#Women's Right
wild-wombytch · 9 months
As if changing your papers doesn't change your socialization and violence 🤔
Male violence and feminicides shouldn't be classified as female crimes when they're not. Coddling to males and their need for "validation" somehow outweighs literal sex-based murders in terms of importance. By integrating such male crimes among ours, it will completely change the statistics and erase the patriarchal sex based violences we face. These statistics are made to protect us and can be the foundations on which we make laws! WAKE UP!
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silicacid · 7 months
Call for Perinatal Professionals and Birth Workers
Operation Olive Branch is looking for perinatal professionals and birth workers to provide perinatal care via telehealth or in-person to Palestinians
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atlasscrumpit · 1 year
If you don't agree with it unfollow me now, cause you don't belong here, honey.
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bitletsanddrabbles · 1 month
One of the truest things I ever read was from a webcomic called Head Trip. I don't remember it exactly, but it went something like this:
"It doesn't matter how right you are, if you're just going to be a giant, annoying douche bag about it, then you're a giant, annoying douche bag. Shut up. You're just making your side look bad."
And I really feel that's an important message, because seriously, if I had a penny for every time something's gone across my dashboard that is supposedly supporting something I support, but is so nasty, toxic, and bullying that it makes me want to stop supporting that thing - even if that thing is technically my own rights - I would make Jeff Bezos look like a pauper.
For those outside of the U.S., a penny is worth $.01 and costs $.05 to make. It is coinage we literally lose money producing.
So maybe think about that before you attempt to increase tolerance and fighting prejudice by reblogging a post that's name calling, damnation by association, calling for violence against people with different world views than you, or other forms of straight up bullying, because I can't think of a single famous civil rights leader who made progress by being a douche bag and ragging on the opposition.
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bellamonde · 2 years
The beautiful Jina Mahsa Amini dancing. She was murdered by the Islamic Republic on September 16, 2022. Iran and Iranians everywhere rose up in protest following her murder and the fight for Woman Life Freedom continues. 
Rest in Power Jina. 
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geezerwench · 11 months
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Regulate Dick, not Jane.
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dumbheartache · 2 years
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samantabrzozowska · 1 year
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“I’m here to love and uplifts you all.”
~ Sam
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radical-thots · 1 year
So sick and so tired of men whining about ‘not all men’ or how ‘men are oppressed too’ every time a woman talks about her bad experience/abuse/trauma/discrimination she has faced by men. So sick of it because men have never and will never be victims like cis women have been. Fathers and male babies were not the victims of sex selective abortions, they were not the victims of honor killings, they aren’t victims of domestic violence or gender violence like women are. Men are not the ones being killed for not wearing a headscarf, men aren’t the ones forbidden from education in Afghanistan, men are not the ones being jailed for abortions and miscarriages. Men are not the ones being publicly groped in Japan, men are not the ones being recorded in public toilet in East Asia, men are not the ones who have a dress code in school. Literally could go on and on, but please continue to tell me how men are more oppressed than women because somehow yall aren’t allowed to express emotions? Which btw is a complete lie. 
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sayruq · 2 months
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Palestinian girls and women are forced to use tents as pads. People boost. Donate if you can
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queerism1969 · 4 months
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wild-wombytch · 9 months
People tried to force-feed sufragettes...by the vagina...? What? (CW : torture, rape, violence against women, TW food, ED)
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sleeby-bunny · 4 months
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goddamn gender inflation, can’t have shit these days
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soberscientistlife · 9 days
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ralfmaximus · 2 months
With no national support or attention, Arkansas women (and a few good men) did what everyone said couldn’t be done. On July 5, organizers turned in enough signatures to qualify an amendment to restore access to abortion in Arkansas.  The amendment will restore access up to 18 weeks for any reason and thereafter has exceptions for rape, incest, fatal fetal anomaly, and life and health of the mother.  The amendment had no support from national groups like Planned Parenthood or the ACLU because it didn’t allow for abortions up to the point of viability.  However, polling showed that anything over 18 weeks simply wouldn’t pass in deep red Arkansas, and the amendment will cover 99% of abortions that do occur.
Abortion rights will be on the ballot in Arkansas, thanks to a 100% unfunded volunteer effort! Amazingly good news.
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bellamonde · 2 years
Iran to Afghanistan - Building a Sisterhood
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These are signs in the streets of Iran. To all my Afghan sisters, Iranian women everywhere stand with you and support you. Together, we’ll win. 
Some Background Info:
Afghan women began a wave of protests in the days after the Taliban seizure of power, rallying in Kabul and towns across many provinces, including Balkh, Herat, Kunduz, Baghlan, Takhar, Kapisa, Panjshir and Bamyan. Taliban enforcers beat protesters with batons and arrested them, both women and men. They also arrested protesters’ family members. Under this assault, women this year began holding smaller protests. 14 months on, women are gathering in offices or homes to produce photos and videos in which, masked for security, they present speeches and signs with their demands for justice and then share them via text messages, WhatsApp, Twitter or Facebook.
The brave and courageous Afghan women continue to defy the Taliban with periodic public rallies, including street protests this month against an increase under Taliban rule of violent attacks and hate speech against Afghanistan’s ethnic Hazara minority. These latest rallies condemned the horrific September 30 bombing in Kabul, which killed more than 35 ethnic Hazara girls and women at a school. 
In the past six months, the Taliban has:
Dissolved the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission, for years the nation’s most prominent human rights authority and long directed by women.
Ordered women to cover their faces in public. 
Stopped issuing driver’s licenses to women and has banned women from using public transportation unless accompanied by a close male relative. The Taliban has restored Ministry of Vice and Virtue (akin to Iran’s morality police) and has ordered bus drivers to install curtains to close off the designated seats for women in buses.
Ordered schoolgirls in the fourth to sixth grades in Ghazni province to cover their faces while walking to or from school, or to face expulsion.
Banned women from going to public parks where authorities cannot ensure segregation between men and women.
Instructed women employees of the Finance Ministry, in phone calls to each one personally, to send male relatives to their offices to replace them.
In recent weeks, the Taliban’s Ministry of Vice and Virtue has in some schools instructed principals to examine the bodies of girls as young as 10 or 11 for signs of puberty — and to expel from school any girls who appear older or whose bodies are beginning to mature.
Taliban are continuing routine torture and killings of women. Their officials in the central province of Ghor this month condemned a 24-year-old to execution by being buried to the waist in a pit and then stoned to death for alleged adultery. She committed suicide before her scheduled killing, according to news agencies .
Two countries, one struggle. #Woman Life Freedom
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