#shuggy (romantic)
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Rayleigh and Buggy reunion, but Rayleigh is being over the top judgemental about everything, like idk if u are familiar with crazy ex girlfriend the TV show but Rayleigh shows up and acts exactly like Rebecca's mom does. Overcritical of his life choices and dismissive of what he perceives as excuses coming from Buggy, because he knows Buggy's true potential and is annoyed with Buggy not living up to it. He gives Crocodile a once over and goes "is that what you found to replace Shanks with" and moves on and Crocodile doesn't even have a moment to compute the way he was just insulted because Rayleigh has moved on to criticising Mihawk's cooking instead. Worst part is, this all comes from a genuine place of love and care, Rayleigh is legitimately worried sick about his baby clown son of 39 years, but he cannot express that worry without being extremely invasive about everything. Buggy isn't even responding, he just shoots ppl apologetic looks and rolls his eyes when Rayleigh isn't looking because of course he does this obviously Buggy is never good enough for him and Shanks had always been the favourite (you ask Shanks or any other Roger pirate and they will tell you that Buggy is Rayleigh's baby boy and absolute favourite with utmost confidence, too bad the emotional constipation runs in the crew). Dinner is awkward as fuck, because Rayleigh makes attempts at being easygoing but his motherhenning nature irt Buggy shines through, his conviction that Buggy would be happier with Shanks by his side is making him be overcritical of everyone in that dinner and he keeps discussing the good old days and subtly hinting at Buggy that there is still time for him to go back to Shanks....and Buggy looks close to frustrated tears (and everyone agrees, Crocodile has snapped 5 cigars in half with his teeth and Mihawk is 5 seconds away from banging his head on the table).
Just overbearing father Rayleigh being stifling and trying to overcompensate for his shit parenting choices during Buggy's childhood and Buggy having his daddy issues expanded upon (and Crocodile and Mihawk gaining insight to Buggy's entire deal)
"Idk if u are familiar with crazy ex girlfriend the TV sho-" My therapist literally told me to stop watching it so much because it was affecting my mental health. So. Yes. I know the show. It's one of my favorite shows EVER. Rebecca is just like me fr my beloved. All of them my beloveds. The songs my beloveds. Don't make me go into CEG x OP because I won't finish. And as you can see, I did not listen to my therapist.
Even though I've always seen Rayleigh as the one who understands Buggy the most (Roger and him love Shanks and Buggy equally but it is quite obvious they put more pressure on Shanks to be more like Roger and that only made things worse by making Buggy's inferiority complex exist) and the one who stands up more for him and comforts him when needed, it is true that he might be more judgemental and he'd be worried for Buggy. Like. Think about it. Roger died and the kids (their kids) ended up alone and going their own separate ways. For Rayleigh, finding out Shanks and Buggy aren't together is just?? So weird?? Because they've always been together. Birds of a feather (if somebody mentions the song 'Two Birds' I am punching them because I can't handle that song today please). And it's just... Well, surprising. 'But as long as they're okay' but they're obviously not okay!!! And it's not that Rayleigh is judging Buggy. In fact, I think he would do the same with Shanks. The second Rayleigh sees Shanks he's already saying he drinks too much (even for a pirate) and that he's been acting recklessly and "What the fuck are you doing without Buggy? Is this because of Buggy?" / "I do not drink because of him. It's- It's not about him. He left-" / "HE LEFT AND YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING?????" / "I hate it when you get like this" / "Like what?" / "Like you want to still do something about my life. I'm an adult, thank you very much-" / "No, you're not if you keep acting this way". And I personally think Rayleigh would just be worried for the both of them and also feel extremely guilty because he wasn't there to fix things when they fought, the way he always did. "The second I left you alone you two start a fight that lasts two decades?" and he would say this to both of them and they would hate it.
But yeah, going back to Buggy I think he'd be worried because. Well. Have you seen Crocodile and Mihawk? I mean. They're kind of on good terms with Buggy now (more or... More or less. Kind of. They're not equals but they're some sort of weird thing and they respect and care for each other. More or less. It's- It's complicated. Don't ask) but they're still them. And Rayleigh can't help but see the situation and be like "I'm proud you made a name of yourself, kid, but you don't have to do this if you don't want to" (meaning: You could go back to Shanks any time you wanted) and Buggy takes it as an "You could go back to Shanks any time you wanted because you'd be safer with him" instead of the real "You could go back to Shanks any time you wanted because you'd be happier with him and this war of pride and hearts you have going on is dumb". And he understands Buggy needs to be away from Shanks to grow, but it's just so, so sad to see them like this when they used to love each other so damn much.
Also, I think Buggy would be going through the worst moment of his life and Crocodile and Mihawk would be so done for different reasons. First, they don't give a fuck about all of this drama. And second, they are starting to see Buggy more like a person and understand why he is the way he is, and the things Rayleigh is saying are bothering them a lot. They've been trying to make the clown move on from his past so he's useful for once (because when he believes in himself he's actually not a burden and more interesting) and now this guy (that they respect because it's Silvers Fucking Rayleigh) comes and tries to change things around here? Nope. Not happening.
