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gutachter · 2 years ago
Wohnungskäufer von "Virchow-Living" erhalten Steuer zurück
Augsburg: „…Immer noch ist unklar, wie es mit den beiden Projekten im Stadtberger Virchow-Viertel weitergeht. Einige Anleger aber sind offenbar mit einem blauen Auge davongekommen. Die Pleite des Münchner Bauträgers Primus Concept hat auch Auswirkungen auf zwei Wohnprojekte in Stadtbergen. Wie berichtet sollten noch in diesem Jahr die ersten der insgesamt 57 Wohnungen bezugsfertig sein. Doch…
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zerogate · 10 months ago
Over a hundred and fifty years ago, the German botanist Matthius Schleiden was pondering the recently discovered fact that organisms as simple as water fleas and as complex as human beings are made up of individual cells. Each of those cells has all the apparatus necessary to lead a life of its own. It is walled off in its own miniworld by a surrounding hedge of membrane, carries its own metabolic power plants, and seems quite capable of going about its own business ruggedly declaring its independence. Yet the individual cells, in pursuing their own goals, cooperate to create an entity much larger than themselves. Schleiden declared that each cell has an individual existence and that the life of an organism comes from the way in which the cells work together.
In 1858, pathologist Rudolph Virchow took Schleiden’s observation a step further. He declared that “the composition of the major organism, the so-called individual, must be likened to a kind of social arrangement or society, in which a number of separate existencies are dependent upon one another, in such a way, however, that each element possesses its own peculiar activity and carries out its own task by its own powers.” A creature like you and me, said Virchow, is actually a society of separate cells.
Another creature enlisted in a superorganism is the citizen of a society called the sponge. To you and me, a sponge is quite clearly a single clump of squeezable stuff. But that singularity is an illusion. Take a living sponge, run it through a sieve into a bucket, and the sponge breaks up into a muddy liquid that clouds the water into which it falls. That cloud is a mob of self-sufficient cells, wrenched from their comfortably settled life between familiar neighbors and set adrift in a chaotic world. Each of those cells has theoretically got everything it takes to handle life on its own; but something inside the newly liberated sponge cell tells it, “You either live in a group or you cannot live at all.” The microbeasts search frantically for their old companions, then labor to reconstruct the social system that bound them together. Within a few hours, the water in your bucket grows clear, and sitting at the bottom is a complete, reconstituted sponge.
Remove the sponge cell from the sponge, prevent it from finding its way back to its brethren, and it dies. Scrape a liver cell from the liver, and in its isolation it too will shrivel and give up life. But what happens if you remove a human from his social bonds, wrenching him from the superorganism of which he is a part?
In the 1940s, the psychologist Rene Spitz studied human babies isolated from their mothers. These were the infants of women too poor to care for their children, infants who had been placed permanently in a foundling home. There, the children were kept in what Spitz called “solitary confinement,” placed in cribs with sheets hung from the sides so that the only thing the babies could see was the ceiling. Nurses seldom looked in on them more than a few times a day. And even when feeding time came, the babies were left alone with just the companionship of a bottle.
Hygiene in the homes was impeccable, but without being held, loved, and woven into the fabric of a social web, the babies could not maintain their resistance. Thirty-four out of ninety-one died. In other foundling homes, the death rate was even higher. In some, it climbed to a devastating 90 percent. A host of other studies have shown the same thing: babies can be given food, shelter, warmth, and hygiene, but if they are not held and stroked, they have an abnormal tendency to die.
-- Howard Bloom, The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History
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science-sculpt · 1 year ago
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A Journey Through the History of Cells
A world smaller than a raindrop, yet bustling with activity like a miniature city. Welcome to the incredible universe of the cell, the fundamental unit of life! The cell might seem microscopic, but its history stretches back eons and holds stories as vast as the galaxies. Today, we embark on a voyage through time, delving into the fascinating discoveries that shaped our understanding of these minuscule marvels.
The First Glimpse: Unveiling the "Cells", Our journey begins in 1665, where Robert Hooke, wielding an early compound microscope, peered into the intricate world of cork. He observed box-like structures, resembling the rooms monks inhabited, and christened them "cells." While he couldn't fathom their true nature, Hooke had opened a window into a hidden universe.
From Cork to Critters: Expanding the Cellular Realm: Another pioneer, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, soon pushed the boundaries further. His improved microscopes unveiled a teeming microcosm of single-celled organisms, like the "animalcules" (protozoa) he described in 1674. This marked the realization that life existed beyond visible forms, its very foundation laid in these intricate units.
The Cell Theory Takes Shape: Unifying Principles Emerge: Fast forward to the 19th century, where the stage was set for a defining moment. Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, inspired by countless observations, proposed the cell theory in 1839. This groundbreaking concept established three fundamental principles:All living organisms are composed of one or more cells. The cell is the fundamental unit of structure and function in living organisms. All cells arise from pre-existing cells.
This unifying theory laid the cornerstone for modern cell biology, revolutionizing our understanding of life.
With the cell theory established, curiosity shifted inwards. The nucleus, discovered by Robert Brown in 1833, became the focus. Further advancements in microscopy revealed a bustling metropolis within each cell, teeming with specialized structures called organelles, each with its unique function. The 20th century saw a whirlwind of discoveries. Rudolf Virchow solidified the third tenet of the cell theory with his famous dictum, "omnis cellula e cellula" (all cells come from cells), while Louis Pasteur challenged spontaneous generation, further solidifying the cell's central role.
The human body has trillions of cells, more than all the stars in our Milky Way galaxy and you're constantly replacing cells shedding about 30,000 skin cells every minute!! You're a bustling metropolis of trillions of tiny workers, all working together to keep you going. The knowledge gained from countless studies of cells propelled medical breakthroughs. The identification of chromosomes and genes within cells paved the way for genetics, opening doors to understanding diseases and developing treatments. Cell therapies and regenerative medicine offer glimpses into a future where damaged cells can be repaired or replaced. As we stand at the threshold of the 21st century, the exploration of cells continues. Advanced microscopes like electron microscopes and confocal laser scanning microscopes offer unprecedented views into the cellular world. CRISPR technology allows us to edit genes within cells, holding immense potential for treating genetic diseases.
As we delve deeper, the mysteries of the cell unfold, revealing its adaptability, complexity, and beauty. This tiny titan, once just a glimpse through a primitive lens, holds the key to understanding life itself. The journey through the history of cells is a testament to human curiosity and ingenuity, and it's a journey that continues, offering endless possibilities for the future.
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up2123753theories · 1 year ago
Social Science and Politics
Social –
Relating to society or its organization
Needing companionship and therefore best suited to living in communities.
Sciences –
A particular area of science.
A systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject.
Politics –
The activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power.
Activities aimed at improving someone’s status or increasing power within an organization.
Social sciences –
The scientific study of human society and social relationships.
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Quote - Rudolph Virchow
Social science is the study of society and social matters. It covers aspects of a society such as the economy, business management, human behaviour, education and so much more. Social science looks at how communities react and cope with certain changes.
As said by Jeffery Parker, another aspect social science looks at is architecture and “how people interact with their physical environment”. Through the study of social sciences and architecture we are able to use the data to see how people interact with certain spaces and what would make more successful designs in the future.
Politics can be a confusing subject for some, and many people avoid talking about it or paying attention to it. It can quite easily be the cause or the beginning of a heated discussion, no matter who talks about it. It covers everything from economics, education, equality, employment, business, how the countries run and so much more.
Politics and architecture seem like an unusual pairing and it is very surprising how much they link. The link between politics and architecture still comes into social science in a sense. Social science covers relationships and how different things affect people and communities.
Fahimeh Yari said that “architecture is a political act”, in his research journal. The explanation he provided for this comment was that, “it has to do with the relationships between people and how they decide to change their conditions of living”. Politics talks about a group of people changing situations and places, so when people come together to design and plan buildings and their materials, functions, resources it links architecture to politics.
“Architecture is all about understanding and improving the built world” – Jeffery Parker “How people interact with their physical environment, how they design and use space, and how buildings and other structures reflect and influence social, economic and cultural factors” – Jeffery Parker “our built environment should meet certain aesthetic standards, especially public buildings that are highly visible” – Bart Van Leeuwen “architecture through its great communicational powers, can be used for political and social objectives” – Fahimeh Yari “in political architecture it can be assumed that form follows values” – Fahimeh Yari “autonomy insists that architecture speaks and develops its own language in its own history relatively independent of world events” – Peggy Deamer “the construction industry participates energetically in the economic engine that is the base, architecture in the realm of culture, allowing capital to do its work without its effects being scrutinized” – Peggy Deamer
Collins. “Politics Definition and Meaning | Collins English Dictionary.” Www.collinsdictionary.com, www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/politics.
Deamer, Peggy. Architecture and Capitalism : 1845 to the Present. New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.
Oxford Languages. “Oxford Dictionaries.” Oxford Dictionaries, Oxford University Press, 2023, languages.oup.com/.
Parker, Jeffery. “Is Architecture a Social Science? - Architecture.” Www.architecturemaker.com, 12 Mar. 2023, www.architecturemaker.com/is-architecture-a-social-science/#:~:text=Yes%2C%20architecture%20is%20definitely%20a%20social%20science.%20The.
“Reflections on Architecture, Society and Politics: Social and Cultural Tectonics in the 21st Century.” ArchDaily, 20 Oct. 2016, www.archdaily.com/797727/reflections-on-architecture-society-and-politics-social-and-cultural-tectonics-in-the-21st-century.
van Leeuwen, Bart. “Is Architecture Relevant for Political Theory?” European Journal of Political Theory, 13 Dec. 2021, p. 147488512110636, https://doi.org/10.1177/14748851211063672.
Virchow, Rudolph. “Quote - Rudolph Virchow,” Quote Fancy, quotefancy.com/quote/1645048/Rudolf-Virchow-Medicine-is-a-social-science-and-politics-is-nothing-more-than-medicine-on.
“What Is Social Science? An Animated Overview.” YouTube, 5 Aug. 2014, www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiLj35g_cAU.
Yari, Fahimeh, et al. “Political Architecture and Relation between Architecture and Power.” International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJLRHSS), vol. 01, no. 03, www.ijlrhss.com/paper/volume-1-issue-3/11.HSS-066.pdf.
Whilst researching this topic I wanted to link social science and politics to architecture. Using this angle for my research I came across a piece of writing which was edited by Peggy Deamer. Peggy Deamer was born in 1950. She is an architect as well as an architecture professor at Yale University. Peggy edited “Architecture and Capitalism: 1845 to the Present”, which looks at the relationship between architecture and the economy over the years. The book contains essays from eleven different historians, all discussing architecture and capitalism within the period of time they know best. As well as being the editor, Peggy also wrote the introductions which link and summarise the main themes covered. Whilst reading through Peggy’s introduction to the book I came across the quote, “autonomy insists that architecture speaks and develops its own language in its own history relatively independent of world events”, which really stood out to me.
The quote, “autonomy insists that architecture speaks and develops its own language in its own history relatively independent of world events”, caused me to look further into autonomy which led to a deeper understanding of social science, politics, architecture and autonomy. Autonomy is the word for a country or county that is self-governing and is free from external influences. This comment from Peggy seems to suggest that architecture is a field of it’s own and is not influenced by external factors, such as social science and politics.
However, I would disagree and say that architecture is influenced by social science and politics. This is because architecture depends lot on the economic and cultural position of the surrounding environment and people. For example, in the past and present the communities and individuals of the higher class and wealth always had the bigger, more intricate designs and structures, whereas those of lower class always had small and basic house designs. Architecture has also always been greatly influenced by culture, whether it’s based on beliefs, religion, wealth, traditions.
In conclusion of my research I have come to the decision that social science and politics play a huge role within  the study, design and construction of architecture.
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thoughtlessarse · 1 month ago
“Medicine is a social science, and politics is nothing but medicine on a grand scale.”—Dr. Rudolph Virchow, known as “the father of modern pathology” and the central figure in the emergence of public health in Germany. “I see the disinfectant which knocks it out in a minute … is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside for almost a cleaning? … Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light … supposing it brought the light inside the body, which you can either do through the skin or some other way.” —Donald Trump, April 2020 *** Five years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in January 2020, Donald Trump will return to the White House on Monday. More so than any other figure, Trump is identified with the disastrous official response to the pandemic, initiating a war on science and public health epitomized in the murderous “herd immunity” strategy of deliberate mass infection and death. Over the course of 2020, Trump set into motion a basic pattern of lies, denial and anti-science disinformation. In his return to power, Trump II will likely be accompanied by the notorious purveyor of pseudoscience and anti-vaccine disinformation, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., slated to head the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Gregg Gonsalves, an epidemiologist at the Yale School of Public Health, recently compared Kennedy heading the HHS to “putting a flat earther in charge of NASA.” A letter to the US Senate signed by more than 15,000 physicians warned: The health and well-being of 336 million Americans depend on leadership at HHS that prioritizes science, evidence-based medicine, and strengthening the integrity of our public health system. RFK Jr. is not only unqualified to lead this essential agency—he is actively dangerous. On Friday, the New York Times reported that Kennedy filed a petition with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to revoke its authorization of all anti-COVID-19 vaccines in May 2021, as thousands of Americans were still dying from the disease each week. Trump’s other public health appointees—Great Barrington Declaration co-author Jay Bhattacharya to head the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Dr. Mehmet Oz to head the Department of Medicare and Medicaid, anti-abortion fanatic Dave Weldon to head the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Fox News television doctor Janette Nesheiwat as Surgeon General, and Marty Makary to head the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—amount to a rogue’s gallery of some of the leading anti-science advocates throughout the pandemic. They have all denigrated or cast doubt on the COVID-19 vaccines and vociferously opposed virtually every public health measure that saved lives. Their aim is to put the final nail in the coffin of public health in the US, which will have vast global ramifications. Under the banner “Make America Healthy Again,” Trump, Kennedy and this gang of quacks will do everything in their power to facilitate the spread of disease, including previously eliminated pathogens like measles and new existential threats like H5N1 “bird flu.” Biden, having won the 2020 election in large part due to his pledges to “follow the science,” steadily eviscerated every limited public health measure in place during his tenure in office. Over the past four years, Biden and the Democratic Party have implemented a bipartisan “forever COVID” policy of perpetual mass infection, debilitation and death, in the process overseeing the excess deaths of nearly 1 million Americans.
