#and this little snippet can just be a gen character thing :)
astromechs · 1 year
ok, super rough draft writing, but this is the first section of what is shaping up to be a long and unhinged oneshot that i might not publish for two business years at this rate, so i'll give a preview for what i'm unofficially calling wip saturday:
When the end comes, it’s peaceful. Warm.
As it draws closer, the oncoming blast works to drown out everything but that. Somewhere in the distance, he can still pick up the sounds of blaster fire, the roars of X-wings overhead — the heartbeat of the only life he could’ve chosen — but they fade more and more with each passing second.
It’s more than what someone like him, a man with no chance for absolution, deserves. Cassian knows this.
He’s fundamentally exhausted enough to take it, though.
That might be his worst crime of all, is his last thought, one that fades well before his eyes close. Before, in the last moments of his life, he lets himself know only the sound of Jyn’s breathing in his ear and the pounding of her heart that he can feel in his own chest. Before, in the last moments of his life, he’s present with simply what he can hold, no more, no less.
Before, in the last moments of his life, he understands, for the first time in any memory he can access, what it means to be content — and he allows himself to be.
It’s a good death — but nothing that’s good is ever meant to last.
There’s no point in giving space to the flash of emotion that sparks in him when his eyes open again, a mixture of anger and a whole collection of other things that Cassian won’t take the time to identify; he pushes it all down as he’s pushed so much in favor of what’s more immediate, more important. That, for now, is trying to regain his bearings. The warmth is gone, and before he even lifts his head, he knows that he’s alone.
Which isn’t unusual, for a person who’s spent his life this way, and most of that time had been by choice, but when the realization hits him now, it’s a cold knife to the gut. If he’s alone, then where’s Jyn? If he’s been spared, somehow, then why him, especially when he would never ask to be? Why not her, or Bodhi, or Baze, or Chirrut? Why not Melshi, Pao, Sefla, Tonc, or any of the other men who’d followed him to Scarif? Why not —
Shaking his head, he pushes himself to his feet and begins to walk.
The path in front of him, appearing in advance of each step, is illuminated by a dark blue light — the only light in what is, for all intents and purposes, a void. This all isn’t like anything he’s ever seen before, and it makes him uneasy; so does the fact that when he reaches for his side, he finds nothing, no blaster or any other kind of weapon at all. Still, he presses on, keeps his eyes sharp and his senses engaged. There’s no other choice.
Apart from the echo of his own footsteps, from the sound of his own breathing, there’s only silence in the void. It’s the kind of silence he knows better than to trust, like the seconds just before a grenade explodes. His shoulders stiffen, his whole body tenses, ready for whatever will inevitably come his way.
There’s only silence in the void — until there isn’t.
Something begins to whisper in his ear, a vague, unintelligible impression of a voice. With a sharp intake of breath, he turns equally sharply on his heel, scanning all angles of his periphery for a potential source, but he doesn’t see any at all; as far as he can tell, the sound seems to be coming from the void itself. He stills, reaching for his hip where a holster usually is, before, again, remembering.
One whisper turns to a chorus, coalescing, then, into one voice that’s achingly familiar, speaking one word that’s achingly clear:
A figure appears before him, impossibly, out of nowhere — small, oh so small, with wide, earnest, innocent eyes looking up at him. Kerri, just as he’d left her on Kenari, all those years ago.
It’s as if an invisible hand has grabbed him and seized him by the throat, for the way he loses his breath; his chest tightens, squeezes. Completely outside of his control, tears sting in his eyes, and he feels one escape, falling onto his face.
(He’d given up trying to find her, hadn’t he? When the cause had become everything, because it’d had to. Even so, though, even over all that time, guilt had remained his lone constant companion; it surges in him now, too intensely to be cast aside, but it’s as intrinsic a part of him as any organ or limb.)
Cassian doesn’t dare move; something at the back of his mind, faint and nearly drowned out, but still noticeable enough, reminds him of the likely realities — that no matter how this is happening, it has to be some kind of a trap, and he would be stupid to lower his guard in any way. When he has nothing else, there’s only his own judgment to fall back on.
But the girl — his sister — brightens with the smile that stretches on her face, just as she’d always once had. She takes the distance that remains between them at a run, just as she’d always once had, yells, “Kassa!” just before she collides with him.
The force of the impact nearly takes him off his feet, and for one delirious second, when time seems like something completely outside of the moment, an impulse to laugh nearly bubbles up through his chest — but he catches himself, remaining silent and still. She’s warm, though, tucked against him with her arms wrapped around his middle; she’s warm like she’s real, like he isn’t alone.
It’s warmth that seeps into him, in spite of himself, loosening the grip on his throat and the tightness in his chest, even if he remains still.
Kerri doesn’t, though (she never had); before long, she draws back, bouncing on her feet. Two tiny hands find one of his, gripping it tightly, warm and real.
“Kassa, come!” Her voice is as insistent as the tug on his hand. “You have to come!”
He should, every instinct he has knows that he should, but he makes no move to break away — not from this. Instead, as she begins to walk, he follows, ensuring that this connection, warm and real, isn’t broken, at least for a little longer. The path continues to expand with their steps, stretching into the void beyond what he can see, what he can comprehend, but still, he keeps in step.
In a place where time seems to have no meaning, there’s no sense of how long they spend winding this impossible path — minutes, hours, maybe days. Eventually, though, it comes to an end, in the form of a bright, blinding white light.
The grip on his hand squeezes before releasing, and Kerri turns her head, smiling; then, just as quickly, she’s gone.
There’s no time for his brain to catch up and make sense of any of this. Not when the void whispers to him again, in a way he feels more than hears, strange but somehow familiar, just seconds before the light overtakes him:
You will live. You have to now.
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blueikeproductions · 10 days
An update on the Transformers CyberWorld situation.
Without a shadow of a doubt, it’s the next cartoon as a new copyright notice on Hasbro’s part includes animated series.
So we’re moving on from EarthSpark. A well intentioned successor to Rescue Bots aimed older that … just didn’t stick the landing for many reasons (no Nightshade being Enby isn’t one of them, but among certain groups it didn’t exactly help either…).
So what can we expect going forward.
Honestly I think we’re in the middle of a shift, creatively.
Cyberverse & EarthSpark clung to a lot of IDW centric ideas about how the Autobots are shady & the Decepticons are the actual heroes.
Skybound and TFONE are to be returning to traditional Heroic Autobots and Evil Decepticons. Starscream & Shockwave are absolutely psychotic, Soundwave is more professional in an ends justify the means capacity, and Skybound Optimus being praised for a much needed return to the strong enough to be gentle vs the introverted millenial/Gen Z kid most stuff lately has cast him in. And just by official trailers and snippets alone, ONE’s fixed a huge problem with the cast system thing started by Aligned, by making future Autobots into the oppressed miners and from what we can tell, the future Decepticons being among those who either benefited from the system or joined Starscream’s splinter faction, a faction that likely has no benefits to Cybertron as a whole.
It does feel like there’s a bit of course correcting to go with a more traditional route most casuals expect. Even a recent toyetic promo for ONE where the actors play with the toys with some football players, among them is the one who calls himself Megatron, & the players express mild skepticism on an origin story, when they all know Optimus & Megatron are mortal enemies so why bother having them be friends previously or some such. I can always appreciate when a studio expresses self awareness and happily pokes fun at itself.
It also feels like they’ve realized they’ve both overexposed certain characters and also realized certain characters don’t work.
I think RotB and Skybound’s willingness to kill off Bumblebee shows even Hasbro might be sick of him now. His absence so far in early CyberWorld leaks seem to point in this direction too. A recent promotion and opening animation with Squad Busters doesn’t have Bee, but instead uses Elita. It also keeps Megatron and the Decepticons as the villains.
I don’t think Bee is going away, since he’s a major component of TFONE, Reactivate (whenever that sucker comes out), and that separate racing (?) game thing, but outside of EarthSpark, it does feels like they’re trying to move away from him a little. Cyberverse also sticks out as it’s pretty clear the writers wanted nothing to do with Bee after S1, but Hasbro marketing and rebranding made Bumblebee a huge focus, confusing matters, as despite the rebranding, Bee’s role had greatly diminished. (Like realistically, it should’ve been Bumblebee leading the Autobots during the Quint occupation, not Hot Rod if Hasbro was that insistent about it.)
Elita is also an interesting change. For years, Hasbro seemed content to ignore her (and her squad) in favor of Arcee, with Hasbro & IDW trying to beef up female presence with “OCs” Windblade & Pyra Magna among others to little fanfare. Indeed, Windy appears to be benched in favor of Elita-One who has gotten more attention post Netflix WFC (that god awful show did one thing right and it was bring back a Female Autobot people actually like to complement Arcee).
I stand by the series still has a villain problem, and EarthSpark didn’t help by trying to make the Decepticons sympathetic moody Autobots, but also not properly taking advantage of Mandroid, Croft and (so far) the Quintessons. This has been an issue for the bulk of IDW, Cyberverse, & RotB as well, by either omitting Megatron, trying to redeem Megatron into a good guy and/or his replacements not being up to snuff/killed off too quickly. Scourge & Mandroid were steps in the right direction but alas. The Quintessons are also a step in the right direction but Hasbro seems semi hesitant to do much with them, despite their increased presence. (I’m leaning towards it being most toys related to them don’t sell, which is what will make a future Void Rivals toy line interesting…)
So now we’re at CyberWorld.
The lack of Bee in favor of Mirage due to his popularity from RotB seems telling among the Autobots, though we don’t have Elita so far in this series curiously.
All we have to go on Decepticon wise is Galvatron, Scorponok, and Sky-Byte, but that’s still a pretty big change up.
While they still have relevance in TFONE, Screamer & The Waves’ roles in EarthSpark are mostly minor, with Starscream as the standout (in a bad fan fic kind of way). Skybound mostly has ignored Megatron, slowly building up to him in stuff like Cobra Commander, with Starscream getting the crap beaten out of him, and as of the recent issue, Shockwave’s fate isn’t looking too good, leaving Soundwave. It does feel like Hasbro is willing to experiment more outside of Screamer & The Waves, given their absence this far in CyberWorld. Galvatron is also a surprise, given the “Let’s make Megatron an Antihero!” phase started in IDW, that carried over to stuff like Prime Wars, WFC, CV & ES.