So basically, what you're trying to tell me is that Rayleigh regrets raising the boys that way and now he's overcompensating and it's overwhelming for everyone, right? I- I love it. Great plot. 10/10. In character. Perfect. It makes me go insane. I love their daddy issues.
(Also, can we talk about how "This Was a Shit Show" and "What'll it be" are extremely Buggy songs??? Because- Because now I want to-)
#i absolutely loved this i have no words to explain how much i love this#one piece#buggy the clown#silvers rayleigh#red haired shanks#cross guild#shuggy#< target audience#i mean it's obvious i was taking it as romantic for them
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Nonbinary Buggy Hours lezzgo
• Fairly early on, Buggy got the whole "I don't fit in" vibe but chalked it up to Being On A Crew Of Monsters. It's only after Oden and later Toki join that things begin piecing together - I'm dropping some cultural blending here but Wano for whatever reason has WILD mixed bag energy as far as folk tales go. Roger has some flavor of UK Energy, Rayleigh has old English vibes, etc etc. Buggy and Shanks got old seamen's tales as bedtime stories, shanties as lullabies, but the crew also would share children's stories and folk tales from THEIR youths as well. Some of them had mystical aspects as well and there were some fun stories with the fair folk or spirits and shape-shifting. Buggy loved those the most.
• Toki joining the crew led to some quick acclimation, but Buggy was hesitant - she was New and Unknown and so a Danger. But Toki was just.... so sweet about it all. Buggy went from I Don't Trust You At All to That's My Auntie within maybe a month. Complete night and day.
• Bugs' First Forray Into Makeup was via Toki. They do silly Self Care Evenings and include the babies and Oden is SO SMITTEN and Roger is DYING for a camera. ((Shanks is dying for other reasons, much to nearly everyone's amusement, poor kid)).
• Buggy's first instance of being Not A Boy was a result of a silly trick/prank done by the crew on Fishman Island. Some really fancy restaurant had a Mermaids Eat Free event going on so they decide to dress the kids up as mermaids - Shanks is down for the funnies, and is laughing and bright eyed and finding humor in it. Buggy is prickly and snarky and sassy the whole time until he saw himself in the mirror. He went... alarmingly quiet.
- Buggy was frankly stunned because the mer-species they went with was a clownfish, something he was absolutely LIVID about, but the orange complemented his skin and hair so beautifully. The orange, white and black hair pin holding his hair was a wonderful pop of color. The black eye liner made his eyes pop, the bronze-peach lip gloss was stunning and....
They felt so wonderful. So beautiful. So Free.
• Buggy wears orange a lot after that.
• when Buggy hesitantly asks Rayleigh and Roger if genders can be different in real life, Rayleigh is confused, Roger cackles- Buggy's scared for a moment until Roger point blank says "oh, it can be whatever you want it to, baby blue! We're pirates - who cares for allowance?" Then the captain gives that smile, the soft one, the one only those deemed His got to see, the one that peeled back layers of a person and saw to their cores, and asks, "Is there something you want to tell us, squirt?"
"I'm... not a boy."
"Okay. Are you a girl, then?"
"I don't think so."
"Alright! Ye' still want to go by Buggy?"
"Alrighty then! You just let me know if anything comes up that you want to tell me, alright, baby bug?"
"Okay. Thanks, Captain!"
• yes, when Buggy leaves, Roger wails. Yes, Rayleigh gives a long suffering sigh and pays his back. And yes, Roger is crying hecausr that happy smile of Buggy's was simply "too cute, my heart! It's melting!! I'm a pirate puddle!!!"
• Buggy, with the room to experiment safely and explore, finally settles on nonbinary, neither gender really all that interesting, but pronouns don't matter either. Presentation is all about Presentation (<MegaMind Voice)
• Shanks calls Buggy his Clown Wife and Buggy refuses to admit to blushing every time it happens. He also drops lines like "I miss my clown wife" while sipping a bottle of rum and staring forlorn at the sea.
• Shanks also has The Range and will unashamedly be like "I don't understand people who say their wife is a bitch and they hate them.... my wife is a bitch and I like him SO MUCH!!!!"
• Luffy and Buggy: Enby to enby communication. Autism to autism antagonist.
• Buggy's crew BTW knows that their captain is simply Their Captain, pronouns your/majesty (/j), and nobody cares beyond the mild worry that a femme presenting Buggy will accidentally seduce another high ranked naval officer because somehow that ALWAYS HAPPENS. And the Navy is the MILDER concern. They're so stressed.
• lowkey considered clowncore meets punk bc I feel like Buggy would be. Scrumptious. Like that. Colors and patterns and leather and lace and studs and smiles and just - hhhhhhhh niche interest leave me aloooone-
• speaking of niche, I really love the idea of the Buggy pirates all having a passing knowledge of both circus acts and management, leading to random bouts of.... really smart insight. Like. Some outsider or newcomer is like "damn this right here is a Problem" and some average joe lookin ass in harlequin diamond patterned tights somersaults over, drops a nugget of wisdom and fucking absconds. Let The Circus Bastards Be Weird, I Love Them They Deserve It.