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friendtutor · 11 months ago
🔬 Cell Discovery & Theory:
- Coined by Robert Hooke
- Cell theory proposed by Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow
- Living organisms made of cells, new cells from existing ones
🔬 Microscopy
- Compound & electron microscopes used
- Staining for visualization
🔍 Cell Structure
- Cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, organelles
- Differences: unicellular vs. multicellular, prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic
🔄 Cell Cycle:
- Division for growth & repair
- Nucleus controls metabolic activities, passes genetic info
⚙️ Cell Organelles:
- Mitochondria, vacuoles, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, Golgi bodies, plastids, centrosomes
🌱🐾 Plant vs. Animal Cells:
- Differences in size, presence of cell wall, plastids, vacuoles
🔬 Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells:
- Prokaryotes lack organized nucleus, eukaryotes have one
- Examples: bacteria vs. plants, animals
🔄 Cell Division:
- Vital for growth, repair, and renewal
- Daughter cells formed through nucleus and cytoplasm division
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scentedchildnacho · 1 year ago
I did finally meet a man a lot like heyroth....the German but American military was all a little too gross and unjust to her bad contribution but that one is a Scorpio and wants a strong woman
That reek is too bad for established bad conduct
Because I was like heyroth knows that military personalities are segregated and different from internationals and white people but kept going around us looking like a wanted bitch
And that's their too reeky and scary to be just to her wanted allegations
And that's Rudolph virchow if gender selection corrects itself.....I finally win health care rights not blow your mind bimbo crest tooth paste
Miradent.....to Germans after they experienced Prussian internments those drugs are way too strong and synthetic to life
Science is only accomplished when one sees ones own ignorance
Its the law of attraction and stuff women does does mostly deserve a marriage not jail
The things my sister did to me till Benny then if Benny don't disgust her and make fun of her mentality and get her to do caloric stuff over her caloric intake finally starts
And that's why I love brother Benny if Benny Leah finally goes away
So I'm not sorry for suspecting my mother a little too severely....she gave me Leah in life and I found out my.mentality was kind of simple and enjoyed pass times together and the slap stick humor at my compulsive ity didn't stop till men tell them not to so
No I'm not angry at my family I found out my suspicions weren't correct but the family does it because that's what the world is.....if their provider and who they companion helps and confronts the world stops to me if it doesn't it does disgusting behavioural stuff to me and tells me to just keep getting walked down because they can't control things
And that's why I don't like dogs much if the little Malteses owner stays with the dog and clips her hair and puts her in the hand held cart she is intelligent if she won't the dog starts running around in hyper active panic and biting at stuff
Now cats....cats know their too good for people yes
So I wouldn't call it's resistance all that interesting or admirable people like nya reyes or slaves had to figure out what to do about massive influxes of illegality that wanted to live easily and narcissticaly so
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legendaryturtletheorist · 1 year ago
Cell Biology: Exploring the Fundamental Units of Life
Cell biology, often referred to as cytology, is a branch of biology that delves into the intricate world of cells—the fundamental units of life. The study of cells has unlocked the mysteries of life's processes, from the simplest single-celled organisms to complex multicellular organisms like humans. In this exploration of cell biology, we will delve into the structure, function, and significance of cells, shedding light on the remarkable world that lies within our bodies and the natural world around us.
The Basics of Cell Biology
Cells are the building blocks of life, and cell biology seeks to understand their composition, structure, and functions. At its core, cell biology aims to answer fundamental questions about the nature of life and how organisms function at the cellular level.
The Cell Theory
Cell biology is rooted in the Cell Theory, a foundational concept that has guided our understanding of life for centuries. The Cell Theory consists of three key principles:
All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.
The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life.
All cells arise from pre-existing cells through cell division.
These principles, formulated by scientists such as Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, and Rudolf Virchow in the 19th century, revolutionized our perception of life and laid the groundwork for modern cell biology.
The Structure of Cells
Cells come in various shapes and sizes, and their structures are tailored to their functions. Nevertheless, all cells share some common components and organelles that play critical roles in their activities
Cell Membrane
The cell membrane, also known as the plasma membrane, is the outermost boundary of a cell. It acts as a selectively permeable barrier, regulating the passage of substances in and out of the cell. The cell membrane is composed of a lipid bilayer embedded with proteins, providing structural integrity and facilitating communication between cells.
Inside the cell membrane lies the cytoplasm, a semi-fluid medium that contains various organelles and cellular structures. Many essential metabolic reactions occur in the cytoplasm, making it a vital part of the cell's machinery.
In eukaryotic cells, such as those found in plants, animals, and fungi, the nucleus is the central control center. It houses the cell's genetic material in the form of DNA, which is organized into chromosomes. The nucleus controls cellular activities by directing the synthesis of proteins and other molecules through a process called transcription.
Organelles are specialized structures within the cell that perform specific functions. Some of the most notable organelles include:
Mitochondria: Known as the "powerhouses" of the cell, mitochondria generate energy through a process called cellular respiration.
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): The ER is involved in protein synthesis and lipid metabolism. It comes in two forms—rough ER (studded with ribosomes) and smooth ER (lacks ribosomes).
Golgi Apparatus: This organelle modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and lipids for transport within or outside the cell.
Lysosomes: Lysosomes contain enzymes that break down waste materials and cellular debris, playing a crucial role in cellular recycling.
Ribosomes: These tiny structures are responsible for protein synthesis. Some ribosomes are free in the cytoplasm, while others are attached to the rough ER.
Peroxisomes: Peroxisomes are involved in detoxification processes and the breakdown of fatty acids.
The cytoskeleton is a network of protein filaments that provides structural support to the cell and plays a role in cell division and intracellular transport. It consists of three main components: microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.
Cell Functions
Cells perform a wide range of functions that are essential for the survival and functioning of organisms. These functions can be broadly categorized as follows:
Metabolism encompasses all the chemical reactions that occur within a cell. These reactions involve the breakdown of nutrients to generate energy (catabolism) and the synthesis of molecules necessary for cell growth and repair (anabolism). Cellular respiration, for example, is a fundamental metabolic process that occurs in mitochondria, where glucose is converted into energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
Cells reproduce through a process called cell division. In unicellular organisms, such as bacteria, cell division is a means of reproduction. In multicellular organisms, cell division is essential for growth, tissue repair, and replacing old or damaged cells.
HomeostasisCells maintain internal stability, or homeostasis, by regulating various physiological parameters. For instance, they control the concentration of ions, gases, and nutrients to ensure that the internal environment remains suitable for cellular processes.
Cells communicate with each other through chemical signals. Signaling molecules, such as hormones, neurotransmitters, and growth factors, enable cells to coordinate their activities and respond to external cues. This communication is vital for processes like development, immune response, and maintaining tissue integrity.
Significance of Cell Biology
Understanding cell biology has profound implications for various fields, including medicine, genetics, biotechnology, and environmental science. Here are some key areas where cell biology plays a crucial role:
Cell biology is foundational to the field of medicine. It provides insights into the causes of diseases, the development of treatments, and the study of how drugs interact with cells. For example, cancer research heavily relies on understanding the abnormal behavior of cells and the genetic mutations that lead to uncontrolled cell division.
Cell biology and genetics are intimately connected. The study of cells allows us to explore the mechanisms of inheritance, gene expression, and genetic disorders. Advances in cell biology have enabled breakthroughs in gene editing techniques like CRISPR-Cas9, which hold the potential to treat genetic diseases.
Cell culture techniques, which involve growing cells outside of the body, are essential in biotechnology. These techniques are used to produce recombinant proteins, develop vaccines, and conduct drug testing. Cell biology is the foundation of bioprocessing and the production of biopharmaceuticals.
Environmental Science
Understanding how cells respond to environmental changes is crucial for environmental science. Cell biology helps us comprehend the impact of pollutants, climate change, and other stressors on organisms at the cellular level. It is also instrumental in the study of biodiversity and ecosystem health.
The Future of Cell Biology
As technology advances, so does our ability to explore the intricacies of cells. Emerging techniques like single-cell genomics, super-resolution microscopy, and organoid culture are pushing the boundaries of our understanding. Additionally, the integration of cell biology with fields like artificial intelligence and nanotechnology holds promise for groundbreaking discoveries and innovations.
In conclusion, cell biology is a captivating field that unveils the mysteries of life at its most basic level—the cell. From its inception with the Cell Theory to its current role in advancing medicine, genetics, biotechnology, and environmental science, cell biology continues to shape our understanding of life and inspire discoveries that benefit humanity. As we delve deeper into the fascinating world of cells, we can anticipate even more exciting revelations and applications in the future.
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florasearlethirdyear · 1 year ago
Unwell Women By Elinor Cleghorn
Late Nineteenth Century-1940's
Chapter 9:
Page 166: 'Suffragettes were fighting against the conditions and circumstances that limited women's lives and freedoms'. This page discusses impact on women's health.
Page 172: WSPU overview
Page 174: Ogston's self defence illustration in Illustrated London News-'The Woman with the Whip'
Page 175: 'Antis connection between suffrage and women's health was vague and abstracted'
Chapter 10:
Page 191: June 1914 'Painless Childbirth in McClute's
Page 192: The New York Times-'Twilight Sleep'
Page 194: Twilight Sleep Association
Page 198: 1915, Mary Ware Dennett formed National Birth Control League, first US organisation to campaign to legalise contraception
Page 199: The Woman Rebel 'No Gods, No Masters' By Margaret Sanger
Page 200: Family Limitation, a pamphlet by Margaret Sanger
The Sex Side of Life: An Explanation for Young People By Mary Ware Dennett
Page 203: '100,000 'criminal' abortions were taking place in the US'-look into ads against abortion in 1913
Page 204: The Birth Control Review 1917 By Margaret Sanger
Page 205: 'in Britain these abelist, classist and racist ideologies underpinned birth control campaigns'
Page 207: 'Stopes thought medicines promotion of sexual impulses in women as depraved and diseased has instilled such state in young women that, came the marriage night, they were not only completely ignorant, but utterly shocked about what it involved'.
Page 206: Married Love or Love in Marriage book
Page 207: 'condoms and diaphragms made of sheep guts and vulcanised rubber had been available from specialist shops since the 1800's'-ads for these?
Page 212: Buck V Bell-forced sterilisation
Page 213: Love Songs for Young Lovers - Stopes
Page 215: 'Women's minds were still being policed in reproductive propaganda'
Chapter 11:
Page 218: 'for Gamble, this proved that most nervous illnesses were social symptoms'
Page 219: 'a woman is only a woman on account of her generative glands'-Rudoy Virchow (1848)
Page 220: 'physiologists had been suggesting that it wasn't the ovary itself that determined 'femininity', but the substances secreted by it'.
Our Bodies, Ourselves-1970, revolutionary book of health feminism
Page 231: 'menopausal women had, historically been vilified'
Page 233: 'Menopause, today, is under-researched, misunderstood and still shrouded in myths and misconceptions'
Page 234: 'stereotypes about 'the change' making women sad, mad and even dangerous, are woven into the culture of stigmatisation'.
Page 236: Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound-'Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was promoted all over ladies publications. During the late nineteenths century, ads claimed it could cure all the bizarre women's illnesses'. It appeared in a California newspaper in 1912 including reviews from women.
Page 243: 'In early adverting campaigns. Premarin was touted as a relief fro husbands burdened by moody, quarrelsome wives'.
Page 244: 'centuries-old adage that the healthiest women were the most pleasingly feminine'
Chapter 12:
Page 250: Women's Physical Freedom 1923
Mosher: 'Health is the birthright of every woman as well as of every man, but until we rid ourselves of some of the hampering traditions...the average woman will not attain this birthright'.
'She knew that education and knowledge free of superstition and prejudice were ket to imprint women's health'.
Page 251: 'Gynaecology's historical obsession with menstruation had made periods the 'central idea' of women's lives'.
Page 252: 'Since the early 1900s, gynaecologists had been trying to fathom the cause of dysmenorrhea'.
