#buggy the harlot
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wordy-little-witch · 1 year ago
It's Shuggy (romantic) hours and I am still fixated on the Boa and Buggy vibes.
Imagine Buggy and Hancock and Alvida just hanging out and GUSHING over their beloveds (the girls have a semi-rivalry over Luffy), and both women have a moment of REALIZATION when Buggy mentions his boyenemy Shanks -
"Red haired Shanks??"
"Red haired Shanks as in the man who gave Luffy his hat??"
"Red haired Shanks, the EMPEROR, who you hitched a ride with back from Marineford?!?"
"Yes, yes, that's been established, what are you both ON, damn-?"
Boa is having a moment because does this make her best friend her future step father in law? Is that an actual term? How does this math out??
Alvida is having a few crisises, but mainly ot's because she prefers women and has two exceptions - Luffy, and Redhaired Shanks - which just got REALLY weird because the man she considers an older brother is dating one of her exceptions and is kind of a step parent to the other. Does that make Luffy her nephew? That's weird. Oh man, now NONE of the men she's interested in are available. Wait, this is brewing SO many questions.
Both women are just having 72 different attacks, in just as many varieties, and Buggy is just sipping his juice and doing his nails without a care in the world.
Meanwhile Shanks is retelling the story of his first [insert silly event] with Buggy for the 2,483,738,423rd time to Benn, who is fairly certain he could plot the clown's life without missing a single flutter of his 157 top, 82 bottom (left) and 159 top and 82 bottom (right) lashes.
Shanks knows. Everything. Every single thing about Buggy. He is so obsessed with this clown, it's mildly intimidating to others.
When Shanks inevitably does show up at Karai Bari, everyone is shitting themselves bc he shows up, idle, easy smile, vaguely off-putting vibes, he seems so composed, so cool, so strong - and then he gets a boot to the face and he falls over and wriggles on the ground like a work on drugs because "Oh em gee, Buggy, hi! I missed you!!"
"Dumbass, why are you HERE?!"
"I wanted to see my princess~" and then he presses a kiss to Buggy's severed ankle, and now the clown is screaming, he's blushing and smiling like a loon, Alvida is rethinking her taste in men, and then Shanks makes a raunchy comment, Buggy screams louder, and everything is chaotic.
Simp Shanks and Tsundere Buggy my beloved.
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an-au-blog · 1 year ago
Around a week ago I watched "Napoleon" the movie and not gonna lie, the Josephine and Napoleon gave me a bit of a Shuggy vibe.
SO NOW I PRESENT YO YOU: that one part where we find out how horribly codependent they are. (But it's the royalty au)... plus i changed it up because they're way too toxic in the movie
On important business, Shanks has to travel. Buggy insisted on going with him, but this time, the king listened to his advisers and decided that bringing his, as they called him, "harlot", was a bad idea. And so Shanks did. He left his lover in the castle with a promise of swift returning.
Many months pass. Shanks keeps sending letters to Buggy, but at this point, Buggy is so angry at him for not keeping his promise, that he stopped responding. He decided to take it a step further. He started spreading a rumor that he had taken a lover.
Shanks, in his fury, dropped his business as soon as he could and took the fastest way home. Upon his arrival, all the nation welcomed him. All but Buggy.
The king ordered to find him and bring him to dinner.
Shanks: The whole nation knew I was coming home.
Shanks: The whole nation, only the king's lover didn't know. How does that happen?
Buggy snarled. He didn't even look at the king.
Shanks, in his anger, hit the table: Look at me!
Buggy, in defiance turned his head even more, stood up and started walking out. The king ran after him and grabbed his hand: You're mine, you were no one before me.Tell me you love me. Tell me you love me!
Buggy, on the verge of tears, pulls Shanks by the collar and kisses him passionately. All grace and status - forgotten, clothes start getting less and less as their passion takes over.
As they sat in the afterglow, Shanks lays on Buggy's lap, ogling at what he's been deprived of for all this time.
Buggy stopped stroking his hair in favor of grabbing his face: You're so pathetic without me. You need me.
