring not to hurt you even as you tortured him with your tight heat.
In that moment, when you’d refused him for a second time, you felt Curtis’s muscles growing even more firm and unyielding beneath your touch, making your breath catch in your throat as your body and mind waited with bated breath for his reaction.
A frustrated curse snapping from his mouth and the brush of his beard dragging down over your clavicle were your only warnings before Curtis sank his sharp teeth into the soft flesh of your breast. His fangs punctured your skin and his mouth drank from your body while his tongue laved against your nipple, thin dribbles of blood dripping down your chest.
Instantly, the sting of his bite was swept away in a flood of pleasure that had your pussy throbbing almost achingly as the need to cum rose up in you again. Your hips rocked wildly, grinding your cunt down on Curtis’s thick cock and rubbing your clit against the coarse hair at the base of his unyielding length.
An obscenely loud moan tumbled from your lips and your nails raked roughly through Curtis’s short hair, your fingers clinging to his head and holding him tight to your breast. You’d barely recovered from your first release, but already you were hurtling toward your second, and it seemed Curtis was intent on getting you there as fast as possible.
It only took a few seconds until the pleasure became too much, overwhelming you and you were nearly bowled over over by the intensity and power of your release. An embarrassingly shrill cry wrenched free from your lungs and your body was wracked with violent shudders as wave after wave of bliss rolled over you, matching the rhythm of Curtis’s suckling mouth.
Quickly, it became too much and your body sagged forward into Curtis’s hold. You collapsed against him and forced his lips from your breast so he could catch you and lean back into the chaise, helping you sprawl across his chest.
His pale skin was covered in a thick smattering of dark hair that teased your nipples pleasantly while you caught your breath, noting almost deliriously that Curtis’s cock was still hard and twitching inside you. Little tingles of pleasure were still dancing through your body, especially in your core, which was clenching around the vampire’s hardness.
“Now?” Curtis gritted out through a jaw clenched tight enough you thought he might crack a molar if vampires were not almost entirely indestructible.
Curtis’s hips were rocking between your thighs, fucking you in short, deep thrusts that had the tip of his cock pressing against a spot inside you. Each time the crown of his length bullied that spot, your pussy clenched and gushed with wetness, as if enticing him into spilling his seed in your cunt.
Unfortunately for the vampire, the force of your release had stolen all words from your tongue and it was all you could do to whimper and whine through the aftershocks of pleasure—which were, of course, made all the worse by Curtis’s insistent rocking, driving your pleasure higher again.
Your head lolled uselessly on Curtis’s shoulder and you wondered dreamily what would happen if you didn’t give the vampire permission to cum inside you. Would he pull out and mark your tits and belly with his seed? Would he spill upon your face, degrading you for the torture you’d put him through?
Once the errant thought had flitted into your mind, it refused to leave—and, in fact, it spiraled out of control when your fingertips traced the rigid lines of Curtis’s arms. You could feel that the tightly held leash Curtis had on his control was beginning to fray, and it only stoked the ember of your excitement into an inferno.
“Have patience, sir,” you simpered coquettishly, giggling when a growl rumbled deep in Curtis’s chest.
Summoning your slowly returning strength, you lifted your head from the vampire’s shoulder so that you could catch his darkened, hungry gaze. A salacious smirk curled your mouth and you lifted your hips, then dropped them back down on the vampire’s cock, taking great satisfaction in the way his bright blue eyes went hazy with pleasure.
“Are you not enjoying yourself?” you couldn’t help but ask, teasing the vampire, fully prepared for the consequences of your actions. And you were swiftly rewarded for your recklessness.
At your question, Curtis’s eyes cleared and sharpened into daggers of ice as he stared at you with his piercingly blue gaze.
“You are tormenting me, wicked girl,” Curtis growled, fury etched in his handsome face just as surely as it drenched his deep voice. “You must grant me permission to cum inside your damnably perfect pussy—or I won’t be able to control myself much longer.”
Your eyes flared with interest at Curtis’s warning, your body going tight with the thrill of excitement, your breath catching in your throat as you imagined what Curtis losing control could mean. Visions of the vampire ravaging you, biting you and fucking you with abandon, filled your mind, and your pussy clenched tight around his aching cock.
Curtis’s shrewd gaze caught your reaction and something within him seemed to loosen, as if a fear he’d held had been assuaged by your earnest eagerness to see the monster unleashed. His hands grew rougher on your body, groping you covetously before pulling away to deliver a sharp spank on your ass.
The obscene sound of his palm meeting your heated flesh and the burning sting that followed had your pussy gushing with even more of your sticky arousal. A debauched moan slipped from your lips and your eyes went hooded as you looked up at Curtis, watching him take in the pleasure on your face while your cunt lovingly gripped at the thick cock nestled deep within your body.
“Cum on my cock again without giving me your consent to spill my seed inside you and you’ll see what a true monster I can be,” Curtis promised, though you understood the warning within his deep, rumbling tone. He was giving you a final chance to save yourself before things took a turn.
Though you were already decidedly deep in the vampire’s lair, you knew you could’ve ended the night there if you’d desired. You could’ve told Curtis you were done and walked away from the vampire with no more than two orgasms and a couple bites.
But then you wouldn’t have been the girl who’d sought out the vampire, let him charm you into inviting you back to his home, and followed him to his manor to live out your darkest and most depraved fantasies.
You’d made your decision before you’d even set foot in Curtis’s home, and you were going to see it through. So you pressed your tits more firmly against his chest, arching your ass and presenting it readily for his next ruthless spank.
The vampire’s bright blue eyes held yours as his palm met your soft flesh with a cracking sound, the stinging pain ricocheting through your body and dissolving into a burning pleasure that made you moan again. Right alongside it, you felt a deep affection suffuse your heart in a warmth that was entirely unexpected.
You buried your face in Curtis’s beard to muffle the obscene sounds you were making in an excuse to shy away from the intensity of his gaze. You’d expected pain and pleasure to greet you in the vampire’s manor, but you hadn’t expected the depth of the feeling that would accompany it—and you certainly hadn’t expected to see it reflected in Curtis’s eyes.
It occurred to you that you certainly could’ve cum just from riding Curtis’s cock and feeling him spank your ass, but that wasn’t enough for you. So you pulled away from his beard to murmur in his ear.
“Bite me, my lord,” you begged shamelessly, rolling your hips and fucking yourself on Curtis’s cock while he thrust up from beneath you.
Tilting your head to the side, you offered the vampire the opposite side of your throat than where he’d bitten earlier. You didn’t even bother to question the instinct to have his bites all over your body. You wanted to be covered by Curtis’s marks.
Your vampire wasted no time sinking his teeth into your flesh, carefully drinking little of your blood while your body flooded with the pleasure poison of his kind. His strong hands gripped your hips firmly as he fucked up into you roughly, hitting that spot deep inside you perfectly.
It was all too much, too absurdly delicious, and your eyes closed as pleasure crashed through your body, your mouth falling open on a silent scream as a third release washed over you. It wasn’t as strong as the second, but it still stole your breath with its force, your body trembling in Curtis’s arms.
A groan fell from Curtis’s lips, only slightly muffled by his mouth still attached to your neck. He fucked you harder, his cock pushing deep into your fluttering, gushing, suckling cunt as if he could imprint himself permanently upon your body.
“May I cum inside you?” he asked, echoing his earlier question. His voice was still rough and furious, but all of the bitterness was gone from his tone. There was even, perhaps, a bit of goading humor in the deep rumble.
It was with an incredible amount of delight that you answered him just as you had before, your words clear and firm, with only an edge of breathless excitement. “Not yet.”
Curtis snapped.
The vampire let out a ferocious roar and easily flipped you onto your back, caging you in beneath his bigger body on the red velvet chaise lounge, using your new position to thrust deep inside you—so deep, you felt him in your guts.
“I’ve had enough of your brazen wickedness, pet,” Curtis growled, pumping into you with a fervor just beyond what was natural.
The force of his hips drove his cock into you so hard and fast, it nearly hurt. His brutal fucking balanced on the knife’s edge between pain and pleasure so perfectly, you felt as though you were drowning in him, succumbing to his monstrous nature—and it was glorious.
Not to be forgotten in light of his merciless cock, Curtis’s fingers were bruising as they groped all your softness, seizing your hips and pinning you to the plush velvet chaise then grabbing at your tits. His fingers pinched and plucked at your nipples, sending ruthless sparks of burning pleasure straight to your clit.
“Now you’ll learn how it feels to be tormented beyond belief.” The vampire’s words were a promise wrenched from the depth of his depraved soul, and you found yourself opening your heart to all of Curtis’s darkness, spreading your thighs wider so that he could sink even deeper into your cunt.
Curtis’s fangs sank into your flesh just beneath your clavicle, flooding your system with pleasure as he pounded into you, wringing another desperate release from your body. It was so soon after the last one that it felt like a small miracle you didn’t lose consciousness as your mind was overwhelmed with blistering euphoria.
Your body clenched down hard on Curtis’s cock and his feral growl was muffled against your soft skin, his hips rutting into you so fast and so hard, another release crashed over you, making you scream with surprised pleasure.
Your limbs shook violently as you gasped for air, but Curtis only pinned you down more firmly to the sensual velvet of the chaise and fucked you through the waves of your release with stubborn determination.
“Please,” you gasped through parched lips when Curtis finally pulled his teeth from your skin and your head cleared enough that you could speak.
Your vampire paid you no mind, though, brushing greedy, suckling kisses across your tits, licking up the trails of blood he’d left behind before sweeping his tongue over your sensitive nipples so fiercely, you cried out shrilly. His beard was rasping against the delicate underside of your tits and it was so depraved and delicious, it brought tears to your eyes.
“Please cum inside me, sir.”
Your words were little more than a sob, your body and mind so overstimulated, you could do nothing else but lay beneath Curtis’s larger body taking his cock while your fingers scrabbled feebly to cling to the smooth, pale skin of his shoulders.
But Curtis only chuckled darkly at your pathetic mewling.
“You’ll have to beg me much prettier than that, pet, if you want the torment to end,” he rumbled in your ear just before his fangs sank into the delicate skin beneath it.
Your nails dug sharply into Curtis’s skin and your spine arched almost painfully as your hips bore down on the vampire’s cock, and you came again with a startled shout.
As pleasure flooded your body and Curtis drank from your neck, your greedy pussy sucked on his twitching cock. But he didn’t spill inside you, and you sobbed loudly, the sound part pleasure and part repentance for your earlier villainy.
Unfortunately for you, Curtis wasn’t one to be swayed by such a pitiful apology. He kept right on fucking you, ignoring his throbbing cock while he thrust into your wet, swollen pussy and sipped from your veins with a conviction that never wavered.
The night went on like that for what felt like an endless age—Curtis compelling you to beg him to cum inside you. But when you did, he’d only to find a new, unblemished stretch of skin to sink his teeth in to and wring another orgasm from your body, which grew increasingly more exhausted and submissive under his remorseless treatment.
By the time you were babbling apologies for your cruel refusal to grant the vampire permission to cum inside you and begging him to please, please, please give you his seed, Curtis had your limp body folded in half beneath his monstrous figure.
Your thighs were pressed to your chest while Curtis bit into the skin of your ankle, his fangs hitting bone in a feeling so jarring, so deeply pleasurable, that you tossed your head back and screamed your release to the heavens—which had no pity for you that night.
“Please, sir, please, I beg of you, cum inside me,” you sobbed, your lips feeling almost numb as the words tumbled mindlessly forth. “Cum deep in my cunt, my lord, I need it—I need you!” Your chest heaved as you sucked in a breath and continued on, “I’m so sorry for tormenting you, I will do anything to repent, please! Just cum inside me!”
Another shift came in the vampire’s demeanor and Curtis chuckled indulgently, lowering your legs to his sides and gathering your body close to his chest. He lifted both of you up using his considerable strength, and sat back on his haunches.
Your legs were splayed wide over his thick thighs, your pussy split open on the girth of his cock. One of Curtis’s hands cradled the back of your neck as he guided your forehead to rest against his, while his other palm pressed to your lower back, holding you firmly pinned to his hard, unrelenting body.
“Good girl, tell me how much you need my cum,” Curtis cooed, his thumb sweeping soothingly along the side of your neck. His mouth was so close to yours that you could feel his breath against your lips, could taste the copper tang of your blood on his tongue. “Do you need it more than you need to cum again?”
“Yes,” you cried immediately, sensing the end of your torment was in sight and grabbing for it desperately. You’d reached and far surpassed the number of orgasms you thought your body capable of enduring, but you didn’t want the night to end without your vampire’s cum in your pussy. “I need it more than I need to cum—I need it more than life itself, please, my lord!”
A grin that was both predatory and affectionate spread across Curtis’s handsome face.
“We’ll talk about you giving your life to me another time, pet,” he murmured, brushing a teasing kiss to the corner of your mouth, making you shiver and chase his mouth, only for him to pull away. “Once you’re ready to discuss spending an eternity with me.”
Then your vampire captured your lips in a kiss and you knew you were lost to Curtis Everett forever.
His kiss was deep and possessing, his tongue delving between your lips and stroking hungrily over every inch of the warm velvet heat of your mouth. You kissed him back just as fervently, your nails raking through his short hair and pulling a groan from deep in his chest.
Curtis’s mouth devouring yours stoked the heat in your core higher, and he was happy to hold you in his arms while you began to squirm in his lap. Your hips humped against his thighs, fucking yourself on his cock, and you thought the vampire was going to leave you to chase your own pleasure.
But then Curtis’s sharp teeth sank into your plush lower lip, piercing the skin and drinking from you once more.
Your mind and body flooded with pleasure so potent and overwhelming, your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you moaned mindlessly into Curtis’s mouth, your hips rocking more furiously on his cock. Your clit rubbed against the coarse hair at the base of his length and it pushed you over the edge of another mind-breaking release.
It was only Curtis’s firm, dominant hold on the back of your neck that kept you conscious, grounding you in the moment even as the overwhelming pleasure of coming on his cock threatened to drag you under. You were glad you didn’t succumb, though, because your vampire finally—finally—came.
Curtis announced his release with a furious roar that shook you to the bone, the sound dissolving into a pleasured groan that had your tight hole clenching even more greedily around his cock. Deep inside your pussy, you felt Curtis’s hard length twitch violently and knew he was spilling rope after rope of his cum in your cunt.
You moaned heedlessly, grinding shamelessly on his cock as you wrung every drop of cum from his balls, your pussy milking him as your bodies rocked together. The two of you rode out your releases together, Curtis’s lips taking yours possessively, kissing you and biting you and sharing the taste of your blood with your hot, willing mouth.
When Curtis finally pulled away, you sagged in sated relief, allowing his strong arms to catch you and hold you against his chest. The downy hair on his pecs and stomach was soft and warm against your skin, heated by your own body, while he remained deliciously cool beneath. You sighed happily and let him take care of you.
Curtis rearranged your bodies until he could settle against the back of the chaise lounge, your bodies sprawled across the sumptuous red velvet. He pulled a blanket over your swiftly cooling body, then tucked your face beneath his chin while his calloused hands smoothed up and down your spine.
You smiled contentedly into Curtis’s neck and nuzzled your face into his beard, loving the feel of the thick, coarse hair against your skin. He smelled like sex and spicy cologne, and a little like the perfume you’d worn that evening, which only made a surge of possessiveness take root in your heart alongside your swiftly growing affection for the vampire.
“Did you enjoy yourself in the end, my lord?” you asked playfully, your voice soft around the edges as exhaustion settled into your bones.
“I did, pet—you are nothing like I expected,” Curtis murmured, awe and affection lacing his indulgent tone.
On that subject, you could agree with the vampire. You were quite certain you were nothing like the gentle lady Curtis had thought he’d lured back to his manor, since that was the impression you’d given him. But you were just as certain an attachment had formed between the two of you at some point between you denying his release and him showing you his true nature.
Curtis’s feelings for you were clear as he brushed a tender kiss to your forehead and you rewarded him with a happy hum.
“I think I’d very much like to keep you.” His statement was simple, but it made your heart soar. All you wanted was to stay with the vampire and make a life with him—a life of delicious torment and possessive kisses. A life of love.
“I’d like that, my lord,” you whispered sleepily, snuggling deeper into Curtis’s chest. He tucked the blanket tighter around your shoulders and held you close as you fell asleep, protecting you from the chill of the night and any other monsters that might think to steal you away like he already had.
From that night on, you became the vampire’s pet, his most beloved treasure, his most trusted partner, and, eventually, his loving wife.
When the time came, and you grew impatient enough to beg the vampire prettily enough, Curtis Everett turned you into one of his own kind so that your love would never die. Then, you spent an eternity together, happy and content—and perfectly matched in your wicked depravity.
sweethearts game masterlist
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About burglar!Curtis…
This idea occurred to me too, and to shut me up he’d use me for his needs and breed me full of his child 🥵🫣🫣
| Wrong Place, Right Time |
Warning(s): Noncon, burglar!Curtis, frisking, corruption kink, groping, unprotected p-in-v sex, bondage, breeding kink, choking, fear kink, pet names, dacryphilia, mild spanking, creampie, degradation, drugging.
Pairing: Dark Burglar!Curtis Everett | Naive!You.

It was ironic and yet fateful.
The house that the shadowy man had broken in to rob wasn't even yours.
You had just been a friend who was there for a sleepover.
Your eyes widen and you freeze in your spot between the double doors of the fridge when you hear a click from the kitchen backdoor that opens into the yard behind the house. Either you were too caught up in your rummaging of the contents inside the appliance to find something to snack on, or whoever it was that was slowly entering the dimly lit room with soft thuds of their boots now was such a professional that they hadn't required any prior tampering with the mechanism before easing it open, because you hadn't heard anything until the door was being noiselessly pulled open.
Your head whips to your sides frantically as you panic, unable to decide a course of action that feels right.
It is when the footsteps become louder and louder that you drop to your knees with your ears flaming hot and you crawl to the kitchen island and grab the first thing that you can reach; which is a rolling pin for whatever reason.
Clutching your weapon close to your chest, you bite your lip to try and champion your panting as you move to your feet but remain ducking behind the island, vigilant eyes scanning your surroundings. Whoever it is has most probably figured out that they aren't alone due to how the refrigerator light had been illuminating the otherwise mostly dark room, the thumping close of the magnetized doors only further damning you.
You tightly chew on your bottom lip as you slowly move around the counter, eyeing the kitchen door while the footsteps circle the workspace in the same fashion.
Your eyebrows furrow when they abruptly come to a halt and everything goes dead silent again. You take a few moments before raising your head and peeking over the marble top to check the intruder's position.
But no one is there.
Self doubt suddenly grips at you and you wonder if you hallucinated or misperceived something else for a creep but then–
"Boo~" a deep whisper sounds right beside your ear and your eyes widen as you spin so fast you can barely comprehend anything. The way in which the stranger suspends your rushed attack by wrapping his rough fingers around your weapon bearing band and depriving it of any and all liberty while his other hand flies to your throat to walk you back into a wall is all too quick for you to register until after it's happened.
"Woah, now. What do we think we are doing?"
Okay, he is a professional.
Your eyes that can rival saucers instantly fill with tears as the man gathers your other hand along with the one that had meant him offense above your head. He easily snatches the rolling pin from you before looking around and then tossing it in a basket that holds various kitchen cloths in it.
The harsh blue of his eyes is so bright that you can make it out even in the liminal lighting. "Now, where were we?" As his amused gaze now trails over your barely clad body, you realize that burglary is no longer the center of his focus, for a deep pink tongue reveals itself from his bearded mouth and licks a long stripe of his chapped bottom lip. Since one of his arms is half raised to keep you locked in place, the heavy scent of what can only be described as raw manliness wafts to your nostrils and lingers in the air all around you. His pale face is dirty and stern, cheeks scarred in some places under the thick mat of his dark beard.
The stranger does not muffle your mouth but you're far too petrified to attempt anything unwise. He does not need to press a weapon to your skin to ensure meekness either, for his bruised and naked lethal fists are threatening enough.
So you let out the only thing anyone in your situation would in their helplessness. "P- Please."