Page 256: 'By failing to address it ignorance and by prioritising profit, tradition and convince over real care for women's bodies and lives, gynaecological medicine is still, woefully, failing women with fibroids'.
Medical Women’s Federation in 1924-page 258
Page 258: ‘in 1928, the comforts launched a public appeal to fund a hospital ‘for the radiological treatment of women suffering from cancer and allied diseases’
Page 259: Medical Research Council and British Empire Cancer Campaign
Page 259: ‘They revolutionised the care of some of the most devastating disease of the female body. And they achieved this as feminist activists committed to reforming the medical care and treatment of women”.
Page 260: ‘In Britain in the 1920s the need to educate women about their bodies and health became especially urgent”. 
“The 1918 Education Act raised the school leaving age to fourteen, and the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act of 1919 meant that middle-class women had more opportunities to pursue university education and professions”. 
“Until menstruation was normalised, women would always be discriminated against. For the Medical Women’s Federation, dismantling punitive falsehoods that threatened women’s educational and professional ambitions was a vital cause. They spread the word that periods were neither an illness nor a disability through pamphlets distributed to schoolgirls and factory workers, talks at women’s clubs and adverts in newsletters”.
Page 266: ‘In the mid-1930s, a revolutionary tampon with a cardboard applicator, sold under the now famous brand name Tampax, became available through drug stores, chemists and mail order.”
Page 267: “Tampax was the first commercially available form of internal sanitary protection. An American newspaper ad from 1936 welcomed women ‘To This New Day for Womanhood!’ Tampax was pitched to modern, active, energetic women whose lives shouldn’t be constrained by bulky pads. Advertisements lauded Tampax’s ability to transform periods into a modest celebration of the B wondrous possibilities of being a woman. Being able to buy a box of five or ten that could fit in a small purse for thirty five cents in the US was a watershed moment for menstrual health and hygiene. As well as being wholly more convenient than pads, Tampax promised women a discreet and hygienic menstrual experience; a major selling point was that Tampax helped keep periods a secret and made them ‘invisible’.
Page 268: ‘But advertisers were not sleeping on the fact that medical men objected to tampons. Tampax understood that allaying medical anxiety had to be front and centre in marketing campaigns. 'Your doctor will be able to tell you that Tampax is the most natural and most hygienic method of sanitary protection,' explained a 1936 ad; 'EVERY DOCTOR should know about Tampax’ proclaimed another ad, which also announced that the tampon was 'designed by a physician' and was highly useful to gynaecologists’.  On the one hand, advertising emphasised how Tampax freed women to dance, swim, partake in sports and enjoy 'holiday freedom'. But on the other, its messaging evoked the attitude of paternalistic protection that surrounded women's bodies in the 1930s. If women wanted fulfilled and productive lives, they better be sure medicine had granted them permission.
In the early years of World War Two, as women entered the workforce in huge numbers, Tampax was pitched as a means for women to serve their countries unimpaired by their 'natural disabilities’. One British newspaper ad from 1942 claimed that, without Tampax, it would be impossible for women to partake in 'the strenuous struggle for freedom’. The underlying message that tampons were beneficial to menstrual health played neatly into new narratives about women's value outside the separate sphere. Serving the war effort was 'the task that allows no room for "off days". Users were liberated in their lives and liberated from their bodies' failings. Tampax was a commercial company; it exploited all kinds of messages to profit from women's bodies. But perhaps the most insidious was this idea that tampons transformed women into instruments of labour, whose messy, unpredictable, defective bodies could be regulated to maximise efficiency. Throughout the 1930s, women's bodies and lives had been emerging into the spotlight of public health and national progress. Where women were once the private guardians of the home, now they were the public servants of the future. As World War Two loomed ominously, women's productive and reproductive bodies would be subject to increasing medical scrutiny, control and discipline’. 
Chapter 13:
Page 272: Women's Health Enquiry Committee
Page 276: 'fierce campaigns around abortion in the mid-1930s. Under the Infant Life (Preservation) Act of 1929, killing a viable foetus was a clinical offence unless the mothers life was at risk'.
'Now, feminist activists were fighting for women to choose to terminate a pregnancy, without their lives and liberties being seriously threatened'.
'In 1934, more than 1,000 delegates of the Women's Cooperative Guild congress voted to demand that abortion was decriminalised and made as safe and accessible as any other medical procedure'.
Page 277: Therapeutic abortions, Beechams Pills and quinine.
'In 1936, a group of socialist feminists including F.W.Stella Browne and the physician and birth control advocate Joan Malleson formed the Abortion Law Reform Association'.
Page 281: 'Before the introduction of 'Rape Shield' protection laws from the late 1970s in the US, details of a woman's sexuality and sexual history could be used as evidence, during trials, to discredit her accusation of rape, assault and abuse. it wasn't until 1999 that laws restricting the use of complainants sexual history as evidence were formalised in the UK'.
Page 283: 'From 1927, Thurtle campaigned for 'scientific' contraceptive advice to be freely available to all working people'.
Page 284: 'WBCG joined with other campign and voluntary groups to form the National Birth Control Council. Across twenty clinics, the council provided information to 'married people' so they could. 'space or limit their families and thus mitigate the evils of ill-health and poverty'.
Page 287: 'A 1941 ad for the MOF's welfare food scheme, headed 'Welcome Little Stranger', told pregnant women 'the very best welcome you can give your baby is a beautiful body, a contented disposition and a healthy, happy mother'.
Page 291: National Urban League
Page 296: Angela Davis : 'What was demanded as a 'right' for the privileged came to be interpreted as a ''duty'' for the poor'.
Chapter 14:
Page 303: ‘In the late 1930s and early 1940s, amidst fears about declining birth rates, motherhood and childbearing were promoted as patriotic duties’.
Page 304: A poster promoting ‘full medical examination for VD before marriage' depicted a bride leaning beatifically against her groom underneath the headline 'Happiness Ahead - for the Healthy but not for the Diseased'.! Once again, the preservation and success of the idealised social units of marriage and family lived and died with women - with the control of their bodies, with the surveillance of their biology.
“Anxieties about the threat VD posed to the military led to fierce propaganda campaigns warning soldiers of 'good-time girls', 'pickups' and 'street walkers'. Posters featuring femmes fatales with cigarettes clasped between bright-red lips, headed 'She May Be a Bag of Trouble' and 'Booby Trap' spelled out, in no uncertain terms, that a 'Minute with Venus' was not worth
'A Year of Mercury'. 'Loose' women were depicted as seductive vamps hunting for prey upon whom to unload their penis-destroying diseases. The ‘promiscuous’ woman as vector of infection was a well-trodden cultural trope, and during the ‘war against syphilis’ it was throughout exploited’.
Page 310: ‘Today, endo remains one of the most frequently misdiagnosed, misunderstood and medically stigmatised chronic diseases; 10 per cent of women of 'reproductive age' across the world live with it. Sufferers today wait an average of seven and a half years from first reporting their symptoms to receive a correct diagnosis’.
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nursingscience · 2 years ago
Cell theory
▪️Cell Theory:
• Schleiden and Schwann
▪️“Omnis cellula-e-cellula” : Rudolf Virchow
▪️Coined the term ‘cell’ : Robert Hooke
▪️First person to see live cells under microscope:
• Anton Van
• Leeuwenhoek
▪️Smallest cell : Mycoplasma (0.3µm)
• Infolding of plasma membrane in prokaryotesvesicles, tubules or lamellae
• Help in DNA replication and cell wall formation
▪️Cell envelope:
• In prokaryotic cells
• Made up of glycocalyx (slime
or capsule), cell wall and plasma membrane
• Extra chromosomal, circular DNA in prokaryotic cells
▪️Pili and Fimbriae
• Help bacteria in attachment
▪️Prokaryotic ribosomes:
• 70S (50S and 30S)
• Polysome- several ribosomes attached to mRNA for protein synthesis
▪️Bacterial Cell wall:
• G +ve bacteria- Thick peptidoglycan and teichoic
• G -ve bacteria- Thin peptidoglycan and lipopolysaccharides
• Polymer of Cross linked monomers - Nacetylglucosamine (NAG)
• N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM) attached to peptide
▪️Fluid mosaic model:
• Singer and Nicolson
▪️Endoplasmic reticulum:
• Rough ER- Protein synthesis
• Smooth ER- Lipid synthesis
▪️Golgi Complex:
• Synthesis of glycoproteins and glycolipids
• A single membrane surrounding vacuoles
• Double membrane bound and contain extra
chromosomal DNA, 70S ribosomes
• Double membrane bound and contain extra
chromosomal circular DNA, 70S ribosomes.
• Site for aerobic respiration.
• Amyloplast- store carbohydrate
• Elaioplast- store oil and fat
• Aleuroplast- store proteins
▪️Observed ribosomes for the first time:
• George Palade
▪️Eukaryotic ribosome
•80S (60S and 40S):
▪️Robert Brown:
• First described nucleus
• Site for ribosomal
• RNA synthesis
• Chromatin is visible at Interphase nucleus
• Contain hydrolytic enzymes
• Present in plants and some fungi
• Degradation of fats in seeds
• Glyoxalate cycle
• Oxidation of long chain fatty acids
• Biosynthesis of plasmalogens
• Contains oxidative enzymes; uric acid oxidase, catalase, etc.
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movietonight · 2 years ago
The people have spoken!
Disclaimer: I haven't read all of these/skimmed some of them, I don't necessarily agree with all of them either, the list isn't exhaustive etc etc
Budd, M., Steinman, C., 1988. M*A*S*H Mystified: Capitalization, Dematerialization, Idealization. Cultural Critique, 10, pp. 59–75.
Diffrient, D.S., Chung, H.S., 2012. TV Hybridity: Genre Mixing and Narrative Complexity in M*A*S*H. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 29(4), pp.285-302.
Diffrient, D.S., 2008. M*A*S*H. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
Gorman, A., 2016. 'M*A*S*H', 'The Longest Yard’, and the Integrationist Imagination in the Postsegregation Era. American Studies, 54(4), pp.27-47.
Sawyer, C.H., 1982. Lysistrata at Ouijongbu: Role Reversal as a Dramatic Device. Studies in Popular Culture, 5, pp. 16-26
Tasker, Y., 2008. Comic Situations/Endless War: M*A*S*H and War as Entertainment. In: Schubert, R., Virchow, F., White-Stanley, D. and Thomas, T. eds., 2008. War Isn't Hell It's Entertainment. Jefferson: McFarland.
Wittebols, J.H., 1998. Watching Mash Watching America: A Social History of the 1972-1983 Television Series. Jefferson: McFarland.
Worland, R., 1998. The Other Living-Room War: Prime-Time Combat Series, 1962-1975. Journal of Film and Video, 50(3), pp.3-23.
Would anyone be interested in a list of m*a*s*h related books and articles
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gutachter · 2 years ago
Wohnprojekt "Virchow Living" in Stadtbergen ist vorerst gestorben
Augsburg: „…57 neue Wohnungen wollte die Firma Primus Concept aus München an der Ulmer Landstraße im Stadtberger Virchow-Viertel bauen. Nun hat das Unternehmen Insolvenz angemeldet. Mit dieser Nachricht hatte in Stadtbergen niemand gerechnet: Der Münchner Bauträger Primus Concept ist pleite. Ursprünglich sollten noch in diesem Jahr die ersten Wohnungen im “Virchow Living” an der Ulmer Landstraße…
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frmulcahy · 2 years ago
Fuck the Franklin Expedition I want a show about the Goodsir family these siblings were doing So Much
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rottendollface · 3 years ago
Remember me.
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Character: Zhongli | Morax.
Warnings: NSFW, female immortal reader, reader is a scientist, reader has a surname (Virchow), death themes, war flashbacks, obsessive behaviour, Zhongli in all 3 forms (human, adeptus (includes 2 cocks), dragon), virginity loss, monsterfucking, oral sex (reader giving and receiving), anal sex, double penetration, cum inflation, tummy bulge, soulmates, memory loss, symbolism, 18+.
A/N: Some canonical things were changed for the sake of the plot. The plot includes times before the Archon war, during it and somewhere 150-200 years after the fall of Khaenri'ah, from the last one goes: 1) Tsaritsa is a young recently ascended Archon; 2) Fatui Organisation and Snezhnaya aren't so developed as they should be.
Word count: 14 330.
Requested by: @stygianoir
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Rex Lapis sent the maids out of his chambers. Their figures in colorful dresses made his eyes hurt, and the aroma of their perfume irritated him. He opened a window to get rid of those smells of bergamot and sandalwood oil, the popular novelty from Fontaine which was inspired by Sumeru's mystical nights, by habit showed his forked tongue to check the air and didn't feel the desired jasmine scent mixed with natural body odor. He felt only the bitterness of smoke emitted by numerous factories recently opened in Snezhnaya.
He looked at the tall houses with peeling paint that were unusually dark and inappropriate between the endless white landscape. The milky fog made air thicker than it should be and troubled vision. It was hard to breathe in layers of warm clothes; corners of eyes hurt because the wind made them water, and frost turned the wetness into ice immediately.
