#Wadi Ara
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a-typical · 1 year ago
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The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappé (2006)
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girlactionfigure · 6 months ago
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A few weeks ago, someone commented on my JVP “white European pine trees” video, that his village, Dyr Ayyub, was “one of the first to be ethnically cleansed and covered with forest”. Turns out, the poor villagers of Dyr Ayyub tried to kill each and every Jew driving up to Jerusalem. For example the murder of Yona Resin in December 1947. Despite the fact It was used as a base for the Jordanian Arab legion, in 1949 Israel has offered the residents of Dyr Ayyub to return and get Israeli citizenship (just like other villagers who returned to their homes, for example: the wadi Ara agreement, or villagers of Abu gosh) but the offer was declined (like other cases). Classic case of FAFO, and never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
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athena5898 · 3 months ago
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🔻OCCUPIED INTERIOR (Quds) — A new photo.. from the dining hall of the occupation soldiers inside the camp in Wadi Ara, where a drone launched by Hezbollah exploded
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moss-the-mage · 1 year ago
Shows how much they care about arabic people by bombing *cheks notes* Wadi ara and Jatt
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archtroop · 1 year ago
As of this moment, the rocket barrages from Gaza are ruching Samaria and Wadi Ara.
That's primarily Palestinian Arabs populations.
They don't care where they shoot, but we already knew that.
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rulinarulina · 2 months ago
Απίστευτο βίντεο: Drone από το Λίβανο πέρασε την αεράμυνα και προκάλεσε πυρκαγιά
Οι IDF λένε ότι το μη επανδρωμένο αεροσκάφος της Χεζμπολάχ προκάλεσε πυρκαγιά στα βόρεια, αφού απέτυχε να το καταρρίψει Οι IDF λένε ότι ένα μη επανδρωμένο αεροσκάφος της Χεζμπολάχ που εκτοξεύτηκε από τον Λίβανο, προσέκρουσε στην περιοχή Wadi Ara στο βόρειο Ισραήλ πριν από λίγο, προκαλώντας πυρκαγιά. Οι πυροσβέστες εργάζονται για την κατάσβεση της πυρκαγιάς. Εν μέσω του περιστατικού, οι IDF λένε…
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tjmondigo · 1 year ago
So first let's talk about what is happening between israel vs palestine
Early in October 2023, Israel and Hamas, the militant Islamist organization in charge of Gaza since 2006, went to war. Along with murdering and injuring hundreds of soldiers and civilians, Hamas fighters invaded southern Israeli cities and villages across the Gaza Strip border and fired rockets into Israel. They also took scores of hostages. Israel was caught off guard by the strike, but it soon launched a lethal counterattack. The Israeli cabinet officially declared war on Hamas the day after the attack on October 7, and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were then given orders by the defense minister to impose a "complete siege" on Gaza. Since then, Israel has ordered the evacuation of over a million Palestinian inhabitants, and the two sides have engaged in regular rocket exchanges.
As of 2018, the vast majority of Israelis (74.3%) identify as Jewish, with Muslims (17.8%), Christians (1.9%), Druze (1.6%), and people of other religions (4.4%) following closely behind. Israel is the only nation where the majority of people identify as Jewish. Israel is home to a variety of Christian and Jewish faiths, while the majority of Muslims identify with the Sunni tradition. Israel is home to about 41% of the world's Jewish population. It is rare for members of Israel's major religions to convert; instead, individuals who identify as Jews, Muslims, Christians, or Druze almost always stick with the faith they were raised in.
All Palestinians, including those who reside abroad, are Muslims. On an identification card issued by the Israeli government, every resident of the Palestinian Territories must indicate their religion. This document states that 98% of Palestinians identify as Sunni Muslims.1 Christianity is the main minority religion, with an estimated 52,000 Palestinian Christians thought to have resided in the occupied territories as of 2013.2 It is also believed that the number of religiously unaffiliated Palestinians (i.e. atheist or agnostic) in the West Bank and Gaza is very small.
The Green Line, which technically divides Israel from the West Bank and was also established during the 1949 Rhodes Armistice Talks, which were held between Israel and Jordan, is commonly viewed as the default border between Israel and a future Palestinian state. The border, which was the first official political division of land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, was superimposed onto the landscape and reflected the outcome of the war. Some adjustments were also made, particularly in the Wadi Ara region to allow Israel to maintain a territorial link between the coastal towns and Afula.
The West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip are included in the Occupied Territories, which are under the legal control of Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA), with much of the region being under both parties' purview. Violence between Palestinians and Israeli security forces continued in Israel, Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank. The PA Basic Law, which serves as an interim constitution, declares Islam as the official religion but asks for respect of "all other divine religions." In the course of the year, attacks outside the Green Line in Jerusalem, Gaza, and the West Bank claimed the lives of 91 Palestinians and eight Israelis.
The West Bank, which includes East Jerusalem, and Gaza make up the OPT. In the OPT, there are about 4.5 million Palestinians (2.7 million in the West Bank and 1.8 million in Gaza). In order for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to be realized, a sovereign and unified Palestinian state based on the pre-June 1967 lines (the borders that existed before Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza in June 1967) would be established on this territory, with East Jerusalem serving as its capital.