Shanks: I need you.
Buggy: And you'll never leave me...
Shanks: I'll never leave you...
Buggy's tears weren't ones of sadness anymore.
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quinloki · 1 year ago
I managed to get my hands on some One Piece Card Game booster packs at my local comic con and I'm so happy that I got the characters I wanted, especially Paulie since I rewatched Water 7/Enies Lobby and it reignited my love for him.
I told my friend about him and went "He can't look at a woman's bare thighs or midriff without calling her a harlot or immoral" and they immediately responded with "So he's like some old timey gentleman who is scandalised upon seeing a lady's ankle?" And I laughed so hard that I had a coughing fit. Anyway, here's the cards.
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I'm so tempted to start collecting cards. I just - there's so many characters I love that it would be cheaper than building up a full collection of figurines XD
I love these! And I love Paulie - he's one of the few characters I really just want to bully until they can't take it anymore. He just seems like he'd be fun to tease until he snaps - or breaks. Either way ^_^
It'd just be so easy to do it too. Him and Buggy both, I swear.
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thebestpartofwakingup · 2 years ago
Oooh very very interesting….
But what if crocodile, meanwhile, was the opposite side of the coin? If buggy asked Alvida to be honest with him she’d say he’s a solid 6/10 conventionally speaking. Nice hair decent body (relative to this fucked oda universe of giants) but the voice and clown schtick is pretty offputting. Buffy wouldn’t be thrilled but probably deep down would concede (so he’s just ok looking!!! Whatever!!!! Some people are super ugly who cares!!!)
But to crocodile??? That funky little clown is a solid 12/10 and anyone who LOOKS in his direction is a homewrecking harlot clearly. If they’re going public it’s so Crocodile can announce that Buggy is OFF the menu — of course he KNOWS buggy is a silly pathetic little man. He KNOWS he isn’t a “catch” as much as he is suspicious that everyone else is clearly deep down secretly really into his pathetic sopping wet clown routine.
OBSESSED now with the idea of like. Buggy is big and flashy and show offy and LBR crocodile is pretty eccentric and a show off as well but like. What if he’s a “let’s hold hands under the blankets” guy? Everything needs to be layered in excuses and privacy. It doesn’t count if they’re half asleep, it doesn’t count if he hasn’t gotten up yet, it doesn’t count if it’s “accidental” drives buggy CRAZY because it takes him FOREVER to figure out these “rules”
ok ok ok ok what if (sorry I feel like i always go off on my own answering these but it gave me this idea haha) --------------------------------------------- Buggy has never paid much attention to who is 'attractive' and who 'isn't'. In general he wasn't very interested in sex or relationships, and he had plenty of eccentric hobbies to keep his mind occupied. But Crocodile had managed to sneak his way into his heart, and into his libido, and a whole new world was opening up for the clown. Suddenly he knew what people meant when they talked about attraction and love and lust- for better or for worse! It had to stay a secret, though. Buggy couldn't have people knowing he was Crocodile's ... plaything. No way! Even if they dressed it up with the word "boyfriend"- it was humiliating! No! Nope! Never! What happened between him and Crocodile, would stay between him and Crocodile. And luckily, his older lover seemed aligned with that same ideal. So they held hands secretly, under tables and behind their backs. They snuck between in other's rooms in the veils of the night. They shared longing glances from across the crowds, but never acted on their impulses in public. It was their own private love affair, away from the eyes of the people. And that was for the best! It was for the best ... but ... One day, Buggy overheard some of his crew talking about how hot Sir Crocodile was, and how they fantasized about him. It completely caught him off guard. Crocodile? Hot? Well, of course he had come to think so. But other people did? Well, as he considered it, he supposed that made sense. But he needed to confirm, for some strange reason that was blooming in his gut. And confirm, he did. With Alvida, with Cabaji and Mohji, with Mr.3. Crocodile was a hit. Pretty much everyone thought he was super, freaking hot. Sexy even. People wanted him. They wanted him. But he was Buggy's. And suddenly, Buggy didn't want to keep it private anymore. Call it vanity, or whatever else, but Buggy needed more now. He needed people to know, to look at him with envy, to grovel in their inaptitude. To look at their dreary faces and smile smugly, knowing he had what they could never achieve. Yeah. Yeah! He was going to take their relationship public. (Whether Crocodile liked it, or not.) ------------------------------------- (insert relationship reveal shenanigans, which probably involves Buggy getting severely punished LOL but everyone being very happy in the end!!)