I feel like using Galvatron is an attempt to both move away from Megatron for a bit, but to also still technically use him (as a villain) as usually Galvatron IS Megatron. Scorponok, at least in comics and the Headmasters anime, is typically a main villain, but how that works here we don’t know yet. He’s either G1 Marvel Scorponok or BW Scorponok, there’s very little inbetween.
So I think what we have is a big change that is going back to basics like Skybound did, but is willing to still experiment with other characters to add variety. Plus let’s be honest, having multiple Megatron toys from three different things with little visual difference is a sign of stagnation. Shaking it up with Galvatron is an improvement post TFONE.
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dcfanfictioncatalogue · 8 months
barbara gordon JAN 2024 fic awards
another installment of "fic awards," where I comb through every fic posted/updated in a character tag for a specific month and find my favorites! there were more this month for babs than there were in december which made me really happy :) hope you enjoy!
-> Currently Updating <-
Hot Chocolate and Fruitcake, by HermesDay. 2.9k, G, dickbabs focus, 1/2. my summary: babs, through moments where she realizes she may be asexual. my notes: I loved the pacing of this -- babs' internal struggles coming to terms with her asexuality, the missteps she makes along the way. dick being incredibly respectful without even knowing what's going on. the cliffhanger made me yell a little, but I cannot wait to see how it's going to resolve!
Homecoming as Labyrinthian, by cabezas_de_vaca. 22.1k, T, gen, 7/12. my summary: babs comes home from college, determined not to get back in the game after giving up batgirl. of course, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. my notes: I know I already put this one on december's list, so check there for more concrete thoughts, but it updated again in january, which means on this list it goes! it would have been amiss to not recommend it again.
-> Whump & Angst <-
Interrupting Bat, by partybarge. 1k, G, gen. my summary: babs yells at bruce about his treatment of cass. my notes: aurgh... every time I think about batgirl 2000 I start sobbing and this is why!! bruce and babs, cass and bruce, babs and cass... everyone's messy relationships are on display here. this fic says so much in barely 1,000 words and I'm obsessed.
Grave Promises, by PsycholoGeek. 3k, G, gen. my summary: after jason's death, babs builds a safehouse for children in crime alley. my notes: there are ever so many stories about batfam members making safe spaces for kids in crime alley, but something about babs doing it just hits different. because she can't do all of the things she's used to doing, but she does everything she can anyway. and she does it through interaction with the community, instead of violence.
⇘     click for more!     ⇘
-> Action & Plot <-
objects in a mirror, by clytemnestras. 2.7k, T, gen. my summary: four vignettes about the girls of the batfam. my notes: LOVE this!! one of these vignettes is babs pov, and helena's also contains quite a lot of babs and her and helena's relationship, so I figured it belonged on this list. I absolutely adored the way babs was written here and
Oracle: rise and fall, by chick_with_wifi. 4.4k, T, gen. my summary: a look at babs through time, and her relationship with the title of oracle. my notes: this fic ends up tracking her emotions in response to canon events over the years in linear order, which, honestly, if you don't know anything about babs, this is an excellent rundown.
-> Fluff & Humor <-
we'll all be here forever (you're gonna go far), by theragingstorm. 2.4k, G, dickbabs focus. my summary: a little futurefic about bruce finally retiring and giving the mantle to cass, told through a gentle moment of dick and babs talking to each other about the future. my notes: this falls into this category under fluff, but it's bittersweet, and I love that. the casual inside jokes, the relief these two find with each other -- it's something I find tremendously endearing.
they see me rollin', by ELLIDIOTT. 3.7k, T, gen. my summary: a fluffy little fic about babs and her wheelchair, in stories of her and the batfam. my notes: cute!! like this is genuinely just sweet pure fluff and I love the way both babs' relationship with her physical body and also the members of the batfam are showcased in snippets over time.
send me an ask for fic rec lists ++ to find a fic lost to the sands of time
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optimismxmagicism · 19 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
(TY for the template Neffi!)
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Queen
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday (no year): October 18th
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Netherlands, CEST
How long is your roleplay experience? Uhhh about 10 years now I'd say?
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? Gamefaqs had a thread where you could create your own Fire Emblem Fates character. I joined out of curiosity when i was like 13 or so and things just kinds went from there.
How were you introduced to TOA? Rosie, my online big sis, sometimes shared snippets of her experiences with me. I got curious and the rest is history.
Do you have any pets? I have an elderly doggy named Beef :)
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) Winter, definitely. I'm a cold over heat kinda girlie and I like the early nights and cold weather. Perfect for soup!
What is your IRL occupation? IT support service worker and Maid Cafe waitress during the weekends.
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? I'm big into cooking, gardening and cleaning.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Final Fantasy, Genshin Impact, Persona, Danganronpa, Pokemon, Tales of, Uchikoshi games, just to name a few. Also big into Otomes and BL games.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Fairy! Favorite is probably Sylveon and Vivillon.
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! - I am an auntie to 3 adorable little nephews. Love babysitting them :) - Truly I am a girly girly girl. I love pink and cute things and all that goodness. Always have firmly believed that femininity is strength and anyone who disagreed with me has been ground to dust under my heels :) - I used to have a YT channel where I uploaded my own vocaloid covers. I stopped though because I lost interest and the videos gained little traction.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? *Deep sigh* Ike x Marth Yaoi during the Smash Bros Brawl days.... This was before I knew anything about either character and just thought they looked cute together.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? All of them except for Gen 2 of Genealogy (glitches killed that run) as well as Thracia. I'll get to them someday...
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: My First game was Shadow Dragon. My favorite is a tie between Sacred Stones and Three Houses
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Ashe, Ewan, Nils, Nina, Dimitri
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! Wolf. This was because I was still young and just entered my "started liking boys that weren't squeaky clean" phase.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Dimitri.. If you know me you know I'm down horrendous. Sorry kwdjwkdj. Chrom and Xander are also hot.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Chrom forever and always. - Fates: Tsubaki was my first. Nowadays its Xander, Jakob or Shigure. - Three Houses: Dimitri. Its always Dimitri. If I play BL and I don't choose Dimitri I have been killed and replaced. - Engage: Diamant was my first! I also really liked Kagetsu and Amber.
Favorite Fire Emblem class? Dancer!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? I'd be the cleric that needs to be babied at first but gives cracked heals later on. High magic/speed/resistance, low Strength/Defense.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) Blue Lions baybeeeeeeee
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boons: Faith Reason Authority - Banes: Axes, Brawling, Heavy Armor
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) Wherever Kagetsu's from.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) To-ah.
Current TOA muses: Ewan, Nils, Byleth M
Past TOA muses? Uhhh from the top of my head: Saleh, Rolf, Nina, Takumi, Male Corrin.
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Ewan was my first! I don't think I'll be dropping him for a long time as he's just become so special to me :)
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? Characters that put up a front of being easygoing or simple, but have a lot of inner troubles they hide from others. Those that like to make others happy.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Very masculine types. Manly Men or Muscle Himbos are characters I greatly enjoy but just don't like to write.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I like writing scenes where characters bond with each other, either over an earnest heart to heart or silly shenanigans.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? I would love to write a scene where the mask just fully crumbles and the entire truth is revealed about my muses deepest feelings. Also for Byleth specifically I'd love to write post timeskip scenes where he's in touch with his emotions and takes on the role of Archbishop.
Favorite TOA-related memories? A specific one was Andrei's turnaround on Ewan during the halloween candy game. It was one of the first major bonds Ewan would end up developing.
Present or past tense? I Try to say I'm past tense mostly but sometimes I jumble things up a little.
Normal size text, small text, no preference? I've started trying small text recently, but I'd say I have no real preference.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 Nope! I think I'm set for now. There is one character that, If the opportunity ever arises I'd want to get but not right now.
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navigatorsghost · 3 months
Snippet time! This has been knocking around in my drafts for ages and I'm not getting any further with it, so I thought I'd toss it here as it is and see if I get any more inspiration as a result. You know those fics where the Akatsuki members get turned into cats and some poor character gets stuck with them? This is, like, the inversion of that trope. Gen, crack-treated-seriously, rated T for canon-typical violence (Hidan sacrificing someone).
Kakuzu was counting his money, like a normal bounty hunter on a normal day, when he was interrupted by a sudden outbreak of screaming.
The collection office agent, a short man with a rabbity face and nervous eyes, visibly twitched. Kakuzu, having caught the name Jashin-sama being loudly declaimed in the midst of the chaos outside, sighed but didn't stop the flick of notes between his fingers. Whatever problems his partner was causing could wait.
By the time he got out of the collection office, the screaming had stopped. Kakuzu looked up and down the street, scanning for the inevitable bloodstains.
The collection office stood on one side of a wide, shallow roadway that at its other side sloped down to meet the little river that meandered through this quaint village. Under normal circumstances the water ran clear and greenish-blue, shadowed by the flowering trees that overhung it, picture-pretty. On this occasion, a broad streak of crimson was feathering slowly downstream from the heart-pierced corpse in civilian clothes that had fallen half-in, half-out of the river. Jashin's mark had been swept in vivid, violent arcs and lines across the ancient cobblestones, and kneeling by the body was Hidan, his scythe lying at his side.
He held a battered cardboard box in the crook of his arm, balancing it on his raised knee, and was reaching into it with his other hand.
Kakuzu shunshinned over, stopping almost on top of him. "Hidan," he demanded, in tones deliberately weighted with disapproval. There was no possible way he wasn't going to disapprove, after all, no matter what Hidan's explanation. Easiest to get a head start.
Hidan jumped gratifyingly, but glared up at him and clutched the box tighter. "Oi, back off, Kakuzu! You'll scare them!"
"Scare what?"
Hidan carefully tilted the box, just enough to show Kakuzu the contents.
Kakuzu stared.
"This piece of shit," Hidan waved his free hand at the corpse, "was about to drown them when I caught him! You think I should've just stood there?!"
