#Toki my baby i love you so much
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toomanythoughts2 · 7 months ago
I don't know if anyone else fucks with AU's but I have put so much thought into a Metalocalypse AU where Dethklok gets sent into a universe were Toki never makes it to the band/never leaves Norway. So Dethklok, in that universe, never reaches their full potential and they are on the path to world destruction because Dethklok needs all 5 members to defeat Salacia. So the band has to go on an adventure to get Toki into the band so that they can all go home/set the universe back into place.
The problem I keep running into to is who is Toki in this world without Dethklok? And I have a few ideas.
Toki stays home and becomes the next Reverend after his father dies. He secretly sneaks out to go play guitar under a persona in a few towns over and leads a double life essentially. He's very unhappy but has to be the dutiful son to his parents.
Toki stays home, becomes deeply religious, but fully believes that God will send him angels to rescue him from his family. When Dethklok comes to get him, he is convinced that they were sent as a answer to his prayers. He constantly refers to Dethklok as his Guardian Angels.
Toki is forced to stay at home (due to manual labor needs) but has plans to escape on his own. Dethklok technically ruins his plans to escape on his own by announcing his escape, but he does escape. The whole congregation and his parents know though, and they plan to track him down and bring him back home. So it becomes a race to see who will get to Toki first. This Toki is very desperate for freedom and has lost a fair amount of childlike whimsy in exchange for survival techniques.
Toki becomes a "copy cat" guitarist for hire, where when a band just needs a stand-in guitarist, he can come in and play their guitarist's part perfectly. He has a hard time expressing his own original work and is a serious loner, despite wanting to desperately connect with band members and people.
Toki becomes a black metal guitarist for a local band that plays gigs in clubs to make ends meet. Toki fully recognizes the full reach of his sexual and gender identity and dresses more feminine. Personally, this universe would be Toki's "Snakes N' Barrels" complete with glam and gender non-conformity. He's pretty happy here and has respect within the community but wants more/not fully understood by people. I think this version of him would be the most expressive.
Toki ends up having to become a prostitute since he was kicked out at such a young age, gaining reputation for his natural gift for guitar. It became what he's known for.
Toki gives up guitar and picks up keyboard/piano instead. Particularly, becomes a college student after a influential professor hears him playing one night to get some cash for a room. He ends up going to school on a scholarship and learning under said professor to play piano. Though, Toki's heart is always set on the guitar but because of his Father, he has some serious PTSD when handling it. I also like to play around with if the professor is a good guy or has some kind of ulterior motive.
Toki is unable to land a role in the band but is able to help out producers and musical engineers "under the table" and learns the ins and outs of the business. He ends up giving up on the guitar for the chance at a life that will take care of him, while also being a little bitter that he was never good enough for people to play. He ends up becoming the youngest rising musical producer. He is very serious in this universe, having completely given up everything to survive. Think about it is Abigail and Charles had a baby but make it a little bit meaner and unhinged. That would be this Toki.
This universe actually splits into two directions:
Toki becomes a producer on his own and the band has to find him. Either by being the "under the table" employee and learning by watching, or he takes a more active role and helps make decisions.
Toki never makes it into the band/too scared to duel Skwisgaar but is able to work directly under Charles as an apprentice and finds out that is he talented in music producing, becoming Dethklok's producer and not their guitarist. I like this version because this keeps all of the members together but they are still not where they need to be. Also, this version of Toki is very serious, very hard, very stubborn. He had to basically give up everything that our Toki is known for in order to do the job he was being given. He's talented in it and he has never failed Dethklok or Charles, but he doesn't play around. He doesn't play guitar because of his bitterness at being taken advantage of by other musicians or lack of response.
These are just a few that I can remember, but I just love the idea of playing around with "Toki if he never joined Dethklok" and "Dethklok desperately trying to get Toki" I particularly love the religious ones and the music producer one. Though the Black Metal one has my heart because I picture Toki being the most "Toki" in that universe and not afraid to take center stage and be himself. UGh, I love Toki <3
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hauntingblue · 1 year ago
One thing oden and ace teach us is that bad bitches go early so you can understand how worried I am for nami....
#oden asking if they still love him after beating a whole village of criminals up as the sun rises behind him...#oden sama..... 20 (maybe???) father of like 5 and boyfriend to many#KIKUS SISTER(BROTHER I DONT REALLY KNOW) IS THE ONE ON THE WHITEBEARD PIRATES???? KIKU IS THE LITTLE ONE!!!#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 962#another oden panty shot....#another oden panty shot as he begs for shirohige to take him to the sea with him.... which could mean anything...#marco teasing shirohige about liking oden.... this cant be true...#how is izu jumping that much omg... we ard not taking oden but this random samurai will do#toki can fight??? oden like that akdhakshdkshsks he looks like the harkonnen guy akdjajaja#he has sanji's radar.... amazing#episode 963#shirohige is gonna break down when he finds out oden left him for a woman.... so sad....#also the size difference.... poor woman.....#shirohige came back for him omg.....#THE BLONDE GUY WITH THE LASHES AND THE WOMAN WITH BLUE HAIR ARE FRANKYS PARENTS RIGHT???#already having babies in year 2..... momo was born in shirohiges boat... legend#orochi chosen as a substitute for oden omg.....#FUCKING TEECH!!! DIEE!!!! I CURSE THE DAY SHIROHIGE LET YOU ON HIS SHIP#episode 964#OROCHI DIEEEE CHALLENGE!!!! but this scene with the witch is a banger... such a shame he is a pathetic villain i mean he could be scary and#with his power he is..... facades and all....#sukiyaki coughing sounds like that GOO GOO GOO GOO cupcakke sound..... maybe its just me...#THEY KILLED SUKIYAKI ALREADY???? OMG ODEN!!!#why is he-man on shurohiges crew akdjsks... also so funny there is just a royal family in there...#roger talking about how his time is coming and he wants to fight shirohige again.... GO BE WITH YOUR BABY MAMA DEAD(heehee)BEAT!!!#another pantyshot akdjskks the animators are on my side.... i love how everyone wants oden now... roger and shirohige passing him around#roger skipping to go fight him akdjsksj he is the moment....#episode 965
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pickleskisser · 4 months ago
hii!! I really liked your pickles headcanons and the part about meeting his family was my favorite! if you have the time could I request hcs for meeting the family for the rest of the boys? if not the rest of them then just skwisgaar would be fine!
remember to drink water, eat a snack, and take plenty of breaks!
(ps can i be spade anon?)
HIIII !! Omg thank you sm I had a lot of fun with it lolz. And yeah I can so do that for you :p fair warning it's very improvised since info on these dude's parents are scarce but I hope it's enjoyable anyways ☆
Meeting the Parents HCs
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Nathan Explosion
The one you have to worry least about, his parents are sweethearts.
Though his mom will have an eye on you both the whole time.
I feel like Nathan has a record of getting entangled with people who were not so good for him, so it isn't personal or anything she's just on the fence at first.
Once she realizes you're not like that, though, and genuinely love Nathan and, in turn, treat him how he deserves, she's alllllllll over you.
She's going to want your number, your Skype, your Facebook, everything.
She'll pull out the baby pictures too. It greatly embarrasses your brutal boyfriend.
His dad would be the same, on the fence a little, but he overall trusts Nathan a little more.
He might try to plan a fishing trip, though, and Nathan is going to be all over that, so good luck getting out of that if you viscerally dislike fishing.
Overall, don't sweat it! As long as you treat their boy right, they love you, and you might as well be family now.
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Toki Wartooth
Oh boy. So I'm not sure you could ever really meet his parents?
He doesn't like talking about them. You probably didn't even learn anything about them until late in your relationship.
If you were to hypothetically meet them, well, you're only meeting his mom.
Aslaug would be dead at this point so there wouldn't be much of an option.
Anja is a cold woman with high unachievable standards. So don't take the fact she won't even speak to you too personally.