Potash, bromine, and magnesium are examples of mineral resources; the latter two come from the Dead Sea's waters. Phosphates and trace amounts of gypsum are found in the Negev, copper ore is found in the arava, and minor marble is found in Galilee. Small oil resources have been discovered in the northern Negev and south of Tel Aviv since Israel started limited petroleum exploration in the 1950s. In addition, the nation has natural gas reserves offshore in the Mediterranean and in the northern Negev, northeast of Beersheba.
Natural resources abound throughout historic Palestine, including fresh and ground water, arable land, and wildlife. land and, more recently, natural gas and oil. Seven decades have passed since Israel's founding as a nation. These resources have been misused and corrupted in a number of ways. These include common Land theft by the Palestinians during the ongoing Nakba, water exploitation as a result of failed negotiations, and a When gas or oil is discovered in or under occupied land, finders-keepers law applies.
Abraham founded the idea that there is just one God, the universe's creator, which is where the people of Israel (also known as the "Jewish People") derive from (see Torah). The patriarchs of the Israelites are described as Abraham, his son Yitshak (Isaac), and his great-grandson Jacob (Israel).
The enormous political changes and battles that brought this tiny territory to the attention of the world have had a significant impact on the social geography of modern Palestine, particularly the region west of the Jordan River. Israeli Jews made up nearly half of the population west of the Jordan at the beginning of the twenty-first century, with Palestinian Arabs (Muslim, Christian, and Druze) and other smaller minorities making up the remainder. Despite the fact that millions of immigrants have come since the State of Israel's inception in 1948, the Jewish population is becoming more and more made up of people who were born in Israel. The majority of the Arab population is descended from Arabs who resided in the region for many centuries before the mandate period and during it.
One of the initial targets of the historic Hamas ground invasion into Israel was the music festival. It might also be the most lethal. Israel's search and rescue group estimated that there had been at least 260 fatalities.
Additionally, militants carried out raids on neighboring settlements, killing and kidnapping locals—in some cases, entire families—while moving from house to house. More than a full day after the assault started on Sunday afternoon, the Israeli force was still fighting Gaza militants in various locations. Seven hundred people lost their lives in Israel, and more than three hundred more were left critically or badly injured. Israeli airstrikes on Gaza has resulted in about 400 Palestinian deaths.
I'm a pro israel because first of all hamas people are the one who attached first and there are many theories that hamas or other militant people at palestine are kidnapping people specially girls to undergo terrible experience such as rape, abuse and many more.
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infosisraelnews · 2 years ago
🔴 Affaire choquante à Netanya : six Arabes sont soupçonnés d'avoir violé collectivement une jeune fille de 13 ans
Six Arabes ont été arrêtés, soupçonnés d’avoir violé collectivement une jeune fille de 13 ans de Netanya, après avoir consommé de l’alcool et des drogues que lui avait fournis le principal suspect. Le matériel d’enquête montre que le principal suspect, un résident arabe de 24 ans de Wadi Ara, connaissait la mineure via les réseaux sociaux, et après qu’ils se soient rencontrés dans une pièce d’un…
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444names · 2 years ago
hindu and egyptian deities BUT excluding "y"