"Why not? I'd have thought your kami would approve of drowning kittens."
Hidan spluttered like an outraged tea kettle. "What? No! Shows how much you ever listen to a word I say... Jashinism only allows killing animals for food, or as offerings which is spiritually the same thing anyway. The scriptures are completely clear about that, animals can't understand suffering the way humans can so it's immoral to inflict it on them without necessity. And nobody needs to drown a kitten!" He held the box protectively to his chest.
From inside it, there came a pathetic-sounding squeak.
Kakuzu sighed. "Fine. You saved the kittens. Now find somewhere to get rid of them and come on. We need to leave."
"How do you think I'm going to do that in five minutes, Kakuzu?! I'm bringing them with me. I'll let them go somewhere safe when they're a bit bigger and can look after themselves-"
"Hidan, are you listening to yourself? You're a missing-nin. You can't keep pets on the road - how many even are there?"
Hidan looked in the box again. "Not sure, they're wiggling a lot... quite a few? Uh..." He reached into the box. "Ow! Don't scratch me, Jashindammit, I'm trying to do you a favour here... um..." He looked up at Kakuzu. "Twelve? I think."
Kakuzu pressed his fingers to his temple under his hitai-ate, feeling a headache starting to develop. "Twelve. Twelve kittens. One dozen."
"Give or take... yes."
"Fine. Do whatever you like. But if they annoy me," Kakuzu stared hard at his partner, "I'll eat them."
"What? You just said your religion permits killing animals for meat."
"Yes, but - but how much meat do you think there is on a kitten?! You'd just be doing it out of spite!" Hidan's eyes were wide with horror. "Every time I think you can't get any worse-!"
"I could say the same about you. Now shut up and move before I drown you." He turned away.
"He shouldn't say things like that," he heard Hidan mutter behind him, apparently to the kittens. "It's blasphemy against Jashin-sama, him pretending like he can kill me... ugh, come on, then, I guess. I'm sorry you're going to have to put up with his grumpy heathen ass but I promise I won't let him eat you, okay?"
Kakuzu sighed again. The next few weeks bid fair to be even more irritating than usual.
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darkfireumbreon · 10 months
Can we talk about Magma’s (Dr. Stone anime) redemption? Cause I recently rewatched those season 1 episodes and I realized how well done it is. Like, it’s not huge, rather subtle in it’s entirety which comes off as out of nowhere to some but is perfect for him in my opinion. Yes he was an ass, power hungry and pretty ruthless, however, that was during a time where all he knew was get girls and power. He’s a big buff guy in a small village where physical power is authority. So it’s no surprise that he gets taken down by team science, which changes everything. Very suddenly the goal, their world, is bigger than they ever could have imagined, which I think massively humbled Magma. There are bigger threats out there (Hyoga, Tsukasa). We can see with Hyoga’s attack that Magma does care about the safety of the village. He willingly fights alongside Senku and the others to defend the village, even if he was reckless and charged in himself. He never put up a fuss after losing the tournament and just integrates into the kingdom of science rather silently, which is where the subtle part of his redemption comes into play. We as viewers don’t see anything from Magma other than snippets of him enjoying some of the new inventions or helping out labor wise, leading up to the cave exploration where he is selected as the 3rd party member alongside Senku and Chrome. And yet still he doesn’t put up much of a fuss. Of course he’s a little pouty as he’s now on a team with the guy who stole the position of chief from him and the guy who beat him in a fight by setting him on fire and pushing him into the river, but it’s little more than an annoyed huff. Of course the trip itself is where most of the redemption comes forth, as we learn of Magma’s assumption that the “smart twigs” control the big brawny people. Senku of course proves otherwise, that the two types work together to cover weaknesses, emphasizing why they need him on this journey. But the part I particularly want to highlight is when Magma saves Senku by pushing him out of the way only for Senku to try to save him. Chrome assumes Magma was trying to attack Senku and really, just about everyone had been saying similar before they had even left, assuming that Magma would take the opportunity to kill Senku. And it’s the look that they highlight on Magma, while he’s hanging in Senku’s grasp just before he starts spouting the act that fits all those assumptions. He knows what people think of him, he knows how he acted, and I think he genuinely wanted to change all of it. He puts on the act that everyone expects from him, “admitting” that he was going to attack them in hopes that Senku would just let him go and save himself, which I’m sure Senku saw right through.
Looking back on it all, it is blatantly apparent just how much Magma had changed in such short time, mostly due to his worldview completely changing, probably a little bit due to humility from losing the tournament, but also, as is said, because he has seen the great things science can make and he wants to see more. He wants to be a part of it, and that is huge for a guy who had such extremely selfish goals when we first met him. This is highlighted when Kohaku’s father mentions that he had never seen Magma help out before, and now he’s willingly offering his strength to help out wherever he can. Of course let’s not also forget that Magma keeps the promise to Gen to get them all back safe and on time in order to celebrate Senku’s birthday, something he never would have cared about had he not changed.
I’m sure there’s some out there who think Magma shouldn’t have been redeemed or that his redemption came out of nowhere (he was planning on letting Ruri die so he could have the seat of chief to himself). But I would argue that it was perfectly done. Nothing over the top, he didn’t need a whole arc, it was just enough. And I think he became a very successful character who values his strength in a way that helps others rather than just for his own gain. At his core he is still someone who likes to show off his strength, but to go from someone who thought the only way to do that was by taking over the whole village and becoming chief to someone who shows off his strength by helping improve the village is massive character growth.
And now he’s a big competitive himbo with a willingness to learn, which I find very enjoyable.
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burningfudge · 4 months
think you can give us a sneak-peak of what ms marvel fanfic is looking like? no problem if you don't
These are little snippets of what I've written so far. It's very rough, and I don't know if it'll make the final draft.
Kamala found it incredibly draining resenting her mom for being a difficult person to deal with but also empathizing with the fact that she is the way she is because of all the unfair trauma she's experienced, so she couldn't even blame her, and then she would go through cycles for being angry and invalidating herself, and constantly trying to be understanding but never being understood.
She loved her mother more than anything, but it was just difficult sometimes.
Kamala and Muneeba's relationship was probably my favorite one in the show just because it was so realistic. I used to argue with my mother a lot when I was Kamala's age, but now I'm 23, and I understand her much better and I've realized that my mom was right about many things. Not that I would ever tell her that, lol. It was very funny seeing people's reactions towards Muneeba when the show was releasing because it was very clear to see who was South Asian, or even from African/Asian backgrounds, and who was not.
The show even says something along the lines of "mothers and daughters, the eternal struggle" and I think that's very true from a South Asian perspective. Never Have I Ever also focused on Devi and her mother's, Nalini, struggles, and I related to that a lot.
Kamala didn't think she would ever truly understand the pain that her great-grandfather went through from leaving everything he'd ever known—his entire livelihood—for a better life and knowing that he would never be able to return. And then, to a lesser extent, her parents did the same thing. Her great-grandfather and grandmother left India for Pakistan, and her parents left Pakistan for America. Twice Migrated, Once Displaced. It was the bravest thing she knew.
While I’m writing, I’ve realized the Ms Marvel fic is becoming more personal than I realized because much of my family's history mirrors Kamala's but from the Indian/Hindu side. What drew me to Kamala in the first place was because she was a second-gen South Asian immigrant, and while that's not exactly me, it's close enough.
While Ms Marvel is a goofy and fun character, I think I'm going to focus more on culture, community, identity, mother/daughter relationships, immigration, intergenerational trauma, displacement, and the Partition of India in the fic.
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rriavian · 8 months
ooooo this ask game has a lot of good ones. How about:
🐌 What is one of your smallest writing goals?
👾 Do you have any "bad" writing habits you want to break?
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
🐌 What is one of your smallest writing goals?
My aim is to finish a few smaller projects in the first six months of this year. I’ve got some prompts in my inbox that I’m finishing fics for (all smaller stories) and I'd like to keep to a goal of regularly filling prompts this year.
I’ve also got another Corintheus ficlet I want to finish, and Cursed is a shorter piece. So a rough goal is the get those two out for February and then do the rest in whatever time they need :)
 👾 Do you have any "bad" writing habits you want to break?
I think my bad habits are the other sides of my good habits, if that makes sense? The billions of ideas I’m always having can mean that unless I catch that wave when it happens, it feels like I’ve not done anything with that thought and just stalled instead. My own brain can quickly swamp me, and that can make me then struggle to finish. So I’m trying to pace myself better and be less stressed about ‘right now immediately’.
I also tend to write a little chaotically. Prose out of order, leaving rough sentences/ideas as place holders, but this doesn’t always work for longer projects. It can leave some tricky bits to clean up at the end. I can dip back in and be like aha! I know exactly what this needs, but it can also trip me up and stall me.
I’ve got a relatively flexible style, I’ve taken some different approaches in different fandoms and/or fics. Though Baiting the Trap and its specific tone/style was very much something I’d already practised in another series. Just not as explicit and not quite as poetic (the Corinthian’s POV naturally seems to be very lyrical, though not in the same way as Dream's). 
To keep flexibility I like to shake things up and do something completely new to keep myself from losing an edge and getting lazy. Not that I think I am a lazy writer, but I have ways to make sure I’m taking the same care and thought every time. Prompts from other people really help with this as I love considering new angles and tropes.
When something is hard/new I think we go more carefully, and are forced to be more novel, and I really really like improving my skills by doing that. It’s helped me write some of my favourite work.
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
There are two secret Corintheus fics I wrote alongside those for Corintheus week that need a last edit before posting but I’m being very quiet about what they are :) should be a nice surprise! I’m also very proud of my Corintheus ‘divorce au’ that I still need do some work on before I post. I think the one I’m most excited about is probably role reversal au because when finished it’s going to be the longest fic I’ve yet posted that’s not split into a series. It'll also be the longest fic I’ve written in years.
It’s quite ambitious, and will probably have a sequel. I’ve planned the second arc out because I had to split the original fic in two. There’s lots of threads as well as other relationship dynamics and subplots. It’s about Dream and the Corinthian of course, but also very much about how they interact with other characters. Death shows up quite a lot, but I would say that Lucienne and Gault are the other really major characters in the fic.