If you're religious in the Christian sense, you might have a small chance of approval… but then again, you're dating Toki Wartooth of Dethklok, and you had to learn about him somewhere. Goddamn devil music.
Don't even waste your breath. All that matters is how much you and Toki love each other.
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William Murderface
It's not willing on his part at all.
Stella is showing up unannounced, ranting and raving about not telling her he finally got hitched, and he must just want her to die or something.
He's snippy and miserable the whole time. Not miserable in the same sense Pickles was, he's more annoyed than anything.
Stella isn't the most gentle woman. She's abrasive and loud and can be partial to physical violence, but she does care a little bit about her grandson.
She really sucks at showing it, and definitely fucked him up with her parenting style (if his emotional constipation and short fuse didn't make that clear) but she did step up when his parents died instead of letting him go through the system, so.
All this to say, she's giving you a shotgun talk.
William will pry it out of her hands, of course, and curse her out for it, but it's happening !!
After that, though, don't worry, you're family now. Actually, maybe you should worry.
This means that whatever small politeness she whipped up before is long gone, you're a Murderface now, you are going to get treated like one.
Although William couldn't care less about his grandmother's opinion, he cares about yours. So, to see you embracing his family in full stride without getting scared off is more than heartwarming to him.
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Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Again, it's fully unwilling on his end. It would honestly have to be something you want.
I think it's needless to say his relationship with his mom is weird. He truthfully wouldn't mind never seeing her again, especially after the events of fatherklok.
But again, if you really, really, want it then, yeah, he'll take you down to Sweden.
Surfetta doesn't have much of an opinion on you. What you are to her son is no concern to her.
She's most likely tipsy the whole time and disappearing for periods at a time.
The whole thing will feel like a waste of time, and Skwisgaar is stressed.
Don't worry he just needs to play his Thunderhorse for a few hours, and maybe a little bit of laying on top of you with his head on your chest listening to the sound of your heartbeat… just a little.
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fermatsu711 · 1 month ago
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I drew my beautiful Goppy duppy, Silly Willy Billy, Sheyla baby tottie cutie patootie 😭😭😭😭😭💜💜💜💜💜💜💜✨✨✨✨✨✨
I love you so much Toki, my son 🫂🫂🫂
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megzscribbleznwordz · 5 months ago
hihi!! dating hcs with the main metalocalypse guys plss?
Hell yeah dude! I love how different each of them are, it makes for some very interesting dynamics. I'm gonna put this one under a 'read more' because I kinda went off a bit lol
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William Murderface
Murderface is definitely the type to be very tsundere. Like, kind of an asshole in an oddly endearing way to anybody he’s interested in. It takes a while of knowing the person he’s got a crush on before he feels comfortable enough to say something about it
He’s very insecure in most every relationship he has, be it platonic or otherwise. This leads to him being very emotionally closed off early into any relationship. 
Once Murderface is comfortable? Oh boy, they’re stuck with him. He’s only able to feel like his true, authentic self with his partner. He’s a big, touch-starved softie deep down (which he probably only discovers thanks to his partner)
It takes him probably years before he’s comfortable with being public and letting their relationship be known to the fans. Treat him with patience; he’s probably got the least relationship experience of the boys.
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Nathan Explosion
Probably way stronger than his partner, which strikes a chord in his heart. Very protective of his love interest, be it still in the crushing phase or actively in a relationship.
He loves when his partner brushes his hair. A bit awkward about asking them to, but god does he just m e l t s whenever they do. 
One of the most common dates is a motorcycle ride. His partner’s arms wrapped securely around his chest, the wind in their hair as they cruise down the road, just him and them... He feels he has no better way to spend his time
Nathan is surprisingly tender with his lover, secretly being a bit of the traditional romantic at heart. Buying them flowers, cutely and awkwardly complimenting them, helping them with pretty much anything he can
Of the boys, he’s one of the first to tell the fans of his relationship. This is most likely to give his lover security in the relationship, not particularly having an opinion on the fan’s reaction to his relationship
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Toki Wartooth
The sweetest boy ever! Definitely tells his lover about his crush on them very soon after he realizes it. He just... takes a while to realize it. Probably has to be told by one of the other’s that what he’s experiencing is a crush. 
The most down bad, down atrocious for his partner. Showering them in compliments, covering their face in kisses any chance he gets, suffocating them in hugs...
Loves planning dates so so much. Build-a-bear dates are very frequent, along with any sort of class or outing. He loves the kinds of dates where you do activities rather than just  go somewhere to be there
He’s a terrible shopper for gifts, but he’s fantastic at making things for his partner. Homemade birthday cards, jewelry, and even writing songs for them!
He’s one of the boys who introduces his partner to the fans first, too excited to contain himself for too long. Definitely happens by accident; he’s addressing the crowd at a show last night and opens with “Last night, when I was with my babies...”
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Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Very flirty just as base; once he’s in a relationship that doesn’t change, he merely gets entirely focused in on his partner. He‘s very smudged if they’re easily flustered, showering them in compliments and flirtations as their cheeks grow redder and redder
He’s the type to take a long time to trust himself to be emotionally intimate with his partner. There’s a small part of him that believes his partner is only with him for his fame, and should that end so would his relationship. It takes a while to convince him out of this.
Once he’s comfortable and secure, he’s very casual with affection, commonly seen handing around with an arm draped lazily around his partner, pulling them into his lap or to rest against him
He’s very pensive and thoughtful, which leads to him being a very good gift giver. He tends to go for romantic items of use (perfume in a scent his lover likes, jewelry if they’re the type, clothes in their style and sizes.) when gifting.
It’s a fight between him and Murderface over who would take longer to tell the fans about their relationship—but with the number of groupies Skwis has, it’d probably be him first just to give his partner a bit more confidence in the relationship.
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Pickles never really saw himself as the type who’d end up in a relationship. Perhaps due to his tendency to grow irate easily, perhaps due to his reservations regarding his family and background. When he has a crush on someone,he does his best to control his temper if they’re around or could potentially hear of it
Once in a relationship, he commonly goes to his significant other when frustrated by this or that. He feels like they’re genuinely the only one who could understand and help him feel better; even something as simple as a tight hug helps ground him
When he grows more secure in the relationship, he gets a bit of a teasing streak. His favorite past times are poking at his partner, going in for hugs only to rub his goatee against his partner’s neck/cheek/shoulder
He loves when his partner plays with his hair, scratches his head, anything like that. He refuses to admit it until later in the relationship, his hair and balding being one of his more notable points of insecurity
He probably doesn’t make a huge deal of telling the fans about his partner, like if they find out they find out but a comfortable relationship with Pickles is a very relaxed, low-key one
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ppeonppeonhan · 1 month ago
The 10 Shows I DNF'd in 2024 — and the 6 I Should've
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From Thailand, I nixed the vampire dramedy 1000 Years Old, because it was too goofy and took too long to get to the romance; Kidnap, because I was expecting a more badass version of Ohm; Two Worlds, because the MaxNat (see above) age difference is...unnerving; and 4 Minutes, because it was too dark and I'd already reached my limit for that type of romance with Dead Friend Forever back in the Spring.
From South Korea, I had to choose my sanity and stop watching Love in the Big City, which has some heavy mental health themes; and I also gave up on Blossom Campus pretty quickly, because after watching Boys Be Brave!, I decided no one in South Korea could top Ki Sub's cute, unhinged behavior.
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From Japan, I could not sit through yet another emotionally abusive ML who is secretly in love with the human cupcake he crushes daily, so Cosmetic Playlover was deaded after episode 1; Love is Better the Second Time Around had a love interest that was both overconfident and a coward, which makes for an unappealing combination; Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun (above) had an ill-advised yet chaste teacher-student romance; Takara No Vidro was just more of the same cat-dog dynamic that I'm growing weary of when there's not a more interesting element or electric connection; and the Love in the Air remake had its moments, but their version of Prapai x Sky just wasn't hitting.