• also the crew drinks Respect Women Juice no I don't make the rules but I DO enforce them. They drink Respect Everyone Juice but women are simply the biggest of the recipients of the regard. Sex, color, religion, abled-ness, gender, sexuality - none of that matters. Everyone us equal. The buggy pirates support equal rights and equals lefts.
• Crocodile and Mihawk did NOT receive the memo at the beginning which led to some very wild miscommunications but it was resolved when it was revealed that Mihawk is just Like That To Everyone and Crocodile didn't even realize Kimi-san from the marketing department was a girl when he went off on her. Mihawk, when asked about his treatment of others, just owl blinked and made a vaguely threatening comment on how women, men, he didn't care, they all get cut the same. Crocodile just took a puff of his cigar with a monumental 'what the fuck' face. "I would say the same things to a man, a person, a woman, both, neither, I literally could not be paid to care about someone's crotch configuration or identity what the hell."
• Buggy wears a dress for the first time in Cross Guild's creation, and Crocodile breaks a fountain pen while Mihawk carefully sets his wine glass down hopes nobody notices the hairline fractures. Buggy is oblivious, as they tend to be.
• after some awkward half assed roundabout questioning, Mihawk and Crocodile just..... casually drop some dresses into Buggy's care or room, wordless and embarrassed but also lowkey threatening. Buggy is terrified until he realizes that some math isn't mathing and just asks. He's pretty decent at reading between the lines (#weaponizing-the-anxiety), and the first conclusion is wayyyyy off but the second conclusion causes clown.exe to crash HARD, to Alvida's delight and Galdino's suffering, but at least the nail polish is dry and the wine is good.
• it becomes a bit of a THING once the polycule is running, a subtle display of possessiveness. Collars don't really Work on Buggy, though he lowkey wishes they did, so this is a very good followup alternative
• Crocodile really likes putting Buggy in coordinated colors with his outfit or crisscross patterns both because Possessive and Claim but also because Buggy looks mouthwatering in it. Mihawk has much the same response for deep jewel tones, black and lace. Buggy adores the attention and the heated gazes, the little minx.
• there's precious little that really irks Buggy all in all, and she really does play the "am I man,am I a woman? No I'm a PYROMANIAC BURN BABY BURNNN-" card very well, good for them.
Incorrect quotes time
Alvida: as the crew's lady-
Buggy: hAH-
Alvida: I said lady, Buggy, ladies have CLASS, smth you LACK-
Buggy: oh okay fair carry on.
Boa: why are you not STONE?!
Buggy: I mean... you're cute but I really don't do girls, miss ma'am.
Boa: what
Buggy: also any aesthetic appreciation is drowned by the gender envy
Boa: wHaT?
Buggy: I'm gay
Mohji: oh em gee what a shocker
Buggy: >:o0 rude!!!!!
Mohji: how is that rude, it's an astute observation-!!!!
Rando: what are you
Buggy: I'm captain Buggy
Rano: no, what are you
Buggy: oh uh the flashy fool, genius jester, Buggy the Clown-
Rando: ugh, no, I mean what's in your pants!!
Buggy: Ohhh! Knives.
Rando: wha- OHGOD-!
Buggy, now holding bloodied knives: :3 teehee
Mihawk: stop calling me transphobic, I just told you to brush your teeth before I kissed you.
Crocodile, incredibly, blackout, shitfaced drunk: sad reptile sounds
Buggy, across the room, removing her makeup: I dunno, Hawky, sounds pretty transphobic to me~
Mihawk: I'm going to kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Buggy: I identify as a THREAT.
Croc, patting his lap without looking up, settling his hook around Buggy's waist when he settles on his lap obediently, smirks: a threat to my peace, absolutely.
Buggy: sometimes I wish I was a big tittied goth girlfriend, you know?
Mihawk, holding the remains of his garden sheers that he just crushed bare handed: do you ever think before you speak
Buggy: no why
Iva: you want me to what
Buggy: put the gender juice in the jars so I can take em like shots.
Iva: genius idea, darling, I like your style
Rouge: Buggy, sweetie, quick question.
Buggy: what's up, mama?
Rouge, hand on her swollen belly: do you wanna be Buggy-nii, Buggy-nee, or something else?
Rouge: oh don't cry-
#lsst one was self indulgence#i love portgas d rouge#buggy the clown#nonbinary buggy!!!!#buggy headcanons#one piece#cross guild polycule#shuggy (romantic)#buggy is wife coded
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Your last piece had me thinking about how Shank's hope that he can get back together with Buggy die an even faster death the minute he sees the Seraphim and how much they love Buggy, how big their smiles are when he holds them and how much he makes what used to be expressionless killing machines giggle breathlessly. More importantly hoe much Buggy loves them. He looks at those boys the same way Roger used to look at Shanks and Buggy a lifetime ago. The same way Shanks used to look at Uta.