Adha Adjet Adjwer Adurti Adurus Agara Akant Amahma Amanga Amani Amanta Amat Amatri Amatta Ammana Ammiti Amut Amuta Amutet Anar Anatep Anda Andni Anet Anga Angan Anhis Anika Anikan Anna Anta Antati Apari Apet Apetet Appar Apri Araet Arah Araha Araman Aran Arandi Arani Aras Ariama Arma Armavi Artani Arti Aruni Arutu Aset Asha Ashana Ashapa Asher Ashi Ashitr Asiti Asta Astan Asva Asvai Aswar Atgeb Atret Atris Baala Baasu Baati Babit Bagala Balala Balam Balami Bali Balini Balit Balki Bata Bati Besa Besat Beshis Bets Bhada Bhaf Bhai Bhais Bhaka Bhal Bhala Bhali Bhani Bhati Bhiti Bhuli Bhumi Bhura Bhurti Bradha Brahak Brami Brat Brati Brau Brava Bravan Bucha Buchhi Budra Budrah Bukala Buket Chaf Chai Chakau Changa Chatta Chhi Daksh Dangan Dania Dant Datef Dedevi Dema Devis Devnat Dhaini Dhal Dhana Dhash Dhiti Drata Duli Duruna Geren Ghan Gupa Gush Hadi Haikun Hairri Hapis Happa Harah Harjau Hash Hati Havi Hedevi Hehek Hehi Hephi Hesara Hetah Hets Hoba Honta Horunu Hoth Iahati Iani Imet Imeth Imha Imhep Imhoth Imut Ingan Inji Innuma Irabit Iria Iush Iushi Jagni Jagus Jagush Jhumah Jhut Jumaha Junari Juniis Kala Kalala Kamanu Kamu Karavi Karjun Kashi Kati Khaini Khbet Khek Khes Khet Khis Khmet Khnani Khnut Kira Kubet Kunira Laji Laksha Lala Lalki Latri Maal Maasu Maatu Madi Mahan Mahu Makani Makhi Maksh Malaka Malara Mali Mana Mangi Mani Mantat Mara Maravi Marti Mashu Maspa Mavi Mavish Maviti Meer Meheh Mehi Mehira Meshta Meteta Mhanu Mheket Mhoth Mika Mina Mini Minia Minji Mita Mitri Mneb Mneneb Mnep Mnet Mohi Mohis Mohish Monti Mooka Moor Mukat Muna Mundar Mundni Muni Mura Mutar Mutep Nani Nara Nari Narna Nata Nati Natmit Natri Neba Nebat Nebati Neenet Nefnu Neheh Neitha Neitri Nekhor Nenhin Nesat Neshi Niama Niis Niket Nirris Noor Nurga Nutser Osret Padrat Pana Pani Panira Pari Paspa Path Pati Patus Pefer Pefera Pephi Praha Prati Prika Pris Ptat Ptawet Purumi Puth Radhi Radra Raet Raha Rahma Rami Rani Ranta Rapa Rasis Rath Raval Ravar Ravita Rbha Rbhuma Rena Renper Rensnu Rudhis Rudhu Runat Saaker Saasha Saish Samji Sara Sari Sateja Satr Satris Savah Savar Savasu Savis Seka Seket Sekhep Senan Senef Senep Serali Sertu Sesh Shal Shata Shatef Shet Shini Shmet Shnupa Shnura Shth Shthi Shva Shvata Shvis Siaha Siamut Simen Skatri Skau Skhoti Soba Sobasu Sobat Sobet Somaf Somati Suran Surava Svahma Swara Swat Swinna Tadi Tahma Tanna Tari Tata Tawer Tawera Teneit Tenen Teped Tesmet Thita Thortu Tvani Tvar Tvarti Ugani Ugra Umbodi Undu Uneg Unevi Urunia Usat Ushith Vaha Vakset Vaksh Vali Vamadi Vana Vara Varu Vati Veena Veer Veerti Veesh Venak Venpet Ventet Venti Venu Vitah Vitani Vitri Wadi Wara Waraji Wera Weret Werket
same thing but longer names
Adari Aditan Adjettari Adraji Adurus Akalat Akalis Akasha Akshthor Amalamut Amanet Amanu Amatibapi Amiket Aminji Ammatamava Amnehini Amuna Anana Andni Andrati Anefnu Anena Anesha Anhont Antara Antawep Anukamanut Anumbhurga Anurga Anutseswat Apathini Apishen Appan Appara Appatri Apriat Apurun Araet Aragushu Araha Arahes Arahet Araja Arashta Aratesavis Aravakshvi Areneshiva Arihat Arikalaji Arishmehi Armathi Arnali Arnarmatri Artet Artut Ashesmete Ashnu Ashth Ashtra Ashuvan Aspati Atgebabhi Atrikas Baalamala Baata Balatawera Balati Balitha Balki Bappani Batriti Beertartet Beket Bekhek Bethavi Bhais Bhakshikum Bhana Bhandura Bhanetu Bhangi Bhata Bhateja Bhatgebaal Bhathadra Bhati Bhuli Bhupannata Bhura Bhurga Bhuru Bhuts Bhuva Bhuvam Brahehet Brati Brava Bravis Buchiti Buddharati Budhat Bukal Bukami Chagani Chara Chith Demaaha Detejapat Devit Devna Dhairis Dhala Dhanna Dhapedevis Dhappatesh Dhash Dhatentu Dhath Dhati Dhurga Dhushika Dimehindra Drahatri Drajaja Dranta Gadrajagni Galallatmi Gales Gandrali Garis Ghata Ghatati Ghatusa Gupadithi Guphth Guphtharau Hadanara Hangandi Happatri Haput Haravana Haret Harmani Hashwari Hekhotep Henevi Hepri Herantu Herketwer Heshi Heswamalla Heswara Hetwer Hezmuna Hezmunast Hezmut Hobali Hobapisher Horti Hotikama Hrika Husari Iamatmet Iatum Imeheh Imehek Imehetta Imenet Imetetete Imhehet Iraha Iraji Iranda Iravasta Irrtara Irrti Ishinji Ishis Ishmanum Ishurtut Iushvat Jaganati Jagni Jagusat Janala Janvasa Japer Japishan Jaupta Jhushalli Jumahai Jumbodi Junen Kalashi Kalaxmitri Kamanut Kambikesha Kanda Kandni Kanva Kasimhodi Katmeh Keten Khattat Khehikasva Khenna Kherkamna Khesha Khmahanu Khmanati Khodaket Khoti Kirajapi Kubraet Kunilaksha Laket Lanatr Langan Lardraneh Latenarka Maaharia Maakshna Maalama Maali Maddha Mahaneb Mahavantep Mahenhi Mahma Mahmet Makameneh Makshatri Makshwara Malama Males Mananal Manarti Mandarjum Mandevna Maneita Manikalli Manira Manna Matet Mathoda Matmeer Matranta Matravi Matta Mavat Mavita Meeren Mehebuda Mehedet Meheneva Meher Mehesha Mehetu Mehitreneh Mehma Mehmet Menatetut Menenekher Menhobapis Menhonsnut Menkanatar Menpededu Mikal Mnara Mneheka Mneneshuva Mohis Mohit Monsnurga Monta Mookalamma Mookamatr Mookamitr Mookamuta Moorunambi Mukeretu Munarah Munda Muneg Murgal Murgana Mutet Nakshi Nalar Narta Nasta