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shankss-magnificent-ass · 3 years ago
Oh no! There's only one bed
You check into a hotel and the room only has one bed!
The ones that share the bed with you because they don't think it's a big deal
Luffy, Killer, Benn, Rayleigh, Thatch, Pedro, Smoker, Sasaki, Robin, Chopper, Smoothie, Franky, Jack, Jinbe, Mihawk, Kaido, Kaku, Marco, whitebeard, Denjiro, Iceberg
The ones that'll share the bed but will be too nervous to fall asleep
Ace, Zorro, Usopp
The ones that tell you that you can sleep at their feet
Queen, King (if he tolerated your existence), Robin, Hiyori, Who's who (insert kitty joke here), Law, Smoothie, Perospero, Shakky,
The ones that make you sleep on the floor
Izou, Nami, Buggy, Alvida, King (if he actively doesn't like you), Kidd, Doflamingo, Cracker, Crocodile, Boa, black Maria
The ones who would volunteer to sleep on the floor to avoid showing you how flustered they are
X drake, Zorro, Paulie, Boo, Katakuri
The ones that end up sleeping on the floor because they had a nose bleed and passed out
Paulie, Ki'emmon, Sanji
The ones who turn into their zoan form and stare at you from the dark corner of the room, and you only see them when the light catches their eyes as they move
Lucci, who's who
The ones who use it as an excuse to cuddle
Shanks, Chopper(platonically), Luffy, Sanji, Denjiro, Marco, Oden, Thatch
The ones who let you sleep on top of them
King (if he likes you), Kaidou, Smoothie, Katakuri, Sasaki, Jack, Whitebeard
The one's who divide the bed by how much you paid for the room
Nami, Alvida, Black Maria, Kalifa
The ones who sleep in the tub
Paulie (after calling you a harlot), drunk Shanks (he got lost)
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shanie-the-toyaddict · 6 years ago
Tonight’s Dream
So I had a wild dream tonight.
It started with a war. A war broke out and the country was overthrown by the McMahon family. (I have no idea). The country was then transformed into a complete wasteland. My parents house was designated a “Safe” house where you weren’t supposed to murder each other. Many people came through there, and a bunch of them stole my clothes because resources were scarce.
Somewhere along the way, amidst me murdering random people to survive, I came upon the Winchester brothers. They were carrying a steel box with them. When I asked what was in the box, they said “none of your business” and we left it at that. 
Now, in this dream, the impala had been replaced with a dune buggy. We were going around trying to get by, when I got seperated from the group. I ended up wandering into a deserted area, where I came upon, of all people, Marissa McMahon. She had run away from the capitol and was lost. Suddenly, some random guy attacked us. I managed to fend him off, protecting Marissa, and stabbed him in the neck with my Laser Knife (which was like a compact lightsaber weapon that I used throughout the dream). Just then, capitol guards swarmed the area and surrounded me. They were about to execute me, when Marissa explained that I had defended her. The guards got word over their earpieces to let me go. Before they left with Marissa, the lead guard told me “You have found favor with the supreme leaders. Do not squander it.” and they were gone. 
