#Winged Baze
kandi-wolf · 4 months
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Kokichi and shuichi but cringecore ! you know me, i love danganronpa :3 and i also love mlp. SO WHY NOT COMBINE MY OTP AND DANGAN? the linez arent mine! (except the cutie markz, mane, tail and outfitz) the baze i used izzzz this one!
i thought giving kokichi a dice cutie mark would be cute ^_^ hez tranzmazc and thatz how hez an alicorn! and! zexualitiez are their wing featherz (kokichi is gay and shuichi is bi!) theyre zo gay for each other <3
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revinluver · 4 months
idk if people know what theze mean zo herez what I think.. :3
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Dark blue star - Craig's gang
Gregory stamp - Gregory's gang
Dog - ?
Weed - Stoners
Pentagram - Goth kids
Purple monster - Demonic girls ((or angelic)) [Bebe, Estella, Red, Rebecca]
Chemistry beaker - Lab monkeys
Drool Brothers - ?
Cat - The girls [Bebe, Wendy, Nichole & Red ((+more?))]
Toxic waste - ?
Sun / moon - Day / Night person
L finger - Loner character
Genger / Ganger - Dork, geek, nerd- whatever. [I can't spell..]
Music note - Theatre kids
Wings - Angels ((+Guardian angels))
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idk.. repozt thiz, tell me random thingz, idk. meow????
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headmatespawner · 5 months
can we get a headmate thatz bazed off of coffee ztuff?? named zmth like mocha or ezprezzo or anything rlly.. thoze namez r a bit boring tho.. 🎨
pt// can we get a headmate thats based off of coffee stuff?? named smth like mocha or espresso or anything rlly.. those names r a bit boring tho.. 🎨 //end pt
Ik we say this for every request we fulfill, but this was so fun omg. :3c We hope you like thxm!!
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Picrew is here! Brown is #a96146, dark brown is #633322, and the yellow is #fffdd3. These are concepts, pick or choose one (or both)!
Names: Mocha, Ristretto, Cortado, Breve
Age: Adult, but age vauge
Pronouns: thxy/hx/xyr/steam/hot/yum/leaf/drip/☕/🤎/🤍
Genders: Coffeeflux, Cappucinogender, Cinnabongender, Iffeegender, Warffeegender, Hoffeegender, Ristrettogender, Centrangi, Genderowl, Androx, Bingender
Orientations: Fraysexual, Ceteroflexible, Rubellitan, Attrafluid, Asensual Spectrum, Touch-Ambivalent
TransIDs: MLPixure, TransSadTone, Coffeescentien, Coffamian, PlayfulPupPerma, Transsubsystem
CisIDs: That disability Scootaloo has; her wings are smaller than her body and she can't fly like other pegasus.
Roles: Caffeine holder & soother
Origin: Willowmate
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Dark brown #4f2f19, light brown #8c653d, lightest brown (beige?) #ccb9a3.
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astromechs · 1 year
ok, super rough draft writing, but this is the first section of what is shaping up to be a long and unhinged oneshot that i might not publish for two business years at this rate, so i'll give a preview for what i'm unofficially calling wip saturday:
When the end comes, it’s peaceful. Warm.
As it draws closer, the oncoming blast works to drown out everything but that. Somewhere in the distance, he can still pick up the sounds of blaster fire, the roars of X-wings overhead — the heartbeat of the only life he could’ve chosen — but they fade more and more with each passing second.
It’s more than what someone like him, a man with no chance for absolution, deserves. Cassian knows this.
He’s fundamentally exhausted enough to take it, though.
That might be his worst crime of all, is his last thought, one that fades well before his eyes close. Before, in the last moments of his life, he lets himself know only the sound of Jyn’s breathing in his ear and the pounding of her heart that he can feel in his own chest. Before, in the last moments of his life, he’s present with simply what he can hold, no more, no less.
Before, in the last moments of his life, he understands, for the first time in any memory he can access, what it means to be content — and he allows himself to be.
It’s a good death — but nothing that’s good is ever meant to last.
There’s no point in giving space to the flash of emotion that sparks in him when his eyes open again, a mixture of anger and a whole collection of other things that Cassian won’t take the time to identify; he pushes it all down as he’s pushed so much in favor of what’s more immediate, more important. That, for now, is trying to regain his bearings. The warmth is gone, and before he even lifts his head, he knows that he’s alone.
Which isn’t unusual, for a person who’s spent his life this way, and most of that time had been by choice, but when the realization hits him now, it’s a cold knife to the gut. If he’s alone, then where’s Jyn? If he’s been spared, somehow, then why him, especially when he would never ask to be? Why not her, or Bodhi, or Baze, or Chirrut? Why not Melshi, Pao, Sefla, Tonc, or any of the other men who’d followed him to Scarif? Why not —
Shaking his head, he pushes himself to his feet and begins to walk.
The path in front of him, appearing in advance of each step, is illuminated by a dark blue light — the only light in what is, for all intents and purposes, a void. This all isn’t like anything he’s ever seen before, and it makes him uneasy; so does the fact that when he reaches for his side, he finds nothing, no blaster or any other kind of weapon at all. Still, he presses on, keeps his eyes sharp and his senses engaged. There’s no other choice.
Apart from the echo of his own footsteps, from the sound of his own breathing, there’s only silence in the void. It’s the kind of silence he knows better than to trust, like the seconds just before a grenade explodes. His shoulders stiffen, his whole body tenses, ready for whatever will inevitably come his way.
There’s only silence in the void — until there isn’t.
Something begins to whisper in his ear, a vague, unintelligible impression of a voice. With a sharp intake of breath, he turns equally sharply on his heel, scanning all angles of his periphery for a potential source, but he doesn’t see any at all; as far as he can tell, the sound seems to be coming from the void itself. He stills, reaching for his hip where a holster usually is, before, again, remembering.