Shanks may be a slutty disaster man, but he's no homewrecker. Buggy's boys are always going to come first. Then Croc and Mihawk, then... well we all know where Shanks falls now.
Shanks is way down on the list now unfortunately :( but he's made his peace with that. As long as Buggy's happy...
And Shanks loves kids!! He's very good with them. Mihawk and Buggy are more than happy to let him come over and play the part of weird uncle but Crocodile is not so sure. Shanks would never ruin their family, he loves and respects buggy too much, but he likes to mess with Croc because even if he can't find his happily ever after with a lover he can at least have some fun.
#shanks will eventually accept that he doesn't need romance to achieve his happily ever after... but he's too much of a romantic to let go rn#one piece#buggy the clown#cross guild#red haired shanks#shuggy#one piece seraphim
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Weird question but what makes you ship Shuggy romantically? I’m not one of those uugh they’re brothers, I just wonder what makes you see this in romantic light
the chapter 1082 flashback, basically.
you've got buggy with these deeply hidden feelings, secretly planning to follow shanks forever and never tell him why, feeling betrayed by shanks when he reveals his own secret, lying about why he's leaving, then running off in the rain—a classic "are they crying or is it just the rain" ambiguity for emotionally devastating moments—while shanks just stands there, watching helplessly…
it just totally recontextualized their relationship for me.
#tos answers#one piece#shuggy#—the shuggy roguetown breakup#and on the other side it was shanks staying behind & missing out on laugh tale for buggy's sake#you may read it differently but to me that was romantic as hell
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You know shuggy is incest right?
As far as I can tell, anon, the whole ‘brothers’ thing comes from questionable info/reasoning from the marines. Fuck the marines. We don’t trust their information in this household.
If you don’t want romantic shuggy that��s fine but imma keep spitting in the face of the world gov.
#no hate to u anon#you were very nice in your follow up ask#but I gotta make this clear:#romantic shuggy goes directly against the world gov and is therefore correct
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HOLY FUCK I love this and this art style is delicious!
that mobile game is doin somethin right.
#shuggy#shanks#buggy#one piece#red haired shanks#buggy the clown#delicious#art style#stylized#fanart#awww#wholesome#romantic
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Hi :)
So here's the list of all the fun and horny fics I've been writing so far.
Shuggy Valentine's: Marked by the Clown
Tides of the past (part 2)
The Captain's heart (NSFW but romantic) (part 1)
Why is he taking so long?! (NSFW Part 7)
Why is he taking so long?! (Part 6)
No time to waste(Part 5)
Pick yourself up Captain (Part 4)
A breath apart (Part 3)
Captain Clueless gets a clue (Part 2)
A split decision (Part 1) (Funny)
Lipstick Testing
SHAMSHUGGY (Shamrock-Shanks-Buggy)
The Red-Haired Twins (ShamShuggy modern AU) FUNNY
Tangled in RED (ShamShuggy NSFW)
The Candy incident
Young Shuggy Valentine's
Falling apart (young Shuggy)
Younger Shuggy
The game that Sank the Captain (Funny)
Come on guys, hear me out ! (Funny)
Is there a way to Kill Buggy ? (Funny)
A prank gone French (Extra Chaotic) (Funny)
Midnight Search
Get a room! Part 2 (Funny)
Get a room! Part 1 ♥️🩵
Captain Clueless gets a clue (Part 2)
Childhood Shenanigans 🩵♥️ (Funny)
Under the mistletoe 🩵♥️🎄
Too Big, too Dangerous 🐊🤡 (NSFW Crocodile x a moaning mess)
A Chaotic Valentine (LawxLuffy - Funny)
Pinned and Panicked (a Luffy x Buggy fic)
Gossipy Pirates 👀🤣 (Funny)
Pick yourself up Captain (Part 4)
A breath apart 🩵💔 (Part 3)
Echoes of Regret 🩵💔
Sorry Buggy 💔🩵
@huyandere in my memory your face is still undamaged 🩵💔
I hate you, but I love you
A massage for Buggy
Drinking game (Funny)
A little smut won't hurt
Tickle monster
Even their crew knows
Nervous Buggy
Buggy's hair
Teasing shuggy
A honk
He's so insisting
Silly shuggy
Let's read some Shuggy
#buggy the clown#red haired shanks#shanks#shuggy#buggy one piece#shanks x buggy#captain buggy#one shot#one piece#buggy#fanfic#fanfiction
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Shuggy Modern AU ((Featuring Shamrock but not in romantic way))
Based on @hayhenna fanart
Garling Figarland had always favored his son Shamrock over Shanks, not only because he was the elder twin but also because he was the only one of the two who would take things seriously.
During their early years, Shamrock would take interest in early learning while Shanks favored his toys and make belief games (Aka: Playing pirates)
When they got older Shamrock took his studies seriously as he did his best to surpass his classmates, Shanks however, would always get in trouble for skipping classes or get into fight. The embarrassment and dread he felt every time he saw their school’s phone number show on his phone screen.