"Hm" his eyes lower to scan your erect nipples that push against the sheer fabric of your tank top, his pearly whites -that are in a stark contrast to the rest of the darkness- flash as he smirks when he locates the spot that your natural moisture has caused in your fluffy cotton panties. "Gotta make sure you don't have any more surprises for me first" and then you're whipped around before his free hand is all over you, the coarse pads of his fingers roaming over every bump and crevice of your form.
You let out an audible gasp when his palm brushes against your breasts -that he had neglected along with your intimates during the initial frisk- and he lets it circle the shape before taking a proper squeeze. You wince and your body responds to the pain by making your muscles twitch. Your back arches as a result and your ass bounces up to collide with his own privates and then the man has no choice but to look down with a grunt at the assaulter.
The sight that his cruel blue eyes meet with pulls his lips wider and his expression deepens into a grin. "Jeez" a small patch of fuzzy little threads resembling a bunny tail stands erect an inch or two above your covered pucker.
You like cute things and so you reward yourself with them every once in a while.
The realization that you are wearing that underwear claws at your throat and cheeks alike and you can't help but flush even in this depraved situation.
"Didn't know I had myself a bunny here" your thumping heart begins to thunder when you feel his hand toy with the 'tail' for a few moments before he flicks it. You are on the verge of letting out a peep but he suddenly snatches your throat back into his grasp and sandwiches your body between his hard one and the wall you're facing.
"Tell me" his beard scratches against the shell of your ear from behind and you tremble in fear. Your legs try to press together to try and cover yourself in any way you can but the stranger ruthlessly worms one of his feet between yours and roughly pushes them apart. The action causes you to lose your balance and your legs go to split but the knee he props up in the middle catches you just in time. "Do you like to breed like one too?" He doesn't care for the frantic shaking of your head and instead caresses your nether regions with the intruder he has pushed between them.
"I think you do" he decides for the two of you and marches you into the pantry closet before pushing you over a big carton that stands in the center. The stranger easily manhandles you and before you can try your luck even in vain, he grabs an apple from one of many baskets lined along the edge of a table before pushing it in your mouth. Your teeth dig into it and your jaw locks in place due to its size, your head having no choice but to lay against the box sideways as your eyes release stinging tears all the while.
The man seems to be in a rut as he does not bother with ridding you of what little covers you have on, instead only roughly pulling down your panties before grunting at the sight of your sex that glistens even in the small light that shines in the dark closet from the kitchen. A calloused palm lands on your ass and makes you jump up with a whimper, your bloodshot eyes unable to see much even though they frantically dart about futilely in every direction they can.
The man does not waste another second and aligns his rock hard cock along your entrance and pushes in within the next moment, groaning at the balmy tightness of your soft walls. "Fuck, bunny" while one of his coarse hands keep your wrists arrested above your ass, the other squeezes at your hip before steeling you in place. "Trying to shake your head no but makin' a mess inside those cute little bunny panties like it's your job" he jerks the rest of his seemingly never ending length deep up your cavern.
Your pussy has had to expand so much to accompany him that you can feel a very obvious and painful strain in the band of your opening, the ache causing you to fear that you might rip. Your mouth is full of apple juice as you blink away your tears, face scrunched in discomfort as you stare at the wine rack in front of you.
The man pulls back almost all the way out only to plunge his cock deeper and harder up your hot channel now. Your head spins and can tell that his unforgiving size has already located your sensitive bundle of nerves within the first few thrusts.
His stiff and thick tip is unrelenting after that as he just keeps on increasing his speed, his heavy balls slapping your sore ass as they try to push their own way in with each push of his hips. The man grunts, curses, gropes, squeezes, spanks and somewhere along the way even leans down to bite at your tear stained cheeks, licking them in long stripes and twitching at the taste while the box below you violently shakes and threatens to come undone by how roughly it is being rocked back and forth.
"You like that, huh, bunny?" He has realized that each time he spanks you or pulsates inside you, you clench sensitively with a moan. And so he has been doing that for the past couple pounds. "Like getting fucked like the little breeding bunny that you are?" His face is next to yours as you sob into the apple, forcing yourself to keep your eyes trained on the wine bottles as he glowers down on you while pistoning himself in and out of you like you're nothing but a toy meant for relief of the depraved sorts.
"What is with the crying, huh?" His hips snap against yours so hard that your aching ass and even pucker shake with each thrust. "You finally have what you always wanted; a man to breed you full and swell like the dirty little bunny that you are" his deep voice is now even more hoarse due to his irregular breathing. "Isn't that why you saunter around other people's houses in nothing but slutty little underwear? So someone can come along and take you for the breeding bunny that you are?" Your eyes move from their position for the first time in a while.
How does he know that it's not your house?
"You don't have to worry about anything now" he wraps your hair around his hand before roughly pulling at it to withstand the force of his orgasm that shoots up your cavity. "Except. For. Bearing. Me. A. Healthy. Fuckin'. Fluffle." Your body naturally reacts to the overwhelming stimulation as he gives you a jab with each word, fucking his hot seed deeper and deeper up your womb, causing your hips to tighten and pussy to milk him as your eyes roll to the back of your head and you fall.
Your owner takes his sweet time fucking his orgasm out and into you as you spasm against the carton helplessly, drowning in a numbing combination of myopia and vertigo of your forced ecstacy, thighs quivering violently.
"Now," the stranger lets up only when he is fully satisfied… for now. Pulling himself out of your abused channel with a wince, he fixes himself up after letting your arms fall limp at your sides. "Oh– there, there" he abruptly halts whatever it is that he's doing behind you to pull up your panties when his seed threatens to spill out of your stuffed slit. "Can't let it go to waste now, can we?" He snickers to himself before appropriating the rest of his condition.
"Now, let's get you to your burrow" you are manhandled up to your malfunctioning feet by your nape and a wet cloth presses to your nose before your eyes can even adjust to the sudden burst of light that shines in from behind his towering form. His face is the last thing you can make out before your knees finally give out and you go to fall on your back but he catches you in one of his hard arms.
"There, there, bunny" his voice echoes in your head as the world around you starts to melt. "I've got you" you feel him remove the apple from your now slack jaw before he lumps you on one of his shoulders.

And then your consciousness fades into an unfathomable abyss.
#curtis everett#curtis everett x reader#curtis everett x you#curtis everett fanfiction#curtis everett smut#curtis everett x female reader#curtis everett x ofc#dark!curtis everett#dark curtis everett#chris evans x reader#chris evans smut#chris evans fanfiction#chris evans imagine#chris evans characters#chris evans character fanfiction#chris evans character x reader#chris evans x you#chris evans x female reader#chris evans x y/n
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Just spreading the love over here
That's definitely the look of someone who's angry. But who is he mad at and why?
Warnings: Implied violence, Kidnapping, Talk of cheating. Please let me know if I missed any!

Even before he's fully awake, Andy knows he's in trouble. His head is throbbing and the last thing he remembers is leaving your apartment and putting his wedding ring back on before you woke up. He was glad to have found a way out of spending more time with you. But then there was a thump on the back of his head.
His eyes aren't open but he feels the restraints around his arms and ankles, fastening him to a chair. He isn't gagged, though, so they clearly expect a conversation. This isn't a ransom situation, it's an interrogation. Well he's not an assistant DA for nothing. He can talk himself out of this easily enough.
"We know you're awake, Barber. Open your eyes and let's get this conversation started."
Andy complies and sees two of Fowler's top lieutenants glaring at him. Curtis "The Axe" Everett and James "Winter Soldier" Barnes. Two of the most dangerous men in the city.
"What is this about?" he sneers. "You know your boss doesn't allow you to touch government officials without good cause. And I know you don't have that."
"Does Laurie know about your girlfriend?" Barnes' tone is as icy as his nickname.
"And before you try to say you don't have one," Everett interjects. "Remember who you're talking to."
Andy bites back a rude comment. Fowler's gang wasn't the biggest but it was the strongest and the richest because they invested in information. Where other mobs would resort to violence as a first choice, Fowler saw the wisdom in blackmail and bribery instead.
"So what if I have a sidepiece?" he argues. "What's that got to do with your boss? You know his rules. I'm off limits!"
"We have Nick's blessing," Barnes tells him. "Because if you can't trust a man to keep his promises to his wife, how can you trust him to keep his promises to you?"
"Business is different," Andy tries to argue but his voice is dry.
"Not when it comes to family," Everett counters.
"And definitely not when it comes to the court of public opinion," Barnes adds. "What would the public think if their DA---"
"Assistant DA," Curtis interjects, eyes never leaving Andy. They all know it's a sore spot for Andy that he's not the District Attorney.
"Right, what would the public think if their assistant DA was cheating on his wife? How could such a man properly represent them in court? Your political career would go up in smoke."
Andy is fuming but he can't think of a way out of this. Fowler's backing was his only chance but now that he knows that's gone, he's grasping at straws.
"What's the cost?" he finally grumbles.
"You and your wife are moving to a lovely little town on the opposite side of the country," Barnes starts. "That program she works for is opening a new branch there and you, being a good, loving husband, are going to support her and move with her to the new location."
"I'll be starting over!"
"But with a good record," Barnes counters. "That's the final gift from Fowler for your years of help."
"If you refuse, or if you ever step foot in this city again, though," Everett growls, "and you'll find yourself physically, financially, and politically ruined."
"I understand," Andy scowls. "Now let me go so I can get the good news from my wife about our move."

"Glad to see that jackass gone," Curtis says.
"Can you believe he didn't even ask if he could say goodbye to our girl?" Bucky adds.
"I know. She deserves so much better than him."
"And she'll get it."
"She's gonna be hurting for awhile, but we'll help her through it."
"And treat her like the angel she is."

Tagging: @alicedopey; @darsynia; @delicatebarness; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @irishhappiness; @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory; @lokislady82; @ronearoundblindly; @stellar-solar-flare; @thiquefunlover63
#zombie asks#bucky barnes x reader#curtis everett x reader#mafia au#mob au#mob!curtis everett#mob!bucky barnes#bucky barnes x female reader#bucky barnes x f!reader#bucky barnes x you#curtis everett x female reader#curtis everett x f!reader#curtis everett x you
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Unbreakable ties

mob boss!Curtis Everett x female reader
summary: Despite your family being part of the mafia, you led a quite free life compared to the other single women in the mob. However, it's all about to change when the head of the mafia decides to make you his wife.
warnings: dark and soft-dark elements; arranged marriage; forced marriage; threats; dominant and possessive behavior;
Author's Note: For now it's just a collection of short musings and ficlets, not a full story. But since this Curtis gained quite a lot of attention, I think he needs a separate masterlist (for potential future purposes).
First installment
When he decided
Random thots
Christmas party
#curtis everett x reader#curtis everett x you#curtis everett x female reader#mob boss!curtis everett#mafia!curtis everett#unbreakable ties
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Happy valentines day in advance my dear Navy😘
I saw these dark prompts you shared
“It makes my blood boil every time I see you talking to him/her/them.”
“Go ahead, lock your doors, change your phone number. I’ll still find you.”
“I would never ever hurt you.”
And I thought they would go amazingly with our favorite sheriff Lee Bodecker OR with Boxer!Curtis Everett👀 I hope this inspires something ✨❤️
My beautiful Carrot! Someone else asked for Lee and “Go ahead, lock your doors, change your phone number. I’ll still find you.”, so I went with Curtis. Hope you like it!
Cold as Ice
Pairing: Soft!Dark!Boxer!Curtis Everett x Female Reader
Summary: The newest boxer at the gym sets his sights on you.
Word Count: Over 900
Warnings: Possessive and overbearing behavior, dark vibes, talk of violence (not against reader), Curtis Everett (he's a warning, okay?)
A/N: Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @saradika-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!

You tapped your finger against the keyboard as you looked over the schedule. You needed a vacation, and you luckily had some time, and a bit of money saved up. It was just a matter of how soon you could take it because you needed the break. Somewhere warm, and far away.
It wasn't that you didn't want to be at the gym. You really loved working there. It had its perks like free workouts and being close to some of your favorite spots. But it was getting to be more and more stressful going into work each day. All thanks to Curtis Everett.
The boxer with a mean right hook, buzzed hair and a beard as dark as coal, and eyes as cold as ice. For whatever reason set his sights on you the second he joined the gym. Maybe because you smiled at him. You really didn’t know. But it didn't take long for his workout schedule to conveniently match the days you were working. If he had a question or issue, you were the only one who could help him. Even if you were busy helping someone else, he’d wait. Your boss didn’t seem to care when you made a comment in passing one day since he was a “customer” and it was expected of you to provide the best service.
Curtis seemed to always be where you were, too, which wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't so imposing. If you were in a certain area, cleaning machines or setting anything up, he was suddenly there like a shadow casting darkness over you. You felt like you couldn’t breathe with him so close. He even left when you did some nights, keeping only a small distance while you went to your car and not walking on until you got in safely. You always locked the door quickly just to be on the safe side.
Some days he didn't say much to you. Just grunted or stared, or glared at anyone who spoke to you. The last guy who tried to flirt with you ended up with a broken jaw when Curtis offered to do a practice round with him. And while the guy was on the ground in pain, Curtis looked over at you. The expression “blood ran cold” was a real thing because you immediately trembled under his gaze.
It was just getting to be too much.
“Have a good night,” Steve said when he walked by.
You looked away from the computer and nodded. Steve Rogers was one of the best boxers around, and one of the kindest. He was also good looking. The entire package. “You, too, Steve.”
He stopped, his brows pinching when he took in your expression. “Are you okay?”
“I will be. “Steve was a good guy. If you said someone was bothering you, he would've stepped in and helped. You couldn't ask that of him. This was your problem to deal with. “Thanks.”
“Well, let me know if you need anything,” he said, flashing that kind smile of his.
“I appreciate it,” you smiled back. Your shoulders slumped when he walked out. He was one of the last guys to leave. Oh, god. That meant the only person left was-
“It makes my blood boil every time I see you talking to him.”
The bass of Curtis’s voice made you jump. You hated how easily he scared you. “Curtis, you shouldn’t be behind the counter,” you chastised, closing out the schedule.
“And you shouldn’t be flirting with Rogers, but here we are,” he said, gripping your shoulder and spinning you around to face him. His nostrils flared as he towered over you, and you feared he might strike you. Your eyes rounded at the thought, your back hitting the counter when you backed up. “Were you smiling that sweet smile that should only be for me?”
“I-I wasn’t,” you promised, shaking when he brought a calloused hand to your cheek. He wouldn’t try anything, right? Not out there in the open. And it wasn’t like the security cameras would catch anything. Your boss said they went out recently and he had to get them fixed. “Curtis, please.”
“You think I’m going to hurt you?” The ice in his eyes melted only a little as he closed the distance, his lips ghosting yours. “I would never, ever hurt you.”
You trembled, wanting so badly to believe him. “What do you want from me?” you asked, hating how small your voice sounded.
“I want you to finish up work and tell me where you’re planning to go on your trip,” he answered, chuckling at your expression. “You think I didn’t know? Of course I knew. And I’m going with you.”
He might as well have punched you with how winded you suddenly felt. “Go with me? But-”
“And Rogers might not go down as easily as that other prick, but I’ll wreck him if I catch you flirting with him again and I’ll give him a lot worse than a broken jaw. That’s a promise,” he said, brushing his nose against yours before he pulled away. You had to reach behind you and grab the counter to keep from falling. “Let’s go. We need to figure out the details for our trip.”
Tears blurred your vision. “Curtis-”
“Just nowhere cold,” he interrupted, his icy blue eyes on you like always. “I hate the cold.”
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Part of the Green collection
Curtis Everett x f!Roommate! Reader
Banner by me, made in Canva w/ Curtis' pic sourced on Pinterest. Dividers by @/kodaswrld and MDNI/Reblog Banners by @/saradika-graphics
WARNING: This fic not only contains smut but also consumption/use of marujuana. If that's not your bread and butter (or if you are a minor) please do not read.
Additional tags/warnings: roommates to lovers (back with this again ik), blowback, use of a bong, inexperienced reader (with the bong lmao), making out, p-in-v (wrap it), creampie, inebriated fucking/fucking while high, sex while standing, standing carry, fucking in the kitchen, mutual masterbation, post-sex cuddles, petnames (sweetheart, bunny)
Not beta'd and I do not give permission for my work to be reposted, copied, translated or put through an AI machine.
Summary: Your roomie convinces you to take a hit, leading to some fun in the kitchen.
Word count: ~3k (on mobile sorry)
A/N: sorry it took so long! I had ideas for two other fics while doing this one but there's going to (hopefully) be a double whammy of the Green Collection this weekend 👀
Green Collection | Curtis Everett Masterlist | Navigation

Coming home from a long day at work was nothing short of bliss, especially knowing your roommate was home. Curtis was a perfect roommate, an all-round great guy too, which was why you enjoyed spending time with him when you could.
Curtis worked odd hours, which meant that on your days off he could either be sleeping or at work, however, you both had a system that benefitted you both; he cleaned, you cooked and prepped lunches, both of you would take turns to do laundry. This meant that you didn't have to worry about anything pile up of dishes and Curtis didn't have to eat noodles five days a week and take out on weekends.
The times that your days off synched up, you'd usually do something together. Be it shopping, or a movie, it didn't matter. The only thing you could possibly think of that would make Curtis a bad roommate was the fact he smoked grass on his days off.
He was kind enough to light a candle or to smoke in his room if you were home, and despite the smoky smell, you didn't mind. He had a high-stress job so it was nice to see him relax at least once a week. You couldn't blame him for wanting to take the edge off.
On your way home this particular day, one of your best friends called you up, asking for you to join them for cocktails at a bar across town.
"Can't," you say, fishing in your bag for your keys. "Curtis is off and we've already agreed to watch a movie."
You can hear the groan on the other end of the line.
"You mean your boyfriend?" Your best friend sneers.
"He's not my-" You begin defensively before backing down. "We made plans last week. I can't just ditch him."
"If he's not your boyfriend, you can."
You want to snap at her that you can't; you made a commitment to Curtis first... but part of you knows she's got a point. Even it is a miniscule point. Curtis was a great roomie. Reliable. Fun to be around.... hot.
You shake your head as you pull your keys out. "I can't."
"Alright," she chuckles. "Have fun with your hot roommate. And tell me if anything juicy finally happens."
You frown at your phone as the line goes dead, cheeks warming as you open the door to the apartment. Curtis is leaning against the kitchen counter, grinder in hand, bong already set up beside him.
"Hey," He greets with a short nod.
"Hey." You reply, feeling your chest tighten. He's in his cosy clothes but, sweet mother almighty, he looks delectable. Baggy, dark wash wash jeans that hang low on his hips, tight white t-shirt with a light oversized grey patterned hoodie with a deep v-neck over it and, of course, his signature black beanie. You wished he didn't look so hot; it would give your best friend less ammunition saying he was the reason for your lack of a boyfriend.
"Leftovers were good." Curtis says watching you unload your bag and place your dirty tupperware in the sink. "Thanks."
You can hear the grinding of metal on metal as Curtis twists his grinder.
"It's no problem." You grin, turning on the sink tap and unloading an ungodly amount of dish soap into the bowl. "You need to stop thanking me for it though, Curt. I've been doing it for months."
"Yeah, I know." He grins back at you and you have to steady yourself against the sink so your legs don't give out. "But I want you to know I'm always grateful for it."
Stomach full of butterflies you turn back to the sink, dipping your hands into the hot suds and wishing whatever God was listening to throw you a boon. The flick of a lighter and the bubbling of the bong snap you from your explicit thoughts and you're lucky enough to catch Curtis blowing smoke rings before the smoke disperses.
Fuck me.
You don't know if it's a curse or a wish at this point. Curtis catches your gaze and offers you the bong, large hand over the mouth of it trapping white smoke in the chamber. You shake your head and hold up a soapy hand.
"No thanks."
"Just one drag. Try it." He wiggles the bong at you with a sweet, begging expression. "Please?"
Pursing your lips you consider your options. You'd never done it before, so the opportunity to try it in a safe environment with a 'professional' was a good start. On the other hand, you didn't know how weed would affect you. Would you be a drooling mess? Would you not remember a thing? Would you, as your best friend had described, be so fried out of you mind you would just lie on the sofa and have a minor existential crisis?