One whisper turns to a chorus, coalescing, then, into one voice that’s achingly familiar, speaking one word that’s achingly clear:
A figure appears before him, impossibly, out of nowhere — small, oh so small, with wide, earnest, innocent eyes looking up at him. Kerri, just as he’d left her on Kenari, all those years ago.
It’s as if an invisible hand has grabbed him and seized him by the throat, for the way he loses his breath; his chest tightens, squeezes. Completely outside of his control, tears sting in his eyes, and he feels one escape, falling onto his face.
(He’d given up trying to find her, hadn’t he? When the cause had become everything, because it’d had to. Even so, though, even over all that time, guilt had remained his lone constant companion; it surges in him now, too intensely to be cast aside, but it’s as intrinsic a part of him as any organ or limb.)
Cassian doesn’t dare move; something at the back of his mind, faint and nearly drowned out, but still noticeable enough, reminds him of the likely realities — that no matter how this is happening, it has to be some kind of a trap, and he would be stupid to lower his guard in any way. When he has nothing else, there’s only his own judgment to fall back on.
But the girl — his sister — brightens with the smile that stretches on her face, just as she’d always once had. She takes the distance that remains between them at a run, just as she’d always once had, yells, “Kassa!” just before she collides with him.
The force of the impact nearly takes him off his feet, and for one delirious second, when time seems like something completely outside of the moment, an impulse to laugh nearly bubbles up through his chest — but he catches himself, remaining silent and still. She’s warm, though, tucked against him with her arms wrapped around his middle; she’s warm like she’s real, like he isn’t alone.
It’s warmth that seeps into him, in spite of himself, loosening the grip on his throat and the tightness in his chest, even if he remains still.
Kerri doesn’t, though (she never had); before long, she draws back, bouncing on her feet. Two tiny hands find one of his, gripping it tightly, warm and real.
“Kassa, come!” Her voice is as insistent as the tug on his hand. “You have to come!”
He should, every instinct he has knows that he should, but he makes no move to break away — not from this. Instead, as she begins to walk, he follows, ensuring that this connection, warm and real, isn’t broken, at least for a little longer. The path continues to expand with their steps, stretching into the void beyond what he can see, what he can comprehend, but still, he keeps in step.
In a place where time seems to have no meaning, there’s no sense of how long they spend winding this impossible path — minutes, hours, maybe days. Eventually, though, it comes to an end, in the form of a bright, blinding white light.
The grip on his hand squeezes before releasing, and Kerri turns her head, smiling; then, just as quickly, she’s gone.
There’s no time for his brain to catch up and make sense of any of this. Not when the void whispers to him again, in a way he feels more than hears, strange but somehow familiar, just seconds before the light overtakes him:
You will live. You have to now.
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sankta-starkova · 1 year
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previous chapter | next chapter | masterlist
summary: the one where harlow kaz realised that the world was going to end but she decided to try and save it with the people that she cared about, no matter what it takes
wordcount: 1.4k
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When Harlow heard the sound of ships in the distance, she worried that they were going to be caught by the imperials, but another fear set in when she realised it was the rebellion
She swore under her breath, rushing back into the ship and reaching for the comms. She didn't know how close he had gotten to the building but she knew what ships they were. Bombing X-wings.
She was shaking as she yelled into the mic, begging for a delay on squadron support.
"There are Alliance forced on site, I repeat, Captain Andor is on site," she yelled into it.
All she heard was static through the machine and she slammed it back into the wall with a yell. She wasn't going to lose him like this.
She stormed out of the ship, "Come on K2, we're going to save Cassian," she said and he started ro follow her.
Just as they did that, a bomb exploded into their ship and she wondered what luck she had for it not to have exploded whilst she was in it.
When they were walking back, she spotted a figure running towards them in the distance and she lowered her gun when she noticed that it was Bodhi.
"Where's Cassian, Bodhi?" She asked snd when he didn't reply, he noticed that angry look in her eye that the others saw earlier, "Where's my husband, damn it!"
"He's gone to save Jyn, he's on the landing pad," he explained, out of breath
She didn't know whether to be mad or not because he had made the decision to save Jyn when he could have left her bit he didn't. But she was also mad that he had put himself in danger.
"Lets go, tell me where that shuttle depot is," she said, turning to Bodhi.
He explained the way and the three started running toward it. When they got there, they were lucky that it was abandoned.
"Get in, we're heading to the platform," she said as she saw Baze and Chirrut in the distance, rushing the other way.
There was a smile on Chirruts face as he rushed over, almost like he was glad that she had made the right decision to follow her heart.
When they were on, Bodhi and K2 manned the system and in a few seconds, they were at the platform that had been bombed by resistance fighters.
She rushed to the open hatch, a sickening feeling in her stomach as she thought about Cassian having been killed there.
When she saw the stormtroopers shooting at them, she started firing back and that's when she heard Cassian call her name and a weight was lifted off of her shoulders.
"Get in!" She called out, noticing that he was with Jyn.
The two rushed over and he helped Jyn up. She reached her hand out and pulled him into the ship, watching as he fell into her arms and the door closed.
Everyone was silent and nobody knew had happened whilst everyone else was in their different places.
Jyn turned to Cassian, face pulled in a grimace as she pointed in his direction. It was almost like she was trying to stop the tears from falling.
"You lied to me," she said, her voice bitter.
He ignored her, putting his gun back on the shelf, "You're in shock," he stated, completely nonchalant.
"You went up there to kill my father," she said, her voice cracking slightly at the end as she finally admitted it out loud.
He scoffed as he turned back to look at her, "You don't know what you're talking about," he said.