Ok now for what I SHOULD'VE given up on, but foolishly powered through — all from Thailand:
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I basically hate-watched Bad Guy My Boss, but I genuinely gave City of Stars (above) a shot. It was a faux high-stakes comedy about a celebrity risking his career to come out of the closet for his longtime crush. If it was 6 episodes tops, it would've covered everything it needed to, but producing twice as many and a special episode was excessive. It really just seemed like soft core with a slapped together plot.
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But not as much as Sunset x Vibes (above). Ooof! That series was created purely to feed MosBank stans. A workplace romance where an intern accidentally falls for a mysterious man who turns out to be his boss was all that series needed to be, but no, they had to throw in a life-threatening, past-life myth. Like...pick a genre. Do it well.
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I Saw You in a Dream also had a high concept: Guy develops the ability to see the future in his dreams and has to figure out how to save his childhood friend who's had a major crush on him for years. I was into it, but it dragged on for too long and the big bad villain turning out to be somebody's fake ex-bf was beyond anticlimactic. Also, aside from infantalizing your love interest, I also hate when a love interest plays up being a baby/younger to get away with stuff, but then immediately jumps to adult behavior. Like are you a child or an adult? His character was 20. It was weird.
Meanwhile, The Rebound had me in the first half. I've grown to love sports drama BLs. But it started to drag and the obstacles they faced with a gangster looming and an overbearing mother resolved so easily that it made the climax fall flat.
Sadly, the biggest disappointment was the Thai version of My Love Mix-Up. Fourth and Gemini did a great job per usual, but it was hella boring. And I say that having enjoyed the Thai remake of Cherry Magic. Not opposed to rewatching the same storyline, but I just couldn't get into it.
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absolutebl · 1 year ago
This Week in BL - The Sign is Slaying
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top. Happy new year, BLabies!
Jan 2024 Wk 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 8 of 12 - Tharn in Phaya’s too big clothing is the cutest thing in the world.
I gotta to say something about Babe's acting really quickly. I love the way he’s inhabiting the personality of his naga character with reptilian eye and body movements and (I don’t know how to put this) a certain reserved, elegant, slithering- ness. He's very good this new boy of ours. (He come from something physical like dance?)
I adored them doing the walk of shame and being teased.
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ALSO I enjoyed the way they handled Tharn’s gender in the past with his costume (the pha chung hang is gender neutral but that green top is a kinda combo m+f) and pronouns et al.
Language corner:
They are using ancient pronouns. I *think* I heard: daow (3rd), khun/jao/tan (2nd), kaa (Ist) - all pronouns in use are gender neutral - to the best of my understanding.
Last Twilight (Fri YT) ep 10 of 12 - Ooo. Day comes out to fam. Also his maa legit took his phone away and said
“I don’t mind you being gay but you can’t date a poor.”
Still, these 2 do kind of make the best secret boyfriends ever.
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Also I begin to love Night: “that’s my baby” indeed. You special ain’t ya?
For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 7 of 12 -  I’m starting to find this pretty boring at this juncture. Bummer, because for a while I was enjoying it.
Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 11 of 12 - The stuff with the spy on the team is super boring. I’m not wild about the side characters either. So most of this episode was a bust for me. I did like First’s ex. 
Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 9 of 14 - Charlie & Babe = honeymoon phase. Jeff & Kim = forgotten. Pete & Way = riddles wrapped in alphas but actually enigmas. Everyone else = gang bang phase…. Apparently. Trash watch happening here.
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Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 6 of 12 - Loved that this was a mutual kiss. (Also how comfortable are OffGunn kissing now? Babies!) I’ve moved from indifference to absolute loathing of the side couple tho.
Oddball LIES from the script = the gayest bridge in Bangkok isn’t lit up after 9pm.
Meanwhile, very important kicky kicky feet and Doc is a dork about flirting now that he’s all in. Looks like we get the official boyfriend ep next week.  
You and My Stars YT 2of 2(?) - Couldn’t find it. Not fussed. 
Time the series (Thai Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - Okay so there’s a gang and someone named Chris is killed and his boyfriend, actor Foam, is jumped back in time to save him? NO SINGING. Between Chris’s death and that time-slip there’s some kind of accidental murder, a pink pocket watch, Chris being alive again but also a different person, and a make out scene. Are you also confused? Actually, the real question is: Do we continue watching? Remember we (the collective BLorg) do not trust MFlow. 
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) ep 21 of 24 - The acting has been pretty terrible all along with this series, but this one is the worst. I just can’t. I may tune in for the last installment but this one is a DNF for me. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - It’s utterly adorable. Very manga, but so far not grating on my nerves. They so cute! You know I adore a hyung romance. Add a v gay sauna scene and an OUT gay boy and just... YES. All the married breeder regulars being overly invested in their pretty cook’s queer drama queening, it's so good.
AND THEN a confession in the first episode? Japan sure loves to mess with the pacing of plots drops.
Also, how much do I want to eat every single piece  of food in this darn show? 
Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 5 of 8 - Man I wish this were better I enjoyed this more. Sigh. I do LOVE the stepbrother sides. Of course I do. But how can this feature 2 of my favorite relationship types (age gap, stepbrothers) and not be my favorite BL airing? Japan, how do you ALWAYS do this to me? 
VIP Only (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 9 of 10 - I don’t know. I just wish this were better. Also shorter.
I really miss KBL right now.
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It's done I Need to Catch up
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have a spare day.
The Servant and the Young Master - from Veitnam so I assume it's on YouTube. I never even noticed. Anyone?
After Sundown - aired on Netflix Thailand. No word on inter release.
It's Airing But...
[INTERNATIONAL] Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube) ep 3 of 12 - yeah Japan put the smack down on our boys. Sadness. You can use a VPN if you like. Read all about it here.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 5 years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so… probubly not. I won't be watching this. I disliked Season one and actively hated the follow ups. No thank you.
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. I DNFed this at ep 5. Frankly I'm impressed with myself for getting that far.
Night Dream (Sat YT) 6 eps - It’s a pain to track down and I really didn’t like the first episode so… DNF  
The Whisperer (Sun ????) 10 eps - Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). I don't think even the perfect single dimple can motivate me to watch. Word is... it's terrible.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) 10 eps - Giving me Luminous Solution vibes. I'm waiting to binge if safe.
Dead Friend Forever (Thai Sat iQIYI) - horror, meh, tell me if it's worth my time?
In Case You Missed it
All my year-end round ups:
TOP 10 BL Trends of 2023
Top 10 BL Secondary Pairs of 2023
2023 BLs Best Trope Execution Awards! TOP 10
BL 2023's Best:
Back Hugs Thailand & Elsewhere
Cute Bits of Domesticity
Boys Feeding Boys
Best Cuddles
Heads in Laps
Touching Head Touches
Thailand Put His Head on Your Shoulder
Put Your Head on My Shoulder (not Thailand)
BEST KISSES (not Thailand)
All the BLs Announced for 2023 that didn't happen
Next Week Looks Like This
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More Coming Jan 2024
Beside You (Thai YouTube)
1/24 Love For Love's Sake (Korea Gaga)- based on the Manhwa ‘Love Supremacy Zone’ by Hwacha. A young man is dropped into a game based off a novel he loves. His mission is to make another player, YeoWoon happy. But then the game starts unfolding completely different from the novel.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
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Why are the oversized flappy flappy sleeves so adorable? (The Sign)
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Pit Babe
Frankly 2024 is starting on a whimper... mostly from Babe.
(Last week)
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paintedmage · 2 months ago
Reupdating my Yu-Gi-Oh Future Headcanons list AGAIN XD
All my headcanons are from the Duel Monsters portion of the series, most of which are influenced by the anime and personal thoughts and ideas.