Natmi Natris Nebdjwer Nebuddha Neera Neeret Nefer Neger Nekhek Nenatala Nepra Neshan Niishindi Nikau Nirat Nooka Nukalaman Nuptara Nutanga Osret Panda Pangi Paral Patriti Petep Prahma Pramahanu Ptannati Purti Pusar Putumal Radjwer Rahairri Rahandi Rahet Rahuli Ranamit Randrath Rapishar Ratgerenet Ravathara Rbhapri Rbhati Rbhish Rbhuthoti Reneshmet Renhotenu Renhoth Renka Rensha Retenu Revat Runat Sairasva Samananen Sambhani Samma Sarala Saraser Savanehi Sekal Sekerundit Seket Senhoteth Senta Serama Serta Sertum Seshandi Seshas Seskamet Settan Shavalit Shinda Shiranum Shish Shiti Shitresmet Shtri Shwara Shwawetep Siamahal Simet Simha Siragan Sirrit Sithi Skhakhek Skhortenka Sobabi Sobal Sobaniker Sobeer Sobet Somakshu Sopdemani Sopdevi Subikara Subrauphta Suravakser Surgani Svantaris Svasu Svati Swaddha Swamaaksha Tahma Taranna Tawer Tawets Tejagni Tejani Tenna Tethan Thandi Tvanat Tvani Tvantu Tvatenatri Ugravar Umatatmet Umati Undar Unebdjet Ushapet Vaishi Vakshis Vamah Vanar Vandet Vandi Vanhini Vanta Vanutathan Vardra Varunati Veenti Veerevi Veeshavari Visivasiri Vivanput Vivarutha Warahma Wepwadit Wepwarut Werah Werappan Werennu Werets Weruddhal Werun Wosiran
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exhaustedace · 4 years ago
A Non-Exhaustive List of Criticisms of Israel that are Not Antisemitic, Written by a Jew
- Israel is a Jewish Majority country that was once attacked on Yom Kippur, and remembers the horror of being attacked on a major holiday when the much of the population was fasting. It should then have empathy not to attack Muslim majority countries during Ramadan. 
- Dropping pamphlets/calling homes of Palestinian civilians prior to launching rockets is not enough, especially with how absolutely packed the neighborhoods are.
- Retaliation of rockets vs rockets is not equivalent when your country has a security system defending itself against the rockets, as well as a much more developed medical system when people are inevitably harmed.
- Being forced into the military at 18 is not okay. What is worse, is actively denying people into the military who are in their early-mid 20s. That says that you want people in your military who dont yet know how to think for themselves, and haven't developed the ability to process long term consequences to their actions.
- You cannot condemn Hamas and simultaneously ignore the fact that you have had prime ministers who were literal gangsters and terrorists. 
- Netanyahu is awful and is doing everything not to give up power. He keeps pandering to extremists in his country who do not want a peaceful solution. He needs to leave office. 
- Your police, who have a history of violence towards your own people, should not be getting involved in these incidents, as it leads to escalation and more death.
As of now there have been 28 Palestinians and 2 Israelis killed, and numerous injured in the rocketfire.
This does not include the counts from the raid on the mosque, or the protests for Sheikh Jarrah. This does not include any counts on the protest riots in Lob, Jaffa, Wadi Ara, Madj al-Krum, and more. 
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a-typical · 1 year ago
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The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappé (2006)
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girlactionfigure · 3 months ago
⚠️ IRAN PREPARES, HOME FRONT CHANGES, SPECIAL FORCES VIDEOS - Tuesday afternoon - events from Israel  
...‼️The United States detects preparations in Iran for a missile attack on Israel. (Amit Segal - Ch. 12)
⚠️HOME FRONT COMMAND.. as of today (Tuesday), at 14:00: added restrictions in new and wide areas throughout the country until Sat. Oct 5, 20:00.  The reason for this change is the item above.
.. Restriction on activities and gatherings: Carmel (Haifa and wide area), Wadi Ara, Menashe, Samaria (West Bank), Sharon (Central cities), Dan (Tel Aviv), Yarkon, Shefala (Beit Shemesh and wide area), Jerusalem (and wide area), and Shfela.
.. Educational activities can ONLY be held in a place where you can reach a protected space in time with capacity in case of an alert.
.. Gatherings and services can be held with a limit of up to 30 people in an open area and up to 300 people in closed spaces.
.. Workplaces can operate in a building or place where you can reach a protected space in time with capacity in case of an alert.