"Deny it," Jyn said, shaking her head a she looked at the man in front of her.
"You're in shock and looking for some place to put it," he said, trying to deflect.
Harlow watched. She knew that he was never going to win because Jyn had just lost her father and wasn't going to give up.
"They know," she said, gesturing to the others.  "You lied about why you came here, and you lied about why you went up alone,"
She scoffed, looking back at Cassian. She had made up her mind about the kind of person that he was at this point.
"That's why you two were arguing yesterday. You lied to Harlow too," she stated, knowing how to push his buttons.
That was the statement that made him lose his cool, "Don't bring her into this," he said, pointing at her, "I had every chance to pull the trigger, but did I?"
"You might as well have. My father was living proof and those were alliance bombs that killed him," she said, raising her voice at the end.
"I had orders, orders that I disobeyed," he explained, arms waving and voice raised.
"Ordeds, when you know they're wrong?" Jyn said. She clearly had never been a soldier, "You might as well be a stormtroopers,"
That's what cut deep for Harlow. Cassian noticed the way she inhaled sharply, mouth open before it closed; her jaw clenched.
She stepped forward, standing between the arguing duo. They all saw this mysterious side of her again, the anger growing in her eyes.
"Cut it out Jyn," she said, trying to hide the shake in her voice, "Stuff happens, you've got to get over it,"
Jyn didn't know what it was like to fight for freedom. She seemed to think that there was nothing wrong with the empire if you didn't bother them.
"What do you know? Suddenly the rebellion is real to you," Harlow explained, her voice loud, "Some of us live it, I've been in this fight since I was 8 years old,"
Jyn looked at the girl, watching as the tears brimmed in her eyes as she yelled at her, letting out the anger.
"You're not the only one who lost everything," She said, lowering her voice as it started to shake. "And stormtroopers killed my whole family so don't compare him to them again,"
"You can't talk your way around this, you can't defend your diginity and his," Jyn stated.
There was an awkward tension in the air like nobody knew what to say. None of them had seen her so angry before.
"Anybody else?" Harlow asked and when nobody answered, she turned and looked at Jyn, "I'm sorry about your father Jyn,"
She climbed up the ladder, leaving all of the bad energy behind as she sat on the floor, knees pressed against her chest and head on her knees.
Cassian followed her up, sitting down next to her and brushing a hand through her still wet hair.
"You didn't have to defend me there," he said, his voice soft, unlike it was earlier
"Why did you not do it?" She asked, raising her head to look at him, "Kill Galen?"
"It doesn't matter," he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, "all that matters is that you're okay,"
He didn't kill Galen because he knew that it was the wrong thing to do. He also knew that Harlow would never forgive him if he did.
He pressed a kiss to her forehead, watching as she placed her head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry for yelling," she said and he nodded.
Growing up, she had always yelled. She had alway hidden behind her tough shell and never let anyone inside and she thought it was a strength.
But falling in love with Cassian turned her into a better person. She had more compassion and knew when to make the aggressive move.
She didn't want to become that awful person again and when she started yelling, all the anger bubbled back up to the surface.
"I don't care," he said, placing a kiss on her temple, "Yell as much as you want darling, I'll always love you"
She sighed. Although she felt awful for the way that she talked to Jyn in the light of her father's death, she didn't regret it too much.
All that mattered was that they had each other and they would be able to lean on each other no matter what.
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mentalnahigijena · 2 years
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Ruska pravoslavna crkva špijunira vojne bazeAlpha Sefland Winge, norveška stručnjakinja za sigurnost, smatra kako nekretnine u vlasništvu Ruske pravoslavne crkve, koje se nalaze blizu norveških vojnih baza mogu u sigurnosnom smislu biti problematične.Uzbuna na sjeveru Evrope, Norvežani sumnjaju da njihove vojne baze špijunira Ruska pravoslavna crkva.Tamošnji list Dagbladet iz Bergena piše kako je posljednjih godina Ruska pravoslavna crkva kupila nekoliko značajnih nekretnina u Norveškoj.A jedna od nekretnina, ona u Sereidi, ima odličan pogled na najvažniju norvešku pomorsku bazu, Haakonsvern.To je glavna baza Kraljevske norveške mornarice i najveća pomorska baza u nordijskim zemljama. List otkriva kako je nekretninu, 2016. godine kupila župa Bogojavljenja Moskovske patrijaršije. Bogomolja se nalazi na uzvisini udaljena tri kilometra od Haakonsverna, a s parcele se pruža potpuni pregled prilaza i velikih dijelova pomorske baze.Ruska pravoslavna crkva je od 2017. do 2021. kupila još nekoliko objekata u norveškoj obalnoj regiji Rogaland. Informacije koje je dobio Dagbladet pokazuju i kako se kongregacija u Bergenu, povezana s Patrijaršijom u Moskvi, smjestila u blizini jednog od najvažnijih objekata norveških oružanih snaga. Konkretno, u Stavangeru djeluje župa Svete velikomučenice Irine, a vjerski objekt se nalazi samo petnaestak minuta hoda od sjedišta JWC – NATO Joint Warfare Centra. Kad su novinari Dagbladeta posjetili župnu kuću, nisu nikoga u njoj vidjeli.Alpha Sefland Winge, norveška stručnjakinja za sigurnost, smatra kako nekretnine u vlasništvu Ruske pravoslavne crkve, koje se nalaze blizu norveških vojnih baza mogu u sigurnosnom smislu biti problematične."Naravno da bi se ti objekti mogli koristiti za nešto drugo osim za vjerske svrhe. Puno je mogućnosti za što bi se mogli upotrebljavati. Moguće je iz njih ometati ili presretati signale, prisluškivati... Možete upravljati dronovima odatle ili ponuditi smještaj ljudima koji mapiraju to područje", navela je Winge.Inače, u Norveškoj živi zanemariv broj pravoslavaca. Istovremeno, odavno je poznato da je Ruska pravoslavna crkva pruža apsolutnu podršku Vladimiru Putinu.
