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a-typical · 1 year ago
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The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappé (2006)
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meditating-dog-lover · 11 months ago
This is sick but not surprising. The IDF is filled with men with power who think they can do whatever they want, and that includes sexual assault and r@pe.
I remember seeing a video (I think BetSelem posted it) of an IDF soldier chasing after a 17 year old Palestinian girl and attempting to flirt with her. You can only imagine how scared and uncomfortable she was. It wouldn't surprise me if there are a bunch of actual p3doph1les in the army.
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jokotten · 5 months ago
Die Vorwürfe lasten schwer: Palästinensische Ex-Häftlinge beschreiben Gewalt und Demütigungen in israelischen Gefängnissen.
Eine Menschenrechtsorganisation wirft Israel systematische Folter palästinensischer Häftlinge in seinen Gefängnissen vor. Die israelische Organisation Betselem hat in einem Bericht unter dem Titel «Willkommen in der Hölle» Zeugenaussagen von 55 palästinensischen Ex-Häftlingen gesammelt. Diese beschreiben teilweise schwere Misshandlungen und Gewalt. Nach Informationen von Betselem wurden zuletzt…
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izraelinfo · 4 years ago
Galant megtiltotta az országot apartheid államnak nevező szervezeteknek az iskolai előadásokat
Galant megtiltotta az országot apartheid államnak nevező szervezeteknek az iskolai előadásokat
Joáv Galant izraeli oktatási miniszter megtiltotta az országot apartheid államnak nevező szervezeteknek az iskolai előadások tartását – jelentette a helyi média hétfőn. “Utasítottam az oktatási minisztérium főigazgatóját, hogy tiltsa be azoknak a szervezeteknek a belépését az izraeli iskolákban tartott előadásokra, amelyek Izraelt +apartheid államnak+ nevezik vagy lekicsinylik az izraeli…
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emptyanddark · 3 years ago
"Palestinian prisoners and administrative detainees across prisons and detention centers in Israel are continuing their protest against the repressive measures imposed on them by the Israeli prison authorities".
"The international community and human rights groups have for years called on Israel to stop the policy of administrative detention, using which Palestinians are detained indefinitely without charge or trial for extended periods of time. Administrative detention orders can be renewed every 4-6 months based on secret evidence which is not shared even with the detainees or their lawyers. Despite international criticism, the number of orders issued on a yearly basis is steadily increasing".
Some further reading (there are many more):
Addameer - an organization supporting, documenting and working for prisoners' human rights . I urge you all to take a look at their amazing work, including reports and essays.
Administrative detention- Betselem - they also have more information worth exploring.
Defense for Children International- Palestine: children in military detention.
Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israel
COVID-19 and Palestinian Prisoners Detained in Israel
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cantotallyeven · 1 year ago
You seem well educated on this issue. More well educated than me even so I'm not gonna even try to pick apart your answers, thank you for actually knowing what I was talking about. I've listened to JVP but not the others that you mentioned.
I'm explicitly not saying that any criticism of Israel is inherently antisemitic, but I am saying there are a whole fuckload of people, even Jews, who know nothing about the conflict, and it's very clear that alot of people are just using it as an excuse to hate on Jews, hence all of the attacks on shuls across the world. A whole lot of people are criticizing Israel for committing war crimes (which I'm not saying isn't happening) but are silent about every single other country committing war crimes, and cheering for the war crimes Hamas is committing. If every country that ever committed a war crimes had to cease to exist, there'd be no more countries. Why is Israel being held to a different standard? That's the antisemitic part. Actually sorry but I will pick apart one thing from your answers. You call out Israel for having an unwritten constitution. Here's the other countries without a written constitution: New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Canada, United Kingdom, China, and San Marino. Why is Israel not having one so notable to you?
And what is antizionism exactly? People are hurling the word zionist at any Jew they don't like, with exactly the same venom as neonazis saying the word kike, even if they like you call for peace. I want peace too. Do you know what would happen if Hamas laid down their arms? There would be peace. Do you know what would happen if the IDF laid down their arms? Every Jew in Israel would be killed. This is the publicly stated mission of Hamas, to kill every Jew, not just in Israel but the world. And to be clear, I am not blaming all Palestinians for Hamas, but a whole lot of people seem all too happy to blame all Jews in the world for the actions of Bibi. To say the Israeli government has done wrong is not antisemitic. To say Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state is. You can wax poetic about Betselem Elohim, but as someone whose family, what's left of it anyway, fled the Soviet Union, I'm in pikuach nefesh mode. The lack of a Jewish state means another holocaust in my lifetime. I'd be willing to entertain the idea of a Jewish state in another location, but that would mean displacing others again wouldn't it? And it would mean that next time people argue against a Jewish state existing, we wouldn't have the "this is our ancestral homeland" argument to fall back on.