Atem has a thing for anything strawberry. Strawberry drinks, baked goods, artisan goods, you name it. If it's got strawberry, Atem will almost certainly eat it. Even as Yami, he would take over Yugi's body sometimes to enjoy strawberry flavors(Yugi thought it was silly but also was happy Yami had something he liked)
Of course, my headcanon of Kaiba treating Yugi like a second little brother after Atem departs. Seriously, Yugi becoming an unofficial Kaiba brother because of Seto's love for Atem and feeling bad that Yugi doesn't have his own big brother now is something that feeds me life.
Atem's last name is Sennen. His full name is Atem Yami Sennen
Kaiba's full name is Seto Ryuuki Kaiba. Sometimes Atem calls Seto by his middle name, and Seto loves how whispery and velvety Atem says it.
Kaiba and Mokuba's birth surname is Konami. Their parents names were Sara Rose Vinciani and Akira Seto Konami(called Aki for short)
Seto and Mokuba's mother was an Italian immigrated to Japan. Her mother was pureblooded Italian and her father Egyptian. Their father had a Japanese mother and father, the father having a Mexican father. The brothers will occasionally celebrate traditions from Mexico, Italy, and Egypt as a way to maintain a connection to their happier past and those early memories that still bring them comfort.
Kaiba and Atem are 100% gay and demi, Yugi is bisexual and nonbinary(goes by he/they pronouns)
Kaiba and Atem are both intersex, Kaiba's intersex biology allows for childbearing, but it's not something he likes to think about or really wants, as pregnancy means a loss of control over his own body, and Kaiba can't imagine not having control.
Atem eventually returns through magic nonsense and everyone is overjoyed to have him back (Yugi and Kaiba especially, for their own reasons)
Kaiba has a cat. Her name is Zahra and he adopts her from a shelter not long after the Ceremonial Duel, telling Mokuba things are feeling a bit lonely and maybe a pet would help make their home a little less empty. Despite his cold exterior, Kaiba loves animals and would adopt every single one from every shelter in the world if he could.
Atem loves cats and hits it off with Zahra(Kaiba doesn't like that he's no longer her favorite person but Atem spoils her as much as he does so he supposes its fine), and for some reason, strays gravitate towards him and he occasionally comes home with a new cat in his arms, announcing. "Ryuuki, another one chose me!", and Kaiba just goes with it, loving how the mansion staff are now always kept on their toes by the MANY cats now running amok.
Kaiba's favorite of Atem's little cat herd(also called a clutter) is Luna, a pretty tortoiseshell with golden eyes and dainty white paws. She gets attached to him rather than Atem(much to Kaiba's delight)
Later down the line, Kaiba finds an abandoned corgi puppy. Unable to ignore the creature, he takes her home to Atem and their many cats. They name her Duchess as she quickly becomes a spoiled pup.
Yugi and Marik are a couple. I just think they're cute together. They'd eventually have a son(Kaiba helps them create their son by taking Yugi and Marik's DNA and making the baby in a tube in his lab. Because I'm absolutely certain Kaiba could do that sort of thing if he tried) and name him Atemu, after Atem. Because Yugi just loves his brother so much. (cue Uncle Atem shedding tears of joy), and when Atemu is 2, they have twins; a son and daughter named Toki and Tera.
Atem and Kaiba get married and Atem 100% is in charge of wedding planning cause he has better tastes than Kaiba when it comes to this sort of thing. And Atem convinces Seto to let him wear a dress for the wedding. Kaiba becomes Seto Kaiba-Sennen.
Kaiba and Atem eventually have twins unplanned, a daughter named Kaida and a son named Yami, both taking Atem's last name of Sennen. The pregnancy is full of complications for Kaiba due to his unique situation, and the changes to his body cause a lot of dysphoria, but Atem is always there for him when things get rough, knowing that Seto can get through this with the strength and grace he applies daily.
At Atem's insistence, Kaiba seeks therapy for all his trauma he's endured throughout his life. He doesn't like it, but admits it helps him in the long run, saying his head is less fucked up than it used to be.
Joey becomes a KC Security Officer because he's "A good guard dog", according to Kaiba.
Tea becomes a successful dancer on Broadway, landing many lead roles. Yugi and friends are glad to see her follow her dreams, and occasionally, Kaiba will sponsor musicals and plays that Tea is in, his way of showing his friendship.
Tristan opens a martial arts and self defense studio, wanting to teach others how to protect themselves and the ones they care about.
Bakura begins to work for the museum, and always manages to rope Atem into helping during his free time, as Atem WAS an ancient Pharaoh.
Atem works graphic design for Kaiba Corp (he's a surprisingly good artist)
Yugi works at Kaiba Corp for the game development division. Sometimes he brings Atemu and Toki into the office with him, and he tries to coordinate dates where Kaida and Yami are brought in when Seto and Atem come to work so their kids can bond with each other. (Yugi wants his sons to have a deep connection with their cousins asap.)
Atemu looks a lot like his namesake uncle, thanks to the combo of Yugi's hair and Marik's complexion, but his eyes are Marik's lavender. Toki and Tera are pale like Yugi with soft, sandy-colored hair like Marik, and Yugi's amethyst eyes.
Kaida looks a lot like her father Atem, bearing his tri-tone hair, although the ends of hers are blue instead of red, she bears his darker complexion, and the shape of her eyes is quite similar to his. She gets Seto's blue eyes. Yami, however, is a mini Seto Kaiba with Atem's purple eyes. (the little guy has already mastered the 'Kaiba scowl')
Later down the line, Atem and Kaiba have two more kids. Ryuuki and Sara. Both kids have Atem's dark complexion. Sara's hair is black and wavy and she has Kaiba's blue eyes. Ryuuki, however, much like his brother Yami, has Kaiba's brown hair and Atem's amethyst eyes.
a couple years after Sara's birth, another pair of twins blesses their family. Noctis and Koyo. Both are piebald, but it's much more prominent on Noctis, whereas Koyo's piebald is a tiny, heart-shaped spot on his forehead. Noctis was named for the night he was born in, and Koyo for the red leaves of the autumn season that welcomed him and his brother.
And a few years after, Atem and Kaiba welcome their final child. Samira. She's much more quiet and reserved than all her siblings, and is partially deaf in one ear. However she is treated no different than her siblings and is loved by everyone who meets her, charmed by her gentle demeanor and kindness
People often ask Kaiba why he had so many children when he was uncertain of being a parent in the first place. His answer is simple; "I'm having the family myself and my brother didn't have growing up; a big, happy family that loves and cares for each other."
Mokuba absolutely adores his nieces and nephews, being sure to talk about them to anyone who will listen(or is forced to). He also spoils them whenever he can, wanting to give Kaida, Sara, Ryuuki Yami, Noctis, Koyo, and Samira the whole world, wanting them to have a childhood full of certainty and light, unlike what he and Seto had. Uncle Mokuba ftw.
Kaiba rebrands Kaiba Corporation to Sennen Corporation.
Joey eventually finds a nice girl and hooks up with her, and Atem, being a former Pharaoh, officiates Joey's wedding.
Joey soon becomes a dad, having four kids. Jack, Jana, Kaden, and Jacob. The little ones are a handful, having Joey's spirit and knack for trouble. And Kaiba says "Wheeler, the world had enough of you, why'd you add four more?" the first time he meets the kids. However is is quite fond of them, as his children have friends to grow up with.
Joey also has a dog. Well, it's more his wife's dog than his. A white Shiba Inu by the name of Sundae, who makes herself the official babysitter of Joey's four kids.
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wordy-little-witch · 10 months ago
Nonbinary Buggy Hours lezzgo
• Fairly early on, Buggy got the whole "I don't fit in" vibe but chalked it up to Being On A Crew Of Monsters. It's only after Oden and later Toki join that things begin piecing together - I'm dropping some cultural blending here but Wano for whatever reason has WILD mixed bag energy as far as folk tales go. Roger has some flavor of UK Energy, Rayleigh has old English vibes, etc etc. Buggy and Shanks got old seamen's tales as bedtime stories, shanties as lullabies, but the crew also would share children's stories and folk tales from THEIR youths as well. Some of them had mystical aspects as well and there were some fun stories with the fair folk or spirits and shape-shifting. Buggy loved those the most.