You can't lie and say you hadn't been tempted before now but Curtis made it look so easy. The thought of embarrassing yourself in front of him nagged at your brain but the want of the experience under your belt won out. You'd be safe with Curtis. Existential crisis and drooling be dammed.
"Fuck it. Fine." You sigh, taking the bong from him and holding it awkwardly; scared to drop it and unsure how to hold it correctly.
"Hold the top and the base." Curtis instructs with a smirk, watching you frown worriedly as you changed your grip. There's something phallic in the entire procedure that makes your cheeks heat and you feel entirely stupid for thinking it.
"Put your lips on it." Curtis' voice sounds low and breathy, and you have to bite the inside of your cheek to steel your thoughts.
You move to do as he instructed but you're obscured by a stray piece of hair that won't move out of your way no matter how much you shake your head. Curtis chuckles and you can feel warm fingers brush along your forehead, removing the stubborn piece of hair, and tucking it behind your ear. His eyes meet yours as you peek up through your lashes, bottom lip pouting against the lip of the bong. The kitchen suddenly feels a lot hotter and you don't know if Curtis can feel it too.
"Try again." He says quietly, trailing his fingers through your hair as he pulls his hand away. You hadn't even noticed his fingers lingering against your skin but now that they were gone, you wanted them back.
Placing your lips into the mouth of the bong, holding it tight, you meet Curtis' eyes expectantly. Curtis' lighter flickers to life as he burns the ground weed on the other side and after a few seconds, instructs you to suck in as much air as you can.
You try, you really do, watching the smoke twist in the chamber and burn your lungs as you take the deepest breath you've possibly ever taken.
But it still ends with you coughing and sputtering.
"You need to take it into your lungs." He says, patting your back softly. "You don't have to do it quickly. Just like taking deep breaths."
You nod your head as he flicks his lighter again, waiting for your signal (another nod) to light it again.
"Now, inhale."
You breathe in and the bong bubbles angrily, putrid smoke invades your lungs and makes your mouth drier than a desert. Your lips break away from the bong and you cough hard, your lungs screaming at you as you try to breathe. You try to suck in as much air as possible, feeling lightheaded as you continue in your coughing fit, letting Curtis remove the bong from your grasp. Once your breathing is finally steady, Curtis is already blowing another smoke ring smirking over at you.
"You did alright for your first time." He chuckles.
"Show off." You whisper hoarsely, giving him a watery eyed glare.
Curtis clicks his tongue dismissively and lifts your chin gently with one hand, thumbing tears from your cheeks. His thumb lingers a moment, brushing the softness of your skin before he moves his hand away to light the bong for another hit.
"You'll get better with time." He says nonchalantly, sucking in smoke. You're still trying to wrap your head around what just happened. Maybe there was a God offering you a boon.
"I don't wanna do that again," you grumble, your voice still raspy. Curtis exhales slowly, no smoke ring this time but he looks over at you curiously, as if contemplating asking you something.
"I could always give you secondhand smoke?" Curtis suggests, inhaling the smoke again. When he breathes out, he pushes the smoke towards you, but you srunch your face at the smell. Curtis laughs at your cute expression.
"You've got to suck in the smoke."
"But it smells gross." You whine. "Is there another way we could try?"
"Actually..." Curtis' eyebrows raise as an idea forms and he beckons you closer. You shuffle forward, an inch or so between you.
Curtis lights up the bong again, and holds the smoke but before releasing it, he takes your chin in his hands delicately and kisses you. You gasp in surprise and Curtis takes the opportunity to blow the smoke into your mouth; you cough and sputter less this time but your lips tingle from the kiss. Curtis watches you closely, waiting for your reaction.
Your mind draws a blank; fuzziness setting in and you don't know if it's him or the contact high but your smiling up at him regardless.
"Could we keep doing that?"
Curtis breaks into a radiant grin. "Yeah. Of course."
The kisses start gentle and tender; sweet pecks that make your body feel tingly and light. It works well; after every kiss you inhale the smoke he blows into your mouth, slowly getting used to the feeling of his lips against yours and having him so close.
Then one kiss lingers for longer than a moment.
You're both a little breathless, only millimetres apart when you break for air, and it takes one millisecond more for your eyes to meet before the floodgates open. Curtis' lips crash into yours, and you welcome them, his arms wrapping around you in a crushing embrace. Your hands rip his beanie from his head and toss it somewhere on the floor, raking your hands through the short, soft buzzcut. Curtis rumbles a chuckle but doesn't stop kissing you.
There's a harsh clink as Curtis sets down his bong and his hands begin to freely wander up and down your sides. Mimicking his actions, you allow your hands to feel along his chest and collarbone. It's harder than you expect; thinking there'd be a slight softness under all his jumpers, not that you care either way. Your hands slip under the layers of his jumper; mapping out every defined muscle your fingers trailed moments before. Muscles twitch under your touch and Curtis sucks in a sharp breath, hands squeezing at your hips.
"This okay?" You ask quietly, gently running your palms downwards against his hot skin, stopping above his belt. Your gaze flickers to his, waiting for confirmation to continue. Which it does - in the form of a low groan as he cranes his neck to kiss you quickly.
"It's more than okay."
Your head's already starting to feel heavy but you can't tell if it's because your being kissed senseless or if the smoke has finally hit you. A large hand knots in your hair, the other making quick work of unbuttoning your jeans, a thick finger dipping under the fabric of your panties to rub tight circles against your clit. You gasp in surprise, your own hands fumbling with his belt as you try to concentrate, but that's all that Curtis needs to push his tongue further into your mouth, deepening the kiss. Curtis' tongue is hot and tastes like the smoke that made you gag not five minutes ago but you don't care; taking a hit of him is better than any bong.
"Already wet for me, huh?" He murmurs against your lips, index finger swirling your clit with your own slick. A moan hitches in your throat making him chuckle, peppering more kisses along your cheek. You can feel your pussy squeeze around nothing, a familiar sensation building between your legs.
His kisses are sloppy but no less passionate. Curtis chases your mouth with his at every pathetic whimper you make in an attempt to keep yourself quiet. You, on the other hand, are a breathless mess as you manage to undo his belt and jeans. Palming over his cock teasingly gets you a firm press against your clit that makes your thighs squeeze around his fingers.
"Don't tease, bunny." Curtis murmurs, nipping along your jawline, making you shiver. "That's not fair."
"Eager?" You tease softly but Curtis pulls back slightly, looking down at you. His pressure and swirling against your clit pause and you grind your hips slowly for some relief.
"Maybe. Is... Is that a problem?"
"You know damn well it's not." You huff impatiently.
Curtis' nostrils flare and he curses, tugging his hand from your jeans and removing his jumper and white tee in one movement, discarding them to the floor before moving to shove his jeans down. You quickly follow suit, adding your shirt to the pile as you wiggle out of your jeans. You don't have time to react when Curtis' mouth finds yours again, more feverent and desperate than before. His fingers tug your panties down your legs and you shyly step out of them, allowing his fingers to slip between your folds and caress your now-aching clit.
You inhale sharply when his thumb grazes your clit, two thick fingers teasing and your cunt's entrance. Curtis' other hand grips the back of your neck, holding you steady when your legs start to tremble and you mewl his name so breathlessly.
Your hands tug his boxers freeing his cock; eager to touch him - finally - and eager to please him. One hand pumps in rhythm to his stroking fingers, the other gently cupping at his heavy balls while your own thighs clench like a vice around Curtis' fingers; struggling to stay standing at the attention he's giving your clit.
"Look at me," He says firmly, voice strained, blue eyes locking with yours. "Look at me when you cum."
"Fuck fuck fuck." Each curse becomes higher in pitch before you let out an airy sigh as your first orgasm ripples through your body. Your eyelids are heavy but you keep your eyes fixed on Curtis' face, a smirk of satisfaction on his swollen lips. His thumb swipes your clit slowly as your body comes back from the orgasm-high. You feel extra elated. Your body feels like every nerve is alert but your muscles are entirely relaxed.
There's a kiss to your forehead that leaves tingling ripples across your skin. Then another to your cheek. Then to your neck...
Your skin prickles to gooseflesh, breath hitching again, dragging your thumb over the tip of Curtis' cock to coat it in his own precum. Curtis' moan is so close to your ear and it's lewd. You'd never have guessed he'd be loud during sex. Curling your head into his neck, you nip along the prominent vein, illiciting more and more filthy noises from Curtis until he slips two fingers into your dripping pussy.
"Oh shit," you whine as your walls clench around his fingers. The stretch isn't painful by any means, but the fullness as his fingers move and curl is euphoric. But any further moans are smothered by his mouth on yours, his fingers spreading you open easily to explore your pussy.
"Curtis," You pant when you're finally granted a gasp for air, trying to focus on pumping his cock and holding off your orgasm. "Bedroom?"
"No." Curtis growls. "'M too impatient. Here will do."
Before you can ask him what he means, he squats down and wraps his muscular arms under your knees. He peeks up at you, placing a gentle kiss to your stomach that makes you shiver and your heart thud violently.
"Hold on to me, sweetheart."
That's the only warning you get before your feet leave the ground. With a yelp, you fling your arms around his neck, holding on until Curtis is back at full height and supporting you in his arms like it's no big deal. You can feel another rush of arousal as you watch the veins in his arms twitch under the strain and the brush of his leaking cock against the backs of your thighs.
Your knees are bent, legs dangling over Curtis' thick arms helplessly, with his large hands groping your ass as he repositions you over his cock. You've never been fucked like this before and you know damn well that gravity is about to work wonders with skewering you onto Curtis' cock and let out a shaky sigh of contentment.
"You ready bunny?" Curtis asks, the fat head of his cock pushing against your dripping cunt ever so slightly. "Because once I start fucking you, I'm not stopping."
"Yes," you nod, biting at your lips to contain a whorish moan. "Fuck, Curtis, please."
Curtis lowers you onto his cock slowly, watching your lips part is ecstacy as his cock slides into your cunt with welcomed ease. Your moans of need are sweet and sultry as he splits you open in the middle of your shared kitchen, toes curling as gravity helps his twitching cock nestle deep inside you.
Once buried to the hilt, Curtis sighs in delight, your walls fluttering around his cock like he'd always imagined. His large hands grope at the flesh of your ass, kneading the muscles as he flashes you a panted grin. You shift in his grip with a shy smile and squeeze his hips with your legs.
"You feel like heaven, bunny." Curtis murmurs, canting his hips upwards into you. Your ass bounces against his thighs, your arms straining as you try to hold onto his neck. Your maneuvered quickly in his grip, your body moving upwards so you can pretzel your arms behind his neck, fingernails clawing at his shoulders, his cock never leaving the warmth of your cunt. Once anchored to him properly, Curtis begins to cant his hips frantically, fucking you into oblivion while you whimper and moan as you cling to him.
"Look at me, sweetheart." Curtis pants and through your fucked-out haze you manage it. There's the satisfied smirk again, his eyes red-rimmed and blown wide but sparkling nonetheless. Your lips are wet and swollen from the kissing, from biting back moans, and Curtis loves to see it. To be the cause of it.
Wet slaps echo against the kitchen walls and your starting to lose control, moaning his name louder, your pussy constricting tighter and tighter, splashing your delicious cum over his legs, balls and cock.
"You look so good getting pounded like this." He muses, watching you hiccup another moan. His eyes trail to your tits, watching them bounce in time to thrusts, loving how you milk his cock so eagerly. He wished you'd smoked sooner or at least wished he'd made a move sooner, had he known that you'd be just as eager for him as he was for you. His eyes flit back to your face. Every part of your face is contorted in pleasure; eyes red, glazed and half-lidded, lips slightly parted and your eyebrows that in-between of surprise-frown as you try to withhold coming again.
"C-Curtis - I - I'm-" you breathing is heavy, you can't even form a thought as he bounces you on his cock and it makes Curtis' balls tighten.
"So am I bunny." He grunts out quickly, fucking your tight pussy harder. More slapping sounds coupled with your half-scream of pleasure echo through the apartment. "You just hold tight okay? Don't think of anything else but this cock."
You hum and nod - barely - you're already too lost to pleasure to even care. Curtis curses when your nails dig into his shoulders. He can feel your cunt convulse desperately as your orgasm begins to rip through you and you shout his name almost in a panic.
"I got you," He coos, his thrusts slowing only slightly as he tries in vain to postpone his release for a few moments longer. Soaking his cock again sends him over the edge and he cums hard when you softly whisper his name repeatedly as you go limp in his grip. His cum is warm and sticky as it slowly drips from your pussy but you're too busy drowning in post-orgasmic bliss to care.
Your head rests against Curtis' shoulder as you catch your breath, the kitchen now quiet apart from your breathing. Your legs wobble when Curtis sets you down gently, wrapping those strong arms around your waist once more, fending off the chill of the kitchen for a few moments longer and placing tender kisses to your neck and shoulders. The silence is comfortable and you push away thoughts that could potentially ruin your night; what did this mean for you both? Was it a one time thing? Did you want it to be a one time thing?
"You were..." Curtis begins but trails as his head buries itself into your neck. "Fuck, that was amazing."
"Speak for yourself." You breathe out, arms still wrapped around his neck as you lean into him, desperate to stay as close as possible before reality kicked in.
You liked Curtis. You knew Curtis. And clearly, your little crush wasn't one-sided otherwise you wouldn't be standing in the kitchen naked right now. However, from the depths of your mind, slow worries began to rear their ugly heads; telling you a relationship with Curtis could still blow up in your face, especially since you already lived together. That seemed like speed-running the dating process just a tad.
Curtis' snort startles you from your thoughts and you glare up at him.
"You're thinking too loud, bunny." He smirks and then, as if it were second nature, lifts his head to capture your lips in a quick peck.
You'd only just regained your breath and it had been stolen all over again. You lean into him more, letting the kiss linger like the one that had kick-start this whole thing. His lips are warm now, not searing like they had been, and you're drawn into him, chasing his lips as he retreats his head.
"Sleep in my bed tonight." He murmurs, giving you a squeeze. His eyes twinkle in the light and the faint smirk he still wears makes your pussy throb all over again. "I'd like to wake up next to you at least once before we decide on what to do next."
"If my legs work." You joke half heartedly, your heart fluttering wildly against your ribs. You're not happy at the squeak that escapes you as Curtis lifts you easily again, half over his shoulder as he pads to his room before throwing you onto the bed. You bounce along the mattress with a laugh, wrapping yourself around Curtis when he crawls over you to pepper kisses over your face again. His eyes are still glassy, but there's a sweet look that sends shivers of desire throughout your body.
"I was doing all the heavy lifting," Curtis teases into the crease of your neck. "My legs are all achy."
"Aw, want me to kiss 'em better?" You tease back, squealing when he rolls you on top of him, gasping when you feel his cock twitch between your thighs.
"Nope. I want to watch you do all the work this time, bunny." Curtis grins up at you with a squeeze of your hips.
Despite your brain swirling lazily with questions, your high brain was far more interested in round two.
At least you'd have some very juicy updates for your best friend tomorrow after all.
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𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒄𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒙𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒏
🍓the strawberry shack masterlist🍓
summary - curtis decides to finally visit the strawberry shack after a hard days work.
warning - smut, oral, gloryhole.
18+ only please, the gif and headers I use aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.

Curtis may have been one of the lower class people that were put at the end of the train but The Strawberry Shack was open to all, no matter your status. Curtis didn’t know how the business had gotten onto the train and he didn’t care about going to visit it either. Until today, when he was in a particularly bad mood and in need of a release. He made his way through the other train carts, all while mentioning The Strawberry Shack so he didn’t get dragged back to where he came.
Curtis finally made it to the section where The Strawberry Shack was set up, his eyes darting around as he made his way over to the receptionist's desk. Her eyes on him the moment he stepped inside, “Whatcha lookin’ for, Sugar?”
“Uh…” His hand comes up to mess with his beanie, eyes still darting around the room, unsure.
“How about something simple?” Curtis nods and the woman gestures towards a door.
“I… I don’t have anything to trade…”
She waves him off with a smile. “First timers are on the house.”
Curtis nods, walking towards the door that she pointed to. Once he enters, his eyes scan the room, searching for something, he didn’t know what exactly but something in his gut knew. His gaze lands on your hole, something piqued his interest about your hole and he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. He walked over, clearing his throat to announce his presence.
You lean against the wall, peeking out the hole to try and get a better look. “This your first time, Baby?” You watch the mysterious man shuffle from behind the hole, his hands tucked into his jean pockets. “It’s okay, I’m here to please you. You don’t have to feel anxious.”
Curtis feels himself grow hard at the sound of your voice, wondering how someone could sound so… Perfect. Without a word, Curtis unzips his pants, pulling out his hardening cock. He grunts as he sticks it through the hole, head falling back as your lips immediately wrap around the tip of his cock.
His hand rests on the wall while the other feeds the base of his cock through the hole, feeling himself throb as you take him deeper. He lets out low grunts and groans, your head bobbing back and forth. The sound of you slurping his cock fills the room, his hips slowly begin to move, thrusting himself into the hole as you continue to suck and lick. Your hands coming up to jerk off the rest of him.
Curtis lets out a loud grunt, his cock twitching as cum shoots out of his tip, coating your pretty little mouth with his cream. You lick his cock clean, swallowing even though you don’t have to, though you always enjoyed the men you got, being lucky enough to get ones that tasted so good despite certain circumstances. You hum as he pulls his cock out of your mouth, tucking it back into his jeans, your tongue flicks out, licking your lips as you watch him through the hole.
Curtis grunts before turning away and walking out of there. He heads back to his section with a thought in mind that he’ll be back but for more than a blowjob.

thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
#imyourbratzdollwork#chris evans#the strawberry shack#curtis everett#curtis everett imagine#curtis everett x reader#curtis everett x you#curtis everett fanfiction#curtis everett x female reader#chris evans characters#chris evans fanfiction#curtis everett fanfic#curtis everett fluff#curtis everett angst#curtis everett oneshot#curtis everett one shot#curtis everett imagines#curtis everett x fem!reader#chris evans fic#chris evans fanfic#chris evans character#chris evans drabble#chris evans fluff#chris evans oneshot#chris evans x fem! reader#chris evans imagine#chris evans imagines#chris evans x female reader#chris evans x reader#strawberry cake roll and the axe man
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Much Too Fast, Part 5
Summary: it's time for everyone to talk
Pairings: Curtis X Reader
Rating: mature
Warnings: explicit language, Curtis and Tati arguing, flashing, sexual tension/frustration, skinny dipping, wet/dry humping, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 6.9K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics
“And say please,” Poet slams her hands on the high chair, screeching, and you shake your head no. “Poe, you have got to say please,” your voice is still so soft, but the sweet baby slams her hands on the high chair, screaming out no.
“Poet!” Poet looks at Tati, puckering out her bottom lip, looking up at you sympathetically. Tati’s patience with Poet was virtually nonexistent, “I am tired, and I don’t want to listen to this screaming!” Poet lifts her hands up, making grabby hands up at you. Big drops of tears hug her lash line, and she softly whispers please. You didn’t want her to say please because of screaming. But you will hold her when she needs comforting.
Tati massages her temples. Circling her fingers over and over the area, paying you no mind, so you pull Poet out of her high chair. Shushing her as you bounce her around. The rules never seem to make sense when Tati is here. She wants Poet to learn to be independent, but when she’s here she just wants her daughter to be appeased as long as she’s quiet. Whatever it takes to keep her from making noise.
“What?” You hold Poet even tighter at her mom’s harsh word. She never looks at you; just stays preoccupied with nursing her tender head.
“Can I ask you a question?” A question made things seem mild. You had so many questions to ask her, and none of which involved her daughter. You second guess this conversation because it truly wasn’t any of your business, but Curtis had made it your business. Over and over again he has made it your business because he is too persistent and needy, and dammit, you’re cracking.
Her arms slam on the table, and she glares at you. Her beady perfectly lines eyes bore holes into yours for daring to try and talk to her. For someone who’s head hurts, she’s being painfully noisy with that slap on the wood. She looks so irritated that you’re talking to her that you nearly change your mind. “Are you wanting a raise or something?”