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tending-the-hearth · 3 years
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may i present my favorite star wars trope: "grumpy war-hardened male character and the lonely child they accidentally adopt"
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shiparmada · 7 years
Re: the wing AU. Consider Chirrut always insisting on meditating on flat rooftops on sunny days, giving some bs excuse about the connection to the Force being clearer up there. His real reason is that Baze will always follow him up there - half worried about Imperials, half about Chirrut falling off the roof - and up there Baze will always stretch out his wings wile he watches over Chirrut. So Chirrut makes sure to meditate up there for a long time when the weather is right
“Chirrut, where are you going?”
“You’ll see.”
Baze let out a huff as he followed after his husband. “Has anyone every told you that you are insufferable?”
“Once or twice,” is Chirrut’s easy answer. Chirrut suddenly stopped in the middle of the busy street, the crowds sliding around them easily even with their glares and muttered curses. “You do not need to follow me,” Chirrut said as he turned to face Baze, “You could go back to the room and rest.” Baze watched at the little signs, Chirrut’s hands sliding on the staff, the way his wings lifted and unfolded just a touch, just enough to catch the light.
Baze considered giving him a flippant remark, the kind that Chirrut would have a response for. Baze took in the little signs though and decided against it. “And leave you to be shot by a Storm Trooper? Not likely.” Alright, so maybe he could afford to be a little flippant.
Chirrut’s smile lit the street and he turned again to keep walking. “Well then I guess you’ll just have to put up with me.” Baze shook his head as he kept walking.
Eventually they got off the busy street and passed into smaller and smaller streets, until they were just barely comfortable to walk through, when Chirrut stopped. Baze looked around for the reason Chirrut had stopped, but could see nothing. There was no one there except them, no signs of life in the building they stood next to either.
“It’s abandoned,” Chirrut said to Baze over his shoulder as if he were reading Baze’s mind, and he turned to the building on their left. “It suits my purposes though.”
“And what purpose is that?”
Without answering, Chirrut’s wings suddenly flew open, a spring that had been held closed by a hook. Baze had to back up to avoid getting hit, pressing his own tattered wings into the wall behind him. Baze goggled for a moment at Chirrut. There was no way the fool was going to try to fly there, they did not have room to. Even in ideal conditions they always needed to make a running start before they could get successfully airborne, and this alley in no way provided that.
And then Chirrut jumped straight up.
Baze grumbled, watching as the fool gave a single beat of his wings that sent the sand and the dust below flying everywhere, and landing on the edge of the building. It had not been enough to fly, no, but it was enough to give Chirrut the boost he needed to make it. “Are you coming, Baze?” Chirrut called down, turning and sliding his staff over the edge of the roof.
Baze did not stop grumbling even when he was out of ear shot of Chirrut and walking inside to find the stairs to the roof.
Once Baze made it onto the roof, Chirrut was already sitting on the edge, legs crossed, wings tucked, and staff settled across his lap. “Mediating?” Baze asked as he moved over to stand behind Chirrut. “We crossed half the city and climbed two stories so that you could meditate?”
“Mm-hm,” came Chirrut’s slow answer, and he tilted his head to show Baze he was listening. “The Force is strong here, I wanted to listen to it.”
Baze huffed and then sat down. “If you sit on the edge like that an Imperial is going to spot you and arrest you.”
“The Force will protect me,” Chirrut answered easily.
“You mean I will protect you.” Baze’s jaw set, and looked around the roof. Chirrut did not continue the banter, falling back into an easy meditation. Baze shook his head and he leaned forward slowly onto his knees. It was not all that bad, this spot that Chirrut had chosen. It was not the tallest building in the Holy City, not even the tallest in the alley, but because of its position it got direct sunlight that sank in through the biting cold of Jedha. Spots with this much direct sunlight were rare in the city, most buildings fighting for the light and blocking it off for other smaller buildings. They were like the plants in the gardens, competing for those few extra rays of sun.
Baze shifted to get comfortable. Chirrut’s meditations could last hours and there was no reason to stay uncomfortable. He pulled the blaster from his hip, and the blade from his boot, setting them close by in case they needed to be grabbed in a hurry. He leaned forward again, giving his wings more space before he slowly spread them, feeling every ache as tired joints moved.
He looked at his wings, how the underside of them glowed with diffused light. When they were younger, and Chirrut could still see, Chirrut used to marvel at that. He would run his fingers over each feather carefully and tell him how beautiful they were, how the wings were perfect for Baze. Large, warm, and full of light. Baze’s response was to inform Chirrut that the wings were cumbersome, dull, and boring like he was. Chirrut had smacked him for that. Despite himself Baze smiled at the memory.
They looked nothing like that now. The feathers were still the color of sand, some of them with bands of red near the tips of them, but now many were missing, or bent. The left wing has a jagged scar along the top of it where feathers have refused to regrow. If he asked Chirrut, Chirrut would still say that the wings were beautiful. That is why Baze never asks Chirrut.
The wings started to feel warm in the heat, and with that Baze started to feel sleepy. Baze decided that perhaps it was safe enough to lay down. As he drifted off, he missed the warm smile on Chirrut’s lips as he meditated.
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s-k-y-w-a-l-k-e-r · 5 years
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Band on the Run!