I’m also branching out into other parings/writing some more gen fics. And, as an honourable mention, what was intended as the last two parts of Baiting the Trap have both been written for over a year and every single day I just want to share where it’s going. Unfortunately there’s at least two more in the middle, which I’m also excited about, but when I get to it I’m going to feel so relieved. 
Oh! And the Corintheus seduction au! Goodness I’m excited about everything aren’t I? Though I guess that sums me up! Thank you so much for your questions I hope you enjoyed my answers :)
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inimitablereel · 2 years
2022 Fic Fanwork Recs
Saw someone doing end of year fic recs and I decided I wanted to talk about fics. And then I started going through my ao3 bookmarks and realized I had a lot of vids I really loved in there. So under the cut (because even limiting to not too many per fandom and only things published this year this got long) are some things I've liked this year!
So Beat the Drum Slowly by Thimblerig gen: Wu Xie goes to A Ning's funeral I am the center of the target audience for this fic. I love A Ning and this gave me some actual closure over her death.
Wish Your Bed was Already Made by ilgaksu Wu Xie+Heihua I love ilgaksu's version of heihua always. Would recommend this fic for fans of all the times in Ultimate Note where Wu Xie is forced to third wheel them and for everyone who assumed Hei Xiazi put a tracker on Xiao Hua in the heihua movie.
Practical Applications of a Formal Education by Pandelion gen: 5+1 snippets of tomb adventures This is about the most important character in dmbj (Wu Xie's architecture degree). Fun tomb moments and character dynamics for everyone.
Pépito is Out by ladysisyphus iron triangle ot3: snippets of post-reboot hanging out I love the iron triangle and I love most of the ot3 hanging out being retired fics. This one also has a lot of cute visiting reboot characters and a very cryptid Xiaoge.
With Water and a Star by afrikate Hei Xiazi/Xiao Hua/Huo Xiuxiu (mind the metadata: this is the only tomb show fic I've linked that's rated m and not super short) The rare tomb show fic that's mostly about the politics of running mob families (tbh it's rare in canon too except for sand sea so maybe there's a lot of this in fics I haven't read for spoilers reasons): Huo Xiuxiu takes over the Huo family! Love to see her getting to actually be badass. I was skeptical of the ship going in, but this is a getting together fic for all the sides except heihua and it really sold me on the various dynamics.
vid: spike the punch by stellarer Ultimate Note. heihua vid!! this vid really gives you the sense that these weirdos like each other so much and is just really joyful to watch
vid: you're a 10 I'm a four leaf clover by absternr also UN, also a heihua vid!!! they're so weird and they flirt so weirdly <3 and this vid does a great job conveying that
vid: Still Not Dead by teyla multi-tomb show. Honestly if you're in the dmbj fandom and you haven't gone and watched all of teyla's multi vids, congrats, you're gonna have a good day today, go watch all their vids they're all great. This one is a bop but also a good thing to watch if you want to think really hard about Wu Xie as a character.
vid: I'm not your friend by absternr UN. My reclist so I'm gonna rec a little Ultimate Note A Ning vid where she gets to be hot and badass and not dead.
The Untamed/MDZS I've been in this fandom for over 2 years now, so my untamed fic recs are all things that are a little different from a lot of the stuff I've already read. If you're just kind of looking for a wangxian fic there's a lot of new good ones that I am not mentioning here.
the fair and the good and the brave must die by Lise wangxian... kind of. canon-era, during the 13 years Lan Wangji finds Wei Wuxian's angry resentful ghost and has to deal with that. This fic is upsetting and I love that.
grandmaster ranked in demonic cultivation by tshirt Jin Ling centric (Jin Ling & Jiang Cheng among others): modern ...league of legends au? as in they play league I know nothing abut league but this fic author clearly does and I love to read a niche au. Funny and also really really good characterization for both Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng.
年年有虞 | Sweet, but not too sweet by frostferox Jiang Cheng centric: modern au - elementary school Jiang Cheng has a bake sale Okay so you can tell who my favorite untamed boy is from this list :p but this is a really interesting take on what all the Jiang family relationships look like without the big stressors of canon. Also a fic about being first gen kid in a US elementary school.
vid: Fixer Upper by absternr Burial mounds vid! Lots of Wens (+ Wei Wuxian) feels about trying to build a home when everyone wants to kill you. This made me cry.
Nirvana in Fire
The Young Marshall's Ghost by ConvenientAlias gen: Mei Changsu solves a mystery After reading this I went back and read the rest of the series it's in, but given that I read it in this order, it obviously works as a standalone. Fun if you like to watch Mei Changsu be smart but framed more in a mystery way than a political drama way.
boiling point by caulkhead Lin Chen & Mei Changsu This should really have the exhausted character finally gets a nap tag. Lots of cleverness and friendship feels.
All the Distant Stars by BromeliadDreams Mei Changsu/Xiao Jingyan: scifi au This is one of the only setting aus that I've really liked in this fandom, but it's doing really cool things with how you come back different in a scifi setting. More running around having adventures and feelings vibes than political intrigue.
"The wise person avoids parties as far as possible" by Nemainofthewater Jingrui goes to a party (no not that one) choose your own adventure fic This is such a cool fic format and there are so many different possible endings
vid: Mei Changsu is climbing the mountain by sandalwoodbox general nif plot focus This is a remix of another vid (that is also excellent and you should watch) and it's a really cool tonal shift between the two vids. It's somewhere between saying something very serious about canon and doing something very silly.
vid: ...Baby One More Time by absternr Jingyan/Mei Changsu(or should I say Lin Shu?) Okay so I'm choosing the silly nif vids I guess but the thing about this vid is you go in being like haha a Brittney Spears song haha there were so many signs and you come out being like oh no Jingyan's lonliness is killing him I am so sad now every time. Which is the ideal nif vid experience imo, can't spell knife without nif, go have some feelings.
Misc Vids
Don't Worry Be Randall by lizardjay For Infinity Train but I'd rec it even if you haven't seen the show - it's just a charming animation of don't worry be happy
She Works Hard for the Money by teyla For Kinnporsche but you do not have to have seen the show. This is so funny, especially if you've ever seen any show that went hard on product placement. NSFW: don't watch it in public
So far by dirty_diana - fandom: Wheel of Time I saw this before I'd seen the show and then again after it - either way it's very atmospheric but having seen the show I also had a lot of feelings about friendships and the heroes journey and how you can't go home again.
And some ones where you do probably want to know the fandom
Satisfied by CherryIce - fandom: The Good Place Tahani character study! Lots of feelings about Tahani as a character and found family and bio family.
Bad Vibes by jonesandashes, pollyrepeat - fandom: Bridgerton (s2) Kate/Anthony I will admit I haven't seen any of Bridgerton s2 and am saying you should know the fandom on the strength of having read the books. But the real draw of this vid is it really gets that Anthony is a terrible awful garbage man but I love him and so does Kate unfortunately. Just a really fun time and a very iddy look at this generally very iddy ship.
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lori0018 · 2 years
I'm doing a masterpost because I was starting to lose track of my shit.
I'll try to keep it up-to-date.
Most of it is KimChay, unless stated otherwise
Stereotypes are Bulls**t
Angel Mine
need you to believe (series of connected, chronological stories)
Keep Calm and Hop On
"Can I try?" (for kpweek2022 - Day 1) Porsche&Porchay family feels
That's my family 'verse (3 parts story with lots of family feels and brotherly bonding - background KimChay and implied KinnPorsche (from part 2) & ChanNampheung (in part 3))
Kissing You
Game of Survival (Arm & Khun backstory)
Memento Mori, Memento Vivere (Porsche-centric rewrite of the show)
Owner's Manual
Bruises on both my knees (KimPorsche, pre-canon)
Leaps and Bounds
Peek-a-boo, I see you
Famil(y)iar Ghosts (Minor familles bonding, POV Vegas & Chay, mostly Gen with some background ships)
With Abandon (Ingredients x-over, KimChayTops endgame)
What I would do for you (KimChay 3+1 things told in non-linear narrative spanning from 1st date to honeymoon)
The tree that reached for the sea (KinnPorsche) + French translation
Savior Typo (very short DFF fix-it story. Link is to AO3 because I don't think I ever posted it here)
Like a Firework Show (mostly Kittisawat siblings feels with background canon pairings)
Dawn Dreaming (KimChay set during canon early episode 10)
Tropetember master list (TBD)
WIP Wednesday
Unnamed "That's my family" sequel (no longer unnamed and no longer a WIP - see above)
Unnamed Ingredients fusion + another snippet of the same story (now named With Abandon and finished)
Related to fanfic
memes inspired by "need you to believe"
"Book covers" for the "need you to believe" series
Music Videos
KimChay - Little Do You Know (short version was made for kpweek - Day 3)
VegasPete - Devil Devil
KimChay - Please Don't Say You Love Me
Chay - Don't Break the Heart (very short)
Smitten!Kim is smitten
KinnPorsche episode 7 balcony scene
Kim angsting over polaroids
Fallen Angel!Pete
Portia the cat
Tifa (FF7R) & Porsche (KPTS)
Find the difference
Lilo&Stitch KimChay (feat. Porsche as Nani)
Food stuff
Adventures in making bubble tea
Baking time!
Cake Time
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
The following posts are not mine. Just useful or neat/funny stuff I want to keep track of.
Writing tips
Just things I thought were interesting. For me to improve my writing and to share.
Don't throw in random stuff - check what's happening elsewhere in the story first
Be careful how you refer to a character
The Way You End a Sentence Matters
Words to replace said, except this actually helps
KinnPorsche resources I use all the time
KinnPorsche timeline
KimChay scenes timestamps
VegasPete scenes timestamps
TimeTayTem scenes timestamps
Make gifs
Life of an author
Fi Writer Alignment Chart
How to make my day
How to make my day, part 2
Stats on comments
You do not owe anything to anyone with the FREE content you provide
AO3 is by fandom for fandom (even the parts you don't like)
Comments are life
Tags wrangling, prompts, and collections
Collecting fics vs collecting bookmarks
Fandom meta
Coming into a fandom like
Art of fanfic
Superpower prompt
All the Goncharov posts I rebloged
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This Week in Gundam Wing 1 -7 January 2023
Here’s the last week’s roundup! January 1st - January 7th!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make next week!