“No? Hmm, well, fine, I’ll give you a raise,” now she massages the bridge of her nose, ignoring you yet again. So you clear your throat, “What is it now?”
“My questions,” she moves her hand from her nose, glaring at you again. Clearly multiple questions isn’t something she wants to entertain. “I’m sorry, it’s just one question,” why did you fear her? Was it because she held a lot in her hands? “Umm, it’s probably none of my business.”
“Then you probably shouldn’t ask it. Grace, can you just spit it out. I really don’t have time for this. I have a headache, and I’m tired, and ready to take a nap,” that’s what she’s always doing here. You’re aware that you’re the nanny, but who was the mother?
“I’m very confused with yours and Curtis’ dynamics and relationship.”
Tati snorts, shaking her head. Her manicured fingers roll over the table before she looks at them like she’s bored. “That isn’t a question. But I should have figured. My husband is a very traditionally attractive man. But he’s stunted,” what a weird fucking thing to say about that man that spends more time with her daughter than she does. “I know there’s a lot of things about him that you may find attractive, but you deserve better.”
That took a turn. She didn’t know that you knew about her not even finding Curtis attractive sexually. She didn’t know that you knew that she had another life with a woman. You almost have a feeling she’s in love with that woman, and you’re falling for Curtis, but didn’t feel comfortable with this predicament. You didn’t want to share, you wanted him all to yourself. And Poet.
“No, I don’t love that man,” rude. There’s something that sits so grossly in your stomach about ‘that man’. That is the father of her beautiful daughter. And one she didn’t spend much time with. One that was tapping on your arm, and smiling up at you. “Curtis and I have never even been in love. This was a mistake. I got to go,” she pushes her chair back, standing abruptly before those stilettos click out of the kitchen.
There had to be some form of warmth that she possessed at some point for Curtis to have been friends with her. But now all you see is stress, and disdain for her life here at this house. Bitterness always coats her face and actions. She slams the door behind her, and Poet looks up at you gasping with a smile before she throws both hands up, “Yay!”
“You’re rotten, you know that?”
“Yep. Uh!” She looks out the back door, and to the pool. She loves swimming and spending the days outside. She’d swim in her float or your arms all day. Tati didn’t give you any clear indications on where you were with things. She didn’t give much at all other than she wasn’t in love, and Curtis wasn’t worth the time for you. And you didn’t believe that at all. You see how he loves his daughter, and know he has so much more love to give to a partner.
There is a part of you that wants to take Tati’s advice because this is a complete mess. It’s a disaster area. But you know what you feel when you’re with him. You know the way he looks at you, and smiles at you. And you love his daughter. This is all much too fast, and you didn’t know how to slam the breaks on it, but maybe you weren’t meant to.
Tati gave you absolutely no answers other than she didn’t love Curtis. She might not have told you that they didn’t have sex, but judging by her answers, you doubt she does anything with Curtis. But…dammit, you feel so conflicted. An ache sits in your stomach because you are too attached. You want him, and Poet, and want to go on a date, and not be hidden out here while she galivants around the world with her girlfriend. You want to be proud to be with Curtis.
“Poe Poe, if you eat your breakfast, we can go swimming, okay?”
“Tay,” she makes her sweet grabby hands for her plate, and you place her back in the high chair. “Pes!” she’s learning manners, and that’s more than you can say for her horny dad or hateful mother.
Tati’s car is in the garage. Your car is here. And there’s a very cute distinctive giggle coming from the pool. His kryptonite. And now you’ve brought his daughter into it. He sighs, walking out of the garage and to the back of the house. Stopping at the fence to stare at you slightly splashing Poet just to make her giggle.
Her chunky little legs kick about, causing her tube to spin around, and then you pick her up out of the tube. You lift her above your head, fully standing up out of water, and his mouth falls open. Poet giggles down at you, as streams of water flow down your curves. You’re too sexy to be holding his daughter.
And then you squat back down into the water, taking Poet with you, and she splashes around. Continuing to giggle, and smile up at you. She crashes her mouth into you kissing your jawline. Having a time of her life in the dreaded pool. The bane of his existence. This is bad. Great, and amazing. But bad. Too many feelings and emotions course through his bloodstream. Warmth and passionate heat.
He looks down at his pants, taking a deep breath, and telling himself that he would really like to join in the family swimming time, so he needs to calm down. Inhale and exhale. Relax, and get your fucking mind out of the gutter. Who knew he had a goddamn breeding kink because all he can think about is enjoying fucking a baby into you. Not accidentally, but pumping you full of him every night until it stuck. He’s a disgusting man.
Once he’s centered himself, he slings the gate open, and Poet screams at him, “Dada!”
“Hey, baby. Do you mind if I change and come swim with you and Grace?”
“I was wondering when you were going to come inside the gate, instead of lingering out there watching us,” his tongue slowly exits his mouth, and he traces his luscious bottom lip with it. Pulling the lip back in his mouth where he bites on it. Smirking and shrugging while walking to his bedroom. “He’s a menace,” a fucking menace that makes you squeeze your thighs together, and regulate your breathing because you’re holding a baby, and can’t do anything about the need to touch and rub on him.
Poet giggles, blowing raspberries and points all over the pool. Telling you, in her way, where she wants to swim to. You ferry her around the pool, letting her splash along the way. The happiest baby you’ve ever met, and when she playfully gasps, and looks towards her dad’s room, that smile gets even bigger.
Curtis and his hairy tits jog to the diving board, and he dives it. Swimming under water towards you, and you back away, “Dada go?” Poet looks at the dark figure that travels in the water, until he pops up right in front of her face. He grabs onto your hips, keeping you in place, and she begs for him to hold her. “Dada!”
“Hey, baby girl. Come ‘ere,” reaching for her he makes sure to give your side more than too much of a touch. He skims his hands from your hips up your side, and you bite back a whimper. That devilish grin pops up as he stares so intently at you. “What have you and Grace been doing today? Just being water babies?” She smiles, laughing up at him.
“You got home early.”
“I liked what I was coming home to,” silence. You can’t respond to that without sounding like a twittering school girl, or a hateful bitch. He sure knows how to lay things on thick, and it just makes you weak. In an alternative life, you can imagine him coming home, and being all excited while you playfully flirt, and still have fun with the kids. You can see him smacking your ass playfully, while the kids are too busy to see their parents are setting up the long foreplay for the night.
Having hours of buildup, until each and every one of the kids are asleep, and Curtis and you lock the door, and have fun with each other’s bodies. It seems so easy, and yet this situation is a mess. Tati at least let you know that there aren't any lingering feelings with Curtis.
“I spoke with your wife today,” you begin. Curtis dips his mouth underwater, pretending to play with Poet, but he’s watching you. Too much. “She confirmed about not having any feelings. But she didn’t seem to think too highly of you, and that makes me confused.”
“Probably because I wasn’t enough to make her straight, because being attracted to women is who she is, and it’s easier to blame other people than accept that, and there’s no one at fault here. Tati being in love with a woman shouldn’t hurt anyone. The issue is that it has stalled me from moving on with you. It’s not fair to Monica either. It’s not fair to Poe because this baby knows that while her mom wouldn’t hurt her, she doesn’t want to be a full time part of her life. And I don’t think she enjoys her very much,” you can confirm that. But he already knows.
You wade the water. Making circles around his body, and he spins right along with you. Looking between you and Poet. “I’m crazy, but this feels right. Playing in the pool with my two favorite girls. Staring at your nipples poking through your bathing suit.”
“Curtis!” the bastard laughs as you circle your hands over your chest. “You are holding a baby.”
“She can’t really talk now.”
“Is all our conversations going to end up in the perverted realm of things?” Is there more than this burning desire to just fuck each other? Or is the need to have each other shadowing anything else?
“No,” you raise your eyebrows in a challenge. “No, but I think sex should be fun. I think that life is too serious, and why can’t I shamelessly flirt with a girl I find attractive?” That’s not flirting, and he knows it. That is being a horny devil.
“I don’t want that serious of a relationship with someone. I’ve done the five star restaurants, and the dinners with family and it’s this big ordeal. I don’t want that. I want to have fun. I want to be able to joke with you,” that boyish grin fades a moment. “This house is beautiful, and perfect in its way, but I don’t need this. I do like this pool.”
“Do you?” You couldn’t tell he liked it at all…
“Yeah,” his voice is menacingly low. And you feel it right to your core. You wade further away from him. Keeping your hands low in the water. It’s wrong, and you know it is. But sometimes a little teasing never hurt anyone. Poet is paying attention too much attention to her dad’s beard. That beautiful face of hair. A face that you would like to ride, and instead you’re going to rub one out alone. Again.
You grab a side of the gusset of your panties, moving it to the side. But you think twice about it, and pull it back to cover yourself. Had he not had that sweet baby in his arms, you would have asked him to look under the water. He makes you want to sin in too many ways.
“It’s hard to try and figure out what is acceptable when there’s a baby between us. But you can try that again tonight. When you meet me out here after Poet’s put to bed,” he stalks towards the shallow end of the pool. Backing you up. Up. And up, until you collapse on the stairs. “I’d really like to see what I’ve been missing. Without touching that is.”
“On one condition,” your voice is so hoarse, and you try to keep some decency. You’re too weak when it comes ot him.
“You talk to Tati tonight. She can’t hold your feelings hostage forever. And I don’t want to wait on you forever. I’m greedy and I want you right now.”
Poet splashes and splashes, reaching towards you before Curtis relinquishes her into your arms. “What if…what if I talk to her, and she doesn’t like my ultimatum? Because I think she knows.”
“Knows what?” You know what time it is. If Tati is going to be here, she’s already here, and about to have her takeout delivered. She could already be walking to the door. Maybe she’s peeked outside the window, wondering what the noise was. Right now you didn’t care. You’re willing to break all the rules for just a kiss. Just a chance of normalcy for a moment.
You know exactly what he’s talking about as he gets closer. Looming over you with that giant stature, and ignoring Poet pulling down your top and exposing yourself. Curtis puts his nose right on yours, and you forget how to breathe. Have to focus on the rise and fall of his chest because you’re breathing is irregular.
“She knows I’m finally falling for someone. She knows that this has been a slow road, because she knows normally, I just fuck and move on. That’s why she chose me,” he pulls your top to cover your body again. “She thought I’d never ask for a divorce.”
You swallow deeply. Ignoring the door closing. He wanted to get caught, so he can have a discussion with her. “So are you asking for a divorce?”
“You said I have to if I want to be with you,” Curtis stands up, reaching for his daughter, and you hand her off. Letting him walk out of the pool. “And I want to actually try something real for once, so I want to be with you.”
You let out a long breath. Watching as he walks into his room with Poet. Surely going to dry both of them off, and dress so they can join Tati for dinner. Your chest heaves as you let the intensity of that moment wash over you. It leaves you in such a weird spot because Tati is your employer. And here you just were ready to flash her husband your cunt, while he held her daughter. You are losing all self control and self respect for yourself.
Curtis is making you crazy. Imagining that you and him were a normal couple that didn’t start off as a stranger fucking you within an inch of your life. What were you doing? You were risking everything. All of your morals. Ready to throw everything away for him. For this. To make this thing work. What the fuck? How was Tati even going to respond to that?
Whether you’re the one with Curtis or — you hate to think about it being someone else, but either way, it wasn’t fair. He deserves the chance at someone more than sex. And he’s somehow chosen you, and it makes you lightheaded. You’re horny and pent up as fuck. But you like him. Like his daughter, and in order for this to work, you do need to show some decorum and just wait.
Sighing, you get up out of the pool yourself. You need food. Probably alcohol. But definitely food. And to fuck yourself, so you’re not so fucking horny when you meet Curtis at the pool when the lights go outside. That pool is an aphrodisiac. You get in it and you need body parts touching. Ugh! Why is this so hard to not be such a slut with him? You’re horny. You’re just horny. It has nothing to do with actually having feelings for him.
Nope. Not you. Food. Come. Alcohol. Make yourself come again? How many times would it take so you’re not ready to jump on top of Curtis and ride him like your life depended on it? Alcohol. Just a little, not a lot. You can do this. You and Curtis were going to talk, and see where this goes. That’s all. That’s absolutely all you were going to do. Yep.
Curtis’ fingers roll on the table, and he looks at Poet. Then at the table. Then his Chinese takeout. Then his chopsticks. Then back to Poet. Everywhere but his ‘wife’. And Tati just glares at him. Chewing her food slowly, and being too aggressive with the chopsticks.
Watching the coward as he blatantly ignores her. After the conversation with you this morning, she could tell you wanted to fuck her husband. And judging by the two of you in the pool, he wanted to fuck you, too. Asshole. How dare he dishonor the marriage like that. He didn’t care about how it made her look. He just needs to get his dick wet.
She knows she’s being ridiculous, and Curtis knows about Monica. He’s met Monica. Actually likes her. But he is sneaking behind her back. He’s probably snuck right into that pool house, and fucked you already. Walking around, and pretending that he’s never touched you. Jerk. He’s such a pig headed man.
She lays her chopsticks on the side of her bowl, places her elbows on the table, and then rests her chin on her arms. That sickeningly sweet business smile spreads over her face, but lacks any warmth. “How long have you been fucking the nanny?”
Curtis doesn’t look away from Poet at first. He gives her another bite of food before his attention goes back to Tati, “Let’s not do this in front of our daughter.”
“Oh, I know she’s our daughter. I carried her for nine fucking months, because you couldn’t pull out properly.”
“And now you fuck Monica.”
“And you’re fucking that girl!” Tati’s voice is shrill as she losing control, but Curtis’ remains collected.
“Do not call her a girl! And, no. I’m not fucking her. I have fucked her,” Tati gasps, causing Curtis’ eyes to roll in the back of her head. “Yes, Tati, it was before I even knew her. It was supposed to be a one night stand with a girl that picked me up on the side of the road.”
“You’re lucky to be alive! Poet could have lost her father, and then…”
“You’d have to actually be a mother?” Her hand slams on the table, and Curtis stands up quickly when Poet’s lip puckers out, “We’re done with this conversation since you can’t be an adult.”
“You’re cheating on me!” He chuckles, pulling Poet out of her high chair, and he holds her close to him. Letting her lay her head against his chest.
“No, I’m not. We’re not together. Just legally, and I’m — I’m filing. I’ve been patient, Tat, but you’re living a life, and I’m not. I’ve met an amazing woman, and we can’t even move forward because of this shame of a marriage. We were always supposed to be friends. Things went way too far, and now we’ve even lost our friendship. We’re roommates that share a child.”
Tati worries her lip, something she only did during deep thought, so it gives Curtis enough reason to sit down. She’s at least considering his words. He waits on her to work through everything, as long as she wasn’t raising her voice and causing Poet distress, he could be here. He reaches over to his daughter’s plate, grabbing her something to nibble on. He smiles at her, as she gnaws on her dinner..
“Tater tot.”
“Don’t call me that,” her voice is short, but it doesn’t raise, and her eyes linger on the immaculate table. “I thought we had a deal?” Tati being an only child is used to having things her way. Everything always worked out for her.
“That I stay married to you forever, when a woman that I may be in love with can never be my wife? You thought I was forever going to be slut, so that’s why you thought this stupid agreement would work forever. How does Monica feel about being your dirty secret?”
“I love her,” the confidence Tati exudes disappears, and her shoulders slump. He sounds just like Monica.
“Not enough. You roam around the world on your little vacations, but she doesn’t go to family dinners. She doesn’t have a relationship with Poet, and I told her she should,” Tati’s nose scrunches up, shaking her head no. “Can you at least say it?” She shakes her head no faster. Covering her eyes with her hand. “Tati. Just tell me, and we can move forward. Your therapist said you have to admit it.”
“I sound like a terrible person,” no, right now she sounds like a terrible person. Curtis wouldn’t hold those words against her.
“It’s only terrible if we continue this dance. I can take care of her,” Tati whispers something, but Curtis doesn’t hear her. “Tati, say it. Step one.”
“I love her in my way.”
“I know you do.”
“I’d never hurt her.”
“I have never thought you would.”
“Does,” Tati sniffles, looking up at Curtis instead of the table. Glancing at her daughter with a smile, “Does she want kids?”
“I’ve never really asked. I think so,” he knows you do. You’re a perfect mom, and you deserve a child’s firsts.
“You know I can’t just tell my parents?” Curtis shrugs. He didn’t care what she told her parents, he wanted her to tell him. “You know, that your life will forever be altered?”
“It’s been that way since she was born,” Curtis made all the changes in having a child, while she didn’t make any.
“I don’t want to be a mom,” relief floods over her body, and tears break through her polished veneer. She’s been living a lie, and didn’t know how to stop it from spiraling. Gulping, she wipes at her eyes, and shimmies her shoulders. Deep breaths. One. Two. Three. “I’ve got to go.”
“Just…I don’t care, just don’t go flaunting her around town. And I won’t sign my rights over until you’re married to someone I approve of. You can have sole custody like we discussed. But…I don’t want anyone to know before I’m ready. I’m going over to Monica’s. Have the fucking house,” her heels start to click out the door, but Curtis clears his throat.
“I’ll give you two weeks,” Her mouth drops open. She isn’t usd to negotiations, especially with him. He always gave her what she wanted. “I’m done waiting, Tati. Poet will be one in three weeks. You’re not doing anyone any favors by avoiding talking to your parents. And if they have a problem with who you truly are in love with, that’s on them. You will always have me and Poet, and you can be aunt Tati.”
Curtis senses her frustration. Can tell that she is irritated, but she smiles. Her smile actually reaches her eyes, and the warmth he loved about her shines through. She really didn’t want to be a mom. “I don’t want Poet to know about you. I mean who you are to her.”
“That’s fine. I — I had my tubes tied anyways. I didn’t — she’s not a mistake, but I don’t want kids. I never wanted kids. It’s not in me. Do you hate me?” He shakes his head no, and Tati sighs. “Don’t make her hate me. Either of them. I was ugly this morning.”
“And then you ran away.”
“It’s what I do best with this situation. But I don’t run from Monica. I run to her,” Curtis silently thanks her. He knows it’s been a long time, and hard work with her therapist to say all of that. Everything she said, all that she admitted to.
“I’m proud of you, Tater Tot.”
“I said don’t call me that,” Tati smiles as she walks towards the front door. Leaving a house that was never her home. Leaving a marriage that she never wanted, a daughter she loved, but didn’t need. A daughter that she is okay to step back and not raise. Give up all that responsibility to Curtis and whatever woman he chose as Poet’s mom. And she’d sign everything away. Let his wife adopt her and Poet become hers.
And for once, she’s not running away. She’s finally going home.
The house is eerily quiet. Even in the pool house, the only thing you hear is your racing heart. Having to look into the mirror to see if you can see it beating out of your chest. Thankfully, it isn’t, but your chest heaves with bated anticipation. Wrapping a towel around your body, you sit and wait like a fool in love. With the blinds open, you stare at the lit up pool, waiting. You won’t be the first one out there, even if you’re staring into that water like it can answer your questions.
You have bared enough of yourself recently, and will soon physically do that, but you need Curtis to be the one to lose control this time. Need him to tell you what you deserve to hear. At nine o’clock on the dot Curtis emerges from his bedroom. He looks towards the pool house, before going to the diving board, and diving in.
He comes up on the other end of the pool, and sits at the table. Resting his elbows on the tile before holding his head in contemplation. Water drips down his face, and you want to lick him clean. No. No. One thing at a time. And with how you’re dressed, you’re already going to cause him to have a heart attack. Deep breaths.
You step out of the pool house, but his head remains in his palms. You walk right up to the steps, and drop your towel. Making your way into the pool too slowly. Your chest is fully submerged when Curtis lifts up. His mouth in that crooked cocky smirk when he wiggles two fingers to you. Beckoning you to come closer, and you shake your head no.
“Earlier today you were trying to show me your pussy, and now you won’t let me see your naked body?” His head tilts to the side. He’s always an observant one, especially when it comes to your body.
“It was inappropriate at the time,” he nods his head as he slides out of the chair, “You stay over there,” if he comes any closer, you’ll be begging him to lift you onto his cock.