Going back to the safe house, I found the rest of my clothes were gone including my only coat. I was pissed, and inquired who took them. I was told “Some fat bitch named Stephanie” (Totally unrelated to the McMahon.) So I set about looking for an overweight woman wearing my coat. I dragged the Winchesters along for the hunt, and they only agreed to come along because “We don’t need you nearly getting executed again”. Well I’m out hunting for this woman, and we pass by a group of well dressed individuals. They are exiles from the Capitol. They are talking about the amenities of the Capitol, including “If you happen to have 50 million dollars lying around, and a sample of a deceased person’s DNA, you can have them completely resurrected from scratch!” Well this intrigued the Winchesters, who motioned to their steel box. Apparently the Steel Box contained the preserved head of their “Fallen Comrade”. They never specified who, but judging from his absence it was likely Castiel. The three of us immediately abandoned our quest to find “Coat thief Stephanie” and set off in our dune buggy to the capitol.
At the capitol, Sam and Dean put on disguises, and began plotting how to steal 50 Million dollars. At a restaurant, they spotted a very well dressed man who had “overindulged” and had a very large cashbox. Dean ran interfearance while Sam lifted the box. Unfortunately, the man saw Dean and asked him to sit down and have a bite to eat. He INSISTED. So Dean sat down. As time wore down, Dean’s disguise slipped and the man realized that his cash box was gone. Surprisingly not homicidal, he sobered up quick and told Dean that he would let the brothers have the cashbox, in exchange for a cut of the profits of all further schemes and plans. Oh, and the Dune buggy. We had to give him the Dune buggy. So after this, we were released, and we counted the money. It wasn’t quite 50 million. More like 35. But before we could steal more money, we were kicked out of the capitol by guards and sent back to the safe house.
Now, we were stuck at the safehouse, without transportation, and with a large sum of money that we couldn’t spend. We sat down to discuss our next plan when suddenly, a woman exited the safehouse bathroom with a grenade in her mouth. She pulled the pin, and I ripped the grenade from her mouth, and threw it and her into the garage, and closed the door behind. Not good enough. It was a paralysis grenade, causing everyone in the house (except for me) to become frozen in place. I walked around the frozen people trying to figure out what to do, when I heard cars driving up. I instantly dropped to the ground and froze in place. A black van pulled up and some really seedy people came out. One of them was pushing a restrained Marissa (again!) and threw her to the ground. They forced her to look at me, as I lay frozen on the ground. “Is this the woman?” they asked. She nodded. The bad people then said “Gather up the others. We can sell them to the slavers. Keep this one seperate. We’ll ransom her once we get to the capitol, along with the McMahon harlot.” one of the lackies came up to the lead asshole and asked “What if they don’t pay us?” The asshole smiled and said “Oh he’ll pay to get his woman back. As for the other one, if he doesn’t, we take her out to the desert and execute her. Now, put her in the van.” They grabbed me and began to drag me off, but as they dragged me, I gently brushed my hand along Marissa’s arm and winked at her, trying to tell her “I will think of something”. They threw me in the van and put a bag over my head.
And that is where I woke up. I really wish I had an end to the story for you, but sadly I don’t. I woke up at this point and couldn’t fall back to sleep. This was a really wild one. I almost want to free-write an ending just so the story has one. But then it wouldn’t be a true complete dream story now would it?? 
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Cold Comrades (Part 2 to Bug Buddies)
Summary: In which Chloe finds that her and Marinette aren’t that different.
Part 2 of Buggy Tendencies series
Chloe grumbled as she shivered in the godforsaken cold. A couple gave her a smile and she gave them a waspish glare in return, scaring them off. Everyone around her was so cheerful and she wanted it all to crash and burn with her bad mood.
Due to the holiday season, Madame Bustier took the class to the ice rink on the Mayor’s treat to present to his precious princess. Of course, Chloe couldn’t inform her father that she now despised the winter season without having to go into being a bug themed superhero, so she held her tongue and hoped the day would end soon.
She cranked up the heater inside her coat, reaching for her coffee and taking large gulps out of it. Her icy eyes narrowed when she caught sight of Lila Rossi trying to get cozy with Adrien but found she couldn’t do anything due to shivering violently and being so tired she felt she could fall asleep standing up. Probably wasn’t a good idea to risk ice skating over to ruin the Italian girl’s day when she was in such a state.