• Toki joining the crew led to some quick acclimation, but Buggy was hesitant - she was New and Unknown and so a Danger. But Toki was just.... so sweet about it all. Buggy went from I Don't Trust You At All to That's My Auntie within maybe a month. Complete night and day.
• Bugs' First Forray Into Makeup was via Toki. They do silly Self Care Evenings and include the babies and Oden is SO SMITTEN and Roger is DYING for a camera. ((Shanks is dying for other reasons, much to nearly everyone's amusement, poor kid)).
• Buggy's first instance of being Not A Boy was a result of a silly trick/prank done by the crew on Fishman Island. Some really fancy restaurant had a Mermaids Eat Free event going on so they decide to dress the kids up as mermaids - Shanks is down for the funnies, and is laughing and bright eyed and finding humor in it. Buggy is prickly and snarky and sassy the whole time until he saw himself in the mirror. He went... alarmingly quiet.
- Buggy was frankly stunned because the mer-species they went with was a clownfish, something he was absolutely LIVID about, but the orange complemented his skin and hair so beautifully. The orange, white and black hair pin holding his hair was a wonderful pop of color. The black eye liner made his eyes pop, the bronze-peach lip gloss was stunning and....
They felt so wonderful. So beautiful. So Free.
• Buggy wears orange a lot after that.
• when Buggy hesitantly asks Rayleigh and Roger if genders can be different in real life, Rayleigh is confused, Roger cackles- Buggy's scared for a moment until Roger point blank says "oh, it can be whatever you want it to, baby blue! We're pirates - who cares for allowance?" Then the captain gives that smile, the soft one, the one only those deemed His got to see, the one that peeled back layers of a person and saw to their cores, and asks, "Is there something you want to tell us, squirt?"
"I'm... not a boy."
"Okay. Are you a girl, then?"
"I don't think so."
"Alright! Ye' still want to go by Buggy?"
"Alrighty then! You just let me know if anything comes up that you want to tell me, alright, baby bug?"
"Okay. Thanks, Captain!"
• yes, when Buggy leaves, Roger wails. Yes, Rayleigh gives a long suffering sigh and pays his back. And yes, Roger is crying hecausr that happy smile of Buggy's was simply "too cute, my heart! It's melting!! I'm a pirate puddle!!!"
• Buggy, with the room to experiment safely and explore, finally settles on nonbinary, neither gender really all that interesting, but pronouns don't matter either. Presentation is all about Presentation (<MegaMind Voice)
• Shanks calls Buggy his Clown Wife and Buggy refuses to admit to blushing every time it happens. He also drops lines like "I miss my clown wife" while sipping a bottle of rum and staring forlorn at the sea.
• Shanks also has The Range and will unashamedly be like "I don't understand people who say their wife is a bitch and they hate them.... my wife is a bitch and I like him SO MUCH!!!!"
• Luffy and Buggy: Enby to enby communication. Autism to autism antagonist.
• Buggy's crew BTW knows that their captain is simply Their Captain, pronouns your/majesty (/j), and nobody cares beyond the mild worry that a femme presenting Buggy will accidentally seduce another high ranked naval officer because somehow that ALWAYS HAPPENS. And the Navy is the MILDER concern. They're so stressed.
• lowkey considered clowncore meets punk bc I feel like Buggy would be. Scrumptious. Like that. Colors and patterns and leather and lace and studs and smiles and just - hhhhhhhh niche interest leave me aloooone-
• speaking of niche, I really love the idea of the Buggy pirates all having a passing knowledge of both circus acts and management, leading to random bouts of.... really smart insight. Like. Some outsider or newcomer is like "damn this right here is a Problem" and some average joe lookin ass in harlequin diamond patterned tights somersaults over, drops a nugget of wisdom and fucking absconds. Let The Circus Bastards Be Weird, I Love Them They Deserve It.
• also the crew drinks Respect Women Juice no I don't make the rules but I DO enforce them. They drink Respect Everyone Juice but women are simply the biggest of the recipients of the regard. Sex, color, religion, abled-ness, gender, sexuality - none of that matters. Everyone us equal. The buggy pirates support equal rights and equals lefts.
• Crocodile and Mihawk did NOT receive the memo at the beginning which led to some very wild miscommunications but it was resolved when it was revealed that Mihawk is just Like That To Everyone and Crocodile didn't even realize Kimi-san from the marketing department was a girl when he went off on her. Mihawk, when asked about his treatment of others, just owl blinked and made a vaguely threatening comment on how women, men, he didn't care, they all get cut the same. Crocodile just took a puff of his cigar with a monumental 'what the fuck' face. "I would say the same things to a man, a person, a woman, both, neither, I literally could not be paid to care about someone's crotch configuration or identity what the hell."
• Buggy wears a dress for the first time in Cross Guild's creation, and Crocodile breaks a fountain pen while Mihawk carefully sets his wine glass down hopes nobody notices the hairline fractures. Buggy is oblivious, as they tend to be.
• after some awkward half assed roundabout questioning, Mihawk and Crocodile just..... casually drop some dresses into Buggy's care or room, wordless and embarrassed but also lowkey threatening. Buggy is terrified until he realizes that some math isn't mathing and just asks. He's pretty decent at reading between the lines (#weaponizing-the-anxiety), and the first conclusion is wayyyyy off but the second conclusion causes clown.exe to crash HARD, to Alvida's delight and Galdino's suffering, but at least the nail polish is dry and the wine is good.
• it becomes a bit of a THING once the polycule is running, a subtle display of possessiveness. Collars don't really Work on Buggy, though he lowkey wishes they did, so this is a very good followup alternative
• Crocodile really likes putting Buggy in coordinated colors with his outfit or crisscross patterns both because Possessive and Claim but also because Buggy looks mouthwatering in it. Mihawk has much the same response for deep jewel tones, black and lace. Buggy adores the attention and the heated gazes, the little minx.
• there's precious little that really irks Buggy all in all, and she really does play the "am I man,am I a woman? No I'm a PYROMANIAC BURN BABY BURNNN-" card very well, good for them.
Incorrect quotes time
Alvida: as the crew's lady-
Buggy: hAH-
Alvida: I said lady, Buggy, ladies have CLASS, smth you LACK-
Buggy: oh okay fair carry on.
Boa: why are you not STONE?!
Buggy: I mean... you're cute but I really don't do girls, miss ma'am.
Boa: what
Buggy: also any aesthetic appreciation is drowned by the gender envy
Boa: wHaT?
Buggy: I'm gay
Mohji: oh em gee what a shocker
Buggy: >:o0 rude!!!!!
Mohji: how is that rude, it's an astute observation-!!!!
Rando: what are you
Buggy: I'm captain Buggy
Rano: no, what are you
Buggy: oh uh the flashy fool, genius jester, Buggy the Clown-
Rando: ugh, no, I mean what's in your pants!!
Buggy: Ohhh! Knives.
Rando: wha- OHGOD-!
Buggy, now holding bloodied knives: :3 teehee
Mihawk: stop calling me transphobic, I just told you to brush your teeth before I kissed you.
Crocodile, incredibly, blackout, shitfaced drunk: sad reptile sounds
Buggy, across the room, removing her makeup: I dunno, Hawky, sounds pretty transphobic to me~
Mihawk: I'm going to kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Buggy: I identify as a THREAT.
Croc, patting his lap without looking up, settling his hook around Buggy's waist when he settles on his lap obediently, smirks: a threat to my peace, absolutely.
Buggy: sometimes I wish I was a big tittied goth girlfriend, you know?
Mihawk, holding the remains of his garden sheers that he just crushed bare handed: do you ever think before you speak
Buggy: no why
Iva: you want me to what
Buggy: put the gender juice in the jars so I can take em like shots.
Iva: genius idea, darling, I like your style
Rouge: Buggy, sweetie, quick question.