~Mod Hel
beginning https://archiveofourown.org/works/44052550
Gen, Quatre Raberba Winner, Catherine Bloom
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, background 3x4, their relationship is not the focus, learning to forgive, Building A Friendship, Found Family, cathy tries to be stern, but deep down she's a softy, new year's fic, no beta we die like Treize
New years can bring new beginnings. And maybe, sometimes, they can start to heal old hurts.
Ticket to Freedom (Ch. 29) https://archiveofourown.org/works/27688973/chapters/110768493
F/M, Heero Yuy/Reader, Duo Maxwell/Hilde Schbeiker, Trowa Barton/Middie Une, Quatre Raberba Winner/Catherine Bloom, Chang Wufei/Long Meilan, Past Heero Yuy/Relena Peacecraft
Reader, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Chang Wufei, Zechs Merquise, Relena Peacecraft, Hilde Schbeiker, Middie Une, Catherine Bloom, Long Meilan, Treize Khushrenada, Howard (Gundam Wing), Dorothy Catalonia
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, Romance, Alternate Universe, Band Fic, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Drama, Fluff, Lemon, Lime, Reader Insert, Song Lyrics, Novel, Slight Relena bashing, I’m sorry she is not a likable character in this one
They were your ticket out of the sheltered and married life your parents had planned for you. And to be honest, you had always had a rebellious streak. You needed the freedom they offered, needed to taste life, live a little. But when they ask you to sing in their band, you are not so sure. How would a neatly brought up lady survive with a couple of wannabe rock stars? You’re about to find out.
Burn to a Cinder (Ch. 12) https://archiveofourown.org/works/18781273/chapters/110843250
F/M, Zechs Merquise/Reader, Treize Khushrenada/Reader
Zechs Merquise, Treize Khushrenada, Lady Une, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Relena Peacecraft, Chang Wufei, Dorothy Catalonia, OC - Character
Mature, Major Character Death, Romance, Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Violence, Reader-Insert, Lemon, Lime
Your path had been laid out for you from an early age, allowing you to move into the higher circles of society and catch the attention of one of the most powerful men in the Earth Sphere.
As Treize’s mistress, you watch his rise to power and the disastrous war breaking out on Earth and in Space, putting your loyalty to the test. You are torn between your duty to His Excellency, and your unquellable lust for one of the top soldiers under his command. And when he rises to power in Outer Space, there is nothing you can do but stand back and watch them tear each other apart.
This is no game of hearts, but yours is at stake, and the consequences can be felt for years to come. Labeled as OZ’s whore, you struggle to find your way, only for things to fall apart around you again. But then there is still Zechs, and the undeniable way he makes you feel…
Winter Lights https://archiveofourown.org/works/43601565
M/M, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Duo Maxwell
Not Rated, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, mentioned 1x2, Christmas, Fluff and Angst, Sex, Hurt/Comfort, 3 x 4
Christmas is just around the corner and it should be perfect for him and Trowa. But things don't go as planned and Christmas is about to fall through for Quatre.
Only a miracle can keep Quatre's heart from breaking. But do Christmas miracles still exist?
Heart (Ch. 20) https://archiveofourown.org/works/40914714/chapters/110663985
M/M, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei
Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply, Post-Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz, Minor Violence, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort
All Quatre wants is to help. Even when the war is over, so many people suffer because of the consequences. Helping rebuild is the least he can do. But he seems unlucky, things go wrong all the time and people get hurt.
Trowa hardly recognizes Quatre. He has changed and seems to have problems. He reluctantly tells him about his bad luck, but Trowa doubts that it's just "bad luck" and decides to investigate.
Snow Day https://archiveofourown.org/works/44134011
F/M, Gen, Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy, Relena Peacecraft & Heero Yuy
Heero Yuy, Relena Peacecraft
General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Snow, Fluff, Post-Canon, Post-Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
Heavy snow cancels Relena's work obligations, leaving her a few stolen hours to spend with Heero.
Fandom Discourse:
I was missing the old Geocities Gundam Wing websites, so I made a site on neocities where I could promote my favorite GW fanfics, old and new. It's a labor of love for the authors who made this fandom what it was and is.
Calendar Events:
Battle Scars and Kitchen Cabinets
Applicatons Open~ https://gundamzine.tumblr.com/post/705258971113619456/applications-are-open-to-apply-fill-in-the
Applications close on January 31st!
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, January 13th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/705925777657610240/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-january
In need of prompts!
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/644080386309275648/events-calendar-update
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
GW Holiday Gift Exchange 2022
Rules https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/giftexchange
Posting has begun! January 8th and 14th!
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netherzon · 2 years
Alfred F Jones -> Tumbleweed Destroyer
Hi 👋 you can call me Nether, Netherzon, or some variation thereof
This blog is for hetalia things: random thoughts & headcanons, historical stuff, shitposts, other people’s art, fanfiction (other’s and mine)
~(detailed ramblings under the cut)~
The romantic stuff I write is mostly Gerame centric rn, but I’ve dabbled in some silly NA bro stuff too
Irreverent humor is still my dominant character trait though, so please don’t take me too seriously
I put SFW and NSFW stuff on this blog
#my writing / link to my ao3 / #fic recommendations
Fic Masterlist:
Apfelkuchen or Apple Pie America/Germany, Finished
Germany refers to Apfelkuchen as 'apple pie' at a G8 meeting. America is outraged, and makes it his new mission to show Germany how wrong he is. Pie-fueled nonsense ensues, but maybe there's something more there too?
I Will Reign King at Sea, America/Germany, Unfinished
After an unexpected drunken night, Ludwig and Gilbert end up "employed" on a trans-Atlantic merchant ship. When the best way of getting home seems to be piracy, Ludwig soon finds himself doing things he'd never imagined himself doing before. Pulled into treacherous games, family drama, and the whims of their captain, by the time the chance to leave presents itself, will Ludwig still want to?
The Time's Always Right to Fix What's Wrong, America/Germany, Unfinished
After losing his last close friend, Ludwig decides he’s lived through enough deaths. He knows who his soulmate is and he knows where to find him. The only reason he’s lived this long is every time Alfred sees him, he runs away, too attached to the thought of immortality. All Alfred has to do is avoid falling in love with Ludwig, and he’ll be young forever. All Ludwig has to do is get Alfred to fall in love with him…and find it in his heart to love Alfred back after everything.
Geburtstag, American Style! America/Germany, Finished
Its Ludwig's birthday, and Alfred tries really hard to get him a gift he'll like. He's just easily discouraged, doesn't know how to dream small, and is a perfectionist at the worst possible times. This leads him to seek the help of a trusted baking show host rather than lean on his brother. Things get out of hand, people say things they don't mean, but that's how it goes sometimes. They will learn how to come back from that.
Don't Ask (Cake), Nyo!America/Nyo!Germany, Finished
Amelia and Monika can both be very stubborn. Once they’ve decided something, it can be hard to change their mind. On this day, they will settle the ultimate debate: is zucchini bread ‘bread’? Also, can you make chocolate cake with sauerkraut?
Bear Jail, Gen, Unfinished
Exactly what it sounds like. Kuma gets put in Polar Bear Jail.
I Know You Don't Like Me, But... America/Germany, Finished
Ludwig can be a little mean sometimes, but they'll work it out in the end
One Time I Dreamt That I Gave My Organs Away America/Germany, Finished
Alfred and Ludwig are both a little macabre. Their humor is dark, their affection is dark, their interests are dark. So basically they’re perfect for each other. They just don't know that yet.
Hetaween Incubus Snippet America/Germany, Unfinished
The snippet is finished but the idea is not: One night, Alfred is visited in his dreams by an Incubus. Or at least that's what the guy says he is. He doesn't look like Alfred's idea of an incubus when he dresses like a modest high school English teacher, and talks like he's making a "put you to sleep" ASMR video. But perhaps there is a method to Ludwig's madness?
Nadezdha, Canada/Russia, Finished
Secret santa gift! Russia takes a vacation to the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, where he meets an old friend and makes a new one.
Glitter Bomb Gen, Unfinished
Alfred F Jones receives a glitter bomb in the mail and goes nuts with his newly acquired glitter power at the world meeting that day. His brother, Matthew Williams, is dragged along with him.
Timbits Disappearing Act Gen, Finished
Canada uses his invisibility to eat donuts at the world meeting, America takes the fall for it
Fichi secchi Gen, Finished
Felicia visits Romano in America. She tries to bring a bit of home with her, but that plan goes sideways. They make it work anyway.
In Which Eliza's Ships Sink, and Everyone Agrees its for the Best America/Japan and Canada/Netherlands, Unfinished
Abel is in love with Matthew Kiku is in love with Alfred Eliza is convinced they should be in love with each other
Hetalia World Spoons Gen, Unfinished
In Hetalia: the Beautiful World episode 2 Germany broke a spoon to get an interview with the magic club. In Hetalia World Stars episode 2 America breaks several spoons during a meeting and Germany reprimands him. This is an alternate series of events for that episode where America finds out Germany can also break spoons. Chaos ensues.