Sabrina offered to stay with Chloe, but the girl waved her off, too cranky to deal with someone who didn’t understand her plight, and the orange haired girl was off socializing with the rest of her classmates leaving Chloe to simmer in her bad mood.
A figure approached her at her left side, leaning against her and offering another steaming cup of coffee, and Chloe resisted the urge to smile in gratitude, knowing exactly who it was. Nonetheless, she didn’t push off Marinette either as she accepted the coffee and gulped it down—desperate to stay awake.
“Looks like fun out there.” Marinette commented. She snuggled into her head scarf to stay warm, and Chloe absentmindedly scooted closer so Marinette could receive more heat. Ever since they started needing to share warmth to stay awake, the two have entered a sort of unspoken stalemate of some kind. Sans Alya and Adrien, no one else was brave enough to ask them about the nature of their current relationship, and when Alya prodded Marinette and Adrien approached Chloe about it, the both of them found themselves shrugging and not really able to supply an answer themselves. Were they acquaintances now? Friends? It seemed like there wasn’t really a word to describe your once-enemy-turned-heat-buddy. They didn’t discuss it and didn’t really think about how things would be when spring came, but neither of them fretted about it, too concerned with the present and staying warm.
“Hmph, yes, falling on your ass onto the ice sure is fun for some people I suppose.” Chloe answered. Marinette gave off a laugh. She gave a wave to Alya and Nino who gave her waves in return before returning to skating together.
“As I seem to recall, last year you were one of those people.” Marinette pointed out with a teasing lift in her lips. Chloe snorted.
“Things change, Marinette. You of course should know since last year was when you had hard times in the cold.”
If Chloe was pettier, she would’ve accused Marinette of passing on some kind of virus to her for being unable to tolerate the cold, but Chloe knew it was because of her Miraculous that she was having such problems. She felt envy bubbling in her—only insect Miraculous were affected like this it seemed. The others were more of personality quirks. Pollen did explain the turtle is averse to cold but said that he liked to keep himself hidden. When Ladybug presented her with her Miraculous, she didn’t regret taking it, but she wished that she had someone to talk to about this. Someone who could understand her plight. Although, she was curious what was the reason Marinette, who she knew never seemed to have problems with the cold, suddenly couldn’t stand upright without falling asleep against someone warm.
“As you said, things change.” Marinette replied cryptically. She got like that sometimes. As Chloe spent more time with her, she found that Marinette sometimes would say some things like there was some kind of inside joke Chloe wasn’t apart of, but she never prodded her. Marinette could be as weird as she wanted as long as she didn’t bring Chloe down with her.
“Ugh, doesn’t Rossi have any class? She’s throwing herself at Adrien like a harlot.” Chloe sneered while she watched the girl flirt heavily with an uncomfortable Adrien. Marinette barked a laugh, her shoulders shaking from mirth.
“I guess she does resemble that at times with how thick she lays on the flirting, but Adrien is a big boy. If he doesn’t like it, he should say so.”
“Pfft, yeah right. He’s too nice—he’s the type of guy to give his lunch money to his bullies when they demand it because he thinks they’re stealing from him cause they’re hungry and might share a meal with him and they’ll all become best friends.” Chloe remarked fondly but raised an eyebrow at her companion. “I’m surprised you’re not seething in jealousy at her attentions to Adrien.”
Marinette’s eyes widened, a blush coating her cheeks, and she gave off a small embarrassed giggle.
“Yeah well, I learned that jealousy gets you nowhere, and Adrien is his own person. I can’t treat him like a possession like his father does. That’s not right and that’s not a way to show you love someone.” Marinette confessed, and Chloe studied her in curiosity. “Love is accepting all of them, even their flaws. If I put him on a pedestal, then I’m not loving him, but an illusion of him.” She explained to the blonde-haired girl. Chloe watched the soft smile on Marinette’s face, as the girl watched Adrien, contemplating.
“Huh, guess you’re not that dense after all.” Chloe admitted. Marinette turned to her questioningly.
“Nothing.” Chloe dismissed it. “Besides, Adrikins belongs to me, you hear? You’re not going to take him away from me that easily.” Marinette laughed.