Buggy: what's up, mama?
Rouge, hand on her swollen belly: do you wanna be Buggy-nii, Buggy-nee, or something else?
Rouge: oh don't cry-
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toomanythoughts2 · 4 months ago
Here's some miscellaneous Metalocalypse headcanons. I'm gonna put them here just to get them down.
Skwisgaar has flat feet, which will result in leg problems later in his life.
Toki has nerve damage to his back and he can't feel it in places. He has to go to massage therapy for it every week so it doesn't get too bad.
Murderface has long hair, his fro is just so dense. It's as long as Skiwsgaar's hair.
Stella Murderface is William Murderface's paternal grandmother, so his mother is Stella's Daughter-In-Law and his father is their biological son. Murderface's looks skipped his father, so his father and his mother were average looking individuals. The idea that Murderface's looks were the catalysis for his father's mental break were probably intensified because of the paternal skip.
Murderface's mom was very excited for William's birth. She spent a long time getting ready for his arrival. William was a wanted, planned child, whose mother was fully encapsulated in being a good mom. She took so many photos of her pregnancy and had a baby book prepared. Mama Murderface was fully ready to be a mom. When William was born, she fell in love with him. William is probably less than a year when they died, but more than 4 months. Up until their death, his mom obsessed over him, loved him, cared for him. There are so many baby photos of him up until their death, and his baby book ends at the same age of when they died.
Murderface has multiple photos of his mother tucked safely in his room. He looks at them when he's feeling particularly sad and lost. He'll look back over the home movies she took, listen to her voice, listen to how much she loved him and how she was waiting for him. He blocks out his father in the video as much as he can. He hates him more than he hates himself.
Toki has a hobby grave yard. However, he is not afraid of any hobby and will at least become competent in them.
Pickles still doesn't really understand the internet. He's got the concept but it alludes him for the most part.
Toki's family is actually the black sheep of the majority of the family and Toki is the black sheep within the black sheep.
Toki was on his way to becoming the next Reverend after Aslaug, but the family at large was very wary of this possible development. They avoided Toki at all cost due to his presence with death and his possible future position in the family.
Everyone has neck pain from head banging and windmilling, so they have physical therapy on their necks to keep them strong and to stop any further deterioration.
Nathan has back pain. Like really bad back pain. Him and his father, since they are larger men, have consistent back issues that make it hard to stand for long hours.
Rose is Nathan's biggest supporter. She co-signed on the apartment, she helped get him his first van, she helped pick out stage clothes, she painted his nails. He would read his lyrics out to her (and his dad) at the dinner table and she would help him with lyrics and support his direction. Rose knew that Nathan's life was not leading him to college, but to something else, and she fully believed that he could do anything he set his mind to.
Skwisgaar is double jointed and can pop and crack his knuckles. Murderface and Pickles DESPISE it.
While there are many "Deaddy Bears", there is only one true, original Deaddy Bear. It's the one that got burnt up in "Dethkids" but it came back afterwards. Why? BECAUSE IT'S POSSESSED! ITS A POSSESSED DEADDY BEAR KINDA LIKE THE VELVETEEN RABBIT! TOKI MADE IT BE ALIVE WITH HIS LOVE AND THE TRUAMA! TOKI NEVER QUESTIONS IT AND THE BAND IS VERY WORRIED ABOUT IT!
Murderface has gotten himself stuck in the Iron Maiden before.
There's a lot more wholesome/domestic moments within the band dynamic than their fans or even the label knows about. It's regular shit, like a routine they have worked out with themselves about how to live with each other without going crazy.
They do the "Do you want my broccoli?" "I can take your rice." "Here, take the pepper, I dont want it." kind of switch with their food when they go out. It's just a choirs of plate scraps from one plate to another.
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basu-shokikita · 5 months ago
Kloktober 2024 Day 6
Road Trip or Drug Trip
I love thinking about how a lot of Toki's life experiences where with Dethklok because prior to that he was pretty much isolated from the world.
Today's entry is an example of that, featuring my holy trifecta: Toki, Skwisgaar and Pickles. Because, of course, Pickles can't be missing when it comes to recreational drugs ;)
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When Toki saw Skwisgaar and Pickles hanging out in the living room of their apartment, he got curious.
Ever since he joined Dethklok, he had practically clung to Skwisgaar like a baby koala would to a mother. He was the one he felt closest to, in more than one way.
And, Pickles? Well, he was no Skwisgaar, though he was pretty approachable too so Toki walked up to them to ask them what they were up to.
In an almost solemn manner, Pickles tapped at the sofa he was sitting on, and Toki sat next to Skwisgaar, leaving very little space between them. Skwisgaar barely reacted.
“Toki,” Pickles leaned in, like he was going to open his coat and show him the rarest candy in the world. “Have you ever tried acid?”
“Acids?” Toki repeated in confusion. “Whats lemons tastes like?”
Skwisgaar groaned and Pickles let out a belly laugh. “Nuh, nuh, I mean…” He stretched his hand in front of Toki and opened it. A single orange square with a green skull drawn on it laid on his palm. “This.”
“Wowee…” Toki inspected the tiny drawing. “What ams this?”
“Whaddya think?” Pickles grinned at him. When Toki didn’t seem to understand, he stuck his tongue to reveal a white square on his tongue. 
“Ja, Tokes, we ams doingks drugs.” Skwisgaar said, resting his back on the couch. “Kids hours ams overs.” He closed his eyes, seemingly relaxed.
Pickles gave Toki a mischievous look. “Unless you wanna join the adults.” 
“Pickle, no,” Skwisgaar intervened, still with his eyes closed. “He ams goingks to flips out and thens I’ll has to takes cares of him. Likes always.” He muttered the last two words.
Ignoring his bandmate, Pickles offered his palm to Toki. “So?”
“Mmh…” Toki’s gaze alternated between the drug and Skwisgaar. “Mmh…” He kept looking, undecided. “Okays!” He accepted, took the small tab and put it in his mouth before he swallowed. 
“Atta boy!” Pickles patted him in the shoulder, chuckling.
“Now whats?” Toki asked.
“Now…” Pickles laid down on the couch. “You wait…”
“Oh…” Toki frowned in disappointment.
He hated having to wait.
Bored off his mind, Toki fell asleep on the couch, only waking up when Murderface dropped beers in the kitchen and Nathan yelled at him in frustration. 
The initial grogginess didn’t wear off after a few seconds, and Toki felt slow and kind of stupid, but not in the way weed made you feel slow and stupid. Not in a happy, funny way, no. It was daunting and he felt weirdly empty and lost. Like there was something off with him. Like there was something really wrong with him. And what were those moving spots on the wall, were they always there? Wait, where did they go?
“How is it goin’, Toki?” Pickles asked with a sleazy smile, he was now smoking a blunt. “Feelin’ it yet?”
“Uhm…” Toki gazed at his surroundings, trying to find the spots again. “Ams…” The patterned floor seemed to be moving now. “What ams happenings to mes?”
“Ye’r trippin’, dummy.” Pickles said. “Do ya like it?”
“Uhm, n-nots reallies…” Toki replied, feeling like a stranger in his own body, in his own home. “Cans I stops?”
“Dere we goes…” Skwisgaar shook his head. “Now he ams goingks to cries and ruins my trips.” He clicked his tongue in frustration. “Dis is fuckingks dildoes…”
For some reason, rather than wishing to prove Skwisgaar wrong, Toki felt weirdly enabled by the commentary instead. “Ahhh!” He cried, huddling to Skwisgaar for comfort. “Dis ams scaries! Makes it stop, Pickle!”
“Toki, gets off me…” Skwisgaar grumbled, though he hardly did anything besides that. 
“Ahh!” Toki lifted his feet off the floor, convinced he had just seen a squared snake slithering around. “What the hecks?!”
“Haha, he said heck…” Pickles giggled, amused by the sight. 
“Skwisgaar!!!” Toki shook the guitarist’s arm. “I don’ts likes this!!”