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roguedameron · 5 years
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The Escape // Artist: Alberto Quirantes / Akirant Website
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goingroguepod · 2 years
Things from the second draft* of Rogue One that are worth mentioning
*for starters, Chris Weitz wrote more than one draft (just like Gary Whitta probably did) but these are some of the changes he made when he took over writing duties on Rogue One:
Everyone dies.
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Literally the first thing Weitz said after reading Whitta's draft was "I think everyone needs to die", which director Gareth Edwards (and first writer Gary Whitta) wanted to do, but assumed would never be approved by Disney. But Kathleen Kennedy agreed and the Everyone Dies ending of Rogue One was set in stone from early 2015 (I've seen a lot of people say this was a late change, even as late as last draft/Tony Gilroy - nah, it was the second draft)
2) Jyn was still a rebel commander, but she had baggage - she was a deserter in one draft, and a scavenger in another. This had to be dropped when they were finally allowed to see the script for Episode VII and discovered Rey was a scavenger.
3) Cassian was still a traitor, but Weitz gave him a justification - Saw Gerrera had killed some of his people, so he was feeding information to the Empire on the condition he got to kill Saw (or at least got to see Saw dead). This would have probably made his and Jyn's relationship more complicated too, since Jyn was raised by Saw, but they did still have a relationship in Weitz's draft**
4) Chirrut and Baze were originally a Force Priest and a murderer was a "weird, symbiotic, possibly co-dependant" relationship. Baze did the murdering, and Chirrut forgave him.
5) Bodhi was also added as the team's pilot - in the previous draft, the U-wing was Jyn's ship that she piloted herself (and Whitta had cut the team's original pilot Ria Talla), but as the script became more of an ensemble piece and Galen's rescue was moved to the second act, they needed both a pilot and an imperial defector.
6) The mission to Scarif involved Jyn and Cassian crossing the battlefield with the stolen plans to get to a second transmission tower to get the plans up to the Rebel Fleet. This is where all the trailer footage of Jyn and Cassian fighting on the beaches comes from. It was later cut from time/simplicity, moving the transmission dish to the main tower.
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7) Chris Weitz wrote a "Space Hannibal Lecter" scene between Jyn and the Bor Gullet, Saw's octopus creature, which in Weitz's draft had dialogue. It was a much bigger character that fed off memories and traded information to Jyn in exchange for details of her traumatic childhood. This was a way to get Jyn, a relatively stoic character, to actually talk about her past.
What's really wild to me is that this was technically the shooting script. Weitz worked on the script up until cameras rolled in London, meaning a decent chunk of this script was shot (although multiple uncredited rewrites happened during shooting). You can learn more about Weitz's script in Episode II of the podcast, and more about the uncredited rewrites in Episode III yes this was all an ad for my podcast please listen if you're stanning Rogue One on Tumblr the ending of the final ep should actually make you cry***
** Weitz has said that he finds the lack of romantic subplot between Jyn and Cassian in the final film "refreshing", although he also said he wouldn't be surprised if a version of the ending with a kiss was filmed.
***it got my editor teary and he doesn't even like the movie.
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darkdaze76 · 7 years
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Rogue One(2016)
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sweetjegus · 7 years
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芮 (rùi) - tiny, fine grass 
photo by BK Productions
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hangovercurse · 3 years
The GQ Couples Quiz
You, a famous actress, and your boyfriend, MGK, do an interview about your relationship for GQ.
Request: “Can I get a Colson Baker imagine where you do the couple interview for buzzfeed please”
Colson x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: I changed it to the GQ interview because I couldn’t find the one for Buzzfeed, sorry!
Word Count: 2480
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“Hey guys I’m MGK”
“And I’m Y/S/N”
“And this is the GQ couples quiz.” You both said at the same time before busting out in laughter at the corniness.
“I think you know way more about me than I know about you.” Colson said, a nervous look on his face.
You giggled, “I think I know some stuff that could get you into trouble.”
The producers behind the cameras laughed at that. “Okay, I’ll go first.” Colson picked up the cards in his hand. “What is my full name?”
You smiled, “Starting off with the heavy stuff here, guys.” You said, looking behind the cameras with a laugh. “Your full name is Richard Colson Baker.” Colson made a face at the use of his first name which made you giggle.
“Yeah, but if anyone calls me Richard or Richie,” he pointed straight into the camera, “I will come for you.” You giggled at his silliness, looking at your own card which held the same question.
“Okay, what is my full name?” You looked up at him, “If you get this wrong, I will walk out of here.”
His eyes went wide, “I think I know my own girlfriend’s name Ms. Y/F/N.” You giggled, nodding in approval, and letting him continue. “Where was I born?”
You rolled your eyes, “Houston, Texas. Easy. Where was I born?”
“Y/B/T” He said with a grin, flipping to the next card.
“What is my secret talent?”
“You say this is your secret talent, but you talk about it all the time so I don’t know if it counts.” You said, “but you can juggle.”
He nods, “That’s the only talent I have so it counts.” You giggled, shaking your head. “Yours is that you can balance shit on your head, right? Like cups and plates and shit.”
You nodded, “together we make a whole circus act.”
You both laughed, his entire body moving as he did. Eventually, he calmed down and looked at the next card. “I’m gonna look like such a shitty boyfriend.” You laughed, waiting for him to read the question, “What’s my favorite meal?”
You laughed harder, “you don’t know my favorite meal?”
He threw his head back, “I know what you eat a lot but like, I couldn’t tell you what is specifically your favorite meal.”
You giggled, “yours is Soul food. Like chicken and mac n cheese and all that.”
He nodded, “I was gonna say chicken wings, but you’re right.”
“Every time we go to Cleveland you drag me to that one place and you get so excited about it.” You told him and he smiled. “Do I wanna ask you what mine is?”