Now if you'd be so kind as to answer one more question: Lets say you get your way, the Palestinians get Israel back. Where does everyone who currently lives there go?
Ya'll wanna know how I know all you "I'm not antisemitic I'm just antizionist" people are full of shit?
There are currently 3 countries (counting Gaza) sitting on the land that was once Palestine, but you're only talking about Israel. Can you name the other one?
There are currently 2 countries blockading Gaza, preventing refugees from getting out and supplies from getting in, but you're only talking about Israel. Can you name the other one?
Multiple empires have controlled the region in the past two thousand years. You're not talking about the most recent one or it's role in the current situation. Can you even name it?
Do you know what percentage of Israel is Muslim?
During the initial formation of Israel, approximately 700k Palestinians were expelled from their homes. How many Jews were expelled from their homes in the neighboring MENA countries during that same time period?
Since you don't like to count Jews as a race (a topic for another post) what racial group makes up the majority of Israel's population?
To be clear, I'm not saying Israel is blameless in all of this, especially the current government. But if you are really here to support the Palestinian people and not just hate on Jews? You should know the other parties involved and pass at least some of the blame on them. Oh and then there's the current and ongoing genocide of Muslims in China. I've seen some posts in support of them, but I haven't seen any liberals chanting "gas the Chinese".
Did I get anything wrong in my post? Quite possibly. it's 5am and I can't sleep and this region has been in conflict since before Jews or Muslims existed. It's got a long complicated history and it's why prior to the most recent attacks you'll barely find any posts on my blog about it. But people are pretending like the Jews should just pack up and go home as if there aren't Jews currently living there who were literally forced out of their homes and told to "go home to Israel" 75 years ago or Jews who have always lived there and like those same people aren't also very clearly showing that Jews don't have a safe home in any other country we may have ties to.
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soldan56 · 5 years ago
Il signor Cenati lancia accuse di antisemitismo, a noi e alle manifestazioni che abbiamo promosso come Comunità Palestinese in Italia, il 27 Giugno in molte città d’ Italia, per protestare contro l’annessione coloniale dei territori occupati della Palestina. All’ annessione ad Israele, annunciata dal suo governo per il 1° Luglio e che riguarda più del 30% dei territori occupati palestinesi compresa le colonie e la Valle del Giordano, si oppongono le Nazioni Unite, l’Unione Europea ed anche I paesi arabi, compresi quelli che sono alleati degli Stati Uniti e persino il primo Ministro Inglese, cosi come si oppongono e considerano contraria alla legalità internazionale l’ occupazione militare che dura ormai da 53 anni, le demolizioni delle case, le torture e gli abusi sui minori, l’embargo di Gaza, la detenzione amministrativa, la continua opera di evacuazione, o come è stata denominata da Betselem, associazione israeliana per la difesa dei diritti umani, “deportazione lenta” e crimine di guerra.
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goldhornsandsteel · 7 years ago
How to Help Palestinians Without Being anti-Semitic - a Step-by-step Guide for White Gentiles.
2. Get a jar
3. Label it Palestinian Solidarity Jar
4. Whenever you feel like backseat driving a country you don't belong to, put a quarter in the jar.
5. Whenever you feel like quizzing Jews about Israel, put a quarter in the jar.
6. Whenever you feel like comparing Jews to Nazis, put $20 in the jar.
7. Empty the jar at the end of every month.
8. Donate the proceeds to Betselem or Ta'ayush.
9. Congratulations! You've done more to help Palestinians than you would in a lifetime of shitposting!
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ennombredeisrael · 5 years ago
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(vía Betselem, la ONG que difunde "fake news".)
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jewishicequeen · 5 months ago
I actually do think it's creepypasta, it reads like something you'd see passed around in whatsapp groups.