Poor suffering lands with poor suffering people. It was impossible to live in Snezhnaya due to lack of sunny days and the Archons who didn't care about their people. The Tsar was a simple tyrant who at least managed to raise his country from its knees and made the life here stable (Rex Lapis didn't want to think about numerous victims of his regime: hunger, epidemics, deportations to the least developed parts of Snezhnaya and many other crimes against humanity were a usual things for the Tsar to perform), and now Tsaritsa, who killed him in a terror attack during his speech on the main square, was busy with other problems and could never find the time for her mortals.
Every Tsaritsa's move on the world stage surprised Rex Lapis: her actions were chaotic and looked like an agony of some wild animal, not a strict policy – she was too young and too naive for this role. He could easily tell: people who served her were greedy to the power she had offered them. Stubborn and stupidly confident in their rightness – bastards, not diplomats.
'What an honor,' Tsaritsa smirked. Pierro, her faithful vassal, was silent but heeded carefully.
'Your sudden expansion of military power couldn't leave me uninterested. I believe you remember the things that happened not so long ago.' Rex Lapis looked at Pierro to illustrate his words with a perfect example. 'Other Archons are confused as well. They want to know the reason you started building factories and enticing the best scientists and engineers to Snezhnaya.'
Rex Lapis didn't care about Snezhnaya and its military, he also didn't see any troubles with Tsaritsa recruiting people of science in her country – the real reason for his visit was much more delicate.
When Rex Lapis had heard about miracle healings in Snezhnaya and the talented healer who was taking care of all the sufferers without fear of getting infected, he knew who they were talking about.
'Snezhnaya deserves to be developed and glorified like Liyue and Fontaine. I'm tired of surviving and being afraid that every day can be the last day of my empire. Your fears aren't my problem. And you,' Her cold eyes pierced Rex Lapis as if she surmised he wanted to steal something from her. 'You are welcomed, but not for a long time. You know, how they say in Natlan: fish and guests smell after three days.'
'As well as they say: fools rush in where angels fear to tread. You should think more about making friends with other Archons and improving trade links, not play a mighty and wise ruler, which you are not. Talking about the main problem of my visit, you gave shelter to my dearest friend that disappeared long ago.' Quickly Rex Lapis changed his tone from affable to menacing. Tsaritsa's boldness wasn't conducive for a long pleasant conversation.
'We don't understand who you are talking about,' Pierro said roughly.
'Then I will give you a hint: she is the owner of the Moon Home.' Rex Lapis felt anger and relief at the same time: he found you finally, the year of his futile searching for your traces had ended, but the situation didn't promise a heart touching reunion.
'When I asked lady Virchow about her homeland she told me she doesn't remember a thing about her past,' Pierro declared, looking at Rex Lapis with a stern look. 'She will stay with us. We treat her with love and appreciation, she did a lot for Snezhnaya and will do even more in the near future. Snezhnaya needs talented people like her.'
Rex Lapis narrowed his eyes: he didn't expect Snezhnayans to rebel, and your surname, which he didn't hear for such a long time, sounded alien to him.
Tsaritsa didn't like the liberty in Pierro's actions. The atmosphere became heavier with every word. Tsaritsa couldn't remember if she had seen Rex Lapis like this before – the aura around him was sinister, and the golden light from pulsating Geo inside his veins was glowing under the black dragon robe.
'You are playing with fire.' Rex Lapis was close to losing composure.
'Maybe she ran away from your dictatorship,' Tsaritsa didn't care about you but couldn't miss the opportunity to tease Rex Lapis while Pierro became nervous: he didn't want to give away such a precious mind. Your scholarly articles were outstanding, just for a couple of months you had invented antibiotics, described deadly parasites and bacterias that were threatening Snezhnaya for centuries, and found the way to cure it. You knew how to heal every disease and built the Moon House – a shelter for everyone who didn't have a place to go and needed help. Orphans, victims of domestic violence, ill and wounded, everyone was welcomed in your house of compassion.
'You will change your mind when I turn your beloved Snezhnaya into the land of the dead.' Rex Lapis looked indefferently at Tsaritsa's bewilderment face; no emotion or compassion hit his cruel heart.
'Are you threatening me because of some girl?' Tsaritsa exclaimed as she didn't expect such vulgar intimidation. 'You better be joking!'
'Xiao,' darkness deepened behind Rex Lapis' back, and the youthful yet strongly built figure appeared in the meeting room of Zapolyarny Palace.
The demon mask covered the face of the man, but the tight convoy guard's grip on the bright jade spear and back haughty straight showed clearly that he was trained to kill at the command, without questions.
The emotionless face but panic in the dull blue eyes; lips pursed. The empress sat on the frozen throne, the crown on her head hurt her skin with sharp crystals, but thick droplets of blood froze in a painful crust in between her neat curly hair. Hoarfrost on the tips of her eyelashes, inside her glass shoes – snow-white lifeless feet. Her body wanted to shake from all the fear she felt, but Tsaritsa sat still, watching small whirls of wind swirling around the head of Xiao's spear.
What happened to the old prudent Geo Archon? You were just a regular human – small and unnecessary for the Archons and Gods, a tool that needed to perform its function and disappear in a scrap. In his time he had met enough men of science; some of them were smarter and more inventive than you, but he didn't care about them. Tsaritsa couldn't believe it was love: Rex Lapis' heart was made of stone, egoism, and ruthlessness. The origin of the warrior craved for violence – someone like him could show only the ugly cynical parody on such a wonderful feeling.
The short knock at the doors sounded thunderous in the stressful silence of the meeting room. Rex Lapis recognized this sound immediately – your elegant fingers were tapping at the wood.
'Your highness,' you made a step into the room, noticed that Tsaritsa wasn't alone. 'Oh, I'm sorry. I will come back later.'
'Fine. And you are?' She looked at you carefully: Geo was stored in your body, but you didn't have a Vision. Belatedly, Tsaritsa understood the reason Rex Lapis needed you so much.
'Virchow, your highness. You called me to examine the kids of the House of the Hearth.' You nodded and glanced at Rex Lapis and his yaksha without interest before leaving the room.
As beautiful as on the day he had met you, you were the same woman Rex Lapis had known for more than two thousand years, but for you he was a stranger, just an Archon of a distant island – your memories were erased, and you forgot everything that happened between you and him.
In the old times, when human civilization was miserable, and innumerable demonic gods were ruling the world, you were traveling around the old Teyvat to spread the knowledge of astronomy and medicine around it. As one of the first scientists you were respected, regular people who didn't have enough patience for meticulous studying were waiting for you to come and teach them a part of your wisdom. Legends and rumors about you crossed the world faster than you expected; you were like a goddess, your skillful hands and care saved a lot of lives, your eloquence attracted everyone to listen to what you were saying. For your dress with long black sleeves that followed you like a forked tail and the fleetingness of your blissful presence, people called you the Swallow lady: lone and earnest, you were bringing happiness and prosperity just like swallows.
Lands of the Lord of Rock were your final destination. Once Rex Lapis turned into a human to ensure your skill and magnanimity: in the form of infirm old man suffering from a terrible disease that disfigured him and made everyone around glance at him with disgust, he came to you, seeking for a cure. You did your best, trying to heal the one who didn't need to be healed: Rex Lapis made it more difficult every day for you to find the right mixture and cause of disease, but you didn't think to give up – you used herbs and mixtures worth of twenty head of cattle, which could keep you comfortable for the rest of your life, but you didn't care about wealth and sacrificed yourself for the patient that needed you. As a God of abundance, Rex Lapis was amazed by your devotion and readiness to abandon the rich life for a person you had seen for the first and probably last time: you could save these herbs for rich patients or sell them for a good price. For that, he showed to you in all his glory: black emperor's robe embroidered with dragon from golden thread, glowing eyes, and Geo, shining inside the veins of his talented hands. He offered you to be his counselor, promised you unrestricted access to the knowledge of Gods, and granted you immortality – he would pledge you everything, only to get a person like you by his side. Rex Lapis wanted you to be a patron saint of his nation, so you accepted his offer: it opened you the opportunities you couldn't even dream about, so both Rex Lapis and you were glad.
As a stargazer, you enjoyed spending your free time watching stars and thinking about the nature of outer space. By your ingenuity, you calculated the shape of the planet, explained the cause of eclipse, and was able to predict the date of the next eclipse — when the battle for the Archon's throne had started, you helped Rex Lapis to win the battle with Osial: the One, who now were laying in the deep, was confused when the sunlight suddenly had gone, so Rex Lapis, who was warned by you, made the decisive blow and pinned Osial to the ocean.
Time was flowing fast when you had a peaceful life with your God and nation, but when the war came into your land, the time stopped, and the whole day seemed to you a year: the old world was melting in hellfire, as it became fragile, miserable, and was deprived of mercy from the Celestial Gods. The sky was red, and the earth was hot and feeble: the whole cities were slowly falling into the devouring deep of flame, fear, and sorrow when their Demonic Gods were dying. You had nothing to fear: everyone was protected under the mighty hand of Rex Lapis, who made allies with adepti and yakshas to protect his people. Not a demon could seek into the sacred land of his; still, he was afraid: the hatred of defeated Gods accumulated in the earth and plagued people with epidemics and natural disasters, so you stayed with injured one to help them, for days you searched for people who went missing. You weren't afraid to step into the fire and worked equally with men to clear away ruins after rockfalls and earthquakes. To help you, Rex Lapis taught you how to manipulate Geo without having a Vision: he held your hand to share with you an elemental energy, just a little part of it – your delicate body couldn't take more without being hurt.
Smoke from battles and fire settled on your clothes and hair, making your eyes hurt. It was hard to breathe, and you were close to faint from lack of clear air – days after days you had spent in this state, praying for Celestia to end the useless war. You tried not to make friends with yakshas and adepti to prevent yourself from crying in case of their death, but tears formed in your eyes every time you had known about all the fallen. Nothing could soothe you: you felt scared and vulnerable when you had seen another land dying in fire. You tried to convince yourself of your safety, didn't want to annoy Rex Lapis with your problems and panic, but his emotionless face and cold eyes of a ruthless warrior just worsened your sorrow. The man you had known for so long was gone, and the refined hands of a creator became rough and calloused. Every time you patched him up after a fight, you were terrified of all the wounds he had got. He tried to make you feel better, but he was in fear, too: the fear of loss crippled into his mind and showed an ugly dream of losing you every night when he tried to find the rest for his exhausted conscience. Rex Lapis didn't want to scare you away, but he was close to going insane and locking you inside his palace without warning you. You meant much more for him than he meant for you, and it was killing him slowly: he had noticed long ago that your and his constellations were sharing the same stars, and when you appeared on his territories, those stars started to shine brighter. He was waiting patiently for you to understand that he was your soulmate – you were promised to each other by Celestial order, and none of you could escape it, still you weren't ready for him. You had seen only a master in Rex Lapis while he had seen you as his partner and was dying from his love. Every time he wanted to touch you, to feel your warmth against his, he had to stop himself, afraid that he couldn't restrain the desire – the destructive desire man felt for a woman. The only thought of your sweet body made the blood boil in his veins and teased the voluptuous thoughts, not worthy of a God. He respected you, but he wanted you to fear him, love him, and obey him – and he would be your slave. Rex Lapis would throw the whole world at your feet just to get more of your attention. All of his friends were dead from his own hands; you were the only treasure left in his life.
One time, you came into his chambers, where he stayed as a dragon, late at night. The war didn't seem to have an ending, but he got the time to rest, wounded worse than usual: demons gnawed his thick skin, tore pieces of him just to knock the powerful dragon at the earth, where them, just like a pack of jackals, would surround him and devour every unprotected part of his body. He was sighing heavily, ready to whimper from pain, when he felt your scent near the room, then the shy bar of light from the opened door showed on the floor, and disappeared fast, and the careful sound of your steps reached his ears. You stopped near him and lighted a small lantern that was tied to your belt.
Rex Lapis avoided showing you his true form. He thought it was frightening you and making you uncomfortable to talk to someone inhuman and bigger than you. Usually, he appeared to you as a middle-aged, handsome man, but every time he was at loss of power or tired to keep the human form, he had to show as a beast: you were so much smaller than him, such a tiny but brave, breakable lady. It didn't matter to him how many years had gone from the day you became immortal, he still treated you like a human. You were just like a flower for him, and he believed you needed his special care.
'I'm sorry to disturb you,' you noticed that he wasn't sleeping, his tail moved away from you. 'I got a new medicine from Cloud Retainer; it will ease the pain. May I?'
Rex Lapis blinked slowly, allowing you to do everything you wanted.
'Zhongli,' you moistened a cloth in the medicine and laid it on his wound. 'You shouldn't fight alone. Next time, let us help.'
It was rare to hear his human name from you – you were embarrassed that he chose it to free you from calling him in an official way. He wanted to be closer to the human culture to show you that you and him were at the same status.
Zhongli didn't want to see you on the battlefield. He wanted to know that you were safe and sound in his palace, protected by the spells he had cast. Zhongli wanted to have a place to return to, to have someone who would wait for him to come back. You spent an hour taking care of him, and when Zhongli had heard you packing up your mixtures, he was afraid you would leave.
'Will you let me stay for the night? In case you need me.' You came to his snout to see the answer in his eyes and smiled when he brightened for a moment before dull pain found him again.