“Dude, you are gonna make me look so bad.” He shook his head, but tried anyways, “I mean, I know you like making breakfast with me and Case, but I don’t know if that’s your favorite meal or not.”
You grinned widely, excited that he got it right. “No, you’re so right. Like, it’s not the best food,” he pouted, “but the fact that we all make it together is really cute.”
He blushed, reading the next card. “What is my favorite song to sing around the house?” He started laughing in the middle of the question, making you laugh with him.
“Oh my god, what doesn’t he sing around the house?” You said to the crew behind the screen. Slim and Baze were standing to the side, laughing with you. “I guess normally its whatever he’s working on. Like I swear, no one is more obsessed with his music than he is.”
His cheeks were red and he buried his face behind his cards. “I’d like to disagree but I really don’t have a favorite song to sing around the house. It’s just kind of whatever’s in my head.’
“So, then I still get the point, right?”
“I guess you still get the point.” He sighed.
“Okay this one is different for me, what is my favorite song to dance to?” You asked, grinning slyly at him.
He rolled his eyes, “if you play anything by 24kGoldn, she will be dancing to it. If you play anything I’ve come out with, she skips it.”
You gaped, “I do not skip it you ass! You just don’t make good dancing music. There’s nothing wrong with that, I just can’t dance and cry at the same time.” By the end of your statement, you were both laughing like little kids. “But Goldn, he makes some dance-worthy music.”
Colson shook his head but continued. “What was the name of the first song I ever released and my first album?”
“Lace up.” You announced, making the x symbol with your hands. Colson nodded, smiling at you fondly. “Uh, your first song was…” you trailed off, thinking. “It wasn’t Wild Boy, was it?”
He shook his head, “nope, earlier than that. It was never on an official album.”
Your eyes shot open in realization, “Oh! Alice in Wonderland!” You shouted and he nodded, smiling proudly.
“I swear to God I look so bad right now.” He complained.
You chuckled, shaking your head, “We’ve gotten the same number of questions right! I wouldn’t have gotten that if you hadn’t told me it wasn’t on an album.” He let out a sigh but you continued, “what was the first piece of film I ever appeared in?”
You could tell he was thinking, “like commercials and stuff count?” You nodded, “you were in that Febreze commercial when you were like, 12, weren’t you?”
You laughed really loud, your head going back and your eyes shutting. “I hate that you know that.” Colson pumped his fists in the air, celebrating his correct answer.
“If you were to ask like your first actual like movie, it was Nerve, cause that’s how we met.” He said, a wide grin on his face. You nodded, matching his energy. He looked at the card, his eyes going soft. “Okay this one’s cute, when was our first date and what did we do?”
You giggled, remembering the long path to your relationship. “Our first actual date was on April 23rd, 2019. We went to a little drive-in movie and you borrowed Baze’s truck and we sat in the bed and uh… let me just say we didn’t do much watching.” The crew members started laughing with you, so much that you had to take a few seconds of a break.
“We’ll cut the break out, don’t worry.” The assistant director said. Colson’s face was red, trying to hide his laugh as you went back to the video.
You cleared your throat, “when was our first kiss?”
He chuckled, “It was not that night, funnily enough.” You both giggled, hiding your face in embarrassment. “Our first kiss was the night before. It was my birthday and we were in this huge house and there were a ton of people around and I realized that you were the only person I actually wanted to be with at that moment in time. So, we snuck out to the backyard with a bottle of something and spent the rest of the night getting drunk with each other. And at some point, I kissed you.” You smiled, the memory of that night coming back to you. “And then I asked you on said first date.”
There were a few scattered “awes” from the production team, which you laughed off. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was cute, next question.”
He shook his head at you but read the next question, “Ugh, these are all so cheesy. When did I first say I loved you?”
You chuckled, “You were on tour and I hadn’t seen you in like two months except on the phone. So, when you got back, you took me and Casie out for lunch and then we went to this skate park. I remember I was teaching Casie how to skate and you just kind of blurted it out. And Casie and I both looked at you like “what the fuck did you just say?” and you got really embarrassed about it and then Casie said “finally!” like she had been waiting for it.”
You were a giggling mess, happiness flooding your body as you remembered the moment. “No,” he started, “you don’t understand. Casie figured it out like weeks before me. We were talking on the phone, and this kid, my nine-year-old daughter, started teasing me about how nervous I was to tell you.”
Your grin widened. “I swear Casie would’ve killed me if I hadn’t told you that day.”
“I will have to thank Casie at some point.” You said as you flipped to the next question. “What is my favorite movie and TV show? You gotta get them both right.”
He put his head in his hands, letting out a sigh. “I know your favorite movie is Nerve for obvious reasons,” he motioned up and down his body, “however, I know you’ve seen The Dirt about a hundred times, so.” He pointed his head at you and you rolled your eyes.
“He’s so egotistical.” You said to the camera. “But you’re right, Nerve is my favorite movie not only because its how we met but also because it was the first movie I was ever in. But if you were to ask my favorite movie that I’m not in, it would be The Dirt. You get 2 points for that one.”
Colson nodded, “hell yeah. Okay, what do I consider my biggest career accomplishment?”
Your eyes went wide as you realized you didn’t know the answer. “I could say like three or four different things right now.” You whined, looking to him for help. “When Miocic started coming out to your song, when you recorded with Crue, when Cena started using your song. You’ve done so much shit.”
He chuckled, “yeah but what’s the most important one, like to me?”
You tilted your head, “Was it when you performed on New Year’s?” You asked, feeling slightly embarrassed.
He laughed, “you’re a goddamn mind reader, I swear.” You smiled, sighing in relief, “yeah, it wasn’t like the biggest thing but it was the most important to me.”