“Wouldn’t dream of it. You’re not as bad as you try to be anyway.”
“What? I’ll have you know everyone adores me!”
“Right right. You’re Paris’ princess.” Marinette rolled her eyes, but her grin was still in place. Chloe blushed.
“You bet I am! Don’t you dare forget that, Marinette.” Chloe huffed. Marinette laughed loudly. Chloe blushed deeper, not wanting to admit that she liked the sound of Marinette’s laughter.
“Sorry, should I treat her highness to another coffee?” Marinette offered, and Chloe blinked in shock. Marinette seemed to have realized what she said and also stared. This was the first time one of them offered to hang out with the other. This was new to their arrangement and neither of them knew how to proceed with it. Was it going beyond boundaries?
“Marinette! Chloe!” Adrien, having lost Lila, skated to them with a happy smile. “Do you guys want to skate with us? Everyone is here having a good time—it wouldn’t be the same without you guys.” Adrien explained, and Chloe noticed his lingering glance on Marinette, and she felt something stir in her at his attention towards Marinette. She felt like he was intruding on something that was between the blue haired girl and her, and she didn’t like it. Before Marinette could answer, Chloe wrapped an arm around Marinette arm. The blue haired girl blinked at her curiously, wondering why she wasn’t accepting Adrien’s invite.
“Sorry, Adrikins.” Chloe said, but for some reason Adrien felt she wasn’t sorry at all. “Marinette offered me to go back to her place for some hot chocolate. As you can see we both hate the cold, and ice skating will only make us worse. Wouldn’t you say, Marinette?”
“Uh yeah, it’s kinda too cold for me, Adrien.” Marinette gave Adrien an apologetic smile. She then turned to Chloe, “I did offer her a warm drink first, so it’s not good to go back on my promises.”
“Oh… okay.” Adrien said sadly, but perked up, giving Marinette a welcoming smile. “Maybe someday I can join you?” Marinette smiled, a giddy sparkle in her eyes.
“I’d like that. Right Chloe?”
“Yeah yeah. Just don’t bring your fangirls.” Chloe eyed Lila approaching as Adrien laughed loudly. She wanted to get away from the ice rink as fast as possible, the way Adrien paying special attention to Marinette making her wanna throw a snowball at her childhood best friend. Before Adrien could say anything, Chloe pulled Marinette along towards the bakery. Marinette gave her a confused look. Chloe sighed.
“He… Adrien doesn’t understand what it is to feel like this during winter. To have your body shut down on you… I just don’t like other people right now, okay?” Chloe growled, growing frustrated. Marinette gazed at her silently, before smiling and grasping her hand.
“It’s okay…” Marinette said. “I understand. Maman can give us a fresh made batch of hot cocoa.”
And for the first time since her Miraculous side effects started, Chloe found someone who made her feel understood.
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wordy-little-witch · 1 year ago
In honor of conversations and silliest, I now propose Buggy accidentally making the biggest polycule across the seas, not because he is just that good, but because he captivates men and mascs with his pathetic wet rat energy and also he's good with his mouth.
A serial bottom, if you will.
His cringefail, submissive and carnival theme energy attracts people like a moth to a flame.
People call Shanks a slut?? HAH. Red riding boy ain't got nothing on Buggy.
His rizz is in the negatives but he pulls the baddest of bitches bc he's just That Good At It.
Living embodiment of "just bc I'm dating so-and-so doesn't mean I know how I did it."
Cora? Shanks? Mihawk? Crocodile? Katakuri? Gaimon? Three Random Dudes From East? Someone says "hey, your boytoy called" and he basically pulls out a custom Guess Who board to narrow it down.
He's playing Sleep With X Bingo and he's WINNING.
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wordy-little-witch · 1 year ago
Dropping random One Piece ideas bc this is it now. This is how I cope.