As they became teenagers he forced them to learn swordsmanship as it is part of their family heritage. Shamrock dealt with his sword with elegance and ease while as Shanks swung it around as it is were a stick he found on the ground.
But it wasn’t only Shanks’s carefree and reckless nature that infuriated him but the fact that despite his actions Shanks still managed to be at the same level as his brother!!!
His grades always seem to be perfect!
When he dealt with a sword it came to him naturally as if he was meant to hold it!
And when facing the public he somehow manages to catch their interests!!
And despite that he still favors his lowlife people he calls “Friends” when he should be rubbing elbows with future heirs and nobles!!
That’s why he always makes sure to belittle him at any given moment, punishing him by forcing to stay home or take his electric devices, force him to go to social gatherings and make him take private lessons in etiquette.
Now when a father shows such favoritism and action towards his children, the children in question should naturally hate each. Right?
Not exactly….
Now Shamrock and Shanks do have a rocky relationship because of their father but that doesn’t mean they necessarily hate one another just find each other insufferable at times. But they still have each other’s back.
When someone pisses off Shamrock Shanks it there to insult the other person, who are mostly children of other nobles. Because everyone knows Shanks’s nature not a lot is done to him. But if Shamrock tried to do the same he will be severely punished, that’s why Shanks is there to take the fall.
When Shanks wants to sneak off at night to meet his friends Shamrock would be looking the other way or make excuse when their father asks, saying he was still sleeping or “Finally showering”.
Now as young adults a lot is expected of them especially when it comes to future spouses. Although Shamrock was searching for someone he can marry and have a somewhat business like relationship. Shanks had other desires.
Shanks: “Hey Sham look!!”
Shamrock: I told you a million times not to call me that! *looks at his phone* what you went to a circus and met a clown?
Shanks: *Le Gasp* he is not a clown! That’s my boyfriend!
Shamrock: ……. What?
Shanks, with a big grin: I got myself a boyfriend.
Shamrock: Father is going to kick you out of the house and disown you when he finds out.
Shanks: Promise?
Shamrock: *Rolls his eyes* anyway, this person looks….Strange, where did you find him?
Shanks: Buggy is not strange! He is beautiful!
Shamrock: Buggy?… so you’re in a relationship with a person who paints his face with clown makeup up and calls himself Buggy?
Shanks: he doesn’t “call himself “ that’s his name.
Shamrock: of course it is, what did I even expect of you. Just make sure you don’t risk bringing him home.
One of the things Shamrock learned when dealing with his twin brother is Never EVER tell Shanks not to do something…. Because he will do it just to spite him.
Shamrock: really?
Shanks: *His face and neck have smudge lipstick kiss marks all over*…..What?
Shamrock:…. Just make sure you wash your stupid face and get the clown of out your closet before leaving the room because Father is calling for you.
[Shamrock leaves the room and Buggy peaks out of the closet]
Buggy: how did he know I was here?
Shanks: Twin telepathy, who cares just let go back to what we’re doing. *sly grin*
Buggy:But you dad is calling you what if he came here and saw us.
Shanks: then we hope he does, might give him a heart attack that will be fun to watch.
Buggy: Shanks!!!
Shanks: Fine fine, I’m going.
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I’ve been thinking about things and do you think one of the things that irks Buggy most about the damn straw hat is that not only that Roger gave it to his best friend as a sign of his faith in him while he himself never got an acknowledgment like that, not only had Shanks the GALL to give that hat away to someone else, but also because Buggy never had anything like this to remember Roger by?
Shanks got the damn hat, something that belonged to Roger and he cherished and loved, it’s basically a heirloom at this point and Buggy got… nothing. Oh of course Roger probably brought some stuff for Buggy back sometimes, gave him some knives or got him a silly shirt or something likewise when he was a teen, but Shanks was the only one of them who ever got his hands on something that belonged to Roger. Buggy emulates his old captains style sometimes, copies the big coat and the flashy outfits because he had such high admiration for this man, but by god would he have slitted throats to even have something as simple as one of his captains old bandanas to remember him by. If he ever gotten gifted an old coat by him he wouldn’t even wear the damn thing because even tough it technically has no worth, it would be the most priceless thing Buggy owns and he would fuss over it constantly.
A lone earring, a rusty knife, a coat button, something, anything! Anything would have done, but no, Shanks got to keep something of their old captain that he had loved and cherished… and Shanks gave it away without a second thought.
Its just pain station for me tonight and this sailed into my head
What happened to hello how are you 😭 Why making me cry,,, Stop,,,
But I actually think about this a lot. A lot. I adore Shanks and I doubt he even thought about it when he gave the hat to Luffy, but even if it was a bet for the future and he did it with the best of intentions, the pain Buggy must've felt seeing a complete stranger (a kid, too) wearing his captain's (dad) hat? Honestly, he already saw Shanks as a coward and a disgrace for not wanting to follow Roger's steps right away, and the fact that he gave the hat to somebody else just makes Buggy resent Shanks more for, not only not appreciating the one thing their captain left for them, but not even asking Buggy first. Lke, it'd be a ridiculous conversation because Buggy would be like "you should've told me" and Shanks would've gone like "you were the one who left", so uhh, the fight wouldn't go anywhere, really.