“And I don’ts likes you clinginks to mine arms but whats cans I does…” Skwisgaar stared at the ceiling. “Eugheugh, dere ams somes guitars floatingks deres.”
Pickles followed his gaze. “Oh, yah, that’s totally sick, dood.” He pointed at a spot on the ceiling. “They have like, little stars all over and they are twinklin’, twinklin’...”
Toki raised his eyes and saw nothing but the white boring paint and the fluorescent light blinking, attracting moths. “Why amsnt I sees the sames things yous see? Why amsnt I on de sames trips you has?! Whys?!”
“Whats?” Toki looked down in despair. 
Pickles was smirking at him. “Just let it flow, dood.” Then, he blew smoke into Toki’s face…
…And it was like he was transported into a different world. He glanced around and he was floating on a big white guitar. More specifically, a Snowhorse Explorer. The sky was shifting colors in irregular shapes and lines, constantly everchanging, constantly moving. Unlike the sky, the guitar had a permanent form, moving forwards and carrying Toki with itself. 
Curious, Toki peeked to see what was under and spotted rocky mountains, covered with polka dots of different colors. It made for quite the beautiful sight. However, when he looked closer he realized the dots were actually skulls. Hundreds, thousands of skulls all over the mountains. And some of them still had eyes, glaring at him with such hatred that he was instantly reminded of his parents.
“Ahh!” He looked away, clutching onto the guitar for the lack of anything else to hold.
“Toki.” A deep voice resonated and Toki tried to search for the owner to no avail. The guitar vibrated under him when the voice spoke again. “You gotsa to calms down.”
“Ja.” Skwisgaar said. “Dis ams likes a guitars solos. Yous controls it.”
“I does?”
“You have the power, Toki.” Another voice said, up in the sky and Toki looked up. There was a beer bottle amidst the chaos. “Make it yer thin’.”
Before Toki could say anything, however, the sky abruptly turned into a whirlpool, pulling Toki inside. The guitar accelerated and Toki had to grab onto it so as not to fall. He wasn’t scared anymore, though, just curious about where it all led. Well, he was maybe still a little scared, except the curiosity weighed more.
As they approached the inners of the swirl, the colors began vanishing, turning into blinding white instead. The buzzing in Toki’s ears was deafening, so much that he couldn’t hear himself screaming anymore. He couldn’t feel his hands either, or the rest of his body. It was as if he was fading away, disappearing into the light, so he closed his eyes…
And suddenly everything stopped. 
Toki opened his eyes to a completely different sight.
It was still colorful, albeit slightly less chaotic. Purple blue skies and magenta clouds decorated by flowers. Pink sand with big gummy bears on one side, and fresh green grass with mushrooms on the other. Kitties floating on gigantic candy. And rainbows, so many rainbows. All over the place.
It was beautiful. 
The Snowhorse descended to let him down on the ground, where Toki began happily exploring. He could even spot a castle in the distance and, somehow, he knew in his heart that it was his. That this was all his.
His heart swelled with happiness.
“Uhh…he hasn’t moved in a while.” Pickles said, eyes reddened but slightly worried. “Should we call the ambulance?”
“Eugh, no ways, we’ds gets arresteds.” Skwisgaar replied. After a moment, he turned to Toki, whose eyes were closed, and he smiled. “He ams enjoyingks it.”
“He is?!”
“Ja,” Skwisgaar leaned down and picked his Snowhorse. “Soes lets not ruins dats.” Unceremoniously, he began fretting on the guitar. 
And it turned into the most beautiful music in Toki’s world.
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bloodinwine · 3 months ago
For your writers truth or dare ask!! 💖🩷💖🩷
🍄 🪐 🦷 🥐 🦋 ☁️ 🌸
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on it's not really mine but...when i saw this it resonated with me. and then when i actually started to really apply it i felt a lot happier lol.
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🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh  maybe the one above??? does that count??? 😅 tbh i don't know if i have one. i am not so familiar with the ways of the internet. 👀 🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately  my niece! 🥹💗 she's sooooooo adorable! i love her sm. ☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username? when i initially got infected with Astarion brainrot, i had ideas for My Midnight Sun and felt 'Blood in the Wine' by Aurora fit my in-game Tav, Reya so perfectly. <3 🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them just my one and only - my baby boy Toki 🥹
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--- thank you so much for the asks!!! it was fun!!! i left out 🍄 🪐 only because i have asks for these two as well 👀
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princess-lvcifer · 3 months ago
Okay so last night I had an idea for a Metalocalypse High School / College AU multi-chapter slow burn but sadly I can't write multi-chapter slow burns even if my live depends on it so I'll just share some thoughts:
The older of the group, probably a young adult.
I imagine his hair short like Johnny Rotten or long like Axl Rose, I can't decide. But he dresses like Jesse Pinkman.
Everyone thinks that he's always skipping class.
The truth is that he isn't enrolled in that school or any other.
He's homeless and sneaks into the school to hang out, go to the toilet and eat, no adult suspects anything because it goes unnoticed.
The funny thing is that his family lives in front of the school, they can't imagine him going to school so near them so is the perfect hide.
(His brother goes to another school)
Before he became homeless he knew that sooner or later his parents would throw him out of the house or that he would leave, so he made a copy of the house keys and sometimes he goes in when there is no one to stay or to take something.
At night he sleeps in the tree house in the garden of his parents' house or in the basement of Murderface's grandparents without them noticing.
He skips classes with Murderface, they met and became friends that way. They are often in the stands smoking.
He often sees Nathan training with the rugby team.
Murderface introduces him to Nathan.
He has a crush on Nathan but he realises after having a sleepover party at Nathan's house (very cute scene: meeting his parents, having dinner and watching a film together, sleeping in the same bed...) or after he sees Nathan kissing Abigail in a party house.
A "I wasn't jealous of you, I was jealous of her because I love you!!!" type of love confession. Dramatic af. I love that shit.
Yeah I thought a lot about him as you can see. My baby.
As I said he skips classes with Pickles.
He goes to Nathan's class. They met and became friends there because they have the same music taste.
He lets Pickles sleep in his basement.
Uhhh idk.
He doesn't skip classes or if he does he doesn't do it as often as Pickles and Murderface. Or maybe he starts doing it a lot more after starting getting to know Pickles better. Idk.
Rugby team, of course.
He can feel Pickles' eyes always on him. He won't admit that he likes the sensation of being observed by him.
Pickles usually sits on the lower bleachers, so when Nathan goes to rest or drink he's often approached. At first they don't talk much, but the silence is not uncomfortable.
Okay so now let's talk about the Nordics... I don't really know how to connect them to the rest, maybe they met at a house party, but:
Exchange student.
Really happy to be away from his mom even if it's just a year.
Toki's roommate and classmate and he speaks Swedish with him.
They're always together because of the last point, but even if Toki's nice company sometimes he feels overwhelmed by him.
He becomes popular very quick because he's hot and new.
He fucks with a lot of girls, of course. And other times he sucks dicks.
Exchange student and happy to be away from his family, like Skwisgaar.
Skwisgaar's roommate and classmate, he speaks Norwegian with him.
Skwisgaar is he first friend, he develops a huge love for him very quickly because he felt a lot of instant connection with him. He also admires him in a lot of ways.
He thinks that his feelings are normal love for a friend. After making new friends and not wanting them in the same way he realises that he's in love with him.
He obviously is very jealous of all Skwisgaar's situationships.
He ends up being emotional dependent of Skwisgaar. Sorry I love making Toki suffer (but trust me at the same time I hate it).
I don't know if he would confess his feelings to him and if he does that I don't know if Skwisgaar would have the same feelings.
His other best friend there is Pickles, they're delusional besties like "I'm not going to be lucky but you should confess your feelings to him because I'm pretty sure he feels the same way 🚬🐤" "No YOU *Uno card*"
And yeah as I said Abigail is there and also Charles and Magnus but I didn't though about them. And Magic Ears and the villains are probably teachers.