Zhongli could never refuse you. Even in moments when he wanted to be left alone, he needed your presence: he delighted in your company, your heart of joy made him feel better. The one smile on your soft lips was enough to clear his gloomy thoughts. Zhongli could swear your aura had healing properties.
You settled down between his neck and shoulder; his cool skin made your body cover with shivers, soft fur on his neck tickled your face – it was unusual for you to sleep half sitting, with your lower part kept on the floor, but you had to control Zhongli's breathing to understand if he felt better or not. He bumped his snout in your cheek gently, rubbed against it to thank you – in such a state your scent comforted him, but a frail sense of comfort could easily turn into arousion, because his male strength and instincts that he remained as a beast were stronger than pain. Soon, you fell asleep, curled up on his paw like a kitten, yet he felt your sleep was light, and you were ready to wake up in case something went wrong. Zhongli placed his head next to you, warming you with his breathing to lull you and convince your alertness that everything was alright.
After this night you became closer with him. You started treating Zhongli as your respected friend; now you could let yourself chastise him for not being careful enough, and Zhongli tried to make up for it, smiling guiltily.
The war was close to the end, and the sky finally became clear, all the smoke disappeared with the northern wind. The sense of safety and prosperity came back to everyone, and the first flowers bloomed in the gardens of Rex Lapis. Zhongli noticed changes in your character. Every time you told him about your scientific progress or a new discovery, you didn't make a strict report out of it like you usually did, but was talking in awe and acted happily. You were joking more around him and tried to spend as much time as you could. He confessed to you first, and you accepted his feelings without thinking. Zhongli was finally granted for all the pain he had to endure: you loved him patiently, always stayed on his side even if you had an opposite opinion. You left your duties and canceled your plans for him; you had always been here to share his sadness and fun. You were a great support for him – and he was the same for you as well. You only had to think about something, and Zhongli had already done it for you. Your every wish was his command.
It was years full of happiness and harmony. You rarely left abode (at the request of Zhongli), got used to a life of Gods and adepti: your ascending was finished, now you could live without mundane habits. At first, it was strange for you to eat only fruits and herbs from sacred lands, and absorption of elemental energy seemed too complicated to you, but adepti and yakshas were happy to help you master the skill. Your friendship with yakshas gladdened Zhongli, but at the same time it made him jealous: he was happy that you made friends so easily and wasn't treated like a stranger, but he noticed the way Menogias and Bosacius looked at you. For them you were a woman – and they treated you as well. For strong yakshas it was a pleasure to help the lady with hard work, in their free time they were seeking for you to ask for a task. You had always found a job for them: sometimes you needed herbs from the highest peaks, on the other day you were moving astronomical equipment from one spot to another for a better view, and then made a revision in your library – all your job needed a pair or two of powerful hands, and Bosacius and Menogias helped you gladly. Zhongli didn't announce to his inferiors about a relationship with you; he didn't think it was necessary, but he felt the desire to make everyone understand to whom you belonged.
In Rex Lapis' abode time was flowing slower than in the mundane world – and people forgot about the Swallow lady.
It was years full of joy, but Zhongli stayed away from felicity and merriment. He couldn't sleep without you sharing the same bed, he couldn't eat without you sitting in front of him and retelling him a fable you heard from Menogias or Bosacius, he couldn't work without you knocking at his door and asking for attention. Something was torturing him, and Zhongli didn't understand the reason for such paranoid behavior. He was alarmed and ready to protect, but there was no enemy left near his domain. It couldn't go on like this, and soon enough, Zhongli was emotionally exhausted. He couldn't stay in human form and share the bed with you to make your nights comfortable. You followed him everywhere, didn't ask awkward questions – when Zhongli encircled you, curling up to sleep, you laid on his cold body and told him tales from different cultures to help him fall asleep. Your own voice was like a lullaby to you; pleasurable slumber took only you, but not him. His exhausted mind was suffering from lack of rest: Zhongli was lying in one position, afraid to disturb you, tried to keep his eyes closed, and followed an attempt to unleash all the thoughts and worries. Your soft body and quiet breathing warmed him, put him into a deceitful illusion of somnolency, but something deprived him from falling asleep. He opened his eyes, then shut them because of sudden itching and pain. Zhongli scanned the room with elemental sight, trying to find the reason for his anxiety but found nothing. You were sleeping calmly, and Zhongli was jealous of your tranquility.
Zhongli loved you a little too much – his love turned into blind adoration and was close to rebirth in obsession. He noticed every detail in your appearance, regarded you shamelessly: the peony gold hairpin, the circular silk fan with a painting and a lacquered handle, the embroidery silk platform shoes with pattern of a dragon and phoenix – and these he bought gladly. Hairpins had a special meaning for Zhongli: when you just arrived at his land, you didn't wear any accessories, let your hair down, so Zhongli was waiting patiently – you were a delicate bud, not ready to bloom into a flower. Now, when you lived with him for so long and had known all the peculiarities of his culture, such a small thing like a hairpin had an important meaning – the flower had bloomed and was ready to be plucked.
Could the young lady still be untouched? Did someone dare to make you half-virgin not to damage your reputation? Did someone show you the pleasures of flesh by just touching you? It was surprising for Zhongli that you didn't have any experience. You devoted your life to science and teaching, but your face was lovely, your eyes were shining with ardor yet meekness, he couldn't find a lady prettier than you. Your beauty was beyond the compliments, and the best masters of word couldn't describe even the hundredth part of your loveliness. You were more beautiful than lilies, fragrant with femininity and youth, – what great power gave you the strength to fight the lust?
The perfect bud, which mother nature saved for the sacrament of your first night with man, now belonged to Zhongli, and you honored him to be your first and only lover. When his kisses became hotter and his words were luscious, temptation brought with it a tingling sensation of arousal. Zhongli kissed your seductive pink lips with carefulness not to hurt their delicate softness; his tongue licked them slowly before entering your mouth. Clumsily, you tried to kiss him back, and your fervor mixed with hot wetness of your mouth teased him, tempted Zhongli to go further to satisfy his carnal curiosity. He wanted to see you naked, needed to admire the charm of your firm breasts and curves of your body.
Zhongli trailed his lips on your neck, licking the sensitive skin veily and sucking on it every time your body was covered with shivers. Your sighs got rapid; instinctively, you held your breath to heighten your senses. His hands were pressing on your breasts and messaging them through the clothes slowly, Zhongli had already felt your nipples were hard and swollen. Finally Zhongli undressed you, his thorough gaze noticed your rounded breasts immediately, your nipples were begging to be touched. He placed his hands on your sides, enjoying the sensation of supple velvet skin taking the form of his palms.
You moaned quietly, when Zhongli touched your heated nipple with his tongue, moistened it with saliva before he took it inside his mouth, while his hand slowly stroked your inner thigh, close to your womanhood. You were curious to see him naked, wanted him to press his strong body to yours and hold you as tight as he could for you to never escape his embrace. Suddenly you felt his hot kisses moving down your belly, then Zhongli left a gentle bite on the fat of both your thighs; his hands kept them apart.
The beauty of your private parts pleased him to the point of noticeable delight: everything here was rarely petite and promised the best sensation. Your clit was shyly covered with a clitoral hood, your hole – already quivering as if offering him an invitation. Zhongli kissed your pussy, his tongue slipped between your clit down to your hole to prepare you for future actions; he kissed and sucked on you shamelessly, enjoying the way your quiet moans changed on loud and impatient. He adored shuddering in your legs, when his tongue plunged into your hole, penetrating you a little – for your first time he kept the human form, so his tongue couldn't reach the deepest part of your body that pleaded to be played with. Zhongli replaced his tongue with middle finger and felt the thin ring of flesh, tight and clenching from pleasure. Zhongli pressed on the opening gently, pushing his finger deeper without effort, while his thumb was rubbing against your clit, and his lips – kissing your face to ease your pain. It was uncomfortable yet necessary: the ritual of deflowering and releasing all the feminine energy was important for the future prosperity and grace.
It was unusual for Zhongli to perform act of intimacy while being a human: as adeptus he could slide his forked tongue down your throat then abuse your poor pussy by tickling every sensual spot deep inside, he could hug your waist with his tail adding pleasurable pressure and keeping you still while he would be stretching both of your pretty holes with his two dicks – thick and veiny, full of strength, and always erected, ready to spill his sperm as much as he wanted. Both of his members needed attention from a maiden, but sadly, it didn't matter how hard she tried to satisfy his passions, it was impossible for the poor soul to make God reach his limits – and it was only his adeptus forms. As a glorious dragon of colossal size Zhongli was gifted with large dick, not similar to the human one, heavy and ribbed, with elongated curved tip that huddled right to cervix tightly for better breeding, and nice knot; he also had a thick tongue about 6 inches long. Variety of Zhongli's forms had a special preparation for all of them, and he was excited to show you the whole abilities of your body. By living with adepti you unconsciously absorb special elemental and divine energy that would let you accommodate everything Zhongli would do with you: some magic would be necessary while taking him in dragon appearance.
Overwhelmed by stretching, you came right after Zhongli added his second finger. Your lower belly tightened, your thighs heaved as you moved towards his fingers and your pussy sucked them deeper, trembling around them and soaking them in your juices. It was unusual to you, you had never felt a climax like this: your fingers were shorter than Zhongli's and you had never stuffed yourself with more than one finger. Zhongli pulled out his fingers covered in white cream and sucked on them. It was so hard to suppress the inner beast and not turn into adeptus – your pheromones were driving him crazy, and his mind was filled with animalistic mating and breeding. He undressed himself quickly, didn't give you a chance to look at his body: Zhongli kissed you again, bit your lips before letting his tongue back to the warmth of your mouth, while pressing at your hole with the tip of his dick and pushing it inside.
'Tell me when it hurts,' Zhongli whispered to your lips, saliva streamed down your chin when he broke the kiss.
You couldn't call it a pain, but the irritating stinging feeling of being stretched made you shut your eyes to calm yourself. You just needed to accommodate, but it seemed impossible to adapt to such a huge size. Zhongli didn't move until you became comfortable and gave him permission to continue. He started at a steady pace; soft moans escaped from his throat at the sensation of your virgin walls constricting him and taking the shape of his dick and spasming obediently. It was easy to make you cum again – the aroma of sex in the bedroom, heated moans, Zhongli's body pressing you into the mattress, his balls slapping your ass slowly, all of it was enough to bring you to release. You squeezed bedsheets in a fist and tilted your head, giving Zhongli signs of your climax. He pressed your thighs to his waist, his mouth found your neck and sucked on the most sensitive part, trailing it with tongue and leaving wet traces before biting your skin gently. Zhongli knew you were tired already, so he was ready to finish with you. You moved your hips with his, shaking and clenching your legs on his back, forcing him to thrust in your spasming pussy harder and made Zhongli cum inside. Zhongli continued fucking his seed deeper, until his awoken instincts were satisfied. Thick shots of pearl white liquid spilled out your hole right after Zhongli pulled out his still erected cock. He kissed you softly, his hand caressed your cheek – Zhongli was proud of you for taking him so well at your first time.
The difference between maiden and woman could be seen easily: all your movements became more elegant, your figure got a special softness, and the contour of your rounded hips could be guessed under your clothes – Zhongli treated you specially, it was a sign for other men in his domain, and it didn't escape Cloud Retainer as well. She insisted on Bosacius and Menogias that you were in love with Rex Lapis, but they didn't want to believe it until they would hear it from you or feel his mark on your body with elemental sight. You were clear for now – it was just a small trace of Geo in your hands, as you were practicing the power Morax had given to you.
Zhongli didn't hurry to mark you: this process needed his adeptus or dragon form, but you weren't prepared enough. You were comfortable with getting intimate, your body wasn't sore after a session of love-making, and it was harder and harder for Zhongli to keep the human form when you kissed him passionately – still he needed to stretch you better. Zhongli didn't have problems with your consent, as you were open to try new sexual things and trusted him a lot: one time you found erotic engravings in human world, and asked Zhongli to try something that was depicted on them, as you could entrust him your every desire. You knew he wouldn't bring anything that could hurt you, and curiosity made you aroused every time you imagined how Zhongli would make your cravings real.
Zhongli was ready to serve you, but the impossible tightness of your once virgin holes demanded from him hours of preparation; you found the way to make it more enjoyable for both of you: with you laying on top of him and your head towards his feet. At first it was embarrassing to use such a position, but soon no shame left as you were able to suck Zhongli off while he was playing with your ass and eating you out at the same time. Tortuously slow movements of his fingers in and out of your anus made your legs tremble, but with pleasure as you became familiar with such a strange feeling. Zhongli pressed all the right spots that were close to the ones inside your pussy, he knew your body oh so well he could make you lose your head by just touching you.
Zhongli started to spend more time with you as an adeptus. He was taller and bigger than his human appearance. Zhongli let his black tail rest behind his back; he had horns, long and curled on the ends, his skin was cold, as now he was a half dragon. For you it was interesting to look at him moving his tail, or showing his forked tongue to check the smells in the air.
'Can you self-amputate your tail?' You asked him out of the blue once, while you were playing with it. Zhongli and you had a rest under the trees with a perfect view on the ruins of Cuijue Slope – it was your favorite place to visit, so Zhongli recreated the whole territory in his abode. You laughed when you felt how his tail tensed because of your sudden question. 'I'm just curious, sorry.'