The point here is that I constantly think about Buggy seeing Luffy and obviously realizing he's the future and agreeing with Shanks in that aspect (reluctantly) but still seeing it as unfair that Shanks did this. Because he didn't have enough by keeping the one thing their captain left behind, but he had to give it away to somebody else as if it weren't important when Buggy didn't have anything.
Once again going into the "Roger liked Shanks better" discourse, but I'm hopeful we will get more stuff about Roger and Buggy's dynamic. I hope.... I hope...
#i am a firm believer that roger loved buggy a whole lot but that's just bc it's impossible for me to like#fathom a world in which somebody doesn't love little kid buggy bc he was the most adorable thing#anyway shanks i love you but damnnnn i get why buggy is resentful like i would be angry too#one piece#buggy the clown#red haired shanks#shuggy#even if it's not romantic bc i always see things as romantic between them
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It's Shuggy (romantic) hours and I am still fixated on the Boa and Buggy vibes.
Imagine Buggy and Hancock and Alvida just hanging out and GUSHING over their beloveds (the girls have a semi-rivalry over Luffy), and both women have a moment of REALIZATION when Buggy mentions his boyenemy Shanks -
"Red haired Shanks??"
"Red haired Shanks as in the man who gave Luffy his hat??"
"Red haired Shanks, the EMPEROR, who you hitched a ride with back from Marineford?!?"
"Yes, yes, that's been established, what are you both ON, damn-?"
Boa is having a moment because does this make her best friend her future step father in law? Is that an actual term? How does this math out??
Alvida is having a few crisises, but mainly ot's because she prefers women and has two exceptions - Luffy, and Redhaired Shanks - which just got REALLY weird because the man she considers an older brother is dating one of her exceptions and is kind of a step parent to the other. Does that make Luffy her nephew? That's weird. Oh man, now NONE of the men she's interested in are available. Wait, this is brewing SO many questions.
Both women are just having 72 different attacks, in just as many varieties, and Buggy is just sipping his juice and doing his nails without a care in the world.
Meanwhile Shanks is retelling the story of his first [insert silly event] with Buggy for the 2,483,738,423rd time to Benn, who is fairly certain he could plot the clown's life without missing a single flutter of his 157 top, 82 bottom (left) and 159 top and 82 bottom (right) lashes.
Shanks knows. Everything. Every single thing about Buggy. He is so obsessed with this clown, it's mildly intimidating to others.
When Shanks inevitably does show up at Karai Bari, everyone is shitting themselves bc he shows up, idle, easy smile, vaguely off-putting vibes, he seems so composed, so cool, so strong - and then he gets a boot to the face and he falls over and wriggles on the ground like a work on drugs because "Oh em gee, Buggy, hi! I missed you!!"
"Dumbass, why are you HERE?!"
"I wanted to see my princess~" and then he presses a kiss to Buggy's severed ankle, and now the clown is screaming, he's blushing and smiling like a loon, Alvida is rethinking her taste in men, and then Shanks makes a raunchy comment, Buggy screams louder, and everything is chaotic.
Simp Shanks and Tsundere Buggy my beloved.
#shuggy#shanks and buggy#shanks x buggy#shuggy (romantic)#one piece headcanons#look me in the eye and tell me Shanks wouldn't be absolutely SHAMELESS and Buggy wouldn't incinerate on the spot when made to be faced w/ it#red haired SIMP#buggy the harlot
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I really love how the musical choices in s2e1 underscore how Ed's thoughts are on Stede and his love for him, even at moments where a different show wouldn't be leaning into that as hard. It would've been so, so, so easy for Ed's depressed spiral at the start of the season to feel aimless, like darkness for the sake of darkness, and they avoid that so cleanly, it's very impressive.
The first moment where it stands out to me is during the raid montage - Ed has just declared himself to be the devil, and he's impassively watching all the violence, not really participating or watching his back, just letting it happen. The musical choice for this scene is "Strawberry Letter 23" by Shuggie Otis, and it's a lovely song - it's very dreamy and it's about lovers sending love letters to each other. The song, combined with Ed's blank expression, makes it feel that Ed is not present. His mind is on other things. It's like he's just going through the motions, while a song plays about hearing pretty music and envisioning romantic scenes with a lover. It's so clear Ed's heart is not in this raid, he's not even interested in doing above the bare minimum to pretend he's Being Blackbeard.
And then, near the end of the episode, Francis Bebey's "Pygmy Love Song"...holy shit this one wrecks me. Ed is looking out over the water, telling Frenchie all about his plan to sail and rob and raise hell forever and ever, without end, and he can't even turn around or Frenchie would see the tears in his eyes, and over it all there's a song telling us "my heart is full of love, I have nothing else." Ed is consumed by a love he thinks he's lost, that he never deserved to keep, and he feels so hopeless.