.. Infographic: https://IDFANC.activetrail.biz/ANC0110202493864
.. Police: The Israel Police is prepared to implement the directives of the Home Front Command to the general public, following the change in the defense policy in the last hour.  Civil discipline saves lives.
❗️PUBLIC ROSH HASHANA PRAYER EVENTS CANCELLED.. The impression is that this is a warning about a more specific and immediate event, not about a general escalation from Lebanon.
.. Mass hataras nedarim at the Hotel cancelled.
.. Event at the Sultan’s Pool cancelled.
.. The Rabbi of the Western Wall and Holy Places Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitz calls on the public to take cautionand observe the mitzvah "and be very careful for your souls" - to obey the instructions of the Home Front Command and not to come to the Western Wall plaza tonight.
.. Message passed on to the Hasidim in Gur: Do not come today for prayers to the city. and prepare for the possibility that they will not be able to come to Jerusalem for the holiday.
▪️SPECIAL OPS.. Since the beginning of the war, the IDF has conducted dozens of targeted operations in areas near the border in southern Lebanon in order to dismantle Hezbollah’s terrorist capabilities and infrastructure.  The soldiers identified and breached underground access points near the border area, exposed extensive weapon caches, assembly areas for terrorist operative operations, and more. During these operations, the troops also collected valuable intelligence and methodically dismantled the weapons and compounds, including underground infrastructure and advanced weaponry of Iranian origin.
The troops also uncovered and destroyed underground infrastructure, struck thousands of targets and hundreds of weapons storage facilities, tons of explosives, and hundreds of living areas for operatives, command centers and more. 
Footage of IDF raids on terror targets in Lebanese territory: https://bit.ly/3ZLNw4x
Footage of the destruction of terrorist infrastructure in the area of the border: https://bit.ly/4gM9wCs
There are many more videos linked here -> https://t.me/idfofficial/10605
❗️TZAV 8.. IDF: In accordance with the situational assessment, the IDF is calling up four additional reserve (combat) brigades for operational missions in the northern arena. 
▪️AIR TRAVEL.. The airport is working as usual at the moment and there is no change in the airspace.
.. Israir is expected to operate flights using six leased planes over the holidays, to help maintain aviation continuity. 
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❗️IRAN MISSILE THREAT - Tuesday afternoon - events from Israel  
ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
( VIDEO - Home Front advice for holiday synagogue service - make sure to know the path to a protected space, have enough time and capacity. And what about the children? )
⭕HEZBOLLAH JUST FIRED 4 LONG RANGE MISSILES AT TEL AVIV.. a few minutes ago - they missed, hitting the sea.  No alarms due to the wide miss.
‼️The United States detects preparations in Iran for a missile attack on Israel.  On this basis, Israel has raised Home Front restrictions in the center and Jerusalem areas.  
.. The Pentagon: Satellite images show that Iran has prepared a large number of ballistic missiles to attack Israel.
.. IDF reminds:  defenses are NOT perfect, you MUST follow Home Front commands and take shelter when instructed.
.. The US Embassy in Israel asked its employees to stay at home and be prepared to go to shelters.
.. British Foreign Secretary Lammy announced that Britain is negotiating with its Iranian counterparts and calls on that country to exercise restraint in the midst of growing tensions in the region.
.. Reuters: Oil prices jumped 3% amid reports that Iran is planning to attack Israel.
📌HOME FRONT COMMAND..  center, Tel Aviv and wide surrounding areas, Jerusalem and wide surrounding areas, Samaria
.. Educational activities can ONLY be held in a place where you can reach a protected space in time with capacity in case of an alert.
.. Gatherings and services can be held with a limit of up to 30 people in an open area and up to 300 people in closed spaces.
.. Workplaces can operate in a building or place where you can reach a protected space in time with capacity in case of an alert.
.. Mass hataras nedarim at the Western Wall cancelled.
.. Event at the Sultan’s Pool cancelled.
.. The Rabbi of the Western Wall and Holy Places Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitz: do not to come to the Western Wall plaza tonight.
.. Message to Hasidim in Gur: Do not come for prayers to the city. 
❗️SPORT EVENT CANCELLED - Soccer / Football between Beitar Yerushalayim and Maccabi Haifa.
🔹IDF spokesman: "Iranian firing on the State of Israel will have consequences - I will not say more than that."
🔹IDF spokesman Brigadier General Hagari: "IDF fighters found a "plan for the occupation of the Galilee" by Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanese territory.”
🔹US Central Command: 3 additional US aircraft squadrons are on their way to the area, and one of them has already arrived.
🔹The US continues to transfer military equipment non-stop to the region.  Huge military transport planes land in Jordan and Syria almost non-stop.
🔹Haifa Municipality: In light of the unusual security situation, the city council meeting scheduled for tonight is postponed.
🔹Russia to Israel: withdraw the troops from southern Lebanon immediately.
♦️TARGETED ATTACK in Khan Yunis, Gaza on a vehicle.
♦️SYRIAN RADAR.. A radar position of Syria that attacked and destroyed a short time ago by the Air Force in southern Syria.