I do agree some phrases here seem like whoever wrote this IS israeli. Specifically "סמלאנים מבצלם"- writing שמאלנים intentinally with an error is a... social media slang? I'm not sure how to describe it, but it's definitely an israeli thing. Invoking betselem specifically also feels israeli, idk. "De nazification", however, isn't something any normal israeli would say, it's very weird language-wise.
אני מתביישת בעצמי.
‏שנים רבות חייתי בשקר, עיוורת ומוסחת על ידי הנרטיבים שהתקשורת הישראלית והחברה האכילו אותי על הפלסטינים. שנים רבות הערצתי את חיילי צה"ל, ראיתי בהם גיבורים שמחרפים את נפשם. תמיד עמדתי בצד של ישראל וצה"ל, בכל מלחמה ומבצע. בכל פעם ששמעתי על אירוע טרור, קיבלתי את
הנרטיב מבלי לפקפק, מבלי לשאול שאלות. מעולם לא חשבתי שאולי המדינה שלי משקרת לי, שהמציאות היא אחרת. מגיל אפס לימדו אותי שעשיו שונא ליעקב, שהערבים הם מזן אחר – אלימים, מסוכנים, סוטים. כולם, ללא יוצא מן הכלל. "עשרה קבים של זנות ירדו לעולם, תשעה נטלה ערב ואחד כל העולם כולו."
כל מה שאנחנו עדים לו בזמן האחרון - העינויים, ההתעללות, חיסולים לאור יום של פלסטינים, הרג המוני במסווה של ״ביטחון״ - הוא הוצאה לאור השמש של כל מה שעד עכשיו נעשה במחשכים והיה ידוע לארבעה סמולנים מבצלם שהתעקשו לחשוף את האמת החוצה. השאלה עכשיו היא אם נמשיך לעצום עיניים או שנתעורר.
הבושה והכאב שוטפים אותי. איך יכולתי להיות כל כך עיוורת? איך יכולתי לתת לשנאה להטיל בי עיוורון כזה? איך לא ראיתי שאני חלק ממערכת שמשקרת לעצמה ולי? אני מתייסרת במחשבות על השנים שבהן הייתי חלק מהשקר הזה.
אני מצטערת שהייתי טיפשה, שלא הרמתי את הראש מוקדם יותר, שלא פתחתי את הלב והאוזניים כדי לשמוע את הצד השני, את הצד הנכבש, המדוכא.
עד שהעולם לא ידאג לדה נאציפיקציה של ישראל ימשיכו לעצום פה עיניים
Hey @ישראבלר — from what I can read of this, it looks like copypasta. Anyone else receive this one? And also, the Hebrew looks off to me... how does it look from a fluent perspective?
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abrildenovomagazine · 7 years ago
Ao nazissionismo tudo é permitido
Ao nazissionismo tudo é permitido
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Crianças presas em jaulas As Nações Unidas informam que Israel utiliza 200 métodos de tortura, o grupo israelita de Direitos Humanos Betselem calcula à volta de 105 e um outro grupo da Universidade de Jerusalém estabelece que são 73 os métodos mais “populares” de tortura usados nas prisões nazissionistas. É assim, natural como água pura da nascente, poderá haver quem contabilize só 10, 30 ou…
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redinternacional-blog · 7 years ago
Que diferencia entre Israel y Argentina?
Que diferencia entre Israel y Argentina?
OPINION En Israel se usan 200 métodos de tortura. Dicho por las Naciones Unidas. El grupo israelí de Derechos Humanos Betselem consignó alrededor de 105. Y otro grupo de la Universidad de Jerusalén, estableció que eran 73 los métodos más “populares” de tortura usados en las cárceles israelíes. Ya te veo Mordisquito, levantar los hombros y decir “¿y a mí qué me importa?” “¿Qué tengo que ver con…
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israel-jewish-news · 7 years ago
Breaking the Silence: Prosecutors Interviewed the Wrong Arab
New Post has been published on http://hamodia.com/2017/11/21/breaking-silence-prosecutors-interviewed-wrong-arab/
Breaking the Silence: Prosecutors Interviewed the Wrong Arab
Breaking the Silence said Tuesday that it stood by the claims of its spokesperson Dean Issacharoff, who continues to claim that he indeed beat and dragged a Chevron Arab while he was on reserve duty, even after prosecutors dropped the case last week because they said they did not believe Issacharoff’s claims.