You smiled, “we’re just on the same wavelength.” He rolled his eyes at your goofiness. “Okay, okay. How do you know when I’m mad at you?”
He chuckled, looking down at his hands, “if its something I did and we’re like, in public, you just won’t talk to me and like you won’t let me touch you.” He turned to the camera and the rest of the room, “like we are both very touchy people, so if she stops holding my hand or something, I know I fucked up.”
You giggled, nodding in agreement, “but if I really mess up, she’ll let me know.”
“We’re very big on communication.” You smiled, both of you stifling laughter at the many memories of you arguing over stupid things. “But it’s why this works, y’know?” You said to the camera.
“You should get this one, what’s my biggest fear?” He asked, the room falling silent.
You turned to look at him, a soft smile on your face. “Losing Casie.” You said, “or me, but mostly Casie.” You both knew how much he loved Casie. It was what attracted you to him so much in the first place. And since you’d known him, Casie had become equally important in your life.
He nodded, “yeah. I’ve had, like, actual nightmares about it. Scariest shit.”
You let the answer linger in the air for a second before pulling out the last card. “Okay, last question. When did we first meet and when did you first realize you liked me?” You grinned up at him and he blushed.
“First day we met was the day of the Nerve read through and we hit it off immediately. But I realized I “liked” you,” he used air quotes when he said the word liked, “when you did that ladder scene. I remember thinking like, “damn, that girl is fucking metal.””
You laughed, “I was so terrified but I was trying to keep calm because I wanted you to think I was cool.” You squeezed your eyes shut, “I was freaking out.”
Colson laughed with you, pausing to catch his breath, “but the first time I realized I loved you was when I was on tour. Normally I called you before I went out after the show, but this one night I was really burnt out and the only thing I wanted to do was to sit on the bus and facetime you. And even though I was like four hours behind you and it was like 5 am where you were, you stayed up with me and we just talked for a while. And then you fell asleep without hanging up and I couldn’t bring myself to hang up. So, I just, as creepy as this shit sounds, I just watched you sleep. And I had that thought of like, I could do this every night and not get bored of it. And that’s when I realized that I loved you.”
The look on your face explained your emotions perfectly, and it was something the internet talked about for a while after the video was released. Colson blushed, “now you gotta say when you first realized you liked me so I don’t look like a little bitch.”
You laughed loudly, body shaking. “Ok, first time I realized I liked you was when you brought Casie to set. Like, the way you acted with her and everything was so sweet. Like I was already attracted to you but that was the point where I was like, woah.” You made wide eyes to prove your point. “I realized I loved you the same facetime call. I hate being woken up and I was really mad when my phone rang. But then I saw it was you and my heart literally did a little backflip. The next morning, I woke up to the call still going and you were asleep on the other end and I realized that I would never answer a facetime call at 5 am for anyone else.”
He smiled fondly at you, “we’re so in sync.” You giggled, agreeing.
“Okay, that was our really cheesy GQ couple’s quiz. Thank you guys so much for watching. Stream Daywalker by MGK and Corpse.” You said to the camera.
“And go see Y/N’s new movie out on Netflix!” Your boyfriend said giving a thumbs up to the camera.
The director gave you the signal to cut and you let out a sigh of relief, looking over to Colson, who was already looking at you. “I love you.” He said.
“I love you too, dork.” You mumbled, moving from your chair to his, resting your head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you.
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jyndor · 2 years
ofc I notice new things every time I watch rogue one so this time:
melshi melshi melshi melshi king melshi I am not sure but I think his nose is still fucked up from jyn hitting him in the balls and then whacking him in the face with a shovel, I have to check the scene again bc it might have just been dark idk
the scene where cassian's u-wing lands on jedha, there's a little critter that is on one of the rocks idk I just like animals a lot, a very george lucas move to randomly animate some space lizard
baze probably stood out to me this time, fuck he is such an underrated character ilu baze I'm sorry about your life and your husband and also I'm sorry you won't ever get a show probably, you're the real mvp "oh ill get the pilot" lmfaooo
I did not notice b*r g*ll*t bc I have blocked out that scene from my mind and will never ever notice it smfh
draven gets more sympathetic with each viewing
general ben daniels of blue squadron has a great mustache
saw acting like a dad rip to him
kay was even funnier than ever to me this time I was cackling internally, he's such a cunt and I love it
felicity and diego are just unreal, their faces their expressions their voices their chemistry their everything I mean the elevator scene was even more beautiful than I remember it being in theaters, these little screens don't capture the longing in his eyes idk it's the lighting ig
I had a realization while watching one of these scenes in the film that a spoiler from the scene they showed is going to feel very parallel-y anyway that's all I'm gonna say
vader serving murder is such a necessary moment after jyn and cassian die like you don't have time to mourn them because there's no time, we gotta get these plans to leia and to yavin iv, it's like a palate cleanser of sorts
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mosylufanfic · 3 years
For the NaNoWriMo ficlet prompts, how about RebelCaptain + A Kiss because The World is Saved?
NaNo Story #2! Thanks for the prompt! Here is some Sadness, muahahaha.
The End of the World
Jyn woke when Cassian stirred. "Wuz," she mumbled thickly.
"A message," he said, kissing her forehead before kicking his blankets back.
They were both speaking softly, trying not to wake the other Rebellion soldiers scattered on the hard floor around them, wrapped in bunkrolls. The Emperor's grand reception hall wasn't the worst place they'd camped. For instance, it was indoors.
But it sure as hell wasn't the best, either.
She yawned. "Another Imperial commander swearing he'd always been working for the rebellion, no, really?"
"In this case, that's actually possible," he said, rolling his blankets up.. "It was coded direct to me."
They were still setting up the computers and the security protocols. At the moment, he couldn't take coded messages anywhere but HQ, once the Emperor's private throne room. He'd have to go down there himself.