'I can,' he smiled to your surprised face. 'The new one will be grown in three month.'
'Fast enough! Dragons and lizards are really sharing the same traits. Impressive. Call me if you drop it, okay? I'll take it for my research.' You pressed his tail to your chest, cuddling it like a toy. You enjoyed playing with it due to the unusualness of such a part of the body, and you had no idea that it was deadly as fangs and claws. 'Talking about your tongue, do you really identify smells better by tasting them?'
'I get the full image of the environment,' Zhongli should have predicted your interest in his changed appearance, still your questions were a little boring – you had never asked vulgar things because you were afraid to offend him.
'And do I have a special smell?' Your cheeks turned pink from embarrassment.
'Yes,' smile showed on Zhongli's lips again. 'I like it a lot. My clothes and bedsheets have your smell on them, your's have mine as well. You can't feel It properly, but I can. I also can know who you have talked with during the day just by sniffing you.'
'Ew! You are probably going insane from all of this!' You grimaced because of how much information Zhongli could get by this ability.
'I'm used to it, and it helps me to check on your health, my love. I'm taking care of you too.' Zhongli let out almost a mocking laughter at your rounded eyes.
'Do you mean?..' You began and stopped.
'For example, your ovulation doesn't pass unnoticed by me.' It was something lovely in teasing you and seeing you blushing and confused, but the joy disappeared fast enough and Zhongli became serious. 'I have to tell you about one thing you might not know about. If you let me make love with you in such a state, I will leave elemental marks on your body. They are invisible to the human eye, but could be seen by everyone who can use an elemental sight. Those marks are important to creatures like me, as they show that a person already has a mate, and they don't disappear with time. Please tell me about your decision when you think my words over.'
'It's not a problem at all.' You touched Zhongli's hand, started rubbing his knuckles with your soft fingers. 'I wanted to tell you... you don't have to stay as a human or adeptus with me. I'm afraid you might think I don't love your real form or feel uncomfortable with it. I know you waste a lot of power to control your appearance, you don't rest properly because of it, and I want to spend more time with real you.'
'I appreciate it, my love,' He took your hand in his and put it to his lips, kissed it carefully. Zhongli was glad to hear what he had heard: the only issue of ascending (of which he had never talked about) was a loss of human feelings. Love, adoration, compassion, grief and other feelings were alien to adepti and most of the Gods, who were runneth with wisdom. The mighty one whose heart could tremble from fear, and lips could smile from joy was blessed and cursed at the same time by Celestia. Feelings and emotions were a great gift and a terrible curse: Zhongli knew how to rule people because he could place himself on their position; he knew what was love and importance of the family to humanity; he knew the dread of being forgotten; Zhongli experienced death of the one he once loved, he went through the ruthlessness of war and decay of ambitions and ideals, but he could never understand the complexity of human worriers and fears, just because he was different breed. Zhongli was afraid you would lose the thin link between humanity and divinity, and your heart would roughen up; but you didn't change – you still had sympathy to the monster like him, granted Zhongli with mercy of your love.
Zhongli didn't like you to leave the abode since demons sometimes haunted the human world, but in honor of the annual Rite of Descension he invited you to see the ceremony: he felt guilty for every year you had skipped because of his egoistic desires. He convinced himself that nothing bad would happen under his control, and not a demon would dare to corrupt the day of Rex Lapis visiting his land. You accepted an invitation happily, already impatient for the next day's event. A fuss took over you and you asked Zhongli numerous times if he needed your help with something and brought to him important topics about health care and education in the human world. A lot of things changed with the flow of time, and you were intentional to see everything with your own eyes.
It seemed to be almost impossible to sleep since you were inspired by an upcoming event. The night went fast, you were fully dressed and ready to leave long before the beginning of the ceremony – Zhongli made a promise to show you the whole city and tell you in detail how Qixing were ruling it without guidance from Archon. When you finally made a step on a mortal earth, you were shocked: the world of mortals changed beyond recognition since you visited it for the last time. Awkward houses of wood were replaced with dignified buildings from stone, walking paths were paved with stone as well, everything was decorated simply yet stately. You noticed changes in fashion and behavior of people, even language was different from the one you had heard – pronunciation was complicated, some syllables changed their sound. It took some time for you to read the handwritten signboards and understand the meaning of texts.
Finally the ceremony started: people of Qixing lightened up an incense burner as the Tianquan was reading prayers. Sky parted, and the dragon Archon came to the land.
You were sitting among the nobles with a perfect view on Rex Lapis. You smiled, when he looked at you squinting his eyes. You were watching the ceremony carefully until you felt the irresistible urge to distract on what was happening on the streets: from the lodge for special guests you could see the center of the city as well. You noticed the young girl, who was stomping around the hot earth in an attempt to run away from stinging pain in her little feet, covered with dust. The sun was blazing, and by the way people pushed the girl away with disgust on their face, you understood she might be sick. Zhongli forbad you to leave without him, but you couldn't sit still: you slid out unnoticed and hurried to the poor child.
The girl stepped on a sharp rock, sighed fearfully and looked around, trying to hear the voice or steps of her mother. She couldn't see – her eyes were covered with rag, soaked in pus fully. Her hair was cut roughly, short locks were dirt with sebum. She put her tiny hands on her head, protecting it from the sun and pressing leftovers of her hair to the skin; she was swaying, as she felt dizzy because of the sweet, sickly smell of disease. She made a final step before she lost balance and fell right into your open arms. You sat on your knees, and let the girl rest her head on the silk of your dress.
You knew adepti were watching you, and the moment after you heard the flapping of Cloud Retainer's wings. She put a spell on the crowd of people so they couldn't see all of you.
'It's okay, I'm here,' you patted the girl's cheek, your eyes were tearing up because of the unbearable stench. `We should return to abode immediately.'
'You can't take a mortal to a sacred place.' Cloud Retainer shook her head. 'That's the law of Celestia. Even you can't violate it.'
'It should be the way! She will die without our help!' Your cool hands brought a peaceful relief to the girl, her heavy breath became regular.
'You can't save everyone and change their fate,' Cloud Retainer was uncompromising.
'Maybe I am her fate and I need to help her. Just look at her,' You were in panic, fast thoughts in your head and humming from the crowd of people around you brought you a headache. 'Zhongli... he will let me, I know it.'
Cloud Retainer looked at you with a shred of contempt – you let yourself to call Rex Lapis so vulgar around her, and your connection to the world of mortals still was strong enough. Impunity and permissiveness of yours led to a tragic consequence: Rex Lapis loved you too much and let you do everything you wanted, so now you were unable to understand the simplest rules of life and dared to take the decisions only Gods were allowed to take. The circle of death and birth couldn't be violated because of a whim of yours. You knew this girl was doomed and human medicine wouldn't help her, so you wanted to use the bliss of God's abode to enhance the healing potential of mixtures you had made. Behind your soft heart Cloud Retainer could also see vanity: you wanted to acquire an unusual disease to your collection and be the first one who was managed to cure it, to save a hopeless case – sordid sins were fresh in you, despite the hundreds of years you had spend with adepti.
'Should I start lecturing you again? Celestial order is sacrosanct. Nothing could compete with it.' Cloud Retainer couldn't finish her speech, as you interrupted her.
'Morality and mercy are higher than every order. World wouldn't be damaged because of one saved soul, and I will be the one to be punished for my decision. You have nothing to fear. Please, just let us enter the abode.' It was humiliating for you to beg Cloud Retainer for such a small thing, but you weren't able to enter or leave the abode by your wish – only adepti could do this.
'Celestia will remember this.' Cloud Retainer did what you wanted. Now she understood – mortals (even the one who was blessed) learn from their mistakes only, unlike adepti and other creatures of higher rank. It was easier to give you what you wanted than talk some sense into you. After all, her master's words would have more weight than her own.
It was impossible to save the girl's sight, but you managed to stop infection from spreading before it reached the nervous system. By chance you noticed that the mix of herbs you burned in the censer had a special effect on health: the girl's immune system became stronger, not a sickness could affect her. You knew it wasn't one of the potions, ointments and tinctures you used – you described their every side effect and checked it carefully. When the child was able to walk and eat by herself, you had to return her to where she belonged, but you couldn't just leave her on the streets. You spend weeks searching for someone who would be happy to adopt her. By all this time you stayed with her, you had to imitate the life of a simple woman, and you didn't like what you had seen: it was hard to earn money to buy food and water; kids, adults and oldsters had to work a bigger part of the day to make a pittance. While nobles were prospering, everyone above them was dying slowly. Finally you found a good family for the girl and left the human world, determined to criticize Qixing in front of Zhongli.
Zhongli didn't tell you a word against your deeds – maybe he became soft-hearted, but he just waited for you to come back to him, despite his hurt that you abandoned him so easily for some child. He wasn't honest with himself: Zhongli wanted you to lose any devotion to everyone else but him. He wanted you to be cold and unemotional like adeptus with everyone, but loving and caring like a human with him, as he was jealous so bad it drove him crazy. Zhongli needed you more than people he swore to protect, he wanted to scream and howl when you wasted your attention on someone else. He didn't want to admit that Cloud Retainer was right: blood is thicker than water, you would never forget your origin and would be stuck between humanity and divinity. He had to talk to you, but you didn't want to hear him. You thought you were right: Gods and adepti needed to teach themselves compassion, become independent from Celestia.
'You can hide everything from Celestia, you can lie and wipe out all the evidence of your crimes, but you just don't want to, because it's easier to be a puppet in Celestial hands.' Your words pierced Zhongli like a poisoned arrow. Suggesting something like this to the God of contracts – you probably lost your mind the second you decided to spit those words out of your mouth. 'Why am I explaining such things to you? You are the one to settle rules of contracts, you can manipulate truth and facts in a craziest way and worry about Celestia? Just why?'
He shouldn't have listened to you, he needed to punish you for everything you blurted at him, but deep inside his soul he agreed with you. It was something he had been thinking about for a long time, but wasn't brave enough to admit.
'This is between you and me.' Zhongli wanted to forget this like a bad dream, so he retired to his cabinet, leaving you alone with your indignation.
You went to the Cuijue Slope, fortuitously saw a couple of swallows flying above a long faded grass. You had never seen swallows before in the abode and smiled. It was a good sign, and you believed it.
Zhongli calmed down fast enough, and was waiting for you to return. He didn't care how grievous your sins were and how corrupted were your thoughts, he would forgive you everything – you were his forbidden weakness. Without you Zhongli wouldn't survive the war, without your support he wouldn't make his nation prosperous and happy. He heard chirping from the window, and smiled – swallows came back to their nest. It was a good sign, and he believed it.
You showed up in his room with the first drops of rainfall. The timid knock at the door was like a bliss. Zhongli could easily recognize it: two short, fast knocks with the knuckle of your index finger. Kiss of apology, happy hours of pleasant conversation, your soft laughter and crinkle at the corners of his eyes from merriment, light of your smile – it was the usual atmosphere of a rainy evening Zhongli was waiting to feel again. His tail was caressing your leg, strived to climb under your clothes to tickle your skin, going higher and higher to the sweetest place of his desire. Zhongli missed you badly: lubricious excitement was corrupting his thoughts and blurred his view, making him focus on you only. He tried to stay calm, but his imagination was running wild, and forced abstinence made it even worse. Zhongli was dreaming of the moment his teeth would leave a red mark on your shoulder, while he would stuff your womb with loads of his seed and keep it inside until the knots would let him pull his cocks out. Zhongli was nasty and shameless in his thoughts, fantasizing about your graceful body covered with his cum on the most attractive parts: your lips, chest and tummy. Nothing could decorate your pale pink lips and your supple skin better than a droplets of pearl white liquid, he believed.
As the conversation died slowly and gave place to the physical contact, Zhongli's gaze became more tempted. You glanced back at the door, wondering if you locked it, opened a delicious sight of your neck muscles tightening under your skin and making a relief – it begged for Zhongli to leave a kiss on it, trail his lips down your neck and tickle with his forked tongue and sharp fangs. Instead he let himself touch your skin with fingertips, while squeezing one of your thighs and rubbing another one close enough to your core with tail. You looked at Zhongli, your lips parted to catch a breath from sudden stimulation, and he pressed his finger to them, shoving it inside your mouth, under your tongue, encouraging you to lick it. You put his finger on your tongue and closed your lips, nibbling and sucking on it gently.
Zhongli's tail was pressing against your crotch, while he replaced his finger with tongue: he pressed fingers on your jaw, let his tongue inside your mouth; the recesses on it bumped into the tip of your tongue, tickling it, before sliding down your throat. His lips covered yours in a lewd kiss, sharing saliva with you until it started dripping out of your mouth. Zhongli was impatient and didn't waste precious time: all his instincts demanded from him to mark you right now, he needed to prove his rights to you and his male significance. Zhongli flicked his tongue – you were aroused enough for him to sense your pheromones and feel your body odor becoming clear and intense.