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yhwhrulz · 2 years ago
A 17-year-old Israeli Arab from Wadi Ara was indicted on Friday for planning a bombing and shooting attack in
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xtruss · 5 years ago
Opinion // Donald Trump Wants to Revoke My Citizenship. Because I'm an Arab
Trump’s Mideast plan pushes the hard right dream of population transfer: the involuntary revocation of Israeli citizenship for 300,000 people. We, the Arab minority, had no say
— Dr. Anwar Mhajne | Haaretz | February 12, 2020
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'The White House endorses revoking the citizenship of 300,000 inhabitants of Israel's Arab communities': US President Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House, Feb 11, 2020
President Donald Trump wants to revoke my citizenship. Because I am an Arab.
No, not in the United States, but in Israel. His Mideast "Deal of the Century" endorses an exchange: Multiple Arab towns in northern Israel would come under the writ of a future Palestinian state, and in exchange, Israel would annex Jewish settlements situated in the Palestinian territories.
This dry description doesn’t do the idea justice. This is what it really is: A population transfer conducted without any consultation with the people affected. A policy position based on ignorance about the complex layers of identity of Arab citizens of Israel, already targets of incitement and racism by Israel’s right-wing. And a legitimation of the hard right aspiration towards an homogenously Jewish Israel, where minorities are conditional guests and whose citizenship is not equal in origin or rights.
Those Arab towns are situated in what is known as the "Triangle," a region with an Arab majority bordering the northwest corner of the West Bank. For the Israeli establishment, that Arab population is a demographic threat to the Jewish nature of the Israeli state, together with general anxieties about the high birth rate among Arab families in Israel and Palestine.
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The Trump plan "contemplates the possibility, subject to agreement of the parties that the borders of Israel will be redrawn such that the Triangle Communities become part of the State of Palestine…the civil rights of the residents...would be subject to the applicable laws and judicial rulings of the relevant authorities."
The plan "explains" that, since the security concerns prompting Israel to acquire these Arab communities in 1949 have since been resolved, these communities could now be passed on to a future Palestinian state. "These communities, which largely self-identify as Palestinian, were originally designated to fall under Jordanian control during the negotiations of the Armistice Line of 1949, but ultimately were retained by Israel for military reasons that have since been mitigated."
The White House is giving a rationale for revoking the Israeli citizenship of the 300,000 inhabitants in these communities - myself included. Who would decide the fate of these communities? There is no mechanism mentioned to gauge grassroots Arab opinion. Would there be a localized referendum? Or would it be left to the Israeli and U.S. administrations to "benevolently" decide the fate and citizenship status of a quarter of a million citizens of Israel?
Removing our agency is only one aspect of Trump’s plan. Another is the superficial and ignorant foundations on which the "analysis" the Arab communities in Israel are based, not least, the blanket statement that we "largely self-identify as Palestinian."
We, the Arab citizens of Israel, are the Palestinians who remained under Israeli rule after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. We represent about 21 percent of the entire Israeli population. Generally, our national, cultural, and civic identities coexist separately. Our Palestinian identity is foremost in relation to ideological, cultural, and religious issues; our Israeli identity is tied to our civic status, political engagement, work, and education. Arab citizens have historically operated within the Israeli political system to address their issues and concerns.
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Ayman Odeh poses with supporters during a campaign rally for the Joint List in the Arab town of Kafr Yasif in northern Israel, August 23, 2019.
And contradicting the Trump plan’s claim, recent polls show that more members of these communities now self-identify as Arab, or Arab Israeli, rather than Palestinian.
The idea of revoking the citizenship of thousands of Arab citizens is not new, but rather a continuation of Israel’s discriminatory and alienating policies, and of right-wing incitement against the community. Those policies include the Jewish Nation-State Law, which practically and symbolically institutionalized the primacy of Jewish Israelis and the Hebrew language. Since 1948, we, the Arab minority, have been targeted by unfair laws, budgeting and planning, land confiscations, surveillance and political suppression.
Benjamin Netanyahu and his associates have a long history of inciting mistrust against Arab citizens and their representatives. The prime minister has frequently and groundlessly labelled Arab Knesset members as terrorists and collaborators to galvanize his right-wing base.
And this isn’t the first time that Israel’s right-wing has mooted the idea of a land and population swap. In 2014, serving as foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, the head of Yisrael Beitenu Party, promoted a plan to transfer various Israeli Arab towns to the jurisdiction of a future Palestinian state, a riff on a theme he'd already been pushing for a decade. In 2017, Netanyahu repeated that proposal in front of Trump’s senior advisor Jared Kushner and Mideast envoy Jason Greenblatt- two key architects of the Trump peace plan.
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The Arab-Israeli city of Umm al-Fahm in the foreground and Wadi Ara in the background, Israel January 30, 2020.
As Israel prepares for a third round of national elections, incitement against the Arab community in Israel is spiking again. Both the Likud’s Netanyahu and former military chief and Kachol Lavan head Benny Gantz have serially failed to secure the 61-seat threshold needed for a governing coalition.
Simultaneously, Arab voters and their representatives have been thrust into the center of the national political debate, with the electoral strength of the Joint List (an alliance of four parties: Hadash, Taal, Balad, and the United Arab List) as a potential kingmaker and third major party – predicted to win 13-14 seats in the 120 seat Knesset.