Permissions: in case anybody ever thinks about doing this DO NOT USE AI TO FINISH MY FICS PLEASE, other than that I don’t mind if anybody creates anything with my work in mind. Spin off fics, fanart, mood boards, playlists, whatever. As long as you tag me somewhere so I get to see it, I would be thrilled to hear that something I wrote inspired someone so much :) The only thing I have a problem with is if you try to use a robot to replace me
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
Hi! I've been making my way through your Neighbours and Butterflies series since you posted a snippet of Chrysalis, and I'm really enjoying it!! I’ve just finished Rampage now. All the references and extra characters you've woven in—Frost, Black Lightning (!!), Oliver (!!!)—mental health being acknowledged (!!!!) (I love the Arrowverse shows, but they're. not the best in that regard :/). I also love how you've written Eobard. And Singh knowing!! 1/3
I really like how you’ve written that whole story with the old captain and Ralph!! I’m not the biggest fan of salt, but I understand it here, and really appreciate how you've handled Joe (/gen! I really hope that doesn’t come across as offensive!) Oh, and Roy Bivolo!! (clarifying Bivolo because we have like three Rays and two Roys) I loved that episode in canon mostly because of the crossover (read: the Olivarry! :D), but I really liked how you’ve characterised him here and developed him. 2/3
I think the backstory you’ve given him is really cool too!! The only tiny thing I didn’t like was his use of the term “Asperger’s”, as that’s a bit outdated. (Again, I really enjoyed the fic and your worldbuilding and hope I’m not being too rude by saying that! /g) Anyway, thank you for writing and sharing this lovely series; I’m off to read the next parts! ♡♡♡ 3/3
I completely forgot to say that Len finding the bugs is so fascinating!! (and for anyone reading this, I'm talking about cameras and microphones, not insects!) ♡
Took me a bit to get around to these, but first off thank you so much for all the lovely compliments Anon. :D It's always great to hear from someone who enjoy's my fics.
I think one of the things I really enjoyed about the Arrowverse was how interconnected it all really feels? It was a bit stilted at first and took some growing into, but they took something that I previously associated the most with Star Trek or CSI - an interconnected tv-show verse - and really set the bar high. So it's always fun for me to try and maintain that interconnection in my fics.
And yes, so many Rays and Roys in these shows. And the number of Noras in the Arrow-verse... or even just on The Flash alone. They've definitely averted the one Steve limit, that's for sure. :D
Joe is definitely one of those characters that I love, but sometimes in a bit of a tough love sort of way since the man does have his flaws that he struggles with. And I do like to give Barry and Iris the space to call him out on those, which can be a bit of a balancing act to write sometimes. But ultimately what I like about him so much is that he genuinely loves his children and wants the best for them - so he expects the best of himself in being there for them. It doesn't always work out and sometimes he goes a little too far in one direction or another (overprotectiveness with Iris, being too much of a friend than a father w/Wally at first) but how much he loves his kids is just really nice to see. And this series in particular was one where I wanted the low points of his S1 behavior called out with while giving him plenty of space to learn from his mistakes and actively do better. Writing his PoV for the Thanksgiving fic was a lot of fun.
With Roy Bivolo, I think if I were to write that fic now then I'd leave out the word 'Aspergers'. I know more about it's history now and... yeah. Not great. It's something that I might address later with editing. Or I might address it in universe? But... i'm more likely to edit and leave a note about it. My reasoning at the time was that when Roy most likely would have been diagnosed, it's a term that would have come up as part of his autism diagnosis - if not the official diagnosis itself. I wanted to show Roy's experiences with autism as being notably different from Jerrie's once I finally have her show up - admittedly not for a while - and to have part of that being their experiences with being diagnosed itself. And while that still stands... I can still have them demonstrate their varied experiences as being diagnosed-autistics (Hartley is definitely undiagnosed but he masks too well for his own good and I haven't actually mentioned that in text yet and dunno when I will) without having to continue using the term aspergers. So thank you for reminding me that I do need to figure that out when I return to this series.
Len finding the bugs was a lot of fun for me to write. I knew I wanted to give Len more to do in the series, but also that a bit of a teaser/cliffhanger would be fun to do too. (I am a bit of a mad scientist cackling maniacally when I write cliffhangers. ^_^ ) And that epilogue scene was an excellent place to indulge both impulses. There's also now a direct line from Len finding those bugs to Len deciding he needs to do more to protect Barry and that'll be something Barry both appreciates and is annoyed by in turns as the series progresses.
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quietwings-fics · 4 months
you know nothing (+ Podfic)
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Supernatural Ship: Gen (Charlie & Kevin & Lucifer) Additional Tags: Trans Charlie Bradbury, Trans Kevin Tran (Supernatural), don't know how to classify lucifer's gender really. but it's definitely not cis, (also implied trans nick because i am predictable), Platonic Cuddling, Couch Cuddles, Television Watching, Gender Identity, Sexual Identity, and the complications therein, Alternate Universe, Charlie Bradbury in the Men of Letters Bunker, Kevin Tran in the Men of Letters Bunker, Lucifer in the Men of Letters Bunker (Supernatural), Queer Themes, Friendship, Self-Indulgent Wordcount: 2209 Summary:
Snippet from an alternate universe where Lucifer gets out of the Cage to be the guardian archangel to Kevin's prophet. Charlie is also along for the ride. They are friends. And Charlie is thinking about some things.
Charlie never developed much of a filter. Or, well, he did, but it was rudimentary at best. Around strangers, say nothing, let nothing stick, and so there wouldn’t be anything dragging on his heels when he needed to cut and run. Friends are supposed to be the opposite of that, right? You tell them everything. No stray thought goes unvoiced. Like how today he is Charlie, like Charlie Brown or Charles Xavier, but tomorrow, he might hang this name up again and try another one.
What triggers this new thought is a little ridiculous. His quest to spread the love for all things Game of Thrones through the Bunker’s inhabitants is going exactly as planned, (It gives him common ground to work off of. Small talk is hard. Rambling about Jaime Lannister is not.) and slowly but surely, he’s worked Kevin and Lucifer up to season 3. And season 3 has Ygritte. And wow, but Charlie has always wanted to kiss Ygritte.
This is new: Charlie wants to kiss Ygritte, but he wants just as badly to be Jon as he does it.
So, he opens his mouth without thinking and what spills out is, “I’m not sure if I’m a lesbian.” And what follows is silence, only broken by the dramatic swell of the soundtrack as characters trek through the snowy wastes.
They’re all sitting on the Bunker’s one couch, the one that was actually Charlie’s idea to get because what kind of movie night were you supposed to have without a couch. Charlie took the corner, and Lucifer took a seat next to him, and Kevin sprawled over the entire rest of the couch, legs thrown over the arm rest at the other end. Somewhere in the past thirty minutes, she’s taken over the empty space of Lucifer’s lap, resting her head there instead of on her own arms and the couch cushion. He doesn’t seem to care about the intrusion all that much.
Lucifer’s got two fingers pressed to Kevin’s right temple. Every once in a while, Charlie can see him make a small circle and hear Kevin let out a breath of relief. There’s only one effective cure for the migraines that come from reading the Word of God day in and day out, and that’s letting an archangel soothe them. It’s not something Kevin used to let him do. Not until a week and a half ago, when she’d walked into the kitchen and dropped the mug of coffee she’d been trying to drink because her hands were shaking too bad, whether from pain or sleep deprivation or the fact that all she’d eaten the day before from what Charlie could tell was a piece of bread and a Kit Kat bar. Kevin had stared at the shattered mess at her feet for a few seconds before finally saying, decisively, “I don’t have to fucking live like this.”
It turns out that if your prophet decides they want to sleep 8 hours a day and eat at least two full meals rather than throwing themselves at the brick wall of translation 24/7, it’s a lot harder to argue with them when they’ve got an archangel on their side. Lucifer takes his guardianship seriously. (And takes the job of getting on Dean’s nerves even more seriously.) It’s good, though. Charlie didn’t want to watch Kevin burn herself out.
“You like boys now?” Kevin asks. She turns her head slightly and resettles so that Lucifer’s fingers rest above the end of her eyebrow instead. She’s fresh-shaven. (Yesterday, she showed Charlie how to shave his face. It’s not something Charlie actually needs to do yet, but it’s useful information for the future. “My mom taught me, I’ll teach you,” Kevin has said and explained how it differed from shaving everywhere else. Charlie took notes. He’s got them on his iPad.)
“No, absolutely not,” Charlie says. He wrinkles his nose up at the idea. He may not have everything figured out yet, but he’s pinned that down for certain. Guys don’t have the same appeal girls do. There had been a few brief times after meeting Dean where he’d thought wait, am I-, but it turned out that feeling had not been attraction at all. It was the unfamiliar combination of ‘holy shit, I have a friend?’ and ‘why is it so easy for him and not for me’. To be fair, that was harder to figure out when Charlie didn’t know what he’d been jealous of Dean for doing so easily, but now he knows it’s being accepted as a one of the guys and not just the token girl he’d always been. (Knowing Dean better helped, because it turned out what Charlie had perceived as easy was actually the most elaborate gender stageplay in the history of mankind and that Dean wasn’t even fully aware he was an actor.)
The feeling still cropped up now and then, confirming further that it’s definitely not attraction because Charlie might be close to Kevin and Lucifer but not in that way. (Off-handedly, he’d joked once about stealing Lucifer’s gender, which led to the abrupt reminder that, oh, yeah, that was literally what Lucifer had done with his own body. Charlie’s not sure if finding that relatable should be worrying or not.)
"I thought at first that loving women was the only way humans could exist," Lucifer comments. "First Adam, and then Lilith, and then Eve, obviously." Charlie raises an eyebrow because things obvious to Lucifer were never actually so, and the real biblical Eve being a lesbian? That's a new one. "But then Cain's little brother, Seth, only ever had eyes for men."
"No one knows what you're talking about, old man," Kevin snarks. Lucifer narrows his eyes. He lifts his fingers from Kevin's forehead. It only takes a few seconds before Kevin tenses up, and she hisses out, "Ow. Okay. Sorry." She doesn't suffer for long. Lucifer goes back to soothing her migraine. Charlie can see goosebumps rise on Kevin's arm as she relaxes again.
"But I'm right, aren't I?" Charlie carries on. He wrings his hands. "If I'm a guy..." He pauses. "Guy-adjacent. Can I even still be a lesbian?" Kevin shifts from her side onto her back, tilting her head to peer upside-down at Charlie.
"You can steal millions from offshore bank accounts in under an hour," she says, "so I'm not sure who you think is going to stop you. The lesbian Jedi council?"
"There is no lesbian Jedi council."
"...and you know this because you went looking for it?"
"No. No, I didn't- Because it doesn't exist. And I didn't look for it."
"Shut up."