It was so often assumed that Ed would be beyond pissed at Stede when he returned (and he was mad, and that was justified!) but the score in these episodes contributes so well to showing us Ed's mindset and why he and Stede were able to fall back together so easily. Ed can hold up that little cake topper representing Stede, and he can say "fuck you, Stede Bonnet," and he can try to pretend that he's not so full of love for that man and he wants anything other than to just have Stede back and know that he's deserving of Stede's love, and we don't believe him for a second.
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I need to get this ball rolling and to write this au idea out anywhere so pllleeease indulge me and listen to me try to put a spin on Shuggy soulmate au.
Setting: a world in which soulmates are connected by a string of fate that shows only for a short second when two peoples hands touch, doesn’t even have to be romantical, but if you are connected to someone with that string it means your souls are interwoven in some way. Shanks and Buggy share such a string. In the beginning they both believed they were more along the lines of „platonic complete opposite soulmates who’s differences and conflicts drive each other to become their best selfs“ but after Laugh Tale they both realized that at least the „platonic“ part was complete Bull and they become a couple.
The inevitable happens. Rogers excecution, Buggy feeling betrayed by Shanks decision, breakup in the rain, but Shanks still holds out Buggy will come and join him again soon. Then one night Shanks wakes up with a feeling of absolute heart wrecking despair washing over him and at first he thinks he had another nightmare about Rogers execution, but then he realizes that he’s in physical pain, his heart is actually aching and a deep sadness envelopes him as he scream sobs and curls in on himself. Buggy has cut his string.
Years later. They meet again at Marineford and things proceed mostly normal. Shanks doesn’t hold a grudge against Buggy, doesn’t even mention it, doesn’t even confront Buggy about it, he still feels deeply for his soulmate and he never managed to cut his string, because he couldn’t bring himself to do it, but he knows Buggy has moved on. And Buggy is pissed as expected about Shanks being so nice and friendly and “Oh the map? You’re still angry about that?” And GODS he wishes Shanks would be at least a little bit pissed… and part of him is glad he isn’t.
… because thing is, Buggy didn’t cut his string either. Oh he tried alright, and it was as awful and painful as it was for Shanks, an immense physical pain combined with the worst sadness and loneliness he ever felt in his life and that’s saying something coming fresh of his father figures execution. But through the sobbing and heaving he suddenly realizes with dread that the string has reattached himself to him. He once again curses that damn fruit That bereft him not only of his ability to swim but also to cut of the person he never wants to be hurt by ever again in his life. But he can’t. But Shanks thinks he did. And the least he can do after hurting his soulmate this badly, doing the one thing that everyone tells you not to do another human being because the pain is so immense, is to never let Shanks know that he couldn’t cut it.
I'm not even joking when I say that literally half an hour before seeing this ask, I was thinking about red sting soulmates Shuggy omfg get iut of my head ahhagah
Anon imma name you just so whenever you write/post this pleaaaase send me the link! I'm naming you Meltan because anon, this melted me this is amazing :')
The thread hurts like cutting off a part of one's body. Some say it's even worse. Shanks had experienced that already, but it was fueled by the urge to protect. He lost his arm for Luffy and that was fine by him. He still feels bad that he regretted it for a split second because he thought that that was the hand that had Buggy's string on it. If he just prayed to anyone and anything that he never had to choose between the two.
Ever since they realized their bind was more than just platonic, the string felt a bit more lively. "Lively" probably wasn't the best word to call it, but it seemed somewhat vibrant. Shanks took pride in it and in the little time they had together before their breakup, he'd take any chance to touch Buggy and look at the thing that connected them for life. Even if they parted, he thought, they would still fate connecting them and pulling them together.
I'd like to think that Shanks knew, that Buggy's parts always came back to him. But he's under the assumption that Buggy's string isn't on him anymore, so it hurts even more because that would mean Buggy didn't feel their connection as a part of himself.
Shanks sometimes still felt the string but he thought that it was like a phantom limb syndrome. He had one arm less anyway, and he would still feel like it was there, but the string felt more tangible. He assumed it was because it was cut off more recently.
(Dare I improvise that- ) Buggy, when they meet again, started wearing long gloves and long sleeves again. He didn't want to risk Shanks knowing. One late night, Shanks gave him a big hug and for a millisecond their skin brushed. Buggy jumped back in a moment of shock. He felt it. And if he felt it, then Shanks also felt it. It was like a warmth after being in the cold for more than a decade. It felt like the first drops of water after wandering a desert for too long. Shanks maybe tries to tell him what he felt but Buggy denies everything and makes jokes of the sort of "Shanks are you drunk again?" "Haha, okay buddy, time to go to bed now" or just tires to make an excuse to leave. In any case, he rushes to shut the door behind himself because he knew he was going to crumple. He leans against the door and slides down, face in his hands, cursing himself for letting himself feel what he's been trying to stay absent for so so long...
Why did he need months of rehabilitation every time he saw Shanks again. Why did being sober hurt this much...