Cue the pushback and the incitement. At an "emergency rally" held by the Likud in November 2019, Netanyahu declared that a Gantz minority government formed with the help of the Joint List "is an existential threat to the State of Israel…they will celebrate in Tehran, Ramallah and Gaza the way they celebrate after every terror attack. This would be a historic national terror attack on the State of Israel." By portraying Arabs as traitors and supporters of terrorism, Netanyahu delegitimizes any political alliance in which the Joint List has a voice.
He continued in the same vein: "To be dependent on them all the time, especially at the current time, is an enormous danger to Israel and a breach of a kind never seen before in the history of the country."
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A Netanyahu 'emergency appeal' on Facebook on election day, Sept 17 2019: 'Long queues at Arab polling stations…You must go vote Likud to stop a last-minute leftist-Arab government'Facebook
Arabs in Israel and their leadership have expressed their hostility to the peace plan and all its provisions. They reacted to the idea of being "transferred" out of Israel with anger, doubt and sarcasm. Some labeled it as racist and dangerous – and a transparently expedient attempt to help shore up Netanyahu’s flailing political fortunes.
Dr. Samir Sobhi, mayor of Umm al-Fahm, one of the towns referenced in the Trump plan, responded to the "deal of the century" by affirming the wall-to-wall Palestinian consensus to reject the deal, and further noted that Arabs in Israel refuse to become an "electoral card" in the hands of clandestine deal-making by Netanyahu and Trump. Leaders of the Arab community are actively devising a plan to combat the Triangle transfer proposal.
Arab citizens in Israel and their leaders also have had to contend with hostile questioning about why they oppose the idea of transfer swap if they identify with the Palestinian cause. That, again, is a tendentious reading of our identities. And the repercussions of any such plan go far beyond the issues of identity and ideology, to the very fabric of our lives, and our human rights.
Would we need permits to access the beaches of Haifa and the Dead Sea, places we grew up visiting? How would we maintain our close connections to family members living further within Israel’s 1967 borders? Many of us study and work in cities such as Tel Aviv. What will happen to our jobs and education? The plan foresees a Palestinian state still subject to various forms of Israeli control. So would Israel enforce military rule in our now-Palestinian cities, like it did over Arab villages within Israel from 1948-1966?
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Arab Israelis protest Trump’s Mideast peace deal in the Arab-Israeli town of Baqa al-Gharbiya, northern Israel. February 1, 2020.
I suspect that any forced implementation of this plan would be experienced as another Nakba, a radical disconnection from our access and connection to our land once again.
Trump's Mideast plan is profoundly unAmerican, and against American traditions of democracy and individual rights: it would require accepting Israel’s revocation of the citizenship of thousands of its citizens without consulting them, and the targeting of a group of people for their ethnic and religious identity.
And it would risk violating those international laws concerned with the revocation of citizenship. Article 15(2) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights rules that "No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality."
Trump’s peace plan threatens the status of Israel’s Arab population, and fuels right-wing detractors whose delegitimization of equality now has the imprimatur of the president of the United States. But it also opens up a bigger set of queries: Who is worthy of full citizenship and protection under the law?
Both the United States and Israel claim democracy to be an identifying trait and distinguishing set of values. But by marketing a plan that attempts to strip people from their citizenship, it seems that those governing the two countries are comfortable with limiting the basic rights of citizens, granting them only to a select group of people along ethnic and religious lines.This doesn’t sound like democracy to me.
Dr. Anwar Mhajne, a native of Umm Al Fahm, is Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Stonehill College, MA. Twitter: @mhajneam
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Defense Minister: Boycott Rioting Israeli Arab Cities
(...) During Saturday’s riots in Wadi Ara, stones were thrown at an Egged bus, smashing its windows. The driver was lightly injured by shrapnel and was evacuated to hospital. Two passengers who were lightly injured were treated at the site. Police arrested two suspects, a minor and an adult, both residents of the Israeli Arab town of Arara. The Wadi Ara road was temporarily blocked by rioters and was reopened after police used crowd dispersal measures.
“It wasn’t just throwing stones at buses, there was almost a lynching of one of the journalists,�� Minister Liberman said, adding, “The local people are not part of the state. We’ve seen terrorists coming out of there, and [we’ve seen locals] participating in terrorists’ funerals. It’s impossible to demonstrate with Palestinian flags, then receive billions from the state and destroy us from within.”
Liberman said he was calling “on Israeli citizens to boycott Wadi Ara, do not shop in the stores over there, do not consume the services there. Let them feel they are not wanted here. ”
He added that “as part of the final status agreement, they must be part of Ramallah, where they will go to get their Social Security. We [in turn] will annex Ma’aleh Adumim, Giv’at Ze’ev and Ariel. This is the only solution that appears on the horizon.”(...)