“If you want me closer to you, tell me how the conversation with Tati went,” Curtis sighs. He settles back into the chair, and faces towards you. His hands slide up and down his thighs, and his legs spread ever so slightly. “That bad?”
“It wasn’t bad. She’s fighting a lot. But I told her essentially I didn’t care, and gave her a time frame of two weeks, and I’m filing for divorce,” you take a step closer, staying squatted in the pool. “Put your arms down,” you shake your head no again, and he playfully growls.
“She left,” another step forward. “She’s going to stay at Monica’s tonight. You know when we bought this house, she jokingly said that if we ever divorced, she knew I would keep Poet, so I could just have it. She’ll give me full custody. But I need to be honest with you, so if you please give me a little peek,” he’s cheeky. Like showing yourself is going to make this any better.
You drop both arms from around your chest, and Curtis gets even more comfortable. Leaning back in the chair. “Stand up,” you shake your head no again. He wanted a little peek. “You’re frustrating tonight.”
“And you’re admitting to needing to see my tits to tell me this?”
“Yes. It relaxes me,” at least he’s honest. You stand up out of the water. Streams of water fall over your breasts, dripping down your hardened nipples before you dip back into the water. “You are a tease. Go up the stairs, and spread your legs.”
“The only person that will be spreading my legs will be you,” he palms his crotch, groaning. “Curtis,” you warn. He could have it all. Well. Maybe. Maybe not tonight.
“Tati doesn’t want to be a mom, and I will gladly take that off her hands. But…I don’t date to have someone in my life. I date for someone to be in hers, too, and maybe eventually, no time soon, adoption. I usually don’t date. In fact, I told Tati that’s why she went along with whatever childish game this was. Because she never saw me settling down. She thought I was always going to be fucking women at their places.”
“Theirs?” You cock up an eyebrow. Of course Curtis would be into casual sex. He slept with you after knowing you for a couple of hours. But keeping things at their places, keeps them away from his home. His safe space.
“I never bring women into my life. And I’m just a dick in theirs. I didn’t care to be more than that. Because I don’t want to share my daughter with them. Stand up all the way,” you do without hesitation, but keep your arms around your chest, “Now walk closer to me, I need to see you better,” you do. It’s not a slow crawl, it’s a normal speed. But the time just drags on as his eyes roam over your drenched body.
He stands, meeting you halfway, and his hands grab onto your hips. Sliding back behind your back as he pulls you closer, and presses your body against his. Your skin lights on fire at the feeling of his body against yours. All hard lines, and even harder cock pressing against you, and wanting to be free, “And yet, I don’t mind sharing Poet with you.”
“This is too soon,” is it? Is it too soon? Or are you too scared?
“I know, and I still can’t stop it. I don’t know how. And I don’t want to. I don’t want to be casual with you. I never saw Tati making this place her home, and she won’t be pretending to anymore. But I need to know if you see yourself becoming Poet’s mother in the future. Tati wants to be an aunt, so…” dizzy. There’s no other word than that. Whiplash maybe. But you don’t want it to be.
Yours and Curtis’ relationship has been teasing, and slightly sexual. Ultimatums about the future, but this is for real. This is the future for a little girl. “What if I don’t want that?”
“Then give me this one night, and I’ll back away. Poet needs a mother, and it’s not Tati. I’m not saying you need to adopt her tomorrow. I’m saying she doesn’t talk much, she knows you more than her mother. Her mother is nothing but an entity to her, but you are the woman that takes care of her. I already see her preferring you over her mom. And I want you, but I need you to eventually want her. Or at least see you wanting to be her mother.”
Wiggling your arms off your chest, you sink a hand low, and cup his bulge. “Do you always get horny thinking about a future with me?”
“Everything about you makes me horny. Thinking about you pregnant, seeing you make supper, watching you sneak to Poet’s room to kiss her goodnight, watching you watching me. Everything you do is sexual to me.”
You back his body up to the chair, pushing him down onto the seat before you climb in his lap. Straddling his body while you grind on him. His cock throbs on your core, and you’ve never wanted anything more than for him to sink into you. But if you’re to take things slow, you need to just get this pent up energy out, “We’re not teenagers.”
“And we’re taking this slow,” you mewl. Staring at Curtis through your lashes.
“Because it’s not about us anymore, is it?” He groans again. Letting his head fall back on his shoulders as he looks at the stars. Staring at you was like staring at a dream that he can’t make a reality, “Was it ever about just us?”
“That night in the hotel I was not thinking about my daughter as I was fucking you, no.”
“You never thought you’d see me again?” It’s something you’ve pondered many times. Because you never thought you’d see him again. Even if he left his card. He was to be a cock for pleasure that night. And now you see a relationship.
He sits up, shaking his head no. His eyes move over your body as you work his aching cock. This clearly isn’t enough for him, and sex right now seems rushing. But you need something. You’re dying inside. You need him, but your relationship thus far has been built on forbidden romance and sex.
“And now I can’t imagine not seeing you again,” you move faster, undulating your hips with so much enthusiasm. Writhing over him, and he’s mesmerized. It’s like a beautiful little dance that you do just for him. A private performance only for his eyes. A girl he knows has this filthy streak, but you are the perfect balance of lady and freak.
You are his perfect match. A friend, a lover, a fucking porn star with the way you’re moaning, the possible mom to his daughter, his best friend, his everything. A mate for him in all walks of life. Getting off on dry humping him in the pool and it’s the sexiest thing he’s ever seen. Well…he has been inside you, but this sexiness is different.
You’re frustrated, so you use him. “The tension is clouding our judgment, we — we — we need this.”
“Aw, is my little saving Grace getting off on this?” You nod your head yes, moving fast. “There’s a good girl. Ride me like you own me,” you move hard and fast over him. Leaning forward to nip and kiss on his neck. Taking out your frustrations on his freckled sensitive skin. “Because you do.”
You bite on his neck delicately, and give him a hard suck, while he bucks up his hips, meeting you while he blows his load into the water. Your movements slow until you’re just panting on top of him. “You know you do. Do you feel better now?”
“So now what?”
“You can take me on a date on your bike. You’re the father, so you’re going to have to figure out a babysitter,” you move away from his neck, and smile at him. His eyes freely roam over your heaving chest. With a smirk, you lean back. Practically laying back on his legs so you spread your own, “You can look, but you can’t touch just yet.”
“But she’s swollen,” he says looking into the water. “And she’s blurry,” he starts to lift up your bottom half, but you sit up straight, shaking a finger in his face. “That’s not fair!”
“Proper date. And then we’ll see how I feel about something more serious with you.”
“You want it,” he teases as you saunter towards the stairs of the pool. You bend over to pick your towel up, but don’t wrap it around you before walking towards the pool house. “Can you sleep in the bed with me?”
“Find us a sitter first!” You scream over your shoulder. It’s getting harder and harder to walk away from him. Almost impossible to tell him no, while you’re dying to let him take you where he wants to go. You want him. You want everything that comes with him, but this is moving too fast.
You pace back and forth in your pool house, wrapping the towel around your body because you seem so cold. Your house feels miles away from him now. Any distance between you and Curtis feels too far away. He’s leaving her. He’s leaving his wife. You have spent months avoiding the thing and person you want, and it’s him. It’s a life with him and his daughter. It’s crazy. Absurd, and still you’re walking towards the door. Holding your hand over the handle, and then freezing.
Is it worth the risk now? Have you tortured yourself and waited long enough?
You have. Jerking the door open, you stand transfixed in the doorway, staring up at the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. He couldn’t wait either. Meeting you at your door because he was needy for more. His azure eyes look more soft than predatory, “I don’t want to be too forward, but I don’t want you in the pool house. You seem so…”
”Far away?” He nods, holding his hand up for you to take. Glancing down, you grab the appendage, and pull him close to your chest.
“But I’m not fucking you. Poet will probably wake up in about twenty minutes. And I think you’re right, date first. But until the date, can you just sleep in the bed with me?”
He’s walking backwards, pulling you towards his own bedroom. “Can we do no sex?”
“Sweetheart, my cock has been aching to get back inside of you for months, what’s one more night? Or a few days? It’ll be what it’ll have to be, but I can’t have you away from me anymore. And we could get in a quickie, but the next time I’m inside of you, I’m going to take such sweet precious time. Because I know what it’s like to have to live without that sweet cunt, and now, I know what the woman is like.”
It’d have to wait. You’d have to wait. You’ve made it this far. He was worth it. A crazy night of picking up a man on the side of the road has led you to this incredible man with the sweetest daughter, and the possibility of forever.
“I think we’ll manage until our date. Should I warn you I sleep naked?”
“No. Absolutely not. You’re keeping those tits, and that ass covered, or I’m sucking on something until Poet wakes up.”
“Wanna bet?” You squeal, dropping his hand before running towards his door. Curtis rolls his eyes before chasing you. A playfully little romp around the yard to get out any extra annoying butterflies.
“I’m sucking or eating something if you sleep naked, you make your choice.”
“We’re sleeping!”
“Then all of that,” his hands sway over your body, “Has got to be covered,” you were only teasing. But seeing him having fun about sex sends a divine feeling of comfort all over your body. Sex shouldn’t just sweep you off your feet, it should be fun, playful, and wet, and passionate, but still fun.
“Deal. After the first date, I’m sleeping naked.”
“And I’ll fuck you asleep, and fuck you in your sleep,” he winks, walking into the room before you, “Come on, my lady. Let’s cuddle until the baby awakes. No touching. Just cuddling,” you can do that. And you look forward to it. All night. Every night.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmai
@smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989
@slowdownbeforeyouregretit @rogersbarber @evelineangel66 @steviebbboi
#much too fast#curtis everett#curtis everett x reader#curtis everett x fem!reader#curtis everett x female reader#curtis everett x y/n#curtis everett x you#curtis everett smut#curtis everett fanfiction#curtis everett fanfic#curtis everett fanfics#curtis everett fic#curtis everett fics#chris evans#chris evans character#snowpiercer
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𝕸𝖞 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖎𝖘 𝕾𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖁𝖔𝖎𝖈𝖊

𝙾𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟹 - 𝚆𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚘𝚕𝚏 𝙲𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚜 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝
𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚞𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚊𝚕 𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞.
𝙺𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 ~ 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚊 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚍'𝚜 𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚜 𝚎𝚗𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚜 𝚍𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚡 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚞𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜.
Word Count: ~2.1k
Relationship: werewolf!Curtis Everett x fem!reader
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected p in v sex, f receiving oral sex, outdoor sex, unrealistic ability to take an entire monster dick), established relationship, SMUT! 18+ ONLY!
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all of my latest fics, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
Curtis smiled at your back when he heard you humming while you washed the dishes, putting the rest of your meal in the fridge before coming to stand behind you and press his chest against your back. He could practically hear you smiling when he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin against the top of your head, kissing your hair and breathing in your scent as he watched the sun start to set.
He was more anxious than he had ever been in his entire life, already feeling that itchiness under his skin that accompanied his change. For the past few months he’d managed to convince you he was sick during the period of his shifting, but he was in love with you, he wanted to share every part of his life with you. And that meant he had to tell you his biggest secret.
“What’s wrong, puppy?” Your smile was warm and full of love when you looked at him over your shoulder, winding your fingers through his on your waist when he sighed heavily. “You’ve been quiet all evening. Or, more quiet than usual.”
“Don’t tease, petal.” Curtis bent down to bite your ear as he growled playfully, squeezing you tighter when you rolled your ass back against his dick and screwing his eyes closed as he tried to stay focused on the task at hand. “I have something I need to show you, outside.”
“Ooh, what is it?” You laughed in that lovely way he adored when he just shook his head at you, letting him pull you along by your hand and still beaming at him. “A surprise? This had better be good.”
“Oh it’s… it’s something.” He drew you close and kissed you tenderly, groaning when he felt you whine into his mouth and resting his forehead against yours. “You know I love you, right?”
“Mmhm… wait!” You pouted and huffed when he separated from you fully to go stand in the center of the clearing in front of his cabin, wanting to follow him but staying when he held up his hand. Then he started to take his shirt off and it’s not like you could pout about that, grinning and playing with the edge of your skirt as you thought about burying your face in his chest hair. “Are we gonna do it outdoors?”
“I don’t…” He chewed on his lip while he started to slide his jeans and boxer briefs down his thighs, blushing slightly as he kicked them away and thought about where he was hoping tonight might go. “We’ll see.”
“Well we’d better be doing something, you know how worked up I get when you’re naked.” The first sliver of the moon peeked over the horizon and Curtis winced, making you frown when he crouched over and dug his fingers into the soft earth. “Puppy… Curtis, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, I promise. It looks a lot worse than it is.” He groaned when he felt the first crack of his ribs, lifting his gaze to yours and letting you see that his eyes now shone gold. “Don’t freak out, and whatever you do, don’t run. Promise me, baby girl?”
“Okay…” You were definitely freaking out, but you tried not to show it, even though all you wanted was to go to him and hold him when his body bent unnaturally and he groaned.
Curtis seemed to shimmer, his muscles rippling and changing as his limbs started growing longer and more thick with thick brown hair sprouting from every inch of his skin. His chest puffed out and his stomach grew taut as his nails extended into claws, sharp and black and ready to tear through the flesh of his prey. When his face elongated his teeth sharpened and turned into fangs, dripping saliva as his tongue lolled in his mouth. As the moon kept rising he kept growing, getting bigger and stronger before your eyes until he was standing at ten feet tall and you had to crane your neck to look up at him.
You were frozen to the spot once he was fully transformed, standing there with your mouth hanging open as you tried to come to terms with everything you just saw. Your boyfriend was a werewolf. A very large, very… attractive werewolf? Did this make you a weirdo? It was difficult to try to think about the nuances when you suddenly noticed that his cock had also grown prodigiously. You didn’t think it was possible for him to get any bigger, but dear god. Like… the possibility of you being able to take the whole thing was basically none. So why were you clenching? And his fur just looked so soft, just begging for you to run your fingers through. All in all, you were very confused.
“Curtis…” you flinched when he suddenly sank to all fours and prowled towards you, but you remembered him telling you not to run, plus your feet were still basically glued in place. “Puppy…”
Oh, his tail started wagging when you called him that, and it was hard to be freaked out when your puppy turned out to be a puppy for real. A large, sexy puppy. He finally reached you and started sniffing your hair, sneezing affectionately when you giggled as his warm breath blew against your skin. Then he nosed your hair aside so he could smell your neck, and the way he growled made your entire body vibrate as he kept circling you. He smelled like the wild, like musk and sex and feral energy. It was driving you insane. Suddenly you were pinned to the ground, gasping when Curtis licked the side of your neck and used his claws to shred your dress and panties.
“What… what are you… puppy…”
When he nipped at your shoulder your pussy fluttered so hard your toes curled, shutting your mouth and letting him press you into the dirt as he began trailing his wet nose down the length of your spine. He couldn’t speak in this form, but it was like you could hear his thoughts and feelings, possessive and affectionate words like ‘mine’, ‘love’, ‘mate’ as he grunted and chuffed against your skin. His clawed hands dug into the soft cheeks of your ass as they spread them apart, making you whimper and spread your legs for him when he nosed at your quivering holes.
Curtis’s claws sunk into your skin while he lapped and nibbled at your pussy and asshole, growling at the taste of you and the way you gasped and moaned for him. Every single part of you was so sweet, and it was all his. The noises you made while he covered his face in your scent made his already hard cock throb almost painfully, a low growl making his lips curl while he nudged at your asshole with his snout. Once he was satisfied he dragged his nose up the length of your spine, nipping at the back of your neck as he let go of your hips so he could brace his hands on either side of your head while he prepared to mount you.
You buried your fingers in the earth when he pushed his now massive cock inside your quivering pussy, your scream getting caught in your throat and coming out a garbled moan when he didn’t bother going slow and just slammed into you. Your cunt fluttered wildly at the intrusion, clenching so hard it was like you were trying to push him out of you while he started to fuck you at a savage pace. Apparently your concerns about not being able to take all of him were unfounded, judging by the fact that his balls were smacking against your sensitive clit at the end of each of his vicious thrusts. All of a sudden your eyes were rolling back in your head and your scream finally broke free, your pussy squirting wildly until Curtis’s fur was soaked in your sweet scent.
Curtis watched you writhe beneath him with a satisfied gleam in his eyes, his hips still moving at a pace that was sure to leave bruises on the insides of your thighs. You were so beautiful, and you were his. There was no one else in the world for him, the fact that you didn’t run screaming when you saw him had cemented in his mind that you were his lifelong mate. He knew that he would never let anything happen to you as long as he lived. When you screwed your eyes closed after he hit you particularly deep he grunted, licking your cheek and nuzzling your hair until you opened your eyes with a slightly lopsided smile.
“Hi puppy… oh fuck.” You bit your lip and whimpered when he ground into you, your arms giving out when another incredible orgasm overtook you so all you could do was spasm weakly. “Oh my god… oh, it’s so good, I love you so much.”
As soon as you said it Curtis threw his head back and howled, somehow managing to move his hips even faster while you yelped at the ferocity of his affections. His cock started to swell as he neared his end, stretching your pussy to its limits and making you arch your back as you gasped at the sensation. He had to fight the urge to bite your neck, he was so lost in the pleasure he felt at knowing you belonged to him. But he managed to hold himself back, burying his face on the crook of your neck and growling when his balls pulled up tight to his body.
When he exploded inside you you saw stars, desperately sucking down air when he pumped his cum deep inside you and his knot swelled to lock him inside you. Another orgasm took you while he howled and slowed the movements of his hips, your body shaking weakly as you let out a quiet mewl. Once he had finished howling in ecstasy he bent back down to rub his face against your neck and shoulder, all of his weight resting on his enormous arms so he didn’t crush you. He was panting heavily and when you looked up at him he almost appeared dazed, his tongue lolling out of his mouth while he whined softly.
His massive body kept you caged in while you both basked in the afterglow of your intense lovemaking, sweat slicking down Curtis’s fur and covering your body in a thin sheen as you fought to catch your breath. You were absolutely fuckdrunk, whining and moaning quietly while your pussy kept fluttering around Curtis’s monstrous cock. Whatever had just happened was somewhere on the scale between ‘utterly life changing’ and ‘my brain can’t handle this so it broke’. But then you looked up into your puppy’s golden eyes and he rubbed his wet nose against yours and all you knew was that he made you happy. Getting fucked until you lost your mind was just a bonus.
When Curtis woke up the next morning he groaned, feeling a dull ache in his core that he wasn’t sure about. Then he sat up and looked down at himself and it was fairly obvious what had happened. His cock was still half hard and shiny with a mix of your juices and his cum. He was at least relieved there wasn’t any blood on his body, or the taste of it in his mouth, but he still wanted to make sure you were alright.
“Petal?” Curtis smiled when he looked to the side and saw you sprawled out next to him, your bare chest rising and falling slowly while you let out those cute little snores you insisted didn’t exist. He nudged you when you only grumbled for him, rolling you over and kissing your face until you opened your eyes with a groan. “Hi there little flower. How you feeling?”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Curtis.” You scrunched up your face when he snorted and bent down to kiss your forehead, breathing deeply and whining at how sore you were. “I’m gonna have to start working out if we’re gonna do this every month. You’re carrying me back to the cabin, puppy. God, my thighs and ass are chafed, and I’m pretty sure you fucked me in at least one poison ivy bush. Don’t pout at me, it was worth it. But you’re waiting on me hand and foot for the rest of the day.”
#natalie writes#monstrous mayhem#kinktober#kinktober 2023#curtis everett#werewolf!curtis everett#monster fucking#curtis everett x female reader#curtis everett x reader#curtis everett x you#female reader#chris evans character x reader#chris evans character#chris evans character fanfiction#chris evans#chris evans smut#eighteen plus
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Still Life 1
Pairing: Alpha Curtis Everett x Omega Female Reader
Word Count: ~2.8k
Summary: Curtis has been volunteering as a foster alpha for three years now. He's never seen a case this bad...
Warnings: Angst (with an eventual happy ending), past abuse (not Curtis), alpha/beta/omega dynamics, physical scarring, extreme sexism, adult themes, explicit language, All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Dividers by me this time!
Series Masterlist
A/N: Well, this is for all of you who thought you'd seen the worst angst I could possibly do. Sorry for how much this one's gonna hurt!