Buggy focused bc I love this little blue haired buffoon
• gender is a performance and he LOVES THE SPOTLIGHT BABYYYY
• Buggy is actually a year or so younger than Shanks, and they both use this as an insult point for arguments. Buggy calls him old man, Shanks calls him a teeny tiny little clown baby, Buggy punches Shanks, Shanks cries dramatically, the works.
• in my perception between them, their relationship could go either way - I love the interpretation of them seeing one another as brothers, I love the interpretation of them being lovers, I think either one fits them and it's precious and depending on the Shuggy flavor of the day. It's never both at the same time though. One or the other.
• Buggy has always been terrifyingly flexible. It was waved off when he was very little, but it was only around the time Crocus joined the crew that he noticed Buggy was much more flexible than most kids his age. Turns out baby blue has hypermobility syndrome. The Roger pirates helped him learn wrapping techniques to help stabilize his wrists and knees and hips, his biggest problem areas, but after the Devil Fruit Fiasco, he can and will just drop a limb. Floating is so much easier on bad pain days.
• Buggy still wraps and braces his body when he can, but he also hides most of them beneath his clothes. Few have seen him freely in braces. Cabaji and Mohji are the most familiar with that. Ritchie takes his role thereof as a living, furry weighted heating pad.
• kinesthetic and visual stimming Buggy my beloved.
• sometimes he's just. Touch Alvida. Not in a weird way, just... her Devil Fruit makes her skin and hair feel absolutely DIVINE and he can spend hours just. Playing with her fingers or brushing her hair. He's embarrassed by it.
• he has a very meticulous skin and hair care routine. It's one of very few routines he keeps to. Not even being in prison stopped it.
• he's actually really damn good with money and running a business. The situation with the Cross Guild was a Bad Time, Bad Place, Bad Luck situation, which is honestly just his brand at this point.
• He was a warlord for all of a few months, but in that time, he did, in fact, have to attend a few meetings, and he did, in fact, make a friend! A friend nobody ever expected.
• Boa Hancock and Buggy are the most underrated Mean Girls Squad ever and I'll die on that hill, I think they'd be so funny as friends. Ask me more on my Boa Buggy Besties ideas please I am begging I love them so much
• Cross Guild happens, and it goes fairly similar to Canon, but Buggy quite literally within that three week time frame got the entirety of his loan back AND the interest and was like "hey so like. Did you still want this or-?"
• the mercenaries at Karai Bari are all very progressive. Buggy is a lax ruler, by most standards, but he puts his foot down firmly regarding bigotry, racism, sexism, etc.
• Buggy is not actually human, but he doesn't know that. He was orphaned at a VERY early age, was adopted by Roger pretty young, and he doesn't really remember much pre-piracy. He does know his genetics are a little weird, #ThanksCrocus, but not much beyond that. This may be Important later on if anyone wants some silly little concepts
• demisexual nblm, but once he catches feelings, he becomes a harlot harlequin
• once took off a limb and forgot where he left it. Has genuinely devoted microchipping his limbs.
• some people have comfort activities like hiking or painting. He makes bombs. It's very soothing and he likes the BOOM
• has a multitude of explosives btw; everything from large range, highly damaging, lethal weapons, to flashy, mildly inconveniences. He once made a batch of mini muggy balls full of itching powder just to see if he could and now it's his favorite thing to prank people with. ((Yes, he designed those while a Warlord. Yes, he tested it on the Navy. No, he was never definitively caught.))
• when he's busy, he ties his hair in a bun and puts pens, pins, etc in his hair, ends up looking like a porcupine or sea urchin.
• he has a really bad habit of hyperfixating for hours upon hours on end. Galdino, Alvida, Mohji and Cabaji have a rotation system to check on him if he hasn't been seen for 5 or more hours. They'll drag him away from his work (some more gently than others), make him eat, drink, etc. ((Alvida huffs and puffs about it, but she's also among the first ones to wipe a grease smear from his face, look him over head to toe and determine whether she's pulling the Girls Night card. She will die before admitting that she adores this bastard.))
• Buggy is allergic to pineapples.
That's all I got rn okay ily byyyeeee
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