If I was a good artist I'd draw all this shit, maybe I'll write something but right now I'm having a writer burnout soooo idk.
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heretherebedork · 1 year ago
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Taku and Todo are my absolute baby boys and I love them so much and Toki is adorable and I love that he's somehow ended up in the middle of this.
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The way Todo sees Taku and just freezes before trying to chase after him and Taku is trying to protect him but from a distance and the misunderstandings that lie between them like a gulf full of love neither of them can quite face.
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It's basically Cherry Blossoms After Winter but as a secondary couple and so Japanese. @absolutebl My love for this show is undying.
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Absolute babies. I do love the trope of being hurt and losing people and isolating yourself for fear that your love is what will hurt the people around you and that you can't be loved so you should just run instead, keep your space, don't ask anyone to care. If done well, one of my favorite tropes.
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I love him so much. I love them both so much. I know this is Japan and you can never predict things from Japan but please I am begging give them a happy ending and a reunion and at least a hug? Please?
(Also, this episode having a theme of lower back pain in athletes and paying attention to both your body and your heart and not just trying to live up to what people expect of you? Fascinating.)
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I love Todo but I also love Toki and I love all of them and how all these boys are growing together, bit by bit, growing and changing and their bravery is there but it looks different for every single one of them and that's so important.
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He's so cute about knowing Taku is watching him and going back to the fact that Taku has taken pictures of him every single day practicing?
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I love them so much. Please. Just look at them.
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possibly-in-mordland · 2 years ago
may i request hcs for nathan with an s/o whos like really touch starved and wants to cuddle with him alot
Nathan Explosion x Gen!Reader | Touched-Starved S/O
Post Type: Headcanons
Warning(s): Reader being touch-starved
A/n: As someone who's touch-starved (with abandonment issues lol) I felt this deep in my chest *touches chest* I feel it...I mean...I feel my titty...but also the touch-starvation.
Early on your relationship, he would only allow it behind closed doors
But after being with him for so long? Yeah, grip onto him, just try not to fall or get squished
Still would be iffy about it in public, he's not the PDA type (that's more of Pickles and Toki)
Pretty much everyone in the band is touch-starved (I mean, he got held as a kid, but he has moments)
He understands
Oh, he's writing lyrics? Feel free to straddle his lap while he's figuring stuff out
Watching TV? Come here, he needs his hemorrhoid to follow him everywhere
All jokes aside, he's happy that you latched onto him
This guy loves cuddling in privacy
In the bedroom? Yeah, you're gonna have to be the one to ask him to let go for a second because you have to piss
He has a firm grip on you, it's actually kind of adorable (and he's like your personal heater so there's a plus)
But, yeah, he gets being touch starved
Chances are he'll be talking to the guys about something and everyone hears "plat plat plat plat"
Nate doesn't even turn around or stop talking as you launch yourself onto his back and grip on like a baby possum
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uncertainturquoise · 2 days ago
Six the musical – Japanese MegaSIX: transcript and translation!!
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Photo credits: https://x.com/sometsur/status/1885304606261137766 (cropped, Meimi and Sonim are so cute)
I haven’t seen anyone make one on Tumblr… but I absolutely love it! I watched many videos to get the transcript right haha
Transcript and translation are mine (source: I’m Japanese, but I have no academic experience translating from Japanese). Please credit me / tag me if you use it! Notes at the end.
Are you ready? 東京、行くよ!
旦那が 私を追い出すなんて、Baby ありりりりりりりえない
別れられると思うなんて、本当にあり (夫婦関係を取り消すなんてあげない)
りりりりりりり りえなかったわ!
悪かったわ悪気なくて、楽しけりゃいいじゃん! ありえない!
でも マジで でも 嫌なら 私を壊せない
やりたいように 変えるだけ ブレない この心 おおー
やりたい事は 好きにするわ、そう
やりたい事、やりたい事、ならば愛して ああー
愛されなくてもー それだけじゃない!
Are you ready? Tokyo, ikuyo!
Danna ga watashiwo oidasunante baby aririririririenai
Wakarerareruto omounante hontouni ari (fuufukankeiwo torikesunante agenai)
Riririririri rienakattawa!
Warukattawa waruginakute tanoshikerya iijan! Arienai!
Atama atama hiyashite kizutsuketakuwa naino
Demo majide demo iyanara watashiwo kowasenai
Yaritaiyouni kaerudake burenai kono kokoro ooh
Isuni, hitori, koko watashino oshiroyo!
Yaritaikotowa sukini suruwa, sou
Queen wa watashidayo, hizamazukinasaiyo!
Yaritaikoto, yaritaikoto, nante koewo agete utaou!
Yaritaikoto, yaritaikoto, naraba aishite aah
Ai wa mou ii, aisarenakutemo iiwa, norikoeru toki dawa
Aisarenakutemo ooh soredakejanai!
Are you ready? Tokyo, let’s go!
My husband is driving me away? Baby I can’t believe it!
You think that I would leave you? / You think you are capable of leaving me? I really can’t believe it! (I won’t let you revoke our married relationship)
I couldn’t believe it!
I’m sorry I didn’t feel bad! As long as I’m having fun! I can’t believe it!
Keep a cool head! I don’t want to hurt you / I don’t want to hurt it
But – for real – but – if you don’t want to – you can’t break me
I’ll change it as much as I want, this unwavering heart
Alone, on a chair, this is my castle!
I’ll do what I want, however I want, yes
I am the queen, kneel before me!
What I want to do, what I want to do, is for us to raise our voices and sing!
What I want you to do, what I want you to do is to love me
I don’t need love anymore, I don’t need to be loved, it’s time to overcome it
Even if I’m not loved, that is not it!
Notes (very long I know, read what you want, I’m just passionate about linguistics)
Okay, Japanese is a tricky language to translate due to its grammar and syntax, which is very different from English. I did my best to show nuance, but it’s also 3 AM lol. If you have questions or remarks, I’d love to discuss them!
Aragon: heard 2 versions, the one in parentheses is probably a mistake, a different line in the main song (not 100% sure, as there are no recordings that I know of) – but it gives us an insight into No Way! For the second line, I gave 2 possible translations. Japanese is very much a context-based language, and sometimes things can be interpreted in different ways (the agglutinative language and homophones combo is strooong). Here, I like that both Henry’s and Aragon’s points of view are included! Japanese being syllable-based makes it sometimes hard to put a lot of meaning in a short line, but here the ambivalence works great imo.
Boleyn: the Japanese version kept Boleyn’s playfulness, which is so cool. Love how they also used an idiom “Atama hiyashite” – followed by, once again, an ambiguous syntax which gives us 2 very funny interpretations: I don’t want to hurt you (Henry’s feelings), or hurt the head! The repetition is for “head”. The transition is a bit clumsy from Aragon’s part, but tense change is great (Aragon is old news to Boleyn!)
Seymour: I feel like this is the closest meaning-wise to the original English. The emphasis is on heart (kokoro), which is meaningful ofc.
Cleves: okay, “chair” instead of throne is UGLY. But it is a chair. I guess the rhythm won over lyricism here. I like that “get down” was translated into the specific verb “to kneel” (which I learnt translating this). It makes up for the chair lol.
Howard: another case of agglutination galore. Even though the proposition “yaritaikoto” (= what one wants to do) remains the same, meaning changes with morphemes, hence the different forms when translated. She’s also nicer lol, it’s not your favourite queen song, but she wants us to sing together. I like that the transition with Parr is with A for Ai, love.
Parr: I’m being repetitive once again, agglutination + context and all that here. Great use of love as both noun and verb, which remains the same morphologically in Japanese. “I don’t need to be loved”, while remaining the same, becomes even if I’m not loved… uniting all six queens 🥺❤️
TL;DR I love SIX, I love translation, I hope there will be an official recording of the Japanese version (highly doubt it) or someone is brave enough to bootleg it (please lmk)
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