Big thanks to @paperweight91 and @bigtreefest who both read so much of this and helped with structuring and world-building. And huge thanks to everyone who showed so much enthusiasm for this idea. I'm so excited to share this story with you!
Any comment, reblog, or ask to let me know what you think will be greatly appreciated. And if you need to come scream at me, that's ok too!
As always, thank you so much for reading! 💜
Nzzzz Nzzzz Nzzzz
Nzzzz Nzzzz Nzzzz
It took a moment for Curtis to pull himself out of sleep enough to realize the incessant noise was his phone vibrating loudly on his nightstand. It took another moment for him to pull himself together enough to answer it. “Hello?” he croaked.
“Morning, Curtis,” a harried voice came through from the other end. “This is Yona from the Omega Welfare Center. I'm so sorry to call so early, but we've had kind of a crazy night here and we're in need of several emergency placements.”
That had him waking up. “What happened?” he asked, seriously, sitting up in bed.
She sighed, all of her exhaustion coming through. “A traditionalist compound a couple hours away got raided by the feds and ATF. They prepared for some omegas, but… There were a lot more. Kids too. It’s been all hands on deck at all five omega centers in the state. We’re over capacity, so we’re just trying to place anyone we can immediately.”
“Shit,” Curtis mumbled to himself. Traditionalist communities popped up on the news every once in a while, populated mostly by alphas on a power trip. But this one sounded bigger than most. He looked at his clock. It was just past five. “I’ve got room for one,” he said. “And I can be there in an hour.”
“Thank you, Curtis. I’ll see you soon.”
Fifty-five minutes later, Curtis was checking in at the center, his second coffee clutched in one hand. He’d been volunteering there as a foster Alpha for about three years. Mostly short-term placements. His longest one was just over a month. He provided safe touch, grounding, and a sense of security to omegas who needed to get back on their feet. He’d help them through heats when necessary, never knotting them, but whatever else they might need. Often, it was just his scent. It made him feel good, to be able to help these omegas, offer a positive alpha experience to omegas who hadn’t had many.
He’d worked with a few different case workers during his time. Yona had been the main one for the past year. He’d never heard her sound like she had that morning.
Even just at the front desk, he could sense how much more chaotic it was here than usual. He could hear babies screaming beyond the office door, endless anxious chatter. The entire building reeked of omegas in distress. It made his nose itch and his skin crawl.
After a few minutes of waiting, Yona came and got him. “How bad is it?” he asked the omega as she hurriedly led him down the hall.
She showed him into a small meeting room as she answered, “Really, really bad. I’ve never seen anything like it. None of them are talking, but from what we can gather, most of them have spent their entire lives in the compound. No IDs, no papers. Figuring out who they are has been nearly impossible. And as terrible as it may have been, their whole world was ripped apart in the last twenty-four hours. No one feels like cooperating. We hope you might have better luck as an alpha.”
“You think they'll talk to me?”
She shakes her head. “Just the Omega we're placing with you. They've all been taught never to trust outsiders, but they've also been raised to see Alphas as the ultimate authority. So, it's worth a shot.”
He nodded, slowly. “What do you need?”
“Just basic identifying information for now. So we can see if she even exists in any sort of governmental system. Then we can go from there.”
“If you don’t have any information, what makes you think I’ll be a good fit for her?”
“Honestly,” Yona said, with a helpless shrug, “you only have room for one and she doesn’t have any pups. That’s it. Listen, I know this isn’t how we normally do things and I’m so sorry I’m just throwing you into it without any preparation, but we’re really desperate here. They’re all high needs, high risk. There’s no existing support network for them, and there are more of them than we have room for. So we called all of our most experienced, most dependable alphas first thing this morning so we can focus on the ones we have room to house here. I know it isn’t fair to you but–”
“Hey,” Curtis interrupted. “It’s ok, I understand. I’ll take care of her. I promise.”
“Thank you,” she breathed out, a small fraction of the tension she’d been holding bleeding out of her shoulders. “Ok, I’m gonna go bring her in.”
She slipped through the door and Curtis leaned against the table in the center of the room as he waited. He took a deep breath and tried to focus on putting together a to-do list. He had two sets of nesting supplies always ready, one with his scent and one without. In the next few days, he’d try to figure out if there was anything else this omega wanted for the nest. He’d gone grocery shopping the day before, so his pantry was stocked, but he’d see if there were any favorite comfort foods he could grab in his next shop. He needed to rearrange his work schedule, push back some deadlines so he’d have time to get the omega settled. He had no idea what they’d be bringing with them, so a shopping trip for toiletries and clothes would probably be necessary. Depending on the omega's state, maybe he'd be able to get the shopping done on the way back to his house. He glanced at the time on his phone. Shit. Depending on what was open.
At movement right outside the door, he stood at attention. Yona came back in with you right behind her. He took a good look at you. You wore a rumpled long-sleeved floral dress that went down to your ankles. It was faded like it’d been washed too many times. Your eyes were fixed on the tennis shoes you wore, which had probably been white at one point, but now were discolored and looked like they didn’t fit quite right.
There was a little hand-written number ten pinned to your dress. He wanted to raise a judgemental brow at Yona, but if none of you would say your names, he supposed Yona and her team had to come up with some way to keep track of you all.
He had to stifle a gasp when his eyes landed on your neck. There was a large bite scar over your mating gland. Unlike the neat and pretty, well-healed ones he was used to seeing, yours was deep and jagged, red and white, scar tissue bubbling up where your flesh had clearly been torn. This didn’t look like a mating bite. It was the sort of bite meant to inflict pain. What sort of alpha had you had??
Your eyes stayed on the floor, your expression blank but your scent said so much – panic, sadness, terror, relief all jumbled together. He wanted to reach out and touch you, his alpha instincts were going haywire, but he kept his hands to himself.
“This is Curtis,” Yona said to you. “He's the alpha who's going to look after you until we can get all this sorted.”
You didn’t react at all, just stood there, stiff as a board with your eyes on your shoes.
He stayed where he was, conscious of giving you space. “It’s very nice to meet you,” he said, as gently as he could. Then, with a glance to Yona, “Can you tell me your name?”
Your face scrunched up and the fear in your scent spiked but you didn’t say anything. He sighed. Shit. He really didn’t want to have to use an alpha command with you right now. That could be disastrous for any dynamic he tried to build with you. But they needed this information. He really, really hoped you wouldn’t make him force you.
“Omega, what’s your name?” he asked as firmly as he could, hopefully without scaring you. “I need to know.”
You closed your eyes tightly and he thought he saw the smallest little head shake. There was another moment of silence and he looked at Yona nervously. But then, you said it. So quietly he almost didn’t catch it. But you said it. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Yona frantically scribbling it down, but his focus was completely on you.
He tried to keep his sigh of relief to himself. “That was so good. Thank you. You’re doing so well,” he said, keeping the praise soft, hoping you could scent how pleased he was with you. “When were you born?”
You gave up your birthday a little more easily, but you left off the year.
“That’s great. Thank you. Do you know how old you are?” he asked, maintaining his gentle tone, knowing it was possible that you didn’t.
For whatever reason, it was that that finally got a reaction out of you. You looked up at him, so he could finally see your eyes, and snarled, “I’m not stupid!”
There was a beat when no one did anything. Curtis and Yona just stared at you in shock. The snarl was frozen on your face until it suddenly disappeared and your eyes got wide. Before he was able to process any of what was happening, you’d dropped down onto your knees. “I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I’m sorry, Alpha. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Alpha, I’m sorry.” You just keep repeating that in a constant stream, your head tucked to your chest.
Repeatedly mixed into that jumble was a number. It took Curtis a few moments to realize it was your age. You were answering his question. He quietly repeated it to Yona, then dropped down to his knees as well so he could be closer to your level. “Hey, hey. You’re okay. You’re alright. You didn’t do anything wrong. You’re right. You aren’t stupid. I can already tell how smart you are. It’s okay. I’m not mad.” He wanted to reach out and touch you, wrap you in his arms, even, comfort you however he could. But he was too afraid that that’d make you panic even more. That was a boundary he couldn’t cross. Not yet. He stayed down there, whispering reassurances to you for as long as it took for you to stop apologizing, and a few extra minutes for your breathing to calm down. Once you seemed like you were back in the present moment, he moved to a crouch. “Think you can stand up for me, honey?”
You nodded, but you were back to keeping your eyes downcast. “Yes, Alpha.”
He wanted to tell you that you didn’t need to call him ‘Alpha,’ that ‘Curtis’ was just fine. But that could wait until you were a little more comfortable. Once he had you home, maybe. He could already tell that picking his battles was going to be important.
“Thank you,” he said as he stood up to his full height, and you did as well. “You answered my questions so well. You gave me exactly what I needed.” He looked to Yona to see if there was anything else.
“Do you have any questions for me or Curtis?” she asked you.
You shook your head, emphatically, hunching your shoulders. The room filled with the scent of fear again.
“Okay… that’s fine,” Yona said, and he could tell how much she hated this. “Well,” she turned to Curtis, “I’ll go get the paperwork and then you two can get home. I’ll be right back,” she said to you, then left the room.
This was happening too fast. In normal circumstances, you would have already been at the center for a few weeks, at least, with access to mental health professionals, life skill classes, and support groups. He’d be the last step before going back to the real world. You’d be ready to spend time with an alpha. Ready to work through processing positive physical attachments. Ready to learn how to share space with someone who wasn’t a threat to you. You’d be ready to slowly take steps into the world, with him there to support you.
You had backed yourself into the corner now. He could see the way every single muscle in your body was trying not to cower. You weren’t ready. You were nowhere near ready. But with all the resources for at-risk omegas pushed to their limit by this raid, what would happen to you if he didn’t take you? As insufficient as it might be, his help could be all you’d be able to get. This wasn’t how it should be, but he’d do everything he could for you.
Yona came back in and he watched her take you in, sighing at your state. He knew she was thinking the same things he was. “Ok,” she said, handing him the packet of forms to sign. “No changes since last time. You know the drill.”
He nodded as he grabbed them and sat down at the table, getting to work signing where he was supposed to. As he did, he felt your eyes on him as the scent of your apprehension filled the room.
Yona called your name. “Let’s go outside for a minute while Curtis finishes up.”
You both left quietly. This, too, was part of normal procedure. She was asking if you were sure you were comfortable leaving with him, telling you you had the option to say no, getting your verbal and written consent, and giving you cards with all the emergency numbers on them. He was afraid this situation might stretch the legal definition of informed consent. Based on everything he’d seen so far, he couldn’t picture a scenario where you’d say no.
Nothing about this felt good, but everyone’s hands were tied. And he knew that he’d do everything he could to keep you as safe as possible.
A few minutes after he’d finished signing the last page, you and Yona came back in. A worn knapsack hung from your fingers. It was small, confirming Curtis’s suspicions that you didn’t have much in the way of clothes. Alright, that was priority number one.
Yona had a thin folder in her hand that she immediately passed to Curtis. “The regular information, along with her schedule of appointments for the next few weeks, both doctor and therapist. And the card for the agent in charge of the investigation into the compound, in case anything pertinent comes up.” Then she turned to you with a small box. “I’ve got a couple packets of suppressants for you. Do you want them or do you want Curtis to keep track of them for you?”
Your eyes cut to him suspiciously then flitted back to the floor. “Alpha,” you muttered.
“Okay,” Yona said, handing the box to Curtis as well. Then she clapped her hands together, her face set in grim determination. “I won’t keep you any longer then. I’ll see you both next week.”
On the way out of the center, Curtis was all too aware of the way you walked exactly three steps behind him, one step to the left. That wasn’t just old-fashioned, it was archaic. He’d never seen an omega do it in real life.
At his truck, you looked at the truckbed in a way that made him worried you might try to ride back there, so he opened the passenger door for you and waited for you to get in. He resisted the part of his alpha instincts that wanted to buckle you in. And after a gentle request, you did it yourself.
As the two of you hit the road, he reached over to turn the radio on. He tried to move slowly, but you still flinched. “Want some music?” he asked quietly.
You didn’t respond, so he found an oldies station and left the volume low. His plan for the day had shifted a bit. You definitely weren’t ready to go shopping. That was fine. There was nothing that couldn’t be delivered.
About five minutes into the drive, the strong scent of your tears filled the cab. He looked over at you. You were huddled against the door, as far away from him as you could get. Your face was pressed against the window, so all he could see was the back of your head. But he could hear your sniffles and he could smell your distress.
It took everything in him to not pull over right now and reach over to comfort you. Pull you into his arms. Rub soothing circles on your back. But he knew that would do more harm than good. His touch wouldn’t be welcome. Yet. You weren’t ready.
And god, he wasn’t either. He wasn’t ready for any of this. But damn it, he was going to try.
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#still life#curtis everett x reader#curtis everett x you#curtis everett fanfiction#curtis everett x female reader#alpha curtis everett#alpha!curtis everett#omegaverse#omega reader#reader insert#snowpiercer#chris evans fanfiction#curtis everett angst#kris wrote something
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Hi Molly!! Happy (early) valentines!! I wuv you 🥹 Entry for your sweethearts game:
Curtis Everett + Get Lost 💖
a permanent brand
pairing: mechanic!curtis everett x female reader
summary: on valentine's day, you decide to do something special, something a little outside the norm, and head to a rough biker bar, where you catch the icy blue eye of a particular mechanic.
warnings: 18+ content (minors dni!!!), smut, piv sex, unprotected sex, rough sex, creampie, consensual non-consent and free use dynamics, established bdsm dynamics (including safe words/signals, check-ins, and a pre-negotiated scene), rough body play, dacryphilia, choking, biting, restraint, brief spanking, rough tit/nipple play, dirty talk, heavy degradation kink, objectification kink, praise kink, pet names (princess, baby), aftercare, established relationship—though the exact nature of their relationship is a surprise at the end 🤭
word count: 4.4k
a/n: ahh Chi!! i wuv you too, thank you for sending in this prompt!! (insert obvious apology that i'm getting to it so late after valentine's day but it couldn't be helped 😅) i wanted to write something a little darker and meaner for a change of pace from my other v-day fics, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity—but it still has a very sweet, fluffy ending because i'm a sucker for a happy ending! thank you for playing my sweethearts game, i hope you enjoy ♡♡
sweethearts game masterlist
The smell of motor oil and sex filled the air, along with the obscene sounds of Curtis Everett driving into you from behind, his hips snapping against your ass mercilessly while you were bent over his motorcycle. Your shoulders ached from the rough way Curtis had your wrists pinned to your lower back, but the pain paled in comparison to the pleasure of his wicked strokes.
“Get lost? You don’t fucking tell me to get lost.”
Curtis’s voice was little more than a furious snarl as he curled over your back, pounding into you harder and shoving the fingers of his free hand into your mouth. He made sure you didn’t have a hope of responding to his raging words—not that you could’ve formed a thought anyway, you were so far gone in his ruthless treatment of your body.
His fingers pressed down on your tongue and gripped your chin brutally hard, bracing your body while he fucked into you from the back. Your desperate sounds were muffled by his fingers, the crude way he held you causing spit to dribble down your chin and fall in sticky drops to the concrete floor.
Curtis’s grip on your wrists, restraining them to your lower back, his fingers shoved into your mouth, and his big, broad body pinning you across the seat of his motorcycle meant that you couldn’t move an inch. All you could do was make muffled, pitiful sounds of need while he railed you. All you could do was take it.
The fingers in your mouth pushed deeper, forcing you to choke and gag as they brushed against the back of your throat, which only made your pussy clench harder around Curtis’s cock. A deep grunt ghosted against the bare skin of your back and Curtis’s sweaty forehead fell to your spine, between your shoulder blades, his hips slowing like he was savoring the slick, wet heat of your cunt.
“Ya might’ve told me to get lost, princess,” Curtis growled, “But I’m gonna fuck this slutty pussy until it’s ruined—you’re gonna be feeling my filthy cock in your cunt for fucking days by the time I’m done with you.”
His beard brushed against your sweat-damp skin a moment before he sank his teeth into the curve of your shoulder, making your whole body clench tight in response. Your pussy squeezed his cock so hard, he groaned and nearly slipped out, but he shoved himself back in, pressing his hips flush against your ass and grinding his cock into your cunt.
Your hushed sob was stifled by Curtis’s fingers in your mouth, pressing against your tongue so roughly, you could taste the salt of his skin and the lingering leather of the gloves he wore riding his motorcycle back to the garage.
It was so vulgar, having his fingers shoved in your mouth while his cock split you open and he growled filthy, degrading things in your ear, that your pussy gushed with even more arousal.
And you couldn’t help but remember how you’d gotten yourself into this situation.
It was Valentine’s Day, and you’d wanted to do something special. You’d wanted a night with a man who wouldn’t be gentle with you, who’d treat you like his own personal fucktoy. So you’d gotten yourself all dolled up in your sluttiest outfit, and went to the local biker bar.
Once there, you’d hesitated, but for only a moment, knowing your plan reckless and veering into dangerous, but you had contingencies if the night took a wrong turn. So you sucked in a deep breath, feeling the cold night air filling your lungs and giving you the fortitude you needed, and pushed into the bar.
You felt Curtis Everett’s cold, merciless gaze find you immediately. Blue as ice and sharp as knives, his eyes followed you as you sauntered into the dingy establishment, his attention making it easy for you to throw your shoulders back, stick out your tits and put some extra sway in your ass as you made your way to the bar.
As you walked, you noticed your presence garnered much more attention than just Curtis’s.
Your leather jacket did little to hide the fact that you were wearing a low cut crop top with nothing underneath, your nipples unmistakable through the thin cotton. And your skirt was so short, your heels so high, they bordered on obscene. You looked, to all the men in that biker bar, like a woman who wanted to get fucked.
However, there was only one man who’d be fucking you that night, and it was Curtis Everett. Thankfully, you were confident he’d make sure of it.
The attention of so many pairs of eyes settled heavily around your shoulders as you stepped up to the bar and leaned over it, getting the bartender’s attention and ordering a drink. The move pushed your tits out and made your skirt ride up the back of your thighs, offering a teasing glimpse at the curve of your ass—just enough for anyone looking hard enough to see you weren’t wearing any panties.
Curtis, of course, noticed, since he was watching you so closely. Then, you could feel the energy in the bar crackle with tension the moment he realized other men were noticing as well. He stood from his seat in the corner, where he’d been nursing a beer while he waited for you, and made his way to the bar.
You tried to keep the interest off your face as you raked your eyes over Curtis’s tall form, taking in his close-cropped dark hair, his bright, icy blue eyes and his thick, bristly beard. His shoulders were broad and he was tall, towering over everyone in the bar.
He’d dressed the part of a sleazy mechanic, with a leather jacket thrown over a dirty, white t-shirt and filthy work pants. There were even streaks of oil and grime on his face, like he’d wiped his brow with a dirty rag, and refused to clean up after his work day.
Still, Curtis’s handsomeness shown through, and your body responded to him, warming as he leaned against the bar beside you. He was far too close to be polite, but you didn’t move away; you leaned in, letting the scent of oil and leather fill your body with excitement for what was to come.
“Get lost,” you forced yourself to say, dragging your eyes away from Curtis’s face, and tossing your head haughtily. It took every ounce of your self-control to pretend like you didn’t want the dirty mechanic beside you, but it was important for you to play your role.
You flashed a flirty smile at the bartender when he deposited your drink, delighting in the way Curtis’s body bristled when the man’s eyes lingered a little too long on your tits. Curtis pressed closer into your side, one of his hands falling possessively to your lower back.
“What the fuck did you just say to me, princess?” The pet name was spit from his mouth with so much condescension, it made your breath catch in your throat as you forced yourself not to cower.
Instead, you cocked your head to the side and gave him an imperious look out. You went so far as to rake your gaze over him dismissively before turning your nose up at him—which was a feat, considering he was so much bigger and taller than you, even in your heels.
“You heard me, grease monkey,” you said scornfully, enunciating your words perfectly and making sure your voice didn’t waver. Only your fingers, fidgeting with the cold glass of your drink on the bar, belied the slight tremor of anxiety you felt talking to Curtis this way. “Get. Lost.”