”She’s right,” Lucifer says. He flicks a stray lock of Kevin’s hair absently. “There’s no one who could stop you.” He smiles at Charlie then. It’s the kind of smile that sets him a little on edge. Lucifer hasn’t hurt anyone since getting out of the Cage, has insisted he’s on parole and seeking redemption through looking after his Father’s newest prophet, (though he won’t clarify who exactly is enforcing that parole, if anyone) but Charlie’s read all of the Edlund books. Lucifer’s not a passive guard dog unless he chooses to be. 
Lucifer’s smile says you are one of mine and I protect what is mine, so give me a reason and I will bite.
Charlie pulls his feet up onto the couch, curling up and wiggling his toes against the cushion. The thing is that Lucifer’s protection is neither entirely unwarranted nor unwanted. Charlie is no prophet, but somewhere along the way, he’s become someone Lucifer will let into his space. Kevin had been the other way around, someone Lucifer had to convince to let him watch over her, and who ended up embracin it because no one else seemed to be in her corner. Charlie’s here more often now and ready to help Kevin in any way, but that’s a new development. She didn’t have anyone but the Winchesters before.
They're Lucifer’s. Certainly not in the way he claims Sam is his, but they’re still his. It’s funny what you feel safe to do when one of the most powerful creatures in the universe will cuddle with you on the couch. Who you feel safe to be.
Charlie tips to the side. He bumps Lucifer’s arm and then squirms so that he can comfortably rest his head against the archangel. Lucifer’s always cold, the good side of the pillow except he never warms up under Charlie’s cheek. Lucifer goes lax, settling deeper into the couch. Charlie takes that as invitation to come closer. 
“I might stop me,” Charlie says. Lucifer does this whenever Charlie and Kevin get this close. Lucifer’s always the bottom of the puppy pile, but he doesn’t complain so something about that must be nice for him. It’s hard to remember the heinous shit Charlie read about him doing when he’s melting under a single touch. 
(Charlie really shouldn’t scheme, but if this is how Lucifer reacts to them? Then they have to have Sam join them at some point. For science. Obviously.)
“When I figured out I liked girls,” Charlie continues, “I clung to that idea. I thought one day, when I found somewhere to settle, I would find a community there." No one is paying attention to the TV anymore, and Charlie's pretty sure he was the only one doing so at all in the first place. "I never settled. I never stopped for anyone for longer than a night." Of course the name Han was one he wore for a day, how could he not, but Charlie is not much of a dashing rogue, loving and leaving. Charlie's not even sure he could be a Luke yet, not the one who stood in triumph at the end of Return. "I wish I had. I could have belonged somewhere." He slumps. ”That’s why geeks rule. All you have to do is roll up and say, ‘I think Janeway was the best captain,’ and in five minutes, you’ll have someone ready to back you up with citations and another person ready to argue passionately in defense of Captain Kirk. No question about where you came from or where you're going or when."
Kevin stares at the ceiling forlornly. “You know, I used to have cool friends,” she says. A laugh rises in Charlie's chest, but it's too small to break out of it's cocoon and settles on his face as a fond smile.
"You took AP classes and you were in band," Charlie says. "You were the opposite of cool." Kevin crosses her arms. Lucifer shifts again, one arm settling around Charlie, his other hand tap-tapping against Kevin's elbow. Her migraine must have finally passed on.
“Humans have to label everything. Nothing actually works like that. Angels don’t even work like that, and Heaven loves boxes." His voice darkens. Then, he pauses, and he sighs. “Nick's wife used to be a lesbian.”
"Used to be?" Charlie questions, over Kevin's who is Nick? Kevin hasn't had the time to read the Edlund books.
"She stopped using that word when she knew Nick was a man. It made him happy." Lucifer filters a lot of things through Nick's experiences or through the few of Sam's memories he picked up while possessing him, Charlie's noticed, so it isn't a surprise when he asks, "Is that why you'd stop using it?" Charlie considers that. He lifts a hand to bite at his nail and grimaces when it's already been nipped too short.
"Why does no one warn you that once you figure the gender thing out, the goalposts get moved?" Charlie grumbles.
"The princess is in another castle?" Kevin offers.
"Don't try and cheer me up with references," Charlie says. He turns his head and presses his face against Lucifer's shoulder until the world is blotted out. Stupid Kevin. Stupid Mario quote. Stupid him for finding it funny anyway. The most complicated part of the world after meeting the Winchesters was supposed to be the man-eating shapeshifters trying to take over the government, not what he calls himself.
"If I can survive calling you Leon for a whole day because you just replayed Resident Evil 4, then I don't think you're going to hurt anyone by swapping between calling yourself a lesbian and not." Kevin says. Charlie peeks at her.
"Maybe..." He lifts a hand and runs it through his shorn hair, more symbol than style. It had meant everything when he did it. He probably won't keep it that short. "Maybe I'm not a lesbian today." And that's enough. Kevin rolls her eyes, but she lifts a hand above her head to pat Charlie's ankle in solidarity.
"Great," Lucifer says, "and now that you've decided that, can you put on the next episode?" Charlie glances over at the TV. The episode they were watching is over, and credits are running their course. He'll have to get up and swap out the DVDs to get to the next two episodes, and he's finally gotten comfy.
"In a minute," he says.
And Lucifer, who could turn a mountain to dust if he felt like it, accepts his new lot in life as a glorified pillow.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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Yandere Hitman (No, not the game franchise.)
You know that trope where big quiet scary Hitman man who is known for being so skilled and heartless that you need him to at least tolerate you first before placing a hit. Or else he would just straight up kill you when he thinks you're mildly impolite.
Yeah that AND you, the reader, as the only soft spot for BQSHMM (Big Quiet Scary Hitman Man).
No don't give me flak about how this is just a bootleg of [Insert similar character here] because you are wrong, this is inspired by every Stoic and Brooding Contract Killer Character Ever and Batman even though I have never watched any movies or read any comics about him.
All I know that he :
An orphan
Can punch
Does parkour
Hot buff nerd with all 20/20 vision
Acted by Christian Bale at least once
Have a family of other bat millennials and bat gen z's
Hates clowns
Wear smudged eyeliner
fast car
Cool belt
I get my sources from tumblr, occasional memes and snippets of batman conversation I happen to be in. I don't know if they are canon or not.
And also actually heavily inspired by the Korean movie Door Lock (2018) , except in this fic you're the ONLY victim <3
And this fic is just something to make your pussy or bussy or nonbinarussy throb, nothing too serious. Goes without saying, don't do this shit irl.
Tw: AFAB reader, yandereness, violence, sex things, non con, somno oral, basically smut
(pt 1 out of 2)
You don't know squat about the underworld. Naive, innocent little you, still thinking that the black market is like a farmer's market except the vendors are selling not-so-legal-or-Farmer-y stuff such as... Oh, I don't know, like... Unpasteurized Milk?
You never once dabbled anything remotely legally dark, not even jaywalking. You are a law abiding citizen, following all the rules to a "T".
Oh, the Irony. You caught the eye of a person who kills people for a living. And that is highly illegal. Probably more illegal than Jaywalking.
He is lean and muscular with a large frame. Yet, so stealthy like a fucking cat that can squeeze through a dime sized hole with no noise and no complaint. Face, hands and basically vulnerable parts of his body like the neck are scarred from previous missions.
Stare into his eyes and you will see a void. All humanity has been scraped clean, who gives a shit if granny falls to her death in front of him? He doesn't see her as human or animal, simply something invaluable. At most, he's going to be slightly irritated that her blood got onto his coat and he is running out of peroxide.
No one catcalls you anymore. They're all dead or silenced in his own, crazy, silly way. Like getting their tongues cut off, or getting lobotomized (and miraculously surviving) to get the point across to everyone in the overworld and the underworld.
He is like what Santa is to kids in the 60's, he watches you 24/7. Knows if you've been good or bad. He could be watching you from a roof, using his rifle scope . And using his sniper rifle if he sees a threat.
Fresh syndicate criminals sees you as meat, a leverage to control the world's more notorious assassin. Seasoned ones know to stay the fuck away from you. Veterans know to not even think about or look at you. Your Hitman stalker is like a bloodhound for things that threatens your safety, as soon as anyone looks at you wrongly, it's bedtime forever.
It doesn't even take a look. He just knows if you're thinking about it. Actually, he takes no chances, everyone he doesn't trust is dead. That includes just about everyone he meets. Really puts the fear in the hearts of huge crime rings when he managed to leave the decapitated heads of their best men on the doorstep of their supposedly 'unknown' and 'unidentified' and 'anonymous' leaders.
From there, no matter how many of their members he kills off or WHO he kills off...gangs, mafias, crime syndicates and corporations knew not to go after him OR you. It's just not worth it, they're better off just cutting their losses and advising their members to steer clear at all costs.
This one man band is so scary that he gains protection somehow. Why?
Well, imagine this:
A rookie hitman decided to execute the most foolish task and try killing him.
So the rookie gets captured as expected and gets tortured.
Rookie says Mafia X sent him.
The entirety of Mafia X is going to disappear in a week unless someone can give Big Scary Gary Stu Hitman OC an explanation, saying Mafia Y framed them.
Then Mafia Y will be in deep shit. Provided Mafia X managed to convince them or else BOTH X and Y will get fucking nuked to bits.
But hey, business is good on his side. He's everyone's default hitman to go to (if you have the money), because it's almost always a 300% success rate.
Why 300%? It's because he's going to kill the intended target (and their entire family), the one who paid him and a person who is at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Hmm. Maybe the guaranteed death of the customer isn't good for business. As long as you follow the rule of thumb:
Don't be a dick.
Then you should have a pretty good success rate. Maybe.
You really can't tell.
Make a comment about his only joy in this world, which is you, the reader, and you're (not the reader) is getting instant death. It's like saying Voldemort's name.
He is the monster under your bed. Literally, he lives under your bed, sliding out at night to sniff your hair. That seems to keep him content.
For now.
Maybe you've noticed that your fridge is a little emptier than you remembered. Sometimes you don't remember buying a jar of pickles and opening them. There seem to be always something to eat these days, you're not one to shop responsibly. Then why are there actual healthy foods like fresh produce and meats instead of frozen, TV dinners?