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mmufo · 5 years ago
'Nova York antiga de Israel': megalópole cananéia de 5.000 anos pode reescrever a história
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Descoberto no norte de Israel, Ein Esur, o maior assentamento da Idade do Bronze já escavado aqui, começou a 'mudar para sempre o que sabemos sobre o surgimento da urbanização em toda a área'
HARISH, norte de Israel - Uma enorme metrópole de 5.000 anos de idade, que abrigava cerca de 6.000 habitantes, foi descoberta ao lado da mais nova cidade de Israel, Harish, durante novas obras nas estradas. A cidade de 160 acres (mais de 650 dunam) é o maior assentamento da Idade do Bronze escavado em Israel, anunciou a Autoridade de Antiguidades de Israel no domingo. "É muito maior do que qualquer local conhecido na terra de Israel - e fora da terra de Israel - na região da Jordânia, Líbano, sul da Síria", disse o co-diretor de escavação Dr. Yitzhak Paz em um vídeo da IAA. Além disso, logo antes da construção de um novo intercâmbio sobre o sítio arqueológico de En Esur (Ein Asawir), os arqueólogos da IAA também descobriram um assentamento calcolítico de 7.000 anos de idade, sob várias das estruturas de 5.000 anos de idade. “Esta é uma cidade enorme - uma megalópole em relação à Idade do Bronze, onde milhares de habitantes que viviam da agricultura viviam e comercializavam com diferentes regiões e até com diferentes culturas e reinos da região. Idade do Bronze Nova York da nossa região; uma cidade cosmopolita e planejada ”, disseram os diretores de escavação Itai Elad, Paz e Dra. Dina Shalem em comunicado da IAA. Os diretores de escavação (direita para a esquerda) Itai Elad, Dra. Dina Shalem e Dra. Yitzhak Paz, andam em um beco de 5.000 anos de idade no local de escavação da Idade do Bronze, próximo ao moderno Harish.  (Yoli Schwartz, Autoridade de Antiguidades de Israel) As escavações de salvamento ocorrem no local há dois anos e meio, financiadas pela Netivei Israel - a National Transport Infrastructure Company Ltd. Mais de 5.000 estudantes do ensino médio e voluntários da área participaram deles. Devido à importância do local, a Netivei Israel aumentou significativamente a altura do intercâmbio planejado e preservará as escavações através de documentação de alta tecnologia e conservação física. As escavações revelaram uma cidade planejada para a Idade do Bronze (final do quarto milênio aC), localizada perto de Wadi Ara, perto de duas nascentes de água, no distrito de Haifa, no norte de Israel. Segundo Paz, a terra é fértil para a agricultura e fica próxima de importantes rotas comerciais centrais. O antigo assentamento continha edifícios e áreas públicas e privadas, ruas e becos e era cercado por um muro de fortificação. "A escavação neste local revelou dois assentamentos principais", explicou Shalem em um vídeo da IAA. “O primeiro deles tem cerca de 7.000 anos. É um assentamento agrícola muito grande. Dois mil anos depois, outro assentamento tornou-se uma das primeiras cidades conhecidas nesta área do mundo. ” O layout da cidade, disse Elad, o terceiro co-diretor, indica que foi planejado com muito cuidado. Durante a escavação, a equipe descobriu um prédio público muito grande, diferente de qualquer outro. Elad, provavelmente, era um templo ou um santuário, dentro do qual foi encontrada uma área contendo ossos de animais queimados, provavelmente para sacrifícios. No pátio do templo, há uma grande bacia de pedra para líquidos, que os arqueólogos supõem que também foi usada durante rituais religiosos. "Essas descobertas nos permitem olhar além do material para a vida espiritual da grande comunidade que vivia no local", disseram os arqueólogos.
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Entre os artefatos interessantes revelados no local, havia a impressão cilíndrica de um homem segurando as mãos no ar, além de várias figuras de pessoas, animais e ferramentas importadas do Egito. Também foram encontradas ferramentas de pederneira, milhões de fragmentos de cerâmica e vasos de pedra de basalto.
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A impressão de uma mão de homem levantada ao lado de um animal do local da escavação da Idade do Bronze, perto do moderno Harish. (Yoli Schwartz, Autoridade de Antiguidades de Israel) "Essas descobertas surpreendentes nos permitem, pela primeira vez, definir as características culturais dos habitantes dessa área nos tempos antigos", segundo o comunicado da IAA. É durante esta época, disse a declaração, que as populações de Canaã passaram de ambientes rurais para ambientes principalmente urbanos. Segundo os arqueólogos, além da construção e do planejamento da cidade mais sofisticados, também deveria haver uma governança complexa no local. Para os 5.000 alunos israelenses e jovens adultos - judeus e árabes - que participaram das escavações, seus conhecimentos e experiências em primeira mão também podem mudar sua perspectiva e sua conexão com a terra de Israel. Como os livros de história são reescritos, os estudantes estavam na linha de frente das pesquisas iniciais. "O estudo deste site mudará para sempre o que sabemos sobre o surgimento ascensão da urbanização na terra de Israel e em toda a região", disse Paz. "E isso significa que o que sabemos agora mudará o que está escrito hoje nos livros tradicionais quando as pessoas leem sobre a arqueologia de Israel." Fonte: timesofisrael.com Read the full article
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