You put as much venom as you could muster into the words and cut your eyes to the dirty mechanic, searching his face for his reaction. It was immediately clear that Curtis didn’t like you telling him to get lost. He didn’t like it at all.
“You’re going to regret that, princess,” Curtis growled, his tone dark and mean. His fingers wrapped around your upper arm and, using his palm on your lower back, he spun you around and pushed you, none too gently, toward the door of the biker bar.
You were so shocked by how easily Curtis manhandled and maneuvered you out of the bar, that it wasn’t until the chilly February air hit your burning cheeks that you remembered you were supposed to be putting up a fight. But no matter how hard you tugged against the iron grip of Curtis’s fingers around your arm, you couldn’t free yourself.
You liked that. You liked the fact that the more you fought, and the more Curtis showed you his strength, the more turned on you got. That only made you put up more of a fight, your feet kicking up dust as you tried to dig your heels into the dirt and gravel parking lot, but it wasn’t any use.
Curtis’s unyielding grip never flagged as he dragged you toward his bike in the corner of the parking lot. He was so much stronger than you, and he pulled you along easily, ignoring you while you made a fuss—though you didn’t call for help, of course, because you weren’t actually trying to stop Curtis from taking you home.
When you got to his motorcycle, Curtis pushed you against it, your hips pinned to the big, metal beast while he pressed his thick bulge against your ass. You sucked in a sharp breath, the sound loud in the silent night, and felt the fight drain from your body entirely as wetness began to drip from your damp slit down your thighs.
“Are you going to behave, princess,” Curtis spit out, his hands wrapped around your arms, holding your back to his heaving chest as he worked to keep his temper leashed. “Or am I going to have to teach you lesson right here in the parking lot?”
Curtis ground his bulge into your ass lewdly, and you shuddered in his hold, arching your spine to push back against him. He felt so big and hard through his pants, and your pussy was aching desperately to be filled with every thick inch of him.
When you didn’t respond to his question, Curtis pressed his mouth close to your ear, growling, “Do I need to put you on your knees and skullfuck the attitude outta you?”
A delicious whimper fell from your lips and you shook your head wildly. The gravel would be hell on your knees, and though another night that might’ve sounded appealing, you were too eager for Curtis to get you back to his garage so he could fuck you properly.
“Good slut,” Curtis rumbled, affection bleeding into the coldness of his tone like he couldn’t help it.
Before you could comment on it, Curtis was using his big, strong hands to manhandle you onto his motorcycle, getting you settled in the seat before he threw a booted foot over the bike and sat behind you.
He was close enough that you could feel his bulge press against your lower back, and you squirmed deeper into his lap. A smile curled your lips when you trapped his hardness between your bodies, ensuring you could feel him on the entire ride home.
Curtis grabbed a helmet from where it had been stowed in a saddlebag, but before he pulled it down over your head, he ducked close. His lips and coarse beard brushed against your soft cheek as he spoke in a low tone.
“Are you having fun, baby?”
The sweet affection in his tone had your muscles loosening, tension you hadn’t even realized had been gathering in your shoulders draining out of you at the question. You leaned back into Curtis’s chest, inhaling the familiar scent of oil and leather that always clung to him, and you let yourself grin.
“So much,” you purred huskily, turning your face up and pressing it into his thick beard. You nuzzled into the coarse hair, delighting in the rasp of it, until you were sure he could feel your smile against the underside of his jaw. “We might need to make this a Valentine’s Day tradition,” you murmured playfully, your words slightly muffled.
Curtis chuckled, his hand wrapping loosely around your throat, just under your jaw, and dragging you away from his beard. Then he pulled you in for a kiss over your shoulder, his lips moving sweetly against your mouth before he eased you away.
“We can discuss that later,” he said, a smirk curving his mouth. “After you’ve seen how dirty and rough your filthy mechanic can fuck you.” His blue eyes were sparkling with hunger and mischief as he tugged the helmet over your head and made sure it was secure before putting on his own.
Then Curtis started up the motorcycle and ripped the engine loudly, making the metal beast rumble deliciously between your thighs. He pulled out of the bar’s parking lot in a spray of gravel that had your heart racing with excitement and he peeled off toward his garage.
When you got there, Curtis kept up his gentle treatment only long enough to get your helmet off and toss both it and his aside. Then he was manhandling you roughly off the bike, ignoring the way your legs kicked aimlessly and your nails scoured into his leather jacket as he dragged you from the seat.
He’d made quick work of pulling off your leather jacket and bending you over the motorcycle before pushing your skirt up and delivering a harsh slap to your bare ass. He’d laughed at your slightly outraged cry, then kicked your feet wide and shoved his hard bulge into your sensitive pussy.
You’d moaned obscenely at the rough rasp of his jeans, thankful that Curtis’s garage was on the edge of town since it meant you could be as loud as you wanted, and gave yourself over to his merciless whims.
Before he’d truly begun, Curtis bent over your back, pressing kisses up your spine, and gripped your chin firmly. He guided you to meet his eye over your shoulder.
“Remember, all you have to do to stop me is say red, or pinch me anywhere you can reach,” Curtis had reminded you, his handsome face serious as he recounted the rules you’d negotiated when you’d discussed the scene you wanted to play out on Valentine’s Day. “Say yellow or tap me repeatedly if you want me to check in.”
“Yes, sir,” you’d said with a nod, showing Curtis the same level of seriousness. But your excitement couldn’t be contained for long, and you’d ducked your head, sucking Curtis’s thumb into your mouth, giving him a bratty nip before pulling back and tossing over your shoulder, “Bring it on, grease monkey.”
Curtis’s eyes had gone dark and stormy and he hadn’t wasted any more time, pulling out his cock and slamming into you without preamble.
It was a good thing you were already drenched and ready for him, your pussy slick from the game you’d been playing and the rumbling of his motorcycle on the ride home, because it meant he slid home with only a slight twinge at the sudden fullness.
Then he’d set about his task of making you regret telling him to get lost, fucking you rough and hard, bent over his motorcycle, his hands pulling your tits free from your top to sway with the movement of his thrusts.
When you’d tried to dig your nails into his thighs and pull him closer, he’d pinned them to your lower back with one of his big hands, loose enough that you could use your safe signals if you wanted. His other hand had slid up your neck before shoving his fingers in your mouth.
“This is what you fucking deserve,” Curtis growled, bringing you back to the present moment with his harsh words and the cruel way he hooked his fingers in the side of your mouth. It forced you to make a dumb face, which only made you wetter, your arousal dripping obscenely down your spread thighs. “You dress like a whore and treat me like dirt, you’re gonna get fucked like the pathetic slut that you are.”
A ridiculously needy sound fell from your lips, nearly unintelligible with the way Curtis had your mouth contorted, but you couldn’t help it. It was depraved how good he was making you feel, with the rough, brutal strokes of his cock and the ease with which he degraded you with his hands and his words.
“And you know what’s so fucking funny—deep down, I know you want this,” Curtis went on, his voice a rough rasp as it met your ears with just as much ruthlessness as he fucked you. “You want to be treated like a filthy slut whose only purpose in life is using the three holes in your body to make my cock feel good.”
Curtis shoved his cock and his fingers deep inside you at the same time, making you choke and moan while pleasure swirled mercilessly through your body. You were proving his point, but he didn’t seem happy about it.
“Isn’t that right, princess?” Curtis seethed, his beard rasping over the tender spot on your shoulder where he’d bitten you, making your whole body tremble beneath his larger form. “Your only purpose is to make my cock feel good?”
At the same moment as he uttered the question, Curtis shoved the rest of his four fingers into your mouth, stretching your lips obscenely and making your pussy clench down on his cock. It felt like he was everywhere, and yet it still wasn’t enough, you wanted more.
You sobbed, unable to answer him in any other way, tears beginning to fall from your lashes and trickle down your cheeks. It was the only sign you could give him to continue, to keep being rough and brutal with your body and keep treating you like a slut.
Curtis laughed meanly, thrusting his fingers into your mouth and pressing down on your tongue, your sobs turning into obscene, babbling sounds of pleasure.
“Don’t worry, princess, you don’t have to deny it—at least, not to me,” he said patronizingly, keeping up the one-sided conversation while he fucked your bent-over body. “I can feel how wet you are for me. I can feel your greedy cunt sucking my cock deeper when I remind you you’re just a fucktoy for me.”
Letting go of your wrists, Curtis reached around to your front and groped your tits roughly, kneading your soft flesh and pinching and pulling on your nipples until you were crying out and pushing back on his cock.
You didn’t move your hands from where they were, your fingers wrapping around opposite wrists to hold yourself pinned in the position Curtis had put you in. You loved the helplessness of it, you loved being at Curtis’s mercy—it was depraved and deviant and so fucking delicious, you couldn’t get enough.
“All ya gotta do is take my cock, princess, and you’re doing it so fucking well because you were made for this, weren’t you?” Curtis went on, growling in your ear.
He paused only to drag his tongue up the side of your throat, licking your sweat from your skin and groaning in pleasure. Inside you, you could feel his cock throb like he was getting close. When he spoke again, his voice was impossibly lower, deeper, meaner.
“You were made to take cock and make me feel good, right, princess?”
His fingers finally ripped free from your mouth, leaving you to gasp for air while they wrapped around your throat, choking you lightly as he kept pounding into you from behind. His heavy body pressed down against your back, pinning you more firmly to the seat of his motorcycle, his hips working his cock deep with every thrust.
“Tell me, dirty slut, tell me how much you like getting fucked hard and rough by the filthy grease monkey after you told me to get lost,” Curtis ordered, his voice lashing out at you with its fury.
“I love it,” you sobbed, pleasure coursing through your body in almost devastating waves as he fucked you brutally, his cock splitting you open and leaving a permanent brand on your pussy.
It felt so good that it had you babbling mindlessly, responding to all the filthy things Curtis had said, “I love your cock, I was made for your cock, I’m just a set of holes for you to use.”
“Good girl,” Curtis rumbled in your ear, his fingers digging into the sides of your neck enough to make your vision swim, the gray concrete of the garage floor going murky before your eyes. “Good fucking girl, good fucking slut.” His other hand slapped and groped your tits, playing with them like they were simply toys. “You’re my fucktoy aren’t you, princess?”
“Yes, yes, I’m your fucktoy,” you responded obediently, tears and spit dripping down your face and darkening the floor beneath you. “I’m your cocksleeve, your fuck doll—use me, use me, use me, please!”
“That’s it, know your place, princess,” Curtis gritted out through a clenched jaw. His cock was twitching violently in your pussy and your own pleasure was coiling tightly in your belly, ready to snap. “Now cum on my cock, slut—show me you belong to me by squirting all over my dick like a good whore.”
Curtis’s hand abandoned your tits and shoved beneath your hips, finding your clit and rubbing it roughly while he choked you and slammed his cock deep into your cunt.
You were gone before you could even take in a breath, pleasure crashing over your body in overwhelming waves as you came, a scream tearing from your throat and ricocheting around the garage.
Above you, Curtis grunted and groaned into the curve at the base of your neck, his hips rutting into your body so hard the motorcycle rocked precariously on its kickstand.
With one final thrust, Curtis shoved his hips against your ass, burying his cock so deep in your pussy, you thought you could feel him in your guts. His teeth sank into your shoulder again, biting you while he came viciously.
His cock throbbed and twitched in your pussy, sparking another wave of pleasure to sweep through your core, making you moan loudly as your cunt milked all the cum from his dick. Curtis emptied his balls inside you, flooding your pussy with cum while he rocked his hips against your ass.
“Good girl, good slut, so fucking perfect,” he murmured as he came down from his high. His fingers eased from your neck and he brushed soft kisses to the places where he’d bitten you. His tongue lapped at the indents of his teeth, soothing the sting and making you sigh softly in contentment.
“Thank you,” you murmured, turning your head and brushing a kiss to Curtis’s sweaty forehead. You felt him smile against your shoulder blade, his beard teasing your sweat-slick skin as he pressed kisses along your spine.
Before you could grow too uncomfortable in your position, Curtis eased himself up, his strong hands supporting your weight as he lifted you from the motorcycle seat. Gently, his softening cock pulled from your well-used pussy, and Curtis bit back a groan, the sound rumbling low in his throat, as his cum spilled down your thighs.
“You look so pretty with my cum leaking out of you, baby,” Curtis rumbled in a deeply pleased tone that made you smile and laugh lightly.
“Take me home and you can push it back inside before filling me up with another load,” you quipped, your voice still breathless from the orgasm that had wracked your body.
Your humor was short-lived, a moan spilling from your lips when Curtis began massaging your shoulders. His calloused fingers methodically kneaded at your muscles, easing the ache of having your hands pinned behind your back for so long.
“You ok, baby?” Curtis asked while he worked, turning you around so you could sit on the motorcycle and lean against his chest. You buried your face in his neck and breathed him in, letting your body relax under his tender ministrations.
“Yeah,” you answered on a happy sigh. “That was fun.”
Your words dissolved into a pleased giggle when you thought back on all that you and Curtis had said and done to each other that night. It had been very fun, and very pleasurable indeed. You absolutely wanted a repeat, and would be talking to Curtis about making it a tradition.
“I’m glad you had fun, baby,” Curtis rumbled, his hands working down your arms. He lifted your left hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss to the base of your ring finger. There, Curtis’s full name was inked as a permanent brand of your love and devotion to one another.
Happiness surged in your heart and you threaded your fingers through Curtis’s, turning his hand so you could press a sweet kiss to the same spot—where your full name was inked around his ring finger. Curtis’s other arm banded around your lower back, holding you close.
“Ready to go home, wife?” Curtis asked, and you nodded against your shoulder, where your head had fallen as exhaustion washed over you. “Ready to let me take care of you?”
A smile curved your lips and you nodded again. “Take me home, husband,” you said softly, the frayed edge of sleep seeping into your voice.
Curtis chuckled indulgently, letting you rest for a moment before he hauled you into his arms and helped you walk from the garage to the house behind it where you lived.
For the rest of the evening, Curtis took care of you, cleaning you up—along with himself—and feeding you chocolate before wrapping you up in his arms beneath the blankets of your bed. It was tender and sweet, all the things Curtis was in your everyday life.
Before you fell asleep together, and as you’d promised him, Curtis fucked another load into your pussy. His movements were gentle and reverent, and he whispered sweet words in your ear about how much he loved you, his big hand splayed possessively over your belly.
It was a very special Valentine’s Day, and the game you’d played did become a tradition. Curtis Everett had left a permanent brand on your heart and your skin, and he reminded you of it each year when you told him to get lost and he proved he’d never leave.
sweethearts game masterlist
#curtis everett#curtis everett smut#curtis everett fanfiction#curtis everett x you#curtis everett x reader#curtis everett x female reader#chris evans#chris evans fanfiction#chris evans smut#chris evans characters#established relationship#witchywithwhiskeywork#witchywithwhiskey's sweethearts#vonalyn
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I am supposed to be studying literary theory but what if Strict Daddy!Curtis Everett…
Pairing: Strict Daddy!Curtis | Bunny Baby!You.
Warning(s): Strict ddlg, Daddy!Curtis, Baby!Reader, fear/intimidation kink (it's Curtis), minor fluff, allusions to punishment and whipping, Daddy kink, pet names, shy reader.

“Bunny!” Your Daddy, Curtis Everett calls as he enters the apartment. His huge form passes through the crack he made for himself before closing it behind him with his foot. “Get in here!” The stuffed paper bag that he holds to his chest crinkles against his leather jacket as he locks the door behind him.
“Bunny!” Curtis calls into the quiet house again when you don't show up like you're supposed to, his dark eyebrows furrowing as he looks left and right before relieving himself of his jacket and discarding the article on the couch. “Little g—”
“Coming, Daddy!” You obediently respond at last, putting your joystick down and rushing out of the bunny cave your loving Daddy made for you.
A smile makes its way onto Curtis' face when you finally appear on the horizon of his sight. “Careful” he cannot help but instruct out of instinct when you begin to bolt in his direction without a second thought. “Easy, baby” he chuckles at your excitement as his huge form takes a seat on the couch. His words make you come to a screeching halt because disobeying Curtis is never in your best interests. “Now,” he says only once you've fully stopped. “Come here” he holds out a hand for you, his heavily built and tattooed arm stretching in the process. You politely accept his hand and gingerly sit down on his lap, the movement making the silky bunny ears on the top of your head to slide down just a little bit as you do.
Even after all this time and the things Curtis has done to you, your cheeks flush a hot red from how shy he makes you feel.
“I got you something” the baritone of his manly voice is velvet to your ears as he presses his bearded cheek into your arm.
“Really, Daddy?” You excitedly turn all your attention to the package he is now unwrapping.
Curtis hums and his long fingers expertly work the paper. Your Daddy is good at knowing and doing everything. “Here, hold it” blood drains from your face and your smile falters when the object comes into view.
You go speechless, not that you know many words in his presence anyways.
“So, what do you think?”
You blink as you slowly accept the instrument in your hands, timid fingers slowly feeling its expanse. A whimper is all you can let out when your finger catches on a crevice.
“Do you know what this is, bunny?” You tense up when his muscular arms wrap around your waist, the ink on them nearly causing them to appear as snakes.
You don't know what to say. And you are not sure that even if you knew what to say, you would have wanted to.
“Of course” the vibration of his mirth nearly caves your shoulder blades in. “Too small and dumb to know such things, aren't you, baby?” Your hands go to collapse so Curtis supports them with one of his own. “It's a bullwhip, baby” the man takes one of your hands in his to help your fingers feel the hide. “And it's a really good one too, hand braided and all, rather expensive.”
You are nervous, confused and scared. “B- But… w- why, P- Papa?” Your strangled voice is barely audible.
Curtis smirks when he hears the name you call him. You only do that when you're extremely small or intimidated.
“For when you misbehave, silly!” He says in a ‘cheerful’ tone but you know him too well. Your back arches and you crane your neck from the sensitivity when Curtis strokes your cheek with the tip of his nose. “Are you going to misbehave, bunny?” Though his words are a sensual whisper in your ear, the menace that they hold is clear as the sky on a sunny day.
“N- No, D- Dada…” You gulp at how the whip feels against the pads of your fingers.
“Then we've nothing to worry about” but he knows. And you do too. It is in the smugness of his voice and the wavers of your breathing, the snort he lets out and the way you pout.
It will come. You are bound to slip. He spoils you too much for you not to. And when you do, Curtis will be there. With this very whip between his tattooed hands.
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His Little Gem
Pairing: BandMember!Curtis x F!LeadSinger!Reader
Word Count: 3.6k~ highkey relieved that im able to write a shorter lengthed story this time lol
Summary: You and Curtis finally have a moment alone. Though, it turns out that Curtis actually loves the attention.
Disclaimer: This is my submission for @mercurial-chuckles writing challenge, "Smutty September Fest"~ Thank you lad for hosting this, and hoping that everyone enjoys this as much I loved writing it.
I also wrote this as a part of my eventual Bandmember!Curtis series from this poll. However, you can absolutely read this as a standalone.
***I don't give any permission for this to be reposted anywhere! Pls do not steal work, plagiarism isn't demureeee~~~~
Warnings/Triggers: 18+ Minors DNI; HIGHKEY its PWP but plot nonetheless, explicit sex/smut, p in v sex, oral sex (f! receiving), slight exhibitionism kink, praise kink, squirting, explicit language, slight/mild dumbification, slight/mild degradation kink, pussy slapping, dacryphilia kink, manhandling soft dom! curtis, slight overstimulation play, secret and established relationship btwn curtis and Reader. nickname for Reader is Sapphire/gem. if i missed anything, pls feel free to lmk~
Prompts Used: 2) sex in front of a big window where anyone could glance up and spot them; 5) body worshipping
A/N: ~I really appreciate ya'll for interacting with my fics! It's so cool to know that my writing resonates and is enjoyed by many. That said, it's common for fic writers to face huge ratio disparities with likes/reblogs. If you could kindly reblog my work as you enjoy it, that would be much appreciated! Reblogging gets our work out there for more folx to enjoy and genuinely encourages us to continue writing. It's a conflict on here for a reason -- know that this is said with much sincerity and kindness. Support writers please~
Tongues caressed each other in a greedy yet languid dance, your lips meeting Curtis’ so passionately as you both rode the high of finally having a moment alone together.