#AAAAAA anon/meltan I'm begging you please send me if you ever post this pleaaaaaase I'm crying#shuggy#shanks x buggy#buggy x shanks#soulmate au#answers#op
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What would you consider perfect ending for shuggy that makes sense in canon and doesn’t destroy their character and what would be the most possible one?
my perfect, canon-compatible ending? honeymoon trip to laugh tale, definitely. shanks' new era has been established, the weight of the world taken off his hands, and with his newfound freedom he seeks buggy out. he finds someone who's learned that holding tight to bitter feelings leaves very little room for sweetness, and who's decided to make room for joy. they sail off into the sunset, and that's the last we see of them except for an epilogue-y "where are these side characters now?" cover page series with a cover that's just the pair of them laughing hysterically.
the most possible ending? 😬 age 39 curse hitting one or both of them, i'm afraid.
#tos answers#one piece#shuggy#…written out like this it turns out my ideal canon end for shuggy is v similar to the post-series stuff kkg got in nart:#both alive & romantically unattached to anyone else & going on vacation together#(always a little distressing to realize how *obviously* i have a type when it comes to certain ship dynamics)#—end of series speculation#—death flags#—shanks has a savior complex#—post-series shuggy speculation
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March for More: Poll 5.1
Poll 5.2: Main Idea
I'll choose the TOP TWO winners here and mix them with the results from the second poll to make a one-shot.
#one piece#monkey d luffy#writing challenge#fanfiction challenge#tumblr polls#my polls#My March for More
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Crack theory but:
What if, Roger's illness, the Amazon Lily lovesickness, and the fever Buggy and Toki had, were all the same desease?
The symphtoms sjown for Boa, Buggy and Toki were identical. Roger's were not, but you could agrue different people can take it differently.
If so, what was the cause? Well, I truly believe that it's unachievable dreams.
Let me refrain it:
Roger died from his deasease. That's because he never achieved the dream he had (The same as Luffy) but also, because he couldn't raise Ace. He knew the wg would have gone after his family. He knew it was not possible. He came too early, to quote directely. And so he passed.
Buggy wanted to get the one piece... with Shanks. But: shanks doesn't have a dream. With that context, part of Buggy's dream becomes unachievable and so he falls ill. But hey, its not like Roger's case. Shanks is alive. The one piece is out there. They can do it! .... Then the Shuggy divorce happens. Buggy's dream changes. He is not in danger anymore.
Boa wanted to be with Luffy. But being with a man would have been against the Kuja's rules. I think it was the case with Shakky and Tritoma too. Shakky and Boa put their pride aside and stayed with Rayleigh and Luffy. Tritoma didn't, so she passed. Since these women all have massive comphet they attribute it to love and only romantic love.
And Toki? That's a little harder. Her dream was just to find a place to live the rest of her life in. Maybe she had a bout of "dream sickness" due to Kaidou's actions back in Wano. Or she feread Oden might have gotten caught by the wg. Either way, she accepted the 5 happy years she got and lived! For a while at least.
I could even bring in Banchina and Kaya into the mix. Kaya outright stated that her health declined once her parents died. So canonically, a condition of despair can make you gravely ill in the op world. This time Usopp saved her. But sadly there was no saving Banchina, and as the proud Usopp stan I am i'll be blaming it all on Yasopp since she likely wanted to live out her life with him.
Tldr: Dreams in the op world are so important that if you phisically can't achieve them, you die.
(Also I'm not saying that every person who died of an illness in op had an unachievable dream. Just that these specific separated instances might be connected)
#one piece#gol d. roger#kozuki toki#buggy the clown#shakuyaku#tritoma one piece#boa hancock#banchina#kaya one piece#one piece theory#theory theory no mi
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Ok so this is very silly. But.
Crochawk getting completely and utterly done with the Shuggy drama so they have a strategy meeting (date).
Croc: something must be done.
Mihawk: agreed. Obviously the first choice would be to kill one of them, but we have already committed to the clown as our figurehead, and akagami…
Croc: it would not be simple. Akagami is also the only emperor beyond our own who can be reasoned with. It seems a waste to do away with her, and/or get rid of the clown this early in the game.
Mihawk: but this…pining is intolerable. I have already been forced to offer advice.
Croc: yes. And I fear that creating more strife between them would only increase it. Which leaves us with one available option.
(cue a romcom of errors in which Crochawk try to get Shuggy back together, except Shuggy are Like That and Crochawk are completely, utterly insane and have NO idea of what normal romance is like)
"What is more romantic than a life or death situation?" - Hawk "Brilliant." - Croc (cut to shuggy screaming)
S Finale:
Shanks delivers a heartfelt confession. After a dramatic pause, sparkling eyes, and sweeping music Buggy answers, "hmph, no...I'm still mad at you" and crochawk SHOVE them together like oh no you DON'T we've worked too hard—and rat Buggy out about how much she's cried to them about missing Shanks
#Shanks: Buggy...is that true?#Buggy: I just...well! S-so what if it is! You can't change the past!#Shanks: But I could give you my future (wedding ring)#crochawk: (gasp)
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