She grunted. "What time is it?"
"Oh-five-hundred," he said.
Kriff. She had to report at oh-six-hundred. Not enough time to go back to sleep, not if she wanted a shower and a bite. She sighed and scrunched her fingers in her sleep tousled hair a moment, then reached for a hair tie and slid it around her wrist. "See you at breakfast?"
"Yeah," he said, and kissed her again, gentle. They were very careful with each other these days, as if both of them were shielding the other from breaking.
She rubbed his shoulder and let him go.
Getting woken up early did have the upside of a shorter line for the sonics. They were set up in an anteroom, all gold details and plush carpet. Doubtless the Emperor or his minions had met toadies currying favor here, or had secret meetings on how better to squeeze the galaxy bloodless and stomp it beneath their booted feet.
Now it was filled with boxy portable sonic booths, and tired-faced Rebel scum, stripping down to their underwear.
They'd been shipped out from Endor to the Coruscant system just a few days ago, with most of Intelligence's data analysts and slicers, scrambling to get into the Imperial records before they and their backups got wiped clean.
Jyn had been up until midnight, cleaning up data bombs, bits of code set up to explode in the computer banks and wipe out years of records. It was taxing, fiddly work, but satisfying in its own way as she defanged the programs and saw yet more damning information downloaded to Rebellion databases on Imperial corruption.
It felt surreal to be here, in the middle of the Imperial stronghold, and have governors and admirals begging for mercy. She had to remind herself a lot: the war was over.
Well, not truly over. There was a lot of clean-up to be done. A lot of jockeying for power, a lot of sorting out the mess.
But the second Death Star was destroyed. The Emperor gone, Darth Vader dead, the Empire imploding from within. They'd turned a corner. The Rebellion had been fighting for the past twenty-odd years, clawing their way up out of the darkness, but now they were reaching the edge of the light, and just needed to keep fighting a little while longer.
The world was saved.
The world was saved and Bodhi Rook's X-Wing had gone down over Endor.
She shut her eyes as the pain hit her in the throat again. Bodhi, Bodhi.
He'd known the risk. They all had. They'd all accepted it. It was a miracle they'd all survived the war. Never mind the war, it was a miracle they'd all survived Scarif.
So many others had lost so much. Perhaps she'd been arrogant to think that the fickle hand of death wouldn't snatch someone she loved. Or perhaps she should be handling this better, having lost so many people already in her life.
But she thought perhaps she and Cassian had lost too many to lose one more.
And yet they had.
They'd spent a good part of the trip from Endor on the comms with Chirrut and Baze, who'd set up a facility for war orphans on a Rebel planet.
"Organics die," Kay said. "It is what they do."
"Kay," Cassian had said sharply.
But Jyn found Kay's chilly logic, and the confused sorrow beneath it, more palatable than Chirrut's oft-repeated assurances that Bodhi was at one with the Force.
Baze had rumbled, "It's not the end of the world."
Even Chirrut had looked a little surprised by that, until he went on, "It just feels like it."
Ironic how the whole galaxy was celebrating, and the remaining members of her broken family could only mourn.
Or was that more arrogance? Thinking she was important enough for the universe to thwart? When the truth was, people left and people suffered and people died and nothing you could do could change that.
The sonics were programmed to vibrate away bodily fluids, and her tears shivered into nothing before they'd slipped halfway down her cheeks.
The sonic shut off, and she rubbed her face. That was all the time she had to grieve for now. There was too much to do.
She pulled her outer clothes back on, sonically cleaned like her body and her underwear, and stepped out with her boot laces undone.
Her head jerked up and she saw Cassian running through the maze of bunkrolls, eyes wild. "Jyn!" he shouted again, head swiveling.
Her stomach cramped. Cassian never ran, never shouted, not unless he had to.
She stood and waved, taking off to intercept him.
He grabbed her by the arms, almost tight enough to hurt. "Why weren't you answering your comm?"
"I was in the kriffing shower, what is it? What's happened?" Not Chirrut or Baze. Or Kay. What if he'd plugged into the wrong port? Fallen victim to a data bomb she'd missed?
Not another loss.
"The message," he panted. "It was Bodhi."
She felt herself freeze up. "He - he managed to send a message - before - " Could she handle seeing that?
But Cassian shook his head. "No, he survived. The crash, he survived the crash." He kissed her hard enough that her teeth cut into the inside of her lips.
She gaped at him, unable to take it in. "Bodhi - he - ?"
"He lived, he's alive, he survived."
"His squadron leader said - "
"The crash took out his onboard computer, bad enough it registered as a kill. But he ejected and crashed into the tree canopy. He camped in the jungle and retrieved enough of it to rig a comm system. He didn't want to send out a general distress beacon in case the Imperials found him first. But he knew my direct code."
Yes, of course he had. Cassian had made them all memorize it so they could get hold of him immediately and secretly. Bodhi had struggled the most, his memory still slightly damaged from Bor Gullet. But he'd been able to recite it finally.
If Cassian hadn't been holding onto her, Jyn might have dropped at his feet like a puppet with its strings cut. "He's - he's all right?"
"A little battered. Some broken bones, a few superficial burns. But he'll be all right. I sent his position to the Endor fleet, and they're retrieving him. He's coming home, Jyn."
Then it felt real. Jyn grabbed Cassian and kissed him back, as hard as he'd kissed her before, and he hauled her close. They stood clinging to each other in the middle of the Imperial reception hall, rocking slightly, joyful tears soaking each others' hair.
Thank you, she thought to the Force, the universe, whatever might be listening. Thank you for giving Bodhi back.
And if that was arrogance, then fine. She'd be a little arrogant today.
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