“Mmph, God, I missed you, sapphire.” Curtis mumbled against your plush lips. His tongue eagerly lapped at yours as you whimpered in response.
Just registering his words, your laugh was muffled against his pressing mouth, “Miss me? Curt, we see each other everyday.” Another giggle attempted to escape but Curtis was skilled at keeping you distracted at this point.
His lips were still enthusiastically leaning in for more as small giggles escaped you, “I missed being with you. Your lips, your body pressed against mine. Especially, when I get to feel you like this.” He said emphatically as he dragged his calloused palms up your thighs and around till he was able to gain a desperate grip on your ass.
You both moaned as Curtis groped you roughly, one of his hands leaving your ass only to land a loud slap against your pert cheek. You squealed playfully into his mouth while Curtis groaned deeply and did it again.
Your short mini skirt was ruched around your hips as you rocked your center into the hardening tent in his jeans. Even through the fabric of your panties, which was dampening by the second, Curtis could feel the warmth of your wet pussy just seeping into the denimed layer covering his hard cock.
Lips separating for a moment to allow the both of you to catch your breaths, Curtis looked at you darkly through his long eyelashes and grabbed your hips to slowly grind your pussy across his stiff member.
Whining in response, your head tilted back in pleasure, giving Curtis the opportunity to leave lavish kisses all across the side of your neck. You felt your hips stutter as his wet lips sucked at that sensitive spot right underneath your ear. His tongue licked against your pulse, and your breathing started to get heavier as he continued sucking at your fragrant skin.
“Curt–Curtis, the window…” You drawled out mindlessly as he continued laying kisses on your throat. His stubble made your skin red and blotchy and it stung so beautifully as his mouth balanced the pain with pleasure.
His back to the large window, you were straddling Curtis’ lap on the couch facing the city skyline in your penthouse condo. Only faint lights from other people’s apartments could be seen. If you focused hard enough, you could clearly see neighbors in buildings across from you eating dinner, or watching tv.
As clearly as you could see them, you’re sure that you and Curtis could be visibly seen, even though the only thing that illuminated both of your silhouettes was the living room lamp casting a warm glow on your pressed and writhing bodies.
“What about it, baby?” Curtis asks, just as mindless as you were at this point. His thoughts and senses were all enveloped around you.
You could only gasp for air as one of his hands left your ass to grip onto and tug on your hair roughly, allowing such an erotic moan to leave your pillowy lips. His grip that remained on your ass only squeezed tighter when he heard your response.
“God, -phire, you’re killing me. C’mere.” He used the hand at the base of your skull to push your swollen lips back onto his impatient ones. You whimpered into his mouth again as his soft tongue reunited with yours with a passion that felt so matched. Curtis was the only person that you have been with that has ever been able to make you feel this way. So unruly, excited, fiery, and intense.
You both acknowledged the energy between you in your own ways since you have met. Whether it was Curtis’ soft grasp around your waist navigating the paps outside the recording studio, or your hand gripping onto the inside of his elbow as you were in between stage sets.
Safe and protected was how you ultimately felt when you were with Curtis. Combining that with being the best sex of your life, you felt invincible. He made you feel that way, and you liked being his Sapphire.
Even now as the rough texture of his hands, worn from years of playing, tugged on the sides of your lace panties down around your knees. He manhandled you onto your back as you giggled again, he ripped your panties from your legs completely. Curtis kneeled between your open legs, his shadowed eyes maintaining eye contact with your hooded ones. One hand gripped the outside of your ankle gently as he pressed his lips against your soft skin.
You let out a soft gasp as his tender touch. He was slowly kissing up towards your center, his kisses getting wetter the closer that he got. A quiet whimper left your lips as Curtis left another wet kiss on your hip bone, and moved to kiss above your aching mound. The anticipation felt so strong - you released a bothered keen when Curtis didn’t land his lips on the correct destination, but instead, decided to lower down towards your other leg’s inner thigh and down towards the inside of your bent knee.
“Curtis, please, kiss me.” You begged him with your eyes burning with frustrated tears.
Curtis laughed meanly as he responded, “I am kissing you, sapphire.”
You sobbed out a frustrated moan, “Ugh, you know what I mean – please! It’s been too long.”
Curtis issued a low hum in agreement as he continued leaving soft kitten kisses on the inside of your knee, only moving slightly upwards towards your inner thigh and back down. His hands slowly caressed your legs in the places that his lips couldn’t touch. “Oh, I know, pretty girl. But that’s what makes this so fun for me.”
A tear fell down the side of your face, as you sniffled your discontent at his pleasurable cruelty. Curtis knew your limits and knew that you would’ve said your safe word some time ago if you really wanted him to stop the slow approaches on your body. You both knew that Curtis teasing you was the build up that your body and mind needed. You needed to lose yourself a little bit in order to be fully present and attuned with the pleasurable sensations that Curtis will start and leave you with.
Curtis cooed at you as he saw your distressed tears leave your eyes. “Aw, my little gem is frustrated, huh?”
You nodded your assent with another sniffle as you looked into his bright eyes burning with a palpable affection and need for you. Seeing that glint in his eyes only made you cry a little harder and swallow down another sob, as you also missed Curtis when you were just like this. Him between your legs, gazing at you with such impassioned eyes that just landed so intensely. Your body burned so good, you couldn’t really handle it.
“Okay, okay, sapphire. God, you’re so pretty when you cry, fuck.” Curtis moaned for you as he leaned up so that his face was over yours. His lips landed a wet and thorough kiss upon your deprived mouth. You continued to passionately make out for another minute as Curtis stripped you of your tee and lace bra. But he left the small mini skirt on all bunched up around the curve of your waist. His hands were free to roam the rest of your soft, aching body, spending time around your breasts to squeeze and pinch at your perky nipples.
“I’ll give you what you need, my pretty baby, I got you.” He whispered against your open mouth as he drifted down to kiss at your neck briefly before enveloping his lips around your hard nipple. You inhaled air sharply at the feeling of his soft tongue swirling around the hardened nub while his other hand fondled at your other breast. The contrast of his warm, wet, soft tongue on one nipple and his gravelly touch on the other felt so euphoric.
The need for him was just building bigger and bigger deep inside of you as he continued laving at your nipples. He alternated his kisses and touch on both of your breasts. You were also starkly aware of the fact that he was still fully clothed as the fabric of his jeans felt so good against your plush exposed skin. You moaned louder at the realization and your hips writhed up against his cloth covered chest.
“Curtis, Curtis – fuck, I-I think I’m gonna–agh!” All of a sudden, the knot that was building deep in your stomach just unraveled as you came hard. Your pussy clenched around nothing as Curtis just made you cum from just playing with your tits. Curtis groaned deeply as he felt your wetness spread on his skin as your pussy dampened the layer of his shirt.
He released his steady sucking of your nipples to look up at your pleasure-filled expression, your eyes dropped with soft satisfaction and sleepiness as you caught your breath.
“Mmm, you’re such a good girl for me, little gem. Your body is so responsive - one of the things that I love about you.” Curtis praised as you released a chirp, his affirmations landed so well on your sated body.
“Wanna continue feeling good, baby?” He said as he finally lowered himself to land his lingering eyes upon your pulsing cunt. You nodded slowly while biting your lip, almost dumbly, as he used his thumb to cut the layer of stringy wetness that covered your pussy.
“Even your pussy cries for me, huh? So sweet,” he groaned while he licked up the first layer of your wetness. You moaned at the feeling of his moist tongue finally lapping at your weepy cunt. Your hips squirmed at the feeling but Curtis quickly used his strong arms to keep your hips down and legs wide open.
He moaned at the taste of you and spent time firmly and slowly licking around the area of your clit. You released a high pitched moan when you felt his tongue maintaining steady pressure and swirling around your sensitive spot. You bit your lip to quiet down, feeling a bit embarrassed by your reactiveness.
It was like Curtis could sense your deliberate muffling and he released your swollen button only to land a sharp slap against your soaked pussy. You squealed at the sudden sensation and groaned deeply as his lips found your clit shortly after to weather the sudden pain.
Your whimpers quieted down again but Curtis proceeded to smack your pussy again with a determined low groan. Before he landed another suck at your puffy clit, he said, “Don’t hide your pleasure from me, sapphire. Don’t ever do that with me, got it?” He landed another sharp slap with the flat of his hand and tapped at your clit in quick taps while you quite literally answered his demand with unfiltered and resonant moans.
He sucked your clit back in his mouth and made quick laps and motions directly on it. Your eyes rolled back in your head and you gripped the back of his buzz cut head with need. The feeling of his tongue just sliding against you so swiftly and with wild abandon released your second orgasm of the night, in complete bliss as you abandoned any sense of being quiet.
The both of you breathed heavily as you attempted to catch your breath once more. You looked down slowly at Curtis to see him still gazing at your drenched pussy. Your cum covered his mouth and beard in a light sheen, and his lips looked pink and swollen as he licked the remaining slick from them sensually.
You whined again tiredly as you knew what that look meant. Curtis was obsessed with eating you out. It was like everytime that he tasted you, he couldn’t help himself from trying to get more and more from you.
“Curtis, please, I need your cock inside of me.” Your timidness disappeared as you interrupted his thoughts on going back in for seconds.
Curtis slapped your still twitching pussy again as you panted out responsive, high-pitched moans, so overstimulated that you could feel the knot in your tummy tighten again as you tried to writhe away from his calloused grip.
“No, no, sweet girl, you’re not going anywhere, c’mere– I haven’t had enough of this messy pussy yet, you’re still gushing for me.” Curtis groaned into your wet mound as he roughly manhandled you to sit up on your knees.
You whimpered at his dirty words and at his rough touch as he bent you forward and adjusted you to lean your forearms on the tops of your couch, facing the window. But now, instead of just your face being visible to the night sky, your breasts hung seductively and your hair was mussed from your throes of pleasure. With Curtis kneeling behind you, it was obvious that you were not just star-gazing into the open city.
“Wa-wait, Curtis, the people…” you said hesitantly while you turned your head slightly to look back at him.
Curtis found the hesitance in your eyes but also found that eagerness that you had at the thought of being seen. He knew what you really wanted, and he needed to give it to you. His eyes hardened into something dominating as he quickly leaned over your arched back to grip and tug at your hair again. You moaned as your head tilted back with his grip to alleviate the sharp pain.
You felt Curtis’ warm breath at your ear as he whispered lowly, “They could never have you anyways, sapphire. You’re a good girl, aren’t you? Let them look.”
He released the grip on your hair as you mewled a greedy assent. He placed a demanding hand on the back of your neck so that you faced forward, eyes directly meeting other light-filled rooms with a gaze so turned on, you knew that you wouldn’t let him take you any other way.
You gasped out for another gulp of air when you felt his tongue lapping at your cunt from behind. Your back arched in delight and your ass pushed back into his insatiable mouth. It didn’t take long for you to reach your inevitable end as Curtis was ruthless in his meal.
You swallowed heavily as your mouth dried from how loud you were moaning. Your eyes widened as you cried out at the sensation of the tip of Curtis’ large cock catching at the inside of your sopping pussy. Hips pushing back against his cock to get him further inside of you, Curtis slapped your ass and whispered a mellowed, “patience, baby.”
Feeling your facial features twist into something needy, you gasped again– but not at the feeling of Curtis’ teasing cock, but at the sight of a person leaning against their apartment balcony that faced you. You weren’t close enough to make out any features other than a bodied silhouette, but you were suddenly so aware that if he tilted his head a bit upwards, he would also be able to make out yours and Curtis’ moving bodies.
You felt Curtis dip his mushroom head inside of you further but not pushing all the way in. Your eyes rolled briefly again at the feeling of your walls aching to tense around the girth of his wide cock as you tried to gain enough sense to communicate. With gritted teeth, you moaned, “Fuck, there’s someone out there, Curtis.” There was a part of you conscious of someone looking up and finding you and Curtis just fucking, being splattered all over the front page of tabloids.
Curtis gave his own pussy-drunk response with a mindless “huh?” and looked towards where your head was pointed. Laughing darkly, he just said, “Well, I guess you’ll just have to keep an eye out, baby. Or don’t– either way, I’m still gonna fuck you till I get my fill, or until you eventually pass out from being all drunk on my cock.”
At the end of his possessive words, Curtis swiped his length at the wetness of your pussy before sliding in slow and deep. You keened loudly at the feel of him so deep inside of you, your walls accommodated him so snugly from how wet you were.
Curtis dropped his head back in absolute bliss as he gripped onto your bunched skirt for a better grip. Looking down at your deprived body, the image of his hands using a pinched piece of fabric as leverage to thrust back against his penetrating cock made him moan wildly.
“Fuck, you really are my gem, baby. Pussy was made for my cock, gripping me so tight, fuuuck.” He said as he thrusted in and out, still moaning out his pleasure at the feeling of you.
You felt your skirt digging into the soft swell of your tummy as Curtis pulled you back onto his piercing cock. There were so many sensations running through you, both Curtis’ degrading words and the thought of just being fucked by him like a rag doll, like he was just using you turned you on so good. You could feel your body getting limper and your eyes were no longer trained on the person standing in their balcony.
You quietly whimpered your contentment at getting fucked by Curtis, your mouth was agape as his thrusts were getting faster and harder. Leaning even lower onto the top of the couch, your body arched into an angle that allowed Curtis’ wide cock to hit you at a different angle that made you keen and gasp again.
Curtis felt that patch of skin inside you that felt different from your inner walls and grunted in efforts of meeting it with every thrust. You gasped and moaned wildly at the feeling of him thrusting against your g-spot, and felt the sensation of another orgasm rushing in, “Yes! Yes! Please, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, Curtis, please!” you sobbed loudly while you rested your limp head on the couch near your aching arms.
Curtis seared the image of your soft and pliant body just letting him use you and growled out, “Cum for me, pretty baby. You’re taking my cock so well, my little gem. I knew you could– cum for me.” He thrusted harder at the anticipation of your sweet cunt tightening around him, the visuals and excitement of what was to come was enough for him to chase after his own release. The sensations of your wet cunt and feeling of your soft body under his well-practiced hands made him feral for you everytime.
Feeling so worshiped and desired, getting his permission to cum felt like a privilege as your head dropped further into a deep, fuzzy mental space. Your pussy squirted around his still thrusting cock as you sighed and moaned your intense pleasure.
Curtis only groaned deeply at finally feeling your velvet walls tighten against his shaft, and the sight of your squirt spilling and squelching out of you only made him feel the sensations even more. He released another guttural moan as he thrusted deeply inside of you, no longer being able to hold back his own release.
You both moaned in satisfaction at the feeling of your combined spend being plugged inside of you as Curtis didn’t pull out. He leaned forward on your relaxed form to place soft, content kisses upon the curve of your spine.
Stepping back to pull out of you, you gasped at the feeling of his cum spilling out of you slowly. Curtis let out a breathless laugh at the sight and groaned out his deep enjoyment of seeing you full of his spend.
He slowly took off your now wrinkled skirt from your body and re-adjusted you so that the both of you could lay on the couch. Curtis’ large hands softly stroked and kneaded tension away from your lower back as you laid on top of him when you remembered the person on the balcony.
You softly gasped and sat up abruptly to look down at where the person was standing. There was nobody there anymore, and you could only hope that they didn’t see.
Looking back down at Curtis, you smacked his chest with a teasing and tired mirth, “‘Let them see’? Really, Curtis.”
Curtis released his own tired chuckle while his caresseses on your back moved to softly stroke at the soft sides of your tummy and waist. “It’s okay, sapphire. I kept an eye on them to make sure that they couldn’t actually see us.”
You hummed as your hands brushed at the hair on his muscular chest. “You know that we have to be careful. I’m not ready for the world to know that you’re mine yet.”
At the quietness of your tone and downward shift of your eyes, Curtis could tell that you meant what you said sincerely. You both enjoyed the kinkiness of your sex life, but you also knew that there was a vulnerability in your relationship that you didn’t want exposed to the public. Or, to the rest of the band for that matter.
Truthfully, he wasn’t ready to share you yet either.
The thought of you being hounded by press and fans made his soft grip tighten on your hips a bit with a frown before he motioned for you to press down against him again with soft encouragement.
Getting comfortable in his arms, you pressed your ear against his steady, thrumming heart and sighed in content.
“I know, my little gem. I’ll keep you safe.” They were the last words that you heard as your tired eyes closed in blissful exhaustion in the shielding arms of the man that loved you.
A/N: Yay! What did we think? This goes w.o saying but pleaaase leave a comment or a reblog to kindly tell me your thoughts (genuinely, wanna know)! Hopefully, we will see more bandmember!Curtis x Sapphire in this future~
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🧚🏻♀️✨Bippity boppity bow chicka wow oww! You’ve been visited by the Shameless Hoe Fairy, and now you must share a hoe thot about: CE!babe + soothing technique 🥺
😍😍 I never get one of these so I’m so excited! I’ve never written for the hunky Curtis before so I’m going to give this a try.
Cure your ache
Pairing: Curtis Everett x Female Reader
Summary: Curtis takes care of you in more ways than one.
Warning: Smut and soothing massage.
Word Count: 700
A/N: not edited, written on my phone. No clue if I did this right. 🫣

Curtis comes home from work and finds you lying on the couch on your stomach with a heating pad on your back. He kneels beside you taking in your tired features.
“Princess, are you feeling okay?” His hand softly cups your cheek and you stare up at him.
“Yeah, I think I might have pulled something in my back. Just trying to relax.” You softly answer.
“I know what would help. Let me give you my famous massage and help get those kinks out of your back.” To demonstrate he lifts his hand and starts to rub your lower back softly.
You smile at him. “You don’t need to tell me twice.” Turning off the heating pad you slowly get up with the help of Curtis and head to the bedroom.
Inside the bedroom, you strip down to just your lacy panties and lay on your stomach on the bed. Curtis is in the bathroom washing up and changing into his sweatpants. He comes out of the bathroom and groans at the position you are in.
“Damn, Princess you look good to eat. But that will have to wait for later as I promised you a massage.”
Curtis walks over to the bed and crawls up your body. He sees you have the massage oil next to you. He grabs the bottle with one hand and then straddles your butt.
Squirting the oil in his hand he rubs both hands together and starts rubbing your back. His strong, firm hands move up and down your back in tandem with one another. You can’t help but groan as he works to get the kinks out of your back.
This sinfully feels amazing as his hands rub soothing motions across your back. You feel like you could drift off until he finds that one spot that hurts and you squeak out in pain.
“I can feel a knot in your back princess. Let me work you through this and I promise you will feel better.”
Softly you whisper, “Okay love.”
His hands start off soft as they work your back. It feels awful at first but the more he works that spot the less it hurts. Curtis can feel the knot start to go away and with a firm rub, it’s gone.
You sigh in relief as you feel the pain release from your body.
“Your hands are a gift from heaven. I swear they’re one of my favorite parts I love about you.”
Curtis quirks his eyebrow. “What’s your favorite part of me then?” His hands stop rubbing your back.
You can’t help but giggle. “Your mouth and cock are my favorites.”
Curtis laughs. “Yeah, you do seem to be addicted to them. Say, how about I run you a bath and then I can cure your ache between your legs.”
“Yes, please Curtis. I need you.”
Curtis jumps off the bed and heads to the bathroom to run a bath for you. You discard your panties and follow him into the bathroom where he is already naked. Once the tub was ready you both climbed in and he instantly thrusted into you.
Curtis was helping you bounce on his cock as the water was slouching around you. You tilted your head back and moaned his name.
He was thrusting up into your tight pussy as hard and fast as he could go. He always wanted you, craved to be between your legs day and night. Curtis felt himself getting closer to his release.
“Play with your clit like a good girl. I wanna feel you squeeze my cock.”
You reached down with your hand and started to rub your clit in tandem with his thrusts. Within seconds you were cumming hard around his cock and screaming his name to the heavens. A few hard thrusts later and he was cumming deep inside you. His groan echoed off the bathroom walls.
The things he will do for you to make you feel better are for both your pleasure.

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