Grinding against his tail, you pressed another kiss on his lips, your hands slowly put your clothes down and left your chest bare. Zhongli wrapped his arms around your waist, made you sit on top of him, so you could feel his strong erection and his two cocks pressing against your lower body with impatience. You were as needy as him, curious to taste the new side of intimacy. You helped Zhongli to undress, squeaked, when tail replaced his hands and clenched on your waist. He took a specially prepared oil from a nightstand, lubricated his fingers to prepare your holes before penetration. His tail took you down on the bed to make you lay on your tummy; Zhongli spreaded your buttocks, applied an oil on your anus, rubbing it in gently before inserting two fingers inside. Your worked up muscles took him easily, without pain or an unpleasant feeling. Your pussy was leaking with natural lube and needed attention, but was neglected by Zhongli as he was busy playing with other hole, pushing his digits in and out, and scissoring them inside your tight ass just to make you moan and squirm.
Zhongli got what he wanted – you begged for him to fuck you, used such a vulgar, boorish word, as you were desperate for his cocks to finish a sweet torture he gave you. He helped you to turn on your back, and you saw his palms glowing golden with stored Geo inside. It was unusual to see him like this: his hands, except palms, were black, but covered with golden symbols and runes; instead of skin on his sides were scale, that shimmered in candle light; you looked at his cocks and held your breath – two fat, curvy cocks of color black were fully erected and sticked to Zhongli's stomach, twitching from arousal; tips had already soaked in precum, and golden veins along the length were pulsating, as well as knots on both of his dicks were swollen, ready to prevent his seed flow out your pussy. The tingling sensation inside your body made you spread your legs even wider. Zhongli lubricated his cocks, rubbed them against your holes, teasing you for his sadistic pleasure. You hugged him, moaning in pleasure from stretching – you were tiny for his size, long preparation eased the process but weren't able to prepare you enough. Your lower tummy was bulging at the size of cock: Zhongli groaned and pressed his hand on the bulge to feel himself moving inside your pussy. A beautiful sight like this brought him a visible satisfaction.
You were overwhelmed at sensation of two cocks fucking you at the same time in a rough pace, tight grip of teeth on your shoulder and another one on your waist by tail. Zhongli used the tip of his tail to rub against your clit, pleasure hit you from all sides, it was impossible to run away from it, as he was stimulating all the right spots, even the deepest one you didn't know existed. You came shamelessly fast, but asked Zhongli to continue, as you needed more of him. Overstimulated and sensitive from the first climax you felt strange at your lower belly – something was building up, ready to spill at any moment. You felt like an animal in heat, heady and devoted to the lubricity of carnal pleasures, ready to perform every disgusting fantasy only to prolong the sweet serving to lust.
Zhongli was close to cum: both of his knots became bigger at their size, with final powerful thrusts he pressed your hips on his torso and came inside, filling you to the brim with numerous shots. You grabbed Zhongli by his hands, releasing your climax and squirting from such an intense outburst of his seed that was stretching your uterus with an unbearable amount and elemental energy he passed into your body.
'You did so good, my love,' Zhongli leaned to kiss you, left a soft peck at your lips then at your sweaty forehead. You smiled and hugged him.
You were resting in a strong embrace of his hands, listening to the sound of rain tapping against windows and cornices. Zhongli loved this atmosphere of pleasant silence, as you and him were just enjoying the presence of each other, and no words needed at the moment – only your hearts beating at the same rhythm, the true connection of souls. He couldn't stay with you for a night as he had some important business, but you, understanding and all-forgiving, were alright with it. You didn't ask him what was the matter, just gave him a goodbye kiss and tried to enjoy the cold bed on his side. You didn't sleep alone for too long – and it felt lonely. Zhongli would give everything he had only to have you in his arms again: he missed you so bad he was delirious – he could swear he felt phantom touches of yours on his skin.
Zhongli remembered clearly how you visited his cabinet and told him something wasn't right with Moon and sky: as usual you were checking analemma – the fixed position of the Sun in the sky during the year – and noticed that a diagram of figure eight was roughly broken and turned out to be a complete nonsense. Moon for some reason became closer as it was before, and new constellations, which you had never seen before in this world, appeared. The problem wasn't in your tools and you didn't make any mistakes – you rechecked it again and again, and everything was fine.
'Like someone put us under a dome,' you muttered in agitation, pressing fingers to your chin and looking away. Zhongli hardly remained calm, yet his hands were trembling nervously and he clenched his fists.
'Forget about it,' his tone was cold, and didn't imply any discussion. 'and go back to your room.'
A fake would never repeat an original – Celestia knew it and just needed more time to recreate the natural position of stars in the sky. It was hard to imitate exact astronomical processes, but Celestia didn't mind to hurry: humanity was still miserable and didn't have opportunity to notice a swap as stargazing and astronomy were considered as black magic, but Celestia didn't count you. Zhongli didn't know what to do – not a word could be hidden from Celestia. He prayed for them not to pay attention, was trying to come up with an idea of how to hush it up.
He could have lied. But he didn't.
He could have hidden your aura from all the Gods and mighty. But he didn't.
The God of contracts couldn't lie as he despised liars and cheats. The God of contracts was too vainglorious to lie to himself, and he scorned the human sins – so he thought Celestia would never dare to punish a woman that belonged to him. He had a great power and could compete with Celestial Gods, so they would have treated him as equal. But they didn't. It was horrifying for Zhongli to find a ruined nest of swallows with their carcasses laying underneath, so he locked you inside his palace and prohibited you from leaving it.
No one was supposed to know, except the Seven who swore to protect humanity. The fake sky was a protective shield between Teyvat and the Dark Sea: Celestia was afraid that those who betrayed the heaven order would unite and take their place in a fight. The whole war was the result of Celestial fear – the fear that borned from exorbitant pride of every god-like creature. Celestial Gods were afraid of rivalry, the desire to be indispensable was above the moral and the concept of sin, so they decided to take control over the seven strongest Gods of the human world, and they succeeded.
Zhongli thought nothing could hurt you inside his palace, but he was wrong. He could sense the looming threat, but didn't know what to expect. He was imagining the dreadful scenarios of demons attacking the abode or a plague ravaging the Teyvat, but you died in the morning right before his everyday visit to you. A scorpion got into your clothes and stung you when you were dressing up. He couldn't do anything to save you, as it was too late when he found your breathless body.
Zhongli couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe: he still could sense elemental energy passing through your body and the weak aura of life in it. You weren't dead, but didn't recover consciousness either. Didn't matter for how long he was waiting for you to wake up – years had passed before Zhongli decided to give your body a final resting place. He made for you a crystal coffin and left it in a cave on Cuijue Slope, far enough from cities and people, so no one could find you. Protected by spells and guarded by yakshas, you were sleeping peacefully in your best dress and with your favorite hairpin in your hair. Not a day left without Zhongli visiting your tomb: he believed one day you would wake up.
He couldn't live without you. The Earth became empty and life lost its colors when you left him. Zhongli didn't talk to anyone and didn't want others to talk to him – he was sitting at his cabinet in a deep thoughtfulness, waiting for you to knock at the door and distract him from his duties. Cloud Retainer, who seemed to be more depressed than others, tried various ways to cure you, but all her efforts were useless. 
Zhongli didn't cry, but he wanted to. He couldn't drop a single tear, but only crushed everything that got under his arm in an attempt to ease the heartache. Zhongli hated himself for his pride, for being weak and tricked like a puppet. He could easily sacrifice his nation to save you, he would die himself for you to live.
The only thing left for him was walking down the cold corridors of the cave only to reach your coffin and fall on his knees, kissing it and, lean his forehead to feel the scalding cold crystal instead of the warmth of your body, he used to worship. Grief-strickened Zhongli became distrustful and petulant. He had seeked for the cure on the whole Teyvat, and no one was able to perform a miracle. Even the Lord of Dust, Guizhong, wasn't able to keep her word and make you alive: she came to Rex Lapis and promised to resurrect you in exchange for him protecting her and her people, and he agreed. Zhongli heard a lot of her wisdom, even renewed his spirit, but she died soon.
Century after century he was watching his old friends and subordinates dying, until he became indifferent to it. Zhongli didn't care anymore and devoted himself to his people – as a good Archon was supposed to do. The evil was haunting Teyvat again, so Xiao and him, both in beasts form, didn't know rest and fought against it day and night. Wounds covered Zhongli's body, and the new day brought new suffering for him. He thought he would die – bleeding wounds were festering and his whole body was affected with toxins. When he was at loss of power, Zhongli made a great effort to reach your tomb, and fell unconscious near your coffin, dreaming of meeting you again in the afterlife. Zhongli woke up two days after, his wounds healed and turned into scars – it was a discouraging surprise for him, but with this it was another evidence that you still were alive. Zhongli's hope was his curse: he couldn't let you go and was clinging to every opportunity to bring you back, knowing perfectly it wouldn't work.
The abode became a dull and uncomfortable place. Adepti moved to their domains, and only Xiao among all the yakshas remained alive, but lived in Wangshu Inn. The sacred land had seen a lot of deaths, and blood soaked in groaning earth, even the sun stopped shining: only fog and heavy clouds adorned the abode's sky.
Zhongli didn't visit your grave for a couple of months – it was too hard for him to find the strength to see you again. He didn't want to know that Xiao felt this way, too. After all fights and missions you were the one whom he had seen right after opening his eyes: when Xiao was young, inexperienced yaksha, he oftenly lost consciousness from using his elemental skills too much, and you were taking care of him. By spending years in your company, Xiao began to consider you as his older sister. He hesitated to interact with you, so he was admiring you secretly. It was rare for him to show at Cuijue Slope, but every time he did, Xiao whistled in a bird manner, hoping that this whistle of aloneness and sorrow could awake you from your dream.
It was a normal day when Xiao entered your tomb to change flowers in your hands – to show his respect he took care of your tomb, naively thought that sense of fresh flowers would scare the death away from your body – but the tomb was empty. Coffin lid was broken into pieces, bouquet of dead flowers laid on the ground and your body was missing. What was this? A miracle? Or a plunder? Xiao didn't believe his eyes and panic took over him. He was rushing around trying to find someone's traces, and he didn't know what he was afraid the most – of your awakening or a treasure hoarders' crime, so he called for his master and they started their anguising search for you.
Meeting with Tsaritsa ended without contracts: words of your departure to Liyue left unspoken but clear to everyone. Rex Lapis expected Pierro to tell him everything about your business in Snezhnaya, and Pierro had to cooperate.
You didn't plan to visit Snezhnaya: you were traveling around the Teyvat to find someone who could help you restore your memory loss and earning your food and shelter by healing people and teaching them. Pierro noticed you when he visited Fontaine: his good friend, an avaricious landlady of an apartment building where you rented a flat, told him how you eased her gout disease (for that she even let you live for free). Pierro had heard enough stories about your kind heart and rather incredible smartness, so he decided to meet you and invite you to Snezhnaya. He didn't have to persuade you, as you agreed easily, but on one condition – he had to help you find the truth about your past. Pierro made a promise, though he didn't plan to keep it. You gave him your hairpin, thinking it could speed up the process, but left Pierro confused: he found your name engraved on the hairpin, its state and material it was made from indicated that you were a noble woman of high rank (maybe a wife of a Tianquan of the Qixing) from Liyue, and approximate age of the hairpin could prove it, but your old-fashioned manner of speech and words you used (some of them he didn't even know exist) made him think that you and this hairpin were of the same age. You didn't give him any useful information – usually you were muttering something about stars and non-existing constellations, then you told him facts about defeated gods in the Archon war. Leftovers of your memories were disparated so much it was impossible to understand a thing from your words – you forgot the simplest facts of your biography, but could describe how the sky looked 1,500 years ago.
It was obvious for Pierro that you had a patron: a young beautiful lady with such a talented mind could easily attract the attention of the rich and great, so Pierro did his best to lie to you about his progress in restoring your past and searching for someone who had known you before your memory loss. In fact he was afraid of it: Snezhnaya needed you more than others, and he could offer you everything you once had had. Love, adoration, financial support – it wasn't a problem for him, he was ready to fulfill your every whim. Your smartness was above his expectations, so he rewarded you generously for your work. You got the best herbs and other raw materials for your ointments, pills and whatever medications you made; he covered your expenses and supported the Moon House financially, he even gave you the best apartment in Snezhnaya, despite the fact that you preferred to live with your patients. The Moon House was situated outside the city, and every time Pierro visited it, he was amazed at your efforts of keeping it: the building with sharp turrets and blue stained glass windows, the place that smells with viscous incense, herbs and mixtures, and where projections of Moon and stars swinging slowly in sapphire light from a rare wind.
Your job took all of your time. You barely had a chance to sleep and rest: people from all the parts of Snezhnaya came to you for a cure, and you didn't have enough moral strength to refuse them. You trained and prepared a lot of doctors to help you, but people traffic didn't seem to have an ending. Your schedule was busy not only with healing and surgeries, but with preventive events and lectures for constant residents of the Moon House as well. The more people you hired the heavier responsibility you took on your shoulders, but thanks to Pierro who nicely gave you managers and other stuff, you could concentrate only on the medical part of your duties.
You constantly ignored your headaches and noisy flashes of memories that were buzzing in your head like a swarm of beetles. Pierro wasn't honest with you – you didn't notice any progress in his research. You got more information about your past from your rare dreams and headaches, than from his words.