As proof, the leftist group released a new video in which is shown Issacharoff ostensibly committing the acts he described – and said that the Arab that prosecutors interviewed who denied that Issacharoff had beaten him was not the same Arab as in the video.
This is the second video Breaking the Silence has released in relation to the incident; the first one was last March, when Issacharoff first made the claims. Issacharoff is a spokesperson for the far-left Breaking the Silence organization. In that earlier video, Issacharoff is seen describing an incident in Chevron in which he, as an IDF officer serving reserve duty four years ago, abused an unarmed Palestinian. Soldiers, including Issacharoff, were trying to arrest the Palestinian, who was resisting in a noncombative manner. “My commander asked me to handcuff the suspect, but I couldn’t. I didn’t know what to do. He didn’t speak Hebrew and I didn’t speak Arabic. So I grabbed him by the neck and began kicking him in the face and the chest, until he was bleeding.” The point of the video was to show the “corrupting influences of the occupation on IDF soldiers,” Breaking the Silence said.
All the soldiers in Issacharoff’s unit have denied the story as well – except one, who is the only other soldier who appears in Issacharoff’s new video. The Arab is seen in part of the video with what appear to be injuries to his face. The new video, which surfaced just this week, was filmed by Betselem, another radical leftist group, Breaking the Silence said.
In a statement, the Prosecutor’s Office said that it had followed up on a request to investigate the matter, and had examined all relevant evidence. “The investigation was conducted in conjunction with the information that was given to us about the time, date, place and circumstances surrounding the event. The new videos released tonight were never presented to us. If it appears that a crime was committed on another occasion, an investigation can be opened into that event as well.”
Meanwhile, soldiers in the IDF unit in which Issacharoff served told Yediot Acharonot that they were considering suing the Breaking the Silence spokesperson for slander. “We knew he was lying,” the soldiers said. “In the wake of the case, we gathered all the soldiers and investigated the situation, on the off chance that something may have happened, something that our commanders missed. But it never happened. He simply lied and defamed us and now we are considering suing him for the damages he caused us. We served in Chevron, in Operation Protective Edge, and we always acted in as respectable manner as possible, given the circumstances, and that means no hitting, and certainly no torturing.” The Arab who was the alleged victim of the violence denied that he had been beaten by anyone.
Investigators closed the case against Issacharoff last week. “Based on the lack of evidence we find Issacharoff’s claims to be false, and there is no blame here in his actions.” In the wake of the dismissal of charges, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said in a social media post that the case proves that “Breaking the Silence lies and spreads bad rumors about our soldiers. In the wake of this case we received another proof of this.” Commenting on the decision, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked said that “it appears that the Breaking the Silence spokesperson is a liar who seeks to defame Israel in the world. I have true respect for the members of his unit who were not prepared to join him in his lies.”
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izraelinfo · 4 years ago
Apartheid államként határozta meg Izraelt a Becelem emberi jogi szervezet
Apartheid államként határozta meg Izraelt a Becelem emberi jogi szervezet
Apartheid államként határozta meg legújabb jelentésében Izraelt a Becelem nevű izraeli civil emberi jogi szervezet – jelentette a Jediot Aharonot című újság hírportálja kedden. Izraelben mindeddig tabunak számított a Dél-Afrikában 1994-ig érvényben lévő faji elkülönítésre és diszkriminációra alkalmazott kifejezés használata az ország zsidó és arab lakosai közötti megkülönböztetések…
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ridhodailyfaith · 7 years ago
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Congrats Om @adhi.wibowo.h @betselem akhirnya selesai juga, biarlah semakin dan terus bergairah dlm memberitakan InjilNya. Soli Deo Gloria. Tuhan memberkati
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izraelinfo · 6 years ago
Az Izraelinfo olvasóinál Soros György az év embere
Az Izraelinfo olvasóinál Soros György az év embere
Az elmút év utolsó napjaiban szavazásra invitáltuk olvasóinkat arról, ki legyen az általunk felsorolt 10 meghatározó személyiség – jelenség – közül az, akit a magunk mögött hagyott 2018-as évben a leginkább fontosnak tartottak.
Soros György – fotó: wikipedia
153 bátor szavazó döntése alapján Soros György filantróp lett az Izraelinfo Év Embere 2018-ban, megelőzve Benjamin Netanjahut (30…
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