Maybe the spirit of New Year's Resolution came and possessed you during the weekends. Maybe. Definitely not because you have an unknown roommate around.
You're not complaining, you get to eat delicious and healthy "fresh leftovers" in the fridge even though you have no memory twisting the gas knob of your stove.
You swore you just replenished your body wash, why did it decrease so much?
At times, you're sure that your toothpaste is about to run out, only to see a slightly used, plump tube on the sink shelf. Did you replace them while you're drunk? Why did you not have any recollection of it? Why is your toothbrush already wet?
The toilet paper holder never seem to run out of toilet paper too. Usually, once a month, you would have to awkwardly waddle out of the bathroom, pants around your ankle just to get a fresh roll. You stopped doing that now.
Yeah, these stuff leaves you weary and pretty much on edge. But you're already dead inside from working 12 hour shifts at minimum wage in customer service. Having a little spice in your life would give you that kick to keep you going once in a while.
Plus, free food and toiletries. The stuff you get back is way more than you can ever afford. Which you're grateful for and would even turn a blind eye to the fact that it's very clear someone is living with you without your consent or knowledge. And your place is much more cleaner and neater. A win for you.
Or you're just that fucking oblivious and airheaded that you don't think anything is out of place, I don't personally know everyone who reads this.
For the sake of plot, you will be the latter. It's easier to write for.
So you think all is sunshine and rainbows, you're fed, your chores are done and the trash took out itself. Yay!
You sleep better, like, much better. Too better. Too quickly as well, you missed the dip in your mattress.
You shouldn't have drank that mysterious cup of your favorite drink that mysteriously appeared in your fridge and has some white residue at the bottom!
You don't even wake up when he drapes his arm over you, cuddling you until the sun shows itself over the horizon. Sometimes the hugging can make your eyes open a bit, but you shut them back cause you thought it's just your sleep paralysis demon feeling a little loving towards you.
Having fingers gently running through your hair while you're off to dreamland is... Nice. Having a pair of lips tenderly kissing your face is... Nice.
Having that same pair of lips trailing kisses from your jaw down to your chest is... Questionable. But somewhat nice.
Having that same pair of lips trailing kisses down from your chest to your already exposed, vulnerable pussy is... Well. Up to your intepretation.
Hey, it's not like you're awake to stop him from spreading your legs, pumping your hole with his fingers and lapping you up, right? Who is going to stop him? Not you, definitely. You're just egging him on by cumming on his tongue as he tongue-fucks you like he's dehydrated and you're his only source of water.
No worries, your bedsheet won't be drenched when you wake up. He is sure to catch every single drop of your sweet, sweet, love nectar. What a thirsty menace, he is. Pleasuring you with his mouth in your sleep for hours and hours on end.
Actually, one hour and a half on average. He has other things to do, unfortunately. Like, putting a bullet in one of his target's cerebrum? He has a job too, you know.
The room would be silent save for his slurping, smooching, smacking and the stirring of Mac n' cheese. Gulping too, he swallows everything you give.
Once he has his fill, he would press one last kiss on your sex and a few more against your inner thighs as thanks before wiping his chin and lips with his thumb. He isn't going to let any of it go to waste, he's licking the left overs from his drenched digits. Eating you out seems to satisfy him.
For now.
He smiles as he slowly puts your underwear and sweatpants back on.
Hygiene is important. That is why, after every meal, he would brush his teeth.
With your toothbrush of course.
He would stare at himself in the mirror as he scrub his molars clean, already missing the taste of you. He tries not to put too much focus onto his own reflection as he dislikes staring into the deep, dark, depressing abyss. He is indifferent about himself, so apathetic that it's... Hollow. Empty.
He gives no shits about the world. They could burn for all he cares. Only you made him feel something, made him feel pure bliss, only you mattered to him, only you can make a tent in his pants. Only you, only you.
God, you were his only will to live. If you go, he goes. Period. You are irreplaceable, special and extremely important, his life, his happiness depends on yours.
You are perfection, no one can compete. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong and deserves to be waterboarded before getting impaled on a stick like shish kebab. You are his escape to his bleak reality, a drug, an addiction. A severe, addiction. He is too far deep, you can't pry him away from you, crowbar or by otherwise.
He lives for you. No, I don't think you understand the intensity of his love for you. He LIVES for you, if it wasn't for your existence, he would have taken his own life long ago.
I'll say it again, only YOU can get his dick up by looking in his general direction. Only YOU can get away with so many fucking things others had died for doing.
If the world is going to have this... Mega wipeout and he is given a chance to save 1000 people, he would only save you. No one else-- and also himself. The 998 empty slots would be wasted.
Only YOU... Could make him smile.
He gargled and spat into the sink, washing your toothbrush before replacing them in their original spot.
He sniffed your face towel deeply before using it to pat his face.
Your self proclaimed boyfriend went on to take a nice, hot shower. Steam fogs up the mirror and shower screen, he scrubs himself clean with your body shampoo. Stripping any smell, grime and blood off him.
He makes sure to remove the hair clogging the drain.
Again, he took a deep whiff of your shower towel before using it as intended.
He dries his hair with the towel as he gets out of the bathroom, wearing a fresh set of his pyjamas. His eyes softened as he sees your sleeping form on your bed, he mumbled a:
"I'll join you in bed in a minute, honey."
Under his breath. It's not like you're conscious to know what the fuck is going on.
He pecks your forehead and brushes the hair away from your face.
"I love you." He whispers. He receives zero (0) responses.
It's always like that. You go to sleep, he gives you the best head in your life, but you're to asleep to realize, he then brushes his teeth, he showers, he fix himself something to eat, he brushes his teeth again because... Smells. And finally, he goes to bed with you.
He likes pickles. It's salty, sour, briny and helps replenish his electrolytes. Anchovies too, its... Fishy, salty, oily. Lemon sorbets are also nice, it's sweet, sour and refreshing. Natto is great for his brain, he also likes the slimy texture of it and he doesn't mind the bitterness.
Okay, he just likes the taste of pussy. Specifically, your pussy. It should taste kinda salty, kinda sour, kinda sweet and kinda bitter.
But usually, he would just fix up a ham and egg wrap for himself. It's quick to prepare, not too smell offensive, not too noise offensive.
He would munch on it as he goes back to your bedroom. There is a TV in front of your bed, so he would turn it on and put the volume on zero. Your self proclaimed boyfriend would pull you to his chest, making you use him as a pillow as he enjoys his simple dinner and watch whatever is on TV.
One hand holding his meal, the other rhythmically patting your rear.
Sometimes, he pats a little too hard, the screen is a little too bright, the wrap is a little too tasty, you would wake up. But not fully.
You would slur and stir. Eyelids heavy, it's a struggle to even pry them apart.
He would remedy this by bringing his wrap to your lips, which you would, without fail, get a nibble. That's enough to send you back to sleep, subconsciously chewing and swallowing that micro bite.
You always thought your sleep paralysis demon has the sexiest chuckle and the softest kisses.
The next day rolls by and you're alone on your bed. The thing between your legs feels funny and you have a faint taste of ham and eggs in your mouth.
You yawn and swung your legs over the edge. Letting your feet touch the ground, giving him full view of your ankles from under the bed.
It's your off day today and he knows you would usually spend these doing nothing. Just lazily laying around, rot your brain with social media, cry about your mediocrity, then go back on social media, binge eat, cry about your mediocrity again, social media, binge eat and finally sleep until the next day.
These are the days where he so badly wishes to fuck your brains out, to fuck the tears away. To give you orgasm after orgasm to forget whatever is making you sad, to make you prefer him thrusting into you instead of seeing suspiciously successful lives on the internet, to overstimulate you so you think about nothing but pleasure.
Let the room reek of sex, let the moans and wet slapping bounce off the thin walls, let the taste of you coat every square inch of his mouth. Let his hands roam all over your body and let him worship you as this deity having a gorilla grip on his life.
These are the days where... It's best for him to leave your apartment to carry out a hit. As he might simply just lose control and take you as soon as he hears your sniffling. Stuff you full of cock and tongue, kissing your sorrows away.
The aftercare stuff excites him too, he would want to see you relax in his hold, letting him work his masseur magic. Allowing him to feed you proper, warm meals after a pleasant, sensual shower.
He may be obsessive and unhinged. But not delusional. At least, not THAT delusional to think you'll see and accept him as your boyfriend if he jumps out of his hiding place now. You're going to have a panic attack and possibly throw up and die.
So he has no choice but to suppress it. He will have to strike when an opening comes. Maybe, enact a cliche romantic meeting and work up from there? Perhaps, that sounds like a good idea.
He is satisfied with what the bottle of sleeping pills hidden in his pocket can do.
For now.
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squidsquadlove · 2 years
From @dadvans - using this fanfic trope sorter.
Tumblr media
::slams download button::
dark fic, angst, humor, PWP, soulmate AU, fake relationship, fix-it fic, crack fic
Bring it!
amnesia fic, arranged marriage, miscommunication, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers, established relationship, canon divergence, drunken confessions
Why not?
baby fic/kid fic, A/B/O, mutual pining, sex pollen, time loop, fluff, first kiss, friends to lovers, bang or die, sharing a bed, slow burn
royalty AU, pregnancy fic, unhappy ending, huddle for warmth, historical AU, college AU, coffee shop AU, body swap, fairytale AU, missing scenes, unrequited love
Not my jam
major character death, crossover, love triangle, magic AU, gen fic, high school AU
I suspect no one who knows me even a little will find my top category tropes surprising. 😁
I'm PICKY about the next-to-last category -- I can definitely think of examples for most of them, but they really have to be great. (Don't ask me how many times I've read His Royal Secret/His Royal Favorite by Lilah Pace, because it is a lot. I once read those two one after another, then immediately read them both again.)
The last category seemed like my absolute "no, really not my thing" place... Though now I'm thinking of that cute fic where at the ASG everyone can use their powers (Giroux is a pixie, Josi and Saros are sirens, Zegras wants to hook up with a vampire...) and I love things with that type of magic, plus of course I've written several snippets involving Seattle Kraken (cryptid) -- I just don't care about witch/wizard AUs. 🤔
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