Usually you had seen a tall man with long black hair, sometimes he wasn't alone – with him it were various animals or other people, but everyone treated him with respect and called him master. You couldn't remember what they called themselves, as all the dialogues you heard in your dreams were erased from your memory as soon as you woke up.
It was miserable. All your life was miserable and looked like a groundhog day. You wanted to escape from it but didn't know where you would live and how you would earn money if not with medicine. You were tired of everything already, and the always gloomy atmosphere of Snezhnaya irritated you – not a sun ray touched your skin for the years you had spent here. You were slowly preparing yourself for running away and was searching for a good reason to disappear, and soon, you found it.
Your headaches became more intense and all the pain killers stopped working at once. Thrumming in your ears, visual hallucinations of lights and unbearable ache in your nape made you suffer and chained you to bed for the rest of the day, but you couldn't have repose – even your sickness wasn't an excuse from leaving your duties, and you couldn't cancel a meeting with a man from Liyue, who made all this way to see you and tell you about your past.
Zhongli was nervous to meet with you. You probably were the new person by now, not the same woman he fell in love with long ago. What if you wouldn't like him? What if you refuse to come back? You were his soulmate, so it shouldn't be any problem, yet Zhongli had never felt so vulnerable and scared.
When he made a step into your cabinet, he didn't like what he had seen. Hectic flush in your cheeks, your once bright eyes became tired and dull, and were red and teary, even your skin lost its shine, showing clearly that you didn't have enough vitamins. You were stressed out and overworked, so the first Zhongli's intention was to kill Pierro, but he was able to control himself. Seeing you in this state made Zhongli's heart ache: he didn't care about moral questions anymore, as he had seen that you were fading without his love and care.
Pierro told you this man was here to help you learn something about your past, and you felt a strange distance Pierro kept between you and him. He remained cold with you, but you didn't mind it, you were curious about the reason.
First few days weren't as productive as you wanted them to be due to your never ending headache and strange feeling that haunted you around this man, who was the Geo Archon himself. You planned to go to Liyue after Fontaine, but couldn't decline Pierro's invitation to Snezhnaya, so your plans had to be changed. You were grateful that Rex Lapis offered his help, yet something was wrong with it – maybe his strange gazes at you which you noticed sometimes, or your inner voice, that was telling you to look at him closer as if a mystery was hiding behind his glowing golden eyes.
You made an appointment to discuss everything without hurry and in a calm private atmosphere of your cabinet. But at the day of the meeting you didn't even tell a few words to your visitor before the new spasms of pain attacked your head, and made you shut your eyes and lean against the table to prevent yourself from falling, but it didn't help – all the times you neglected your health made it back, and you fainted. Before you closed your eyes you finally found the reason that was bothering you all this time, so in a delirious dream, you saw everyone with their faces and heard their true voices.
Zhongli tried to bring you to senses, but it didn't work. He couldn't risk anymore, not this time: he took you up in his arms, and went outside before he turned into a dragon. The only safe way to carry you back was to take you in his mouth, so he did it, holding you inside gently, afraid to hurt you with his teeth or slap you with tongue. It was his turn to take care of you – while you slept in a fever, Zhongli was in paranoid distress that Celestia found you again. Cloud Retainer tried to tell him that it was a natural reaction to the sudden return of memories, but he didn't want to hear it. Zhongli violated the law of the Heaven and hid you from God's and Archon's sight: now you didn't exist for them, they could never trace you by your energy, and your constellation was broken for them. You were right – words were a great power, and he could manipulate them as he liked. He could turn the lie into truth, as he was the one who defined the truth and the lie for himself.
You woke up after a couple of days and were greeted by Cloud Retainer. She checked on you and asked if you remembered her – you did, but didn't feel the same way anymore. While you were asleep you had seen all your life from early childhood until these days, but it seemed unreal and you couldn't associate yourself with it, like you watched after someone else. Cloud Retainer didn't push you into a friendship with her and was exercising your body patiently to recover all the abilities of it. She explained everything you wanted to know, but never told you about your relationships with her master – and you didn't bring this topic either. It was embarrassing for you to see all the nights of love you had spent together in detail, you still felt his hot kisses on your skin and shuddered every time you felt his attentive look on you, when you were walking down the corridors of his palace. You knew he was watching you, but couldn't see him.
Zhongli gave you time to accommodate and was waiting until you would want to meet him again. One more time you were first to visit his chamber, made a shy step into the room where he was resting in dragon appearance. Did you miss him? Or maybe you wanted to discuss something that was bothering you all this time? He heard you walking on tiptoes, as if you were afraid to disturb him, your bare feet made a barely audible sound when touched the warm floor. Zhongli opened his eyes, looking at you: you were healthy now, your cheeks got a nice light pink blush, your hair was smooth and shiny, and your skin didn't look dangerously pale.
You felt awkward, tried to find the right words to start a conversation, but Zhongli didn't need it. He touched your shoulder with his snout carefully, and waited for your reaction. You were confused but hugged him, wrapped your hands around his neck, and felt how shivers covered your body from the sensation of fur tickling your skin. Zhongli wanted to tell you how badly he missed you, how his life turned into an endless torture of regret and mourning but remained silent. He wrapped his body around you, trapping you so you would stay with him for the night instead of going away.
Every day, you knew him better again and spent time with pleasant conversations and walks. Zhongli did his best to make you fall in love with him again but accompanied you as a dragon or, on rare occasions, as adeptus. The abode was now a silent place with only two residents, so no one could disturb you – Cloud Retainer left you after you recovered and didn't visit you for a long time, giving Zhongli more space and opportunities. He became overprotective and attentive and didn't let you leave the palace alone. Zhongli assisted your experiments and reading time, prepared a bed for you in his chamber, and tried cooking your favorite mundane dishes.
You started to laugh more frequently when you were with him, narrated some things from your journey. You liked to talk with him before going to sleep, when the moonlight was filling the room, and you rested, laying on his cool dragon body. Zhongli kept one of his paws on you, imitating a hug, and you caressed it slowly, while telling him funny situations you were stuck into, then gave him a goodnight kiss and made yourself comfortable, preparing for the night.
Maybe you weren't the old version of yourself anymore, but Zhongli didn't love you less because of it. He was grateful that you were alive and he could hear your melodic voice and sweetest laugh. Zhongli didn't rush with getting intimate, but couldn't resist his desire to feel your warm lips with his tongue and inhale your arousing body scent, so when you were asleep, he sometimes touched your face with the tip of his tongue, imagining how he would place it inside your mouth when you would be ready for it. You didn't know about all his lewd dreams, couldn't even imagine how badly he wanted to sniff your private parts to understand if your body was ready to take him. On another night time talk he took a risk and licked your cheek, when you made a pause and tried to come up with a new topic. You looked at him with a surprised expression, but smiled and kissed him back, laughing joyfully, so Zhongli accepted it as a good sign. He ran his tongue over your lips this time, noticed how you stopped breathing for a moment; you opened your lips to take a breath, but he put his tongue inside your hot mouth, moving it inside slowly, and imitating frictions down your throat; his paw held you by your waist, you felt sharp claws pricking your skin without hurting it. Thoughts left your head as you started to enjoy such a strange vulgar way of kissing, but only one reckless thought of Zhongli doing the same things, but inside different part of your body made you tremble with excitement, and he noticed it.
As a dragon Zhongli kept a mental connection with you, so it wasn't a problem for him to know your desires. He smiled a little to himself, put his tongue out of your mouth, admiring the thick string of your and his saliva mixed together running down your chin. By your clouded gaze he could tell you wanted more, so he let himself strip you, by digging clothes out of body with claws. You felt his tongue going down from your neck to your hardened nipples, moving slowly down your belly, but avoiding your womanhood and teasing the inner part of your thighs. Despite the shyness and shame you felt, you spread your legs more, begging Zhongli with your actions and impatient folds that were glistening on your labia already. Such a view was driving Zhongli crazy, he curled his tongue on your clit, stimulating it with both rough and smooth sides of his tongue. You moaned long, clenching your fists from pleasure. You made yourself open your eyes to see his tongue satisfying you, moving from your clit to your wet hole and stuffing you full. Your walls were clenching around his thick tongue, sucking it deeper for better sensations. Zhongli kept your legs open by pressing his paws on your thighs, heeded to your breaths and moans to adjust the intensity of thrusts. When you were close to release, Zhongli suddenly put his tongue out, leaving you desperate and confused, only to replace it with his dick, already hard and fully erected. Passing Geo through your body, Zhongli put a protective spell on you, so you wouldn't get hurt – you didn't need more, as he used the same spells during stretching lessons and your body remembered it.
Zhongli wrapped around you to make you lay on him and still be able to see your face, his dick was pressed to the entrance of your core, and he inserted it slowly, while licking your cheek to calm you. Once he was inside you fully, he didn't wait anymore and started moving at a fast and desperate pace, pulling you on his cock hard. Zhongli heard sounds of bodies bumping in each other and with every thrust in your tight pussy he was closer and closer to his own orgasm. Scales rubbed against your body, you could sense Zhongli's pheromones and special smell which appeared on his body as a liquid and marked you as his mate. Zhongli came inside with a loud groan, his body shuddered, almost constricting you in his embrace, and made you cum as well, releasing not only inner coils, but squirting over his pubic zone. Zhongli stuffed you with cum unbearably full, the bulge on your tummy was painful even from the amount of seed he had placed inside you. The second after Zhongli put his cock out, his cum spilled out your exhausted womb, leaking down your thighs.
'I won't let anyone hurt you, my love,' Zhongli hugged you tighter, rubbing his snout against your face. 'You are mine... forever.'
You heard his heart beating in the same rhythm as yours. Now, when Zhongli became closer to the human's nature, he was ready to fight against the whole world alone to protect you, he would sell his soul and steal all the stars only to make you smile.
In the quiet and deserted abode Zhongli and you finally could enjoy the presence of each other, fearing nothing. You were the only one, who stayed with Zhongli in good times and bad, and he was endlessly grateful to you.
With first drops of dew on flowers, belated birds with black feathers and long forked tails flew up into the sky to mark the beginning of something wonderful.
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maaarine · 2 years ago
The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human (Siddhartha Mukherjee, 2022)
“Why, for instance, did a woman who gave birth in one part of an obstetrics clinic in Vienna, Austria, have nearly three times the rate of postpartum death compared with a woman who gave birth in the adjacent clinic?
What caused infertility? Why would a perfectly healthy young man suddenly succumb to a disease that racked his joints with the most excruciating pain?
Throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, doctors and scientists searched for a systematic way to explain human diseases.
But the best they could achieve was an unsatisfactory surplus of explanations that ultimately relied on gross anatomy: each disease was the dysfunction of an individual organ. The liver. The stomach. The spleen.
Was there some deeper organizing principle that connected these organs, and their diuse and mystifying disorders? Could one even think of human pathology in a systematic manner?
Perhaps the answer was not to be found in visible anatomy but rather in microscopic anatomy.
Indeed, by analogy, eighteenth-century chemists had already begun to discover that the properties of matter—the combustibility of hydrogen or the fluidity of water— arose from the emergent properties of invisible particles, molecules, and atoms that comprised them.
Was biology perhaps similarly organized? (…)
Perhaps the microscopists were right: perhaps this systematic answer couldn’t be found in the visible world.
What if the failing heart or the cirrhotic liver were mere epiphenomena—emergent properties of a deeper underlying dysfunction invisible to the naked eye?
As he pored through the past, Virchow realized that there had been pioneers before him who had also visualized this invisible world.
Since the late seventeenth century, researchers had found that plant and animal tissues were all built out of unitary living structures called cells.
Might these cells sit at the heart of physiology and pathology? If so, where did they come from, and what did they do?”
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“Krause, Park, and Martinez each have their own individual strengths and weaknesses, but they are absolutely willing to learn and improve; learning to trust in their own judgment but also to be humble enough to admit when they don’t know the next step. They still have a long way to go, of course, but I have no doubt that these three have a bright future in whatever field they choose to go in!”
More of my thoughts on Gilbert and the interns under the cut!
Camilla and Jay were in the same batch of graduates from Humboldt’s medical program though they didn’t really start talking until they were in the same clinical rotation together.
They met Emma later while she was looking for a place to live in the city. She lived with Camilla and her roommate for a while in an apartment close to the hospital. When that roommate moved out, Jay wound up moving in with the girls so now they all live together.
Camilla and Jay just have standard black Littmann stethoscopes but Emma has this
Gilbert does see himself in his students, but with Camilla, it’s almost like looking at a mirror and seeing his younger self staring back at him.
Sometimes Gilbert talks about old doctors like Paul Ehrlich, Rudolf Virchow, etc. as if he actually knew them and it gets Emma Shook(tm) every single time.  Because of this, Emma is convinced that he isn’t lying when he jokes about being immortal but Camilla and Jay think that their mentor is just really into old medical history. Gil gets a good laugh out of it at the end of the day.
Emma and Camilla will end up choosing Peds as their specialty, following in Gilbert’s footsteps. Emma goes into Gen, but Camilla will go in pediatric cardiology. Jay will eventually transfer over to trauma since he really felt at home in the fast-paced emergency department.
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